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Research, Policy and Planning (2011/12) 29(1), 21-35

Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care: lessons

from an evaluation of the use of self-assessment in five English local
Sue Tucker1, Jane Hughes1, Christian Brand1, Paul Clarkson1, Jennifer Wenborn2, Ruth
McDonogh3, Michele Abendstern1 and David Challis1
Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Manchester
Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London
Formerly at Halton Borough Council, Halton

Whilst community equipment and adaptations promote the independence of millions of people,
ongoing problems have been identified with the delivery of such services by local authorities.
Self-assessment has been identified as one possible means of improving service effectiveness,
giving service users more choice and control and providing faster, easier access to services.
However, little is known about the use of self-assessment in social care. Against this
background, this paper reports the findings of a mixed methods evaluation of the use of self-
assessment in five local authority occupational therapy services. This drew on internal
documents, management interviews, service user and administrative records, and a service user
satisfaction survey. Important insights are provided about the operationalisation and possible
functions of self-assessment in local authority occupational therapy departments; the
characteristics of service users for whom self-assessment may be suitable (and those for whom it
may not); the range of equipment suitable for provision via self-assessment; the costs of self-
assessment; and service users experience of self-assessment. The results are discussed in the
context of the relevant policy and legal framework and a number of important lessons are
highlighted for service commissioners and providers.

Keywords: Self-assessment, social care, occupational therapy, community equipment

Introduction and policy background commitment. In 2006/7 an estimated 230

million was spent on adaptations (Department
This paper reports an evaluation of the use of for Communities & Local Government,
self-assessment for the provision of 2007), whilst in 2007/8 more than two
community equipment and adaptations, a million items of community equipment were
function long recognised as an important delivered to service users (NHS Information
element of local authority adult social cares Centre for Health and Social Care, 2008).
remit. Indeed, occupational therapists were
first employed by local authorities in response Although evidence suggests that the provision
to the introduction of the 1970 Chronically of equipment and adaptations can improve
Sick and Disabled Persons Act which obliged service users quality of life, enable
local authorities to provide equipment and independence and obviate the need for
housing adaptation services for disabled inappropriate admissions to institutional care,
people, and over the past five decades the the effectiveness of such interventions
work of occupational therapists in social care depends upon their timely implementation
has been dominated by this requirement (College of Occupational Therapists &
(Mountain, 2000; Department of Health & Housing Corporation, 2006; Riley, 2007).
College of Occupational Therapists, 2008). Nevertheless, over the years a series of
This entails a substantial financial concerns have been voiced about this aspect
Research, Policy and Planning Vol. 29 No. 1 Social Services Research Group 2011/12 all rights reserved
22 Sue Tucker et al.

of care provision, including the historically users (with more complex needs) in their own
lengthy waiting lists for occupational therapy homes, current trends in obesity and lifestyle
assessments, the complexity of different related diseases and peoples rising
funding streams and the low priority given to expectations (Department of Health, 2008a &
referrals for relatively inexpensive pieces of 2009). Moreover, in a climate of tight
equipment and adaptations (Audit financial constraint, local authorities are
Commission, 1998; Department of Health, simultaneously being asked to achieve large
1998). Summarising these, two highly critical cost savings and become ever more efficient
Audit Commission reports pointed to marked (Appleby & Humphries, 2010).
geographical variations in all aspects of
service delivery (Audit Commission, 2000 & Acknowledging these tensions, central
2002). Services were said to lack leadership, government announced plans to transform the
commissioning standards were weak, and the provision of adult social care in England
wisdom of the established division between (Department of Health, 2008b). These
the supply of equipment for home nursing (by included two flagship policies: a focus on
the NHS) and daily living (by adult social prevention, early intervention and enablement
care services) was challenged. (on the grounds of long-term cost-
effectiveness); and a desire to give service
The Governments response aspired to the users more choice and control (Wanless et al.,
development of single integrated (health and 2006; Her Majestys Government, 2007;
social care) community equipment services Department of Health, 2005, 2006 & 2008b).
that would enable a greater number of people At about the same time a further review of
to access a wider range of products community equipment services was
(Department of Health, 2000 & 2001). In undertaken and a new service delivery model
addition, the first national eligibility proposed that would move the provision of
framework for adult services was introduced, simple aids to daily living into the retail
following which it was confirmed that marketplace, improving access via the
community equipment services should be establishment of independent needs assessors
delivered in accordance with local eligibility and online assessment tools (Care Services
criteria, with items up to 1,000 provided free Efficiency Delivery, 2007; Her Majestys
of charge (Department of Health, 2002 & Government, 2007). Participation was not
2003). Despite such reorganisation, however, mandatory, however, and subsequent roll-out
equipment services remained variable, and as has been patchy, whilst those authorities that
growing numbers of authorities tightened have participated have retained discretion
their eligibility criteria in response to about which items to distribute via the retail
successive spending reviews, there was sector (Centre for Economics and Business
concern that by excluding clients with low- Research, 2009; The Homecare Industry
level needs, increasing levels of dependency Information Service, 2010).
might result longer-term (Riley, 2007;
Commission for Social Care Inspection, In the meantime, the desire to improve access
2008). to smaller pieces of equipment and
adaptations has led some authorities to
In 2008 a subsequent Audit Commission explore other ways of working. These include
report warned that local authorities were not the training of trusted assessors and the use of
ready to meet the needs of an ageing mediated or supported self-assessment
population and proposed a radical re- (Winchcombe & Ballinger, 2005; College of
engineering of the way adult social care was Occupational Therapists & Housing
delivered. Demographic change is not the Corporation, 2006; Department of Health &
only challenge facing social care services College of Occupational Therapists, 2008;
today, however. Further pressures stem from Glendinning et al., 2008). Whilst the
the ongoing drive to support more service employment of self-assessment in the
Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care 23

