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August 27, 2010

Dear Republican Leader:

With yet another disastrous budget by Albany Democrats, now more than ever we must stand
together and support Rick Lazio in his campaign to be the next governor of New York State.

After an extensive grassroots screening process, Rick Lazio was the sole candidate chosen by
your wide-open Republican State Convention to run for governor on the Republican line.

Rick is a credible and experienced candidate. He is a strong advocate for our Republican values
and has the ability and experience to run an effective state-wide campaign and to govern New
York in accordance with those values.

New York is being crushed by the taxing, spending and borrowing of the Democrats who control
all of Albany. Their corruption, dysfunction and mismanagement have discouraged investment
and driven businesses and jobs from our borders. That is why we must unite to defeat Andrew
Cuomo who has been a part of New York’s Democratic establishment for more than thirty

A recent Associated Press article’s headline, “Lazio Rising,” says it all about Rick’s ability to lead
our ticket. In just the past several weeks, Rick’s campaign has girded itself for the general
election with new staff and renewed intensity. His fundraising is up, and he is on the airwaves
across the state. Rick’s leadership focused national attention on Andrew Cuomo’s failure to
investigate funding for the Mosque at Ground Zero, and last Sunday he effectively addressed
the issue on NBC’s Meet the Press. Rick is a credible candidate who can lead our ticket to the
most significant and important Republican victories in New York since 1994.

This Election Day presents great opportunities for our party. New Yorkers of all political stripes
are looking to our fiscally conservative principles to lift the burden on our forgotten taxpayers
and the State’s economy and end our fiscal crisis. We can win state-wide offices, take back the
Senate majority, make substantial Assembly gains and contribute more to winning the U.S.
House of Representatives than any other state in the union.
To do this we must come together to fight against the corruption, dysfunction and failed
policies of the Democrats in Albany. We are on our way to great victories in November, but
uniting behind our designated candidate at the top of the ticket is essential to that success.


Edward F. Cox
Chairman, New York Republican State Committee

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