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Albert the Great

Saint Albert of Lauingen was born in Swabia
at the beginning of the 13th century. Having
studied at Padua and Paris, he entered the Order
and excelled as a professor. Consecrated bishop
of Ratisbon, he strove earnestly for peace. He
wrote extensively for the advantage of the sacred
and secular sciences. He died at Cologne in 1280.
St. Thomas Aquinas
Saint Thomas, a member of the noble family of
Aquino, was born in Rocca Sicca in 1225 and spent
his early years in the Abbey of Monte Cassino.
Against his familys wishes, he entered the Order of
Preachers at Naples in 1244 and was sent to Cologne
to finish his studies under Saint Albert the Great. He
devoted all his energy to the service of truth;
imparting it to others through writing, teaching, and
preaching. He died at Fossanova on 7 March 1274
while on his way to the Council of Lyons.
St. Catherine of Siena
Catherine Benincasa was born at Siena, Italy in
1347. Inspired by divine grace, she vowed her
virginity to God and pursued a life of prayer and
penance as a sister of the Third Order of Saint
Dominic. On fire with love of God and neighbor, she
established peace and concord between cities,
vigorously fought for the rights and freedom of the
Pope, and promoted the renewal of religious life. By
the grace of God, she received the stigmata on 1 April
1375. She died in Rome on 29 April 1380, and was
buried in Rome.
St. Rose of Lima
Rose was born at Lima in 1586. She led a
virtuous life at home and, after being received to
the Third Order of Preachers, she made great
progress in a life of penance and contemplation.
Her great love for Christ is manifested by her care
and concern for the poor and the sick. She died
on 24 August 1617.
St. Martin de Porres
Martin was born at Lima of John, a Spanish
nobleman and Anna Velasquez, a freed Negro
slave in 1579. He studied medicine which later, as
a member of the Order of Preachers, he used in
helping the poor. He led a humble and
disciplined life and was devoted to the Passion of
Our Lord and the Holy Eucharist. He died in 3
November 1639.
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
Lorenzo, the protomartyr of the Philippines, is
a Chineze mestizo from Binondo. He is a member
of the Cofrada del Santsimo Rosario of the
Order, and an altar server and a parish escribiente
or clerk. In order to protect himself after being
falsely accused of murdering a Spaniard, he
joined the Dominican missionaries who were
leaving for Japan. He received the crown of
martyrdom in Nagasaki on 29 September 1637.
St. Vincent Ferrer
Saint Vincent Ferrer was born at Valencia in
1350. He entered the Order of Preachers at the age
of seventeen and taught theology. He observed
strict spiritual life and later embraced itinerant
preaching. As a preacher, he traveled through
many regions and instructed many people to
observe the faith and reform their lives. He died
at Vannes in 1419.

Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours

Supplement to the Liturgy of the Hours for the
Order of Preachers in the Philippines

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