Dietary Supplements, 3rd Edition

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Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements

Pamela Mason
BSc, MSc, PhD, MRPharmS
Pharmacist and Registered Nutritionist Writer and Consultant
Grosmont, Monmouthshire, UK

London Chicago
Published by the Pharmaceutical Press
An imprint of RPS Publishing

1 Lambeth High Street, London SE1 7JN, UK

100 South Atkinson Road, Suite 200, Grayslake, IL 600307820, USA

c Pharmaceutical Press 2007

is a trade mark of RPS Publishing

RPS Publishing is the publishing organisation of the Royal

Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

First edition published by Blackwell Science Ltd 1995

Reprinted 1998
Second edition 2001
Third edition 2007

Typeset by Techbooks, New Delhi, India

Printed in Great Britain by Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, Wiltshire

ISBN 978 0 85369 653 7

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The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with
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The right of Pamela Mason to be identified as the author of this
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Designs and Patents Act, 1988

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Preface vii
About the author viii
Introduction ix
How to use this book xviii
Abbreviations xxii

Aloe vera 1 Evening primrose oil 99

Alpha-lipoic acid 4 Fish oils 103
Antioxidants 8 Flavonoids 118
Bee pollen 19 Flaxseed oil 124
Betaine 21 Fluoride 127
Biotin 23 Folic acid 129
Boron 25 Gamma-oryzanol 139
Branched-chain amino acids 28 Garlic 141
Brewers yeast 31 Ginkgo biloba 146
Bromelain 33 Ginseng 152
Calcium 36 Glucosamine 159
Carnitine 47 Grape seed extract 166
Carotenoids 51 Green-lipped mussel 169
Chitosan 61 Green tea extract 171
Chlorella 63 Guarana 176
Choline 65 Iodine 177
Chondroitin 68 Iron 180
Chromium 71 Isoflavones 184
Coenzyme Q 76 Kelp 195
Conjugated linoleic acid 81 Lecithin 196
Copper 85 Magnesium 199
Creatine 89 Manganese 206
Dehydroepiandrosterone 94 Melatonin 208

vi Contents

Methylsulfonylmethane 215 Superoxide dismutase 300

Molybdenum 217 Thiamine 301
N -acetyl cysteine 219 Tin 307
Niacin 223 Vanadium 309
Nickel 227 Vitamin A 312
Octacosanol 229 Vitamin B6 318
Pangamic acid 235 Vitamin B12 324
Pantothenic acid 236 Vitamin C 330
Para-amino benzoic acid 239 Vitamin D 339
Phosphatidylserine 240 Vitamin E 346
Phytosterols 243 Vitamin K 355
Potassium 248 Zinc 359
Probiotics and prebiotics 251
Psyllium 263 Appendix 1
Pycnogenol 268 Guidance on safe upper levels of
vitamins and minerals 366
Quercetin 272
Resveratrol 276
Appendix 2
Riboflavin 279
Drug and supplement
Royal jelly 283 interactions 367
S -adenosyl methionine 285
Selenium 288 Appendix 3
Shark cartilage 294 Additional resources 370
Silicon 296
Spirulina 298 Index 373

SINCE THE SECOND EDITON of this book was questions on these products. Although there is
published five years ago, the UK and worldwide an abundance of spurious information, there
market for food supplements has continued to is, alongside this, a growing evidence base for
grow. Vitamins and minerals in multiple- dietary supplements. A large number of peer-
ingredient products and as single ingredients reviewed, high-quality trials, systematic reviews
remain very popular. Indeed, multivitamins and and meta-analyses have been published since
minerals have the largest share of the market in the second edition of this book, offering health
most countries. professionals a better evidence base from which
However, since the last edition, there has to offer information to the public.
been an enormous growth in interest in other There are still, of course, many uncertainties,
supplements, such as carotenoids, glucosamine, and the inevitable more research needed will
isoflavones, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics, continue to apply to many dietary supplements
substances that were hardly known to the for some time to come. However, this should
general public until very recently. Technological not prevent health professionals from giving
advances are increasingly making it possible evidence-based information where it exists and
to include such ingredients in both dietary being honest enough to say research has not yet
supplements and foods, hence the blurring of provided the answers where appropriate.
boundaries between supplements, functional So, what has changed in the third edition of
foods and the nutraceutical ingredients that go Dietary Supplements? The answer to this lies
into them. As the range of substances identified mainly in the depth of information provided
in foods, and knowledge of their potential in the monographs, which has arisen entirely
benefits in disease, continues to grow, it is likely because of the growth in the research base.
that many more such substances will be included Ten new monographs have also been added.
in food supplements in the future. Another significant change is the inclusion of
The amount of information about food sup- maximum safe upper levels for vitamins and
plements has grown exponentially during the minerals, which have been published in the
last few years, most of it appearing on the UK since the second edition. The regulatory
Internet and fully accessible to the public. Added framework for dietary supplements has also
to which is the huge variety of food supplements changed in the UK, in that the European Union
on the shelves of pharmacies, health food shops, Food Supplements Directive has now come into
supermarkets and on the Internet. Finding an force. Although this has meant limited change to
evidence-based path through the maze of infor- the book, the labelling and marketing of supple-
mation and products is an enormous challenge ments is likely to change in the near future.
for the health professional, and it is very The easy-to-use encyclopaedic format con-
confusing for the potential buyer who wants to tinues to be retained and it is my intention
know what really works. that this book is primarily a reference source,
Few health professionals, including pharma- which I hope will continue to be useful to many
cists, nurses, doctors or dieticians, have an colleagues around the world.
in-depth knowledge of dietary supplements, yet Pamela Mason
the public expects them to be able to answer January 2007

About the author

PAMELA MASON is a pharmacist and registered and her experience in community pharmacy,
nutritionist working as a writer and consultant where she was often asked questions about
based in Grosmont, Monmouthshire. She quali- these products. She is the author of three
fied as a pharmacist at Manchester University other books, several open learning programmes
and worked as a community pharmacist for and over 300 articles. She teaches nutrition to
several years before studying at Kings College pharmacists at both undergraduate and post-
London, where she completed an MSc and PhD graduate level and gives conference presenta-
in nutrition. Her interest in food supplements tions about supplements both in the UK and
began as a result of her studies in nutrition abroad.


There is now considerable interest in dietary r As a tonic or pick-me-up when feeling run-
supplements, and increasing numbers of people down or after illness.
are using them. In the National Diet and Nutri- r For symptoms of stress.
tion Survey of British adults aged 1964 years, r Recommended by an alternative health prac-
40% were taking supplements.1 In the UK, sales titioner or health professional.
of dietary supplements in 2005 were approx- r Pregnancy.
imately 326 million in bricks and mortar r Slimming.
shops (excluding health food shops).2 Sales of r Smoking.
some of the different types of supplements (2005 r To improve performance and body-building
figures) are shown in Table 1. in sports and athletics.
r To prevent or treat various signs and symp-
toms (e.g. colds, cardiovascular disease, can-
cer, poor sight, skin problems, arthritis,
Table 1 Sales of different types of supplements
in the UK (2005)
premenstrual syndrome, etc.).

Type of supplement Sales( million) While there is a great deal of information about
these substances increasingly so on the Internet
not all of it is reliable. Indeed, there are
Fish oils 116
probably few areas associated with health care
Multivitamins 72
Single vitamins 35 where such confusion exists. This confusion
Evening primrose oil and other 13 extends to health professionals as well as the
GLA products general public. Because dietary supplements are
Garlic 7 not considered to be drugs, pharmacists are
Other 83 often unfamiliar with them and, because they
Total 326 are not foods (in the sense of being part of
GLA = gamma-linolenic acid. a normal diet), dieticians are understandably
wary of recommending them. Doctors typically
receive little nutritional education and may not
Individuals buy supplements for many different have the knowledge or the time to give informed
reasons, which may include the following: advice.
In addition, supplements are a topic about
r As an insurance policy, to supplement what which there is a great deal of disagreement
an individual may consider to be a poor diet even between nutrition experts. Some say they
(e.g. no time or inclination to eat regular are largely unnecessary because a balanced diet
meals). provides all the required vitamins and minerals,
r To improve overall health and fitness. others say that supplements make a worthwhile
r To prolong vitality and delay the onset of contribution to a healthy diet, while increas-
age-associated problems. ingly, some experts say that optimal health

x Introduction

cannot easily be achieved in some areas without For the purposes of the European Union (EU)
them. Directive on food supplements the term food
Given the growth in sales of dietary supple- supplements means:
ments, it is appropriate to ask what evidence
foodstuffs the purpose of which is to supplement
there is that they work. Are there rigorous the normal diet and which are concentrated sources
trials to show that these products work? Un- of nutrients or other substances with a nutritional
til the early 1990s, there were relatively few or physiological effect, alone or in combination,
well-conducted trials involving vitamins and marketed in dose form, namely forms such as
minerals, and fewer still on substances such as capsules, pastilles, tablets, pills and other similar
garlic, fish oils, ginseng, and so on. Evidence forms, sachets of powder, ampoules of liquids, drop
was largely limited to anecdotal reports and dispensing bottles, and other similar forms of liquids
single case studies. The argument often used and powders designed to be taken in measured small
to be made that controlled trials could not unit quantities.
be conducted with supplements, because they
In the USA, the Dietary Supplement Health
often contain a range of natural ingredients
Education Act (DSHEA) 1994 defines a dietary
whose effects are difficult to separate. However,
supplement as:
such arguments are often misguided, and an
increasing body of evidence is now emerging a product (other than tobacco) that is intended to
from double-blind randomised controlled trials, supplement the diet which bears or contains one or
and also from systematic reviews and meta- more of the following dietary ingredients: a vitamin,
analyses. Some of these suggest that some sup- a mineral, a herb or other botanical, an amino acid,
plements (e.g. folic acid, fish oils) are effective a dietary substance for use by man to supplement
in some groups of the population in certain the diet by increasing the total daily intake, or
circumstances. However, for other supplements a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract or
(e.g. royal jelly), there is little evidence of combinations of these ingredients. It is intended for
benefit. ingestion in pill, capsule, tablet or liquid form, is not
represented for use as a conventional food or as the
sole item of a meal or diet and is labelled as a dietary
What are dietary supplements?
This definition, like that in the UK, also expands
the meaning of dietary supplements beyond
Various definitions for dietary supplements exist
essential nutrients, to include such substances
worldwide. In the UK, the definition developed
as ginseng, garlic, psyllium, other plant ingredi-
by the Proprietary Association of Great Britain
ents, enzymes, fish oils and mixtures of these.
(PAGB), British Herbal Manufacturers Associ-
The EU definition does not currently include
ation (BHMA) and the Health Food Manufac-
substances apart from vitamins and minerals,
turers Association (HFMA) is that they are:
but other substances may be included in the
foods in unit dosage form, e.g. tablets, capsules future.
and elixirs, taken to supplement the diet. Most are One of the key points in these definitions is
products containing nutrients normally present in that dietary supplements are products consumed
foods which are used by the body to develop cells, in unit quantities in addition to normal food in-
bone, muscle etc, to replace co-enzymes depleted by take. This differentiates supplements from other
infection and illness, and generally to maintain good foods, such as fortified foods and functional
health. foods, to which nutrients are added. However,
a major difference in the US definition is the
In addition to vitamins and minerals, this defi- explicit inclusion of herbs or other botanicals
nition also covers ingredients such as garlic, fish in the list of dietary ingredients.
oils, evening primrose oil and ginseng, which In the UK, herbal products are currently
can be taken to supplement dietary intake or marketed under a variety of arrangements
for their suggested health benefits. either as fully licensed medicines, under the
Introduction xi

Traditional Herbal Medicines Product (THMP) 6 Enzymes with known physiological effects,
Directive, medicines exempt from licensing but of doubtful efficacy when taken by
under section 12 of the 1968 Medicines Act, or mouth, e.g. superoxide dismutase.
as cosmetics or foods, so they do not fall entirely 7 Amino acids or amino acid derivatives, e.g.
in the food supplements category. N-acetyl cysteine, S-adenosyl methionine.
Enteral feeds (e.g. Complan and Ensure)
and slimming aids are also classified as dietary
Uses of supplements
supplements by nutritionists and dieticians, but
for the purposes of this book, these products There are two main approaches to the use of
will be ignored. supplements. They can be used to:
r treat or prevent nutritional deficiency; and to
r reduce the risk of non-deficiency disease and
promote optimal health.
Dietary supplements fall into several categories
in relation to ingredients. These are: When vitamins were first discovered during the
early years of the 20th century, their only indi-
1 Vitamins and minerals cation was for the prevention and treatment of
r Multivitamins and minerals. These deficiency disease such as scurvy, beri-beri, pel-
normally contain around 100% of the lagra, etc. This led to the development of dietary
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) standards such as RDAs and, more recently, to
for vitamins, with varying amounts of the Dietary Reference Values (DRVs).3 These
minerals and trace elements. values were based on amounts of nutrients
r Single vitamins and minerals. These may required to prevent deficiency, and even though
contain very large amounts, and when subject to various limitations, they are still the
levels exceed ten times the RDA, they are best measure of dietary adequacy.
often termed megadoses. After the Second World War, it was thought
r Combinations of vitamins and minerals. that nutritional deficiencies had largely disap-
These may be marketed for specific popu- peared and scientific interest in vitamins and
lation groups, e.g. athletes, children, minerals waned. However, with the increase in
pregnant women, slimmers, teenagers, various chronic diseases such as cardiovascular
vegetarians, etc. disease and cancer, vitamins became an area of
r Combinations of vitamins and minerals growing interest again, and it was suggested that
with other substances, such as evening supplements might help to reduce the risk of
primrose oil and ginseng. such disease. At the start of the 21st century,
2 Unofficial vitamins and minerals, for which there is growing concern among the public to
a requirement and a deficiency disorder in improve quality of life and supplements are
humans has not, so far, been recognised, e.g. increasingly used to promote so-called optimum
boron, choline, inositol, silicon. health.
3 Natural oils containing fatty acids for which Despite the idea that nutritional deficiency
there is some evidence of beneficial effects, had disappeared, recent UK national diet and
e.g. evening primrose oil and fish oils. nutrition surveys have shown that there is
4 Natural substances containing herbal in- no room for complacency. Although average
gredients with recognised pharmacological dietary intakes may appear adequate, some
actions but whose composition and effects groups of the surveyed populations are clearly
have not been fully defined, e.g. echinacea, at risk of marginal deficiencies.
garlic, ginkgo biloba and ginseng. The National Diet and Nutrition Survey in
5 Natural substances whose composition and pre-school children4 showed that 8% of the sur-
effects are not well defined but which are veyed youngsters aged 11/2 to 41/2 were anaemic,
marketed for their health giving properties, a further 12% were mildly iron-deficient and
e.g. chlorella, royal jelly and spirulina. 15% had a poor intake of zinc. Vitamin A
xii Introduction

deficiency was present in 8%, vitamin B2 defi- vitamins and minerals than those aged 5064,
ciency in 23% and vitamin C deficiency in 3%. with mineral and trace element intakes in the
A similar nutritional survey of older children5 women aged 1924 years a particular cause for
again showed average nutrient intakes were concern.
largely fine, but anaemia was present in 1.5% of Although good diet is the most appropriate
boys and 5% of girls, with respective totals of route to achieving improved nutrition in these
13% and 27% having low serum ferritin an population groups, there is no evidence to
indication of iron deficiency. In addition, zinc suggest that risk of deficiency is a thing of the
was found to be low in the diets of 10% of boys past.
and 20% of girls. Also of concern were calcium Various groups of the population could be
intakes, which were below the Lower Reference at risk of nutrient deficiency and could benefit
Nutrient Intake (LRNI) in 6% of boys and 12% from supplementation. These include:
of girls. For magnesium, the respective figures r People in a particular demographic category,
were 12% and 27% and for vitamin A, 10%
e.g. infants and children, adolescents, women
and 11%. Furthermore, some of the surveyed
during pregnancy and lactation and through-
youngsters also appeared to have poor status
out the reproductive period, the elderly and
for vitamin B12 , vitamin C, vitamin D, folate,
ethnic minorities.
riboflavin and thiamine. r People whose nutritional status may be com-
The National Diet and Nutrition Survey of
promised by lifestyle (enforced or voluntary),
people aged 65 years and over6 showed that
e.g. smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts, slim-
there were nutritional problems in some
mers, strict vegetarians (i.e. vegans), food
individuals. Up to 38% of the survey population
faddists, individuals on low incomes and
was deficient in vitamin D, up to 38% were
deficient in vitamin C, up to 18% in folate, up r People whose nutritional status may be
to 15% in vitamin B12 and up to 30% in iron.
compromised by surgery and/or disease, e.g.
Of the free-living individuals, 11% of men and
malabsorption syndromes, hepato-biliary
9% of women were anaemic.
disorders, severe burns and wounds and
The most recent National Diet and Nu-
inborn errors of metabolism.
trition Survey involving British adults aged r People whose nutritional status may be com-
1964 years1 found that mean intakes of all
promised by long-term drug administration
nutrients in men are 100% of the RNI. For
(e.g. anticonvulsants may increase the re-
women, mean intakes of iron, magnesium and
quirement for vitamin D).
copper were below the RNI. However, mean
intakes fail to show the proportion of people Increasingly, people are taking supplements for
that do not achieve the RNI. For example, reasons other than prevention of deficiency and
for women, mean magnesium intake was 85% at amounts higher than the RDA. Moreover,
of the RNI, but 74% in this survey failed to evidence is increasing that, at least for some
achieve the RNI. Mean intakes also fail to show nutrients (e.g. folic acid, vitamin D), there may
that intakes in some age groups are particularly be benefits in achieving higher intakes than the
poor. For example, iron intake in women overall RDA.
was 82% of the RNI while in 1924-year-old However, while there is agreement about the
women it was 60% of the RNI. Overall, 91% beneficial effects of nutrients in the prevention
of women failed to achieve the RNI for iron of deficiency disease and the amounts required
while 41% of women aged 19 to 34 had intakes to achieve such effects, there is controversy
of iron below the LRNI. For magnesium and about amounts required for reduction in risk of
copper, intake overall in women is 85% and chronic disease and so-called optimum health.
86% of the RNI, respectively, but for women Some would argue that higher amounts are
aged 1924 years it was 76% of the RNI for required and that basing requirements for nu-
both minerals. Indeed, men and women aged trients only on the prevention of deficiency
1924 had significantly poorer intakes of all disease is inadequate. But what other end points
Introduction xiii

should be used is open to debate; longevity,

increased resistance to cancer and coronary Table 2 Limitations on the sale or supply of
heart disease, improved athletic performance, licensed medicines containing certain vitamins
etc. Higher levels of intake cannot always easily
be obtained from diet alone, and supplemen-
tation is required. However, excessive intake Vitamin Legal status
of some nutrients can lead to toxicity, and it
is with this in mind that several committees Vitamin A Up to 2250 g (7500 units) GSL
worldwide have established safe upper limits for Over 2250 g (7500 units) POM
supplement intake. Vitamin D Up to 10 g (400 units) GSL
Over 10 g (400 units) P
Cyanocobalamin Up to 10 g GSL
Legal status Over 10 g P
Folic acid Up to 200 g GSL
The UK
200500 g P
In the UK, the majority of dietary supplements Over 500 g POM
are classified legally as foods, and sold under
food law. There are just a few exceptions (e.g. GSL = subject to control under the Medicines (General Sales List) Order,
Abidec, Pregaday, Epogam, Efamast, Maxepa
POM = subject to control under the Medicines (Prescriptions Only)
and some generic vitamin and mineral prepa-
Order, 1977.
rations), which are licensed medicines. Unlike P = Pharmacy only products.
medicines, most supplements are not, therefore,
subject to the controls of the Medicines Act
(1968). Because supplements classed as foods do radio advertising standards codes) and the non-
not require product licences, they do not have broadcast media. These codes are policed by
to go through such rigorous clinical trials, and the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), an
are therefore much cheaper to put on the market independent body set up by the advertising
than medicines. industry.
Dietary supplements are not controlled by
quite the same strict conditions of dosage, Europe
labelling, purity criteria and levels of ingredients Across the countries of the European Union
as medicines. The retail supply of those vitamins (EU), the diversity of regulation for food supple-
that have product licences (i.e. medicines) are ments has been wide, with several approaches
subject to limitations which depend on their to regulating vitamin and mineral supplements
strength and maximum daily dose, as shown in such that one product of the same strength (e.g.
Table 2. vitamin C 1000 mg) can be a food in one country
Dietary supplements containing levels of vi- but a medicine in another.
tamins in excess of those in prescription-only However, the regulatory environment in
medicines are available to the public. However, Europe is changing rapidly. The European Com-
in recognition of the fact that consumers are mission has adopted Directive 2002/46/EC,
increasingly using high-dose products, the Food which lays down specific rules for vitamins
Standards Agency (FSA) Expert Group on Vi- and minerals used as ingredients for food
tamins and Minerals (EVM) has published safe supplements (see All food
levels of intake for vitamins and minerals.6 (See supplements containing vitamins or minerals
Appendix 3.) as well as other ingredients should conform
Claims that can be made for supplements to the specific rules for vitamins and minerals
are currently regulated by food law, but will laid down in the Directive. The Directive was
also be regulated at European level, possibly implemented in the UK in August 2005.
from 2007 (see below). Advertising of dietary The Directive includes a positive list of
supplements is regulated by various advertising vitamins and minerals permitted in food supple-
codes for both the broadcast media (TV and ments (Annex 1), and a second list identifying
xiv Introduction

the chemical substances that can be used in Mineral Group and the US National Academy
their manufacture (Annex 2). Only vitamins and of Sciences (see Appendix 3).
minerals in the forms listed may be used in The Directive also pays attention to adver-
the manufacture of food supplements. However, tising, presentation, purity criteria and labelling
until 31 December 2009, Member States may of content and dosage. Labels on dietary supple-
allow the use of vitamins and minerals not listed ments express their nutrient content in terms of
in Annex 1 or in forms not listed in Annex 2 RDAs. EU RDAs are based on the requirements
provided that: of men and are said to apply to average
r the substance was an ingredient in a food adults. They take no account of differences
in nutritional requirements according to age,
supplement marketed in the EC before 12
sex and other factors, and are therefore simple
July 2002;
r the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) approximations used for labels only.
Labelling should not imply that a varied
has not given an unfavourable opinion in
and adequate diet cannot provide sufficient
respect of the use of the substance, or its
quantities of nutrients. In addition, medicinal
use in that form, in the manufacture of
claims relating to the prevention, treatment
food supplements, on the basis of a dossier
or cure of disease in the labelling, advertis-
supporting use of the substance that had to be
ing or promotion of food supplements are
submitted to the Commission by the Member
State not later than 12 July 2005.
Health claims will be regulated by the pro-
Dossiers have been submitted for around 300 posed Health and Nutrition Claims Regulation,
substances (see These are which is expected to be adopted before the end
principally salts of minerals and trace elements, of 2006 and be applied six months later, by the
such as salts of boron, calcium, chromium, middle of 2007. Health claims such as calcium
cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, is good for your bones may be used on a label
molybdenum, potassium, selenium, vanadium so long as they are proven to apply to the
and zinc. However, some vitamin ingredients food supplement in question. Within 3 years of
also appear on the list of submitted dossiers. the Regulation entering force, the Commission
Specific rules concerning nutrients, other is to draw up a list of well-established health
than vitamins and minerals, or other substances claims to be used on labels, and Member States
with a nutritional or physiological effect used will be asked to submit a list of claims already
as ingredients of food supplements (e.g. fatty approved at national level. New health claims
acids, amino acids, fibre, and herbal ingredients) submitted for the list after this period or any
will be laid down at a later stage. A proposal disease risk reduction claims such as calcium
on the advisability of establishing specific rules helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis or X
on other nutritional substances is expected by reduces cholesterol, will have to be assessed
mid-2007. by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA)
The Directive will also establish maximum and be approved by the Commission. In the
permitted levels of vitamins and minerals for UK, the work of the Joint Health Claims Ini-
food supplements. These will take into account tiative (see has helped
upper safe levels of vitamins and minerals to inform health claims regulation at European
established by scientific risk assessment based level.
on generally accepted scientific data, intake This EC Regulation will also apply to
of vitamins and minerals from other dietary trademarks. Within 15 years of the Regulation
sources and the varying degrees of sensitivity entering into force, existing brand names
of different consumer groups. Figures for upper suggesting health benefits (such as promises of
levels of vitamins and minerals unlikely to have weight loss) that do not meet the requirements
adverse effects have been published by official of the Regulation must be phased out and
groups such as the EU Scientific Committee removed from the market. However, certain
on Food (SCF), the UK Expert Vitamin and generic descriptors such as digestives may
Introduction xv

apply for derogation from this rule (see International Global standards for vitamin and mineral sup-
tion/claims/index en.htm). plements have also been developed and adopted
at an international level by the Codex Alimen-
tarius Commission. The Codex Alimentarius
The USA Commission or Codex was created by two UN
In the USA, the Food and Drug Administration organisations (the Food and Agricultural Orga-
(FDA) regulates dietary supplements according nization and the World Health Organization)
to the Dietary Supplement Health and Edu- and its main purpose is to protect consumer
cation Act (DSHEA) 1994. Under this law, health and ensure fair practice in international
supplements are regulated in a similar manner trade in food through the development of food
to food products, while prohibiting their regu- standards, codes of practice, guidelines and
lation as medicines or food additives. This Act other recommendations.
includes a framework for safety, guidelines for The Codex guidelines on vitamin and mineral
third-party literature provided at the point of supplements are voluntary and apply to sup-
sale, guidance on good manufacturing practice plements that contain vitamins and/or minerals
(GMP) and labelling standards. Under DSHEA, that are regulated as foods. The guidelines
manufacturers are responsible for marketing address the composition of vitamin and mineral
safe and properly labelled products, but the supplements, including the safety, purity and
FDA bears the burden of proving that a product bioavailability of the sources of vitamins and
is unsafe or improperly labelled. However, the minerals. They do not specify upper limits for
FDA has insufficient resources for doing this, vitamins and minerals in supplements, but pro-
and there is concern that not all supplements vide criteria for establishing maximum amounts
are marketed according to best standards of of vitamins and minerals per daily portion of
practice. supplement consumed, as recommended by the
DSHEA regulates the labelling of supple- manufacturer. The criteria specify that maxi-
ments and the claims that can be made. This mum amounts should be established by scien-
includes permissible statements describing the tific risk assessment based on generally accepted
link between a nutrient and a deficiency or scientific data and taking into consideration, as
between a nutrient and its effect on the bodys appropriate, the varying degrees of sensitivity of
structure or function, or its effect on well- different population groups. The guidelines also
being. Examples include promotes relaxation address the packaging and labelling of vitamin
or builds strong bones. But to make these and mineral supplements.
claims, the supplement label must also carry
the disclaimer: This statement has not been
validated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Law enforcement
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any disease. In the UK, enforcement of food law, including
Under the US Nutrition Labelling and Ed- health claims, is the responsibility of the local
ucation Act of 1990, a number of specific authorities trading standards officers. The local
health claims are also permitted. These describe authority associations are in turn coordinated
the link between a specific nutrient and the by LACORS (Local Authorities Co-ordinators
reduction in risk of a particular disease or of Regulatory Services). LACORS (formerly LA-
condition and they are based on significant COTS) is responsible for improving the quality
scientific agreement. Claims applicable to di- of trading standards and food enforcement by
etary supplements include those in relation to promoting coordination, consistency and good
calcium and osteoporosis, folic acid and neural regulation.
tube defects, soluble fibre (from oat bran and Other EU countries have various arrange-
psyllium seed) and coronary heart disease and ments for enforcing the law, while in the USA it
soya and coronary heart disease. is the responsibility of the FDA.
xvi Introduction

Patient/client counselling Guidelines for supplement use

The following questions may be used by health The following guidelines may be useful in
professionals before making any recommenda- making recommendations:
tions about supplement use: r Compare labels with dietary standards (usu-
ally RDAs).
r In the absence of an indication for a specific
nutrient, a balanced multivitamin/mineral
1 Who is the supplement for? The individ- product is normally preferable to one that
ual buying the product may not be the contains one or two specific nutrients.
consumer; requirements for vitamins and r Use a product that provides approximately
minerals vary according to age and sex. 100% of the RDA for as wide a range of
2 Why do you think you need a supplement? vitamins and minerals as possible.
The individual may have misconceptions r Avoid preparations containing unrecognised
about the need for and benefits of supple- nutrients or nutrients in minute amounts; this
ments that should be addressed. increases the cost, but not the value.
3 What are your symptoms (if any) and how r Avoid preparations that claim to be natural,
long have you had them? The individual organic or high potency; this increases the
could have a serious underlying disorder cost and, in the case of high-potency prod-
that should be referred for appropriate ucts, the risk of toxicity.
diagnosis and treatment. r Distinguish between credible claims and un-
4 What do you eat? A simple dietary assess- substantiated claims.
ment should be undertaken to give some in- r If there is uncertainty about product quality,
dication as to whether vitamin and mineral check with the companies concerned. Ask
deficiency is likely. about quality assurance. For example, is
5 Is your diet restricted in any way? Slimming, the final product analysed to guarantee the
vegetarianism or religious conviction could contents in the bottle match the label declara-
increase the risk of nutritional deficiency. tions? Are tests for disintegration, dissolution
6 Do you take any prescription or over-the- or other tests for bioavailability conducted?
counter medicines? This information can
be used to assess possible drugnutrient
Role of the health professional
7 Do you take other supplements? If so, which When asked about supplements, health pro-
ones? This information can be used to assess fessionals should emphasise the importance
potential overdosage of supplements which of consuming a diet based on healthy eating
could be toxic. guidelines. This is a diet rich in starchy, fibrous
8 Do you suffer from any chronic illness, e.g. carbohydrates, including fruit and vegetables,
diabetes, epilepsy, Crohns disease? Nutri- and low in fat, sugar and salt. Dietary supple-
ent requirements in patients with chronic ments do not convert a poor diet into a good
disease may be greater than in healthy one.
individuals. Health professionals should be aware of
9 Are you pregnant or breast-feeding? Nutri- dietary standards and good food sources for
ent requirements may be increased. nutrients. They should be able to assess an
10 Do you take part in sports or other regular individuals risk of nutrient deficiency and need
physical activity? for further referral, by asking questions to detect
11 Do you smoke? Requirements for some cultural, physical, environmental and social
vitamins (e.g. vitamin C) may be increased. conditions which may predispose to inadequate
12 How much alcohol do you drink? Excessive intakes.
alcohol consumption may lead to deficiency There is a need to be aware of the potential
of the B vitamins. for adverse effects with supplements. Thus,
Introduction xvii

when a client or patient presents with any that consumers are able to make informed and
symptoms, questions should be asked about intelligent choices about the products they buy.
the use of dietary supplements. Individuals will
not always volunteer this information without
prompting because they believe that supple-
ments are natural and therefore safe. 1 Henderson L, Irving K, Gregory J (Office for Na-
Health professionals should make their tional Statistics), with Bates CJ, Prentice A, Parks
clients aware of the existence of badly worded J (Medical Resource Council, Human Nutrition
Research), and Swan G, Farron M (Food Standards
claims and adverts and of the dangers of Agency) The National Diet and Nutrition Survey:
supplement misuse. adults aged 19 to 64 years. Volume 3. Vitamin
Pharmacists have a particular responsibility, and mineral intake and urinary analysis. London:
simply because they sell these products. When HMSO, 2003.
supplying any supplement with perceived health 2 Figures from Information Resources Inc. (IRI) pro-
benefits, pharmacists must be careful to avoid vided by the Proprietary Association of Great Britain
giving their professional authority to a product (PAGB).
3 Department of Health. Dietary Reference Values
that may lack any health or therapeutic benefit for Food Energy and Nutrients for the United
and has risks associated with its use. In accor- Kingdom. Report on Health and Social Subjects No
dance with the Code of Ethics of the Royal 41. London: HMSO, 1991.
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, this 4 The National Diet and Nutrition Survey: children
may involve not stocking or selling the product. aged 11/2 to 41/2 years. London: HMSO, 1995.
Pharmacists must not give the impression that 5 The National Diet and Nutrition Survey: young
people aged 4 to 18 years. London: HMSO, 2000.
any dietary supplement is efficacious when there
6 The National Diet and Nutrition Survey. People
is no evidence for such efficacy. aged 65 years and over. Report of the diet and
However, providing a product is not harmful nutrition survey. London: HMSO, 1998.
for a particular individual, the freedom to use 7 European Commission. Scientific Committee on
it should be respected. What is important is Food (SCF). Tolerable Upper Intake Levels
for Vitamins and Minerals. http://ec.europa.
eu/comm./food/fs/sc/scf/out80 en.htm (accessed 12
November 2006).
How to use this book

This book covers 82 commonly available di- r US Recommended Dietary Allowances

etary supplements, including vitamins, minerals, (RDAs) and Tolerable Upper Intake Levels
trace elements and other substances, such as (ULs);
garlic, ginseng and fish oils. For ease of refer- r World Health Organization (WHO) Refer-
ence, they are arranged in alphabetical order ence Nutrient Intakes;
and give information, where appropriate, under r European Union Recommended Dietary Al-
the following standard headings. lowances (RDAs).

The UK
States the type of substance; e.g. a vitamin,
Dietary reference values (DRVs) were estab-
mineral, fatty acid, amino acid, enzyme, plant
lished in 1991 to replace recommended daily
extract, etc.
amounts (RDAs).
r EAR: Estimated Average Requirement. An
assessment of the average requirement for
Lists names and alternative names in current energy or protein for a vitamin or mineral.
usage. About half the population will need more
than the EAR, and half less.
r LRNI: Lower Reference Nutrient Intake.
Units The amount of protein, vitamin or mineral
Includes alternative units and conversion considered to be sufficient for the few people
factors. in a group who have low needs. Most people
will need more than the LRNI and if people
consistently consume less they may be at risk
Constituents of deficiency of that nutrient.
r RNI: Reference Nutrient Intake. The amount
Lists active ingredients in supplements that are of protein, vitamin or mineral sufficient for
not pure vitamins or minerals (e.g. evening almost every individual. This level of intake
primrose oil contains gamma-linolenic acid). is much higher than many people need.
r Safe Intake: A term used to indicate intake
or range of intakes of a nutrient for which
Human requirements there is not enough information to estimate
Lists for different ages and sex (where estab- RNI, EAR or LRNI. It is considered to be
lished): adequate for almost everyones needs but not
large enough to cause undesirable effects.
r UK Dietary Reference Values and safe upper r DRV: Dietary Reference Value. A term used
levels; to cover LRNI, EAR, RNI and safe intake.

How to use this book xix

The USA adequate amounts (or more than adequate

The US Institute of Medicine and the Food and amounts) of that nutrient to prevent defi-
Nutrition Board have established a set of refer- ciency. If intake is regularly below the RNI,
ence values to replace the previous RDAs. The it cannot necessarily be assumed that the
Dietary Reference Intakes encompass EARs, diet is inadequate, because the person may
RDAs, AI (adequate intakes) and Tolerable have a lower requirement for that nutrient.
Upper Intake Levels (UIs). RDAs and AIs are However, if an individual is consistently
set at levels that should decrease the risk of consuming less than the Lower Reference
developing a nutritional deficiency disease. Nutrient Intake (LRNI) for a nutrient, it
r RDA: Recommended Dietary Allowance. can be assumed that the diet is deficient in
that nutrient. Nevertheless, individuals differ
The average amount of energy or a nutrient
in the amounts of nutrients they need and
recommended to cover the needs of groups
the quantities they absorb and utilise, and
of healthy people.
r Safe Intake and Adequate Daily Dietary although the dietary standards are the best
figures currently available, they were never
Intakes: These are given for some vitamins
intended to assess the adequacy of individual
and minerals where there is less information
on which to base allowances, and figures are r Dietary standards are estimates, which are
provided in the form of ranges.
r Tolerable Upper Intake Levels: Defined by assessed from a variety of epidemiological,
biochemical and nutritional data, including:
the Food and Nutrition Board of the US The intake of a nutrient required to pre-
National Academy of Sciences as the highest
vent or cure clinical signs of deficiency.
total level of a nutrient (diet plus supple- The intake of a nutrient required to main-
ments) which could be consumed safely on
tain balance (i.e. intake output = zero).
a daily basis, that is unlikely to cause adverse The intake of a nutrient required to main-
health effects to almost all individuals in the
tain a given blood level, tissue concentra-
general population. As intakes rise above the
tion or degree of enzyme saturation.
UL, the risk of adverse effects increases. The The intake of a nutrient in the diet of a
UL describes long-term intakes, so an isolated
healthy population.
dose above the UL need not necessarily cause r Dietary standards apply only to healthy
adverse effects. The UL defines safety limits
people but not to those with disease whose
and is not a recommended intake for most
nutrient needs may be very different. Re-
people most of the time.
quirements may be increased in patients
with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
liver and kidney, and in those with inborn
RDA: Recommended Dietary Allowance. Pro-
errors of metabolism, cancer, severe infec-
vides sufficient for most individuals. The EU
tions, wounds, burns and following surgery.
RDA is used on dietary supplement labels.
Drug administration may also alter nutrient
The following points should be noted in
relation to dietary standards:
r Dietary standards are intended to assess
Dietary intake
the diets of populations, not of individuals.
Thus, both the RDA and the UK Reference States amounts of nutrients provided by the
Nutrient Intake (RNI) are set at two stan- average adult diet in the UK.1
dard deviations above the average population
requirement and are intended to cover the
needs of 95% of the population. So, if an
individual is typically consuming the RDA Describes the role of the substance in main-
or the RNI for a particular nutrient, it can taining physiological function and identifies
be assumed that his or her diet provides pharmacological actions where appropriate.
xx How to use this book

Dietary sources good control of variables such as nutrients

and more aggressive intervention, each suf-
Lists significant food sources based on average
fers from uncertainties of extrapolating any
portion sizes. In addition, a food may be
observed effects to human.
described as an excellent or good source of a r Observational studies. These may be
nutrient. This does not describe any food as
prospective and retrospective and include,
excellent or good overall. It defines only the
in decreasing order of persuasiveness, co-
amount of the nutrient (per portion or serving)
hort studies, case-control studies and un-
in relation to the Reference Nutrient Intake
controlled studies. In prospective studies,
(RNI) of the nutrient for the average adult male.
subjects are recruited and observed prior to
Thus, an excellent source provides 30% or
the occurrence of the outcome. In retrospec-
more of the RNI; a good source provides 15
tive studies, investigators review the records
30% of the RNI.
of subjects and interview subjects after the
Where no RNI has been set for a particular
outcome has occurred. Retrospective stud-
nutrient, excellent and good are numerically
ies are more vulnerable to recall bias and
measurement error but less likely to suffer
from the subject selection bias that can occur
Metabolism in prospective studies. In all observational
studies, the investigator has no control of the
Discusses absorption, transport, distribution
and excretion. r Intervention studies. The investigator con-
trols whether subjects receive an interven-
Bioavailability tion or not. The randomised controlled trial
(RCT) is the gold standard. Intervention
Includes the effects of cooking, processing,
trials with supplements differ from those
storage methods, and substances in food which
for drugs. Unlike studies with drugs, those
may alter bioavailability.
with foods and nutrients may have additional
confounders secondary to the intervention
Deficiency itself. For example, results from intervention
studies with antioxidant supplements (e.g.
Lists signs and symptoms of deficiency.
vitamins A, C and E) in the prevention of
cancer are inconsistent, even though epi-
Uses demiological studies have consistently shown
that diets high in these nutrients are asso-
Discusses potential indications for use with the
ciated with reduced cancer risk. This could
level of evidence. Evidence for use of supple-
be because such diets contain a range of
ments is obtained from several types of studies:
other substances apart from those in the
r Epidemiological studies. These are tested supplements and the antioxidants are
population-based studies and early evidence merely acting as markers for a type of
for the potential value of a nutrient usually diet that is protective. Moreover, chronic
comes from epidemiological research. disease, such as cancer and coronary heart
For example, the idea that antioxidant disease, develops over many years and to
supplements could reduce the risk of cancer investigate the effect of a supplement on
came from studies in populations that high disease risk therefore requires a prolonged
intake of fruit and vegetables was associated study period (e.g. 2030 years) as well as a
with a low risk of cancer. huge number of subjects, and this makes such
r In vitro (laboratory) studies and animal studies difficult and expensive to conduct.
studies. Data from these studies can be used However, without such trials, evidence for
to support evidence, but is not enough on its efficacy of many supplements will remain
own. Although both types of study allow for sparse.
How to use this book xxi

r Systematic reviews and meta-analyses. These Interactions

may include RCTs only or they may also Lists drugs and other nutrients that may interact
include observational studies. Decisions on with the supplement. This includes drugs that
the part of reviewers to include or leave out affect vitamin and mineral status and supple-
certain types of studies can lead to differing ments that influence drug metabolism.
conclusions from the analysis.

Gives usual recommended dosage (if estab-
Lists diseases and conditions in which the sub- lished).
stance should be avoided or used with caution.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding References

Comments on safety or potential toxicity during 1 Henderson L, Irving K, Gregory J (Office for Na-
pregnancy and lactation. tional Statistics), with Bates CJ, Prentice A, Parks
J (Medical Resource Council, Human Nutrition
Research), and Swan G, Farron M (Food Standards
Adverse effects Agency) The National Diet and Nutrition Survey:
adults aged 19 to 64 years. Volume 3. Vitamin
Describes the risks that may accompany exces- and mineral intake and urinary analysis. London:
sive intake, and signs and symptoms of toxicity. HMSO, 2003.

ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme HDL high-density lipoprotein

ADP adenosine 5 -diphosphate HIV human immunodeficiency virus
ARMD age-related macular degeneration HRT hormone replacement therapy
ATP adenosine triphosphate IBS irritable bowel syndrome
BCAAs branched-chain amino acids LDL low-density lipoprotein
BMD bone mineral density NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
CHD coronary heart disease drug
CHF congestive heart failure PMS premenstrual syndrome
CNS central nervous system PUFAs polyunsaturated fatty acids
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary RCT randomised controlled trial
disease RDA Recommended Daily Allowance
CVD cardiovascular disease RNA ribonucleic acid
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid RNI Reference Nutrient Intake
DRI Dietary Reference Intake SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
DRV Dietary Reference Value VLDL very-low-density lipoprotein
EAR Estimated Average Requirement

Aloe vera

Description further review in 19992 stated that research had

Aloe vera is the mucilaginous substance ob- continued to confirm these benefits.
tained from the central parenchymatous tissues A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of
of the large blade-like leaves of Aloe vera. 60 people with psoriasis of mean duration
It should not be confused with aloes, which 8.5 years found that applying aloe vera to skin
is obtained by evaporating water from the lesions three times a day for 8 months led to
bitter yellow juice that is drained from the significant improvement in 83% of aloe vera
leaf. patients but in only 6% of those who used
In rabbits, aloe vera cream was found to
Constituents be better than placebo and as effective as oral
pentoxifylline in improving tissue survival after
Aloe vera contains polysaccharides, tannins, frostbite.4
sterols, saponins, vitamins, minerals, choles- In a study of 27 patients, aloe vera gel
terol, gamma-linolenic acid and arachidonic healed burns faster than Vaseline gauze,5 and in
acid. Unlike aloes, aloe vera does not contain rats enhanced wound healing in second-degree
anthraquinone compounds and does not there- burns.6
fore exert a laxative action. However, a recent Cochrane review identi-
fied a single trial of aloe vera supplementation
that suggested delayed wound healing with
Action aloe vera, but the reviewers concluded that the
results of the trial were not easily interpretable.7
Used externally, aloe vera acts as a moisturiser
and reduces inflammation. Internally, it may
act as an anti-inflammatory, hypoglycaemic and
A recent systematic review of 10 studies8
hyperlipidaemic agent. It also has anti-platelet
showed that oral aloe vera might be useful as
an adjunct for lowering blood glucose concen-
trations in diabetes and for reducing blood lipid
levels in hyperlipidaemia.
Possible uses
There is some evidence that the anti-
Topical inflammatory actions of aloe vera might have
Topical aloe vera has been investigated for its therapeutic potential in inflammatory bowel
effects on wound healing and psoriasis, while disease. An in vitro study found that aloe
oral aloe vera has been investigated in patients vera gel had a dose-dependent inhibitory effect
with diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia. on the production of reactive oxygen metabo-
A review in 1987 concluded that topical lites and eicosanoids in human colorectal
application of aloe vera gel reduces acute mucosa.9
inflammation, promotes wound healing, re- A randomised controlled study in 44 pa-
duces pain and exerts an antipruritic effect.1 A tients with ulcerative colitis found that aloe

2 Aloe vera

vera gel 100 ml four times weekly produced found a potential interaction between aloe vera
a clinical response more often than placebo, and sevoflurane, in which the woman lost 5 L of
reducing histological disease activity. The re- blood during surgery.12
searchers recommended that further evaluation
of aloe vera in inflammatory bowel disease is
needed.10 Dose
Aloe vera is available in the form of creams, gels,
Conclusion tablets, capsules and juice. The International
A huge number of in vitro and animal studies Aloe Science Council operates a voluntary ap-
have examined aloe vera over the past proval scheme that gives an official seal (IASC
30 years. However, there have been few certified) on products containing certified raw
studies in humans, and these have been ingredients processed according to standard
poorly controlled. guidelines.
Topical aloe vera may be helpful in psoria- Used internally, there is no established dose.
sis, but whether it is useful for wound healing Product manufacturers suggest 1/2 to 3/4 cup of
is unclear. There is some albeit limited juice or 1 to 2 capsules three times a day. The
evidence that oral aloe vera may be useful juice in the product should ideally contain at
for lowering blood glucose in diabetes, least 98% aloe vera and no aloin.
reducing blood lipids in hyperlipidaemia Used externally, aloe vera should be applied
and it may have therapeutic potential in liberally as needed. The product should contain
inflammatory bowel disease. at least 20% aloe vera.

1 Heggers JP, Kucukcelebi A, Listengarten B, et al.
None established, although the potential hypo- Beneficial effects of aloe in wound healing in an
glycaemic effect means that it should be used excisional wound model. J Altern Complement Med
with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus. 1996; 2: 271277.
2 Reynolds T. Aloe vera leaf gel: a review update. J
Preliminary research in rats has suggested that
Ethnopharmacol 1999; 68: 337.
aloe vera has a hypoglycaemic effect.11 3 Syed TA, Ahmad SA, Holt AH, et al. Management
of psoriasis with aloe vera extract in a hydrophilic
cream: a placebo controlled double blind study. Trop
Pregnancy and breast-feeding Med Int Health 1996; 1: 505509.
No problems have been reported, but there 4 Miller MB. Treatment of experimental frostbite with
pentoxifylline and aloe vera cream. Arch Otolaryn-
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee gol Head Neck Surg 1995; 121: 678680.
the safety of aloe vera in pregnancy and breast- 5 Visuthikosol V, Chowchuen B, Sukwanarat Y, et al.
feeding. Effect of aloe vera gel to healing of burn wound:
a clinical and histological study. J Med Assoc Thai
1995; 78: 403409.
Adverse effects 6 Somboonwong J, Thanamittramanee S, Jariyapong-
shul A, Patumraj S. Therapeutic effects of aloe vera
None reported apart from occasional allergic on cutaneous microcirculation and wound healing in
reactions. However, there are no long-term second degree burn model in rats. J Med Assoc Thai
studies investigating the safety of aloe vera. 2000; 83: 417425.
7 Vermeulen H, Ubbink D, Goossens A, et al. Dress-
ings and topical agents for surgical wounds healing
Interactions by secondary intention. Cochrane database, issue 2,
2004. London: Macmillan.
Aloe vera has antiplatelet activity and could 8 Vogler BK, Ernst E. Aloe vera: a systematic review
theoretically interact with drugs with anti- of its clinical effectiveness. Br J Clin Pract 1999; 49:
platelet effects. A case study in one individual 823828.
Aloe vera 3

9 Langmead L, Makins RJ, Rampton DS. Anti- 11 Rajasekaran S, Sivagnanam K, Ravi K, Subra-
inflammatory effects of aloe vera gel in human manian S. Hypoglycaemic effect of aloe vera
colorectal mucosa in vitro. Aliment Pharmacol Ther gel on streptozotocin-induced diabetes in ex-
2004; 19: 521527. perimental rats. J Med Food 2004; 7: 61
10 Langmead L, Feakins RM, Goldthorpe S, et al. 66.
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 12 Lee A, Chui PT, Aun CS, et al. Possible interaction
of oral aloe vera gel for active ulcerative colitis. between sevoflurane and aloe vera. Ann Pharma-
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2004; 19: 739747. cother 2004; 38: 16511654.
Alpha-lipoic acid

Description metabolised to dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA),

which also demonstrates antioxidant proper-
Alpha-lipoic acid is a naturally-occurring
sulphur-containing cofactor. It is synthesised in
Possible uses
Nomenclature As a dietary supplement, alpha-lipoic acid is
claimed to improve glucose metabolism and
Alternative names include alpha-lipoate, thioc- insulin sensitivity in diabetes, and to reduce
tic acid, lipoic acid, 2-dithiolane-3-pentatonic replication of the human immunodeficiency
acid, and 1,2-dithiolane-3-valeric acid. virus (HIV). It has been investigated for possible
use in patients with diabetes mellitus, glaucoma,
Action HIV, hypertension and Alzheimers disease.
Alpha-lipoic acid functions as a potent anti- Diabetes mellitus
oxidant and as a cofactor for various Alpha-lipoic acid has long been of interest as
enzymes (e.g. pyruvate dehydrogenase and a potential therapeutic agent in diabetes, in-
alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase) in energy- cluding both the microvascular and neuropathic
producing metabolic reactions of the Krebs pathologies. This stems from alpha-lipoic acids
cycle. metabolic role and also because diabetes results
In addition, it appears to improve recycling in chronic oxidative stress. Alpha-lipoic acid
of other antioxidant compounds, including vita- appears to increase muscle cell glucose uptake
mins C and E,1 coenzyme Q2 and glutathione.3 and increase insulin sensitivity in individuals
It may also protect against arsenic,4 cadmium,5 with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In vitro, alpha-
lead6 and mercury7 poisoning. lipoic acid has been found to stimulate glucose
uptake by muscle cells in a manner similar to
Dietary sources insulin.8
In an uncontrolled study, patients with type
Alpha-lipoic acid is present in foods such as 2 diabetes given 1000 mg lipoic acid intra-
spinach, meat (especially liver) and brewers venously experienced a 50% improvement in
yeast, but it is difficult to obtain amounts insulin-stimulated glucose uptake.9 In a further
used in clinical studies (i.e. possibly therapeutic uncontrolled pilot study,10 20 patients with
amounts) from food. type 2 diabetes were given 500 mg lipoic acid
intravenously for 10 days. Glucose uptake in-
creased by an average of 30%, but there were
no changes in either fasting blood glucose or
Alpha-lipoic acid is both fat-soluble and water- insulin levels.
soluble, and this facilitates its diffusion into In a study involving 10 lean and 10 obese
lipophilic and hydrophilic environments. It is patients with type 2 diabetes,11 alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-lipoic acid 5

improved glucose effectiveness and prevented acid 600 mg once or twice a day appeared to
hyperglycaemia-induced increases in serum lac- have a beneficial effect on nerve conduction in
tate and pyruvate. In the lean diabetic patients, patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.17
but not the obese patients, alpha-lipoic acid A review18 of the evidence of the effect of
resulted in improved insulin sensitivity and alpha-lipoic acid in the treatment of diabetic
lower fasting glucose. neuropathy concluded that short-term treat-
In a placebo-controlled, multicentre pilot ment with oral or intravenous alpha-lipoic acid
study,12 74 patients with type 2 diabetes were appears to reduce the chief symptoms of diabetic
randomised to receive alpha-lipoic acid 600 mg neuropathy, but this needs to be confirmed by
once, twice or three times a day, or placebo. larger studies.
When compared to placebo, significantly more A meta-analysis of four trials of alpha-lipoic
patients had an increase in insulin-stimulated acid involving 1258 patients found a benefit
glucose disposal. As there was no dose effect, all of 1625% (compared with placebo) in signs
three treatment groups were combined into one and symptoms of neuropathy (e.g. ankle re-
active group and compared with placebo. The flexes, pain, burning, numbness, pin-prick and
increase in insulin-stimulated glucose disposal touch-pressure sensation) after 3 weeks of treat-
was then statistically significant, suggesting that ment. This is supported by three more recent
oral administration of alpha-lipoic acid can trials, which have also shown favourable results
improve insulin sensitivity in patients with type with alpha-lipoic acid in diabetic neuropathy.19
2 diabetes. Three non-blinded trials (one in Korea and
two in Bulgaria) tested alpha-lipoic acid in a
Diabetic neuropathy dose of 600 mg daily. In the Korean study,
Alpha-lipoic acid has been used extensively in total symptom score was significantly reduced
Germany for the treatment of diabetic neuropa- at 8 weeks, as were individual symptom scores
thy. An in vitro study showed that lipoic acid for pain, burning sensation, paraesthesia and
reduced lipid peroxidation of nerve tissue.13 numbness.20 In one of the Bulgarian trials, there
A study in rats with diabetes induced by was a significant improvement in several aspects
streptozotocin showed that alpha-lipoic acid of autonomic function, including postural blood
reversed the reduction in glucose uptake that pressure change and overall cardiovascular
occurs in diabetes, and that this change was autonomic neuropathy score.21 In the second
associated with an improvement in peripheral Bulgarian study, alpha-lipoic acid was found
nerve function.14 to be effective in peripheral and autonomic
In a randomised, double-blind, placebo- diabetic neuropathy and also diabetic mononeu-
controlled multicentre trial, 73 patients with ropathy of the cranial nerves, leading to full
non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus were recovery of the patients.22
assigned to receive oral alpha-lipoic acid 800 mg
daily or placebo for 4 months. Of the total, Glaucoma
17 patients dropped out of the study, but In a study involving 75 patients with open-angle
the results suggested that alpha-lipoic acid glaucoma,23 alpha-lipoic acid was administered
might slightly improve cardiac autonomic neu- in a dose of either 75 mg daily for 2 months
ropathy (assessed by measures of heart rate or 150 mg daily for 1 month. Improvements
variability) in non-insulin-dependent diabetic in biochemical parameters and visual function
patients.15 were found, particularly in the group receiving
In a randomised, placebo-controlled study 150 mg lipoic acid.
involving 24 patients with type 2 diabetes,16
oral treatment with 600 mg alpha-lipoic acid Human immunodeficiency virus
three times a day for 3 weeks appeared to Alpha-lipoic acid blocks activation of NF-kappa
reduce the chief symptoms of diabetic neuropa- B, which is required for HIV virus transcription,
thy. A further placebo-controlled, randomised, and has also been noted to improve anti-
double-blind trial showed that oral alpha-lipoic oxidant status, T-helper lymphocytes, and the
6 Alpha-lipoic acid

T-helper/suppressor cell ratio in HIV-infected Adverse effects

T-cells.24 However, it is not known whether
None reported, apart from occasional skin
supplementation would improve survival in
rashes. Studies investigating the effect of alpha-
individuals who are HIV-positive.
lipoic acid have suggested that it is a safe
supplement at reasonable doses. However, there
Miscellaneous are no long-term studies assessing the safety of
Results of preliminary studies suggest that alpha-lipoic acid.
alpha-lipoic acid may lower blood pressure,25
improve the symptoms of burning mouth Interactions
syndrome26 and improve T-cell functions in
vitro in advanced stage cancer patients.27 Alpha- Drugs
lipoic acid has also been investigated for a Oral hypoglycaemics and insulin: Theoretically,
potential role in dementia, but there is only very alpha-lipoic acid could enhance the effects of
limited evidence available.28,29 Alpha-lipoic acid these drugs.
has been investigated for an effect in conditions
such as cancer cachexia, liver disease, ischaemia Dose
reperfusion injury, photoageing of the skin and
cataract. However, there is no convincing data Alpha-lipoic acid is available in the form of
as yet from human randomised controlled trial tablets and capsules.
(RCT) data. The dose is not established. Studies have used
300600 mg daily. Dietary supplements provide
50300 mg daily.
There is evidence that alpha-lipoic acid
might have a role in patients with diabetes References
mellitus in improving glucose utilisation, 1 Scholich H, Murphy ME, Sies H. Antioxidant
insulin sensitivity and diabetic neuropathy. activity of dihydrolipoate against microsomal lipid
Very limited evidence also exists that alpha- peroxidation and its dependence on -tocopherol.
lipoic acid may be helpful in glaucoma, de- Biochem Biophys Acta 1989; 1001: 256261.
mentia, hypertension and slow replication of 2 Kagan V, Serbinova E, Packer L. Antioxidant effects
of ubiquinones in microsomes and mitochondria are
HIV and cancer cells, but evidence of benefit mediated by tocopherol recycling. Biochem Biophys
in all these conditions, including diabetes, Res Comm 1990; 169: 851857.
is too limited to make recommendations for 3 Busse E, Zimmer G, Schopohl B, et al. Influence of
supplementation. alpha-lipoic acid on intracellular glutathione in vitro
and in vivo. Arzneimittelforschung 1992; 42: 829
4 Grunert RR. The effect of DL--lipoic acid on heavy
metal intoxication in mice and dogs. Arch Biochem
Precautions/contraindications Biophys 1960; 86: 190194.
5 Muller L, Menzel H. Studies on the effect of lipoate
Alpha-lipoic acid should be used with caution in and dihydrolipoate in the alteration of cadmium
patients predisposed to hypoglycaemia, includ- toxicity in isolated hepatocytes. Biochem Biophys
ing patients taking antidiabetic agents. Acta 1990; 1052: 386391.
6 Gurer H, Ozgunes H, Oztezcan S, Ercal N. Antiox-
idant role of alpha-lipoic acid in lead toxicity. Free
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Pregnancy and breast-feeding 7 Keith RL, Setiarahardjo I, Fernando Q, et al.
Utilization of renal slices to evaluate the efficacy
No problems have been reported, but there of chelating agents for removing mercury from the
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee kidney. Toxicology 1997; 116: 6775.
the safety of alpha-lipoic acid in pregnancy and 8 Estrada DE, Ewart HS, Tsakiridis T, et al. Stimu-
breast-feeding. lation of glucose uptake by the natural coenzyme
Alpha-lipoic acid 7

alpha-lipoic acid/thioctic acid: participation of 18 Ziegler D, Reljanovic M, Mehnert H. Alpha-lipoic

elements of the insulin signaling pathway. Diabetes acid in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy
1996; 45: 17981804. in Germany: current evidence from clinical trials.
9 Jacob S, Henricksen EJ, Schiemann AL, et al. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 1999; 107: 421
Enhancement of glucose disposal in patients with 430.
type 2 diabetes by alpha-lipoic acid. Arzneimit- 19 Ziegler D, Nowak H, Kempler P, et al. Treatment of
telforschung 1995; 45: 872874. symptomatic diabetic polyneuropathy with the anti-
10 Jacob S, Henricksen EJ, Tritschler HJ, et al. Improve- oxidant alpha-lipoic acid: a meta-analysis. Diabet
ment of insulin-stimulated glucose disposal in type 2 Med 2004; 21: 114121.
diabetes after repeated parenteral administration of 20 Hahm JR, Kim BJ, Kim KW. Clinical experience
thioctic acid. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 1996; with thioctacid (thioctic acid) in the treatment of
104: 284288. distal symmetric polyneuropathy in Korean diabetic
11 Konrad T, Vicini P, Kusterer K, et al. Alpha-lipoic patients. J Diabetes Complications 2004; 18: 79
acid treatment decreases serum lactate and pyruvate 85.
concentrations and improves glucose effectiveness 21 Tankova T, Koev D, Dakovska L. Alpha-lipoic acid
in lean and obese patients with type 2 diabetes. in the treatment of autonomic diabetic neuropathy
Diabetes Care 1999; 22: 280287. (controlled, randomized, open-label study). Rom J
12 Jacob S, Ruus P, Hermann R, et al. Oral adminis- Intern Med 2004; 42: 457464.
tration of RAC-alpha-lipoic acid modulates insulin 22 Tankova T, Cherninkova S, Koev D. Treatment for
sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: diabetic mononeuropathy with alpha-lipoic acid. Int
a placebo-controlled pilot trial. Free Radic Biol Med J Clin Pract 2005; 59: 645650.
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13 Nickander KK, McPhee BR, Low PA, et al. Alpha- Lipoic acid as a means of metabolic therapy of open-
lipoic acid: antioxidant potency against lipid peroxi- angle glaucoma. Vestn Oftalmol 1995; 111: 68.
dation of neural tissues in vitro and implications for 24 Baur A, Harrer T, Peukert M, et al. Alpha-lipoic acid
diabetic neuropathy. Free Radic Biol Med 1996; 21: is an effective inhibitor of human immunodeficiency
631639. virus (HIV-1) replication. Klin Wochenschr 1991;
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acid: effect of glucose uptake, sorbitol pathway, 25 Vasdev S, Ford CA, Parai S, et al. Dietary alpha-
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treatment with the antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid on 26 Zakrzewska JM, Forssell H, Glenny AM. Inter-
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A 4-month randomized controlled multicenter trial drome. Cochrane database, issue 1, 2005. London:
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16 Ruhnau KJ, Meissner HP, Finn JR. Effects of a of functional defects in peripheral blood mononu-
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neuropathy. Free Radic Res 1999; 31: 171179. London: Macmillan.

Description r vitamin A (usually as beta-carotene), vita-

mins C and E (ACE vitamins, often with
Various antioxidant systems have evolved to
offer protection against free radicals and pre- r alpha-lipoic acid (see Alpha-lipoic acid)
vent damage to vital biological structures such r carnitine (see Carnitine)
as lipid membranes, proteins and DNA. Anti- r carotenoids (see Carotenoids)
oxidant capacity is a concept used to describe r coenzyme Q (see Coenzyme Q)
the overall ability of tissues to inhibit processes r green tea (see Green tea extract)
mediated by free radicals.1 It is dependent on the r zinc (see Zinc).
concentrations of individual antioxidants and
the activity of protective enzymes. The most
common and important antioxidant defences Action
are shown in Table 1.
The antioxidant vitamins can be divided Antioxidants are believed to protect against
into those that are water-soluble and exist in certain diseases by preventing the deleterious
aqueous solution primarily vitamin C and effects of processes mediated by free radicals in
those that are fat-soluble and exist in mem- cell membranes and by reducing the susceptibil-
branes or lipoproteins primarily vitamin E. ity of tissues to oxidative stress.
Lipid membranes are particularly vulnerable to
oxidative breakdown by free radicals. Vitamin Free radicals
E protects cell membranes from destruction Each orbital surrounding the nucleus of an atom
by undergoing preferential oxidation and is occupied by a pair of electrons. If an orbital
destruction. Carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, in the outer shell of a molecule loses an electron,
which are found in most dark green, red or the molecule becomes a free radical. As a result
yellow fruits and vegetables and some quinones, of the unpaired electron, the molecule becomes
such as ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) also appear unstable and, therefore, highly reactive. The free
to have antioxidant properties. Flavonoids and radical may then react with any other nearby
other phenols and polyphenols found in foods molecule, also converting that molecule to a
such as green tea, red wine, olive oil, grapes free radical which can then initiate another
and many other fruits are also antioxidants. reaction. Some free radicals are capable of
All these substances can act as free radical severely damaging cells.
scavengers and can react directly with free Theoretically, a single free radical can ulti-
radicals. mately cause an endless number of reactions.
Some trace elements act as essential compo- This chain reaction is terminated either by the
nents of antioxidant enzymes copper, mag- free radicals reaction with another free radical,
nesium or zinc for superoxide dismutase and resulting in the formation of a covalently bound
selenium for glutathione peroxidase. molecule, or by the free radicals reaction
Supplements that are marketed as having with an antioxidant, an antioxidant enzyme, or
antioxidant activity include: both. Fortunately, many enzyme systems have

Antioxidants 9

and vegetables. Several substances in fruit and

Table 1 Antioxidant defences vegetables (e.g. beta-carotene, vitamin C and
vitamin E) may act to diminish oxidative dam-
age in vivo and, because endogenous anti-
Intracellular antioxidants oxidant defences are not completely effective,
Enzymes dietary antioxidants may be important in di-
catalase minishing the cumulative effects of oxidative
glutathione peroxidase damage in the human body.
superoxide dismutase
A question of particular interest is whether
Extracellular antioxidants supplementation of adequately nourished sub-
Vitamin C jects with antioxidant nutrients will reduce the
Sulphydryl groups
incidence of such diseases. The few intervention
Membrane antioxidants trials of antioxidants reported so far have shown
little evidence for the value of supplements.
Vitamin E
Some have shown harmful effects.
Substances essential for synthesis of
antioxidant enzymes Cardiovascular disease
Manganese Epidemiological studies
Selenium Experimental studies suggest an inverse asso-
Zinc ciation between CHD mortality and vitamins
C, E and beta-carotene, and argue strongly in
favour of a protective role of antioxidants in
evolved to provide protection from free radical the development of atherosclerosis.
production. In a cross-cultural study of middle-aged
Because antioxidant defences are not com- men representing 16 European populations,1
pletely efficient, increased free radical formation differences in mortality from ischaemic heart
in the body is likely to increase damage. The disease were primarily attributable to plasma
term oxidative stress is often used to refer to levels of vitamin E. Twelve of the 16 populations
this effect. If mild oxidative stress occurs, tissues had similar blood cholesterol levels and blood
often respond by increasing their antioxidant pressure but differed greatly in tocopherol levels
defences. However, severe oxidative stress can and heart disease death rates. For vitamin E,
cause cell injury and cell death. mean plasma levels lower than 25 mol/L were
There is growing evidence that free-radical associated with a high risk of CHD, whereas
damage is involved in the development of plasma levels above this value were associated
many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, cancer, with a higher risk of the disease. In the case
Parkinsons disease and other neurodegenera- of vitamin C, mean plasma levels less than
tive disorders, inflammatory bowel disease and 22.7 mol/L were found in those regions that
lung disease. had a moderate to high risk of CHD, whereas
plasma levels in excess of this level tended to be
found in those areas at low risk.
Possible uses
In a large case-control study in Scotland,2
Epidemiological evidence suggests that low 6000 men aged 3554 were studied for a
plasma levels of antioxidant nutrients and low possible association between antioxidant status
dietary intakes are related to an increased and risk of angina pectoris. Highly significant
risk of diseases such as coronary heart disease correlations between low plasma concentrations
(CHD) and cancer. There is also increasing of beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and risk
evidence that these diseases can be prevented of angina were found.
or delayed to some extent by dietary changes, The Health Professionals Study,3 a large
in particular by increased consumption of fruits prospective investigation that looked at 39 910
10 Antioxidants

US male health professionals aged 4075, allocated participants to receive antioxidant

showed that men who took more than 100 units vitamin supplementation (600 mg vitamin E,
of vitamin E daily for over 2 years had a 37% 250 mg vitamin C and 20 mg beta-carotene
reduction in risk of heart disease. The Nurses daily) or matching placebo over 5 years. There
Health Study,4 in which 87 245 female nurses were no significant differences in all-cause mor-
aged 3459 took part, showed that women who tality, or in deaths due to vascular or non-
took more than 200 units of vitamin E daily for vascular causes. Nor were there any significant
more than 2 years had a 41% reduction in risk differences in the number of participants having
of CHD. non-fatal myocardial infarction or coronary
death, non-fatal or fatal stroke, or coronary
Intervention trials or non-coronary revascularisation. For the first
The first intervention trial published was a occurrence of these major vascular events,
study of 333 male physicians aged between 40 there were no material differences overall and
and 84 with angina pectoris and/or coronary no significant differences in cancer incidence
revascularisation, which showed that 50 mg of and hospitalisation for any other non-vascular
beta-carotene on alternate days resulted in a disease.10
44% reduction in major coronary events.5 A double-blind clinical trial11 found that
However, another study6 tested aspirin, taking high doses of vitamin C (500 mg twice
vitamin E and beta-carotene in the prevention a day) and E (700 units twice a day) and
of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer beta-carotene (30 000 units twice a day) did
in 39 876 women aged 45 and older. Among not reduce the risk of arteries re-clogging after
those randomly assigned to receive 50 mg beta- balloon coronary angioplasty. The patients took
carotene or a placebo every other day, there probucol, probucol plus three antioxidants, the
were no statistically significant differences in antioxidants alone or placebo. All patients also
incidence of CVD, cancer or overall death rate received aspirin. After 6 months the rates of
after a median of 2 years of treatment and repeated angioplasty were 11% in the probucol
2 years of follow-up. group, 16.2% in the combined treatment group,
In a study of 1862 smoking men aged 24.4% in the multivitamin group and 26.6% in
50 to 59 [participants in the Finnish Alpha- the placebo group.
Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention A trial in post-menopausal women with
(ATBC) Study]7 who were followed for a coronary disease found that supplementation
median of 5.3 years, dietary supplements of with vitamin E 400 units twice daily and
alpha-tocopherol (50 mg a day), beta-carotene vitamin C 500 mg twice daily did not retard
(20 mg a day), both, or a placebo were given. atherosclerosis and provided no cardiovascular
There were significantly more deaths from CHD benefit.12 Results from the SU.VI.MAX trial
among those who took beta-carotene supple- also suggested that a combination of antioxi-
ments, and a non-significant trend towards dants (120 mg vitamin C, 30 mg vitamin E, 6 mg
more deaths in the vitamin E group. This same beta-carotene, 100 g selenium, 20 mg zinc)
study also found that neither alpha-tocopherol over an average of 7.2 years had no beneficial
nor beta-carotene had a preventive effect for effects on carotid atherosclerosis and arterial
large abdominal aortic aneurysm.8 During the stiffness13 or risk of hypertension14 in healthy
6-year post-trial follow-up in the ATBC study, patients. A further trial in 520 smoking and
beta-carotene increased the post-trial risk of non-smoking men and post-menopausal women
first-ever non-fatal myocardial infarction, sug- (all of whom had serum cholesterol > 5 mmol/L)
gesting that these supplements should not be found that supplementation with combination
used in the prevention of CVD among male vitamin E and slow-release vitamin C slows
smokers.9 down atherosclerotic progression.15
Another large trial involving 20 536 UK More recent trials have shown some benefi-
adults aged 4080 with coronary disease, other cial effect of antioxidant supplements on certain
occlusive arterial disease or diabetes, randomly aspects of CVD. A Polish trial involving 800
Antioxidants 11

patients with acute myocardial infarction found with antioxidant vitamins with or without B-
that supplementation with vitamin C 1200 mg group vitamins enhances antioxidant capac-
daily and vitamin E 600 mg daily over 30 days ity, mitigates oxidative damage and may have
had a positive influence on primary end points an anti-inflammatory effect immediately post-
(i.e. in-hospital cardiac mortality, non-fatal new infarct in stroke.22
myocardial infarction) and concluded that a The effect of antioxidant supplementation in
larger study is warranted to generate further CVD has been evaluated in systematic reviews
evidence for this particular regimen.16 and meta-analyses. One systematic review as-
An RCT involving 100 patients with asymp- sessed whether antioxidants in food or sup-
tomatic or mildly symptomatic moderate aortic plements can offer primary prevention against
stenosis found that supplementation with myocardial infarction or stroke.23 Eight RCTs
vitamin E (400 units) and vitamin C (1000 mg) were included, six of which tested supplements
daily had modest anti-inflammatory effect, of beta-carotene, four tested alpha-tocopherol
although the clinical relevance requires further and two ascorbic acid. None of the RCTs
clarification.17 A 15-day clinical trial in patients showed any benefit of antioxidant supplemen-
with early-stage untreated type 2 diabetes mel- tation on CVD. In one study there was a
litus or impaired glucose tolerance found that significantly increased risk for fatal or non-fatal
supplementation with N-acetyl cysteine 600 mg intracerebral and subarachnoid haemorrhage
daily, vitamin E 300 mg daily and vitamin C in participants taking alpha-tocopherol. The
250 mg daily reversed unfavourable oxidative reviewers concluded that from these RCTs
changes occurring after a moderate fat meal and (which had limitations) antioxidants as food
may therefore have decreased oxidative stress.18 supplements had no beneficial effects in the
A further trial involving 48 acute ischaemic primary prevention of myocardial infarction
stroke patients (evaluated within 12 h of symp- and stroke and cannot be recommended for such
tom onset) found that compared with placebo purposes.
alpha-tocopherol 800 units daily and vitamin C A meta-analysis that looked at the effect of
500 mg daily over 14 days increased antioxidant antioxidant vitamins on long-term cardiovascu-
capacity, reduced lipid peroxidation products lar outcomes included 12 RCTs, of which seven
and may have an anti-inflammatory effect.19 examined vitamin E and eight beta-carotene.24
There is some evidence that folate status Over all the studies there was no statistically
could have an influence on the response to significant difference between vitamin E and
antioxidant supplementation in patients at car- control for all-cause mortality, cardiovascular
diovascular risk. One study found that folate mortality or cerebrovascular accident. Beta-
deficiency may amplify the effect of other carotene was associated with a slight statisti-
risk factors such as elevated homocysteine or cally significant increase in all-cause mortality
variant methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase and cardiovascular death compared with con-
(MTHFR) genotype, as well as influencing trol. The authors concluded that the routine use
the ability of antioxidant supplementation to of vitamin E cannot be recommended and that
protect against genetic damage.20 A reduction the use of supplements containing beta-carotene
in systolic blood pressure has been observed should be actively discouraged.
in young healthy men supplemented with both The US Agency for Healthcare Research and
folic acid (10 mg daily) and antioxidants (vita- Quality (AHRQ) commissioned an extensive
min C 100 mg, vitamin E 800 mg).21 However, report on the efficacy and safety of antioxidant
in a further study involving patients in the imme- supplements (vitamins C, E and coenzyme Q10 )
diate aftermath of stroke, supplementation with for the prevention and treatment of CVD.25
antioxidant vitamins (vitamin E 800 units and From a review and analysis of the 144 clini-
vitamin C 500 mg daily), or B group vitamins cal trials the authors identified, the following
(5 mg folic acid, 5 mg vitamin B2 , 50 mg vitamin conclusions were reached. Firstly, the evidence
B6 , 0.4 mg vitamin B12 ), both vitamins together does not suggest a benefit of supplements con-
or no supplements found that supplementation taining vitamin E or vitamin C (either alone
12 Antioxidants

or in combination) on either CVD or all-cause cancers, including cancer of the bronchus and
mortality, but there was no suggestion of harm. stomach, had statistically lower mean carotene
Secondly, there was no consistent support for levels compared with a matched group of
a beneficial effect on fatal or non-fatal myo- healthy survivors.
cardial infarction or upon plasma lipid levels. In a Finnish study,30 individuals with low
Evidence on coenzyme Q10 was judged to be serum levels of vitamin E had about a 1.5-fold
insufficient to reach conclusions on its effects in risk of cancer compared with those with a higher
CVD. serum level of vitamin E. The strength of the
A pooled analysis of nine cohort studies association between serum vitamin E level and
evaluated the relationship between the intake cancer risk varied for different cancer sites and
of antioxidant vitamins and CHD risk. Dietary was strongest for some gastrointestinal cancers
intake of antioxidants was only weakly related and for the combined group of cancers unrelated
to CHD risk. However, subjects with a higher to smoking.
supplemental vitamin C intake had a lower
CHD incidence, while supplemental vitamin Intervention trials
E intake was not significantly associated with An intervention trial in Linxian, China,31 pro-
CHD risk.26 vided some of the earliest clinical data on the
In 2004, the American Heart Association effects of specific vitaminmineral supplemen-
Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and tation on cancer incidence and disease-specific
Metabolism concluded that antioxidant sup- mortality. Linxian County has one of the
plements have little or no proven value for worlds highest rates of oesophageal and gastric
preventing or treating CVD.27 cancers. Combined daily doses of 15 mg beta-
carotene, 30 mg vitamin E and 50 g selenium
taken over 5 years were associated with a 13%
reduction in deaths from cancer, and an overall
Epidemiological studies reduction in mortality of 9%. These results,
There is now good evidence linking high intake although impressive, might have been achieved
of fruit and vegetables with lower incidence because the population studied had low intakes
of certain cancers, and it is presumed that and were deficient in the nutrients investigated.
the protective nutrients are some or all of the A similar study is required in a well-nourished
antioxidant nutrients. population.
In a study of 25 802 volunteers in Washing- Not all studies have shown positive results.
ton County, Maryland,28 prediagnostic blood The ATBC Study in Finland32 found no reduc-
samples from 436 cancer cases at nine cancer tion in the incidence of lung cancer among
sites were compared with 765 matched control male smokers after 5 to 8 years of dietary sup-
cases. Serum beta-carotene levels showed a plementation with vitamin E or beta-carotene;
strong protective association with lung can- incidence of lung cancer increased by 18%
cer, suggestive protective associations with and overall death rate by 8% in the group
melanoma and bladder cancer, and a suggestive receiving beta-carotene. However, these results
but non-protective association with lung cancer. should be considered in the context of the
Serum vitamin E levels showed a protective population studied the subjects had smoked
association with lung cancer, but none of the an average of 20 cigarettes a day for 36 years.
other cancer sites studied showed impressive Most studies with antioxidants suggest that
associations. Low levels of serum lycopene their protective properties are associated with
(a carotenoid occurring in ripe fruits) were the early stages of cancer and it is likely that
strongly associated with pancreatic cancer and this intervention took place too late in the
less strongly associated with cancer of the carcinogenic process. In addition, the study
bladder and rectum. could have employed too low a dose (50 mg
The Basel study from Switzerland29 demon- vitamin E and/or 20 mg beta-carotene were
strated that patients who had died from all used) or was of too short a duration. The excess
Antioxidants 13

risks of beta-carotene on lung cancer were no coenzyme Q10 in the prevention and treatment
longer evident 46 years after the intervention of cancer.42 They found no evidence to sup-
had ended.33 More recent data from this study port the beneficial effects of vitamin E and/or
suggest no association between dietary vitamin vitamin C in the prevention of new tumours,
C or E, alpha- or gamma-tocopherol, alpha- the development of colonic polyps or in the
or beta-carotene, lycopene or lutein and risk treatment of patients with advanced cancer.42
for colorectal cancer.34 No overall preventive A systematic review and meta-analysis found
effect of long-term supplementation with alpha- no evidence that antioxidant supplements (beta-
tocopherol or beta-carotene on gastric cancer carotene, vitamin A, C and E) can prevent
was found.35 gastrointestinal cancers, but rather that they
Another trial,36 which tested a combination seemed to increase overall mortality. There
of beta-carotene and vitamin A, was terminated was evidence from four of the included trials
after 4 years because it appeared that those that selenium has a beneficial effect on the
taking the supplements and who also smoked incidence of gastrointestinal cancer. However,
had a 28% higher incidence of lung cancer and good clinical trials are needed to confirm this
a 17% higher death rate. benefit.43
In the Nurses Health Study,37 large intakes
of vitamin C or E did not protect women from Cataract
breast cancer. In contrast, there was a significant Antioxidants are also being investigated for
inverse association of vitamin A intake with risk a possible protective effect in cataract. Low
of this disease. The authors concluded, however, vitamin C intakes have been associated with
that vitamin A supplements are unlikely to in- increased risk of cataract.44 Increased levels of
fluence the risk of breast cancer among women supplementary vitamins C and E correlated with
whose dietary intake of this vitamin is already a 50% reduction in the risk of cataracts,45
adequate. while the Nurses Health Study46 found that
In the Polyp Prevention Study,38 there was dietary carotenoids, although not necessarily
no evidence that supplements of either beta- beta-carotene, and long-term vitamin C supple-
carotene or vitamins C and E reduced the mentation may reduce the risk of cataracts.
incidence of colorectal adenomas. Compared The Age-Related Eye Disease Study
with placebo, alpha-tocopherol supplementa- (AREDS), an 11-centre trial, evaluated the
tion increased the occurrence of second primary effect of a high-dose antioxidant supplement
cancers in head and neck patients.39 (vitamin C 500 mg, vitamin E 400 units,
A further study found that low-dose antiox- beta-carotene 15 mg) on the development
idant supplementation (over 7.5 years) lowered and progression of age-related lens opacities
total cancer incidence and all-cause mortality in and visual acuity loss. Of 4757 participants
men, but not in women. The authors suggested enrolled, 4629 who were aged from 55 to 80
that the effectiveness of supplementation in men had at least one natural lens present and were
may have been because of their lower baseline followed up for an average of 6.3 years. No
status of certain antioxidants, especially beta- statistically significant effect of the antioxidant
carotene.40 In a further study, supplemental formulation was seen on the development or
beta-carotene intake at a dose of at least 2000 g progression of age-related lens opacities or
daily was associated with a decreased risk visual acuity loss.47
of prostate cancer in men with low dietary A further trial the Roche European Amer-
beta-carotene intake. Among current and recent ican Cataract Trial (REACT) randomised
smokers, increasing dose (>400 units daily) and 445 patients with age-related cataract (in
duration (> 10 years) of supplemental vitamin English and American outpatient settings) to
E use was also associated with reduced prostate a mixture of oral antioxidant micronutrients
cancer risk.41 (beta-carotene 18 mg daily, vitamin C 750 mg
AHRQ commissioned a report to investigate daily and vitamin E 600 mg daily) or placebo
the effectiveness of vitamin E, vitamin C and and followed for 24 years. After 2 years of
14 Antioxidants

treatment, there was a small positive treatment with zinc were associated with lower rates of
effect in the US group and after 3 years a positive development of advanced ARMD and loss of
effect was apparent in both the US and UK visual acuity. Both zinc and antioxidants plus
groups. The positive effect in the US group zinc significantly reduced the odds of developing
was even more positive after 3 years, but the advanced ARMD in the higher-risk group. In
benefit in the UK group did not reach statistical conclusion this trial showed that the combina-
significance.48 tion of antioxidants plus zinc was worth while
in people with extant macular degeneration to
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) prevent or slow further development to the
Research is being conducted to determine advanced form.54 This study did not show
whether taking supplements or consuming this supplement had benefits at other stages of
foods rich in antioxidants can protect against ARMD.
age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), a A recent Dutch cohort study involving 4170
disease in which the central portion of the retina participants aged 55 or older in a suburb of
deteriorates so that only peripheral vision re- Rotterdam found that dietary intake of both
mains. A study following 3654 individuals aged vitamin E and zinc was inversely associated with
49 or older found no statistically significant incident ARMD. An above median intake of
association between ARMD and dietary intake beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc
of either carotene, zinc or vitamins A or C, was associated with a 35% reduced risk of
either from diet, supplements or both.49 An ARMD.55
earlier study involving 156 subjects with ARMD A Cochrane review including eight trials
showed that neither serum alpha-tocopherol nor concluded that evidence for the effectiveness
beta-carotene was significantly associated with of antioxidant vitamin and mineral supple-
age-related maculopathy.50 mentation in halting progression of ARMD
In 29 000 smoking males aged 50 to 69 comes mainly from the AREDS. However, it
randomly assigned to alpha-tocopherol (50 mg also concluded that the generalisability of these
a day), beta-carotene (20 mg a day), placebo or findings to other populations is unknown and
both, no beneficial effect of supplementation further large trials are required.56
on the occurrence of ARMD was found.51
However in a study involving 21 120 male Pre-eclampsia
physicians,52 those who used vitamin E sup- Antioxidants have also been evaluated for pos-
plements or multivitamins had a possible but sible prevention of pre-eclampsia, with mixed
non-significant reduced risk of ARMD, but the results.5759 A Cochrane review of seven (mostly
authors concluded that large reductions in the poor quality) trials found that antioxidant
risk of ARMD were unlikely. supplementation seems to reduce the risk of
A Cochrane review53 (which included one pre-eclampsia, with a reduction in risk of
study) concluded in 2000 that there was no having a small-for-dates baby associated with
evidence to date that people without ARMD antioxidants, although there is an increase in
should take antioxidant vitamin and mineral the risk of pre-term birth. Several large trials
supplements to prevent or delay the onset of are ongoing and the results of these are needed
the disease. before antioxidants can be recommended for
The AREDS (see above) also evaluated the clinical practice.60
effect of antioxidants with the addition of
zinc (80 mg daily) and copper (2 mg daily) on Physical exercise
ARMD. All patients had best eye visual acuity Intense physical exercise has been associated
of 20/32 or better in at least one eye. They with an increase in free radical production
had category 2, 3 or 4 disease, meaning that and an increase in oxidative stress. Antioxidant
they had small to intermediate drusen. The supplements have been evaluated for an effect
main outcome was progression to advanced on exercise stress. Supplementation has been
macular degeneration. Antioxidants combined associated with a decrease in oxidative stress
Antioxidants 15

markers in basketball players,61 an increase niacin (a drug combination used in the USA).
in antioxidant enzymes in athletes,62 enhance- This interaction could have implications for the
ment in neutrophil oxidative burst in trained management of CVD.67
runners,63 prevention of decreases in serum iron
in endurance athletes,64 prevention of exercise-
induced lipid peroxidation in ultra-marathon Interactions
runners,65 but not prevention of muscle damage None reported.
in response to an ultra-marathon run.66

Antioxidant supplements have been investigated 1 Gey KF, Puska P, Jordan P, Moser UK. Inverse
for a wide range of other conditions. Current correlation between plasma vitamin E and mortal-
research interests include asthma, lung function ity from ischaemic heart disease in cross-cultural
and critical illness in hospital. However, good epidemiology. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53: 326S
clinical trials have not yet been conducted in 2 Riemersma RA, Wood DA, MacIntyre CCA, et al.
these areas. Risk of angina pectoris and plasma concentrations
of vitamins A, C and E and carotene. Lancet 1991;
337: 15.
Adverse effects 3 Rimm EB, Stampfer MJ, Ascherio A, et al. Vitamin E
consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease
Antioxidants are considered to be largely in men. N Engl J Med 1993; 328: 14501456.
safe in low doses. However, routine use of 4 Stampfer MJ, Hennekens CH, Manson JE, et al.
combinations of antioxidants exceeding the Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary
heart disease in women. N Engl J Med 1993; 328:
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) should
not be recommended for long-term use. One 5 Gaziano JM, Manson JE, Ridker PM, et al.
study has found that antioxidants (vitamins E Beta-carotene therapy for chronic stable angina.
and C, beta-carotene and selenium) could block Circulation 1990; 82 (Suppl. III): 201 (abstract
the favourable effects of statins combined with 0796).
6 Rapola JM, Virtamo J, Ripatti S, et al. Randomised
trial of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supple-
Conclusion ments on incidence of major coronary events in men
Biochemical evidence suggests that oxida- with previous myocardial infarction. Lancet 1997;
tive stress caused by accumulation of free 349: 17151720.
radicals is involved in the pathogenesis 7 Hennekens CH, Buring JE, Manson JE, et al. Lack
of several diseases. Appropriate levels of of effect of long term supplementation with beta-
carotene on the incidence of malignant neoplasms
antioxidant nutrients might therefore be ex- and cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 1996; 334:
pected to delay or prevent these diseases. 11451149.
Several epidemiological studies have found 8 Tornwall ME, Virtamo J, Haukka JK, et al.
lower serum levels of antioxidant nutrients Alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and beta-carotene
in patients with CVD, cancer and cataract, supplementation does not affect the risk for large
but there is no good evidence that sup- abdominal aortic aneurysm in a controlled trial.
Atherosclerosis 2001; 157: 167173.
plements of antioxidant nutrients prevent
9 Tornwall ME, Virtamo J, Korhonen PA, et al. Effect
CVD or cancer. Evidence suggests that some of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supplemen-
may cause harm and increase mortality. tation on coronary heart disease during the 6-year
Further intervention trials are needed. In the post-trial follow-up in the ATBC study. Eur Heart J
meantime, the best advice to give is to eat 2004; 25: 11711178.
plenty of fruit and vegetables (five or more 10 Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group.
servings a day). An antioxidant combination MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of antioxidant
vitamin supplementation in 20,536 high-risk in-
has been found to delay progression of
dividuals: a randomised placebo-controlled trial.
ARMD. Lancet 2002; 360: 2333.
16 Antioxidants

11 Tardif JC. Probucol and multivitamins in the pre- 23 Asplund K. Antioxidant vitamins in the prevention
vention of restenosis after coronary angioplasty. N of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review. J
Engl J Med 1997; 337: 365372. Intern Med 2002; 251: 372392.
12 Waters DD, Alderman EL, Hsia J, et al. Effects 24 Vivekananthan DP, Penn MS, Sapp SK, et al.
of hormone replacement therapy and antioxidant Use of antioxidant vitamins for the prevention of
vitamin supplements on coronary atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease: meta-analysis of randomized
in postmenopasal women. JAMA 2002; 288: trials. Lancet 2003; 361: 20172023.
24322440. 25 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
13 Zureik M, Galan P, Bertrais S, et al. Effects of Effect of Supplemental Antioxidants Vitamin C,
long-term daily low-dose supplementation with anti- Vitamin E, and Coenzyme Q10 for the Prevention
oxidant vitamins and minerals on structure and and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease. Evidence
function of large arteries. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Report/Technology Assessment: Number 83. AHRQ
Biol 2004; 24: 14851491. Publication Number 03-E042. Available from
14 Czernichow S, Bertrais S, Blacher J, et al. Effect of
supplementation with antioxidants upon long-term (accessed 6 November 2006). Rockville, MD:
risk of hypertension in the SU.VI.MAX study: asso- AHRQ, June 2003.
ciation with plasma antioxidant levels. J Hypertens 26 Knekt P, Ritz J, Pereira MA, et al. Antioxidant
2005; 23: 201318. vitamins and coronary heart disease risk: a pooled
15 Salonen RM, Nyyssonen K, Kaikkonene J, et al. Six- analysis of 9 cohorts. Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80:
year effect of combined vitamin C and E supplemen- 15081520.
tation on atherosclerotic progression: the Antioxi- 27 Kris-Etherton PM, Lichtenstein AH, Howard BV, et
dant Supplementation in Atherosclerotic Prevention al. Antioxidant vitamin supplements and cardiovas-
(ASAP) Study. Circulation 2003; 107: 947953. cular disease. Circulation 2004; 110: 637641.
16 Jaxa-Chamiec T, Bednarz B, Drozdowska D, et al. 28 Comstock GW, Helzlsouer KJ, Bush T. Prediag-
Antioxidant effects of combined vitamins C and nostic serum levels of carotenoids and vitamin E
E in acute myocardial infarction. The randomized, as related to subsequent cancer in Washington
double-blind, placebo controlled, multicenter pilot County, Maryland. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53: 260S
Myocardial Infarction and VITamins (MIVIT) trial. 264S.
Kardiol Pol 2005; 62: 34450. 29 Stahelin HB, Gey KF, Eichholzer M, Ludin E. Beta-
17 Tahir M, Foley B, Pate G, et al. Impact of vitamin E carotene and cancer prevention: the Basel study. Am
and C supplementation on serum adhesion molecules J Clin Nutr 1991; 53: 265S269S.
in chronic degenerative aortic stenosis: a randomized 30 Knekt P, Aromaa A, Maatela J, et al. Vitamin E
controlled trial. Am Heart J 2005; 150: 302306. and cancer prevention. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53:
18 Signorelli NS, Torrisi B, Pulvirenti D, et al. Effects 283S286S.
of antioxidant supplementation on postprandial 31 Blot WJ, Li JY, Taylor PR. Nutrition intervention tri-
oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction: a als in Linxian, China: supplementation with specific
single-blind, 15-day clinical trial in patients with vitamin/mineral combinations, cancer incidence, and
untreated type 2 diabetes, subjects with impaired disease-specific mortality in the general population.
glucose tolerance, and healthy controls. Clin Ther J Natl Cancer Inst 1993; 85: 14831492.
2005; 27: 17641773. 32 The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Pre-
19 Ullegaddi R, Powers HJ, Gariballa SE. Antioxidant vention Study Group. The effect of vitamin E and
supplementation enhances antioxidant capacity and beta carotene on the incidence of lung cancer in
mitigates oxidative damage following acute ischemic male smokers. N Engl J Med 1994; 330: 1029
stroke. Eur J Clin Nutr 2005; 59: 13671373. 1035.
20 Smolkova B, Dusinska M, Raslova K, et al. Folate 33 Virtamo J, Pietinen P, Huttunen JK, et al. Incidence
levels determine effect of antioxidant supplementa- of cancer and mortality following alpha-tocopherol
tion on micronuclei in subjects with cardiovascular and beta-carotene supplementation: a postinterven-
risk. Mutagenesis 2004; 19: 469476. tion follow-up. JAMA 2003; 290: 476485.
21 Schutte AE, Huisman HW, Oosthuizen W, et al. 34 Malila N, Virtamo J, Virtanen M, et al. Dietary and
Cardiovascular effects of oral supplementation of serum alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene and retinol,
vitamin C, E and folic acid in young healthy males. and risk for colorectal cancer in male smokers. Eur
Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2004; 74: 285293. J Clin Nutr 2002; 56: 615621.
22 Ullegaddi R, Powers HJ, Gariballa SE. Antioxidant 35 Malila N, Taylor PR, Virtanen MJ, et al. Effects
supplementation with or without B-group vitamins of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supplemen-
after acute ischaemic stroke: a randomised con- tation on gastric cancer incidence in male smokers
trolled trial. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2006; 30: (ATBC Study, Finland). Cancer Causes Control
108114. 2002; 13: 617623.
Antioxidants 17

36 Omenn GS, Goodman GE, Thornquist MD, et al. sion of age-related cataract. Ophthalmic Epidemiol
Effects of a combination of betacarotene and vitamin 2002; 9: 4980.
A on lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. N Engl 49 Smith W, Mitchell P, Webb K, Leeder SR. Dietary
J Med 1996; 334: 11501155. antioxidants and age-related maculopathy: The Blue
37 Hunter DJ, Manson JE, Colditz GA, et al. A Mountains Study. Ophthalmology 1999; 106: 761
prospective study of vitamins C, E and A and the risk 767.
of breast cancer. N Engl J Med 1993; 329: 234240. 50 Smith W, Mitchell P, Rochester C, et al. Serum
38 Greenberg ER, Baron JA, Tosteson TD, et al. A betacarotene, alpha tocopherol and age-related
clinical trial of antioxidant vitamins to prevent maculopathy: the Blue Mountain study. Am J
colorectal adenoma. N Engl J Med 1994; 331: Ophthalmol 1997; 124: 839840.
141147. 51 Teikari JM, Laatikainen L, Virtamo J, et al. Six-
39 Bairati I, Meyer F, Gelinas M, et al. A randomized year supplementation with alpha-tocopherol and
trial of antioxidant vitamins to prevent second beta-carotene and age-related maculopathy. Acta
primary cancers in head and neck cancer patients. Ophthalmol Scand 1998; 76: 224229.
J Natl Cancer Inst 2003; 97: 468470. 52 Christen WG, Ajani UA, Glynn RG, et al. Prospec-
40 Hercberg S, Galan P, Preziosi P, et al. The tive cohort study of antioxidant vitamin supplement
SU.VI.MAX Study: a randomized, placebo- use and the risk of age-related maculopathy. Am J
controlled trial of the health effects of antioxidant Epidemiol 1999; 149: 476484.
vitamins and minerals. Arch Intern Med 2004; 164: 53 Evans JR, Henshaw K. Antioxidant vitamin and
23352342. mineral supplementation for preventing age related
41 Kirsch VA, Hayes RB, Mayne ST, et al. Supplemental macular degeneration. Cochrane database, issue 2,
vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C intakes and 2006. London: Macmillan.
prostate cancer risk. J Natl Cancer Inst 2006; 98: 54 Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group.
245254. A randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of
42 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. high-dose supplementation with vitamins C and E,
Effect of the Supplemental Use of Antioxidants beta-carotene and zinc for age-related cataract and
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Coenzyme Q10 for vision loss: AREDS report no. 8. Arch Ophthalmol
the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer. Evidence 2001; 119: 14171436.
Report/Technology Assessment: Number 75. AHRQ 55 van Leeuwen R, Boekhoorn S, Vingerling JR,
Publications Number 04-E002. Available from et al. Dietary intake of antioxidants and risk of age-related macular degeneration. JAMA 2005; 294:
(accessed 6 November 2006). Rockville, MD: 31013107.
AHRQ, October 2003. 56 Evans JR. Antioxidant vitamin and mineral sup-
43 Bjelakovic G, Nikolova D, Simonetti RG, Gluud plements for slowing the progression of age-related
C. Antioxidant supplements for prevention of macular degeneration. Cochrane database, issue 2,
gastrointestinal cancers: a systematic review and 2006. London: Macmillan.
meta-analysis. Lancet 2004; 364: 12191228. 57 Beazley D, Ahokas R, Livingston J, et al. Vitamin
44 Jacques PF, Chylack LT. Epidemiologic evidence of a C and E supplementation in women at high risk
role for the antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids in for preeclampsia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled
cancer prevention. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53: 352S trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005; 192: 520521.
355S. 58 Rumbold AR, Crowther CA, Haslam RR, et al.
45 Robertson J McD, Donner AP, Trevithick JR. A Vitamins C and E and the risks of preeclampsia and
possible role for vitamins C and E in cataract perinatal complications. N Engl J Med 2006; 27:
prevention. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53: 346S351S. 354: 17961806.
46 Hankinson SE, Stampfer MJ, Seddon JM, et al. 59 Poston L, Briley AL, Seed PT, et al. Vitamin C and
Nutrient intake and cataract extraction in women: a vitamin E in pregnant women at risk for preeclamp-
prospective study. BMJ 1992; 305: 335339. sia (VIP) trial: randomised placebo-controlled trial.
47 Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. Lancet 2006; 367: 11451154.
A randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of 60 Rumbold A, Duley L, Crowther C, Haslam R.
high-dose supplementation with vitamins C and E Antioxidants for preventing preeclampsia. Cochrane
and beta-carotene for age-related cataract and vision database, issue 4, 2005. London: Macmillan.
loss: AREDS report no. 9. Arch Ophthalmol 2001; 61 Schroder H, Navarro E, Mora J, et al. Effects of
119: 14391452. alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene and ascorbic acid
48 Chylack LT Jr, Brown NP, Bron A, et al. The Roche on oxidative, hormonal and enzymatic exercise stress
American Cataract Trial (REACT): a randomised markers in habitual training activity of professional
clinical trial to investigate the efficacy of an oral basketball players. Eur J Clin Nutr 2001; 40:
antioxidant micronutrient mixture to slow progres- 178184.
18 Antioxidants

62 Tauler P, Aguilo A, Fuentespina E, et al. Diet 65 Mastaloudis A, Morrow JD, Hopkins DW, et
supplementation with vitamin E, vitamin C and al. Antioxidant supplementation prevents exercise-
beta-carotene cocktail enhances basal neutrophil induced lipid peroxidation, but not inflammation, in
antioxidant enzymes in athletes. Pflugers Arch 2002; ultramarathon runners. Free Radic Biol Med 2004;
443: 791797. 36: 13291341.
63 Robson PJ, Bouic PJ, Myburgh KH. Antioxi- 66 Mastaloudis A, Traver MG, Carstensen K, Widrick
dant supplementation enhances neutrophil oxidative JJ. Antioxidants did not prevent muscle damage in
burst in trained runners following prolonged exer- response to an ultramarathon run. Med Sci Sports
cise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2003; 13: 369 Exerc 2006; 38: 7280.
381. 67 Cheung MC, Zhao XQ, Chait A. Antioxidant sup-
64 Aguilo A, Tauler P, Fuentespina E, et al. Antioxidant plements block the response of HDL to simvastatin-
diet supplementation influences blood iron status in niacin therapy in patients with coronary artery
endurance athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab disease and low HDL. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc
2004; 14: 147160. Biol 2001; 21: 13201326.
Bee pollen

Description hypertension and varicose veins, but there are

no clinical studies to support these claims.
Bee pollen consists of flower pollen and nectar
Two double-blind, placebo-controlled trials
from male seed flowers. It is collected by the
in humans have investigated the effects of bee
worker honey bee, mixed with secretions from
pollen in cross-country runners,1 and in elderly
the bee such as saliva, which contains digestive
patients with memory deterioration.2 However,
enzymes, and is then carried back to the beehive
there were no improvements in running speed
on the hind legs of the bee. The pollen is
or memory function in these two studies.
harvested at the entrance to the beehive as
bees travel through the wire mesh brushing
their legs against a collecting vessel. Commercial Precautions/contraindications
quantities of pollen can also be collected directly Bee pollen is contraindicated in people with a
from the flowers. known history of atopy or allergy to pollen or
plant products because of the risk of hypersen-
Bee pollen consists of protein, carbohydrates, Pregnancy and breast-feeding
minerals, and essential fatty acids such as alpha- No problems have been reported, but there
linolenic acid and linoleic acids. It also con- have not been sufficient studies to guarantee the
tains small amounts of B vitamins, vitamin C, safety of bee pollen in pregnancy and breast-
flavonoids and various amino acids, hormones, feeding.
enzymes and coenzymes. In nutritional terms the
amounts of vitamins and minerals are too small Adverse effects
to be significant.
Bee pollen may cause allergic reactions, includ-
ing nausea, vomiting and anaphylaxis. One 19-
Action year-old man with asthma had a fatal reaction
to bee pollen.3 Anecdotally, bee pollen has been
Bee pollen may have antioxidant and anti- shown to promote hyperglycaemia in diabetes.
inflammatory activity.
Possible uses None reported.
Bee pollen has been claimed to be useful for im-
proving prostatitis and benign prostatic hyper-
trophy, although all the studies conducted so far Bee pollen is available in the form of capsules
have been uncontrolled and none published in and powder.
English. Bee pollen has also been claimed to be The dose is not established. Product manu-
beneficial in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, facturers tend to recommend doses of

20 Bee pollen

5001500 mg daily from capsules or 1/21 tea- performance of athletes. J Sports Med Phys Fitness
spoon of the powder. 1978; 18: 221226.
2 Iversen T, Fiigaard KM, Schriver P, et al. The effects
of NaO Li Su on memory functions and blood
chemistry in elderly people. J Ethnopharmacol 1997;
References 56: 109116.
3 Prichard M, Turner KJ. Acute hypersensitivity to
1 Steben RE, Boudreaux P. The effects of pollen ingested processed pollen. Aust NZ J Med 1985; 15:
and protein extracts on selected blood factors and 346347.

Description However, there is insufficient evidence to rec-

ommend betaine supplements for the prevention
Betaine is a cofactor in various methylation
of CHD.

Betaine should be avoided in patients with
Betaine works with choline, vitamin B12 , and
peptic ulcer.
also S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe), a derivative
of the amino acid methionine, from which
homocysteine is synthesised. It reduces homo- Pregnancy and breast-feeding
cysteine levels by remethylating homocysteine
to produce methionine. No problems have been reported, but there
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee
the safety of betaine in pregnancy and breast-
Possible uses feeding.
As a supplement, betaine is available in the form
of the hydrochloride and as such contains 23% Adverse effects
hydrochloric acid. It has been used as a digestive
aid to treat people with achlorhydria and to Betaine may cause gastrointestinal irritation.
reduce high levels of homocysteine. Whether it
can reduce near normal levels of homocysteine
is open to question.
Betaine has been reported to play a role None reported.
in reducing plasma homocysteine levels, which
may reduce the risk of heart disease. A study in
15 healthy men and women aged 1835 years Dose
showed that betaine 6 g daily for 3 weeks Betaine is available in the form of tablets and
reduced plasma homocysteine concentration capsules.
after 2 weeks by 0.9 mol/L and after 3 weeks The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
by 0.6 mol/L.1 However, the extent of the ments provide 250500 mg in each dose.
decrease was much smaller than that in patients
with homocystinuria2 and appears to be smaller
than that established by interventions with folic References
acid.3 An RCT in 42 obese subjects4 found that
1 Brouwer IA, Verhoef P, Urgert R. Betaine sup-
betaine supplementation (6 g daily for 12 weeks) plementation and plasma homocysteine in healthy
decreased plasma homocysteine concentration volunteers. Arch Intern Med 2000; 160: 911.
by 8.76 1.63 mol/L at the start of the study 2 Wilcken DE, Wilcken B, Dudman NP, Tyrell
and 7.93 1.52 mol/L at the end of the study. PA. Homocystinuria: the effects of betaine in the

22 Betaine

treatment of patients not responsive to pyridoxine. 4 Schwab U, Torronen A, Toppinen L, et al. Betaine
N Engl J Med 1983; 309: 448453. supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine
3 Homocysteine Lowering Trialists Collaboration. concentrations but does not affect body weight,
Lowering blood homocysteine with folic acid based body composition, or resting energy expenditure
supplements: meta-analysis of randomised trials. in human subjects. Am J Clin Nutr 2002; 76:
BMJ 1998; 316: 894898. 961967.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin and a member Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for biotin
of the vitamin B complex. (g/day)

Nomenclature EU RDA = 150 g

Biotin was formerly known as vitamin H or

coenzyme R. Age UK safe UK USA FAO/
intake EVM AI WHO
Human requirements
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for Males and females
biotin. 06 months 5 5
712 months 6 6
13 years 8 8
Dietary intake 46 years 12
48 years 12
In the UK, the average dietary intake in adult 79 years 20
women is 28 g daily and in adult men is 913 years 20
39 g daily. Biotin is also produced by colonic 1018 years 25
bacteria, but the effect of this on biotin require- 1418 years 25
1950 years 30 45
ments is not known. 51+ years 30 45
1150+ years 1020 970
Pregnancy 30 30
Lactation 35 35
Biotin functions as an integral part of the
AI = adequate intake
enzymes that transport carboxyl units and fix EVM = likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
carbon dioxide. Biotin enzymes are important TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level (not determined for biotin).
in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and are
involved in gluconeogenesis, fatty acid synthe-
sis, propionate metabolism and the catabolism sources. Green vegetables contain very little
of amino acids. biotin.

Dietary sources Metabolism

Biotin is ubiquitous in the diet. The richest Absorption
sources of biotin are liver, kidney, eggs, soya Biotin is absorbed rapidly from the gastro-
beans and peanuts. Meat, wholegrain cereals, intestinal tract by facilitated transport (at low
wholemeal bread, milk and cheese are also good concentrations) and by passive diffusion (at high

24 Biotin

concentrations). Absorption is greater in the Precautions/contraindications

jejunum than the ileum and minimal in the
No problems have been reported.

Distribution Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Biotin is bound to plasma proteins.
No problems have been reported.
Excess biotin is excreted largely unchanged in
Adverse effects
the urine. It also appears in breast milk.
None reported.
Biotin deficiency is a risk only in those patients Interactions
on prolonged parenteral nutrition (who will Drugs
automatically be given multivitamin supple- Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, phenobarbi-
ments). Deficiency has been induced by the tone, phenytoin and primidone): requirements
ingestion of large amounts of raw egg white, for biotin may be increased.
which contain the biotin-binding protein,
avidin, to a diet low in biotin.1 Marginal biotin
deficiency may also occur in pregnancy.2 Dose
Symptoms of biotin deficiency include
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dry scaly dermati- Biotin is available in the form of tablets and
tis, glossitis, loss of taste, somnolence, panic capsules. However, it is available mainly in
and an increase in serum cholesterol and bile multivitamin preparations.
pigments. The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
ments provide 100300 g daily.

Possible uses
Upper safety levels
Biotin has been claimed to be of value in the
treatment of brittle finger nails, acne, sebor- The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Min-
rhoeic dermatitis, hair fragility and alopecia, erals (EVM) has identified a likely safe total
but such claims need further confirmation by daily intake of biotin from supplements alone
controlled clinical trials. of 970 g.
A trial of biotin (2.5 mg four times daily)
in women with brittle nails found a 25% References
increase in nail thickness, as assessed by electron
microscopy.3 1 Baugh CM, Malone JW, Butterworth Jr, CE.
Biotin deficiency has been associated with Human biotin deficiency. A case history of biotin
deficiency induced by raw egg consumption in a
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). In one cirrhotic patient. Am J Clin Nutr 1968; 1: 173
study, the median biotin levels in the livers 182.
of infants who died from SIDS were signifi- 2 Mock DM, Quirk JG, Mock NI. Marginal biotin
cantly lower than those of infants who died deficiency during normal pregnancy. Am J Clin Nutr
from explicable causes.4 However, evidence that 2002; 5: 295299.
biotin deficiency is an important contributory 3 Colombo VE, Gerber F, Bronhofer M, et al. Treat-
factor in SIDS is circumstantial and there is ment of brittle fingernails and onychoschizia with
biotin: scanning electron microscopy. J Am Acad
no unequivocal proof. There is no requirement Dermatol 1990; 23: 11271132.
for biotin supplements in newborn or young 4 Heard GS, Hood RL, Johnson AR. Hepatic biotin
infants. Supplements should not be sold to and sudden infant death syndrome. Med J Aust
parents for this purpose. 1983; 2: 305306.

Description Metabolism
Boron is an ultratrace mineral. Absorption
Dietary boron is rapidly absorbed. The mech-
anism of absorption from the gastrointestinal
Human requirements tract has not been elucidated.
Boron is essential in plants and some animals,
and evidence of essentiality is accumulating in Distribution
humans; however requirements have not so Boron is distributed throughout the body tis-
far been defined. The Food Standards Agency sues; the highest concentrations are found in the
Expert Vitamins and Minerals (EVM) group set bone, teeth, fingernails, spleen and thyroid.
a safe upper level from supplements alone of
5.9 mg daily. Elimination
Boron is excreted mainly in the urine.

Dietary intake
Most UK diets appear to provide about 2 mg
daily. No precise signs and symptoms of boron defi-
ciency have been defined.

Action Possible uses

Boron appears to be important in calcium Boron has been claimed to prevent osteoporosis
metabolism, and can affect the composition, and to both prevent and relieve the symptoms
structure and strength of bone. It may also of osteoarthritis, as well as to improve memory.
influence the metabolism of calcium, copper,
magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and vita- Bone
min D. In addition, boron affects the activity of In a study of 12 post-menopausal women,1
certain enzymes. It also affects brain function; boron supplementation (3 mg daily) reduced
boron deprivation appears to depress mental urinary excretions of calcium and magnesium,
alertness. and elevated serum concentrations of oestradiol
and ionised calcium.
A further study2 has provided evidence that
Dietary sources
boron can both enhance and mimic some ef-
Foods of plant origin, especially non-citrus fects of oestrogen ingestion in post-menopausal
fruits, leafy vegetables and nuts, are rich sources women. In women receiving oestrogen therapy,
of boron, but there is little in meat, fish and an increase in boron intake increased serum
poultry. Beer, wine and cider contain significant oestradiol concentrations to higher levels than
amounts. when boron intake was low. However, there

26 Boron

is no evidence that boron supplements can also depression of mental alertness than higher
relieve the symptoms of the menopause. The intake (3.25 mg/2000 kcals).7
effects seen in this study did not occur in men
or in women not receiving oestrogen therapy.
However, another study3 in men found that
There is preliminary evidence that boron
supplementation with boron (10 mg a day) sig-
has beneficial effects on calcium metabolism
nificantly increased oestradiol concentrations,
in post-menopausal women by preventing
and there was also a trend for plasma testos-
calcium loss and bone demineralisation, but
terone to increase. These findings support the
no evidence that it can prevent or be of
contention that, if oestrogen is beneficial to
benefit in treating osteoarthritis. There is
calcium metabolism, then boron might also be
some evidence that diets low in boron impair
cognitive function.
However, another study4 in post-
menopausal women showed that 3 mg boron
daily had no effect on bone mineral absorption
and excretion, plasma sex steroid levels and Precautions/contraindications
urinary excretion of pyridinium crosslink
markers of bone turnover. Moreover, in this No problems have been reported.
study a low-boron diet appeared to induce
hyperabsorption of calcium because positive
calcium balances were found in combination Pregnancy and breast-feeding
with elevated urinary calcium excretion. The No problems have been reported, but there
authors concluded that this phenomenon may have not been sufficient studies to guarantee
have inhibited or obscured any effect of boron the safety of boron in pregnancy and breast-
supplementation. feeding. However, supplements are probably
best avoided because of possible changes in
Arthritis oestrogen metabolism.
Boron has been claimed to relieve the symp-
toms of arthritis, but evidence is very weak.
Epidemiological studies suggest that incidence Adverse effects
of arthritis is higher in areas of the world where Boron is relatively non-toxic when administered
boron intake is low, and subjects with arthritis orally at doses contained in food supplements.
have been found to have lower bone boron High oral doses (> 100 mg daily) are associated
concentrations.5 One double-blind controlled with disturbances in appetite and digestion,
(but not randomised) trial in 20 patients with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, dermatitis and
osteoarthritis found that boron (6 mg daily) lethargy.
improved symptoms in five out of 10 subjects in Toxicity has occurred, especially in children,
the treated group, and one out of 10 subjects in from the application of boron-containing dust-
the placebo group. However, statistical analysis ing powders and lotions (in the form of borax or
was not performed because of the small number boric acid) to areas of broken skin and mucous
of subjects.6 membranes. Such preparations are no longer
Brain function
Three placebo-controlled, double-blind ran-
domised trials in 28 healthy adults showed
that low dietary boron (0.25 mg/2000 kcals) Nutrients
was associated with poorer performance of a Riboflavin: large doses of boron may increase
variety of cognitive and psychomotor tasks and excretion of riboflavin.
Boron 27

Magnesium: boron supplementation may re- References

duce urinary magnesium excretion and increase
1 Nielsen FH, Hunt CD, Mullen LM, Hunt JR.
serum magnesium concentrations. Effect of dietary boron on mineral, estrogen and
testosterone metabolism in postmenopausal women.
Dose FASEB J 1987; 1: 394397.
2 Nielsen FH, Mullen LM, Gallagher SK. Effect of
Boron is available in the form of tablets and boron depletion and repletion on blood indicators
capsules. of calcium status in humans fed a magnesium-low
The dose is not established. Dietary supple- diet. J Trace Elem Exp Med 1990; 3: 4554.
ments provide, on average, 3 mg per daily dose. 3 Naghii MR, Samman S. The effect of boron sup-
plementation on its urinary excretion and selected
cardiovascular risk factors in healthy male subjects.
Upper safety levels Biol Trace Elem Res 1997; 56: 273286.
4 Beattie JH, Peace HS. The influence of a low-boron
The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Min- diet and boron supplementation on bone, major min-
erals (EVM) has identified a safe total intake eral and sex steroid metabolism in postmenopausal
of boron for adults from supplements alone of women. Br J Nutr 1993; 69: 871884.
5.9 mg daily. 5 Newnham RE. Essentiality of boron for healthy
The US Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) bones and joints. Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102
for boron, the highest total amount from diet (Suppl. 7): 8385.
and supplements unlikely to pose no risk for 6 Travers RL, Rennie GC, Newnham RE. Boron and
arthritis: the results of a double-blind, pilot study. J
most people, is 20 mg daily for adults; 17 mg Nutr Med 1990; 1: 127132.
daily for youngsters aged 1418; 11 mg daily for 7 Penland JG. Dietary boron, brain function, and
youngsters aged 913; 6 mg daily for children cognitive performance. Environ Health Perspect
aged 48; and 3 mg daily for children aged 13. 1994; 102 (Suppl. 7): 6572.
Branched-chain amino acids

Description Possible uses

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a Exercise performance
group of essential amino acids. They are all Researchers have been interested in the potential
found in the muscle, accounting for one-third role of BCAAs in exercise and whether they can
of all amino acids in muscle protein. improve performance.
A placebo-controlled (not blinded) study
involving 193 experienced runners given 16 g
Constituents BCAAs or placebo showed that running perfor-
mance was improved in the slow runners but not
l-leucine, l-isoleucine, l-valine.
the fast runners with BCAAs. A second part of
the study showed that 7.5 g BCAAs improved
mental performance during exercise compared
with placebo, but the study has been criticised
As with all amino acids, the primary function for lack of dietary control and poor choice of
of BCAAs is as precursors for the synthesis performance measures.1
of proteins. In addition, they may be broken Another placebo-controlled, but in this case
down if necessary to serve as an energy source. double-blind, study in 16 subjects, partici-
They may be used directly by skeletal muscle, pating in a 21-day trek at a mean altitude
as opposed to other amino acids which require of 3255 m found that supplementation with
prior gluconeogenesis in the liver to produce a BCAAs (11.52 g) improved indices of muscle
useful energy source. Muscle tissue appears to loss and concluded that BCAAs could prevent
demonstrate an increased need for these amino muscle loss during chronic hypoxia of high
acids during times of intense physical exercise, altitude.2
and there is some evidence that serum BCAA In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study,
levels fall during exercise. 10 endurance-trained male athletes were studied
In addition, because BCAAs are not readily during cycle exercise while ingesting in ran-
degraded by the liver, they circulate in the blood dom order drinks containing sucrose, sucrose
and compete with the amino acid tryptophan plus tryptophan, sucrose plus BCAAs (6 g) or
for uptake into the brain. Tryptophan is a sucrose plus BCAAs (18 g). There were no
precursor of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine), differences between the treatment groups in
which may produce symptoms of fatigue. It time to exhaustion, suggesting that BCAAs did
appears that exercise increases the ratio of not improve exercise performance. However,
free tryptophan:BCAA, thus raising serotonin BCAAs reduced brain tryptophan uptake and
levels in the brain. Some researchers think significantly increased plasma ammonia levels
that supplementation with BCAAs will re- compared to the control group.3
duce this ratio and raise serum levels of In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, ran-
BCAAs, so improving mental and physical domised, crossover study, nine well-trained
performance. male cyclists performed three laboratory trials

Branched-chain amino acids 29

consisting of 100 km cycling after ingesting cachectic effects and that their supplementation
either glucose, glucose plus BCAA, or placebo. may represent a viable intervention for patients
Neither the glucose nor the BCAAs enhanced suffering from chronic disease such as cancer,
performance in these cyclists.4 chronic renal failure and liver cirrhosis and for
In a further study of seven well-trained male patients at risk of muscle wasting due to age,
cyclists, perceived exhaustion was 7% lower immobility or bed rest.15
and ratings of mental fatigue were 15% lower
than when they were given placebo, but there
was no difference in physical performance.
Evidence from well-controlled trials shows no
However, the ratio of tryptophan:BCAA, which
benefit of BCAAs in exercise performance.
increased during exercise, remained unchanged
Benefit has been shown mainly in poorly
or decreased when BCAAs were ingested.5
controlled trials.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial,
six women and seven women participated in a
cycle trial in the heat. Cycle time to exhaustion
increased with BCAAs, indicating that BCAA Precautions/contraindications
supplementation prolongs moderate exercise
performance in the heat.6 No problems have been reported, but BCAAs
In a further double-blind, placebo-controlled should probably not be used in hepatic and renal
trial, eight subjects performed three exercise impairment without medical supervision. How-
trials and were given either carbohydrate drinks, ever, BCAAs are used occasionally in patients
carbohydrate plus BCAAs (7 g) or placebo with these conditions but in a medical setting.
1 hour before and then during exercise. Subjects
ran longer with both carbohydrate and carbohy-
drate plus BCAAs, but there were no differences Pregnancy and breast-feeding
between the carbohydrate and carbohydrate No problems have been reported, but there
and BCAA groups, indicating that BCAAs are have not been sufficient studies to guarantee
of no added benefit in exercise.7 the safety of BCAAs in pregnancy and breast-
Other studies have suggested that BCAAs feeding.
could prevent or decrease the net rate of protein
degradation seen in heavy exercise,8,9 while
others have not.10 One study indicated that Adverse effects
BCAAs might have a sparing effect on muscle None reported, but there are no long-term stud-
glycogen degradation during exercise.11 There is ies assessing the safety of BCAAs. Large doses of
also some evidence that BCAAs can alter mood BCAAs (> 20 g) may increase plasma ammonia
and cognitive performance during exercise.12 levels and may impair water absorption, causing
gastrointestinal discomfort.
BCAAs can activate glutamate dehydrogenase,
an enzyme deficient in amyotrophic lateral scle- Interactions
rosis (ALS). In one double-blind, randomised,
placebo-controlled trial of BCAA, supplements None reported. BCAAs compete with aromatic
helped maintenance of muscle strength and amino acids (e.g. phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryp-
continued ability to walk in such patients.13 tophan) for transport into the brain.
However, a larger study was ended early when
BCAAs not only failed to cause benefit, but
also led to excess mortality.14 BCAAs have also
been investigated for potential value in anorexia BCAAs are available in tablet and powder form.
and cachexia. A review concluded that they The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
could exert significant anti-anorectic and anti- ments provide 720 g per dose.
30 Branched-chain amino acids

References 8 Blomstrand E, Newsholme EA. Effect of branched-

chain amino acid supplementation on the exercise in-
1 Blomstrand E, Hassmen P, Ekblom B, et al. duced change in aromatic amino acid concentration
Administration of branched-chain amino acids in human muscle. Acta Physiol Scand 1992; 146:
during sustained exercise effects on performance 293298.
and plasma concentrations of some amino acids. 9 MacLean DA, Graham TE, Saltin B. Branched-chain
Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1991; 63: 83 amino acids augment ammonia metabolism while
88. attenuating protein breakdown during exercise. Am
2 Schena F, Guerrini F, Tregnaghi P, Kayser B. J Physiol 1994; 267: E1010E1022.
Branched-chain amino acid supplementation during 10 Blomstrand E, Andersson S, Hassmen P, et al. Effect
trekking at high altitude. The effects on loss of of branched-chain amino acid and carbohydrate
body mass, body composition and muscle power. supplementation on the exercise-induced change in
Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1992; 65: 394 plasma and muscle concentration of amino acids
398. in human subjects. Acta Physiol Scand 1995; 153:
3 Van Hall G, Raaymakers J, Saris W, et al. 8796.
Ingestion of branched chain amino acids and 11 Blomstrand E, Ek S, Newsholme EA. Influence of
tryptophan during sustained exercise in man: failure ingesting a solution of branched-chain amino acids
to affect performance. J Physiol 1995; 486: 789 on plasma and muscle concentrations of amino acids
794. during prolonged submaximal exercise. Nutrition
4 Madsen K, MacLean DA, Kiens B, et al. Effects of 1996; 12: 485490.
glucose, glucose plus branched chain amino acids or 12 Hassmen P, Blomstrand E, Ekblom B, Newsholme
placebo on bike performance over 100 km. J Appl EA. Branched chain amino acid supplementation
Physiol 1996; 81: 26442650. during 30-km competitive run: mood and cog-
5 Blomstrand E, Hassmen P, Ek S, et al. Influence of nitive performance. Nutrition 1994; 10: 405
ingesting a solution of branched chain amino acids 410.
on perceived exertion during exercise. Acta Physiol 13 Plaitakis A, Smith J, Mandeli J, Yahr MD. Pilot
Scand 1997; 159: 4149. trial of branched-chain amino acids in amyotrophic
6 Mittleman KD, Ricci MR, Bailey SP. Branched-chain lateral sclerosis. Lancet 1988; 1: 10151018.
amino acids prolong exercise during heat stress in 14 The Italian ALS Study Group. Branched-chain
men and women. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998; 30: amino acids and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a
8391. treatment failure? Neurology 1993; 43: 2466
7 Davis JM, Welsh RS, De Volve KL, Alderson 2470.
NA. Effects of branched-chain amino acids and 15 Laviano A, Muscaritoli M, Cascino A, et al.
carbohydrate on fatigue during intermittent, high Branched-chain amino acids: the best compromise
intensity running. Int J Sports Med 1999; 20: 309 to achieve anabolism? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab
314. Care 2005; 8: 408414.
Brewers yeast

Brewers yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Table 1 Average nutrient composition of dried
brewers yeast

Nutrient Per % RNI1
The average nutrient composition of dried teaspoon 8 g (approx.)
brewers yeast is shown in Table 1.

