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Question bank

Electronic Engineering II
1. What is the effect of emitter by pass capacitor on LF response of amplifier

2. Explain the need for cascading

3. Discuss the advantages of transformer coupled amplifier

4. Explain the need for coupling in amplifiers.

5. State and derive Millers theorem

6. Mention the advantages of negative feedback amplifier

7. Derive the expression for gain of Negative feedback amplifier

8. Draw the equivalent circuit for Current Amplifier

9. Distinguish between Amplifiers and Oscillators

10. What is Barkhausans criteria

11. Classify Power amplifiers

12. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of Class B push pull amplifier

13. Classify different classes of amplifiers based on efficiency

14. What is cross over distortion? How can it be reduced.

15. Show that a High pass filter can act as a differentiator

16. Show that a Low pass filter can act as an integrator

17. What is a 2 level clipper.

18. Explain unbiased negative clipper with waveforms

1. Derive the expressions for input and output impedences of Current series feedback

2. Derive the expressions for input and output impedences of Voltage shunt feedback

3. Write short notes on Darlington amplifier

4. Write short notes on Cascode amplifier

5. Write short notes on Frequency response of direct coupled amplifiers

6. Discuss in detail the Working of RC coupled amplifier and mention its applications

7. Discuss the high frequency response of RC coupled amplifier and Derive the relevant

8. Explain in detail about various kinds of Couplings. Mention their advantages

,disadvantages and applications

9. Explain the effect of cascading on bandwidth of amplifiers

10. Classify various types of feedback amplifiers and draw their block diagram

11. An Amplifier has an Open loop gain of 800 , input and output impedence of 1K and 10K
Ohms repectively and a feedback factor of 0.05. Calculate the Voltage gain with

12. In an Amplifier maximum Gain is 1500 . The gain falls to 1060.5 at 20 Hz and 20Kz.
Determine the lower cut off frequency , higher cut off frequency and bandwidth

13. Derive the expression for frequency of oscillation of Wein bridge oscillator

14. Derive the expression for frequency of oscillation of Colpitts oscillator

15. Mention the applications of various types of oscillators

16. Write short notes on frequency stability of oscillators

17. Explain the operation of push pull amplifier with a neat sketch

18. Explain the different types of distortions in amplifiers

19. Write short notes on Class C amplifiers

20. Explain the Square wave response of a RC HPF

21. Explain the Operation of a biased positive clamper

22. Explain the Operation of a biased positive clamper

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