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Lesson: Sound /n/ Theme: Growing in the Garden

Sunday: 29th October 2017

On Sunday I observed my colleague Meera when she taught a lesson in KG2A, the lesson was

sound /n/. Meera started with the usual morning routine then she reviewed the previous lesson through

a small activity in the carpet then she started the new lesson. For assessing the students she did different

activities and evaluated the students through the small groups dividing.

In my opinion I think that the lesson was successful because the students by the end of the lesson

and during the activities time they were capable of reading and recognizing the sound. Moreover,

students were able to recognize and read the new words.

In the future I think that Meera needs to find some strategies to prevent the challenging behaviors

during the carpet time.

Overall the lesson was good and the activities were suitable for the students level. I think that

Meera did well and her strategies and style were used good to deliver the lesson easily for the students.

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