Vitamin A Trace
Possible uses Thiamine (mg) 1.2 133
Brewers yeast is a useful source of B vitamins Riboflavin (mg) 0.4 33
Niacin (mg) 2.0 14
and several minerals (see Table 1).
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.2 16
Brewers yeast has been used to treat diar- Folic acid (g) 320 160
rhoea caused by Clostridium difficile.1 A review Pantothenic acid (mg) 0.9
concluded that it appears successful in many Biotin (g) 16
cases, but it is unclear whether it acts as a Vitamin C Trace
probiotic or as a source of B vitamins.2 Because Calcium (mg) 6 0.9
brewers yeast contains chromium it has been Magnesium (mg) 18 6
Potassium (mg) 160 4.5
claimed to help in the control of blood glucose
Phosphorus (mg) 103 19
levels. It is also claimed to prevent hyper- Iron (mg) 1.6 13
cholesterolaemia. However, there is insufficient Zinc (mg) 0.6 7
evidence for these claims. Copper (mg) 0.4 33
Chromium (g)
Selenium (g)
Brewers yeast has a suggested value in 1 Reference Nutrient Intake for men aged 1950 years.
controlling blood glucose levels, preventing Note: Brewers yeast tablets contain approximately 300 mg brewers
hypercholesterolaemia and controlling diar- yeast per tablet; extra B vitamins are often added.

rhoea caused by Clostridium difficile. Little

evidence is available to support its efficacy
in all but the last of these conditions. of nucleic acids, which may lead to purine

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

No problems have been reported.
Brewers yeast should be avoided by pa-
tients taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (see
Adverse effects
Interactions). It is also best avoided by patients
with gout; this is because of high concentrations None reported except flatulence.

32 Brewers yeast

Interactions The dose is not established.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: may provoke References
hypertensive crisis.
1 Schellenberg D, Bonington A, Champion CM, et al.
Treatment of Clostridium difficile diarrhoea with
Dose brewers yeast. Lancet 1994; 343: 171.
2 Sargent G, Wickens H. Brewers yeast in C difficile
Brewers yeast is available in the form of tablets infection: probiotic or B group vitamins? Pharm J
and powder. 2004; 273: 230231.

Description Bromelain has been associated with improve-

ment in symptoms of sinusitis, acceleration
Bromelain is the name for the protease
of wound healing, potentiation of antibiotic
enzymes extracted from the stem and fruit of
action, healing of gastric ulcers, treatment of
fresh pineapple. The commercial supplement
inflammation and soft tissue injuries, reduction
is usually obtained only from the stem of the
in severity of angina, reduction in sputum
pineapple, which contains a higher concentra-
production in patients with chronic bronchitis
tion of the enzymes than the fruit.
and pneumonia and decrease in symptoms of
Bromelains are sulphydryl proteolytic en- Sinusitis
zymes, including several proteases. In addi- Two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies
tion, bromelain also contains small amounts of showed that bromelain 160 mg (400 000 units)
non-proteolytic enzymes (including acid phos- could reduce some symptoms of sinusitis.2,3
phatase, peroxidase and cellulase), polypeptide However, headache was not improved in either
protease inhibitors and organically bound study.
Musculoskeletal injuries
Action In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial,4 146
boxers with bruises to the face and haematomas
Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory agent and
to the eyes, lips, ears, arms and chest received
is thought to act through direct or indirect
either 160 mg bromelain daily or placebo for
effects on inflammatory mediators. It in-
14 days. At day 4, 78% of the bromelain-treated
hibits the enzyme thromboxane synthetase,
group were completely cured of their bruises
which converts prostaglandin H2 into pro-
compared with 15% of the placebo group.
inflammatory prostaglandins and thrombox-
However, this result was not tested for statistical
anes. Bromelain also stimulates the breakdown
significance. A randomised, double-blind trial in
of fibrin, which stimulates pro-inflammatory
40 subjects with muscle soreness as a result of
prostaglandins responsible for fluid retention
exercise compared the outcomes with ingestion
and clot formation. It also appears to promote
of either ibuprofen or bromelain. There was no
the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin,
difference between treatments.5
causing an increase in fibrinolysis.
Possible uses
There is preliminary clinical evidence that the
Various claims are made for the value of anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of
bromelain supplementation, but much of the bromelain help to reduce symptoms of osteo-
research underpinning these claims was carried and rheumatoid arthritis. In a controlled trial
out in the 1960s and 1970s, and there are very involving 77 subjects suffering from mild knee
few well-controlled human studies. pain, ingestion of bromelain (200 and 400 mg)

34 Bromelain

resulted in improvements in total symptoms, Precautions/contraindications

stiffness and physical function in a dose-
No problems have been reported, but based
dependent manner. The authors concluded that
on the potential pharmacological activity of
double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are
bromelain, i.e. that it may inhibit platelet
now warranted to confirm these results.6
aggregation, bromelain should be used with
caution in patients with a history of bleeding
Surgical procedures
or haemostatic disorders.
Bromelain has been reported in at least two
studies7,8 to reduce the degree and duration
of swelling and oral pain with oral surgery. Pregnancy and breast-feeding
However, one study was not controlled and the
No problems have been reported, but there have
other had no statistical analysis.
been insufficient studies to guarantee the safety
of bromelain in pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Bromelain could be useful as an anti-diarrhoeal
agent. In an in vitro study,9 bromelain was Adverse effects
shown to prevent intestinal fluid secretion None reported, but there are no long-term
mediated by Escherichia coli and Vibrio studies assessing the safety of bromelain.
cholerae, and in other studies10,11 to protect
piglets from diarrhoea. However, there are no
human studies to date. Interactions
Cardiovascular disease None reported, but theoretically, bleeding ten-
Bromelain has been reported to reduce the dency may be increased with anticoagulants,
severity of angina,12 and several in vitro aspirin and antiplatelet drugs.
studies13,14 have demonstrated that bromelain
reduces platelet aggregation.
Ulcerative colitis Bromelain is available in the form of tablets,
A letter from two US consultants15 stated that capsules and powders. A variety of designations
two patients with ulcerative colitis achieved have been used to indicate the activity of brome-
complete clinical and endoscopic remission after lain. These include rorer units (ru), gelatine-
initiation of therapy with bromelain. dissolving units (gdu) and milk clotting units
(mcu). One gram of bromelain standardised
Cystitis to 2000 mcu would be approximately equal to
One double-blind study in humans revealed 1 gram with 1200 gdu of activity or 8 g with
that bromelain was effective in treating non- 100 000 ru activity.1
infectious cystitis.16 The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
ments provide 125500 mg in a dose.
Many claims have been made for brome- References
lain, based largely on studies conducted
in the 1960s and 1970s. Many of the 1 Anonymous. Bromelain. Altern Med Rev 1998; 3:
published trials are uncontrolled human 302308.
2 Ryan RE. A double-blind clinical evaluation of
studies or animal or in vitro studies, and bromelains in the treatment of acute sinusitis.
well-controlled clinical trials are required to Headache 1967; 7: 1317.
establish the role of bromelain as a potential 3 Seltzer AP. Adjunctive use of bromelains in sinusitis:
supplement. a controlled study. Eye Ear Nose Throat Mon 1967;
46: 12811288.
Bromelain 35

4 Blonstein JL. Control of swelling in boxing injuries. Escherichia coli (ETEC) activity in piglet small
Practitioner 1960; 185: 78. intestine. Gut 1996; 38: 2832.
5 Stone MB, Merrick MA, Ingersoll CD, Edwards JE. 11 Chandler DS, Mynott TL. Bromelain protects piglets
Preliminary comparison of bromelain and ibuprofen from diarrhoea caused by oral challenge with K88-
for delayed onset muscle soreness management. Clin positive enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Gut 1998;
J Sports Med 2002; 12: 373378. 43: 196202.
6 Walker AF, Bundy R, Hicks SM, Middleton RW. 12 Nieper HA. Effect of bromelain on coronary heart
Bromelain reduces mild acute knee pain and im- disease and angina pectoris. Acta Med Empirica
proves well-being in a dose-dependent fashion 1978; 5: 274278.
in an open study of otherwise healthy adults. 13 Heinicke RM, Van der Wal M, Yokoyama MM.
Phytomedicine 2002; 9: 681686. Effect of bromelain (Ananase) on human platelet
7 Tassman GC, Zafran JN, Zayon GM. Evaluation aggregation. Experientia 1972; 28: 844845.
of a plant proteolytic enzyme for the control of 14 Metzig C, Grabowska E, Eckert K, et al. Bromelain
inflammation and pain. J Dent Med 1964; 19: 73 proteases reduce human platelet aggregation in vitro,
77. adhesion to bovine endothelial cells, and thrombus
8 Tassman GC, Zafran JN, Zayon GM. A double blind formation in rat vessels in vivo. In Vivo 1999; 13:
crossover study of a plant proteolytic enzyme in oral 712.
surgery. J Dent Med 1965; 20: 5154. 15 Kane S, Goldberg MJ. Use of bromelain for mild
9 Mynott TL, Guandalini S, Raimondi F, et al. Brome- ulcerative colitis (letter). Ann Intern Med 2000; 132:
lain prevents secretion caused by Vibrio cholerae and 680.
Escherichia coli enterotoxins in rabbit ileum in vitro. 16 Lotti T, Mirone V, Imbimbo C, et al. Controlled
Gastroenterology 1997; 113: 175184. clinical studies of nimesulide in the treatment of
10 Mynott TL, Luke RKJ, Chandler DS. Oral ad- urogenital inflammation. Drugs 1993; 46 (Suppl. 1):
ministration of protease inhibits enterotoxigenic 144146.

Description is absorbed by passive diffusion (independent of

vitamin D). It can also be absorbed from the
Calcium is an essential mineral.

Human requirements Distribution

Dietary Reference Values for calcium are shown More than 99% of the bodys calcium is stored
in Table 1. in the bones and teeth. The physiologically
active form of calcium is the ionised form (in
the blood). Blood calcium levels are controlled
Dietary intake homeostatically by parathyroid hormone, cal-
In the UK, the average diet provides: for men, citonin and vitamin D and a range of other
1007 mg daily; women, 774 mg daily. hormones.

Action Excretion of calcium occurs in the urine,
Calcium has a structural role in bones and teeth. although a large amount is reabsorbed in the
Some 99% of calcium is found in the skeleton. kidney tubules, the amount excreted varying
Bone density increases during the first three with the quantity of calcium absorbed and the
decades of life, reaching its peak about the age degree of bone loss. Elimination of unabsorbed
of 30. After this age, bone density declines, and and endogenously secreted calcium occurs in the
the decline increases more rapidly in women faeces. Calcium is also lost in the sweat and is
after the menopause. However, bone density excreted in breast milk.
also declines in older men. Calcium is also
essential for cellular structure, blood clotting,
muscle contraction, nerve transmission, enzyme Bioavailability
activation and hormone function. Bioavailability is dependent to some extent
on vitamin D status. Absorption is reduced
Dietary sources by phytates (present in bran and high-fibre
cereals), but high-fibre diets at currently rec-
Dietary sources of calcium are shown in ommended levels of intake do not signifi-
Table 2. cantly affect calcium absorption in the long
term. Absorption is reduced by oxalic acid
(present in cauliflower, spinach and rhubarb).
High sodium intake may reduce calcium
Absorption retention.
Calcium is absorbed in the duodenum, jejunum The efficiency of absorption is increased
and ileum by an active saturable process that in- during periods of high physiological
volves vitamin D. At high intakes, some calcium requirement (e.g. in childhood, adolescence,

Calcium 37

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for calcium (mg/day)

EU RDA = 800 mg


06 months 240 400 525 210 3002

712 months 240 400 525 270 400
13 years 200 275 350 500 2500 500
46 years 275 350 450 600
48 years 800 2500
710 years 325 425 550 800 700a
918 years 1300 2500
1114 years 450 750 1000 1300b
1518 years 450 750 1000 1300
1924 years 400 525 700 1500 2500 1000
2550 years 400 525 700 1500 1000 2500 1000
50+ years 400 525 700 1500 1200 2500 10003
1114 years 480 625 800 1300b
1518 years 480 625 800 1300
1950 years 400 525 700 1500 1000 2500 1000
50+ years 400 525 700 1500 1200 2500 1300
Pregnancy 10001 2500 12004
Lactation +550 10001 2500 1000

* No increment.
a 79 years. b 1014 years.
1 18 years, 1300 mg. 2 400 mg for cows milk feed. 3 1300 mg for men > 65 years. 4 third trimester.
AI = Adequate Intake.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from diet and supplements.
Note: The National Osteoporosis Society has produced separate guidelines for recommended daily calcium intake as follows: 712 years, 800 mg;
1319 years, 1000 mg; men 2045 years, 1000 mg; men >45 years, 1500 mg; women 2045 years, 1000 mg; women >45 years, 1500 mg;
women > 45 years (using HRT), 1000 mg; pregnant and breast-feeding women, 1200 mg; pregnant and breast-feeding teenagers, 1500 mg.

pregnancy and breast-feeding) and impaired in However, requirements may be increased

the elderly. and/or and supplements may be necessary in:

Deficiency r children, adolescents, pre- and post-meno-

Simple calcium deficiency is not a recognised pausal women
r pregnant and breast-feeding women
clinical disorder. However, low dietary intake r vegans and others who avoid milk and milk
during adolescence and young adulthood may
reduce peak bone mass and bone mineral con- products; and
r those with lactose intolerance (because of
tent and increase the risk of osteoporosis in later
life. avoidance of milk and milk products).
38 Calcium

Possible uses
Table 2 Dietary sources of calcium The role of calcium has been investigated in a
number of conditions, including osteoporosis,
hypertension, colon cancer, obesity, menstrual
Food portion content (mg) symptoms and pre-eclampsia.

Cereal products
Calcium supplements may have a role in the
Bread, brown, 2 slices 70
white, 2 slices 70 prevention of osteoporosis. Most of the avail-
wholemeal, 2 slices 35 able evidence has been obtained from studies
1 chapati 20 looking at three different population groups
Milk and dairy products (i.e. children and adolescents, pre-menopausal
2 pint (280 ml) milk, whole, 350
women and post-menopausal women).
semi-skimmed or skimmed
2 pint (280 ml) soya milk 50
1 pot yoghurt, plain (150 g) 300 Children and adolescents
fruit (150 g) 250 Adequate intake of calcium is important
Cheese, Brie (50 g) 270 throughout life, but seems to be particularly
Camembert (50 g) 175 important during skeletal growth and devel-
Cheddar (50 g) 360
opment of peak bone mass.1, 2 There are also
Cheddar, reduced fat (50 g) 420
Cottage cheese (100 g) 73
data to show that high intake of milk and dairy
Cream cheese (30 g) 35 produce increases bone mineralisation and bone
Edam (50 g) 350 growth in adolescence effects that may not
Feta (50 g) 180 be due entirely to the high calcium content of
Fromage frais (100 g) 85 milk.3,4 In addition to other minerals, such as
White cheese (50 g) 280 magnesium, phosphorus and zinc (which are
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 35
themselves important for bone health), milk also
Pilchards, canned (105 g) 105 provides energy and protein, both of which may
Prawns (80 g) 120 stimulate bone growth through their influence
Salmon, canned (115 g) 100 on insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1).
Sardines, canned (70 g) 350 Several controlled intervention studies58
Shrimps (80 g) 100 using calcium supplements in children and ado-
Whitebait (100 g) 860 lescents have shown that calcium intakes above
the current British Reference Nutrient Intake are
Broccoli (100 g) 40
Spinach (100 g) 150 effective in increasing bone mineral accretion,
Spring greens (100 g) 75 particularly in those youngsters with habitually
1 small can baked beans (200 g) 106 low calcium intakes. However, another study
Dahl, chickpea (150 g) 100 has demonstrated that calcium supplementation
Lentils, kidney beans or chick 4070 (500 mg daily) has only a modest effect on bone
peas (105 g) 4070
mineral density (BMD) in girls aged 1214, and
Soya beans, cooked (100 g) 85
Tofu (60 g) 300
this effect was independent of habitual calcium
Fruit intake.9
1 large orange 70 Whether any benefits are sustained if calcium
Nuts intake is reduced is not clear. However, a
20 almonds 50 follow-up study of a trial in which 1000 mg
1 tablespoon sesame seeds (20 g) 140 calcium was given to adolescent girls for 1 year
Tahini paste on 1 slice bread (10 g) 70
has shown that increased bone mineral accre-
Milk chocolate (100 g) 240
tion may be sustained for a period of 3.5 years
Excellent sources (bold); good source (italics). after supplementation has been discontinued.10
A further RCT has demonstrated that calcium
Calcium 39

supplementation given from childhood to young <400 mg a day), the same supplement sig-
adulthood significantly improved bone accre- nificantly reduced bone loss. Another study in
tion during the pubertal growth spurt with a women 10 years after the menopause21 showed
diminishing effect thereafter.11 that a calcium supplement of 1000 mg a day
A Cochrane review,12 including 19 trials, has had a benefit on both total and site-specific
assessed the effectiveness of calcium supplemen- bone mass even though their habitual calcium
tation for improving BMD in children. There intake was satisfactory, and that this effect of
was no effect of calcium supplementation on supplementation could last for 4 years and result
femoral neck or lumbar spine BMD. There was a in fewer fractures.22
small effect on total body bone mineral content Using fracture rather than bone loss as the
and upper limb BMD, but only the effect in end point, some recent studies have demon-
the upper limb persisted after supplementation strated a benefit of calcium given with vitamin
stopped. This effect is unlikely to result in a D in older people. A French study (Decalyos
clinically significant reduction in fracture risk I),23 showed considerable reduction in fracture
and the review concluded that the results do not rates in a large group of elderly people (mean
support the use of calcium supplementation in age 84 6) who were living in a nursing home
healthy children as a public health intervention. and given 1200 mg calcium with 800 units of
vitamin D. Protection became apparent after
Pre-menopausal women 612 months, and after 3 years the probability
In pre-menopausal women, results from studies of hip fractures was reduced by 29%.
examining the relationship between dietary cal- In a more recent study,24 also in elderly peo-
cium intake and bone mass and also those from ple, similar results were obtained from calcium
calcium supplementation studies are contradic- supplementation alone, but the subjects were
tory. Some show a positive effect of calcium13,14 vitamin D replete. Researchers in the USA25
on BMD, but others do not.1517 looked at the effects of 500 mg of calcium plus
700 units of vitamin D for 3 years in 176 men
Post-menopausal women and 213 women aged 65 or older who were
After the menopause, bone loss occurs at an living at home. The supplemented group had a
increasing rate, and while calcium may help to reduced incidence of non-vertebral fracture and
slow the loss, it does not prevent it. Moreover, lower bone loss in the femoral neck and the total
the influence of calcium at this stage of life seems body than the non-supplemented group.
to vary with the length of time that has passed A further study conducted by the French
since the menopause. Most studies fail to show a group (Decalyos II) has confirmed the results of
relationship between calcium intake, from either Decalyos I and found that calcium (1200 mg)
food or supplements, and bone loss during the plus vitamin D (800 units) reduces both hip
5 years immediately following the menopause. bone loss and the risk of hip fracture in elderly
The rapid loss of oestrogen causes a very high institutionalised women.26 Analysis of the De-
rate of bone resorption, which increases serum calyos data showed that this supplementation
calcium concentrations and inhibits intestinal strategy is cost-saving.27
absorption of calcium.18 A recent meta-analysis has confirmed that
In one study,19 women who had undergone calcium supplementation slows bone loss in
the menopause within the last 5 years had rapid post-menopausal women with a trend towards
bone loss that was not affected by a calcium a reduction in vertebral fractures.28
supplement of 500 mg a day. However, one A trial involving 36 282 post-menopausal
RCT in women over 45 showed that calcium women aged 5079 randomised participants
and vitamin D supplementation during a 30- to receive 1000 mg of elemental calcium with
month period showed a positive effect on BMD 400 units of vitamin D3 daily or placebo. There
in both peri- and post-menopausal subjects.20 was a small but significant 1% improvement
In women who were more than 6 years after in hip bone density for those taking calcium
the menopause (and had a calcium intake of combined with vitamin D compared with those
40 Calcium

taking placebo. There was also a 12% reduction with hypertension who are Afro-Caribbean40 or
in hip fracture, but this was non-significant. who are responsive to manipulation of dietary
However, women who consistently took the full sodium.41
supplement dose experienced a 29% decrease A Cochrane review of 13 RCTs found that
in hip fracture. Women older than 60 had a calcium supplementation was associated with
significant 21% reduction in hip fracture. The a statistically significant reduction in systolic
supplements had no significant effect on spine blood pressure (mean difference: 2.5 mmHg;
or total fractures and were associated with an 95% CI, 4.5 to 0.6) but not diastolic blood
increased risk of kidney stones.29 pressure (mean difference: 0.8 mmHg; 95% CI,
A 5-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled 2.1 to 0.4). The review concluded that evidence
study involving 1460 women over the age in favour of causal association between calcium
of 70 found that 1200 mg calcium daily is supplementation and blood pressure reduction
effective in preventing fracture in those who are is weak and that longer duration, better quality
compliant, but as a public health intervention in studies are needed.42
the ambulatory elderly population is ineffective
because of poor long-term compliance.30 Cancer
Calcium supplementation may reduce the
Corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis occurrence of colorectal cancer, but study
Steroids cause bone loss and it has been results are inconsistent. High calcium intake
suggested that patients on steroids should re- (12001400 mg daily) has been linked with
ceive preventive treatment (e.g. calcium, vitamin reduced colon cancer risk in epidemiological
D, bisphosphonates, oestrogens). A Cochrane studies, and high dietary and supplemental
meta-analysis of five trials involving 274 calcium have been associated with reduced
patients found a clinically and statistically recurrence of adenomatous polyps,4345 and
significant prevention of bone loss at the lumbar reduced colorectal cancer risk.46 Other studies
spine and forearm with vitamin D and calcium have shown no significant effects of calcium
in corticosteroid treated patients. The authors supplementation on colorectal cell proliferation
recommended that because of low toxicity and in subjects at high risk for colorectal cancer.47,48
low cost, all patients being started on cortico- There is also evidence that vitamin D acts
steroids should receive prophylactic therapy with calcium in reducing risk of colorectal
with calcium and vitamin D.31 adenomal recurrence.49 A pooled analysis of 10
cohort studies found that higher consumption
Hypertension of calcium is associated with lower risk of
Epidemiological studies32,33 support an inverse colorectal cancer.50
relationship between the amount of calcium in Evidence from the Calcium Polyp Preven-
the diet and blood pressure. However, based on tion Study, which involved patients with
multivariate analyses, the absolute contribution recent colorectal adenoma, showed that calcium
of calcium is very small. Some clinical interven- (1200 mg daily) may have a more pronounced
tion studies have reported reduction in blood antineoplastic effect on advanced colorectal
pressure in normotensive and hypertensive lesions than on other types of polyps.51 In
subjects3436 or no effect.37 A meta-analysis of the Polyp Prevention Trial, calcium and vita-
33 RCTs concluded that calcium (8002000 mg min D intake was inversely associated with
daily) may lead to a small reduction in systolic recurrence of adenomatous polyps in the large
blood pressure.38 Another meta-analysis of 22 bowel.52 A recent Cochrane review concluded
randomised clinical trials showed that calcium that evidence from two RCTs suggests that
supplements (5001000 mg daily) produced a calcium supplementation might contribute to a
significant decrease in systolic but not diastolic moderate degree to the prevention of colorectal
blood pressure, but the authors concluded that adenomatous polyps, but that this does not
the effect was too small to support the use constitute sufficient evidence to recommend the
of calcium supplementation in hypertension.39 general use of calcium supplements to prevent
Calcium may be most effective in patients colorectal cancer.53 A systematic review and
Calcium 41

meta-analysis of three trials also suggested that Obesity

calcium supplementation prevents recurrent Dietary calcium plays a pivotal role in the
colorectal adenomas.54 regulation of energy metabolism. High-calcium
Calcium has been associated with increased diets reduce adipose tissue accretion and weight
risk of prostate cancer. In the Physicians Health gain during periods of overconsumption and in-
Study, men consuming >600 mg calcium a day crease fat breakdown to preserve thermogenesis
from dairy products had a 32% higher risk of during energy restriction, thereby accelerating
prostate cancer compared with men consuming weight loss.64 A review analysing data from
<150 mg daily.55 However, in a recent RCT six observational studies and three controlled
involving 672 men, calcium 1200 mg daily was trials has shown that high calcium intakes
not associated with increased prostate cancer are associated with lower weight gain at mid-
risk.56 A meta-analysis of 12 studies found life.65 An RCT looking at the effect of calcium
that high intake of dairy products and calcium supplementation (1000 mg daily) in 100 women
may be associated with an increased risk of found no significant differences between body
prostate cancer, although the effect appeared to weight or fat mass changes between the placebo
be small.57 and calcium-supplemented groups. However,
there was a trend to increased loss of body
weight in the calcium group, which the authors
Menstrual symptoms
suggested to be consistent with a small effect.66
Calcium supplementation (1200 mg daily for
three menstrual cycles) was effective in re-
ducing premenstrual but not menstrual pain Conclusion
in a prospective, randomised, double-blind, There is evidence that calcium supplemen-
placebo-controlled trial.58 In another trial, tation can improve bone density in adoles-
when given with manganese, calcium (1336 mg cents. Calcium may also help to reduce the
daily) reduced menstrual pain and undesirable decline in bone density in post-menopausal
behavioural symptoms.59 A further trial showed women, particularly when given in con-
that calcium (1000 mg daily) reduced both junction with vitamin D. However, there is
premenstrual and menstrual symptom scores, less evidence that calcium supplementation
and there was a significant effect of calcium on attenuates the reduction in bone density
menstrual pain.60 around the time of the menopause. Calcium
supplementation may lower blood pressure,
but the effect is too small to recommend
its use in hypertension. Evidence linking
Use of calcium supplements during pregnancy
calcium to colon cancer and prostate cancer
may reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia. An analy-
is conflicting. There is preliminary evidence
sis of clinical trials that examined the effects of
that calcium supplementation may help
calcium intake on pre-eclampsia and pregnancy
symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS),
outcomes in 2500 women found that those who
particularly pain, and may also reduce the
consumed 15002000 mg of calcium a day were
risk of pre-eclampsia. Evidence of the value
70% less likely to suffer from hypertension in
of calcium supplements in obesity is limited.
pregnancy.61 However, a large study involving
4589 healthy first-time mothers found that cal-
cium supplementation (2000 mg daily) had no
effect on the incidence of hypertension, protein
excretion or complications of childbirth.62
A Cochrane systematic review of pregnancy-
induced hypertension identified nine placebo- Calcium supplements should be avoided in
controlled RCTs. Calcium significantly reduced conditions associated with hypercalcaemia and
the relative risk of hypertension, especially in hypercalcuria, and in renal impairment
women at high risk of hypertension and with (chronic). They should be used with caution
low dietary calcium.63 and with medical supervision in hypertension
42 Calcium

because blood pressure control may be Bisphosphonates: calcium may reduce absorp-
altered. tion of etidronate; give 2 h apart.
Traditionally, a low-calcium diet was advised Cardiac glycosides: concurrent use with par-
in patients with or at risk of kidney stones. enteral calcium preparations may increase
Recent studies have suggested that the risk of risk of cardiac arrhythmias (ECG monitoring
kidney stones is not increased by calcium.6770 recommended).
In two studies, however, supplemental calcium Corticosteroids: may reduce serum calcium
was positively associated with risk.29,71 levels.
A recent review on developments in stone Laxatives: prolonged use of laxatives may
prevention states: Calcium should not be re- reduce calcium absorption.
stricted. There is clear evidence from clinical Loop diuretics: increased excretion of
and experimental studies that a normal or calcium.
high calcium supply is appropriate in calcium 4-Quinolones: may reduce absorption of
stone disease. Only in absorptive hypercalcuria 4-quinolones; give 2 h apart.
calcium restriction remains beneficial in combi- Tamoxifen: calcium supplements may increase
nation with thiazide and citrate therapy.72 the risk of hypercalcaemia (a rare side-effect
of tamoxifen therapy); calcium supplements are
best avoided.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding Tetracyclines: may reduce absorption of tetra-
No problems have been reported. Calcium sup- cyclines; give 2 h apart.
plements may be required during pregnancy and Thiazide diuretics: may reduce calcium excre-
breast-feeding. Some studies have shown that tion.
the use of calcium supplements in pregnancy
may lower the risk of pre-eclampsia, while Nutrients
another has not (see above). Fluoride: may reduce absorption of fluoride and
vice versa; give 2 h apart.
Iron: calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate
Adverse effects may reduce absorption of iron; give 2 h apart
(absorption of iron in multiple formulations
Reported adverse effects with supplements in- containing iron and calcium is not significantly
clude nausea, constipation and flatulence (usu- altered).
ally mild). Calcium metabolism is under such Vitamin D: increased absorption of calcium
tight control that accumulation in blood or tis- and increased risk of hypercalcaemia; may be
sues from excessive intakes is almost unknown; advantageous in some individuals.
accumulation is usually due to failure of control Zinc: may reduce absorption of zinc.
mechanisms. Toxic effects and hypercalcaemia
are unlikely with oral doses of < 2000 mg daily.
However, in young children, calcium supple- Dose
ments should be used under medical supervision Calcium is available in the form of tablets
because of a risk of bowel perforation. and capsules. A review of 35 US calcium
supplements showed that four brands contained
lower levels of calcium than claimed on the
label. However, none of the products failed
Drugs testing for exceeding contamination levels for
Alcohol: excessive alcohol intake may reduce lead and other heavy metals.73 Another survey
calcium absorption. showed that calcium supplements may contain
Aluminium-containing antacids: may reduce lead,74 but levels were not high enough to cause
calcium absorption. concern.75
Anticonvulsants: may reduce serum calcium The dose for potential prevention of
levels. osteoporosis is 10001200 mg (as elemental
Calcium 43

people, is 2500 mg daily for adults and children

Table 3 Calcium content of commonly used from the age of 12 months.
calcium salts

Calcium salt Calcium(mg/g) Calcium(%) References

1 Matkovik V. Calcium metabolism and calcium
Calcium amino acid 180 18 requirements during skeletal modelling and consoli-
chelate dation of bone mass. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;
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Calcium chloride 272 27.2 2 Recker RR, Davies MK, Hinders SM, et al. Bone
Calcium glubionate 65 6.5 gain in young adult women. JAMA 1992; 268:
Calcium gluconate 90 9 24032408.
Calcium lactate 130 13 3 Chan GM, Hoffman K, McMurry M. Effects of dairy
Calcium lactate 129 13 produce on bone and body composition in pubertal
gluconate girls. J Pediatr 1995; 126: 551556.
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Calcium phosphate 230 23 of bone growth in adolescents: the effect of an 18-
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calcium carbonate (particularly in patients with achlorhydria). Calcium supplementation and increases in bone
mineral density in children. N Engl J Med 1992;
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erol. Patients who may require supplementation girls. JAMA 1993; 270: 841844.
include: those aged 65 and over who are 7 Lee WTK, Leung SSF, Leung DMT, et al. A
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secondary prevention of osteoporotic fractures 8 Rozen GS, Rennert G, Dodiuk-Gad RP, et al.
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by the 2005 NICE guideline76 ); prevention of after menarche. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 78: 993
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10 Dodiuk-Gad RP, Rozen GS, Rennert G, et al. Sus-
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44 Calcium

14 Rico H, Revilla M, Villa LF, et al. Longitudinal 27 Lilliu H, Pamphile R, Chapuy MC, et al. Calcium-
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42 Dickinson HO, Nicolson DJ, Cook JV, et al. Calcium 56 Baron JA, Beach M, Wallace K, et al. Risk of prostate
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46 Calcium

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Description r Regulation of long-chain fatty acid transport

across cell membranes.
Carnitine is an amino acid derivative. r Facilitation of beta-oxidation of long-chain
fatty acids and ketoacids.
Nomenclature r Transportation of acyl CoA compounds.

Carnitine is sometimes known as vitamin BT ; it

is not an officially recognised vitamin. Metabolism
Dietary carnitine is absorbed rapidly from the
Constituents intestine by both passive and active transport
Carnitine exists as two distinct isomers, l- mechanisms. Carnitine is synthesised in the
carnitine (naturally occurring carnitine) and liver, brain and kidney from the essential amino
d-carnitine (synthetic carnitine). Dietary sup- acids, lysine and methionine.
plements contain l-carnitine or a dl-carnitine
Primary carnitine deficiency is caused by
Human requirements
impairment in the membrane transport of
No proof of a dietary need exists. Carnitine carnitine. Symptoms may include: chronic
is synthesised in sufficient quantities to meet muscle weakness (due to muscle carnitine
human requirements. deficiency); recurrent episodes of coma and
hypoglycaemia (usually in infants and children);
encephalopathy; and cardiomyopathy.
Dietary intake Secondary carnitine deficiency occurs in
The average omnivorous diet is estimated to several inherited disorders of metabolism (es-
provide 100300 mg of carnitine daily. pecially organic acidurias and disorders of
Despite the fact that plant foods are poor
Dietary sources sources of carnitine, there is no evidence that
Meat and dairy products are the best sources. vegetarians are deficient in carnitine. Endoge-
Fruit, vegetables and cereals are poor sources nous synthesis prevents deficiencies.
of carnitine. Carnitine is added to infant milk
Possible uses
Carnitine supplementation has been investi-
gated for its potential benefit in CVD, exercise
Carnitine has the following physiological performance, chronic fatigue syndrome and
functions: Alzheimers disease.

48 Carnitine

Cardiovascular disease Chronic fatigue syndrome

Carnitine may be beneficial in patients with Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have
ischaemic heart disease, but only those who been reported to have low carnitine levels.
have low serum carnitine levels. One crossover (not blinded) parallel design
Orally administered l-carnitine (2 g daily) study randomised 30 patients with chronic
has been shown to improve symptoms of fatigue syndrome to either 3 g l-carnitine
angina,1 and to reduce anginal attacks and or 100 mg amantadine.18 At the end of the
glyceryl trinitrate consumption.2 In a dose of 2-month study, the carnitine group experienced
900 mg daily for 12 weeks, it has also been clinical improvement in 12 out of the 18 studied
shown to improve exercise tolerance in patients parameters. However, no statistical compar-
with stable angina.3 ison between carnitine and amantadine was
Carnitine supplementation (4 g daily) has conducted.
also been reported to improve heart rate, arterial
pressures, angina and lipid patterns in a con-
trolled study of patients who had experienced
Alzheimers disease
a recent myocardial infarction.4 Yet another
Preliminary evidence from two double-blind,
study showed that l-carnitine (1 g twice daily
placebo-controlled trials19,20 suggests that car-
for 45 days) may be beneficial in congestive
nitine supplementation could reduce the deterio-
heart failure (CHF), by reducing heart rate,
ration in some symptoms of Alzheimers disease.
dyspnoea and oedema, and increasing diuresis.
A meta-analysis of 21 double-blind RCTs of
Supplementation also allowed for a reduction in
acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) versus placebo in the
daily digoxin dose.5
treatment of mild cognitive impairment and
Another study has provided some evidence
mild Alzheimers disease concluded that ALC
that l-carnitine (2 g twice a day for 3 weeks)
improved mild cognitive impairment or pre-
increases walking distance in patients with
vented deterioration, and was well tolerated.21
intermittent claudication.6
More recent evidence from a Cochrane review
of 16 trials suggests evidence of benefit for
acetyl-l-carnitine on clinical global impression
and on the Mini Mental State Examination
Preliminary studies have shown that l-carnitine
(MMSE test for Alzheimers disease), but
may reduce blood cholesterol levels. Oral ad-
there is no evidence using objective assessments
ministration of l-carnitine (34 g daily) signifi-
in any other area of outcome. In many cases
cantly reduced serum levels of total cholesterol
the trial methodologies were poor with vague
or triglyceride or both, and increased those of
descriptions of dementia. The Cochrane review
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.79
concluded that at present there is no evidence
to recommend the use of acetyl-l-carnitine in
clinical practice.22
Exercise performance
There is a potential for carnitine to improve ath-
letic performance by increasing lipid utilisation
and conserving glycogen supplies in the muscles. Miscellaneous
An increase in maximal aerobic power was There is some evidence that carnitine improves
observed in subjects who received l-carnitine insulin resistance in type II diabetes.23 ALC
2 g daily10 and 4 g daily.11,12 Other studies have is also a promising treatment for symptoms,
shown no effect of supplemental carnitine on particularly pain, of diabetic neuropathy.24,25
muscle carnitine.13,14 It may support treatment for epilepsy26 and
Double-blind placebo-controlled trials have complement antiretroviral therapy in patients
shown no benefit of oral carnitine 2 g,15 3 g16 with HIV,27,28 but studies have not assessed the
or 4 g17 on exercise performance in healthy effect of carnitine on morbidity and mortality
subjects. from AIDS.
Carnitine 49

Pivmecillinam: increased excretion of

Conclusion carnitine.
Preliminary evidence suggests that carni-
tine supplementation may be of benefit
in several cardiovascular disorders, such Dose
as angina, hyperlipidaemia, myocardial in-
l-carnitine supplements are available in the
farction, CHF and intermittent claudication.
form of tablets and capsules.
Evidence also exists that carnitine may be
The dose is not established. In studies, doses
beneficial in Alzheimers disease, chronic
of 16 g l-carnitine daily have been used.
fatigue syndrome and diabetic neuropathy.
While these results are clearly of interest,
further evidence is required before the role References
of carnitine, if any, in the management of
these conditions can be defined. Despite a 1 Cherchi A, Lai C, Angelino F, Trucco G, Caponnetto
S. Effects of l-carnitine in exercise tolerance in
theoretical rationale, there is as yet no good
chronic stable angina: a multicenter, double-blind,
evidence that carnitine supplementation im- randomized placebo controlled crossover study.
proves exercise performance. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 1985; 23:
2 Garyza G, Amico RM. Comparative study on the
activity of racemic and laevorotatory carnitine in
Precautions/contraindications stable angina pectoris. Int J Tissue React 1980; 2:
The administration of the d-isomer (including 3 Kamikawa T, Suzuki Y, Kobayashi A, et al. Effects
a dl-mixture, contained in some supplements) of l-carnitine on exercise tolerance in patients
may interfere with the normal function of the with stable angina pectoris. Jpn Heart J 1984; 25:
l-isomer and should not be used. Only the l- 587597.
isomer has been used in studies. 4 Davini P, Bigalli A, Lamanna F, et al. Con-
trolled study on l-carnitine therapeutic efficacy in
post-infarction. Drugs Exp Clin Res 1992; 18:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding 355365.
5 Ghidini O, Azzurro M, Vita G, et al. Evaluation of
No problems have been reported, but there the therapeutic efficacy of l-carnitine in congestive
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee heart failure. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol
the safety of carnitine in pregnancy and breast- 1988; 26: 217220.
feeding. 6 Brevetti G, Chiariello M, Ferulano G, et al. Increases
in walking distance in patients with peripheral vascu-
lar disease treated with l-carnitine: a double-blind,
Adverse effects cross-over study. Circulation 1988; 77: 767773.
7 Pola P, Savi L, Grilli M, et al. Carnitine in the therapy
Serious toxicity has not been reported. Nausea, of dyslipidemic patients. Curr Ther Res 1979; 27:
vomiting and diarrhoea may occur with high 208216.
doses. The risk of toxicity is greater with the 8 Pola P, Tondi P, Dal Lago A, et al. Statisti-
cal evaluation of long-term l-carnitine therapy in
d-isomer than with l-carnitine (see Precau-
hyperlipoproteinaemias. Drugs Exp Clin Res 1983;
tions/contraindications); myasthenia has been 12: 925935.
reported with ingestion of dl-carnitine. 9 Rossi CS, Silprandi N. Effect of carnitine on serum
HDL-cholesterol: report of two cases. Johns Hop-
kins Med J 1982; 150: 5154.
Interactions 10 Swart I, Rossouw J, Loots J, et al. The effect of l-
Drugs carnitine supplementation on plasma carnitine levels
and various parameters of male marathon athletes.
Anticonvulsants: increased excretion of Nutr Res 1997; 17: 405414.
carnitine. 11 Angelini C, Vergani L, Costa L, et al. Clinical study
Pivampicillin: increased excretion of of efficacy of l-carnitine and metabolic observations
carnitine. in exercise physiology. In: Borum D, ed. Clinical
50 Carnitine

Aspects of Human Carnitine Deficiency. New York: 20 Spagnoli A, Lucca U, Menasce G, et al. Long term
Pergamon Press, 1986: 3642. acetyl-l-carnitine treatment in Alzheimers disease.
12 Marconi C, Sassi G, Carpinelli A, Cerretelli P. Neurology 1991; 41: 17261732.
Effects of l-carnitine loading on the aerobic and 21 Montgomery SA, Thal LJ, Amrein R. Meta-analysis
aerobic performance of endurance athletes. Eur J of double blind randomized controlled clinical trials
Appl Physiol 1985; 54: 131135. of acetyl-l-carnitine versus placebo in the treatment
13 Barnett C, Costill D, Vukovitch M, et al. Effect of of mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimers
l-carnitine supplementation on muscle and blood disease. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2003; 18:
carnitine content and lactate accumulation during 6171.
high-intensity spring cycling. Int J Sport Nutr 1994; 22 Hudson S, Tabet N. Acetyl-l-carnitine for dementia.
4: 280288. Cochrane database, issue 2, 2003. London:
14 Vukovitch M, Costill D, Fink W, et al. Carnitine Macmillan.
supplementation: effect on muscle carnitine and 23 Mingrone G, Greco AV, Capristo E. l-carnitine
glycogen content during exercise. Med Sci Sports improves glucose disposal in type 2 diabetic patients.
Exerc 1994; 26: 11221129. J Am Coll Nutr 1999; 18: 7782.
15 Colombani P, Wenk C, Kunz I, et al. Effects of l- 24 De Grandis D, Minardi C. Acetyl-l-carnitine in
carnitine supplementation on physical performance the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. A long-term,
and energy metabolism of endurance trained ath- randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
letes: a double-blind crossover field study. Eur J Appl Drugs R D 2002; 3: 223231.
Physiol 1996; 73: 434439. 25 Sima AA, Calvani M, Mehra M, et al. Acetyl-l-
16 Trappe SW, Costill DL, Goodpaster P, et al. carnitine improves pain, nerve regeneration, and
The effects of l-carnitine on performance during vibratory perception in patients with chronic dia-
interval swimming. Int J Sports Med 1994; 15: betic neuropathy: an analysis of two randomized
181185. placebo-controlled trials. Diabetes Care 2005; 1:
17 Giamberardino MA, Dragani L, Valente R, et al. 8994.
Effects of prolonged l-carnitine administration on 26 Shuper A, Gutman A, Mimoumi M. Intractable
delayed muscle pain and CK release after eccentric epilepsy. Lancet 1999; 353: 1238.
effort. Int J Sports Med 1996; 17: 320324. 27 Moretti S, Alesse E, Di Marzio L. Effect of
18 Pliophys A, Pliophys S. Amantadine and l-carnitine l-carnitine on human immunodeficiency virus-1
treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Neuropsy- infection-associated apoptosis: a pilot study. Blood
chobiology 1997; 35: 1623. 1998; 91: 38173824.
19 Sano M, Bell K, Cote L, et al. Double-blind parallel 28 De Simone C, Tzantzoglou S, Famularo G. High dose
design pilot study of acetyl levocarnitine in patients l-carnitine improves immunologic and metabolic
with Alzheimers disease. Arch Neurol 1992; 49: parameters in AIDS patients. Immunopharmacol
11371141. Immunotoxicol 1993; 15: 112.

Description The amount of beta-carotene in dietary

supplements may be expressed in terms of
Carotenoids are natural pigments found in
micrograms or International Units. One unit of
plants, including fruit and vegetables, giving
beta-carotene is defined as the activity of 0.6 g
them their bright colour. About 600 carotenoids
beta-carotene. Thus:
have been identified, of which about six appear
to be used in significant ways by the blood r 1 unit beta-carotene = 0.6 g beta-carotene;
or other tissues. About 50 have pro-vitamin and
A activity, and of these, all-trans beta-carotene r 1 g beta-carotene = 1.67 units beta-
is the most active on a weight basis and makes carotene.
the most important quantitative contribution
to human nutrition. Beta-carotene is fat solu- Human requirements
ble. Apart from beta-carotene, other significant
carotenoids (according to research conducted so There is currently no UK Dietary Refer-
far) are alpha-carotene, astaxanthin, cryptoxan- ence Value for beta-carotene (or any other
thin, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin. carotenoids). This is because, until recently,
its only role has been considered to be as a
precursor of vitamin A. Some authorities are
starting to make recommendations for beta-
Units carotene, e.g. 6 mg daily (Finland); 4 mg daily
(France); 2 mg daily (Germany).
The bioavailability of those carotenoids with
pro-vitamin A activity (e.g. alpha-carotene,
Dietary intake
beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin) is less than that
of retinol (preformed vitamin A). In the UK, the average adult diet provides
The absorption and utilisation of carotenoids 2.28 mg (beta-carotene) daily.
varies, but the generally accepted relationship
in the UK is that 1 g retinol is equivalent Action
to 6 g beta-carotene or 12 g of other pro-
Carotenoids have the following functions. They:
vitamin A carotenoids. (Other carotenoids with
pro-vitamin A activity are not converted to r quench singlet oxygen and prevent the for-
vitamin to the same extent as is beta-carotene.) mation of free radicals. Note: natural beta-
However, the bioactivity of carotenoids in foods carotene (cis form) acts as an antioxidant,
is now known to be less than was previously while the synthetic (trans) form has been
thought and there is much debate about the suggested to be pro-oxidant;1
conversion factors. The US Food and Nutrition r react with or scavenge free radicals directly
Board revised its conversion factors in 2001 and thus act as an antioxidant;
such that 1 g retinol is equivalent to 12 g r enhancesomeaspects of immunefunction; and
beta-carotene or 24 g of other provitamin A r act as precursors for vitamin A (e.g. alpha-
carotenoids. carotene, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin).

52 Carotenoids

Table 1 Carotenoid composition of typical fruits and vegetables (g/100 g portion)

Food Alpha-carotene Beta-carotene Beta-cryptoxanthin Lutein + zeaxanthin Lycopene

Apricots, dried 0 17 600 0 0 864

Beet greens 3 2 560 0 7 700 0
Broccoli, boiled 0 1 042 0 2 226 0
Brussels sprouts, boiled 0 465 0 1 290 0
Cantaloupe melon 27 1 595 0 40 0
Carrots, cooked 3700 9 800 0 260 0
Grapefruit, pink 5 603 12 13 1 462
Kale, cooked 0 6 202 0 15 798 0
Lettuce, cos 0 1 272 0 2 635 0
Mandarin orange 14 71 485 243 0
Mango, raw 17 445 11
Mango, canned, drained 13 120 1 550
Orange juice 2 4 15 36 0
Oranges 16 51 122 187 0
Papaya 0 276 761 75 0
Pasta with tomato sauce 0 127 0 0 3 162
Peppers, red, raw 59 2 379 2 205
Pizza, with tomato sauce 0 170 0 20 2 071
Spinach, cooked 0 5 242 0 7 043 0
Sweetcorn, canned 33 30 0 884 0
Sweet potato, cooked 0 9 488 0 0 0
Tomato soup, canned 0 235 0 90 10 920
Tomato, raw 0 520 0 100 3 100

Data from USDA-NCC Carotenoid Database for US Foods, 1998.

Dietary sources on beta-carotene, and less is known about the

others, particularly in terms of metabolism.
Carotenoids are found in a wide variety of fruits
Hence, only the metabolism of beta-carotene is
and vegetables, although they may not be the
described here.
ones commonly consumed. Alpha-carotene is
found in palm oil, maize, carrots and pumpkin.
Lycopene is concentrated in red fruits, such as
tomatoes (particularly cooked and pureed toma-
Beta-carotene consists of two molecules of
toes), guava, watermelon, apricots, peaches
vitamin A, which are hydrolysed in the gastro-
and red grapefruit. Lutein and zeaxanthin are
intestinal tract. It is absorbed into the mucosal
found in dark green vegetables, red pepper
cells of the small intestine and converted to
and pumpkin. Cryptoxanthin is present in
retinol. The efficiency of absorption is usually
mangoes, oranges and peaches. The carotenoid
2050%, but can be as low as 10% when
content of various fruits and vegetables is
intake is high. The conversion of beta-carotene
shown in Table 1.
to retinol is regulated by the vitamin A stores
of the individual and by the amount ingested;
conversion efficiency varies from 2:1 at low
intakes to 12:1 at higher intakes. On average,
Although there are a huge number of 25% of absorbed beta-carotene appears to
carotenoids, most research has been conducted remain intact and 75% is converted to retinol.
Carotenoids 53

Distribution high intake of foods rich in carotenoids (i.e.

Intact beta-carotene is transported in very- fruit and vegetables) and high serum levels of
low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) or low-density beta-carotene are associated with reduced risk
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Blood levels, of certain cancers, especially lung cancer, but
unlike those of retinol, are not maintained also cancers of the cervix, endometrium, breast,
constant but vary roughly in proportion to the oesophagus, mouth and stomach.2
amounts ingested. Increased blood levels (hyper- Fruit and vegetables contain several types of
carotenaemia) are sometimes associated (as carotenoids in addition to beta-carotene, and
a secondary condition) with hypothyroidism, it is incorrect to assume that beta-carotene
diabetes mellitus, and hepatic and renal disease. is responsible for all the preventive effects of
Hypercarotenaemia can also be caused by a fruit and vegetables. For example, increased
rare genetic inability to convert beta-carotene alpha-carotene intakes from diet have been
to vitamin A. associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer,3,4
All carotenoids are deposited in the liver to a with suggestive inverse associations for other
less extent than is vitamin A. Most are stored in carotenoids also.
the adipose tissue, epidermal and dermal layers However, serum analysis has also shown an
of the skin and the adrenals; there are high levels association between low serum beta-carotene
in the corpus luteum and in colostrum. levels and increased cancer risk, possibly indi-
cating a more specific link. Intervention studies
Elimination published so far have provided very little ev-
Beta-carotene is eliminated mainly in the idence for a beneficial effect of beta-carotene
faeces. supplementation on cancer risk; indeed, some
have indicated that there may be an increased
Beta-carotene is not very stable, and potency
is lost if it is exposed to oxygen. Mild cook- Intervention trials A 12-year US study involv-
ing processes can improve bioavailability, e.g. ing 22 071 male physicians randomly allocated
absorption from raw carrot can be as low as to 50 mg beta-carotene every other day or
1%, but this figure increases dramatically when placebo did not demonstrate any statistically
carrots are subject to short periods of boiling. significant benefit or harm from supplementa-
However, overcooking reduces bioavailability. tion. In the beta-carotene group, 1273 subjects
Significant losses can also occur during frying, developed malignant neoplasms compared with
freezing and canning. 1293 in the placebo group. No serious adverse
effects were noted in the study.5
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled Finnish
intervention trial, known as the Alpha-
No specific symptoms have been defined. Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Prevention (ATBC)
Study,6 29 000 male smokers were randomised
to receive beta-carotene 20 mg daily, alpha-
Possible uses
tocopherol 50 mg daily, both beta-carotene and
Carotenoids are being investigated in a variety alpha-tocopherol, or placebo. Lung cancer inci-
of conditions, particularly cancer, CVD and dence increased in all the groups receiving beta-
cataract. carotene, but the effect was stronger in those
who smoked heavily, a finding consistent with
Beta-carotene the CARET study (see below). However, lung
cancer incidence was not correlated with serum
beta-carotene, suggesting that this was not a
Epidemiological studies More than 50 epi- direct effect of beta-carotene.7 There was also
demiological studies have demonstrated that a no significant effect on incidence or mortality of
54 Carotenoids

cancer of the pancreas,8 nor on the incidence of lung carcinogenesis through maintaining tissue
colorectal adenomas.9 retinoid levels and inhibiting cell proliferation
Another US study (the beta-carotene and and other potentially carcinogenesis pathways
retinol efficacy trial CARET) in 4060 sub- in the lung.14
jects with substantial work-related exposure In patients with documented cervical dyspla-
to asbestos and also 14 254 heavy smokers, sia given either beta-carotene 30 mg or placebo
showed that beta-carotene 30 mg with vitamin for 9 months, complete remission occurred in
A 25 000 units increased the risk of lung cancer 23% of the supplemented group and 47% of
compared with placebo. Mortality was also the placebo group, showing that beta-carotene
17% higher. As a consequence, this trial was had no beneficial effect on resolution of cervical
stopped prematurely.10 dysplasia.15 However, in another study there
These unexpected results were reviewed ex- was an inverse relationship between breast can-
tensively and numerous possible explanations cer and beta-carotene intake in pre-menopausal
were proposed. One possible explanation for women.16
the negative results of the human beta-carotene In a further study, beta-carotene was neither
intervention trials is that the positive effects beneficial nor harmful in reducing the risk of
of beta-carotene shown in case-control studies developing skin cancer. A total of 1621 subjects
were instead the results of other nutrients aged 20 to 69 were randomised into four
that co-vary with carotenoids and carotenoids groups beta-carotene and sunscreen, sunscreen
are only one of several factors in fruits and and placebo, beta-carotene and no sunscreen,
vegetables that must be consumed together to be and no sunscreen and placebo. Sunscreen was
effective. Carotenoids could also be a marker for applied daily to all exposed areas of the head,
a generally healthy lifestyle that includes a diet neck, arms and hands, with re-application after
low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables.11 swimming or increased perspiration. No dosing
Another hypothesis is that a large dose of details were given for beta-carotene. At the
beta-carotene, such as was used in these trials, end of the study, there were no statistically
is metabolised differently than a smaller dietary significant differences in development of basal
dose, resulting in adverse effects. The idea was or squamous cell carcinoma between the beta-
tested experimentally in a model of smoke- carotene and placebo groups.17 A lack of
exposed, beta-carotene-treated ferrets. In the effect of beta-carotene supplementation in
lungs of these animals, retinoid oxidative en- non-melanoma skin cancer was observed among
zymes were elevated and retinoid levels were men with low baseline plasma beta-carotene.18
reduced.12 This was found, in part, to be the re- More recent trials continue to show mixed
sult of enhanced oxidative excentric cleaving of results with beta-carotene alone. One RCT
beta-carotene to produce various beta-carotene in 264 patients who had been treated for a
metabolites (e.g. beta-apo-carotenals). How- recent early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of
ever, when alpha-tocopherol and ascorbic acid the oral cavity, pharynx or larynx found that
were added to beta-carotene in ferrets exposed beta-carotene 50 mg daily had no significant
to cigarette smoke, the production of beta-apo- effect on second cancers of the head and neck
carotenals was inhibited, while the production (RR 0.69; 5% CI, 0.39 to 1.25) or lung cancer
of retinoids was increased. When either alpha- (RR 1.44; 5% CI, 0.62 to 3.39) and total
tocopherol or vitamin C alone was added, mortality was not affected. However, in this
the production of retinoids was not affected, study the point estimates suggested a possible
suggesting that alpha-tocopherol and ascorbic decrease in second head and neck cancer risk
acid may act synergistically in preventing the but a possible increase in lung cancer risk.19
enhanced oxidative cleavage of beta-carotene In a further trial involving patients treated for
induced by smoking exposure.13 A more recent head and neck cancer, beta-carotene (75 mg
study in a ferret lung cancer model indicates that daily) had no significant effect on the incidence
combined antioxidative supplementation could of second primary tumours, but there was a
be a useful chemopreventive strategy against statistically non-significant 40% reduction in
Carotenoids 55

the risk of death among subjects assigned to 5570 patients received alpha-tocopherol 50 mg
beta-carotene and no increase in death from daily, 5548 patients received alpha-tocopherol
CVD.20 In patients with early-stage head and 50 mg and beta-carotene 20 mg daily, and 5549
neck cancer, supplemental beta-carotene did not received placebo. Follow-up continued for a
have pro-oxidant effects in either smokers or maximum of 7 years. Patients taking vitamin
non-smokers.21 E alone or in combination with beta-carotene
Beta-carotene has been shown in one RCT to showed a minor decrease in angina pectoris, but
be protective of colorectal adenoma recurrence beta-carotene alone was associated with a slight
among subjects who neither smoked cigarettes increase in angina incidence.
nor drank alcohol. A total of 864 subjects who Incidence of myocardial infarction was
had had an adenoma removed and were polyp- not reduced by beta-carotene supplementation
free were randomised to receive beta-carotene (50 mg daily) in US male physicians.25 Beta-
(25 mg) and/or vitamins C and E in combination carotene was not effective in the treatment
(1000 mg and 400 mg, respectively) or placebo. of increased serum triglycerides or cholesterol
They were followed at 1 and 4 years for ade- levels,26 and was not shown to reduce the risk
noma recurrence. Among subjects who did not of stroke.27
smoke or drink, beta-carotene was associated A meta-analysis that looked at the effect
with a marked decrease in risk of one or more of antioxidant vitamins on long-term cardio-
recurrent adenomas (RR 0.56, 95% CI, 0.35 vascular outcomes included 12 RCTs, of which
to 0.89), but beta-carotene supplementation eight involved beta-carotene.28 Beta-carotene
conferred a modest increase in the risk of was associated with a slight statistically signifi-
recurrence in those who smoked or drank. For cant increase in all-cause mortality and cardio-
people who smoked and drank more than one vascular death compared with the control. The
alcoholic drink a day, beta-carotene doubled authors concluded that the use of supplements
the risk of adenoma recurrence, suggesting that containing beta-carotene should be actively
both alcohol and smoking modify the effect discouraged.
of beta-carotene supplementation on the risk
of colorectal adenoma recurrence.22 Vitamin Cataract
A and alpha-carotene have also been found Beta-carotene may protect against cataract for-
to protect against recurrence of adenomatous mation. In a retrospective study,29 the group
polyps in non-smokers and non-drinkers.23 with the lowest serum beta-carotene levels had
over five times the risk of developing cataract
Cardiovascular disease as the group with the highest serum levels.
Diets rich in fruit and vegetables are generally Two RCTs have evaluated the influence of beta-
associated with a lower risk of CVD, but carotene supplements in age-related cataract. In
evidence for a direct protective effect of beta- the US Physicians Health Study, 22 071 men
carotene was reported from the US Physicians aged 4084 were randomly assigned to receive
Health Study.23 In an analysis of a subgroup either beta-carotene 50 mg on alternate days or
of volunteers who had previously had stable placebo for 12 years. There was no difference
angina or coronary revascularisation, 50 mg between the beta-carotene and placebo groups
beta-carotene on alternate days reduced subse- in the overall incidence of cataract, relative risk
quent coronary events by 50% compared with or cataract extraction. In smokers, however,
placebo. beta-carotene appeared to attenuate excess risk
However, in a large placebo-controlled trial of cataract by about 25%.30 In the Womens
involving men between 50 and 69 who smoked Health Study, 39 867 female health profession-
five or more cigarettes a day, supplementation als aged 45 or older were randomised to receive
with beta-carotene was not helpful in angina beta-carotene 50 mg on alternate days, vitamin
pectoris and may have slightly increased the E and aspirin for the prevention of cancer and
incidence of the condition.24 In this study, 5602 CVD. The beta-carotene arm was terminated
patients received beta-carotene 20 mg daily, early and the main outcome measures were
56 Carotenoids

visually significant cataract and cataract extrac- the US Nurses Health Study, those in the
tion. However, 2 years of beta-carotene treat- highest quintile for consumption of lutein and
ment had no large beneficial (or harmful) effect zeaxanthin had a 22% reduced risk of cataract
on the development of cataract.31 extraction compared with those in the lowest
quintile.42 In the US Physicians Health Study,
Diabetes those in the highest quintile for lutein and
Serum beta-carotene levels may be reduced in zeaxanthin intake had a 19% reduction in
diabetic patients, and one case-control study risk for cataract extraction when smoking,
has shown a negative correlation between beta- age, and other risk factors were controlled
carotene and glycaemic control.32 However, in for.43 Other carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-
the US Physicians Health Study, beta-carotene carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene) were
supplementation (50 mg daily) was ineffective not associated with a reduced risk of cataract.
in reducing the risk of developing type 2 Similarly, in the US Beaver Dam Eye Study,
diabetes.33 lutein and zeaxanthin were the only carotenoids
of those examined associated with reduction
Immune function in cataracts in this case, nuclear cataracts.
Data on beta-carotenes influence on the People in the highest quintile of lutein intake
immune system are conflicting. One study in the distant past were half as likely to have
showed that supplementation (beta-carotene an incidence of cataract as those in the lowest
15 mg daily for 26 days) resulted in a significant quintile.37 As part of the same study, 252
increase in the proportion of monocytes in- subjects were followed over a 5-year period.
volved in initiating immune responses.34 How- Only a trend towards an inverse relationship
ever, in other studies, T-cell immunity was un- between serum lutein and cryptoxanthin and
affected by beta-carotene supplementation.35 risk of cataract development was noted.44
In a UK cross-sectional survey, the risk of
Lutein posterior subscapular cataract was lowest in
Lutein is a carotenoid found in high concen- those with higher plasma concentrations of
trations in the eye, where it filters out blue lutein and the risk of cortical cataract was
light, and it may have a protective role in the lowest in people with the highest plasma con-
visual apparatus and its vascular supply. There centrations of lycopene. However, the risk of
is evidence that lutein may help to prevent nuclear cataract was lowest in people with the
ARMD36 and cataracts.37 Supplements may highest plasma concentrations of alpha- or beta-
also help to improve visual function in patients carotene.45
with retinal degeneration.38 In the first published intervention trial involv-
A study in Miami tested the effects of 30 mg ing lutein, 17 patients with age-related cataracts
of lutein on eye pigment in two people for a were randomised in a double-blind study involv-
period of 140 days. The results showed that ing dietary supplementation with lutein 15 mg,
2040 days after starting the lutein supplement, alpha-tocopherol 100 mg or placebo three times
the density of the pigment in the subjects eyes a week for up to 2 years. Visual performance
started to increase. The amount of blue light (visual acuity and glare sensitivity) improved in
reaching the photoreceptors, Bruchs membrane the lutein group but not with alpha-tocopherol
and the retinal pigment epithelium (vulnerable or placebo.46
eye tissues affected in macular degeneration) The second trial was a 21-month ran-
was reduced by 3040%.39 Another carotenoid, domised, double-masked, placebo-controlled
lycopene, appears to confer protection against trial that involved 90 patients with atrophic
oxidative changes in the epithelial cells of the ARMD. One group of patients received lutein
lens.40 10 mg daily, another group received lutein
Dietary intake of lutein and its isomer 10 mg with antioxidants and vitamins and min-
zeaxanthin may reduce the risk of developing erals while the third group received a placebo.
both cataract and macular degeneration.41 In Visual function (as measured by macular
Carotenoids 57

pigment optical density, Snellen equivalent marked in the lycopene group. This change was
visual acuity and contrast sensitivity) improved more consistent after 2 years. Adding lycopene
with both lutein alone and lutein together with to orchidectomy produced a more reliable and
the other nutrients compared with placebo.47 consistent reduction in PSA, shrinking the pri-
The authors concluded that lutein or lutein mary tumour, diminishing secondary tumours,
together with antioxidant vitamins was not providing better relief from bone pain and lower
a cure for ARMD but could reverse various urinary tract symptoms and improving survival
symptoms of the condition and improve visual compared with orchidectomy alone.54 A further
function. trial using a supplement containing lycopene,
isoflavones, silymarin and antioxidants found
Lycopene that this supplement delayed PSA progression
Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that functions after potentially curative treatment (radical
as a free radical scavenger and antioxidant. prostatectomy).55
Supplementation has been reported to pro- A meta-analysis of 11 case-control studies
tect against macular degeneration,48 athero- and 10 cohort studies or nested case-control
sclerosis,49 and cancer, especially prostate studies involving tomato, tomato products or
cancer.50,51 lycopene concluded that tomato products may
Intervention trials have begun to evaluate play a role in the prevention of prostate cancer,
the effects of lycopene supplements in prostate but the effect is small.56
cancer. In a pilot trial, 26 men with newly diag-
nosed, clinically localised prostate cancer were Conclusion
randomised to receive 15 mg of lycopene twice Diets rich in carotenoids are protec-
daily or no supplementation for 3 weeks before tive against various conditions, particu-
radical prostatectomy. The results suggested larly cancer and CVD. However, evidence
that lycopene supplementation may reduce the that beta-carotene supplements are bene-
growth of prostate cancer, but the authors ficial for this purpose is lacking. Other
emphasised that no firm conclusions could be carotenoids, such as lycopene and lutein,
reached because of the small sample size.52 are now being studied. Preliminary evi-
The same research group conducted a fur- dence suggests that lutein may be pro-
ther pilot trial involving the use of a tomato tective in cataract and macular degener-
extract containing 30 mg lycopene each day ation, while lycopene may be protective
in 26 men again for 3 weeks before radical against macular degeneration and prostate
prostatectomy. After intervention, subjects in cancer.
the intervention group had smaller tumours,
less involvement of extra-prostatic tissue with
cancer and less diffuse involvement of the
prostate by high-grade prostatic intraepithelial Precautions/contraindications
neoplasia. Mean prostate-specific antigen (PSA) No serious problems have been reported. Sup-
was lower in the intervention group than the plements should be avoided by people with
placebo group. The authors concluded that this known hypersensitivity to carotenoids.
pilot study suggests that lycopene may have
beneficial effects in prostate cancer, although
large trials are warranted to investigate the Pregnancy and breast-feeding
potential preventive and/or therapeutic role of No problems have been reported.
lycopene in the disease.53
In another trial, 54 men with prostate cancer
Adverse effects
were assigned to receive orchidectomy alone or
orchidectomy plus lycopene (2 mg twice daily). Unlike retinol, carotenoids are generally non-
At 6 months there was a significant reduction in toxic. Even when ingested in large amounts,
PSA in both treatment arms, but this was more they are not known to cause birth defects or
58 Carotenoids

to cause hypervitaminosis A, primarily because that of the all-trans isomer. J Nutr Cancer 1997; 27:
efficiency of absorption decreases rapidly as 293297.
the dose increases and because conversion to 2 Gaby SK, Singh VN. Betacarotene. In: Gaby SK,
Bendich A, Singh VN, Machlin LJ, eds. Vitamin
vitamin A is not sufficiently rapid to induce Intake and Health. A Scientific Review. New York:
toxicity. Marcel Dekker, 1991: 89106.
Intake of >30 mg daily (either from com- 3 Michaud DS, Feskanich D, Rimm EB, et al. Intake
mercial supplements or tomato or carrot juice) of specific carotenoids and risk of lung cancer in 2
may lead to hypercarotenaemia, which is char- prospective US cohorts. Am J Clin Nutr 2000; 72:
acterised by a yellowish coloration of the skin 990997.
4 Knekt P, Jarvinen R, Tempo, et al. Role of various
(including the palms of the hands and soles
carotenoids in lung cancer prevention. J Natl Cancer
of the feet), and a very high concentration of Inst 1999; 91: 182184.
carotenoids in the plasma. This is harmless 5 Hennekens CH, Buring JE, Manson JE, et al. Lack
and reversible and gradually disappears when of effect of long-term supplementation with beta-
excessive intake of carotenoids is corrected. carotene on the incidence of malignant neoplasms
Hypercarotenaemia is clearly differentiated and cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 1996; 334:
from jaundice by the appearance of the whites 11451149.
6 The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Pre-
of the eyes (yellow in hypercarotenaemia but
vention Study Group. The effect of vitamin E and
not in jaundice). beta carotene on the incidence of lung cancer in male
Diarrhoea, dizziness and arthralgia may smokers. N Engl J Med 1994; 330: 10291035.
occur occasionally with carotene supplements. 7 Albanes E, Heinonen OP, Taylor PR, et al. Alpha-
Allergic reactions (hay fever and facial swelling), tocopherol and beta-carotene supplements and lung
amenorrhoea and leucopenia have been cancer incidence in the alpha-tocopherol, beta-
reported rarely. carotene cancer prevention study: effects of base-line
characteristics and study compliance. J Natl Cancer
According to FAO/WHO, intakes up to 5 mg Inst 1996; 88: 15601570.
beta-carotene/kg body weight are acceptable. 8 Rautalahti MT, Virtamo JRK, Taylor PR, et al. The
The only serious toxic manifestation of effects of supplementation with alpha-tocopherol
carotenoid intake is canthaxanthin retinopathy, and beta-carotene on the incidence and mortality
which can develop in patients with erythropoi- of carcinoma of the pancreas in a randomised,
etic protoporphyria and related disorders who controlled trial. Cancer 1999; 86: 3742.
9 Maliula N, Virtamo J, Virtanen M, et al. The effect
are treated with large daily doses (50100 mg)
of alpha-tocopherol and -carotene supplementa-
of canthaxanthin (a derivative of beta-carotene) tion on colorectal adenomas in middle-aged male
for long periods. smokers. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1999;
8: 489493.
10 Omenn GS, Goodman GE, Thornquist MD, et al.
Interactions Effects of a combination of betacarotene and vitamin
None specifically established (see also Vita- A on lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. N Engl
J Med 1996; 334: 11501155.
min A). 11 Mayne ST. Antioxidant nutrients and chronic dis-
ease: use of biomarkers of exposure and oxidative
stress status in epidemiologic research. J Nutr 2003;
33 (Suppl.): S933940.
Beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene and mixed 12 Liu C, Russell RM, Wang XD. Exposing ferrets to
carotenoids are available in the form of tablets cigarette smoke and a pharmacological dose of -
carotene supplementation enhance in vitro retinoic
and capsules. acid catabolism in lungs via induction of cytochrome
Beta-carotene as a single supplement should P450 enzymes. J Nutr 2003; 133: 173179.
not be recommended. 13 Liu C, Russell RM, Wang XD. Alpha-tocopherol
and ascorbic acid decrease the production of
beta-apo-carotenals and increase the formation of
retinoids from -carotene in the lung tissues of
1 Levin G, Yeshurun M, Mockady S. In vitro antiper- cigarette smoke-exposed ferrets in vitro. J Nutr
oxidative effect of 9-cis beta-carotene compared with 2004; 134: 426430.
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14 Kim Y, Chongviriyaphan N, Liu C, et al. Com- 27 Ascherio A, Rimm E, Hernan MA, et al. Rela-
bined antioxidant (beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol tion of consumption of vitamin E, vitamin C
and ascorbic acid) supplementation increases the and carotenoids to risk for stroke among men in
levels of lung retinoic acid and inhibits the acti- the United States. Ann Intern Med 1999; 130:
vation of mitogen-activated protein kinase in the 963970.
ferret lung cancer model. Carcinogenesis 2006; 27: 28 Vivekananthan DP, Penn MS, Sapp SK, et al.
14101419. Use of antioxidant vitamins for the prevention of
15 Romney SL, Ho GYF, Palan PR, et al. Effects of cardiovascular disease: meta-analysis of randomized
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vical dysplasia and human papillomavirus infection. 29 Jacques PF, Hartz SC, Chylack LT, et al. Nutritional
Gynecol Oncol 1997; 65: 483492. status in persons with and without senile cataract:
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prevention of basal cell and squamous cell carcino- 31 Christen W, Glynn R, Sperduto R, et al. Age-related
mas of the skin. Lancet 1999; 354: 723729. cataract in a randomized trial of beta-carotene
18 Schaumberg DA, Frieling UM, Rifai N, Cook N. in women. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2004; 11:
No effect of beta-carotene supplementation on risk 401412.
of nonmelanoma skin cancer among men with low 32 Abahusain MA, Wright J, Dickerson JWT, et al.
baseline plasma beta-carotene. Cancer Epidemiol Retinol, alpha-tocopherol and carotenoids in dia-
Biomarkers Prev 2004; 6: 10791080. betes. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999; 53: 630635.
19 Mayne ST, Cartmel B, Baum M, et al. Randomized 33 Liu S, Ajanu U, Chae C, et al. Long-term -carotene
trial of supplemental beta-carotene to prevent second supplementation and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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14571463. 34 Hughes DA, Wright AJA, Finglas PM, et al. The
20 Toma S, Bonelli L, Sartoris A, et al. Beta-carotene effect of beta-carotene supplementation on the im-
supplementation in patients radically treated for mune function of blood monocytes from healthy
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21 Mayne ST, Walter M, Cartmel B, et al. Supplemental 35 Santos MS, Leka LS, Ribaya-Mercado D, et al. Short
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22 Baron JA, Cole BF, Mott L, et al. Neoplastic and 36 Hammond BR Jr, Johnson EJ, Russell RM, et al.
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23 Steck-Stott S, Forman MR, Sowell A, et al. 37 Lyle BJ, Mares-Perlman JA, Klein BE, et al.
Carotenoids, vitamin A and risk of adenomatous Antioxidant intake and risk of incident age related
polyp recurrence in the polyp prevention trial. Int nuclear cataracts in the Beaver Dam Eye Study. Am
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24 Gaziano JM, Manson JE, Ridker PM, et al. Beta- 38 Dagnelie G, Zorge IS, McDonald TM. Lutein
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Circulation 1990; 82 (Suppl. III): 201 (abstract retinal degeneration: a pilot study via the Internet.
0796). Optometry 2000; 7: 147164.
25 Rapola JM, Virtamo J, Haukka JK, et al. Effect 39 Landrum JT, Bone RA, Joa H, et al. A one year study
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of angina pectoris: a randomized, double-blind, lutein supplement. Exp Eye Res 1997; 65: 5762.
controlled trial. JAMA 1996; 275: 693698. 40 Mohanty I, Joshi S, Trivedi D, et al. Lycopene
26 Redlich C, Chung J, Cullen M, et al. Effect of prevents sugar-induced morphological changes and
long-term betacarotene and vitamin A on serum modulates antioxidant status of human lens epi-
cholesterol and triglycerides among participants in thelial cells. Br J Nutr 2002; 88: 347354.
the carotene and retinol efficacy trial (CARET). 41 Mares-Perlman JA, Millen AE, Ficek TL, Hankinson
Atherosclerosis 1999; 145: 425432. SE. The body of evidence to support a protective role
60 Carotenoids

for lutein and zeaxanthin in delaying chronic disease. 49 Agarwal S, Rao AV. Tomato lycopene and low
J Nutr 2002; 132 (Suppl.): S518524. density lipoprotein oxidation: a human dietary
42 Chasan-Taber L, Willett WC, Seddon JM, et al. A intervention study. Lipids 1998; 33: 981984.
prospective study of carotenoid and vitamin A status 50 Giovanucci E. Tomatoes, tomato-based products,
and risk of cataract extraction in US women. Am J lycopene and cancer. Review of the epidemiologic
Clin Nutr 1999; 70: 509516. literature. J Natl Cancer Inst 1999; 91: 317331.
43 Brown L, Rimm EB, Seddon JM, et al. A prospective 51 Gann PH, Ma J, Giovannucci E, et al. Lower prostate
study of carotenoid extraction in US men. Am J Clin cancer risk in men with elevated plasma lycopene
Nutr 1999; 70: 517524. levels: results of a prospective analysis. Cancer Res
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cataracts: a 2-y double-blind, placebo-controlled management of advanced prostate cancer. BJU Int
pilot study. Nutrition 2003; 19: 214. 2003; 92: 375378.
47 Richer S, Stiles W, Statuke L, et al. Double-masked, 55 Schroder FH, Roobol MJ, Boeve ER, et al. Random-
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oxidant supplementation in the intervention of study in men with prostate cancer and rising PSA:
atrophic age-related macular degeneration: the Vet- effectiveness of a dietary supplement. Eur Urol 2005;
erans LAST study (Lutein Antioxidant Supplemen- 48: 922930.
tation Trial). Optometry 2004; 75: 216230. 56 Etminan M, Takkouche B, Caamano-Isorna F.
48 Mares-Perlman JA, Brady WE, Klein R, et al. Serum The role of tomato products and lycopene in the
antioxidants and age related macular degeneration prevention of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of
in a population-based case-control study. Arch Oph- observational studies. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers
thalmol 1995; 113: 15181523. Prev 2004; 3: 340345.

Description suggest that chitosan in the dose given had no

effect on body weight in overweight subjects.
Chitosan is a fibre extracted from chitin, which
No serious adverse effects were reported.2
is a structural component of crustacean shells,
In another placebo-controlled, double-blind
crabs, shrimps and lobsters. Chitin is de-
study, 51 healthy obese women were given
acetylated to produce chitosan.
chitosan 1200 mg twice a day for 8 weeks. No
reductions in weight were observed in any treat-
Constituents ment group. LDL cholesterol fell to a greater
extent in the chitosan group than the placebo
Chitosan is a polysaccharide containing numer- group, but there was no significant change in
ous acetyl groups. HDL cholesterol and triglycerides were slightly
Action A 24-week randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial involving 250 obese
Chitosan binds fat molecules as a result of women found that the chitosan group lost more
its ionic nature. When taken orally, chitosan weight than the placebo group but the effects
has been reported to be able to bind 810 were very small.4 A systematic review of 14
times its own weight in fat from food that has RCTs involving a total of 1071 participants
been consumed. This prevents fat from being found that weight loss in high-quality studies
absorbed and the body then has to burn stored was less than in lower quality studies. The
fat, which may lead to reductions in body fat review concluded that the effect of chitosan on
and body weight. body weight is minimal and unlikely to be of
clinical significance.5
Chitosan reduced blood glucose and choles-
Possible uses
terol in an animal model of lean-type
Weight loss non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with
In mice treated with chitosan and given a high- hypoinsulinaemia,6 but had no effect in an
fat diet, chitosan prevented the increase in body animal model of obese-type NIDDM with
weight, hyperlipidaemia and fatty liver normally hyperinsulinaemia.7 The authors concluded that
induced by such a diet.1 chitosan could be a useful treatment for lean-
In a randomised, placebo-controlled, double- type NIDDM with hypoinsulinaemia.6 Two
blind study, 34 overweight human volunteers recent double-blind RCTs in humans investi-
were given four capsules of chitosan or placebo gating the effect of chitosan on plasma choles-
for 28 consecutive days. Subjects maintained terol have shown conflicting results. One was
their normal diet and documented their food a Japanese study involving 90 women with
intake. After 4 weeks of treatment, body mass mild to moderate hypercholesterolaemia, which
index, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, vitamin found that chitosan significantly reduced choles-
A, D and E and beta-carotene were not signifi- terol although the effect was small.8 The second
cantly different in the two groups. The results was a Finnish study in 130 men and women

62 Chitosan

with moderately increased plasma cholesterol, The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
which found that chitosan had no effect on the ments provide 15003000 mg per daily dose.
concentrations of plasma lipids or glucose.9
Conclusion 1 Han LK, Kimura Y, Okuda H. Reduction in fat
Chitosan is promoted for weight loss, but storage during chitin-chitosan treatment in mice fed
there have been few trials, and results have a high-fat diet. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1999;
been conflicting. Any effect of chitosan on 23: 174179.
body weight is likely to be very small. 2 Pittler MH, Abbott NC, Harkness EF, Ernst E.
Chitosan has also been investigated for an Randomized, double-blind trial of chitosan for
body weight reduction. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999; 53:
effect on plasma cholesterol, but the effects
are likely to be very small, if any. 3 Wuolijoki E, Hirvela T, Ylitalo P. Decrease in
serum LDL cholesterol with microcrystalline chi-
tosan. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 1999; 21:
Precautions/contraindications 4 Mhurchu CN, Poppitt SD, McGill AT, et al. The
Chitosan should be avoided in patients with effect of the dietary supplement, chitosan, on body
weight: a randomised controlled trial in 250 over-
gastrointestinal malabsorption conditions.
weight and obese adults. Int J Obes Relat Metab
Disord 2004; 28: 11491156.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding 5 Mhurchu CN, Dunshea-Mooij C, Bennett D,
Rodgers A. Effect of chitosan on weight loss in over-
No problems have been reported, but weight weight and obese individuals: a systematic review
loss should not be attempted during pregnancy. of randomized controlled trials. Obes Rev 2005; 6:
6 Miura T, Usami M, Tsuura Y, et al. Hypoglycemic
Adverse effects and hypolipidemic effect of chitosan in normal and
neonatal streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. Biol
There are no long-term studies assessing the Pharm Bull 1995; 18: 16231625.
safety of chitosan. However, chitosan may 7 Deuchi K, Kanauchi O, Shizukuishi M, et al. Contin-
reduce the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, uous and massive intake of chitosan affects soluble
D, E and K). This has been shown in animals,7 vitamin status in rats fed on a high fat diet. Biosci
Biotech Biochem 1995; 59: 12111216.
but not in humans.2,3
8 Bokura H, Kobayashi S. Chitosan decreases total
cholesterol in women: a randomized, double-blind,
Interactions placebo-controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr 2003; 57:
None reported. 9 Metso S, Ylitalo R, Nikkila M, et al. The effect
of long-term microcrystalline chitosan therapy on
plasma lipids and glucose concentrations in subjects
Dose with increased plasma total cholesterol: a ran-
domised placebo-controlled double-blind crossover
Chitosan is available in the form of tablets and trial in healthy men and women. Eur J Clin Pharma-
capsules. col 2003; 59: 741746.

Chlorella is a single-celled freshwater alga. Table 1 Claimed1 nutrient content of Chlorella

Constituents Nutrient per per typical % RNI2

100 g dose(3 g)
Chlorella is rich in chlorophyll. Manufacturers
claim that it is a source of amino acids, nucleic
acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. How- Protein (g) 66 2
Fat (g) 9 0.3
ever, content varies with conditions of growing,
Carbohydrate (g) 11 0.3
harvesting and processing. Chlorella is claimed Vitamin A (g) 5500 165 28
to contain a unique substance called Chlorella (as beta-carotene)
Growth Factor. The claimed nutrient content of Thiamine (mg) 2.0 0.06 8
Chlorella is shown in Table 1. Riboflavin (mg) 7.0 0.2 24
Niacin (mg) 30 0.9 6
Vitamin B6 (mg) 1.5 0.05 4
Action Vitamin B12 (g) 134 4 270
Folic acid (g) 25 0.75 0.4
Chlorella may have antitumour and antiviral Pantothenic acid (mg) 3.0 0.09
activities, and may also be able to stimulate the Biotin (g) 190 6
immune system, but these effects have not been Vitamin C (mg) 60 1.8 5
clarified in human studies. Vitamin E (mg) 17 0.5
Choline (mg) 270 8.1
Inositol (mg) 190 5.7
Possible uses Calcium (mg) 500 15 2
Magnesium (mg) 300 9 3
Chlorella is promoted as a tonic for general Potassium (mg) 700 21 0.6
health maintenance; it is a useful source of Phosphorus (mg) 1200 36 6.5
Iron (mg) 260 8 80
some nutrients (e.g. beta-carotene, riboflavine,
Zinc (mg) 70 2 26
vitamin B12 , iron and zinc; see Constituents). Copper (g) 80 2.4 0.2
In addition, Chlorella is claimed to be useful Iodine (g) 600 18 13
in: accelerating the healing of wounds and
ulcers; improving digestion and bowel function; 1 Reported on a product label.
2 Reference Nutrient Intake for men aged 1950 years.
stimulating growth and repair of tissues; slow-
ing down ageing; strengthening the immune sys-
tem; improving the condition of the hair, skin,
teeth and nails; treating colds and respiratory Preliminary evidence from an uncontrolled
infections; and removing poisonous substances study in 20 patients over a period of 2 months
from the body. These claims are based largely showed that Chlorella supplementation may
on anecdote; Chlorella has no proven efficacy help relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia.1
for these conditions. However, the authors concluded that a larger,

64 Chlorella

more comprehensive double-blind, placebo- Interactions

controlled trial in these patients is warranted. None reported, but Chlorella may contain
Other preliminary evidence suggests that significant amounts of vitamin K. This could
Chlorella could help patients with brain inhibit the activity of warfarin and other anti-
tumours to better tolerate chemotherapy and coagulants.
radiotherapy. However, there appears to be no
effect on tumour progression or survival.2
There is insufficient reliable information to
Chlorella is available in the form of tablets,
recommend the use of Chlorella for any
capsules, liquid extracts and powder.
The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
ments provide 5003000 mg of the intact
organism per daily dose.
No problems have been reported. References
1 Merchant RE, Carmack CA, Wise CM. Nutritional
Pregnancy and breast-feeding supplementation with Chlorella pyredinosa for
patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: a pilot study.
No problems have been reported. Phytother Res 2000; 14: 167173.
2 Merchant RE, Rice CD, Young HF. Dietary
Adverse effects Chlorella pyredinosa for patients with malig-
nant glioma: effects on immunocompetence, qual-
None reported, but Chlorella may provoke ity of life and survival. Phytother Res 1990; 4:
allergic reactions. 220231.

Description Lecithin and sphingomyelin participate in

signal transduction,1 an essential process for
Choline is associated with the vitamin B com-
cell growth, regulation and function. Animal
plex; it is not an officially recognised vitamin.
studies suggest that choline or lecithin deficiency
Choline is a component of phosphatidylcholine
may interfere with this critical process and that
and an active constituent of dietary lecithin, but
alterations in signal transduction may lead to
the two substances are not synonymous.
abnormalities such as cancer and Alzheimers
Human requirements
Choline is an essential nutrient for several Dietary sources
mammalian organisms, but there is no agree- Choline is widely distributed in foods (mainly
ment over its essentiality as a vitamin for in the form of lecithin). The richest sources
humans. However, the US Food and Nutrition of choline are brewers yeast, egg yolk, liver,
Board of the National Institute of Medicine has wheatgerm, soya beans, kidney and brain. Oats,
established a Dietary Reference Intake for adults peanuts, beans and cauliflower contain signifi-
of 550 mg a day for men and 425 mg a day cant amounts.
for women, with lower amounts for children,
together with an upper intake level of 3.5 g daily
for adults over 18 years. Metabolism
Dietary intake Some choline is absorbed intact, probably
by a carrier-mediated mechanism; some is
Estimated dietary intake in the UK is 250 metabolised by the gastrointestinal flora to
500 mg daily. Choline can also be synthesised trimethylamine (which produces a fishy odour).
in the body from phosphatidylethanolamine.
Choline is stored in the brain, kidney and liver,
primarily as phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) and
Choline serves as a source of labile methyl sphingomyelin.
groups for transmethylation reactions. It func-
tions as a component of other molecules such Elimination
as the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, phos- Elimination of choline occurs mainly via the
phatidylcholine (lecithin) and sphingomyelin, urine.
structural constituents of cell membranes and
plasma lipoproteins, platelet activating factor
and plasmalogen (a phospholipid found in
highest concentrations in cardiac muscle Dietary choline deficiency occurs in animals,
membranes). and abnormal liver function, liver cirrhosis

66 Choline

and fatty liver may be associated with choline conservation of antioxidants (e.g. retinol and
deficiency in humans. Observations in patients alpha-tocopherol) in women.12
on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) have shown Choline has also been claimed to prevent
a choline-deficient diet to result in fatty infil- and/or treat Alzheimers disease, senile demen-
tration of the liver, hepatocellular damage and tia and memory loss. A Cochrane review of
liver dysfunction.2,3 14 studies found some evidence that cytidine-
diphosphocholine (CDP-choline) has a positive
effect on memory and behaviour at least in the
Possible uses
short to medium term, but evidence is limited
As a precursor of acetylcholine, it has been by the quality of the studies.13
suggested that choline could increase the con-
centration of acetylcholine in the brain. It has
been suggested, therefore, that choline could Conclusion
be beneficial in patients with disease related to Research on choline supplementation is lim-
impaired cholinergic transmission (e.g. tardive ited and studies are generally very poorly
dyskinesia, Huntingtons chorea, Alzheimers controlled. The limited research shows that
disease, Gilles de la Tourette, mania, mem- choline does not appear to improve athletic
ory impairment and ataxia). However, exper- performance. Very preliminary evidence
imental evidence suggests that oral choline suggests choline might be beneficial in
has no effect on choline metabolites in the poor memory and tardive dyskinesia, but
brain.4 evidence is not sufficient to recommend
Comparison of studies involving choline is supplementation.
often complicated by lack of standardisation of
doses used. However, clinical trials with tardive
dyskinesia patients using choline have met with
some success.47 Precautions/contraindications
Choline has also been suggested to improve
No problems have been reported.
performance in athletes. This idea arose because
of findings that plasma choline concentrations
were reduced in trained runners8 and athletes9 Pregnancy and breast-feeding
after sporting events. However, a double-blind
crossover study in 20 cyclists showed that No problems have been reported.
choline supplementation did not delay fatigue
during brief or prolonged exercise.10
Claims have been made for the value of Adverse effects
choline in the prevention of CVD, including Fishy odour; more severe symptoms relate to
angina, atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke excessive cholinergic transmission (doses of 10 g
and thrombosis. However, scientific evidence daily or more) and include diarrhoea, nausea,
for these claims from RCTs is lacking. dizziness, sweating, salivation, depression and a
Interest has recently focused on the potential longer P-R interval in electrocardiograms.
for choline (as a precursor of betaine) to
reduce plasma homocysteine. One crossover
study showed that phosphatidylcholine supple- Interactions
mentation (2.6 g choline daily for 2 weeks)
lowers fasting as well as post-methionine- None established.
loading plasma homocysteine concentrations in
healthy men with mildly elevated homocys-
teine concentrations.11 Choline (in conjunction
with carnitine) supplementation has also been Choline is available in the form of tablets and
shown to lower lipid peroxidation and promote capsules.
Choline 67

The dose is not established. Dietary supple- 7 Tamminga CA, Smith RC, Erickson SE, et al.
ments generally provide 250500 mg per dose Cholinergic influences in tardive dyskinesia. Am J
(choline chloride provides 80% choline and Psychiatr 1977; 134: 769774.
8 Conlay LA, Saboujian LA, Wurtman RJ. Exercise
choline tartrate 50% choline). and neuromodulators: choline and acetylcholine in
marathon runners. Int J Sports Med 1992; 13:
References S141142.
9 Von Allworden HN, Horn S, Kahl J, et al. The
1 Canty DJ, Zeisel SH. Lecithin and choline in human influence of lecithin on plasma choline concentra-
health and disease. Nutr Rev 1994; 52: 327339. tions in triathletes and adolescent runners during
2 Sheard NF, Tayek JA, Bistrian BR, Blackburn exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 1993; 67: 8791.
GL, Zeisel SH. Plasma choline concentration in 10 Spector SA, Jackman MR, Sabounjian LA, et al.
humans fed parenterally. Am J Clin Nutr 1986; 43: Effect of choline supplementation on fatigue in
219224. trained cyclists. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1995; 27:
3 Zeisel SH, DaCosta KA, Franklin PD. Choline, an 668673.
essential nutrient for humans. FASEB J 1991; 5: 11 Olthof MR, Brink EJ, Katan MB, Verhoef P. Choline
20932098. supplemented as phosphatidylcholine decreases fast-
4 Davis KL, Berger PA, Hollister LE. Choline for ing and postmethionine-loading plasma homocys-
tardive dyskinesia. N Engl J Med 1975; 293: teine concentrations in healthy men. Am J Clin Nutr
152153. 2005; 82: 111117.
5 Gelenberg AJ, Doller-Wojcik JC, Growdon JH. 12 Sachan DS, Hongu N, Johnsen M. Decreasing
Choline and lecithin in the treatment of tardive oxidative stress with choline and carnitine in women.
dyskinesia: preliminary results from a pilot study. J Am Coll Nutr 2005; 24: 172176.
Am J Psychiatr 1979; 136: 772776. 13 Fioravanti M, Yanagi M. Cytidinediphosphocholine
6 Growdon JH, Hirsch MJ, Wurtman RJ, Wiener (CDP-choline) for cognitive and behavioural distur-
W. Oral choline administration to patients with bances associated with chronic cerebral disorders
tardive dyskinesia. N Engl J Med 1977; 297: in the elderly. Cochrane database, issue 2, 2005.
524527. London: Macmillan.

Description pain of osteoarthritis in the knee compared with

Chondroitin is a natural physiological com-
In a multicentre, randomised, double-blind,
pound that is synthesised endogenously and
controlled study, involving 127 patients with
secreted by the chondrocytes. It is found in joint
osteoarthritis of the knee, 40 were treated with
cartilage and connective tissue (including vessel
chondroitin sulphate oral gel 1200 mg daily,
capsules 1200 mg daily or placebo for 3 months.
Chondroitin (both formulations) significantly
Constituents improved subjective symptoms, including joint
Chondroitin is a mixture of high molecular In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-
weight glycosaminoglycans and disaccharide controlled study, 80 patients with knee osteo-
polymers composed of equimolar amounts of arthritis participated in a 6-month study and
d-glucuronic acid, d-acetylgalactosamine and received either 2 400 mg chondroitin capsules
sulphates in 1030 disaccharide units. (Glycos- twice a day or placebo. Symptoms of joint pain
aminoglycans are the substances in which and time to perform a 20-metre walk were
collagen fibres are embedded in cartilage.) significantly reduced in the treated group, and
there was a non-significant trend for the placebo
Action group to use more paracetamol.2
A 1-year, randomised, double-blind, con-
Chondroitin absorbs water, adding to the thick- trolled pilot study included 42 patients with
ness and elasticity of cartilage and its ability symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Patients were
to absorb and distribute compressive forces. It treated orally with 800 mg chondroitin sulphate
also appears to control the formation of new or placebo. Chondroitin sulphate was well
cartilage matrix, by stimulating chondrocyte tolerated and significantly reduced pain and
metabolism and synthesis of collagen and increased overall mobility. In addition, bone
proteoglycan. Chondroitin also inhibits degra- and joint metabolism stabilised in the treated
dative enzymes (elastase and hyaluronidase), patients, but not in those on placebo.3
which break down cartilage matrix and synovial A meta-analysis that included seven trials
fluid, contributing to cartilage destruction and of 372 patients taking chondroitin found that
loss of joint function. over 120 or more days, chondroitin was signifi-
cantly superior to placebo with respect to the
Lesquesne index and pain rating on a visual
Possible uses
analogue scale (VAS). Pooling the data con-
Osteoarthritis firmed these results, and showed at least 50%
Chondroitin is claimed to be useful as a dietary improvement in the treated versus the placebo
supplement in combination with glucosamine in patients. The authors concluded that further
osteoarthritis and related disorders. Preliminary investigations using larger cohorts of patients
evidence suggests that chondroitin reduces the for longer time periods were needed to prove

Chondroitin 69

the usefulness of chondroitin as a symptom- Adverse effects

modifying agent in osteoarthritis.4
There are no known serious side-effects. How-
A randomised, double-blind, double-dummy
ever, there are no long term studies assess-
study compared the efficacy of chondroitin
ing the safety of chondroitin. Rarely, gastro-
with diclofenac in 146 patients with knee
intestinal effects and headache have been
osteoarthritis. During the first month,
reported. However, studies in animals have
patients received either 3 50 mg diclofenac
found significantly decreased haematocrit,
tablets daily plus 3 400 mg placebo sachets,
haemoglobin, white blood cells and platelet
or 3 400 mg chondroitin sachets daily plus
count, and the risk of internal bleeding has
3 50 mg placebo tablets. From months two to
been suggested.7 However, there are no reports
three, the diclofenac patients were given placebo
of bleeding as a result of chondroitin use in
sachets alone, and the chondroitin patients were
given chondroitin sachets. Both groups were
treated with placebo sachets from months four
to six. The diclofenac group showed prompt Interactions
pain reduction, which disappeared after the Drugs
end of treatment. In the chondroitin group, the Anticoagulants: Theoretically, chondroitin
therapeutic response appeared later, but lasted could potentiate the effects of anticoagulants.
for up to 3 months after the end of treatment.5
Chondroitin sulphate 1 g daily was in-
vestigated in a prospective, double-blind,
placebo-controlled, multicentre clinical study in Chondroitin is available in the form of capsules,
patients with femetotibial osteoarthritis. Treat- typically containing 250750 mg, often in com-
ment continued for 3 months and there was a bination with glucosamine. A review of two US
3-month post-treatment period. There was a products containing chondroitin showed that
trend towards efficacy, with good tolerability both had lower chondroitin levels than declared
after 3 months treatment, and persistent on the labels; this was also found for six out of
efficacy 1 month post-treatment.6 13 glucosamine and chondroitin combination
products, all due to low chondroitin levels.8
The dose is not established. Manufacturers
tend to recommend 4001200 mg daily.
Chondroitin appears to offer some pain
relief in osteoarthritis. However, studies con-
ducted so far have involved small numbers References
of subjects and have been short. Further
research is required to establish the place of 1 Bourgeois P, Chales G, Dehais J, et al. Efficacy
and tolerability of chondroitin sulfate 1200 mg/day
chondroitin as a supplement for osteoarthri-
vs chondroitin 3 x 400 mg/day vs placebo. Osteo-
tis. arthritis Cartilage 1998; 6 (Suppl. A): 530.
2 Bucsi L, Poor G. Efficacy and tolerability of oral
chondroitin sulfate as a symptomatic slow-acting
drug for osteoarthritis (SYASDOA) in the treatment
Precautions/contraindications of knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 1998;
6 (Suppl. A): 16.
No problems have been reported. 3 Uebelhart D, Thonar EJ, Delmad PD, et al. Effects of
oral chondroitin sulfate on the progression of knee
osteoarthritis: a pilot study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage
Pregnancy and breast-feeding 1998; 6 (Suppl. A): 946.
4 Leeb BF, Schweitzer H, Montag K, Smolen JS. A
No problems have been reported but there have meta-analysis of chondroitin sulfate in the treatment
not been sufficient studies to guarantee the of osteoarthritis. J Rheumatol 2000; 7: 205211.
safety of chondroitin in pregnancy and breast- 5 Morreale P, Manopulo R, Galati M. Comparison
feeding. Chondroitin is probably best avoided. of anti-inflammatory efficacy of chondroitin sulfate
70 Chondroitin

and diclofenac sodium in patients with knee osteo- 7 McNamara PS, Barr SC, Erb HN, et al. Hematologic,
arthritis. J Rheumatol 1996; 3: 13851391. hemostatic and biochemical effects in dogs receiving
6 Mazieres B, Combe B, Phan Van A, et al. Chon- an oral chondroprotective agent for thirty days. Am
droitin sulphate in osteoarthritis of the knee: a J Vet Res 1996; 57: 13901394.
prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled mul- 8 Consumerlab. Product review. Glucosamine
ticenter clinical study. J Rheumatol 2001; 28: and chondroitin.
173181. (accessed 12 November 2006).

Description Metabolism
Chromium is an essential trace mineral. Absorption
Chromium is poorly absorbed (0.52% of
intake); absorption occurs in the small intestine
Human requirements by mechanisms that have not been clearly elu-
In the UK, no Reference Nutrient Intake or cidated, but which appear to involve processes
Estimated Average Requirement has been set. other than simple diffusion.
A safe and adequate intake is, for adults, 50
400 g daily; for children and adolescents, 0.1 Distribution
1.0 g/kg daily. Chromium is transported in the serum or
In the USA, the Adequate Intake (AI) for men plasma bound to transferrin and albumin. It is
(1950 years) is 35 g daily and for women (19 widely distributed in the tissues.
50 years) is 25 g daily. For those aged over 51,
the AI is 30 g daily for men and 20 g daily for
women. Elimination
Absorbed chromium is excreted mainly by the
kidneys, with small amounts lost in hair, sweat
Dietary intake and bile.
In the UK, the average adult diet provides 13.6
47.7 g daily. Bioavailability
Absorption of chromium is increased by
Action oxalate and by iron deficiency, and reduced by
Chromium functions as an organic complex phytate. Diets high in simple sugars (glucose,
known as glucose tolerance factor (GTF), which fructose, sucrose) increase urinary chromium
is thought to be a complex of chromium, losses. Absorption is also increased in patients
nicotinic acid and amino acids. It potentiates with diabetes mellitus, and depressed in the
the action of insulin and thus influences carbo- elderly. Stress and increased physical activity
hydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Chromium appear to increase urinary losses.
also appears to influence nucleic acid synthesis
and to play a role in gene expression.
Gross chromium deficiency is rarely seen in
Dietary sources
humans, but signs and symptoms of marginal
Wholegrain cereals (including bran cereals), deficiency include: impaired glucose intoler-
brewers yeast, broccoli, processed meats and ance, fasting hyperglycaemia, raised circulat-
spices are the best sources. Dairy products and ing insulin levels, glycosuria, decreased insulin
most fruits and vegetables are poor sources. binding, reduced number of insulin receptors,

72 Chromium

elevated serum cholesterol, elevated serum glucose values and lower plasma cholesterol
triglycerides, and central and peripheral were found only in the high-dose chromium
neuropathy. group.6
In a prospective, double-blind, placebo-
controlled, crossover study in 28 subjects with
Possible uses
type 2 diabetes, serum triglycerides were signifi-
Because of its effects on insulin, chromium has cantly reduced by chromium (200 g daily for
been investigated for a potential role in diabetes 2 months).7 However, there was no change
mellitus, and it has also been promoted for body in fasting glucose, or plasma LDL or HDL
building in athletes. It has also been investigated levels.
for a potential role in cholesterol lowering and In a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
reducing the risk of CVD. crossover study, 78 patients with type 2
diabetes in Saudi Arabia received in random
Diabetes mellitus order brewers yeast (23 g chromium) and
Chromium deficiency may result in insulin 200 g chromium from chromium chloride
resistance,1 although other researchers have for 4 weeks each. Mean HDL cholesterol and
concluded that low-chromium diets have no serum and urinary chromium were all raised
effect on either insulin or blood glucose.2 by chromium intake. After each chromium
Chromium supplementation may improve gly- phase, mean drug dosage tended to decrease,
caemic control in some patients with type but was not significant except in the case
1 and 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes, of glibenclamide. There was no change in
but relatively high doses (e.g. 1000 g daily) dietary intakes or body mass index. Overall,
may be needed. Serum lipid fractions may brewers yeast was associated with better
also be reduced by chromium in patients with chromium retention and more positive effects
diabetes. than chromium chloride.8
Chromium picolinate (200 g three times a Supplementation of nicotinic acid together
day) reduced glycosylated haemoglobin in a with chromium may increase its effectiveness. In
woman with type 1 diabetes mellitus, and the a study involving 16 healthy elderly volunteers,
patient also reported improved blood glucose neither chromium 200 g daily nor nicotinic
values.3 Chromium picolinate (200 g daily) acid 100 mg daily affected fasting glucose or
increased insulin sensitivity in patients with glucose tolerance. However, chromium admin-
type 1 and type 2 diabetes, allowing for a istered with nicotinic acid resulted in a 15%
reduction in dose of insulin or hypoglycaemic decrease in the area under the glucose curve and
drugs without compromising glucose control.4 a 7% decrease in fasting glucose.9
Steroid-induced diabetes was improved after A systematic review and meta-analysis of
supplementation with chromium 200 g three 15 RCTs involving 618 participants, of whom
times a day, and chromium 200 g daily was 193 had type 2 diabetes and 425 were in
sufficient to maintain normal blood glucose good health or had impaired glucose tolerance,
thereafter.5 showed that there was no effect of chromium
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, on glucose or insulin concentrations in non-
180 patients with type 2 diabetes were ran- diabetic subjects and the data for people with
domised to receive 250 g chromium twice a diabetes were inconclusive. Only one of the
day, 100 g chromium twice a day, or placebo. studies in the meta-analysis, involving 155
After 2 months, glycosylated haemoglobin lev- subjects in China, showed that chromium
els were significantly lower in the high-dose reduced glucose and insulin concentrations and
chromium group and after 4 months were HbA1c.10
lower in both chromium groups compared with Further studies have investigated other
placebo. Fasting and 2-hour insulin levels were potential effects of chromium in patients with
significantly lower in both chromium groups diabetes. Chromium supplementation has been
at 2 and 4 months, but significantly lower found to minimise increased oxidative stress
Chromium 73

in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with high a placebo, and there was a non-significant
HbA1c levels.11 Chromium supplementation increase in lean body mass.23 However, there
(400 or 800 g) improved glucose tolerance in were no effects on body composition or strength
10 out of 13 subjects in a randomised crossover in the young men on the same programme. In
study.12 Short-term chromium supplementation moderately obese women placed on an exercise
(1000 g) has also been found to shorten programme, 12 weeks of chromium supple-
QTc interval in patients with type 2 diabetes mentation (400 g daily) did not significantly
mellitus.13 affect body composition, resting metabolic
A US review concluded that there is little rate, plasma glucose, serum insulin, plasma
evidence that chromium has any value in glucose glucagons, serum C-peptide and serum lipid
metabolism in those without type 2 diabetes, concentrations.24
or on weight loss. The review also suggested
that it may have a value in type 2 diabetes but
this is still to be established. Another conclusion
was that there is some evidence that chromium Cardiovascular disease
added to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solu- Chromium supplements have been claimed to
tions may reduce the risk of hyperglycaemia in reduce serum cholesterol levels, and there is
patients receiving this therapy.14 some evidence for this.
Two placebo-controlled trials, one in 76
Obesity men on beta-blockers (a double-blind study),25
In some controlled human studies, chromium the other in 76 patients with atherosclerosis
has been reported to reduce body fat15,16 and (not blinded),26 showed a significant increase
increase fat-free mass,17 but to have no effect in serum HDL cholesterol with chromium
in others.18 A meta-analysis of 10 trials found (300 g daily in the first study, 200 g daily
that chromium picolinate had a favourable in the second). In a double-blind, placebo-
effect on body weight. However, sensitivity controlled, crossover study in 28 healthy
analysis suggested that this effect is largely subjects,27 chromium supplementation (200 g
dependent on the results of a single trial. The daily) resulted in a statistically significant
authors concluded that the effect of chromium reduction in total and LDL cholesterol. HDL
is likely to be small and its clinical relevance was not raised significantly, although apolipo-
debatable.19 protein A-1 (the principal protein in A-1) was
Chromium supplements are claimed to influ-
ence body composition during body-building
programmes, although there is little evidence Depression
for this. In a study involving 36 men on a Patients with depression may respond to
weight-training programme, chromium supple- chromium. In a double-blind RCT, 113 adults
mentation had no effect on strength, fat-free with atypical depression, most of whom were
mass or muscle mass.20 Chromium picolinate obese, were randomised to receive 600 g of
(200 g a day) did not alter body fat, lean body elemental chromium or placebo. Chromium
mass and skin-fold thickness in untrained young produced an improvement in carbohydrate
men on an exercise programme.21 Neither body craving and appetite increase and diurnal varia-
composition nor strength changed as a result of tion in feelings. The results suggested that the
chromium picolinate supplementation (200 g main benefit of chromium was in depressed
daily) in football players during a 9-week patients with high carbohydrate craving. The
training programme.22 Young women on a authors concluded that further research is
weight-training programme taking chromium needed in depressed patients specifically selected
picolinate (200 g daily for 12 weeks) gained for symptoms of increased appetite and carbo-
significantly more weight than those taking hydrate craving.28
74 Chromium

balance of evidence suggested that chromium

Conclusion picolinate was not genotoxic.
Preliminary evidence suggests that Industrial exposure to high amounts of
chromium may improve insulin resistance chromate dust is associated with an increased
and glucose control in diabetes, although incidence of lung cancer and may cause allergic
not all studies have reached this conclusion. dermatitis and skin ulcers. The hexavalent form
Preliminary evidence also suggests that (not found in food or supplements) can cause
chromium may improve serum lipid levels. renal and hepatic necrosis.
However, there is no good evidence that
chromium reduces body weight or body
fat. Despite claims made for chromium in Interactions
sports, there is no evidence that it has body- Drugs
building effects in athletes. Preliminary Insulin: may reduce insulin requirements in
evidence suggests that chromium may be diabetes mellitus (monitor blood glucose).
helpful in depression with carbohydrate Oral hypoglycaemics: may potentiate effects of
craving. oral hypoglycaemics.