provision of community equipment and Firstly, research staff examined internal

adaptations sits comfortably with recent documentation and interviewed key personnel
government policy in having the potential to in each pilot site to identify how they
provide faster, easier access to services, perceived self-assessment and its place within
promote self-determination, release staff time the care process. Together with the results
and save costs (Department of Health, 2005, from a selective literature review (Challis et
2006a & 2006b; Care Services Efficiency al., 2008) this information was used to
Delivery, 2007), its use in social care is a formulate a classification of the employment
relatively new phenomenon. Evidence about of self-assessment in social care. This
virtually every aspect of its employment its identified both its location (within
form, scope, acceptability, cost and occupational therapy, assessment and care
effectiveness is thus undeveloped. management or preventative services) and
function (screening to identify individuals
Against this background, in August 2006 the who require further professional assessment,
government in England published details of contributing to a wider professionally-led
11 local authorities that would pilot the use of assessment, contributing to care-planning or
self-assessment in adult social care providing direct service access).
(Department of Health, 2006b). The intention
was to determine if self-assessment was Secondly, local sites collected a range of
feasible in this sector and identify its risks information about the socio-demographic
and benefits and, to this end, a multi-site characteristics, health and functioning of
evaluation was commissioned. This aimed to service users who completed self or
classify and describe the different approaches traditional (usually professional, face-to-face)
taken to self-assessment, gauge service users assessments. Each item was drawn from the
experience of self-assessment, evaluate the EASY-Care assessment tool (Philp, 2000)
cost-effectiveness of self-assessment and and information about user dependency was
appraise the implementation and combined to identify the number of daily
sustainability of new assessment practices activities with which people needed help
(Challis et al., 2008). The work described in (Katz et al., 1963). The statistical significance
this paper formed part of this evaluation and of any variation between groups was assessed
concentrates on the first three of these aims by the use of 95 per cent confidence intervals
using data collected in five projects located in and, where applicable, chi-square, t-tests and
local authority occupational therapy services. non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests, with
It addresses the following key questions: differences reported at the conventional 5 per
cent significance level. As the breadth and
How might self-assessment be process of the data collection varied between
employed? authorities (with some building this into their
Who is self-assessment suitable for? usual assessment process and others
What services should be provided via employing an independent data collection
self-assessment? exercise) and the samples were not random, a
What does self-assessment cost? selection of key variables (e.g. age, gender,
How satisfied are service users with ethnicity and dependency) were compared
self-assessment? with information from a large national study
(NHS Information Centre for Health and
Methods Social Care, 2008) to confirm the studied
groups were not untypical of the expected
An extensive data collection exercise was service user group. This also surveyed service
undertaken in 2006-7 using a mixed-methods users receiving community equipment and
approach. Six strands of this are relevant to adaptations (if not some of the more major
this paper. adaptations offered within the current study),
24 Sue Tucker et al.

