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ECO : 121



- - Abhishek Shaw.

DATED- MAY. 5th .2010

Topic: Investment In Infrastructure: Recent Trends.
 introduction
 Technically, Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational
structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the
services and facilities necessary for mankind.
 But what does an infrastructure means?
 An infrastructure consists of dams, building, bridges, hotels, park,
restaurants, apartment, universities, offices, roads, railway station,
airport, houses etc.
 Economically, infrastructure is very efficient thing which
contributes highest in a country’s growth. Everywhere in the world
infrastructures are the representatives of the status of the economic
condition of a country. As if we go to America we will find huger,
smarter, and efficient infrastructures than that of Bangladesh. So,
we see how infrastructures represents the status of a country. By
the infrastructures we can easily judge a country, of what is the
condition of the country i.e. whether it is developing or whether it
is developed.
 India lies somewhere in the middle of the developing and
developed country. The infrastructures now India is becoming
smarter, huger, and efficient as compared to other developing
countries. And this huge sector of infrastructure is totally accepted
in India with open hands. India is well known for its masterpiece in
infrastructures since the very beginning , TAJ MAHAL, QUTUB
and not only the old ones but the Indians now the some new things
to show the world that India is now taken part into this huge
competition of status. Some of them are hotel TAJ, OBEROI
phagwara punjab, which has been rated A+ in infrastructure, and
many more. Even the future of the infrastructure in India is very
bright. India has signed the project of world’s tallest building in
Mumbai. The project is passed but not yet dated. So, we see how
India is challenging the world by its art of perfections.

 Very silently infrastructure has become a very important part of

our lives, it started from houses as the most basic need of human
and now it has becom huge! And still maintaining its consistency,
today also it is the most basic need of human. We can find great
examples of infrastructure all over the world. In the whole world
we can fing tons of examples of infrastructure. Like the tallest
example was the TWIN TOWERS, new York, whose place is now
replaced by BURJ-KHALIFA in Dubai. It is also said to be an
evergreen branch of study & money, because new ideas will
always keep coming and more better infrastructures will keep on
developing, and the construction which prevails since the
beginning of our existence will prevail till the end of the world.

Investment in infrastructures:
 Engineers generally limit the use of the term infrastructure to
describe fixed assets that are in the form of a large network. Recent
efforts to devise more generic definitions of infrastructure have
typically referred to the network aspects of most of the structures
and to the accumulated value of investments in the networks as
assets. One such effort defines infrastructure as the network of
assets "where the system as a whole is intended to be maintained
indefinitely at a specified standard of service by the continuing
replacement and refurbishment of its components."

Infrastructure Investment India 2009  is the platform for the entire

infrastructure community. With the Indian government's plan to spend
an estimated $567.2 billion over the next 5 years on infrastructure
developments, there is no better time than now to explore what the
investment opportunities are at Terrapinn's Infrastructure Investment
India. At this event, you will:

 Hear from the Indian regulators & infrastructure owners sharing

investment opportunities
 Identify viable investment models and review successfull PPP
models in India
 Network with investors who are ready to invest in India's
infrastructure sector

 India will double its investment in Infrastructure to $500

billion or about 8% of GDP, over the next 3 - 5 years .
 Key highlights of investment in india:

 Infrastructure industry specific focused sessions led by 6 Ministries

in India including the Ministries of Rail, Road Transport &
Highways, Shipping & Ports, Airports, Power & Energy and Urban

 India Infrastructure Fund Showcase Find out more about the

available infrastructure funds and handpick the one that matches
your profile

 Retail Investors Lunch Open to India's retail investors; Find out

how you can invest in the infrastructure sector to generate long-
term stable returns

 Indian infrastructure developers’ roundtable discussion to review

the development opportunities and the best partnership models

 Financiers straight talk for leading multilateral, development &

commercial banks to share financing strategies for infrastructure
projects in India
 Infrastructure Investment World India 2009 is an unrivalled and
cost-effective sales and marketing solution that works throughout
the year, providing you with new contacts and great exposure,
culminating in an event which will bring you face-to-face with
your key customers and prospects

 We must see how serious the issue of infrastructure is! In America

there is the biggest example of a conference regarding
infrastructures, which is stated in the following article from a
newspaper of America.