Chromium is available in the form of chromium
Chromium supplements containing yeast should picolinate, chromium nicotinic acid, chromium
be avoided by patients taking monoamine oxi- chloride or as an organic complex in brewers
dase inhibitors. Patients with diabetes mellitus yeast. It is available in tablet and capsule
should not take chromium supplements unless form and is present in multivitamin/mineral
medically supervised (chromium may potentiate preparations.
insulin). The dose is not established. Studies have
been conducted with 200500 g elemental
chromium daily. Dietary supplements provide,
Pregnancy and breast-feeding on average, 200 g in a daily dose.
No problems reported at normal intakes.
Adverse effects 1 Mertz W. Chromium in human nutrition: a review.
J Nutr 1993; 123: 626633.
Oral chromium, particularly trivalent 2 Anderson RA. Nutritional factors influencing the
chromium (the usual form in supplements), glucose/insulin system: chromium. J Am Coll Nutr
is relatively non-toxic and unlikely to induce 1997; 16: 404410.
adverse effects. However, in 2003, the report 3 Fox GN, Sabovic Z. Chromium picolinate supple-
of the Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals mentation for diabetes mellitus. J Fam Pract 1998;
46: 8386.
(EVM) noted that there was some evidence 4 Ravina A, Slezak L, Rubal A. Clinical use of the
suggesting that chromium picolinate might trace element chromium(III) in the treatment of
be genotoxic (i.e. it could damage DNA). In diabetes mellitus. J Trace Elem Exper Med 1995; 8:
the light of this, the Food Standards Agency 183190.
advised that consumers who wished to take 5 Ravina A, Slezak L, Mirsky N. Reversal
chromium supplements should use other types of corticosteroid-induced diabetes mellitus with
of supplements until specialist advice had been supplemental chromium. Diabet Med 1999; 16:
received from the Committee on Mutagenicity 6 Anderson RA, Cheng N, Bryden NA. Elevated
(COM). The COM reviewed the evidence and intakes of supplemental chromium improve glucose
recommended more research. On the basis and insulin variables in individuals with type 2
of this research the COM concluded that the diabetes. Diabetes 1997; 46: 17861791.
Chromium 75

7 Lee NA, Reasner CA. Beneficial effect of chromium 19 Lukaski HC, Bolonchuk WW, Siders WA.
supplementation on serum triglyceride levels in Chromium supplementation and resistance training:
NIDDM. Diabetes Care 1994; 17: 14491452. effects on body composition, strength and trace
8 Bahijiri SM, Mira SA, Mufti AM, et al. The effects of element status of men. Am J Clin Nutr 1982; 35:
inorganic chromium and brewers yeast supplemen- 661667.
tation on glucose tolerance, serum lipids, and drug 20 Pittler MH, Stevinson C, Ernst E. Chromium
dosage in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Saudi picolinate for reducing body weight: meta-analysis
Med J 2000; 21: 831837. of randomized trials. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord
9 Urberg M, Zemel MB. Evidence for synergism 2003; 27: 522529.
between chromium and nicotinic acid in the control 21 Hallmark MA, Reynolds TH, DeSouza TA.
of glucose tolerance in elderly humans. Metabolism Effects of chromium and resistive training on muscle
1987; 36: 896899. strength and body composition. Med Sci Sports
10 Althuis MD, Jordan NE, Ludington EA, Wittes JT. Exerc 1996; 28: 139144.
Glucose and insulin responses to dietary chromium 22 Clancy SP, Clarkson PM, DeCheke ME. Effects
supplements: a meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr 2002; of chromium picolinate supplementation on body
76: 148155. composition, strength and urinary chromium loss
11 Cheng HH, Lai MH, Hou WC, Huang CL. Anti- in football players. Int J Sports Nutr 1994; 4:
oxidant effects of chromium supplementation with 142153.
type 2 diabetes mellitus and euglycemic subjects. 23 Hasten DL, Rome EP, Franks BD. Effects of
J Agric Food Chem 2004; 52: 13851389. chromium picolinate on beginning weight training
12 Frauchiger MT, Wenk C, Colombani PC. Effects of students. Int J Sports Nutr 1992; 2: 343350.
acute chromium supplementation on postprandial 24 Roeback JR, Hla KM, Chambless LE, et al. Effects
metabolism in healthy young men. J Am Coll Nutr of chromium supplementation on serum high density
2004; 23: 351357. lipoprotein cholesterol in men taking beta-blockers.
13 Vrtovec M, Vrtovec B, Briski A, et al. Chromium A randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med
supplementation shortens QTc interval duration in 1991; 115: 917924.
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Am Heart J 25 Volpe SL, Huang HW, Larpadisorn K, Lesser II.
2005; 149: 632636. Effect of chromium supplementation and exercise
14 Anonymous. Chromium supplements. Med Lett on body composition, resting metabolic rate and
Drugs Ther 2006; 48: 78. selected biochemical parameters in moderately obese
15 Kaats GR, Blum K, Fisher JA. Effects of chromium women following an exercise program. J Am Coll
picolinate supplementation on body composition: Nutr 2001; 20: 293306.
a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled 26 Abraham AS, Brooks BA, Eylath U. The effect
study. Curr Ther Res 1996; 57: 747756. of chromium supplementation on serum glucose
16 Kaats GR, Blum K, Pullin D. A randomized double- and lipids in patients with and without non-
masked, placebo-controlled study of the effects of insulin dependent diabetes. Metabolism 1992; 41:
chromium picolinate supplementation on body com- 768771.
position: a replication and extension of a previous 27 Press RI, Geller J, Evans GW. The effect of chromium
study. Curr Ther Res 1998; 59: 379388. picolinate on serum cholesterol and apolipoprotein
17 Cefalu WT, Bell-Farrow AD, Wang ZQ. The fractions in human subjects. West J Med 1990; 152:
effect of chromium supplementation on carbo- 4145.
hydrate metabolism and body fat distribution. 28 Docherty JP, Sack DA, Roffman M, et al. A
Diabetes 1997; 46 (Suppl. 1): 55A. double-blind, placebo-controlled exploratory trial of
18 Trent LK, Thieding-Cancel D. Effects of chromium chromium picolinate in atypical depression: effect on
picolinate on body composition. J Sports Med Phys carbohydrate craving. J Psychiatr Pract 2005; 11:
Fitness 1995; 35: 273280. 30214.
Coenzyme Q

Description status has not been established. Coenzyme Q10

is also found in a number of food supplements,
Coenzyme Q is a naturally-occurring enzyme
either as the sole active ingredient or in combi-
cofactor found in the mitochondria of the body
nation with vitamins and/or minerals, especially

Several types of coenzyme Q have been iden-
Absorption of coenzyme Q10 from the diet or
tified and numbered from zero upwards. The
a supplement occurs in the small intestine and
variety found in human tissue is coenzyme Q10
is influenced by the presence of food and drink.
(ubiquinone) and so is the term used here.
It is better absorbed in the presence of a fatty
meal. After absorption, it is transported to the
Action liver where it is incorporated into lipoproteins
and bound principally to VLDL and LDL
Coenzyme Q10 has the following functions:
cholesterol. It is then concentrated in the tissues.
r It is involved in electron transport and sup- One study found that coenzyme Q10 from
ports the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate both foods and supplements significantly raised
(ATP) in the mitochondrial membrane. serum concentrations.1
r It plays a vital role in intracellular energy Coenzyme Q10 is produced endogenously
production. from tyrosine within all cells of the body,
r It is a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps to but specifically in the heart, liver, kidney and
stabilise cell membranes, preserving cellular pancreas, where it plays an indispensable role
integrity and function. It also helps to regen- in intracellular energy production. Several co-
erate vitamin E to its antioxidant form. factors are involved in its synthesis, including
r It is essential for normal myocardial function. riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid, vitamin B12 ,
r It has immunostimulant activity. niacin, pantothenic acid and vitamin C. The
r It may be obtained from the diet or a ability to synthesise coenzyme Q10 decreases as
food supplement, but it is also produced people get older. The concentration of coen-
endogenously. zyme Q10 in human tissue appears to be related
to age, peaking at age 20 and declining after
Dietary sources
Meat and fatty fish products are the most con-
centrated sources, although smaller quantities
are found in wholegrain cereals, soya beans, Because coenzyme Q10 is not an essential nutri-
nuts and vegetables, particularly spinach and ent in the same way as a vitamin or mineral,
broccoli. The relative importance of endogenous no Dietary Reference Values or RDAs have
synthesis and dietary intake to coenzyme Q10 been established. However, there is increasing

Coenzyme Q 77

speculation based on serum and/or biopsy hypertension, valvular heart disease and mitral
samples that certain signs and symptoms are valve prolapse.11
associated with a lack of coenzyme Q10 .
Deficiency has been linked to:
Congestive heart failure
r CHF3 There is substantive evidence suggesting a role
r ischaemic heart disease4 for coenzyme Q10 in CHF. Oxidative stress is
r cardiomyopathy5 believed to play a role in the aetiology of CHF.
r hypertension4 It has been suggested that low coenzyme Q10
r use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors6 levels found in patients with CHF contribute to
r hyperthyroidism7 the disease while supplementation with prepa-
r breast cancer.8 rations that include coenzyme Q10 may produce
an improvement.3
Whether the observed lack of coenzyme Q10 A double-blind, placebo-controlled study
in these conditions is a true deficiency that investigated 322 patients with CHF who were
contributes to the development of the disease or randomly assigned to receive 2 mg coenzyme
is caused by the disease itself is unclear. In heart Q10 /kg daily or a placebo for 1 year. The
failure, those with the most advanced disease number of episodes of pulmonary oedema or
have lower coenzyme Q10 levels than those with cardiac asthma was significantly fewer in the
less advanced disease.9 Low serum coenzyme intervention group than the placebo group.
Q10 levels are also associated with a significant The supplemented patients also had fewer
risk of heart failure or increased mortality.10 hospitalisations.12 A meta-analysis of eight clin-
Deficiency may occur as a result of: ical trials of coenzyme Q10 in patients with
r Inadequate intake or production, particularly CHF found that supplemental treatment of CHF
if requirements are increased because of was significant, with significant improvement in
disease. stroke volume, ejection fraction, cardiac output,
r Inadequate production caused by older age cardiac index and diastolic volume index.13
or by deficiencies of nutrients required for its Not all clinical trials have produced positive
synthesis. results. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
r Genetic or acquired defects in synthesis or crossover study, 30 patients with chronic left
metabolism. ventricular dysfunction were randomised to
r Interactions with medicines. Beta-blockers, receive coenzyme Q10 or a placebo for 3 months
clonidine, gemfibrozil, hydralazine, hydro- each. Plasma levels of coenzyme Q10 increased
chlorothiazide, methyldopa, statins and to more than twice baseline values, but there
tricyclic antidepressants may reduce levels of were no significant differences between treat-
coenzyme Q10 . ments in left ventricular ejection fraction, car-
diac volumes, haemodynamic indices or quality
of life measures.14 In another RCT, 55 patients
Possible uses with CHF were randomly assigned to receive
200 mg coenzyme Q10 or a placebo daily for
Cardiovascular disease
6 months. Patients receiving the supplement
The potential role of coenzyme Q10 in CVD
had higher serum concentrations of coenzyme
has been studied over more than 30 years.
Q10 , but there were no differences in cardiac
Studies increasingly look at its role in specific
performance, peak oxygen consumption and
cardiovascular conditions but an open study
exercise duration between the treated group and
in 424 patients published in 1994 indicated
the placebo group.15
that coenzyme Q10 supplementation may have
benefits in cardiac function in patients with
a range of cardiovascular disorders, including Angina
ischaemic cardiomyopathy, dilated cardio- Coenzyme Q10 levels tend to be low in patients
myopathy, primary diastolic dysfunction, with ischaemic heart disease and several clinical
78 Coenzyme Q

trials have been conducted in patients with performance. However, in one double-blind
angina. Overall, coenzyme Q10 appears to delay crossover trial, there were positive results on
onset of angina and increases patients stamina both objective and subjective parameters of
on a treadmill. In one RCT, 144 patients with physical performance. In this study, 94% of
acute myocardial infarction were given 120 mg athletes felt that coenzyme Q10 improved their
coenzyme Q10 or a placebo daily for 28 days, performance and recovery times compared with
starting within 3 days of the heart attack. There 33% taking a placebo.21
was a significant improvement in angina pec-
toris, total arrhythmias and poor left ventricular
function in the intervention group. Total car- Parkinsons disease
diac events, including cardiac deaths and non- Studies suggest that oxidative damage, inflam-
fatal infarction were also significantly lower mation and mitochondrial impairment may
in the supplemented group than the placebo play a role in the aetiology of Parkin-
group.16 sons disease.22 In a multicentre, randomised,
placebo-controlled, double-blind study compar-
Hypertension ing three different doses of coenzyme Q10 (300,
Coenzyme Q10 has been investigated for hyper- 600, and 1200 mg) in 80 patients with early
tension both as a stand-alone treatment and Parkinsons disease, significant improvements
as an adjunct to conventional anti-hypertensive were reported after 9 months in the group taking
medication. In one randomised double-blind 1200 mg daily.23
study involving 83 patients, an oral dose of
60 mg taken twice a day over 12 weeks was
found to produce a mean reduction in systolic Huntingtons chorea
blood pressure of 17.8 7.3 mmHg.17 Another A randomised double-blind study involving 347
double-blind study in 59 patients with hyper- patients with early Huntingtons chorea showed
tension found that adding 120 mg coenzyme that a dose of coenzyme Q10 600 mg daily
Q10 daily to existing anti-hypertensive medica- taken over 30 months produced a trend towards
tion causes an additional reduction in systolic slow decline and beneficial improvements in
and diastolic blood pressure after 8 weeks some parameters. However, changes were not
treatment.18 significant.24

Cardiac surgery
Studies have looked at the use of coenzyme Cancer
Q10 supplements before cardiac surgery. Observational studies of women diagnosed with
Oral supplementation with coenzyme Q10 for breast cancer have reported reduced blood
2 weeks before cardiac surgery has been shown coenzyme Q10 concentrations. There have also
to improve post-operative heart function and been several case reports of remissions or partial
shorten hospital stays.19 However, supple- remissions in patients with tumours. However,
mentation with 600 mg coenzyme Q10 12 h there are no controlled studies to show the
before surgery did not improve myocardial effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 in cancer.
protection in patients undergoing coronary
Exercise performance An open trial investigated the effects of
Coenzyme Q10 is essential in energy metabolism coenzyme Q10 150 mg daily for 3 months in
and has therefore been investigated for athletic 32 individuals with a history of migraine.
performance. Controlled trials using doses of Coenzyme Q10 was associated with a significant
60150 mg daily over 28 days to 8 weeks have reduction in both the frequency of attacks and
generally shown no improvements in physical the number of days with migraine.25
Coenzyme Q 79

found that oral coenzyme Q10 100 mg daily had

Conclusion no significant effect on INR or warfarin levels.26
Results from preliminary studies with co- In patients on warfarin, high doses of coenzyme
enzyme Q10 suggest that it may help Q10 should be used with caution.
improve symptoms of CHF, and may help Coenzyme Q10 should not be used to
to protect against myocardial infarction. treat cardiovascular disorders without medical
Studies in angina and hypertension are supervision.
inconclusive. Studies conducted so far do
not justify the use of coenzyme Q10 in can-
cer, athletes and sports people and AIDS, Dose
though some of the preliminary research
justifies more rigorous trials to investigate Coenzyme Q10 is sold in capsules and tablets in
potential benefits. Preliminary evidence from strengths of 10150 mg. Doses used in studies
the use of coenzyme Q10 in Parkinsons investigating CVD and prevention of migraine
disease is promising. However, there is have ranged from 100 to 150 mg daily. How-
insufficient evidence to make definite recom- ever, higher doses have been used in angina
mendations for coenzyme Q10 as a dietary (150600 mg daily) and Parkinsons disease
supplement. (up to 1200 mg daily). Doses used to prepare
for heart surgery have varied between 30 and
100 mg daily for 12 weeks before surgery and
a month afterwards.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding People who wish to try coenzyme Q10 for
Safety in pregnancy has not been established. cardiovascular conditions or migraine preven-
tion should be advised it may take 1012 weeks
to have an effect. However all patients with
Adverse effects cardiovascular conditions should take medical
advice before taking coenzyme Q10 .
Coenzyme Q10 seems to be safe and relatively
well tolerated in doses of 10200 mg daily.
There are occasional reports of gastrointestinal
discomfort, dizziness and skin rash, but these
tend to occur with doses > 200 mg daily. 1 Weber C, Bysted A, Holmer G. Coenzyme Q10 in the
diet daily intake and relative bioavailability. Mol
Aspects Med 1997; 18: S251S254.
Interactions 2 Kalen A, Appelkvist EL, Dallner G. Age-related
changes in the lipid composition of rat and human
Drugs tissue. Lipids 1989; 24: 579584.
Statins: Simvastatin, pravastatin and lovastatin 3 Sole MJ, Jeejeebhoy KN. Conditioned nutritional
reduce endogenous synthesis of coenzyme Q10 .6 requirements: therapeutic relevance to heart failure.
The mechanism of action of statins is inhi- Herz 2002; 27: 174178.
bition of HMG-CoA reductase. Inhibition of 4 Karlsson J, Diamant B, Folkers K, Lund B. Muscle
fibre types, ubiquinone content and exercise capacity
this enzyme appears to inhibit the intrinsic in hypertension and effort angina. Ann Med 1991;
biosynthesis of coenzyme Q10 at the same time. 23: 339344.
This reduces coenzyme Q10 concentrations, so 5 Mortensen SA, Vadhanavikit S, Muratsu K, Folkers
constituting a new risk for CVD. Supplemen- K. Coenzyme Q10 : clinical benefits with biochemical
tation may increase levels without adversely correlates suggesting a scientific breakthrough in the
affecting drug efficacy. management of chronic heart failure. Int J Tissue
Warfarin: Case reports suggest that coenzyme React 1990; 12: 155162.
6 Overvard K, Diamant B, Holm L, et al. Coenzyme
Q10 may decrease international normalised ratio Q10 in health and disease. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999; 53:
(INR) in patients previously stabilised on anti- 764770.
coagulants. However, a double-blind crossover 7 Bianchi G, Solaroli E, Zaccheroni V, et al. Oxidative
study in 24 patients on long-term warfarin stress and antioxidant metabolites in patients with
80 Coenzyme Q

hyperthyroidism: effect of treatment. Horm Metab coenzyme Q10 in isolated systolic hypertension.
Res 1999; 31: 620624. South Med J 2001; 94: 11121117.
8 Folkers K, Osterborg A, Nylander M, et al. Activities 18 Singh RB, Niaz MA, Rastogi SS, et al. Effect of
of vitamin Q10 in animal models and a serious hydrosoluble coenzyme Q10 on blood pressures
deficiency in patients with cancer. Biochem Biophys and insulin resistance in hypertensive patients with
Res Commun 1997; 234: 296299. coronary artery disease. J Hum Hypertens 1999; 13:
9 Mortensen SA. Perspectives on therapy of cardio- 203208.
vascular diseases with coenzyme Q (ubiquinone). 19 Rosenfeldt FL, Pepe S, Linnane A, et al. The
Clin Investig 1993; 71: S116S123. effects of ageing on the response to cardiac surgery:
10 Jameson S. Statistical data support prediction of protective strategies for the ageing myocardium.
death within 6 months on low levels of coenzyme Biogerontology 2002; 3: 3740.
Q10 and other entities. Clin Investig 1993; 71: 20 Taggart DP, Jenkins M, Hooper J, et al. Effects
S137S139. of short term supplementation with coenzyme Q10
11 Langsjoen H, Langsjoen P, Langsjoen P, et al. on myocardial protection during cardiac operations.
Usefulness of coenzyme Q10 in clinical cardiology: a Ann Thorac Surg 1996; 61: 829833.
long term study. Mol Aspects Med 1994; 15 (Suppl.): 21 Ylikoski T, Piirainen J, Hanninen O, Penttinen J. The
S165S175. effect of coenzyme Q10 on the exercise performance
12 Morisco C, Trimarco B, Condorelli M. Effect of of cross-country skiers. Mol Aspects Med 1997; 18:
coenzyme Q10 therapy in patients with conges- S283S290.
tive heart failure: a long term multicenter 22 Ebadi M, Govitrapong P, Sharma S, et al.
randomized study. Clin Investig 1993; 71: Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10 ) and mitochondria in
S134S136. oxidative stress in Parkinsons disease. Biol Signals
13 Soja AM, Mortensen SA. Treatment of congestive Recept 2001; 10: 224253.
heart failure with coenzyme Q10 illustrated by meta- 23 Shults CW, Oakes D, Kieburtz K, et al. Effects of
analyses of clinical trials. Mol Aspects Med 1997; coenzyme Q10 in early Parkinson disease: evidence
18: S159S168. of slowing of the functional decline. Arch Neurol
14 Watson PS, Scalia GM, Galbraith A, et al. Lack of 2002; 59: 15411550.
effect of coenzyme Q on left ventricular function 24 Huntingtons Study Group. A randomized, placebo-
in patients with congestive heart failure. J Am Coll controlled trial of coenzyme Q10 and remacemide
Cardiol 1999; 33: 15491552. in Huntingtons disease. Neurology 2001; 57:
15 Khatta M, Alexander BS, Krichten CM, et al. The 397404.
effect of coenzyme Q10 with congestive heart failure. 25 Rozen TD, Oshinsky ML, Gebeline CA, et al. Open
Ann Intern Med 2000; 132: 636640. label trial of coenzyme Q10 as a migraine preventive.
16 Singh RB, Wander GS, Rastogi A, et al. Ran- Cephalgia 2002; 22: 137141.
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 26 Engelson J, Nielson JD, Hansen KF. Effect
coenzyme Q10 in patients with acute myocardial of coenzyme Q10 and ginkgo biloba on war-
infarction. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 1998; 12: 347 farin dosage in patients on long-term warfarin
353. treatment. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-
17 Burke BE, Neuenschwander R, Olson RD. Ran- controlled crossover trial. Ugeskr Laeger 2003; 165:
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 18681871.
Conjugated linoleic acid

Description Body weight and energy expenditure

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a naturally CLA is being promoted for control of body
occurring polyunsaturated fatty acid. Nine dif- weight, and early evidence from animal studies
ferent isomers of CLA have been identified, and was promising. In mice, CLA has been shown to
their double bonds are conjugated at carbons 9 reduce fat accumulation and increase protein ac-
and 11 or 10 and 12 in the cis and trans config- cumulation without any change in food intake,1
uration. CLA is found in low concentrations in to reduce energy intake, increase metabolism
blood and tissues, although the body does not and reduce body fat,2 to reduce body fat and
synthesise CLA endogenously. CLA is readily increase lean body mass without affecting body
absorbed from food and supplements. weight,3 and to reduce body fat and increase
energy expenditure.4
Human clinical data are now appearing in
the literature, but with somewhat conflicting
Dietary sources
results. A 12-week randomised double-blind
CLA is present in small quantities in many study including 60 overweight or obese vol-
foods, especially beef and dairy produce. unteers given various doses of CLA from 1.7
Cooking has been shown to increase the CLA to 6.8 g daily found that CLA was associated
content of meat. Changes in the way beef and with a significantly higher reduction in body fat
dairy animals have been reared in the last mass than placebo. The reduction in body fat
decades have reduced the amount of CLA in the was significant for the groups taking 3.4 and
diet. 6.8 g CLA.5 A 4-week double-blind RCT in 25
obese men aged 3964 with metabolic disorder
found that CLA 4.2 g daily was associated with
Action a significant reduction in abdominal fat but with
no concomitant effects on overall obesity and
CLA is essential for the delivery of dietary fat
other cardiovascular risk factors.6
into cells. It transports glucose into cells, and
A Dutch RCT in 54 men and women involved
helps glucose to be used to provide energy and
subjects being put on a very low-calorie diet
build muscle rather than being converted to fat.
(2.1 MJ/day) for 3 weeks, followed by 13 weeks
It is this effect that lies behind the claims that
on either low- or high-dose CLA (1.8 or 3.6 g
CLA is useful for promoting weight loss. CLA
daily) or placebo. Weight regain after the
is also an antioxidant and enhances the immune
low-calorie diet was not significantly different
between the active and placebo groups, but
subjects on CLA did gain a significantly greater
proportion of that weight as fat-free mass (4.6%
Possible uses
vs 3.4%). The effect was similar for the low- and
CLA is being marketed for loss of body weight, high-dose CLA.7 As part of this study, appetite
and is also being investigated for prevention of and food intake was also measured. Appetite
cancer. (hunger, satiety and fullness) was favourably,

82 Conjugated linoleic acid

dose-dependently affected by consumption of study in 17 healthy female volunteers found

both 1.8 and 3.6 g CLA daily. However, this that CLA 3.9 g daily for 2 months did not
did not affect energy intake at breakfast and did alter blood cholesterol or lipoprotein levels.18
not improve body weight maintenance.8 In the same study, there were no effects of CLA
A 12-month study investigated the effect of on blood coagulation and platelet function.19
CLA in 180 healthy overweight adults. Body Another human RCT in 51 normolipidaemic
fat mass was significantly reduced in the CLA patients found that an isomeric blend of CLA
groups.9 As part of the same study, 134 of the significantly reduced plasma triglycerides and
participants were included in an open study for VLDL cholesterol concentrations.20
a further 12 months to evaluate the safety of
CLA and assess its effect on body composition. Insulin sensitivity
The extended study found that CLA 3.4 g daily Based on preliminary work in animals,21 there
decreases body fat mass and may help maintain has been some hope that CLA could improve
initial reductions in body fat mass and weight insulin resistance. An 8-week Canadian RCT in
in the long term. The supplement was well 16 normal weight, healthy young adults living a
tolerated.10 sedentary lifestyle found that an isomeric blend
CLA has also been investigated in people of CLA 4 g daily significantly improved insulin
who are exercising. A human study showed that sensitivity by 27% compared with the control
5.67.2 g of CLA daily produced non-significant group. Insulin sensitivity improved in six out of
gains in muscle size and strength in experienced 10 of the treated group while two deteriorated
and inexperienced training men.11 A double- and two had no change.22
blind 12-week RCT in 20 healthy people with An Irish RCT in 32 overweight diabetic sub-
body mass index <25 who did standardised jects found the opposite. Treatment consisted of
exercise in a gym for 90 min three times weekly 8 weeks of either placebo or an isomeric blend of
found that CLA 1.8 g daily reduced body fat but CLA (3 g daily). CLA produced a 6.3% signif-
not body weight.12 A further study investigated icant increase in fasting glucose concentration
the effect of CLA 6 g daily in 23 resistance- and a reduction in insulin sensitivity.23 Two
trained subjects. Results showed some statistical further studies from the same research group
trends, but CLA did not significantly affect found that both of the common CLA isomers
changes in total body mass, percentage body have a negative effect on insulin resistance in
fat, bone mass or fat-free mass, indicating that obese non-diabetics.24,25
CLA does not appear to possess significant ergo-
genic value for experienced resistance-trained
athletes.13 Cancer
There is some evidence that a specific isomer Preliminary evidence from in vitro work and
of CLA may be the bioactive component in animals suggests that CLA may reduce the risk
relation to weight change. A US study in 21 of cancer,2628 but other studies have not con-
adults with type 2 diabetes found that a CLA firmed this.29 Linoleic acid itself has been shown
mixture of predominantly two isomers (c911t to promote tumorigenesis in some studies.
and t10c12) resulted in an increase in plasma
CLA that was inversely correlated with body Miscellaneous
weight and serum leptin levels. However, these Based on findings in experimental animals and
significant correlations were only seen with the cells in culture that CLA can positively influence
t10c12-CLA.14 calcium and bone metabolism, research is now
being conducted in humans. However, one
Atherosclerosis double-blind RCT in 60 healthy adult men aged
Animal research suggests an effect of CLA sup- 3964 found that CLA 3 g daily for 6 weeks
plementation on preventing atherosclerosis,15,16 had no significant effect on markers of bone
but one study has shown that CLA does not formation or bone resorption or on serum or
produce beneficial lipid profiles.17 One human urinary calcium levels.30
Conjugated linoleic acid 83

CLA has also been investigated for effects on Dose

immune function. One study in humans found
CLA is produced for supplements from sun-
that CLA supplementation results in a dose-
flower oil and is available in the form of
dependent reduction in mitogen-induced T-
lymphocyte activation,31 while a further study
The dose is not established. Animal research
showed that CLA had a minimal effect on the
has used large doses, equivalent to several
markers of human immune function.32
grams a day for humans. However, dietary
supplements tend to provide a dose of 14 g
Studies in animals suggest that CLA reduces
body fat and increases lean body mass. References
Human clinical data are conflicting, with
1 DeLany JP, Blohm F, Truett AA, et al. Conjugated
only limited evidence that CLA can influence linoleic acid rapidly reduces body fat content in mice
lean body mass. CLA may also increase without affecting energy intake. Am J Physiol 1999;
insulin resistance and overweight people 276 (part 2): R11721179.
are likely to be those with insulin resis- 2 West DB, DeLany JP, Camet PM, et al. Effects of
tance. Animal studies suggest that CLA may conjugated linoleic acid on body fat and energy
have beneficial effects on atherosclerosis, metabolism in the mouse. Am J Physiol 1998 (part
2); 275: R667672.
bone metabolism and immune function, but 3 Park Y, Allbright KJ, Liu W, et al. Effect of
preliminary human studies have not conjugated linoleic acid on body composition in
demonstrated such beneficial effects. mice. Lipids 1997; 32: 853858.
4 West DB, Blohm FY, Truett AA, DeLany JP.
Conjugated linoleic acid persistently increases total
energy expenditure in AKR/J mice without uncou-
Precautions/contraindications pling protein gene expression. J Nutr 2000; 130:
Until more is known, caution should be exer- 5 Blankson H, Stakkestad JA, Fagertun H, et al.
cised in the use of CLA supplements because Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat mass in
of potential problems with insulin resistance. overweight and obese humans. J Nutr 2000; 130:
Although this is not proven, people likely to 29432948.
6 Riserus U, Berglund L, Vessby B. Conjugated
use CLA will be overweight and most likely to
linoleic acid reduced abdominal adipose tissue
suffer from insulin resistance. in obese middle-aged men with signs of the
metabolic syndrome: a randomised controlled
trial. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2001; 25:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding 11291135.
7 Kamphuis MM, Lejeune MP, Saris WH, Westerterp-
No problems have been reported, but there
Plantenga MS. The effect of conjugated linoleic acid
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee the supplementation after weight loss on body weight
safety of CLA in pregnancy and breast-feeding. regain, body composition and resting metabolic rate
in overweight subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab
Disord 2003; 27: 840847.
Adverse effects 8 Kamphuis MM, Lejeune MP, Saris WH, Westerterp-
Plantenga MS. Effect of conjugated linoleic acid
No known toxicity or side-effects, apart from supplementation after weight loss on appetite and
one report of gastrointestinal side-effects. How- food intake in overweight subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr
ever, there are no long-term studies assessing the 2003; 57: 12681274.
safety of CLA. 9 Gaullier JM, Halse J, Hoye K, et al. Conjugated
linoleic acid supplementation for 1 y reduces body
fat mass in healthy overweight humans. Am J Clin
Interactions Nutr 2004; 79: 11181125.
10 Gaullier JM, Halse J, Hoyce K, et al. Supplemen-
None reported. tation with conjugated linoleic acid for 24 months
84 Conjugated linoleic acid

is well tolerated by and reduces body fat mass in Zucker diabetic fatty fa/fa rat. Biochem Biophys Res
healthy, overweight humans. J Nutr 2005; 135: Commun 1998; 244: 678682.
778784. 22 Eyjolfson V, Spriet LL, Dyck DJ. Conjugated linoleic
11 Ferreira M, Krieder R, Wilson M. Effects of CLA acid improves insulin sensitivity in young, sedentary
supplementation during resistance training on body humans. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004; 36: 814820.
muscle and strength. J Strength Cond Res 1998; 11: 23 Moloney F, Yeow TP, Mullen A, et al. Conjugated
280. linoleic acid supplementation, insulin sensitivity,
12 Thom E, Wadstein J, Gudmundsen O. Conjugated and lipoprotein metabolism in patients with type
linoleic acid reduces body fat in healthy exercising 2 diabetes mellitus. Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80:
humans. J Int Med Res 2001; 29: 392396. 887895.
13 Kreider RB, Ferreira MP, Greenwood M, et al. 24 Riserus U, Vessby B, Amlov J, Basu S. Supplemen-
Effects of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation tation with trans10cis12-conjugated linoleic acid
during resistance training on body composition, induces hyperproinsulinaemia in obese men: close
bone density, strength and selected haematological association with impaired insulin sensitivity.
markers. J Strength Cond Res 2002; 16: Diabetologia 2004; 47: 10161019.
325334. 25 Riserus U, Vesby B, Amer P, Zethelius B. Effects of
14 Belury MA, Mahon A, Banni S. The conjugated cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid supplemen-
linoleic acid (CLA) isomer, t10c12-CLA, is inversely tation on insulin sensitivity, lipid peroxidation and
associated with changes in body weight and serum proinflammatory markers in obese men. Am J Clin
leptin in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Nutr Nutr 2004; 80: 279283.
2003; 133: S257SS260. 26 Cesano A, Visonneau S, Scimeca JA, et al. Opposite
15 Lee KN, Kritchevsky D, Pariza MW. Conju- effects of linoleic acid and conjugated linolenic acid
gated linoleic acid and atherosclerosis in rabbits. on human prostatic cancer in SCID mice. Anticancer
Atherosclerosis 1994; 108: 1925. Res 1998; 18 (3A): 14291434.
16 Nicolosi RJ, Rogers EJ, Kritchevsky D, et al. 27 Thompson H, Zhu Z, Banni S, et al. Morphological
Dietary conjugated linoleic acid reduces plasma and biochemical status of the mammary gland
lipoproteins and early aortic atherosclerosis in influenced by conjugated linoleic acid: implication
hypercholesterolemic hamsters. Artery 1997; 22: for a reduction in mammary cancer risk. Cancer Res
266277. 1997: 57: 50675072.
17 Kritchevsky D, Tepper SA, Wright S, et al. Influence 28 Parodi PW. Cows milk fat components as
of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on establishment potential carcinogenic agents. J Nutr 1997; 127:
and progression of atherosclerosis in rabbits. J Am 10551060.
Coll Nutr 2000; 19: S472SS477. 29 Petrik MB, McEntee MF, Johnson BT, et al. Highly
18 Benito P, Nelson GJ, Kelley DS, et al. The effect unsaturated (n-3) fatty acids, but not alpha linolenic,
of conjugated linoleic acid on plasma lipoproteins conjugated linoleic or gamma-linolenic acids, reduce
and tissue fatty acid composition in humans. Lipids tumourigenesis in Apc(Min/+) mice. J Nutr 2000;
2001; 36: 229236. 130: 24342443.
19 Benito P, Nelson GJ, Kelley DS, et al. The effect of 30 Doyle C, Jewell C, Mullen A, et al. Effect of dietary
conjugated linoleic acid on platelet function, platelet supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid on
fatty acid composition and blood coagulation in markers of calcium and bone metabolism in healthy
humans. Lipids 2001; 36: 221227. adult men. Eur J Clin Nutr 2005; 59: 432440.
20 Noone EJ, Roche HM, Nugent AP, Gibney MJ. 31 Tricon S, Burdge GC, Kew S, et al. Effects of cis-9,
The effect of dietary suppelementation using iso- trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid
meric blends of conjugated linoleic acid on lipid on immune cell function in healthy humans. Am J
metabolism in healthy human subjects. Br J Nutr Clin Nutr 2004; 80: 16261633.
2002; 88: 243251. 32 Nugent AP, Roche HM, Noone EJ, et al. The
21 Houseknecht KL, Vanden Heuvel JP, Moya- effects of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation
Camarena SY, et al. Dietary conjugated linoleic on immune function in healthy volunteers. Eur J Clin
acid normalises impaired glucose tolerance in the Nutr 2005; 59: 742750.

Copper is an essential trace mineral. Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for copper

Human requirements EU RDA = none

See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for

copper. Age UK USA
RNI EVM intake TUL
Dietary intake
In the UK, the average adult diet provides: for 03 months 0.3 0.2
men, 1.82 mg daily; for women, 1.31 mg. 46 months 0.3 0.22
712 months 0.3 0.22
13 years 0.4 0.34 1.0
46 years 0.6 1.01.5
Action 48 years 0.44 3.0
710 years 0.7
Copper functions as an essential component of 913 years 0.7 5.0
several enzymes (e.g. superoxide dismutase) and 1418 years 0.89 8.0
other proteins. It plays a role in bone formation Males
and mineralisation, and in the integrity of the 1114 years 0.8
connective tissue of the cardiovascular sys- 1518 years 1.0
tem. Copper promotes iron absorption and is 1950+ years 1.2 5 0.9 10.0
required for the synthesis of haemoglobin. It is Females
involved in melanin pigment formation, choles- 1114 years 0.8
terol metabolism and glucose metabolism. In 1518 years 1.0
the central nervous system (CNS), it is required 1950+ years 1.2 5 0.9 10.0
Pregnancy * 1.0 10.02
for the formation of myelin and is important
Lactation +0.3 1.01 10.02
for normal neurotransmission. Copper has pro-
oxidant effects in vitro but antioxidant effects * No increment.
in vivo; there is accumulating evidence that 1 18 years, 1.3 mg.
2 18 years,
adequate copper is required to maintain anti- 8.0 mg.

oxidant effects within the body.1 Note: No EAR, LRNI or FAO/WHO RNIs have been derived for copper.
EVM = Safe upper level from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from diet and supplements.

Dietary sources
See Table 2 for dietary sources of copper.

86 Copper

absorption is probably by a saturable carrier-

Table 2 Dietary sources of copper mediated mechanism at low levels of intake, and
by passive diffusion at high levels of intake.

Copper content Distribution

Food portion (mg) Copper is rapidly taken up by the liver and
incorporated into caeruloplasmin. It is stored
Breakfast cereals
primarily in the liver. Copper is transported
1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 0.2 bound to caeruloplasmin.
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 0.1
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 0.3 Elimination
2 pieces Shredded Wheat 0.2 Elimination is mainly via bile into the faeces;
2 Weetabix 0.2 small amounts are excreted in the urine, sweat
Cereal products and via epidermal shedding.
Bread, brown, 2 slices 0.1
white, 2 slices 0.1
wholemeal, 2 slices 0.2 Bioavailability
1 chapati 0.1
Pasta, brown, boiled (150 g) 0.3 Absorption may be reduced by phytate (present
white, boiled (150 g) 0.1 in bran and high-fibre foods) and non-starch
Rice, brown, boiled (165 g) 0.5 polysaccharides (dietary fibre), but recom-
white, boiled (165 g) 0.2 mended intakes of fibre-containing foods are
Meat unlikely to compromise copper status.
Meat, average, cooked (100 g) 0.2
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 9.0
calf, cooked (90 g) 11.0 Deficiency
Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 0.4
Vegetables Deficiency of copper is rare, but may lead to
Chick peas, lentils, or red kidney 0.2 hypochromic and microcytic anaemias, leuco-
beans, cooked (105 g) penia, neutropenia, impaired immunity and
Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 0.1 bone demineralisation. Deficiency may also be
Mushrooms, cooked (100 g) 0.4 caused by Menkes syndrome (an X-linked
Green vegetables (100 g) 0.02 genetic disorder in which copper absorption
Fruit is defective); this disease is characterised by a
1 banana 0.3 reduced level of copper in the blood, liver and
1 orange 0.1
hair, progressive mental deterioration, defective
2 handfuls raisins 0.1
8 dried apricots 0.2 keratinisation of the hair and hypothermia.
Nuts Marginal deficiency may result in elevated
20 almonds 0.2 cholesterol levels, impaired glucose tolerance,
10 Brazil nuts 0.4 defects in pigmentation and structure of the
30 hazelnuts 0.4 hair, and demyelination and degeneration of the
30 peanuts 0.3 nervous system. In infants and children, copper
Milk chocolate (100 g) 0.3 deficiency can lead to skeletal fragility and
Plain chocolate (100 g) 0.7 increased susceptibility to infections, especially
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italic).
those of the respiratory tract.
Copper deficiency has been linked to many
of the processes, including atherosclerosis and
thrombosis, associated with ischaemic heart
disease. Whether this relationship is important
Absorption in humans remains unanswered. More informa-
Copper is absorbed mainly in the small intestine, tion is required concerning possible mild copper
with a small amount absorbed in the stomach; deficiency in human populations.
Copper 87

Possible uses liver and bloodstream). There is a theoretical

possibility of copper toxicity in women
Copper has been claimed to be protective
who use copper-containing intrauterine contra-
against hypercholesterolaemia. In various ani-
ceptive devices (further studies required).
mal species, it has been demonstrated that feed-
ing a copper-deficient diet results in increased
serum cholesterol levels,1 but studies in humans
have shown inconsistent results.13 A recent Interactions
study in 16 young women (mean age 24 years)
found that copper supplementation 3 or 6 mg
Penicillamine: reduces absorption of copper and
daily improved copper status and that the
vice versa; give 2 h apart.
concentration of fibrinolytic factor plasmino-
Trientine: reduces absorption of copper and vice
gen activator inhibitor type 1 was significantly
versa; give 2 h apart.
reduced by about 30% after supplementation
with copper 6 mg daily.4
Claims for the value of copper supplements
in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis have not
Iron: large doses of iron may reduce copper
been proved.
status and vice versa; give 2 h apart.
Vitamin C: large doses of vitamin C (> 1 g daily)
Conclusion may reduce copper status.
There are no proven benefits in taking Zinc: large doses of zinc may reduce absorption
copper supplements unless there is a proven of copper and vice versa; give 2 h apart.
deficiency, which should be treated under
medical supervision.
Copper supplements are available in the form
Precautions/contraindications of tablets and capsules, but mostly they are
Copper should not be used in Wilsons disease found in multivitamin and mineral supplements.
(the disorder may be exacerbated); or hepatic The copper content of various commonly used
and biliary disease. salts is: copper amino acid chelate (20 mg/g);
copper gluconate (140 mg/g); copper sulphate
(254 mg/g).
Pregnancy and breast-feeding There is no established use or dose for copper
as an isolated supplement.
No problems have been reported with normal
Upper safety levels
Adverse effects
The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Min-
With excessive doses (unlikely from supple- erals (EVM) has identified a safe total intake
ments): epigastric pain, anorexia, nausea, vom- of copper for adults from supplements alone of
iting and diarrhoea; hepatic toxicity and jaun- 5 mg daily.
dice; hypotension; haematuria (blood in urine, The US Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
pain on urination, lower back pain); metallic for copper, the highest total amount from diet
taste; convulsions and coma. and supplements unlikely to pose no risk for
Copper toxicity may also occur in patients most people, is 10 mg daily for adults, 8 mg
with Wilsons disease (an inherited disorder in daily for youngsters aged 1418, 5 mg daily for
which patients exhibit a deficiency of plasma youngsters aged 913, 3 mg daily for children
caeruloplasmin and an excess of copper in the aged 48, and 1 mg daily for children aged 13.
88 Copper

References 3 Shapcott D, Vobecky JS, Vobecky J, Demers PP.

Plasma cholesterol and the plasma copper/zinc ratio
1 Klevay LM, Inman L, Johnson LK, et al. Increased in young children. Sci Total Environ 1985; 42:
cholesterol in plasma in a young man during 197200.
experimental copper depletion. Metabolism 1984; 4 Bugel S, Harper A, Rock E, et al. Effect of copper
33: 11121118. supplementation on indices of copper status and
2 Medeiros D, Pellum L, Brown B. Serum lipids and certain CVD risk markers in young healthy women.
glucose as associated with haemoglobin levels and Br J Nutr 2005; 94: 231236.
copper and zinc intake in young adults. Life Sci
1983; 32: 18971904.

Description animal foods, such as fish and meat. Only trace

amounts are found in plant foods. If the dietary
Creatine is an amino acid synthesised from
supply is limited, creatine can be synthesised
the amino acid precursors arginine, glycine
and methionine. The kidneys use arginine and
glycine to make guanidinoacetate, which the
liver methylates to form creatine. The highest Possible uses
concentrations of creatine are found in skeletal
muscle, but high concentrations are also found Creatine has been investigated for a possible role
in heart and smooth muscle, as well as brain, in sports and athletics.
kidney and spermatozoa.
Exercise performance
Supplementation increases levels of creatine in
Action plasma and skeletal muscle, and it is used to
enhance exercise performance. A study in 1992
Creatine combines readily with phosphate to was the first to show that creatine supple-
form creatine phosphate, which is a source of entation (5 g four to six times a day) for
high-energy phosphate that is released during several consecutive days increased the creatine
the anaerobic phase of muscle contraction. The concentration of skeletal muscle; the authors
phosphorus from creatine phosphate is trans- concluded that creatine supplementation might
ferred to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), creating enhance exercise performance in humans.1
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and releasing The first published investigation into the
creatine. Stored creatine phosphate can fuel the effect of oral creatine supplementation on exer-
first 45 s of a sprint, but another fuel must cise performance in humans showed that inges-
provide the energy to sustain the activity. tion of creatine (20 g daily for 5 days) was found
Creatine supplements increase the storage to improve performance during repeated bouts
of creatine phosphate, thus making more ATP of maximal isokinetic knee-extensor exercise,
available for the working muscles and enabling reducing fatigue by 6%.2
them to work harder before becoming fatigued. In a subsequent more invasive study, subjects
There appears to be an upper limit for cre- performed two bouts of maximal isokinetic
atine storage in muscle, and supplementation cycling exercise before and after creatine
increases levels most in athletes with low stores ingestion at identical dose (20 g daily for 5 days).
of creatine, rather than those with high levels. Each exercise bout lasted 30 s, and the recovery
period between bouts was 4 min. Total work
performance increased during both bouts of
Dietary sources
exercise after creatine supplementation and was
Creatine is found in food, and the average related to muscle creatine uptake.3
omnivorous diet supplies about 12 g creati- A randomised, placebo-controlled trial
nine daily, although vegetarians consume less. involving 16 male subjects investigated the
This is because creatine is found principally in effects of creatine supplementation (20 g daily

90 Creatine

for 5 days) on the ability to perform kayak ergo- subjects ability to reproduce or maintain a high
meter performances of different durations. The percentage of peak power during the second
results indicated that creatine could significantly of two bouts of high-intensity cycling.13 This
increase the amount of work accomplished at was also the case in a study that showed no
durations ranging from 90 to 300 s.4 effect of creatine supplementation on perfor-
In a double-blind crossover study, 12 subjects mance during a single 20-s bout of maximal
were either creatine loaded (25 g daily for exercise.14
5 days), or were creatine loaded and took extra Another study showed no effect of creatine
creatine (5 g/hour) during an exercise test or supplementation on performance during single
placebo on three occasions followed by a 5- bouts of maximal exercise lasting 15, 30 and
week wash-out period. Each subject underwent 60 s in elite swimmers,15 and in a further study,
a 2.5-hour endurance test on their own bicycle no effect of creatine supplementation on per-
followed by five maximal 10-s sprints separated formance during a single 30-s bout of maximal
by 2-min recovery intervals. Creatine loading exercise,16 but this may also have reflected the
for 5 days, but not creatine loading plus acute short supplementation period of 3 days. In a
ingestion, significantly increased peak and mean further study, no changes in performance were
sprint power for all five sprints, but endurance found after a small dose of creatine (2 g daily)
time to exhaustion was not affected by either taken over several weeks.17
creatine regimen.5
Ten physically active but untrained college-
age males received creatine (5 g four times a
There is preliminary evidence that creatine may
day) or placebo for 5 days in a double-blind,
improve strength in people with CHF,18 chronic
randomised, balanced, crossover design and
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),19 and
were assessed during maximal and three
in neuromuscular diseases.20 Creatine sup-
repeated submaximal bouts of isometric knee
plements may also be an effective adjunct
extension and handgrip exercises. Creatine sig-
to vitamin supplements for lowering plasma
nificantly increased maximal isometric strength
during knee extension, but not during handgrip
Preliminary evidence suggests that supple-
exercise, and increased time to fatigue during all
mentation may be a useful therapeutic strategy
bouts of exercise. The authors concluded that
for older adults to attenuate loss in muscle
improvements in maximal isometric strength
strength and performance in functional living
following creatine supplementation were
tasks.22 In addition, when combined with resis-
restricted to movements performed with a large
tance training, creatine supplementation has
muscle mass.6
been shown to increase lean tissue mass and
Further studies have confirmed the ability of
improves leg strength, endurance, and average
creatine supplements to improve performance
power in older men.23
during heavy resistance training,7 ice hockey,8
bicycle exercise,9 soccer10 and squash.11
However, several studies have reported no
effects of creatine supplementation on exercise
performance. There was no effect on power Creatine should be used with caution in renal
output during two bouts of 15-s maximal or hepatic disease. However, the increase in
exercise separated by a recovery of 20 min, urinary excretion of creatinine observed with
but this finding may reflect the design in that creatine supplementation does not indicate
several bouts of exercise and a shorter recovery renal impairment. Rather, it correlates with
time may have been needed to show an effect the increase in muscle creatine storage and the
of creatine supplementation.12 However, in increased rate of muscle creatine degradation to
another study where subjects were assigned to creatinine.
recovery intervals of 30, 60, 90 or 120 s, creatine Creatine is not on the International Olympic
20 g daily for 5 days still had no effect on the Committee Drug List, but some consider it
Creatine 91

to be in the grey zone between doping and seven (13%) reported unwanted weight gain,
substances allowed to enhance performance. seven (13%) reported dehydration and 12
reported various other side-effects.25 In the same
survey, 39 (75%) exceeded the maintenance
dose of 25 g daily.
Despite a large number of clinical trials,
In a placebo-controlled trial involving 175
there remains a dearth of high-quality
subjects and lasting 310 days, creatine mono-
research on creatine supplementation. In-
hydrate supplementation 10 g daily did not
vestigations of the effect of creatine on
result in significant differences in adverse effects
performance, strength and endurance in
compared with placebo. Occurrence of nausea,
laboratory studies have yielded roughly
gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhoea was
equal numbers of studies showing posi-
similar in both groups. After 2 months of treat-
tive effects and no effect. Field studies
ment, oedematous limbs were seen more often
(i.e. of individuals participating in normal
in subjects using creatine, probably because of
sports activities) have shown less impressive
water retention. Severe diarrhoea and severe
results than laboratory studies.
nausea caused three subjects in the creatine
Creatine supplementation improves per-
group to stop taking it, after which these adverse
formance during exercise of high to maximal
events subsided.26
intensity, and its use could potentially benefit
In another report a patient with nephrotic
sports involving either single bouts of high-
syndrome who had been supplementing with
intensity exercise (e.g. sprint running, swim-
creatine experienced deterioration in renal
ming, rowing, cycling) or multiple bouts
function,27 and a previously healthy 20-year-old
(e.g. soccer, rugby, hockey). It also has
man developed interstitial nephritis after taking
the potential to benefit an athlete involved
creatine (20 g daily) for 4 weeks.28
in training that involves repetitive bouts of
Chronic administration of a large quantity
high-intensity exercise. However, there is
of creatine can increase the production of
no evidence that creatine can benefit pro-
formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is well known to
longed, submaximal exercise (e.g. middle-
crosslink proteins and DNA, and may cause
or long-distance running), and it may
potentially serious side-effects.29
impair endurance exercise by contributing
Creatine supplementation often causes
to weight gain.
weight gain, which can be mistaken for increase
in muscle mass. Increasing intracellular creatine
may cause an osmotic influx of water into the
Pregnancy and breast-feeding cell because creatine is an osmotically active
substance. It is therefore possible that the
No problems have been reported. However, weight gained is due to water retention and not
there have not been sufficient studies to guar- increased muscle.
antee the safety of creatine in pregnancy and The safety of prolonged use of creatine is of
breast-feeding. Creatine is best avoided. concern. Individuals should be advised not to
take the loading dose of 20 g daily for more
than 5 days and not to supplement for a total
Adverse effects
period of longer than 30 days until effects are
No serious toxic effects have been documented. better known.
In a survey of 52 college athletes supplementing
with creatine, 16 reported diarrhoea, 13 re-
ported muscle cramps and seven dehydration.24
Another survey, which involved 28 male base-
ball players and 24 male football players aged No known drug interactions. Caffeine may
1823, found that 16 (31%) experienced diar- reduce or abolish the ergogenic effects of
rhoea, 13 (25%) experienced muscle cramps, creatine.
92 Creatine

Dose 10 Mujika I, Padilla S, Ibanez J, et al. Creatine supple-

mentation and sprint performance in soccer players.
Creatine is available mainly in the form of Med Sci Sports Exerc 2000; 32: 518525.
powder. A review of 13 US products showed 11 Romer LM, Barrington JP, Jeukendrup AE. Effects
that 11 of them contained the weight of creatine of oral creatine supplementation on high intensity,
claimed. One of the products was found to intermittent exercise performance in competitive
contain less than the claimed amount and one squash players. Int J Sports Med 2001; 22:
failed to meet its claim of being free from the
12 Cooke WH, Grandjean PW, Barnes WS. Effect of
impurity dicyandiamide.30 oral creatine supplementation on power output and
The usual dose regimen used in studies is fatigue during bicycle egometry. J Appl Physiol
5 g creatine monohydrate four times a day for 1995; 78: 670673.
the first 5 days as a loading dose, then 25 g 13 Cooke WH, Barnes WS. The influence of recovery
daily as maintenance. These doses should not be duration on high intensity exercise performance after
exceeded because of the risk of adverse effects oral creatine supplementation. Can J Appl Physiol
1997; 22: 454467.
(see above). 14 Snow RJ, McKenna MJ, Selig SE, et al. Effect of
creatine supplementation on sprint exercise perfor-
References mance and muscle metabolism. J Appl Physiol 1998;
84: 16671673.
1 Harris RC, Soderlund K, Hultman E. Elevation of 15 Mukija I, Chatard JC, Lacoste L, et al. Creatine
creatine in resting and exercised muscle of normal supplementation does not improve sprint perfor-
subjects by creatine supplementation. Clin Sci 1992; mance in competitive swimmers. Med Sci Sports
83: 367374. Exerc 1996; 28: 14351441.
2 Greenhaff PL, Casey A, Short AH, et al. Influence 16 Odland LM, MacDougall JD, Tarnopolsky MA, et
of oral creatine supplementation on muscle torque al. Effect of oral creatine supplementation on muscle
during repeated bouts of maximal voluntary exercise (PCr) and short-term maximum power output. Med
in man. Clin Sci 1993; 84: 565571. Sci Sports Exerc 1997; 29: 216219.
3 Casey A, Constantin-Teodosiu D, Howell S, et al. 17 Thompson CH, Kemp GJ, Sanderson AL, et al. Effect
Creatine ingestion favorably influences exercise per- of creatine on aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in
formance and muscle metabolism during maximal skeletal muscle in swimmers. Br J Sports Med 1996;
exercise in humans. Am J Physiol 1996; 27: 30: 222225.
E31E37. 18 Andrews R, Greenhaff P, Curtis S, et al. The effect of
4 McNaughton LR, Dalton B, Tarr J. The effects of dietary creatine supplementation on skeletal muscle
creatine supplementation on high-intensity exercise metabolism in congestive heart failure. Eur Heart J
performance in elite performers. Eur J Appl Physiol 1998; 19: 617622.
Occup Physiol 1998; 78: 236240. 19 Fuld JP, Kilduff LP, Neder JA, et al. Creatine
5 Vandebuerie F, Vanden Eynde B, Vandenberghe K, supplementation during pulmonary rehabilitation
Hespel P. Effect of creatine loading on endurance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax
capacity and sprint power in cyclists. Int J Sports 2005; 60: 531537.
Med 1998; 19: 490495. 20 Tarnoplosky M, Martin J. Creatine monohydrate
6 Urbanski RL, Vincent WJ, Yaspelkis BB III. Creatine increases strength in patients with neuromuscular
supplementation differentially affects maximal iso- disease. Neurology 1999; 52: 854857.
metric strength and time to fatigue in large and small 21 Korzun WJ. Oral creatine supplements lower plasma
muscle groups. Int J Sport Nutr 1999; 9: 136145. homocysteine concentrations in humans. Clin Lab
7 Volek JS, Duncan ND, Mazzetti SA, et al. Per- Sci 2004; 17: 102106.
formance and muscle fiber adaptation to creatine 22 Gotshalk LA, Volek JS, Staron RS, et al. Creatine
supplementation and heavy resistance training. Med supplementation improves muscular performance
Sci Sports Exerc 1999; 31: 11471156. in older men. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002; 34:
8 Jones AM, Atter T, Georg TP. Oral creatine supple- 537543.
mentation improves multiple sprint performance in 23 Chrusch MJ, Chilibeck PD, Chad KE, et al. Creatine
elite ice-hockey players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness supplementation combined with resistance training
1999; 39: 189196. in older men. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2001; 33:
9 Rici-Sanz J, Mendez Marco MT. Creatine enhances 21112117.
oxygen uptake and performance during alternating 24 Juhn MS, Tarnopolsky M. Potential side effects of
intensity exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2000; 32: oral creatine supplementation: a critical review. J Am
379385. Diet Ass 1998; 8: 298304.
Creatine 93

25 Juhn MS, OKane JW, Vinci DM. Oral creatine 28 Koshy KM, Griswold E, Schneeberger EE. Interstitial
supplementation in male college athletes: a survey nephritis in a patient taking creatine. N Engl J Med
of dosing habits and side effects. J Am Diet Assoc 1999; 340: 814815.
1999; 99: 593595. 29 Yu PH, Deng Y. Potential cytotoxic effect of chronic
26 Groenveld GJ, Beijer C, Veldink JH, et al. Few ad- administration of creatine, a nutrition supplement
verse effects of long-term creatine supplementation to augment athletic performance. Med Hypotheses
in a placebo-controlled trial. Int J Sports Med 2005; 2000; 54: 726728.
26: 307313. 30 Consumerlab. Product review. Creatine. http://
27 Pritchard NR, Kalra PA, Renal dysfunction accom- (accessed 13 November
panying oral creatine supplements. Lancet 1998; 2006).
351: 12521253.

Description Immunity
The first in vivo evidence of an immuno-
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the most
modulatory effect of DHEA came from a pro-
abundant hormone secreted by the adrenal
spective, randomised, double-blind, crossover
glands. It is a steroid hormone and secreted by
study involving 11 post-menopausal women
the zona reticularis of the adrenals. DHEA cir-
with 3-week treatment arms. Results showed
culates in the blood as dehydroepiandrosterone-
that DHEA supplementation reduced T helper
3-sulphate (DHEAS), which is converted as
cell populations and increased natural killer cell
required to DHEA. Production of DHEA in
humans normally peaks between the ages of
In a single-blind, placebo-controlled study,
20 and 30 years, and then begins a steady
nine healthy men (mean age 63 years) were sup-
progressive decline.1
plemented with a placebo for 2 weeks, followed
by DHEA 50 mg daily for 20 weeks.5 DHEA
Action stimulated immune function by significantly
DHEA and DHEAS are the precursors for other increasing the number of monocyte and B cells,
hormones, including oestrogens and androgens. stimulating B- and T-cell mitogenic response,
The degree of androgenic versus oestrogenic interleukin-2 secretion and the number and
effect of DHEA may depend on the individuals cytotoxicity of natural killer cells. The authors
hormonal status. For example, there is some acknowledged that the results of this study
evidence that DHEA has different effects in had limited application because post-treatment
pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women.2 immune response was not measured.
DHEA has also been shown to stimulate However, in two other studies,6,7 DHEA
insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1),3 a hormone produced no significant effects on antibody
that stimulates anabolic metabolism, enhances response to influenza vaccine.
insulin sensitivity, accelerates muscle growth
and enhances energy production.
Body composition
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study,
Possible uses
10 healthy men were randomised to receive
Supplementation with DHEA has been claimed either 1600 mg DHEA or placebo daily for
to produce several health benefits including 28 days. Compared with placebo, body fat was
enhancement of immune function, increased reduced significantly, by 31% in the supple-
muscle mass, improvements in memory and mented group, but there was no change in
mood, improvement in symptoms of auto- body weight. There was also a 7.5% reduction
immune disorders such as lupus erythemato- in LDL cholesterol.8 Furthermore, in another
sus, and to have a general anti-ageing effect. randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
However, evidence for a beneficial effect of study in morbidly obese adolescents,9 40 mg
DHEA supplements in all these conditions is DHEA twice a day had no effect on body weight.
inconclusive. In two other studies,10,11 DHEA 1600 mg daily

Dehydroepiandrosterone 95

for 4 weeks had no significant effect on body in severity. A transient effect on cognitive
weight or lean body mass. performance may have been seen at month 3,
but this narrowly missed significance.16
Memory, mood and depression A study in patients with schizophrenia found
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover that DHEA (up to 100 mg daily) was associ-
study, 30 healthy subjects aged 4070 years ated with significant improvement in negative
were randomised to receive in random order symptoms as well as in depressive and anxiety
either 50 mg DHEA or placebo daily for symptoms in individuals receiving DHA.17
3 months each. During DHEA supplementation Plasma levels of DHEA fall with the pro-
there was a significant increase in perceived gression of HIV diseases and DHEA is being
physical and psychological well-being. There investigated for potential benefit. A study in
was no effect on insulin sensitivity, body fat or 32 patients with advanced HIV disease found
libido.12 improved mental function scores with DHEA
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled 50 mg daily for 4 months.18
crossover study, 17 healthy, elderly male
Systemic lupus erythematosus
subjects received 50 mg DHEA daily or a
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study,19
placebo for 2 weeks. There was no change in
28 women with mild to moderate systemic
memory or mood in the supplemented group.13
lupus erythematosus (SLE) were randomised
A Cochrane systematic review14 investigated
to receive 200 mg DHEA or placebo daily for
the effect of DHEA supplementation on cogni-
3 months. In the supplemented group, there
tion and well-being. Five studies matched the
were insignificant improvements in SLE Disease
reviewers criteria, four of which were short-
Activity Index scores, physicians assessment of
term (DHEA administered for 2 weeks or less)
disease activity and a reduction in the dose
and one where DHEA was given for 3 months.
of prednisone used. There was a significant
There was no significant change in ability to
improvement in patients assessment of disease
perform cognitive tests, or mood or well-being
activity with DHEA compared with placebo.
(as assessed by standard scales) in the short-term
In an open study, 50 women with mild to
studies. In the longer-term study, results of an
moderate SLE were treated with 50200 mg of
open-ended questionnaire showed that 67% of
DHEA daily for 612 months. Supplementation
men and 82% of women reported enhanced
was associated with a significant reduction in
well-being with DHEA compared with placebo.
disease activity and significant improvement in
The reviewers concluded that present data offer
patient and physician assessment compared to
limited support for a beneficial effect of DHEA
on well-being, but not on memory or cognitive
In a double-blind RCT, 120 adult women
with active SLE received oral DHEA (200 mg
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled
daily) or placebo for 24 weeks. DHEA treatment
study,15 32 patients with severe depression,
was well tolerated, significantly reduced the
either medication-free or stabilised on anti-
number of SLE flares and improved patients
depressants, received either DHEA (maximum
global assessment of disease activity.21
dose 90 mg daily) or placebo for 6 weeks.
DHEA was associated with a significantly Miscellaneous
greater decrease in the Hamilton depression There is no evidence that DHEA supplements
rating scale than placebo, and five of the prevent ageing in humans. Reports have sug-
11 patients treated with DHEA compared gested that DHEA might reduce the risk of heart
with none of the 11 subjects in the placebo disease. Epidemiological studies have been con-
group showed a 50% or greater reduction in flicting, and although some animal and human
symptoms of depression. studies have shown that DHEA may reduce LDL
In a small double-blind RCT, DHEA (50 mg cholesterol and platelet aggregation, controlled
twice a day) did not significantly improve cog- trials are needed to assess the effects of DHEA
nitive performance or overall ratings of change supplementation on cardiovascular risk.
96 Dehydroepiandrosterone

DHEA has also been reported to improve Precautions/contraindications

insulin sensitivity and reduce blood glucose
DHEA is contraindicated in individuals who
levels, but again results from studies have
have (or have a history of) prostate cancer
been conflicting. One small study in 24 men
or oestrogen-dependent tumours (e.g. breast or
found that DHEA 25 mg daily improved insulin
uterine cancer). It should be used with caution in
sensitivity and vascular endothelial function
patients with diabetes mellitus (because it may
and decreased the plasma activator inhibitor
alter blood glucose regulation). Blood glucose
type 1 concentration. The authors concluded
and doses of insulin and oral hypoglycaemics
that these beneficial changes have the potential
should be monitored in patients with diabetes.
to attenuate the development of age-related
disorders such as CVD.22
DHEA has also been investigated for an
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
effect on bone turnover. An RCT in young
women with anorexia nervosa compared the The effects of DHEA in pregnancy and breast-
effects of DHEA with hormone replacement feeding are unknown. It is probably best
therapy (HRT). In initial analyses, total hip avoided.
BMD increased significantly and similarly in
both treatment groups. Bone formation mark-
ers increased transiently at 69 months in the Adverse effects
DHEA compared with the HRT group and both
There is no known toxicity or serious side-
treatments significantly reduced bone resorption
effects. However, the safety of long-term admin-
markers. However, both groups gained weight
istration is unknown. DHEA alters the levels
and after correcting for weight gain, there
of other hormones, and has both oestrogenic
was no treatment effect. In addition, DHEA
and androgenic activity. Potential side-effects
was associated with improvement in specific
in women are therefore increased facial hair
psychological parameters.23 In another study in
and increased loss of head hair, menstrual
middle-aged to elderly men, oral DHEA did not
irregularities and deepening of the voice. The
affect bone turnover when used for a 6-month
risk of breast cancer may also be increased,
but results from studies are conflicting, with
It is often claimed that individuals can en-
some showing that DHEA may reduce risk
hance their muscle capacity by boosting DHEA
while others show that it may increase risk.
levels through oral supplementation. A 12-
A review concluded that prolonged intake of
month study in 280 healthy men and women
DHEA may promote breast cancer in post-
(aged 6089 years) found that the supplement
menopausal women.26 Potential side-effects in
restored DHEA levels to the normal range for
men include an increased risk of prostate
young adults. However, there were no beneficial
effects on muscle state.25
A study in 22 healthy men27 suggested
that doses up to 200 mg daily for 4 weeks
Conclusion were safe and well tolerated. Another study28
The role of DHEA supplements in all con- in 24 healthy elderly men and women
ditions studied is inconclusive. Some stud- (67.8 4.3 years) suggested that daily doses of
ies have shown that DHEA improves the 25 or 50 mg DHEA are safe in elderly subjects.
immune response while others have not. There were no large increases in blood levels of
There is no good evidence that DHEA helps androgens and oestrogens in this study.
to reduce body weight. There is limited
evidence that it may improve well-being and
reduce symptoms of depression, but it seems Interactions
to have no effect on memory or cognition.
Preliminary evidence suggests that DHEA None reported, but theoretically DHEA could
could improve symptoms of SLE. interact with insulin, oral hypoglycaemic agents,
oestrogens (including HRT) and androgens.
Dehydroepiandrosterone 97

Dose advancing age. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1994; 78:

DHEA is available in the form of tablets and 13 Wolf OT, Naumann E, Helhammer DH, et al. Effects
capsules. of dehydroepiandrosterone replacement in elderly
The dose is not established. Dietary supple- men on event-related potentials, memory and well
ments tend to provide 550 mg daily. being. J Gerontol A Biol Med Sci Med Sci 1998; 53:
14 Huppert FA, Van Nickerk JK, Herbert J. Dehydro-
References epiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation for
cognition and well being. Cochrane database, issue
1 Nafziger AN, Bowlin SJ, Jenkins PL, et al. Longitu- 2, 2000. London: Macmillan.
dinal changes in dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate and 15 Wolkowitz OM, Reus VI, Keebler A, et al. Double-
concentrations in men and women. J Lab Clin Med blind treatment of major depression with dehydro-
1998; 131: 316323. epiandrosterone. Am J Psychiatry 1999; 156:
2 Ebeling P, Koivisto VA. Physiological importance 646649.
of dehydroepiandrosterone. Lancet 1994: 343; 16 Wolkowitz OM, Kramer JH, Reus VI, et al. DHEA
14791481. treatment of Alzheimers disease: a randomized,
3 Casson PR, Santoro N, Elkind-Hirsch K, et al. double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Neurology
Postmenopausal dehydroepiandrosterone adminis- 2003; 60: 10711076.
tration increases free insulin-like growth factor-1 17 Strous RD, Maayan R, Lapidus R, et al. Dehydro-
and decreases high density lipoprotein: a six-month epiandrosterone augmentation in the management
trial. Fertil Steril 1998; 70: 107110. of negative, depressive, and anxiety symptoms in
4 Casson PR, Andersen RN, Herrod HG, et al. schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2003; 60:
Oral dehydroepiandrosterone in physiologic doses 133141.
modulates immune function in postmenopausal 18 Piketty C, Jayle D, Leplege A, et al. Double-blind
women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993; 169: placebo-controlled trial of oral dehydroepiandro-
15361539. sterone in patients with advanced HIV disease. Clin
5 Khorram O, Vu L, Yen SS. Activation of immune Endocrinol 2001; 55: 325330.
function by dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in age- 19 Van Vollenhoven RF, Engleman EG, McGuire
advanced men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 1997; GL, et al. Dehydroepiandrosterone in systemic
52: M1M7. lupus erythematosus. Results of a double-blind,
6 Degelau J, Guay D, Hallgren H. The effect of placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial. Arthri-
DHEAS on influenza vaccine in aging adults. J Am tis Rheum 1995; 38: 18261831.
Geriatr Soc 1997; 45: 747751. 20 Van Vollenhoven RF, Morabito LM, Engleman EG,
7 Ben-Yehuda A, Daneberg HD, Zakay-Rones Z, et et al. Treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus
al. The influence of sequential annual vaccination with dehydroepiandrosterone: 50 patients treated
and of DHEA administration on the efficacy of the up to 12 months. J Rheumatol 1998; 25:
immune response to influenza vaccine in the elderly. 285289.
Mech Ageing Dev 1998: 102: 299306. 21 Chang DM, Lan JL, Lin HY, Luo SF.
8 Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Clore JN, et al. De- Dehydroepiandrosterone treatment of women with
hydroepiandrosterone reduces serum low density mild-to-moderate systemic lupus erythmatosus: a
lipoprotein levels and body fat but does not alter multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-
insulin sensitivity in normal men. J Clin Endocrinol controlled trial. Arthritis Rheum 2002; 46:
Metab 1988; 66: 5761. 29242927.
9 Vogiatzi MG, Boeck MA, Vlachopapadopoulou E, 22 Kawano H, Yasue H, Kitagawa A, et al.
et al. Dehydroepiandrosterone in morbidly obese Dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation improves
adolescents: effects on weight, body composition, endothelial function and insulin sensitivity in
lipids and insulin resistance. Metabolism 1996; 45: men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88:
10111015. 31903195.
10 Welle S, Jozefowicz R, Statt M. Failure of dehydro- 23 Gordon CM, Grace E, Emans SJ, et al. Effects
epiandrosterone to influence energy and protein of oral dehydroepiandrosterone on bone density in
metabolism in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab young women with anorexia nervosa: a randomized
1990; 71: 12591264. trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002; 87:
11 Usiskin KS, Butterworth S, Clore JN, et al. Lack of 49354941.
effect of dehydroepiandrosterone in obese men. Int 24 Kahn AJ, Halloran B, Wolkowitz O, Brizendine L.
J Obes 1990; 14: 457463. Dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation and bone
12 Morales AJ, Nolan JJ, Nelson JC, et al. Effects of turnover in middle-aged to elderly men. J Clin
replacement dose of DHEA in men and women of Endocrinol Metab 2002; 87: 15441549.
98 Dehydroepiandrosterone

25 Percheron G, Hogrel JY, Denot-Ledunois S, 27 Davidson M, Marwah A, Sawchuk RJ, et al.

et al. Effect of 1-year oral administration Safety and pharmacokinetic study with escalating
of dehydroepiandrosterone to 60 to 80- doses of 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone in
year-old individuals on muscle function and healthy male volunteers. Clin Invest Med 2000; 23:
cross-sectional area: a double-blind placebo- 300310.
controlled trial. Arch Intern Med 2003; 163: 28 Legrain S, Massien C, Lahlou N, et al. De-
720727. hydroepiandrosterone replacement administration:
26 Stoll BA. Dietary supplements of dehydroepiandro- pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies in
sterone in relation to breast cancer risk. Eur J Clin healthy elderly subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
Nutr 1999; 53: 771775. 2000; 85: 328317.
Evening primrose oil

Description Prostaglandin PGE1 (produced from DGLA)

inhibits platelet aggregation and is also a vaso-
Evening primrose oil is derived from the seeds
dilator; it has less potent inflammatory effects
of Oenothera biennis and other species.
than prostaglandins of the PG2 series, throm-
Constituents boxane A2 and series 4 leukotrienes (produced
from arachidonic acid).
Evening primrose oil contains gamma-linolenic The efficacy of GLA is thus thought to be
acid (GLA) and linoleic acid. Starflower oil due, in part, to the increased production of
(borage oil) and blackcurrant oil are also used as PG1 series prostaglandins at the expense of
sources of GLA in dietary supplements. Evening PG2 series prostaglandins, thromboxane A2 and
primrose oil contains 811% GLA. Starflower series 4 leukotrienes.
oil contains 2025% GLA, but the biological
activity of starflower oil may be no greater
than that of evening primrose oil, i.e. on a Deficiency
weight-for-weight basis, starflower oil has not Patients with diabetes mellitus or eczema may
been proved to be twice as active as evening be at risk of GLA deficiency. Despite some
primrose oil. Blackcurrant oil contains 1525% claims, there is little evidence that foods rich in
GLA. saturated fat and sugar, drinking alcohol, stress,
pollution, high blood cholesterol, ageing, viral
infections and hormone imbalances lead to GLA
GLA is not an essential dietary component. It is deficiency.
normally synthesised in the body by the action
of delta-6-desaturase on linoleic acid (obtained
Possible uses
in the diet from vegetable and seed oils, e.g.
sunflower oil). Evening primrose oil is used widely as a dietary
GLA is a precursor of dihomogamma- supplement for various disorders, including
linolenic acid (DGLA) and the series 1 PMS, hypertension, asthma and angina. It is
prostaglandins (PG), and also of arachidonic claimed to reduce blood cholesterol levels and
acid (see Figure 1). Most of the DGLA formed to act as a slimming aid.
from GLA is metabolised to PG1s; conversion Disorders for which evening primrose oil
of DGLA to arachidonic acid is very slow. has been tested in controlled clinical trials
Arachidonic acid is normally obtained from include atopic dermatitis, diabetic neuropathy,
meat in the diet. mastalgia and breast cysts, menopausal flushing,
Supplementation with GLA increases the Reynauds phenomenon, rheumatoid arthritis,
ratio of DGLA to arachidonic acid. DGLA levels schizophrenia, Sjogrens syndrome, ulcerative
are elevated to a greater extent by the adminis- colitis and various cancers. Evening primrose oil
tration of GLA than by the administration of is being investigated in a range of other disorders
linoleic acid (for reasons that are not entirely including multiple sclerosis and hyperactivity in
clear). children.

100 Evening primrose oil

Prostaglandins Prostaglandins and thromboxane A 2

(series 1) (series 2)

18:2n-6 18:3n-6 20:3n-6 20:4n-6

Linoleic acid Gamma- Dihomo- Arachidonic acid

linolenic gamma-
acid linolenic

(series 4)

Figure 1 Metabolism of gamma-linolenic acid arachidonic acid.

Skin conditions A double-blind RCT investigated the possible

The efficacy of evening primrose oil in inflam- preventive effect of GLA supplementation on
matory skin conditions such as eczema is the development of atopic dermatitis in infants
difficult to judge, because several trials have at risk. One hundred and eighteen formula-
shown improvements in both the treatment fed infants with a maternal history of atopic
and placebo groups. However, results indicate disease received borage oil supplement (100 mg
that for efficacy, high doses and long-term GLA) or sunflower oil supplement for the first
treatment are necessary. Evening primrose oil 6 months of life. The intention-to-treat analysis
may work in these conditions not only by showed a favourable trend for severity of atopic
supplying precursors of prostaglandins but also dermatitis associated with GLA supplementa-
by supplying the essential fatty acids to maintain tion, but no significant effects in the other atopic
cell membranes. outcomes, including serum immunoglobulin E
A double-blind crossover study involving (IgE). The authors concluded that early sup-
99 patients showed improvement in symp- plementation with GLA in children at high
toms of eczema with doses of 46 g daily of familial risk does not prevent the expression
evening primrose oil in adults and 2 g daily of atopy, but it tends to alleviate the severity
in children.1 Another trial involving 25 pa- of atopic dermatitis in later infancy in these
tients showed that evening primrose oil (45 mg children.6
gamma-linolenic acid per capsule) improved
symptoms of eczema. Although there was also Premenstrual syndrome and the menopause
an improvement in the placebo group, this Evening primrose oil has been studied for
was not as great as in the evening primrose its effect on the physical and psychological
oil group.2 A further double-blind crossover symptoms of PMS in some women. However,
study showed no clinical benefit in the use of few good studies have been carried out. A
evening primrose oil for atopic eczema in a review of four studies7 concluded that evening
mixed group of adults and children.3 Adult primrose oil is effective for the treatment of
doses in this study were 12 or 16 500-mg PMS. However, another study in 38 women8
capsules each day. Another study in patients showed no differences between the effect of
with chronic dermatitis of the hands3 showed placebo and evening primrose oil on symptoms
no difference between the effects of evening such as fluid retention, breast pain or swelling
primrose oil (12 500-mg capsules each day) or mood changes.
or placebo (sunflower oil capsules). Similarly Some trials with evening primrose oil in cycli-
conflicting results have been found in studies cal mastalgia and breast tenderness have shown
in children.4,5 positive results.9,10 However, the response can
Evening primrose oil 101

be slow, and it can take several months to decide beneficial effects, which were more impressive
whether or not treatment is successful. A recent than those for omega-3 fatty acids and lower
study in 555 women with moderate to severe doses of the two supplements in combination.24
mastalgia found that GLA (Efamast) efficacy did Further studies will be necessary to more fully
not differ from that of placebo fatty acids and assess the potential of GLA in these conditions.
the presence or absence of antioxidant vitamins
made no difference.11
Trial data on the effects of evening primrose
Results of clinical studies with gamma-
oil during the menopause are conflicting. In
linolenic acid (GLA) in skin conditions, in-
one of the most recent studies,12 involving 56
cluding atopic dermatitis, as well as PMS
post-menopausal women suffering hot flushes,
and rheumatoid arthritis, have produced
gamma-linolenic acid offered no benefit over
conflicting results. However, some indi-
viduals with these conditions do appear
to benefit. Preliminary research indicates
Rheumatoid arthritis
that GLA may be beneficial in diabetic
Results from trials with evening primrose oil
in rheumatoid arthritis have been mixed. In
one study of 20 patients, treatment with non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
was stopped and administration of evening
primrose oil resulted in no significant changes Precautions/contraindications
in symptoms of arthritis.13 In another study Evening primrose oil should be avoided in
involving 49 patients,14 treatment with evening patients with epilepsy and in those taking
primrose oil (equivalent to 540 mg GLA daily) epileptogenic drugs, e.g. phenothiazines. There
or a combination of evening primrose oil and is some evidence that GLA may increase the risk
fish oil (450 mg GLA plus 240 mg eicosapen- of seizures in these patients.25
taenoic acid) allowed for a significant reduction
in dose of NSAIDs. However, another study
in 20 patients15 who received either evening Pregnancy and breast-feeding
primrose oil or olive oil twice daily for 12 weeks,
showed no significant differences in terms of Caution should be used in pregnancy (because
prostaglandin levels, therapeutic response or of possible hormonal effects). No problems have
laboratory parameters. However, those indi- been reported in breast-feeding.
viduals whose pro-inflammatory prostaglandin
and thromboxane levels were reduced tended to
have better therapeutic responses. Adverse effects
Toxicity appears to be low. The only adverse
Miscellaneous effects reported are nausea, diarrhoea and
Encouraging findings have been reported headache. However, one report26 has warned
with trials of evening primrose oil in dia- of a potential risk of inflammation, thrombosis
betic neuropathy,16,17 but not in asthma,18,19 and immunosuppression due to slow accumula-
hypercholesterolaemia,20,21 or obesity.22 tion of tissue arachidonic acid after prolonged
Recent studies have also been conducted use of GLA for more than 1 year.
into the potential benefit of GLA in dry eye
syndrome and periodontal disease. A prelimi-
nary study in 26 patients found that GLA, or
linoleic acid, or tear substitutes reduced ocular
surface inflammation and improved dry eye Drugs
syndrome.23 In a small study involving 30 adults Phenothiazines: increased risk (small) of epilep-
with periodontitis, GLA was found to have tic fits.
102 Evening primrose oil

Dose antioxidant vitamins and minerals in the manage-

ment of mastalgia. Breast J 2005; 11: 4147.
Evening primrose oil and other supplements 12 Chenoy S, Hussain S, Tayob Y, et al. Effect
containing GLA are generally available in the of oral gamolenic acid from evening primrose
form of capsules. oil on menopausal flushing. BMJ 1994; 308:
Symptomatic relief of eczema: 320480 mg 501503.
(as GLA) daily; child 112 years, 160320 mg 13 Belch JJ, Ansell D, Madhock R, et al. The effects of
altering dietary essential fatty acids on requirements
for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients
Symptomatic relief of cyclical and non- with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 1988; 47:
cyclical mastalgia: 240320 mg (as GLA) daily 96104.
for 12 weeks (then stopped if no improvement). 14 Hansen TM, Lerche A, Kassis V, et al. Treatment
Dietary supplements provide 40300 mg (as of rheumatoid arthritis with prostaglandin E1 pre-
GLA) per daily dose. cursors cis-linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid.
Note: doses are given in terms of GLA; Scand J Rheumatol 1983; 12: 8588.
15 Janntti J, Seppala E, Vapaatalo H. Evening primrose
evening primrose oil supplements are not iden- oil and olive oil in the treatment of rheumatoid
tical; they provide different amounts of GLA. arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 1989; 8: 238244.
16 16. Gamma-Linolenic Acid Multicenter Trial Group.
Treatment of diabetic neuropathy with gamma-
References linolenic acid. Diabetes Care 1993; 16: 815.
17 Jamal GA, Carmichael H. The effect of gamma-
1 Wright S, Burton JL. Oral evening primrose seed linolenic acid on human diabetic peripheral neuropa-
oil improves atopic eczema. Lancet 1982; 2: 1120 thy: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Diabetic
1122. Med 1990; 7: 319323.
2 Schalin-Karrila M, Mattila L, Jansen CT. Evening 18 Ebden P, Bevan C, Banks J. A study of evening
primrose oil in the treatment of atopic eczema: effect primrose seed oil in atopic asthma. Prostaglandins
on clinical status, plasma phospholipid fatty acids Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1989; 35: 6972.
and circulating blood prostaglandins. Br J Dermatol 19 Stenius-Aarniala B, Aro A, Hakulinen A. Evening
1987; 117: 1119. primrose and fish oil are ineffective as supplementary
3 Bamford JT, Gibson RW, Renier CM. Atopic eczema treatment of bronchial asthma. Ann Allergy 1989;
unresponsive to evening primrose oil. J Am Acad 62: 534537.
Dermatol 1985; 13: 959965. 20 Viikari J, Lehtonen A. Effect of evening primrose oil
4 Biagi PL, Bordoni A, Masi M. A long-term study on on serum lipids and blood pressure in hyperlipidemic
the use of evening primrose oil (Efamol) in atopic subjects. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 1986;
children. Drugs Exp Clin Res 1988; 14: 285290. 24: 668670.
5 Hederos CA, Berg A. Epogam evening primrose oil 21 Boberg M, Vessby B, Selenius I. Effects of
treatment in atopic dermatitis and asthma. Arch Dis dietary supplementation with n-6 and n-3 long-
Child 1996; 75: 494497. chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on serum lipopro-
6 van Gool CJ, Thijs C, Henquet CJ, et al. Gamma- teins and platelet function in hypertriglyceridaemic
linolenic acid supplementation for prophylaxis of patients. Acta Med Scand 1986; 220: 153160.
atopic dermatitis a randomized controlled trial in 22 Haslett C, Douglas JG, Chalmers SR. A double-blind
infants at high familial risk. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; evaluation of evening primrose oil as an anti-obesity
77: 943951. agent. Int J Obesity 1983; 7: 549553.
7 Horrobin DF. The role of essential fatty acids and 23 Barabino S, Rolando M, Camicione P, et al. Systemic
prostaglandins in the premenstrual syndrome. J linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid therapy in
Reprod Med 1983; 28: 465468. dry eye syndrome with an inflammatory component.
8 Khoo SK, Munro C, Battistutta D. Evening primrose Cornea 2003; 22: 77101.
oil and treatment of pre-menstrual syndrome. Med J 24 Rosenstein ED, Kushner LJ, Kramer N, Kazandi-
Austr 1990; 153: 189192. jan G. Pilot study of dietary fatty acid supple-
9 McFayden IJ, Forrest AP, Chetty U. Cyclical breast mentation in the treatment of adult periodontitis.
pain some observations and the difficulties in Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2003; 68:
treatment. Br J Gen Pract 1992; 46: 161164. 213218.
10 Steinbrunn BS, Zera RT, Rodriguez JL. Mastalgia 25 Miller LG. Herbal medicines. Selected clinical con-
tailoring treatment to type of breast pain. Postgrad siderations focusing on known or potential drug-
Med 1997; 102: 183188. herb interactions. Arch Intern Med 1998; 158:
11 Goyal A, Mansel RE, on behalf of the Efamast 22002211.
Study Group. A randomized multicenter study 26 Phinney S. Potential risk of prolonged gamma-
of gamolenic acid (Efamast) with and without linolenic acid use. Ann Intern Med 1994; 120, 692.
Fish oils

Description as follows:
There are two types of fish oil supplements: UK Department of Heath:1 200 mg daily
British Nutrition Foundation:2 1250 mg daily
r Fish liver oil: this is generally obtained from International Society for the Study of 650 mg daily
the liver of the cod, halibut or shark. Fatty Acids and Lipids:3
r Fish body oil: this is normally derived from The Danish Ministry of Health 300 mg daily
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Ernahrung 1500 mg daily
the flesh of the herring, sardine or anchovy.

Constituents Dietary sources

Fish liver oil is a rich source of vitamins A and Oily fish is the best source, but some so-called
D; concentrations in cod liver oil liquids nor- functional foods including eggs, bread, mar-
mally range between 750 and 1200 g (2500 garines and milk are fortified with EPA/DHA.
4000 units) vitamin A per 10 ml and 2.510 g Algae are good sources of EPA/DHA and are
(100400 units) vitamin D per 10 ml; halibut being investigated as sources for supplements
and shark liver oils are more concentrated and functional foods (Table 1). However, the
sources of these vitamins. Fish body oil is low technological expertise is not yet available.
in vitamins A and D. Vitamin E is also present
in both types of fish oil and extra vitamin E is
normally added to supplements. Action
Both fish liver oil and fish body oil are sources Fish oils have several effects. These include:
of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of the
omega-3 series [eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) r Alteration of lipoprotein metabolism. Fish
and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)]. oils reduce both fasting and post-prandial
plasma triacylglycerols and VLDL choles-
terol. With moderate intakes of fish oils,
Human requirements both HDL and LDL cholesterol tend to in-
crease. High intakes reduce HDL cholesterol
EPA and DHA can be synthesised in the body (in
and may increase LDL in some patients. A
small amounts) from alpha-linolenic acid (con-
meta-analysis of published human trials (that
tained in vegetable oils, e.g. soya bean, linseed
each provided 7 g daily of fish oils for at
and rapeseed oils). However, this conversion
least 2 weeks) showed that serum cholesterol
may be inefficient in some individuals.
is unaffected by long-chain n-3 fatty acid
consumption. However, triacylglycerols fell
Recommended intakes by 2530%, LDL increased by 510% and
Various recommendations, both in the UK HDL fell by 13%.4
and elsewhere, have been made for the intake r Inhibition of atherosclerosis. Fish oils re-
of very-long-chain n-3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA) duce the plasma concentrations of several

104 Fish oils

arachidonic acids in platelets.6 Thrombox-

Table 1 Typical very-long-chain n-3 fatty acid (EPA ane A2 causes platelet aggregation and vaso-
and DHA) content of fish and fish oils constriction and as a result fish oil increases
bleeding time and reduces the stickiness of
the platelets. Fish oil also enhances the pro-
Food Average Total EPA/DHA duction of prostacyclin, which leads to va-
serving(g) per serving1
sodilatation and less sticky platelets. These
effects help to reduce the risk of thrombosis.
r Inhibition of inflammation. Diets rich in
Kippers 130 3.37
Mackerel 160 3.09 omega-3 fatty acids appear to reduce the
Pilchards (canned in 110 2.86 inflammatory response.7
tomato sauce) r Inhibition of the immune response. Immune
Trout 230 2.65 reactivity is generally reduced by omega-3
Salmon (fresh) 100 2.2
Sardines (canned in 100 1.67
fatty acids.8,9
r Reduction in heart rate. A meta-analysis of
tomato sauce)
Herring 119 1.56 30 RCTs found that fish oil decreased heart
Salmon (canned in 100 1.55 rate by 1.6 beats per minute compared with
brine, drained) placebo. In trials where initial heart beat
Crab (canned) 85 0.85 was high and/or the study period was long,
Plaice 130 0.39
reduction in heart rate averaged 2.5 beats
Tuna, fresh 120 0.31.5
Cod 120 0.30
per minute. Heart rate reduction did not
Mussels 40 0.24 significantly vary with dosage of fish oil.10
Haddock 120 0.19
r Influence on arrhythmias. Fish oil may reduce
Tuna (canned in oil, 45 0.17 the incidence of lethal myocardial infarction
drained) and sudden death. This may be due to
Tuna (canned in 45 0.08 the prevention of fatal cardiac arrhythmias.
brine, drained)
Evidence from some studies indicates an
Prawns 60 0.06
Cod liver oil liquid2 10 ml 1.53.0
anti-arrhythmic action of fish oil,11 while
Cod liver oil Varies 0.10.4 evidence from other studies does not.1214 In
capsules2 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass
Fish oil capsules2 Varies 0.10.4 surgery (CABG), omega-3 fatty acids (2 g
daily) substantially reduced the incidence
1 Source (except 2): Holland B, Brown J, Buss DH. Fish and fish products ;
of post-operative atrial fibrillation.15 In a
the third supplement to McCance & Widdowsons The Composition of
Food , 5th edn. London: HMSO, 1993.
further study in patients with a recent episode
2 Source: product labels. Doses and amounts of EPA/DHA vary between
of sustained ventricular arrhythmia and an
products. implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD),
fish oil did not reduce the risk of ventricular
tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation and
atherogenic lipoproteins (see above), but there was evidence of a pro-arrhythmic effect
other mechanisms may be important. Thus, in some patients.16
these effects may be associated with reduced
synthesis of cytokines and interleukin 1 Mechanism of action
and through stimulation of the endothelial Fish oils appear to act by:
production of nitric oxide.5
r Prevention of thrombosis. Thrombosis is r modulation of pro-inflammatory and pro-
a major complication of coronary athero- thrombotic eicosanoid (prostaglandin,
sclerosis, which can lead to myocar- thromboxane and leukotriene) production;
dial infarction. The n-3 fatty acids have and
anti-thrombotic actions through inhibiting r reduction in interleukin-1 and other cyto-
the synthesis of thromboxane A2 from kines.
Fish oils 105

Prostaglandins and thromboxane A 3 Series 5 leukotrienes (produced by EPA)

(series 3) have weaker inflammatory effects than series 4
leukotrienes (produced by arachidonic acid).

Possible uses
20:5n-3 20:6n-3
Fish liver oils are used as a source of vitamins A
Eicosapentaenoic acid Docosahexanoic acid and D. Both fish liver oils and fish body oils are
(EPA) (DHA) used as a source of EPA and DHA.
In addition, fish oils appear to have a role
in the prevention and management of certain
(series 5) conditions such as CHD and stroke, rheumatoid
arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis
and asthma, mental disorders such as
Prostaglandins and thromboxane A 2 depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimers
(series 2) disease, nephropathy, various cancers and
diabetes mellitus.

Cardiovascular disease
The consumption of fish is associated with
lower rates of CHD in many epidemiological
Arachidonic acid studies. Seminal findings in Eskimos have been
confirmed and extended to Western popula-
tions, and in most studies there is an inverse
relationship between the intake of fish or n-3
Leukotrienes fatty acids and total mortality or cardiovascular
(series 4)
mortality.1721 However, some studies22,23 have
Figure 1 Metabolism of eicosapentaenoic acid and
not shown any benefit, possibly because fish
arachidonic acid.
intake was higher in the studied population as a
Eicosanoid production Intervention studies, in which the intake of
The effects of omega-3 fatty acids are thought to fish or fish oil was increased, have also shown
be due to the partial replacement of arachidonic beneficial effects. One classic study24 investi-
acid with EPA in cell membrane lipids. This gated 2000 Welsh men who had just recovered
leads to increased production of PG3 series from their first heart attack. The men were
prostaglandins, thromboxane A3 and series 5 randomised to a fish advice group, in which
leukotrienes at the expense of PG2 series they were asked to eat at least two portions of
prostaglandins, thromboxane A2 and series 4 oily fish a week, or failing this fish oil in capsule
leukotrienes (see Figure 1). form, or a no fish advice group. After 2 years,
Thromboxane A3 (produced from EPA) is there was a 29% reduction in mortality in the
less effective at stimulating platelet aggrega- fish/fish oil group, which was attributable to a
tion than thromboxane A2 (produced from reduction in CHD deaths. However, although
arachidonic acid). Prostaglandins of the PG3 there were fewer fatal heart attacks in the fish
series have less potent inflammatory effects than group, the total number of heart attacks did not
prostaglandins of the PG2 series. In addition, decrease.
DHA inhibits the formation of the more The GISSI Prevenzione trial25 investigated
inflammatory prostaglandins of the PG2 series, the effects of n-3 PUFAs (1 g daily), vitamin
while EPA acts as a substrate for the synthesis E (300 mg daily) or both as supplements in
of the less inflammatory prostaglandins of the a study involving 11 324 patients surviving
PG3 series. recent myocardial infarction. Treatment with
106 Fish oils

n-3 PUFAs, but not vitamin E, reduced total non-dietary intake of n-3 fatty acids reduces
deaths and cardiovascular deaths, and the effect overall mortality, mortality due to myocardial
of the combined treatment was similar to that infarction and sudden death in patients with
for n-3 PUFAs alone. CHD.29
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study A systematic review30,31 investigated the role
in India,26 360 patients with suspected myo- of omega-3 fatty acids for prevention and treat-
cardial infarction were randomised to receive ment of CVD using both RCT and cohort stud-
fish oil (1.09 g EPA/DHA daily), mustard oil ies. RCTs were included where omega-3 intake
(2.9 g alpha-linolenic acid daily) or placebo or advice was randomised and unconfounded
for 1 year. Total cardiac events, including car- and study duration was at least 6 months. Co-
diac arrhythmias, and also angina pectoris and hort studies were included where a cohort was
left ventricular enlargement, were significantly followed up for at least 6 months and omega-
reduced in both the fish oil and mustard oil 3 intake estimated. Forty-eight RCTs and 41
groups compared with placebo. Fish oil, but not cohort studies were included. Pooled trial results
mustard oil, was significantly correlated with did not show a reduction in the risk of total
fewer cardiac deaths than placebo. mortality or combined cardiovascular events
Overall, a consistent body of evidence de- in those taking additional omega-3 fats (with
rived from several hundred studies has indicated significant statistical heterogeneity). Sensitivity
that a daily ingestion of at least 1 g of EPA analysis, retaining only studies at low risk of
and DHA results in a reduction in total mortal- bias, reduced heterogeneity and again suggested
ity, cardiovascular mortality and morbidity.27 no significant effect of omega-3 fats. Restricting
The American Heart Association recommends analysis to trials increasing fish-based omega-3
that patients with CHD should consume 1 g fats, or those increasing short-chain omega-3s,
EPA + DHA per day, preferably from oily fish, did not suggest significant effects on mortality or
although if this is difficult to achieve from diet cardiovascular events in either group. Subgroup
alone, a fish oil supplement may form part of analysis by dietary advice or supplementation,
the dietary and lifestyle change. baseline risk of CVD or omega-3 dose suggested
However, a more recent large trial involving no clear effects of these factors on primary
3114 men with angina found a higher risk of outcomes. The reviewers concluded that: It is
cardiac death in men consuming fish oil. Sub- not clear that dietary or supplemental omega-3
jects in the trial were allocated to four groups: fats alter total mortality, or combined cardio-
(i) advised to eat two portions of oily fish each vascular events in people with, or at high risk
week or take fish oil capsules; (ii) advised to eat of, CVD in the general population. There is
more fruit, vegetables and oats; (iii) advised to no evidence that people should be advised to
eat oily fish and more fruit, vegetables and oats; stop taking rich sources of omega-3 fats, but
and (iv) no specific dietary advice. Mortality was further high quality trials are needed to confirm
evaluated after 39 years. All-cause mortality suggestions of a protective effect of omega-3 fats
was not reduced by any form of advice. Risk on CV health. There is no clear evidence that
of cardiac death was higher among subjects omega-3 fats differ in effectiveness according to
advised to take oily fish than among those not fish or plant sources, dietary or supplemental
so advised. The excess risk was largely found sources, dose or presence of placebo.
in those taking fish oil capsules. The authors These results are discussed in a further paper
concluded that the result is unexplained; that it where the suggestion is made that fish oil
may arise from risk compensation or some other could have either anti- or pro-arrhythmic effects
effect on the behaviour of patients or doctors.28 depending on the medical status of the indi-
Recent meta-analyses and systematic reviews vidual, and that this could explain conflicting
have considered this issue. A meta-analysis results.32 However, this systematic review has
of 11 RCTs that compared dietary or non- attracted criticism on the basis that it did not
dietary intake of n-3 fatty acids with placebo include several cohort trials, it analysed primary
in patients with CHD found that dietary and and secondary prevention trials together and
Fish oils 107

included studies involving alpha-linolenic acid A further US systematic review34 looked

and fish oils. at the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on car-
A second review of the effects of omega-3 diovascular risk factors. The strongest and
fatty acids on CVD33 includes prevention stud- most consistent effect of omega-3 fatty acids
ies, including 11 RCTs and one prospective was found on lowering triglyceride levels. The
cohort study that reported outcomes on CVD effect of omega-3 fatty acids on other lipids
populations (n = 16 000 patients). Trials lasted was weaker. In general, LDL cholesterol and
from 1.5 to 5 years. Eleven secondary preven- HDL cholesterol were found to rise to a small
tion studies were considered in this review. extent. No consistent effect was found on levels
Four trials used fish oil (EPA + DHA) supple- of lipoprotein A. Total apolipoprotein B and
ments in doses of 0.274.8 g daily and were apolipoprotein B-100 levels fell, while LDL
of good methodological quality. The largest apolipoprotein B levels increased. There was no
trial reported that fish oil supplements reduce consistent effect on markers of inflammation
all-cause mortality and CVD outcomes but and thrombosis, including C-reactive protein
do not affect stroke. A fifth RCT compared (CRP), fibrinogen, factor VII, factor VIII, and
mustard seed oil26 (containing alpha-linolenic platelet aggregation. There was an overall trend
acid), fish oil and non-oil placebo and found towards a net reduction of relative risk of 14%
that both oils were efficacious in reducing in coronary artery restenosis, while data on
CVD outcomes compared to placebo but found the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on carotid
no difference between supplements. However, artery intima-media thickness were found to
the methodological quality of this trial was be conflicting. The review suggested that fish
considered by the reviewers to be poor. Six oil consumption may benefit exercise capacity
trials reported contradictory data on stroke, and heart rate variability (which may reduce
with three trials using omega-3 supplements re- the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias) among
porting increased strokes and three diet/dietary people with coronary artery disease.
advice trials reporting reduced strokes. One
study, which randomised a total of 300 patients
to 1.7 g daily of EPA and DHA or an equivalent Rheumatoid arthritis
amount of corn oil for 1.5 years, reported no Fish oils appear to alleviate the symptoms of
beneficial effect of omega-3 fats on any CVD rheumatoid arthritis, and this is commensurate
outcomes. with the role of n-3 fatty acids in suppression
Primary prevention studies considered in this of the production of inflammatory eicosanoids.
review included 22 prospective cohort studies, Several studies have shown that very-long-chain
four case-control studies, one cross-sectional n-3 fatty acids reduce pain and morn-
study and one RCT, which reported data on ing stiffness35 and decrease the need for
outcomes in the general population. These NSAIDs.3638 Moreover, a meta-analysis of 10
studies were conducted in many parts of the double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised
world, the methodological quality was generally trials in 395 patients showed that fish oil taken
good, most of the cohort studies had several for 3 months was associated with a statistically
thousand subjects and study duration ranged significant reduction in joint tenderness and
from 4 to 30 years. Most of the large cohort morning stiffness, but no significant improve-
studies reported that fish consumption reduces ments in joint swelling, grip strength or erythro-
all-cause mortality and CVD events, although cyte sedimentation rate (ESR, a marker of
some studies reported no significant or negative inflammation).39
effects. Benefits in primary prevention of stroke However, a US review conducted for the
were not clearly seen. The review also indicated Office of Dietary Supplements, National Insti-
that the relative effect of alpha-linolenic acid tutes of Health, on the effects of omega-3 fatty
versus fish oil is not clear and that there are few acids on rheumatoid arthritis concluded that
data concerning the needs of different high-risk from nine studies reporting outcomes in patients
populations. with rheumatoid arthritis, omega-3 fatty acids
108 Fish oils

had no effect on patient reports of pain, swollen steroids and other immunosuppressive agents
joint count, ESR and patients global assessment in Crohns disease or ulcerative colitis. Most
by meta-analysis.40 clinical trials were of good quality. Fewer than
A Dutch double-blind, placebo-controlled, six were identified that assessed the effects of
parallel-group study in 66 patients with n-3 fatty acids on any single outcome of clinical,
rheumatoid arthritis using 1.4 g EPA, 0.211 g endoscopic or histologic scores or remission or
DHA and 0.5 g gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) relapse rates. Consistent across three studies
with micronutrients found no significant change was the finding that n-3 fatty acids reduce
from baseline in tender joint count, swollen corticosteroid requirements, although statistical
joint count, visual analogue scales for pain significance was shown in only one of these
and disease activity, grip strength, functionality studies. The conclusion of the review was
scores and morning stiffness. The conclusion that the available data are insufficient to draw
was that this study adds information regarding conclusions about the effects of n-3 fatty acids
doses of omega-3 fatty acids below which anti- on clinical, endoscopic or histologic scores or
inflammatory effects in rheumatoid arthritis are remission or relapse rate.47
not seen.41
Inflammatory bowel disease Fish oils have been claimed to be beneficial
Fish oil has been found to have some benefits in some individuals with psoriasis, leading to
in patients with Crohns disease or ulcerative reduced itching and erythema. However, six
colitis, but no real conclusions can be drawn. RCTs produced inconclusive results.4853
A review of five studies42 investigating the
effect of n-3 fatty acids in Crohns disease was Asthma
inconclusive, but a later study43 showed that an Because asthma is an inflammatory condition,
enteric-coated preparation of very-long-chain which appears to involve eicosanoids, it is
n-3 fatty acids significantly reduced the rate biologically plausible that fish oil could be of
of relapse in patients with Crohns disease in benefit. However, results of studies have been
remission. discouraging and there is no clear evidence that
In patients with ulcerative colitis, fish oil fish oils are beneficial in asthma. One study has
supplements have been found to reduce cortico- suggested that fish oil could be protective in sup-
steroid requirements,44 improve gastrointestinal pressing exercise-induced bronchoconstriction
histology,45 and reduce disease activity index.46 in athletes,54 and another that fish oil may be
A US review39 among 13 studies reporting beneficial in children with bronchial asthma.55
outcomes in patients with inflammatory bowel A US systematic review including 31 reports
disease found variable effects of omega-3 fatty (describing 26 unique studies) stated that it is
acids on clinical score, sigmoidoscopic score, impossible to conclude anything with respect to
histologic score, induced remission and relapse. the value of using omega-3 fatty acid supple-
In ulcerative colitis, omega-3 fatty acids had mentation in the management and/or prevention
no effect on the relative risk of relapse in a of asthma for adults or children either in or
meta-analysis of three studies. There was a beyond North America. This is due to the lack
statistically non-significant reduction in require- of sufficiently consistent evidence, as well as the
ment for corticosteroids for omega-3 fatty acids paucity of evidence from well-designed, well-
relative to placebo in two studies. No studies conducted and adequately powered studies.
included in this review evaluated the effect of Further research is needed to establish or refute
omega-3 fatty acids on requirement for other the value of omega-3 fatty acids to prevent or
immunosuppressive agents. treat asthma in children and adults.56
A further systematic review in 13 controlled A Cochrane review assessed the effect of
trials assessed the effects of n-3 fatty acids omega-3 fatty acids in asthma. Nine RCTs were
on clinical, sigmoidoscopic or histologic scores, included. There was no consistent effect on any
rates of remission or relapse, or requirements for of the analysable outcomes: FEV1 , peak flow
Fish oils 109

rate, asthma symptoms, asthma medication use people with hypertriglyceridaemia and used
or bronchial hyper-reactivity. One of the trials higher doses of fish oil. No adverse effects
in children, which combined dietary manipu- were reported. The reviewers concluded that
lation with fish oil supplementation, showed fish oil supplementation in type 2 diabetes
improved peak flow and reduced asthma medi- lowers triglycerides, may raise LDL cholesterol
cation use. There were no adverse effects assoc- (especially in hypertriglyceridaemic patients on
iated with fish oil supplements. The authors con- high doses of fish oil) and has no significant
cluded that there is little evidence to recommend effect on glycaemic control.61
that people with asthma supplement or modify
dietary intake of marine omega-3 fatty acids in Mental health
order to improve their asthma control. Equally The potential role of fish oil in mental disorders
there is no evidence that they are at risk if they is now being investigated. A number of studies
do so.57 have found low levels of n-3 fatty acids in
cell membranes of patients with depression,
Diabetes schizophrenia and Alzheimers disease, and it
Although fish oil has been linked with deterio- has been suggested that low dietary intakes of
ration in glucose and insulin control in patients n-3 fatty acids or an imbalance in the n-6:n-3
with diabetes mellitus, results from studies with ratio might be associated with these conditions.
fish oil in such patients have been inconsistent. A Cochrane review including five short, small
Treatment with n-3 fatty acids led to a small trials concluded that there are no clear effects
increase in blood glucose levels in diabetes in of omega-3 fatty acids in schizophrenia and
one study,58 but not in another.59 However, that large, well-conducted trials are needed.62 A
a meta-analysis concluded that fish oil has no US systematic review of the effects of omega-3
adverse effects on glucose or insulin metabolism fats on mental health found that evidence was
in patients with diabetes, and lowers triacyl- somewhat suggestive of benefit for omega-3
glycerol levels effectively by 30%.60 fatty acids as a short-term intervention for
A US systematic review40 including 18 studies schizophrenia. However, the trials need repli-
of type 2 diabetes or the metabolic syndrome cation with better methodology. One of the
concluded that omega-3 fatty acids had a included trials demonstrated a clinical effect
favourable effect on triglyceride levels, but had in depressive symptoms (rather than depressive
no effect on total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, disorders) and should not be taken to support
LDL cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, or glyco- the idea that omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial
sylated haemoglobin, by meta-analysis. Omega- for depressive disorders. The review concluded
3 fatty acids had no effect on plasma insulin or that there is insufficient evidence to recommend
insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes omega-3 fatty acids as a supplemental treatment
or the metabolic syndrome. for any other psychiatric disorders or as a
A Cochrane review looked at 18 trials primary treatment for any of the conditions con-
and 823 participants followed for a mean of sidered in the review (i.e. mainly schizophrenia
12 weeks taking doses of fish oils ranging from 3 and depression).63
to 18 g daily. Outcomes studied were glycaemic A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 28
control and lipid levels. Meta-analysis of pooled patients with major depressive disorder found
data demonstrated a significant effect of fish that omega-3 PUFAs (6.6 g daily) significantly
oil on lowering triglycerides by 0.56 mmol/L decreased the score on the 21-item Hamilton
(95% CI: 0.71 to 0.4) and raising LDL Rating Scale for Depression. The authors con-
cholesterol by 0.21 mmol/L (95% CI: 0.02 to cluded that from the preliminary findings in this
0.41). No statistically significant effect was study, omega-3 PUFAs could improve the short-
observed for fasting glucose, HbA1c, total term course of illness and were well tolerated in
or HDL cholesterol. The triglyceride lowering patients with major depressive disorder.64
effect and the elevation in LDL cholesterol A further double-blind, placebo-controlled
were most marked in those trials that recruited trial of fish oil involved 77 participants who
110 Fish oils

were randomly allocated to receive 8 g of either during pregnancy and also foetal health and
fish oil or olive oil per day for 12 weeks birth weight. Results of studies conducted in the
in addition to their existing antidepressant Faroe Islands suggest that marine diets, which
therapy. Mood increased significantly in both contain omega-3 fatty acids, increase birth
groups within the first 2 weeks of the study and weight either by prolonging pregnancy or by
this improvement was sustained throughout. increasing foetal growth rate. In addition it has
However, there was no evidence that fish oil been hypothesised that marine oils may reduce
improved mood when compared with placebo the risks of certain pregnancy complications,
oil, despite an increase in circulating omega-3 including pre-term delivery, intrauterine growth
polyunsaturated fatty acids.65 retardation, pre-eclampsia and gestational
Cognitive function and neurological Similarly, it has also been suggested that
conditions accumulation of omega-3 fatty acids in the child
A US systematic review that included 12 post-delivery can affect the development and
articles concluded that fish consumption was health of the child. Infants fed with human
only weakly associated with a reduced risk of milk have improved neurocognitive develop-
cognitive impairment and had no association ment compared to formula-fed infants and it
with cognitive decline. Fish consumption was has been suggested that one of the contributing
associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimers factors may be the availability of long-chain
disease (which was significant in only one of the derivatives of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic
included studies), while omega-3 consumption acid, which are present naturally only in human
and consumption of DHA (but not ALA or EPA) milk. Infant formulae containing omega-3 long-
were associated with a significant reduction in chain PUFAs are now on the UK market.
the incidence of Alzheimers. There were no A US systematic review has addressed these
significant associations for Parkinsons disease issues.69 Various outcomes, including preg-
and effects in multiple sclerosis varied consider- nancy outcomes, growth pattern outcomes,
ably from no benefit to increased disability with neurological development outcomes, visual
omega-3 fatty acids.66 function outcomes and cognitive development
A Cochrane review of omega-3 fatty acids for outcomes were considered. Fifteen RCTs, all
prevention of dementia found that a growing poor quality, addressed pregnancy outcomes in
body of evidence from biological, observational relation to omega-3 intake in the mother. No
and epidemiological studies suggests a pro- difference was found in duration of gestation in
tective effect of omega-3 fatty acids against 10 studies, while four very poor-quality studies
dementia. However, the reviewers found no found that omega-3 fatty acids increased the
randomised trials that met their selection criteria duration of gestation compared with placebo.
and they concluded there is no good evidence There was no significant effect on the pro-
to support the use of dietary or supplemental portion of premature deliveries in 10 studies.
omega-3 fatty acids for the prevention of cogni- Meta-analysis of the incidence of premature de-
tive impairment or dementia.67 liveries showed inconsistent evidence of the use
A more recent 12-month double-blind RCT of omega-3 fatty acid supplements during the
in 31 patients with multiple sclerosis found second or third trimester of pregnancy to reduce
that a low-fat diet supplemented with omega-3 the incidence of premature pregnancies in both
PUFA can have moderate benefits in relapse- high- and low-risk populations. No significant
remitting multiple sclerosis patients on concur- effects were found for omega-3 fatty acids on the
rent disease-modifying therapies.68 incidence of gestational hypertension and pre-
eclampsia. There were no significant differences
Child and maternal health in birth weight between supplemented and non-
Claims are increasingly made that an increase supplemented groups of mothers.
in maternal omega-3 fatty acid intake has the Maternal intake of omega-3 fatty acids was
potential to influence both maternal health also investigated for an effect on growth pattern
Fish oils 111

outcomes in the infant. Overall effects on of DHA supplementation in mothers on child

infant growth patterns were found to be non- neurodevelopment as measured by the Bayley
significant in infants from birth to 12 months Psychomotor Development Index at 30 months
of age. Analysis of studies in which pre- of age (but with no other advantages before,
term infants were fed formula milk containing at or after this age);72 and a positive effect of
omega-3 fatty acids resulted in non-significant formula supplemented with long-chain PUFAs
findings for growth parameters. In formula-fed on visual acuity.73
term infants, meta-analysis demonstrated a non- There is also some evidence that maternal
significant overall effect of formulae containing dietary n-3 PUFA intake can reduce the risk of
DHA and arachidonic acid compared with development of allergy in the infant.74,75
control formula on growth patterns at 4 and
12 months. Behavioural problems
Neurological development outcomes from Fatty acids have been the subject of a great deal
studies included in the review were not signifi- of attention over their potential benefit in chil-
cantly affected by maternal intake during dren with various behavioural disorders. There
pregnancy or the omega-3 content of breast is growing evidence that a relative lack of cer-
milk. No significant differences in neurological tain polyunsaturated fatty acids may contribute
outcomes were found in either pre-term infants to related neurodevelopmental and psychiatric
or term infants fed supplemented formula milk disorders such as dyslexia and attention deficit
compared with control formula. hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
According to this review, visual function An RCT in 117 children with developmental
in the infant was not significantly affected by coordination disorder (DCD) found that sup-
either maternal intake during pregnancy or the plementation with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty
omega-3 content of breast milk. Variable results acids resulted in significant improvements in
in visual function according to formula intake in reading, spelling and behaviour over 3 months
both pre-term and term infants have been found. of treatment. No effect on motor skills was
Better or faster maturation of visual acuity has apparent in this study.76
been found in some studies but not all. In a study involving 40 children (aged 6
Effects on cognitive development in infants 12 years) with ADHD, DHA supplementation
according to maternal intake of omega-3 during (3.6 g/week) for 2 months did not improve
pregnancy, the omega-3 content of maternal ADHD-related symptoms.77 A further study
breast milk, and whether pre-term and term for- in 60 children with ADHD found that DHA
mulae were supplemented with omega-3 were supplementation (345 mg daily) did not reduce
also inconsistent. symptoms of ADHD.78
In summary, this systematic review con- Fish oil (providing 3600 mg DHA + 840 mg
cluded that pregnancy outcomes were either EPA per week) for 3 months was associated
unaffected by omega-3 fatty acid supplemen- in one study with reduced physical aggression,
tation or the results were inconclusive. Results particularly in girls.79
suggested an absence of effects with respect to
the impact of supplementation on gestational Renal disease
hypertension, pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. Fish oil has been investigated for potential ben-
Results concerning the impact of the intake efit in kidney disease. In a placebo-controlled,
of omega-3 fatty acids on the development of multicentre trial, 106 patients were randomised
infants are primarily, although not uniformly, to receive either 12 g of fish oil daily over a
inconclusive. period of 2 years or placebo.80 The rate of
More recent trials have shown: a small loss of kidney function was retarded in the
effect of DHA levels in breast milk on early supplemented group and the beneficial effect
language development in breast-fed infants;70 a was suggested to be due to the impact of n-3
positive effect of maternal n-3 supplementation fatty acids on eicosanoid production and other
on child growth at 2.5 years;71 a positive effect factors. However, other studies have shown
112 Fish oils

no such benefits and more work is needed. A Omega-3 fatty acids have also been investi-
more recent RCT investigated the effect of low- gated for a role in prevention of osteoporosis.
dose omega-3 PUFAs (0.85 g EPA and 0.57 g A review that included five reviews and 11 in
DHA) in 14 patients with IgA nephropathy. vivo studies (eight in animals and three RCTs
The supplement was effective in slowing renal in humans) found that two of the human RCTs
progression in these high-risk patients.81 showed a positive effect of a low n-6/n-3 ratio on
A US systematic review, which included nine bone, while the third human study showed no
studies assessing the effect of omega-3 fatty effect. The authors concluded that these data,
acids in renal disease, found there were varying though preliminary, suggest that a diet with a
effects on serum creatinine and creatinine clear- low n-6/n-3 ratio may have beneficial effects
ance and no effect on progression to end-stage on BMD.84 A US systematic review37 including
renal disease. In a single study that assessed five human studies concluded that the effect of
the effect on haemodialysis graft patency, graft omega-3 fatty acids on bone was variable.
patency was better with fish oil than with A US systematic review has looked at the
placebo. No studies in this review assessed the effects of omega-3 fatty acids in eye health. Six-
effects of omega-3 fatty acids on requirements teen studies were identified, of which only two
for corticosteroids.40 were RCTs. The review concluded that from
the studies identified, no conclusions could be
reached about the effect of omega-3 fatty acids
as a primary or secondary prevention in eye
In animal studies, fish oils have been shown
health, including ARMD, retinitis pigmentosa,
to reduce cell proliferation and pre-cancerous
cataract, and also vascular disease of the retina
cell changes, and some epidemiological studies
in patients with and without diabetes.85
in humans have suggested that fish oils might
There is also growing interest in the role
be protective against cancer. A US systematic
of n-3 fatty acids in other conditions affecting
review concluded that evidence from the large
respiration, including hay fever, COPD and
body of literature does not suggest a signifi-
cystic fibrosis.
cant association between omega-3 fatty acids
and cancer incidence. From a small body of
literature no significant association was found
Fish oil appears to reduce the risk of CHD. It
between omega-3 fatty acids and clinical out-
may help to: reduce the risk of thrombosis by
comes after tumour surgery.82 Another system-
increasing bleeding tendency; reduce blood
atic review of 38 papers (published between
levels of triacylglycerols; prevent atheroscle-
1966 and October 2005) did not provide any
rosis and arrhythmias; and reduce blood
evidence to suggest a significant association
pressure. Fish oil could have beneficial
between omega-3 fatty acids and cancer
effects in inflammatory conditions such as
rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns disease and
inflammatory bowel disorders, but evidence
Miscellaneous of benefit in asthma and psoriasis is poor.
A US systematic review considered the role of Fish oil may have a role in various mental
omega-3 fatty acids in SLE. Among the three disorders, such as depression, schizophre-
studies included in the review, variable effects nia and Alzheimers disease, but research in
on SLE were found. Omega-3 fatty acids had this area is in its infancy. Evidence of benefit
no effect on corticosteroid requirements in one of fish oil in maternal and child health, in-
study. No studies were identified that assessed cluding child development and visual acuity,
the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on require- is conflicting. Evidence of value of omega-3
ments for other immunosuppressive drugs for fatty acids in childhood behavioural disor-
SLE. None of the studies used a measure of ders, such as developmental coordination
disease activity that incorporates both subjective disorder, is increasing.
and objective measures of disease activity.40
Fish oils 113

Precautions/contraindications to prevention of CHD) and the possibly of

altering glycaemic control in diabetes. How-
Patients with blood clotting disorders or those
ever, it is unlikely that any of these effects is
taking anticoagulants should be monitored
a problem, particularly with intakes of <3 g
while taking fish oils.
EPA/DHA daily. Nevertheless, patients taking
anticoagulant medication or those with blood
Pregnancy and breast-feeding clotting disorders should be monitored while
taking fish oils. This does not mean that such
Use in pregnancy should be supervised (because patients have to avoid fish oils just that their
of the potential for vitamin A toxicity with doctor should be aware of it.
excessive intakes of fish liver oil). There is also concern about industrial con-
taminants in fish oil supplements. These include
dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Adverse effects
There is no immediate danger to health, but
Vitamin A and D toxicity (fish liver oil only). risks come from long exposure to high levels.
The unpleasant taste of fish liver oil liquids may In 2001, the UK Committee on Toxicity (COT)
be masked by mixing with fruit juice or milk. set a tolerable daily intake for dioxins and
Fish oil supplements are generally safe, and dioxin-like PCBs of 2 pg TEQ/kg/bw/day. (For
in one prospective study involving 295 people comparison the EU Scientific Committee on
aged 1876 years,86 1020 ml of fish oil pro- Food (SCF) set a tolerable weekly intake of
viding 1.83.6 g EPA/DHA for 7 years was not 14 pg/kg/body weight). Since July 2002 it has
associated with any serious adverse effects. The been an offence to place on the market any fish
safety of n-3 fatty acids from fish oil (derived oil supplements containing higher contaminant
from menhaden) was reviewed by the US Food levels.
and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1997. After
reviewing more than 2600 articles, the FDA
concluded that dietary intakes of up to 3 g daily Interactions
of EPA/DHA from menhaden oil were generally
regarded as safe (GRAS).87 The FDA came to
Anticoagulants: may increase the risk of bleed-
this conclusion after considering three main
ing; use of fish oils should be medically
issues related to the safety of fish oils: firstly,
supervised, but fish oils need not be avoided in
the risk of deteriorating glycaemic control in
patients taking anticoagulants.
type 2 diabetes; secondly, prolonged bleeding
Aspirin: may increase the risk of bleeding; use
times; thirdly, the risk of increasing LDL levels
of fish oils in patients on long-term treatment
in patients with hypertriglyceridaemia.
with aspirin should be medically supervised.
Many fish oil supplements (e.g. cod liver oil,
Dipyridamole: may increase the risk of bleeding;
halibut liver oil) contain vitamin A and vitamin
use of fish oils should be medically supervised.
D fat-soluble vitamins that can be toxic in
excessive amounts. However, the amount of
these vitamins contained, for example, in an Nutrients
average multivitamin supplement containing no Vitamin E: fish oils increase the requirement
more than 100% of the RDAs together with for vitamin E (absolute additional requirements
the amounts in a recommended dose of, say, not established, but 34 mg vitamin E per gram
ordinary cod liver oil are unlikely to be harmful. of total EPA/DHA appears to be adequate;
However, care should be taken in pregnancy sufficient amounts of vitamin E are added to
not to take excessive amounts of vitamin A, and most fish oil supplements; there is unlikely to
product labels should be checked. be a need for any extra). Theoretically, vitamin
Other safety concerns expressed in relation E may be synergistic in increasing the bleeding
to fish oils include the potential to increase tendency with fish oil, although there is no
bleeding time (a beneficial effect in relation evidence for this.
114 Fish oils

Supplements 6 Goodnight SH Jr, Harris WS, Connor WE, Illing-

Gingko biloba: may increase the bleeding ten- worth DR. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, hyperlipi-
dency with fish oils, although there is no daemia and thrombosis. Arteriosclerosis 1982; 2:
evidence for this. 7 Terano T, Salmon JA, Higg GA, Moncada S. Eicosa-
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Note 2: Fish oil supplements are not identical; characteristics in patients with frequent premature
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Description Action
Flavonoids (or bioflavonoids) are a large Flavonoids appear to display several effects.1
group of polyphenolic compounds, ubiquitously They:
present in foods of plant origin. Some flavonoids
(e.g. quercetin, rutin) are available as dietary r act as scavengers of free radicals, including
supplements. superoxide anions, singlet oxygen, and lipid
peroxyl radicals (they have antioxidant prop-
r sequester metal ions;
r inhibit in vitro oxidation of LDL cholesterol;
Bioflavonoids are a group of polyphenolic anti- r inhibit cyclo-oxygenase, leading to lower
oxidants, which often occur as glycosides. platelet aggregation, decreased thrombotic
Flavonoids can be further subdivided into five tendency and reduced anti-inflammatory
main groups: activity;
r inhibit histamine release;
r flavonols (e.g. kaempferol, quercetin and r improve capillary function by reducing
myricetin) fragility of capillary walls and thus prevent-
r flavones (e.g. apigenin and luteolin) ing abnormal leakage; and
r flavonones (e.g. hesperetin, naringenin, erio- r inhibit various stages of tumour development
dictyol) (animal studies only).
r flavan-3-ols (e.g. (+)-catechin, (+)-gallo-
catechin, ()-epicatechin, ()-epigallo- The activities of flavonoids are dependent on
catechin) their chemical structure.
r anthocyanins (e.g. cyanidin, delphinidin,
malvidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, petunidin)
r proanthocyanidins.
Human requirements
No proof of a dietary need exists.
More than 4000 flavonoids have been identified,
and many have been studied in the labora-
tory and in animal studies, but apart from
Dietary intake
quercetin, few have been studied in humans.
Most flavonoids are colourless but some are Estimates of dietary flavonoid intake vary from
responsible for the bright colours of many fruit 10 to 100 mg daily, depending on the popula-
and vegetables. Flavonoids are distinguished tion studied, the technique used and the number
from the carotenoids (see Carotenoids), which and identity of flavonoids measured. If all
are the red, yellow and orange pigments found flavonoids are included, intake may be several
in fruit and vegetables. Unlike carotenoids, hundreds of milligrams a day, particularly if red
flavonoids are water-soluble. wine is consumed in large amounts.

Flavonoids 119

Table 1 Flavonoid content of selected foods (mg/100 g)

Food Flavonols Flavones Flavanones Flavan-3-ols Anthocyanidins Pro-anthocyanidins

Apples 4.42 0 9.09 80130

Bananas 0 3.37
Beans, kidney 2.01 510
Blackberries 23.31
Blackcurrants 13.50 1.17 149.7
Blueberries 3.93 1.11 112.55 176.49
Broccoli, cooked 2.44 0
Cherries, raw 1.25 0 11.70 117.42 19.13
Chocolate bar, dark 53.49 170
Chocolate bar, milk 13.45 70
Elderberry, raw 42.00 749.24
Grapefruit juice 0.1 24.13 0
Grapes, black 2.8 0 20.9
Grapes, green 1.32 0 4.92 81.54
Kale, raw 34.45 0
Kiwi 0.45 1.83
Lemon juice, raw 0 18.33
Nectarines 2.74 29.36
Onions, cooked 19.71 0
Onions, red, raw 37.87 0 13.14
Orange juice 5.08 0
Orange 43.88 0
Parsley, raw 8.85 303.24 0 0
Peaches 0 0 0 2.33 71.75
Pears 0.3 0 3.53 42.3
Plums, black 1.2 0 6.19 220.66
Pomegranate 1.10
Raspberries 0.83 9.23 47.6 25.07
Strawberries 1.44 0 4.47 141.67
Tea, black, brewed 3.86 0 73.44 13.34
Tea, green, brewed 5.21 0.34 132.43
Tomato, cherry 2.87 0
Tomato, raw 0.64 0 0
Thyme, fresh 56.00
Wine, table red 1.64 0 11.9 9.19 61.63
Wine, table white 0.06 0 1.38 0.06 0.81

USDA database: http://www,

, not analysed to date

Dietary sources Table 1). Cherry tomatoes contain higher con-

centrations than normal-sized tomatoes, and
Flavonoids are found in the white segment or Lollo Rosso lettuce more than iceberg lettuce.1
ring of fruit (especially citrus fruit) and vege- The flavonoid content of red wine may also vary
tables, and also in tea and red wine. In the UK, widely, depending on the source, growing con-
tea, apples and onions seem to be major sources. ditions and harvesting of the grapes.2 Chocolate
Flavonoid content of foods varies widely (see is also a good source of flavonoids (including
120 Flavonoids

flavonols, flavanols, catechins, epicatechins and but vitamins C and E were not associated with
proanthocyanidins). stroke risk. Black tea contributed about 70%
to flavonoid intake. The relative risk for daily
consumption of 4.7 cups or more of tea versus
Possible uses
less than 2.6 cups of tea was 0.31 (95% CI, 0.12
Flavonoids have been investigated for a poten- to 0.84).
tial role in the prevention of CVD, cancer and However, the Caerphilly study in Wales
cataracts. The totality of evidence suggests a role showed no reduced risk of heart disease with
for flavonoids in prevention of CVD, cancer and increasing flavonoid consumption.8 This inves-
possibly other chronic diseases.3,4 tigation involved 1900 men aged 4559 who
were studied for up to 14 years. Tea provided
Cardiovascular disease 82% of the flavonoid intake, and was strongly
Epidemiological studies have suggested that and positively associated with risk of CHD.
consumption of fruit and vegetables may protect Baseline flavonoid intake was estimated in
against CVD. That such a benefit could occur 16 cohorts of the Seven Countries Study,9 and
as a result of dietary antioxidant vitamins is mortality from CHD, cancer and all causes was
well known, but the presence of flavonoids investigated after 25 years of follow-up. Average
in these foods may also account for these intake of flavonoids was inversely associated
findings. with mortality from CHD and explained about
Bioflavonoids may help to reduce the risk 25% of the variance in CHD rates in the 16 co-
of heart disease (possibly by helping to dilate horts. Flavonoid intake was not independently
the coronary arteries and by preventing associated with mortality from other causes,
atherosclerosis). The Zutphen study from the including cancer.
Netherlands5 demonstrated a reduced risk of Two studies used data from American co-
CHD and a reduced incidence of myocardial horts of men and women. One study investi-
infarction in men aged 6584 years associated gated the relationship between flavonoid intake
with increased ingestion of dietary flavonoids. and CHD risk in 34 789 men aged 4075 in
The major dietary sources of flavonoids in 1986 with a follow-up of 6 years.10 The main
this study were tea (61%), onions (13%) and sources of flavonoids were tea and onions.
apples (10%). Flavonoid intake was inversely Flavonoid intake > 40 mg daily was not associ-
associated with CHD mortality, with a 68% ated with reduced CHD risk. The Iowa Wom-
reduction in risk for intake >19 mg daily. ens Health Study11 investigated 34 492 post-
There was, however, no correlation between menopausal women aged 5569 for subsequent
flavonoid intake and CHD incidence among risk of CHD over a 10-year follow-up period.
those with no history of myocardial infarction. Compared to women in the lowest quintile
The researchers later updated their results,6 (<5.8 mg daily) of flavonoid intake, those in
extending follow-up to 10 years. Similar results the highest quintile (18.7 mg daily) had a signifi-
for CHD mortality were found, but a smaller cant 32% reduced risk of CHD death.
risk reduction and a borderline significant The association of tea intake with aortic
trend (P = 0.08) for the incidence of CHD atherosclerosis has also been investigated in
existed. a Dutch study.12 In a prospective study of
Another part of the Zutphen study7 inves- 3454 men and women aged 55 and older, who
tigated a cohort of men aged 5069 years, fol- were free of CVD at baseline, tea intake was
lowing them up for 15 years. Dietary flavonoids inversely correlated with severe (but not mild or
(mainly quercetin) were inversely associated moderate) aortic atherosclerosis.
with stroke incidence after adjustment for po- A meta-analysis of seven prospective cohort
tential confounders, including antioxidant vita- studies published before 2001 included 2087
mins. The relative risk of stroke for the highest fatal CHD events. Comparison of those in
versus the lowest quartile of flavonoid intake the top third with those in the bottom third
was 0.27. A lower stroke risk was also observed of dietary flavonol intake yielded a combined
for the highest quartile of beta-carotene intake, risk ratio of 0.8 (95% CI, 0.69 to 0.93) after
Flavonoids 121

adjustment for known CHD risk factors and variation in the response in endothelial function
other dietary components. The authors con- to flavonoids and this may be related to
cluded that high dietary intakes of flavonols inter-individual differences in flavonoid
from a small number of fruits and vegetables, metabolism.17
tea and red wine may be associated with
reduced risk of CHD mortality in free-living Cancer
populations.13 Activity of flavonoids against malignant cells
A prospective study in 38 445 women (free has been demonstrated in vitro,1820 and there
of CVD and cancer) with a mean follow-up is much current interest in the potential use of
period of 6.9 years found no significant linear bioflavonoids in the prevention and treatment
trend for CVD and important vascular events of cancer.
across quintiles of flavonoid intake. No indi- In a Finnish study involving 9959 men and
vidual flavonol or flavone was associated with women (initially cancer-free) aged from 15 to
CVD. Broccoli and apple consumption were 99, high dietary flavonoid intake was shown to
associated with non-significant reductions in reduce the risk of cancer.21 Researchers involved
CVD risk. A small proportion of women (1185) in the Iowa Womens Health Study showed that
consuming four or more cups of tea a day had in 35 000 post-menopausal women, those who
a reduction in the risk of important vascular drank more than two cups of tea a day were
events but with a non-significant linear trend. 32% less likely to have cancers of the mouth,
In this study flavonoid intake was not strongly oesophagus, stomach, colon and rectum. Risk
associated with risk of CVD.14 of urinary tract cancer was reduced by 60%. In
In the SU.VI.MAX study (an 8-year trial those who drank more than four cups of tea a
evaluating the effect of antioxidant supple- day, the risk of cancer was lowered by 63%.22
mentation on the incidence of major chronic Onions are high in flavonoids, which might
disease), flavonoid-rich food in women was explain the reduced risk of stomach cancer
inversely associated with systolic blood pres- among those with a high intake of onions in
sure. No such relationship was seen in men. a group of 120 852 men and women aged 55 to
Women in the highest tertile of flavonoid-rich 69 years.23
food consumption were at lower risk for CVD A review of data from four cohort studies and
(OR 0.31; 95% CI, 0.14 to 0.68), while a six case-control studies examining associations
positive tendency was observed in men. In this between flavonoid intake and cancer risk found
study, a high consumption of flavonoid-rich consistent evidence that flavonoids, especially
food appeared to reduce cardiovascular risk in quercetin, may reduce the risk of lung cancer.24
women.15 In the Nurses Health Study II, validated food
Chocolate has attracted attention for its frequency questionnaires from 90 630 women
possible role in preventing CVD. A systematic showed no associations between flavonols and
review of 136 publications, mainly short-term breast cancer risk and there were no asso-
feeding trials, suggested that cocoa and choco- ciations between individual flavonols such as
late may exert benefit on cardiovascular risk kaempferol, quercetin and myricetin and breast
via lowering blood pressure, anti-inflammatory cancer risk. However there was a significant
effects, anti-platelet function, raising HDL inverse association between breast cancer and
and decreasing LDL oxidation. An associated beans and lentils.25
meta-analysis of flavonoid intake suggests that
these compounds may lower cardiovascular Cataract
mortality.16 There may be a role for flavonoids in preventing
Intervention trials have shown that diabetes-related cataract formation. In diabetes
flavonoids can reverse endothelial dysfunction. mellitus, excess sorbitol or dulcitol is produced
Endothelial dysfunction appears to be by the conversion of glucose by aldose reduc-
important in the pathogenesis of CVD tase. The dulcitol cannot be further metabolised
so any improvement could reduce the risk of and therefore forms a hard crystalline layer in
coronary events. However, there is considerable the lens, which forms the cataract. Flavonoids
122 Flavonoids

are potent inhibitors of the enzyme,26 but to a combination enzyme product (containing
further studies are required before flavonoids rutin, bromelain and trypsin) or diclofenac. The
could be recommended for cataract prevention. enzyme product had a similar effect on reducing
pain and mobility of the knee to diclofenac.31
Miscellaneous However, there is insufficient reliable informa-
Experimental studies have demonstrated that tion about the effectiveness of rutin for other
some flavonoids prevent ulcer formation,27 and indications.
that they may be useful in treating ulcers.
Flavonoids have been investigated for poten- Conclusion
tial anti-viral activity. In vitro tests have shown High dietary intakes of flavonoids have
some activity against rhinovirus (responsible been linked with a reduced risk of CHD,
for 50% of common colds), but little activity cancer and cataracts. However, although
against herpes simplex and influenza virus.28 a number of supplements (e.g. quercetin,
Many claims have been made for the use- rutin) are now available, there is currently
fulness of bioflavonoids in a range of disor- only limited evidence that supplements are
ders, including haemorrhoids, allergy, asthma, beneficial in any condition.
menopausal symptoms and the prevention of
habitual abortion, but scientific studies are
required to investigate these claims. The sugges-
tion has been made that flavonoids may reduce Pregnancy and breast-feeding
the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. However, a No problems have been reported.
prospective study in 38 018 women aged over
45 and free of CVD, cancer and diabetes with
an average 8.8-year follow-up found that total Adverse effects
flavonols, flavones or individual compounds
None reported. However, there are no long-
were associated with risk of type 2 diabetes,
term studies assessing the safety of flavonoid
although apple and tea consumption was in-
versely associated with diabetes risk.29

Quercetin Interactions
As a dietary supplement, quercetin is promoted
for prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis None reported.
and hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, cataracts, hay
fever, peptic ulcer, inflammation, prevention of Dose
cancer and for treating prostatitis. A prelimi-
nary, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in Flavonoids (e.g. quercetin, rutin) are available
chronic non-bacterial prostatitis showed that in the form of tablets and capsules.
quercetin reduced pain and improved quality of The dose is not established; dietary supple-
life, but had no effect on voiding dysfunction.30 ments of quercetin and rutin provide around
However, there is insufficient reliable informa- 500 mg in a single dose.
tion about the effectiveness of quercetin for
other indications.
Rutin 1 Crozier A, McDonald MS, Lean MEJ, Black C.
As a dietary supplement, rutin is used to reduce Quantitative analysis of the flavonoid content of
capillary permeability and treat symptoms of tomatoes, onions, lettuce and celery. J Agric Food
Chem 1997; 45: 590595.
varicose veins. In combination with bromelain 2 McDonald MS, Hughes M, Burns J, et al. A survey of
and trypsin, rutin is used to treat osteoarthritis. the free and conjugated flavonol content of sixty five
In one double-blind trial, 73 patients with osteo- red wines of different geographical origin. J Agric
arthritis of the knee were randomly assigned Food Chem 1998; 46: 368375.
Flavonoids 123

3 Knekt P, Kumpulainen J, Jarvinen R, et al. Flavonoid 17 Hodgson J, Puddey IB, Burke V, Croft KD. Is reversal
intake and risk of chronic diseases. Am J Clin Nutr of endothelial dysfunction by tea related to flavonoid
2002; 76: 560568. metabolism? Br J Nutr 2006; 95: 1417.
4 Graf BA, Milbury PE, Blumberg JB. Flavonols, 18 Havsteen B. Flavonoids. A class of natural products
flavones, flavonones and human health. J Med Food of high pharmacological potency. Biochem Pharma-
2005; 8: 281290. col 1983; 32: 1141.
5 Hertog MGL, Feskens EJM, Hollman PCH, et al. 19 Tripathi VD, Rastogi RP. Flavonoids in biology and
Dietary antioxidant flavonoids and risk of coronary medicine. J Sci Ind Res 1981; 40: 116.
heart disease: the Zutphen elderly study. Lancet 20 Kandaswami C, Perkins E, Soloniuk DS, et al.
1993; 342: 10071011. Antiproliferative effects of citrus flavonoids on a
6 Hertog MG, Feskens EJ, Hollman PC, et al. Anti- human squamous cell carcinoma in vitro. Cancer
oxidant flavonols and coronary heart disease risk Lett 1991; 56: 147152.
(letter). Lancet 1997; 349: 699. 21 Knekt P, Jarvinen R, Seppanen R, et al. Dietary
7 Keli SO, Hertog MG, Feskens EJ. Dietary flavonoids, flavonoids and the risk of lung cancer and other
antioxidant vitamins and the incidence of stroke; malignant neoplasms. Am J Epidemiol 1997; 146:
the Zutphen study. Arch Intern Med 1996; 156: 223230.
637642. 22 Zheng W, Doyle TJ, Kushi LH. Tea consumption
8 Hertog MG, Sweetman PM, Fehily AM, et al. and cancer incidence in a prospective cohort study
Antioxidant flavonols and ischaemic heart of postmenopausal women. Am J Epidemiol 1996;
disease in a Welsh population of men: the 144: 175182.
Caerphilly Study. Am J Clin Nutr 1997; 65: 23 Dorant E, van den Brandt PA, Goldbohm RA.
14891494. Consumption of onions and a reduced risk of
9 Hertog MG, Kromhout D, Aravanis C, et al. stomach carcinoma. Gastroenterology 1996; 110:
Flavonoid intake and long-term risk of coronary 1220.
heart disease and cancer in the seven countries study. 24 Neuhouser ML. Dietary flavonoids and cancer risk:
Arch Intern Med 1995; 155: 381386. evidence from human population studies. Nutr
10 Rimm EB, Katam MB, Ascherio A, et al. Relation Cancer 2004; 50: 17.
between intakes of flavonoids and risk for coronary 25 Adebamowo CA, Cho E, Sampson L, et al. Dietary
heart disease in male health professionals. Ann flavonol-rich foods intake and the risk of breast
Intern Med 1996; 125: 384389. cancer. Int J Cancer 2005; 114: 628633.
11 Yochum L, Kushi LH, Meyer K, Folsom AR. Dietary 26 Wagner H. Phenolic compounds of pharmaceutical
flavonoid intake and risk of cardiovascular disease interest. In: Recent Advances in Phytochemistry, Vol
in postmenopausal women. Am J Epidemiol 1999; 12, Biochemistry of Plant Phenolics, 1977: 589.
149: 943949. 27 Farkas L, Gabor M, Kallay F, Wagner H.
12 Geleijinse JM, Launer LJ, Hofman A, et al. Tea Flavonoids and bioflavonoids. Proceedings, Interna-
flavonoids may protect against atherosclerosis. Arch tional Bioflavonoid Symposium, Munich. Amster-
Intern Med 1999; 159: 21702174. dam: Elsevier, 1977.
13 Huxley RR, Neil HA. The relation between dietary 28 Tshuiya Y, Shimuzu M, Hiyama Y, et al. Antiviral
flavonol intake and coronary heart disease mortality: activity of naturally occurring flavonoids in vitro.
a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Eur J Chem Pharm Bull 1985; 33: 3881.
Clin Nutr 2003; 57: 904908. 29 Song Y, Manson JE, Buring JE, et al. Associations
14 Sesso HD, Gaziano JM, Liu S, Buring JE. of dietary flavonoids with risk of type 2 diabetes
Flavonoid intake and the risk of cardiovascular and markers of insulin resistance and systemic
disease in women. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 77: inflammation in women: a prospective study and
14401448. cross-sectional analysis. J Am Coll Nutr 2005; 24:
15 Mennen LI, Saphino D, de Bree A, et al. Con- 376384.
sumption of foods rich in flavonoids is related 30 Shoskes DA, Zeitlin SI, Shahed A, Rajfer A.
to a decreased cardiovascular risk in appar- Quercetin in men with category III chronic prostati-
ently healthy women. J Nutr 2004; 134: tis: a preliminary prospective, double-blind, placebo-
923926. controlled trial. Urology 1999; 54: 960963.
16 Ding EL, Hutfless SM, Ding X, Girotra S. Chocolate 31 Klein G, Kullich W. Short-term treatment of painful
and prevention of cardiovascular disease: a system- osteoarthritis of the knee with oral enzymes. Clin
atic review. Nutr Metab 2006; 3: 2. Drug Invest 2000; 19: 1523.
Flaxseed oil

Description help to reverse the imbalance between n-3 and

n-6 fats.
Flaxseed is the soluble fibre mucilage obtained
Lignans are a type of phytoestrogen. They
from the fully developed seed of Linus usitatis-
are digested in the colon to produce enterodiol
and enterolactone, lignans that are thought to
be protective against cancer.

