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Molly Donald
Elizabeth Geary
Myranda Hinkson
Christyana Wood

Team Schedule
Deadline Assignment Team Member(s) Status

1pm 14 SEP 2017 Team Charter RD Collaborative Complete

1pm 14 SEP 2017 Team Schedule RD Collaborative Complete

1pm 18 SEP 2017 Team Charter Peer Christy Complete


1pm 18 SEP 2017 Team Schedule Peer Collaborative Complete


1pm 20 SEP 2017 Team Charter Final Collaborative Complete


1pm 20 SEP 2017 Team Schedule Final Collaborative Complete


11:59pm 22 SEP Decide what project Collaborative Complete

2017 to pursue

1pm 25 SEP 2017 Letter of Inquiry Molly & Myranda Complete

Rough Draft

1pm 27 SEP 2017 Letter of Inquiry Peer Collaborative Complete


11:59pm 01 OCT Letter of Inquiry Final Molly & Myranda Complete

2017 (M&M) Draft
1pm 02 OCT 2017 Christy- Editor

1pm 11 OCT 2017 Ethnographic Elizabeth & Myranda Complete

Research Proposal
Rough Draft

1pm 16 OCT 2017 Ethnographic Christy Complete

Research Proposal
Peer Review

11:59pm 17 OCT Ethnographic Elizabeth & Myranda Complete

2017 (E&M) Research Proposal
1pm 18 OCT 2017 Final Draft Molly- Editor

11:59pm 25 OCT Have Finalized list of Everyone- Have one Complete

2017 interviews with dates interview. Have a set
and times interview time by this

11:59pm 05 NOV Have an artifact and Everyone- Have 1-2 Complete

2017 go over your field artifacts, review your
notes original field notes
and fill in left margin.
Post these in a
google doc so we can
start working on the
report by this date

1pm 15 NOV 2017 Ethnographic Report Christy- Compile Complete

Rough Draft Research and edit
notes, artifact details,

Elizabeth- Review
and edit interviews,
explain interview

Myranda (and lowkey

Elizabeth)- Write
transition pieces
between data

Molly- Edit overall for

cohesive style and
flow, create works
cited page

1pm 17 NOV 2017 Ethnographic Report Collaborative Complete

Peer Review

1pm 20 NOV 2017 Ethnographic Report Same as rough Complete

Final Draft

1pm 29 NOV 2017 Annotated E-Portfolio Individual

Rough Draft

1pm 04 DEC 2017 Annotated E-Portfolio Collaborative

Peer Review

1pm 11 DEC 2017 Annotated E-Portfolio Individual

(M&E) Final Draft

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