and provided the best comparative assessment. In those instances in which self-
information available. assessments essentially replaced traditional
assessments, the additional (marginal) costs
Thirdly, local authorities collated data on the or savings incurred by adopting self-
services received by people receiving self or assessment were considered. However, where
traditional assessments. Whilst in most sites these could not be calculated or data was
this was available by individual service user, unavailable, costs were calculated in
some could only provide aggregate figures. aggregate form (Challis et al., 2008).
This information was subsequently
summarised in a 24-cell matrix according to Lastly, a structured satisfaction survey was
its cost and function. Unit costs (4 bandings administered to individuals receiving self and
based on a classification used by Care traditional assessments. This was based on a
Services Efficiency Delivery, 2007) were tool developed by research staff and service
estimated from a range of equipment users in a previous study (Challis et al., 2007)
brochures, websites and local sources and contained 13 pre-coded questions
supplemented, where applicable, by facilitating the development of three
installation costs calculated from nationally summary scores. These were: an ease of use
published data (Curtis & Netten, 2006). The score, capturing whether respondents found it
primary function of each item of equipment easy to self-assess or be assessed (maximum
(eight categories, including the provision of value 9); an information score, reviewing the
assistance with meal preparation, bathing and extent to which the assessment embodied
dressing) was coded according to guidance certain elements of good practice with regard
developed by the occupational therapist to the collection and sharing of information
within the research team (Challis et al., (maximum value 4); and a general
2008). satisfaction score, expressing the
respondents overall user satisfaction
Fourthly, pilot projects provided data on the (maximum value 12) (Challis et al., 2008).
length of time between three key aspects of Reflecting the different nature of the pilot
the assessment process as experienced by projects, there was some variation in the
people receiving self and traditional quantity and timing of the questionnaires
assessments: the time from first contact distributed. Nevertheless, all were
(referral) to assessment; the time from administered within a month of the
completion of assessment to first service assessment and were returned by post. The
receipt; and the aggregate time from referral Mann-Whitney test (again set at the 5 per cent
to first service receipt. significance level) was used to compare
summary satisfaction scores between groups.
Fifthly, the costs of self and traditional
assessment were estimated from information The majority of the analysis was thus
provided by the authorities. The methodology descriptive in nature, exploring the reality of
for calculating costs followed that adopted in self-assessment in practice and, wherever
previous research and demonstration projects possible, comparing this with traditional
(Netten & Beecham, 1993) and detailed full assessment procedures. Approval for the
economic costs, not just expenditure study was given by the Association of
employed. Capital or set-up (investment) Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS)
costs encompassed both the initial funding Research Group and the Committee on the
received from the Department of Health and Ethics of Research on Human Beings at the
the authorities own matched funding, whilst University of Manchester and research
revenue costs comprised both the costs of the governance procedures in each pilot site were
assessments themselves and the costs of the fulfilled.
services received consequent upon
Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care 25

Table 1 The aim and form of the self-assessment projects

Project Aim Target group Primary form

number* of assessment

1 To improve access to equipment, the customer experience Adults and older Electronic
and cost efficiencies by piloting the use of an electronic tool people
4 To expand existing opportunities to self-assess for minor Adults and older Telephone, or
adaptations and equipment by a fast track client-led self- people paper plus
assessment system telephone
5 To promote direct access to occupational therapy services Adults and older Electronic
and access to equipment to reduce waiting list times people
7 To evaluate the introduction of self-assessment for simple Adults and older Paper
pieces of equipment and moderate levels of home care people
9 To develop different methods of assessment for shower/bath Disabled adults and Telephone
adaptations older people

* The project numbers are those used in the original evaluation and have been used here in order to maintain
consistency of reporting across publications.

Findings undertook self-assessments is set alongside

that of approximately 330 people who had a
Context professional, usually face-to-face assessment.
As noted above, five pilot projects were Whilst all five projects provided information
located in local authority occupational about self-assessment users, information
therapy services. Two were London about people who received a traditional
boroughs, two were shire unitary authorities assessment was available from just three
and one was a metropolitan city i.e. all single Projects 4, 5 and 7. The number of authorities
tier authorities. that provided information about each
individual variable also varied considerably.
Aims and forms of self-assessment
All five projects aimed to improve access to As Table 2 shows, the average service user
community equipment and adaptations and undertaking a self-assessment for community
targeted a combination of older and disabled equipment or adaptations in these projects
adults (Table 1). However, some projects had was in their late 60s/early 70s, female, white
further secondary goals, such as improving and in poor or fair health, although still
the customer experience or reducing waiting relatively able to undertake key daily
lists. The way in which the different activities of living. Only modest differences
authorities conceived of and operationalised were found between the general health and
self-assessment varied markedly, with functioning of people who undertook self-
assessments variously available on paper, by assessments and people who received
telephone and electronically. Nevertheless, in traditional assessments, although the former
all instances local authority staff played some group were significantly more likely to live
part in the completion of the assessment and alone and more ethnically diverse than the
the determination of an appropriate response. latter. There was also some suggestion that
people who completed self-assessments were
Service users younger than people who received a
In Table 2 information about the socio- traditional assessment and experienced more
demographic characteristics, health and memory problems and low mood. However,
functioning of more than 630 people who closer examination of the data showed this
26 Sue Tucker et al.