Possible uses
Flaxseed is a rich source of alpha-linolenic
acid and lignans. Alpha-linolenic acid is an Traditionally, flaxseed has been used for con-
essential fatty acid of the n-3 (omega-3) series, stipation and other bowel disorders such as
which must be supplied by the diet. It can diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome
be converted into longer-chain fatty acids of (IBS). In theory, it may also be useful as a source
the n-3 series, such as eicosapentaenoic acid of n-3 fatty acids for the same conditions (e.g.
(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the CVD and other inflammatory disorders) where
fatty acids found in fish oils (see Fish oils). fish oil has benefit. It is also a useful oil for
vegetarians, to help improve the balance
between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids,
because vegetarians tend to consume significant
quantities of omega-6 fatty acids.
Fatty acids of the n-3 series (like those of the
n-6 series) are precursors to a range of Cardiovascular disease
prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leuko- In a small trial, 11 healthy male subjects were
trienes, and those formed from the n-3 series randomly assigned to receive 40 g flaxseed oil or
are generally less pro-inflammatory and athero- sunflower seed oil for 23 days.1 A statistically
genic than those formed from the n-6 series. significant reduction in platelet aggregation
In addition, there is competition between the response to collagen was found in subjects
fatty acids of both series for the enzyme systems supplemented with flaxseed but not with sun-
that effect chain elongation, suggesting that a flower seed. The authors noted that the higher
balance between the two types of fatty acids percentage of energy from fat in the sunflower
is important; it is estimated that an optimal oil might have skewed the results. In spite of
ratio between n-3 and n-6 fatty acid is 1:4. this limitation, the conclusion was that oils
However, changes in food production and rich in alpha-linolenic acid may offer increased
advice to consume polyunsaturated fats has protection in CVD (via reduction in platelet
led to an increase in the n-6 fatty acids at aggregation) compared with oils rich in linoleic
the expense of the n-3 fats, and the ratio of acid.
n-3 to n-6 fats is between 1:10 and 1:30. In a randomised, double-blind study, 32
Flaxseed oil, which contains approximately healthy subjects received either 35 mg flaxseed
three times more n-3 than n-6 fatty acids, may oil or 35 mg fish oil for 3 months.2 In contrast

Flaxseed oil 125

to fish oil, flaxseed had no effect on serum and heart disease, together with nine cohort
triglyceride or cholesterol levels, but the authors and case-control studies on alpha-linolenic acid
concluded that the dose may have been insuffi- (ALA) and prostate cancer found that high
cient or that conversion of alpha-linolenic acid ALA intake was associated with reduced risk of
to EPA was inadequate. fatal heart disease in prospective cohort studies.
In a double-blind crossover study, 29 subjects Three open-label trials also indicated that ALA
with hyperlipidaemia were given (in random may protect against heart disease. However,
order) muffins containing either 50 g partially epidemiological studies in this meta-analysis
defatted flaxseed or wheat bran (control) each also showed an increased risk of prostate cancer
day for 3 weeks. Flaxseed significantly reduced in men with a high intake or blood level of
total serum cholesterol by 4.6% and LDL ALA.7
cholesterol by 7.6%, but there were no effects More recently, an RCT in 199 menopausal
on HDL cholesterol.3 women found that flaxseed (40 g daily) reduced
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, serum total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol
11 patients with well-controlled type 2 diabetes compared with placebo. There was no signifi-
were given flaxseed oil or fish oil capsules for cant change in BMD or menopausal symptoms.8
3 months each, in random order. Fish oil, but A further RCT in 57 men with an atherogenic
not flaxseed oil, reduced serum triglycerides, but lipoprotein phenotype found that fish oil pro-
there were no significant differences between duced predictable changes in plasma lipids and
the two oils in relation to total, LDL and HDL small dense LDL that were not reproduced by a
cholesterol levels.4 diet enriched with ALA.9
In a study involving post-menopausal women A systematic review of 14 studies found
who were not on HRT, flaxseed supplemen- that ALA supplementation may cause small de-
tation (40 g with 1 g of calcium and 400 units creases in fibrinogen concentrations and plasma
of vitamin D daily) lowered both serum glucose, but most cardiovascular risk markers
total cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol by do not appear to be affected. The reviewers
6% whereas the comparative control regime concluded that supplementation with ALA to
had no such effect. Flaxseed reduced serum reduce CVD cannot be recommended.10
levels of both LDL and HDL cholesterol by
4.7% and triglyceride by 12.8% (although
these did not reach statistical significance).
Serum apolipoprotein B concentrations were
There is some evidence from animal studies that
significantly reduced by 6.0% and 7.5%
flaxseed inhibits tumour growth, particularly
respectively by the flaxseed regimen. Markers
mammary tumours,11,12 but clinical trials are
of bone formation and resorption were not
needed to assess whether flaxseed has anti-
cancer properties in humans.
A trial in 25 menopausal women with total
cholesterol >6.2 mmol/L, a cholesterol:HDL
cholesterol ratio > 4.5 and triglycerides
< 3.5 mmol/L compared 40 g crushed flaxseed Autoimmune disorders
daily with 0.625 mg of conjugated equine In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in-
oestrogens alone or combined with proges- volving 22 patients with rheumatoid arthritis,
terone. Both HRT and flaxseed produced 30 g flaxseed powder daily for 3 months had no
similar decreases in menopausal symptoms and effect on clinical subjective parameters of the
glucose and insulin levels. However, only HRT disorder compared with sunflower oil.13
significantly improved cholesterol profile and A small study in eight patients with SLE,
favourably modified markers related to cardio- present as lupus nephritis, found that flaxseed
vascular health.6 in a dose of 30 g daily improved renal func-
A meta-analysis of five cohort studies tion and inflammatory mediators and was well
and three clinical trials on alpha-linolenic acid tolerated.14
126 Flaxseed oil

2 Layne KS, Goh YK, Jumpsen JA, et al. Normal

Conclusion subjects consuming physiological levels of 18:3(n-3)
Theoretically, flaxseed as a source of n-3 and 20:5(n-3) from flaxseed or fish oils have char-
fatty acids could benefit the same conditions acteristic differences in plasma lipid and lipoprotein
fatty acid levels. J Nutr 1996; 126: 21302140.
as those indicated for fish oil. However,
3 Jenkins DJA, Kendall CWC, Vidgen E, et al. Health
research data are currently insufficient to aspects of partially defatted flaxseed, including
make recommendations for supplements for effects on serum lipids, oxidative measures, and
reduction in risk of heart disease and cancer ex vivo androgen and progestin activity: a con-
or management of rheumatoid arthritis and trolled crossover trial. Am J Clin Nutr 1999; 69:
other inflammatory conditions. 395402.
4 McManus RM, Jumpson J, Finegood DT. A com-
parison of the effects of n-3 fatty acids from linseed
oil and fish oil in well-controlled type II diabetes.
Precautions/contraindications Diabetes Care 1996; 19: 463467.
5 Lucas AE, Wild RD, Hammond LJ, et al. Flaxseed
No problems have been reported. improves lipid profile without altering biomarkers of
bone metabolism in postmenopausal women. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 2002; 87: 15271532.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding 6 Lemay A, Dodin S, Kadri N, et al. Flaxseed dietary
supplement versus hormone replacement therapy in
No problems have been reported, but there hypercholesterolemic menopausal women. Obstet
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee Gynecol 2002; 100: 495504.
the safety of flaxseed in pregnancy and breast- 7 Brouwer IA, Katan MB, Zock PL. Dietary alpha-
feeding. linolenic acid is associated with reduced risk
of fatal coronary heart disease, but increased
prostate cancer: a meta-analysis. J Nutr 2004; 134:
Adverse effects 919922.
8 Dodin S, Lemay A, Jaques H, et al. The effects
There are no known toxicity or serious side- of flaxseed dietary supplement on lipid profile,
effects, but no long-term studies have as- bone mineral density, and symptoms in menopausal
sessed the safety of flaxseed. Flaxseed contains women: a randomized, double-blind, wheat germ
cyanogenic glycosides, which are naturally- placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Clin Endocrinol
occurring toxicants. The long-term effects of Metab 2005; 90: 13901397.
these compounds are unknown, but high doses 9 Wilkinson P, Leach C, Ah-Sing EE, et al. Influence
of alpha-linolenic acid and fish-oil on markers of
could increase plasma thiocyanate levels.
cardiovascular risk in subjects with an atherogenic
lipoprotein profile. Atherosclerosis 2005; 181:
Interactions 115124.
10 Wendland E, Farmer A, Glasziou P, Neil A. Effect of
None reported. alpha linolenic acid on cardiovascular risk markers:
a systematic review. Heart 2006; 92: 166169.
11 Serraino M, Thompson LU. The effect of flaxseed
Dose supplementation on the initiation and promotional
stages of mammary tumorigenesis. Nutr Cancer
Flaxseed oil is available in the form of a liquid 1992; 17: 153159.
and in capsules. 12 Thompson LU, Rickard SE, Orcheson LJ, et al.
The dose is not established. Manufacturers Flaxseed and its lignan and oil components reduce
suggest one tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily. mammary tumour growth at a late stage of carcino-
genesis. Carcinogenesis 1996; 17: 13731376.
13 Nordstrom DC, Honkanen VE, Nasu Y, et al.
References Alpha-linolenic acid in the treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis. A double-blind placebo controlled and
1 Allman MA, Pena NM, Pang D. Supplementation randomized study; flaxseed versus safflower seed.
with flaxseed oil versus sunflower oil in healthy Rheumatol Int 1995; 14: 231234.
young men consuming a low fat diet: effects on 14 Clark WF, Parbtani A, Huff MW, et al. Flaxseed: a
platelet composition and function. Eur J Clin Nutr potential treatment for lupus nephritis. Kidney Int
1995; 49: 169178. 1995; 48: 475480.

Description Distribution
Fluoride is a trace element. Fluoride is found principally in bones and teeth.

Human requirements Elimination is mainly via the urine, with small
amounts lost in sweat (especially in warm
There does not appear to be a physiological climates) and bile.
requirement for fluoride and, in the UK, no
Reference Nutrient Intake has been set, but a
safe and adequate intake, for infants only, is Deficiency
0.05 mg/kg daily.
No essential function has been clearly estab-
lished; low levels of fluoride in drinking water
Action are associated with dental caries.
Fluoride has a marked affinity for hard tissues,
and forms calcium fluorapatite in teeth and Possible uses
bone. It protects against dental caries and
Dental caries
may have a role in bone mineralisation. It
Fluoride is recommended for the prophylaxis of
helps remineralisation of bone in pathological
dental caries in infants and children (see Dose,
conditions of demineralisation.

Dietary sources Osteoporosis

Evidence for a role of fluoride in osteoporosis
Foods high in fluoride include seafoods and tea. and prevention of fracture is conflicting. In one
Cereals and milk are poorer sources. An impor- study,1 there was a higher incidence of fractures
tant source of fluoride is fluoridated drinking in an area of Italy with a lower concentration
water. In the UK, tea provides 70% of the total of fluoride in the water than in another area.
intake; if the water is fluoridated, consumption In another study,2 women with continuous
of large volumes of tea can result in fluoride exposure to fluoridated water for 20 years were
intakes of 412 mg daily. compared with those with no exposure. In
those with exposure, BMD was 2.6% higher at
the femoral neck, 2.5% higher at the lumbar
spine and 1.9% lower at the distal radius. In
Absorption addition, the risk of hip fracture was slightly
Oral fluoride is rapidly absorbed by passive reduced, as was the risk of vertebral fracture.
transport from the gastrointestinal tract; some However, there was no difference in the risk
is absorbed from the stomach, and some from of humerus fracture and a non-significant trend
the small intestine. towards an increased risk of wrist fracture.

128 Fluoride

Table 1 Daily doses1 of fluoride (expressed as fluoride ion) in infants and children

Fluoride content of water Under 6 months 6 months3 years 36 years Over 6 years

<300 g none 250 g 500 g 1 mg

300700 g none none 250 g 500 g
>700 g none none none none

1 Recommended by the British Dental Association, the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry and the British Association for
the Study of Community Dentistry (Br Dent J 1997 ; 182: 67).

In an intervention study,3 sodium fluoride Interactions

(75 mg daily) was no more effective than None reported.
placebo in retarding progression of spinal osteo-
porosis. Another study in 202 post-menopausal
women4 with vertebral fractures showed that Dose
sodium fluoride 75 mg daily was not an ef- Systemic fluoride supplements should not be
fective treatment. Yet another intervention prescribed without reference to the fluoride
study5 showed that fluoride (as sodium fluoride content of the local water supply (information
50 mg daily or monofluorophosphate 200 mg available from the local Water Board). See
or 150 mg daily) was no more effective than Table 1 for daily fluoride doses in infants and
calcium and vitamin D in preventing new verte- children.
bral fractures in women with post-menopausal
osteoporosis. A trial comparing etidronate with References
fluoride6 in the treatment of post-menopausal
osteoporosis showed that although fluoride was 1 Fabiani L, Leoni V, Vitali M. Bone-fracture in-
cidence rate in two Italian regions with different
more effective at increasing lumbar bone mass,
fluoride concentration levels in drinking water. J
there were no differences in fracture incidence. Trace Elem Med Biol 1999; 13: 232237.
2 Phipps KR, Orwoll ES, Mason JD, Cauley JA. Com-
Precautions/contraindications munity water fluoridation, bone mineral density,
The British Association for Community Den- and fractures: prospective study of effects in older
women. BMJ 2000; 321: 860864.
tistry advises that fluoride is unnecessary for 3 Kleerekoper M, Peterson EL, Nelson DA, et al. A
infants under 6 months and that fluoride should randomized trial of sodium fluoride as a treatment
not be given in areas where the drinking water for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis Int 1991; 1:
contains fluoride levels that exceed 700 g/L. 155161.
4 Riggs BL, Hodgson SF, OFallon M, et al. Effect
Adverse effects of fluoride treatment on the fracture rate in post-
menopausal women with osteoporosis. N Engl J
Chalky white patches on the surface of the Med 1990; 322: 802809.
teeth (may occur with recommended doses); 5 Meunier PJ, Sebert JL, Reginster JY, et al. Fluoride
yellow-brown staining of teeth, stiffness and salts are no better at preventing new vertebral
aching of bones (with chronic excessive intake). fractures than calcium-vitamin D in postmenopausal
Symptoms of acute overdose include diarrhoea, osteoporosis; the FAVO study. Osteoporosis Int
1998; 8: 412.
nausea, gastrointestinal cramp, bloody vomit, 6 Guanabens N, Farrerons J, Perez-Edo L, et al. Cycli-
black stools, drowsiness, weakness, faintness, cal etidronate versus sodium fluoride in established
shallow breathing, tremors and increased postmenopausal osteoporosis: a randomized 3 year
watering of mouth and eyes. trial. Bone 2000; 27: 123128.
Folic acid

Description Dietary sources

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin of the See Table 2 for dietary sources of folic acid.
vitamin B complex.
Absorption of folate takes place mainly in the
Folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid) is the parent jejunum.
compound for a large number of derivatives
collectively known as folates. Folate is the
Folate is stored mainly in the liver. Entero-
generic term used to describe the compounds
hepatic recycling is important for maintaining
that exhibit the biological activity of folic acid;
serum levels.
it is the preferred term for the vitamin present
in foods that represents a mixture of related Elimination
compounds (folates). Excretion of folate is largely renal, but folates
may also be eliminated in the faeces (mainly as a
result of folate synthesis by the gut microflora).
Human requirements Folates are also found in breast milk.
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for
folic acid.
Folates leach into cooking water and are
destroyed by cooking or food processing at high
Dietary intake temperatures.
In the UK, the average adult diet provides: for
men, 322 g daily; for women, 224 g daily.
Folate deficiency results in reduction of DNA
synthesis and hence in reduction of cell division.
Action While DNA synthesis occurs in all dividing cells,
deficiency is most easily seen in tissues with
Folates are involved in a number of single high rates of cell turnover such as erythrocytes
carbon transfer reactions, especially in the syn- (red blood cells). The main clinical observation
thesis of purines and pyrimidines (and hence associated with folate deficiency is, therefore,
the synthesis of DNA), glycine and methionine. megaloblastic anaemia.
They are also involved in some amino acid The main causes of folate deficiency are as
conversions and the formation and utilisation follows:
of formate. Deficiency leads to impaired cell
division (effects most noticeable in rapidly r Decreased dietary intake. This occurs in
regenerating tissues). people eating inadequate diets, such as some

130 Folic acid

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for folic acid (g/day)

EU RDA = 200 g


03 months 30 40 50 65 80
46 months 30 40 50 65 80
712 months 30 40 50 80 80
13 years 35 50 70 150 300 150
46 years 50 75 100 200
48 years 200 400
710 years 75 110 150 300a
913 years 300 600 400
1418 years 400 800 400
1114 years 100 150 200
1550+ years 100 150 200 1000 400 1000 400
1114 years 100 150 200
1550+ years 100 150 200 1000 400 1000 400
Pregnancy +1001 600 10002 600
Lactation +60 500 10002 600
a 79 years.
1 The Department of Health recommends that all women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy should take a folic acid supplement (see dose).
2 18 years = 800 g daily.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level (not determined for thiamine).

elderly people, those on low incomes, and r Drugs. Long-term use of certain drugs (e.g.
alcoholics who substitute alcoholic drinks for phenytoin, sulfasalazine) is associated with
good sources of nutrition. folate deficiency.
r Decreased intestinal absorption. Patients
Signs and symptoms include megaloblastic,
with disorders of malabsorption (e.g. coeliac macrocytic anaemia, weakness, tiredness,
disease) may suffer folate deficiency. irritability, forgetfulness, dyspnoea, anorexia,
r Increased requirements. Increased require-
diarrhoea, weight loss, headache, syncope, pal-
ment for folate, and hence an increased risk pitations and glossitis. In babies and young
of deficiency, can occur in pregnancy, during children, growth may be affected.
breast-feeding, in haemolytic anaemia and
r Alcoholism. Chronic alcoholism is a common Possible uses
cause of folate deficiency. This may occur as a Pregnancy and pre-pregnancy
result of poor dietary intake, reduced absorp- The risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) can be
tion or increased excretion by the kidney. The reduced by increased folic acid intake during the
presence of alcoholic liver disease increases periconceptual period.15 These findings gave
the likelihood of folate deficiency. rise to recommendations in several countries
Folic acid 131

that women intending to become pregnant

Table 2 Dietary sources of folic acid should consume additional folic acid. The rea-
son for the beneficial effect of folic acid is un-
clear. Although it may be a result of deficiency,
Food portion Folate content a genetic defect in the methylene tetrahydro-
(g) folate reductase (MTHFR) gene, estimated to
occur in about 515% of white populations,
Breakfast cereals
appears to result in an increased requirement
1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 80 for folates and an increased risk of recurrent
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 110 early pregnancy loss and NTDs.6,7 In addition,
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 70 elevated levels of plasma homocysteine have
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 130 been observed in mothers producing offspring
1 bowl Start (40 g) 140 with NTDs,8 and the possibility that this factor
Cereal products
could have toxic effects on the foetus at the time
Bread, brown, 2 slices 30
white, 2 slices 25 of neural tube closure is currently under further
wholemeal 2 slices 30 investigation.
fortified, 2 slices 70 Whether folic acid taken throughout preg-
1 chapati 10 nancy has any benefit on birth outcome is
Milk and dairy products unclear. Re-analysis of data from a large ran-
1/2 pint (280 ml) milk, 15 domised trial, combined with trials from an
whole, semi-skimmed, or
updated Cochrane review, found no associa-
1/2 pint (280 ml) soya milk 50 tion between folic acid supplementation and
1 pot yoghurt (150 g) 25 birth weight, placental weight or gestational
Cheese, average (50 g) 15 age. Folic acid at high dose (5 mg daily) was
Camembert (50 g) 50 associated with reduced risk of low birth weight
Meat (pooled relative risk 0.73 (95% CI, 0.53 to
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 220
0.99). Overall there was no conclusive evidence
Kidney, lambs, cooked 60
(75 g)
of benefit for folic acid supplementation in preg-
Vegetables nant women given from time of booking
Broccoli, boiled (100 g) 65 onwards.9
Brussels sprouts, boiled (100 g) 110 Results from some trials have suggested that
Cabbage, boiled (100 g) 30 folic acid is associated with an increase in
Cauliflower, boiled (100 g) 50 twin pregnancies. A Hungarian study involving
Kale, boiled (100 g) 90
38 151 women found that both pre- and post-
Lettuce (30 g) 20
Peas, boiled (100 g) 50 conceptual supplementation of a high dose
Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 145 of folic acid and multivitamins are associated
Spinach, boiled (100 g) 100 with a slight increase in the incidence of
1 small can baked beans 45 twin pregnancies.10 A British prospective cohort
(200 g) study involving 602 women undergoing fertility
Chickpeas, cooked (105 g) 110 treatment found that the likelihood of a twin
Red kidney beans (105 g) 90
birth after in vitro fertilisation rose with in-
1 orange 45 creased concentrations of plasma folate and red-
1 large glass orange juice 40 cell folate. There was no association between
Half a grapefruit 20 folate and vitamin B12 levels and the likelihood
Yeast of a successful pregnancy, but the MTHFR
Brewers yeast (10 g) 400 genotype was associated with the womens
Marmite, spread on 1 slice 50
potential to produce healthy embryos.11

Excellent source (bold); good source (italics). Cardiovascular disease

Marginal folate status is also associated with
elevated plasma homocysteine levels, a known
132 Folic acid

risk factor for CVD mortality.1214 Mechanisms examined in the Nurses Health Study,17 which
by which plasma homocysteine may be associ- showed that those with the highest intake of fo-
ated with increased risk of CVD have not been late had a 31% lower incidence of heart disease
clearly established, but possibilities include:15 than those with the lowest intake. For vitamin
B6 , those with the highest intake had a 33%
r oxidative damage to the vascular endothe- lower risk of heart disease, while in those with
lium; the highest intake of both folate and vitamin B6 ,
r inhibition of endothelial anticoagulant fac- the risk of heart disease was reduced by 45%.
tors, resulting in increased clot formation; The risk of heart disease was reduced by 24%
r increased platelet aggregation; and in those who regularly used multivitamins. In a
r proliferation of smooth muscle cells, result- large Australian study involving 1419 men and
ing in increased vulnerability of the arteries 1531 women aged 2090, the risk of fatal CVD
to obstruction. was not associated with serum folate and serum
B12 concentrations.18
Homocysteine is derived from dietary methio- Another question is whether homocysteine
nine, and it is removed by conversion to levels can be lowered with folate and other
cystathionine, cysteine and pyruvate, or by B vitamins. Folic acid (250 g daily), in
remethylation to methionine. Rare inborn errors addition to usual dietary intakes of folate,
of metabolism can cause severe elevations in significantly decreased plasma homocysteine
plasma homocysteine levels. One example is concentrations in healthy young women,19 and
homocystinuria, which occurs as a result of breakfast cereal fortified with folic acid reduced
a genetic defect in the enzyme, cystathione plasma homocysteine in men and women with
beta-synthase. Genetic changes in the enzymes coronary artery disease.20 Another study has
involved in the remethylation pathway, includ- demonstrated that the addition of vitamin B12
ing MTHFR and methionine synthase, are also to folic acid supplements or enriched foods
associated with increase in plasma homo- (400 g folic acid daily) maximises the reduc-
cysteine concentrations. All such cases are tion of homocysteine.21 Furthermore, two meta-
associated with premature vascular disease, analyses22,23 suggest that administration of folic
thrombosis and early death. acid reduces plasma homocysteine concentra-
However, such genetic disorders are rare and tions and that vitamin B12 but not vitamin B6
cannot account for the raised homocysteine may have an additional effect.23 Vitamin B6
levels observed in many patients with CVD. alone also seems to be less effective than a
However, attention is now being given to combination of folic acid and B12 in lowering
the possibility that deficiency of the various plasma homocysteine concentrations in patients
vitamins that act as cofactors for the enzymes with coronary artery disease.24,25
involved in homocysteine metabolism could A meta-analysis of 25 RCTs involving 2595
result in increased homocysteine concentra- subjects found that the proportional reductions
tions. In particular, folate is required for the nor- in plasma homocysteine concentrations
mal function of MTHFR, vitamin B12 for me- produced by folic acid were greater at higher
thionine synthase and vitamin B6 for cystathione homocysteine and lower folate pretreatment
beta-synthase. concentrations. They were also greater in
In theory, lack of any one of these three women than men. Vitamin B12 produced
vitamins could cause hyperhomocysteinaemia, further reduction in homocysteine, but vitamin
and could therefore increase the risk of CVD. In B6 had no significant effect. The conclusion of
the Framingham Heart Study,16 a cohort study this meta-analysis was that daily doses 0.8 mg
on vascular disease, it was shown that folic acid, folic acid are required to achieve maximal
vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are determinants reduction in homocysteine concentrations
of plasma homocysteine levels, with folic acid produced by folic acid. Doses of 0.2 mg and
showing the strongest association. 0.4 mg were associated with 60% and 90%
The question of whether increased vitamin respectively, of this maximal effect.26 A more
intake can reduce cardiovascular risk was recent RCT also found that the homocysteine
Folic acid 133

lowering effect of B vitamins (folate, B6 and B12 ) found that B12 , folic acid and B6 in combination
was maximal in those with high homocysteine reduced plasma homocysteine, but did not
and low B12 levels.27 reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events
Although high homocysteine levels are asso- in patients with CVD,39 and did not reduce the
ciated with CVD, the question as to whether risk of recurrent CVD after acute myocardial
lowering homocysteine reduces cardiovascular infarction.40
risk has not been clearly answered. A meta-
analysis in 2002 found strong evidence that the Cancer
association between homocysteine and CVD is Marginal folate status also appears to be
causal, and calculated that lowering homocys- associated with certain cancers,41 notably colon
teine concentrations by 3 mol/L (achievable by cancer, although it is at present unclear as to
increasing folic acid intake) would reduce the whether it is folate or some other nutritional
risk of ischaemic heart disease by 16%, deep factors that could be involved. Data, including
vein thrombosis by 25% and stroke by 24%.28 those from two prospective studies42,43 and four
However, a more recent meta-analysis case-control studies,4447 indicate that inade-
that investigated the association between the quate intake of folate may increase risk of colon
MTHFR gene and CHD found no strong ev- cancer. However, a recent prospective study has
idence to support this association, concluding indicated that low plasma folate concentrations
that the possible benefit of folic acid in prevent- may protect against colorectal cancer. A bell-
ing CVD, through lowering homocysteine, is in shaped curve was observed between plasma
some doubt.29 folate and colorectal cancer risk. The MTHFR
In addition, a recent RCT in Singaporean C677T polymorphism was associated with a
stroke patients found that the MTHFR gene reduced risk of colorectal cancer that was
polymorphism (MTHFR C677T) did not sig- independent of folate status.48
nificantly influence the effect of vitamin therapy There is some evidence albeit limited
on homocysteine levels. In this study, the mag- that use of supplements containing folic acid
nitude of the reduction in homocysteine levels at could reduce the risk of colon cancer.49,50 More
12 months was similar, irrespective of MTHFR recent studies have also found a lower incidence
genotype.30 of colorectal adenomas in people with higher
In another trial, moderate reduction of total intakes of and plasma concentrations of folate
homocysteine after non-disabling cerebral and lower homocysteine.51
infarction had no effect on vascular outcomes A meta-analysis of seven cohort and nine
during 2 years of follow-up.31 Further trials of case-control studies also added support for the
homocysteine lowering with folic acid either hypothesis that folate has a small protective
alone or in combination with other B vitamins effect against colorectal cancer.52
have shown no significant effects on biomarkers There is also evidence that high folate intake
of inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and may have a particular effect in reducing colo-
hypercoagulablity,3234 or inflammatory and rectal cancer risk in people with high alcohol
thrombogenic markers in smokers.35 One trial intake,53,54 or in smokers.55 In women with high
found that folate (5 mg daily) and B12 (500 g alcohol intake, there is also a strong inverse
daily) improved insulin resistance and endothe- relationship between dietary folate intake and
lial dysfunction in patients with metabolic ovarian cancer risk.56 Higher folate intake
syndrome.36 Another study showed no improve- has also been shown to reduce breast cancer
ment in markers of endothelial dysfunction and risk in women with loss of oestrogen receptor
low-grade inflammation in patients with type (ER) gene expression, but not in those with
2 diabetes,37 while another found that short- oestrogen receptor (ER+) gene expression.57 A
term folic acid supplementation (5 mg daily) study investigating the effect of folate taken in
significantly enhances endothelial function in pregnancy on breast cancer found that women
type 2 diabetes.38 taking high doses of folate throughout preg-
Two large RCTs (the Heart Outcomes Pre- nancy may be more likely to die of breast
vention Evaluation39 and the NORVIT Trial40 ) cancer in later life than women taking no folate.
134 Folic acid

The authors suggested that this could be a was found to be associated with the C677T
chance finding, so further studies should be genotype.74
conducted.58 In summary, it is clear that a proportion of
depressed patients have low folate status and
that this can be associated with a worse response
Mental disorders to antidepressants. Whether low folate is the
There is an apparent increase in mental dis- cause or effect of depression in these patients
orders associated with reduced folate status.59 is less clear. Evidence to date from RCTs of
Recent studies have found that Alzheimers folate supplementation in depression is minimal
disease is associated with low blood levels of but positive. Patients with depression should be
folate and vitamin B12 and elevated homocys- tested for red cell folate and supplemented when
teine levels.6068 However, a meta-analysis of folate is low, particularly if they are elderly or
four randomised controlled intervention trials have co-existing nutritional risk.
provide no evidence that folic acid, with or
without vitamin B12 , has a beneficial effect
on cognitive function or mood in cognitively
impaired older people.69
Evidence exists of a link between depression Hip fracture
and low folate levels and some RCTs have Preliminary evidence from one RCT in 628
found folate supplements helpful when added to patients in Japan aged 65 or older with stroke
conventional antidepressants. A recent US study found that daily oral treatment with folic
amongst 110 patients with major depressive acid 5 mg and mecobalamin 1500 g reduced
disorder compared levels of folate, B12 and plasma homocysteine and the risk of hip
homocysteine with the time taken to respond fracture.75
to the antidepressant fluoxetine. The 15% of
patients who initially had low folate levels took Conclusion
longer to onset of clinical improvement than There is good evidence that folic acid
those with normal folate. Initial levels of B12 and reduces the risk of neural tube defects,
homocysteine had no relationship to response and supplementation is recommended pre-
onset.70 conceptually and during the first 12 weeks of
A systematic review of three RCTs of folate pregnancy. There is increasing evidence that
supplementation suggests that folate may have folic acid reduces elevated plasma homocys-
a potential role as a supplement to other treat- teine levels, a risk factor for CVD. However,
ments for depression. Low folate patients given it is still not clear whether folic acid, with or
extra folate had reduced Hamilton Depression without other B vitamins, reduces the risk of
Rating Scale scores and increased odds of a 50% CVD. This may be confused by the MTHFR
score improvement compared to placebo. Folate gene, defects in which may influence the
given to patients with initially normal folate had effect of folic acid. Epidemiological studies
no significant impact.71 Two other recent RCTs have shown an inverse relationship between
in which average folate status was normal or serum folate levels and colon cancer. Poor
not measured also found no evidence that folate folate status has also been demonstrated in
supplements helped depression.72,73 some people with depression and a few
A UK study has investigated a genetic factor RCTs have found supplementation helpful
in the link between folate and depression. when added to conventional antidepres-
A cross-sectional observational study of 3478 sants. Depressed patients should be tested
women (from a heart health study) compared for folate and supplemented when folate is
the presence of the MTHFR C677T genotype low. However, controlled trials are required
with the presence of depressive symptoms. to determine whether supplements reduce
Eight other similar studies were meta-analysed the risk of cancer.
together with the new results. Depression
Folic acid 135

Precautions/contraindications use; folic acid supplements should be given in

In pernicious anaemia, folic acid will correct the
Sulfasalazine: may reduce the absorption of
haematological abnormalities, but neuropathy
folic acid; requirements for folic acid may be
may be precipitated. Doses of folic acid
> 400 g daily are not recommended until
Trimethoprim: acts as a folic acid antagonist;
pernicious anaemia has been ruled out.
risk significant with high dose and/or prolonged
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
No problems have been reported. Supplements
Adequate amounts of all B vitamins are required
are required during pregnancy and when plan-
for optimal functioning; deficiency or excess of
ning a pregnancy (see Dose).
one B vitamin may lead to abnormalities in the
metabolism of another.
Zinc: folic acid may reduce the absorption of
Adverse effects
Folic acid is generally considered to be safe even
in high doses, but it may lead to convulsions
in patients taking anticonvulsants and may Dose
precipitate neuropathy in pernicious anaemia.
Folic acid is available in the form of tablets.
Some gastrointestinal disturbance and altered
For prevention of first occurrence of NTDs
sleep pattern has been reported at doses of
in women who are planning a pregnancy, oral,
15 mg daily. Allergic reactions (shortness of
400 g daily before conception until 12th week
breath, wheezing, fever, erythema, skin rash,
of pregnancy.
itching) have been reported rarely.
For prevention of recurrence of NTDs, oral,
5 mg daily before conception until 12th week of
For prophylaxis during pregnancy (after 12th
Drugs week), oral, 200500 g daily. A Cochrane
Anticonvulsants: requirements for folic acid review concluded that folate supplementation
may be increased, but concurrent use of folic in pregnancy appears to improve haemoglobin
acid may antagonise the effects of anticonvul- status and folate status.76
sants; an increase in anticonvulsant dose may be In women with diabetes mellitus, oral, 5 mg
necessary in patients who receive supplementary daily before conception until the 12th week.
folic acid (monitoring required). This is because women with diabetes are at
Antibiotics: may interfere with the microbio- significantly increased risk of having a baby with
logical assay for serum and erythrocyte folic NTDs. This dose has been recommended by
acid (falsely low results). Diabetes UK (2005), the British Medical Asso-
Colestyramine: may reduce the absorption of ciation (2004) and the Society of Obstetricians
folic acid; patients on prolonged colestyramine and Gynaecologists (2003).77
therapy should take a folic acid supplement 1 h As a dietary supplement, oral, 100500 g
before colestyramine administration. daily.
Methotrexate: acts as a folic acid antagonist; When co-prescribed with methotrexate, in
risk significant with high dose and/or prolonged patients who suffer mucosal or gastrointestinal
use. side-effects with this drug, folic acid 5 mg each
Oestrogens (including oral contraceptives): may week may help to reduce the frequency of such
reduce blood levels of folic acid. side-effects. This dose has been recommended
Pyrimethamine: acts as a folic acid antagonist; by ATTRACT, the British National Formulary
risk significant with high dose and/or prolonged and PRODIGY.78
136 Folic acid

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neuropsychiatry. In: Bailey L, ed. Folate in Health 72 Williams E, Stewart-Knox B, Bradbury I, et al. Effect
and Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1995: of folic acid supplementation on mood and serotonin
435462. response in healthy males. Br J Nutr 2005; 94:
60 Joosten E, Lesaffre E, Riezler R, et al. Is metabolic 602608.
evidence for vitamin B12 and folate deficiency 73 Bryan J, Calvaresi E. Association between dietary
more frequent in elderly patients with Alzheimers intake of folate and vitamins B-12 and B-6 and self-
disease? J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med 1997; 52: reported psychological well-being in Australian men
M76M79. and women in midlife. J Nutr Health Aging 2004; 8:
61 Clarke R, Smith AD, Jobst KA, et al. Folate, vitamin 226232.
B12 and serum homocysteine levels in confirmed 74 Lewis SJ, Lawlor DA, Davey Smith G, et al. The
Alzheimers disease. Arch Neurol 1998; 11: thermolabile variant of MTHFR is associated with
14491455. depression in the British Womens Heart and Health
62 Wang HX, Wahlin A, Basun H, et al. Vitamin Study and a meta-analysis. Mol Psychiatry 2006; 11:
B(12) and folate in relation to the development 352360 (Epub 2006 10 Jan).
of Alzheimers disease. Neurology 2001; 56: 75 Sato Y, Honda Y, Iwamoto J, et al. Effect of folate
11881194. and mecobalamin on hip fractures in patients with
63 Luchsinger JA, Tang MX, Shea S, et al. Plasma stroke: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2005;
homocysteine levels and risk of Alzheimer disease. 293: 10821088.
Neurology 2004; 62: 19721976. 76 Mahomed K. Folate supplementation in preg-
64 Quadri P, Fragiacomo C, Pezzati R, et al. Homocys- nancy. Cochrane database, issue 3, 1997. London:
teine, folate and vitamn B-12 in mild cognitive im- Macmillan.
pairment, Alzheimer disease, and vascular dementia. 77 National Health Service. National Library
Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80: 114122. for Health. http://www.clinicalanswers
65 Ellinson M, Thomas J, Patterson A. A critical index.cfm?question=1473 (accessed 31 October
evaluation of the relationship between serum vitamin 2006).
B, folate and total homocysteine with cognitive 78 National Health Service. National Library for
impairment in the elderly. J Hum Nutr Diet 2004; Health.
17: 371383. cfm?question=248 (accessed 31 October 2006).

Description there was a non-significant increase in HDL

Gamma-oryzanol is one of several lipid frac-
In the other study, 20 patients with chronic
tions obtained from rice bran oil.
schizophrenia with dyslipidaemia were given
300 mg gamma-oryzanol daily for 16 weeks.
Constituents Both total and LDL cholesterol fell significantly,
but there was no significant change in HDL
Gamma-oryzanol is a mixture of phytosterols levels.6
(plant sterols), including campesterol, cyclo-
artanol, cycloartenol, beta-sitosterol, stigmas- Exercise
terol, and also ferulic acid. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 22
weight-trained men were given 500 mg gamma-
oryzanol daily or placebo for 9 weeks. There
Action were no differences between the groups for
Phytosterols appear to reduce lipid levels and measures of circulating concentrations of testos-
ferulic acid has antioxidant properties. Gamma- terone, cortisol, oestradiol, growth hormone,
oryzanol has also been suggested to have insulin or beta-endorphin, blood lipids, cal-
anabolic properties, but evidence is conflicting. cium, magnesium and albumin. Resting cardio-
vascular variables decreased in both groups
and vertical jump power and one-repetition
Possible uses maximum muscle strength (bench press and
Gamma-oryzanol has been investigated for a squat) increased in both groups. The authors
role in lipid lowering and improving exercise concluded that gamma-oryzanol 500 mg for
performance. 9 weeks did not influence either performance or
physiological parameters in moderately weight-
trained men.7
Lipid lowering
Several animal studies13 have shown a lipid-
lowering effect with gamma-oryzanol supple- Conclusion
mentation, but one study did not.4 Preliminary evidence from animal stud-
In two uncontrolled studies in humans with ies and uncontrolled studies indicates that
hyperlipidaemia, gamma-oryzanol was shown gamma-oryzanol may reduce serum choles-
to reduce serum cholesterol levels. One study terol levels. There is no good evidence that
involved 80 patients with hyperlipidaemia who it improves exercise performance. Further
were given gamma-oryzanol for 6 months. In research is required.
those with type IIa and IIb hypercholesterol-
aemia, serum cholesterol fell by 12% and
13% respectively, but the reduction was signi-
ficant only after 3 months. Plasma triglyc-
erides reduced significantly after 3 months and None have been reported.

140 Gamma-oryzanol

Pregnancy and breast-feeding References

No problems have been reported, but there 1 Seetharamaiah GS, Chandrasekhara N. Studies
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee on hypercholesterolemic activity of rice bran oil.
the safety of gamma-oryzanol in pregnancy and Atherosclerosis 1989; 78: 219223.
2 Rukmini C, Raghuram TC. Nutritional and bio-
breast-feeding. chemical aspects of the hypolipidemic action of
rice bran oil: a review. J Am Coll Nutr 1991; 10:
Adverse effects 593601.
3 Rong N, Ausman LM, Nicolosi RJ. Oryzanol
There are no long-term studies assessing the decreases cholesterol absorption and fatty streaks in
safety of gamma-oryzanol in humans. There is hamsters. Lipids 1997; 32: 303309.
some evidence from a Japanese study that doses 4 Sugano M, Tsuji E. Rice bran oil and cholesterol
up to 600 mg daily cause dry mouth, somno- metabolism. J Nutr 1997; 127: S521SS524.
lence, hot flushes, irritability and headaches.8 5 Yoshino G, Kazumi T, Amano M, et al. Effects of
gamma-oryzanol and probucol on hyperlipidemia,
Curr Ther Res 1989; 45: 975982.
Interactions 6 Sasaki J, Takada Y, Handa K, et al. Effects of
gamma-oryzanol on serum lipids and apolipopro-
None reported. teins in dyslipidemic schizophrenics receiving major
tranquillisers. Clin Ther 1990; 12: 263268.
Dose 7 Fry AC, Bonner E, Lewis DL, et al. The effects of
gamma-oryzanol supplementation during resistance
Gamma-oryzanol is available in the form of exercise training. Int J Sport Nutr 1997; 7: 318329.
tablets and capsules. 8 Takemoto T. Clinical trial of Hi-Z fine granules
(gamma-oryzanol) on gastrointestinal symptoms at
The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
375 hospitals. Shinyaku To Rinsho 1977; 26 (in
ments provide 100500 mg daily. Japanese).

Description odour whatsoever may be clinically ineffective,

because release of the biologically active allicin
Garlic is the fresh bulb of Allium sativum, which
has not occurred. However, allicin is rapidly
is related to the lily family (Liliaceae).
destroyed even by crushing the fresh bulb,
and some suggest that although allicin may be
Constituents important for cholesterol lowering, it may not
be important for protecting against cancer.
The major constituents of garlic include alliin,
allicin, diallyl disulphide and ajoene, but these
compounds form only a small proportion of Cardiovascular disease
the compounds that have been isolated from Hyperlipidaemia
crushed, cooked and dried garlic. Many studies have looked at the potential ef-
Alliin, present in fresh garlic, is converted fects of garlic on serum lipid levels. In a placebo-
by the enzyme allinase into allicin when the controlled, double-blind study of 40 patients
garlic bulb is crushed. Allicin can be converted with hypercholesterolaemia,3 total cholesterol,
(by heat) into diallyldisulphide, which in turn triglycerides and blood pressure decreased sig-
is converted into various sulphide-containing nificantly in the group receiving garlic. Daily
substances that cause the typical smell of garlic. doses of 900 mg of a garlic powder preparation
Allicin and diallyldisulphide combine to form (equivalent to 2700 mg fresh garlic) were ad-
ajoene. ministered over 16 weeks, and differences were
significant after 4 weeks of treatment.
In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-
Possible uses
controlled study of 42 healthy adults, 300 mg
Garlic has been cultivated for thousands of of a standardised garlic preparation three times
years for medicinal purposes, such as bites, daily showed a significantly greater reduction
tumours, wounds, headache, cancer and heart in total and LDL cholesterol than placebo.4 In a
disease, and but has also been used as a pungent study of eight healthy males, ingestion of a garlic
flavouring agent for cooking. clove (approximately 3 g a day for 16 weeks)
Evidence for the beneficial effects of garlic resulted in an approximately 20% reduction in
is accumulating but is still incomplete. Inter- serum cholesterol.5
pretation of trials is made difficult by the fact In another study, serum levels of total choles-
that different forms of garlic are used and that terol, LDL and triglycerides decreased signif-
active ingredients may be lost in processing.1 icantly after administration of 400 mg garlic
The use of standardised dried garlic prepara- three times a day for a month.5 In a study
tions or fresh garlic appears to provide the involving 56 men, administration of an aged
most beneficial effects. Extracts or oils prepared garlic extract (7.2 g daily) resulted in a 7%
by steam distillation or organic solvents, or reduction in total cholesterol compared with
odourless garlic preparations, may have little baseline and a 6% reduction compared with
activity.2 Any preparation that produces no placebo.6 In a multicentre, placebo-controlled,

142 Garlic

double-blind study carried out in Germany7 groups received dietary counselling. No signif-
using standardised dried garlic tablets, total icant changes were observed in levels of total
cholesterol fell by 11%. cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides, or in
In 35 renal transplant patients, garlic 680 mg the psychopathologic parameters evaluated.18
twice daily (equivalent to 4080 g allicin) or An RCT in 15 men with angiographically
placebo was administered over 12 weeks.8 After proven coronary artery disease (CAD)
6 weeks, total and LDL cholesterol had fallen, investigated the role of aged garlic in endothelial
changes that were maintained at 12 weeks. function. Aged garlic was used because it
Garlic had no effect on triglyceride or HDL contains antioxidant compounds that increase
levels. Yet other studies using garlic 700 mg nitric oxide production and decrease the output
daily for 8 weeks,9 200 mg three times a day for of inflammatory cytokines from cultured cells.
12 weeks,10 or 1000 mg a day for 24 weeks11 Oxidative stress and increased systemic inflam-
have resulted in 1214% reductions in serum mation may contribute to endothelial dysfunc-
cholesterol. Other studies1215 demonstrated no tion. During supplementation, flow-mediated
effect of garlic on hyperlipidaemia, however. endothelium-dependent dilatation (FMD)
A meta-analysis of studies16 evaluating the increased significantly from the baseline and
effect of garlic on serum cholesterol included mainly in those men with lower baseline FMD.
five of the above studies.3,7,911 The garlic Markers of oxidant stress (plasma-oxidised
dose was 6001000 mg daily for 824 weeks. LDL and peroxides), systemic inflammation
The pooled results of the meta-analysis indi- (plasma C-reactive protein and interleukin-6)
cated that patients treated with garlic achieved and endothelial activation did not change
mean total serum cholesterol concentrations of significantly during the study. The authors
230290 mg/L lower than patients in placebo concluded that short-term treatment with aged
groups. Since the investigators used a range garlic extract may improve endothelial function
of dose regimens, the optimum dose for garlic in men with CAD treated with aspirin and a
could not be identified. statin.19
More recently another meta-analysis,17 A systematic review of garlics effects on
which included 13 trials, found that garlic cardiovascular risk concluded that there are
reduced total cholesterol level from baseline insufficient data to draw conclusions regard-
significantly more than placebo. The weighted ing garlics effects on clinical cardiovascular
mean difference was 0.41 mmol/L (157 mg/L). outcomes such as claudication and myocardial
However, when the trials with the highest scores infarction. Garlic preparations may have a small
for methodological quality were analysed alone, positive short-term effect on lipids. Whether
the differences in cholesterol levels between effects are sustainable beyond 3 months is
garlic and placebo were non-significant. The unclear.20
authors concluded that garlic is superior to
placebo in reducing cholesterol levels, but the Hypertension
robustness of the data is questionable and Several studies have evaluated the efficacy
any effect likely to be small. The use of of garlic in hypertension. In a multicentre,
garlic for hypercholesterolaemia was therefore randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind
debatable. study of 47 patients with mild hypertension,
Garlic has been evaluated for an effect garlic powder tablets, 200 mg three times a day
in various psychopathological parameters in for 12 weeks, produced significant reductions
patients with hypercholesterolaemia. In a in blood pressure as well as total cholesterol
16-week prospective, double-blind, placebo- and triglycerides.10 In an acute pilot study of
controlled trial, 33 patients with hypercholes- nine patients with severe hypertension, single
terolaemia and no evidence of CVD were doses of 2400 mg of a garlic powder preparation
randomly assigned to receive garlic or placebo. (standardised to release 0.6% allicin) produced
Garlic in the form of alliin 22.4 mg daily was a significant reduction in diastolic blood pres-
given to 13 patients and placebo to 20. Both sure 514 h after administration.21
Garlic 143

A meta-analysis of studies22 evaluated the cancer,29 breast cancer30 or prostate cancer.31

efficacy of garlic on blood pressure. Only A meta-analysis of the relation between cooked
prospective, randomised studies with two or garlic, raw garlic or both raw and cooked garlic
more treatment group comparisons and a on the risk of colorectal and stomach cancers
duration of at least 4 weeks were included, and showed that garlic may be associated with a
eight studies met the defined criteria. Six of the protective effect against both types of cancer.32
studies were placebo-controlled, one compared A systematic review20 found that garlic
garlic with a diuretic and reserpine, and another supplementation for less than 35 years was
compared garlic with bezafibrate. All but one of not associated with decreased risk of breast,
the studies were supposedly double-blind, but lung, gastric, colon or rectal cancer. Some
with the odour of garlic being difficult to mask, case-control studies suggest that high dietary
it is not clear whether the studies really were garlic consumption may be associated with
blinded. All eight studies used the same dried decreased risks of laryngeal, gastric, colorectal
garlic powder in doses of 600900 mg daily and endometrial cancers and adenomatous
(equivalent to 1.82.7 g of fresh garlic daily) colorectal polyps.
for 112 months. The pooled mean reduction
in systolic blood pressure was 7.7 mmHg and Antimicrobial activity
the pooled mean diastolic pressure 5.0 mmHg Garlic is being investigated for antibacterial,
more with garlic. However, there have not been antifungal and antiviral activity, but current
enough trials with different garlic doses for the evidence is too limited to recommend garlic for
optimum dose to be defined. the prevention of infections.
In a systematic review,20 consistent reduc-
tions in blood pressure with garlic were not
found and no effects on glucose or insulin Conclusion
sensitivity were found. There is evidence from meta-analyses that
garlic supplements reduce blood choles-
terol and blood pressure. However, authors
Peripheral artery disease of meta-analyses have criticised studies for
A Cochrane review assessed the effects of garlic poor methodology, small numbers of sub-
for the treatment of peripheral arterial occlusive jects and short duration. There is preliminary
disease. One eligible trial (small, of short dura- evidence that garlic reduces platelet aggre-
tion) found no statistically significant effect of gation and may reduce the risk of cancer,
garlic on walking distance.23 but controlled clinical trials are needed to
confirm this. Garlic has been used for cen-
Cancer turies for antibacterial and antiviral effects.
Preliminary data from in vitro animal and Although such effects have been demon-
epidemiological studies suggest that garlic may strated in vitro, controlled clinical studies are
have a protective effect in cancer development needed to confirm these findings.
and progression. Results of epidemiological
case-control studies in China24 and Italy25
suggest that garlic may reduce the risk of Precautions/contraindications
gastric cancer. Epidemiological studies cannot
by themselves establish causal relationships and Hypersensitivity to garlic.
prospective data on this possible effect of garlic
on cancer risk are required. Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Garlic consumption has been associated
with a reduced risk of colon cancer in some No problems have been reported. However,
studies,26,27 but not others.28 However, in there have not been sufficient studies to guaran-
another study, garlic consumption was not tee the safety of garlic supplements in pregnancy
associated with reduced risk of stomach and breast-feeding.
144 Garlic

Adverse effects 8 Silagy S, Neil A. Garlic as a lipid lowering agent

a meta-analysis. J R Coll Physicians London 1994;
Unpleasant breath odour; indigestion; hypersen- 28: 3945.
sitivity reactions including contact dermatitis 9 Plengvidhya C, Chinayon S, Sitprija S, et al.
and asthma have been reported occasionally. Effects of spray dried garlic preparation on primary
A spinal haematoma (isolated report) has been hyperlipoproteinaemia. J Med Ass Thai 1988; 71:
attributed to the antiplatelet effects of garlic. 248252.
10 Auer W, Eiber A, Hertkorn E, et al. Hypertension
Interactions and hyperlipidaemia: garlic helps in mild cases. Br J
Clin Pract 1990; 44 (Suppl. 69): 36.
None reported. Theoretically, garlic could 11 Lau BH, Lam F, Wang-Chen R. Effect of an odor
increase bleeding with anticoagulants, aspirin modified garlic preparation on blood lipids. Nutr
and antiplatelet drugs. Res 1987; 7: 139149.
12 Luley C, Lehmann-Leo W, Moeller B, et al. Lack of
Dose efficacy of dried garlic in patients with hyperlipo-
proteinaemia. Arzneimittelforschung 1986; 36:
Garlic supplements are available in the form of 766768.
tablets and capsules. 13 Berthold HK, Sudhop T, von Bergmann K. Effect of
The dose is not established, but 4001000 mg a garlic oil preparation on serum lipoproteins and
(equivalent to 25 g fresh garlic or one to two cholesterol metabolism: a randomized controlled
trial. JAMA 1998; 279: 19001902.
cloves) daily of a standardised garlic product 14 Isaacsohn JL, Moser M, Stein EA, et al. Garlic
has been used in several studies. Dietary supple- powder and plasma lipids and lipoproteins: a multi-
ments provide 4001000 mg dried garlic daily. center, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Arch
Standardised products may be standardised for Intern Med 1998; 158: 11891194.
allicin potential. However, allicin is now known 15 Simons LA, Balasubramaniam S, von Konigsmark
not to be the only improtant active ingredient in M, et al. On the effect of garlic on plasma lipids
and lipoproteins in mild hypercholesterolaemia.
garlic. One clove of fresh garlic is equivalent to
Atherosclerosis 1995; 113: 219225.
4000 g allicin potential. 16 Warshafsky S, Kamer RS, Sivak SL. Effect of garlic
on total serum cholesterol: a meta-analysis. Ann
Intern Med 1993; 119: 599605.
1 Kleijnen J, Knipschild P, Ter Riet G. Garlic, onions 17 Stevinson C, Pittler M, Ernst E. Garlic for treating
and cardiovascular risk factors. A review of the hypercholesterolaemia. Ann Intern Med 2000; 133:
evidence from human experiments with emphasis 420429.
on commercially available preparations. Br J Clin 18 Peleg A, Hershcovici T, Lipa R, et al. Effect
Pharmacol 1989; 28: 533544. of garlic on lipid profile and psychpathologic
2 Mansell P, Reckless JP. Garlic. BMJ 1991; 303: parameters in people with mild to moderate
379380. hypercholesterolaemia. Isr Med Ass J 2003; 5:
3 Vorberg G, Schneider B. Therapy with garlic: results 637640.
of a placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Br J 19 Williams MJ, Sutherland WH, McCormick MP,
Clin Pract 1990; 44 (Suppl. 69): 711. et al. Aged extract improves endothelial function
4 Jain AK, Vargas R Gotzkowsky S, McMahon FG. in men with coronary artery disease. Phytother Res
Can garlic reduce levels of serum lipids? A controlled 2005; 19: 314319.
clinical study. Am J Med 1993; 94: 632635. 20 Mulrow C, Lawrence V, Ackermann A, et al. Garlic:
5 Ali M, Thompson M. Consumption of a garlic clove Effects on Cardiovascular Risks and Disease,
a day could be beneficial in preventing thrombosis. Protective Effects Against Cancer, and Clinical
Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1995; 53: Adverse Effects. Evidence Report/Technology
211212. Assessment: Number 20; 2000. Available from
6 Steiner M, Khan AH, Holberd D, et al. A double-
blind crossover study in moderately hypercholes- (accessed 30 October 2006).
terolemic men that compared the effect of aged garlic 21 McMahon GF, Vargas R. Can garlic lower blood
extract and placebo administration on blood lipids. pressure? A pilot study. Pharmacotherapy 1993; 13:
Am J Clin Nutr 1996; 64: 866870. 406407.
7 Mader FH. Treatment of hyperlipidaemia with 22 Silagy CA, Neil HAW. A meta-analysis of the effect
garlic-powder tablets. Arzneimittelforschung 1990; of garlic on blood pressure. J Hypertens 1994; 12:
40: 38. 463468.
Garlic 145

23 Jepson RG, Kleijnen J, Leng GC. Garlic 28 Le Marchand L, Hankin JH, Wilkens LR, et al.
for peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Dietary fiber and colorectal cancer risk. Epidemi-
Cochrane database, issue 2, 2005. London: ology 1997; 8: 658665,
Macmillan. 29 Dorant E, van den Brandt PA, Goldbohm RA.
24 You WC, Blot WJ, Chang YS. Allium vegetables and Allium vegetable consumption, garlic supplement
reduced risk of stomach cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst intake, and female breast carcinoma incidence.
1989; 81: 162164. Breast Cancer Res Treat 1995; 33: 163170.
25 Buiatti E, Palli D, Declari A. A case control study of 30 Dorant E, van den Brandt PA, Goldbohm RA, et al.
gastric cancer and diet in Italy. Int J Cancer 1989; Consumption of onions and a reduced risk of
44: 611616. stomach carcinoma. Gastroeneterology 1996; 110:
26 Steinmetz KA, Kushi LH, Bostick RM, et al. 1220.
Vegetables, fruit, and colon cancer in the Iowa 31 Key TJA, Silcocks PB, Davey GK, et al. A case-
Womans Health Study. Am J Epidemiol 1994; 139: control study of diet and prostate cancer. Br J Cancer
115. 1997; 76: 678687.
27 Witte JS, Longnecker MP, Bird CL, et al. Relation of 32 Fleischauer AT, Poole C, Arab L. Garlic con-
vegetable, fruit, and grain consumption to colorectal sumption and cancer prevention: meta-analyses of
adenomatous polyps. Am J Epidemiol 1996; 144: colorectal and stomach cancers. Am J Clin Nutr
10151025. 2000; 72: 10471052.
Ginkgo biloba

Description Memory and cognitive function

Ginkgo biloba is an extract from the dried The main interest in ginkgo has focused on its
leaves of Ginkgo biloba (maidenhair tree). In use in patients with poor memory and poor
Germany, it is one of the most frequently cognitive function due to cerebral insufficiency,
prescribed supplements for cognitive disorders. and it is licensed for this indication in Germany.
A review of over 40 European clinical trials
evaluated ginkgos efficacy in the treatment
of cerebral and peripheral insufficiency.2,11
All 40 trials showed positive effects, and the
The leaf contains amino acids, flavonoids and authors concluded that there may have been
terpenoids (including bilobalide and ginkgolides publication bias. Of the 40 trials, eight were
A, B, C, J and M). judged to be of good quality. The majority
of studies evaluated 12 symptoms: difficulty
in concentration; difficulty in memory; absent-
Action mindedness; confusion; lack of energy; tired-
ness; decreased physical performance; depres-
The pharmacological properties of ginkgo
sion; anxiety; dizziness; tinnitus and headaches.
biloba have been reviewed.1,2 Ginkgo biloba
Seven of the eight trials showed statistically and
extract has the following properties. It:
clinically significant positive effects of ginkgo
r antagonises platelet activating factor (PAF), compared with placebo. No serious adverse
effects were reported.
reducing platelet aggregation and decreasing
A meta-analysis of 11 placebo-controlled,
the production of oxygen free radicals;3,4
r increases blood flow, produces arterial randomised, double-blind studies (which
included six of the studies) showed that ginkgo
vasodilatation and reduces blood viscosity;5
r has free radical scavenging properties;6,7 and was significantly better than placebo for all
r may influence neurotransmitter metabolism.8 symptoms associated with cerebrovascular
insufficiency of old age. Of the 11 studies, one
study was inconclusive, but all the rest showed
These effects are probably due to stimulation
positive effects.12
of prostaglandin biosynthesis or by direct
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study,
vasoregulatory effects on catecholamines.6,9
31 patients over the age of 50 years were
In addition, ginkgo biloba acts as an
randomised to receive gingko biloba 40 mg or
placebo three times a day. Using a range of psy-
chometric tests, ginkgo was shown to produce
a significant improvement in cognitive function
Possible uses
at both 12 and 24 weeks.13 More recent double-
Ginkgo biloba has been studied for the treat- blind, placebo-controlled trials have confirmed
ment of cerebrovascular disease and peripheral the benefits of ginkgo on memory14 and cogni-
vascular insufficiency. tive function.15

Ginkgo biloba 147

However, in a 6-week RCT, involving 98 test of mental flexibility, and also to those with
men and 112 women over the age of 60 with poorer performance, who were mainly in the
no cognitive impairment, gingko biloba 40 mg late stages of menopause (mean age 61 years).20
three times a day did not facilitate performance
on standard neuropsychological tests of learn- Peripheral vascular disease
ing, memory, attention and concentration, or In the review of 40 trials mentioned above,11
naming and verbal fluency. The ginkgo group 15 controlled trials evaluated the role of ginkgo
also did not differ from the control group in intermittent claudication, and of these, two
in terms of self-reported memory function or were judged to be of reasonable quality. One
global rating by spouses, friends and relatives. showed significant increase in walking distance
The authors concluded that ginkgo provides no tolerated before pain with ginkgo,21 and the
measurable benefit in memory or related cog- other showed a greater reduction in pain at
nitive function to adults with healthy cognitive rest.22
function.16 In a multicentre, randomised, double-blind,
Effects of gingko biloba in young adults placebo-controlled study involving 74 patients
have been less well characterised. A double- with peripheral arterial occlusive disease, pain-
blind, placebo-controlled trial in 19 men and free walking distance improved in patients given
23 women (mean age 23.6 years) investigated either 120 or 240 mg ginkgo biloba daily, with
the effect of ginkgo biloba (mean dose 184.5 mg a greater improvement in the group given the
daily) on various alertness, performance, affec- higher dose.23
tive state and chemosensory tests after meals In another multicentre, double-blind,
over a 13-week period. Ginkgo biloba was placebo-controlled trial, 111 patients with
found to be ineffective at alleviating the symp- peripheral occlusive arterial disease were
toms of post-lunch dip or at enhancing smell randomised to receive 120 mg ginkgo biloba
and taste function.17 extract or placebo for 24 weeks. Pain-free
A double-blind RCT in 52 students found walking and maximum walking distance were
that an acute dose of ginkgo significantly significantly greater in the ginkgo group and
improved performance in tests of attention and subjective assessment by the patients showed an
memory. However, there were no effects on amelioration of complaints in both groups.24
working memory, planning, mental flexibility A meta-analysis of eight RCTs with 415 par-
or mood. Moreover, after 6 weeks of treatment, ticipants concluded that ginkgo biloba extract
there were no significant effects of ginkgo on is superior to placebo in the symptomatic treat-
mood or any of the cognitive tests, suggesting ment of intermittent claudication. However, the
that tolerance developed to the effects, at least size of the overall treatment effect is modest and
in this young healthy population.18 of uncertain clinical relevance.25 A more recent
Ginkgo biloba has also been investigated double-blind trial in patients with Reynauds
for effects on cognition and mood in post- disease found that ginkgo biloba reduced the
menopausal women. In one small controlled number of attacks of digital ischaemia by
trial, ginkgo 120 mg daily for 7 days was associ- 56% whereas placebo reduced the number by
ated with significantly better non-verbal mem- 27%.26
ory, sustained attention and frontal lobe func-
tion than placebo. However, the two groups Dementia
did not differ in tests of planning, immediate or In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 216
delayed paragraph recall, delayed recall of pic- patients with Alzheimers disease were ran-
tures, menopausal symptoms, sleepiness, physio- domised to receive either 240 mg ginkgo biloba
logical symptoms or aggressive behaviour.19 In EGb 761 extract or placebo for 24 weeks. In the
a further trial, post-menopausal women (aged 156 patients who completed the study, the fre-
5167 years) were randomly allocated to receive quency of responders in the two groups differed
ginkgo 120 mg daily for 6 weeks. The only significantly in favour of EGb 761. Analysis of
significant effects of ginkgo were limited to the the results on an intention-to-treat basis showed
148 Ginkgo biloba

similar results and the authors concluded that to-treat analysis of another study concluded
EGb 761 was beneficial in dementia of the that ginkgo (EGb 761) improves cognitive
Alzheimer type and in multi-infarct dementia.27 function in a clinically relevant manner in
A 52-week, randomised, double-blind, patients suffering from dementia.36 A review
placebo-controlled, parallel-design, multicentre comparing different doses of ginkgo biloba with
study in 309 patients found that EGb 761 cholinesterase inhibitors in the treatment of
120 mg daily improved measures of cognitive dementia found significant benefits on cognition
function, daily living, and social performance with cholinesterase inhibitors, but only with
and psychopathology. The authors concluded ginkgo when all doses were pooled.37 An RCT
that ginkgo was safe and capable of maintain- in 513 patients with dementia of the Alzheimers
ing, or in some cases improving, cognitive and type did not show efficacy of ginkgo. However,
social function in patients with dementia.28 Of there was little cognitive and functional decline
the 309 patients, 244 completed the study up in the placebo-treated patients, which may have
to 26 weeks, but analysis on an intention-to- compromised the sensitivity of the trial to detect
treat basis still showed significant benefits with a treatment effect. This study was therefore
ginkgo biloba.29 inconclusive with respect to the efficacy of
A review of 50 articles, of which four ginkgo biloba.38 A Cochrane review concluded
randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind that overall there is promising evidence of
trials met the inclusion criteria, concluded that improvement in cognition and function associ-
there is a small but significant effect of 3 ated with ginkgo. However early trials, which
6 months of treatment with 120240 mg of showed beneficial results, used unsatisfactory
ginkgo biloba extract on objective measures of methodology and more modern trials, with
cognitive function in Alzheimers disease.30 better methodology, show inconsistent results.
However, in another study of 214 elderly There is need for a large trial using modern
patients with dementia or memory impairment, methodology with intention-to-treat analysis
who were split into three groups and given one to provide robust estimates of the size and
of two different doses of ginkgo biloba extract mechanism of any treatment effects.39
EGb 761 or a placebo, no differences were
detected in memory function after 24 weeks.31 Tinnitus
The authors suggested that these results came There are many reports in the literature that
about because of the effort made to find a ginkgo biloba may be effective in tinnitus.
good placebo (ginkgo has a pronounced taste However, recent trials suggest there is little evi-
and smell). However, others have questioned dence of benefit. An RCT in 66 adults together
the validity of the study, suggesting that a with six further RCTs were meta-analysed,
positive effect would have been unlikely in such and ginkgo was found not to benefit patients
a heterogeneous population where all types of with tinnitus.40 A Cochrane review of 12 trials
memory loss were included.32 excluded 10 trials on methodological grounds.
Ginkgo biloba has not been directly com- No trials of tinnitus in cerebral insufficiency
pared to conventional medicines for demen- reached a satisfactory standard for inclusion
tia, but improvement seems to be similar in the review and there was no evidence that
to that found with prescription drugs ginkgo was effective for the primary complaint
(e.g. donepezil, tacrine and possibly other of tinnitus.41
cholinesterase inhibitors).33,34
More recent trials have shown inconsistent Miscellaneous
results. A 24-week RCT in 214 patients with Ginkgo biloba has been claimed to be of value
dementia or age-associated memory impairment in a number of other conditions, including
did not find a significant effect of ginkgo (special asthma, sexual dysfunction, PMS and mountain
extract EGb 761) treatment. There was no sickness. However, there is only very limited
doseeffect relationship and no effect of pro- evidence that ginkgo biloba has any benefit in
longed ginkgo treatment.35 However, intention- these conditions. A review (which included one
Ginkgo biloba 149

study) of the role of ginkgo in ARMD concluded Adverse effects

that, although a beneficial effect was observed,
There are few reports of serious toxicity.
only 20 people were enrolled in the trial and
Headache, nausea, vomiting, heartburn and
assessment was not masked, thus making the
diarrhoea have been reported occasionally.
results equivocal.42 A Cochrane review of
There have been rare reports of severe allergic
ginkgo biloba for acute ischaemic stroke
reactions, including skin reactions (e.g. itching,
concluded that the methodological quality of
erythema and blisters) and convulsions.
the trials to date had been too poor to support
the routine use of ginkgo biloba to promote
recovery after stroke.43 Further research is
needed in all these areas.
Conclusion Anticoagulants, aspirin, anti-platelet drugs:
Several studies have shown that gingko use ginkgo biloba with caution. However, a
biloba may slow the progression of de- recent study showed no effect of ginkgo on
mentia, particularly in Alzheimers disease. the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
There is also some evidence that gingko of warfarin in healthy patients.46
improves memory and concentration in the There is preliminary evidence that ginkgo
elderly and increases pain-free walking can influence cytochrome P450 and other drug-
and maximum walking distance in those metabolising enzymes.47 There are no reports
with peripheral vascular disease. However, of interactions, but ginkgo should be used
ginkgo should not be taken in any of these with caution in any patients taking other
conditions without medical advice. There is medication.
no sound evidence that ginkgo is effective
in other conditions.
Ginkgo biloba is available in the form of
tablets, capsules and tincture. A review of 30
Precautions/contraindications US ginkgo biloba products found that nearly
Ginkgo biloba should not be used for the treat- one-quarter did have the expected chemical
ment of disease without medical supervision. marker compounds for ginkgo biloba extract
It is contraindicated in hypertension. Ginkgo (e.g. flavone glycosides, terpene lactones).48
has been associated with increased bleeding Most clinical trials have used a 50:1 con-
tendency. However, a recent trial showed no centrated leaf extract (EGb 761) standardised
evidence that EGb 761 inhibits blood coagu- to 24% flavone glycosides and 6% terpene
lation, platelet aggregation and haemorrhagic glycones. (A standardised 40 mg tablet should
complications.44 There is anecdotal evidence therefore contain 9.6 mg flavone glycosides and
that ginkgo might be associated with seizure, so 2.4 mg terpene glycones.) Studies have used
until more is known, ginkgo should be avoided 120240 mg daily. Dietary supplements provide
in epilepsy or in patients at risk of seizure. 4080 mg in a dose.
There is also preliminary evidence that ginkgo
increases insulin clearance,45 and this should be
borne in mind in monitoring blood glucose in References
diabetes. 1 Braquet P. The ginkgolides: potent platelet activating
factor antagonists isolated from Ginkgo biloba L.:
chemistry, pharmacology and clinical applications.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding Drugs of the Future 1987; 12: 643699.
2 Kleijnen J, Knipschild P Ginkgo biloba for cerebral
Contraindicated in pregnancy, breast-feeding insufficiency. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1992; 34:
and in children. 352358.
150 Ginkgo biloba

3 Chung KF, Dent G, McCusker M, et al. Effect of a 18 Elsabagh S, Hartley DE, Ali O, et al. Differential
ginkgolide mixture (BN 52063) in antagonising skin cognitive effects of gingko biloba after acute and
and platelet responses to platelet activating factor in chronic treatment in healthy young volunteers.
man. Lancet 1987; 1: 248251. Psychopharmacology 2005; 179: 437446.
4 Braquet P, Hosford D. Ethnopharmacology and 19 Hartley DE, Heinze L, Elsabagh S, File SE. Effects
the development of natural PAF antagonists as on cognition and mood in postmenopausal women
therapeutic agents. J Ethnopharmacol 1991; 32: of 1-week treatment with ginkgo biloba. Pharmacol
135139. Biochem Behav 2003; 75: 711720.
5 Jung F, Morowietz C, Kiesewetter H, Wenzel E. 20 Elsabagh S, Hartley DE, File SE. Limited cognitive
Effect of ginkgo biloba on fluidity of blood and benefits in Stage 2 postmenopausal women after
peripheral microcirculation in volunteers. 6 weeks of treatment with ginkgo biloba. J Psy-
Arzneimittelforschung 1990; 40: 589593. chopharmacol 2005; 19: 173181.
6 Pincemail J, Dupuis M, Nasr C. Superoxide anion 21 Bauer U. 6-month double-blind randomised clinical
scavenging effect and superoxide dismutase activity trial of Ginkgo biloba extract versus placebo in two
of Ginkgo biloba extract. Experientia 1989; 45: parallel groups in patients suffering from peripheral
708712. arterial insufficiency. Arzneimitteforschung 1984;
7 Robak J, Gryglewski RJ. Flavonoids are scavengers 34: 716720.
of superoxide anions. Biochem Pharmacol 1988; 37: 22 Saudreau F, Serise JM, Pillet J, et al. Efficacite de
837841. lextrait de Ginkgo biloba dans le traitement des
8 Defeudis FG. Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb 761): arteriopathies obliterantes chroniques des membres
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Applica- inferieurs as stade III de la classification de fontaine.
tions. Paris: Editions Scientifiques, Elsevier, 1991: J Mal Vasc 1989; 14: 177182.
7884. 23 Peters H, Kieser M, Holscher U. Demonstration of
9 Nemecz G, Combest WL. Ginkgo biloba. US Phar- the efficacy of ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761
macist 1997; 22: 144151. on intermittent claudication a placebo-controlled
10 Kobuchi H. Ginkgo biloba extract. (EGB 761): double-blind multicenter trial. Vasa 1998; 27:
inhibitory effect of nitric oxide production in the 106110.
macrophage cell line RAW 264.7. Biochem Phar- 24 Schweizer J, Hautmann C. Comparison of two
macol 1997; 53: 897903. dosages of ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 in patients
11 Kleijnen J, Knipschild P. Ginkgo biloba. Lancet with peripheral arterial occlusive disease Fontaines
1992; 340: 11361139. stage Iib: a randomised, double-blind, multicentric
12 Hopfenmuller W. Evidence for a therapeutic effect clinical trial. Arzneimittelforschung 1999; 49:
of Ginkgo biloba special extract. Meta-analysis of 900904.
11 clinical studies in patients with cerebrovascular 25 Pittler MH, Ernst E. Ginkgo biloba extract for
insufficiency in old age. Arzneimittelforschung 1994; the treatment of intermittent claudication: a meta-
44: 10051013. analysis of randomized trials. Am J Med 2000; 108:
13 Rai GS, Shovlin C, Wesnes KA. A double-blind, 276281.
placebo-controlled study of Ginkgo biloba extract 26 Muir AH, Robb R, McLaren M, et al. The use of
(tanakan) in elderly outpatients with mild to ginkgo biloba in Raynauds disease: a double-blind
moderate memory impairment. Curr Med Res Opin placebo controlled trial. Vasc Med 2002; 7:
1991; 12: 350355. 265267.
14 Rigney U, Kimber S, Hindmarch I. The effects 27 Kanowski S. Proof of efficacy of the ginkgo biloba
of acute doses of standardized Ginkgo biloba ex- special extract EGB 761 in outpatients suffering
tract on memory and psychomotor performance in mild to moderate primary degenerative dementia
volunteers. Phytother Res 1999; 13: 408415. of the Alzheimer type of multi-infarct dementia.
15 Mix JA, Crews WD Jr. An examination of the Pharmacopsychiatry 1996; 29: 4756.
efficacy of Ginkgo biloba extract Egb761 on the 28 Le Bars PL. A placebo-controlled, double-blind,
neuropsychologic functioning of cognitively intact randomized trial of an extract of Ginkgo biloba for
older adults. J Altern Complement Med 2000; 6: dementia. JAMA 1997; 278: 13271332.
219229. 29 Le Bars PL, Kieser M, Itil KZ. A 26-week analysis of
16 Solomon PR, Adams F, Silver A, et al. Ginkgo a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of the ginkgo
for memory enhancement: a randomized controlled biloba extract Egb 761 R
in dementia. Dement
trial. JAMA 2002; 288: 835840. Geriatr Cogn Disord 2000; 11: 230237.
17 Mattes RD, Pawlick MK. Effects of ginkgo biloba 30 Oken BS, Storzbach DM, Kaye JA. The efficacy of
on alertness and chemosensory function in healthy Ginkgo biloba on cognitive function in Alzheimer
adults. Hum Psychopharmacol 2004; 19: 8190. disease. Arch Neurol 1998; 55: 14091415.
Ginkgo biloba 151

31 van Dongen MC, van Rossum E, Kessels AG, 40 Rejali D, Sivakumar A, Balaji N. Ginkgo biloba
et al. The efficacy of ginkgo for elderly people with does not benefit patients with tinnitus: a random-
dementia and age-associated memory impairment: ized placebo-controlled double-blind trial and meta-
new results of a randomized clinical trial. J Am analysis of randomized trials. Clin Otolaryngol
Geriatr Soc 2000; 48: 11831194. Allied Sci 2004; 29: 226231.
32 Weber W. Ginkgo not effective for memory loss in 41 Hilton M, Stuart E. Ginkgo biloba for tinnitus.
elderly. Lancet 2000; 356: 1389. Cochrane database, issue 2, 2004. London:
33 Itil TM, Eralp E, Ahmed I, et al. The pharmaco- Macmillan.
logical effects of ginkgo biloba, a plant extract, on 42 Evans JR. Ginkgo biloba extract for age-related
the brain of dementia patients in comparison with macular degeneration. Cochrane database, issue 3,
tacrine. Psychopharmacol Bull 1998; 34: 391397. 1999.
34 Wettstein A. Cholinesterase inhibitors and Ginkgo 43 Zeng X, Liu M, Yang Y, et al. Ginkgo biloba for
extracts are they comparable in the treatment acute ischaemic stroke. Cochrane database, issue 4,
of dementia? Comparison of published placebo- 2005.
controlled efficacy studies of at least six months 44 Kohler S, Funk P, Kieser M. Influence of a 7-
duration. Phytomedicine 2000; 6: 393401. day treatment with ginkgo biloba special extract
35 van Dongen M, van Rossum E, Kessels A, EGb 761 on bleeding time and coagulation: a
et al. Ginkgo for elderly people with dementia and randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study
age-associated memory impairment: a randomized in healthy volunteers. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis
clinical trial. J Clin Epidemiol 2003; 56: 367376. 2004; 15: 303309.
36 Kanowski S, Hoerr R. Ginkgo biloba extract 45 Kudolo GB. The effect of 3-month ingestion of
EGb 761 in dementia: intent-to-treat analyses of Ginkgo biloba extract on pancreatic beta-cell func-
a 24-week, multi-center, double-blind, placebo- tion in response to glucose loading in normal glucose
controlled, randomized trial. Pharmacopsychiatry tolerant individuals. J Clin Pharmacol 2000; 40:
2003; 36: 297303. 647654.
37 Kurz A, Van Baelen B. Ginkgo biloba compared 46 Jiang X, Williams KM, Liauw WS, et al. Effect
with cholinesterase inhibitors in the treatment of of ginkgo and ginger on the pharmacoki-
dementia: a review based on meta-analyses by netics and pharmacodynamics of warfarin in
the Cochrane collaboration. Dement Geriatr Cogn healthy subjects. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2005; 59:
Disord 2004; 18: 217226. 425432.
38 Schneider LS, DeKosky ST, Farlow MR, et al. A 47 Budzinski JW, Foster BC, Vandenhoek S, et al.
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial An in vitro evaluation of human cytochrome
of two doses of ginkgo biloba extract in dementia of P450 3A4 inhibition by selected commercial herbal
the Alzheimers type. Curr Alzheimer Res 2005; 2: extracts and tinctures. Phytomedicine 2000; 7:
541551. 273282.
39 Birks J, Grimley Evans J. Ginkgo biloba for cognitive 48 Consumerlab. Product review. Ginkgo biloba.
impairment and dementia. Cochrane database, issue (accessed 25 Novem-
4, 2002. London: Macmillan. ber 2006).

Description has not been fully investigated. Differences in

composition of the different species lead to
Ginseng is the collective term used to describe
differences in activity.
several species of plants belonging to the genus
Analgesic activity, anti-pyretic activity, anti-
Panax. These include the Asian ginsengs (Panax
inflammatory activity, CNS-stimulating and
ginseng and Panax japonicus), which have been
CNS-depressant activity, hypotensive and
used medicinally for more than 2000 years
hypertensive activity, histamine-like activity
in China, Japan and Korea. American gin-
and antihistamine activity, hypoglycaemic
seng (Panax quinquefolius L) grows in North
activity and erythropoietic activity have all been
America and much of it is exported to the Far
reported.2 Opposing activities such as hyperten-
East. Siberian/Russian ginseng (Eleuthrococcus
sion and hypotension are thought to be a result
senticosus) is not considered to be true ginseng
of different ginsenosides in one preparation.
because it is not a species of the genus Panax.
The most consistent biochemical explanation
However, as a supplement, it is often pro-
for the effects of the ginsenosides is a facilitating
moted alongside Asian and American ginseng
influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
axis.3,4 Interactions with central cholinergic5
and dopaminergic mechanisms6 have also been
Constituents demonstrated.

Panax ginseng contains complex mixtures of

saponins known as ginsenosides, which are
Possible uses
found in the roots. At least 20 saponins have
been isolated from ginseng roots. However, Ginseng is an ancient remedy that has been
species vary in composition and concentra- used for thousands of years in the East. A
tion, and varying concentrations of different number of extravagant claims have been made
saponins appear to exert opposite pharmacolog- for it, including aphrodisiac and anti-ageing
ical effects.1,2 This may explain the conflicting properties. It is not claimed to cure any specific
results reported in clinical studies, although disease, but to restore general vitality. Ginseng
issues such as type of ginseng, time of harvest, is claimed to be useful for:
storage and lack of standardisation of active
ingredients may also be important. Eleuthero- r improving stamina;
sides are believed to be the active ingredients r alleviating symptoms of tiredness and
in Siberian ginseng, but these have different exhaustion;
chemical structures than the ginsenosides. r headaches;
r amnesia and mental function;
r improving libido and sexual vigour and
preventing impotence;
Ginseng has a wide range of pharmacological r regulating blood pressure;
effects, but its clinical significance in humans r preventing diabetes mellitus;

Ginseng 153

r preventing signs of old age and extending systemic inflammatory response that occurs
youth; after cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with
r improving immunity; and congenital heart disease.15
r reducing the risk of cancer. A systematic review of 34 studies investi-
gating the influence of ginseng on blood
Available evidence for some of these claims pressure, lipids and/or blood glucose found
has come mainly from animal studies, mixed results, with current evidence not sup-
including: increased adaptability to stress;7 porting the use of ginseng to treat cardio-
increasing stamina;8 decreasing learning time;9 vascular risk factors. Some studies suggest a
reduction in blood pressure;10 anti- small reduction in blood pressure and some
inflammatory activity; and improved sleep.12
that ginseng improves blood lipid profiles and
lowers blood glucose. However, the authors
Cardiovascular function concluded that the overall picture is inconsistent
Ginseng has been suggested to influence and well-designed RCTs are lacking.16 A recent
cardiovascular function. One double-blind RCT 12-week RCT found that American ginseng had
in healthy adults investigated the potential no effect on 24-h blood pressure.17
influence of Panax ginseng on electrocardio-
graphic parameters: PR, QRS, QT, QTc and Cognitive function
RR intervals, and QT and QTc interval dis- In an uncontrolled study in humans, ginseng has
persion. Effects on blood pressure and heart been shown to increase stamina in athletes and
rate were also evaluated. Thirty subjects were concentration in radio operators.18 In a double-
randomly allocated to receive 28 days of therapy blind, placebo-controlled trial, 60 elderly
with Panax ginseng 200 mg or placebo. Panax patients received a supplement containing
ginseng was found to significantly increase Panax ginseng and vitamins and minerals or
the QTc interval and decrease diastolic blood placebo daily for 8 weeks. There was no dif-
pressure 2 h after ingestion on the first day of ference in the ability of the supplement or
therapy.13 placebo to influence the rehabilitation of these
North American ginseng has been evaluated patients, and the effects of the ginseng could not
for its effect on blood pressure. Sixteen be separated from the other ingredients in the
individuals with hypertension were randomised product.19
to receive placebo treatment on two morn- A more recent trial, in 30 healthy young
ings or powdered North American ginseng on adults given ginseng G115 200 mg, ginseng
six mornings. After treatment, blood pressure G115 400 mg or placebo, found notable
was measured every 10 min for 160 min, and behavioural effects during sustained mental
the mean obtained for the overall 160-min activity, particularly with 200 mg ginseng.
period. None of the North American gin- These included significantly improved subtrac-
sengs or their means differed from placebo in tion task performance and significantly reduced
their overall effect on mean blood pressure mental fatigue. Both the ginseng treatments led
change. None affected blood pressure versus to significant reductions in blood glucose levels
placebo at 10-min intervals, but their mean and the authors suggested that the effects on
versus placebo increased systolic and diastolic mental performance may be related to the acute
blood pressure at 100 min. The authors con- gluco-regulatory properties of the extract.20
cluded that these findings together suggested Studies have also investigated the cognitive
that North American ginseng exerts a neutral effects of Panax ginseng and ginkgo biloba in
acute effect on blood pressure in hypertensive combination. In a trial involving 20 healthy
individuals.14 young adults, receiving 320, 640 and 960 mg
A further study in 24 children undergoing of the combination, the most striking result
heart surgery found that a ginsenosides com- was a dose-dependent improvement in perfor-
pound injected intravenously may attenuate mance on the quality of memory factor at
gastrointestinal mucosal injury and inhibit the the highest dose of the combination (960 mg).
154 Ginseng

Further analysis revealed that this effect was was time-dependent, but not dose-dependent.
differentially targeted at the secondary memory An effect was seen only when the ginseng was
rather than the working memory component. administered 40 min before the challenge. Doses
There was also a dose-dependent decrement in within the range 13 g were equally effective.26
performance of the speed of attention factor Another trial found that American ginseng 6 g
for both the 320 and 640 mg doses.21 daily did not reduce post-prandial glycaemia.
A further trial by this same group investigated The authors suggested that a possible explana-
the influence of ginkgo 360 mg, ginseng 400 mg, tion for this was the reduced total ginsenosides
960 mg of a ginseng/ginkgo combination and in the product, indicating that the ginsenoside
a matching placebo on both mood and cog- profile of American ginseng might play a role in
nition. All three treatments were associated its hypoglycaemic effects.27
with improved secondary memory performance, A further study with Asian ginseng found
with the ginseng treatment showing some both null and opposing effects on indices of
improvement in the speed of performing acute post-prandial plasma glucose and insulin,
memory tasks and in the accuracy of attentional with the authors concluding that this could be
tasks. Following the combination, there was explained by the marked ginsenoside differences
improvement in some mental arithmetic tasks. in the product.28 The same research group went
No modulation of the speed of performing on to look at the effects of eight popular types
attention tasks was evident. Improvements in of ginseng on acute post-prandial glycaemic
self-rated mood were also found following indices in healthy humans to find again that
ginkgo and to a lesser extent the combination there was some variability. They concluded
product.22 that the ginsenoside content might be involved
but that other components might also have an
Diabetes effect.29
A small preliminary study23 showed that Amer-
ican ginseng reduced blood sugar levels both in Cancer
people who had diabetes mellitus and in healthy Case-control30 and cohort31 studies in Korean
subjects. However, because the study looked subjects have shown that incidence of cancer is
only at a single time point, it is unclear what the lower in those who consume ginseng than in
results mean for real meals or prevention and those who do not.
treatment of diabetes. But the research suggests
that ginseng may be useful in preventing sharp Sexual function
increases in blood sugar. A further study in 10 A placebo-controlled (not blinded study)
patients with type 2 diabetes showed that Amer- included 90 patients with erectile dysfunction.32
ican ginseng reduced post-prandial glycaemia, They were randomly assigned to receive Panax
and that no more than 3 g was required to ginseng (300 mg daily), trazodone or placebo.
achieve reductions.24 Patient satisfaction, libido and penile rigidity
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study in and girth were greater in the ginseng group than
36 patients with type 2 diabetes showed that in the other two groups, but changes in the
ginseng therapy (100 and 200 mg) significantly frequency of intercourse, premature ejaculation
reduced fasting blood glucose and elevated and morning erections were not found in any
mood, and the 200-mg dose resulted in a group. None of the treatments resulted in
statistically significant improvement in glycated complete remission of erectile dysfunction.
haemoglobin.25 Korean ginseng has been investigated for
Further trials have shown variable effects on a role in erectile dysfunction. A total of 45
blood glucose, possibly because of the variety patients with diagnosed erectile dysfunction
and concentration of ginsenosides in the prepa- were enrolled in a double-blind, placebo-
rations tested. One trial showed that Amer- controlled, crossover study in which the effects
ican ginseng reduced post-prandial glycaemia of Korean red ginseng (900 mg three times
in subjects without diabetes. This reduction a day) were compared with placebo. Mean
Ginseng 155

International Index of Erectile Function scores Upper respiratory tract infections

and scores on penetration and maintenance Two recent trials have investigated the potential
were significantly higher in patients treated with benefit of ginseng in preventing upper respi-
Korean red ginseng. Penile tip rigidity also ratory tract infection. In one trial, American
showed significant improvement for ginseng ginseng over 8 or 12 weeks was found to be
versus placebo. The authors concluded that safe, well tolerated and potentially effective
Korean red ginseng can be an effective alter- in preventing acute respiratory illness caused
native for treating male erectile dysfunction.33 by influenza and respiratory syncytial virus
(RSC).43 A further trial with American gin-
Exercise performance seng in 323 subjects aged 1865 years found
Several human studies have shown an ergogenic that supplementation for 4 months reduced the
effect in exercise, but a review concluded that mean number of colds per person, the pro-
such trials have been poorly controlled and portion of subjects who experienced two or
not blinded, and that there is no compelling more colds, the severity of symptoms and the
evidence that ginseng improves exercise per- number of days on which cold symptoms were
formance in humans.34 Double-blind, placebo- reported.44
controlled trials do not support an ergogenic
effect of ginseng on exercise performance,3538
or on the response of anabolic hormones
Quality of life
(growth hormone, testosterone, cortisol,
Both Panax ginseng and Siberian ginseng have
insulin-like growth factor 1) following
been found to improve aspects of mental health
resistance status.39
and social functioning after 4 weeks of therapy,
A double-blind RCT in 38 active healthy
although these benefits attenuate with continued
adults investigated the effect of 400 mg daily
use.45,46 In another study, Panax ginseng had no
of G115 (equivalent to 2 g of Panax ginseng)
influence on mood or affect.47 Siberian ginseng
on secretory IgA, performance and recovery
has been shown to have potential efficacy for
after interval exercise. There was no significant
patients with moderate fatigue.48
change in secretory IgA (an indicator of mucosal
immunity). Supplementation with ginseng failed
to improve physical performance and heart Conclusion
rate recovery of individuals undergoing repeated Ginseng has been used for thousands
bouts of exhausting exercise.40 of years, but there are few controlled
A trial with Panax notoginseng found that trials in humans. Many studies have pro-
a dose of 1350 mg daily for 30 days improved duced conflicting results, perhaps due to
endurance time to exhaustion by 7 min and lack of standardised products, variation in
lowered mean blood pressure (from 113 12 to dosage, differences in harvest conditions of
109 14 mmHg) and VO2 at the 24th minute the plants and types of ginseng used. A
(from 32.5 8 to 27.6 8) during endurance 1999 systematic review49 concluded that
cycle exercise.41 A trial in 13 physically active evidence for the efficacy of ginseng for
male students found that supplementation with any indication is weak. The review inves-
American ginseng for 4 weeks prior to exhaus- tigated the effect of ginseng on athletic
tive aerobic treadmill running did not enhance performance, psychomotor and cognitive
aerobic work capacity but significantly reduced performance, immunomodulation, diabetes
plasma creatine kinase during the exercise. mellitus and herpes. Ginseng is taken for
The authors concluded that the reduction in a range of other indications but there is
plasma creatine kinase may be due to the fact little evidence that ginseng slows the ageing
that American ginseng is effective in decreasing process, helps mental or physical function-
skeletal muscle cell membrane damage, induced ing in the elderly, increases exercise perfor-
by exercise during the high-intensity treadmill mance or improves sexual function.
156 Ginseng

Precautions/contraindications Dose
Ginseng should be avoided by children and used Ginseng is available in the form of tablets, cap-
with caution by patients with CVD (includ- sules, teas, powders and tinctures. Red ginseng
ing hypertension), diabetes mellitus, asthma, is derived from steam-treated ginseng roots and
schizophrenia and other disorders of the ner- white ginseng from air-dried roots. Surveys have
vous system. Because of a possible effect on found that the ginsenoside concentrations in dif-
blood glucose, the effect of ginseng on glucose ferent products vary enormously.1,58 A review
measurement in diabetes should be borne in of 21 US products found that seven had less
mind. than the required concentration of ginsenosides,
two products contained lead above acceptable
Pregnancy and breast-feeding levels and eight contained unacceptable levels
of quintozene and hexachlorobenzene.59
Ginseng should be avoided. The dose is not established. Manufacturers
tend to recommend 0.53 g daily of the dried
Adverse effects root or its equivalent.
Ginseng is relatively non-toxic, but in high doses
(>3 g ginseng root daily) can give rise to the
following symptoms: insomnia, nervous excita- References
tion, euphoria; nausea and diarrhoea (especially 1 Cui J, Garle M, Eneroth P, Bjorkhem L. What do
in the morning); skin eruptions; oedema; commercial ginseng preparations contain? Lancet
oestrogenic effects (e.g. breast tenderness; 1994; 344: 134.
temporary return of menstruation in post- 2 Hikino H. Traditional remedies and modern assess-
menopausal women).50,51 ment: the case for ginseng. In: Wijesekera ROB, ed.
The Medicinal Plant Industry. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
A systematic review of the adverse effects
Press, 1991: 149166
and drug interactions of Panax ginseng con- 3 Filaretov AA, Bogdanova TS, Podvigina TT, Bog-
cluded that the incidence of adverse effects with danov AL. Role of pituitary-adrenocortical system
ginseng monopreparations is similar to that in body adaption possibilities. Exp Clin Endocrinol
with placebo. The most commonly experienced 1988; 92: 129136.
adverse events are headache, sleep and gastro- 4 Fulder S. Ginseng and the hypothalamic control of
intestinal disorders. The possibility of more stress. Am J Chinese Med 1981; 9: 112118.
5 Benishin CG, Lee R, Wang LCH, Liu HJ. Effects of
serious adverse events is indicated in isolated
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Description glucosamine can increase mucopolysaccharide

and collagen synthesis in fibroblast tissue.1 Glu-
Glucosamine is a natural substance found in
cosamine also appears to activate core protein
mucopolysaccharides, mucoproteins and chitin.
synthesis in human chondrocytes.2
It is found in relatively high concentrations in
the joints. Some foods, such as crabs, oysters
and the shells of prawns, are relatively rich Possible uses
in glucosamine, but supplements are the best
source of additional glucosamine. It is available Glucosamine is used to promote the main-
as a synthetically manufactured dietary supple- tenance of joint function and to treat pain,
ment in the form of glucosamine sulphate and increase mobility, and help repair damaged
glucosamine hydrochloride. joints in individuals with osteoarthritis and
other joint disorders. It is sometimes provided
in supplements with chondroitin, with which it
Constituents may act synergistically. Both substances have
anti-inflammatory activities,3,4 and both affect
Glucosamine is a hexosamine sugar and a basic cartilage metabolism in vitro.5,6 Animal studies
building block for the biosynthesis of glycopro- have also demonstrated that glucosamine has
tein, glycolipids, hyaluronic acid, glycosamino- anti-arthritic effects.7,8
glycans and proteoglycans, which are important Since 1990, more than 50 studies have exam-
constituents of articular cartilage. Chondroitin ined the effects of glucosamine on osteoarthritis.
sulphate (sometimes found together with glu- However, many of these studies have been short,
cosamine in supplements), which is synthesised and many have major design flaws and critical
by the chondrocytes, is one example of a problems with data analysis and interpretation
glycosaminoglycan. of results. Some of the largest RCTs are dis-
cussed below.
In a double-blind trial involving 80 inpatients
with established arthritis randomly split into
Glucosamine is important for maintaining the two groups, the first group received two 250-mg
elasticity, strength and resilience of cartilage capsules of glucosamine sulphate and the sec-
in joints. This helps to reduce damage to the ond group an indistinguishable placebo.9 Each
joints. In addition to supporting cartilage and dose was given three times daily for 30 days.
other connective tissue, glucosamine enhances Articular pain, joint tenderness and restriction
both the production of hyaluronic acid and its of movement were scored on a scale of 1 to
anti-inflammatory action. 4 at 1-week intervals. Any adverse reactions
The mechanism of action is not fully un- were similarly scored. Safety was monitored by
derstood, but administration of glucosamine is haematology; results of urine analysis and oc-
believed to stimulate production of cartilage cult faecal blood were recorded before and after
components and allow rebuilding of damaged treatment. Samples of articular cartilage from
cartilage. In vitro studies have found that two patients of each group and from one healthy

160 Glucosamine

subject were submitted for scanning electron global assessment of pain in the affected knee
microscopy after the end of treatment. Patients did not differ between placebo and glucosamine.
treated with glucosamine sulphate experienced a There was a statistically significant difference
reduction in overall symptoms that was almost between the two groups in knee flexion, but the
twice as great and twice as fast as those who difference was small and could have been due
had placebo. The results were supported by the to measurement error. Overall, as a symptom
electron microscopy findings. modifier in osteoarthritis patients with a wide
Another double-blind trial used 252 outpa- range of severities, glucosamine sulphate was
tients who had suffered arthritis in the knee to no more effective than placebo.12
a measurable amount for at least 6 months.10 A Czech trial involving 202 patients
The trial randomly allocated the patients to investigated the effect of glucosamine sulphate
two groups, one receiving 250-mg tablets of 1500 mg daily or placebo on progression of
glucosamine sulphate and the other placebo, osteoarthritis of the knee. With placebo there
three times daily. The trial was for 4 weeks, with was progressive narrowing of the joint space
assessment at enrolment and weekly thereafter. after 3 years, but no average change with
A statistically significant difference between glucosamine sulphate use, with a significant
glucosamine and placebo was observed, but difference between groups. Symptoms improved
only after the fourth week of treatment, and modestly with placebo use but as much as
the clinical significance of the difference is open 2025% with glucosamine sulphate use. Safety
to debate. was good, with no difference between groups.
A total of 155 outpatients with osteoarthritis In this study, long-term treatment with glu-
of the knee were involved in another double- cosamine sulphate slowed the progression of
blind trial.11 Inclusion criteria included a knee osteoarthritis, possibly by influencing dis-
requirement to have been suffering from ease modification.13
symptoms for at least 6 months. The two A further study involving 212 patients over
groups, consisting of 79 and 76 patients, a period of 3 years investigated the effect of
received 400 mg glucosamine sulphate and glucosamine sulphate on future progression of
placebo respectively, administered as intramus- osteoarthritis. Patients with less severe radio-
cular injection twice weekly for 6 weeks. Assess- graphic knee osteoarthritis were found to expe-
ment was carried out at enrolment, at 2-weekly rience, over 3 years, the most dramatic disease
intervals during the trial and once after the trial progression in terms of joint space narrowing.
had been concluded. At the end of the trial In these patients with mild osteoarthritis, glu-
the patients were assessed by the investigator cosamine sulphate was associated with a trend
and classified as good, moderate, unchanged, or (P = 0.01) towards a significant reduction in
worse. Safety was monitored by a number of joint space narrowing, while in those with severe
biochemical tests. A significant improvement in disease, joint space narrowing did not differ
symptoms was noted compared with placebo, between glucosamine and placebo.14
but this occurred only during weeks 5 and 6 of In a trial involving 319 post-menopausal
the treatment. This may have been related to women, those taking glucosamine sulphate
the twice-weekly dosing, or to the slow onset showed no joint space narrowing while
of action. However, methodological problems participants in the placebo group experi-
of lack of randomisation and missing data, enced a narrowing of 0.33 mm, with a
such as symptom severity at baseline, make statistically significant difference between the
the clinical significance of the improvement two groups after 3 years.15
questionable, and the observed differences may A more recent trial investigated the effect
be meaningless. of continued use of glucosamine or placebo
In a further double-blind trial in patients with in 137 users of glucosamine with knee osteo-
osteoarthritis of the knee, 80 subjects were ran- arthritis who had experienced at least mod-
domised to receive either glucosamine sulphate erate improvement in knee pain after starting
1500 mg daily for 6 months or placebo. Patients glucosamine. After 6 months, no differences
Glucosamine 161

were found between glucosamine and placebo glucosamine and piroxicam in a randomised
patients in severity and time to disease flare, use multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled
of paracetamol and use of NSAIDs.16 trial involving 329 patients.21 Glucosamine
Another trial recruited 205 patients with sulphate 1500 mg daily, piroxicam 20 mg daily,
symptomatic knee arthritis from the Inter- a combination of glucosamine and piroxicam,
net. Participants were randomly assigned to or placebo was given for 60 days, followed by a
glucosamine 1500 mg daily or placebo. After 60-day observation period without treatment.
12 weeks, there was no difference between Glucosamine appeared to have a persistent
treatment and control groups in terms of change treatment effect after withdrawal compared
in pain score, stiffness, physical function or to piroxicam, and significantly fewer adverse
analgesic use.17 effects were recorded for glucosamine.
A trial in 142 patients suffering from knee Several meta-analyses and systematic reviews
osteoarthritis compared the efficacy and safety have investigated the benefits of glucosamine in
of glucosamine sulphate (1500 mg daily) with the treatment of osteoarthritis. One evaluated
that of glucosamine hydrochloride (1440 mg the benefit of both glucosamine and chon-
daily). Symptoms improved in both groups, droitin for osteoarthritis symptoms.22 It used a
but there were no significant differences in meta-analysis combined with systematic quality
efficacy and safety between the two groups. assessment of clinical trials of these preparations
Glucosamine hydrochloride was as effective and in knee and/or hip osteoarthritis. Reviewers
safe as glucosamine sulphate in the treatment of performed data extraction and scored each
knee osteoarthritis.18 trial using a quality assessment instrument.
Other trials have compared the effi- Of the 37 trials identified, only 15 met their
cacy of glucosamine with ibuprofen19,20 and criteria of being double-blind (published or
piroxicam.21 Oral glucosamine sulphate 500 mg unpublished), randomised, placebo-controlled
three times a day was reported to be at least as or of 4 or more weeks duration that tested
effective as oral ibuprofen 400 mg three times a glucosamine or chondroitin for knee or hip
day in a study involving 40 patients with osteo- osteoarthritis and reported extractable data on
arthritis of the knee.19 Pain scores decreased the effect of treatment on symptoms. Of the 15
significantly in both groups, but the onset of trials analysed, only six concerned glucosamine;
action was more rapid with ibuprofen, with the remaining nine, almost all of which were
maximum effectiveness reached after 2 weeks, manufacturer-sponsored, were judged to be of
whereas glucosamine was associated with a inadequate quality by the authors. Neverthe-
gradual, progressive improvement throughout less, they concluded that trials of glucosamine
the trial. and chondroitin preparations for osteoarthritis
In a randomised, double-blind, parallel- symptoms did show moderate to large beneficial
group study,20 glucosamine 500 mg three times effects, but acknowledged that quality issues
daily was as effective as ibuprofen 400 mg three and likely publication bias might have exagger-
times daily for 4 weeks in the treatment of 200 ated these benefits.
inpatients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Again, A further meta-analysis23 included 10 trials
therapeutic effect was generally obtained sooner (three of which were also included in the above
with ibuprofen, but glucosamine was signifi- meta-analysis22 ). The trials included looked
cantly better tolerated than ibuprofen. A total of at glucosamine alone not chondroitin. The
six patients reported adverse effects (versus 35 method employed was a scoring system,24 and
with ibuprofen) and one discontinued treatment only five of the 10 trials achieved the arbitrary
(versus seven with ibuprofen). However, the pass mark. The major problems in most of the
definition of treatment response, as well as short trials in this meta-analysis were a lack of parti-
duration of the study, leave the results open to cipants, a lack of detail about the randomisation
debate as to their clinical significance. process, and no monitoring of patients after the
Glucosamine sulphate was as effective trial period had finished. Of the 10 clinical trials,
as piroxicam alone or a combination of six compared glucosamine sulphate to placebo.
162 Glucosamine

Of the remaining four trials, two compared placebo. The authors concluded that due to the
glucosamine to ibuprofen and the other two sparse data on structural efficacy and safety,
used glucosamine sulphate alone. The results more studies are warranted.27
of this meta-analysis were in broad agreement A Cochrane review of 20 RCTs evalu-
with those of the above study22 and were ating the effectiveness and toxicity of glu-
positive. However, the authors concluded that cosamine in osteoarthritis found glucosamine
the variations in study methodology made it more favourable than placebo, with a 28%
difficult to reach a firm decision as to the overall improvement in pain and 21% improvement in
effectiveness of glucosamine for the treatment of function, using the Lequesne Index. However,
osteoarthritis. the trials did not show uniformly positive
A mini-review compared the effectiveness of results. In the 10 RCTs in which the Rotta (name
oral glucosamine with ibuprofen for relief of of manufacturer) preparation of glucosamine
joint pain in arthritis. From the two RCTs was compared to placebo, glucosamine was
included in the review, there were no significant found to be superior for pain and function.
differences between the two treatments with In those trials where a non-Rotta preparation
respect to pain reduction. Both were efficacious of glucosamine was compared to placebo, sta-
treatments and glucosamine appeared to be at tistical significance was not reached. In the
least as effective as ibuprofen.25 four RCTs where the Rotta preparation of
A further meta-analysis assessed the struc- glucosamine was compared to a NSAID, glu-
tural and symptomatic efficacy of glucosamine cosamine was superior in two and equivalent in
sulphate and chondroitin sulphate in knee two. Two RCTs using the Rotta preparation
osteoarthritis through their effects on joint showed that glucosamine was able to slow
space narrowing, Lequesne Index, Western On- radiological progression of osteoarthritis of the
tario McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index knee over a 3-year period. Glucosamine and
(WOMAC), visual analogue scale for pain, mo- placebo were of equivalent safety in terms
bility, safety and response to treatment. Suitable of the number of subjects reporting adverse
clinical trials performed between January 1980 reactions.28
and March 2002 were included. There was a The multicentre, double-blind, placebo- and
highly significant effect of glucosamine on celecoxib-controlled Glucosamine/chondroitin
all outcomes, including joint space narrowing Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT) evaluated
and WOMAC. Chondroitin was found to be the efficacy and safety of glucosamine and
effective on Lequesne Index, visual analogue chondroitin as a treatment for knee pain from
scale pain, mobility and responding status. Joint osteoarthritis. A total of 1583 patients with
mobility also improved markedly, with one symptomatic knee osteoarthritis were ran-
person responding for every five patients treated domised to receive 1500 mg glucosamine daily,
(number needed to treat = 4.9). Safety was good 1200 mg chondroitin sulphate daily, both glu-
for both compounds.26 cosamine and chondroitin sulphate, 200 mg of
Another meta-analysis investigated the struc- celecoxib daily or placebo for 24 weeks. Over-
tural and symptomatic efficacy and safety of all, glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate were
glucosamine in knee osteoarthritis. Suitable not significantly better than placebo in reducing
trials up to August 2004 were included. Studies knee pain by 20%. The rate of response to
were included if they were double-blind RCTs, glucosamine was 3.9% higher than placebo,
lasting at least 1 year, that evaluated oral glu- the rate of response to chondroitin was 5.3%
cosamine and reported symptom severity and higher, the rate of response to combined treat-
disease progression as assessed by joint space ment was 6.5% higher and the rate of response
narrowing. Glucosamine sulphate was more to celecoxib was 10% higher. However, for the
effective than placebo in delaying structural subgroup of patients with moderate to severe
progression in knee osteoarthritis, reducing pain knee pain at baseline, the rate of response was
and improving physical function. Glucosamine significantly higher with combined therapy than
sulphate caused no more adverse events than with placebo (79.2% vs 54.3%, P = 0.002).
Glucosamine 163

This suggests that glucosamine and chondroitin breast-feeding. Glucosamine is probably best
in combination may be effective in the group of avoided.
patients with moderate to severe knee pain, but
not in patients overall with osteoarthritis of the Adverse effects
Glucosamine is relatively non-toxic, and does
A blinded RCT compared a topical cream
not appear to be associated with serious side-
containing glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate
effects. Side-effects reported include constipa-
and camphor with placebo. The study included
tion, diarrhoea, heartburn, nausea, drowsiness,
63 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
headache and rash.
Intention-to-treat analysis showed that after
48 weeks, reduction in pain was greater in the
treatment group than the placebo group.30
None are known, but in theory insulin or oral
Conclusion hypoglycaemics may be less effective.
Glucosamine and also chondroitin are likely
to be effective therapies for the symptoms Dose
of osteoarthritis, but the degree of bene-
fit apparent in the literature is probably Glucosamine is available in the form of tablets,
overestimated because of methodological capsules and powders as glucosamine sulphate,
flaws in the studies. Further long-term, glucosamine hydrochloride and N-acetyl-d-
adequately designed, rigorous controlled glucosamine (NAG). It is also available in
studies are required before the role of the form of cream. A review of 10 products
glucosamine in the treatment of bone and containing glucosamine found that all products
joint disorders can be fully determined. contained the labelled amounts of glucosamine,
In addition, further trials are needed to but six out of 13 products containing glu-
determine whether glucosamine can signifi- cosamine and chondroitin did not pass, all due
cantly modify the radiological progression to low chondroitin levels.35
of osteoarthritis. The dose is not definitely established. How-
ever, a dose of glucosamine sulphate 500 mg
three times a day (1500 mg daily) has been
used in most studies and this is the dose
Precautions/contraindications recommended by many manufacturers. Full
Glucosamine may alter glucose regulation/ therapeutic benefit may take more than 4 weeks.
insulin sensitivity.31,32 However, more recent
research reports no significant effects on
haemoglobin A1c levels in patients with type References
2 diabetes after 90 days therapy,33 nor on 1 McCarty MF. The neglect of glucosamine as treat-
serum insulin, plasma glucose and glycated ment for osteoathritis. Med Hypotheses 1994; 42:
haemoglobin after 12 weeks.34 However, until 323327.
further studies are conducted, it would appear 2 Bassleer C, Henroitin Y, Franchimont P. In vitro
prudent for patients with diabetes taking glu- evaluation of drugs proposed as chondroprotective
agents. Int J Tissue React 1992; 14: 231241.
cosamine to be aware of its potential influence
3 Sentnikar I, Cereda R, Pacini MA, Revel L. Anti-
on glucose metabolism. reactive properties of glucosamine sulphate.
Arznemittelforschung 1991; 41: 157161.
4 Ronca F, Palmieri L, Panicucci P, Ronca G.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding Anti-inflammatory activity of chondroitin sulphate.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage 1998; 6 (Suppl. A): 1421.
No problems have been reported, but there 5 Bassleer CT, Combal JP, Bougaret S, Malaise M.
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee Effects of chondroitin sulphate and interleukin-1
the safety of glucosamine in pregnancy and beta on human articular chondrocytes cultivated
164 Glucosamine

in clusters. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 1998; 6: hydrochloride/sulfate in the treatment of knee

196204. osteoarthritis. Zhingua Yi Xue Za Zhi 2005; 85:
6 Bassleer CT, Rovati L, Franchimont P. Stimulation 30673070 (in Chinese)
of proteoglycan production by glucosamine sulphate 19 Vaz AL. Double-blind clinical evaluation of the
in chondrocytes isolated from human osteoarthritic relative efficacy of ibuprofen and glucosamine sul-
articular cartilage in vitro. Osteoarthritis Cartilage phate in the management of osteoarthritis of the
1998; 6: 196204. knee in outpatients. Curr Med Res Opin 1983; 3:
7 Setnikar I, Pacini MA, Revel L. Antiarthritic effects 145149.
of glucosamine sulfate studied in animal models. 20 Muller-Fassbender H, Bach G, Haase W, et al.
Arzneimittelforschung 1991; 41: 542545. Glucosamine sulphate compared with ibuprofen in
8 Uebelhart D, Thonar EJ, Zhang J, Willaims JM. Pro- osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis Cartilage
tective effect of exogenous chondroitin 4,6-sulfate 1994; 2: 6169.
in the acute degradation of articular cartilage in the 21 Rovati LC, Giacovelli G, Annefeld M, et al. A
rabbit. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 1998; 6 (Suppl. A) large, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind
613. study of glucosamine sulfate vs piroxicam and vs
9 Drovanti A, Bignamini AA, Rovati AL. Therapeutic their association on the kinetics of the symptomatic
activity of oral glucosamine sulphate in osteoarthri- effect in knee osteoarthritis (abstract). Osteoarthritis
tis: a placebo controlled double blind investigation. Cartilage 1994; 2 (Suppl. 1): 56.
Clin Ther 1980; 3: 260272. 22 McAlindon TE, LeValley MP, Gulin JP, Fel-
10 Noack W, Fischer M, Forster K, et al. Glucosamine son DT. Glucosamine and chondroitin for treat-
in osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis Cartilage ment of osteoarthritis. A systematic quality
1994; 2: 5159. assessment and meta-analysis. JAMA 2000; 283:
11 Reichelt A, Forster KK, Fischer M, et al. Efficacy 169175.
and safety of intramuscular glucosamine sulphate 23 Kayne SB, Wadeson K, MacAdam A. Glucosamine
in osteoarthritis of the knee. Arzneimittelforschung an effective treatment for osteoarthritis? A meta-
1994; 44: 7580. analysis. Pharm J 2000; 265: 759763.
12 Hughes R, Carr A. A randomized, double-blind, 24 Kleijnen J, Knipschild P, ter Riet G. Clinical
placebo-controlled trial of glucosamine sulphate as trials of homoeopathy. BMJ 1991; 302:
an analgesic in osteoarthritis of the knee. Rheuma- 316323.
tology (Oxford) 2002; 41: 279284. 25 Ruane R, Griffiths P. Glucosamine therapy com-
13 Pavelka K, Gatterova J, Olejarova M, et al. Glu- pared to ibuprofen for joint pain. Br J Community
cosamine sulfate use and delay of progression of knee Nurs 2002; 7: 148152.
osteoarthritis: a 3-year, randomized, placebo- 26 Richy F, Bruyere O, Ethgen O, et al. Structural
controlled, double-blind study. Arch Intern Med and symptomatic efficacy of glucosamine and chon-
2002; 162: 21132123. droitin in knee osteoarthritis: a comprehensive
14 Bruyere O, Honore A, Ethgen O, et al. Correlation meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 2003; 163:
between radiographic severity of knee osteoarthritis 15141522.
and future disease progression. Results from a 3-year 27 Poolsup N, Suthisisang C, Channark, P Kittikulsuth
prospective, placebo-controlled study evaluating the W. Glucosamine long-term treatment and the pro-
effect of glucosamine sulfate. Osteoarthritis Carti- gression of knee osteoarthritis: systematic review
lage 2003; 11: 15. of randomized controlled trials. Ann Pharmacother
15 Bruyere O, Pavelka K, Rovati LC, et al. Glu- 2005; 39: 10801087.
cosamine sulfate reduces osteoarthritis progression 28 Towheed TE, Maxwell L, Anastassiades TP,
in postmenopausal women with knee osteoarthritis: et al. Glucosamine therapy for treating osteoarthri-
evidence from two 3-year studies. Menopause 2004; tis. Cochrane database, issue 2, 2005. London:
11: 134135. Macmillan.
16 Cibere J, Kopec JA, Thorne RA, et al. Random- 29 Clegg DO, Reda DJ, Harris CL, et al. Glucosamine,
ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled glucosamine chondroitin sulfate and the two in combination for
discontinuation trial in knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis painful knee osteoarthrtitis. N Engl J Med 2006;
Rheum 2004; 51: 738745. 354: 795808.
17 McAlindon T, Formica M, LaValley M, et al. 30 Cohen M, Wolfe R, Mai T, et al. A randomized,
Effectiveness of glucosamine for symptoms of knee double blind, placebo controlled trial of a topical
osteoarthritis: results from an internet-based ran- cream containing glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin
domized double-blind controlled trial. Am J Med sulfate, and camphor for osteoarthritis of the knee.
2004; 117: 643649. J Rheumatol 2003; 30: 523528.
18 Qui GX, Weng XS, Zhang K, et al. A multi-central, 31 Balkan B, Dunning BE. Glucosamine inhibits glu-
randomized, controlled clinical trial of glucosamine cokinase in vitro and produces a glucose-specific
Glucosamine 165

impairment of in vivo insulin secretion in rats. blinded, randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern
Diabetes 1994; 43: 11731179. Med 2003; 163: 15871590.
32 Shankar RR, Zhu JS, Baron AD. Glucosamine 34 Tannis AJ, Barban J, Conquer JA. Effect of glu-
infusion in mice mimics the beta-cell dysfunction of cosamine supplementation on fasting and non-
non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Metabolism fasting plasma glucose and serum insulin concentra-
1998; 47: 573577. tions in healthy individuals. Osteoarthritis Cartilage
33 Scroggie DA, Albright A, Harris MD. The effect 2004; 12: 506511.
of glucosamine-chondroitin supplementation on gly- 35 Consumerlab. Product review. Glucosamine
cosylated hemoglobin levels in patients with type and chondroitin.
2 diabetes mellitus: a placebo-controlled, double- (accessed 6 November 2006).
Grape seed extract

Description Possible uses

Grape seed extract is an extract from the tiny Grape seed extract is promoted as an anti-
seeds of red grapes. oxidant to prevent CHD and stroke, and
to strengthen fragile capillaries and improve
circulation to the extremities. It is promoted
Constituents for the treatment of conditions associated with
Grape seed extract is a source of oligomeric poor vascular function such as diabetes mellitus,
proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs), some- varicose veins, impotence and tingling in the
times known as proanthocyanidins, which arms and legs. Anecdotally it has been reported
are one of the categories of flavonoids (see to be useful for treating inflammatory condi-
Flavonoids). Proanthocyanidins are polyphenol tions, varicose veins and cancer. It has also been
oligomers derived from flavan-3-ols and flavan- suggested to be useful for helping to prevent
3,4-diols. Grape seed extract contains OPCs macular degeneration and cataracts.
made up of dimers or trimers of catechin and
epicatechin. Additional active ingredients in
Cardiovascular disease
grape seed extract include essential fatty acids
Oral administration of proanthocyanidins from
and tocopherols.
grape seed extract reduced serum cholesterol in
a high-cholesterol animal feed model.2 Specifi-
Action cally, it prevented the increase of total and LDL
Grape seed is a potent antioxidant. Proantho- In a double-blind study, 71 patients with
cyanidins are thought to:1 peripheral venous insufficiency received 300 mg
r neutralise free radicals, including hydroxyl daily OPCs from grape seed. A reduction in
groups and lipid peroxides, blocking lipid functional symptoms was observed in 75% of
peroxidation and stabilising cell membranes; the treated patients compared to 41% of the
r inhibit the destruction of collagen by stabil- patients given a placebo.3
ising the activity of 1-antitrypsin, which in- In a double-blind clinical trial, a group of
hibits the activity of destructive enzymes such elderly patients with either spontaneous or
as elastin and hyaluronic acid (this is thought drug-induced poor capillary resistance were
to prevent fluid exudation by allowing red treated with 100150 mg OPCs from grape
blood cells to cross the capillaries); extract daily, or placebo. There was a signifi-
r inhibit the release of inflammatory media- cant improvement in capillary resistance in the
tors, such as histamine and prostaglandins; treated group after approximately 2 weeks.4
and A further trial evaluated the effect of a
r inhibit platelet aggregation. standardised formulation of a polyphenolic
extract of grapes on LDL susceptibility to
In addition, they are thought to have antibacte- oxidation in a group of heavy smokers. This was
rial, antiviral and anticarcinogenic actions. a randomised, double-blind, crossover study

Grape seed extract 167

involving 24 healthy male heavy smokers aged in 24-hour energy intake was found between
50 years or over. Subjects were given two cap- grape seed extract and placebo. However, in a
sules (containing 75 mg of a grape procyanidin subgroup of subjects (n = 23) with an energy
extract) twice daily for 4 weeks. This was requirement 7.5 MJ/day, energy intake was
followed by a washout period of 3 weeks and reduced by 4% after grape seed compared to
placebo for 4 weeks. Subjects did not show placebo. There were no significant differences
significant modification of total cholesterol, in macronutrient composition, attitude towards
triglycerides, HDL or LDL cholesterol during eating, satiety, mood or tolerance. The authors
grape seed extract treatment. However, among concluded that these findings suggest that grape
oxidative indices, the concentration of thiobar- seed could be effective in reducing 24-hour
bituric acid reactive substances was significantly energy intake in normal to overweight dietary
reduced in subjects taking grape seed extract unrestrained subjects and could therefore play a
compared with placebo and basal values. The role in body weight management.7
authors concluded that the antioxidant poten-
tial of grape seed extract polyphenols may
prove effective as a model of oxidative stress
Preliminary evidence suggests that grape
(smoking). However, more investigational data
seed extract might lower lipid levels,
are needed before use in wider clinical settings
improve symptoms of venous insufficiency
can be recommended.5
and capillary resistance, reduce oxidative
stress and play a role in body weight
management. However, there are no well-
Grape seed extract is increasingly being inves-
controlled studies, and evidence for efficacy
tigated for other conditions. A double-blind
is promising but not yet robust.
RCT investigated the effect of grape seed extract
in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and skin
prick test sensitivity to ragweed were ran-
domised to 8 weeks treatment with grape seed
extract 100 mg twice daily or placebo, which No known contraindications, but based on the
was begun before the ragweed pollen season. potential pharmacological activity of OPCs, i.e.
Over the period of the study, no significant that they may inhibit platelet aggregation, grape
differences were observed between active and seed extract should be used with caution in
placebo groups in rhinitis quality of life assess- patients with a history of bleeding or haemo-
ments, symptom diary scores or requirements static disorders. It is probably wise to discon-
for rescue antihistamine. No significant labora- tinue use 14 days before any surgery, including
tory abnormalities were detected. Overall, this dental surgery.
study showed no trends towards supporting the
efficacy of grape seed extract in the treatment of
seasonal allergic rhinitis.6 Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Grape seed extract has been shown to stim-
No problems have been reported, but there
ulate lipolysis in vitro and reduce food intake
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee the
in rats. Leading on from these findings, a study
safety of grape seed extract in pregnancy and
has assessed the efficacy of grape seed extract
with respect to energy intake and satiety. In
a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind
crossover study, 51 subjects (aged 1865 years,
Adverse effects
body mass index 2230) were given a grape seed
supplement for 3 days, 3060 min prior to ad None reported. However, there are no long-
libitum lunch and dinner in a university restau- term studies assessing the safety of grape seed
rant. In the total study population, no difference extract.
168 Grape seed extract

Interactions 2 Tebib K, Bessanicon P, Roaunet J. Dietary grape seed

tannins affect lipoproteins, lipoprotein lipases and
Drugs tissue lipids in rats fed hypercholesterolemic diets.
None reported, but in theory bleeding tendency J Nutr 1994; 124: 24512457.
may be increased with anticoagulants, aspirin 3 Thebaut JF, Thebaut P, Vin F. Study of Endo-
and anti-platelet drugs. tolon in functional manifestations of peripheral
venous insufficiency. Gaz Med France 1985; 92:
Dose 4 Dartenuc JY, Marache P, Choussat H. Capillary
resistance in geriatry. A study of a microan-
Grape seed extract is available in the form of gioprotector Endotolon. Bord Med 1980; 13:
tablets and capsules. Supplements should be 903907.
standardised (and labelled) to contain 9295% 5 Vigna GB, Costantini F, Aldini G, et al. Effect
proanthocyanidins or OPCs. of standardized grape seed extract on low-density
The dose is not established, but doses of 100 lipoprotein susceptibility to oxidation in heavy
smokers. Metabolism 2003; 52: 12501257.
300 mg daily have been used in studies. 6 Bernstein DI, Bernstein CK, Deng C, et al. Evaluation
of the clinical efficacy and safety of grapeseed extract
References in the treatment of fall seasonal allergic rhinitis: a
pilot study. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2002; 88:
1 Murray M, Pizzorono J. Procyanidolic oligomers. 272278.
In: Murray M, Pizzorono J, eds. The Textbook 7 Vogels N, Nijs IM, Westerterp-Plantenga MS. The
of Natural Medicine, 2nd edn. London: Churchill effect of grape-seed extract on 24 h energy intake in
Livingstone, 1999: 899902. humans. Eur J Clin Nutr 2004; 58: 667673.
Green-lipped mussel

Description authors conclude that there is a need for further

Green-lipped mussel extract comes from Perna
canaliculata, a salt-water shellfish indigenous to
New Zealand.
Experimental studies have shown that lipid
Constituents extract of green-lipped mussel is effec-
tive at inhibiting 5 -lipoxygenase and cyclo-
Green-lipped mussel extract contains a weak oxygenase pathways responsible for produc-
prostaglandin inhibitor that exerts an anti- tion of eicosanoids, including leukotrienes and
inflammatory effect, as well as amino acids, prostaglandins, and it has been suggested that
fats, carbohydrates and minerals. Omega-3 fatty this compound could help patients with asthma.
acids may be the key to its anti-inflammatory An RCT assessed the effect of green-lipped
activity. mussel on asthma symptoms, peak expiratory
flow and hydrogen peroxide as a marker of
airway inflammation in patients in expired
Possible uses
breath condensate as a marker of airway
Rheumatoid arthritis inflammation. Forty-six patients with atopic
Green-lipped mussel extract is claimed to be asthma received two capsules of a lipid extract
effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthri- of green-lipped mussel or placebo three times
tis. The small number of human studies pub- a day for 8 weeks. Each capsule of extract
lished have generally shown that green-lipped contained 50 mg omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty
mussel is not effective in arthritis,13 but two acids and 100 mg olive oil, while the placebo
studies have shown positive effects.4,5 A more contained only 100 mg olive oil. There was
recent study has indicated that green-lipped a significant decrease in daytime wheeze, the
mussel, added to a complete dry diet, can help concentration of exhaled hydrogen peroxide
alleviate symptoms of arthritis in dogs.6 and an increase in morning peak expiratory flow
A systematic review of studies using freeze- rate. The authors concluded that lipid extract
dried green-lipped mussel found mixed out- of New Zealand green-lipped mussel may have
comes and was not conclusive. Of five RCTs, some beneficial effect in patients with atopic
only two attested benefits for rheumatoid and asthma.8
osteoarthritic patients. Similarly, animal studies
have yielded mixed findings. In both cases,
according to the authors, this could be due to
Adverse effects
lack of stabilisation of the omega-3 fatty acids
in the product. Overall there is little consistent Green-lipped mussel is relatively non-toxic, but
and compelling evidence to date to show the allergic reactions (e.g. gastrointestinal discom-
therapeutic value of green-lipped mussel sup- fort, nausea and flatulence) have been reported
plements, such as SeatoneTM , in arthritis. The occasionally.

