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Theme/ Name of Lesson: Blog: How was your mixed group experiences?

Grade Level: 3

Duration of the Lesson: 30 minutes

Name of Instructor: Jozef Telecki

Materials Consulted: Alberta Program of Studies ELA

Resources: Computer, SmartBoard, this lesson plan, computers for students, internet access

Lesson Objective (SMART): Students will compose a blog post using proper paragraph structure
including introductory, body and concluding sentences.

SLOs: ELA 2.4 experiment with a variety of story beginnings to choose ones that best introduce
particular stories (Learn proper paragraph structure)

Teacher will Students will Time
1) Tell students the subject of this 1) Listen to the topic and think about it. 0-1
weeks blog (Mixed Groups, Tuesday
2) Remind students of expectations when 2) Ask questions if confused. 1-3
Proper capitalization, punctuation,
grammar. Full sentences. Intro, body,
3) Check for understanding (thumbs 3) Put thumbs up/down and ask for 3-4
up/down) clarification if needed.

Formative Assessment: Check for understanding by scanning classroom and asking for
thumbs up/down type of feedback.
Body (you may have a range of activities)
Teacher will Students will Time
1) Tell students the information expected 1) Listen and raise hand to ask if they need 4-8
to be in their blogs. anything clarified.
- Which teachers class were you in?
- Who did you work with?
- What did you do?
- First, To start, We began with
- Then, Next, Second, Third
- Last, Finally, To End
(Remind students to always use a coma
after these words. Also, this is where we
focus on intro, body, conclusion)
- Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?
- What would you like to do in mixed
2) Show students how to access blogs. 2) Watch teacher perform task. 8-9
3) Remind students to do the writing 3) Listen 9-10
BEFORE they change the colour, size,
font or add any pictures.
4) Check for understanding (thumbs 4) Put thumbs up/down and ask questions 10-11
up/down) if necessary.

Formative Assessment: Scan room for students off task (not listening to instruction). Scan
class for thumbs up/down.
Teacher will Students will Time
1) Survey/walk through the classroom 1) Compose their blog post and ask 11-30
checking for questions and making sure questions when needed.
students are on task.

Formative Assessment: Walk around looking at how students are doing with their task.

Summative Assessment will be done after the students do their work.

Say the reminder of good introductory, body, conclusion words right before the students write,
now at the start of the lesson.
Write more neatly on the board because they are young and sometimes still have trouble
deciphering words.
Take better control of the class. If students dont respond to positive reinforcement use negative
and follow through.
I should have introduced the topic in a more exciting way.

I had a lot of trouble keeping the volume levels down and the students paying attention to me
during this lesson.

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