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What are the benefits of deploying an Expert System on the Web?

The Expertise is made available to a wider audience, use of a common interface, etc.

Can you explain the success factors of Eexpert System?

Level of knowledge must be sufficiently high
Expertise must be available from at least one expert
The problem must narrow in scope
The user interface must be friendly to novice users
The problem to be solved must be difficult and important enough to justify the development
of a system
The impact of ES must be considered
The impact should be favorable
Management support is needed

How is an Expert System work?

- A creation of a knowledge base which uses some knowledge representation structure to
capture the knowledge of the Subject Matter Expert (SME).
- A process of gathering that knowledge from the SME and codifying it according to the
structure, which is called knowledge engineering.
- Once the system is developed, it is placed in the same real world problem solving situation
as the human SME, typically as an aid to human workers or as a supplement to some
information system.

What are fields that include Expert System?

The fields that include ES are:

Computer Science
What are the different between Human Expert and Expert Systems?

Human Expert = An expert is an individual who has a superior capability understanding of a problem.
Ex: a doctor, financial advisor, etc
Expert System = Are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning about knowledge, like an
expert, and not by following the procedure of a developer as is the case in conventional

TIME AVAILABILITY : Human Expert (Working Day) ... Expert System (Any Time)
GEOGRAPICAL : Human Expert (Specific location) ... Expert System (wherever)
SECURITY: Human Expert (Not replaceable) ... Expert System (can be replaced)
PERISHABLE: Human Expert (Yes) ... Expert System (No)
PERFORMANCE: Human Expert (variable) ... Expert System (consistent)
SPEED : Human Expert (variable) ... Expert System (consistent and more fast)

What is example Expert System in education?

In education, expert system are used in various kinds of A.I and education projects:
- Intelligent tutoring system
- Intelligent learning enviroments
- Adaptive hypertext system
- Simulation system

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