170 Green-lipped mussel

Interactions 3 Larkin JG, Capell HA, Sturrock RD. Seatone

in rheumatoid arthritis: a six-month placebo-
None reported. controlled study. Ann Rheum Dis 1985; 44:
4 Gibson RG, Gibson SL. Seatone in arthritis. BMJ
Dose 1981; 282: 1795.
5 Gibson RG, Gibson SL, Conway V, Chapell D. Perna
Green-lipped mussel extract is available in the canaliculus in the treatment of arthritis. Practitioner
form of capsules. 1980; 224: 955960.
The dose is not established; dietary sup- 6 Bui LM, Bierer TL. Influence of green lipped mussels
plements provide approximately 1 g per daily (Perna canaliculus) in alleviating signs of arthritis in
dose. dogs. Vet Ther 2003; 4: 397407.
7 Cobb CS, Ernst E. Systematic review of a marine
nutraceutical supplement in clinical trials for
References arthritis: the effectiveness of the New Zealand green-
lipped mussel Perna canaliculus. Clin Rheumatol
1 Caughey DE, Grigor RR, Caughey EB. Perna 2005; 12: 110.
canaliculus in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. 8 Emelyanov A, Fedoseev G, Krasnoschekova O, et al.
Eur J Rheumatol Inflamm 1983; 6: 197200. Treatment of asthma with lipid extract of New
2 Huskisson EC, Scott J, Bryans R. Seatone is ineffec- Zealand green-lipped mussel: a randomised clinical
tive in arthritis. BMJ 1981; 282: 13581359. trial. Eur Respir J 2002; 20: 596600.
Green tea extract

Description r Antibacterial and antiviral activity. In vitro

studies have demonstrated that green tea
Green tea is prepared from the steamed and
polyphenols block the growth of micro-
dried leaves of Camellia sinensis. It is different
organisms that cause diarrhoea11 and
from black tea in that black tea is produced
from leaves that have been withered, rolled, r Reduction of serum cholesterol.
fermented and dried. The lack of fermentation r Reduction in LDL cholesterol oxidation.
gives green tea its unique flavour and also pre-
Two in vitro studies13,14 showed that green
serves the naturally present flavonoids, which
tea can inhibit oxidation of LDL.
are antioxidants. r Inhibition of platelet aggregation.

Possible uses
Green tea contains flavonoids, a large group
Green tea has been investigated mainly for
of polyphenolic compounds with antioxidant
supposed protective effects in cancer and CVD.
properties. Of the flavonoids found in green tea,
catechins make up 3050% of the dry tea leaf
weight. These include epigallocatechin gallate,
A review of 31 epidemiological studies of green
epicatechin and epicatechin gallate. Green tea
tea consumption and cancer risk found no
also contains flavonols, tannins, minerals, free
overall consistent effect.6 Of the total studies
amino acids, and methylxanthines (caffeine,
reviewed, 17 showed reduced cancer risk, seven
theophylline and theobromine).
increased risk, three no association and five an
increased risk. Of the 10 studies on stomach
Action cancer, six suggested a reduced risk and three an
increased risk. Of the nine studies investigating
Green tea appears to have the following effects:
colorectal cancer, four suggested a reduced risk
r An antioxidant effect. Green tea may protect and three an increased risk. Both studies on
against oxidative damage to cells and tissues. bladder cancer showed a reduced risk, and
r A chemoprotective effect. This is attributed two out of the three studies on pancreatic
to the catechins, compounds that are thought cancer showed reduced risk. Studies examining
to inhibit cell proliferation. In vitro stud- oesophageal cancer showed mixed results, but
ies have shown that green tea polyphenols very hot or scalding tea was associated with
induce programmed cell death (apoptosis) increased risk.
in human cancer cells1,2 and block tumour In a study of 472 Japanese patients with stage
growth by inhibition of tumour necrosis I, II and III breast cancer,15 the level of green tea
factor- as well as a variety of other potential consumption before clinical diagnosis of cancer
anti-cancer effects.37 Animal studies have was evaluated. Increased consumption of green
also shown the inhibitory effect of green tea tea was significantly associated with decreased
against carcinogens.810 numbers of axillary lymph node metastases

172 Green tea extract

among pre-menopausal patients with stage I Cardiovascular disease

and II breast cancer and increased expression A cross-sectional study of the effects of drinking
of progesterone receptor and oestrogen receptor green tea on cardiovascular and liver disease19
in post-menopausal patients. In a follow-up in 1371 Japanese men aged over 40 showed
study, increased consumption of green tea was that increased consumption of green tea was
correlated with reduced recurrence of stage I associated with reduced serum concentrations
and II breast cancer; the recurrence rate was of total cholesterol and triglyceride and an
16.7% among those consuming five or more increased proportion of HDL cholesterol, with
cups daily or 24.3% in those consuming four a decreased proportion of low and very LDL
or more cups daily. However, no improvement cholesterol. In addition, increased consump-
was seen in those with stage III breast cancer. tion of green tea was associated with reduced
Green tea may block the frequency of sister concentrations of hepatic markers in serum
chromatid exchange (SCE), a biomarker of (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transferase
mutagenesis. A study in 52 Korean smokers16 and ferritin).
showed that SCE rates were significantly higher However, another cross-sectional study in
in smokers than non-smokers. However, the 371 individuals from five districts of Japan20
frequency of SCE in smokers who consumed showed that green tea was not associated
green tea was comparable to that of non- with serum concentrations of total cholesterol,
smokers. triglycerides or HDL cholesterol.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of Another study examined the relation between
observational studies linking green tea with green tea consumption and arteriographically
breast cancer found that the pooled relative risk determined coronary atherosclerosis.21 The sub-
of developing breast cancer for the highest levels jects were 512 patients (302 men and 210
of green tea consumption in cohort studies was women) aged 30 years or older, who had under-
0.89 (95% CI, 0.71 to 1.1; P = 0.28), and in gone coronary arteriography for the first time
case-control studies, the odds ratio was 0.44 between September 1996 and August 1997.
(95% CI, 0.14 to 1.31; P = 0.14). The pooled Green tea consumption tended to be inversely
relative risk of cohort studies for breast cancer associated with coronary atherosclerosis in men
recurrence in all stages was 0.75 (95% CI, 0.47 but not in women.
to 1.19; P = 0.22). The authors conclusion A further study investigated the impact of
was that, to date, the epidemiological data theaflavin-enriched green tea extract on the
indicate that consumption of five or more cups lipids and lipoproteins of subjects with mild to
of green tea a day shows a non-statistically moderate hypercholesterolaemia. A total of 240
significant trend towards the prevention of men and women aged 18 or over on a low-fat
breast cancer. There is some evidence that diet with mild to moderate hypercholesterol-
green tea consumption may help to prevent aemia were randomly assigned to receive a daily
breast cancer recurrence in early stage (I and II) capsule containing theaflavin-enriched green tea
cancers.17 extract (375 mg) or placebo for 12 weeks. In the
Genetic factors may play a role in the green tea group, mean total cholesterol fell by
influence of green tea on breast cancer. A case- 11.3% and mean LDL cholesterol by 16.4%,
control study involving 297 incident breast can- both statistically significant changes compared
cer cases and 665 control subjects in Singapore with baseline. There were no significant changes
found no association of green tea consumption in the placebo group. The authors concluded
and breast cancer among all women or those that the green tea extract studied is an effec-
with low activity of angiotensin-converting tive adjunct to a low-saturated fat diet to
enzyme (ACE) genotype. However, among reduce LDL cholesterol in hypercholestero-
women with high activity of ACE genotype, laemic adults and is well tolerated.22 Green tea
frequency of intake for green tea was associated has also been shown to improve overall antioxi-
with a significantly decreased risk of breast dant status and to protect against oxidative
cancer.18 damage in human beings,23 and to attenuate the
Green tea extract 173

increase in plasma triacylglycerol (triglyceride)

levels following a fat load.24 Conclusion
Green tea has been investigated for protec-
tive effects in CVD and cancer, in which it
Body weight shows some promise. There is also some
Green tea is being increasingly investigated for evidence that it helps to maintain body
its potential influence on body weight. One weight after weight loss. However, there
study found that weight maintenance after is still a dearth of good-quality controlled
7.5% body weight loss was not affected by trials and firm conclusions must await results
green tea treatment.25 In another study, a green from such trials.
tea/caffeine mixture improved weight mainte-
nance, partly through thermogenesis and fat
oxidation, but only in habitual low caffeine
consumers.26 Further evidence for a thermo- Precautions/contraindications
genic effect of green tea was found in another
study where there was an increase in 24-h No known contraindications, but based on the
energy expenditure with mixtures of caffeine potential pharmacological activity of polyphe-
and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a cat- nols (i.e. that they may inhibit platelet aggre-
echin in green tea.27 However, green tea gation), green tea extract should be used with
had no significant effect on body weight in caution in patients with a history of bleeding
Chinese obese women with polycystic ovary or haemostatic disorders. It is probably wise
syndrome.28 to discontinue use 14 days before any surgery,
including dental surgery.

Green tea has been studied for its effect on Pregnancy and breast-feeding
insulin resistance, blood glucose level, HbA1c No problems have been reported, but there
level and markers of inflammation, but without have been insufficient studies to guarantee the
any clear effects.29 Green tea polyphenols have safety of green tea supplements in pregnancy
been postulated to protect human skin from and breast-feeding.
photoageing, but clinically significant changes
were not detected in one study.30
A further study found that green tea
extracts can be a potential therapy for patients Adverse effects
with human papilloma virus (HPV) infected There is a lack of tolerance and safety data on
cervical lesions.31 This study evaluated the supplements of this substance. However, green
influence of green tea extracts delivered in tea has been consumed safely in China for more
the form of an ointment or capsules in 51 than 4000 years. Recently there have been case
patients with HPV-infected cervical lesions. reports of green tea extracts (not the beverage)
Overall, a 69% response rate was noted for being associated with liver toxicity. As with any
treatment with green tea extracts compared plant-containing substance, this may be due to
with a 10% response rate from untreated the presence of contaminants.
A recent Japanese cross-sectional study has
evaluated the effect of green tea on cognitive
function. The frequency of green tea consump-
tion was examined in 1003 Japanese subjects Drugs
aged 70 or over. Higher consumption of green None are known, but in theory bleeding ten-
tea was associated with lower levels of cognitive dency may be increased with anticoagulants,
impairment.32 aspirin and anti-platelet drugs.
174 Green tea extract

Dose 12 Nakayama M, Suzuki K, Toda M, et al. Inhibition of

the infectivity of influenza virus by tea polyphenols.
Green tea is available in the form of capsules as Antiviral Res 1993; 21: 289299.
well as tea for drinking. 13 van het Kof KH, de Boer HS, Wiseman SA, et al.
The dose is not established, but doses of Consumption of green or black tea does not increase
250300 mg daily have been used. Supplements resistance of low-density lipoprotein to oxidation in
should be standardised (and labelled) to contain humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1997; 66: 11251132.
14 Yokozawa T, Dong E. Influence of green tea
5097% polyphenols, containing per dose at
and its three major components upon low density
least 50% ()epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Four to lipoprotein oxidation. Exp Toxicol Pathol 1997; 49:
six cups of freshly brewed green tea should 329335.
provide similar levels of polyphenols. 15 Nakachi K, Suemasu K, Suga K, et al. Influence
of drinking green tea on breast cancer malignancy
References among Japanese patients. Jpn J Cancer Res 1998;
89: 254261.
1 Ahmad N, Feyes DK, Niemenen Al, et al. Green tea 16 Lee IP, Kim JH, Kang MH, et al. Chemoprotective
constituent epigallocatechin-3-gallate and induction effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) against
of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in human cigarette smoke-induced mutations (SCE) in
carcinoma cells. J Natl Cancer Inst 1997; 89: humans. J Cell Biochem Suppl 1997; 27: 6875.
18811886. 17 Seely D, Mills EJ, Wu P, et al. The effects of green
2 Hibasami H, Komiya T, Achiwa Y, et al. Induction tea consumption on incidence of breast cancer and
of apoptosis in human stomach cancer cells by green recurrence of breast cancer: a systematic review
tea catechins. Oncol Rep 1998; 5: 527529. and meta-analysis. Integr Cancer Ther 2005; 4:
3 Kuroda Y, Hara Y. Antimutagenic and anticarcino- 144155.
genic activity of tea polyphenols. Mutat Res 1999; 18 Yuan J-M, Koh W-P, Sun C-L, et al. Green tea intake,
436: 6997. ACE gene polymorphism and breast cancer risk
4 Leanderson P, Faresjo AO, Tagesson C. Green tea among Chinese women in Singapore. Carcinogenesis
polyphenols inhibit oxidant-induced DNA strand 2005; 26: 13891394.
breakage in cultured lung cells. Free Rad Biol Med 19 Imai K, Nakachi K. Cross sectional study of effects
1997; 310: 235242. of drinking green tea on cardiovascular and liver
5 Fujiki H, Suganuma M, Okabe S, et al. Mechanis- disease. BMJ 1995; 310: 693696.
tic findings of green tea as cancer preventive for 20 Tsubono Y, Tsugane S. Green tea intake in relation
humans. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1999; 220: to serum lipid levels in middle-aged Japanese men
225228. and women. Ann Epidemiol 1997; 7: 280284.
6 Bushman JL. Green tea and cancer in humans: a 21 Sasazuki S, Kodama H, Yoshimasu K, et al. Relation
review of the literature. Nutr Cancer 1998; 31: between green tea consumption and the severity of
151159. coronary atherosclerosis among Japanese men and
7 Nihal A, Hasan M. Green tea polyphenols and women. Ann Epidemiol 2000; 10: 401408.
cancer: biological mechanisms and practical impli- 22 Maron DJ, Lu GP, Cai NS, et al. Cholesterol-
cations. Nutr Rev 1999; 57: 7883. lowering effect of a theaflavin-enriched green tea
8 Yang CS, Yang GY, Landau JM, et al. Tea and tea extract: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern
polyphenols inhibit cell proliferation, lung tumori- Med 2003; 163: 14481453.
genesis and tumour progression. Exp Lung Res 23 Erba D, Riso P, Bordoni A, et al. Effectiveness of
1998; 24: 629639. moderate green tea consumption on antioxidative
9 Wang ZY, Huang MT, Ferraro T, et al. status and plasma lipid profile in humans. J Nutr
Inhibitory effect of green tea in the drinking water Biochem 2005; 16: 144149.
on tumorigenesis by ultraviolet light and 12-o- 24 Unno T, Tago M, Suzuki Y, et al. Effect of tea
tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in the skin of SKH- catechins on postprandial plasma lipid responses in
1 mice. Cancer Res 1992; 52: 11621170. human subjects. Br J Nutr 2005; 93: 543547.
10 Paschka GA, Butler R, Young CY. Induction of 25 Kovacs EM, Lejeune MP, Nijs I, Westerterp-
apoptosis in prostate cancer lines by the green tea Plantenga MS. Effects of green tea on weight main-
component ()epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Cancer tenance after body-weight loss. Br J Nutr 2004; 91:
Lett 1998; 130: 17. 431437.
11 Shetty M, Subbannaya K, Shivananda PG. Antibac- 26 Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Lejeune MP, Kovacs EM.
terial activity of tea (Camellia sinensis) and coffee Body weight loss and weight maintenance in relation
(Coffee arabica) with special reference to Salmonella to habitual caffeine intake and green tea supplemen-
typhimurium. J Commun Dis 1994; 26: 147150. tation. Obes Res 2005; 13: 11951204.
Green tea extract 175

27 Berube-Parent S, Pelletier C, Dore J, Tremblay 30 Chiu AE, Chan JL, Kern DG, et al. Double-blind,
A. Effects of encapsulated green tea and guarana placebo-controlled trial of green tea extracts in
extracts containing a mixture of epigallocatechin- the clinical and histology appearance of photo-
3-gallate and caffeine on 24 h expenditure and fat aging skin. Dermatol Surg 2005; 31(7 Pt 2):
oxidation in men. Br J Nutr 2005; 94: 432436. 855860.
28 Chan CC, Koo MW, Ng EH, et al. Effects of 31 Ahn WS, Yoo J, Huh SW, et al. Protective effects
Chinese green tea on weight, and hormonal and of green tea extracts (polyphenon E and EGCG) on
biochemical profiles in obese patients with polycystic human cervical lesions. Eur J Cancer Prev 2003; 12:
ovary syndrome a randomized placebo-controlled 383390.
trial. J Soc Gynecol Investig 2006; 13: 6368. 32 Kuriyama S, Hozawa A, Ohmori K, et al.
29 Fukino Y, Shimbo M, Aoki N, et al. Randomized Green tea consumption and cognitive func-
controlled trial for an effect of green tea consump- tion: a cross sectional study from the Tsuru-
tion on insulin resistance and inflammation markers. gaya Project. Am J Clin Nutr 2006; 83:
J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) 2005; 51: 335342. 355361.

Description trials. There is no good evidence that guarana

improves stamina and performance in ath-
Guarana is produced from the dried and
letes. There is insufficient reliable information
powdered seeds of a South American shrub,
about the effectiveness of guarana for other
Paullinia cupana.

Guarana contains a substance called guaranine
Guarana should be avoided by people with heart
(a synonym for caffeine). It also contains theo-
conditions, peptic ulcer, anxiety disorders, and
bromine, theophylline and tannins.
renal impairment. It should also not be taken
within 2 h of bedtime.
Guarana acts as a CNS stimulant, increases Pregnancy and breast-feeding
heart rate and contractility, increases blood Guarana should be avoided during pregnancy
pressure, inhibits platelet aggregation, stim- and breast-feeding.
ulates gastric acid secretion, causes diuresis,
relaxes bronchial smooth muscle and stimulates
the release of catecholamines. Adverse effects
High doses of guarana may cause insomnia,
nervousness, irritability, palpitations, gastric
Possible uses
irritation, flushing and elevated blood pressure.
Guarana is claimed to:
r improve mental alertness, endurance, vital- Interactions
ity, immunity, stamina in athletes and sexual
None have been reported.
r retard ageing;
r alleviate migraine, diarrhoea, constipation Dose
and tension; and
r act as an appetite suppressant to aid slim- Guarana is available in the form of tablets and
capsules, either in isolation or with vitamins and
minerals in other dietary supplements.
Because of it caffeine content, guarana is likely The dose is not established. Guarana should
to be effective when taken as a CNS stimulant, not be recommended. Dietary supplements pro-
but it has not been subjected to controlled vide 50200 mg.


Description Elimination
Iodine is an essential trace element. Excretion of inorganic iodine is mainly via the
urine. Some organic iodine is eliminated in the
faeces. Iodine is excreted in the breast milk.
Human requirements
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for Deficiency
Iodine deficiency leads to goitre and hypo-
Dietary intake
In the UK, the average adult diet provides: for
Possible uses
men, 220 g daily; for women, 159 g.
Supplements containing iodine may be required
by vegans (strict vegetarians who consume no
Action dairy products). In a study in Greater London
that included 38 vegans,1 intakes of iodine in the
Iodine is an essential part of the thyroid vegan individuals were below the DRVs. The
hormones thyroxine (T4 ) and triiodothyronine authors of the study concluded that the impact
(T3 ). of these low iodine intakes should be studied
further and that vegans should use appropri-
ate dietary supplements. Further studies have
Dietary sources confirmed a markedly reduced iodine intake
with a lactovegetarian diet compared with an
See Table 2 for dietary sources of iodine.
ordinary diet,2 and a higher prevalence of iodine
deficiency in vegans and vegetarians.3

Absorption Precautions/contraindications
Inorganic iodine is rapidly and efficiently
absorbed. Organically bound iodine is less well None reported.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Iodine is transported to the thyroid gland (for Doses exceeding the RDA should not be used
the synthesis of thyroid hormones), and to a (they may result in abnormal thyroid function
lesser extent to the salivary and gastric glands. in the infant).

178 Iodine

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for iodine (g/day)

EU RDA = 150 g


03 months 40 50 1101 90
46 months 40 60 1101 90
712 months 40 60 130 90
13 years 40 70 90 200 90
46 years 50 100
48 years 90 300
710 years 55 110 1203
913 years 120 600
1418 years 150 900 1504
Males and females
1114 years 65 130
1518 years 70 140
1950+ 70 140 5001 150 1100 150
Pregnancy * * 220 11002 200
Lactation * * 290 11002 200

1 Adequate Intakes (AIs). 2 < 18 years, 90 g. 3 612 years. 4 1318 years.

EVM = Likely upper safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level.

Adverse effects
High iodine intake may induce hyperthyroidism Table 2 Dietary sources of iodine
(particularly in those over the age of 40 years)
and toxic modular goitre or hypothyroidism Iodine content
in autoimmune thyroid disease. There is a Food portion (g)
risk of hyperkalaemia with prolonged use of
high doses. Toxicity is rare with intakes below
5000 g daily and extremely rare at intakes Milk and dairy products
1/2 pint milk, whole, semi-skimmed 45
below 1000 g daily.
or skimmed
Hypersensitivity reactions including
1 pot yoghurt (150 g) 90
headache, rashes, symptoms of head cold, Cheese (50 g) 25
swelling of lips, throat and tongue, and Fish
arthralgia (joint pain) have been reported. Cod, cooked (150 g) 150
Haddock, cooked (150 g) 300
Mackerel, cooked (150 g) 200
Interactions Plaice, cooked (150 g) 50

Drugs Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics).

Note: Iodised salt contains 150g/5 g.
Antithyroid drugs: iodine may interfere with
thyroid control.
Iodine 179

Dose References
Iodine is available mostly as an ingredient in 1 Draper A, Lewis J, Malhotra N, Wheeler E. The
multivitamin and mineral products. energy and nutrient intakes of different types of
Dietary supplements usually provide 50 vegetarian: a case for supplements? Br J Nutr 1993;
69: 319.
100% of the RDA.
2 Remer T, Neubert A, Manz F. Increased risk of
iodine deficiency with vegetarian nutrition. Br J Nutr
Upper safety levels 1999; 81: 4549.
3 Krajovicova-Kuldlackova M, Buckova K, Klimes
The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Miner- I, Sebokova E. Iodine deficiency in vegetarians
als (EVM) has identified a likely safe total intake and vegans. Ann Nutr Metab 2003; 47:
of iodine for adults from supplements alone of 183185.
500 g daily.

Description Distribution
Iron is an essential trace mineral. Iron is transported in the blood bound to
the protein transferrin, and is stored in the
liver, spleen and bone marrow as ferritin and
Human requirements haemosiderin.
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values of iron.
The body has a limited capacity to eliminate
Dietary intake iron, and it can accumulate in the body to
In the UK, the average adult diet provides: toxic amounts. Small amounts are excreted in
for men 13.2 mg daily; for women, 10.0 mg. the faeces, urine, skin, sweat, hair, nails and
Dietary iron consists of haem and non-haem menstrual blood.
iron; in animal foods, about 40% of the iron
is haem iron and 60% is non-haem iron; all the
iron in vegetable products is non-haem iron.
The absorption of non-haem iron is enhanced
by concurrent ingestion of meat, poultry and
fish, and by various organic acids, especially
Iron is a component of haemoglobin, myoglobin ascorbic acid; it is inhibited by phytates (found
and many enzymes that are involved in a variety in bran and high-fibre cereals), tannins (found
of metabolic functions, including transport and in tea and coffee), egg yolk and by some drugs
storage of oxygen, the electron transport chain, and nutrients (see Interactions). Ferrous salts are
DNA synthesis and catecholamine metabolism. more efficiently absorbed than ferric salts.

Dietary sources Deficiency

See Table 2 for dietary sources of iron. Iron deficiency leads to microcytic,
hypochromic anaemia. Symptoms include
fatigue, weakness, pallor, dyspnoea on
exertion and palpitations. Non-haematological
Absorption effects include impairment in work capacity,
Absorption of iron occurs principally in the intellectual performance, neurological function
duodenum and proximal jejunum. Absorption and immune function and, in children,
of food iron varies between 5% and 15%. Haem behavioural disturbances. Gastrointestinal
iron is more efficiently absorbed than non-haem symptoms are also fairly common and the
iron. Body iron content is regulated mainly fingernails may become lustreless, brittle,
through changes in absorption. flattened and spoon-shaped.

Iron 181

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for iron (mg/day)

EU RDA = 14 mg


03 months 0.9 1.3 1.7 0.272 40

46 months 2.3 3.3 4.3 0.272 40
712 months 4.2 6.0 7.8 11 40 6.218.6
13 years 3.7 5.3 6.9 7 40 3.911.6
46 years 3.3 4.7 6.1 4.212.6
48 years 10 40
710 years 4.7 6.7 8.7 10 5.917.8a
913 years 8 40
1114 years 6.1 8.7 11.3 9.729.2b
1518 years 6.1 8.7 11.3 12.537.6
1418 years 11 45
1950+ years 4.7 6.7 8.7 17 8 45 9.227.4
1114 years 8.0 11.4 14.81 9.328.05b /21.865.46b
1418 years 15 45
1550+ years 8.0 11.4 14.81 17
1950 years 18 45 19.658.8
50+ years 4.7 6.7 8.7 8 45 9.127.4
Pregnancy * * * 27 45 NS
Lactation * * * 93 45 10.030.0
Post-menopause 8
Pre-menopause 18

* No increment.
a 79 years. b 1014 years.
1 Insufficient level for women who have high menstrual losses who may need iron supplements. 2 Adequate Intakes (AIs).
3 aged < 18 years, 10 mg daily. 4 Requirement depends on iron bioavailability of the diet. 5 Pre-menarche. 6 Post-menarche.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from diet and supplements.

Possible uses r pregnancy; and

r vegetarians.
Requirements may be increased and/or supple-
ments needed in:
r infants and children from the age of 6 months Iron supplements should be avoided in
to 4 years; conditions associated with iron overload (e.g.
r early adolescence; haemochromatosis, haemosiderosis, thalas-
r the female reproductive period; saemia); gastrointestinal disease, particularly
182 Iron

Table 2 Dietary sources of iron

Iron content Iron content

Food portion (mg) Food portion (mg)

Breakfast cereals Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 9

1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 5 Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 9
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 9 Fish
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 2 Cockles (80 g) 21
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 5 Mussels (80 g) 6
2 pieces Shredded Wheat 2 Pilchards, canned (105 g) 2.8
1 bowl Special K (35 g) 4 Sardines, canned (70 g) 3
1 bowl Start (30 g) 5 Vegetables
1 bowl Sultana Bran (35 g) 5 Green vegetables, average, boiled 1.5
(100 g)
2 Weetabix 3 Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 0.5
Cereal products 1 small can baked beans (200 g) 3
Bread, brown, 2 slices 1.5 Lentils, kidney beans or other pulses 2
(105 g)
white1 , 2 slices 1 Dahl, chickpea (155 g) 5
wholemeal, 2 slices 2 lentil (155 g) 2.5
1 chapati 1.5 Soya beans, cooked (100 g) 3
1 naan bread 3.5 Fruit
Pasta, brown, boiled (150 g) 2.0 8 dried apricots 2
white, boiled (150 g) 1.0 4 figs 2.5
Rice, brown, boiled (165 g) 0.7 1/2 an avocado pear 1.5
white, boiled (165 g) 0.3 Blackberries (100 g) 1
Dairy products Blackcurrants (100 g) 1
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 1 Nuts
Meat 20 almonds 1
Red meat, roast (85 g) 2.5 10 Brazil nuts 1
1 beef steak (155 g) 5.4 1 small bag peanuts (25 g) 0.5
Minced beef, lean, stewed 3 Milk chocolate (100 g) 1.6
(100 g)
1 chicken leg (190 g) 1 Plain chocolate (100 g) 2.4

White bread is supplemented with additional iron in the UK.

Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics).

inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal stricture, Adverse effects

diverticulitis and peptic ulcer.
Iron supplements may cause gastrointestinal
irritation, nausea and constipation, which may
Pregnancy and breast-feeding lead to faecal impaction, particularly in the
elderly. Patients with inflammatory bowel dis-
The Reference Nutrient Intake for iron during
ease may suffer exacerbation of diarrhoea. Any
pregnancy is no greater than for other adult
reduced incidence of side-effects associated with
women. Requirements during pregnancy are
modified-release preparations may be due to the
partly offset by lack of menstruation and partly
fact that only small amounts of iron are released
by increased efficiency of absorption. Routine
in the intestine. Liquid iron preparations may
iron supplementation is not required in preg-
stain the teeth.
nancy, but iron status should be monitored.
Iron 183

Table 3 Iron content of commonly used iron
Calcium: calcium carbonate or calcium phos-
supplements phate may reduce absorption of iron; give
2 h apart (absorption of iron in multiple for-
mulations containing iron and calcium is not
Iron salt Iron(mg/g) Iron(%) significantly altered).
Copper: large doses of iron may reduce copper
Ferrous fumarate 330 33
status and vice versa.
Ferrous gluconate 120 12 Manganese: reduced absorption of manganese.
Ferrous glycine sulphate 180 18 Vitamin E: large doses of iron may increase
Ferrous orotate 150 15 requirement for vitamin E; vitamin E may
Ferrous succinate 350 35 impair haematological response to iron in
Ferrous sulphate 200 20 patients with iron-deficiency anaemia.
Ferrous sulphate, dried 300 30
Zinc: reduced absorption of iron and vice versa.
Iron amino acid chelate 100 10

Antacids: reduced absorption of iron; give 2 h Iron is best taken on an empty stomach, but
apart. food reduces the possibility of stomach upsets;
Bisphosphonates: reduced absorption of bis- oral liquid preparations should be well diluted
phosphonates; give 2 h apart. with water or fruit juice and drunk through a
Co-careldopa: reduced plasma levels of carbi- straw.
dopa and levodopa. As a dietary supplement, 1017 mg daily.
Levodopa: absorption of levodopa may be
Methyldopa: reduced absorption of methyl- Upper safety levels
dopa. The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Miner-
Penicillamine: reduced absorption of penicil- als (EVM) has identified a likely safe total intake
lamine. of iron for adults from supplements alone of
4-Quinolones: absorption of ciprofloxacin, 17 mg daily.
norfloxacin and ofloxacin reduced by oral iron; Note: doses are given in terms of elemental
give 2 h apart. iron; patients should be advised that iron sup-
Tetracyclines: reduced absorption of iron and plements are not identical and provide different
vice versa; give 2 h apart. amounts of elemental iron; iron content of vari-
Trientine: reduced absorption of iron; give 2 h ous iron salts commonly used in supplements is
apart. shown in Table 3.

Description they could act oestrogenically, although further

research is required to confirm this concept.
Isoflavones belong to the class of compounds
There are two types of oestrogen recep-
known as flavonoids, and they are found prin-
tors alpha and beta and different tissues
cipally in soya beans and products made from
appear to have different ratios of each type.
them, including soya flour, soya milk, tempeh
Thus, alpha-receptors appear to predominate in
and tofu. They are present in varying amounts
breast, uterus and ovary, while beta-receptors
depending on the type of soya product and how
appear to predominate in prostate, bone and
it is processed. Isoflavones are also found in
vascular tissue. Phyto-oestrogens, although less
dietary supplements.
potent than endogenous or synthetic oestrogens,
have been shown to bind to beta-oestrogen
receptors, raising the possibility that phyto-
Constituents oestrogens could produce beneficial effects on,
The principal isoflavones in the soya bean are for example, bone and vascular tissue, without
genistein, daidzein and glycetin, which are causing adverse effects on the breast and ovary.
present mainly as glycosides. After ingestion, In addition to these hormonal effects, animal
the glycosides are hydrolysed in the large and in vitro evidence indicates that isoflavones
intestine by the action of bacteria to release arrest growth of cancer cells through inhibition
genistein, daidzein and glycetin. Daidzein of DNA replication, interference of signal trans-
can be metabolised by the bacteria in the duction pathways and reduction in the activity
large intestine to form either equol, which is of various enzymes. Isoflavones also exhibit
oestrogenic, or O-desmethylangolensin, which antioxidant effects, suppress angiogenesis and
is non-oestrogenic, while genistein is inhibit the actions of various growth factors and
metabolised to the non-oestrogenic P-ethyl cytokines.1
phenol. Variation in the ability to metabolise
daidzein could therefore have an influence on
Possible uses
the health effects of isoflavones.
Isoflavones have been investigated for a
potential role in CVD, cancer, osteoporosis and
Action menopausal symptoms.

Isoflavones are naturally-occurring weak

Cardiovascular disease
oestrogens, also known as phyto-oestrogens,
which are capable of binding to oestrogen Soya protein
receptors where, depending on the hormonal Products containing soya protein have been
status of the individual, they may seem to exert shown to reduce both total and LDL cholesterol
either oestrogenic or anti-oestrogenic effects. in some but not all studies in animals
Pre-menopausally, isoflavones may therefore and humans with raised cholesterol levels. The
be anti-oestrogenic, while post-menopausally mechanisms by which soya foods could reduce

Isoflavones 185

cholesterol are being investigated, but may cholesterol in men with both normal and high
include enhancement of bile acid secretion and serum lipid levels.6
reduced cholesterol metabolism. Other mecha- In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
nisms, independent of cholesterol lowering, by involving 156 healthy men and women, soya
which soya could be cardioprotective, include protein providing 62 mg isoflavones was asso-
reduction of platelet aggregation and clot for- ciated with a significant reduction in total and
mation, and inhibition of atherosclerosis by an LDL cholesterol compared with isoflavone-free
antioxidant effect and by inhibiting cell adhe- soya protein (the placebo).7 Moreover, soya
sion and proliferation in the arteries.2 However, protein providing 37 mg isoflavones was also
further studies are required to confirm these associated with a decrease in total and LDL
possibilities. cholesterol, but the reduction was significant
In addition, the question of which con- only in those subjects with a baseline LDL
stituents of soya are actually responsible for exceeding 4.24 mmol/L. There was no effect
lipid lowering is under discussion, and it is on HDL levels or triacylglycerols. Soya protein
not certain that isoflavones are the components providing a lower dose of isoflavones (27 mg
responsible for any beneficial effect. Animal daily) had no effect on any of the measured
studies specifically comparing the effects of indices. In subjects with baseline LDL levels
isoflavone-rich soya with isoflavone-free soya between 3.62 and 4.24 mmol/L there was no
on a range of blood lipids have produced significant effect of any dose of isoflavones.
conflicting results. A further study, involving 81 men with
A meta-analysis of 38 controlled clinical moderate hypercholesterolaemia (total serum
trials looking at the effects of soya protein on cholesterol 5.77.7 mmol/L) found that
serum lipid levels in humans showed that there soya protein (20 g daily, providing 37.5 mg
was a statistically significant association be- isoflavones) reduced non-HDL cholesterol
tween soya protein intake and improvement in by 2.6% and total cholesterol by 1.8% after
serum lipid levels.3 Of the 38 trials, 34 reported 6 weeks.8 Another trial involving healthy
a reduction in serum cholesterol, and overall young men compared the effects of milk
there was a 9.3% decrease in total cholesterol, a protein isolate, low isoflavone soya protein
12.9% decrease in LDL cholesterol and a 10.5% isolate (1.64 0.19 mg aglycone isoflavones
decrease in triacylglycerols. HDL cholesterol daily) and high isoflavone soya protein isolate
increased, but this change was not significant. (61.7 7.4 mg aglycone isoflavones daily) on
A double-blind, randomised 6-month trial lipid levels. The differences produced by the
involving 66 post-menopausal women with three treatments were not significant, but the
hypercholesterolaemia found that compared to ratios of total to HDL cholesterol, LDL to
control, soya protein providing either 56 or HDL cholesterol and apo B to apo A-1 were
90 mg isoflavones significantly reduced non- significantly lower with both the soya protein
HDL cholesterol and raised HDL cholesterol, treatments than with the milk protein isolate.9
with no change in total cholesterol.4 A study in 13 pre-menopausal women with
The effects of consuming a soya protein normal serum cholesterol levels found that
beverage powder compared with a casein sup- total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL
plement were evaluated in 20 male subjects cholesterol levels changed significantly across
randomly allocated to the two groups.5 There menstrual cycle phases. During specific phases
were no significant differences in plasma total of the cycle, soya protein providing 128.7 mg
and HDL cholesterol or in platelet aggregation isoflavones significantly lowered LDL choles-
between the groups, possibly because the men terol by 7.610.0%, the ratio of total to HDL
were normocholesterolaemic at entry into the cholesterol by 10.2% and the ratio of LDL to
study. HDL cholesterol by 13.8%. Despite the high
In a further study, soya protein was found to intake of isoflavones, the changes in lipid
enhance the effect of a low-fat, low-cholesterol concentrations were small, but the authors
diet by reducing serum LDL cholesterol and concluded that over a lifetime the small
increasing the ratio of LDL cholesterol to HDL effects observed could slow the development of
186 Isoflavones

atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of CHD in to two tablets daily were compared to placebo
women with normal cholesterol levels.10 in a three-period, randomised, double-blind,
A preliminary study in six subjects inves- ascending-dose study in 66 post-menopausal
tigated the effect of soya (providing genistein women with moderately elevated plasma choles-
12 mg and daidzein 7 mg) daily for 2 weeks terol levels (5.09.0 mmol/L).16 Each of the
on resistance of LDL to oxidation, because it three treatment periods lasted for 4 weeks.
appears that LDL has to be oxidised before The dietary supplement did not significantly
it can damage the arteries. The results from alter plasma total cholesterol, LDL or HDL
this small study indicated that isoflavones could cholesterol, or plasma triglycerides. Further
offer protection against LDL oxidation.11 trials with red clover have also shown that this
A randomised crossover study in 24 subjects preparation has no effect on blood lipids.17,18
compared a soya-enriched diet that was pro- However, at least one trial has shown that red
viding 1.9 or 66 mg of isoflavones daily. The clover may favourably influence blood pressure
aim was to investigate the effects of the diets on and endothelial function in post-menopausal
biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and resistance women with type 2 diabetes.19
of LDL to oxidation, because oxidative damage Recent trials have looked at other cardio-
to lipids may be involved in the aetiology vascular risk factors besides lipids that soya
of atherosclerosis and CVD. The diet high isoflavones might influence. Results to date have
in isoflavones reduced lipid peroxidation and not been promising. Isoflavones were found to
increased the resistance of LDL to oxidation.12 have no significant effect on reducing oxida-
tive damage.20,21 Studies looking at effects of
Isoflavone supplements isoflavones on vascular function have been con-
Studies giving isoflavones in tablet form have flicting, some showing improved function,22,23
yielded less positive results than those using soya while others showed no effect.24 One trial
protein. Forty-six men and 13 post-menopausal in healthy post-menopausal women suggested
women not taking HRT, all with average serum a positive influence of soya isoflavones on
cholesterol levels, participated in an 8-week endothelial function, as evidenced by improve-
randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled ment in endothelium-dependent vasodilatation
trial of two-way parallel design. One tablet and a reduction in plasma adhesion molecule
containing 55 mg isoflavones (predominantly levels.25 Another trial in post-menopausal
in the form of genistein) or placebo was women suggested that isoflavones could have
taken daily. Post-intervention, there were no beneficial effects on C-reactive protein concen-
significant differences in total, LDL and HDL trations, but not on other inflammatory mark-
cholesterol and lipoprotein(a).13 ers of cardiovascular risk in post-menopausal
Another trial, this time in 14 pre-menopausal women. This study also assessed whether there
women, found that a supplement providing were any differences in response according to
86 mg daily for 2 months produced no change equol production, but there were not.26
compared with placebo in plasma concentra- A study looking at the effect of a specific
tions of total cholesterol and triacylglycerol, isoflavone genistein suggested that genistein
nor in the oxidisability of LDL.14 A further may have a favourable effect on some cardiovas-
study in 20 healthy post-menopausal women cular markers, including fasting glucose, fast-
(5070 years old) with evidence of endothelial ing insulin, insulin resistance and fibrinogen.27
dysfunction, found that a soya bean tablet However, a further trial involving genistein
providing 80 mg of isoflavones daily for 8 weeks found that after 6 months treatment, genistein
produced no significant effects on plasma lipids did not modify circulating homocysteine levels
compared to placebo.15 or C-reactive protein.28
The effects of dietary isoflavone supple- Isoflavones have been studied in healthy
mentation using a purified red clover supple- young men and found to reduce plasma
ment (containing approximately biochanin A homocysteine and to have antioxidant
26 mg, formononetin 16 mg, daidzein 0.5 mg activity.29 Daily intake of soya isoflavones
and genistein 1 mg per tablet) at doses of one (80 mg) in high-risk, middle-aged men has
Isoflavones 187

been found to reduce blood pressure, total of soya isoflavones, the average effect on LDL
cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, while cholesterol and other lipid risk factors was nil.34
raising HDL cholesterol.30 A further critical analysis of investigations
into the effect of soya protein and isoflavones
on plasma lipoproteins concluded that the data
Meta-analyses and systematic reviews are not quantitatively impressive and raise sub-
Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses stantial questions about the clinical importance
evaluating the effect of soya/isoflavones on of the hypocholesterolaemic effects observed.35
lipids and cardiovascular risk factors have now
been conducted. A 2003 meta-analysis of 10 Cancer
studies, which included 21 treatments in total, Epidemiological studies have shown that popu-
found that soya-associated isoflavones were not lations with high intakes of soya foods such
related to changes in LDL or HDL cholesterol.31 as in China, Japan and other Asian countries
A 2004 meta-analysis of eight RCTs found usually have a lower risk of cancers of the breast,
that under conditions of identical soya protein uterus, prostate and colon.36,37 Epidemiological
intake, high isoflavone intake led to signifi- evidence from the USA suggests that dietary
cantly greater decreases in serum LDL choles- phyto-oestrogens (of which isoflavones are one
terol than low isoflavone intake, demonstrating type) are associated with a decreased risk of lung
that isoflavones have LDL cholesterol-lowering cancer.38 Experimental evidence from in vitro
effects independent of soya protein.32 and animal studies on the effects of isoflavones
A 2005 meta-analysis of 23 RCTs published on cancerous cells3941 has led to the suggestion
from 1995 to 2002 found that soya protein that isoflavones could reduce the risk of cancer
with isoflavones intact was associated with in humans.
significant decreases in serum total cholesterol, Substantial reduction in risk of breast cancer
LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerols and signif- has been reported among women with high
icant increases in serum HDL cholesterol. The intakes of phyto-oestrogens (as evidenced from
reductions in total and LDL cholesterol were urinary excretion).42 Lower urinary daidzein
larger in men than in women. Initial total choles- and genistein concentrations were found in
terol concentrations had a powerful effect on post-menopausal women with recently diag-
changes in total and HDL cholesterol, especially nosed breast cancer compared with controls.43
in subjects with hypercholesterolaemia. The Isoflavones appear to protect against cancer
strongest lowering effects on total cholesterol, by influences on growth factor, malignant cell
LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol occurred proliferation and cell differentiation. A more
within the short initial period of intervention, recent study found no evidence that isoflavone
while increases in HDL cholesterol were only treatment reduces colorectal epithelial cell pro-
observed in studies lasting longer than 12 weeks. liferation or the average height of proliferating
However, tablets containing extracted soya cells in the caecum, sigmoid colon or rectum,
isoflavones did not have a significant effect on and that it increases cell-proliferating measures
total cholesterol reduction.33 in the sigmoid colon.44 Another study found no
The American Heart Association Science evidence that isoflavones alter the concentration
Advisory assessed the more recent work on soya of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA).45 The
protein and isoflavones. In the majority of 22 American Heart Association Science Advisory
randomised trials, isolated soya protein with has concluded that the efficacy and safety
isoflavones (as compared with other proteins) of soya isoflavones for preventing or treating
decreased LDL cholesterol concentrations, but cancer of the breast, endometrium and prostate
the reduction of approximately 3% was very are not established.34
small relative to the large amount of soya
protein consumed (averaging 50 g, about half Osteoporosis
the usual total daily protein intake). No signifi- There is some evidence from animal studies
cant effects on HDL cholesterol, triglycerides or that soya isoflavones preserve BMD.46,47 A
blood pressure were evident. Among 19 studies preliminary study in 66 hypercholesterolaemic,
188 Isoflavones

post-menopausal women supplemented with that ipriflavone does not prevent bone loss or
soya protein (providing either 1.39 or 2.2 mg affect biochemical markers of bone metabolism.
isoflavones/g protein) or placebo for 6 months In addition, in this study, ipriflavone was found
showed that the higher dose of isoflavones was to induce lymphocytopenia in a significant
associated with a significant increase in BMD number of women.62
at the lumbar spine site.48 The lower dose
was not associated with any change in BMD. Menopausal symptoms
HDL cholesterol (the beneficial type) increased Reduction of oestrogen production in middle-
significantly with both soya treatments. aged women is associated with symptoms of the
A later study examined the effects of 24- menopause, such as hot flushes, vaginal dryness
week consumption of soya protein isolate with and atrophic vaginitis, and is also thought
isoflavones (80.4 mg daily) on bone loss in peri- to contribute to the increased risk of CHD
menopausal women.49 The randomised double- and osteoporosis. The main symptoms of the
blind study showed that soya isoflavones atten- menopause were thought to occur universally,
uated the reduction in lumbar spine BMD and but women in some countries, such as Japan,
bone mineral content, both of which occurred appear to experience symptoms such as hot
in the control group. flushes less frequently than women in Western
More recent studies evaluating the effect countries,63 yet far fewer Japanese women use
of isoflavones on bone have continued to HRT post-menopausally.64
show mixed results. One 3-month trial in 22 Several preliminary studies on the effects
post-menopausal women found that isoflavones of administration of soya isoflavones on
(61.8 mg daily) could slow down bone turnover menopausal symptoms indicated possible ben-
as judged by decreased urinary pyridinoline efit. One study involved 58 post-menopausal
excretion.50 A further trial in 58 menopausal women with at least 14 hot flushes a week.65
Japanese women found that isoflavones (40 mg They received either 45 g soya flour or wheat
daily) for 8 weeks produced a significant flour each day as a supplement to their regular
decrease in urinary deoxypyridoline and may diet over 12 weeks in a randomised double-
therefore have a beneficial effect on bone blind design. Hot flushes decreased in both
resorption.51 A trial in 203 Chinese women groups (45% in the soya group and 25% in
(aged 4862 years) found that isoflavones have the controls), with a rapid response in the
a mild, but significant, effect on maintenance soya group at 6 weeks. Menopausal symptoms
of hip bone mineral content. This effect was also decreased significantly in both groups. The
more marked in women in later menopause or authors concluded that the lack of difference
those with lower body weight or lower calcium between the two groups could be due either to a
intake.52,53 A 1-year supplementation study in strong placebo effect or a decline in symptoms
post-menopausal Taiwanese women found that with time.
isoflavones 100 mg daily were associated with Another study provides more persuasive
a protective effect on oestrogen-related bone evidence. One hundred and forty-five post-
loss and the BMD of lumbar vertebrae 13 menopausal women were randomised to receive
was increased.54 Other trials have shown no either three servings of soya foods daily or
significant effect of isoflavones on bone turnover control for 12 weeks.66 Menopausal symptom
markers55 or calcium retention,56 while another scores, hot flushes and vaginal dryness
trial showed that isoflavones do not appear to decreased by 50, 54 and 60%, respectively, in
have oestrogenic effects on markers of bone women on the soya diet. These three parameters
resporption.57 also fell in the control group, but only the
Studies conducted with ipriflavone, a syn- reduction in menopausal symptom score was
thetic isoflavone available as a dietary supple- significant.
ment, have found that ipriflavone reduced bone More recently, a double-blind placebo-
loss in post-menopausal women.5861 How- controlled study involved 104 post-menopausal
ever, a large multicentre RCT in 472 post- women who were randomised to receive
menopausal women (aged 4575 years) found 60 g soya protein isolate containing 76 mg
Isoflavones 189

isoflavones, or a control.67 In comparison had a positive effect on vaginal cytology and

with placebo, subjects on the soya supplement triglyceride levels.72
reported a statistically lower mean number of Studies evaluating the effect of genistein have
flushes per 24 h after 4, 8 and 12 weeks. By week found that this compound can have a beneficial
three, the treated group experienced a 26% effect on menopausal hot flushes.73,74
reduction in the mean number of hot flushes, Systematic reviews have considered the
a 33% reduction by week 4, and by week 12 effects of soya and red clover isoflavones
a 45% reduction, compared with 30% in the on menopausal symptoms. A UK systematic
control group. review including 10 RCTs that investigated the
A study in 241 women reporting vaso- value of soya preparations for peri-menopausal
motor symptoms suggested that soya protein symptoms found that the results were not
containing 42 or 58 mg of isoflavones is no conclusive. Four of the trials were positive,
more effective than isoflavone-extracted soya but six were negative, with one of these six
protein for improving the number and severity showing a positive trend. The conclusions were
of vasomotor symptoms in peri- and post- that there is some evidence of benefit for soya
menopausal women.68 In another study, which preparations in peri-menopausal symptoms, but
evaluated the effects of a supplement contain- the heterogeneity of the studies performed to
ing both soya isoflavones and black cohosh, date means it is difficult to make a definitive
there was no statistically significant effect on statement.75 A US systematic review identified
climacteric effects compared with placebo in 25 trials involving 2348 participants; the re-
peri-menopausal women experiencing at least searchers concluded that the available evidence
five vasomotor symptoms per day.69 A 6-month suggests that phyto-oestrogens available as soya
study in 79 post-menopausal women comparing foods, soya extracts and red clover extracts do
a soya extract providing 120 mg isoflavones not improve hot flushes or other menopausal
with 0.625 mg conjugated equine oestrogens symptoms.76 Evidence from a further system-
and placebo found that there was a decrease in atic review and meta-analysis suggests that
symptoms in both treatment groups and that the frequency of hot flushes is not reduced by
effects of soya with isoflavones was similar to red clover isoflavone extracts and results were
that of oestrogen. However, soya isoflavone had mixed for soya isoflavone extracts.77
no effect on endometrium and vaginal mucosa
during the treatment.70
Red clover (another source of isoflavones) Cognitive function
has also been investigated for an effect on Isoflavones have been evaluated for effects on
menopausal symptoms. An RCT in 252 women cognitive function. Results to date have been
aged 4560 years compared two red clover inconsistent. In a 6-month, double-blind RCT
supplements (Promensil and Rimostil, providing involving 53 women (aged 5574 years), women
82 and 57 mg isoflavones, respectively) with taking the isoflavone supplement (110 mg)
placebo. The reductions in mean hot flush count did consistently better compared with their
at 12 weeks were similar for Promensil (5.1), own baseline scores and placebo responses at
Rimostil (5.4) and placebo (5.0). In comparison 6 months. Isoflavone supplementation had a
with the placebo group, participants in the favourable effect on cognitive function, particu-
Promensil group, but not in the Rimostil group, larly veral memory, in these post-menopausal
reduced hot flushes more rapidly. Quality of women.78 In a further 6-month trial in 30
life improvements and adverse events were women aged over 60, a red clover isoflavone
comparable in the three groups. The authors supplement did not appear to have major
concluded that neither supplement had a clin- cognitive effects.79 A Dutch trial in 202 healthy
ically important effect on hot flushes or other post-menopausal women aged 6065 years
symptoms of menopause.71 Another trial in found that cognitive function and also BMD
60 post-menopausal women found that a red and plasma lipids did not differ significantly
clover supplement (80 mg isoflavones) signif- between the isoflavone and placebo groups
icantly decreased menopausal symptoms and after a year.80
190 Isoflavones

Miscellaneous Precautions/contraindications
Other symptoms and conditions have been
Use with caution in individuals at risk of
a recent focus of trials involving isoflavones.
hormone-dependent cancers.
Isoflavones have been found to have no effect
on quality of life (health status, life satisfaction,
depression) in elderly post-menopausal Pregnancy and breast-feeding
women.81 Another study suggested that
isoflavones do not have beneficial effects on No problems have been reported, but there
body composition and physical performance have not been sufficient studies to guarantee the
in post-menopausal women.82 A further safety of isoflavones in pregnancy and breast-
trial found that soya isoflavones (100 mg) feeding. Because of their hormonal effects,
and 0.625 mg conjugated oestrogen equally isoflavones are probably best avoided.
lower fasting glucose and insulin levels in
post-menopausal women.83 Another study Adverse effects
showed that soya isoflavones may have the
potential to reduce specific premenstrual Soya foods have been consumed in Asian cul-
symptoms (e.g. headache, breast tenderness, tures for centuries. However, studies are needed
cramps, swelling).84 to assess the long-term safety of supplemental
soya protein isolates or isoflavone supplements.
In addition, isoflavones are oestrogenic albeit
weakly so and there is some evidence that
Conclusion they may stimulate cancer cell proliferation
The effects of isoflavones have been studied in women with breast cancer.86 In a study
in many clinical trials. The scientific literature in healthy women, soya isoflavones did not
is conflicting because of inconsistencies in increase mammographic breast density.87 Until
populations studied, lack of appropriate more is known about these compounds, women
control groups, selection of end points and with breast cancer should consult their doctors
types of study. There are some data to before taking isoflavones.
suggest that isoflavones have beneficial
physiological effects, but the clinical impli- Interactions
cations of these effects are unclear. The
consumption of whole soya bean foods and None reported.
soya bean protein isolates has beneficial
effects on lipid markers of cardiovascular
risk. The consumption of isolated isoflavones
does not appear to have a significant effect Supplements
on blood lipids or blood pressure, although Isoflavones are available in the form of tablets
it may improve endothelial function. For and capsules.
menopausal symptoms there is some evi- The dose is not established. Dietary sup-
dence that soya bean protein isolates, soya plements containing mixed isoflavones provide
foods or red clover extracts are effective, 50100 mg in a dose.
but soya bean isoflavone extracts may be
effective in reducing hot flushes. There is a Health claims
suggestion, but no conclusive evidence, that In 2002, the UK Joint Health Claims Initiative
isoflavones may have a beneficial effect on (JHCI: proposed a generic
bone health. There are too few RCTs to reach health claim for soya protein that may be
conclusions on the effects of isoflavones on included on the labels of appropriate foods as
breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes or follows: The inclusion of at least 25 g soya
cognitive function.85 protein per day as part of a diet low in saturated
fat can help reduce blood cholesterol.
Isoflavones 191

In 1999, the US Food and Drug Administra- normocholesterolemic, premenopausal women. Am

tion (FDA: approved a similar J Clin Nutr 2000; 71: 14621469.
claim: Diets low in saturated fat and choles- 11 Tikkanen MJ, Wahala K, Ojala S, et al. Effect
of soybean phytoestrogen intake on low density
terol that include 25 g of soy protein a day may lipoprotein oxidation resistance. Proc Natl Acad Sci
reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving USA 1998; 17: 95: 31063110.
of [name of food] provides grams of soy 12 Wiseman H, OReilly JD, Adlercreutz H, et al.
protein. Isoflavone phytoestrogens consumed in soy decrease
F2 -isoprostane concentrations and increase resis-
tance of low-density lipoprotein to oxidation in
humans. Am J Clin Nutr 2000; 72: 395400.
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29 Chen CY, Bakhiet RM, Hart V, Holtzman G. case control study. Menopause 2000; 7: 289296.
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rest but do not ameliorate oxidative stress induced rectal epithelial cell proliferation in a randomized
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30 Sagara M, Kanda T, Njelekera M, et al. Effects 45 Adams KF, Chen C, Newton KM, et al. Soy
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194 Isoflavones

a systematic review. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 104: 82 Kok L, Kreijkamp-Kaspers S, Grobbee DE, et al.
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77 Nelson HD, Vesco KK, Haney E, et al. Non- performance. Maturitas 2005; 52: 102110.
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red clover on cognitive function in postmenopausal review of health effects of soybean phyto-oestrogens
women. Climacteric 2004; 7: 7077. in post-menopausal women. Proc Nutr Soc 2006;
80 Kreijkamp-Jaspers S, Kok L, Grobbee DL, et al. 65: 7692.
Effect of soy protein containing isoflavones on 86 McMichael-Phillips DF, Harding C, Morton M,
cognitive function, bone mineral density, and et al. Effects of soy-protein supplementation on
plasma lipids in postmenopausal women: a ran- epithelial proliferation in the histologically normal
domized controlled trial. JAMA 2004; 292: human breast. Am J Clin Nutr 1998; 68:
6574. S1431S1436.
81 Kok L, Kreijkamp-Kaspers S, Grobbee DE, et al. A 87 Atkinson C, Warren RM, Sala E, et al. Red-clover
randomized placebo-controlled trial on the effects of derived isoflavones and mammographic breast den-
soy protein containing isoflavones on quality of life sity: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
in postmenopausal women. Menopause 2005; 12: trial (ISRCTN42940165). Breast Cancer Res 2004;
5662. 6: R170R179.

Description developing thyroid dysfunction.7 Nausea and

Kelp is a long-stemmed seaweed, derived from diarrhoea have been reported occasionally.
various species (e.g. Fucus, Laminaria) of brown
algae, known as a preparation of dried seaweed Interactions
of various species. See Iodine monograph.

Constituents Dose
Kelp is a source of several minerals and trace Kelp is available in the form of capsules, tablets,
elements, especially iodine. powder and liquid.
The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
Possible uses ments contain 200500 mg kelp. The iodine
content is variable and not always quoted on
Kelp is claimed to be a slimming aid (some
the label.
herbal products containing kelp are licensed in
the UK for this purpose). Its main use is as a
source of iodine. References
1 Shilo S, Hirsch HJ. Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism
in a patient with a normal thyroid gland. Postgrad
Precautions/contraindications Med J 1986; 62: 661662.
2 Ishizuki Y, Yamauchi K, Miura Y. Transient thyro-
Kelp should be avoided in patients with thyroid
toxicosis induced by Japanese kombu. Nippon
disease, unless recommended by a doctor. It may Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi 1989; 65: 9198.
be contaminated with toxic trace elements (e.g. 3 de Smet PA, Stricker BH, Wilderink F, Wiersinga
antimony, arsenic, lead, strontium). WM. Hyperthyroidism during treatment with
kelp tablets. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1990; 134:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding 4 Hartmann AA. Hyperthyroidism during administra-
tion of kelp tablets. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1990;
Avoid (because of contaminants see Precau- 134: 1373.
tions). 5 Eliason BC. Transient hyperthyroidism in a patient
taking dietary supplements containing kelp. J Am
Adverse effects Board Fam Pract 1998; 11: 478480.
6 Konno N, Iizuka N, Kawasaki K, et al. Screening for
A few case reports have linked hyperthyroidism thyroid dysfunction in adults residing in Hokkaido,
to kelp ingestion.15 Hypothyroidism may also Japan: in relation to urinary iodide concentration
be more prevalent in people who consume and thyroid autoantibodies. Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi
1994; 69: 614626.
excess amounts of iodine in the form of kelp.6 7 Landenson PW, Singer PA, Ain KB, et al. American
A US guideline on detection of thyroid dys- Thyroid Association Guidelines for Detection of
function notes that patients who ingest iodine Thyroid Dysfunction. Arch Intern Med 2000; 160:
compounds (e.g. kelp) are at increased risk of 15731575.


Description Deficiency
Lecithin is a phospholipid and is known as Not established.
Possible uses
Lecithin is claimed to be beneficial in the treat-
Lecithin is composed of phosphatidyl esters, ment of disease related to impaired cholinergic
mainly phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidyletha- function (see Choline). It has also been claimed
nolamine, phosphatidylserineandphosphatidyl- to be of benefit in lowering serum cholesterol
inositol. It also contains varying amounts levels and improving memory. It is sometimes
of other substances such as fatty acids, taken for dementia and Alzheimers disease.
triglycerides and carbohydrates. One teaspoon
(3.5 g) lecithin granules provides on average: Cholesterol
energy 117 kJ (28 kcal), phosphatidyl choline An open clinical trial in the 1970s showed
750 mg, phosphatidyl inositol 500 mg, choline that oral lecithin in large doses (2030 g daily)
100 mg, inositol 100 mg, phosphorus 110 mg. led to a significant reduction in cholesterol
concentration in one out of the three healthy
subjects studied and three out of the seven
Human requirements people with hypercholesterolaemia.1
Lecithin is not an essential component of the However, in a double-blind study, 20 hyper-
diet. It is synthesised from choline. lipidaemic men were randomised to receive
frozen yoghurt, frozen yoghurt with 20 g soya
bean lecithin or frozen yoghurt with 17 g sun-
Action flower oil. Sunflower oil was used to control
Lecithin is a source of choline (see Choline) for the increased intake in energy and linoleic
and inositol. It is an essential component of cell acid from the lecithin. Lecithin treatment had
membranes and a precursor to acetylcholine. no independent effect on serum lipoprotein or
plasma fibrinogen levels in this group of men.2
A review of 24 papers examining the effect of
Dietary sources consuming lecithin on serum cholesterol raised
Soya beans, peanuts, liver, meat, eggs. concern about the small size and lack of control
groups in many of the studies. The authors
concluded that there was no evidence for a
specific effect of lecithin on serum cholesterol
About 50% of ingested lecithin enters the independent of its linoleic acid content or
thoracic duct intact. The rest is degraded to secondary changes in food intake. The observed
glycerophosphorylcholine in the intestine, and lecithin-induced hypocholesterolaemic effects in
then to choline in the liver. Plasma choline levels the studies were artefacts caused by the manner
reflect lecithin intake. and design of the data analysis, were mediated

Lecithin 197

by dietary changes or were due to the linoleic Precautions/contraindications

acid present in lecithin.3
None known.

Alzheimers disease Pregnancy and breast-feeding

A double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover No problems have been reported, but there
study in 11 outpatients with Alzheimers disease have not been sufficient studies to guarantee
found that lecithin 10 g three times a day for the safety of lecithin (in amounts greater than
3 months was associated with an improvement those found in foods) in pregnancy and breast-
in tests of learning ability, but there was no feeding.
improvement in any of the psychological tests
Two further double-blind studies (one in Adverse effects
patients with Alzheimers disease,5 one in
normal adults6 ) showed no effect of lecithin on None reported.
Another double-blind RCT in 53 subjects
with probable Alzheimers disease involved the
use of lecithin and tacrine or lecithin and None reported.
placebo for 36 weeks. No clinically relevant
improvement was found in any of the groups
over 36 weeks.7 Dose
A Cochrane review investigating the efficacy Lecithin is available in the form of tablets,
of lecithin in the treatment of dementia or capsules and powder. Lecithin supplements pro-
cognitive impairment found 12 RCTs involving vide between 20 and 90% phosphatidylcholine
patients with Alzheimers disease (265 patients), (depending on the product).
Parkinsonian dementia (21 patients) and sub- The dose is not established. On current
jective memory problems (90 patients). No evidence, lecithin is unlikely to be useful. Prod-
trials reported any clear benefit of Alzheimers uct manufacturers recommend 12002400 mg
disease or Parkinsonian dementia. A dramatic daily.
result in favour of lecithin was obtained in
a trial of subjects with subjective memory
problems. The authors concluded that evidence References
from randomised trials does not support the
use of lecithin in the treatment of dementia. 1 Simons LA, Hickie JB, Ruys J. Treatment of hyper-
cholesterolaemia with oral lecithin. Aust NZ J Med
A moderate effect could not be ruled out, but
1977; 7: 262266.
they concluded that results from the small trials 2 Oosthuizen W, Vorster HH, Vermaak WJ, et al.
to date do not indicate priority for a large Lecithin has no effect on serum lipoprotein, plasma
randomised trial.8 fibrinogen and macromolecular protein complex
levels in hyperlipidaemic men in a double-blind
controlled study. Eur J Clin Nutr 1998; 52:
Conclusion 419424.
Controlled clinical trials have provided no 3 Knuiman JT, Beynen AC, Katan MB. Lecithin intake
evidence that lecithin lowers cholesterol or and serum cholesterol. Am J Clin Nutr 1989; 49:
helps to improve memory in patients with 266268.
Alzheimers disease. Claims for the value 4 Etienne P, Dastoor D, Gauthier S, et al. Alzheimer
of lecithin in lowering blood pressure and disease: lack of effect of lecithin treatment for 3
months. Neurology 1981; 31: 15521554.
also in hepatitis, gallstones, psoriasis and 5 Brinkman SD, Smith RC, Meyer JS, et al. Lecithin
eczema are unsubstantiated. Further trials and memory training in suspected Alzheimers dis-
are needed to assess the role of lecithin. ease. J Gerontol 1982; 37: 49.
198 Lecithin

6 Harris CM, Dysken MW, Fovall P, Davis JM. Effect disease: double-blind trial. BMJ 1994; 308:
of lecithin on memory in normal adults. Am J 879883.
Psychiatry 1983; 140: 10101012. 8 Higgins JPT, Flicker L. Lecithin for dementia and
7 Maltby N, Broe GA, Creasey H, et al. Efficacy of cognitive impairment. Cochrane database, issue 4,
tacrine and lecithin in mild to moderate Alzheimers 2000. London: Macmillan.

Description Distribution
Magnesium is an essential mineral. It is the Magnesium is widely distributed in the soft
second most abundant intracellular cation in the tissues and skeleton.
Excretion is largely via the urine (magne-
sium homeostasis is controlled mainly by the
Human requirements
kidneys), with unabsorbed and endogenously
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for secreted magnesium in the faeces. Small
magnesium. amounts are excreted in saliva and breast milk.

Dietary intake Bioavailability

In the UK, the average diet provides: for males, Bioavailability appears to be enhanced by
336 mg daily; for females, 250 mg daily. vitamin D, but is decreased by phytates and
non-starch polysaccharides (dietary fibre).

Action Deficiency
Magnesium is an essential cofactor for Signs and symptoms include hypocalcaemia
enzymes requiring ATP (these are involved in and hypokalaemia; muscle spasm, tremor and
glycolysis, fatty acid oxidation and amino acid tetany; personality changes, lethargy and apa-
metabolism). It is also required for the synthesis thy; convulsions, delirium and coma; anorexia,
of RNA and replication of DNA; neuromuscu- nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and paralytic
lar transmission; and calcium metabolism. ileus; cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia and sud-
den cardiac death.
Dietary sources
Possible uses
See Table 2 for dietary sources of magnesium.
Magnesium has been investigated for a role in
CVD (including hypertension), diabetes melli-
tus, migraine, osteoporosis and PMS.
Absorption Cardiovascular disease
Absorption of magnesium occurs principally Magnesium deficiency has been associated with
in the jejunum and ileum by active carrier- CVD, and some epidemiological data have sug-
mediated processes (partly dependent on gested a reduced mortality from coronary artery
vitamin D and parathyroid hormone) and by disease in populations living in hard water areas
diffusion. compared with those living in soft water areas.

200 Magnesium

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for magnesium (mg/day)

EU RDA = 14 mg


03 months 30 40 55 30 2636
46 months 40 50 60 30 2636
79 months 45 60 75 75 54
1012 months 45 60 80 75 54
13 years 50 65 85 80 65 60
46 years 70 90 120 76
48 years 130 110
710 years 115 150 200 170 100a
913 years 240 350
1114 years 180 230 280 230b
1418 years 410 350 230
1518 years 190 250 280
1950+ years 190 250 300 300 2601
1930 years 400 350
3170+ years 420 350
1114 years 180 230 280 220b
1418 years 360 350 220
1518 years 190 250 300 310
1950 years 190 250 300 300 280 2602
50+ years 150 200 270 300 280
1930 years 310 350
3170+ years 320 350
Pregnancy * * * 360400 350 220
Lactation +50 320360 350 270

* No increment.
a 79 years. b 1014 years.
1 > 65 years = 224 mg. 2 > 65 years = 190 mg.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level.

Other data, however, have indicated no such the infarction rather than the cause of it. How-
association, and a large cohort study1 in which ever, one double-blind placebo-controlled study
2512 older men were followed for 10 years also in patients with acute myocardial infarction
provided no evidence of a protective role for showed reduced serum triglyceride concentra-
magnesium in CHD. tions and tendencies towards increased HDL
Marginal magnesium status has been cholesterol concentrations after oral magnesium
implicated in myocardial infarction, but reduced supplementation.2
serum magnesium levels found in some Some controlled studies have suggested
myocardial infarct patients may be a result of that intravenous magnesium given early after
Magnesium 201

suspected myocardial infarction could reduce

Table 2 Dietary sources of magnesium the frequency of serious arrhythmias and mor-
tality. However, magnesium has been given as a
prescription medicine in these cases and not as
Food portion Magnesium a dietary supplement.
content (mg) A more recent trial in 187 people found
that magnesium 365 mg daily for 6 months
Breakfast cereals
increased exercise duration time compared with
1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 90 placebo, and decreased exercise-induced chest
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 50 pain. Quality of life parameters significantly
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 5 improved in the magnesium group. The authors
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 90 concluded that these findings suggest that oral
2 pieces Shredded Wheat 50 magnesium supplementation for 6 months in
2 Weetabix 50
patients with coronary artery disease results in
Cereal products
Bread, brown, 2 slices 40 a significant improvement in exercise tolerance,
white, 2 slices 15 exercise-induced chest pain and quality of life,
wholemeal, 2 slices 60 suggesting a mechanism whereby magnesium
1 chapati 30 could beneficially alter outcomes in patients
Pasta, brown, boiled (150 g) 60 with coronary artery disease.3
white, boiled (150 g) 25
Rice, brown, boiled (165 g) 60
white, boiled (165 g) 15
Blood pressure
Milk and dairy products There is some evidence that magnesium
2 pint milk, whole, semi-skimmed or 35 reduces blood pressure.4 A 20 mmol increase in
skimmed daily magnesium intake resulted in a diastolic
1 pot yoghurt (150 g) 30 blood pressure fall of 3.4 mmHg in a trial in
Cheese (50 g) 12 Dutch women.5 A reduction in blood pressure
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 10
occurred with a low-sodium, high-potassium,
Meat and fish
Meat, cooked (100 g) 25 high-magnesium salt in older patients with mild
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 20 to moderate hypertension and suggested that
Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 20 the increased magnesium intake could have
White fish, cooked (150 g) 30 contributed to the fall in blood pressure.6
Pilchards, canned (105 g) 40 However, another study7 showed that
Sardines, canned (70 g) 35 magnesium supplementation did not have an
Shrimps (80 g) 49
Tuna, canned (95 g) 30
additive hypotensive effect in mild hypertensive
Vegetables subjects on a reduced sodium intake.
Green vegetables, average, boiled 20 Another group,8 using a double-blind rando-
(100g) mised crossover design, detected no fall in blood
Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 20 pressure with magnesium supplementation,
1 small can baked beans (200 g) 60 despite a significant increase in plasma
Lentils, kidney beans or other pulses 50
magnesium concentration.
(105 g)
Fruit More recent double-blind placebo-controlled
1 banana 35 trials9,10 have shown no effect of magnesium
1 orange 20 supplementation (300360 mg) on blood pres-
Nuts sure in healthy subjects and those with mild to
20 almonds 50 moderate hypertension.11
10 Brazil nuts 80 A meta-analysis of 20 randomised trials
30 hazelnuts 50
involving 1220 subjects found that magne-
30 peanuts 70
sium supplementation produced a modest dose-
Note: Hard drinking water may contribute significantly to intake. dependent blood pressure lowering effect.12
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics). For each 250 mg daily increase in magnesium
intake, systolic blood pressure fell by a further
202 Magnesium

4.3 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by there was no correlation between plasma and
2.3 mmHg. intracellular magnesium and glycaemic con-
trol. In the groups on placebo and lower-dose
Diabetes mellitus magnesium, neither a change in plasma nor
Magnesium modulates glucose transport across intracellular magnesium occurred and there was
cell membranes, and is a cofactor in various no change in glycaemic control. The higher dose
pathways involving enzymatic oxidation. of magnesium was associated with an increase
Individuals with diabetes, especially those with in plasma and intracellular magnesium and a
glycosuria and ketoacidosis, may have significant fall in fructosamine.19
excessive urinary losses of magnesium.13,14 In a placebo-controlled (not blinded) study,
Hypomagnesaemia is common in these patients involving 50 patients with type 2 diabetes,
and can potentially cause insulin resistance.15 supplementation with 360 mg magnesium daily
One study has shown that insulin secretory over 3 months increased plasma magnesium and
capacity improved with dietary magnesium urinary magnesium excretion, but had no effect
supplementation for 4 weeks.16 The effect on glycaemic control or lipid concentration.20
of diabetes on tissue content of magnesium More recent trials have shown that oral
is variable and cannot always be predicted magnesium supplementation improves insulin
from serum magnesium measurements. sensitivity and metabolic control in type 2 dia-
Epidemiologically, magnesium deficiency has betic patients with decreased serum magnesium
been associated with diabetic neuropathy,17 levels,21 and also improves insulin sensitivity
and although there is no evidence to indicate in non-diabetic subjects with decreased magne-
that magnesium supplementation can alter this sium levels.22
complication, the magnesium status of patients
at risk of magnesium depletion (e.g. those Premenstrual syndrome
on thiazides) should be assessed. However, Reduced magnesium levels have been reported
monitoring is difficult and a dose for patients in women affected by PMS. An Italian double-
with diabetes mellitus has not been established. blind randomised study23 in 32 women showed
In an open trial, 11 patients with type that a supplement of 360 mg magnesium daily
1 diabetes and persistently low erythrocyte improved premenstrual symptoms related to
magnesium levels were given 450 mg magne- mood changes. More recently, a randomised,
sium following an intravenous loading dose double-blind, placebo-controlled study24 in 38
of magnesium. During intravenous loading, women showed no effect of magnesium sup-
plasma magnesium decreased and erythrocyte plementation (200 mg daily) in the first month,
magnesium increased. Supplementation did not but symptoms including weight gain, swelling
normalise magnesium status, and there were no of extremities, breast tenderness and abdom-
significant changes in glycated haemoglobin or inal bloating, improved during the second
serum lipid levels. The authors concluded that month. A further study25 in 44 women last-
chronic magnesium depletion may occur in type ing 1 month showed that magnesium 200 mg
1 diabetes and that it is difficult to replete and daily plus vitamin B6 50 mg daily produced a
maintain body stores.18 modest effect on anxiety-related premenstrual
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, symptoms.
128 Brazilian patients with type 2 diabetes
were randomised to receive 497 mg magnesium, Migraine
994 mg magnesium or placebo. At the start of There is some evidence that magnesium sup-
the study, 47.7% of the patients had low plasma plementation is effective in migraine, but
magnesium and 31.1% had low intramono- results from studies are equivocal. Thus, oral
nuclear magnesium levels. Intracellular magne- magnesium was effective in reducing the fre-
sium was significantly lower than in the normal quency of migraine in a 12-week, placebo-
population and was lower in those with periph- controlled, double-blind study.26 There was
eral neuropathy than those without. However, also a reduction in the average duration of
Magnesium 203

pain and need for acute medication, although nesium below recommended levels. Magnesium
these changes were not significant. However, supplementation has been investigated for pos-
in another similar study, magnesium had no sible benefit in reducing foetal growth retar-
effect.27 A further trial compared a placebo con- dation and pre-eclampsia, and increasing birth
taining riboflavin 25 mg with a treatment con- weight. A Cochrane review found seven trials
taining riboflavin 400 mg, magnesium 300 mg involving 2689 women. Six of these trials
and feverfew 100 mg. The placebo response in randomly allocated women to either oral mag-
this trial was high and there was no difference nesium or control, while the largest trial with
between placebo and treatment.28 985 women had a cluster design where ran-
domisation was according to a study centre. The
Osteoporosis analysis was conducted with and without this
Magnesium is a constituent of bone, and supple- trial. When all seven trials were included, oral
mentation has been shown to increase bone den- magnesium from the 25th week of pregnancy
sity in individuals with osteoporosis. Increased was associated with lower frequency of pre-term
magnesium intake is associated with a lower birth, a lower frequency of low birth weight,
decline in BMD after the menopause.29 Supple- fewer small for gestational age infants and fewer
ments have been shown to decrease markers of cases of antepartum haemorrhage compared
bone turnover in young men,30 but not young with placebo. In the analysis excluding the
women.31 Bone density increased in patients cluster trial the effects were no different between
with gluten-sensitive enteropathy and associ- treatment and placebo. Only one of the trials
ated osteoporosis,32 and also in menopausal was judged to be of high quality, with the others
women33 who were given oral magnesium. likely to have resulted in a bias favouring mag-
nesium supplementation. The review concluded
that there is not enough high-quality evidence
Magnesium supplementation has been sug-
to show that dietary magnesium supplementa-
gested to improve athletic performance. In
tion during pregnancy is beneficial.39 A further
one double-blind, placebo-controlled study,34
review concluded that magnesium, used after
magnesium (507 mg versus 246 mg daily) im-
threatened pre-term labour, does not reduce
proved muscular strength, and in another sim-
pre-term birth or improve the outcome for the
ilar study,35 swimming, running and cycling
performance was improved. However, in a
2-week study,36 athletes taking magnesium
500 mg daily did not demonstrate improved
performance or reduced muscle tiredness.
Cancer Epidemiological studies show an associa-
Epidemiological studies have shown an asso- tion between marginal magnesium status
ciation between magnesium and colon cancer and CVD and hypertension. However, the
in women. A prospective cohort study among effect of supplementation is equivocal and
61 433 Swedish women aged 4075 years found any effect appears to be small. Patients
an inverse association of magnesium intake with with diabetes often have poor magnesium
colorectal cancer.37 Another prospective cohort status, but supplementation does not appear
study among 35 196 Iowa women aged 55 to have an effect on glucose control, pos-
69 years found an inverse association between sibly because it is difficult to replete and
magnesium intake and colon cancer, but this maintain adequate magnesium levels. Pre-
association was largely lacking for rectal liminary evidence suggests that magnesium
cancer.38 could reduce the frequency and pain of
migraine and may help the symptoms of
Pregnancy PMS. There is no good evidence that mag-
Many women, particularly those from disad- nesium improves performance in athletes.
vantaged backgrounds, have intakes of mag-
204 Magnesium

Precautions/contraindications 3 Shechter M, Bairey Merz CN, Stuchlinger HG, et

al. Effects of oral magnesium therapy on exercise
Doses exceeding the RDA are best avoided in tolerance, exercise-induced chest pain, and quality
renal impairment. of life in patients with coronary artery disease. Am J
Cardiol 2003; 91: 517521.
4 Widman L, Webster PO, Stegmayr BK, Wirell M.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding The dose-dependent reduction in blood pressure
through administration of magnesium. Am J Hyper-
No problems reported with normal intakes. tension 1993; 6: 4145.
5 Witteman JCM, Grobbee DE, Derkx FHM, et al.
Reduction of blood pressure with oral magnesium
Adverse effects supplementation in women with mild to moderate
hypertension. Am J Clin Nutr 1994; 60:
Toxicity from oral ingestion is unlikely in 129135.
individuals with normal renal function. Doses 6 Geleijnse JM, Witteman JCM, Bak AAA, et al.
of 35 g have a cathartic effect. Reduction in blood pressure with a low sodium, high
potassium, high magnesium salt in older subjects
with mild to moderate hypertension. BMJ 1994;
309: 436440.
7 Nowson CA, Morgan TO. Magnesium supplemen-
Drugs tation in mild hypertensive patients on a moderately
Alcohol: excessive alcohol intake increases renal low sodium diet. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 1989;
16: 299302.
excretion of magnesium.
8 Cappuccio FP, Markandu ND, Beynon GW, et al.
Loop diuretics: increased excretion of Lack of effect of oral magnesium on high blood
magnesium. pressure: a double-blind study. BMJ 1985; 291:
4-quinolones: may reduce absorption of 235238.
4-quinolones; give 2 h apart. 9 Sacks FM, Willet WC, Smith A, et al. Effect on blood
Tetracyclines: may reduce absorption of tetra- pressure of potassium, calcium and magnesium in
cyclines; give 2 h apart. women with low habitual intake. Hypertension
1998; 31: 131138.
Thiazide diuretics: increased excretion of 10 Yamamoto ME, Applegate WB, Klag MJ, et al.
magnesium. Lack of blood pressure effect with calcium and
magnesium supplementation in adults with high-
normal blood pressure. Reports from phase I of the
Dose Trials of Hypertension Prevention (TOHP). Trials
of Hypertension Prevention (TOHP) Collaborative
Magnesium is available in the form of tablets
Research Group. Ann Epidemiol 1995; 5:
and capsules. It is available in isolation, in 96107.
combination with calcium (and sometimes with 11 Ferrara LA, Iannuzzi R, Castaldo A, et al. Long-term
vitamin D) and in multivitamin and mineral magnesium supplementation in essential hyperten-
preparations. sion. Cardiology 1992; 81: 2533.
The dose is not established. Dietary supple- 12 Jee SH, Miller ER III, Gullar E, et al. The effect
ments provide 100500 mg per dose. of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure: a
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J
Hypertens 2002; 15: 691696.
References 13 Fujii S, Takemura T, Wada M, et al. Magnesium
levels in plasma, erythrocyte and urine in patients
1 The Caerphilly and Speedwell Collaborative Group. with diabetes mellitus. Horm Metab Res 1982; 14:
Caerphilly and Speedwell collaborative heart disease 161162.
studies. J Epidemiol Community Health 1994; 38: 14 McNair P, Christensen MS, Christiansen C, et al.
235238. Renal hypomagnesaemia in human diabetes mellitus:
2 Rasmussen HS, Aurup P, Goldstein K, et al. Influence its relation to glucose homeostasis. Eur J Clin Invest
of magnesium substitution therapy on blood lipid 1982; 12: 8185.
composition in patients with ischaemic heart disease. 15 Jain AP, Gupta NN, Kumar A. Some metabolic
A double-blind, placebo controlled study. Arch effects of magnesium in diabetes mellitus. J Assoc
Intern Med 1989; 149: 10501053. Physicians India 1976; 24: 827831.
Magnesium 205

16 Paolisso G, Passariello N, Pizza G, et al. Dietary 27 Pfaffenrath V, Wessely P, Meyer C. Magnesium

magnesium supplements improve -cell response to in the prophylaxis of migraine a double blind,
glucose and arginine in elderly non-insulin depen- placebo-controlled study. Cephalagia 1996; 16:
dent diabetic subjects. Acta Endocrinol 1989; 121: 436440.
1620. 28 Maizels M, Blumenfeld A, Burchette R. A combi-
17 McNair P, Christiansen C, Madsbad S, et al. Hypo- nation of riboflavin, magnesium, and feverfew for
magnesaemia, a risk factor in diabetic nephropathy. migraine prophylaxis: a randomized trial. Headache
Diabetes 1978; 27: 10751077. 2004; 44: 885890.
18 De Leeuw I, Engelen W, Vertommen J, et al. Effect 29 Tucker AK, Hannan MT, Chen H. Potassium,
of intensive IV + oral magnesium supplementation magnesium, and fruit and vegetable intakes are
on circulating ion levels, lipid parameters, and associated with greater bone mineral density in
metabolic control in Mg-depleted insulin-dependent elderly men and women. Am J Clin Nutr 1999; 69:
diabetic patients (IDDM). Magnes Res 1997; 10: 727736.
135141. 30 Dimai HP, Porta S, Wirnsberger G. Daily oral mag-
19 Lima M de L, Cruz T, Pousada JC, et al. The effect of nesium supplementation suppresses bone turnover in
magnesium supplementation in increasing doses on young adult males. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998;
the control of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 1998; 83: 27422748.
21: 682686. 31 Doyle L, Flynn A, Cashman K. The effect of mag-
20 de Valk HW, Verkaaik R, van Rijn HJ, et al. Oral nesium supplementation on biochemical markers of
magnesium supplementation in insulin-requiring bone metabolism or blood pressure in healthy young
Type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med 1998; 15: adult females. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999; 53: 255261.
503507. 32 Rude RK, Olerich M. Magnesium deficiency: pos-
21 Rodriguez-Moran M, Guerrero-Romero F. Oral sible role in osteoporosis associated with gluten-
magnesium supplementation improves insulin sen- sensitive enteropathy. Osteoporosis Int 1996; 6:
sitivity and metabolic control in type 2 diabetic 453461.
subjects: a randomized double-blind controlled trial. 33 Stendig-Limberg G, Tepper R, Leichter R. Trabec-
Diabetes Care 2003; 26: 11471152. ular bone density in a two year controlled trial
22 Guerrero-Romero F, Tamez-Perez HE, Gonzalez- of peroral magnesium in osteoporosis. Magnes Res
Gonzalez G, et al. Oral magnesium supplementation 1993; 6: 155163.
improves insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic subjects 34 Brilla LR, Haley TF. Effect of magnesium supple-
with insulin resistance. A double-blind placebo- mentation on strength training in humans. J Am Coll
controlled randomized trial. Diabetes Metab 2004; Nutr 1992; 11: 326329.
30: 253258. 35 Golf SW, Bender S, Gruttner J. On the significance
23 Facchinetti F, Borella P, Sances G, et al. Oral of magnesium in extreme physical stress. Cardiovasc
magnesium successfully relieves premenstrual Drugs Ther 1998; 12 (Suppl. 2): 197202.
mood changes. Obstet Gynecol 1991; 78: 36 Weller E, Backert P, Meinck HM. Lack of effect of
177181. oral Mg-supplementation on magnesium in serum,
24 Walker AF, De Souza MC, Vickers MF, et al. Magne- blood cells, and calf muscle. Med Sci Sport Exerc
sium supplementation alleviates premenstrual symp- 1998; 30: 15841591.
toms of fluid retention. J Womens Health 1998; 7: 37 Larsson SC, Bergkvist L, Wolk A. Magnesium intake
11571165. in relation to risk of colorectal cancer in women.
25 De Souza MC, Walker AF, Robinson PA, Bolland JAMA 2005; 293: 8789.
K. A synergistic effect of a daily supplement for 1 38 Folsom AR, Hong Ching-Ping. Magnesium intake
month of 200 mg magnesium plus 50 mg vitamin and reduced risk of colon cancer in a prospective
B6 for the relief of anxiety related premenstrual study of women. Am J Epidemiol 2006; 163:
symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, crossover 232235.
study. J Womens Health Gend Based Med 2000; 39 Makrides M, Crowther CA. Magnesium supplemen-
9: 131139. tation in pregnancy. Cochrane database, issue 4,
26 Peikert A, Wilimzig C, Kohne-Volland R. Prophy- 2001. London: Macmillan.
laxis of migraine with oral magnesium: results from 40 Crowther CA, Moore V. Magnesium maintenance
a progressive multi-center, placebo-controlled and therapy for preventing preterm birth after threatened
double blind randomized study. Cephalagia 1996; preterm labour. Cochrane database, issue 1, 1998.
16: 257263. London: Macmillan.

Manganese is an essential trace mineral. Table 1 Dietary sources of manganese

Human requirements
Food portion Manganese
No Reference Nutrient Intake or Estimated content (mg)
Average Requirement has been set for man-
ganese in the UK, but a safe and adequate intake
Cereal products
is: for adults, 1.4 mg daily; infants, 10 g daily. Bread, brown, 2 slices 1
The UK safe upper intake from supplements white, 2 slices 0.3
alone is 5 mg daily for adults. wholemeal, 2 slices 1.5
In the USA, the daily adequate intakes Milk and dairy products
(AIs) are: for infants 06 months, 0.003 mg, 7 Milk and cheese Traces
12 months, 0.6 mg; children, 13 years, 1.2 mg, Meat and fish
Meat and fish Traces
48 years, 1.5 mg; males, 913 years, 1.9 mg, Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 0.4
1418 years, 2.2 mg, 1970+ years, 2.3 mg; Vegetables
females 918 years, 1.6 mg, 1970+ years, 1 small can baked beans (200 g) 0.6
1.8 mg, pregnancy 2.0 mg, breast-feeding Lentils, kidney beans or other pulses 11.5
2.6 mg. (105 g)
The daily Tolerable Upper Intake Level from Green vegetables, average, boiled 0.2
(100 g)
food, water and supplements is: for children
13 years, 2 mg, 48 years, 3 mg; 913 years, 1 banana 0.5
6 mg, 1418 years, 9 mg, 1970+ years, 11 mg, Blackberries, stewed (100 g) 1.5
pregnancy, 9 mg, breast-feeding 11 mg. Pineapple, canned (150 g) 1.5
Dietary intake 20 almonds 0.3
10 Brazil nuts 0.4
In the UK, the average adult diet provides 4.6 30 hazelnuts 1.0
5.4 mg daily. 30 peanuts 0.7
Tea, 1 cup 0.3
Action Note: Some other foods (e.g. breakfast cereals) contain significant
quantities, but there is no reliable information on the amount.
Manganese activates several enzymes, includ-
Excellent sources (>1 mg/portion) (bold).
ing hydroxylases, kinases, decarboxylases and
transferases. It is also a constituent of several
metalloenzymes, such as arginase, pyruvate
carboxylase, and also superoxide dismutase,
which protects cells from free radical attack. It
Dietary sources
may have a role in the regulation of glucose
homeostasis and in calcium mobilisation. See Table 1 for dietary sources of manganese.

Manganese 207

Metabolism Miscellaneous
Manganese supplements have also been used to
treat inflammatory conditions such as rheuma-
Absorption of manganese occurs throughout
toid arthritis, on the basis that manganese
the length of the small intestine, probably via
supplementation has been shown to raise levels
a saturable carrier mechanism, but absorptive
of superoxide dismutase, which may protect
efficiency is believed to be poor.
against oxidative damage.2
Manganese is transported in the blood bound Precautions/contraindications
to plasma proteins. Organs with the highest No problems reported.
concentrations include the liver, kidney and
pancreas, but 25% of the body pool is found Pregnancy and breast-feeding
within the skeleton. Homeostasis is maintained
by hepatobiliary and intestinal secretion. No problems reported at normal doses.

Elimination Adverse effects

Manganese is eliminated primarily in the
faeces. Manganese is essentially non-toxic when admin-
istered orally. Toxic reactions in humans occur
only as the result of the chronic inhalation of
Bioavailability large amounts of manganese found in mines
Bioavailability of manganese appears to be and some industrial plants. Signs include severe
enhanced by vitamin C and meat-containing psychiatric abnormalities and neurological dis-
diets, but is decreased by iron and non-starch orders similar to Parkinsons disease.
polysaccharides (dietary fibre). Although tea
contains large amounts of manganese, it is Interactions
essentially unavailable to humans.
None reported.
Manganese deficiency in individuals consuming
mixed diets is very rare. Symptoms thought Manganese is available in the form of tablets
to be associated with deficiency (which have and capsules.
occurred only on semi-purified diets) include The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
weight loss, dermatitis, hypocholesterolaemia, ments provide 550 mg per dose.
depressed growth of hair and nails and redden-
ing of black hair. Upper safety levels
The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Miner-
Possible uses als (EVM) has identified a likely safe total intake
Diabetes of manganese for adults from supplements alone
Manganese has been claimed to be useful in of 4 mg daily.
diabetes mellitus. A relationship between
dietary manganese and carbohydrate meta- References
bolism in humans has been suggested.1 This
paper described the case of a diabetic patient 1 Rubenstein AH, Levin NW, Elliot GA. Manganese-
resistant to insulin therapy who responded to induced hypoglycaemia. Lancet 1962; 2:
oral manganese with a consistent drop in blood 2 Pasquier C. Manganese containing superoxide dis-
glucose levels. However, there is insufficient mutase deficiency in polymorphonuclear lympho-
evidence to warrant recommendation of man- cytes in rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammation 1984;
ganese supplements to patients with diabetes. 8: 2732.

Description jet lag, and those taking melatonin reported

significantly less severe jet lag than those taking
Melatonin is a hormone synthesised by the
pineal gland. It is synthesised from tryptophan,
In a similar study, 20 subjects flew east
which is converted to serotonin and this in
from Auckland, New Zealand, to London and
turn is converted to melatonin. Melatonin is
returned after 3 weeks. Subjects took either
secreted in a 24-h circadian rhythm, regulating
melatonin 5 mg or placebo for the first journey
the normal sleepwake periods. Secretion starts
and vice versa for the return journey. Less jet
as soon as darkness falls, normally peaking
lag was experienced in the volunteers taking
between 02:00 and 04:00, and synthesis is
inhibited by exposure to light. Daily output is
In a further double-blind placebo-controlled
greatest in young adults and production declines
trial, 52 flight crew were randomly assigned
after the age of 20 years.
to three groups: early melatonin (5 mg mela-
tonin for 3 days before arrival, continuing for
Action 5 days after returning home); late melatonin
(placebo for 3 days, followed by melatonin 5 mg
Melatonin has a role in the regulation of sleep, for 5 days); and placebo. The flight was from
and as a supplement it can reset the sleepwake Los Angeles to New Zealand and all subjects
cycle and help to promote sleep. In addition, began taking capsules at 07:00 to 08:00 Los
it regulates the secretion of growth hormone Angeles time (corresponding to 02:00 to 03:00
and gonadotrophic hormones, and it has anti- New Zealand time) 2 days before departure
oxidant activity. It may also have anti-cancer and continued for 5 days after arrival in New
properties. Zealand. Subjects in the late melatonin group
reported less jet lag and sleep disturbance than
Possible uses the placebo group, while those in the early
melatonin group reported a worse recovery than
Melatonin has been investigated for jet lag, the placebo group. The authors concluded that
sleeping difficulties and cancer prevention. the timing of melatonin appeared to influence
the subjective symptoms of jet lag.3
Jet lag In another double-blind placebo-controlled
A small double-blind, placebo-controlled trial study, 257 subjects on a flight from New
evaluated 17 volunteers who flew from London York to Oslo were randomised to receive either
to San Francisco, where they stayed for 2 weeks 5 mg melatonin or placebo at bedtime, 0.5 mg
before returning. For 3 days before returning melatonin at bedtime or 0.5 mg melatonin taken
to London, subjects were given 5 mg melatonin on a shifting schedule. In this study, melatonin
or placebo at 18:00 local time. Following their showed no difference from placebo. However,
return to Britain, the dose was continued for the authors acknowledged that the study had
4 more days between 14:00 and 16:00. On various limitations, including the fact that the
day 7, the volunteers were asked to rate their subjects stayed only 4 days at their destination

Melatonin 209

before flying back and may not have had enough rebound of slow-wave sleep on nights 1 to 2
time to adapt to the new time. In addition, with placebo and melatonin and a significant
time of sleep onset at night, awakening in the decrease in rapid eye movement sleep on night
morning and daytime sleepiness were assessed 1 with placebo and on nights 1 to 3 with
rather than night-time sleep disturbance, and melatonin. Caffeine reduced sleepiness but also
it is night-time disturbance that is most asso- tended to affect sleep quality until the last drug
ciated with jet lag. Moreover, subjects knew day. The authors concluded that both caffeine
that they had three out of four chances of and melatonin have positive effects on some
receiving melatonin, and the placebo effect may jet lag symptoms after an eastbound flight,
have been quite large, diluting the influence of caffeine on daytime sleepiness and melatonin on
melatonin.4 sleep.7
In a study in baboons (which have similar A Cochrane review involving 10 trials found
sleep patterns to humans), various doses of that in eight of these trials melatonin, when
melatonin were given at various times of day taken close to the target bedtime at the destina-
to see if melatonin shifted circadian rhythms. tion (22:00 to midnight) decreased jet lag from
Activity patterns of the baboons were constantly flights crossing five or more time zones. Daily
monitored in a darkened room. Melatonin did doses of 0.55 mg were effective except that
not shift circadian rhythms, but it did induce people fell asleep faster and slept better after
sleep when given at night. However, the same 5 mg than 0.5 mg. Doses above 5 mg appear
dose given during the day did not cause sleep.5 to be more effective. The relative ineffective-
The authors concluded that melatonin does ness of 2 mg slow-release melatonin suggests
not shift circadian phase in baboons using that a short-lived higher peak concentration
doses similar to those prescribed for treating of melatonin works better. The reviewers said
human circadian system disorders, suggesting that timing of the melatonin dose is crucial.
that melatonin may not help to overcome the If taken early in the day, it can cause sleepi-
effects of jet lag. ness and delay adaptation to local time. The
Melatonin has been compared with zolpidem authors concluded that melatonin is effective in
and also used in combination with zolpidem preventing or reducing jet lag, and occasional
for jet lag in relation to eastwards travel. In a short-term use appears to be safe. They also
study involving 137 people, zolpidem was rated recommended it should be offered to travellers
as producing the best sleep quality during the crossing five or more time zones, particu-
night flight and as the most effective jet lag larly in an easterly direction, and especially
medication. However, all active treatments led if they have experienced jet lag on previous
to a decrease in jet lag. Zolpidem and the com- journeys.8
bination of zolpidem and melatonin were less
well tolerated than melatonin alone. Adverse Sleep disorders
reports included nausea, vomiting, amnesia and In a study of six healthy young men, doses
somnambulia to the point of incapacitation. of 0.3 mg and 1 mg melatonin given at night
Confusion, morning sleepiness and nausea were produced acute hypnotic effects. There were no
highest in the combination group.6 residual hypnotic effects the next morning, as
Another trial measured the effects of slow- shown from the results on mood and perfor-
release caffeine and melatonin on sleep and mance tests carried out by the volunteers.9
daytime sleepiness after a seven time zone In a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
eastbound flight. Three groups of nine subjects crossover study, 12 elderly patients were
were given either caffeine (300 mg) at 08:00 randomised to receive 2 mg controlled-release
on recovery days 1 to 5, or melatonin 5 mg melatonin daily for 3 weeks. There were no
on the pre-flight day (at 17:00), the flight day differences in sleep time, but there was a
(at 16:00) and from days 1 to 3 after the reduction in time to onset of sleep, and an
flight (at 23:00) or placebo at the same times. increase in sleep quality, as measured by wrist
Compared with baseline there was a significant actigraphy.10
210 Melatonin

In a further double-blind, placebo- in treating delayed sleep phase syndrome with

controlled, crossover study, 14 patients short-term use. The review also stated that
with insomnia (5580 years) received 0.5 mg evidence suggests that melatonin is not effective
melatonin either as an immediate-release dose in treating most secondary sleep disorders with
30 min before bedtime, a controlled-release dose short-term use and no evidence suggests that
30 min before bedtime, an immediate-release melatonin is effective in alleviating the sleep
dose 4 h after bedtime, or placebo. Each disturbance aspect of jet lag and shift work
trial lasted for 2 weeks with 2-week washout disorder. Evidence also suggests that melatonin
periods. All melatonin doses resulted in is safe with short-term use.17
significant reductions in time to sleep onset, A meta-analysis published in 2005 by the
but no improvement in sleep quality and no same group as the 2004 systematic review
increase in sleep time.11 also suggested that melatonin is not effective
A 2001 systematic review of melatonin in treating most primary sleep disorders with
in older people with insomnia included six short-term use (4 weeks or less), but there is
crossover RCTs. Five of the RCTs reported some evidence that melatonin is effective in
some positive effects, with decreased sleep treating delayed sleep phase syndrome with
latency in four studies, an increase in sleep short-term use.18 A further 2005 meta-analysis
efficiency in three studies and a decrease in wake of 15 studies found that melatonin significantly
time during sleep in two studies. Subjective sleep reduced sleep latency by 4 min, increased sleep
quality was not improved in the two studies efficiency by 3.1% and increased sleep duration
that assessed this. There were no adverse effects by 13.7 min.19
with melatonin. The authors concluded that A meta-analysis published in 2006 (by the
further research is required before widespread same group as the 2004 systematic review17 and
use of melatonin in geriatric populations can be the 2005 meta-analysis18 ) included six RCTs,
advocated. They also consider it worth while which showed no evidence that melatonin had
investigating whether melatonin could be used an effect on sleep latency in people with sec-
to reduce the amount of benzodiazepines used ondary disorders. Analysis of nine RCTs found
by older people.12 no evidence that melatonin had an effect on
A later RCT involving older people with sleep latency in people with sleep disorders
age-related sleep maintenance problems found accompanying sleep restriction (e.g. jet lag, shift
that 5 mg melatonin taken at bedtime did not work). Analysis of 17 RCTs showed no evidence
improve sleep quality.13 In 10 patients (aged of adverse events of melatonin in short-term use
3075 years) with primary insomnia, there were (3 months or less).20
no differences in sleep electroencephalographic Melatonin has also been evaluated in chil-
(EEG) records, the amount or subjective quality dren with insomnia and mental disorders. It
of sleep or side-effects between a placebo, has been found to advance the sleepwake
0.3 mg melatonin or 1 mg melatonin.14 In a rhythm in children with idiopathic chronic
further study in patients (mean age 50 years) sleep-onset insomnia.21 In young patients with
with reduced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep epilepsy, melatonin has been shown to reduce
duration, melatonin 3 mg administered between wakesleep disorders22 and to be of potential
22:00 and 23:00 for 4 weeks significantly use as an adjunct to antiepileptic therapy in
increased percentage of REM sleep compared reducing oxidant stress.2325 In a systematic
with placebo.15 Melatonin has also been found review of melatonin treatment in children
to restore sleep efficiency in individuals with with neurodevelopmental disabilities and sleep
mental retardation and insomnia.16 impairment, melatonin was found to signifi-
A 2004 systematic review of melatonin in cantly reduce time to sleep onset, but there
sleep disorders concluded that melatonin is not was no significant effect on the other outcome
effective in treating most primary sleep disorders measures of total sleep time, night-time
with short-term use, although there is some awakenings and parental opinions on their
evidence to suggest that melatonin is effective childrens sleep.26
Melatonin 211

Studies have also evaluated melatonin for survival time were significantly higher in the
potential benefit for sleep disorders in patients melatonin group.33
with dementia. Two studies have shown no Another study randomised 80 patients with
evidence that melatonin is effective in improving metastatic tumours to receive chemotherapy
sleep in patients with dementia.27,28 A Cochrane or chemotherapy plus melatonin (20 mg daily).
review found some albeit insufficient Melatonin was associated with a significant
evidence to support the use of melatonin in reduction in frequency of thrombocytopenia,
managing cognitive disturbances in people with malaise and asthenia, and a non-significant
dementia. However, there was some evidence of trend towards less stomatitis and neuropathy
benefit on some behavioural symptoms.29 compared with controls. However, melatonin
A prospective open-label study has evaluated had no effect on alopecia and vomiting.34
the potential for melatonin to improve tinnitus, A systematic review of 10 RCTs of mela-
particularly in those with sleep disturbance tonin in the treatment of cancer found that
caused by tinnitus. A total of 24 patients took melatonin reduced the risk of death at 1 year
3 mg melatonin per day for 4 weeks, followed (RR 0.66; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.73). Effects were
by 4 weeks of observation. Melatonin use was consistent across melatonin dose and type of
associated with improvement in tinnitus and cancer. No adverse events were reported. The
sleep. There was an association between the authors concluded that the reduction in risk
amount of improvement in sleep and tinnitus. of death and lack of adverse events suggest
The impact of melatonin on sleep was greatest potential for melatonin in cancer management,
in those with the worst sleep quality, but its but these effects must be confirmed by further
impact on tinnitus was not associated with the good-quality RCTs.35
severity of tinnitus. The authors concluded that
melatonin may be a safe treatment for patients
with idiopathic tinnitus, especially those with Blood pressure
sleep disturbance due to tinnitus.30 The biological clock has been shown to be
involved in autonomic cardiovascular regula-
tion. Recent research has investigated the effect
Cancer of enhancing the functioning of the biological
A group of 80 patients with advanced solid clock by melatonin in blood pressure. A double-
tumours, all of whom refused chemotherapy or blind, crossover RCT in 16 men with untreated
who did not respond to previous chemotherapy, essential hypertension evaluated the influence
were randomised to receive either interleukin of oral melatonin 2.5 mg daily, 1 hour before
2 (IL-2) or IL-2 and melatonin (40 mg) start- sleep, on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure and
ing 1 week before IL-2. Melatonin increased actigraphic estimates of sleep quality. Repeated
the anti-tumour activity of IL-2, resulting in melatonin intake over 3 weeks (but not an
accelerated tumour regression rate, increased acute single dose) reduced systolic and dias-
progression-free survival and longer overall tolic blood pressure during sleep by 6 and
survival in these patients.31 4 mmHg, respectively. The treatment did not
In a small preliminary study involving 14 affect heart rate. The daynight amplitudes of
women with metastatic breast cancer, mela- the rhythms in systolic and diastolic blood
tonin was shown to increase the effects of pressures were increased by 15% and 25%
tamoxifen.32 respectively. Repeated (but not acute) melatonin
In a controlled study, 50 patients with brain also improved sleep. The authors concluded
metastases caused by solid neoplasms were that support of circadian pacemaker function
randomised to receive supportive care alone may provide a new strategy in the treatment of
(steroids and anticonvulsants) or supportive essential hypertension.36
care plus melatonin 20 mg daily. Survival at A further trial has found a similar effect
1 year, free from brain progression, and mean in women. In a double-blind RCT 18 women
212 Melatonin

(aged 4763 years) with normal blood pres-

sure (n = 9) or treated essential hypertension Conclusion
(n = 9) received a 3-week course of slow- Melatonin has been promoted widely for the
release melatonin (3 mg) 1 h before going to prevention and treatment of jet lag and sleep
bed. They were then crossed over for 3 weeks. disorders. For jet lag, melatonin appears
In comparison with placebo, melatonin admini- promising, but results from studies on sup-
stration did not influence diurnal blood pressure plements and sleep have been conflicting.
but did significantly decrease nocturnal systolic Reduced secretion has also been associated
(3.77 1.7 mmHg, P = 0.04) and diastolic with cancer, and preliminary research sug-
(3.63 1.3 mmHg, P = 0.013) pressure with- gests that melatonin may reduce adverse
out modifying heart rate. The effect was effects associated with chemotherapy and
inversely related to the daynight difference increase survival time. Reduced secretion
in blood pressure, suggesting that prolonged has also been linked with CVD, epilepsy
administration may improve the daynight and depression, but its role as a potential
rhythm of blood pressure, particularly in supplement in these conditions is unclear.
women with a blunted nocturnal decline.37 There is preliminary evidence that melatonin
Another RCT in young patients with type 1 may have a blood pressure lowering effect.
diabetes also found that melatonin (5 mg daily)
amplifies the nocturnal decline in blood pressure
and suggested that melatonin should be consid-
ered in trials of prevention of hypertension in
type 1 diabetes.38 Precautions/contraindications
Caution in taking melatonin (as any other sleep
therapy) for prolonged periods without medical
Cognitive impairment assessment of the patient. Melatonin should
A number of studies suggest a relationship be avoided in women wishing to conceive
between decline of melatonin function and the (large doses may inhibit ovulation); in children
symptoms of dementia. A Cochrane review of and in patients with mental illness, including
three RCTs designed to evaluate melatonin for depression.
sleep disorders associated with dementia found
no evidence of efficacy for cognitive function,
with evidence from a single small trial that
there may be some benefit for behavioural Pregnancy and breast-feeding
problems.39 Melatonin should be avoided in pregnancy.

Adverse effects
Melatonin has been evaluated in other disor-
ders. Studies have shown insufficient evidence No known toxicity or serious side-effects, but
of benefit for melatonin in chronic fatigue the effects of long-term supplementation are
syndrome40 and in tardive dyskinesia.41 How- unknown. However, there have been reports
ever, supplemental melatonin has been associ- of headaches, abdominal cramp, inhibition of
ated with significant reduction in nocturia in fertility and libido, gynaecomastia, exacerba-
men with benign prostatic enlargement,42 and tion of symptoms of fibromyalgia and also sleep
attenuation of abdominal pain and reduced disturbance. In addition, there have been reports
rectal pain sensitivity in patients with IBS.43 of increased seizures in children suffering from
Animal models suggest that melatonin could be neurological disorders. Inhibition of ovulation
a candidate neuroprotective agent for human has been observed with high doses, but mela-
stroke.44 tonin should not be used as a contraceptive.
Melatonin 213

Interactions 12 Olde Rikkert MG, Rigaud AS. Melatonin in elderly

patients with insomnia: a systematic review. Z
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may be additive with medication that causes 13 Baskett JJ, Broad JB, Wood PC, et al. Does mela-
CNS depression. In addition, beta-blockers in- tonin improve sleep in older people? A randomi-
hibit melatonin release, and this may be the zed crossover trial. Age Ageing 2003; 32:
mechanism by which beta-blockers cause sleep 123124.
14 Almeida Montes LG, Ontiveros Uribe MP, Cortes
disturbance. Other drugs, including fluoxetine,
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tal disabilities and sleep impairment. Dev Med Child melatonin administration decreases nocturnal blood
Neurol 2004; 46: 771775. pressure in women. Am J Hypertens 2005; 18:
27 Serfaty M, Kennell-Webb S, Warner J, et al. Double 16141618.
blind randomized placebo controlled trial of low 38 Cavallo A, Daniels SR, Dolan LM, et al. Blood
dose melatonin for sleep disorders in dementia. Int J pressure response to melatonin in type 1 diabetes.
Geriatr Psychiatry 2002; 17: 11201127. Pediatr Diabetes 2004; 5: 2631.
28 Singer C, Tractenberg RE, Kaye J, et al. A multi- 39 Jansen SL, Forbes DA, Duncan V, Morgan DG.
center, placebo-controlled trial of melatonin for Melatonin for cognitive impairment. Cochrane
sleep disturbance in Alzheimers disease. Sleep 2003; database, issue 1, 2006. London: Macmillan.
26: 893901. 40 Williams G, Waterhouse J, Mugarza J, et al. Therapy
29 Jansen S, Forbes DA, Duncan V, Morgan DG. Mela- of circadian rhythm disorders in chronic fatigue
tonin for cognitive impairment. Cochrane database, syndrome: no symptomatic improvement with mela-
issue 1, 2006. London: Macmillan. tonin or phototherapy. Eur J Clin Invest 2002; 32:
30 Megwalu UC, Finnell JE, Piccirillo JF. The effects of 831837.
melatonin on tinnitus and sleep. Otolaryngol Head 41 Nelson LA, McGuire LM, Hausafus SM, et al.
Neck Surg 2006; 134: 210213. Melatonin for the treatment of tardive
31 Lissoni P, Barni S, Tancini G, et al. A randomised dyskinesia. Ann Pharmacother 2003; 37:
study with subcutaneous low-dose interleukin 2 11281131.
alone vs. interleukin 2 plus the pineal neurohormone 42 Drake MJ, Mills IW, Noble JG. Melatonin
melatonin in advanced solid neoplasms other than pharmacotherapy for nocturia in men with
renal cancer and melanoma. Br J Cancer 1994; 69: benign prostatic enlargement. J Urol 2004; 171:
196199. 11991202.
32 Lissoni P, Barni S, Meregalli S, et al. Modulation 43 Song GH, Leng PH, Gwee KA, et al. Melatonin im-
of cancer endocrine therapy by melatonin: a phase proves abdominal pain in irritable bowel syndrome
II study of tamoxifen plus melatonin in metastatic patients who have sleep disturbances: a randomized,
breast cancer patients progressing under tamoxifen double blind, placebo controlled study. Gut 2005;
alone. Br J Cancer 1995; 71: 854856. 54: 14021407.
33 Lissoni P, Barni S, Ardizzoia A, et al. A randomised 44 Macleod MR, OCollins T, Horky LL, et al. Sys-
study with the pineal hormone melatonin versus sup- tematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of
portive care alone in patients with brain metastases melatonin in experimental stroke. J Pineal Res 2005;
due to solid neoplasms. Cancer 1994; 73: 699701. 38: 3541.

Description Possible uses

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an organic Extravagant claims for MSM have been made
sulphur-containing compound. It is an oxida- since the 1980s. Many of these claims have
tion product of the organic solvent, dimethyl been made by manufacturers and marketers of
sulfoxide (DMSO). DMSO has been used supplements, and one website was warned by
(although is of unproven efficacy) in the treat- the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
ment of arthritis and connective tissue injuries. about making illegal claims. Claims and a
rationale for taking MSM can be found on a
website that describes two unpublished studies
showing benefits of MSM on firstly arthritis,
MSM is claimed by manufacturers to be an muscle and joint pain, and secondly, on muscle
organic source of sulphur for synthetic pro- strain and other athletic injuries.2
cesses. However, there is no evidence to support There is some evidence from two small
the need for this in humans. There are many controlled trials that MSM, either in combina-
other dietary sources of sulphur, including tion with glucosamine or alone, could improve
the sulphur-containing amino acids, cysteine symptoms of pain in arthritis. In one double-
and methionine, which are found in dietary blind RCT, 188 patients with mild to moderate
protein. osteoarthritis were randomised to glucosamine
Because cartilage has a high content of 500 mg three times daily, MSM 500 mg three
sulphur, and sulphur is needed for the formation times daily or glucosamine 500 mg plus MSM
of connective tissue, it has been suggested that 500 mg three times daily for 12 weeks. All
MSM as a source of sulphur could be useful in three treatments produced an analgesic and
the management of conditions such as osteo- anti-inflammatory effect. Compared with the
arthritis and joint injuries where there is de- individual agents, the combination of glu-
generation or destruction of cartilage. Because cosamine and MSM produced more rapid onset
MSM is a metabolite of DMSO, it has been of analgesia and was associated with better anti-
suggested that some of the supposed benefits inflammatory effect, better efficacy in reducing
of DMSO (see above) could be attributed to pain and swelling and better improvement in the
MSM. functional ability of joints.3
There is some very preliminary evidence that A pilot clinical trial randomised 50 men
MSM reduces homocysteine levels and that it and women with knee osteoarthritis pain
might reduce lipid peroxidation.1 to MSM 3 g twice daily or placebo twice
daily for 12 weeks. MSM improved symp-
toms of pain and physical function, but
Dietary sources did not reduce stiffness or a total aggre-
MSM is found naturally in a variety of fruits, gate of osteoarthritis symptom scores. The
vegetables, milk, meat, fish, coffee, tea and authors cautioned that the benefits and safety
chocolate. of MSM in managing osteoarthritis and

216 Methylsulfonylmethane

long-term use cannot be confirmed with this the safety of MSM in pregnancy and breast-
pilot trial.1 feeding.
Preliminary evidence from an open trial
found that MSM 2600 mg daily for 30 days
Adverse effects
could relieve respiratory symptoms in seasonal
allergic rhinitis with no adverse events. No MSM is a component of foods and has not been
significant changes were observed in plasma IgE reported to be toxic. No adverse effects were
or histamine levels. The authors concluded that reported when rats were given 15 g/kg body
the results merited further investigation in a weight for 3 months.5 A 30-day study in humans
larger controlled trial.4 revealed no side-effects with a 2600 mg daily
MSM has also been used for snoring, sclero- dosage.4
derma, fibromyalgia, SLE, repetitive stress
injuries, HIV/AIDS, depression, breast and
colon cancer, eye inflammation, insect bites and
Alzheimers disease. However there are no data None reported.
from clinical trials in humans to support these

Conclusion The dose is not established. Supplements

MSM has been studied as a source of typically provide 15003000 mg in a daily
sulphur for the management of arthritic dose.
conditions. There is preliminary evidence
from two small controlled trials that MSM References
could reduce pain and improve physi-
1 Kim LS, Axelrod LJ, Howard P, et al. Efficacy
cal function in patients with osteoarthritis.
of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in osteoarthritis
Many extravagant claims have been made pain of the knee: a pilot clinical trial. Osteoarthritis
for the value of MSM in other conditions, Cartilage 2006; 14: 286294.
but evidence is lacking and further trials 2 Fine Nutraceuticals Inc. (ac-
are needed to confirm suggested benefits, cessed 8 November 2006).
including those in arthritis. 3 Usha PR, Naidu MUR. Randomised, double-blind,
parallel, placebo-controlled study of oral glu-
cosamine, methylsulfonylmethane and their combi-
nation in osteoarthritis. Clin Drug Invest 2004; 24:
Precautions/contraindications 353363.
4 Barrager E, Veltmann JR Jr, Schauss AG, Schiller
None reported. RN. A multicentered, open-label trial on the safety
and efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane in the treat-
ment of seasonal allergic rhinitis. J Altern Comple-
Pregnancy and breast-feeding ment Med 2002; 8: 167173.
5 Horvath K, Noker PE, Somfai-Relle S, et al. Toxi-
No problems have been reported, but there city of methylsulfonylmethane in rats. Food Chem
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee Toxicol 2002; 40: 14591462.

Description uric acid); sulphite oxidase (involved in sulphite

Molybdenum is an essential ultratrace mineral.