 It says as, Infrastructure Investment World Americas 2010 has

established itself as the longest running infrastructure investment
conference in the USA.

 Infrastructure Investment World Americas 2010 will bring together

government officials from both a State and Federal level, labor
union leaders and industry thought leaders to address these issues
head on and to carve out a strategy to drive US infrastructure

 Whereas in Dubai the investments are as follows:

 “Dubai must be seen to be believed. Even its skyline is unreal–

rising straight out of the desert and now dominated by the 2625 ft
tall, 160-story, silver and glass structure, the Burj Khalifa, built by
Samsung to be twice as tall as the Empire State Building in New

The above statement from te executives of Dubai clearly shows the

proud and confidence of challenging the biggest player openly,
which laterally shows the hefty competition to be the best.
However India is also challenging the world by its very new
project of building the tallest building in whole world.

 The statistics of global investment is shown below upto year 2007:




USD Billions


1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

And not only this we have a bright branch in management regarding

infrastructures, known as INFRASTRUCTURE ASSET

 It is the discipline of managing infrastructure assets that underpin

an economy, such as roading, water supply, wastewater,
stormwater, power supply, flood management, recreational and
other assets. In the past these assets have typically been owned and
managed by local or central government. Investment in these assets
is made with the intention that dividends will accrue through
increased productivity, improved living conditions and greater
 Asset Management Plan

 Asset Management Plans (AMP) are tactical plans for managing an

organisation's infrastructure and other assets in order to achieve
strategic objectives. Usually an Asset Management Plan will cover
more than a single asset, taking a system approach - especially
where a number of assets must work together in order to deliver an
agreed standard of service.

 It is in the Asset Management Plan that the standard of service is

recorded and compared against current standard, along with a long-
term plan that shows how an organisation will deliver the defined
standard of service for the minimum whole-life cost.
Some of the examples of infratstructures:
the world is full of great examples of infrastructures: some of the biggest
examples are:





7. Hotel taj, Malabar
Future of infrastructures:
we really see a bright future of infrastructure in the world.
Being an evergreen branch this segment is really good for
investment and the way to earn as well. This branch is opening
new doors of success over the world and hopefully it will keep
on doing so till the world lasts. It has opened thousand of
opportunities for the students also in the studies.
And now the scientists are developing smarter houses, to which
we will be able to communicate with. They says the house will
act as an automatic alarm and as one will get up from one’s bed
the house will recite him about temperature, climate, humidity,
and the latest news of the morning. The house will itself protect
it from thiefry and robbery. The house will send a message to
the owners number and to the metropolitan police about any
security breach in the house. The just is, our house will grow
safer in future.
The infrastructure are going to be safer and smarter in our very
near future. So we hope a better tomorrow in life.
The whole study of infrastructure ends straight up to
development . the development of building, development of
bridges or rather the development of the country. It is totally
concentrated to the economy and the standard of living of the
country. More efficient the infrastructures more the developed
country is. Infrastructures has always been the most basic need
of the human since the beginning. It has always provided
convenience to travel, to live, to stay, to play, and to develop.
Development is in the blood of human no one in the world is
satisfied with its present state, the developed country wants to
be perfect and this branch of new ideas makes the perfection
temporary. So this endless race of being the best is causing and
will remain causing the human towards the unachievable
perfections. This branch has opened new fields of study and
investment which brings heftier profits to the followers. The
disciplines related to this branch are:
Hospitals, an many more! So this endless war to be the best will
continue till the end.

 References:
This term paper consists material from following sources: for the photos shown in the term paper.
And for the material used for describing the
investment and the branh of management ie:AMP. Else all the
material is typed by own under self knowledge and with the help
of net.


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