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Competitor Pricing in Retail pricing

1.Go to IMG- Logistic General - Retail Pricing - Competitor Prices - Maintain Price Entry Types
Here Maintain Price Enty Types & Assign Number Ranges
2.Maintain Pricing Stratergies .ie.Lowest competitor price,10% less than lowest competitor price,
Highest competitor price ..etc
3. Create Two Competitors X and Y "as Customer s" in XD01 Transaction with Account Group
"Competitor 006 "
4.Create Competitor Group say "Z" in Transaction CL01 with ClassType 011..
5. Assign Competitors X and Y to the group "Z" in CL24N Transaction
6.Go to WB02 Transaction , Material Group Tab and assign the Competiotor Group "Z" to the
Material Group where competitor Price Involved
7. Go to WMB1 , enter Pricing Type , Competitior Group, Article, Distibution Chain & Site as Inputs.
execute , you will see the competiotors X and Y ..Enter Site & Price for each competitor. Activate the
8.Go to VKP5 , Enter Article , Distribution Chain, Site ,Purchase Price Determ. Seq (01).,Sales price
determination seq.(01),List Group,List Variant as inputs. Click the Site row and go to GOTO -
Competitor Prices - enter pricing stratergy (Lowest competitor price,10% less than lowest competitor
price, Highest competitor price ..etc) - Enter - Back
You can see the Competitor Price on "Suggested Price Field" which can be used to alter the final
retail price.
Before that.. Plse check the followingi in customization
1. The sales Pricing Procedure WWS00.. assigned to the "Pricing Type " should have the Condition
Type "VKPM"
2. List variant should have the List field "VORPR" Suggested Price
3. Suggested price field" VORPR" assigned to the Sales Pricing Procedure "WWS00.."
4. Assignment of Control tables (153,152,154) to VKPM condition type for Pricing levels (01,02,03)
for application "V" for Sales pricing procedure "WWS00.."

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