was largely due to the influence of Project 1 functioning of those people who completed
(which provided information about a self-assessments appeared to be rather better
disproportionately large number of cases and than that of people who had professional
targeted a more youthful, disabled assessments (proportion of people in poor
population) and was not true of other projects. health 33.5% versus 50.7%; mean
Furthermore, when data from Project 1 was dependency score 1.1 versus 1.5).
excluded, the general health and daily

Table 2 Characteristics of self and traditional assessment recipients

Variable Self-assessment Traditional assessment

recipients recipients

mean n mean n
Age Mean years 68.5 636 73.4 337

% n % n
75+ 38.7 246 56.4 190

Gender Male 32.2 205 36.0 122

Female 67.8 431 64.0 217

Ethnicity White 75.2 473 94.6 298

Asian 16.5 104 4.4 14
Black 6.4 40 1.0 3
Other 1.9 12 - -

Living situation Not living alone 57.2 362 71.0 201

Living alone 42.8 271 29.0 82

General health Excellent 0.9 5 2.8 2

Very good 3.6 19 1.4 1
Good 12.0 64 5.6 4
Fair 37.3 199 39.4 28
Poor 46.2 246 50.7 36

Incontinence No 79.8 138 68.4 78

Yes 20.2 35 31.6 36

Memory No 58.9 314 70.0 70

problems Yes 41.1 219 30.0 30

Low mood No 51.5 274 63.6 63

Yes 48.5 258 36.4 36

Dependency* 0 22.3 112 30.9 21

score 1 37.8 190 29.4 20
2 20.9 105 16.2 11
3 10.2 51 10.3 7
4 6.2 31 5.9 4
5 2.6 13 7.4 5

score n score n
Mean dependency 1.5 502 1.5 68

* The number of activities that help is needed with: bathing, dressing, toileting, bed/chair transfer, eating and
Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care 27

Service receipt stair lifts, recommended) by each authority as

Information on the community equipment and opposed to their exact description.
adaptations received by people undertaking
self-assessments was obtained from all five As can be seen, a large percentage of the
projects. However, only two projects equipment and adaptations provided to people
(Projects 4 and 7) provided data about the who completed self-assessments in Projects
services supplied to people receiving a 1, 4 and 9 was intended to help people bathe
traditional assessment. As the services or shower (e.g. bath boards and bath seats). In
considered suitable for provision via self- contrast, the largest group of equipment
assessment varied markedly from site to site supplied in Project 5 (e.g. calendar clocks and
and most authorities made only a subset of flashing doorbells) was designed to help
services available to self-assessees, any people with visual or hearing impairments,
differences between the items received by whilst many of the items supplied in Project 7
people receiving self and traditional (e.g. grab and stair rails) were targeted at
assessments may simply reflect the different individuals with mobility problems. The
mix of services available to them. Table 3 equipment and adaptations supplied to people
thus focuses on the function and cost of the who had a traditional assessment, appeared to
services supplied (or, in the case of major relate to a wider range of needs.
adaptations such as level access showers and

Table 3 Function and cost of items supplied to self and traditional assessment (SA and TA) recipients

Variable Items Items Items Items Items Items

supplied to supplied to supplied to supplied to supplied to supplied to
recipients recipients recipients recipients recipients recipients
Project 1 Project 4 Project 5 Project 7 Project 9 Projects

Total number of items* 826 121 464 96 230 413

Function: % % % % % %

Meal preparation 5 1 - 1 4 3
Mobility 13 28 16 49 8 24
Transfer (bed & chair) 9 7 8 3 18 20
Dressing 13 - - - 7 <1
Bathing & showering 55 43 - 29 47 29
Eating & drinking - - 19 - - 1
Toileting 4 22 13 18 16 22
Seeing, hearing & - - 44 - <1 1

Cost band: % % % % % %

Low (< 20) 42 31 47 24 31 17

Medium ( 20, < 100) 32 54 53 56 35 57
High ( 100, < 1,000) 16 15 - 20 22 21
Very high ( 1000) 11 - - - 12 5

* Please note that many individuals received more than one item.
28 Sue Tucker et al.

