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Echinochloa crus-galli (L.)P.Beauv is a type of wild grass originating from tropical Asia that
was formerly classified as a type of Panicum grass. It is commonly known
as cockspur (or cockspur grass), barnyard millet,common barnyard grass, or simply "barnyard
grass" .. Echinochloa crus-galli (L.)P.Beauv is a tall (up to 1 m), erect, clumped annual (living
only 1 season, summer/autumn) grass with stems often growing from the lower nodes

Leaves are deep green, flat and with no ligule (appendage at base of leaf). Leaf blade is long,
20mm wide, hairless or slightly hairy on the margins near the base, tapered to a point with
prominent midrib.Inflorescence (flower head) has up to 15 spikelets in a lance-shaped
arrangement. Spiklets are usually straight. When in flower spiklets appear green and tinged
with purple. Flowers/seed are not in obvious rows. Fruit (grain) is pale brown when ripe.This
grass is found in disturbed areas, often around water courses.

It is easily removed by cutting the roots out with a knife. Spraying with glyphosate is also
effective.(B. A. Auld et al,2005) . It will grow in a variety of soils in wet situations, but is usually

found on silts and clays in ponds and depressions.(Seaman et al., 1968).Considered one of the
world's worst weeds, it reduces crop yields and causes forage crops to fail by removing up to
80% of the available soil nitrogen. The high levels of nitrates it accumulates can poison
livestock. It acts as a host for several mosaic virus diseases. Heavy infestations can interfere
with mechanical harvesting.Individual plants can produce up to 40,000 seeds per year. Water,
birds, insects, machinery, and animal feet disperse it, but contaminated seed is probably the
most common dispersal method.(Jimmy Wales.2017).

Echinochloa cruss-galli (L.) P.Beauv takes 42-64 days to complete its life cycle. It reproduces
and spreads by seeds that are often mixed with rice seed. The seed production can vary from
2000 to 40000 per plant. Some seeds germinate immediately after harvest, while others remain
dormant for 4 to 48 months. Photoperiod influences the number of dormant seeds and the
intensity of dormancy. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year.( Herberger J. P. et al 1991).

Numerous cultural strategies are available for Echinochloa crus-galli (L.)P.Beauv control,
which can be implemented according to specic eld conditions,weed intensity, crop stage,
and available resources (Chauhan,2013). The rst important step in Echinochloa crus-galli
(L.)P.Beauv management is preventing the weed from entering or establishing within a given
area.Prevention can work to reduce weed pressure for different crops.For instance, if the
seedlings of Echinochloa crus-galli (L.)P.Beauv are avoided to be transplanted with rice
seedlings, weed infestation may be controlled. Although difcult, yet the careful observation
during nursery up rooting can help to separate Echinochlo crus-galli (L.)P.Beauv seedlings
from rice seedlings (Chin, 2001; Norsworthy et al., 2012). For direct seeding, sowing of rice
seeds free from Echinochloa crus-galli (L.)P.Beauv seeds can help to keep check on the weed.
Clean cultivation is another important preventive strategy, which can help to keep a check on
Echinochloa crus-galli (L.)P.Beauv in rice elds (Zhang, 2003.)

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