Dietary sources
Human requirements
The richest sources of molybdenum include
No Reference Nutrient Intake or Estimated
milk and milk products, dried beans and peas,
Average Requirement has been set for molyb-
wholegrain cereals and liver and kidney.
denum in the UK but a safe and adequate
daily intake is: for adults, 50400 g; infants,
children and adolescents, 0.51.5 g/kg. The Metabolism
UK Food Standards Agency has not set a safe
upper level. Absorption
In the USA, daily adequate intakes (AIs) Molybdenum is readily absorbed, but the mech-
are: for infants, 06 months, 2 g, 712 months, anism of absorption is uncertain.
3 g. RDAs are: for children, 13 years, 17 g,
48 years, 22 g; for males and females, 9 Distribution
13 years, 34 g, 1418 years, 43 g, 1970+ Molybdenum is transported in the blood,
years, 45 g; pregnancy and breast-feeding, loosely attached to erythrocytes, and binds
50 g. The daily Tolerable Upper Intake Level specifically 2 -macroglobulin. The highest con-
from food, water and supplements is: for centrations are found in the liver and kidney.
children 13 years, 300 g, 48 years, 600 g;
913 years, 1100 g, 1418 years, 1700 g, Elimination
1970+ years, 2000 g, pregnancy, 1700 g, Excretion of manganese is mainly via the kid-
breast-feeding 2000 g. neys, but significant amounts are eliminated in
the bile.
Dietary intake
Average adult intakes of molybdenum are 120 Deficiency
140 g daily (USA figures). A precise description of molybdenum deficiency
in humans has not been clearly documented.
Evidence so far has been limited to a single
patient on long-term total parenteral nutri-
Molybdenum functions as an essential co- tion, who developed hypermethioninaemia,
factor for several enzymes, including alde- decreased urinary excretion of sulphate
hyde oxidase (oxidises and detoxifies various and uric acid, and increased urinary excretion of
pyrimidines, purines and related compounds sulphite and xanthine. In addition, the patient
involved in DNA metabolism); xanthine oxi- suffered irritability and mental disturbances that
dase/dehydrogenase (catalyses the formation of progressed into coma. Supplementation with

218 Molybdenum

molybdenum improved the clinical condition gout, and may also result in impaired bioavail-
and normalised uric acid production. ability of copper and altered metabolism of
Possible uses
None established.
None reported.
Adverse effects
Molybdenum is a relatively non-toxic element.
High dietary intakes (1015 mg daily) have been Molybdenum is available mainly in multivita-
associated with elevated uric acid concentra- min and mineral supplements.
tions in blood and an increased incidence of There is no established dose.
N -acetyl cysteine

Description sputum viscosity compared with placebo. In

another study involving 181 patients ran-
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a derivative of the
domised to receive either NAC 200 mg three
dietary amino acid, l-cysteine. It is a source of
times a day or placebo for 5 months in a double-
sulphydryl groups and, as such, can stimulate
blind manner, the number of exacerbations of
the synthesis of reduced glutathione (GSH), an
bronchitis and the total number of days taking
endogenous antioxidant. It has been in clinical
an antibiotic was reduced in the NAC group
use for more than 30 years as a mucolytic agent
compared with placebo, but the differences were
for a variety of respiratory conditions, but is
not significant.2
now available as a dietary supplement.
A further study in 526 patients suffering
from chronic bronchitis found no significant
Action differences between NAC and placebo in the
number of exacerbations, but there was a
By stimulating the production of glutathione, significant reduction with NAC in the number of
NAC acts as an antioxidant. It also helps to pro- days patients were incapacitated.3 Yet another
tect the liver from various toxicants and is used double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled
at high doses for the treatment of paracetamol- trial found that NAC tablets 300 mg three
induced toxicity. NAC also chelates heavy met- times a day were associated with a significant
als such as cadmium, lead and mercury, and reduction in the number of sick leave days after
may be useful for the treatment of heavy metal 4 months of treatment during the winter. After
toxicity. 6 months, the number of sick leave days and
exacerbations of bronchitis remained lower in
Possible uses the NAC group, but the differences were not
NAC is promoted for influenza, bronchitis and An open randomised study involving 169
the management of symptoms related to HIV patients with COPD found that NAC 600 mg
and cancer. daily plus standard treatment compared with
placebo plus standard treatment was associated
Respiratory conditions with a reduction in the number of sick leave
Oral NAC has been used since the 1960s for days and exacerbations.5
the treatment of bronchitis and it has also A meta-analysis of nine double-blind,
been advocated as a prophylactic in patients placebo-controlled trials of oral NAC in chronic
with chronic bronchitis. Various trials have also bronchopulmonary disease concluded that a
reported that supplementation may reduce the prolonged course of NAC prevents acute
duration of bronchitic exacerbations. exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, thus pos-
In a study in nine patients for 4 weeks,1 sibly reducing morbidity and healthcare costs.6
regular use of NAC 200 mg three times a A quantitative systematic review of 11 trials
day resulted in no significant differences in published between 1976 and 1994 found that
lung function, mucociliary clearance curves or oral NAC reduces the risk of exacerbations and

220 N -acetyl cysteine

improves symptoms in patients with chronic authors concluded that it reduced the incidence
bronchitis compared with placebo, without of clinically apparent disease.
increasing the risk of adverse effects. However,
the question of whether this benefit is sufficient Human immunodeficiency virus
to justify the routine use of NAC in all patients In general, HIV-positive individuals have low
with bronchitis should be addressed with fur- levels of cysteine and GSH, and it has been
ther studies, the authors concluded.7 suggested that NAC may benefit these patients
More recent trials have not demonstrated by raising GSH levels,15,16 but evidence for the
positive results. An NAC/vitamin C com- value of NAC supplementation is equivocal.
bination had no clinical benefit in chronic In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial,
bronchitis.8 In one RCT involving 523 patients 45 HIV-positive patients on retroviral therapy
in 50 centres, oral NAC 600 mg daily and were randomised to receive 800 mg NAC or
placebo produced similar clinical outcomes (fall placebo for 4 months. In the NAC group,
in vital capacity, number of exacerbations). cysteine levels increased from their low pretreat-
However, amongst patients not taking inhaled ment levels, and TNF- levels fell. In addition,
corticosteroids, those on NAC had significantly the decline in CD4+ lymphocyte count found at
fewer exacerbations.9 Two further trials have the start of the study was less severe in the NAC
found that NAC reduced the oxidative burden group compared with placebo.17 Another trial
(as shown by reduced exhaled hydrogen perox- found that NAC was capable of raising CD4 cell
ide) in airways of stable COPD patients.10,11 count faster than a placebo.18
A multinational study in 155 patients with NAC has also been investigated in combi-
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis found that mor- nation with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in
tality was no different between groups treated the prophylaxis of Pneumocystis carinii in HIV-
with NAC and placebo. However, the NAC positive patients.19,20 It has been suggested that
group had 9% better vital capacity and im- adverse reactions to the antibiotics are due to
proved carbon monoxide diffusing capacity. low GSH levels in these patients, which may
There was also a slightly lower rate of myelo- be improved by NAC supplementation. How-
toxicity in the NAC group.12 An Italian trial ever, NAC did not reduce the risk of adverse
evaluated the impact of oxygen treatment on reactions to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in
oxidation free radicals and the effect of NAC either study.
in that process. Forty-five stable COPD pa- A further 180-day RCT found that there
tients were given oxygen along with placebo were no measurable benefits of supplementing
or NAC (1200 or 1800 mg daily). Oxygen anti-retroviral therapy with NAC in terms of
therapy increased free radical production and viral load, TNF- and lymphocyte apoptosis.
disturbed redox balance, but this was prevented Baseline levels of GSH were not recovered.21
by NAC.13
Preliminary in vitro studies have indicated that
Influenza NAC could have a role in the prevention and
In a randomised, double-blind study, 262 sub- management of some forms of cancer. In a large
jects, 62% of whom had chronic but non- randomised trial, 2592 patients (60% with head
respiratory degenerative disease (e.g. CVD, and neck cancer and 40% with lung cancer),
diabetes, arthritis) received NAC 1200 mg daily most of whom were previous or current smok-
or placebo for 6 months. In the NAC group, ers, received either vitamin A (300 000 units
there was a significant reduction in influenza- daily for 1 year, followed by 150 000 units daily
like episodes, severity of illness and length of during the second year), NAC (600 mg daily
time confined to bed as compared with the for 2 years), both compounds, or placebo.22
placebo group.14 However, NAC did not pre- However, there was no benefit in terms of
vent subclinical influenza infection (as assessed survival, event-free survival or second primary
by antibody response to A/H1 N1 virus), but the tumours with either vitamin A or NAC. A
N -acetyl cysteine 221

further small trial in smokers found that NAC The dose is not established (for use as a
has the potential to modulate certain cancer- supplement). Clinical trials have used 600
associated biomarkers in specific organs, and 1200 mg daily.
could therefore impact upon tobacco smoke
carcinogenicity in humans.23
Conclusion 1 Millar AB, Pavia D, Agnew JE, et al. Effect of oral
NAC may be useful as prophylaxis in N-acetylcysteine on mucus clearance. Br J Dis Chest
1985; 79: 262266.
patients with chronic bronchitis and COPD.
2 British Thoracic Society Research Committee. Oral
There is preliminary evidence from one N-acetylcysteine and exacerbation rates in patients
study that it may also reduce symptoms with chronic bronchitis and severe airways obstruc-
of influenza in older people. Preliminary tion. Thorax 1985; 40: 832835.
studies in HIV-positive patients suggest that 3 Parr GD, Huitson A. Oral Fabrol (oral N-acetyl
NAC may improve the clinical picture in cysteine) in chronic bronchitis. Br J Dis Chest 1987;
such patients, although further research 81: 341348.
4 Rasmussen JB, Glennow C. Reduction in days of ill-
is required. In vitro work has indicated
ness after long-term treatment with N-acetylcysteine
that NAC could reduce the risk of cancer, controlled-release tablets in patients with chronic
although one large study has shown no bronchitis. Eur Respir J 1988; 1: 341345.
significant benefits. 5 Pela R, Calcagni AM, Subiaco S, et al. N-
acetylcysteine reduces the exacerbation rate in
patients with moderate to severe COPD. Respiration
1999; 66: 495500.
Precautions/contraindications 6 Grandjean EM, Berthet P, Ruffmann R, Leuenberger
P. Efficacy of oral long-term N-acetylcysteine in
None reported. chronic bronchopulmonary disease: a meta-analysis
of published double-blind, placebo-controlled clini-
cal trials. Clin Ther 2000; 22: 209221.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding 7 Stey C, Steurer J, Bachmann S, et al. The effect of
No problems have been reported, but there N-acetylcysteine in chronic bronchitis: a quantitative
systematic review. Eur Respir J 2000; 16:
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee the
safety of NAC in pregnancy and breast-feeding. 8 Lukas R, Scharling B, Schultze-Werninghaus G,
Gillissen A. Antioxidant treatment with N-
acetylcysteine and vitamin C in patients with chronic
bronchitis. Deutsch Med Wochenschr 2005; 130:
Adverse effects 563567.
None reported, but there are no long-term 9 Decramer M, Rutten-van Molken M, Dekhuijzen
PN, et al. Effects of N-acetylcysteine on outcomes
studies assessing the safety of NAC. It has been in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Bronchitis
used since the 1970s with few side-effects (e.g. Randomized NAC Cost-Utility Study, BRONCUS):
mild gastrointestinal side-effects and skin rash). a randomized placebo-controlled study. Lancet
Such adverse effects that have been noted have 2005; 365: 15521560.
occurred mainly with large oral doses of NAC 10 De Benedetto F, Aceto A, Dragani B, et al. Long-
given for paracetamol poisoning. term oral N-acetylcysteine reduces exhaled hydrogen
peroxide in stable COPD. Pulm Pharmacol Ther
2005; 18: 4147.
Interactions 11 Kasielski M, Nowak D. Long-term administra-
tion of N-acetylcysteine decreases hydrogen per-
None reported. oxide exhalation in subjects with chronic obstruc-
tive airways disease. Respir Med 2001; 95:
Dose 12 Demedts M, Behr J, Buhl R, et al. High dose
acetylcysteine in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. N
NAC is available in the form of tablets. Engl J Med 2005; 353: 22292242.
222 N -acetyl cysteine

13 Foschino Barbaro MP, Serviddio G, Resta O, et al. trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole in primary Pneu-

Oxygen therapy at low flow causes oxidative stress mocystis carinii prophylaxis in HIV-infected
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Prevention patients. J Infect 1997; 35: 143147.
by N-acetylcysteine. Free Radic Res 2005; 39: 20 Walmsley SL, Khorasheh S, Singer J, et al. A
11111118. randomised trial of N-acetylcysteine for prevention
14 De Flora S, Grassi C, Carati L. Attenuation of of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole hypersen-
influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of sitivity reactions in Pneumocystis carinii
cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetyl pneumonia prophylaxis (CTN 057). Canadian
cysteine treatment. Eur Respir J 1997; 10: HIV Trials Network 057 Study Group. J Acquir
15351541. Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovir 1998; 19:
15 Herzenbeg LA, De Rosa SC, Dubs JG, et al. 498505.
Glutathione deficiency is associated with impaired 21 Treitinger A, Spada C, Masokawa IY, et al. Effect
survival in HIV disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA of N-acetyl-L-cysteine on lymphocyte apoptosis,
1997; 94: 19671972. lymphocyte viability, TNF-alpha and IL-8 in HIV
16 De Rosa SC, Zaretsky MD, Dubs JG, et al. N- infected patients undergoing antiretroviral treat-
acetylcysteine replenishes glutathione in HIV infec- ment. Br J Infect Dis 2004; 8: 363371.
tion. Eur J Clin Invest 2000; 30: 915929. 22 Van Zandwiijk N, Dalesio O, Pastorino U, et
17 Akerlund B, Jarstrand C, Lindeke B, et al. Effect al. EUROSCAN, a randomized trial of vitamin
of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) treatment on HIV-1 A and N-acetylcysteine in patients with head and
infection: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. neck cancer or lung cancer. For the European
Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1996; 50: 457461. Organization for Research and Treatment of Can-
18 Spada C, Treitlinger A, Reis M, et al. The effect of cer Head and Neck and Lung Cancer Coopera-
N-acetylcysteine supplementation upon viral load, tive Groups. J Natl Cancer Inst 2000; 92:
CD4, CD8 total lymphocyte count and haematrocrit 977986.
in individuals undergoing antiretroviral treatment. 23 Van Schooten FJ, Besaratinia A, De Flora S, et al.
Clin Chem Lab Med 2002; 40: 452455. Effects of oral administration of N-acetyl-L-cysteine:
19 Akerlund B, Tynell E, Bratt G, et al. N-acetylcysteine a multi-biomarker study in smokers. Cancer
treatment and the risk of toxic reactions to Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2002; 11: 167175.

Description Action
Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin of the vitamin Nutritional
B complex. As a vitamin, niacin functions as a compo-
nent of two coenzymes, nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine
Nomenclature dinucleotide diphosphate (NADP). These coen-
zymes participate in many metabolic processes
Niacin is a generic term used to describe the including glycolysis, tissue respiration, lipid,
compounds that exhibit the biological prop- amino acid and purine metabolism.
erties of nicotinamide. It occurs in food as
nicotinamide and nicotinic acid. It is sometimes
known as niacinamide.
In doses in excess of nutritional requirements,
nicotinic acid (but not nicotinamide) reduces
serum cholesterol and triglycerides by inhibiting
Requirements and food values for niacin are the synthesis of VLDLs, which are the precur-
the sum of the amounts of nicotinic acid and sors of LDLs. Nicotinic acid also causes direct
nicotinamide. Niacin is also obtained in the peripheral vasodilatation.
body from the amino acid tryptophan. On
average, 60 mg tryptophan is equivalent to 1 mg
Niacin (mg equivalents) = nicotinic acid (mg) Dietary sources
+ nicotinamide (mg) + tryptophan (mg)/60
See Table 2 for dietary sources of niacin.

Human requirements
Niacin requirements depend on energy intake; Metabolism
values are therefore given as mg/1000 kcal and Absorption
also as total values based on estimated average Both nicotinamide and nicotinic acid are ab-
energy requirements for the majority of people sorbed in the duodenum by facilitated diffusion
in the UK (Table 1). (at low concentrations) and by passive diffusion
(at high concentrations).

Dietary intake
In the UK, the average adult diet provides Distribution
(niacin equivalents): for men, 44.7 mg daily; for Conversion of niacin to its coenzymes occurs in
women, 30.9 mg. most tissues.

224 Niacin

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for niacin (nicotinic acid equivalent) (mg/day)

EU RDA = 18 mg


06 months 4.4 5.5 6.6 3 2 2

712 months 4.4 5.5 6.6 5 3 4
13 years 4.4 5.5 6.6 8 6 10 6
46 years 4.4 5.5 6.6 11 9
48 years 8 15
710 years 4.4 5.5 6.6 12 12a
913 years 12 20
1114 years 4.4 5.5 6.6 15 16b
1518 years 4.4 5.5 6.6 18 16
1418 years 16 30
1950 years 4.4 5.5 6.6 17 173 16 35 16
5165+ years 16
5170+ years 16 35
1114 years 4.4 5.5 6.6 12 14b
1518 years 4.4 5.5 6.6 14 14
1418 years 14 30
1950 years 4.4 5.5 6.6 13 173 14 35 14
5165+ years 14
5170+ years 14 35
Pregnancy * * * 18 354 18
Lactation * * +2.3 +2 17 354 17

a 79 years. b 1014 years.

1 mg/1000 kcal. 2 mg/day.
3 Likely safe daily intake of nicotinamide from supplements alone is 500 mg daily. 4 Women <18 years = 30 mg daily.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake of nicotinic acid from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level.

Elimination available synthetic niacin added to fortify such

Elimination occurs mainly via the urine. Niacin products.
appears in breast milk.

Niacin deficiency (rare in the UK) may lead to
Niacin is remarkably stable and can withstand pellagra. Early signs of deficiency are vague and
reasonable periods of heating, cooking and non-specific and may include reduced appetite,
storage with little loss. Bioavailability of niacin weight loss, gastrointestinal discomfort, weak-
from cereals may be low, but much of the ness, irritability and inability to concentrate.
niacin in breakfast cereals comes from fully Signs of more advanced deficiency include sore
Niacin 225

mouth, glossitis and stomatitis. The severe

Table 2 Dietary sources of niacin deficiency state of pellagra is characterised by
dermatitis (predominantly in the areas of skin
exposed to sunlight), dementia (associated with
Food portion Niacin confusion, disorientation, seizures and halluci-
content1 (mg) nations) and diarrhoea.

Breakfast cereals
1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 6.5 Possible uses
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 7.5 Despite claims made for niacin, it is of un-
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 5.0
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 8.0 proven value in arthritis, alcohol dependence,
1 bowl Start (40 g) 10.0 schizophrenia and other mental disorders un-
2 pieces Shredded Wheat 3.0 related to niacin deficiency. Nicotinic acid is
2 Weetabix 6.0 prescribable on the NHS for hyperlipidaemia,
Cereal products
Bread, brown, 2 slices 3.0
but should not be sold as a supplement for this
white, 2 slices 2.5 purpose.
wholemeal 2 slices 4.0 Niacin (nicotinamide) is being evaluated in
1 chapati 2.5 studies either alone or with statins for effect
1 naan bread 5.0
in cholesterol lowering. Some studies13 and
1 white pitta bread 2.5
Pasta, brown, boiled (150 g) 3.5 a meta-analysis4 have demonstrated efficacy.
white, boiled (150 g) 2.0 However, doses used are high (5001000 mg
Rice, brown, boiled (160 g) 3.0 daily) and exceed the UK safe upper level,
white, boiled (160 g) 2.0 which makes this use unsuitable for dietary
2 heaped tablespoons wheatgerm 1.5
Milk and dairy products supplementation. In any case, further studies are
2 pint milk, whole, semi-skimmed, or 2.5 required to confirm these findings.
1/2 pint soya milk 1.5
1 pot yoghurt (150 g) 1.5 Precautions/contraindications
Cheese (50 g) 1.5
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 2.5 Large doses of niacin are best avoided in
Meat and fish gout (may increase uric acid levels); peptic
Beef, roast (85 g) 10.0
Lamb, roast (85 g) 10.0
ulcer (large doses may activate an ulcer); and
Pork, roast (85 g) 10.0 liver disease (large doses cause deterioration).
1 chicken leg portion 16.0 Large doses should also be used with caution
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 18.0 in diabetes mellitus. However, studies suggest
Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 11.5 that lipid-modifying doses can safely be used
Fish, cooked (150 g) 1015
Vegetables in patients with diabetes.5 Supplements con-
Peas, boiled (100 g) 2.5 taining nicotinic acid should not be used as
Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 1.5 a cholesterol-lowering agent without medical
1 small can baked beans (200 g) 2.6 advice.
Chickpeas, cooked (105 g) 2.0
Red kidney beans (105 g) 2.0
Dahl, lentil (150 g) 1.5
Nuts Pregnancy and breast-feeding
30 peanuts 6.5
Yeast No problems reported.
Brewers yeast (10 g) 1.5
Marmite, spread on 1 slice bread 3.5
Adverse effects
Niacin equivalents (includes both pre-formed niacin and niacin
obtained from tryptophan). Both nicotinamide and nicotinic acid can be
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics). toxic in excessive amounts, but the effects are
somewhat different.
226 Niacin

Nicotinamide Dose
In normal doses, nicotinamide is not toxic, but Nicotinamide is available in the form of tablets,
chronic administration at doses of 3 g daily but is found mainly in multivitamin and mineral
for periods of more than 3 months may cause products.
nausea, headaches, heartburn, fatigue, sore Dietary supplements generally provide 30
throat, dry hair, dry skin and blurred vision. 50 mg daily.

Nicotinic acid
Acute flushing (at doses of 100200 mg, but re-
duced risk with sustained-release preparations), 1 Whitney EJ, Krasuski RA, Personius BE, et al.
pounding headache, dizziness, nausea, vom- A randomized trial of a strategy for increasing
iting, pruritis; occasionally decreased glucose high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels: effects on
progression of coronary heart disease and clinical
tolerance and increased uric acid levels; rarely events. Ann Intern Med 2005; 142: 95104.
hepatic impairment (risk may be increased with 2 Taylor AJ, Sullenberger LE, Lee HJ, et al. Arterial
sustained-release preparations) and hyperten- Biology for the Investigation of the Treatment Effects
sion. of Reducing Cholesterol (ARBITER) 2: a double-
blind atherosclerosis progression in secondary pre-
vention patients treated with statins. Circulation
Interactions 2004; 110: 35123517.
3 McKenney JM, McCormick LS, Schaefer EJ, et al.
Drugs Effect of niacin and atorvastatin on lipoprotein sub-
Lipid-lowering drugs: increased risk of rhabdo- classes in patients with atherogenic dyslipidaemia.
myolysis and myopathy (combined therapy Am J Cardiol 2001; 88: 270274.
4 Goldberg AC. A meta-analysis of randomized
should include careful monitoring).
controlled studies on the effects of extended-
release niacin in women. Am J Cardiol 2004; 94:
Nutrients 121124.
5 Elam MB, Hunninghake DB, Davis KB, et al.
Adequate amounts of all B vitamins are required Effect of niacin on lipid and lipoprotein levels
for optimal functioning; deficiency or excess of and glycemic control in patients with diabetes
one B vitamin may lead to abnormalities in the and peripheral arterial disease. JAMA 2000; 284:
metabolism of another. 12631270.

Description Dietary sources

Nickel is a trace element. It can exist in Nickel is present in a variety of foods, particu-
oxidation states I, 0, +I, +II, +III and +IV. larly pulses, grains (especially oats) and nuts. It
State II is the most important in biological is also present in drinking water.
systems.1 Nickel has not been shown to be
essential in humans, but it is present in a few
multivitamin/multimineral supplements in the Metabolism
Dietary nickel is poorly absorbed. Absorption
takes place in the small intestine via a carrier-
Human requirements mediated mechanism, but passive diffusion may
Human requirements for nickel have not been also occur.
established. There are no Dietary Reference
Values. The Food Standards Agency Expert Distribution
Vitamins and Minerals (EVM) group stated The majority of nickel in human serum is bound
that UK dietary intake of nickel would not be to albumin, with some bound to nickeloplas-
expected to have any harmful effects but did min, an -macroglobulin, and some to amino
not set a safe upper level or guidance level for acids, such as histidine, cysteine and aspartic
adults for supplemental nickel intake.2 The US acid.1 It is distributed widely throughout the
Food and Nutrition Board set a Tolerable Upper tissues with the highest concentrations in bone,
Intake Level of 1 mg daily for adolescents and lung, liver, kidney and endocrine glands. Nickel
all adults. is also found in hair, nails, saliva and breast

Mean intake of dietary nickel in the UK is Absorbed nickel is excreted predominantly in
130 g daily, with an estimated maximum in- the urine, but some is also lost through sweat.
take of 260 g daily.2

Reported values of nickel absorption are < 1%
Nickel is an essential component in the enzymes when consumed with food, ascorbic acid, milk,
of many plants, bacteria, algae and fungi. In tea, coffee and orange juice.1 In a fasting state,
humans, nickel influences iron absorption and 2025% of nickel (from a nickel salt) may be
metabolism and may be essential in red blood absorbed.2 Absorption is increased under con-
cell metabolism.2 ditions of low nickel and iron bioavailability.

228 Nickel

Deficiency headache, cough, wheezing and giddiness.

Approximately 710% of the population (pre-
Nickel deficiency has not been observed in
dominantly women) is affected by nickel-
humans. In animals, deficiency is associ-
allergic dermatitis. Ingestion of nickel may
ated with delayed sexual maturity, perina-
exacerbate eczema due to nickel sensitivity.
tal mortality, reduced growth and reduced
Iron deficiency may increase the risk of nickel

Possible uses
There are no known beneficial human health
effects from consuming dietary nickel. None reported.

Precautions/contraindications Dose
None reported. The dose is not established. Supplements in the
UK contain up to 5 g in a daily dose.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
There are no data in humans, but in animal stud-
ies, nickel toxicity is associated with perinatal 1 Eckert C. Other trace elements. In: Shils ME, Shike
mortality. M, Ross AC, et al, eds. Modern Nutrition in Health
and Disease, 10th edn. London: Lippincott, Williams
and Wilkins, 2006: 338350.
Adverse effects 2 Food Standards Agency. Risk assessment: nickel.
Acute nickel exposure is associated with gastro- nutritionessentials/vitaminsandminerals/nickel (ac-
intestinal disturbances, visual disturbance, cessed 9 July 2006).

Description 7 days, 20 mg daily for the next 7 days, then

40 mg daily for the next 7 days. Platelet aggrega-
Octacosanol is the main component of poli-
tion (induced by ADP and epinephrine) reduced
cosanol, which is isolated from sugar cane
as the dose of policosanol increased, with
wax. Octacosanol has also been isolated from
significant effects observed after the second and
Eupolyphaga sinensis, some Euphorbia species,
third but not the first dose level. Coagulation
Acacia modeseta, Serenoa repens and other
time remained unchanged during the trial.8
plants, including whole grains, fruit and veg-
In a further randomised, placebo-controlled,
etables. It is a 28-carbon long-chain alcohol.
double-blind study involving healthy volun-
teers, policosanol (5, 10, 25 and 50 mg), ad-
Action ministered orally, inhibited platelet aggregation
(induced by ADP and epinephrine), and at a
Octacosanol appears to have a lipid-lowering dose of 20 mg daily for 7 days the inhibition was
effect, and there is some evidence (albeit lim- significant. A modest effect on collagen-induced
ited) that octacosanol may improve muscle platelet aggregation was observed only at the
endurance. However, almost all of the studies highest dose (50 mg daily) while the lowest
conducted to date have emanated from a few dose (5 mg daily) was ineffective. Policosanol
research groups in Cuba and use one source of did not affect coagulation time.9 Further studies
policosanol from Cuban cane sugar. The results in healthy volunteers10 and those with type
from these groups have not been consistently II hypercholesterolaemia11 have shown similar
replicated elsewhere. effects on platelet aggregation.
A randomised, double-blind, placebo-
Possible uses controlled study was carried out in 43
healthy volunteers to compare the effects of
It has been claimed that octacosanol is pro- policosanol (20 mg daily), aspirin (100 mg
tective against CVD, can improve endurance daily) and combination therapy (policosanol
in athletes, and is beneficial in patients with 20 mg daily plus aspirin 100 mg daily) on
Parkinsons disease. platelet aggregation. With policosanol, platelet
aggregation induced by ADP, epinephrine
Cardiovascular disease and collagen was significantly reduced.
Animal studies have shown that policosanol Aspirin reduced platelet aggregation induced
reduces serum lipids,13 platelet aggregation4 by collagen and epinephrine but not by
and atherosclerosis,5,6 and that it may help to ADP. Combined therapy significantly inhibited
protect against cerebral ischaemia.7 platelet aggregation by all agonists. Coagulation
time did not change during the trial. The authors
Platelet aggregation concluded that policosanol (20 mg daily) was
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 37 as effective as aspirin (100 mg daily), and that
healthy volunteers were randomised to receive combination therapy showed some advantages
either placebo or policosanol 10 mg daily for over the respective monotherapies.12

230 Octacosanol

A further double-blind RCT compared the reductase inhibitors, lovastatin (20 mg daily;
antiplatelet effects of two doses of policosanol 26 patients) or simvastatin (10 mg daily; 25
(20 and 40 mg daily) with placebo. Both doses patients), showed that LDL cholesterol reduced
significantly reduced platelet aggregation, com- by 24% with policosanol, 22% with lovastatin
pared with placebo, but no differences were ob- and 15% with simvastatin. HDL cholesterol
served in the effects produced by the two doses. was increased in the policosanol group but
Effects on platelet aggregation were similar in not in the two groups using the HMG-CoA
normal and hypercholesterolaemic patients. In reductase inhibitors.17
addition, after 30 days, both 20 mg and 40 mg A similar study comparing policosanol
policosanol reduced LDL and total cholesterol (10 mg daily) with acipimox (750 mg daily),
and raised HDL cholesterol.13 involving 63 patients, showed that policosanol
reduced total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol
Lipid lowering by 15.8% and 21%, respectively, and lowered
A pilot single-blind, randomised, placebo- the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol by 15.8%.
controlled trial was conducted in 23 middle- Acipimox reduced both total cholesterol and
aged outpatients with well-documented chronic LDL cholesterol by 7.5%.18
CHD and primary or marginal hyperlipidaemia. A further study comparing policosanol
Twelve patients received 1 mg policosanol twice (10 mg daily) and pravastatin (10 mg daily)
a day and 11 patients received placebo. The showed reductions in total and LDL choles-
treated group showed a significant reduction terol with policosanol of 13.9% and 19.3%,
in total (14.8%) and LDL (15.6%) cholesterol. respectively, and lowered the LDL:HDL choles-
The authors stated there was also a clinical terol ratio by 28.3%. Pravastatin lowered total
tendency in five out of 12 of the treated patients cholesterol by 11.8% and LDL cholesterol by
towards improvement of CHD.14 15.6%. Policosanol reduced platelet aggrega-
In a 2-year, double-blind, randomised, tion to a greater extent than pravastatin. The au-
placebo-controlled trial involving 69 patients thors concluded that policosanol (10 mg daily)
with total and LDL cholesterol poorly con- produces more favourable effects on serum
trolled by diet, octacosanol 5 mg twice a day lipids and platelet aggregation than pravastatin
was associated with a 25% reduction in LDL (10 mg daily).19 A further study comparing
cholesterol and an 18% reduction in total policosanol (10 mg daily) with lovastatin (20 mg
cholesterol. Ratios of LDL to HDL cholesterol daily) in 53 patients showed similar effects
were also reduced. All changes were significant on serum lipid levels.20 A further study com-
and were maintained throughout the 2 years of paring policosanol 10 mg daily with lovastatin
the study.15 20 mg daily found that policosanol was slightly
Another double-blind, placebo-controlled more effective than lovastatin in reducing the
trial in 29 patients with non-insulin-dependent LDL/HDL and total cholesterol/HDL ratios,
diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and hypercholes- in increasing HDL levels and preventing LDL
terolaemia found that 10 mg policosanol oxidation.21 A Russian study found that poli-
daily significantly reduced total cholesterol by cosanol 10 mg daily was superior in lowering
17.5% and LDL cholesterol by 21.8%, non- cholesterol to bezafibrate 400 mg daily.22 In a
significantly reduced triglycerides by 6.6%, study comparing policosanol 10 mg daily with
and non-significantly raised HDL cholesterol atorvastatin 10 mg daily, policosanol was less
by 11.3%. Glycaemic control was unaffected effective than atorvastatin in reducing serum
and no adverse effects were attributable to LDL and triglyceride levels in elderly patients
policosanol. The authors concluded that poli- with hypercholesterolaemia. Policosanol, but
cosanol is safe and effective in patients with not atorvastatin, significantly increased serum
NIDDM and hypercholesterolaemia.16 HDL, while both reduced serum triglycerides
A further double-blind, randomised study and other measures of atherogenesis.23
comparing the effect of policosanol (10 mg Further studies have shown that policosanol
daily; 55 patients) with the two HMG-CoA reduced serum total and LDL cholesterol and
Octacosanol 231

raised HDL cholesterol in a study involving 437 A recent South African RCT investigated
individuals with type II hypercholesterolaemia the effect of a policosanol supplement (20 mg
and additional coronary risk factors,24 and in a daily) for 12 weeks on 19 subjects with hyper-
study involving 69 healthy subjects, policosanol cholesterolaemia (some of whom had familial
decreased the susceptibility of LDL cholesterol hypercholesterolaemia). However, the supple-
to oxidation in vitro.25 Similar influences on ment had no significant effect on total or LDL
cholesterol with policosanol have been shown cholesterol compared with placebo.37 A further
in a trial involving 244 post-menopausal women trial has evaluated policosanol derived from
with hypercholesterolaemia.26 Cuban sugar cane in lipid outpatient clinics
Newer studies have found that poli- and general practices in Germany. A total
cosanol is effective, safe and well tolerated of 143 patients with hypercholesterolaemia or
in older patients with hypercholesterolaemia combined hyperlipidaemia were randomised to
and high coronary risk,27 in post-menopausal receive policosanol 10, 20, 40 or 80 mg daily
women with hypercholesterolaemia,28 and or placebo. No statistically significant difference
in older patients with hypertension and between policosanol and placebo was observed
hypercholesterolaemia.29 A dose of 40 mg poli- in lipid lowering.38
cosanol was not found to offer any lipid-
lowering advantage over a dose of 20 mg Intermittent claudication
daily.30 In a study comparing policosanol with The Cuban researchers have also investigated
mixtures of higher aliphatic primary alcohols, the effect of policosanol in patients with
policosanol was found to reduce LDL choles- intermittent claudication. A 2-year study found
terol while the other mixtures did not.31 A study that policosanol 10 mg twice daily was more
evaluating the effect of policosanol with omega- effective in improving walking distance than
3 fatty acids found that the combination low- placebo.39 A further study comparing poli-
ered LDL and total cholesterol and triglycerides cosanol (10 mg daily) with lovastatin (20 mg
and raised HDL cholesterol.32 Another study daily) found that policosanol (not lovastatin)
found that policosanol could provide additional was effective in improving walking distance,40
benefits in lowering blood pressure in people while another study found policosanol (10 mg
taking beta-blockers.33 twice a day) to be as effective as ticlopidine (now
However, a Dutch study investigating poli- discontinued in the UK) (250 mg three times a
cosanol from wheatgerm found that a dose of day).41
20 mg daily had no beneficial effect on blood
lipids.34 Parkinsons disease
A recent meta-analysis35 compared the effect Octacosanol has been evaluated in patients
of policosanol with plant sterols and stanols with mild to moderate Parkinsons disease.
and found that policosanol is more effective for In a double-blind crossover trial, 10 patients
LDL cholesterol reduction and more favourably received either 5 mg octacosanol or placebo
alters the lipid profile. A Bandolier review36 (both three times a day) for 6 weeks. Only
concluded that policosanol from Cuban sugar three patients improved significantly at the
cane reduces total and LDL cholesterol by an studys end. Some responded slightly or had no
amount equivalent to statins and has fewer, disease progression during the study. Activities
less serious, adverse events. However, all the of daily living and mood improved, but physical
Cuban trials show exactly the same 1015% endurance and parkinsonian symptoms did not.
reduction in total cholesterol regardless of One patient experienced dizziness and another
patient characteristics, duration of study experienced exacerbation of dyskinesias. The
(although most were longer than 6 weeks) or authors concluded that octacosanol might be
dose of policosanol. The inter-subject variation beneficial for patients with mild Parkinsons
in cholesterol lowering with statins is much disease, but that the benefit is likely to be
greater, making the policosanol results appear small and less than that exerted by existing
quite strange. treatments.42
232 Octacosanol

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Precautions/contraindications

Anecdotally, octacosanol has been claimed to
None reported.
improve symptoms of amyotrophic lateral scle-
rosis (AMS), but a placebo-controlled, double-
blind, crossover trial in which patients re- Pregnancy and breast-feeding
ceived either 40 mg octacosanol or placebo for
3 months and were then crossed over showed no No problems have been reported, but there
difference between octacosanol and placebo.43 have not been sufficient studies to guarantee
the safety of octacosanol in pregnancy and
breast-feeding. The effects are unknown, and
octacosanol is best avoided.
Octacosanol is now being widely advertised for Adverse effects
enhancing performance in athletes, particularly
in the USA and Australia. However, there are None reported, but there are no long-term
almost no supporting data. studies assessing the safety of octacosanol.
One study in 33 male student athletes (20 In a trial investigating the effects of placebo
controls, 13 supplemented) showed that sup- and policosanol, 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg daily,
plementation with a pack containing 29 sup- policosanol was said by the authors to be well
plements including 2000 g octacosanol was tolerated with no disturbances of blood or clin-
associated with a decrease in body fat and in- ical biochemistry. Adverse effects were found
crease in muscle girth measurement, indicating to be mild and transient with no differences
the formation of lean body mass. However, the between the groups.46
study was not blinded, the diet not controlled
and the pack contained a variety if supplements
in addition to octacosanol.44
Another study in 16 subjects (students and None reported. A study in rats investigated
lecturers in physical education) measured grip the effect of adding policosanol to warfarin.
strength, chest strength, and reaction time to Policosanol did not enhance the prolongation
both auditory and visual stimuli. Following of bleeding time induced by warfarin alone.47
supplementation with 1000 g octacosanol for
8 weeks, only grip strength and reaction time to
visual stimuli were improved.45 Dose
Octacosanol is available in the form of tablets
Conclusion and capsules.
A number of human studies have now The dose is not established. Doses used in
been conducted with policosanol and have studies have varied from 1 to 20 mg policosanol
shown benefits in lipid lowering and platelet daily.
aggregation compared with placebo. They
have also shown similar effects to various
lipid-lowering drugs. However, nearly all of
the studies have been conducted by one 1 Arruzazabala ML, Carbajal D, Mas R, et al.
research group in Havana, Cuba, and with Cholesterol-lowering effect of policosanol in rabbits.
policosanol from Cuban sugar cane. They Biol Res 1994; 27: 205208.
have not been replicated outside Cuba or 2 Menendez R, Amor AM, Gonzalez RM, et al. Effect
of policosanol on the hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis
using policosanol from other sources. There of normocholesterolemic rats. Biol Res 1996; 29:
is very little evidence that octacosanol is 253257.
useful for athletes. 3 Menendez R, Arruzazabala L, Mas R, et al.
Cholesterol-lowering effect of policosanol on rabbits
Octacosanol 233

with hypercholesterolaemia induced by a wheat 18 Alcocer L, Fernandez L, Campos E, et al. A com-

starch-casein diet. Br J Nutr 1997; 77: 923932. parative study of policosanol versus acipimox in
4 Arruzazabala ML, Carbajal D, Mas R, et al. patients with type II hypercholesterolemia. Int J
Effects of policosanol on platelet aggregation in rats. Tissue React 1999; 21: 8592.
Thromb Res 1993; 69: 321327. 19 Castano G, Mas R, Arruzazabala ML, et al. Effect of
5 Noa M, Mas R, de la Rosa MC, et al. Effect of policosanol and pravastatin on lipid profile, platelet
policosanol on lipofundin-induced atherosclerotic aggregation and endothelemia in older hypercholes-
lesions in rats. J Pharm Pharmacol 1995; 47: terolemic patients. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res 1999;
289291. 19: 105116.
6 Arruzazabala ML, Noa M, Menendez R, et al. Pro- 20 Crespo N, Illnait J, Mas R, et al. Comparative
tective effect of policosanol on atherosclerotic lesions study of the efficacy and tolerability of poli-
in rabbits with exogenous hypercholesterolaemia. cosanol and lovastatin in patients with hyper-
Braz J Med Biol Res 2000; 33: 835840. cholesterolemia and noninsulin dependent diabetes
7 Molina V, Arruzazabala D, Carbajal D, et al. Effect mellitus. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res 1999; 19:
of policosanol on cerebral ischemia in Mongolian 117127.
gerbils. Braz J Med Biol Res 1999; 32: 12691276. 21 Castano G, Menendez R, Mas R, et al. Effects
8 Arruzazabala ML, Valdes S, Mas R, et al. Effect of policosanol and lovastatin on lipid profile and
of policosanol successive dose increases on platelet lipid peroxidation in patients with dyslipidaemia
aggregation in healthy volunteers. Phamacol Res associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Clin
1996; 34: 181185. Pharmacol Res 2002; 22: 8999.
9 Valdes S, Arruzazabala ML, Fernandez L, et al. 22 Nitkin IuP, Slepchenko NV, Gratsianskii NA, et al.
Effect of policosanol on platelet aggregation in Results of the multicenter controlled study of the
healthy volunteers. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res 1996; hypolipidemic drug polycosanol in Russia. Ter Arkh
16: 6772. 2000; 72: 710.
10 Carbajal D, Arruzazabala ML, Valdes S, et al. 23 Castano G, Mas R, Fernandez L, et al. Compari-
Effect of policosanol on platelet aggregation and son of the efficacy and tolerability of policosanol
serum levels of arachidonic acid metabolites in with atorvastatin in elderly patients with type II
healthy volunteers. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent hypercholesterolaemia. Drugs Aging 2003; 20:
Fatty Acids 1998; 58: 6164. 153163.
11 Arruzazabala ML, Mas R, Molina V, et al. Effect 24 Mas R, Castano G, Illnait J, et al. Effects of poli-
of policosanol on platelet aggregation in type II cosanol in patients with type II hypercholesterolemia
hypercholesterolemic patients. Int J Tissue React and additional risk factors. Clin Pharmacol Ther
1998; 20: 119124. 1999; 65: 439447.
12 Arruzazabala ML, Valdes S, Mas R, et al. Com- 25 Menendez R, Mas R, Amor AM, et al. Effects
parative study of policosanol, aspirin and the of policosanol treatment on the susceptibility of
combination therapy policosanol-aspirin on platelet low density lipoprotein (LDL) isolated from healthy
aggregation in healthy volunteers. Pharmacol Res volunteers to oxidative modification in vitro. Br J
1997; 36: 293297. Clin Pharmacol 2000; 50: 255262.
13 Arruzazabala ML, Molina V, Mas R, et al. Anti- 26 Castano G, Mas R, Fernandez L, et al. Effects of
platelet effects of policosanol (20 and 40mg/day) in policosanol on postmenopausal women with type
healthy volunteers and dyslipidaemic patients. Clin II hypercholesterolemia. Gynecol Endocrinol 2000;
Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2002; 29: 891897. 14: 187195.
14 Batista J, Stusser R, Saez F, et al. Effect of policosanol 27 Castano G, Mas R, Fernandez JC, et al. Effects of
on hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease in policosanol in older patients with type II hyper-
middle-aged patients. A 14-month pilot study. Int cholesterolemia and high coronary risk. J Gerontol
J Clin Phamacol Ther 1996; 34: 134137. A Biol Sci Med Sci 2001; 56: M186M192.
15 Canetti M, Moreira M, Mas R, et al. A two-year 28 Mirkin A, Mas R, Martino M, et al. Efficacy and
study on the efficacy and tolerability of policosanol tolerability of policosanol in hypercholesterolaemic,
in patients with type II hyperlipoproteinaemia. Int J postmenopausal women. Int J Pharmacol Res 2001;
Clin Pharmacol Res 1995; 15: 159165. 21: 3141.
16 Torres O, Agramonte AJ, Illnait J, et al. Treatment of 29 Castano G, Mas R, Fernandez JC, et al. Effects of
hypercholesterolemia in NIDDM with policosanol. policosanol on older patients with hypertension and
Diabetes Care 1995; 18: 393397. type II hypercholesterolaemia. Drugs R D 2002; 3:
17 Prat H, Roman O, Pino E. Comparative effects of 159172.
policosanol and two HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors 30 Castano G, Mas R, Fernandez L, et al. Effects of
on type II hypercholesterolemia. Rec Med Chil 1999; policosanol 20 versus 40 mg/day in the treatment
127: 286294. of patients with type II hypercholesterolemia: a
234 Octacosanol

6-month double-blind study. Int J Clin Pharmacol 39 Castano G, Mas Ferreiro R, Fernandez L, et al. A
Res 2001; 21: 4357. long-term study of policosanol in the treatment of
31 Castano G, Fernandez L, Mas R, et al. Comparison intermittent claudication. Angiology 2001; 52: 115
of the efficacy, safety and tolerability of original 125.
policosanol versus other mixtures of higher aliphatic 40 Castano G, Mas R, Fernandez L, et al.
primary alcohols in patients with type II hyper- Effects of policosanol and lovastatin in pa-
cholesterolemia. Int J Pharmacol Res 2002; 22: tients with intermittent claudication: a double-
5566. blind comparative pilot study. Angiology 2003; 54:
32 Castano G, Fernandez L, Mas R, et al. Effects 2538.
of addition of policosanol to omega-3 fatty acids 41 Castano G, Mas R, Gamez R, et al. Effects
therapy on the lipid profile of patients with type of policosanol and ticlodipidine in patients with
II hypercholesterolaemia. Drugs R D 2005; 6: intermittent claudication: a double-blinded pilot
207219. comparative study. Angiology 2004; 55:
33 Castano G, Mas R, Gamez R, et al. Concomitant use 361371.
of policosanol and beta-blockers in older patients. 42 Snider SR. Octacosanol in Parkinsonism. Ann Neu-
Int J Clin Pharmacol Res 2004; 24: 6577. rol 1984; 16: 273 (letter).
34 Lin Y, Rudrum M, van der Wielen RP, et al. Wheat 43 Norris FH, Denys EH, Fallat RJ. Trial of octacosanol
germ policosanol failed to lower plasma cholesterol on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurology 1986;
in subjects with normal to mildly elevated cholesterol 36: 12631264.
concentrations. Metabolism 2004; 53: 13091314. 44 Cockerill DL, Bucci LR. Increases in muscle girth and
35 Chen JT, Wesley R, Shanburek RD, et al. Meta- decreases in body fat associated with a nutritional
analysis of natural therapies for hyperlipidemia: supplement program. Chiro Sports Med 1987; 1:
plant sterols and stanols versus policosanol. 7376.
Pharmacotherapy 2005; 25: 171183. 45 Saint-John M, McNaughton L. Octacosanol
36 Anonymous. Policosanol for lipid-lowering. ingestion and its effects on metabolic responses to
Bandolier January 2005 (available from submaximal cycle ergometry, reaction time, and
http://www. chest and grip strength. Int Clin Nutr Rev 1986;
Policosanol.pdf). 6: 8187.
37 Greyling A, De Witt C, Oosthuizen W, Jerling 46 Pons P, Rodriguez M, Robaina C, et al. Effects of
JC. Effects of a policosanol supplement on serum successive dose increases of policosanol on the lipid
lipid concentrations in hypercholesterolaemic and profile of patients with type II hypercholesterolaemia
heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemic sub- and tolerability to treatment. Int J Clin Pharmacol
jects. Br J Nutr 2006; 95: 968975. Res 1994; 14: 2733.
38 Berthold HK, Unverdorben S, Degenhardt R, 47 Carbajal D, Arruzazabala ML, Valdes S, et al.
et al. Effect of policosanol on lipid levels among Interaction of policosanol-warfarin on bleeding time
patients with hypercholesterolaemia or combined and thrombosis in rats. Pharmacol Res 1998; 38:
hyperlipidaemia. JAMA 2006; 295: 22622269. 8991.
Pangamic acid

Description and nomenclature research has been done in other countries.

Pangamic acid is claimed to enhance athletic
An alternative name for pangamic acid is vita-
performance and to be beneficial in CVD,
min B15 , but it is not an officially recognised
asthma and diabetes mellitus. Scientific studies
vitamin. Pangamic acid is the name given
show no evidence of therapeutic efficacy for
to a product originally claimed to contain
pangamic acid.
d-gluconodimethyl aminoacetic acid, which
was obtained from apricot kernels and later
from rice bran. Precautions/contraindications
Pangamic acid should not be taken at all, by
Constituents anyone.
The composition of supplements is un-
defined, but they may contain one or
more of the following substances: calcium Adverse effects
gluconate, glycine, N,N-dimethylglycine and Pangamic acid may be mutagenic and thus
N,N-diisopropylamine dichloroacetate (N,N- potentially able to cause cancer. It may cause
diisopropylamine dichloroacetate has pharma- occasional transient flushing of the skin.
cological activity).

Dietary sources Interactions

Apricot kernels, brewers yeast, liver, wheat- None reported.

germ, bran and wholegrains.
Possible uses
Pangamic acid should be avoided. Dietary sup-
Research by Soviet sports scientists focused plements are rarely available in UK high-street
attention on pangamic acid, but very little outlets, but may be available on the Internet.

Pantothenic acid

Description Action
Pantothenic acid is a water-soluble B complex Pantothenic acid functions mainly as a compo-
vitamin. nent of coenzyme A and acyl carrier protein.
Coenzyme A has a central role as a cofactor
for enzymes involved in the metabolism of
Human requirements lipids, carbohydrates and proteins; it is also
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for required for the synthesis of cholesterol, steroid
pantothenic acid. hormones, acetylcholine and porphyrins. As a
component of acyl carrier protein, pantothenic
acid is involved in various transfer reactions
Dietary intake and in the assembly of acetate units into longer-
In the UK, the average adult diet provides 5.1 mg chain fatty acids.

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for pantothenic acid (mg/day)

EU RDA = 6 mg

Safe intake EVM AI TUL RNI

06 months 1.7 1.7 1.7

712 months 1.7 1.8 1.8
13 years 1.7 2.0 2.0
410 years 37 3.01 4.02
48 years 3.0
913 years 4.0
Males and females
1150+ years 37 200 5.0
1470+ years 5.0
Pregnancy 6.0 6.0
Lactation 7.0 7.0

1 46 years. 2 79 years.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level (not determined for pantothenic acid).

Pantothenic acid 237

Dietary sources
Table 2 Dietary sources of pantothenic acid See Table 2 for dietary sources of pantothenic
Food portion Pantothenic acid
content (mg) Metabolism
Breakfast cereals Absorption occurs in the small intestine.
1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 0.7
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 0.7
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 0.1
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 1.1 Pantothenic acid is widely distributed in body
2 pieces Shredded Wheat 0.4 tissues (particularly in the liver, adrenal glands,
2 Weetabix 0.3 heart and kidneys), mainly as coenzyme A.
Cereal products
Bread, brown, 2 slices 0.2 Elimination
white, 2 slices 0.2 About 70% is excreted unchanged via the urine
wholemeal, 2 slices 0.4 and 30% in the faeces.
1 chapati 0.1
Milk and dairy products
1/2 pint milk, whole, 0.8 Bioavailability
semi-skimmed or skimmed Bioavailability may be reduced by some drugs
1 pot yoghurt (150 g) 0.6
Cheese (50 g) 0.2
(see Interactions) and a high fat intake, and
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 1.0 increased by a diet high in protein.
Meat and fish
Beef, roast (85 g) 0.5 Deficiency
Lamb, roast (85 g) 0.5
Pork, roast (85 g) 0.8 Deficiency has not been clearly identified in
1 chicken leg portion 1.5 humans consuming a mixed diet.
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 7.0
Kidney, lambs, cooked 4.0
(75 g) Possible uses
Fish, cooked (150 g) 0.5
Pantothenic acid has been used for a wide
1 small can baked beans (200 g) 0.4
range of disorders such as acne, alopecia, aller-
Chickpeas, cooked (105 g) 0.3 gies, burning feet, asthma, grey hair, dandruff,
Red kidney beans (105 g) 0.2 cholesterol lowering, improving exercise perfor-
Peas, boiled (100 g) 0.1 mance, depression, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid
Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 0.6 arthritis, multiple sclerosis, stress, shingles, age-
Green vegetables, average, 0.2 ing and Parkinsons disease. It has been inves-
boiled (100 g)
tigated in clinical trials for arthritis, cholesterol
Fruit lowering and exercise performance.
1 banana 0.5
1 orange 0.6
Nuts In an uncontrolled trial, patients treated with
30 peanuts 0.7
pantothenate 12.5 mg twice a day showed a lim-
Yeast ited, variable improvement within 12 weeks of
Brewers yeast (10 g) 1.0 therapy, which ended upon discontinuation of
Excellent sources (> 1 mg/portion) (bold). therapy.1 In a double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial,2 94 patients with arthritis (of whom 27
238 Pantothenic acid

had rheumatoid arthritis) were randomised to carotene, has been associated with increased
receive large doses of calcium pantothenate genome instability.6
(titrated up from 500 mg daily to 2000 mg
daily) or a placebo for 8 weeks. There was
no significant reduction in either group in
the duration of morning stiffness or disability, Drugs
but both groups experienced significant relief Alcohol: excessive alcohol intake may increase
from pain. When the subjects with rheumatoid requirement for pantothenic acid.
arthritis were analysed separately, the group Oral contraceptives: may increase requirement
receiving pantothenate showed statistically sig- for pantothenic acid.
nificant reduction in morning stiffness, disability
and pain compared with placebo. Nutrients
Adequate amounts of all B vitamins are required
Cholesterol lowering for optimal functioning; deficiency or excess of
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover one B vitamin may lead to abnormalities in the
study in 29 patients with various types of metabolism of another.
dyslipidaemia found that 900 mg pantothenic
acid daily reduced total and LDL cholesterol in Dose
type IIb hyperlipidaemia, with varying effects in
type IV patients.3 Pantothenic acid and calcium pantothenate are
available in the form of tablets and capsules,
but they are found mainly in multivitamin and
Exercise performance
mineral preparations.
Two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies
The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
with pantothenic acid in runners4 and cyclists5
ments contain up to 100 mg daily.
showed that pantothenic acid had no effect on
exercise performance.
Conclusion 1 Annand J. Pantothenic acid and OA. Lancet 1963;
Research is too limited to be able to make 2: 1168.
recommendations for pantothenic acid. 2 General Practitioner Research Group. Calcium pan-
tothenate in arthritic conditions. A report from the
General Practitioner Research Group. Practitioner
1980; 224: 208211.
3 Gaddi A, Descovich GC, Noseda G, et al. Controlled
Precautions/contraindications evaluation of pantethine, a natural hypolipemic
compound, in patients with hyperlipidaemia.
None reported.
Atherosclerosis 1984; 50: 7383.
4 Nice C, Reeves AG, Brinck-Johnsen T, et al. The ef-
fects of pantothenic acid on human exercise capacity.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1984; 24: 2629.
5 Webster MJ. Physiological and performance
No problems reported.
responses to supplementation with thiamin and
pantothenic acid derivatives. Eur J Appl Physiol
1998; 77: 486491.
Adverse effects 6 Fenech M, Baghurst P, Luderer W, et al. Low
No adverse effects, except for occasional diar- intake of folate, nicotinic acid, vitamin E, retinol,
beta-carotene, and high intake of pantothenic acid,
rhoea, have been reported in humans. High biotin and riboflavin are significantly associated with
intake of pantothenic acid (and biotin and increased genome instability result from a dietary
riboflavin) with low intake of calcium, folate, intake and micronutrients intake survey in South
nicotinic acid, vitamin E, retinol and beta- Australia. Carcinogenesis 2005; 26: 991999.
Para-amino benzoic acid

Description and nomenclature Adverse effects

Para-amino benzoic acid (PABA) is a member of Toxicity is low, but high doses (>30 mg) may
the vitamin B complex, but is not an officially cause anorexia, nausea, vomiting, liver toxicity,
recognised vitamin. fever, itching and skin rash.

Dietary sources
Brewers yeast, liver, wheatgerm, bran and
wholegrains. Sulphonamides: kill bacteria by mimicking
PABA; supplements containing PABA should be
Possible uses avoided while taking these drugs.
PABA is claimed to prevent greying hair and to
be useful as an anti-ageing supplement. It has
been used in digestive disorders, arthritis, in-
somnia and depression. There is no convincing PABA is available in the form of tablets and
scientific evidence available. capsules.
A derivative of PABA is used topically as a There is no established dose. Supplements are
sunscreen agent; this is effective in the preven- not justified. Dietary supplements provide 100
tion of sunburn. 500 mg per dose.


Description indicating (according to the authors) a drug-

related effect.1
Phosphatidylserine belongs to a class of fat-
The effects of phosphatidylserine on cog-
soluble compounds called phospholipids. Phos-
nitive, affective and behavioural symptoms
pholipids are essential components of cell mem-
were studied in a group of elderly women
branes, with high concentrations found in the
with depressive disorders. The treatment was
brain. Phosphatidylserine is the most abundant
not blinded or randomised. Patients were
phospholipid in the brain.
treated with placebo for 15 days followed by
phosphatidylserine (300 mg daily) for 30 days.
Changes in depression, memory and general
behaviour were measured according to four
Phosphatidylserine helps to ensure fluidity, flex- different scales before and after placebo, and
ibility and permeability in cell membranes. It after treatment. Depressive symptoms were
stimulates the release of various transmitters, marked before placebo, did not change af-
such as acetylcholine and dopamine, enhances ter placebo, and were significantly reduced
ion transport and increases the number of by phosphatidylserine treatment. There was
neurotransmitter receptor sites in the brain. also improvement in memory (recall, long-term
retrieval), but there were no changes in plasma
levels of various neurochemicals.2
Possible uses In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study,
149 patients with age-associated memory
Phosphatidyl serine is claimed to be useful
impairment were treated with phosphatidylse-
in enhancing memory, treating depression and
rine 300 mg or placebo for 12 weeks. The
preventing age-related neurotransmitter defects.
supplemented subjects improved relative to
placebo on performance tests related to learning
Age-related cognitive decline and memory tasks of daily life. Analysis of
A double-blind, randomised, controlled study subgroups showed that subjects who performed
was conducted in 42 hospitalised demented at a relatively low level before treatment were
patients, in which half the patients received most likely to respond to phosphatidylserine.
300 mg phosphatidylserine and the other half The authors concluded that phosphatidylserine
placebo. The trial lasted for 6 weeks. Two may be a promising candidate for treating
distinct rating scales were used: the Crighton memory loss in later life.3
Scale and the Peri Scale. Results showed a trend In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study,
towards improvement in the treated patients 51 patients with probable Alzheimers disease
and analysis of covariance showed a significant were treated with phosphatidylserine (300 mg
treatment effect on the Peri Scale. The results daily) or placebo for 12 weeks. Two rating
at the end of treatment were compared with scales were used to assess the patients, and
results obtained 3 weeks later and there was after 12 weeks, the treated group improved on
still a significant difference on the Peri Scale, three of the 12 variables on one scale and

Phosphatidylserine 241

five of the 25 variables on the other scale. Oral phosphatidylserine rather than the intra-
Family members rated significant improvements venous formulation was used. Phosphatidyl-
with phosphatidylserine after 6 and 9 weeks serine 800 mg significantly blunted the ACTH
but not at 12 weeks. The authors stressed that and cortisol responses to physical exercise. The
phosphatidylserine could be helpful in patients authors concluded that chronic oral adminis-
with early-stage disease, but might have no tration of phosphatidylserine might counteract
effect in middle and later stages.4 stress-induced activation of the hypothalamic-
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross- pituitary-adrenal axis in men.8
over study, 33 patients with mild primary
degenerative dementia received either phos- Psychological stress
phatidylserine 300 mg daily or placebo for Recent research has investigated the effects of
8 weeks. Clinical global rating scales showed phosphatidylserine on psychological stress. A
significantly more patients improving with study assigned four groups of 20 subjects to
phosphatidylserine than placebo. However, 400 mg, 600 mg or 800 mg phosphatidylserine
there were no significant improvements in complex (PAS) or placebo for 3 weeks, then
dementia rating scale or psychometric tests.5 exposed them to the Trier Social Stress Test.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study Treatment with 400 mg PAS resulted in a pro-
494 elderly patients (aged 6593 years) with nounced blunting of both serum ACTH and
moderate to severe cognitive decline were ran- cortisol, but did not affect heart rate. The effect
domised to receive either phosphatidylserine was not seen with the larger doses of PAS. After
300 mg daily or placebo for 6 months. Sixty- the test, the placebo group showed the expected
nine patients dropped out of the trial. Patients increased distress while the 400 mg PAS group
were examined before the study, and 3 and showed reduced distress. The authors concluded
6 months after. Statistically significant improve- that this study provides initial evidence of a
ments in the treated group compared to placebo selective stress dampening effect of PAS on
were observed in terms of both behavioural and the pituitary-adrenal axis, suggesting the poten-
cognitive parameters.6 tial for PAS in the treatment of stress-related
Physical stress
In a double-blind trial, eight healthy men Conclusion
underwent three experiments with a bicy- There is evidence from controlled trials
cle ergometer. Before the exercise, each sub- that phosphatidylserine improves memory
ject received intravenously 50 or 75 mg of and other symptoms of cognitive decline in
phosphatidylserine or placebo. Blood sam- elderly patients. There is also some limited
ples were collected before and after the evidence that phosphatidylserine attenuates
exercise and analysed for epinephrine, nor- the cortisol response to exercise. However,
epinephrine, dopamine, adrenocorticotrophin, this response is a natural phenomenon and
cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin and glu- interfering with it could delay recovery
cose. Physical stress induced a clear-cut in athletes. Further research is required
increase in plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, to ascertain whether phosphatidylserine is
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), corti- beneficial in athletes or not.
sol, growth hormone and prolactin, whereas
no significant change was found in plasma
dopamine and glucose. Pretreatment with both
50 mg and 75 mg phosphatidylserine signifi- Precautions/contraindications
cantly blunted the ACTH and cortisol responses None reported.
to physical stress.7
In a study using the same exercise protocol in
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
the same research centre, nine healthy men were
treated for three 10-day periods with placebo, No problems have been reported, but there
400 mg and 800 mg phosphatidylserine daily. have not been sufficient studies to guarantee the
242 Phosphatidylserine

safety of phosphatidylserine in pregnancy and References

1 Delwaide PJ, Gyselynck-Mambourg AM, Hurlet A,
et al. Double-blind randomized controlled study of
Adverse effects phosphatidyserine in senile demented patients. Acta
Neurol Scand 1986; 73: 136140.
No known toxicity or side-effects, but there 2 Maggioni M, Picotti GB, Bondiolotti GP, et al.
are no long-term studies assessing the safety of Effects of phosphatidylserine in geriatric patients
phosphatidylserine. There have been concerns with depressive disorders. Acta Psychiatr Scand
about phosphatidylserine supplements derived 1990; 81: 265270.
3 Crook TH, Tinklenberg, Yesavage J, et al. Effects
from bovine brain tissue, because of concerns of phosphatidylserine in age-associated memory
about diseases such as bovine spongiform impairment. Neurology 1991; 41: 644649.
encephalopathy (BSE), and supplements based 4 Crook T, Petrie W, Wells C, et al. Effects of phos-
on soy have been developed. The two supple- phatidylserine in Alzheimers disease. Psychophar-
ments are slightly different and there has been macol Bull 1992; 28: 6166.
discussion about whether they have the same 5 Cenacchi T, Bertoldin T, Farina C, et al. Cognitive
decline in the elderly: a double-blind, placebo-
level of efficacy. Most research to date has
controlled multicenter study on efficacy of phos-
been conducted with bovine-based supplements. phatidylserine administration. Aging (Milano) 1993;
Preliminary research in animals suggests that the 5: 123133.
effects are similar, but further work needs to be 6 Engel RR, Satzger W, Gunther W, et al. Double-
done in this area. blind, crossover study of phosphatidylserine ver-
sus placebo in patients with early dementia of
the Alzheimers type. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol
Interactions 1992; 2: 149155.
7 Monteleone P, Beinat L, Tanzillo C, et al. Effects of
None reported. phosphatidylserine on the neuroendocrine response
to physical stress in humans. Neuroendocrinology
Dose 1990; 52: 243248.
8 Monteleone P, Maj M, Beinat L, et al. Blunting
Phosphatidylserine is available in the form of by chronic phosphatidylserine administration of
tablets, capsules and powder. the stress-induced activation of the hypothalamic-
The dose is not established. Doses used in pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy men. Eur J Clin
Pharmacol 1992; 42: 285288.
studies have been 300 mg daily in investigations 9 Hellhammer J, Fries E, Buss C, et al. Effects of soy
on cognitive function, and up to 800 mg daily in lecithin phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine
studies on physical stress. Supplements provide complex (PAS) on the endocrine and psychological
100800 mg daily. responses to mental stress. Stress 2004; 7: 119126.

Description considerably less than that of cholesterol, which

is about 60%.2 The saturated stanols are less
Phytosterols are plant compounds found nat-
well absorbed than the unsaturated sterols.
urally in the diet, with a similar chemical
Percent absorption of -sitostanol is <1% while
structure to cholesterol. They are also added to
that of -sitosterol is around 5%. However, the
foods such as spreads, cream cheese, yoghurt,
stanols are as effective as the unsaturated sterols
salad dressings, bread and drinks. A small,
in lowering serum cholesterol, but because
but increasing, number of food supplements in
absorption of the former is lower, there is less
the form of tablets and capsules also contain
chance of adverse consequences.
them. Most phytosterols, like cholesterol, have
a double bond in the steroid nucleus, but they
contain an extra methyl or ethyl group in a side Dietary sources
chain. Their role in plants is to stabilise the
phospholipid bilayers in plant cell membranes, Phytosterols exist in all plant foods and are
as cholesterol does in animal cell membranes. mainly associated with the cell wall as structural
components. Vegetarians therefore consume
more phytosterols than do omnivores. Plant
foods with a high fat and/or fibre content (e.g.
There are more than 100 different phytosterols, oils, nuts, seeds and grains) are the most con-
but the most abundant are the unsaturated com- centrated dietary sources.1 A US analysis of the
pounds sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol, phytosterol content of nuts and seeds found that
and the saturated compounds sitostanol and sesame seeds and wheatgerm had the highest
campestanol. Clinical studies generally focus on concentration (>400 mg/100 g), followed by
free phytosterols and phytosterol esters.1 Note: pistachio nuts (279 mg/100 g), sunflower seeds
the term phytosterol is used here to include both (270 mg/100 g), with English walnuts and Brazil
the saturated (stanols) and the unsaturated plant nuts having a lower content (113 mg/100 g
sterols. and 95 mg/100 g, respectively). Peanut butter
(smooth) contains 135 mg/100 g.3
Dietary intake
The daily dietary intake varies between 100 and Action
400 mg.1,2 However, plant sterol intake would
The cholesterol lowering effect of phytosterols
have been considerably higher 57 million years
is well documented.1,2,410 At intakes of 22.5 g
ago, up to 1 g/day (because the intake of fruit,
daily, products enriched with phytosterol esters
vegetables and other plant foods was much
lower plasma LDL cholesterol levels by 10
higher than it is today).
14%.9 The phytosterol component of typical
diets is generally considered to be too small to
influence cholesterol absorption.
Absorption efficiency for plant sterols in Phytosterols reduce blood levels of total
humans is low, around 25%, which is cholesterol and LDL cholesterol through

244 Phytosterols

reduction of cholesterol absorption,9 although are more effective when cholesterol intake is
they may also influence cellular cholesterol high.15
metabolism within intestinal enterocytes.9 The Most studies have investigated the effect of
reduction of cholesterol absorption by phyto- phytosterols administered in a fat spread vehi-
sterols leads to increased synthesis of hep- cle. A trial in an outpatient setting found that
atic cholesterol. However, a reduction in LDL routine prescription of 25 g daily spread con-
cholesterol occurs because of up-regulation taining 2 g phytosterols is effective for manage-
of LDL receptor synthesis. Generally, phyto- ment of hypercholesterolaemia in this setting.16
sterols have no effect on HDL cholesterol or However, giving phytosterols in other vehicles
triglycerides.11 such as low-fat milk,1719 yoghurt,18,20,21 low-
Plant stanol esters have been suggested to fat cheese,21 orange juice,22 and in a lemon-
be more effective in lowering cholesterol than flavoured drink or egg white has also been
sterol esters. However, evidence for a significant shown to reduce serum cholesterol.23 However,
difference in efficacy between stanols and sterols other studies have suggested that phytosterols
when they are esterified is limited.1 One trial added to non-fat and low-fat beverages are not
did find that the cholesterol-lowering effect of effective in modifying lipid levels.
plant sterol esters was attenuated between 1 and Two trials have investigated the effect on
2 months, while plant stanol esters maintained LDL cholesterol of phytosterols in tablet form.
their cholesterol-lowering efficacy.12 In this A rapidly disintegrating stanol lecithin tablet
same study, the effect of plant sterol esters after (1.26 g stanols daily) produced a decrease in
2 months was not significantly different from LDL cholesterol of 10.4% and a reduction in
baseline. This was accompanied by an increase the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol of 11.4%
in plasma plant sterols and a reduction in bile in a trial involving 52 human subjects. On the
acid synthesis, which results in attenuation of other hand, slowly disintegrating tablets had
cholesterol-lowering efficacy.13 One placebo- no effect on any lipid paramenter.24 Another
controlled trial in 10 subjects with normal trial in 26 patients following the American
lipid levels found that unesterified sitostanol is Heart Association Heart Healthy Diet and on
more effective in reducing LDL cholesterol than long-term statin therapy found that 1.8 g daily
esterified sitostanol.14 of dispersible soy stanols in tablet form reduced
LDL cholesterol by a further 9.1% (beyond
statins alone), providing evidence that stanol
tablets could offer potential adjunctive therapy
Possible uses
for patients who have not reached their target
Cholesterol lowering LDL cholesterol goal during statin therapy.25
Cholesterol lowering with free phytosterols and Although phytosterols favourably influence
phytosterol esters has been studied in more total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels,
than 60 human trials that have investigated their effects on other indicators of CVD risk
subjects with normal lipid levels, hypercholes- have not been so intensively studied. One
terolaemia, familial hypercholesterolaemia and trial showed that phytosterols could attenuate
diabetes mellitus. The mean reduction of LDL exercise-induced beneficial increase in HDL
cholesterol with an average dose of 2.4 g cholesterol,26 and another concluded that these
daily is 9.9%.1 A meta-analysis in familial compounds have no effect on CHD risk.27
hypercholesterolaemic subjects found that fat
spreads enriched with 2.3 0.5 g phytosterols Miscellaneous
daily reduced total cholesterol by 711% and Phytosterols have been studied in vitro
LDL cholesterol by 1015% in 6.5 1.9 weeks and in animals for other activity, including
compared to control treatment.10 anti-atherogenic activity, anti-cancer activity,
Phytosterols seem to be effective against a antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory ac-
background of both low- and high-fat diets, tivity. Results are promising but require confir-
although some studies have found that they mation in controlled clinical trials in humans.
Phytosterols 245

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

The cholesterol-lowering effect of phyto- There are no long-term data in pregnancy and
sterols is well documented. At intakes of breast-feeding.
22.5 g daily products enriched with phy-
tosterol esters lower plasma LDL cholesterol Adverse effects
levels by 1014%. The mean reduction in
LDL cholesterol with an average dose of Within the range of intake that causes desirable
2.4 g daily is 9.9%. Despite the cholesterol- reduction in blood levels of cholesterol and
lowering effect, the benefit of phytosterols LDL cholesterol, phytosterols are thought to be
in reducing cardiovascular risk remains to clinically safe.2 However, because phytosterols
be proven. Whether stanol esters or sterol reduce the absorption of cholesterol it has been
esters are the most beneficial is debatable suggested that they might reduce the absorp-
and more evidence is required. Most studies tion of other lipid-soluble substances such as
have investigated the effect of phytosterols carotenoids (e.g. beta-carotene and lycopene)
given in fat spreads. However, there is and vitamin E. The clinical evidence is contro-
evidence that these compounds can also versial, with some studies showing that plant
lower cholesterol if given in the form of sterols do reduce blood levels of carotenoids
milks, yoghurts, orange juice and low-fat and vitamin E, while other studies show no
cheese. Preliminary evidence from trials effect.2 It would seem prudent to advise patients
incorporating phytosterols in tablets have to consume five portions of fruit and vegetables
also demonstrated efficacy in cholesterol daily and to include one carotenoid-rich source.
lowering, but the formulation must be well
dispersible. There is preliminary evidence
that phytosterols may have activity against
cancer. Drugs
Statins: in theory, combination treatment of
statins and phytosterols could have an additive
effect on reduction of LDL cholesterol, because
Precautions/contraindications phytosterols and statins have different mecha-
There are a few people with rare genetic defects nisms of action. A review including five trials
such as phytosterolaemia, who are susceptible of combination therapy found that the addition
to high phytosterol intakes.2 The impact of of phytosterols reduced LDL cholesterol by
phytosterols in these people is unknown, but a further 4.5% per gram of phytosterols.1 A
there is increased absorption of phytosterols, tablet containing stanols further reduced LDL
which may lead to increased atherosclerosis as cholesterol in patients taking statins by 9.1%.25
cholesterol does and also to cell fragility. In
addition, the larger number of people who are Nutrients
heterozygous for such conditions may also have Lipid-soluble nutrients: in theory, phytosterols
some increased susceptibility to high phytosterol could reduce the absorption of lipid-soluble
intakes. substances such as carotenoids and vitamin E,
There are no data in children under 5 years but evidence for this is conflicting.
with normocholesterolaemia. It would seem
prudent, pending such data, to caution against
the use of phytosterols in children because
of the potential risk of reduced absorption Doses of phytosterols used in clinical studies
of fat-soluble nutrients. Phytosterols have the have varied between 1 and 3 g daily (free
same cholesterol-lowering effect in hypercholes- sterol/stanol equivalent). In 2003, the Food
terolaemic children as in hypercholesterolaemic and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that the
adults. science (as of January 2003) showed that the
246 Phytosterols

lowest effective daily intake of free phytosterols receptor and HMG-CoA reductase mRNA expres-
is 800 mg daily. The mean reduction of LDL sion in mononuclear blood cells of healthy men and
cholesterol with an average dose of 2.4 g daily is women. Faseb J 2002; 16: 258260.
12 ONeill FH, Brynes A, Mandeno R, et al. Compar-
9.9%.1 Few studies have looked at higher doses, ison of the effects of dietary plant sterol and stanol
but the reduction in cholesterol seems to plateau esters on lipid metabolism. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc
at doses >3 g daily. Further research is needed Dis 2004; 14: 133142.
to identify the optimal dose of phytosterols, the 13 ONeill FH, Sanders TA, Thompson GR. Compari-
relative efficacy of phytosterols in different pop- son of efficacy of plant stanol ester and sterol ester:
ulations, and the efficacy of these compounds short-term and longer-term studies. Am J Cardiol
2005; 96(1A): D2936.
when incorporated into different foods (other
14 Sudhop T, Lutjohann D, Agna M, et al. Comparison
than fat spread) and tablet formulations. of the effects of sitostanol, sitostanol acetate, and
sitostanol oleate on the inhibition of cholesterol
References absorption in normolipemic healthy male volunteers.
A placebo controlled randomized cross-over study.
1 Normen L, Holmes D, Frohlich J. Plant sterols Arzneimittelforschung 2003; 53: 708713.
and their role in combined use with statins for 15 Mussner MJ, Parhofer KG, Von Bergmann K,
lipid lowering. Curr Opin Investig Drugs 2005; 6: et al. Effects of phytosterol ester-enriched margarine
307316. on plasma lipoproteins in mild to moderate hyper-
2 Berger A, Jones PJ, Abumweis SS. Plant sterols: cholesterolemia are related to basal cholesterol and
factors affecting their efficacy and safety as func- fat intake. Metabolism 2002; 51: 189194.
tional food ingredients. Lipids Health Dis 2004; 16 Patch CS, Tapsell LC, Williams PG. Plant
3: 5. sterol/stanol prescription is an effective treatment
3 Phillips KM, Ruggio DM, Ashraf-Khorassani M. strategy for managing hypercholesterolemia in out-
Phytosterol composition of nuts and seeds com- patient clinical practice. J Am Diet Assoc 2005; 105:
monly consumed in the United States. J Agric Food 4652.
Chem 2005; 53: 94369445. 17 Clifton PM, Noakes M, Sullivan D, et al.
4 Ling WH, Jones PJ. Dietary phytosterols: a review of Cholesterol-lowering effects of plant sterol esters
metabolism, benefits and side effects. Life Sci 1995; differ in milk, yoghurt, bread and cereal. Eur J Clin
57: 195206. Nutr 2004; 58: 503509.
5 Jones PJ, MacDougall DE, Ntanios F, Vanstone CA. 18 Noakes M, Clifton PM, Doornbos AM, Trautwein
Dietary phytosterols as cholesterol-lowering agents EA. Plant sterol ester-enriched milk and yoghurt
in humans. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1997; 75: effectively reduce serum cholesterol in modestly
217227. hypercholesterolemic subjects. Eur J Nutr 2005; 44:
6 Moghadasian MH, Frohlich JJ. Effects of 214222.
dietary phytosterols on cholesterol metabolism 19 Thomsen AB, Hansen HB, Christiansen C, et al.
and atherosclerosis: clinical and experimental Effect of free plant sterols in low-fat milk on serum
evidence. Am J Med 1999; 107: 588594. lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Eur J
7 Law M. Plant sterol and stanol margarines and Clin Nutr 2004; 58: 860870.
health. BMJ 2000; 320: 861864. 20 Mensink RP, Ebbing S, Lindhout M, et al. Effects
8 Katan MB, Grundy SM, Jones P, et al. Efficacy and of plant stanol esters supplied in low-fat yoghurt
safety of plant stanols and sterols in the management on serum lipids and lipoproteins, non-cholesterol
of blood cholesterol levels. Mayo Clin Proc 2003; 78: sterols and fat soluble antioxidant concentrations.
965978. Atherosclerosis 2002; 160: 205213.
9 Plat J, Mensink RP. Plant stanol and sterol esters in 21 Korpela R, Tuomilehto J, Hogstrom P, et al. Safety
the control of blood cholesterol levels: mechanism aspects and cholesterol-lowering efficacy of low fat
and safety aspects. Am J Cardiol 2005; 96(1A): dairy products containing plant sterols. Eur J Clin
D1522. Nutr 2006; 60: 633642.
10 Moruisi KG, Oosthuizen W, Opperman AM. Phyto- 22 Devaraj S, Jialal I, Vega-Lopez S. Plant sterol-
sterols/stanols lower cholesterol concentrations in fortified orange juice effectively lowers cholesterol
familial hypercholesterolemic subjects: a systematic levels in mildly hypercholesterolemic healthy indi-
review with meta-analysis. J Am Coll Nutr 2006; 25: viduals. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2004; 24:
4148. e2528.
11 Plat J, Mensink RP. Effects of plant stanol esters 23 Spilburg CA, Goldberg AC, McGill JB, et al. Fat-free
on LDL receptor protein expression and on LDL foods supplemented with soy stanol-lecithin powder
Phytosterols 247

reduce cholesterol absorption and LDL cholesterol. 26 Alhassan S, Reese KA, Mahurin J, et al. Blood
J Am Diet Assoc 2003; 103: 577581. lipid responses to plant stanol ester supplementation
24 McPherson TB, Ostlund RE, Goldberg AC, et al. and aerobic exercise training. Metabolism 2006; 55:
Phytostanol tablets reduce human LDL-cholesterol. 541549.
J Pharm Pharmacol 2005; 57: 889896. 27 Varady KA, St-Pierre AC, Lamarche B, Jones PJ.
25 Goldberg AC, Ostlund RE Jr, Bateman JH, et Effect of plant sterols and endurance training on
al. Effect of plant stanol tablets on low-density LDL particle size and distribution in previously
lipoprotein cholesterol lowering in patients on statin sedentary hypercholesterolemic adults. Eur J Clin
drugs. Am J Cardiol 2006; 97: 376379. Nutr 2005; 59: 518525.

Description Action
Potassium is an essential mineral. Potassium is the principal intracellular cation,
and is fundamental to the regulation of acid
base and water balance. It contributes to trans-
Human requirements mission of nerve impulses, control of skeletal
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for muscle contractility and maintenance of blood
potassium. pressure.

Dietary sources
Dietary intake
See Table 2 for dietary sources of potassium.
In the UK, the average adult diet provides: for
men, 3279 mg daily; for women, 2562 mg. Metabolism
Absorption occurs principally in the small
Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for potassium
Excretion is mainly via the urine (the capacity
EU RDA = none
of the kidneys to conserve potassium is poor);
unabsorbed and intestinally-secreted potassium
Age UK is eliminated in the faeces; some is lost in saliva
USA minimum
and sweat.
LRNI RNI requirement1

03 months 400 800 500
46 months 400 850 500 Potassium deficiency leads to hypokalaemia,
79 months 400 700 700 symptoms of which include anorexia, nausea,
1012 months 450 700 700 abdominal distension, paralytic ileus; muscle
13 years 450 800 1000 weakness, reduced or absent reflexes, paraly-
46 years 600 1100 1400 sis; listlessness, apprehension, drowsiness, irra-
710 years 950 2200 1600
tional behaviour; respiratory failure; polydyp-
1114 years 1600 3100 2000
1550+ years 2000 3500 2000 sia, polyuria; and cardiac arrhythmias.

Possible uses
No increment.
1 Desirable intakes may exceed these values.
Note: No EAR has been derived for potassium. Potassium may lower blood pressure,1,2 but
there is evidence for a stronger relationship

Potassium 249

Table 2 Dietary sources of potassium

Potassium Potassium
Food portion content (mg) Food portion content (mg)

Breakfast cereals Vegetables

1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 450 Green vegetables, average, boiled (100g) 100200
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 250 Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 450
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 30 baked (150 g) 950
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 500 1 small can baked beans (200 g) 600
2 pieces Shredded Wheat 150 Lentils, kidney beans or other pulses, 300
cooked (105 g)
2 Weetabix 150 Soya beans, cooked (100 g) 500
Cereal products Mixed vegetable curry (300 g) 1250
Bread, brown, 2 slices 100 Fruit
white, 2 slices 70 1 apple 100
wholemeal, 2 slices 160 8 dried apricots 600
1 chapati 110 1 banana 350
Pasta, brown, boiled (150 g) 200 1/2 cantaloupe melon 750
white, boiled (150 g) 40 10 dates 300
Rice, brown, boiled (165 g) 150 4 figs 600
white, boiled (165 g) 80 1 orange 300
Milk and dairy products 1 handful raisins 350
2 pint milk, whole, semi-skimmed or 400 Nuts
1 pot yoghurt (150 g) 370 20 almonds 150
Cheese (50 g) 50 10 Brazil nuts 200
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 50 30 hazelnuts 250
Meat and fish 30 peanuts 200
Meat, cooked (100 g) 200300 Beverages
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 300 1 mug hot chocolate 350
Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 250 1 mug Build-Up 700
White fish, cooked (150 g) 400500 1 mug Complan (sweet) 600
Herring or mackerel (110 g) 460 1 mug Horlicks 600
Pilchards, canned (105 g) 450 1 large glass grapefruit juice 200
Sardines, canned (70 g) 300 1 large glass orange juice 300
1 large glass tomato juice 460

Good sources (italics).

of the sodium to potassium ratio to blood can lower blood pressure in normotensive4,5
pressure than potassium alone.3 Several other and hypertensive6 individuals, but another trial
minerals (see Calcium and Magnesium) may failed to show any benefit.7
affect blood pressure, and dietary measures to
reduce blood pressure might be more effective
if the intake of several minerals is changed
simultaneously. Precautions/contraindications
There is some evidence from double- Excessive doses are best avoided in patients with
blind, placebo-controlled trials that potas- chronic renal failure (particularly in the elderly);
sium supplementation (15003000 mg daily) gastrointestinal obstruction or ulceration;
250 Potassium

peptic ulcer; Addisons disease; heart block; Thiazide diuretics: increased risk of hypo-
severe burns; and acute dehydration. kalaemia (but potassium supplements seldom
necessary with small dose of diuretic).
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
No data are available on potassium supplements
in pregnancy. They should be avoided. Mild deficiency, oral, 15004000 mg daily, with
plenty of fluid (liquid preparations should be
diluted well).
Adverse effects
As a dietary supplement, no dose has been
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal established.
cramps may occur, particularly if potassium is
taken on an empty stomach. Modified-release References
preparations may cause gastrointestinal ulcer-
ation. Hyperkalaemia is almost unknown with 1 Khaw KT, Thom S. Randomized double-blind
crossover trial of potassium on blood pressure in
oral administration provided renal function is
normal subjects. Lancet 1982; ii: 11271129.
normal. Intakes exceeding 17 g daily (unlikely 2 Cappuccio FP, MacGregor DA. Does potassium
from oral supplements) would be required to supplementation lower blood pressure? A meta-
cause toxicity. analysis of published trials. J Hypertension 1991;
9: 465473.
3 Grobbee DE, Hofman A, Roelandt JT, et al. Sodium
Interactions restriction and potassium supplementation in young
people with mildly elevated blood pressure. J Hyper-
Drugs tension 1987; 5: 115119.
ACE inhibitors: increased risk of hyper- 4 Sacks FM, Willett WC, Smith A, et al. Effect
kalaemia. on blood pressure of potassium, calcium and
Carbenoxolone: reduced serum potassium magnesium in women with low habitual intake.
levels. Hypertension 1995; 26: 950956.
Corticosteroids: increased excretion of potas- 5 Brancati FL, Appel LJ, Seidler AJ, et al. Effect
of potassium supplementation on blood pressure
in African Americans on a low-potassium diet. A
Cyclosporin: increased risk of hyperkalaemia. randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Laxatives: chronic use reduces absorption of Arch Intern Med 1996; 156: 6167.
potassium. 6 Fotherby MD, Potter JF. Potassium supplementation
Loop diuretics: increased risk of hypokalaemia reduces clinic and ambulatory blood pressure in
(but potassium supplements seldom necessary elderly hypertensive patients. J Hypertens 1992; 10:
with small dose of diuretic). 14031408.
7 Sacks FM, Brown LE, Appel L, et al. Combina-
NSAIDs: increased risk of hyperkalaemia.
tions of potassium, calcium and magnesium sup-
Potassium-sparing diuretics: increased risk of plements in hypertension. Hypertension 1995; 26:
hyperkalaemia. 950956.
Probiotics and prebiotics

A probiotic is a live microbial food supplement Table 1 Examples of commonly used probiotics
that beneficially affects the host animal by and prebiotics4,5
improving its intestinal microbial balance.1,2
For human adult use, this includes fermented
milk products and over-the-counter products, Probiotics Prebiotics
such as powders, tablets and capsules that con-
tain lyophilised bacteria. The micro-organisms
Lactobacilli Fructo-
involved are usually producers of lactic acid, oligosaccharides
such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which L. acidophilus Galacto-
are widely used in yoghurt and dairy prod- oligosaccharides
ucts. However, yeasts have also been used L. casei Inulin
(Table 1).3,4 These microbes are non-pathogenic L. delbrueckii subsp. Lactulose
and survive passage through the stomach and bulgaricus
L. reuteri Lactitol
small bowel.
L. brevis
A prebiotic is a non-digestible food ingre- L. cellobiosus
dient, which beneficially affects the host by L. curvatus
selectively stimulating the growth, activity, or L. fermentium
both, of one or a limited number of bacterial L.plantarum
species already resident in the colon.5 Prebiotics L. gasseri
are not digested by intestinal enzymes, instead L. rhamnosus
passing through the upper gastrointestinal tract Gram-positive cocci
to the colon where they are selectively used as Lactococcus lactis subsp.
fuel by beneficial bacteria. cremoris
Streptococcus salivarius
Although any food residue entering the colon
subsp. thermophilus
is a potential prebiotic candidate, it is the
influence of the food residue on certain specific Enterococcus faecium
microbes that is important. Lactulose was used S. diacetylactis
S. intermedius
more than 40 years ago as a prebiotic infant
formula food supplement to increase numbers Bifidobacteria
of lactobacilli in the infant intestine,6 but B. bifidum
B. adolescentis
the specificity of this substrate for enhancing
B. animalis
these micro-organisms has not been effectively B. infantis
proven scientifically. In humans, consumption B. longum
of fructo-oligosaccharides increases the propor- B. thermophilum
tion of bifidobacteria in faeces.7 Similar effects Yeasts
have been observed in rats fed with galacto- Saccharomyces boulardii
oligosaccharides and colonised with human S. cerevisiae
faecal flora.8

252 Probiotics and prebiotics

Possible uses A more recent systematic review concluded

that available evidence does not support the
The possible benefits to health of probiotics and
administration of probiotics with antibiotics to
prebiotics are to:
prevent the development of C. difficile disease
r prevent and treat diarrhoea; and is inadequate to justify its introduction as
r alleviate lactose intolerance; a treatment for C. difficile antibiotic-associated
r prevent and treat vaginal infections; disease (at the McGill University Health Centre,
r enhance the immune system; where the study was conducted).12 A meta-
r treat allergic conditions; analysis of six RCTs found that the probiotic,
r lower serum cholesterol; and Saccharomyces boulardii, significantly reduced
r prevent cancer and tumour growth. the risk of C. difficile disease, but was the only
probiotic that was effective.13
Acute diarrhoea Evidence for a beneficial effect of probi-
There is a relatively large volume of literature otics in diarrhoea appears to be strongest for
supporting the use of probiotics in diarrhoeal that caused by rotavirus. Rotavirus infection
conditions, but it is only recently that the causes gastroenteritis, which is characterised by
scientific basis for this has started to become acute diarrhoea and vomiting. Gastroenteritis
established, with the publication of a number is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality
of respectable clinical studies. Probiotics have among children worldwide. A review of studies
been examined for their effectiveness in the that used Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and
prevention and treatment of several types of Enterococcus concluded that Lactobacillus GG
diarrhoea, including antibiotic-associated diar- (a Lactobacillus strain isolated from human
rhoea, bacterial and viral diarrhoea (including intestine) consistently shortened the diarrhoeal
travellers diarrhoea), as well as that caused by phase of rotavirus by 1 day,14 but that evidence
lactose intolerance. The effects of probiotics, was less strong for a role of Lactobacillus
particularly with some bacterial strains and in GG and other probiotics in the prevention
some types of diarrhoea, appears promising, of diarrhoea due to bacterial or other viral
but the effects of prebiotics on diarrhoea are infections. A recent RCT showed no positive
currently unknown. effect of Lactobacillus GG on the clinical course
Various mechanisms by which probiotics of watery diarrhoea in infants.15
could be of benefit in diarrhoea have been pro- A systematic review of 10 RCTs (treatment)
posed and summarised in two reviews.9,10 These and three RCTs (prevention) concluded that
include reduction in gastrointestinal pH through probiotics significantly reduced the duration of
stimulation of lactic acid-producing bacteria; acute infectious diarrhoea in infants and chil-
a direct antagonistic action on gastrointesti- dren, especially diarrhoea caused by rotavirus.
nal pathogens; competition with pathogens for No conclusions could be reached about the use
binding and receptor sites; improved immune of probiotics in the prevention of diarrhoea,
function and competition for limited nutrients. because of clinical and statistical heteroge-
A detailed review11 of all placebo-controlled neity among the studies.16 A meta-analysis of
human studies supplementing Lactobacillus aci- 18 RCTs confirmed the efficacy of probiotic
dophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, L. casei supplements in reducing duration of symptoms
GG and other selected micro-organisms from among children up to 5 years old with acute,
1966 to 1995 concluded that: these studies non-bacterial diarrhoea. Probiotics, particularly
have shown that biotherapeutic agents have lactobacilli, reduced the duration of an acute
been used successfully to prevent antibiotic- diarrhoeal episode in an infant or child by
associated diarrhoea, to prevent acute infantile approximately 1 day.17 A further meta-analysis
diarrhoea, to treat recurrent Clostridium diffi- involving nine trials that had used Lactobacillus
cile disease, and to treat various other diarrhoeal in children with acute infectious diarrhoea
illnesses. The authors also noted that many of found a reduction in diarrhoea duration of
the studies included small numbers of subjects. 0.7 days and a reduction in diarrhoea frequency
Probiotics and prebiotics 253

of 1.6 stools on day 2 of treatment in partici- streptococci has been investigated in several
pants receiving lactobacilli.18 studies, but results have been inconsistent.
The role of probiotic bacteria in the preven- In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial,
tion of and treatment of paediatric diarrhoea is 820 Finnish travellers to two holiday re-
increasingly well established, but their role in sorts in Turkey were randomised to receive
adults has been less well investigated. However, either Lactobacillus GG or placebo.29 The
an RCT involving 541 young men found a non- overall incidence of diarrhoea was 43.8%.
significant trend for reduction in the incidence Of the 331 sufferers, 178 (46.5%) were in
of diarrhoea with yoghurt containing L. casei the placebo group and 153 (41%) were in
compared with placebo.19 the Lactobacillus group, but the difference
A Cochrane review involving 23 studies was not significant. However, in one of the
found that probiotics reduced the risk of diar- resorts, the treatment significantly reduced
rhoea (in adults and children) at 3 days (RR the incidence of diarrhoea from 39.5% (30
0.66; 95% CI, 0.55 to 0.77; 15 studies) and the out of 76) in the placebo group to 23.9% (17
mean duration of diarrhoea by 30.48 h (95% out of 71) in the treatment group. In another
CI, 18.51 to 42.46; 12 studies). The authors study involving 245 travellers to developing
concluded that probiotics appear to be a useful countries, the risk of diarrhoea on any one
adjunct to rehydration therapy in treating acute day in travellers who took Lactobacillus GG
infectious diarrhoea in adults and children and was 3.9% compared with 7.4% in the control
that more research is needed to identify the group.30
use of particular probiotic regimens in specific In another study, the incidence of diarrhoea
patient groups.20 was reduced from 71% to 43% in travellers
Further trials have continued to show en- to Egypt who were given capsules of S. ther-
couraging results. L. rhamnosus 19070-2 and L. mophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus and B.
reuteri DSM 12246 ameliorated acute diarrhoea bifidum.31 However, neither L. acidophilus nor
in hospitalised children21 and in children from Enterococcus faecium had any beneficial effects
day-care centres,22 and reduced the period of on diarrhoea in groups of Austrian tourists.32
rotavirus excretion. The beneficial effects were In addition, no effect of L. acidophilus or L.
most prominent in children treated early in fermentum was observed in soldiers who were
the diarrhoeal phase. B. lactis strain Bb1223 or sent to Belize in Central America,33 and it
B. breve C50 with S. thermophilus 06524 or seems that the effect of probiotics on travellers
L. reuteri with B. lactis,25 added to an infant diarrhoea depends on the bacterial strain used
formula appear to have some protective effect and the destination of the traveller.14
against acute diarrhoea in healthy children. S.
boulardii significantly reduced the duration of Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea
acute diarrhoea and the duration of hospital Diarrhoea caused by the growth of pathogenic
stay in children with acute diarrhoea.26 The bacteria is the most common side-effect of anti-
feeding of a cereal containing S. thermophilus, biotic use, and in vitro studies have shown that
B. lactis, L. acidophilus and zinc reduced the some bacterial strains can inhibit this growth.
severity and duration of acute gastroenteritis in Lactobacillus GG (in yoghurt) reduced the
young children, but whether the combination incidence and duration of diarrhoea in healthy
is better than either probiotics or zinc alone men receiving erythromycin for 7 days,34 and
is unknown.27 Administration of L. rhamnosus successfully eradicated C. difficile in five
strains shortened the duration of rotaviral diar- patients with relapsing colitis.35 A recent meta-
rhoea in children but not of diarrhoea of any analysis of six trials evaluating the efficacy of
aetiology.28 Lactobacillus GG found that four of the trials
were associated with a significant reduction
Travellers diarrhoea in the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea,
The prevention of travellers diarrhoea by one of the trials reduced the number of days
lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, enterococci and of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, while the
254 Probiotics and prebiotics

sixth trial found no benefit with Lactobacillus yoghurt and acidophilus milk, lactobacilli pro-
GG.36 Lactobacillus F19 had a limited effect duce lactase that hydrolyses lactose to glucose
on the emergence of resistant isolates during and galactose. This pre-digestion of lactose
treatment with penicillin and quinolones.37 S. could potentially reduce the symptoms asso-
boulardii has been shown to reduce the risk of ciated with lactose intolerance in susceptible
antibiotic-associated diarrhoea in children.38 individuals, and probiotics have been shown
Enterococcus SF68 reduced the incidence to improve lactose digestion and intolerance
of diarrhoea caused by antibiotics,39 whereas in some studies47,48 but not others.49 A sys-
studies with L. acidophilus40,41 have provided tematic review assessing the efficacy of oral
no conclusive evidence of benefit with this strain probiotics in adults with lactose intolerance
in prevention of diarrhoea caused by antibiotics. found that probiotics did not alleviate the signs
A daily dose of B. lactis and Streptococcus ther- and symptoms of this condition, but that specific
mophilus has been shown to prevent antibiotic- strains, concentrations and preparations may
associated diarrhoea.42 be effective.50 Further trials of specific strains
A meta-analysis of nine RCTs suggested that and concentrations are necessary to clarify this
probiotics can be used to prevent antibiotic- potentially beneficial effect.
associated diarrhoea, and that both S. boulardii
and lactobacilli have the potential for benefit Vaginal infections
in this situation. However, the meta-analysis One of the claims frequently made for probi-
also concluded that the efficacy of probiotics in otics, specifically for L. acidophilus, is that they
treating antibiotic-associated diarrhoea remains can prevent vaginal infections. The conclusions
unproven.43 A further meta-analysis that in- of a review were that there was evidence (albeit
cluded seven RCTs also suggested that probiotic limited) for L. acidophilus in the prevention of
supplements were associated with a significant candidal vaginitis.51
decrease in the incidence of antibiotic-associated In a double-blind, controlled, crossover trial
diarrhoea, while concluding that evidence of of 46 women with a history of vaginal infec-
benefit is not conclusive, partly because of poor tions, participants were randomised to receive
study design.44 A further meta-analysis of five either L. acidophilus yoghurt (150 ml daily)
RCTs found that S. boulardii is moderately ef- containing live organisms or pasteurised yo-
fective in preventing antibiotic-associated diar- ghurt (150 ml daily) for 2 months each with a
rhoea in children and adults treated with anti- 2-month washout period between interventions.
biotics for any reason (mainly respiratory tract However, only seven subjects completed the
infections). In this meta-analysis, for every whole study, and the reason for the high
10 patients receiving daily S. boulardii with drop-out rate was not explained. The yoghurt
antibiotics, one fewer would develop antibiotic- containing live organisms was associated with
associated diarrhoea.45 A more recent meta- a significant reduction in episodes of bacte-
analysis including 25 RCTs found that probi- rial vaginosis. Both yoghurts were associated
otics significantly reduced the relative risk of with a decrease in candidal vaginitis, but
antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (RR 0.43; 95% there was no significant difference between the
CI, 0.31 to 0.58, P < 0.001). Three types of treatments.52 A more recent RCT investigated
probiotics were associated with this benefit: the effect of Lactobacillus preparations taken
S. boulardii, L. rhamnosus GG and probiotic orally or vaginally, or both, on vulvovagin-
mixtures.46 itis following antibiotic treatment for a non-
gynaecological infection. The study involved
Lactose intolerance 235 Australian women aged 1850 years. Over-
Lactose intolerance is a problem for a large pro- all 55/235 women developed post-antibiotic
portion of the worlds population for whom lac- vulvovaginitis, but neither oral nor vaginal
tose acts like an osmotic non-digestible carbo- Lactobacillus treatment influenced the incidence
hydrate because they have a low amount of this condition compared with placebo.53 At
of intestinal lactase. During fermentation of this time, the use of oral or vaginal forms of
Probiotics and prebiotics 255

Lactobacillus is not supported by evidence from that probiotic supplementation can stabilise the
RCTs. intestinal barrier function.67
Clinical studies also suggest that probiotics
Immunity could be effective in the primary prevention
The colonic microflora affects systemic and of atopic disease. In infants at high risk of
mucosal immunity in the host. Probiotics atopic disease, administration of probiotics to
are claimed to stimulate the immune sys- their mothers prenatally68,69 and during breast-
tem and preliminary evidence suggests that feeding70 has been shown to prevent atopic
these substances could increase the immune disease, particularly eczema.
response.5457 An RCT involving 136 university There is also preliminary evidence that fer-
students under examination stress (which has mented milk containing L. paracasei LP-33 can
been associated with a suppressed immune re- improve the quality of life of patients with
sponse) were given milk fermented with yoghurt allergic rhinitis and may serve as an alternative
cultures plus L. casei or a placebo of semi- treatment.71,72
skimmed milk for 3 weeks prior to and during
the 3-week exam period. The fermented milk
modulated the number of lymphocytes and Cardiovascular disease
CD56 cells, indicating an effect on the immune Probiotics have been evaluated for a potential
system.58 In another human trial, a fermented effect on serum cholesterol and other cardiovas-
product containing two probiotic strains (L. cular risk factors. The influence of probiotics
gasser CECT 5714, L. coryniformis CECT on serum cholesterol levels is the subject of
5711) increased the proportion of phagocytic controversy. Studies in the 1970s and 1980s
cells (monocytes and neutrophils) as well as frequently reported significant reductions in
their phagocytic activity, and increased the serum cholesterol with daily consumption of
proportion of natural killer cells and IgA con- fermented milk, but these studies have been crit-
centrations. The fermented product enhanced icised on methodological grounds, including the
immunity to a greater extent than a standard fact that in most of the studies showing positive
yoghurt.59 L. casei has been associated with pos- results, large volumes of yoghurt (0.58.4 L)
itive effects on immune competence in middle- were consumed.73 Two controlled trials have
aged people.60,61 shown that yoghurt (200 ml daily) containing
live cultures of L. acidophilus74 or yoghurt
Allergic conditions (375 ml daily) fermented with L. acidophilus
Recent research interest has focused on the with added fructo-oligosaccharides75 (prebi-
potential role of probiotics in various conditions otic) reduced serum cholesterol by 2.9% and
known to have an allergic component. There is 4.4%, respectively. Another study indicated that
evidence that Lactobacillus GG62 and Bifido- inulin (a prebiotic) may also lower cholesterol.76
bacterium Bb-1263 could improve symptoms in A further study found that the probiotic B.
infants with atopic eczema. A combination of longum resulted in a significant reduction in
L. rhamnosus 190702 and L. reuteri DSM serum total cholesterol in subjects with mod-
12246064 and supplementation with the pro- erate hypercholesterolaemia,77 while a yoghurt
biotic L. fermentum VRI-033 PCC65 has also enriched with L. acidophilus and B. longum,
been found to be effective in the management of and oligofructose (a synbiotic) increased serum
atopic dermatitis. The benefits associated with HDL cholesterol and led to an improvement in
Lactobacillus GG in atopic eczema/dermatitis the ratio of LDL:HDL cholesterol.78
have been observed to a greater extent in infants However, a trial in post-menopausal women
who are sensitised to immunoglobulin-E (Ig- found that probiotic capsules containing bac-
E) than those who are non-IgE-sensitised.66 teria L. acidophilus and B. longum had no
Impairment of the intestinal mucosal barrier effect on cholesterol either independently or
appears to be involved in the pathogenesis in addition to soy.79 A further trial in 80
of atopic dermatitis and there is evidence volunteers with raised cholesterol found no
256 Probiotics and prebiotics

effect of capsules containing freeze-dried L. had no apparent benefit in patients with IBS
acidophilus for 6 weeks on serum lipids.80 and no influence on colonic fermentation.94
Probiotics have also been associated with In a further study, short-term therapy with
a reduction in blood pressure81,82 and other L. plantarum LP01 and B. breve BR03 or
cardiovascular risk factors (e.g. fibrinogen, L. plantarum LP01 and L. acidophilus LA02
monocyte adhesion and pro-inflammatory reduced the pain score and severity of char-
markers).81 acteristic IBS symptoms.95 B. infantis 35624
was associated with a significant reduction in
Helicobacter pylori infection abdominal pain/discomfort, bloating/distension
Probiotics are being investigated for potential and bowel movement difficulty. This response
benefit in reducing H. pylori colonisation and was associated with normalisation of the ratio
also in reducing the side-effects associated with of an anti-inflammatory to a pro-inflammatory
H. pylori treatment. Ingestion of a product cytokine, suggesting an immune-modulating
containing Lactobacillus La183 and in another role for this organism in IBS.96 Lactobacillus
study a yoghurt containing Lactobacillus and GG has been associated with a lower incidence
Bifidobacterium,84 inhibited H. pylori coloni- of perceived abdominal distension (but no other
sation. Supplementation with L. casei85 and S. symptomatic differences)97 and a probiotic
boulardii86 conferred an enhanced therapeutic combination (VSL#3) with reduced flatulence
benefit on H. pylori eradication in subjects on and slower colonic transit in patients with
triple therapy. A 4-week pretreatment with a IBS and bloating.98 However, L. reuteri was
yoghurt containing Lactobacillus and Bifido- not associated with significant improvement
bacterium reduced H. pylori load, improving in IBS symptoms compared with placebo.99
eradication rate with quadruple therapy, after Two further controlled trials using probiotic
triple therapy had failed.87 mixtures100,101 demonstrated reduction in IBS
B. clausii reduced the incidence of the most symptoms.
common side-effects related to H. pylori anti-
biotic therapy.88 L. casei supplementation has Crohns disease
also been shown to reduce the side-effects Human trial evidence for probiotics in Crohns
of 10-day quadruple therapy and result in a disease is generally not positive so far. Among
slight improvement in eradicating H. pylori.89 five controlled trials to date,102106 only one
In another study, a range of probiotics (Lacto- has shown potentially positive effects of S.
bacillus GG, S. boulardii, a combination of boulardii in the maintenance treatment of
Lactobacillus spp. and bifidobacteria) were Crohns disease.102
found to be superior to placebo for side-effect
prevention.90 A further study also showed that Ulcerative colitis
a probiotic supplement improved tolerance to The evidence base for probiotics in ulcerative
the eradication regimen.91 colitis is broader than that for Crohns dis-
A systematic review concluded that regular ease and generally more encouraging. Three
intake of probiotics may be a useful alterna- placebo-controlled RCTs showed significant
tive for populations at high risk of H. pylori clinical improvement,107109 while other studies
colonisation.92 reported that probiotics (or prebiotics) were at
least as effective as conventional treatment in
Irritable bowel syndrome reducing symptoms, obtaining remission and
Recent research has investigated the potential preventing relapse.110115
benefit of probiotics in IBS. A double-blind RCT
in 40 patients found that L. plantarum 299V Osteoporosis
was associated with resolution of abdominal There is some evidence that prebiotics (inulin
pain and a trend towards normalisation of and oligofructose) can improve calcium
stool frequency in constipated patients.93 In absorption,116118 and this effect could enhance
another study, however, the same probiotic BMD with a consequent reduction in the risk
Probiotics and prebiotics 257

of osteoporosis. However, there are no human Precautions/contraindications

studies with prebiotics assessing the risk of
None reported.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Respiratory tract infections
Regular intake of probiotics may reduce nasal No known problems.
colonisation with pathogenic bacteria.119 There
is also evidence that intake of probiotic bacteria Adverse effects
over at least 3 months shortens common cold
episodes.120 Probiotics have a long history of apparently safe
use.121,122 However, they can exert potentially
powerful immune effects so caution is required
Miscellaneous until more data are available. This may be
Probiotics are being evaluated in a number relevant for probiotics added to infant for-
of other conditions, including constipation, mula or given to seriously immunocompromised
prevention of colorectal cancer, rheumatoid patients, in whom there have been isolated
arthritis and other disorders of the immune cases of opportunistic infections from probiotic
system. Results from research are promising species.121,122
but await confirmation from controlled clinical

Conclusion None reported.

The colonic microflora is important to health,
and modification of the bacterial species Dose
inhabiting the large bowel using probiotics
and prebiotics has been suggested to Probiotics are available in the form of tablets
produce potential heath benefits. There are and capsules of L. acidophilus, often with other
a growing number of published papers on bacteria. They are also available in the form of
the use of both probiotics and prebiotics, yoghurts and various fermented milks. Many
and although they show ability to alter the probiotics require refrigeration to maintain via-
colonic microflora, evidence that they can bility and like any other product should be used
reduce the risk of diseases is more limited. before the expiry date. Commercial products
This may in part be because of differences in have not always been found to contain the
methodology, particularly the large number bacterial strain listed on the label, and in some
of different strains that have been used. cases, the bacteria may not be viable.42
The evidence for an effect of probiotics in Prebiotics are available in the form of
acute diarrhoea appears to be greatest for tablets, capsules and powders of fructo-
rotavirus infection. Study results in travellers oligosaccharides and inulin.
diarrhoea have been inconsistent. Probiotics There is no established dose for any of these
can be effective in preventing antibiotic- products.
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Description r reduce serum cholesterol by elimination

of cholesterol in bile acids6 and reducing
Psyllium (ispaghula) is the mucilage obtained
absorption of dietary fats;7,8
from the seed coat (husk or hull) of Plantago r delay the rate of absorption of carbohydrates,
ovata. It is a rich source of dietary fibre.
which can reduce post-meal blood glucose
levels in patients with diabetes mellitus.9,10
Psyllium, like other soluble fibres, appears to
The main active ingredient in psyllium is be partially fermented by the bacteria in the
a water-soluble, gel-forming polysaccharide, colon to produce short-chain fatty acids (e.g.
which appears chemically to be a highly butyrate).5,11
branched arabinoxylan, with the main chain of
1,4-linked xylopyranose residues densely sub-
stituted with either single xylose units or trisac- Possible uses
charides. The arabinoxylan has been found Psyllium has a long history of use as a dietary
to contain 74.1% xylose, 22.4% arabinose, fibre supplement to promote the regulation of
1.8% galactose and trace amounts of glucose, large bowel function and, more recently, has
rhamnose and uronic acid.1 been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Action Constipation
Psyllium is effective as a bulk laxative in the
The water-soluble polysaccharide in psyllium management of constipation,2,4,12,13 and several
forms a viscous gel in the intestine. As a result of commercial preparations of ispaghula husk are
this gel formation, psyllium has several effects, licensed and prescribable as bulk laxatives in the
acting to: UK.
r stimulate peristalsis, reduce gastrointestinal
transit time, increase stool weight and func- Diarrhoea
tion as a bulk laxative;2,3 Psyllium has been shown to improve faecal
r lubricate the stools, so facilitating consistency in patients with diarrhoea.4,5 Stud-
defecation;4 ies in tube-fed patients have also shown an
r increase the water-absorbing capacity and improvement in diarrhoea with psyllium.
viscosity of the faeces, delaying gastric
emptying time and improving the consis- Hypercholesterolaemia
tency of the faeces in both diarrhoea and Psyllium is effective in reducing serum choles-
constipation;2,5 terol in people with hypercholesterolaemia.
r reduce the production of gastric acid; Psyllium 5.1 g twice a day for 8 weeks pro-
r prolong gastrointestinal transit time in cases duced a modest but significant improvement
of diarrhoea, possibly by delaying the pro- in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in
duction of gaseous fermentation products;5 men and women on either high- or low-fat

264 Psyllium

diets.14 In a further study, psyllium 3.4 g three Ulcerative colitis

times a day for 8 weeks reduced total and There is some evidence of benefit of psyllium in
LDL cholesterol in men.15 Another study with ulcerative colitis. It has been shown to be helpful
psyllium 6.7 g daily for 2 weeks and a low- in maintaining remission37 and to be as effective
fat diet reduced total, LDL, HDL and the as mesalazine in maintaining remission.38 How-
LDL/HDL ratio with no effect on triglycerides.8 ever, a trial of psyllium in juvenile ulcerative
Further studies have indicated that psyllium colitis patients found no influence on faecal bile
supplementation is effective in lowering LDL acid excretion.39
cholesterol, but has no or limited effect on
HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.16,17 Studies
of 6 months duration have demonstrated the Side-effects of orlistat
potential for long-term benefit of psyllium in In one trial, psyllium has been shown to relieve
lowering LDL cholesterol.18,19 There appear the side-effects of orlistat (e.g. flatulence, diar-
to be some advantages in combining psyllium rhoea, abdominal cramps, oily discharge).40
with monounsaturated fat to further reduce the
LDL to HDL cholesterol.20 Trials of psyllium
in children have also shown potential benefits Conclusion
in cholesterol lowering.21,22 Meta-analyses have Psyllium has been well studied for its effect
confirmed the cholesterol-lowering effect of on bowel function, with studies generally
psyllium in adults as an adjunct to a low-fat showing an increase in stool weight and
diet.23,24 The maximum effect is seen when reduced gastrointestinal transit time in
psyllium is consumed with food. patients with constipation. Faecal consis-
Psyllium supplementation in patients tak- tency is also generally improved in patients
ing 10 mg simvastatin seems to be as effec- with diarrhoea. Psyllium produces a modest
tive in lowering cholesterol as 20 mg sim- reduction in total and LDL cholesterol in
vastatin alone.25 A combination of psyllium patients with hypercholesterolaemia and is
and colestipol at half the usual doses lowered effective as an adjunct to dietary man-
cholesterol as effectively as either psyllium agement and possibly to drug manage-
or colestipol alone.26 Addition of psyllium ment. It does not appear to influence HDL
to colestyramine produced further reduction cholesterol or triglycerides. In patients with
in total and LDL cholesterol levels and also diabetes, psyllium has produced modest
helped to improve compliance by reducing the reductions in post-prandial blood glucose,
gastrointestinal side-effects of colestyramine.27 glycated haemoglobin and insulin, but fur-
ther research is needed to confirm these
effects. There is conflicting evidence for
the value of psyllium in IBS and ulcerative
Preliminary evidence has indicated that psyl-
lium has some influence on post-prandial
blood glucose, glycated haemoglobin, in-
sulin, total cholesterol and LDL choles-
terol in patients with type 2 diabetes and
hypercholesterolaemia.9,10,2832 However, stud- Precautions/contraindications
ies are not totally consistent.
Psyllium is contraindicated in people with
conditions causing gastrointestinal obstruction,
Irritable bowel syndrome hypersensitivity to psyllium and swallowing
Studies evaluating the effect of psyllium in disorders.
IBS have produced inconsistent results, with Psyllium may cause reduction in blood glu-
some showing no benefit33 and others showing cose levels. People with diabetes should be
benefit.3436 monitored.
Psyllium 265

Some psyllium preparations are sweetened Dose

with aspartame. These products should be
Wide ranges of doses have been used in studies,
avoided in people with phenylketonuria.
but are not clearly established.
r In constipation, 740 g daily in two to three
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
divided doses has been used.
Psyllium is considered to be safe in pregnancy r In cholesterol lowering, the most commonly
and breast-feeding, although studies in humans used doses in adults have ranged from 10
have not been conducted. to 20 g psyllium daily and in children 510 g
daily, in two or three divided doses.
r In type 2 diabetes, up to 45 g daily has been
Adverse effects given to lower blood glucose.
Psyllium can cause flatulence, abdominal pain, r For IBS, 630 g daily has been used.
bloating, diarrhoea, constipation and nausea.
Starting with a dose and building up gradually For commercial licensed and prescribable prepa-
can help to minimise gastrointestinal effects. rations of ispaghula, doses can be found in the
Psyllium can also cause gastrointestinal obstruc- British National Formulary.
tion, especially in patients with dysphagia and Psyllium should always be taken with plenty
other swallowing disorders, but it can occur in of fluid and doses avoided just before bedtime
anyone, unless it is consumed with plenty of (to prevent gastrointestinal obstruction).
Allergic reactions (e.g. rhinitis, sneezing,
headache, conjunctivitis, urticaria, itching, dys- References
pnoea and flushing) can occur. Severe aller- 1 Fischer M, Nanxiong Y, Gray G, et al. The gel-
gic reactions include wheezing, angio-oedema, forming polysaccharide of psyllium husk. Carbohydr
asthma, cough, diarrhoea and anaphylactic Res 2004; 339: 20092017.
shock 2 Ashraf W, Park F, Lof J, Quigley EM. Effects
of psyllium therapy on stool characteristics, colon
transit and anorectal function in chronic idiopathic
constipation. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1995; 9:
Drugs 3 Marteau P, Flourie B, Cherbut C, et al. Digestibility
Anti-diabetic drugs: psyllium may lower blood and bulking effect of ispaghula husks in healthy
humans. Gut 1994; 35: 17471752.
glucose and have an additive effect with anti-
4 Marlett JA, Kajs TM, Fischer MH. An unfermented
diabetic drugs. gel component of psyllium seed husk promotes
Aspirin: absorption may be reduced. laxation as a lubricant in humans. Am J Clin Nutr
Carbamazepine: absorption may be reduced. 2000; 72: 784789.
Digoxin: absorption may be reduced. 5 Washington N, Harris M, Mussellwhite A, Spiller
Lithium: absorption may be reduced. RC. Moderation of lactulose-induced diarrhea by
Statins: psyllium may have an additive effect in psyllium: effects on motility and fermentation. Am J
Clin Nutr 1998; 67: 317321.
reducing blood cholesterol. 6 Chaplin MF, Chaudhury S, Dettmar PW, et al. Effect
Warfarin: theoretical risk of reduced absorp- of ispaghula husk on the faecal output of bile acids
tion, but clinical studies have not demonstrated in healthy volunteers. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol
an effect. 2000; 72: 283292.
7 Ganji V, Kies CV. Psyllium husk fibre supplementa-
tion to soybean and coconut oil diets of humans:
Nutrients effect on fat digestibility and faecal fatty acid
Minerals and vitamins: psyllium may reduce the excretion. Eur J Clin Nutr 1994; 48: 595597.
absorption of all nutrients (in particular miner- 8 Wolever TM, Jenkins DJ, Mueller S, et al. Psyl-
als such as calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium). lium reduces blood lipids in men and women
266 Psyllium

with hyperlipidemia. Am J Med Sci 1994; 307: 22 Davidson MH, Dugan LD, Burns JH, et al. A
269273. psyllium-enriched cereal for the treatment of hyper-
9 Anderson JW, Allgood LD, Turner J, et al. Effects cholesterolemia in children: a controlled, double-
of psyllium on glucose and serum lipid responses in blind, crossover study. Am J Clin Nutr 1996; 63:
men with type 2 diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. 96102.
Am J Clin Nutr 1999; 70: 466473. 23 Olson BH, Anderson SM, Becker MP, et al. Psyllium-
10 Wolever TM, Vuksan V, Eshuis H, et al. Effect of enriched cereals lower blood total cholesterol and
method of administration of psyllium on glycemic LDL cholesterol, but not HDL cholesterol, in hyper-
response and carbohydrate digestibility. J Am Coll cholesterolemic adults: results of a meta-analysis. J
Nutr 1991; 10: 364371. Nutr 1997; 127: 19731980.
11 Wolever TM, Robb PA. Effect of guar, pectin, 24 Anderson JW, Allgood LD, Lawrence A, et al.
psyllium, soy polysaccharide, and cellulose on breath Cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium intake
hydrogen and methane in healthy subjects. Am J adjunctive to diet therapy in men and women with
Gastroenterol 1992; 87: 30510. hypercholesterolemia: meta-analysis of 8 controlled
12 Ashraf W, Pfeiffer RF, Park F, et al. Constipa- trials. Am J Clin Nutr 2000; 71: 472479.
tion in Parkinsons disease: objective assessment 25 Moreyra AE, Wilson AC, Koraym A. Effect of
and response to psyllium. Mov Disord 1997; 12: combining psyllium fiber with simvastatin in low-
946951. ering cholesterol. Arch Intern Med 2005; 165:
13 Marlett JA, Li BU, Patrow CJ, Bass P. Comparative 11611166.
laxation of psyllium with and without senna in an 26 Spence JD, Huff MW, Heidenheim P, et al.
ambulatory constipated population. Am J Gastro- Combination therapy with colestipol and psyllium
enterol 1987; 82: 333337. mucilloid in patients with hyperlipidemia. Ann
14 Sprecher DL, Harris BV, Goldberg AC, et al. Efficacy Intern Med 1995; 123: 493499.
of psyllium in reducing serum cholesterol levels 27 Maciejko JJ, Brazg R, Shah A, et al. Psyl-
in hypercholesterolemic patients on high- or low- lium for the reduction of cholestyramine-associated
fat diets. Ann Intern Med 1993; 119 (7 Pt 1): gastrointestinal symptoms in the treatment of
545554. primary hypercholesterolemia. Arch Fam Med 1994;
15 Anderson JW, Zettwoch N, Feldman T, et al. 3: 955960.
Cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium hydrophilic 28 Pastors JG, Blaisdell PW, Balm TK, et al. Psyl-
mucilloid for hypercholesterolemic men. Arch Intern lium fiber reduces rise in postprandial glucose and
Med 1988; 148: 292296. insulin concentrations in patients with non-insulin-
16 Anderson JW, Riddell-Mason S, Gustafson NJ, et dependent diabetes. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53:
al. Cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium-enriched 14311435.
cereal as an adjunct to a prudent diet in the treatment 29 Frati Munari AC, Benitez Pinto W, Raul Ariza
of mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia. Am J Clin Andraca C, Casarrubias M. Lowering glycemic
Nutr 1992; 56: 9398. index of food by acarbose and Plantago psyllium
17 Roberts DC, Truswell AS, Bencke A, et al. The mucilage. Arch Med Res 1998; 29: 13741.
cholesterol-lowering effect of a breakfast cereal 30 Rodriguez-Moran M, Guerrero-Romero F, Lazcano-
containing psyllium fibre. Med J Aust 1994; 161: Burciaga G. Lipid- and glucose-lowering efficacy of
660664. Plantago Psyllium in type II diabetes. J Diabetes
18 Davidson MH, Maki KC, Kong JC, et al. Long-term Complications 1998; 12: 273278.
effects of consuming foods containing psyllium seed 31 Ziai SA, Larijani B, Akhoondzadeh S, et al. Psyl-
husk on serum lipids in subjects with hypercholes- lium decreased serum glucose and glycosylated
terolemia. Am J Clin Nutr 1998; 67: 367376. hemoglobin significantly in diabetic outpatients. J
19 Anderson JW, Davidson MH, Blonde L, et al. Ethnopharmacol 2005; 102: 202207.
Long-term cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium 32 Sierra M, Garcia JJ, Fernandez N, et al. Therapeutic
as an adjunct to diet therapy in the treatment of effects of psyllium in type 2 diabetic patients. Eur J
hypercholesterolemia. Am J Clin Nutr 2000; 71: Clin Nutr 2002; 56: 830842.
14331438. 33 Longstreth GF, Fox DD, Youkeles L, et al. Psyl-
20 Jenkins DJ, Wolever TM, Vidgen E, et al. Effect of lium therapy in the irritable bowel syndrome.
psyllium in hypercholesterolemia at two monounsat- A double-blind trial. Ann Intern Med 1981; 95:
urated fatty acid intakes. Am J Clin Nutr 1997; 65: 5356.
15241533. 34 Prior A, Whorwell PJ. Double blind study of
21 Dennison BA, Levine DM. Randomized, double- ispaghula in irritable bowel syndrome. Gut 1987;
blind, placebo-controlled, two-period crossover clin- 28: 15101513.
ical trial of psyllium fiber in children with hyper- 35 Jalihal A, Kurian G. Ispaghula therapy in irri-
cholesterolemia. J Pediatr 1993; 123: 2429. table bowel syndrome: improvement in overall
Psyllium 267

well-being is related to reduction in bowel dis- with mesalamine in maintaining remission in

satisfaction. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1990; 5: ulcerative colitis. Spanish Group for the Study of
507513. Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (GETECCU).
36 Misra SP, Thorat VK, Sachdev GK, Anand BS. Long- Am J Gastroenterol 1999; 94: 427433.
term treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: results 39 Ejderhamn J, Hedenborg G, Strandvik B. Long-
of a randomized controlled trial. Q J Med 1989; 73: term double-blind study on the influence of dietary
931939. fibres on faecal bile acid excretion in juvenile
37 Hallert C, Kaldma M, Petersson BG. Ispaghula husk ulcerative colitis. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1992; 52:
may relieve gastrointestinal symptoms in ulcerative 697706.
colitis in remission. Scand J Gastroenterol 1991; 26: 40 Cavaliere H, Floriano I, Medeiros-Neto G. Gastroin-
747750. testinal side effects of orlistat may be prevented by
38 Fernandez-Banares F, Hinojosa J, Sanchez- concomitant prescription of natural fibers (psyllium
Lombrana JL, et al. Randomized clinical trial mucilloid). Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2001; 25:
of Plantago ovata seeds (dietary fiber) as compared 10951099.