Most of the equipment and adaptations Costs

supplied to people who completed self- As can be seen in Table 4, some pilot projects
assessments were at the lower end of the cost incurred greater costs than others. In light of
spectrum, with 40 and 41 per cent of items in the variation in the quality of the data
the low (<20) and medium (<100) cost provided by different authorities, it should be
bands respectively. In comparison, 17 and 57 reiterated that these costs are not directly
per cent of the items supplied to people who comparable across sites. Nevertheless, the
received a traditional assessment were in figures indicate that although all pilot projects
these cost bands. Given that one of the three incurred substantial capital costs, one
arms of Project 9 focused on the provision of produced revenue cost savings (Project 5),
major adaptations enabling people to whilst the remainder incurred additional
bathe/shower, the concentration of very high revenue costs. Interestingly, three projects
cost (1000) items here (12%) is (Projects 5, 7 and 9) saved resources in
understandable. However, a sizeable minority respect of the cost of the assessment itself,
of the services provided in Project 1 (11%) through the use of less professional time.
were also in this banding, and upon further However, in two instances (Projects 7 and 9)
investigation, most of these also related to these were counterbalanced by the cost of the
recommendations for level access showers. additional services provided.
The timeliness of service delivery Service user satisfaction
Just two authorities (Projects 4 and 7) Completed satisfaction surveys were received
provided data on the timeliness of service from 648 people undertaking self-assessments
receipt for comparable groups. In both cases in Projects 1, 4, 5 and 7 and 590 people
the mean time between referral and receiving traditional assessments in Projects
completion of assessment was shorter for the 4, 5 and 7 (an overall response rate of 55 per
self-assessment recipients than for the cent). The vast majority of both self and
traditional assessment recipients. Within traditional assessment recipients in all
Project 4 this led to a shorter waiting time projects found their assessment easy to
between referral and first service receipt (5 as complete (mean values 7.9 and 8.0, maximum
opposed to 23 days). In Project 7 the shorter possible value 9) and expressed a high degree
period between referral and assessment was of satisfaction with their experience (mean
counteracted by a longer wait between values 10.5 and 10.6 respectively, maximum
assessment and service receipt, such that the possible value 12). Indeed, an examination of
aggregate time from first contact to first the responses to each individual question
service receipt was almost identical (56 as used to construct these scores identified no
opposed to 55 days).

Table 4 Estimated cost of self-assessment (2006/7 s)

Project 1 Project 4 Project 5 Project 7 Project 9

Capital cost of self-assessment project 102,000 168,000 173,846 63,795 110,000

Revenue cost or saving (-) of self-assessment 48,138 1,985 -21,689 154 13,346

Total cost of self-assessment project 150,138 169,985 152,157 63,949 123,346

* The average incremental cost or saving of the assessment itself plus aggregate service costs;

N.B. the costs of web-based tools, where employed, were discounted over 5 years apart from Project 1 where the
use of such a tool was discontinued in the project period.
Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care 29

statistically significant difference between different authorities received, their project

