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CONFIDENTIAL @UTHM Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER I SESSION 2013/2014 COURSE NAME, : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IIL COURSE CODE : BEC 24103 PROGRAMME 2 BEE EXAMINTION DATE: JUNE 2014 DURATION : 3HOURS INSTRUCTION : ANSWER FOUR (4) QUESTIONS ONLY ‘THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF SIX (6) PAGES. CONFIDENTIAL Qi fa) (b) ze @ (b) © @B @ (b) Br 24013 3xy* 2x +59 (Determine whether or not | lim, (a3) exist, by letting Gy) (0.0) Given f(x) = along any straight line _y = mx and the curve (ii) Isthe function f(x, y) continuous at (0, 0)? (13 marks) ‘The length /, width w, and height h of a box change with time. At a certain instant, the dimensions are /= I m and w= h=2 m, and / and w are increasing at a rate of 2 mis while his decreasing at a rate of 3 mvs. At that instant, find the rates at the following quantities are changing. ‘The volume. ‘The surface area, (ii (12 marks) By using polar coordinate, evaluate [f(x+y)d4 where R is the region in the 9 and under the line y=x. (5 marks) first quadrant lying inside the dise x? + Evaluate the following integral by changing to spherical coordinates. id ra (7 marks) ‘A lamina has a shape of triangle with vertices (0,0), (0,2) and (2,0). If the density is 5(x,y) =2xy, find the centre of mass. (13 marks) The position vector of a particle is r(t)=Veit(2r+4)j- (i) Sketch the graph of r(#)by indicating the direction of the vector. the velocity, speed and acceleration of the particle at ¢ = 2 (13 marks) Given the vector-valued function (0) = cosSti + sin 5¢j+2rk. Find its unit tangent vector, T(#), principal unit normal vector, N(‘) and curvature, © at £ (12 marks) Qs es (@) (b) © @) (b) BFF 24013 Use Green's theorem to rewrite and evaluate f(x" + y")de+3xy"dy, where C consists of the portion of y=x" from (2,4) to (0,0), followed by the line segments from (0,0) to (2,0) and from (2,0) to (2,4). (4 marks) Find the work done by the force field F(x,y)=(e'—y')i+(siny+2°)j on a 1 in counterclockwise particle that travels once around the unit circle x” + y direction. (10 marks) Given that F(x,y) = 20+ (2+3x°y")- (i) Show that F is a conservative vector field on the entire plane xy- plane. (ii) Find the potential function, : (11 marks) Use the Divergence Theorem to find the outward flux of the vector field F(x,y) = i+ y'}+2k across the surface of the region that is enclosed by the hemisphere z= fa’ —x°—y’ and the planez =0. (13 marks) By means of Stoke Theorem, evaluate the line integral i: Rar for F(x,y.2)=—yi- +x j+2°k where C is the intersection of a circular cylinder, x? + y" =4and the plane x+z =3, oriented so that it is traversed counterclockwise When viewed from the positive z-axis. (12 marks) - END OF QUESTION - BFF 24013, FINAL EXAMINATION ‘SEMESTER / SESSION: SEM II / 2013/2014 PROGRAMME: 2 BFF COURSE NAME ENGINEERING COURSE CODE: BFC 24013 MATHEMATICS IIL Form Polar coordinate: x=rcos0, y=rsinO, 0 =tan”'(y/x), and If @y)d4 = 10,8) rdrdo R R Cylindrical coordinate: x=reos0, y=rsind, 2=2, WS fC.» 2)dV = [ff fr.0,2)r de drdO- G c 2 Spherical coordinate: x= psingcos@, y psingsin®, z= pcosg, x° +y? +2 050<22, 0<¢sx,and WP G.3,2)a¥ = M7090? sing dpdgao G Directional derivative: Dy f(x.»)=(fai+ fyi)-¥ Let F(x,y,2)=Mi+ N j+ Pk is vector field, then the divergence of F=V-F=2¢ 42, 2 aay & the eurl of i 2 2 @|_(ap_on), (aP_aM). (aN _oM Fevxr=|2 2 2/2 & ea ae ay &| (¢ ~ (¢ a hae ay IM NP Let C isa smooth curve given by r(t)=s(i+ yOi+ Wk, ¢ is parameter, then . “O. the unit tangent veetor: 1-72, . Fol the unit normal vector: N= 2 rol the binormal vector: BW) =TH)*NO TO] _[roxre the curvature -tol _[roxrol Fol rok the radius of curvature: paix Green Theorem: eae vay =i ¢ R Gauss Theorem: f Fe ndS = [fj VeF dV s G Stokes’ Theorem: {F «dr = |j(VxF)#nd c s Are length BFF 24013 FINAL EXAMINATION ‘SEMESTER / SESSION: SEM II [2013/2014 PROGRAMME: 2 BFF COURSE NAME ENGINEERING COURSE CODE: BFC 24013 MATHEMATICS IIL If r(¢) =x) +O, €€ [4,4], then the are length jleola= (OR +bOF a If r(t) = x()i+ pH J+ 2k, ¢ € [2.5], then the are length ’ core s=fVWOP +P +P a ‘Tangent Plane 2-29 = feltosroXe—X0)* Sy (to, YoX- Yo) Extreme of two variable functions GY) = Sex Vy) Fg OP Casel: If G(a,b) > Oand fy,(x,y) <0 then f has local maximum at (4,5) | Case2: If G(a,b) > Oand fg-(x,y)>0 then f has local minimum at (a,b) Case3: If G(a,b) <0 then f has a saddle point at (a,b) Case4: If G(a,b) =0 then no conelusion can be made. In2-D: Lamina Mass: m = [[4(x,y)d4, where 6(x,y) is a density of lamina. R ‘Moment of mass: M, =[fy5(y)a4 R i) about y-axis, M, = {[x6(x,y)d4, (ii) about x-axis, R Moment inertia: (i) 1, = ste, y)dA, (ii) Le = y7oCs.9)4, (iii) 1, =? +9° )olesat In 3-D: Solid Mass, m = {[5(x.».2)dV - If 5(x,y.z) ¢ isa.constant, then m = {dd is volume. G G ‘Moment of mass (about yz-plane, My. = if x5(x,y.2)aV G (i) about xz-plane, M,. = [if v8(x.y,2)aV G about xy-pane, Myy = [if z6(x,y.2)dV BFF 24013 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER / SESSION: SEM Il 201372014 PROGRAMME: 2 BEF COURSE NAME: ENGINEERING COURSE CODE: BFC 24013 MATHEMATICS tt ‘M.; ‘M, Centre of gravity, tesa) (Me Ms 42 mmm ‘Moment inertia (about x-axis: J, ib? +2*}5(x,y,2)aV a fe? +2? )6(.».2)47 = iol? +y?)a(y.2)47 (i) about y-axis: I, about z -axi

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