Description macological activities on the vascular system

Pycnogenol is a registered trade name for a
specific standardised extract of procyanidins r inhibition of platelet aggregation and vasodi-
(a category of flavonoids) from the bark of lation; pycnogenol also appears to improve
the French maritime pine (Pinus pinaster ssp. the efficacy of acetylsalicylic acid in inhibi-
atlantica), which is grown in the Bay of Biscay tion of platelet function;3
in south-west France. The term pycnogenol r inhibition of ACE with reduction in blood
was originally intended to serve as a scientific pressure;1,4
name for this category of flavonoids and was r improved endothelial function;5
therefore applied to any preparation consisting r improved lipid profiles;6
of procyanidins. r enhanced capillary integrity and stabilisation
of cell membranes;7
r improved erectile function.8
Pycnogenol is a mixture of monomeric and Other effects that have been demonstrated in
polymeric procyanidins. Catechin is the main vitro and in animals include:
monomeric procyanidin, while epicatechin is r antioxidant and free radical activity;2,6,7
present in trace amounts. Catechin and epi- r inhibition of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-B),
catechin units are linked together to form
bipolymers and larger procyanidin units. Other various interleukins and other factors cen-
constituents of pycnogenol include another trally involved in inflammatory processes;9
r inhibition of histamine realease;1
flavonoid, taxifolin, and a range of phenolic r stimulation of the immune system (e.g. en-
acids such as p-hydroxybenzoic acid, proto-
catechic acid, vanillic acid, gallic acid, caffeic hanced phagocytosis and natural killer cell
acid, ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid. Calcium, activity);10
r lowering of blood glucose;11
copper, iron, manganese, potassium and zinc r inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) 1 and 2
are also present.1,2

Possible uses
Pycnogenol stimulates production of nitric
oxide in vitro and in vivo from the natural sub- A variety of claims have been made for pyc-
strate l-arginine.1 Nitric oxide prevents platelet nogenol and there is enormous research interest
aggregation and causes the release of cyclic in this substance. Traditionally, pycnogenol was
guanosine monophosphate in smooth muscle used in the treatment of scurvy and wound
cells, leading to vasodilatation. By virtue of healing. Today it is marketed mainly for its
these effects, pycnogenol has a range of phar- supposed effects on the circulation, and its

Pycnogenol 269

antioxidant, free radical and anti-inflammatory was associated with significant abdominal and
activity. back pain relief during the second and third
cycles.16 A further study found that pycnogenol
Cardiovascular function prevents cramps, muscular pain at rest and
Pycnogenol supplementation of 60 patients with pain after/during exercise in healthy subjects,
CVD has been shown to increase vasodilatation athletes prone to cramps, patients with venous
and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, patients with intermittent claudication
events.1 Inhibition of platelet aggregation has and patients with diabetic microangiopathy.17
been demonstrated in smokers and in cardio-
vascular patients.1 A double-blind crossover
study in 11 patients with mild hypertension Diabetes
found that supplementation with 200 mg pyc- Two clinical trials have provided evidence that
nogenol normalised blood pressure and lowered pycnogenol could be beneficial in type 2 dia-
thromboxane levels.1 A further double-blind betes. An open, controlled trial in 18 men and
placebo-controlled trial involved 58 patients on 12 women found that pycnogenol lowered post-
the calcium channel blocker nifedipine. Supple- prandial glucose, HBA1c and endothelin 1.11
mentation with 100 mg pycnogenol allowed a This finding was confirmed in a double-blind,
reduction in the dosage of nifedipine used in the placebo-controlled study in 77 patients.18
management of hypertension with a reduction
in plasma concentration of endothelin-1 and
increase in prostacyclin.5 Sexual function
In another study involving 25 subjects, pyc- Supplementation with pycnogenol has been
nogenol 150 mg daily significantly reduced LDL found to improve erectile function.8,19 Pyc-
cholesterol levels and raised HDL cholesterol.6 nogenol has also been associated with improve-
Two further small studies also found that ment in sperm quality and function.20
supplementation with pycnogenol significantly
lowered total cholesterol and LDL.8,13
Pycnogenol has been associated with signifi- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
cant reduction in symptoms of chronic venous (ADHD)
insufficiency (CVI).1 A prospective trial in 86 There have been anecdotal reports of bene-
patients with chronic CVI, ankle swelling and fit of pycnogenol in ADHD. A randomised,
previous history of venous ulceration com- placebo-controlled, double-blind trial involv-
pared pycnogenol 150 mg or 300 mg daily for ing 61 children (mostly boys) supplemented
8 weeks with a combination of diosmin and with 1 mg/kg/day pycnogenol or placebo over
hersperidin (Daflon) 1000 mg daily. Clinical 4 weeks found improvements in some ADHD
improvement in the pycnogenol group was scores in the treatment compared with placebo
significantly greater than in the Daflon group.14 group, but not all aspects of the condition im-
Pycnogenol has also been demonstrated to be proved. Scores measured a month after stopping
more efficacious in CVI than a commercial horse treatment returned to baseline. Based on these
chestnut extract (a remedy for CVI).13 results, the authors suggested that pycnogenol
Pycnogenol has also been shown to prevent has some activity in relieving ADHD symptoms
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) after long-haul in children.21

Analgesic activity Miscellaneous

Clinical trials have examined the effect of Pycnogenol has been found to improve lung
pycnogenol in pain. A study in 47 patients with function in asthma,22 minimise gingival bleed-
menstrual pain found that pycnogenol 30 mg ing and plaque accumulation,23 and reduce
twice a day through three menstrual cycles inflammation in SLE.24
270 Pycnogenol

from pine (Pinus maritima) bark, pycnogenol. Free

Conclusion Radic Biol Med 1999; 27: 704724.
Trials have shown pycnogenol to have ben- 3 Golanski J, Muchova J, Golanski R, et al. Does
eficial effects in cardiovascular conditions, pycnogenol intensify the efficacy of acetylsalicylic
acid in the inhibition of platelet function? In vitro
pain, diabetes, sexual function, ADHD,
experience. Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online) 2006;
asthma, gingivitis and SLE. However, these 60: 316321.
trials should be treated with circumspection 4 Hosseini S, Lee J, Sepulveda RT, et al. A ran-
as some have been open-label, and those domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, prospec-
that have been placebo-controlled have tive 16 week crossover study to determine the
been small, short-term studies. However, role of Pycnogenol in modifying blood pressure in
the benefits observed justify further larger mildly hypertensive patients. Nutr Res 2001; 21:
controlled trials. 5 Liu X, Wei J, Tan F, Zhou S, et al. Pycnogenol,
French maritime pine bark extract, improves endo-
thelial function of hypertensive patients. Life Sci
2004; 74: 855862.
Precautions/contraindications 6 Devaraj S, Vega-Lopez S, Kaul N, et al. Supplemen-
tation with a pine bark extract rich in polyphenols
None reported. increases plasma antioxidant capacity and alters
the plasma lipoprotein profile. Lipids 2002; 37:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding 7 Grimm T, Schafer A, Hogger P. Antioxidant ac-
tivity and inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases
No teratogenic effects have been observed, but
by metabolites of maritime pine bark extract
pycnogenol should be avoided as a general (pycnogenol). Free Radic Biol Med 2004; 36:
precaution. 811822.
8 Durackova Z, Trebaticky B, Novotny V, et al.
Lipid metabolism and erectile function improve-
Adverse effects ment by Pcynogenol R extract from the bark of
Pinus pinaster in patients suffering from erectile
No serious side-effects reported. Mild side- dysfunction - a pilot study. Nutr Res 2003; 23:
effects such as gastrointestinal problems, nau- 11891198.
sea, headache, dizziness and skin sensitisation 9 Grimm T, Chovanova Z, Muchova J, et al. Inhibition
are rare and transient in most cases. of NF-kappaB activation and MMP-9 secretion
by plasma of human volunteers after ingestion of
maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol). J Inflamm
Interactions (Lond) 2006; 3: 1.
10 Kim HC, Healey JM. Effects of pine bark extract
None reported. administered to immunosuppressed adult mice
infected with Cryptosporidium parvum. Am J Chin
Med 2001; 29: 469475.
Dose 11 Liu X, Zhou HJ, Rohdewald P. French maritime pine
bark extract Pycnogenol dose-dependently lowers
The dose is not established. Clinical trials have glucose in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Care
used 40100 mg pycnogenol daily or 1 mg/kg 2004; 27: 839.
body weight daily. 12 Schafer A, Chovanova Z, Muchova J, et al. Inhi-
bition of COX-1 and COX-2 activity by plasma of
human volunteers after ingestion of French maritime
References pine bark extract (Pycnogenol). Biomed Pharma-
cother 2006; 60: 59.
1 Rohdewald P. A review of the French maritime 13 Koch R. Comparative study of Venostatin and
pine bark extract (Pycnogenol), a herbal medication Pycnogenol in chronic venous insufficiency.
with a diverse clinical pharmacology. Int J Clin Phytother Res 2002: Suppl 1: S15.
Pharmacol Ther 2002; 40: 158168. 14 Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Rohdewald P, et al.
2 Packer L, Rimbach G, Virgili F. Antioxidant activity Comparison of Pycnogenol and Daflon in treating
and biologic properties of a procyanidin-rich extract chronic venous insufficiency: a prospective,
Pycnogenol 271

controlled study. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2006; 19 Stanislavov R, Nikolova V. Treatment of erectile
12: 205212. dysfunction with Pycnogenol and L-arginine. J Sex-
15 Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, Rohdewald P, et al. ual Marital Ther 2003; 29: 207213.
Prevention of venous thrombosis and thrombo- 20 Roseff SJ. Improvement in sperm quality and func-
phlebitis in long-haul flights with pycnogenol. tion with French maritime pine tree bark extract. J
Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2004; 10: Reprod Med 2002; 47: 821824.
373377. 21 Trebaticka J, Kopasova S, Hradecna Z, et al.
16 Kohama T, Suzuki N, Ohno S, Inoue M. Analgesic Treatment of ADHD with French maritime pine
efficacy of French maritime pine bark extract in bark extract, Pycnogenol((R)). Eur Child Adolesc
dysmenorrhea: an open clinical trial. J Reprod Med Psychiatry 2006. 15: 329335.
2004; 49: 828832. 22 Lau BH, Riesen SK, Truong KP, et al. Pycnogenol as
17 Vinciguerra G, Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, et al. an adjunct in the management of childhood asthma.
Cramps and muscular pain: prevention with pyc- J Asthma 2004; 41: 825832.
nogenol in normal subjects, venous patients, ath- 23 Kimbrough C, Chun M, de la Roca G, Lau BH.
letes, claudicants and in diabetic microangiopathy. PYCNOGENOL chewing gum minimizes gingi-
Angiology 2006; 57: 331339. val bleeding and plaque formation. Phytomedicine
18 Liu X, Wei J, Tan F, et al. Antidiabetic effect of 2002; 9: 410413.
Pycnogenol French maritime pine bark extract in 24 Stefanescu M, Matache C, Onu A, et al. Pycnogenol
patients with diabetes type II. Life Sci 2004; 75: efficacy in the treatment of systemic lupus erythe-
25052513. matosus patients. Phytother Res 2001; 15: 698704.

Description of eicosanoids, including leukotrienes and

  1 prostaglandins,4 and also cytokines;10
Quercetin (3,3 ,4 ,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone) is r have potential as an anti-cancer agent
a flavonoid that forms the chemical back-
through interaction with type II oestrogen-
bone for other flavonoids such as hesperidin,
binding sites,11 inhibition of tyrosine
naringin, rutin and tangeritin. Rutin is the most
kinase,12 up-regulation of tumour suppressor
common flavonoid containing the quercetin
genes,13,14 induction of apoptosis,15,16 and
backbone, in which quercetin is attached to
inhibition of tumour necrosis factor-alpha;17
a glucose-rhamnose moiety. Quercetin is also r have antihistamine activity.18
found bound to one or two glucose molecules
(monoglycoside and diglycoside forms).2
Possible uses
Dietary sources Quercetin offers several potential therapeutic
uses in the prevention of CVD, cancer, cataract,
Quercetin is one of the most abundant dietary
schizophrenia and prostatitis. However, there
flavonoids. It is found in apples; black, green
are few clinical trials in humans to date.
and buckwheat tea; onions (particularly the
outer rings); raspberries; red wine; red grapes;
Cardiovascular disease
cherries; citrus fruits; broccoli and other green
Quercetin may have a role in the preven-
leafy vegetables.3 Preliminary work by the Uni-
tion of CVD, but there are no data from
versity of Queensland, Australia, suggests that
controlled clinical trials. An epidemiological
quercetin is also found in varieties of honey such
study suggested that high intakes of dietary
as that derived from eucalyptus and tea tree.
flavonoids, particularly quercetin, are associ-
Quercetin is also found in ginkgo biloba and St
ated with a reduced risk of CVD in older
Johns wort.
men.19 This protective effect is thought to be
due to a variety of quercetins activities, such as
Dietary intake its antioxidant capacity,4 including inhibition
of LDL oxidation,6 nitric oxide inhibition,8
Estimated dietary intake is 2550 mg daily.4
inhibition of tissue factor (the cellular recep-
tor that initiates blood coagulation),20 platelet
Action aggregation,21 and a range of anti-inflammatory
activities. However, quercetin supplementation
Quercetin has a range of activities. It has been
does not appear to reduce total and LDL
shown in vitro to:
cholesterol or to increase HDL cholesterol.21,22
r act as an antioxidant;5
r inhibit LDL oxidation;4,6,7 Cancer
r inhibit the nitric oxide pathway;8,9 In vitro studies have shown quercetin to have
r have anti-inflammatory activity, possibly various properties that could give it anti-cancer
due to an influence on the production activity (e.g. cell cycle regulation, interaction

Quercetin 273

with type II oestrogen-binding sites, inhibi- Miscellaneous

tion of tyrosine kinase and reduction in the Preliminary evidence suggests that quercetin
number of aberrant crypt foci;23 inhibition of may be of benefit in allergic rhinitis and against
tyrosine kinase,12 inhibition of tumour necro- various viruses, including herpes simplex and
sis factor-alpha17 and inhibition of tumour respiratory syncytial viruses.4
angiogenesis.1 )
Quercetin has been shown in vitro to inhibit
growth of colorectal cancer cells,14,24,25 possibly
Quercetin is the subject of intense re-
by up-regulation in the expression of tumour
search on the basis of its antioxidant,
suppressor genes14 and modulation of cell-cycle
anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities.
related and apoptosis genes.25
In vitro studies have demonstrated that
It has also been shown to have potential
quercetin offers potential in preventing CVD
activity against prostate cancer. It can attenuate
and cancer, and possibly cataract. How-
the function of the androgen receptor (AR),
ever, controlled clinical trials in humans
inhibiting AR-mediated expression of prostate-
are needed before any conclusions can
specific antigen (PSA),26 up-regulating tumour
be drawn about the value of quercetin
suppressor genes while down-regulating onco-
genes and cell cycle genes,13 and inhibit other
receptors involved in growth and metastasis of
prostate cancer.27
Quercetin has also been shown in vitro to Precautions/contraindications
have activity against leukaemia cells15,16 and None reported.
pancreatic tumour cells.28 Other preliminary
studies suggest that quercetin could have inhibi-
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
tory effects on other cancer types, including
breast, ovary, endometrial, non-small-cell lung, No problems have been reported, but there
gastric and squamous cell.29 have not been sufficient studies to guarantee
the safety of quercetin in pregnancy and breast-
Cataract feeding.
One study in rats has shown that quercetin
could have a possible role in reducing the inci- Adverse effects
dence of cataracts, by inhibiting oxidative dam-
age in the lens. Quercetin was converted to its Orally, quercetin may cause headache and
metabolite 3-O-methyl quercetin by catechol- tingling of the extremities.
O-methyltransferase (COMT) in the rat lens,
and both compounds were found to inhibit Interactions
hydrogen peroxide-induced opacification.30
None reported.
Autoimmune disease
Quercetin was found in one study to amelio- Dose
rate experimental allergic encephalomyelitis by
The dose is not established. Typical oral doses
blocking IL-12 signalling and Th1 differenti-
range from 400 to 500 mg three times daily.
ation, suggesting that it may be effective in
Quercetin is administered by injection (but
treating multiple sclerosis and other Th1-cell-
this is not a dietary supplement use).
mediated autoimmune diseases.31

Schizophrenia References
Evidence from one study suggests that quercetin 1 Igura K, Ohta T, Kuroda Y, Kaji K. Resveratrol and
(in combination with other antioxidants) might quercetin inhibit angiogenesis in vitro. Cancer Lett
benefit patients with schizophrenia.32 2001; 171: 1116.
274 Quercetin

2 Erlund I, Kosonen T, Alfthan G, et al. Pharmaco- related mechanisms in colon cancer cells in vitro. Eur
kinetics of quercetin from quercetin aglycone and J Nutr 2005; 44: 143156.
rutin in healthy volunteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 15 Mertens-Talcott SU, Talcott ST, Percival SS. Low
2000; 56: 545553. concentrations of quercetin and ellagic acid syner-
3 Hertog MG, Hollman PC. Potential health effects of gistically influence proliferation, cytotoxicity and
the dietary flavonol quercetin. Eur J Clin Nutr 1996; apoptosis in MOLT-4 human leukemia cells. J Nutr
50: 6371. 2003; 133: 26692674.
4 Formica JV, Regelson W. Review of the biology 16 Mertens-Talcott SU, Percival SS. Ellagic acid and
of Quercetin and related bioflavonoids. Food Chem quercetin interact synergistically with resveratrol in
Toxicol 1995; 33: 10611080. the induction of apoptosis and cause transient cell
5 Filipe P, Haigle J, Silva JN, et al. Anti- and cycle arrest in human leukemia cells. Cancer Lett
pro-oxidant effects of quercetin in copper-induced 2005; 218: 141151.
low density lipoprotein oxidation. Quercetin as an 17 Wadsworth TL, McDonald TL, Koop DR. Effects
effective antioxidant against pro-oxidant effects of of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) and quercetin
urate. Eur J Biochem 2004; 271: 19911999. on lipopolysaccharide-induced signaling pathways
6 Janisch KM, Williamson G, Needs P, Plumb GW. involved in the release of tumor necrosis factor-
Properties of quercetin conjugates: modulation of alpha. Biochem Pharmacol 2001; 62: 963974.
LDL oxidation and binding to human serum albu- 18 Marozzi FJ Jr, Kocialski AB, Malone MH. Studies on
min. Free Radic Res 2004; 38: 877884. the antihistaminic effects of thymoquinone, thymo-
7 Yamamoto N, Moon JH, Tsushida T, et al. hydroquinone and quercetin. Arzneimittelforschung
Inhibitory effect of quercetin metabolites and their 1970; 20: 15741577.
related derivatives on copper ion-induced lipid per- 19 Hertog MG, Feskens EJ, Hollman PC, et al. Dietary
oxidation in human low-density lipoprotein. Arch antioxidant flavonoids and risk of coronary heart
Biochem Biophys 1999; 372: 347354. disease: the Zutphen Elderly Study. Lancet 1993;
8 Chan MM, Mattiacci JA, Hwang HS, et al. Synergy 342: 10071011.
between ethanol and grape polyphenols, quercetin, 20 Di Santo A, Mezzetti A, Napoleone E, et al. Resver-
and resveratrol, in the inhibition of the inducible atrol and quercetin down-regulate tissue factor
nitric oxide synthase pathway. Biochem Pharmacol expression by human stimulated vascular cells. J
2000; 60: 15391548. Thromb Haemost 2003; 1: 10891095.
9 Mu MM, Chakravortty D, Sugiyama T, et al. The 21 Janssen K, Mensink RP, Cox FJ, et al. Effects of the
inhibitory action of quercetin on lipopolysaccharide- flavonoids quercetin and apigenin on hemostasis in
induced nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 healthy volunteers: results from an in vitro and a
macrophage cells. J Endotoxin Res 2001; 7: dietary supplement study. Am J Clin Nutr 1998; 67:
431438. 255262.
10 Wadsworth TL, Koop DR. Effects of the wine 22 Conquer JA, Maiani G, Azzini E, et al. Supple-
polyphenolics quercetin and resveratrol on pro- mentation with quercetin markedly increases plasma
inflammatory cytokine expression in RAW 264.7 quercetin concentration without effect on selected
macrophages. Biochem Pharmacol 1999; 57: risk factors for heart disease in healthy subjects. J
941949. Nutr 1998; 128: 593597.
11 Shenouda NS, Zhou C, Browning JD, et al. Phyto- 23 Lamson DW, Brignall MS. Antioxidants and can-
estrogens in common herbs regulate prostate can- cer, part 3: quercetin. Altern Med Rev 2000; 5:
cer cell growth in vitro. Nutr Cancer 2004; 49: 196208.
200208. 24 Richter M, Ebermann R, Marian B. Quercetin-
12 Huang YT, Hwang JJ, Lee PP, et al. Effects induced apoptosis in colorectal tumor cells: possible
of luteolin and quercetin, inhibitors of tyrosine role of EGF receptor signaling. Nutr Cancer 1999;
kinase, on cell growth and metastasis-associated 34: 8899.
properties in A431 cells overexpressing epidermal 25 Murtaza I, Marra G, Schlapbach R, et al. A pre-
growth factor receptor. Br J Pharmacol 1999; 128: liminary investigation demonstrating the effect of
9991010. quercetin on the expression of genes related to cell-
13 Nair HK, Rao KV, Aalinkeel R, et al. Inhibition cycle arrest, apoptosis and xenobiotic metabolism
of prostate cancer cell colony formation by the in human CO115 colon-adenocarcinoma cells using
flavonoid quercetin correlates with modulation of DNA microarray. Biotechnol Appl Biochem 2006;
specific regulatory genes. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 45 (Pt 1): 2936.
2004; 11: 6369. 26 Xing N, Chen Y, Mitchell SH, Young CY. Quercetin
14 van Erk MJ, Roepman P, van der Lende TR, et inhibits the expression and function of the an-
al. Integrated assessment by multiple gene expres- drogen receptor in LNCaP prostate cancer cells.
sion analysis of quercetin bioactivity on anticancer- Carcinogenesis 2001; 22: 409414.
Quercetin 275

27 Huynh H, Nguyen TT, Chan E, Tran E. Inhibition of and proliferation. Anticancer Drugs 1999; 10:
ErbB-2 and ErbB-3 expression by quercetin prevents 187193.
transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha)- and 30 Cornish KM, Williamson G, Sanderson J. Quercetin
epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced human PC-3 metabolism in the lens: role in inhibition of hydrogen
prostate cancer cell proliferation. Int J Oncol 2003; peroxide induced cataract. Free Radic Biol Med
23: 821829. 2002; 33: 6370.
28 Lee LT, Huang YT, Hwang JJ, et al. Block- 31 Muthian G, Bright JJ. Quercetin, a flavonoid
ade of the epidermal growth factor receptor ty- phytoestrogen, ameliorates experimental allergic
rosine kinase activity by quercetin and luteolin encephalomyelitis by blocking IL-12 signaling
leads to growth inhibition and apoptosis of pan- through JAK-STAT pathway in T lymphocyte. J Clin
creatic tumor cells. Anticancer Res 2002; 22: Immunol 2004; 24: 542552.
16151627. 32 Rachkauskas GS. The efficacy of enterosorption and
29 ElAttar TM, Virji AS. Modulating effect of resver- a combination of antioxidants in schizophrenics. Lik
atrol and quercetin on oral cancer cell growth Sprava 1998; 4: 122124 (in Russian).

Description Smaller amounts of resveratrol are found in

mulberries and peanuts, and in other plants such
Resveratrol is a polyphenol, more specifically a
as eucalyptus, lily and spruce. Resveratrol is also
phytoalexin (3,5,4 -trihydroxy-trans-stilbene),
found in significant amounts in the dried roots
which exists as cis- and trans-stereoisomers.1
and stems of the plant Polygonium cuspidatum,
It is produced by plants as a defence against
also known as Japanese knotweed. The dried
infection by pathogenic micro-organisms such
root and stem of this plant are used in traditional
as fungi.
Chinese and Japanese remedies (known as Hu
Zhang, Hu Chang, tiger cane, kojo-kon and
hadori-kon) for circulatory problems.2
Dietary sources
The most abundant sources of resveratrol are
the wine-making grapes Vitis vinifera, Labrusca Action
and Muscatine. It occurs in the vines, roots, Knowledge of the potential benefits of resvera-
seeds and stalks, but the skin of the grape trol has developed partly from an appreciation
contains the highest concentration (50100 g of the beneficial effects of red wine on cardio-
per gram). The resveratrol content of red wine vascular health.
is much higher than that of white wine. This Mechanisms for protection of the cardiovas-
is largely because, apart from the type of grapes cular system that have been identified include:3,4
used, in red wine production the skins and seeds
are used, while white wine is prepared mainly r antioxidant;5
from the juice, the skins being removed earlier r inhibition of cholesterol synthesis;
in the process. The skins and seeds of grapes r inhibition of atherosclerosis;
contain, in addition to resveratrol, a variety of r inhibition of LDL oxidation;
other polyphenols including proanthocyanidins, r protection and maintenance of endothelial
quercetin, catechins and gallocatechins. tissue;
The resveratrol content of red wine varies r suppression of platelet aggregation;611
considerably depending on the grapes and r promotion of vasodilatation;
length of time the skins are present during r defence against ischaemic reperfusion injury;
the fermentation process. Red wines with the r oestrogenic activity.
highest resveratrol content are Pinot Noir and
Cabernet Sauvignon, produced in cold, humid Resveratrol has also been shown to have
climates (e.g. Bordeaux and Canada) rather anti-cancer properties,12 inhibiting activation
than hot, dry climates. This is because fungal of carcinogenic compounds and suppressing
infections are more common in cooler climates, tumour progression.13 In vitro studies have
and resveratrol is produced in response to shown a number of protective mechanisms in
fungal infections in plants. Unfermented grape relation to cancer, including inhibition of car-
juice does not contain significant quantities of cinogen activation, suppression of tumour initi-
resveratrol. ation by inhibiting cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1),

Resveratrol 277

inhibition of cellular-signalling cascades and Pregnancy and breast-feeding

influence on apoptosis.14
No problems reported, but resveratrol may be
Resveratrol has also been shown to reduce
oestrogenic. Alcohol should not be consumed
cell proliferation in a human retinal epithelium
during pregnancy.
cell line and may therefore have the ability to
protect against ARMD.15
Adverse effects
Resveratrol is similar in structure to diethyl-
Possible uses
stilbestrol (a synthetic oestrogen) and it could
In vitro studies have clearly demonstrated po- have the potential to stimulate breast cancer.16
tential mechanisms for benefit of resveratrol in More studies are needed.
the prevention of CVD and cancer. However,
these studies have been short-term and there
have been very few studies in humans. Two Interactions
small studies (both from the same research None reported.
group in China) found that resveratrol inhibited
platelet aggregation in rabbits and humans.8,9
However, it would be premature to recommend Dose
resveratrol as a food supplement, despite the in-
dustrys claims that resveratrol is the component The dose is not established.
in red wine responsible for the beneficial effects
on CVD.
1 Fremont L. Biological effects of resveratrol. Life Sci
2000; 66: 663673.
2 Soleas GJ, Diamandis EP, Goldberg DM. Resvera-
Resveratrol is the subject of much interest trol: a molecule whose time has come? And gone?
as a food supplement, mainly because it is Clin Biochem 1997; 30: 91113.
claimed to be the component in red wine 3 Hao HD, He LR. Mechanisms of cardiovascular
responsible for its beneficial effects in CVD. protection by resveratrol. J Med Food 2004; 7:
In vitro studies have demonstrated mecha- 290298.
nisms by which resveratrol could reduce the 4 Wu JM, Wang ZR, Hsieh TC, et al. Mechanism of
cardioprotection by resveratrol, a phenolic antioxi-
risk of CVD and cancer, but there have been dant present in red wine (Review). Int J Mol Med
no intervention trials in humans. The main 2001; 8: 317.
dietary source is red wine, and care should 5 OBrien NM, Carpenter R, OCallaghan YC, et al.
be taken not to encourage high intake of Modulatory effects of resveratrol, citroflavan-3-ol,
any alcoholic drink. and plant-derived extracts on oxidative stress in
U937 cells. J Med Food 2006; 9: 187195.
6 Pace-Asciak CR, Hahn S, Diamandis EP, et al. The
red wine phenolics trans-resveratrol and quercetin
block human platelet aggregation and eicosanoid
Precautions/contraindications synthesis: implications for protection against coro-
nary heart disease. Clin Chim Acta 1995; 235:
The main dietary source of resveratrol is red 207219.
wine. Recommending increased consumption 7 Bertelli AA, Giovannini L, Giannessi D, et al.
of red wine to increase resveratrol intake is Antiplatelet activity of synthetic and natural resver-
not necessarily responsible given the health atrol in red wine. Int J Tissue React 1995; 17:
risks, including liver damage, physical addic- 8 Wang Z, Huang Y, Zou J, et al. Effects of red wine
tion and social implications of any alcoholic and wine polyphenol resveratrol on platelet aggre-
beverage if consumed in more than moderate gation in vivo and in vitro. Int J Mol Med 2002; 9:
amounts. 7779.
278 Resveratrol

9 Wang Z, Zou J, Huang Y, et al. Effect of resveratrol properties of resveratrol. Carcinogenesis 2001; 22:
on platelet aggregation in vivo and in vitro. Chin 11111117.
Med J (Engl) 2002; 115: 378380. 14 Gescher AJ, Steward WP. Relationship between
10 Olas B, Wachowicz B. Resveratrol, a phenolic mechanisms, bioavailibility, and preclinical chemo-
antioxidant with effects on blood platelet functions. preventive efficacy of resveratrol: a conundrum.
Platelets 2005; 16: 251260. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2003; 12:
11 Pace-Asciak CR, Rounova O, Hahn SE, et al. 953957.
Wines and grape juices as modulators of platelet 15 King RE, Kent KD, Bomser JA. Resveratrol reduces
aggregation in healthy human subjects. Clin Chim oxidation and proliferation of human retinal pig-
Acta 1996; 246: 163182. ment epithelial cells via extracellular signal-regulated
12 Soleas GJ, Grass L, Josephy PD, et al. A compar- kinase inhibition. Chem Biol Interact 2005; 151:
ison of the anticarcinogenic properties of four red 143149.
wine polyphenols. Clin Biochem 2006; 39: 492 16 Gehm H. Resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound
497. found in grapes and wine, is an agonist for the
13 Gusman J, Malonne H, Atassi G. A reappraisal of the estrogen receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1997; 94:
potential chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic 557562.

Description Metabolism
Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin of the Absorption
vitamin B complex. Riboflavin is readily absorbed by a saturable
active transport system (principally in the
Nomenclature duodenum).
Riboflavin is the British Approved Name for use
on pharmaceutical labels. It is known also as
Some circulating riboflavin is loosely associated
vitamin B2 .
with plasma albumin, but significant amounts
complex with other proteins. Conversion of
Human requirements riboflavin to its coenzymes occurs in most
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for tissues (particularly in the liver, heart and
riboflavin. kidney).

Dietary intake Elimination

Riboflavin is excreted primarily in the urine
In the UK, the average adult diet provides: for (mostly as metabolites); excess amounts are
men, 2.11 mg daily; for women, 1.60 mg. excreted unchanged. Riboflavin crosses the pla-
centa and is excreted in breast milk.
Riboflavin functions as a component of two Bioavailability
flavin coenzymes flavin mononucleotide
(FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Riboflavin is remarkably stable during process-
It participates in oxidationreduction reactions ing that involves heat, such as canning, dehy-
in numerous metabolic pathways and in energy dration, evaporation and pasteurisation. Boiling
production. Examples include the oxidation of in water results in leaching of the vitamin
glucose, certain amino acids and fatty acids; into the water, which should then be used for
reactions with several intermediaries of the soups and sauces. Considerable losses occur if
Krebs cycle; conversion of pyridoxine to its food is exposed to light; exposure of milk in
active coenzyme; and conversion of tryptophan glass bottles will result in loss of riboflavin.
to niacin. Animal sources of riboflavin are better ab-
Riboflavin has a role as an antioxidant. It sorbed and hence more available than vegetable
may be involved in maintaining the integrity of sources.
Dietary sources
Deficiency of riboflavin isolated from other B
See Table 2 for dietary sources of riboflavin. vitamin deficiencies is rare. Early symptoms

280 Riboflavin

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for riboflavin (mg/day)

EU RDA = 1.6 mg


06 months 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3

712 months 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4
13 years 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5
46 years 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.6
48 years 0.6
710 years 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.9a
913 years 0.9
1114 years 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.2b
1518 years 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.2
1950+ years 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.3
1470+ years 100 1.3
1114 years 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.0b
1418 years 1.0 1.0
1550+ years 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.1
1970+ years 100 1.1
Pregnancy * * +0.3 1.4 1.4
Lactation +0.5 1.6 1.6

* No increment.
a 79 years. b 1014 years.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level (not determined for riboflavin).

include soreness of the mouth and throat, Migraine

burning and itching of the eyes, and personality Riboflavin has been investigated for a possible
deterioration. Advanced deficiency may lead to role in migraine. In an open pilot study in
cheilosis, angular stomatitis, glossitis (red, beefy 49 migraine patients, 26 patients were given
tongue), corneal vascularisation, seborrhoeic oral riboflavin 400 mg daily or the same plus
dermatitis (of the face, trunk and extremities), aspirin 75 mg daily for 35 months. The number
normochromic normocytic anaemia, leucopenia of migraine days reduced from 8.7 1.5 to
and thrombocytopenia. 2.9 1.2. There were no significant differences
between the two groups.1
In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-
controlled trial, 55 patients with a history of
Possible uses migraine for at least 1 year (with two to eight
Supplements may be required by vegans (strict attacks monthly) were randomised to receive
vegetarians who consume no milk or dairy riboflavin 400 mg or placebo daily. Migraine
produce). attack frequency and duration was significantly
Riboflavin 281

to baseline, both groups showed a significant

Table 2 Dietary sources of riboflavin reduction in number of migraines, migraine
days and migraine index. This effect exceeds
that reported for placebo agents in previous
Food portion Riboflavin migraine trials, suggesting that riboflavin 25 mg
content (mg) may be an active comparator.3

Breakfast cereals Miscellaneous

1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 0.5
A case report demonstrated successful therapy
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 0.6
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 0.4 with riboflavin 50 mg daily in a patient with
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 0.6 documented riboflavin deficiency and carpal
1 bowl Shreddies (50 g) 1.1 tunnel syndrome.4 Riboflavin has also been
1 bowl Start (40 g) 0.8 used successfully in the treatment of lactic
2 Weetabix 0.6 acidosis induced by antiretroviral therapy in pa-
Milk and dairy products tients with AIDS.5,6 Homocysteine metabolism
1/2 pint milk, whole, semi-skimmed 0.5
or skimmed
is dependent on riboflavin and riboflavin has
1/2 pint soya milk 0.7 been investigated for a role in homocysteine
1 pot yoghurt (150 g) 0.4 lowering. However, studies to date have not
Cheese (50 g) 0.2 demonstrated any clear benefit of riboflavin in
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 0.3 lowering homocysteine. Moreover, riboflavin
Meat and fish is of unproven value for acne, mouth ulcers
Beef, roast (85 g) 0.2
or muscle cramps. At present, there is no
Lamb, roast (85 g) 0.3
Pork, roast (85 g) 0.2
convincing scientific data to support its use in
1 chicken leg portion 0.2 human cancer.
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 3.0
Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 1.6
Fish, cooked (150 g) 0.2
Yeast At normal doses there is no good evidence
Brewers yeast (10 g) 0.4 for the use of riboflavin for any indication
Marmite, spread on 1 slice bread 0.5 other than riboflavin deficiency. Preliminary
evidence exists that higher doses may be
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics).
useful in migraine and in lactic acidosis
induced by antiretroviral therapy.

reduced in the riboflavin group compared with

A further randomised, double-blind, Precautions/contraindications
placebo-controlled trial evaluated the effect
of a supplement providing a daily dose of None reported.
riboflavin 400 mg, magnesium 300 mg and
feverfew 100 mg. The placebo contained 25 mg
riboflavin. Forty-nine patients completed Pregnancy and breast-feeding
the 3-month trial. For the primary outcome No problems reported.
measure, a 50% or greater reduction in
migraines, there was no difference between
the treatment and placebo groups, achieved
Adverse effects
by 10 (42%) and 11 (44%) individuals,
respectively. There were no differences in the Riboflavin toxicity is unknown in humans.
mean number of migraines, migraine days, Large doses may cause yellow discoloration of
migraine index or triptan doses. Compared the urine.
282 Riboflavin

Interactions as a constituent of multivitamin and mineral

Dietary supplements provide 13 mg daily.
Alcohol: excessive alcohol intake induces ribo-
flavin deficiency.
Barbiturates: prolonged use may induce ribo-
flavin deficiency.
Oral contraceptives: prolonged use may induce 1 Schoenen J, Lenaerts M, Bastings E. High-dose
riboflavin deficiency. riboflavin as a prophylactic treatment of migraine:
Phenothiazines: may increase the requirement results of an open pilot study. Cephalgia 1994; 14:
for riboflavin. 2 Schoenen J, Jacquy J, Lenaerts M. Effectiveness
Probenecid: reduces gastrointestinal absorption of high-dose riboflavin in migraine prophylaxis: a
and urinary excretion of riboflavin. randomized controlled trial. Neurology 1998; 50:
Tricyclic antidepressants: may increase the re- 466470.
quirement for riboflavin. 3 Maizels M, Blumenfeld A, Burchette R. A combi-
nation of riboflavin, magnesium and feverfew for
Nutrients migraine prophylaxis: a randomized trial. Headache
Adequate amounts of all B vitamins are required 2004; 44: 885890.
for optimal functioning; deficiency or excess of 4 Folkers K, Wolaniuk A, Vadhanavikit S. Enzy-
one B vitamin may lead to abnormalities in the mology of the response of the carpal tunnel syn-
drome to riboflavin and to combined riboflavin
metabolism of another.
and pyridoxine. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1984; 81:
Iron: deficiency of riboflavin may impair iron 70767078.
metabolism and produce anaemia. 5 Fouty B, Frerman F, Reves R. Riboflavin to treat
nucleoside analogue-induced lactic acidosis. Lancet
Dose 1998; 352: 291292.
6 Luzzati R, DelBravo P, DiPerri G, et al. Riboflavine
Riboflavin is available in the form of and severe lactic acidosis. Lancet 1999; 353:
tablets and capsules, but is mainly found 901902.
Royal jelly

Royal jelly is a yellow-white liquid secreted by Table 1 Claimed nutrient composition in a
the hypopharyngeal glands of nurse worker typical daily dose (500 mg) of royal jelly
bees from the 6th to the 12th day of their adult
lives. It is an essential food for the queen bee. Nutrient Amount % RNI1

Constituents Water (mg) 350

Carbohydrate (mg) 60
See Table 1 for the claimed nutrient composition
Protein (mg) 60
of royal jelly. Lipids (mg) 25
Thiamine (g) 2 0.2
Riboflavin (g) 7 0.6
Action Niacin (g) 20 0.1
Royal jelly may have some pharmacological Vitamin B6 (g) 3 0.2
Folic acid (ng) 15 0.08
effects, but the only available evidence comes Biotin (g) 1
from in vitro studies and animal studies. It ap- Pantothenic acid (g) 3
pears to have anti-tumour effects;1 improve the Calcium (g) 130 0.02
efficiency of insulin;2 have vasodilator activity;3 Magnesium (g) 150 0.07
and exhibit anti-microbial activity.4 Potassium (mg) 2.5 0.07
Iron (g) 25 0.2
Zinc (g) 15 0.2
Possible uses
Reference Nutrient Intake for men aged 1950 years.
Published papers on the effects of royal jelly in
humans are relatively few, and many of these
are single case histories and not clinical trials. cholesterol and normalisation of LDL and HDL
Royal jelly has been claimed to be benefi- cholesterol in subjects with hyperlipidaemia.
cial in anorexia, fatigue and headaches;5 and Royal jelly has been investigated in hay
hypercholesterolaemia.6,7 fever. A placebo-controlled, double-blind RCT
A systematic review and meta-analysis7 ex- in 80 children (aged 516 years) evaluated the
amined the effect of royal jelly in 17 animal effect of royal jelly administered 36 months
studies and nine human studies. In the animal before and throughout the pollen season. Sixty-
studies, royal jelly significantly reduced serum four children completed the study. All of the
cholesterol and total lipid levels in rats and patients in both groups developed hay fever
rabbits, and slowed the progress of atheromas in symptoms during the pollen season. The severity
rabbits fed a high-fat diet. Meta-analysis of the of symptoms and need for additional hay fever
controlled human trials showed that royal jelly treatment was similar in both groups, suggesting
(30100 mg daily for 36 weeks) resulted in a that royal jelly has no benefit on hay fever
significant reduction in total serum lipids and symptoms during the pollen season.8

284 Royal jelly

Claims for the value of royal jelly in arthritis, The dose is not established. Dietary supple-
depression, diabetes mellitus, dysmenorrhoea, ments provide 250500 mg daily.
eczema, morning sickness, multiple sclerosis,
muscular dystrophy, myalgic encephalomyelitis
(ME) and PMS are purely anecdotal and there
is no evidence for any of these claims. 1 Tamura T, Fujii A, Kuboyama N. Antitumour effects
of royal jelly. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 1987; 89:
Conclusion 2 Kramer KJ, Tager HS, Childs CN, Spiers RD.
Anecdotally, royal jelly is thought to be Insulin-like hypoglycaemic and immunological ac-
beneficial in a wide range of conditions. tivities in honey bee royal jelly. J Insect Physiol 1977;
23: 293296.
However, there is no sound evidence to
3 Shinoda M, Nakajin S, Oikawa T, et al. Biochemical
support its use. studies on vasodilator factor of royal jelly. Yakugaku
Zasshi 1978; 98: 139145.
4 Fujiwara S, Imaj J, Fujiwara M, et al. A potent
antibacterial protein in royal jelly. Purification and
Precautions/contraindications determination of the primary structure of royalisin.
Royal jelly should be avoided in asthma (adverse J Biol Chem 1990; 265: 1133311337.
5 Tamura T. Royal jelly from the standpoint of clinical
effects reported).
pharmacology. Honeybee Sci 1985; 6: 117124.
6 Cho YT. Studies on royal jelly and abnormal
Pregnancy and breast-feeding cholesterol and triglycerides. Am Bee J 1977; 117:
No problems reported, but there have not been 7 Vittek J. Effect of royal jelly on serum lipids in exper-
sufficient studies to guarantee the safety of royal imental animals and humans with atherosclerosis.
jelly in pregnancy and breast-feeding. Royal Experientia 1995; 51: 927935.
8 Andersen AH, Mortensen S, Agertoft L, Pedersen S.
jelly is probably best avoided. Double-blind randomized trial of the effect of Bidro
on hay fever in children. Ugeskr Laeger 2005; 167:
Adverse effects 35913594.
9 Leung R, Thien FCK, Baldo BA, et al. Royal jelly
Allergic reactions, which can be severe. Life- induced asthma and anaphylaxis: clinical character-
threatening bronchospasm has occurred in istics and immunologic correlations. J Allergy Clin
Immunol 1995; 96: 10041007.
patients with asthma after ingestion of royal
10 Peacock S, Murray V, Turton C. Respiratory distress
jelly.912 Royal jelly has been responsible for and royal jelly. BMJ 1995; 311: 1472.
IgE-mediated anaphylaxis,13 leading to death 11 Larporte JR, Ibaanez L, Vendrell L, et al. Bron-
in at least one individual.14 One report of chospasm induced by royal jelly. Allergy 1996; 51:
haemorrhagic colitis occurred in a 53-year-old 440.
woman after taking royal jelly for 25 days.15 12 Harwood M, Harding S, Beasley R, et al. Asthma
following royal jelly. NZ Med J 1996; 109: 325.
13 Thien FC, Leung R, Baldo BA, et al. Asthma and
Interactions anaphylaxis induced by royal jelly. Clin Exp Allergy
1996; 26: 216222.
None reported. 14 Bullock RJ, Rohan A, Straatmans JA. Fatal royal
jelly induced asthma. Med J Aust 1994; 160: 44.
Dose 15 Yonei Y, Shibagaki K, Tsukada N, et al. Case
report: hemorrhagic colitis associated with royal
Royal jelly is available in the form of tablets and jelly intake. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1997; 12:
capsules. 495499.
S -adenosyl methionine

Description major depression, oral SAMe was found to

improve symptoms of depression. However, it
S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) is synthesised
induced mania in one patient with no history of
in the body from the essential amino acid
the condition.3
The efficacy of oral SAMe was assessed
in the treatment of 80 depressed post-
Action menopausal women (aged 4559 years). The
30-day, double-blind, placebo-controlled ran-
SAMe is involved in several biochemical path- domised trial found a significantly greater im-
ways. It functions mainly as a methyl donor provement in depressive symptoms in the group
in synthetic pathways that lead to the pro- treated with 1600 mg daily of SAMe from day
duction of DNA and RNA, neurotransmitters 10 of the study.4
and phospholipids. Its involvement in phospho- A meta-analysis of the effect of SAMe
lipid synthesis may mean that it has a role on depression compared with placebo or tri-
in membrane fluidity. SAMe is also involved cyclic antidepressants showed a greater re-
in transulphuration reactions, regulating the sponse rate with SAMe than placebo and an
formation of sulphur-containing amino acids, antidepressant effect comparable with tricyclic
cysteine, glutathione (GSH) and taurine. GSH antidepressants.5
is an antioxidant, so SAMe is proposed to have An in-depth literature review, which included
antioxidant activity. RCTs, controlled clinical trials, meta-analyses
and systematic reviews, evaluated evidence on
Possible uses the use of SAMe for the treatment of depression
(and also osteoarthritis and liver disease). Com-
SAMe is being investigated for its effects on pared to placebo, SAMe was associated with a
a number of conditions, such as depression, clinically significant improvement of depression.
osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and CVD. Compared with conventional antidepressant
therapy, SAMe was not associated with a
Depression statistically significant difference in outcomes.6
SAMe may be of potential use as an antidepres- A more recent multicentre trial found that the
sant. Its mechanism of action for this indication efficacy of 1600 mg SAMe daily taken orally7
is still a matter of speculation, although there and 400 mg SAMe daily7,8 intramuscularly is
is some evidence that it may raise dopamine comparable with that of imipramine 150 mg
levels.1 Initially it was used for this purpose by daily, but SAMe is better tolerated.
parenteral administration. However, in an un-
controlled study2 in 20 outpatients with major Osteoarthritis
depression, the group as a whole improved with SAMe appears to possess analgesic activity, and
oral SAMe. in joints there is some evidence that it stimulates
In a randomised, double-blind, placebo- the synthesis of proteoglycans by the articular
controlled trial involving 15 inpatients with chondrocytes.9

286 S-adenosyl methionine

In a range of double-blind randomised trials, remethylation of homocysteine to methionine.

all reported in one issue of one journal, oral However, there were no changes in plasma
SAMe was found to exert the same anal- homocysteine levels.19
gesic activity as a range of NSAIDs. In one
study with 734 subjects, SAMe 1200 mg daily
was as effective as naproxen 750 mg daily.10
Research suggests there is some evidence
Another study in 45 patients showed that SAMe
that SAMe has value in depression and
1200 mg daily was as effective as piroxicam
osteoarthritis, and that it may have an in-
(20 mg daily) in osteoarthritis of the knee.11
fluence in the metabolism of homocysteine.
Two further studies in each of 36 patients over
4 weeks, showed that SAMe 1200 mg daily was
as effective as indometacin (150 mg daily)12 or
ibuprofen (1200 mg daily).13 A 16-week study
in 56 patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis of Precautions/contraindications
the knee found that SAMe (1200 mg daily) has SAMe should be used with caution in individu-
a slower onset of action, but is as effective as als with a history of bleeding or haemostatic
celecoxib (200 mg daily) in the management of disorders. SAMe has been reported to block
symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.14 platelet aggregation in vitro.20
In an uncontrolled study lasting 24 months,
108 patients received 600 mg SAMe daily for
2 weeks, then 400 mg daily thereafter. Clinical
symptoms, such as morning stiffness, pain at Pregnancy and breast-feeding
rest and pain on movement, improved during No problems reported, but there have not been
the period of SAMe administration.15 sufficient studies to guarantee the safety of
SAMe in pregnancy and breast-feeding. SAMe
Fibromyalgia is best avoided.
Intravenous SAMe has been shown to reduce
pain in patients with fibromyalgia.16 In a
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial lasting Adverse effects
6 weeks and involving 44 patients, oral SAMe
(800 mg) produced significant improvement in Minor side-effects, including nausea, dry
clinical disease activity, pain suffered during the mouth and restlessness, have been occasionally
last week, and fatigue. SAMe was associated reported.
with an improvement in mood on the Face Scale
but not on the Beck Depression Inventory.17
Cardiovascular disease None reported, but in theory SAMe could
Elevation of homocysteine is an independent potentiate the activity of antidepressants, anti-
risk factor for CVD, and SAMe controls en- coagulants and anti-platelet drugs.
zymes in homocysteine metabolism. Whole-
blood SAMe has been found to be lower in
patients with CHD than in controls, suggesting
that low levels of SAMe might be a risk factor
for the development of CHD.18 A study with SAMe is available in the form of tablets and
oral SAMe (400 mg in a single dose) in healthy capsules. A review of 13 US products found
subjects showed that SAMe did not inhibit that six failed testing for content. Among those
the enzyme (5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate failing, the amount of SAMe was, on average,
reductase). This is the enzyme that catalyses the less than half of that declared on the labels.21
formation of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, which The dose is not established. Studies have used
is the active form of folate involved in the doses of 4001600 mg daily.
S-adenosyl methionine 287

References 11 Maccagno A, Di Giorgio EE, Caston OL,

et al. Double-blind controlled clinical trial of
1 Fava M, Rosenbaum JF, MacLaughlin JR, et al. oral S-adenosylmethionine versus piroxicam in knee
Neuroendocrine effects of S-adenosyl-L-methionine, osteoarthritis. Am J Med 1987; 83(5A):
a novel putative antidepressant. J Psychiatr Res 7277.
1990; 24: 177184. 12 Vetter G. Double-blind comparative clinical trial
2 Rosenbaum JF, Fava M, Falk WE, et al. The anti- with S-adenosylmethionine and indomethacin in the
depressant potential of oral S-adenosylmethionine. treatment of osteoarthritis. Am J Med 1987; 83(5A):
Acta Psychiatr Scand 1990; 81: 432436. 7880.
3 Kagan BL, Sultzer DL, Rosenlicht N, et al. Oral 13 Muller-Fassbender H. Double-blind clinical trial
S-adenosyl methionine in depression: a randomised, of S-adenosylmethionine versus ibuprofen in the
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Am J Psychi- treatment of osteoarthitis. Am J Med 1987; 83(5A);
atry 1990; 147: 591595. 8183.
4 Salmaggi P, Bressa GM, Nicchia G, et al. Double- 14 Najm WI, Reinsch S, Hoehler F, et al. S-adenosyl
blind, placebo-controlled study of S-adenosyl-L- methionine (SAMe) versus celecoxib for the treat-
methionine in depressed postmenopausal women. ment of osteoarthritis symptoms: a double-blind
Psychother Psychosom 1993; 59: 3440. crossover trial. [ISRCTN362334950]. BMC Muscu-
5 Bressa GM. S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) as loskelet Disord 2004; 26: 56.
antidepressant: meta-analysis of clinical studies. 15 Konig B. A long-term (two years) clinical trial
Acta Neurol Scand Suppl 1994; 154: 714. with S-adenosylmethionine for the treatmemt of
6 Agency for Healthcare Research and Evaluation. osteoarthritis. Am J Med 1987; 83(5A):
S-Adenosyl-l-Methionine for Treatment of Depres- 8994.
sion, Osteoarthritis and Liver Disease. Evidence 16 Volkmann H, Norregaard J, Jacobsen S, et al.
Report/Technology Assessment: Number 64. AHRQ Double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study
Publication Number 02-E033. Available from of intravenous S-adenosyl-L-methionine in patients with fibromyalgia. Scand J Rheumatol 1997; 26:
(accessed 6 November 2006). Rockville, MD: 206211.
AHRQ, August 2002. 17 Jacobsen S, Danneskiold-Samsoe B, Andersen RB.
7 Delle Chiaie R, Pancheri P, Scapicchio P. Effi- Oral S-adenosylmethionine in primary fibromyalgia.
cacy and tolerability of oral and intramuscular Double-blind clinical evaluation. Scand J Rheumatol
S-adenosyl-L-methionine 1,4-butanedisulfonate 1991; 20: 294302.
(SAMe) in the treatment of major depression: 18 Loehrer FM, Angst CP, Haefeli WE, et al. Low
comparison with imipramine in 2 multicenter whole-blood S-adenosylmethionine and correlation
studies. Am J Clin Nutr 2002; 76: S1172S1176. between 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and homocys-
8 Pancheri P, Scapicchio P, Chiaie RD. A double- teine in coronary artery disease. Arterioscler Thromb
blind, randomized parallel-group, efficacy and safety Vasc Biol 1996; 16: 727733.
study of intramuscular S-adenosyl-L-methionine 19 Loehrer FM, Schwab R, Angst CP, et al.
1,4-butanedisulphonate (SAMe) versus imipramine Influence of oral S-adenosylmethionine on plasma
in patients with major depressive disorder. Int J 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, S-adenosylhomocysteine,
Neuropsychopharmacol 2002; 5: 287294. homocysteine and methionine in healthy
9 di Padova C. S-adenosylmethionine in the treatment humans. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1997; 282:
of osteoarthritis. Review of clinical studies. Am J 845850.
Med 1987; 83(5A): 6065. 20 De La Cruz JP, Merida M, Gonzalez-Correa JA,
10 Caruso I, Pietrogrande V. Italian double-blind et al. Effects of S-adenosyl-L-methionine on platelet
multicenter study comparing S-adenosylmethionine, thromboxane and vascular prostacyclin. Biochem
naproxen, and placebo in the treatment of degen- Pharmacol 1997; 53: 17611763.
erative joint disease. Am J Med 1987; 83(5A): 21 Consumerlab. Product review. SAMe. http://www.
6671. (accessed 13 November 2006).

Description Dietary sources

Selenium is an essential trace element. See Table 2 for dietary sources of selenium.

Human requirements Metabolism

See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for Absorption
selenium. Little is known about the intestinal absorp-
tion of selenium, but it appears to be easily
Dietary intake
In the UK, the average adult diet provides Distribution
39 g daily.1 Selenium enters the food chain Selenium is stored in red cells, liver, spleen,
through plants, which take it up from the soil. heart, nails, tooth enamel, testes and sperm.
Selenium intake is low in parts of the world It is incorporated into the enzyme glutathione
where soil selenium content is low, and human peroxidase, the metabolically active form of
dietary intakes therefore vary from high to low selenium.
according to geography. Selenium intakes in
most parts of Europe (including the UK) are con- Elimination
siderably lower than in the USA, European soils Selenium is excreted mainly in the urine.
being a poorer source of selenium. Current UK
intakes are about half the Reference Nutrient
Intake, having declined considerably over the Deficiency
past 25 years, and this may have implications
Deficiency has been associated with muscle pain
for disease risk.
and tenderness; some cases of cardiomyopathy
have occurred in patients on total parenteral
nutrition with low selenium status. Keshan
disease (seen mainly in China) is a syndrome of
Selenium functions as an integral part of the en- endemic cardiomyopathy that is alleviated by
zyme glutathione peroxidase and other seleno- selenium supplementation.
proteins. Glutathione peroxidase prevents There is evidence that less overt selenium
the generation of oxygen free radicals that cause deficiency can have adverse consequences for
the destruction of polyunsaturated fatty acids health. Low selenium status has been linked
in cell membranes. Selenium spares the require- to loss of immunocompetence,2 the develop-
ment for vitamin E and vice versa. Selenium has ment of virulence and progression of some
additional effects, particularly in relation to the viral infections,3 miscarriage,4 male infertility,5
immune response and cancer prevention, which depressed mood,6 senility and Alzheimers
are not entirely due to these enzymic functions. disease6 and poor thyroid function.7

Selenium 289

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for selenium (g/day)

EU RDA = none


03 months 4 10 15 45 6
46 months 5 13 15 45 6
79 months 5 10 20 45 10
1012 months 6 10 20 45 10
13 years 7 15 20 90 17
46 years 10 20 22
48 years 30 150
710 years 16 30 21a
1114 years 25 45 40 400 32b
1518 years 40 70 50 400 32
1950+ years 40 75 200 70 400 341
1114 years 25 45 45 400 26b
1518 years 40 60 50 400 26
1950+ years 40 60 200 55 400 262
Pregnancy * * 65 400 2830
Lactation +15 +15 75 400 3542

No increment.
a 79 years. b 1014 years.
1 > 65 years, 33 g.
2 5165 years, 26 g, > 65 years, 25 g.
EVM = Safe upper level from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from diet and supplements.

Selenium deficiency has also been associ- However, other studies have shown no such
ated with CVD, although results from epi- links.
demiological studies have been mixed. Thus, Low selenium intake has been linked to
a two- to three-fold increase in cardiovascu- cancer mortality. In one study,11 dietary intake
lar mortality was found in individuals with of selenium in 27 countries was found to cor-
serum selenium concentrations below 45 g/L relate inversely with total age-adjusted cancer
compared with individuals above that concen- mortality, and low selenium status has been
tration at baseline.8 A Danish study9 showed linked with an increased risk of cancer incidence
that middle-aged and elderly men with serum and mortality.12,13 A nested case-control study
selenium below 70 g/L had a significantly within a cohort of 9000 Finnish individuals
increased risk of ischaemic heart disease. The showed the adjusted relative risk of lung cancer
10-centre EURAMIC study10 found an inverse between the highest and lowest tertiles of serum
relationship between toenail selenium levels and selenium to be 0.41.14 In a study looking at
risk of myocardial infarction, but only in the the association between selenium intake and
centre with the lowest selenium (Germany). prostate cancer involving 34 000 men, those
290 Selenium

tion designed to test the hypothesis that se-

Table 2 Dietary sources of selenium lenium supplementation could reduce the risk
of cancer. A total of 1312 individuals with
a history of non-melanoma skin cancer were
Food portion Selenium randomised to placebo or 200 g selenium a
content (g) day (as selenium yeast) for an average treatment
period of 4.5 years with a total follow-up of
Cereals 1
6.4 years. There were no statistically significant
2 slices bread 30 differences in incidence of basal cell carcinoma
Milk and dairy products or squamous cell carcinoma. However, total
2 pint milk 330 cancer incidence was 37% lower in the selenium
1 egg 325 group, with 63% fewer cancers of the prostate,
Meat and fish 58% fewer cancers of the colon, and 46% fewer
Beef, cooked (100 g) 3
cancers of the lung. There were more cases of
Lamb, cooked (100 g) 1
Pork, cooked (100 g) 15
breast cancer and leukaemia-lymphoma in the
Chicken, cooked (100 g) 8 selenium group, but these differences were not
Liver (90 g) 20 statistically significant. Further analysis of the
Fish, cooked (150 g) 3050 trial data across the entire treatment period,
Vegetables which ended 3 years after the first analysis
1 small can baked beans (200 g) 4 was conducted, continued to demonstrate that
Lentils, red kidney beans or other 5
selenium supplementation was ineffective at
pulses, cooked (105 g)
Green vegetables, average, boiled 13 preventing basal cell carcinoma, but that it
(100 g) increases the risk of squamous cell carcinoma
Fruit and total non-melanoma skin cancer.17 Yet
1 banana 2 further analysis of the entire treatment period
1 orange 2 of this trial continued to show a significant
Nuts protective effect of selenium on the overall inci-
20 almonds 1
10 Brazil nuts 200
dence of prostate cancer, although the effect was
30 peanuts 1 restricted to those with lower baseline prostate-
specific antigen (PSA) levels and plasma sele-
1 Cereals are important sources of selenium, but the content reflects nium concentrations.18
the selenium content of the soils on which they are grown and is A systematic review and meta-analysis of 16
therefore highly variable.
studies concluded that selenium may reduce
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics).
the risk of prostate cancer.19 Further large
randomised trials, which are ongoing, will help
in the lowest quintile of selenium status were to throw more light on this issue.
found to have three times the likelihood of Supplements of dietary antioxidants (includ-
developing advanced prostate cancer as those ing selenium), reduced the incidence of oesoph-
in the highest quintile.15 ageal and gastric cancer and total cancer
in a study in 30 000 adults in Linxian, China,20
an area where the incidence of oesophageal and
Possible uses
stomach cancer is high, and the intake of certain
Cancer (prevention) nutrients is low. There is also some evidence
Studies have shown that selenium supplementa- that selenium may protect against colorectal
tion may reduce the risk of certain cancers (e.g. cancer21 and lung cancer.22
colon, gastric, lung and prostate), but not others Selenium has been studied for a link with
(breast, oesophageal and skin). breast cancer. A number of case-control studies
The US Nutritional Prevention of Can- have explored this link, but no significant
cer (NPC) trial16 was the first double-blind, associations have been found. The evidence has
placebo-controlled trial in a Western popula- been summarised by Attract.23 Low selenium
Selenium 291

status seems not to be an important factor in involvement in six out of eight of the treated
the development of breast cancer. subjects but none of the controls, and improve-
ments disappeared 3 months after therapy was
Cardiovascular disease withdrawn, even though indicators of selenium
Selenium may have a role in the prevention of status remained elevated. However, selenium
CVD, but evidence for the benefit of supple- (256 g daily from selenium-rich yeast) was not
mentation is limited. In a double-blind, placebo- effective in a trial of 40 men and women with
controlled study,24 81 patients received either an average arthritis duration of 13.5 years.30
selenium-rich yeast (100 g daily) or placebo A further trial in 55 patients with moderate
for a 6-month period. During the study period rheumatoid arthritis did not show any clini-
there were four cardiac deaths in the placebo cal benefit with selenium (selenium-rich yeast
group but none in the selenium group. There 200 g daily).31
were two non-fatal reinfarctions in the placebo
group, and one in the selenium group. Miscellaneous
In a further trial, 504 participants (free of Selenium has been found to improve mood in
CVD) were randomised to selenium 200 g some studies but not others.32 There is some
daily and 500 participants (free of CVD) to evidence that selenium may be of benefit in
placebo. Selenium supplementation was not asthma,33 immune function,34 and the manage-
significantly associated with any of the CVD ment of HIV infection.35
end points or all CVD mortality during 7.6 years
of follow-up. The authors concluded that there
was no overall effect of selenium supplementa- Conclusion
tion on the primary prevention of CVD in this Epidemiological research and evidence
population.25 from a large controlled intervention trial
suggest that selenium may reduce cancer
Infertility risk. The role of selenium in heart disease
Selenium supplementation (selenomethionine is unclear and controlled clinical trials are
100 g daily) increased sperm motility in a study required to identify any benefits of supple-
involving 64 subfertile men.26 Sperm count was mentation. Results from studies of selenium
unchanged after supplementation for 3 months, in rheumatoid arthritis are conflicting.
but sperm motility increased in 56% of the men.
By the time of publication, 11% of the selenium-
supplemented men had confirmed paternity, but
none of the placebo group had. A further study Precautions/contraindications
found beneficial effects of selenium (with vita- Yeast-containing selenium products should be
min E) on semen quality.27 However, another avoided by patients taking monoamine oxidase
trial found a decrease in sperm motility with inhibitors.
selenium, suggesting caution and the need for
further studies to assess this potential effect.28
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Rheumatoid arthritis
Selenium may be useful as an adjunct in the No problems with normal intakes.
treatment of recent-onset rheumatoid arthri-
tis. In a study, 15 women with rheumatoid
Adverse effects
arthritis of less than 5 years duration who had
been treated with NSAIDs and/or with other There is a narrow margin of safety for sele-
anti-rheumatic drugs received selenium (200 g nium. Adverse effects include hair loss, nail
daily from selenium-rich yeast) supplementation changes, skin lesions, nausea, diarrhoea, irri-
for 3 months.29 This led to improvement in tability, metallic taste, garlic-smelling breath,
subjective pain and clinical assessment of joint fatigue and peripheral neuropathy.
292 Selenium

Interactions association with dietary selenium intakes. Bioinorg

Chem 1977; 7: 3536.
There is some evidence that clozapine may 12 Combs GF Jr, Gray WP. Chemopreventive agents:
reduce selenium levels and that this could be selenium. Pharmacol Ther 1998; 79: 179182.
important in the pathogenesis of cardiac side- 13 Kok FJ, de Bruin AM, Hofman A, et al. Is serum
effects with clozapine.36 selenium a risk factor for cancer in men only? Am J
Epidemiol 1987; 125: 1216.
14 Knekt P, Marniemi J, Teppo L, et al. Is low selenium
status a risk factor for lung cancer? Am J Epidemiol
1998; 148: 975982.
Selenium is available mainly in antioxidant 15 Yoshizawa K, Willett WC, Morris SJ, et al. Study
supplements with vitamin E and vitamin A, and of prediagnostic selenium level in toenails and the
risk of advanced prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst
is also an ingredient in multivitamin supple- 1998; 90: 12191224.
ments. 16 Clark LC, Combs Jr GF, Turnbill BW. Effects of
The dose is not established; 50100 g daily selenium supplementation for cancer prevention in
is considered to be safe. patients with carcinoma of the skin: a randomized
controlled trial: Nutritional Prevention of Cancer
Study Group. JAMA 1996; 276: 19571963.
References 17 Duffield-Lillico AJ, Slate EH, Reid ME, et al.
Selenium supplementation and secondary prevention
1 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. 1997 of nonmelanoma skin cancer in a randomized trial.
Total Diet Study Aluminium, Arsenic, Cadmium, J Natl Cancer Inst 2003; 95: 14771481.
Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Sele- 18 Duffield-Lillico AJ, Dalkin BL, Reid ME, et al.
nium, Tin and Zinc. London: MAFF, 1999. Selenium supplementation, baseline plasma selenium
2 Spallholz JE, Boylan LM, Larsen HS, et al. Advances status and incidence of prostate cancer: an analysis
in understanding seleniums role in the immune of the complete treatment period of the Nutritional
system. Ann NY Acad Sci 1990; 587: 129139. Prevention of Cancer Trial. BJU Int 2003; 91:
3 Taylor EW, Nadimpalli RG, Ramanathan CS, et al. 608612.
Genomic structures of viral agents in relation to the 19 Etminan M, FitzGerald JM, Gleave M, Chambers K.
biosynthesis of selenoproteins. Biol Trace Elem Res Intake of selenium in the prevention of prostate can-
1997; 56: 6391. cer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer
4 Barrington JW, Taylor M, Smith S, Bowen-Simpkins Causes Control 2005; 16: 11251131.
P. Selenium and recurrent miscarriage. J Obstet 20 Blot WJ, Li J-Y, Taylor PR, et al. Nutrition interven-
Gynaecol 1997; 17: 199200. tion trial in Linxian, China: supplementation with
5 Oldereid NB, Thomassen Y, Purvis K, et al. Selenium specific vitamin/mineral combinations, cancer inci-
in human male reproductive organs. Hum Reprod dence and disease-specific mortality in the general
1998; 13: 21722176. population. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993; 85:
6 Hawkes WC, Hornbostel L. Effects of dietary sele- 14831492.
nium on mood in healthy men living in a metabolic 21 Jacobs ET, Jiang R, Alberts DS, et al. Selenium and
research unit. Biol Psychiatry 1996; 39: 121128. colorectal adenoma: results of a pooled analysis. J
7 Olivieri O, Girelli D, Azzini M, et al. Low selenium Natl Cancer Inst 2004; 96: 16691675.
status in the elderly influences thyroid hormones. 22 Zhuo H, Smith AH, Steinmaus C. Selenium and lung
Clin Sci 1995; 89: 637642. cancer: a quantitative analysis of heterogeneity in the
8 Salonen JT, Alfhthan G, Pikkarainen J, et al. Associ- current epidemiological literature. Cancer Epidemiol
ation between cardiovascular death and myocardial Biomarkers Prev 2004; 13: 771778.
infarction and serum selenium in a matched pair 23 Is there any evidence to suggest selenium
longitudinal study. Lancet 1982; ii: 175179. supplementation is effective in the prevention
9 Virtamo J, Valkiela E, Alfhthan G, et al. Serum of breastcancer? ATTRACT15/10/02. http://www.
selenium and the risk of coronary heart disease and answers.cfm?
stroke. Am J Epidemiol 1985; 122: 276282. question id=930 (accessed 3 March 2006).
10 Kardinaal AFM, Kok FJ, Kohlmeier L, et al. Associa- 24 Korpela H, Kumpulainen J, Jussila E. Effect of
tion between toenail selenium and risk of myocardial selenium supplementation after acute myocardial
infarction in European men: the EURAMIC study. infaraction. Res Commun Pathol Pharmacol 1989;
Am J Epidemiol 1997; 145: 373379. 65: 249252.
11 Schrauzer GN, White DA, Schneider CJ, et al. 25 Stranges S, Marshall JR, Trevisan M, et al. Effects of
Cancer mortality correlation studies. III. Statistical selenium supplementation on cardiovascular disease
Selenium 293

incidence and mortality: secondary analyses in a 31 Peretz A, Siderova V, Neve J. Selenium supplementa-
randomised clinical trial. Am J Epidemiol 2006; 163: tion in rheumatoid arthritis investigated in a double-
694699. blind, placebo-controlled trial. Scand J Rheumatol
26 Scott R, MacPherson A, Yates RWS, et al. The effect 2001; 30: 208212.
of oral selenium supplementation on human sperm 32 Rayman M, Thompson A, Warren-Perry M, et al.
motility. Br J Urol 1998; 82: 7680. Impact of selenium on mood and quality of life. Biol
27 Keskes-Ammar L, Feki-Chakroun N, Rebai T, et Psychiatry 2006; 59: 147154.
al. Sperm oxidative stress and the effect of oral 33 Allam MF, Lucane RA. Selenium supplementation
vitamin E and selenium supplement on semen qual- for asthma. Cochrane database, issue 2, 2004.
ity in infertile men. Arch Androl 2003; 49: London: Macmillan.
8384. 34 Broome CS, McArdle F, Kyle JA, et al. An increase
28 Hawkes WC, Turek PJ. Effects of dietary selenium in selenium intake improves immune function and
on sperm motility in healthy men. J Androl 2001; poliovirus handling in adults with marginal selenium
22: 764772. status. Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80: 154162.
29 Peretz A, Neve J, Duchateau J, et al. Adjuvant 35 Burbano X, Miguez-Barbano MJ, McCollister K,
treatment of recent onset rheumatoid arthritis by et al. Impact of a selenium chemoprevention clinical
selenium supplementation. Br J Rheumatol 1992; trial on hospital admissions of HIV-infected partici-
31: 281282. pants. HIV Clin Trials 2002; 3: 483491.
30 Tarp U, Overvad K, Thorling EB, et al. Selenium 36 Vaddadi KS, Soosai E, Vaddadi G. Low blood
treatment in rheumatoid arthritis. Scand J Rheuma- selenium concentrations in schizophrenic patients on
tol 1985; 14: 364368. clozapine. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2003; 55: 307309.
Shark cartilage

Description evidence from controlled trials that shark car-

tilage cures cancer in humans.
Cartilage obtained from various types of shark.
In a study of cancer patients taking shark
cartilage either rectally or orally, 10 of the 20
Constituents patients reported an improved quality of life,
including increased appetite and reduced pain,
Cartilage tissue contains a mixture of gly- after 8 weeks. In addition, four of the 20 patients
cosaminoglycans, one of which is chondroitin showed partial or complete response (50100%
sulphate. Shark cartilage is also thought to reduction in tumour mass). However, infor-
contain compounds known as anti-angiogenesis mation on patient selection criteria, cartilage
factors, including sphyrnastatin 1 and 2.1 These dose and concomitant cytotoxic therapy was
are factors that inhibit the growth of new blood not provided.7
vessels, typically seen in malignant tumours, and A 12-week open clinical trial on 60 patients
this mechanism could, in theory, be helpful in with advanced cancer assessed the efficacy and
human cancer. safety of shark cartilage at a dose of 1 g/kg daily.
No complete or partial positive responses were
Action found, and the authors concluded that shark
cartilage had no anti-cancer activity and no
It has been suggested that shark cartilage effect on quality of life.8
may prevent tumour growth. The proposed
mechanism is that the anti-angiogenesis factors
prevent tumours from developing the network Conclusion
of blood vessels they need to supply them with There is currently no evidence from clinical
nutrients. This supposedly starves tumours and trials that shark cartilage helps to cure
causes them to shrink. The popularity of this cancer in humans.
anti-cancer theory increased as a result of a
popular book, Sharks Dont Get Cancer.2

Possible uses Precautions/contraindications

Shark cartilage has been proposed as a supple- Avoid in patients with hepatic disease. There has
ment for the treatment of cancer and (because been a single case report of hepatitis attributed
of its chondroitin content) for the treatment of to shark cartilage.9

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Various in vitro,24 animal5 and human6 stud-
ies have shown that shark cartilage has anti- There are no available data. Shark cartilage
angiogenic properties. However, there is no should be avoided.

Shark cartilage 295

Adverse effects 2 Lane IW. Sharks Dont Get Cancer. Garden City
Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1992:
Hepatitis and various gastrointestinal effects 107118.
(e.g. nausea, vomiting constipation) have been 3 Sheu JR, Fu CC, Tsai ML, et al. Effect of
reported. A case study has found that shark U-995, a potent shark cartilage-derived angio-
cartilage dust can be a cause of asthma. A genesis inhibitor, on anti-angiogenesis and
38-year-old man reported chest symptoms at anti-tumour activities. Anticancer Res 1998; 18:
work in association with exposure to shark 4 Dupont E, Savard PE, Jourdain C, et al. Antiangio-
cartilage dust and was diagnosed with asthma. genic properties of a novel shark cartilage extract:
Six months later he complained of shortness potential role in the treatment of psoriasis. J Cutan
of breath and died from autopsy-confirmed Med Surg 1998; 2: 146152.
asthma.10 5 Horsman MR, Alsner J, Overgaard J. The effect of
shark cartilage extracts on the growth and metastatic
spread of the SCCVII carcinoma. Acta Oncol 1998;
Interactions 37: 441445.
None reported. 6 Berbari P, Thibodeau A, Germain L, et al. Antian-
giogenic effect of the oral administration of liquid
cartilage extract in humans. J Surg Res 1999; 87:
Dose 108113.
Shark cartilage is available in the form of tablets, 7 Mathews J. Media feeds frenzy over shark cartilage
as cancer cancer treatment. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993;
capsules and powder. 85: 11901191.
The dose is not established. There is no 8 Miller DR, Anderson GT, Stark JJ, et al. Phase I/II
proven value of shark cartilage supplements. trial of the safety and efficacy of shark cartilage in the
treatment of advanced cancer. J Clin Oncol 1998;
References 16: 36493655.
9 Ahsar B, Vargo E. Shark-cartilage induced hepatitis.
1 McGuire TR, Kazakoff PW, Hoie EB, et al. Antipro- Ann Intern Med 1996; 125: 780781.
liferative activity of shark cartilage with and without 10 Ortega HG, Kreiss K, Schill DP, Weissman DN. Fatal
tumor necrosis factor-alpha in human umbilical asthma from powdering shark cartilage and review
vein endothelium. Pharmacotherapy 1996; 16: of fatal occupational asthma literature. Am J Ind
237244. Med 2002; 42: 5054.

Description Dietary sources

Silicon is a non-metallic element found in plants, Silicon is found principally in foods derived
animals and most living organisms. The term from plants, particularly grains such as oats,
silica is used to refer to naturally-occurring ma- barley and rice. Animal foods contain lower
terials composed principally of silicon dioxide concentrations. Beer is also a rich source of
(SiO2 ). It is thought to be essential for human silicon.4 Silicon is also found in drinking water
beings. as orthosilicic acid. Consumption of 2 L a day
of drinking water could result in consumption
of 10 mg silicon.2
Human requirements
Although silicon is thought to be essential, Metabolism
human requirements for silicon have not been Absorption
established. There are no Dietary Reference Silicon in the form of silicic acid is readily
Values. absorbed by human beings, and absorption is
increased by dietary fibre.

Intake Distribution
The intake of dietary silicon in the UK is Silica is freely transported in the blood and is
unknown. Intakes in the USA range from 20 freely diffusible into tissues from the plasma.
to 50 mg daily.1 High levels are present in bone, nails, tendons
and the walls of the aorta. Lower levels are
present in red blood cells and serum. Silicon has
also been found in the liver, kidneys, lungs and
Action spleen.
Silicon is involved in the formation of bone
and connective tissues. The precise mechanism Elimination
is uncertain. However, it has been suggested Silicon is readily excreted in the urine with
that silicon could facilitate the formation of smaller amounts being excreted in the faeces.
glycosaminoglycan and collagen components of Silicon excretion increases as dietary intake is
the bone matrix through its role as a constituent increased.
of the enzyme prolyhydrolase. Alternatively,
it may have a structural role in glycosamino-
glycans and linking different polysaccharides
in the bone matrix.2 Silicon also appears to Silicon bioavailability depends on the solubility
have a role in reducing the absorption of of the silicon compounds in question. It is
aluminium.3 thought that silicic acid is the form absorbed in

Silicon 297

the gastrointestinal tract. Absorption of silicic are primarily limited to silicosis, a lung disease
acid from the gut has been reported to be resulting from the inhalation of silica particles.
Silicon deficiency has not been observed in Silicon has been reported to interact with a num-
humans. In rats and chickens, silicon defi- ber of minerals, including aluminium, copper
ciency produces deformities of the skull and and zinc.
peripheral bones.1 In silicon-deficient animals,
glycosaminoglycan and collagen concentrations Drugs
in bone are reduced. The concentration of None reported.
other minerals in bone such as calcium, mag-
nesium, zinc, sodium, iron, potassium and man-
ganese may also be decreased in silicon-deficient
animals. The dose is not established. Dietary supplements
in the UK provide doses of up to 500 mg daily.
Possible uses
Upper safety levels
Silicon has been claimed to have various ben-
efits such as reducing the risk of osteoporosis The Food Standards Agency Expert Vitamins
and osteoarthritis, and preventing CHD and and Minerals (EVM) group set a safe upper level
hypertension. Silicon has been shown to have for adults for total silicon intake (from foods
an inhibitory effect on bone mass loss and and supplements) of 760 mg daily.1
stimulation of bone formation in rats.5,6 It may
have a role in reducing the risk of Alzheimers
disease, because it may reduce the absorption of
aluminium.3 It is also claimed to improve hair 1 Eckert C. Other trace elements. In: Shils ME, Shike
growth and have benefits for the skin. However, M, Ross AC, Caballero B, Cousins RJ, eds. Modern
no clinical trials in humans have been identified. Nutrition in Health and Disease, 10th edn.
London: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2006:
Precautions/contraindications 350.
2 Food Standards Agency. Risk assessment. Silicon.
No at-risk groups or situations have been
documented. nutritionessentials/vitaminsandminerals/silicon (ac-
cessed 8 July 2006).
3 Edwardson JA, Moore PB, Ferrier IN, et al. Effect of
Pregnancy and breast-feeding silicon on gastrointestinal absorption of aluminium.
Lancet 1993; 342: 211212.
No problems have been reported, but there 4 Bellia JP, Birchall JD, Roberts NB. Beer: a dietary
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee source of silicon. Lancet 1994; 343: 235.
the safety of silicon in pregnancy and breast- 5 Rico H, Gallego-Lago JL, Hernandez ER, et al.
feeding. Effect of silicon supplement on osteopenia induced
by ovariectomy in rats. Calcif Tissue Int 2000; 66:
Adverse effects 6 Calomme M, Geusens P, Demeester N, et al. Partial
prevention of long-term femoral bone loss in aged
There are few data on the oral toxicity of ovariectomized rats supplemented with choline-
silicon in humans. In humans, adverse effects stabilized orthosilicic acid. Calcif Tissue Int 2006;
78: 227232.

Spirulina is a blue-green microscopic alga; it Table 1 Claimed1 nutrient content of spirulina
grows in freshwater ponds and lakes, thriving
in warm and alkaline environments.
Nutrient per per typical % RNI2
100 g dose (10 g)

Protein (g) 70 7
See Table 1 for the claimed nutrient content of Fat (g) 7 0.7
spirulina. Carbohydrate (g) 15 1.5
Beta-carotene (mg) 170 17
Thiamine (mg) 5.5 0.5 55
Action Riboflavin (mg) 4.0 0.4 33
Niacin (mg) 11.8 1.2 8
Spirulina consists of approximately 6570% Pyridoxine (mg) 0.3 0.03 2.5
crude protein, high concentration of B vita- Vitamin B12 (g) 200 20 1333
mins, phenylalanine, iron and other minerals. Folic acid (g) 50 5 2.5
Pantothenic acid 1.1 0.1
However all the B vitamins (including B12 ) are
thought to be in the form of analogues and Biotin (g) 40 4
nutritionally insignificant. The iron is believed Vitamin E (mg) 19 0.2
to be highly bioavailable with 1.52 mg being Inositol (mg) 35 3.5
absorbed from a 10-g dose of spirulina. Calcium (mg) 132 13 2
Magnesium (mg) 192 19 6
Potassium (mg) 1540 154 4
Phosphorus (mg) 894 89 16
Possible uses Iron (mg) 58 5.8 48
Lipid lowering Zinc (mg) 4 0.4 6
Manganese (mg) 2.5 0.2
Various pilot studies have shown that spirulina
Selenium (g) 40 4 2
may have a lipid-lowering and hypoglycaemic
effect in patients with non-insulin-dependent 1 Reported on a product label.
diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). One study1 looked 2 Reference Nutrient Intake for males aged 1950 years.
at the long-term effect of spirulina supplemen-
tation (2 g daily) on blood sugar levels, serum
lipid profile and glycated serum protein levels Miscellaneous
in 15 NIDDM patients. Supplementation for Spirulina has been shown in vitro to have anti-
2 months resulted in a significant reduction in viral activity.2,3 It may also modulate inflamma-
triglycerides and total cholesterol, as well as a tory compounds in allergic conditions. A recent
reduction in blood sugar and glycated serum double-blind crossover study investigated the
protein levels. Levels of HDL increased, while effect of spirulina 1000 mg or 2000 mg daily for
those of LDL fell. 12 weeks in individuals with allergic rhinitis. A

Spirulina 299

dose of 2000 mg daily inhibited the production Interactions

of interleukin-4 (a type of cytokine), which None known.
could be protective against allergic rhinitis.4
Spirulina is claimed to act as a tonic and be
beneficial in Alzheimers disease; peptic ulcer; Dose
increasing stamina in athletes; and retarding
ageing. There is no evidence for any of these Spirulina is available in the form of tablets,
claims. When spirulina was introduced into the capsules and powders.
USA in 1979 as a slimming aid, the Food and The dose is not established. There is no
Drug Administration could find no evidence to proven benefit of spirulina. Dietary supplements
support these claimed benefits. provide 610 g per daily dose.

Conclusion References
There is preliminary evidence that spirulina
could lower lipids and have an anti-viral 1 Mani UV, Desai S, Iyer U. Studies on the long
term effect of spirulina supplementation on serum
and anti-allergic effect. However, controlled
lipid profile and glycated proteins in NIDDM
trials are required to confirm these effects. patients. J Nutraceut Funct Med Foods 2000; 2:
2 Hayashi K, Hayashi T, Kojima I. A natural
Precautions/contraindications sulfated polysaccharide, calcium spirulan, isolated
from Spirulina platensis: in vitro and ex vivo
Spirulina may be contaminated with mercury. evaluation of anti-herpes simplex virus and
anti-human immunodeficiency virus activities.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1996; 12:
Avoid (contaminants see Precautions). 3 Hayashi T, Hayashi K, Maeda M, et al. Calcium
spirulan, an inhibitor of enveloped virus replication,
Adverse effects from blue-green algae Spirulina platensis. J Nat Prod
1996; 59: 8387.
Effects not known (contaminants see 4 Mao TK, Van de Water J, Gershwin ME. Effects
Precautions). of a Spirulina-based dietary supplement on cytokine
production from allergic rhinitis patients. J Med
Food 2005; 8: 2730.
Superoxide dismutase

Description Precautions/contraindications
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a group of None reported.
enzymes that is widely distributed in the body;
several different forms exist with varying metal
content. Copper-containing SOD is extracellu- Pregnancy and breast-feeding
lar and present in high concentrations in the
No problems reported, but there have been
lungs, thyroid and uterus and in small amounts
insufficient studies to guarantee the safety of
in plasma. SOD containing copper and zinc
SOD in pregnancy and breast-feeding.
is present within the cells and found in high
concentrations in brain, erythrocytes, kidney,
liver, pituitary and thyroid. Adverse effects
None reported from oral doses.
SOD enzymes act as scavengers of superoxide
radicals, and protect against oxidative damage Interactions
(by catalysing conversion of superoxide radicals None reported.
to peroxide).

Possible uses Dose

SOD is claimed to be useful for prevention of SOD is available in the form of tablets and
CVD, cancer and retardation of ageing. Such capsules. However, products may not have any
claims are partly based on studies that have of the stated activity because they are acid-labile
used SOD by injection in clinical management. and break down before absorption.
SOD is not absorbed from an oral dose and The dose is not established. Not recom-
dietary supplements are therefore likely to be mended as a dietary supplement (probably
ineffective. ineffective).


Description Metabolism
Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin of the Absorption
vitamin B complex. Absorption occurs mainly in the jejunum and
ileum by both active transport and passive
Thiamine is the British Approved Name for use Distribution
on pharmaceutical labels. Thiamin is used to Thiamine is transported in the plasma bound
describe the vitamin present in food. It is known to albumin, and stored in the heart, liver,
also as vitamin B1 and aneurine. muscle, kidneys and brain. Only small amounts
are stored and turnover is relatively high, so
continuous intake is necessary. Thiamine is
Human requirements
rapidly converted to its biologically active form,
Thiamine requirements depend on energy in- thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP).
take; values are therefore often given as
mg/1000 kcal and also as total values based on
estimated average energy requirements for the
Thiamine is eliminated mainly in the urine
majority of people in the UK (Table 1).
(as metabolites). Excess beyond requirements is
excreted as free thiamine. Thiamine crosses the
Dietary intake placenta and is excreted in breast milk.

In the UK, the average adult diet provides: for

men, 2.0 mg daily; for women, 1.54 mg. Bioavailability
Bioavailability may be reduced by alcohol.
Action Requirements are increased by increasing carbo-
hydrate intake. Thiamine is unstable above pH
Thiamine functions as a coenzyme in the 7, and the addition of sodium bicarbonate to
oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-ketoacids peas or green beans (to retain the green colour)
(involved in energy production) and in the trans- can lead to large losses of thiamine. It is also
ketolase reaction of the pentose phosphate path- destroyed by heat and by processing foods
way (involved in carbohydrate metabolism). at alkaline pHs, high temperature and in the
Thiamine is also important in nerve transmis- presence of oxygen or other oxidants. Freezing
sion (independently of coenzyme function). does not affect thiamine.
Thiamine antagonists (thiaminases) in coffee,
tea, raw fish, betel nuts and some vegetables
Dietary sources
can lead to thiamine destruction in foods during
See Table 2 for dietary sources of thiamine. food processing or in the gut after ingestion.

302 Thiamine

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for thiamine (mg/day)

EU RDA = 1.6 mg


06 months 0.2 0.23 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2

712 months 0.2 0.23 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
13 years 0.23 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5
46 years 0.23 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.6
48 years 0.6
710 years 0.23 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.9a
913 years 0.9
1114 years 0.23 0.3 0.4 0.9 1.2b
1550 years 0.23 0.3 0.4 0.9 1002 1.2
1470+ years 1.2
1114 years 0.23 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.1b
1418 years 1.0
1550+ years 0.23 0.3 0.4 0.8 1002 1.1
1970+ years 1.1
Pregnancy 0.23 0.3 0.4 +0.13 1.4 +0.1
Lactation 0.23 0.3 0.4 +0.2 1.5 +0.2

a 79 years. b 1014 years.

1 mg/1000 kcal. 2 mg/day. 3 Last trimester only.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level (not determined for thiamine).

Deficiency which requires a higher than normal concen-

tration of thiamine diphosphate for activity.1
Thiamine deficiency may lead to beri-beri This would suggest that there may be a group of
(rare in the UK). Deficiency is associated with the population who have a higher than average
abnormalities of carbohydrate metabolism. requirement for thiamine, but the evidence
Early signs of deficiency (including subclinical is not convincing. Signs of wet beri-beri in-
deficiency) are anorexia, irritability and weight clude enlarged heart with normal sinus rhythm
loss; later features include headache, weakness, (usually tachycardia), and peripheral oedema.
tachycardia and peripheral neuropathy. Signs of dry beri-beri include mental confusion,
Advanced deficiency is characterised by anorexia, muscle weakness and wasting, ataxia
involvement of two major organ systems: and ophthalmoplegia.
the cardiovascular system (wet beri-beri) and Thiamine deficiency has been observed in
the nervous system (dry beri-beri, Wernickes HIV-positive patients,2 those with chronic fa-
encephalopathy and Korsakoffs psychosis). tigue syndrome,3 hospitalised elderly patients,4
The WernickeKorsakoff syndrome may be ass- and patients on emergency admission to
ociated with a genetic variant of transketolase, hospital.5
Thiamine 303

Long-term furosemide use may be associated

Table 2 Dietary sources of thiamine with thiamine deficiency through urinary loss,
contributing to cardiac insufficiency in patients
Food portion Thiamine
with CHF. It has been suggested that thiamine
content (mg) supplementation could improve left ventricular
function. However, study results are contro-
Breakfast cereals versial. One review suggested that, pending
1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 0.4
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 0.5
further studies, thiamine administration could
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 0.3 be considered in patients receiving very large
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 0.4 doses of diuretics and others at risk for thiamine
1 bowl porridge (160 g) 0.1
2 pieces Shredded Wheat 0.15
deficiency (elderly, malnourished, alcoholic).6
1 bowl Shreddies (50 g) 0.6 There is also a form of diabetes that is depen-
1 bowl Start (40 g) 0.6 dent on thiamine (thiamine-responsive megalo-
2 Weetabix 0.4
Cereal products blastic anaemia syndrome (TRMA)), which is
Bread, brown, 2 slices 0.2 the association of diabetes mellitus, anaemia
white, 2 slices 0.15 and deafness, caused by mutations in a gene
wholemeal, 2 slices 0.2
1 chapati 0.15 encoding a thiamine transporter protein. This
1 naan bread 0.3 syndrome responds to thiamine initially, but
1 white pitta bread 0.15 most patients become fully insulin-dependent
Pasta, brown, boiled (150 g) 0.3
white, boiled (150 g) 0.01 after puberty.7
Rice, brown, boiled (160 g) 0.2
white, boiled (160 g) 0.01
2 heaped tablespoons wheatgerm 0.3 Possible uses
Milk and dairy products
2 pint milk, whole, semi-skimmed, or 0.1 Supplementary thiamine may be beneficial in
1/2 pint soya milk 0.15 older people (> 65 years), people who consume
Cheese, 50 g 0.15 quantities of alcohol in excess of two units
Meat and fish daily, smokers and in HIV-positive patients.
3 rashers bacon, back, grilled 0.3
Beef, roast (85 g) 0.07 However, deficiency of one B vitamin is often
Lamb, roast (85 g) 0.12 associated with deficiencies in other B vitamins
Pork, roast (85 g) 0.55 and a multivitamin supplement is often more
1 pork chop, grilled (135 g) 0.7
2 slices ham 0.3 appropriate.
1 gammon rasher, grilled (120 g) 1.1 A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 76
1 chicken leg portion 0.1
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 0.2
elderly people found that thiamine 10 mg daily
Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 0.4 for 3 months significantly improved quality of
Fish, cooked (150 g) 0.15 life, and reduced blood pressure and weight in
Peas, boiled (100 g) 0.3
comparison with placebo, but only in subjects
Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 0.3 with low thiamine status. There was also a
1 small can baked beans (200 g) 0.2 non-significant trend to improvements in sleep
Chickpeas, cooked (105 g) 0.1
Red kidney beans (105 g) 0.2 and energy levels with supplementary thiamine,
Dahl, lentil (150 g) 0.1 and the authors concluded that older people
Fruit could benefit from increasing thiamine intake
1 apple, banana, or pear 0.04
1 orange 0.2 from supplements or diet.8
Nuts Thiamine has been considered of value in
10 Brazil nuts 0.3 various conditions such as Alzheimers disease
30 hazelnuts 0.1
30 peanuts 0.3 and mouth ulcers.
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds 0.1
Brewers yeast (10 g) 1.6 Alzheimers disease
Marmite, spread on 1 slice bread 0.15 Preclinical and laboratory studies show an
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics).
effect of thiamine on the release and break-
down of acetylcholine. Some intellectual
304 Thiamine

functions, including attention and memory, neuropathy,17 HIV,18 erectile dysfunction,19

are influenced by neurons that release acetyl- and periodontal wound healing,20 but usually
choline. Cholinergic function is impaired in only in those with poor thiamine status. Studies
Alzheimers disease. It has therefore been hy- have sometimes used other B vitamins as well,
pothesised that thiamine many be beneficial in so it is difficult to attribute any benefits to
Alzheimers disease. Biochemical abnormalities thiamine supplementation alone. One RCT has
have been found in the brains of patients shown that thiamine (100 mg daily) could be an
with Alzheimers disease. One double-blind, effective treatment for dysmenorrhoea.21
placebo-controlled trial found that 3000 mg
thiamine daily improved global cognitive scores
compared with a niacinamide placebo, but had Conclusion
no effect on behavioural ratings or clinicians There is some evidence that the elderly
subjective judgement of symptoms.9 Another could benefit from increased thiamine in-
small, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial take, but evidence for a benefit of thiamine
using 3000 mg thiamine found no benefits of supplementation in Alzheimers disease is
thiamine over placebo in slowing the develop- equivocal, and studies have used very high
ment of Alzheimers disease.10 A more com- doses (30007000 mg daily). Preliminary
plex placebo-controlled trial in patients with evidence suggests that thiamine deficiency
Alzheimers disease, designed with two phases, could be associated with mouth ulcers,
used doses of 3000 mg thiamine in the first but further research is required to find
phase, which lasted 1 month, and then doses out whether supplements can improve the
of 40008000 mg daily over 513 months. In condition.
the second phase, high-dose thiamine improved
scores on various neuropsychological tests, but
the authors advised caution in interpretation Precautions/contraindications
of the results, to prevent hopes being unreal-
istically raised.11 A Cochrane review12 of three Known hypersensitivity to thiamine.
RCTs concluded that the detail in the results was
insufficient to combine the results. The review Pregnancy and breast-feeding
therefore found no evidence of the efficacy of
thiamine in people with Alzheimers disease. No problems reported.

Mouth ulcers
Adverse effects
Low erythrocyte thiamine has been found in
people with recurrent mouth ulcers,13 and re- There appear to be no toxic effects (except pos-
placement of B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavine sibly gastric upset) with high oral doses. Large
and pyridoxine) led to improvement in clinical parenteral doses are generally well tolerated,
symptoms in individuals who were deficient in but there have been rare reports of anaphylactic
one or more of these vitamins.14 reactions (coughing, difficulty in breathing and
swallowing, flushing, skin rash, swelling of face,
Insect repellent lips and eyelids).
Anecdotally, thiamine has been found to be of
value as an insect repellent, but studies have
shown it to be ineffective.15,16 Thiamine should
not be relied upon as an insect repellent in areas Drugs
where malaria is endemic. Alcohol: excessive alcohol intake induces thi-
amine deficiency.
Miscellaneous Furosemide: may increase urinary loss of
Higher doses of thiamine (2550 mg daily) thiamine;22 prolonged furosemide therapy
have been found to be beneficial in diabetic may induce thiamine deficiency;23,24 thiamine
Thiamine 305

supplementation (200 mg daily) has been shown 6 Blanc P, Boussuges A. Is thiamine supplemen-
to improve left ventricular function in patients tation necessary in patients with cardiac insuf-
with CHF receiving furosemide therapy.25 ficiency? Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) 2001; 50:
7 Ricketts CJ, Minton JA, Samuel J, et al. Thiamine-
Nutrients responsive megaloblastic anaemia syndrome: long-
Adequate amounts of all B vitamins are required term follow-up and mutation analysis of seven
for optimal functioning; deficiency or excess of families. Acta Paediatr 2006; 95: 99104.
one B vitamin may lead to abnormalities in the 8 Wilkinson TJ, Hanger HC, Elmslie J, et al. The
metabolism of another. response to treatment of subclinical thiamine de-
ficiency in the elderly. Am J Clin Nutr 1997; 66:
Dose 9 Blass JP, Gleason P, Brush D, et al. Thiamine and
Alzheimers disease. A pilot study. Arch Neurol
Thiamine is available in the form of tablets and 1988; 45: 833835.
capsules. It is also found in multivitamins and 10 Nolan KA, Black RS, Sheu KF, et al. A trial of
in brewers yeast supplements. thiamine in Alzheimers disease. Arch Neurol 1991;
48: 8183.
No benefit of a dose beyond the RDA (as a
11 Meador K, Loring D, Nichols M, et al. Prelimi-
food supplement) has been established. nary findings of high-dose thiamine in dementia of
Doses for mild and severe deficiency can be Alzheimers type. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 1993;
found in the British National Formulary. The 6: 222229.
dose for prophylaxis or treatment of Wernicke 12 Rodriguez-Martin JL, Qizilbash N, Lopez-Arrieta
Korsakoff syndrome caused by alcohol abuse, JM. Thiamine for Alzheimers disease. Cochrane
and the length of time that thiamine should be database, issue 2, 2001. London: Macmillan.
13 Haisreili-Shalish M, Livneh A, Katz J, et al. Recur-
given after drinking has ceased, has not been rent aphthous stomatitis and thiamine deficiency.
clarified.26 Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod
1996; 82: 634636.
Upper safety levels 14 Nolan A, McIntosh WB, Allam BF, et al. Recurrent
aphthous ulceration: vitamin B1, B2 and B6 status
The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Miner- and response to replacement therapy. J Oral Pathol
als (EVM) has identified a likely safe total intake Med 1991; 20: 389391.
of thiamine for adults from supplements alone 15 Holzer RB. Malaria prevention without drugs.
of 100 mg daily. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 1993; 82: 139143.
16 Holzer RB. Protection against biting mosquitoes.
Ther Umsch 2001; 58: 341346.
References 17 Abbas ZG, Swai ABM. Evaluation of the efficacy of
thiamine and pyridoxine in the treatment of diabetic
1 Bender DA. Optimum nutrition: thiamin, biotin and peripheral neuropathy. East Afr Med J 1997; 74:
pantothenate. Proc Nutr Soc 1999; 58: 427433. 803808.
2 Muri RM, Von Overbeck J, Furrer J, Ballmer 18 Tang AM, Graham NMH, Saah AJ. Effects of
PE. Thiamin deficiency in HIV-positive patients: multinutrient intake on survival in human immuno-
evaluation by erythrocyte transketolase activity and deficiency type 1 infection. Am J Epidemiol 1996;
thiamin pyrophosphate effect. Clin Nutr 1999; 18: 143: 12441256.
375378. 19 Tjandra BS, Jangknegt RA. Neurogenic impotence
3 Heap LC, Peters TJ, Wessely S. Vitamin B status in and lower urinary tract symptoms due to vitamin B1
patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. J R Soc Med deficiency in chronic alcoholism. J Urol 1997; 157:
1999; 92: 183185. 954955.
4 Pepersack T, Garbusinski J, Robberecht J, et al. 20 Neiva RF, Al-Shammari K, Nociti FH, et al. Effects
Clinical relevance of thiamine status amongst hos- of vitamin-B complex supplementation on perio-
pitalized elderly patients. Gerontology 1999; 45: dontal wound healing. J Periodontol 2005; 76:
96101. 10841091.
5 Jamieson CP, Obeid OA, Powell Tuck J. The 21 Proctor ML, Murphy PA. Herbal and dietary
thiamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine status of patients therapies for primary and secondary dysmenor-
on emergency admission to hospital. Clin Nutr 1999; rhoea. Cochrane database, issue 2, 2001. London:
18: 8791. Macmillan.
306 Thiamine

22 Rieck J, Halkin H, Almog S, et al. Urinary loss of therapy: a pilot study. Am J Med 1991; 91:
thiamine is increased by low doses of furosemide 151155.
in healthy volunteers. J Lab Clin Med 1999; 134: 25 Shimon I, Almog S, Vered Z, et al. Improved
238243. ventricular function after thiamine supplementation
23 Brady JA, Rock CL, Horneffer MR. Thiamin sta- in patients with congestive heart failure receiving
tus, diuretic medications, and the management of long-term furosemide therapy. Am J Med 1995; 98:
congestive heart failure. J Am Dietet Ass 1995; 95: 485490.
541544. 26 Day E, Bentham P, Callaghan R, et al. Thiamine
24 Seligmann H, Halkin H, Rauchfleish S, et al. for WernickeKorsakoff Syndrome in people at
Thiamin deficiency in patients with conges- risk from over-consumption of alcohol. Cochrane
tive heart failure receiving long-term furosemide database, issue 4, 2003. London: Macmillan.

Description The presence of tin in fresh food is highly

dependent on the soil concentration of tin.
Tin is a metallic element usually found in the
Stannous chloride is a permitted food additive
form of the dioxide (SnO2 ). It has oxidation
states of II and IV. Tin has not been shown to
be essential in humans, but it is present in a
few multivitamin/multimineral supplements in
the UK.
Tin is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal
Human requirements tract.
Human requirements for tin have not been
established. There are no Dietary Reference Distribution
Values. The Food Standards Agency Expert Tin is concentrated principally in bone, lymph
Vitamins and Minerals (EVM) group stated that nodes, liver, kidney, lung, ovary and testis.
intake of tin of up to 0.22 mg/kg body weight
per day (equivalent to 13 mg tin daily in a
60-kg adult) would not be expected to have any Elimination
harmful effects but did not set a safe upper level The majority of ingested tin is eliminated in the
or guidance level for adults for supplemental tin faeces, with the remainder in the urine.

Bioavailability varies and depends on the oxida-
Mean intake of dietary tin in the UK is 1.8 mg tion state of the tin salt.
daily, with an estimated maximum intake of
6.3 mg daily.1
Action Tin deficiency has not been observed in humans
The actions of dietary tin are not known. or animals.
However, it is thought that it may function as
part of metalloenzymes.
Possible uses
No beneficial human health effects from con-
Dietary sources
suming dietary tin are known. Tin has been
Tin intake is essentially dependent on food claimed to have immune-enhancing properties
stored in tin cans. The main dietary sources of in animals, but there is no evidence that tin has
tin are canned vegetables and fruit products. these effects in humans.

308 Tin

Precautions/contraindications Interactions
None reported. None reported.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

No problems have been reported, but there
have not been sufficient studies to guarantee the The dose is not established. Supplements in the
safety of tin in pregnancy and breast-feeding. UK contain up to 10 g in a daily dose.

Adverse effects
Acute tin poisoning (from food or drinks) is
associated with gastrointestinal effects (cramps, 1 Food Standards Agency. Risk assessment. Tin. http://
vomiting, nausea and diarrhoea), headaches and
chills. vitaminsandminerals/tin (accessed 8 July 2006).

Description Metabolism
Vanadium is a trace element. It is debatable Absorption
whether or not it is an essential element in the Vanadium is poorly absorbed. Absorption oc-
diet of human beings. It exists in at least six curs in the duodenum and upper gastrointestinal
different oxidation states. The tetravalent and tract. The vanadate ion enters cells through
pentavalent forms are the most important in non-specific anion channels and is reduced by
higher animals. glutathione.

Human requirements Distribution

Vanadium is rapidly cleared from plasma and
Human requirements for vanadium have not accumulates in kidney, liver, testes, bone and
been established. There are no Dietary Refer- spleen. The vanadate ion binds to the iron-
ence Values. It is thought that 10 g daily is binding proteins lactoferrin, transferrin and
adequate. The US Food and Nutrition Board set ferritin. Tissues with the highest concentrations
a Tolerable Upper Intake level of 1.8 mg daily in include lung, thyroid, teeth and bone. The
adult men and women from the age of 19 years. quadrivalent form of vanadium is most common
intracellularly, while the pentavalent form is the
Dietary intake most common extracellularly.2

The intake of dietary vanadium in the UK

averages 13 g daily.1 Intakes in the USA range
Vanadium is excreted primarily through the
from 10 to 60 g daily.2
kidney, with a small amount through the bile.

Vanadium does not have a defined func-
tion in human beings. Vanadate ions in- Only about 5% of ingested vanadium is ab-
hibit the sodium/potassium-ATPase pump and sorbed.
phosphate-dependent enzymes (e.g. glucose-6-
phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase).
No cases of human vanadium deficiency have
Dietary sources
been reported, but deficiency has been suggested
Grains and grain products are significant to be associated with CVD.1 Vanadium defi-
sources of dietary vanadium. Marine organ- ciency in goats leads to an increase in abor-
isms, brown algae, lichen, parsley, oysters, tion, convulsions, bone malformations and early
spinach and mushrooms are rich sources of death. In rats, vanadium deficiency increases
vanadium.1,3 thyroid weight and decreases growth.

310 Vanadium

Possible uses and muscle insulin sensitivity and improved gly-

caemic control, reducing fasting plasma glucose
Diabetes mellitus
and haemoglobin A1c, while decreasing total
Vanadium appears to potentiate the effects of
and LDL cholesterol.9
insulin and may have benefits in diabetes. In
vitro and animal studies indicate that vana-
dium and other vanadium compounds increase Ergogenics
glucose transport activity and improve glucose Vanadium has been promoted as an ergogenic
metabolism. aid in sports. However, a 12-week, double-
A few small human studies have investigated blind, placebo-controlled trial of vanadyl sul-
the effects of vanadium in diabetes. The earliest phate (0.5 mg/kg/day) in 31 weight-training sub-
human trial involved five patients with type 1 jects found no benefit of vanadium in improving
diabetes and five patients with type 2 diabetes performance.10
who were studied before and after 2 weeks of
oral sodium metavanadate (125 mg daily). Glu- Conclusion
cose metabolism was not improved by vanadate Vanadium is a trace element for which there
therapy. There was a significant decrease in is no evidence of dietary essentiality in
insulin requirements in the patients with type humans. However, pharmacological doses
1 diabetes, cholesterol levels decreased in both appear to have a role in insulin and glu-
groups and there was an increase in mitogen- cose metabolism. Human trials in diabetic
activated protein and S6 kinase activities in subjects have shown beneficial effects in
mononuclear cells from patients in both groups glycaemic control and insulin sensitivity,
that mimicked the effects of insulin stimulation but they have involved small numbers of
in controls.4 subjects. There is no evidence that vanadium
A further trial in six subjects with type supplements have a role in sports perfor-
2 diabetes found that 3-week treatment with mance.
oral vanadyl sulphate improved hepatic and
peripheral insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant
type 2 diabetics.5 Another part of the same Precautions/contraindications
trial conducted by the same research group
found that oral vanadyl sulphate improved See Adverse effects.
hepatic and skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in
type 2 diabetics in part by enhancing insulins Pregnancy and breast-feeding
inhibitory effect on lipolysis.6
Another trial in eight patients with type No problems reported, but safety studies have
2 diabetes found that oral vanadyl sulphate not been conducted.
(50 mg twice daily for 4 weeks) was associated
with a 20% decrease in fasting plasma glucose Adverse effects
and a decrease in hepatic glucose output dur-
ing hyperinsulinaemia (a reduction in hepatic Vanadium causes abdominal cramps, diarrhoea,
insulin resistance).7 haemolysis, increased blood pressure and fa-
A later study investigated the effect of tigue. The primary toxic effect in humans occurs
vanadyl sulphate at three doses in 16 type 2 dia- from inhaling vanadium dust in industrial set-
betic patients. Fasting glucose and haemoglobin tings. This is characterised by rhinitis, wheezing,
A1c decreased significantly in the 150- and 300- conjunctivitis, cough, sore throat and chest
mg vanadyl sulphate groups, but the mechanism pain.2
on insulin action was not clear from this study.8
A more recent study in 11 type 2 diabetic
subjects found that vanadyl sulphate 150 mg
daily for 6 weeks significantly improved hepatic None reported.
Vanadium 311

Dose peripheral insulin sensitivity in patients with non-

insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. J Clin Invest
The dose is not established. Food supplements 1995; 95: 25012509.
in the UK provide up to 25 g in a daily dose. 6 Halberstam M, Cohen N, Shlimovich P, et al.
Oral vanadyl sulfate improves insulin sensitivity
References in NIDDM but not in obese nondiabetic subjects.
Diabetes 1996; 45: 659666.
1 Food Standards Agency. Risk assessment. 7 Boden G, Chen X, Ruiz J, et al. Effects of vanadyl
Vanadium. sulfate on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in
nutritionessentials/vitaminsandminerals/vanadium patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes
(accessed 8 July 2006). mellitus. Metabolism 1996; 45: 11301135.
2 Barceloux DG. Vanadium. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 8 Goldfine AB, Patti ME, Zuberi L, et al. Metabolic
1999; 37: 265278. effects of vanadyl sulfate in humans with
3 Eckert C. Other trace elements. In: Shils ME, Shike non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: in vivo and
M, Ross AC, Caballero B, Cousins RJ, eds. Modern in vitro studies. Metabolism 2000; 49:
Nutrition in Health and Disease, 10th edn. London: 400410.
Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2006: 338350. 9 Cusi K, Cukier S, DeFronzo RA, et al. Vanadyl sul-
4 Goldfine AB, Simonson DC, Folli F, et al. Metabolic fate improves hepatic and muscle insulin sensitivity
effects of sodium metavanadate in humans with in type 2 diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001;
insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent dia- 86: 14101417.
betes mellitus in vivo and in vitro studies. J Clin 10 Fawcett JP, Farquhar SJ, Walker RJ, et al. The effect
Endocrinol Metab 1995; 80: 33113320. of oral vanadyl sulfate on body composition and
5 Cohen N, Halberstam M, Shlimovich P, et al. performance in weight-training athletes. Int J Sport
Oral vanadyl sulfate improves hepatic and Nutr 1996; 6: 382390.
Vitamin A

Description One unit is equal to:

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. r 0.3 retinol equivalents (g)
r 0.3 g retinol
r 0.3 g retinol acetate
Nomenclature r 0.5 g retinol palmitate
r 0.4 g retinol propionate.
Vitamin A is a generic term used to describe
compounds that exhibit the biological activity
of retinol. The two main components of Vitamin Human requirements
A in foods are retinol and the carotenoids (see See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for
Carotenoids). vitamin A.
The term retinoid refers to the chemical
entity retinol or other closely related naturally- Dietary intake
occurring derivatives. These include:
In the UK, the average adult diet provides
r retinal (retinaldehyde); (retinol equivalents): for men, 911 g daily; for
r retinoic acid; women, 671 g.
r retinyl esters (e.g. retinyl acetate, retinyl
palmitate, retinyl propionate). Action
Retinoids also include structurally related syn- Vitamin A (in the form of retinal) is essential
thetic analogues that may or may not have for normal function of the retina, particularly
retinol-like (vitamin A) activity. for visual adaptation to darkness. Other forms
(retinol, retinoic acid) are necessary to main-
tain the structural and functional integrity of
Units epithelial tissue and the immune system, cellular
The UK Dietary Reference Values express the differentiation and proliferation, bone growth,
testicular and ovarian function and embryonic
requirement for vitamin A in terms of retinol
development. Vitamin A may act as a cofactor
in biochemical reactions.

Retinol equivalents (g) Dietary sources

beta-carotene equivalents (g)
= retinol (g) + See Table 2 for dietary sources of vitamin A.
The system of International Units for Vitamin A
was discontinued in 1954, but continues to be Absorption
widely used (particularly on dietary supplement Vitamin A is readily absorbed from the upper
labels): gastrointestinal tract (duodenum and jejunum)
1 retinol equivalent (g) = 3.3 units by a carrier-mediated process. Absorption

Vitamin A 313

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for vitamin A (g retinol equivalent/day)

EU RDA = 800 g


06 months 150 250 350 4001 600 375

712 months 150 250 350 5001 600 400
13 years 200 300 400 300 600 400
46 years 200 300 400 450
48 years 400 900
710 years 250 350 500 500a
913 years 600 1700
1114 years 250 400 600 600b
1418 years 900 2800 600
1550+ years 300 500 700 1500 600
1970+ years 900 3000
1114 years 250 400 600 1500 600b
1418 years 700 2800 600
1550+ years 250 400 250 700 3000 500
1970+ years 700
Pregnancy +100 7702 30003 800
Lactation +350 13004 30004 850
Elderly 65+ 600
No increment.
a 79 years. b 1014 years.
1 Adequate Intakes (AIs). 2 aged <18 years, 750 g. 3 aged >18 years, 2800 g. 4 aged <18 years, 1200 g.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from foods and supplements.

requires the presence of gastric juice, bile salts, Bioavailability

pancreatic and intestinal lipase, protein and
Absorption of vitamin A is markedly reduced if
dietary fat.
the intake of dietary fat is < 5 g daily (extremely
rare) and by the presence of peroxidised fat and
Distribution other oxidising agents in food. Deficiencies of
The liver contains at least 90% of body stores protein (extremely rare in the UK), vitamin E
(approximately 2 years adult requirements). and zinc, and excessive amounts of alcohol,
Small amounts are stored in the kidney and adversely affect vitamin A transport, storage
lungs. Vitamin A is transported in the blood and utilisation.
in association with a carrier, retinol binding
protein (RBP).
Elimination Vitamin A deficiency is widespread in young
Vitamin A is eliminated in the bile or urine (as children in developing countries and is
metabolites). It appears in the breast milk. associated with general malnutrition in these
314 Vitamin A

countries. In the UK, deficiency is relatively rare

Table 2 Dietary sources of vitamin A (especially in adults), but marginal intakes may
occur in children.
Symptoms of deficiency include night blind-
Food portion Retinol (g) ness (due to decreased sensitivity of rod
receptors in the retina); xerophthalmia (can be
irreversible), characterised by conjunctival and
Breads, grains, cereals 0 corneal xerosis, ulceration and liquefaction;
Milk and dairy products ultimately severe visual impairment and blind-
1/2 pint whole milk 150 ness; dryness of the skin and papular eruptions
2 pint semi-skimmed milk 55
(not a unique indicator of vitamin A deficiency
2 pint skimmed milk 2
1/2 pint skimmed milk, fortified 100150 (various
because other nutrient deficiencies cause similar
brands) disorders); metaplasia and keratinisation of the
2 tablespoons dried skimmed milk, 120 cells of the respiratory tract and other organs;
fortified (30 g) increased susceptibility to respiratory and uri-
Single cream (35 g) 100
nary tract infections; occasionally diarrhoea and
Whipping cream (35 g) 190
Double cream (35 g) 200 loss of appetite.
Hard cheese (e.g. cheddar), 160
50 g
Hard cheese, reduced fat (50 g) 80 Possible uses
Brie cheese (50 g) 140
Cream cheese (30 g) 130
1 carton yoghurt, low fat (150 g) 10 The Department of Health advises that most
1 carton yoghurt, whole milk 45 children from the age of 6 months to 5 years
(150 g) should receive supplements of vitamins A and
Ice cream, dairy (75 g) 90 D, unless the adequacy of their diet can be
Ice cream, non-dairy (75 g) 1
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 110
Fats and oils
Butter, on 1 slice bread (10 g) 80 Cancer
Margarine, on 1 slice bread 80 A large number of studies have assessed the
(10 g)
association between vitamin A and cancer, but
Low-fat spread, on 1 slice bread 92
(10 g) not all of them distinguish between retinol
2 tablespoons ghee (30 g) 210 (preformed vitamin A) and carotenoids. Some
2 teaspoons cod liver oil 1800 case-control studies reporting on the association
(10 ml) between preformed vitamin A and breast cancer
Meat and fish
have found modest decreases in risk with higher
Bacon, beef, lamb, pork, poultry Trace
Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 80 intake,24 but others5,6 have found no associ-
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 20 000 ation. Prospective data are compatible with a
Liver, calf, cooked (90 g) 36 000 modest protective effect of preformed vitamin
Liver, ox, cooked (90 g) 18 000 A.79
Liver, pigs, cooked (90 g) 21 000
Liver pate (60 g) 4400
There is some preliminary evidence that
4 slices liver sausage (35 g) 870 preformed vitamin A may be modestly pro-
White fish Trace tective against colon cancer in both men10
2 fillets herring, cooked (110 g) 60 and women.11 In a nested case-control study,12
2 fillets kipper, cooked (130 g) 40 subjects in the highest quintile of serum retinol
2 fillets mackerel, cooked 55
(110 g)
were at reduced risk of colon cancer for up to
9 years of follow-up. However, another study13
Note: For dietary sources of beta-carotene, see Carotenoids failed to find any association between colon
monograph. cancer and vitamin A intake.
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics).
Most data suggest that preformed vitamin A
does not protect against prostate cancer, and an
Vitamin A 315

initial study14 suggesting an adverse effect has The Department of Health has recommended
not been confirmed. However, the possibility that women who are (or may become) pregnant
that higher intakes of vitamin A increase the risk should not take dietary supplements that con-
of prostate cancer requires further investigation. tain vitamin A (including fish liver oil), except
The risk of lung cancer may be related to on the advice of a doctor or antenatal clinic, and
dietary carotene intake rather than retinol, and should also avoid liver and products containing
studies have shown no benefit of vitamin A in liver (e.g. liver pate and liver sausage).
prevention of lung cancer.1517
There is some evidence that people taking Adverse effects
vitamin A-containing supplements have a lower
risk of gastric cancer than non-users.18 Acute toxicity
Acute toxicity may be induced by single doses of
300 mg retinol (1 million units) in adults, 60 mg
Miscellaneous retinol (200 000 units) in children or 30 mg
There is no evidence of any value of vitamin A retinol (100 000 units) in infants.
in eye problems, or prevention and treatment Signs and symptoms are usually transient
of infections unrelated to vitamin A deficiency. (usually occurring about 6 h after ingestion
Vitamin A supplements in normal safe doses of acute dose and disappearing after 36 h)
have no proven benefits in skin problems (e.g. and include severe headache (due to raised
acne), but synthetic retinoids may be prescribed intracranial pressure), sore mouth, bleeding
for this purpose. gums, dizziness, vomiting, blurred vision,
Single case studies have appeared periodically hepatomegaly, irritability and (in infants)
in the literature indicating that vitamin A may bulging of the fontanelle.
be beneficial in PMS, but these effects have not
been confirmed in randomised trials. Chronic toxicity
Signs of chronic toxicity may appear when daily
Conclusion intake is >15 mg retinol (50 000 units) in adults
The Department of Health recommends a and 6 mg (20 000 units) in infants and young
supplement containing vitamin A (and vita- children.
min D) in children aged 6 months to 5 years, Signs may include dryness of the skin, pru-
unless a good diet can be assured. There ritis, dermatitis, skin desquamation, skin ery-
is very little evidence for any benefit of thema, skin rash, skin scaliness, papilloedema,
vitamin A supplements except for cases of disturbed hair growth, fissure of the lips, bone
deficiency. Evidence for a role of preformed and joint pain, hyperostosis, headache, fatigue,
vitamin A in cancer is limited. Such evidence irritability, insomnia, anorexia, nausea, vomit-
as exists relates more to carotenoids. ing, diarrhoea, weight loss, hepatomegaly, hep-
atotoxicity, raised intracranial pressure, bulging
fontanelle (in infants), and hypercalcaemia (due
to increase in activity of alkaline phosphatase
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Excessive doses of vitamin A have been shown Not all signs appear in all patients, and
to be teratogenic,19,20 although the level at relative severity varies widely among different
which this occurs has not been firmly estab- individuals. Most signs and symptoms disap-
lished. No teratogenic effects were observed in pear within a week, but skin and bone changes
1203 women receiving 6000 units daily at least may remain evident for several months.
from 1 month prior to conception until the 12th
week of pregnancy,21 and an apparent threshold Osteoporosis
of 10 000 units daily has been identified.22 Excessive vitamin A intake is thought to have
Other studies23,24 suggest low risk with intakes a detrimental effect on bone and increase the
up to 30 000 units daily. risk of osteoporosis and fracture. Two Swedish
316 Vitamin A

studies a cross-sectional study involving 175 Nutrients

women aged 2874 years and a nested case- Iron: in vitamin A deficiency, plasma iron levels
control study in 247 women aged 4076 years fall.
found that retinol intake was negatively Vitamin C: under conditions of hypervita-
associated with BMD.25 A prospective analy- minosis A, tissue levels of vitamin C may be
sis begun in 1980 with 18 years follow-up reduced and urinary excretion of vitamin C
within the Nurses Health Study, and involv- increased; vitamin C may ameliorate the toxic
ing 72 337 post-menopausal women aged 34 effects of vitamin A.
77 years, found that women in the highest Vitamin E: large doses of vitamin A increase the
quintile of vitamin A intake (3000 g daily of need for vitamin E; vitamin E protects against
retinol equivalents) had a significantly elevated the oxidative destruction of vitamin A.
risk of hip fracture compared with women Vitamin K: under conditions of hypervita-
in the lowest quintile of intake (< 1250 g minosis A, hypothrombinaemia may occur;
daily). This increased risk was attributable to it can be corrected by administration of
retinol, not to beta-carotene, and was atten- vitamin K.
uated among women using post-menopausal
oestrogens.26 A longitudinal study in 2322 men
aged 4951 years found that the highest risk
of fracture was found in men with the highest Vitamin A supplementation is not normally
levels of serum retinol.27 However, other stud- required in the UK.
ies in men,28 perimenopausal women,29 post- Therapeutic doses may be given but only
menopausal women,30 and elderly women31 under medical supervision. For example, in
have not found detrimental effects on bone. cystic fibrosis, doses of 12003300 g (4000
A review concluded that patients should be 10 000 units) daily may be given.
made aware of the potential risks of con-
suming vitamin A in amounts exceeding the
RDA.32 Upper safety levels
The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Miner-
als (EVM) has identified a likely safe total intake
Interactions of vitamin A (retinol equivalents) for adults
from supplements alone of 1500 g daily.
Anticoagulants: large doses of vitamin A
(>750 g; 2500 units) may induce a hypopro- References
thrombinaemic response. 1 Department of Health. Weaning and the weaning
Colestyramine and colestipol: may reduce diet: Report of the Working Group on the Weaning
intestinal absorption of vitamin A. Diet of the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food
Colchicine: may reduce intestinal absorption of Policy. Report on Health and Social Subjects No 45.
vitamin A. London: HMSO, 1994.
2 London SJ, Stein EA, Henderson IC. Carotenoids,
Liquid paraffin: may reduce intestinal absorp- retinol and vitamin E and risk of proliferative benign
tion of vitamin A. breast disease and breast cancer. Cancer Causes
Neomycin: may reduce intestinal absorption of Control 1992; 3: 503512.
vitamin A. 3 Longnecker M, Newcomb P, Mittendorf PR,
Retinoids (acitrecin, etreninate, isotretinoin, et al. Intake of carrots, spinach and supplements
tretinoin): concurrent administration of vitamin containing vitamin A in relation to the risk of breast
A may result in additive toxic effects. cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1997; 6:
Statins: prolonged therapy with statins may 4 Zaridze D, Lifanova Y, Maximovitch D, et al. Diet,
increase serum vitamin A levels. alcohol consumption and reproductive factors in a
Sucralfate: may reduce intestinal absorption of case-control study of breast cancer in Moscow. Int J
vitamin A. Cancer 1991; 48: 493501.
Vitamin A 317

5 Ingram DM, Nottage E, Roberts T. The role of diet gastric carcinoma: Results from a prospective study
in the development of breast cancer: a case-control after 6.3 years of follow-up. Cancer 2000; 88:
study of patients with breast cancer, benign epithelial 737748.
hyperplasia and fibrocystic disease of the breast. Br 19 Pinnock CB, Alderman CP. The potential for terato-
J Cancer 1991; 64: 187191. genicity of vitamin A and its congeners. Med J Aust
6 La Vecchia C, Decarli A, Franceschi S, et al. Dietary 1992; 157: 804809.
factors and the risk of breast cancer. Nutr Cancer 20 Underwood BA. Teratogenicity of vitamin A. Int J
1987; 10: 205214. Vit Nutr Res 1989; 30 (Suppl): 4255.
7 Graham S, Zielezny M, Marshall J. Diet in the 21 Dudas I, Czeizel AE. Use of 6,000 IU vitamin A
epidemiology of breast cancer in the New York during early pregnancy without teratogenic effect
state cohort. Am J Epidemiol 1992; 136: (letter). Teratology 1992; 45: 335336.
13271337. 22 Rothman KJ, Moore LL, Singer MR, et al. Terato-
8 Hunter DJ, Mason JE, Colditz GA. A prospective genicity of high vitamin A intake. N Engl J Med
study of the intake of vitamins C, E and A and risk 1995; 333: 13691373.
of breast cancer. N Engl J Med 1993; 329: 23 Mastroiacovo P, Mazzone T, Addis A, et al. High
324340. vitamin A intake in early pregnancy and major
9 Rohan TE, Howe GR, Friedenreich CM, et al. malformations: a multicenter prospective controlled
Dietary fiber, vitamins A, C and E, and risk of breast study. Teratology 1999; 59: 711.
cancer: a cohort study. Cancer Causes Control 1993; 24 Miller RK, Hendrickx AG, Mils JL, et al. Periconcep-
4: 2937. tual vitamin A use: how much is teratogenic? Reprod
10 Graham S, Marshall B, Haughey B. Dietary epidemi- Toxicol 1998; 12: 7588.
ology of cancer of colon in western New York. Am 25 Melhus H, Michaelsson K, Kindmark A, et al.
J Epidemiol 1986; 128: 490503. Excessive dietary intake of vitamin A is associated
11 Heilbrun LK, Nomura A, Hankin JH, Stemmerman with reduced bone mineral density and increased
GN. Diet and colorectal cancer with special reference risk for hip fracture. Ann Intern Med 1998; 129:
to fiber intake. Int J Cancer 1989; 44: 16. 770778.
12 Comstock GW, Helzlsouer KJ, Bush TL. Prediag- 26 Feskanich D, Singh V, Willet WC, Colditz GA.
nostic serum levels of carotenoids and vitamin E as Vitamin A intake and hip fractures among post-
related to subsequent cancer in Washington County, menopausal women. JAMA 2002; 287: 4754.
Maryland. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53: S260264. 27 Michaelsson K, Lithell H, Vessby B, Melhus H.
13 Potter JD, McMichael AJ. Diet and cancer of the Serum retinol levels and the risk of fracture. N Engl
colon and rectum: a case-control study. J Natl J Med 2003; 348: 287294.
Cancer Inst 1986; 76: 557569. 28 Kawahara TN, Krieger DC, Engelke JA, et al. Short-
14 Graham S, Haughey B, Marshall J. Diet in the term vitamin A supplementation does not affect bone
epidemiology of carcinoma of the prostate gland. turnover in men. J Nutr 2002; 132: 11691172.
J Natl Cancer Inst 1983: 70: 687692. 29 Lim LS, Harnack LJ, Lazovich D, Folsom AR.
15 Omenn GS, Goodman GE, Thornquist MD, et al. Vitamin A intake and the risk of hip fracture in
Effects of a combination of betacarotene and vitamin postmenopausal women: the Iowa Womens Health
A on lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. N Engl Study. Osteoporosis Int 2004; 15: 552559.
J Med 1996; 334: 11501155. 30 Rejnmark L, Vestergaard P, Charles P, et al. No
16 De Klerk N, Musk W, Ambrosini G, et al. Vitamin A effect of vitamin A intake on bone mineral density
and cancer prevention II: comparison of the effects and fracture risk in perimenopausal women. Osteo-
of vitamin A and betacarotene. Int J Cancer 1998; porosis Int 2004; 165: 872880.
75: 362367. 31 Barker ME, McCloskey E, Saha S, et al. Serum
17 Musk W, De Klerk N, Ambrosini G, et al. Vitamin retinoids and beta-carotene as predictors of hip and
A and cancer prevention I: observations in workers other fractures in elderly women. J Bone Miner Res
previously exposed to asbestos at Wittnoom, western 2005; 20: 913920.
Australia. Int J Cancer 1998; 75: 355361. 32 Jackson HA, Sheehan HA. Effect of vitamin A on
18 Botterweck AA, van Den Brandt PA, Goldbohm RA. fracture risk. Ann Pharmacother 2005; 39:
Vitamins, carotenoids, dietary fiber, and the risk of 20862090.
Vitamin B6

Description Dietary sources

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble member of the See Table 2 for dietary sources of vitamin B6 .
vitamin B complex.

