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Assignment 3 Grading Rubric

Text (100 points)

o Introduction (5 points) ____
o Hypothesis formatted correctly (4 points) ____
o Explanation of how IV, CVs, & DV are measured (6 points) ____
o Table 1: Descriptive Statistics (13 points) ____
Table formatted correctly, appropriate title & correct table # (5 points)
Mentions where the data came from (2 points)
IV, 2 CVs, & DV included (2 points)
Explains the range and mean for each variable correctly (4 points)
o 3 criteria for causality listed and defined correctly (6 points) ____
o Table 2: Correlation Matrix (16 points) ____
Table formatted correctly, appropriate title & correct table # (5 points)
IV, 2 CVs, & DV included (4 points)
Mentions the strength, direction, and statistical significance between
the IV & DV (3 points)
Mentions the strength, direction, and statistical significance between
the CVs and DV (4 points)
Mentions the strength, direction for the IVs/CVs that are statistically
Significant/use * footnotes (-1 point each significant is not mentioned)
o Time Order (7 points) ____
Mentions when the IV, CVs, & DV were collected (4 points)
Correct interpretation of time order (3 points)
o Table 3: Multiple Regression for Model (21 points) ____
Table formatted correctly, appropriate title & correct table # (5 points)
IV, 2 CVs, & DV included (4 points)
Mentions the significance for both the IV & 2 CVs (3 points)
Mentions if the significance of the IV changes or stays the same after
CVs are added (2 points)
Mentions the slope for the IV and explains it correctly (2 points)
Mentions the adjusted R2 value and explains it correctly (2 points)
Mentions spuriousness and explains it correctly (3 points)
o Conclusion (12 points) ____
Correct interpretation of correlation (3 points)
Correct interpretation of time order (3 points)
Correct interpretation of spuriousness (3 points)
Correct interpretation of support for the hypothesis (3 points)
o Quality of Writing (10 points) ____

Late (-5 points per day that the assignment is late) ____

GRAND TOTAL (100 points): ____

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