self and traditional assessments. Furthermore, designs and the extent of the information they
whilst there was considerable between-project were able to provide (particularly with regard
variation in the extent to which assessments to timeliness and costs) such that the
encompassed certain elements of good generalisability of the findings may be
practice with regard to the collection and reduced.
sharing of information, there was no
suggestion that either self or traditional Other methodological concerns relate to the
assessments were better at this per se. (mean nature of the samples, which cannot be
values 2.9 and 3.1 respectively, maximum regarded as true random samples of the target
possible value 4). population. Thus whilst the traditional
assessment recipients may be viewed as a
Discussion naturalistic sample of the authorities usual
service population, the self-assessment
Local authority community equipment and sample is likely to have been moderated by
adaptation services have been subject to the fact that some pilot projects targeted
ongoing criticism and reorganisation over specific sub groups, e.g. people from ethnic
many years. Against this backdrop, the use of minorities. The varied numbers of service
self-assessment has been identified as one users accessing assessments at different sites,
possible means of delivering both more and the aggregation of data across authorities,
effective and more person-centred care, are also inherently problematic, for such
improving access to low-level services and composite figures can produce arbitrary
giving service users greater choice and grouping effects whereby the highly
control (Department of Health, 2005, 2006a contextual impact of one locality creates the
& 2006b; Her Majestys Government, 2007). impression of a national phenomenon.
Such aspirations have been predicated upon Checks for this were made, however, whilst
largely untested assumptions about the as noted above, comparison of our data with a
relative effectiveness of different assessment large nationally representative survey
approaches, however, whilst the context in suggested that the studied groups, and
which self-assessment is either legitimate or combinations thereof, were not dissimilar
legal is itself the subject of debate from the expected service user populations.
(Mandelstam, 2008; Law Commission, 2011).
How might self-assessment be employed in
The material presented in this paper, which occupational therapy services?
provides some of the first detailed Whilst the classification noted earlier
information about the way in which self- identified four possible functions of self-
assessment has been implemented within assessment, all five pilots used it to facilitate
occupational therapy services, the people who direct service access. This is in marked
use it, the services they receive and their contrast with the situation in the NHS, where
satisfaction with this process was intended to self-completed screening questionnaires have
facilitate an exploration of these issues. more commonly been used to identify
Firstly, however, it is important to note a individuals who might benefit from further
number of methodological limitations, not professional assessment or advice (e.g.
least of which is that the framework for Tulloch & Moore, 1979; Bowns et al., 1991).
evaluation was not agreed until after the In actual fact two of the self-assessment
initiative commenced, by which date the projects in this evaluation did identify a
selection of the research sites and the number of people who required a professional
timeframe for data collection had already assessment. However, this appeared to be a
been decided by the Department of Health. chance rather than a planned event, leaving
There was, furthermore, considerable one to wonder if there might not be the
variation in the amount of funding the potential to do this more systematically.
30 Sue Tucker et al.

The fact that social services or other statutory Commons Health Committee, 2010). Indeed,
agency staff played some part in all the the most recent review of eligibility criteria
assessments is also noteworthy and suggests reiterated that everyone, whether they are
that the term self-assessment as used in this eligible for public funds or not, should
initiative may be a little misleading, with the receive an assessment of their care needs and
approach taken perhaps better conceptualised access to information and advice. However,
as mediated or supported assessment. Indeed, the associated survey suggested 62 per cent of
as Mandelstam (2008) has stated, it is respondents who did not fulfil eligibility
difficult to see how self-reports alone could criteria were not signposted to any alternative
constitute lawful assessments under section help (Commission for Social Care Inspection,
47 of the NHS and Community Care Act 2008). In an increasingly cash-limited system,
1990, for although where a practitioner is directing such individuals towards some form
content with a service users self-assessment of mediated self-assessment system that
they can adopt it as the organisations formal enables them to both assess their need for,
assessment of need, they cannot simply and access information on simple pieces of
delegate this duty to the service user, but community equipment located outside the
must, as recently reiterated by the Law authority (perhaps in the voluntary sector?)
Commission (2011), retain overall control of may be one way of squaring this circle. In
the assessment process. addition, information collected in this way
might subsequently feed into Joint Strategic
Who is self-assessment suitable for? Needs Assessments, informing future
In light of the push to promote greater commissioning.
personalisation, including a strategic shift
towards early intervention and prevention What services should be provided via self-
(Department of Health, 2008b & 2010), the assessment?
introduction of self-assessment has been This study found that the equipment provided
advocated as one way of reaching out to via self-assessment was primarily intended to
people who do not normally come to the help people bathe and mobilise, assist
attention of social care services. To what individuals with visual and hearing
extent does this appear to be the case? On the impairments and promote independence and
one hand, our data indicates that those people reablement. Furthermore, most of the items
who completed self-assessments for supplied cost less than 100. This would
community equipment and adaptations were seem to suggest that self-assessment is
not that dissimilar from people receiving compatible with a retail model of service
traditional assessments, whilst on the other provision (Care Services Efficiency Delivery,
hand there was some suggestion that these 2007) or a similar approach. The study also
new initiatives attracted a somewhat demonstrated a range of circumstances in
healthier, more able population. Furthermore, which it may be appropriate to deliver more
at least some projects successfully attracted a expensive equipment via self-assessment,
more ethnically diverse service user group notably the installation of showers. In these
than would normally be expected, suggesting circumstances it is likely that the person is
that the provision of self-assessment may go already known to the local authority, such
some way to engaging certain previously that details of their dependency and living
disengaged individuals. situation have already been documented and
the element of self-assessment relates
Just how widely might local authorities want specifically to the adaptation required, which
to cast their nets? Recent years have seen the will be checked prior to structural work being
public sector increasingly urged to broaden undertaken.
access to support on the grounds of
progressive universalism (Commission for These findings together demonstrate the
Social Care Inspection, 2008; House of importance of determining the range of
Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care 31

