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Codebook for Labs 10, 11, 12 & Assignment 3

The data file used for this project contains a variety of information about Boston neighborhoods.
Neighborhoods are defined as census tracts. There are 163 census tracts (or neighborhoods) in
the city of Boston. The data contained in the file comes from five separate sources:
Boston Public Safety (BPS) Survey: This survey was a random telephone survey of
residents conducted by the Boston Police Department in 1997 which means, if successfully
executed, it is representative of the entire city. There were 2,000 participants. The survey
was originally designed to get information from Boston citizens on topics such as public
safety, attitudes toward police, and community policing involvement.
Boston Police Department (BPD): Information about crime was obtained from incident
reports from the Boston Police Department for 1997.
1990 Census: Basic demographics (income, age, race, housing circumstances, etc.) data
were obtained from the 1990 census. Every ten years, the U.S. Bureau of the Census collects
information on all people living in the United States.
Boston Assessors Department (BAD): Information about property in 1996 for the
purposes of taxation in the city of Boston is collected by this department. Information on all
land parcels and property are contained in the file.
Coles Business Directory (CPD): Local Business Directory (Yellow Pages). All businesses
and organizations, social services, etc., are listed for 1996.

The following is the list of variables in this file, followed by the variable label and source.
Variable Label Source
TRACT* Census tract number 1990 Census
PVACUT % of housing units that are vacant 1990 Census
POWNCC % of housing units that are owner occupied 1990 Census
PGRAFI % survey respondents who believe graffiti is a problem in the neighborhood BPS Survey
PKIDS % of survey respondents who believe kids hanging around is a problem BPS Survey
PINV % of respondents involved in community policing programs BPS Survey
PRELY % of respondents who feel like they can count on their neighbors for help BPS Survey
ASSET2 Number of membership organizations CBD
BRESMOB % residents that moved within last five years 1990 Census
COMPARC % parcels zoned for commercial use BAD
PCTPOV % population living in poverty 1990 Census
SPAR % single parent households 1990 Census
PCTWHITE % population that is white 1990 Census
TCRATE Total call rate per 1,000 households BPD incidents
TINCRATE Rate of prostitution, panhandling, gatherings, loud parties, minor BPD incidents
disturbances, and vandalism incidents per 1,000
TCASE Number of recreational/educational assets BPD incidents
VIOLRATE Rate of homicide, rape, assault, and robbery incidents per 1,000 BPD incidents
PROPRATE Rate of theft, burglary, and larceny incidents per 1,000 BPD incidents
RATEVA* Violent crime arrest rates per 1,000 BPD arrests
RATEPA* Property crime arrest rates per 1,000 BPD arrests
*These cannot be used for Assignment 3.

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