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Assalamu alaikum wr.wb.

The honorable juries and all audience, thank you very much for giving me a chance to speak in
this important occasion. It is be a great honorfor me to stand right here, in front of you all to give
a speech about madrasah under the title Madrasah roles in Indonesian leadership change

My brothers and sisters

Talking about Madrasah, there is a big question. How can Madrasah provide a better education
to prepare us to be a great leader in the future with lack of facilities and infrastructures?In this
globalization era, theres a common issue spread around the world. Its crisis of leadership;
corruption, nepotism, terrorism or radicalism, communism, and Islamic phobia. All of them are
the main problems which much be countered by the entire nation.

My brothers and sisters.

Thats a reality that Madrasah has some weakness, but in some circumstances it has many
advantages to study there. We learn what the general high schools learn. And if we talk about
madrasah, it cant be separated by Islamic value. Islam is the perfect religion.Im proud of to be a
Muslim and Im not a terrorist. Why? It becauseIslam teaches, provides good example, and rules
to become a great leader.The true Islam brings peace and love.

My brother and sister

Facility is not the only one which determines the success of education. Teacher and the student
also has role for that. In Madrasah, many teachers show us a good example by adopting
prophetic value. They teach us how to be patience, trustworthy and honest. Were motivated to
finish all our problems with religious approach. So we never use any bad ways which can ruin
our future such as drugs.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Honestly, Im motivated to become a leader as a great Islamic leader in its heyday. If I study
about the history of Islam, there are so many great leaders can be followed their ways to lead
their people, such as Umar bin Khattab, Umar bin Abdul Aziz, and many others. Their
achievements in leadingare not in doubt.They have very wonderful attitude and fair leaders. And
fair leader is one of the pillars to become a most pleasant land.
Moreover, we learn Quran and hadiths. There are so many chapter and verses that recommend
us to become a leader. For example in chapter Al Baqarah verse 30, Allah said

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make
upon the earth a successive authority."
Thiss one of the signals that all of us should become a leader. If we cant lead our nation,
we must lead our self.
That's all we need in preparation to become a future leader. And all of that is in Madrasah.

My brothers and sisters

Finally, I would like to conclude that one point we should know is that Madrasah has very
important role to provide a great leader in the future with his advantages. I hope the
government especially ministry of religion should complete facilities and infrastructures in
Madrasah. Its for providing better services to student.

I hope you can get some points of my speech, and thank you so much for your attention.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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