services which will be made available via rather than occupational therapists to support
self-assessment within the local nexus of the self-assessment process, freeing more
health and social care provision, taking qualified staff to focus on service users with
account of national guidance and legal complex needs. Little is known about the
requirements. Such an approach will permit effects of such substitution on service users
local managers and commissioners to select dependency levels and/or well-being,
combinations of indicators and descriptors of however, and further research is needed here.
contextual factors which permit judgements
to be made about the role and extent of self- In two of the three projects that incurred cost
assessment in service provision and to savings from changed assessment processes,
develop locally determined measures of these gains were offset by the cost of
outcome (Department of Health, 2006a). providing additional equipment. It is
important to note that this was in keeping
What does self-assessment cost? with these projects objectives, which sought
The need to achieve efficiencies forms the to widen service access and enhance service
background to all recent developments in responsiveness. This highlights the fact that
occupational therapy services. Thus the Best such new initiatives may have multiple
Value (Department of the Environment, sometimes conflicting objectives. It is also
Transport and the Regions, 1998) regime, important to make a distinction between the
with its requirement to demonstrate value for incremental costs of the individual projects
money and quality in specific services, was (which include investment as well as revenue
superseded by Comprehensive Performance costs and depend on the number of service
Assessment reviews (Department of users recruited) and the additional costs (or
Transport, Local Government and the indeed savings) of the self-assessments
Regions, 2001) focusing on the delivery of themselves. Indeed, it is essential that a
councils as a whole. Of particular note is the comprehensive costing approach informs
requirement following the 2004 decisions about rolling out such initiatives.
Comprehensive Spending Review to make Thus whilst our study suggested that potential
Gershon (2004) efficiencies in terms of savings may be made from introducing self-
savings in back office functions such as assessment in this setting in terms of the
administration and paperwork, releasing assessment process itself, when investment
resources to front-line services. costs were also taken into account, the overall
costs of each pilot rose. However, compared
The data from this study were intended to to the overall expenditure on adaptations
evaluate the nature of any savings arising (Department for Communities and Local
from the introduction of self-assessment Government, 2007), the projects capital costs
through a comprehensive measurement of were relatively modest.
costs. Interestingly, the study found that the
biggest potential for cost saving appeared to How satisfied are service users with self-
be in the cost of the assessment itself, with assessment?
three of the five projects making savings here. If managers and commissioners are
These arose from the use of less professional understandably concerned with the need to
time, with relatively more costly professional manage budgets and achieve efficiencies,
assessments replaced by (albeit mediated) Lymbery (2000) suggests that service users
self-assessments. Such savings are thus rather are more interested in the way services are
front office (Chase, 1978; Tinnil & delivered and whether they meet their needs.
Vepslinen, 1995) than back office With regard to the process of service delivery,
efficiencies in terms of what happens during this evaluation suggests that there is no
the assessment process and who provides the reason to believe that the introduction of self-
assessment. As a related gain, at least one assessment is associated with any change to
project used less qualified/assistant staff the generally very high levels of satisfaction
32 Sue Tucker et al.

reported with traditional assessment Acknowledgements

processes. This mirrors the findings of the
aforementioned national survey of This research was undertaken by the Personal
community equipment users which identified Social Services Research Unit, with funding
little relationship between how respondents from the Department of Health. We are very
needs were discussed (in person, on the grateful to the local authorities who
telephone or self-assessment on the internet) participated in this study. The views
and how satisfied they were with their expressed do not necessarily reflect those of
equipment/adaptation (NHS Information the Department of Health. Responsibility for
Centre for Health and Social Care, 2008). this article is the authors alone.
Moreover, a review that examined older
peoples experience of self-assessment in a References
variety of settings including social care
concluded that they found (supported) self- Appleby, J. & Humphries, R. (2010) Estimate of
assessment acceptable (Griffiths et al., 2005). future social care funding gap following Spending
Review 2010. Note prepared for the Health Select
Conclusion Committee inquiry into public expenditure,
London: The Kings Fund.
The above findings highlight some important
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lessons for commissioners and providers of housing in community care, London: Audit
considering the introduction of self- Commission.
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therapy departments. These include the need Audit Commission (2000) Fully equipped: the
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people by the NHS and social services in England
1. Clarify what is meant by self- and Wales, London: Audit Commission.
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2. Be clear about the purpose of self- Commission.
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substitute for or complement traditional Audit Commission (2008) Dont stop me now:
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Audit Commission.
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people who will find it difficult to self- Bowns, I., Challis, D. & Tong, M.S. (1991) Case
assess. finding in elderly people: validation of a postal
questionnaire, British Journal of General
4. Critically appraise the potential costs Practice, 41(344), pp. 100-4.
and benefits of introducing or
expanding the use of self-assessment, Care Services Efficiency Delivery Workstream
recognising that this may involve (2007) Community equipment: a vision for the
certain trade-offs. future, accessed 10/11/2010 at http://www.csed.
Designing the service is, however, just the
first step. There is then the challenge of
translating the vision into practical change on Centre for Economics and Business Research
the ground that will make a real difference to (2009) Transforming community equipment
the way individuals engage with services and services: a review of the financial and economic
support and, in so doing, make a real impact of the proposed community equipment
difference to their lives (Department of services retail model, London: Centre for
Health, 2008b, p.5). Economics and Business Research Ltd.
Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care 33

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M149, Manchester: Personal Social Services The Stationery Office.
Research Unit, University of Manchester.
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Wenborn, J. (2008) Enhancing the efficiency and Stationery Office.
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Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care 35

Notes on Contributors studies evaluating the effectiveness of a range

of psychosocial interventions for people with
Sue Tucker MSc, BA, RMN, RGN, is a dementia and their caregivers.
Research Fellow at the Personal Social
Services Research Unit (PSSRU), University Ruth McDonogh MA, BA, DSW, had a long
of Manchester. She previously held a variety career in social care as a social worker, team
of clinical and managerial posts in the NHS leader and service manager as well as
before moving into research. Her research spending time seconded to the then Social
interests focus on the provision of services for Services Inspectorate. She was most recently
older people with mental health problems in Divisional Manager, Complex Needs, Halton
both community and institutional settings. Borough Council where she oversaw the
modernisation of the major adaptations
Jane Hughes MSc, BA, DSW, CQSW, is a service.
Lecturer in Community Care in the PSSRU,
University of Manchester. Currently, her Michele Abendstern PhD, BA, CQSW, PG
principal research activities are centred on Dip, is a Research Associate at the PSSRU,
services for vulnerable older people living at University of Manchester. Her previous
home. employment includes social work, care
management and historical research. Her
Christian Brand PhD, MSc, MA, BA, research interests include the development of
Diplom-Betriebswirt, is a Research Associate services for older people with mental health
at the PSSRU, University of Manchester. problems and the integration of health and
Before joining the unit he completed a PhD at social care services.
the University of Manchester's Cathie Marsh
Centre for Census and Survey Research. His David Challis PhD, MSc, BA, Cert PSW,
qualifications span the fields of business CQSW, Cert Ed, is a Professor of Community
economics, sociology and social statistics and Care Research and Director of the PSSRU at
his principal research interests are social the University of Manchester. He has
policy and social indicators in a variety of undertaken the development and evaluation
settings. of a series of studies of community based care
for older people which provided alternatives
Paul Clarkson PhD, MSc, is a Research to hospital and nursing home care; national
Fellow at the PSSRU, University of studies of care coordination in older peoples
Manchester. He previously worked as a services; evaluations of assessment
social worker in psychiatric and acute procedures in England; and a range of studies
medical settings before research posts in on the mental health of older people.
London and Leeds. His interests are in
performance measurement in long-term care
of older people, assessment in community Address for Correspondence
settings and the use of routine data to evaluate Sue Tucker
practice. Research Fellow
Personal Social Services Research Unit
Jennifer Wenborn PhD, MSc, DipCOT, is a
University of Manchester
Research Fellow in Occupational Therapy in
Dover Street Building
the Research Department of Mental Health
Oxford Road
Sciences at University College London. She
has worked as an occupational therapist with
M13 9PL
older people in hospital and community
settings; has a particular interest in continuing Email:
care; and is currently involved in research Tel: 0161 275 5938

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