Nomenclature Absorption
Absorption occurs mainly by a non-saturable
Vitamin B6 is a generic term used to describe process (absorption is greatest in the jejunum).
compounds that exhibit the biological activity
of pyridoxine. It occurs in food as pyridoxine, Distribution
pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. Thus the term Vitamin B6 is stored in the liver, muscle and
pyridoxine is not synonymous with the generic brain. Pyridoxal phosphate is transported in the
term vitamin B6 . plasma (bound to albumin) and in erythrocytes
(in association with haemoglobin).

Human requirements Elimination

Primarily in the urine (mainly as metabolites),
Vitamin B6 requirements depend on protein
but excess amounts are excreted largely un-
intake; values are therefore given as g/g protein
changed. It also appears in breast milk.
and also as total values (Table 1).

Dietary intake Bioavailability of vitamin B6 is affected by food
In the UK, the average adult daily diet provides: processing and storage. The vitamin is sensitive
for men, 2.9 mg; for women, 2.0 mg. to light, especially in acid or neutral solutions.

Deficiency of vitamin B6 does not produce
Vitamin B6 is converted in erythrocytes to a characteristic syndrome, but as with de-
pyridoxal phosphate and, to a lesser extent, ficiency of the other B vitamins, symptoms
pyridoxamine phosphate. It acts as a cofactor such as dermatitis, cheilosis, glossitis and angu-
for enzymes that are involved in more than lar stomatitis may occur. Advanced deficiency
100 reactions affecting protein, lipid and carbo- may produce weakness, irritability, depression,
hydrate metabolism. Pyridoxal phosphate is dizziness, peripheral neuropathy and seizures;
also involved in the synthesis of several neuro- diarrhoea, anaemia and seizures are particular
transmitters; the metabolism of several vitamins characteristics of deficiency in infants and chil-
(e.g. the conversion of tryptophan to niacin); dren. Chronic deficiency may lead to secondary
and haemoglobin and sphingosine formation. hyperoxaluria (increased risk of kidney stone

Vitamin B 6 319

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for vitamin B6 (mg/day)

EU RDA = 2 mg


06 months 3.5 6 8 0.2 0.13 0.1

79 months 6 8 10 0.3 0.33 0.3
1012 months 8 10 13 0.4 0.3 0.3
13 years 8 10 13 0.7 0.5 30 0.5
46 years 8 10 13 0.9 0.6
48 years 0.6 40
710 years 8 10 13 1.0 1.0a
913 years 1.0 60
1114 years 11 13 15 1.2 1.3b
1418 years 1.3 80 1.3
1518 years 11 13 15 1.4
1950+ years 11 13 15 1.4 10 1.3 100 1.3
5170+ years 10 1.7 100 1.7
1114 years 11 13 15 1.0 1.2b
1418 years 1.2 80 1.2
1518 years 11 13 15 1.2
1950+ years 11 13 15 1.2 10 1.3 100 1.3
5170+ years 10 1.5 100 1.5
Pregnancy * * * * 1.9 1004 1.9
Lactation * * * * 2.0 1004 2.0
no increment.
a 79 years. b 1014 years.
1 g/g protein. 2 mg/day. 3 Adequate Intakes (AIs). 4 18 years = 80 mg.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from food and supplements.

formation) and to hypochromic, microcytic the median nerve by the transverse carpal
anaemia. ligament, has been attributed to pyridoxine
deficiency.1,2 Several uncontrolled studies in the
Possible uses 1980s demonstrated the efficacy of vitamin B6
treatment.35 However, another study showed
Vitamin B6 has been investigated for a range of
no consistent improvement in patients with
conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome,
carpal tunnel syndrome and normal vitamin B6
PMS, asthma, diabetic neuropathy, CVD and
status.6 These findings led to the suggestion7
that clinical improvement in some patients
Carpal tunnel syndrome with carpal tunnel syndrome may be due to
Idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome, with correction of unrecognised peripheral neuropa-
swelling of the synovia and compression of thy, which could compound symptoms of the
320 Vitamin B 6

relatively high (500 mg daily) and these high

Table 2 Dietary sources of vitamin B6 doses should not be recommended because of
the risk of toxicity. However, a good response
has been reported with a dose of 50 mg daily.15
Food portion Vitamin B6 Studies are complicated by the subjective nature
content (mg) of symptoms in PMS, and conclusions are
limited by the low quality of many of the
Breakfast cereals
trials. Nevertheless, a systematic review16 of
1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 0.6 nine published trials representing 940 patients
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 0.8 with premenstrual syndrome suggests that doses
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 0.6 of vitamin B6 up to 100 mg daily are likely to
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 1.5 be of benefit in treating premenstrual symptoms
1 bowl Start (40 g) 1.1 and premenstrual depression.
2 Weetabix 0.4
Milk and dairy products Asthma
2 pint milk, whole, semi-skimmed or 0.15 Low vitamin B6 status has been reported
1/2 pint soya milk
in adults with asthma,17,18 and in asthmatic
Meat and fish children.19 This may in part be due to use of
Beef, roast (85 g) 0.3 theophylline (which was more commonly used
Lamb, roast (85 g) 0.2 in the USA at the time of the studies), which
Pork, roast (85 g) 0.3 reduces vitamin B status.20,21 A supplement
2 slices ham 0.3 of 15 mg of pyridoxine per day reduced side-
1 chicken leg portion 0.3 effects of theophylline related to nervous system
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 0.4
Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 0.2
Fish, cooked (150 g) 0.5 Vitamin B6 supplementation (50 mg daily)
Vegetables reduced the severity and frequency of asthma
Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 0.5 attacks,18 and pyridoxine (200 mg daily) re-
1 small can baked beans (200 g) 0.3 duced the need for asthma medication in
Fruit children.23 However, a dose of 300 mg daily
2 an avocado pear 0.4
failed to improve asthma in patients requiring
1 banana 0.3
30 peanuts 0.2 Diabetic neuropathy
Brewers yeast (10 g) 0.2
Peripheral neuropathy in patients with dia-
betes has been suggested to be associated with
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics). pyridoxine deficiency. Diabetic patients with
symptoms of neuropathy and low vitamin B6
status were given 150 mg of vitamin B6 daily
syndrome. A review article concluded that stud- for 6 weeks.25 Neuropathic symptoms were
ies have not provided sufficient evidence for eliminated in all subjects. The same dose of
the use of vitamin B6 as the sole treatment pyridoxine gradually improved pain in patients
for carpal tunnel syndrome, but that it could with painful neuropathy.26 In diabetic patients
be of some benefit as adjunct therapy because whose vitamin B6 status was normal, pyridoxine
of its potential benefit on pain perception and supplementation resulted in no improvement
increasing pain threshold.8 in neuropathic symptoms.27 Further studies are
required to investigate the possible benefits of
Premenstrual syndrome vitamin B6 in diabetic neuropathy.
Pyridoxine has been reported to be of benefit
in PMS,911 but some researchers have found Coronary heart disease
no significant benefit.1214 Doses of pyridoxine A raised level of plasma homocysteine is asso-
that have shown beneficial effects have been ciated with an increased risk of CHD. This in
Vitamin B 6 321

turn has been linked with low intake and low concluded that no recommendation could be
level of folic acid and other B vitamins, including made regarding the use of vitamin B6 and
vitamin B6 . However, whether vitamin B6 has magnesium for autism.41
an influence independent of folic acid is un- Vitamin B6 has also been investigated for a
certain. In the Framingham Heart Study,28 possible role in cognitive function, on the basis
folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 were of its possible homocysteine lowering effect.
determinants of homocysteine levels, with folic Homocysteine is a risk factor for cerebrovas-
acid showing the strongest association. In the cular disease. However, a Cochrane review
Nurses Health Study,29 those with the highest found no evidence from vitamin B6 in improving
vitamin B6 intake had a 33% lower risk of heart cognitive function or mood.42
disease than those with the lowest intake, while
in those with the highest intake of both vitamin
B6 and folate, the risk of heart disease was
The role of vitamin B6 supplements in carpal
reduced by 45%. In a prospective, case-cohort
tunnel syndrome, PMS and asthma is con-
study, heart disease was negatively associated
troversial, although supplements may help
with plasma vitamin B6 in both men and
some individuals. Low vitamin B6 status has
women, and after correcting for a large number
been linked with high plasma homocys-
of risk factors, the association with pyridoxine
teine levels and increased risk of CHD, but
still held, pointing to the possibility that vitamin
whether vitamin B6 has an effect indepen-
B6 offers independent protection.30 However,
dent of folic acid and vitamin B12 is not
two meta-analyses31,32 concluded that although
yet clear. Further properly controlled clinical
folic acid reduced plasma homocysteine, vita-
trials are needed to assess the benefit of
min B6 had no additional effect. In a recent Swiss
vitamin B6 supplements for all these pur-
RCT, 553 patients who had undergone percu-
poses, as well as for autism, depression and
taneous coronary intervention were randomised
pregnancy sickness.
to receive a combination of vitamin B6 (10 mg
daily), vitamin B12 (400 g daily) and folic acid
1 mg daily. This vitamin combination was found
to significantly reduce the incidence of major Precautions/contraindications
adverse events after percutaneous coronary
Hypersensitivity to pyridoxine.

Miscellaneous Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Pyridoxine has also been reported to be ef- No problems reported with normal intakes.
fective in treating pregnancy sickness34,35 and Large doses may result in pyridoxine depen-
hypertension.36 Some studies have shown it to dency in infants. There has been one report
be effective for depression,37,38 but a systematic of amelia of the leg at the knee in an infant
review concluded that meaningful benefit was whose mother had taken 50 mg pyridoxine daily
not apparent.39 during pregnancy.
Autism has also been shown to respond to
vitamin therapy, including vitamin B6 , but a
Adverse effects
review of 12 studies using vitamin B6 and mag-
nesium concluded that although results were Peripheral neuropathy; unsteady gait; numbness
favourable, studies suffered from methodolog- and tingling in feet and hands; loss of limb
ical problems of poor design, small numbers reflexes; impaired or absent tendon reflexes;
of subjects and lack of long-term follow-up.40 photosensitivity on exposure to sun; dizziness;
A Cochrane review investigated the effect of nausea; breast tenderness; exacerbation of acne.
vitamin B6 and magnesium in autism but due to Adverse effects usually occur with large
the small number of studies, the methodological doses only. Doses of 100150 mg daily over
quality and small sample sizes, the review 510 years have not generally been associated
322 Vitamin B 6

with toxicity. However, doses averaging 117 mg a clinical syndrome including carpal tunnel and
daily have been associated with neurologi- other defects. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol
cal symptoms (e.g. numbness, tingling, bone 1977; 17: 165177.
2 Fuhr JE, Farrow A, Nelson HS Jr. Vitamin B6 levels
pain) in 60% of women taking supplements in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Arch Surg
for 3 years, but this study has been severely 1989; 124: 13291330.
criticised. Moreover, symptoms were reversed 3 Driskell JA, Wesley RL, Hess IE. Effectiveness of
6 months after patients stopped taking the pyridoxine hydrochloride treatment on carpal tunnel
supplement.43 Another paper reported that syndrome patients. Nutr Rep Int 1986; 34:
women taking 5005000 mg daily for PMS 10311040.
4 Ellis J, Folkers K, Levy M, et al. Therapy with
developed peripheral neuropathy over a 1- to
vitamin B6 with and without surgery for treatment
3-year period.44 of patients having the idiopathic carpal tunnel
syndrome. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol
Interactions 1981; 33: 331344.
5 Ellis J, Folkers K, Watanebe T, et al. Clinical
Drugs results of a crossover treatment with pyridoxine and
Alcohol: increases turnover of pyridoxine. placebo of the carpal tunnel syndrome. Am J Clin
Nutr 1979; 32: 20402046.
Cycloserine: may cause anaemia or peripheral
6 Smith GP, Rudge PJ, Peters TJ. Biochemical studies
neuritis by acting as pyridoxine antagonist. of pyridoxal and pyridoxal phosphate status and
Hydralazine: may cause anaemia or peripheral therapeutic trial of pyridoxine in patients with carpal
neuritis by acting as pyridoxine antagonist. tunnel syndrome. Ann Neurol 1984; 15: 104107.
Isoniazid: may cause anaemia or peripheral 7 Byers CM, DeLisa JA, Frankel DL, Kraft GH.
neuritis by acting as pyridoxine antagonist. Pyridoxine metabolism in carpal tunnel syndrome
Levodopa: effects of levodopa are reversed by with and without peripheral neuropathy. Arch Phys
Med Rehabil 1984; 65: 712716.
pyridoxine (even doses as low as 5 mg daily);
8 Jacobson MD, Plancher KD, Kleinman WB. Vitamin
vitamin B6 supplements should be avoided; B6 (pyridoxine) therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome.
interaction does not occur with co-beneldopa Hand Clin 1996; 12: 253257.
or co-careldopa. 9 Barr W. Pyridoxine supplements in the premenstrual
Oestrogens: (including oral contraceptives) may syndrome. Practitioner 1984; 228: 425427.
increase requirement for vitamin B6 . 10 Day JB. Clinical trials in the premenstrual syndrome.
Penicillamine: may cause anaemia or peripheral Curr Med Res Opin 1979; 6: 4045.
11 Kerr GD. The management of premenstrual syn-
neuritis by acting as pyridoxine antagonist. drome. Curr Med Res Opin 1977; 4: 2934.
Theophylline: may increase requirement for 12 Hagen I, Neshmein BI, Tuntlund T. No effect
vitamin B6 . of vitamin B6 against premenstrual tension. Acta
Obstet Gynecol Scand 1985; 64: 667670.
Nutrients 13 Malmgren R, Collins A, Nilsson CG. Platelet sero-
Adequate amounts of all B vitamins are required tonin uptake and effects of vitamin B6 treatment
for optimal functioning; deficiency or excess of in premenstrual tension. Neurophysiology 1987; 18:
one B vitamin may lead to abnormalities in the 14 Smallwood J, Ah-Kye D, Taylor I. Vitamin B6 in
metabolism of another. the treatment of pre-menstrual mastalgia. Br J Clin
Vitamin C: deficiency of vitamin B6 may lead to Pract 1986; 40: 532533.
vitamin C deficiency. 15 Mattes JA, Martin D. Pyridoxine in premenstrual
depression. Hum Nutr Appl Nutr 1982; 36A:
Dose 16 Wyatt KM, Dimmock PW, Jones PW, et al. Efficacy
of vitamin B6 in the treatment of premenstrual
As a dietary supplement, 25 mg daily. syndrome. BMJ 1999; 318: 13751381.
17 Delport R, Ubbink JB, Serfontein WJ, et al. Vitamin
References B6 nutritional status in asthma: the effect of theo-
phylline therapy on plasma pyridoxal-5 -phosphate
1 Ellis J, Azuma J, Watanebe T, et al. Survey and new and pyridoxal levels. Int J Vit Nutr Res 1988; 58:
data on treatment with pyridoxine of patients having 6772.
Vitamin B 6 323

18 Reynolds RD, Natta CL. Depressed plasma pyri- supplements; meta-analysis of randomised trials.
doxal phosphate concentrations in adult asthmatics. BMJ 1998; 316: 894898.
Am J Clin Nutr 1985; 41: 684688. 32 Homocysteine Lowering Trialists Collaboration.
19 Hall MA, Thom H, Russell G. Erythrocyte aspartate Dose-dependent effects of folic acid on blood con-
aminotransferase activity in asthmatic and non- centrations of homocysteine: a meta-analysis of the
asthmatic children and its enhancement by vitamin randomized trials. Am J Clin Nutr 2005; 82:
B6. Ann Allergy 1985; 47: 464466. 806812.
20 Ubbink JB, Vermaak WJH, Delport R, et al. The re- 33 Schynder G, Roffi M, Flammer Y, et al. Effect
lationship between vitamin B6 metabolism, asthma of homocysteine-lowering therapy with folic acid,
and theophylline therapy. Ann NY Acad Sci 1990; vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 on clinical outcome
585: 285294. after percutaneous coronary intervention: the Swiss
21 Shimizu T, Maesda S, Arakawa H, et al. Relation be- Heart Study: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA
tween theophylline and circulating levels in children 2002; 288: 973979.
with asthma. Pharmacology 1996; 53: 384389. 34 Sahakian V, Rouse D, Sipes S. Vitamin B6 is effective
22 Bartel PR, Ubbink JB, Delport R, et al. Vitamin B6 therapy for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: a
supplementation and theophylline-related effects in randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled study.
humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1994; 60: 9399. Obstet Gynecol 1991; 78: 3336.
23 Collipp PJ, Goldzier S, Weiss N, et al. Pyridoxine 35 Vutyavenich T, Wongra-ngan S, Ruangsvi R.
treatment in childhood bronchial asthma. Ann Al- Pyridoxine for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy:
lergy 1977; 35: 9397. a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
24 Sur S, Camara M, Buchmeier A, et al. Double-blind trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995; 173:
trial of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) in the treatment of 881884.
steroid-dependent asthma. Ann Allergy 1993; 70: 36 Ayback M, Sermet A, Ayyildiz MO. Effect of
147152. oral pyridoxine hydrochloride supplementation on
25 Jones CL, Gonzalez V. Pyridoxine deficiency: a new arterial blood pressure in patients with essential
factor in diabetic neuropathy. J Am Podiatr Ass hypertension. Arzneimittelforschung 1995; 45:
1978; 68: 646653. 12711273.
26 Bernstein AL, Lobitz CZ. A clinical and electro- 37 Bell IR, Edman JS, Marrow FD. B complex vitamin
physiologic study of the treatment of painful diabetic patterns in geriatric and young adult inpatients with
neuropathies with pyridoxine. In: Leklem JE, major depression. J Am Geriatr Soc 1991; 39:
Reynolds RD, eds. Clinical and Physiological 252257.
Applications of Vitamin B6 . New York: Alan R Liss, 38 Russ CS, Hendricks TA, Chrisley BM. Vitamin
1988: 415423. B6 status of depressed and obsessive-compulsive
27 Levin ER, Hanscomb TA, Fisher M, et al. The influ- patients. Nutr Rep Int 1983; 27: 867873.
ence of pyridoxine in diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes 39 Williams AL, Cotter A, Sabina A, et al. The role of
Care 1981; 4: 606609. vitamin B6 as treatment for depression: a systematic
28 Selhub J, Jaques PF, Wilson PWF, et al. Vitamin review. Fam Pract 2005; 22: 532537.
status and intake as primary determinants of homo- 40 Pfeiffer SI, Norton J, Nelson L, et al. Efficacy
cystinaemia in an elderly population. JAMA 1993; of vitamin B6 and magnesium in the treatment
270: 26932698. of autism. J Autism Dev Disord 1995; 25:
29 Rimm EB, Willett WC, Hu FB, et al. Folate and 481483.
vitamin B6 from diet and supplements in relation to 41 Nye C, Brice A. Combined vitamin B6-magnesium
risk of coronary heart disease among women. JAMA treatment in autism spectrum disorder. Cochrane
1998; 279: 359364. database, issue 4, 2005. London: Macmillan.
30 Folsom AR, Nieto FJ, McGovern PG, et al. Prospec- 42 Malouf R, Grimley Evans J. Vitamin B6 for cog-
tive study of coronary heart disease incidence in nition. Cochrane database, issue 2, 2003. London:
relation to fasting total homocysteine, related genetic Macmillan.
polymorphisms, and B vitamins: the Atherosclerosis 43 Dalton K, Dalton MJ. Characteristics of pyridoxine
Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. Circulation overdose neuropathy syndrome. Acta Neurol Scand
1998; 98: 204210. 1987; 76: 811.
31 Homocysteine Lowering Trialists Collaboration. 44 Bernstein AL. Vitamin B6 in clinical neurology. Ann
Lowering blood homocysteine with folic acid based NY Acad Sci 1990; 585: 250260.
Vitamin B12

Description Metabolism
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble member of the Absorption
vitamin B complex. Absorption occurs almost exclusively in the ter-
minal ileum by an active saturable process, but
large amounts (>30 g) may also be absorbed
Nomenclature by passive diffusion (a maximum of 1.5 g
may be absorbed from oral doses of 550 g).
Vitamin B12 is the generic term used to de- For normal absorption, the vitamin must bind
scribe compounds that exhibit the biologi- to salivary haptocorrin and then to intrinsic
cal activity of cyanocobalamin. It includes a factor, a highly specific glycoprotein secreted
range of cobalt-containing compounds, known by the parietal cells of the stomach.
as cobalamins. Cyanocobalamin and hydroxo-
cobalamin are the two principal forms in clinical
Vitamin B12 is stored mainly in the liver. In the
blood, it is bound to specific plasma proteins
Human requirements
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for Elimination
vitamin B12 . Elimination is via the urinary, biliary and faecal
routes. Enterohepatic recycling serves to con-
serve B12 . Vitamin B12 appears in breast milk.
Dietary intake
In the UK, the average adult daily diet provides: Deficiency
for men, 6.5 g; for women, 4.8 g.
Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to macrocytic,
megaloblastic anaemia. Symptoms include neu-
rological manifestations (due to demyelination
Action of the spinal cord, brain, and optic and
Vitamin B12 is involved in the recycling of peripheral nerves), and less specific symptoms
folate coenzymes and the degradation of valine. such as weakness, sore tongue, constipation and
It is also required for nerve myelination, cell postural hypotension. Neuropsychiatric mani-
replication, haematopoiesis and nucleoprotein festations of deficiency may occur in the absence
synthesis. of anaemia (particularly in the elderly).
Pernicious anaemia is a specific form of
anaemia caused by lack of intrinsic factor (not
lack of vitamin B12 in the diet).
Dietary sources
Individuals with a reduced ability to absorb
See Table 2 for dietary sources of vitamin B12 . vitamin B12 develop deficiency within 23 years.

Vitamin B 12 325

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for vitamin B12 (g/day)

EU RDA = 1 g


06 months 0.1 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.4

712 months 0.25 0.35 0.4 0.5 0.5
13 years 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.9
46 years 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.2
48 years 1.2
710 years 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.8a
913 years 1.8
1114 years 0.8 1.0 1.2 2.4b
1550+ years 1.0 1.25 1.5 1000 2.4
1470+ years 2.4
1114 years 0.8 1.0 1.2 2.4b
1550+ years 1.0 1.25 1.5 1000 2.4
1470+ years 2.4
Pregnancy * 2.6 2.6
Lactation +0.5 2.8 2.8
No increment.
a 79 years. b 1014 years.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from food and supplements.

Strict vegetarians (at risk of dietary deficiency, The elderly

but with normal absorptive efficiency) may Prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency increases
not show signs and symptoms for 2030 with age,1,2 especially over the age of 65 years,
years. and elderly people should be advised to take a
supplement or obtain their requirements from
fortified foods (e.g. breakfast cereals, yeast
Possible uses
spreads). Poor vitamin B12 (and folate) status
may be associated with age-related hearing
Vegans dysfunction3 and tinnitus.4
Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products
and certain foods fortified with the vitamin (see
Table 2). If vegans do not regularly consume Cognition
a source of vitamin B12 , they will require a Supplementation has been used with some
supplement. This applies particularly to ve- success in reversing impaired mental function
gan women during pregnancy, as the infant due to low vitamin B12 status. Several studies
may suffer deficiency. Breast-fed infants whose have shown that the best responders are those
mothers do not take a source of B12 should be with impaired memory of <6 months duration.
supplemented. In one study in 18 subjects, only those with
326 Vitamin B 12

Neural tube defects

Table 2 Dietary sources of vitamin B12 Studies have suggested that deficiency of vi-
tamin B12 may be a risk factor for neural
tube defects (NTDs). One study10 showed that
Food portion Vitamin B12 in affected pregnancies both plasma B12 and
content (g) folate influenced the maternal red cell folate
concentration and were independent risk factors
Breakfast cereals for neural defects. A systematic review of 17
1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 0.5 case-control studies concluded that there is a
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 0.8 moderate association between low maternal
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 0.5
vitamin B12 status and the risk of foetal NTDs,
1 bowl Start (40 g) 1.0
Milk and dairy products but that study design limited the conclusions.11
2 pint milk, whole, semi-skimmed or 1.0 More evidence is required before a definite
skimmed recommendation can be made.
Soya milk
Gold, 1/2 pint 1.5
Multiple sclerosis
Plamil, diluted, 1/2 pint 3.2
1 pot yoghurt (150 g) 0.3 Vitamin B12 has been used to treat multiple
Cheese, 50 g 1.0 sclerosis because it was thought that it might
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 0.4 have a role in the formation of myelin, the fatty
Fats and oils substance that coats nerve cell axons. However,
Butter, margarine, spreads, oils Trace
Fortified margarine (vegetarian), 10 g 0.5
results of early studies in the 1950s and 1960s
Meat and fish were inconclusive and interest in vitamin B12
Meat, roast (85 g) 1.6 as a treatment for multiple sclerosis declined.
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 70.0 Case reports12,13 have described an association
Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 55.0 between vitamin B12 and multiple sclerosis or
White fish, cooked (150 g) 1.54.0
2 fillets herring, cooked (110 g) 9.0
clinical syndromes resembling multiple sclero-
2 fillets kipper, cooked (130 g) 8.0 sis, and it is possible that vitamin B12 deficiency
2 fillets mackerel, cooked (110 g) 15.0 may exacerbate the disease.14 However, other
Pilchards, canned (100 g) 12.0 researchers have concluded that serum B12
Sardines, canned (70 g) 10.0
deficiency is uncommon in multiple sclerosis.15
Tuna, canned (95 g) 4.0
Vegetable protein mixes Further studies into the metabolism of vitamin
Protoveg Burgamix, 100 g 3.6 B12 in multiple sclerosis are warranted.
Protoveg Sosmix, 100 g 1.8
Yeast extracts Sleep disorders
Marmite, spread on 1 slice bread 0.4
Results from studies investigating vitamin B12
Natex, spread on 1 slice bread 0.4
Vecon, spread on 1 slice bread 0.6 for sleep disorders have been equivocal. One
study16 showed that 3 mg vitamin B12 was
Note: Plant foods (unless fortified commercially) are devoid of associated with a reduction in daytime mela-
vitamin B12 , except for the adventitious inclusion of
tonin production, improved sleep quality, and
microbiologically-formed B12 from water or soil.
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics).
improved concentration and feelings of being
refreshed the next day. Another study using
the same dose of vitamin B12 found no change
in mood or daytime drowsiness or night sleep
symptoms of <12 months duration showed compared with placebo.17
improvement with supplementation.5
In addition, vitamin B12 deficiency appears Cardiovascular disease
to be common in patients with Alzheimers Vitamin B12 , together with folic acid, has
disease.6,7 Two Cochrane analyses8,9 have been found to reduce plasma homocysteine
found no evidence for vitamin B12 for cognition levels,1822 and is therefore thought to have
and dementia. the potential to reduce the risk of CVD.
Vitamin B 12 327

However, low B12 and low folate were not (administration of > 10 g daily may produce a
found to increase the risk of fatal CVD in haematological response in patients with folate
an Australian cohort study.23 Two large RCTs deficiency).
(the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation24
and the NORVIT Trial25 ) found that B12 ,
folic acid and B6 in combination reduced Pregnancy and breast-feeding
plasma homocysteine, but did not reduce
the risk of major cardiovascular events in No problems reported with normal intakes.
patients with CVD,24 and did not lower the
risk of recurrent CVD after acute myocardial
infarction.25 Adverse effects
Vitamin B12 may occasionally cause diarrhoea
and itching skin. Signs of polycythaemia vera
Miscellaneous may be unmasked. Megadoses may exacerbate
Vitamin B12 has been used with some success acne.
in patients with diabetic neuropathy26,27 and
mouth ulcers.28 Low serum levels of vitamin B12
have been found in patients with HIV,29 and
have also been associated with a faster progress
towards AIDS.30 A Japanese study in patients Drugs
with stroke found that vitamin B12 may also Alcohol: excessive intake may reduce the ab-
reduce the risk of hip fractures.31 sorption of vitamin B12 .
Aminoglycosides: may reduce the absorption of
vitamin B12 .
Aminosalicylates: may reduce the absorption of
Vitamin B12 deficiency is a risk in elderly
vitamin B12 .
people and can progress to produce symp-
Antibiotics: may interfere with microbiological
toms of dementia. The role of supplements in
assay for serum and erythrocyte vitamin B12
dementia caused by B12 deficiency seems
(false low results).
to depend on the duration of the symp-
Chloramphenicol: may reduce the absorption of
toms, and there is no good evidence that
vitamin B12 .
supplements help to delay the progress of
Colestyramine: may reduce the absorption of
Alzheimers disease unrelated to vitamin
vitamin B12 .
B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 (with folic acid)
Colchicine: may reduce the absorption of vita-
reduces plasma homocysteine, but studies
min B12 .
investigating its effects in CVD have pro-
Histamine H2 -receptor antagonists: may reduce
duced conflicting results. There is some
the absorption of vitamin B12 .
evidence that supplementation can improve
Metformin: may reduce the absorption of vita-
symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, but the
min B12 .
role of vitamin B12 in multiple sclerosis
Methyldopa: may reduce the absorption of
is unclear. Further research is needed to
vitamin B12 .
confirm the benefits of vitamin B12 for any
Nitrous oxide: prolonged nitrous oxide anaes-
indication other than deficiency or marginal
thesia inactivates vitamin B12 .
Oral contraceptives: may reduce blood levels of
vitamin B12 .
Potassium chloride (modified release): pro-
longed administration may reduce the absorp-
tion of vitamin B12 .
Vitamin B12 should not be given for treatment of Proton-pump inhibitors: long-term therapy may
deficiency until the diagnosis is fully established reduce serum vitamin B12 levels.
328 Vitamin B 12

Nutrients factors for neural tube defects. Q J Med 1993; 86:

Folic acid: large doses given continuously may 703708.
reduce vitamin B12 in blood. 11 Ray JG, Blom HJ. Vitamin B12 insufficiency and the
risk of fetal neural tube defects. Q J Med 2003; 96:
Vitamin C: may destroy vitamin B12 (avoid large
doses of vitamin C within 1 h of oral vitamin 12 Ransohoff RM, Jacobsen DW, Green R. Vitamin
B12 ). B12 deficiency and multiple sclerosis. Lancet 1990;
1: 12851286.
13 Reynolds EH, Linnell JC. Vitamin B12 deficiency,
Dose demyelination and multiple sclerosis. Lancet 1987;
2: 920.
Vitamin B12 is available in the form of tablets 14 Reynolds E. Multiple sclerosis and vitamin B12
and capsules, and is also found in many multi- metabolism. J Neuroimmunol 1992; 40: 225230.
vitamin supplements. Deficiency of vitamin 15 Sandyk R, Awerbuch G. Vitamin B12 and its
B12 due to lack of intrinsic factor is generally relationship to age of onset to multiple sclerosis. Int
treated with parenteral cobalamin, but one J Neurosci 1993; 71: 9399.
16 Mayer G, Krozer M, Meier-Ewert K. Effects of
study showed that 2 mg daily given orally was vitamin B12 on performance and circadian rhythm in
as efficient as 1 mg given intramuscularly each normal subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology 1996;
month. 15: 456464.
In cases of deficiency, 225 g daily are 17 Okawa M, Takahashi K, Egashira K, et al. Vitamin
needed. B12 treatment for delayed sleep phase syndrome:
a multi-center double-blind study. Psychiatry Clin
Neurosci 1997; 51: 275279.
References 18 Schynder G, Roffi M, Flammer Y, et al. Effect
of homocysteine-lowering therapy with folic acid,
1 Sabler SP, Lindenbaum J, Allen RH. Vitamin B-12 vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 on clinical outcome
deficiency in the elderly: current dilemmas. Am J Clin after percutaneous coronary intervention: the Swiss
Nutr 1997; 66: 741749. Heart Study: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA
2 Baik HW, Russell RM. Vitamin B12 deficiency in 2002; 288: 973979.
the elderly. Ann Rev Nutr 1999; 19: 357377. 19 Lee BJ, Huang MC, Chung LJ, et al. Folic acid and
3 Houston DK, Johnson MA, Nozza RJ, et al. Age- vitamin B12 are more effective than vitamin B6 in
related hearing loss, vitamin B-12, and folate in lowering fasting plasma homocysteine concentration
elderly women. Am J Clin Nutr 1999; 69: in patients with coronary artery disease. Eur J Clin
564571. Nutr 2004; 58: 481487.
4 Shemesh Z, Attias J, Ornana M, et al. Vitamin B12 20 Homocysteine Lowering Trialists Collaboration.
deficiency in patients with chronic tinnitus and noise Dose-dependent effects of folic acid on blood con-
induced hearing loss. Am J Otolaryngol 1993; 14: centrations of homocysteine: a meta-analysis of
9499. the randomized trials. Am J Clin Nutr 2005; 82:
5 Martin DC, Francis J, Protetch J, et al. Time 806812.
dependency of cognitive recovery with cobalamin 21 Spence JD, Bang H, Chambless LE, Stampfer MJ.
replacement: a report of a pilot study. J Am Geriatr Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention Trial: an
Soc 1992; 40: 168172. efficacy analysis. Stroke 2005; 36: 24042409.
6 Abalan F, Delile JM. B12 deficiency in presenile 22 Flicker L, Vasikaran SD, Thomas J, et al. Efficacy of
dementia. Biol Psychiatr 1985; 20: 1251. B vitamins in lowering homocysteine in older men:
7 Levitt AJ, Karlinsky H. Folate, vitamin B12 and maximal effects for those with B12 deficiency and
cognitive impairment in patients with Alzheimers hyperhomocysteinemia. Stroke 2006; 37: 547549.
disease. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1992; 86: 301305. 23 Hung J, Beilby JP, Knuimaqn MW, Divitini M.
8 Malouf R, Areosa Sastre A. Vitamin B12 for cog- Folate and vitamin B12 and risk of fatal cardiovas-
nition. Cochrane database, issue 3, 2003. London: cular disease: cohort study from Busselton, Western
Macmillan. Australia. BMJ 2003; 326: 131.
9 Malouf R, Grimley Evans J, Sastre A. Folic acid with 24 The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE)
or without vitamin B12 for cognition and dementia. 2 Investigators. Homocysteine lowering with folic
Cochrane database, issue 4, 2003. London: acid and B vitamins in vascular disease. N Engl J
Macmillan. Med 2006; 354: 15671577.
10 Kirke PM, Molly AM, Daly LE, et al. Maternal 25 Bonaa KH, Njolstad I, Ueland PM, et al for
plasma folate and vitamin B12 are independent risk the NORVIT Trial Investigators. Homocysteine
Vitamin B 12 329

lowering and cardiovascular events after acute 29 Paltiel O, Falutz J, Veilleux M, et al. Clinical
myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: correlates of subnormal vitamin B12 levels in patient
15781588. infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Am J
26 Yaqub BA, Siddique A, Sulimani R. Effects of Hematol 1995; 49: 318322.
methylcobalamin on diabetic neuropathy. Clin Neu- 30 Tang AM, Graham NM, Chandra RK, et al. Low
rol Neurosurg 1992; 94: 105111. serum vitamin B-12 concentrations are associated
27 Sun Y, Lai MS, Lu CJ. Effectiveness of vitamin B12 with faster human immunodeficiency virus type 1
on diabetic neuropathy: systematic review of clinical (HIV-1) disease progression. J Nutr 1997; 127:
controlled trials. Acta Neurol Taiwan 2005; 14: 345351.
4854. 31 Sato Y, Honda Y, Iwamoto J, et al. Effect of folate
28 Weusten BL, van de Wile A. Aphthous ulcers and mecobalamin on hip fractures in patients with
and vitamin B12 deficiency. Neth J Med 1998; 53: stroke: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2005;
172175. 293: 10821088.
Vitamin C

Description Vitamin C also acts:

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. r as an antioxidant (reacting directly with
aqueous free radicals), which is important in
Nomenclature the protection of cellular function; and
r to enhance the intestinal absorption of non-
Vitamin C is a generic term used to describe haem iron.
compounds that exhibit the biological activity
of ascorbic acid. These include l-ascorbic acid
(ascorbic acid) and l-dehydroascorbic acid Dietary sources
(dehydroascorbic acid).
See Table 2 for dietary sources of vitamin C.

Human requirements
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for
Vitamin C. Absorption
Vitamin C is absorbed by passive and active
transport mechanisms, predominantly in the
Dietary intake distal portion of the small intestine (jejunum)
and to a lesser extent in the mouth, stomach
In the UK, the average adult daily diet provides: and proximal intestine. Some 7090% of the
for men, 83.4 mg; for women, 81.0 mg. dietary intake is absorbed, but absorption falls
to 50% with a dose of 1.5 g.
The functions of vitamin C are based mainly on
It is transported in the free form (higher con-
its properties as a reducing agent. It is required
centrations in leukocytes and platelets than red
blood cells and plasma), and is readily taken
r the formation of collagen and other organic up by body tissues (highest concentration in
glandular tissue, e.g. adrenals and pituitary);
constituents of the intercellular matrix in
body stores are generally about 1.5 g.
bone, teeth and capillaries; and
r the optimal activity of several enzymes it
activates certain liver-detoxifying enzyme Elimination
systems (including drug-metabolising en- The urine is the main route of elimination,
zymes) and is involved in the synthesis of car- but very little is excreted unchanged (unless
nitine and noradrenaline and the metabolism plasma concentration >1.4 mg/100 ml). Vita-
of folic acid, histamine, phenylalanine, tryp- min C crosses the placenta and is excreted in
tophan and tyrosine. breast milk.

Vitamin C 331

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for vitamin C (mg/day)

EU RDA (for labelling purposes) = 60 mg


06 months 6 15 25 40 25
712 months 6 15 25 50 30
13 years 8 20 30 13 400 30
46 years 8 20 30 30
48 years 22 25 650
710 years 8 20 30 35a
913 years 39 45 1200 40
1114 years 9 22 35 40b
1418 years 63 75 1800 40
1550+ years 10 25 40 1000
1970+ years 75 90 2000 45
1114 years 9 22 35 40b
1418 years 56 65 1800 40
1550+ years 10 25 40 1000
1970+ years 60 75 2000 45
Pregnancy +10 661 /702 801 /852 18001 /20002 55
Lactation +30 961 /1002 1151 /1202 18001 /20002 70

a 79 years. b 1014 years.

1 Up to the age of 18 years. 2 1950 years.

EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.

TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from diet and supplements.

Bioavailability Signs of advanced deficiency include peri-

follicular haemorrhages (particularly about the
Storage and cooking lead to loss of vitamin
hair follicles); swollen, bleeding gums; pallor
C through oxidation, and boiling results in
and anaemia (the result of prolonged bleeding
leaching of the vitamin into the cooking water
or associated folic acid deficiency); joints, mus-
(cooking water should be consumed in gravies
cles and subcutaneous tissue may become sites
and soups). Microwaving and stir-frying are the
of haemorrhage. In children, disturbances of
best cooking methods for preserving vitamin C.
growth occur and bones, teeth and blood vessels
develop abnormally; gum signs are only found
Deficiency in the presence of erupted teeth.
Vitamin C deficiency may lead to scurvy. Groups at risk of low vitamin C status
Subclinical deficiency has been associated with include smokers, the elderly, patients in hos-
poor wound healing and ulceration. Early signs pitals and other institutions, and patients with
of deficiency may be non-specific and include diabetes.
general weakness, lethargy, fatigue, shortness of
breath and aching of the limbs. As the disease
Possible uses
progresses, petechiae are often prominent and
may appear over the arms after application of a Many health claims have been made for mega-
sphygmomanometer. dose intakes of vitamin C (i.e. 25010 000 mg
332 Vitamin C

Table 2 Dietary sources of vitamin C

Food portion Vitamin C (mg) Food portion Vitamin C (mg)

Bread and cereals1 0 Blackberries, stewed (100 g) 10

Milk and dairy products 0 Blackcurrants, stewed (100 g) 115
Meat and fish2 0 12 cherries 10
Vegetables Fruit salad
Broccoli, boiled (100 g) 44 canned (130 g) 4
Brussels sprouts, boiled (100 g) 60 fresh (130 g) 20
Cabbage, raw (100 g) 49 1/
2 grapefruit 54
Cabbage, boiled (100 g) 20 Grapes (100 g) 3
Carrots, boiled (100 g) 2 Guava (100 g) 230
Cauliflower, boiled (100 g) 43 1 kiwi fruit 60
Courgette, stir-fried (100 g) 15 Lychees (100 g) 45
Cucumber, raw (30 g) 2 1 mango 50
Kale, boiled (100 g) 71 1/2 melon, cantaloupe 60
Lettuce (30 g) 2 1 slice melon, honeydew 18
Mangetout peas, boiled (50 g) 14 1 slice watermelon 20
stir-fried (50 g) 26 1 orange 90
Peas, boiled (100 g) 16 4 passion fruits 20
Peppers, green, raw (50 g) 120 1 slice pawpaw 90
Peppers, red, raw (50 g) 140 1 peach 30
Potatoes 1 pear 9
chips (250 g) 27 1 slice pineapple 15
new, boiled (150 g) 15 3 plums 6
old, boiled (150 g) 9 Raspberries (100 g) 32
sweet, boiled (150 g) 23 Strawberries (100 g) 77
Spinach, boiled (100 g) 8 1 tangerine 22
Tomatoes, raw, two (150 g) 25 Beverages
Watercress (20 g) 12 1 large glass apple juice 28
Fruit 1 large glass grapefruit juice 60
1 apple 15 1 large glass orange juice 80
1 banana 16 1 large glass tomato juice 16
1 large glass Ribena (diluted) 120

1 A few breakfast cereals have added vitamin C (average 10 mg/portion).

2 Liver contains approx. 15 mg/100 g.
Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics).

daily), including the prevention and treatment vitamin C did not prevent colds, but could have
of colds, infections, stress, cancer, hypercholes- a small therapeutic effect. Of these 27 trials,
terolaemia and atherosclerosis. five were intervention trials of vitamin C or
placebo given at the start of cold symptoms and
Respiratory conditions for a few days, all of which found no benefit.
Since Linus Paulings claims about the beneficial The other 22 were double-blind controlled trials
effects of vitamin C on preventing colds and giving daily vitamin C or placebo before and
reducing their symptoms, many studies have during colds. Of these, 12 showed no preventive
investigated the effects of vitamin C on the effect and no reduction in duration or severity
common cold. A summary of 27 trials con- of symptoms, five showed no prevention and
ducted between 1970 and 19861 concluded that only slight non-significant lessening of severity,
Vitamin C 333

and the other five reported no prevention and a for a protective effect seems to be for stomach
small but significant reduction in the duration cancer.69 The evidence for oesophageal cancer
of colds. is not as strong. Findings are contradictory for
One review of several studies indicated that cancers of the lung, breast, colon and rectum.
vitamin C alleviates common cold symptoms,2 There is some evidence that vitamin C sup-
although the magnitude of benefit appears to plements may help to prevent stomach cancer,8
vary depending on the population group studied reduce pre-cancerous changes in colon cancer,10
and the dose. A Cochrane review of 30 trials3 and help to manage prostate cancer.11 How-
concluded that long-term daily supplementation ever, subjects with advanced colorectal cancer
with large doses of vitamin C does not appear to responded no better than placebo to vitamin C
prevent colds, but there appears to be a modest supplementation.12 Vitamin C may also benefit
benefit in terms of reducing duration of cold cancer patients undergoing radiation treatment,
symptoms from ingestion of high doses. The by enabling them to withstand larger doses of
review also concluded that the relation of dose radiation with fewer side-effects.13
to therapeutic benefit needs further exploration.
An update of this review in 2004 confirmed
Cardiovascular disease
that vitamin C does not reduce the incidence
Epidemiological studies have shown associa-
of colds in the general population, but that it
tions between low vitamin C intakes and CVD
could be justified in people exposed to brief
risk.14 However, two other epidemiological
periods of severe physical exercise and/or cold
studies of about 87 000 female nurses and 4000
environments. There was also a small benefit on
male health professionals found no effect of
duration and severity of colds for those using
vitamin C intakes from diets or supplements on
regular vitamin C prophylaxis. The trials in
cardiovascular risk.15,16
which vitamin C was introduced at the onset
An association between vitamin C and
of colds as therapy did not show any benefit in
atherosclerosis has been suggested in studies
doses up to 4 g daily, but one large trial reported
investigating the relationship between vitamin
equivocal benefit from an 8-g therapeutic dose
C and cholesterol. When 1 g of vitamin C
at the onset of symptoms.
was given to healthy young people, cholesterol
Vitamin C has also been evaluated in asthma.
levels tended to fall,17 but in older people no
A Cochrane review4 concluded that evidence to
significant pattern of serum cholesterol change
date from RCTs is insufficient to recommend
was found. Leukocyte levels were found to be
a specific role for vitamin C in the treatment
lower in patients with CHD than in patients
of asthma, and that further methodologically
without CHD.18 Vitamin C may also have
strong and large-scale trials are needed.
beneficial effects on blood pressure19 and on
Cancer Vitamin C has been shown to reduce blood
It has been suggested that vitamin C may be pressure in mildly hypertensive patients when
useful in the prevention of cancer.5 Possible given for short periods of time,21 but not
mechanisms for this protective effect may be when given in the long term.22 When given in
that vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, blocks combination with polyphenols, vitamin C has
formation of nitrosamines and faecal mutagens, been found to be associated with raised blood
enhances immune system response and acceler- pressure in hypertensive people.23 The link
ates detoxifying liver enzymes. between vitamin C and other cardiovascular
Many epidemiological studies have shown risk factors has also been evaluated. Vitamin C
an inverse correlation between vitamin C in- has been found to protect against lipid-induced
take and cancer incidence, but the evidence endothelial damage,2427 reduce early recur-
is largely indirect because it is based on the rence of atrial fibrillation and associated inflam-
consumption of fruits and vegetables known to mation after atrial electrical remodelling,28 and
contain vitamin C and other nutrients such as potentially reduce triglycerides29,30 and apo B
beta-carotene and folate. The strongest evidence lipoprotein.29
334 Vitamin C

Positive effects on cardiovascular risk fac- Smoking

tors have also been shown in people with Vitamin C requirements are higher in smokers
diabetes. One study found that vitamin C than non-smokers,45 and supplemental vita-
500 mg daily for 1 month reduced arterial blood min C may help to restore plasma vitamin C
pressure and improved arterial stiffness.31 A concentration in smokers. Beneficial effects of
further study found that vitamin C improved vitamin C on atherosclerotic plaque,46 platelet
thrombotic markers.32 However, another study aggregation,47 oxidative stress,48 and endothe-
found no effect of vitamin C on microvascular lial dysfunction49 have been found in smokers.
reactivity, inflammatory cytokines and oxidised However, one study found no such effects in
LDL cholesterol.33 Yet another study found no smokers.50
significant effect of vitamin C (1.5 g daily) for
3 weeks on oxidative stress, blood pressure or
endothelial function in patients with type 2 Sports
diabetes.34 Vitamin C supplementation has been investi-
gated in sports people. One study showed that
Cataracts vitamin C supplementation did not counter
Patients with cataracts have been found to have oxidative changes during or after a marathon.51
lower levels of vitamin C in the lens than Two further studies concluded that vitamin
patients with no cataracts,35 and as cataracts C supplements could attenuate antioxidant
develop, the vitamin C content of the lens defence.52,53
declines.36 In a retrospective study, a lower
incidence of cataract was found in subjects
whose ascorbic acid intake was in the highest Miscellaneous
quintile compared with those in the lowest Vitamin C (500 mg daily) has been found to
quintile.37 There is some evidence that long- reduce serum uric acid, suggesting that vitamin
term supplementation of vitamin C (>10 years) C might be beneficial in the prevention and
may reduce the development of age-related management of gout.54 The vitamin may protect
opacities.38,39 against gastric mucosal atrophy in patients with
chronic gastritis.55 It has also been found to
Wound healing palliate response to acute stress, lowering blood
Reductions in blood ascorbic acid levels have pressure and cortisol,56 and to reduce oxidative
been reported in post-operative patients.40,41 stress in patients with schizophrenia on atypical
Some researchers suggest that this reduction antipsychotics.57
represents increased need, while others suggest Vitamin C has been thought to reduce the
that ascorbic acid is redistributed to the tissues. risk of pregnancy complications such as pre-
Tissue ascorbic acid concentration at the site of eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction and
a wound has been found to increase.42 Studies maternal anaemia. A Cochrane analysis con-
have shown accelerated wound healing with cluded that the data are too few to say if
vitamin C supplements.42,43 vitamin C supplementation (alone or combined
with other supplements) is beneficial during
Periodontal disease pregnancy, and it may result in increased risk
There is evidence that vitamin C status is related of pre-term birth.58 A recent trial involving
to periodontal disease. Vitamin C depletion in 1877 women (935 women assigned to daily
humans has been associated with significantly supplementation with 1000 mg of vitamin C
increased gum bleeding even though no clinical and 400 units of vitamin E and 942 to
symptoms of scurvy were observed in any placebo) found that there was no difference
subject.44 The degree of gingival inflammation between the two groups in the risk of pre-
was directly related to ascorbic acid status, and a eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction or
reduction in bleeding was observed with vitamin the risk of death or serious outcomes in the
C supplementation. infants.59
Vitamin C 335

doses of >1 g daily are associated with osmotic

Conclusion diarrhoea (due to large amounts of unabsorbed
Various groups of the population are at ascorbic acid in the intestine), gastric discomfort
risk of vitamin C deficiency, particularly and mild increase in urination.
the elderly and smokers. Vitamin C may Oxalic acid is a major metabolite of vita-
reduce the duration of the common cold min C, and there has been concern about an
and also the severity of symptoms such as increased risk of renal oxalate stones with high
sneezing and coughing, particularly if it is doses. Doses of 2 g and above are associated
taken immediately the symptoms start. Pre- with an increased risk of oxalate stones.60,61
ventive effects of vitamin C supplementation There have been occasional reports that
appear to be limited mainly to people with vitamin C destroys vitamin B12 in the tissues
low dietary intake, while therapeutic effects and of rebound scurvy after administration of
may occur in wider population groups. vitamin C is stopped, but such reports remain
Epidemiological studies have shown a link unsubstantiated.
between low blood vitamin C concentrations Prolonged use of chewable vitamin C prod-
and CVD, cancer and cataracts. However, ucts may cause dental erosion and increased
further controlled clinical trials are needed to incidence of caries.
confirm the value of vitamin C supplements
for these conditions.
Vitamin C is important for the optimal activity
Vitamin C supplements should be used with of some of the drug-metabolising enzymes,
caution in diabetes mellitus (because of including the hepatic cytochrome P450 mixed-
possible interference with glucose determi- function oxidase system. Large doses (>1 g
nations); glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase daily) of ascorbic acid (but not ascorbates)
(G6PD) deficiency (risk of haemolytic anaemia); may lower urinary pH, leading to increased
haemochromatosis; sickle cell anaemia (risk of renal tubular re-absorption of acidic drugs and
precipitating a crisis); sideroblastic anaemia; increased excretion of alkaline drugs.
and thalassaemia. Prolonged administration of Aspirin: prolonged administration may reduce
large doses (>1 g daily) of vitamin C in preg- blood levels of ascorbic acid.
nancy may result in increased requirements and Anticoagulants: occasional reports that vitamin
scurvy in the neonate. C reduces the activity of warfarin.
Because ascorbic acid is a strong reducing Anticonvulsants: administration of barbiturates
agent it interferes with all diagnostic tests based or primidone may increase urinary excretion of
on oxidationreduction reactions. Vitamin C ascorbic acid.
administration (megadoses only: >1 g daily) Desferrioxamine: iron excretion induced by
may interfere with tests for: desferrioxamine is enhanced by administration
r blood glucose (false negative); and of vitamin C.
r urinary glucose (false positive with analyses Disulfiram: prolonged administration of large
doses (>1 g daily) of vitamin C may interfere
using cupric sulphate, e.g. Clinitest; false with the alcoholdisulfiram reaction.
negative with analyses using glucose oxidase, Mexiletine: large doses (>1 g daily) of ascorbic
e.g. Clinistix). acid may accelerate excretion of mexiletine.
Oral contraceptives (containing oestrogens):
may reduce blood levels of ascorbic acid;
Adverse effects
large doses (>1 g) of vitamin C may increase
Vitamin C is considered to be one of the safest of plasma oestrogen levels (possibly converting
all the vitamins. There appear to be no serious low-dose oral contraceptive to high-dose oral
health risks with doses up to 10 g daily, but contraceptive); possibly breakthrough bleeding
336 Vitamin C

associated with withdrawal of high-dose vita- 2 Hemila H. Vitamin C supplementation and common
min C. cold symptoms: factors affecting the magnitude of
Tetracyclines: prolonged administration may benefit. Med Hypotheses 1999; 52: 171178.
3 Douglas RM, Hemila H, Chalker EB, . Vitamin C for
reduce blood levels of ascorbic acid. preventing and treating the common cold. Cochrane
database, issue 4, 2004. London: Macmillan.
Nutrients 4 Ram FSF, Rowe BH, Kaur B. Vitamin C supplemen-
tation for asthma. Cochrane database, issue 3, 2004.
Copper: high doses of vitamin C (>1 g daily) London: Macmillan.
may reduce copper retention. 5 Blocke G, Menkes M. Ascorbic acid in cancer pre-
Iron: vitamin C increases absorption of non- vention. In: Moon TE, Micozzi MS, eds. Nutrition
haem iron, but not haem iron. For maximal and Cancer Prevention. Investigating the Role of
iron absorption from a non-meat meal, a source Micronutrients. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1989:
of vitamin C providing 50100 mg should be 341348.
ingested. Vitamin C supplements appear to have 6 Bjelke E. Dietary factors and the epidemiology of
cancer of the stomach and the large bowel. Klin Prax
no deleterious effect on iron status in patients Suppl 1978; 2: 1017.
with iron overload. Iron administration reduces 7 Correa P, Malcom E, Schmidt B, et al. Antioxidant
blood levels of ascorbic acid (ascorbic acid is micronutrients and gastric cancer. Aliment Pharma-
oxidised). col Ther 1998; 12 (Suppl. 1): 7382.
Vitamin A: vitamin C may reduce the toxic 8 Risch HA, Jain M, Choi NW, et al. Dietary factors
effects of vitamin A. and the incidence of cancer of the stomach. Am J
Epidemiol 1985; 122: 947949.
Vitamin B6 : deficiency of vitamin C may in-
9 You WC, Blot WJ, Chang YS, et al. Diet and high
crease urinary excretion of pyridoxine. risk of stomach cancer in Shandong, China. Cancer
Vitamin B12 : excess vitamin C has been claimed Res 1988; 48: 35183523.
to destroy vitamin B12 , but this does not appear 10 Waring AJ, Drake IM, Schorah CJ, et al. Ascorbic
to occur under physiological conditions. acid and total vitamin C concentrations in plasma,
Vitamin E: vitamin C can spare vitamin E, and gastric juice and gastrointestinal mucosa: effects of
vice versa. gastritis and oral supplementation. Gut 1996; 38:
11 Paganelli GM, Biasco G, Brandi G, et al. Effect of
Heavy metals vitamin A, C, and E supplementation on rectal cell
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279290. 2006).
Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for vitamin D

Nomenclature EU RDA = 5 g
Vitamin D is a generic term used to describe
all sterols that exhibit the biological activity of FAO/
cholecalciferol. These include: WHO
r vitamin D1 (calciferol)
r vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) Males and females
r vitamin D3 (colecalciferol, cholecalciferol) 06 months 8.5 5 25 5
r 1 (OH)D3 (1-hydroxycholecalciferol; alfacal- 712 months 7.0 5 25 5
cidol) 13 years 7.0 5 50 5
r 25(OH)D3 (25-hydroxycholecalciferol; cal- 418 years 01 5 50 5
cifediol) 1950 years 01 25 5 50 5
r 1,25(OH)2 D3 (1,25-dihydroxycholecalcif- 5165 years 10
65+ years 10 25 2.5
erol; calcitriol) 5170+ years 25 10 50
r 24,25(OH)2 D3 (24,25-dihydroxycholecal- >65 years 15
ciferol) >70 years 15 50
r dihydrotachysterol. Pregnancy and 10 5 50 10

Vitamin D2 is the form most commonly added 1 If skin is exposed to adequate sunlight.
to foods and dietary supplements. EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable upper intake level from diet and supplements.

Dietary intake
One International Unit of vitamin D is defined
In the UK, the average adult daily diet provides:
as the activity of 0.025 g of cholecalciferol.
for men, 3.7 g, for women, 2.8 g.
Thus: 1 g vitamin D = 40 units vitamin D
and: 1 unit vitamin D = 0.025 g vitamin D
Cutaneous synthesis
Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet (UV) rays
Human requirements
results in the synthesis of cholecalciferol (vita-
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for min D3 ); this is the major source of vitamin
vitamin D. D. The amount obtained depends on length of

340 Vitamin D

exposure, area of skin exposed, wavelength of

UV light, pollution, skin pigmentation (higher Table 2 Table 2 Dietary sources of vitamin D
melanin concentration requires longer exposure
to achieve same degree of synthesis) and age
(the elderly may have approximately half the Food portion Vitamin D content (g)

capacity for synthesis of younger people).

Brief, casual exposure of face, arms and Breakfast cereals
hands to sunlight is thought to be equivalent 1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 0.8
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 1.0
to the ingestion of 5 g (200 units) of vitamin 1 bowl Corn Flakes (25 g) 0.5
D.1 The use of sunscreens may affect vitamin 1 bowl Frosties (45 g) 1.0
D production; application of a sunscreen with 1 bowl Rice Krispies (35 g) 0.7
1 bowl Special K (35 g) 0.9
a sun protection factor of 8 can completely Muesli, porridge, Shredded Wheat, 0
prevent the cutaneous production of cholecal- Sugar Puffs, Weetabix
ciferol. However, this should not discourage the Bread 0
Milk and dairy products
use of sunscreens. 1/2 pint whole milk 0.1
2 pint semi-skimmed milk 0.03
1/2 pint skimmed milk 0
Action 1/
2 pint skimmed milk, fortified 0.20.5 (various brands)
2 tablespoons dried skimmed milk, 1.0
Vitamin D is essential for promoting the absorp- fortified (30 g)
tion and utilisation of calcium and phosphorus Hard cheese (50 g) 0.1
Feta cheese (50 g) 0.25
and normal calcification of the skeleton. Along 1 carton whole-milk yoghurt (150 g) 0.06
with parathyroid hormone and calcitonin, it 1 carton low-fat yoghurt (150 g) 0.01
regulates serum calcium concentration by alter- 1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 1.0
Fats and oils
ing serum calcium and phosphate blood levels Butter, on 1 slice bread (10 g) 0.25
as needed, and mobilising calcium from bone. It Margarine, on 1 slice bread (10 g) 2.5
maintains neuromuscular function and various Low-fat spread, on 1 slice bread 2.5
(10 g)
other cellular processes, including the immune 2 tablespoons ghee (30 g) 0.6
system and insulin production. 2 teaspoons cod liver oil (10 ml) 21.0
Meat and fish
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 0.5
Liver, calf, cooked (90 g) 0.3
Dietary sources Liver, ox, cooked (90 g) 1.0
Liver, pig, cooked (90 g) 1.0
See Table 2 for dietary sources of vitamin D. White fish Trace
Sardines (70 g) 5.6
Tinned salmon (100 g) 12.5
Metabolism Tinned pilchards (100 g) 8.0
Tinned tuna (100 g) 5.0
Absorption (dietary source) 2 fillets herring, cooked 20.0
Vitamin D is absorbed with the aid of bile salts (110 g)
2 fillets kipper, cooked (130 g) 20.0
from the small intestine via the lymphatic system 2 fillets mackerel, cooked 21.0
and its associated chylomicrons. The efficiency (110 g)
of absorption is estimated to be about 50%. Beverages
1 mug Ovaltine1 (300 ml) 0.7
1 mug Horlicks1 (300 ml) 0.7
Distribution 1 mug Build-Up1 (300 ml) 3.0
Vitamin D is converted by hydroxylation (pre- 1 mug Complan2 (300 ml) 1.5
dominantly in the liver) to 25(OH)D3 ; this 1
Made with milk (whole or skimmed).
is the major circulating form of vitamin D. 2
Made with water.
From the liver, 25(OH)D3 is transported to the Excellent sources (> 5 g/portion) (bold); good sources (> 1.5 g/portion)
kidney and converted by further hydroxylation
to 1,25(OH)2 D3 , the metabolically active form,
and to 24,25(OH)2 D3 .
Vitamin D 341

Synthesis is regulated mainly by circulat- r The elderly, whose exposure to sunlight may
ing levels of 1,25(OH)2 D3 . When levels of be reduced because of poor mobility.
1,25(OH)2 D3 are high, synthesis is low and r Individuals with dark skins.
vice versa. Synthesis is also stimulated by r Strict vegetarians and vegans.
hypocalcaemia, hypophosphataemia and para- r Those who do not get much exposure to
thyroid hormone (PTH) and inhibited by hyper- sunlight.
calcaemia. A second metabolite of vitamin D, r Patients with malabsorption conditions (e.g.
24,25(OH)2 D3 , is produced in the kidney. Both coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis, Crohns dis-
1,25(OH)2 D3 and 24,25(OH)2 D3 may be re- ease, short bowel syndrome).
quired for the biological activity of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is transported in the plasma bound Lack of vitamin D has been associated with a
to a specific vitamin D-binding protein, which range of different conditions, such as osteoporo-
is its main storage form. Small amounts are sis, cancer, CVD, diabetes mellitus and poor
stored in the liver, and also in adipose tissue, immune function.
which may cause a relative deficiency in obese
people. Some vitamin D derivatives are excreted Osteoporosis
in breast milk. Vitamin D (independently of calcium) may
be useful in the prevention of osteoporosis.
Some research has shown that women with hip
Deficiency fractures have lower levels of plasma vitamin
D.5 People with a certain type of vitamin D re-
Deficiency of vitamin D results in inadequate
ceptor may be more susceptible to osteoporosis,
intestinal absorption of calcium and phos-
and women with different types of vitamin D
phate; hypocalcaemia, hypophosphataemia and
receptor seem to respond differently to vitamin
increase in serum alkaline phosphatase activity;
D supplements.6
and hyperparathyroidism. Demineralisation
There is some evidence that vitamin D
of bone leads to rickets in children and osteo-
supplementation helps to reduce bone loss79
malacia in adults. Infants may develop convul-
and fracture risk10,11 and, in combination with
sions and tetany.
calcium,12 may enhance the effect of HRT.
However, other studies have not shown any
reduction in rates of fracture with vitamin D
Possible uses
supplementation. A Dutch study involving 2500
Requirements may be increased and/or supple- healthy men and women over the age of 70
ments necessary in: showed that a daily dose of 400 units of vitamin
D had no effect on fracture rates.13
r Infants who are breast-fed without supple- Differences in effects may be due to dif-
mental vitamin D or who have minimal ferences in populations studied, study designs
exposure to sunlight (the Department of and doses of vitamin D. A recent meta-analysis
Health2 advises that all children from the age of four RCTs, each of which used a dose
of 15 years should receive supplements of of 20 g (800 units) vitamin D daily, found
vitamins A and D). that this dose prevents approximately 30% of
r Pregnancy women who have low intake hip or non-vertebral fractures compared with
of vitamin D during pregnancy have been placebo in adults over the age of 65 years, and
shown to produce low birth weight infants.3 concluded that lower intakes are not effective.14
Maternal vitamin D insufficiency during Another recent meta-analysis, which included
pregnancy has been associated with reduced five RCTs for hip fracture and seven RCTs for
bone-mineral accrual in the offspring during non-vertebral fracture risk, concluded that oral
childhood.4 vitamin D supplementation between 700 and
r Breast-feeding (particularly with babies born 800 units daily appears to reduce the risk of hip
in the autumn). and any non-vertebral fractures in ambulatory
342 Vitamin D

or institutionalised elderly persons, but that Cancer

an oral vitamin D dose of 400 units daily is Evidence from epidemiological studies suggests
not effective.15 Indeed, a trial published after that enhanced sunlight exposure is associated
this meta-analysis found that a dose of calcium with reduced death rates from certain common
1000 mg daily with vitamin D 400 units did not cancers, including cancer of the colon, breast,
significantly reduce hip fracture.16 However, a prostate and ovary.24,25 Prospective studies
trial in a primary care setting involving 3314 show relative risks for colon cancer of 0.33
women aged over 70 with one or more risk to 0.74 with higher vitamin D intake or con-
factors for hip fracture found that calcium centrations of 25(OH)D3 above 65 nmol/L.26
1000 mg daily and vitamin D 800 units did not Supplemental vitamin D and calcium has been
reduce the risk of clinical fractures overall.17 associated with reduced recurrence of colo-
Whether vitamin D or vitamin D analogues rectal adenomas, although the association was
have a different effect on fracture incidence weak.27 However, an RCT involving 36 282
is unclear. With regard to post-menopausal post-menopausal women found that daily sup-
osteoporosis, there is evidence that vitamin D plementation for 7 years with calcium 1000 mg
analogues rather than plain vitamin D may daily and vitamin D 400 units daily had no
have bone-sparing actions. This may be because effect on the incidence of colorectal cancer.28
the type of vitamin D deficiency is a reflection of Prostate cancer risk has been found to be higher
1,25(OH)2 D3 deficiency or resistance and plain in men with low serum 25(OH)D3 concen-
vitamin D will have no effect. Thus, a vitamin D trations, but this protective role seems to be
analogue (e.g. calcitriol) could reduce bone loss strongest in younger men when serum androgen
as a result of a pharmacological action rather levels are higher.29 A recent prospective study
than replenishing a deficiency. in men found an inverse association between
A meta-analysis found that the vitamin low vitamin D levels and risk of total cancer
D analogues, alfacalcidol and calcitriol, were and mortality, particularly for cancers of the
superior to plain vitamin D in preventing digestive system.30
spinal fractures.18 A Cochrane review found
no evidence for this and also concluded that Cardiovascular disease and diabetes
vitamin D alone had no significant effect on Epidemiological studies have demonstrated
hip fracture, vertebral fracture or any new a weak inverse relationship between serum
fracture, while vitamin D given with calcium 25(OH)D3 levels and blood pressure, while
was associated with fewer hip and other non- some clinical trials have shown that admin-
vertebral fractures.19 The anti-fracture effect of istration of vitamin D, 1- vitamin D or
vitamin D and calcium is likely to be due to exposure to ultraviolet B can reduce blood
their effect on BMD, although again the results pressure in people with hypertension. There
of controlled trials are inconsistent. is also evidence that poor vitamin D status is
Vitamin D may also improve neuromuscular associated with high concentrations of various
coordination, preserve muscle function and as inflammatory markers (e.g. tumour necrosis
a consequence decrease the risk of falling and factor and interleukin-6) that contribute to
falling-related fractures.20,21 A meta-analysis of the development of atherosclerosis, and that
five RCTs involving 1237 participants found vitamin D supplementation can improve the
that vitamin D reduced the risk of falls among profile of these markers.31 Reduced vitamin D
both ambulatory and institutionalised older status is also associated with a higher incidence
people by 2%.22 A trial published more recently of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus,
found that supplementation with both colecal- insulin resistance, low insulin concentrations,
ciferol (700 units daily) and calcium (500 mg and in some studies, high blood glucose levels.
daily) over a 3-year period reduced the risk of
falling in ambulatory older women by 46% and Miscellaneous
in less active women by 65%, but supplements Vitamin D has an important role in the
had no effect in men.23 immune system. There is growing evidence for
Vitamin D 343

an involvement of vitamin D in infections, to vitamin D, but doses of 250 g (10 000 units)
particularly in tuberculosis, and also in various daily for 6 months may result in toxicity. Infants
autoimmune and inflammatory conditions such and children are generally more susceptible than
as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and adults; prolonged administration of 45 g (1800
inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcer- units) daily may arrest growth in children. Some
ative colitis and Crohns disease. Vitamin D infants seem to be hyper-reactive to small doses.
supplementation has been shown to improve There is no risk of vitamin D toxicity from
symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple prolonged exposure to sunlight.
sclerosis.31 Excessive intake leads to hypercalcaemia and
its associated effects. These include apathy,
Conclusion anorexia, constipation, diarrhoea, dry mouth,
Vitamin D is important for bone health, fatigue, headache, nausea and vomiting, thirst
and some research has shown that sup- and weakness.
plementation with vitamin D may reduce Later symptoms are often associated with
the risk of osteoporosis and fracture. It is calcification of soft tissues and include bone
unclear whether most benefit is achieved pain, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, renal
from vitamin D alone or from vitamin D with damage (increased urinary frequency, decreased
calcium, and what the appropriate doses urinary concentrating ability; nocturia, protein-
are. Epidemiological studies have found a uria), psychosis (rare) and weight loss.
link between colon cancer and low vitamin
D, but whether supplements can reduce the
risk of cancer is unknown. Interactions
Anticonvulsants (phenytoin, barbiturates or
Precautions/contraindications primidone): may reduce effect of vitamin D
Vitamin D should be avoided in hypercal- by accelerating its metabolism; patients on
caemia; and renal osteodystrophy with hyper- long-term anticonvulsant therapy may require
phosphataemia (risk of metastatic calcification). vitamin D supplementation to prevent oste-
Calcitonin: effect of calcitonin may be antago-
Supplements containing vitamin D3 (cholecal- nised by vitamin D.
ciferol) are obtained from animal sources (usu- Colestyramine, colestipol: may reduce intestinal
ally as a by-product of wool fat) and are not suit- absorption of vitamin D.
able for strict vegetarians (vegans). Vitamin D2 Digoxin: caution because hypercalcaemia
(ergocalciferol) is obtained from plant sources caused by vitamin D may potentiate effects of
and can be recommended. digoxin, resulting in cardiac arrhythmias.
Liquid paraffin: may reduce intestinal absorp-
tion of vitamin D (avoid long-term administra-
Pregnancy and breast-feeding tion of liquid paraffin).
Sucralfate: may reduce intestinal absorption of
No problems reported with normal intakes.
vitamin D.
There is a risk of hypercalcaemic tetany in breast
Thiazide diuretics: may increase risk of hyper-
fed infants whose mothers take excessive doses
of vitamin D.
Vitamin D analogues (alfacalcidol, calcitriol,
dihydrotachysterol): increased risk of toxicity
Adverse effects with vitamin D supplements.
Vitamin D is the most likely of all the vitamins
to cause toxicity; the margin of safety is very Nutrients
narrow. There is a wide variation in tolerance Calcium: may increase risk of hypercalcaemia.
344 Vitamin D

Dose to one of two dosages of vitamin D. Am J Clin Nutr

1995; 61: 11401145.
Vitamin D is available in the form of tablets and 10 Chapuy MC, Arlot ME, Duboeuf F, et al. Vita-
capsules, as well as in multivitamin preparations min D and calcium to prevent hip fractures
and fish oils. in elderly women. N Engl J Med 1992; 327:
A suitable dose of vitamin D in most cases is 16371642.
10 g (400 units) daily. 11 Dawson-Hughes B, Harris SS, Krall EA, Dallal GE.
Effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on
For prevention of fracture in older people,
bone density in men and women 65 years of age or
there is evidence that a higher dose of 20 g (800 older. N Engl J Med 1997; 337: 670676.
units) with calcium 1200 mg daily is required. 12 Recker RR, Davies KM, Dowd RM, Heaney RP.
The effect of low-dose continuous estrogen and
progesterone therapy with calcium and vitamin D
Upper safety levels on bone in elderly women. A randomized, controlled
trial. Ann Intern Med 1999; 130: 897904.
The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Miner- 13 Lips P, Graafmans WC, Ooms ME, et al. Vitamin
als (EVM) has identified a likely safe total intake D supplementation and fracture incidence in elderly
of vitamin D for adults from supplements alone persons. A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical
of 25 g daily. trial. Ann Intern Med 1996; 124: 400406.
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women with acute hip fracture. JAMA 1999; 281: menopausal osteoporosis. Cochrane database, issue
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6 Graafmans WC, Lips P, Ooms ME, et al. The effect 20 Janssen H, Samson M, Verhaar H. Vitamin D
of vitamin D supplementation on the bone mineral deficiency, muscle function, and falls in elderly
density of the femoral neck is associated with vitamin people. Am J Clin Nutr 2002; 75: 611615.
D receptor genotype. J Bone Miner Res 1997; 12: 21 Bischoff-Ferrari H, Dietrich T, Orav E, et al. Higher
12411245. 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated
7 Dawson-Hughes B, Dallal GE, Kraal EA, et al. Effect with better lower extremity function in both active
of vitamin D supplementation on wintertime and and inactive persons aged 60 years or more. Am J
overall bone loss in healthy postmenopausal women. Clin Nutr 2004; 80: 752758.
Ann Intern Med 1991; 115: 505512. 22 Bischoff-Ferrari H, Dawson-Hughes B, Willett W,
8 Ooms ME, Roos JC, Bezemer PD, et al. Prevention et al. Effect of vitamin D on falls: a meta-analysis.
of bone loss by vitamin D supplementation in JAMA 2004; 291: 19992006.
elderly women: a randomised double-blind trial. J 23 Bischoff-Ferrari H, Orav EJ, Dawson-Hughes B.
Endocrinol Metab 1995; 80: 10521058. Effect of cholecalciferol plus calcium on falling in
9 Dawson-Hughes B, Harris SS, et al. Rates of bone ambulatory older men and women. Arch Intern Med
loss in postmenopausal women randomly assigned 2006; 166: 424430.
Vitamin D 345

24 Guyton K, Kensler T, Posner G. Cancer chemo- 28 Wactawski-Wende J, Kotchen J, Anderson J, et al.

prevention using natural vitamin D and synthetic Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and the
analogs. Ann Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2001; 41: risk of colorectal cancer. N Engl J Med 2006; 354:
421442. 684696.
25 Garland C, Garland F, Gorham E, et al. The role of 29 Tuohimaa P, Lyakhovich A, Aksenov N, et al.
vitamin D in cancer prevention. Am J Pub Health Vitamin D and prostate cancer. J Steroid Biochem
2006; 96: 252261. Mol Biol 2001; 76: 125134.
26 Zitterman A. Vitamin D in preventive medicine. Are 30 Giovannucci E, Liu Y, Rimm E, et al. Prospective
we ignoring the evidence? Br J Nutr 2003; 89: 552 study of predictors of vitamin D status and cancer
572. incidence and mortality in men. J Natl Cancer Inst
27 Hartman T, Albert P, Snyder K, et al. The 2006; 98: 451459.
association of calcium and vitamin D with 31 Zitterman A. Vitamin D and disease prevention
risk of colorectal adenomas. J Nutr 2005; 135: with special reference to cardiovascular disease. Prog
252259. Biophys Mol Biol 2006; 92: 3948.
Vitamin E

Description Dietary intake

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. In the UK, the average adult daily diet provides
8.3 mg.

Vitamin E is a generic term used to describe all
tocopherol and tocotrienol derivatives that ex- Vitamin E is an antioxidant, protecting
hibit the biological activity of alpha-tocopherol. PUFAs in membranes and other critical cellu-
lar structures from free radicals and products
of oxidation. It works in conjunction with
Units dietary selenium (a cofactor for glutathione
peroxidase), and also with vitamin C and other
To determine the number of milligrams of enzymes, including superoxide dismutase and
alpha-tocopherol in a supplement expressed in catalase.
International Units, use the following conver-
sion factors. If the form of vitamin E in the sup-
plement is natural, i.e. d-alpha-tocopherol or Dietary sources
RRR-alpha-tocopherol, multiply International
Units by 0.67. Thus, 100 IU of natural vitamin See Table 2 for dietary sources of vitamin E.
E = 66.7 mg alpha-tocopherol (100 0.67). If
the form of vitamin E in the supplement is
synthetic, i.e. d,l-alpha-tocopherol or all-rac- Metabolism
alpha-tocopherol), multiply IUs by 0.45. Thus, Absorption
100 IU of synthetic vitamin E = 45 mg alpha- Absorption of vitamin E is relatively inefficient
tocopherol (30 0.45). (2080%); the efficiency of absorption falls as
the dose increases. Normal bile and pancreatic
secretion are essential for maximal absorption.
Human requirements Absorption is maximal in the median part of the
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for intestine; it is not absorbed in the large intestine
vitamin E. to any great extent.
There is an increased requirement for vitamin
E in diets high in polyunsaturated fatty acids Distribution
(PUFAs), but many items high in PUFA (e.g. Vitamin E is taken up principally via the
vegetable oils and fish oils) are also high in lymphatic system and is transported in the
vitamin E (see Table 2). In general, the require- blood bound to lipoproteins. More than 90%
ment for vitamin E appears to be 0.4 mg/g of is carried by the LDL fraction. There is some
linoleic acid; 34 mg/g of eicosapentaenoic and evidence that a greater proportion is transported
docosahexaenoic acid combined. by the HDL fraction in females than in males.

Vitamin E 347

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for vitamin E (mg/day)

EU RDA = 10 mg

Age UK Safe Intake EVM USA


06 months 0.4 mg/g PUFA1 42 2.7

712 months 0.4 mg/g PUFA1 62 2.7
13 years 0.4 mg/g PUFA1 5 6 200 5.0
48 years 6 7 300 5.06
913 years 9 11 600
1065+ years 7.57 /10.08
1470+ years 12 15 10003
1150+ years >4 727
1150+ years >3
Pregnancy 16 19 8004 /10005
Lactation 16 19 8003 /10004

1 PUFA = polyunsaturated fatty acid. 2 Adequate Intakes (AI). 3 1418 years, 800 mg. 4 Up to 18 years. 5 1950 years.
6 79 years, 7.0 mg. 7 Women 8 Men.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from diet and supplements.

Vitamin E is stored in all fatty tissues, in Water-miscible preparations are superior to

particular adipose tissue, liver and muscle. fat-soluble preparations in oral treatment of
patients with fat malabsorption syndromes. The
Elimination bioavailability of natural vitamin E is greater
The major route of elimination is the faeces; than that of synthetic vitamin E. However,
usually < 1% of orally administered vitamin E several studies indicate that these differences
is excreted in the urine. Vitamin E appears in may be even greater than originally thought.14
breast milk.
Deficiency of vitamin E is not generally recog-
Absorption is enhanced by dietary fat; medium- nised as a clearly definable syndrome. In pre-
chain triglycerides enhance absorption whereas mature infants, deficiency is associated with
polyunsaturated fats are inhibitory. haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytosis, increased
Vitamin E is not very stable; significant platelet aggregation, intraventricular haemor-
losses from food may occur during storage rhage and increased risk of retinopathy (but
and cooking. Losses also occur during food prophylaxis is controversial see Precautions/
processing, particularly if there is significant contraindications).
exposure to heat and oxygen. There can be The only children and adults who show
appreciable losses of vitamin E from vegetable clinical signs of vitamin E deficiency are those
oils during cooking. with severe malabsorption (i.e. in abetalipopro-
348 Vitamin E

Table 2 Dietary sources of vitamin E

Food portion Vitamin E content (mg) Food portion Vitamin E content (mg)

Breakfast cereals Kidney (75 g) 0.3

1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 1.0 Sardines (70 g) 0.3
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 3.0 Tinned salmon (100 g) 1.5
2 pieces Shredded Wheat 0.5 Tinned pilchards (100 g) 0.7
1 bowl Start (35 g) 6.2 Tinned tuna (100 g) 0.5
2 Weetabix 0.5 2 fillets herring, cooked (110 g) 0.3
Cereal products 2 fillets kipper, cooked (130 g) 0.4
Brown rice, boiled (160 g) 0.5 Vegetables
Brown pasta 0 Broccoli, boiled (100 g) 1.3
Wholemeal bread, 2 slices 1.5 Brussels sprouts, boiled (100 g) 0.9
2 heaped tablespoons wheatgerm 3.6 Sweet potatoes, boiled (150 g) 6.5
Milk and dairy products 2 tomatoes 1.8
2 pint whole milk 0.08 1 small can baked beans (200 g) 0.75
2 pint soya milk 1.7 Chickpeas, cooked (105 g) 1.6
Hard cheese, 50 g 0.25 Red kidney beans, cooked (105 g) 0.2
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 0.6 Fruit
Fats and oils 1 apple 0.4
Butter, on 1 slice bread (10 g) 0.2 2 avocado pear 3.0
Margarine, on 1 slice bread (10 g) 0.8 1 banana 0.3
Low-fat spread, on 1 slice bread 0.6 Blackberries, stewed (100 g) 2.0
(10 g)
2 tablespoons ghee (30 g) 1.0 1 orange 0.3
1 tablespoon olive oil 1.0 3 plums 0.6
1 tablespoon sunflower seed oil 10 Nuts
1 tablespoon wheatgerm oil 27 20 almonds 4.8
2 teaspoons cod liver oil 2.0 10 Brazil nuts 2.5
Meat and fish 30 hazelnuts 6.2
Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 0.3 30 peanuts 3.3
Liver, calves, cooked (90 g) 0.4 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds 7.5
Liver, ox, cooked (90 g) 0.3 Peanut butter, on 1 slice bread (10 g) 0.5

Excellent sources (> 3.0 mg/portion) (bold); good sources

(> 1.5 mg/portion) (italics).

teinaemia, chronic cholestasis, biliary atresia Cancer

and cystic fibrosis), or those with familial Vitamin E has been suggested to be protec-
isolated vitamin E deficiency (rare inborn error tive against cancer, and several epidemiological
of vitamin E metabolism). Clinical signs of studies have found either low dietary intakes of
deficiency include axonal dystrophy, reduced vitamin E and/or lower serum levels of vitamin
red blood cell half-life and neuromuscular E in patients who have cancer than in people
disturbances. without cancer. However, not all studies have
shown protective effects.
The prospective Iowa Womens Health
Possible uses
Study5 showed that a reduced risk of colon
A large number of claims for vitamin E have cancer was associated with high intakes of sup-
been made, but they are generally difficult to plemental vitamin E in women under 65 years of
evaluate because they are often anecdotal or age. Further data from this study showed that
deduced from poorly designed trials. higher intakes of vitamin E are linked to lower
Vitamin E 349

risk of gastric, oesophageal, oral and pharyngeal Cardiovascular disease

cancers.6 High dietary intake of vitamin E has Epidemiological studies have shown that low
been associated with reduced risk of breast dietary intakes of vitamin E are associated with
cancer,7 but another study showed no protective an increased risk of CVD in both men18 and
effect.8 There is some evidence that high plasma women.19 Plasma vitamin E levels have also
vitamin E levels protect against cervical cancer,9 been found to be low in patients with variant
lung cancer,10 and prostate cancer.11 angina.20
A large Finnish study involving 29 133 male Several randomised, placebo-controlled trials
smokers showed that vitamin E supplemen- have looked at the effects of vitamin E sup-
tation (50 mg daily) reduced the incidence of plementation in CVD. The Cambridge Heart
prostate cancer by 32% and the risk of prostate Antioxidant Study (CHAOS),21 which involved
cancer deaths by 41% compared with those a total of 2002 subjects with angiographically
who took no vitamin E.12 The study also proven CVD, showed that those who received
detected a somewhat lower incidence of colo- vitamin E (400 or 800 units daily) had a 47%
rectal cancer in the vitamin E arm compared reduction in death from cardiovascular death
with the no vitamin E arm, but this was not and non-fatal myocardial infarction. This effect
statistically significant.13 Further data from this was due to a significant reduction (77%) in the
study showed that neither of the treatments used risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction.
(vitamin E or beta-carotene) had a statistically However, there was no effect on death from
significant effect on the incidence and mortality CVD alone. A non-significant increase in death
rate of pancreatic cancer and incidence of lung from CVD was found in the supplemented
and urinary tract cancers.14 group. However, a subsequent analysis of the
More recent trials have shown no signifi- deaths22 showed that, of the 59 deaths due to
cant benefit of vitamin E supplementation in ischaemic heart disease, six were in the group of
cancer. A randomised, double-blind, placebo- patients that complied with vitamin E supple-
controlled international trial (the initial Heart mentation, 21 were in the non-compliant group
Outcomes Prevention Evaluation [HOPE] trial and 32 in the placebo group. This subsequent
and the ongoing HOPE trial) investigated the analysis has reduced concern about the possible
effect of vitamin E (400 units daily) on cardio- adverse effects of vitamin E in this group of
vascular events and primary prevention of patients with established CVD.
cancer with a median follow-up of 7 years. An Italian trial the Gruppo Italiano per lo
There were no significant differences for can- Studio Della Sopravvivenza nellInfarto Miocar-
cer incidence and cancer deaths.15 In the dio (GISSI)23 involved 11 324 patients who
Womens Health Study, which tested the effect had survived a myocardial infarction within
of vitamin E 600 units on alternate days on the 3-month period before enrolment. The four
cardiovascular events and cancer, there were arms of the study included vitamin E, n-3
no significant effects on total cancer, breast PUFA, a mixture of the two, or placebo, and
cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer or cancer the primary end points were death, non-fatal
deaths.16 myocardial infarction and stroke. Vitamin E
A 2003 systematic review concluded that reduced the risk for the primary end points
there is insufficient evidence to recommend by 11%, and the n-3 PUFA by 15%, with
for or against the use of routine vitamin E only the latter reaching statistical significance.
supplementation for the prevention of can- Possible explanations for the differences in the
cers other than lung cancer (i.e. oesophageal, results between CHAOS and GISSI have been
stomach, colorectal, urological and prostate) suggested, and include the fact that 50% of the
in the general population. The reviewers also GISSI subjects were on lipid-lowering drugs and
concluded that there is good evidence to rec- that they presumably ate a Mediterranean diet
ommend against the use of routine vitamin with a high intake of fruit and vegetables.
E supplementation for the prevention of lung The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Can-
cancer.17 cer Prevention (ATBC) Study, involving 27 271
350 Vitamin E

men, was designed to investigate the influ- of vitamin E from foods had a higher risk
ence of antioxidant supplements on cancer in of cataract relative to subjects with higher
Finnish smokers. However, an analysis of heart intakes,32 and low serum levels of vitamin E and
disease24 in this trial showed that vitamin E beta-carotene were related to increased risk of
(50 mg) reduced the risk of primary major cataract in a Finnish study,33 a French study,34
coronary events by 4% and the incidence of and a US study.35 However, an analysis of the
fatal CHD by 8%. Neither of these benefits ATBC Study showed that vitamin E (50 mg
was found to be statistically significant, but the daily) had no effect on cataract prevalence in
trial used a small dose of a synthetic vitamin E middle-aged smoking men.36 Another study in
supplement. A further analysis of the prevention 750 elderly people with cataracts37 showed that
of recurrence of angina for subjects in the ATBC those who took vitamin E supplements halved
trial25 showed no significant protective effect of the risk of their cataracts progressing over a
vitamin E. period of 4.5 years. A further trial in 1193 peo-
The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation ple with early or no cataract found that vitamin
(HOPE) study26 enrolled a total of 2545 women E 500 units daily given for 4 years did not reduce
and 6996 men aged 55 years or older who the incidence or progression of nuclear, cortical
were at high risk of cardiovascular events, or posterior subcapsular cataracts.38
either because they had CVD or diabetes in
addition to one other risk factor. They were Diabetes
assigned to natural vitamin E (400 units daily), In a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover
an ACE inhibitor or placebo for a mean of study, 25 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes
4.5 years. In comparison with placebo, there were randomised to receive 900 mg vitamin
were no significant differences in the number of E or placebo daily for 3 months. Vitamin E
deaths from cardiovascular causes, myocardial supplementation was associated with a signif-
infarction and stroke with vitamin E. Further icant reduction in plasma glucose, haemoglobin
analysis of the HOPE study in people with A1c , triglycerides, free fatty acids, total and
mild-to-moderate renal insufficiency found that LDL cholesterol and apoprotein B levels. The
vitamin E supplementation had no apparent authors concluded that daily vitamin E sup-
effect on cardiovascular outcomes.27 Extension plementation produces a small but significant
of the HOPE trial by a further 4 years (HOPE- improvement in metabolic control in type 2
TOO) indicated that there were no differences in diabetes, but that more studies are needed to
cardiovascular events but higher rates of heart draw conclusions about the safety of long-term
failure and hospitalisations for heart failure.15 supplementation.39
The Womens Health Study16 also concluded Vitamin E could help to decrease the devel-
that 600 units vitamin E every other day over an opment of vascular disease in diabetes. Vitamin
average of 10.1 years provided no overall benefit E supplementation (1200 units for 3 months)
for major cardiovascular events, but it reduced in 75 subjects who were diabetic or diabetic
cardiovascular mortality in healthy women. with vascular disease reduced the oxidation of
Systematic reviews17,28,29 and meta- LDL cholesterol, and reduced free radical levels
analyses have concluded that there is no and other markers of inflammation.40 However
benefit of vitamin E in the prevention of in this study, the diabetics with or without
cardiovascular events. A further meta-analysis vascular disease were not distinguishable by any
found that high-dose vitamin E supplements of the markers of inflammation. Much larger,
( 400 units daily) may increase all-cause longer-term studies are needed to show that
mortality and should be avoided.31 vitamin E has an anti-inflammatory effect in
patients with vascular disease.
Epidemiological evidence suggests an associa- Neuropsychiatric disorders
tion between cataract incidence and antioxidant Vitamin E supplementation has been associated
status. Subjects with a low to moderate intake with some success in tardive dyskinesia.41,42
Vitamin E 351

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Precautions/contraindications

341 patients with Alzheimers disease were
Vitamin E supplements should be avoided: by
randomised to receive 2000 units alpha-
patients taking oral anticoagulants (increased
tocopherol, 10 mg selegiline, selegiline plus
bleeding tendency); in iron-deficiency anaemia
alpha-tocopherol or placebo. There was no
(vitamin E may impair haematological response
significant difference in outcomes between the
to iron) and hyperthyroidism.
groups, but after adjustment for confounding
factors, there were significant improvements
in outcome with all three treatment groups
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
compared with placebo. Vitamin E led to the
greatest improvement, followed by selegiline, No problems reported at normal intakes.
followed by the combination.43

Adverse effects
Miscellaneous Vitamin E is relatively non-toxic (fractional ab-
Some studies have shown that vitamin E reduces sorption declines rapidly with increasing intake,
oxidative damage in exercise,44 improves lung thereby preventing the accumulation of toxic
function,45 and improves immune function in concentrations of vitamin E in the tissues). Most
the elderly.46 adults can tolerate 100800 mg daily and even
Vitamin E has been suggested to be of doses of 3200 mg daily do not appear to lead to
benefit in a vast range of conditions including consistent adverse effects.
arthritis, asthma, infertility and Parkinsons Large doses (>1000 mg daily for prolonged
disease. Preliminary trials have shown some periods) have occasionally been associated with
positive benefits, but larger trials are required to the following side-effects: increased bleeding
confirm these findings. There is some evidence tendency in vitamin K-deficient patients; al-
that vitamin E (together with vitamin C) may tered endocrine function (thyroid, adrenal and
raise the tolerance to UV rays and therefore pituitary); rarely, blurred vision, diarrhoea,
reduce the risk of sunburn. dizziness, fatigue and weakness, gynaecomastia,
headache and nausea.
Conclusion However, a recent meta-analysis found that
Several epidemiological studies have shown high-dose vitamin E supplements ( 400 units
a link between low vitamin E intakes and daily) may increase all-cause mortality and
CHD. There is some evidence that supple- concluded that they should be avoided.31
ments (>100 units daily) reduce the risk
of CHD, but some studies do not demon-
strate a benefit. Evidence therefore remains Interactions
promising but inconclusive. There is little
evidence of benefit with vitamin E supple-
Anticoagulants: large doses of vitamin E may
ments in cancer prevention. There is prelim-
increase the anticoagulant effect.
inary evidence that vitamin E supplements
Anticonvulsants (phenobarbitone, phenytoin,
improve immune function and lung function,
carbamazepine): may reduce plasma levels of
and reduce oxidative damage in exercise.
vitamin E.
They may also improve glucose utilisation in
Colestyramine or colestipol: may reduce intesti-
diabetes, reduce the risk of cataract, delay
nal absorption of vitamin E.
the progress of Alzheimers disease, and
Digoxin: requirement for digoxin may be
improve symptomology in tardive dyskine-
reduced with vitamin E (monitoring recom-
sia. However, further research is required
before vitamin E can be recommended as a
Insulin: requirement for insulin may be reduced
supplement for these purposes.
by vitamin E (monitoring recommended).
352 Vitamin E

Liquid paraffin: may reduce intestinal absorp- 2 Acuff RV, Thedford SS, Hidiroglou NN, et al.
tion of vitamin E (avoid long-term use of liquid Relative bioavailability of RRR- and all-rac-alpha-
paraffin). tocopherol acetate in humans: studies using deuter-
ated compounds. Am J Clin Nutr 1994; 60:
Oral contraceptives: may reduce plasma vitamin 397402.
E levels. 3 Kiyose C, Muramtsu R, Kameyana Y, et al. Biodis-
Sucralfate: may reduce intestinal absorption of crimination of alpha-tocopherol stereoisomers in
vitamin E. humans after oral adminstration. Am J Clin Nutr
1997; 65: 785789.
4 Burton GW, Traber MG, Acuff RV, et al. Human
Nutrients plasma and tissue alpha-tocopherol concentrations
Copper: large doses of copper may increase in response to supplementation with deuterated
requirement for vitamin E. natural and synthetic vitamin E. Am J Clin Nutr
Iron: large doses of iron may increase require- 1998; 67: 669684.
ments for vitamin E; vitamin E may impair 5 Bostick RM, Potter JD, McKenzie DR, et al. Reduced
risk of colon cancer with high intake of vitamin E:
the haematological response in iron-deficiency The Iowa Womens Health Study. Cancer Res 1993;
anaemia. 53: 42304237.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids: the dietary require- 6 Zheng W, Sellers TA, Doyle TJ, et al. Retinol,
ment for vitamin E increases when the intake of antioxidant vitamins and cancers of the upper
PUFA increases. digestive tract in a prospective cohort study of
Vitamin A: vitamin E spares vitamin A and postmenopausal women. Am J Epidemiol 1995; 142:
protects against some signs of vitamin A tox- 955960.
7 London SJ, Stein EA, Henderson IC, et al.
icity; very high levels of vitamin A may increase Carotenoids, retinol and vitamin E and risk of
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Vitamin K: large doses of vitamin E (1200 mg A and the risk of breast cancer. N Engl J Med 1993;
329: 234240.
daily) increase the vitamin K requirement in
9 Palan PR, Mikhail MS, Basu J, Romney SL. Plasma
patients taking anticoagulants. levels of antioxidant beta-carotene and alpha-
Zinc: zinc deficiency may result in reduced tocopherol in uterine cervix dysplasias and cancer.
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pectoris. Heart 1998; 79: 454458. 40 Devaraj S, Jialal I. Low-density lipoprotein post-
26 The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation Study secretory modification, monocyte function, and
Investigators. Vitamin E supplementation and circulating adhesion molecules in type 2 diabetic
cardiovascular events in high risk patients. N Engl J patients with and without macrovascular compli-
Med 2000; 342: 145153. cations. Circulation 2000; 102: 191196.
27 Mann JF, Lonn EM, Yi Q, et al. Effects of vitamin 41 Lohr JB, Caliguiri MP. A doubleblind, placebo-
E on cardiovascular outcomes in people with mild- controlled study of vitamin E treatment of
to-moderate renal insufficiency: results of the HOPE tardive dyskinesia. J Clin Psychiatr 1996; 57:
study. Kidney Int 2004; 65: 13751380. 167173.
354 Vitamin E

42 Adler LA, Edson R, Lavori P, et al. Long-term oxidative damage in young and older adults.
treatment effects of vitamin E treatment of Am J Physiol 1993; 264 (5 Pt 2):
tardive dyskinesia. Biol Psychiatr 1998; 43: R992998.
868872. 45 Dow L, Tracey M, Villar A, et al. Does dietary
43 Sano M, Ernesto C, Thomas RG, et al. A controlled intake of vitamin C and E influence lung function
trial of selegiline, alpha-tocopherol, or both, as in older people? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996;
treatment for Alzheiimers disease. The Alzheimers 154: 14011404.
Disease Co-operative Study. N Engl J Med 1997; 46 Meydani SM, Han SN, Wu D. Vitamin E and
336: 12161222. immune response in the aged: molecular mechanisms
44 Meydani M, Evans WJ, Handelman G, et al. and clinical implications. Immunol Rev 2005; 205:
Protective effect of vitamin E on exercise-induced 268284.
Vitamin K

Description Metabolism
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. Absorption
Vitamin K is absorbed into the lymphatic
Nomenclature system, predominantly in the upper part of the
small intestine (jejunum and ileum), by a process
Vitamin K is a generic term for 2-methyl- that requires bile salts and pancreatic juice. The
1,4-naphthaquinone and all derivatives that absorption of the different forms of vitamin
exhibit qualitatively the biological activity of K differs. Vitamin K1 (phytomenadione) is
phytomenadione. The form of vitamin K present absorbed by an active energy-dependent process
in foods is phytomenadione (vitamin K1 ). The from the proximal portion of the small intestine;
substances synthesised by bacteria are known menadione is absorbed by a passive non-carrier-
as menaquinones (vitamin K2 ). The parent mediated process from both the small and large
compound of the vitamin K series is known intestines.
as menadione (vitamin K3 ); it is not a natural There is evidence that bacterially synthesised
substance and is not used in humans. Menadiol vitamin K can be a source of the vitamin for
sodium phosphate is a water-soluble derivative humans, although the availability of a sufficient
of menadione. concentration of bile salts for absorption is
questionable (plasma levels of menaquinones
Human requirements suggest that some absorption occurs).
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for
vitamin K. Distribution
Vitamin K is transported in the plasma and
Action metabolised in the liver. Vitamin K1 is con-
centrated and retained in the liver. Menadione
Vitamin K is an essential cofactor for the hepatic
is poorly retained by the liver but widely
synthesis of proteins involved in the regulation
distributed in all other tissues.
of blood clotting. These are prothrombin (factor
II), factors VII, IX, X and proteins C, S and Z.
Vitamin K is responsible for the carboxylation
of the bone protein, osteocalcin, to its active
form. Osteocalcin regulates the function of Vitamin K is eliminated partly in the bile (30
calcium in bone turnover and mineralisation. 40%) and partly in the urine (15%).
Vitamin K is also required for the biosynthesis
of some other proteins found in plasma and the
kidney. Bioavailability
The effect of cooking and food processing on
Dietary sources
vitamin K has not been carefully studied, but it
See Table 2 for dietary sources of vitamin K. appears to be relatively stable.

356 Vitamin K

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for vitamin K (g/day)


06 months 10 2.01 5
712 months 10 2.51 10
13 years 301 15
46 years 20
48 years 551
79 years 25
913 years 60
1018 years 3555
1418 years 75
1970+ years 1g/kg body weight 1000 120 65
1970+ years 1g/kg/body weight 1000 90 55
Pregnancy 1g/kg/body weight 90
Lactation 1g/kg/body weight 90

Some of the requirement for vitamin K is met by synthesis in the intestine.

1 Adequate intakes (AI).
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from diet and supplements.

Table 2 Dietary sources of vitamin K Vitamin K deficiency is rare and usually only
occurs in people who have malabsorption prob-
Vitamin K content
lems or liver disease. However, it can occur in
Food portion (g) newborn babies, and all newborns should be
given vitamin K. Deficiency leads to a prolonged
prothrombin time, which can be corrected by
Broccoli, boiled (100 g) 175 vitamin K supplementation.
Brussels sprouts, boiled 100
(100 g)
Cabbage, boiled (100 g) 125 Possible uses
Cauliflower, boiled 150
(100 g) Osteoporosis
Kale, boiled (100 g) 700 Vitamin K is not in common use as a dietary
Lettuce (30 g) 45 supplement, and few products contain it. How-
Spinach, boiled (100 g) 400
ever, there is increasing evidence that vitamin
Soya beans, cooked 190
(100 g) K deficiency may contribute to osteoporosis
Meat, average, cooked 50 by reducing the carboxylation of osteocalcin
(100 g) in bone. Low serum levels of vitamin K and
Cheese (100 g) 50 high levels of under-carboxylated osteocalcin
Bread and cereals (100 g) < 10 have been reported in both post-menopausal
Fruit (100 g) < 10 women and individuals who have sustained hip
Excellent sources (> 100 g/portion) (bold). fractures,13 and low intakes of vitamin K may
increase the risk of hip fracture.4 In addition,
Vitamin K 357

some studies have shown that patients taking Adverse effects

oral anticoagulants (which are vitamin K antag-
Oral ingestion of natural forms of vitamin K is
onists) are at increased risk of osteoporosis.
not associated with toxicity. A rare hypersensi-
Intervention trials have shown positive ef-
tivity reaction (occasionally results in death) has
fects on bone and risk of fracture. A study
been reported after intravenous administration
in which vitamin K2 45 mg daily was given
of phytomenadione (especially if rapid).
by mouth to 120 subjects with osteoporosis
was found to reduce the risk of fractures and
to sustain lumbar BMD.5 Combined admin- Interactions
istration of vitamin K2 (45 mg daily) and vi-
tamin D3 (1-alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 0.75 g Drugs
daily) increased the BMD of the lumbar spine Antibiotics: may increase requirement for vita-
in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis min K.
compared with calcium.6 Combined therapy Anticoagulants: anticoagulant effect reduced by
with vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 has been vitamin K (vitamin K is present in several tube
found to increase BMD more than vitamin K2 feeds); dosage adjustment of anticoagulant may
alone.7 Vitamin K1 1 mg daily (co-administered be necessary, especially when vitamin K has
with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D) been used to antagonise excessive effects of anti-
reduced bone loss at the femoral neck in post- coagulants (see the British National Formulary).
menopausal women between 50 and 60 years of Colestyramine or colestipol: may reduce intesti-
age to a greater extent than vitamin D and the nal absorption of vitamin K.
minerals alone.8 Liquid paraffin: may reduce intestinal absorp-
In a Dutch study in post-menopausal women, tion of vitamin K (avoid long-term use of liquid
80 g of vitamin K1 daily for 1 year increased paraffin).
carboxylated osteocalcin to pre-menopausal Sucralfate: may reduce intestinal absorption of
levels.9 In another study, vitamin K2 (45 mg vitamin K.
daily) in elderly women with osteoporosis re-
duced serum under-carboxylated osteocalcin Nutrients
levels within 2 weeks, without any significant Vitamin A: under conditions of hypervita-
change in intact osteocalcin, suggesting that minosis A, hypothrombinaemia may occur; it
under-carboxylated osteocalcin is changed to can be corrected by administering vitamin K.
carboxylated osteocalcin with potentially ben- Vitamin E: large doses of vitamin E (1200 mg
eficial effects on bone metabolism.10 daily) increase the vitamin K requirement in pa-
Vitamin K2 has also been found to be tients taking anticoagulants, but no confirmed
protective in glucocorticoid-induced bone loss. effect in individuals not taking anticoagulants.
In one study involving 60 patients, vitamin K2
alone (45 mg daily), vitamin K2 plus vitamin
D3 (alfacalcidol 0.5 g daily) and vitamin D3 Dose
alone prevented BMD loss at the lumbar spine
caused by prednisolone.11 Results from a further Vitamin K is not generally available in isolation
study suggested that vitamin K2 (15 mg daily) as a supplement. It is an ingredient in some
could help to prevent glucocorticoid-induced multivitamin preparations. No dose has been
bone loss.12 established.

Upper safety levels
None reported (except Interactions see below).
The UK Expert Group on Vitamins and
Minerals (EVM) has identified a safe upper
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
level of vitamin K for adults from supplements
No problems reported. alone of 1000 g daily.
358 Vitamin K

References 8 Schaafsma A, Muskiet FA, Storm H, et al.

Vitamin D(3) and vitamin K(1) supplementation
1 Binkle NC, Suttie JW. Vitamin K nutrition and of Dutch postmenopausal women with normal
osteoporosis. J Nutr 1995; 125: 18121821. and low bone mineral densities: effects of
2 Kanai T, Takagi T, Masuhiro K, et al. Serum vitamin serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and carboxylated
K level and bone mineral density in post-menopausal osteocalcin. Eur J Clin Nutr 2000; 54:
women. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1997; 56: 2530. 626631.
3 Vermeer C, Gijsbers BL, Cracium AM, et al. Effects 9 Miki T, Nakatsuka K, Naha H, et al. Vitamin K(2)
of vitamin K on bone mass and bone metabolism. J (menaquinone 4) reduces serum undercarboxylated
Nutr 1996; 126 (Suppl. 4): S11871191. osteocalcin level as early as 2 weeks in elderly women
4 Feskanich D, Weber P, Willett WC, et al. Vitamin with established osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Metab
K intake and hip fractures in women: a prospective 2003; 21: 161165.
study. Am J Clin Nutr 1999; 69: 7479. 10 Ushiroyama T, Ikeda A, Ueki M. Effect of continu-
5 Shikari M, Shikari Y, Aoki C, Miura M. Vitamin K2 ous combined therapy with vitamin K(2) and vitamin
(menatetrone) effectively prevents fractures and sus- D(3) on bone mineral density and coagulofibrino-
tains lumbar bone mineral density in osteoporosis. J lysis function in postmenopausal women. Maturitas
Bone Miner Res 2000; 15: 515521. 2002; 41: 211221.
6 Iwamoto J, Takeda T, Ichimura S. Effect of com- 11 Yonemura K, Fukasawa H, Fujigaki Y, Hishida
bined administration of vitamin D3 and vitamin A. Protective effect of vitamin K2 and D3 on
K2 on bone mineral density of the lumbar spine in prednisolone-induced loss of bone mineral density
postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. J Orthop in the lumbar spine. Am J Kidney Dis 2004; 43:
Sci 2000; 5: 546551. 5360.
7 Braam LA, Knapen MH, Geusens P, et al. 12 Sasaki N, Kusano E, Takahashi H, et al. Vitamin K2
Vitamin K1 supplementation retards bone loss in inhibits glucocorticoid-induced bone loss partly by
postmenopausal women between 50 and 60 years of preventing the reduction of osteoprotegerin (OPG).
age. Calcif Tissue Int 2003; 73: 2126. J Bone Miner Metab 2005; 23: 4147.

Description block receptor sites for histamine release, lead-

ing to reduction in release of histamine from
Zinc is an essential trace mineral.
mast cells.5
Another important structural role for zinc is
Human requirements the so-called zinc-finger motif in proteins.6 Zinc
fingers enable polypeptides that are too small to
See Table 1 for Dietary Reference Values for fold by themselves to fold stably when stabilised
zinc. by bound zinc. Zinc finger proteins regulate
gene expression7 by acting as transcription
Dietary intake factors (binding to DNA and influencing the
transcription of specific genes). These proteins
In the UK, the average adult daily diet provides: are involved in the metabolism of reproductive
for men, 10.2 mg; for women, 7.4 mg. hormones (e.g. androgens, oestrogens and pro-
gesterone). Prostaglandins and nuclear recep-
tors for steroids are also zinc finger proteins.
Zinc has regulatory roles in cell signalling
The human body contains approximately 2 g and influences nerve impulse transmission. It
of zinc, making this trace element the most also has a role in apoptosis (gene-directed cell
abundant in the body after iron.1 Zinc is an death), a critical cellular regulatory process with
essential component of over 200 enzymes. It implications for growth and development, as
plays an important role in the metabolism well as a number of chronic diseases.8
of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic Zinc plays a role in immune function, which
acids. It is a cofactor in a range of biochemical explains why it has been investigated for pos-
processes, including the synthesis of DNA, RNA sible benefit in infections, such as colds. It is
and protein.2 Zinc is also required for the involved in the function of cells contributing
hepatic synthesis of retinol-binding protein, the to non-specific immunity, such as neutrophils
protein involved in transporting vitamin A. and natural killer cells. Zinc also plays a role in
Without adequate zinc, symptoms of vitamin T-lymphocyte function and the development of
A deficiency can appear even if supplements of acquired immunity.9
vitamin A are taken.3 Zinc is essential for reproduction. It is
Zinc is also crucial for maintaining the struc- necessary for the metabolism of reproductive
ture and integrity of cell membranes. Reduction hormones, ovulation, testicular function, the
in the concentration of zinc in biomembranes formation and maturation of sperm, fertilisation
results in increased susceptibility to oxidative and the health of the mother and foetus during
damage and alteration in specific transport sys- pregnancy.10 Deficiency of zinc during early
tems and receptor sites, and may underlie some development can be teratogenic. In men, the
of the disorders associated with zinc deficiency.4 prostate gland has the highest concentration of
Accumulation of zinc in cell membranes can zinc of any organ in the body.

360 Zinc

Table 1 Dietary Reference Values for zinc (mg/day)

EU RDA = 15 mg


03 months 2.6 3.3 4.0 2.01 0 1.16.6

46 months 2.6 3.3 4.0 2.01 0 1.16.6
712 months 3.0 3.8 5.0 3.0 5.0 2.58.4
13 years 3.0 3.8 5.0 3.0 7.0 2.48.3
46 years 4.0 5.0 6.5 2.99.6
48 years 5.0 12.0
710 years 4.0 5.4 7.0 3.311.2a
1114 years 5.3 7.0 9.0 5.117.1b
1418 years 11.0 34.0 5.117.1
1518 years 5.5 7.3 9.5
1950+ years 5.5 7.3 9.5 25 11.0 40.0
1965+ years 4.214.0
1114 years 5.3 7.0 9.0 4.314.4b
1418 years 9.0 34.0 4.314.4
15 18 years 4.0 5.5 7.0
1950+ years 4.0 5.5 7.0 25 8.0 40.0
1965+ years 3.09.8
Pregnancy * * * 11.02 40.03
Lactation 12.04 40.03
04 months +6.0
4+ months +2.5

* No increment.
a 79 years. b 1014 years.
1 Adequate Intakes (AIs). 2 aged <18 years, 13 mg daily. 3 aged <18 years, 34 mg daily.
4 aged <18 years, 14 mg daily. 5 Recommended intake varies from diet of high to low zinc bioavailability.
EVM = Likely safe daily intake from supplements alone.
TUL = Tolerable Upper Intake Level from diet and supplements.

Other roles for zinc include wound healing, antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. It
behaviour and learning, taste and smell, blood also helps to protect against depletion of vita-
clotting, thyroid hormone function and insulin min E and maintains tissue concentrations of
action. Present in high concentrations in the eye, metallothionein a possible scavenger of free
particularly in the retina and choroid, zinc plays radicals.11
a role in the maintenance of vision.11
Zinc also acts as an antioxidant, restricting
Dietary sources
endogenous free radical production and acting
as a structural component of the extracellular See Table 2 for dietary sources of zinc.
Zinc 361

Table 2 Dietary sources of zinc

Food portion Zinc Food portion Zinc

content (mg) content (mg)

Breakfast cereals 1 beef steak (155 g) 7.0

1 bowl All-Bran (45 g) 3.0 Minced beef, lean, stewed (100 g) 6.0
1 bowl Bran Flakes (45 g) 1.5 1 chicken leg (190 g) 2.0
1 bowl Corn Flakes (30 g) 0.1 Liver, lambs, cooked (90 g) 4.0
1 bowl muesli (95 g) 2.0 Kidney, lambs, cooked (75 g) 3.0
2 pieces Shredded Wheat 1.0 Fish
2 Weetabix 1.0 Pilchards, canned (105 g) 1.5
Cereal products Sardines, canned (70 g) 2.0
Bread, brown, 2 slices 0.7 Crab (100 g) 5.5
white, 2 slices 0.4 1 dozen oysters 78.7
wholemeal, 2 slices 1.3 Vegetables
1 chapati 0.7 Green vegetables, average, boiled (100 g) 0.4
Pasta, brown, boiled (150 g) 1.5 Potatoes, boiled (150 g) 0.5
white, boiled (150 g) 0.7 1 small can baked beans (200 g) 1.0
Rice, brown, boiled (165 g) 1.0 Lentils, kidney beans or other pulses (105 g) 1.0
white, boiled (165 g) 1.0 Dahl, chickpea (155 g) 1.5
Milk and dairy products lentil (155 g) 1.5
2 pint milk, whole, semi-skimmed 1.0 Soya beans, cooked (100 g) 1.0
or skimmed
1 pot yoghurt (150 g) 1.0 Fruit
Cheese, Brie (50 g) 1.0 8 dried apricots 0.2
Camembert (50 g) 1.3 4 figs 0.3
Cheddar (50 g) 1.1 Half an avocado pear 0.3
Cheddar, reduced fat (50 g) 1.4 1 banana 0.2
Cottage cheese (100 g) 0.5 Blackberries (100 g) 0.2
Cream cheese (30 g) 0.2 Blackcurrants (100 g) 0.3
Edam (50 g) 1.1 Nuts
Feta (50 g) 0.4 20 almonds 0.6
Fromage frais (100 g) 0.3 10 Brazil nuts 1.0
White cheese (50 g) 1.5 30 hazelnuts 0.7
1 egg, size 2 (60 g) 0.8 1 small bag peanuts (25 g) 1.0
Meat and fish
Red meat, roast (85 g) 4.0

Excellent sources (bold); good sources (italics)

Metabolism approximately 95% is found within the cells.

Approximately 57% of the body pool is stored
in skeletal muscle, 29% in bone and 6% in the
Absorption occurs throughout the length of the
skin, but zinc is found in all body tissues and
small intestine, mostly in the jejunum, both by
fluids, including the liver, kidneys, pancreas,
a carrier-mediated process and by diffusion.
prostate gland and retina.2

Distribution Elimination
Zinc is transported in association with al- Elimination of zinc is mainly in the faeces;
bumin, amino acids and a 2-macroglobulin. smaller amounts are excreted in the urine and
Zinc is principally an intracellular ion and via the skin.
362 Zinc

Bioavailability Wound healing

Zinc is essential in wound healing and zinc
Absorption of zinc is enhanced by certain amino
supplementation is valuable in cases of wounds
acids such as cysteine and histidine; meat, dairy
where there is zinc deficiency or malnutrition.
produce and fish contain these amino acids
According to one review, zinc administered
and therefore their zinc is efficiently absorbed.
orally or topically to wounds can promote
Zinc from wholegrain cereals, including bran
healing and reduce infection.14 In patients
products, and also soy protein, is less available,
with low serum zinc levels, topical zinc ox-
partly because of the presence of phytate. The
ide has been shown to promote cleansing
effect of non-starch polysaccharides (dietary
and re-epithelialisation of leg ulcers, reduc-
fibre), tannic acid and caffeine is equivocal.
ing deterioration of ulcers and the risk of
High calcium intake may reduce absorption, but
infection.15 A Cochrane review assessed six
this is likely only at higher than recommended
placebo-controlled trials of zinc supplementa-
intakes of calcium (e.g. >1500 mg daily).
tion in arterial and venous leg ulcers and found
no overall benefit on the number of ulcers
healed.16 However, in people with low serum
Deficiency zinc levels, there is some evidence that oral zinc
might improve healing of leg ulcers.
Clinical manifestations of severe zinc defi-
ciency include alopecia, diarrhoea, dermatitis, Common cold
psychiatric disorders, weight loss, intercurrent The use of zinc lozenges within 24 h of the onset
infection (due to impaired immune function), of cold symptoms and continued every 23 h
hypogonadism in males, and poor ulcer healing. while awake has been advocated for reducing
Signs of mild to moderate deficiency include the duration of the common cold. One proposed
growth retardation, male hypogonadism, poor mechanism is that zinc may bind with proteins
appetite, rough skin, mental lethargy, delayed of critical nerve endings in the respiratory tract
wound healing and impaired taste acuity. and surface proteins of the rhinovirus, thereby
Maternal zinc deficiency before and during interrupting virus infection.17 However, results
pregnancy may lead to intrauterine growth from RCTs in humans are conflicting. A meta-
retardation and congenital abnormalities in the analysis of six RCTs reported no statistical
foetus. benefit of using zinc lozenges to reduce cold
duration.18 Two additional analyses of RCTs of
zinc for the common cold found that evidence
is inconclusive.19,20 A total of 10 RCTs have
Possible uses
now been conducted to evaluate the use of zinc
Anorexia nervosa lozenges on the duration of colds. Of these, five
It has been suggested that zinc deficiency is showed a positive effect and five reported no
involved in the aetiology of anorexia nervosa. effect.
Teenage girls who are restricting their food Researchers have suggested that discrepan-
intake during the period of rapid growth may cies may be caused by inadequate placebo
develop a state of zinc deficiency and anorexia control and differences in lozenge formula-
nervosa. A daily supplement of 45 mg of zinc, tion, administration and dosage. The amount
as zinc sulphate, has been reported to result in of available ionised zinc may influence the
weight gain in 17 young female patients with effectiveness of zinc and this varies with dif-
long-standing anorexia nervosa.12 The weight ferent lozenge formulations. The addition of
gain continued over a 4-year follow-up period. flavouring agents such as citric acid, mannitol or
Compared with placebo, a daily dose of 100 mg sorbitol to zinc gluconate lozenge preparations
of zinc gluconate doubled the rate of increase decreases the effect of zinc ionisation, and hence
in body mass index in 35 female patients with its release, while the addition of glycine to zinc
anorexia.13 gluconate lozenges does not.21 Positive results in
Zinc 363

the common cold are generally associated with to state that antioxidant vitamin and mineral
zinc gluconate or zinc acetate, while other forms supplementation should be taken during early
are less effective. signs of the disease and that more research is
Some researchers question the clinical rele- needed.30
vance of oral zinc levels because the rhinovirus
replicates in the nasal mucosa. Zinc nasal Miscellaneous
preparations have also been investigated for There is limited evidence that zinc may play
the common cold. One study showed that a a role in the treatment of benign prostatic
nasal gel formulation reduced cold duration hyperplasia (BPH), exercise performance,31 and
compared with placebo when used within 24 h immune function in the elderly.32 In AIDS
of onset of symptoms,22 while others showed patients receiving azidothymidine (AZT) sup-
no effect of a nasal spray on duration of cold plemented with zinc for 30 days, body weight
symptoms.23,24 was stabilised and the frequency of opportunis-
Taking lozenges every 23 h while awake tic infections reduced in the following 2 years.33
may result in daily zinc intakes above the safe However, further controlled trials are needed.
upper level of 25 mg daily. Short-term use of The role of zinc supplements in acne, white spots
zinc lozenges (up to 5 days) has not resulted in on the finger nails and treatment of brittle nails
serious side-effects, although some individuals is controversial.
experience gastrointestinal irritation. Use of zinc
at above the upper limit for prolonged periods
(e.g. 68 weeks) is not recommended and may
Results from studies investigating the effect
lead to copper deficiency.
of zinc supplements on the common cold
are conflicting. There is limited evidence
Male fertility
for a benefit of zinc in male infertility and
Zinc is necessary for growth, sexual maturation
immune function. Further controlled trials are
and reproduction. Infertile men have been re-
ported to have reduced seminal and serum zinc
levels compared with fertile men.2527 However,
other research has shown no statistically sig-
nificant relationship between zinc in serum or Adverse effects
seminal plasma and semen quality or IgA or
IgG antisperm antibody. In the same study, zinc Signs of acute toxicity (doses >200 mg daily)
levels had no influence on sperm capacity to include gastrointestinal pain, nausea, vomiting
penetrate cervical mucus in vitro or in vivo and and diarrhoea. Prolonged exposure to doses
had no effect on subsequent fertility.28 >50 mg daily may induce copper deficiency
(marked by low serum copper and caerulo-
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) plasmin levels, microcytic anaemia and neutro-
Several studies have investigated the effects penia), and iron deficiency. Doses >150 mg
of zinc and antioxidant vitamins on the pro- daily may reduce serum HDL levels, depress
gression of age-related macular degeneration immune function and cause gastric erosion.
(ARMD). The highest profile study is the Age-
Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) in which
high-dose zinc supplements (80 mg daily, which
is about 10 times the Reference Nutrient In- Drugs
take), together with antioxidants, were shown Ciprofloxacin: reduced absorption of cipro-
to reduce the risk of progression to advanced floxacin.
ARMD among patients who already had ex- Oral contraceptives: may reduce plasma zinc
tensive drusen.29 A Cochrane review looked at levels.
the overall evidence to date, including AREDS, Penicillamine: reduced absorption of penicil-
and concluded that current data are insufficient lamine.
364 Zinc

Tetracyclines: reduced absorption of zinc and 4 Bettger WJ, Fish TJ, ODell BL. Effects of copper
vice versa. and zinc status of rats on erythrocyte stability and
superoxide dismutase activity. Proc Soc Exp Biol
Med 1978; 158: 279282.
Nutrients 5 Kazimierczak W, Adamas B, Maslinski C. The
Copper: large doses of zinc may reduce absorp- action of the complexes of lidocaine with zinc
tion of copper. on histamine release from isolated rat mast cells.
Folic acid: may reduce zinc absorption (raises Biochem Pharmacol 1978; 27: 243249.
concern about pregnant women who are ad- 6 Klug A, Rhodes D. Zinc fingers: a novel protein
vised to take folic acid to reduce the risk of birth motif for nucleic acid recognition. Trends Biochem
Sci 1987; 12: 464469.
defects). 7 Cousins RJ, Blanchard RK, Moore RB, et al. Regu-
Iron: reduces absorption of oral iron and vice lation of zinc metabolism and genomic outcomes. J
versa (raises concern about pregnant women Nutr 2003; 133 (5 Suppl. 1): S15211526.
who are often given iron; this may reduce 8 Thompson CB. Apoptosis in the pathogenesis
zinc status and increase the risk of intrauterine and treatment of disease. Science 1995; 267:
growth retardation and congenital abnormali- 14561462.
ties in the foetus). 9 Shankar AH, Prasad AS. Zinc and immune function:
the biological basis of altered resistance to infection.
Am J Clin Nutr 1998; 68: S447463.
Dose 10 Barceloux DG. Zinc. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 1999;
37: 279292.
Zinc is available in the form of tablets and 11 Powell SR. The antioxidant properties of zinc. J Nutr
capsules and as an ingredient in multivitamin 2000; 130: S14471454.
preparations. 12 Safai-Kutti S. Oral zinc supplementation in anorexia
nervosa. Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl 1990; 361:
The dose beyond the RDA is not established. 1417.
Dietary supplements contain 550 mg (elemen- 13 Birmingham CL, Goldner EM, Bakan R. Controlled
tal zinc) per daily dose. trial of zinc supplementation in anorexia nervosa.
The zinc content of some commonly used Int J Eat Disord 1994; 15: 251255.
zinc salts is as follows: zinc amino acid chelate 14 Landsdown AB. Zinc in the healing wound. Lancet
(100 mg/g); zinc gluconate (130 mg/g); zinc oro- 1996; 346; 706707.
15 Agren MS. Studies in zinc wound healing. Acta Derm
tate (170 mg/g); zinc sulphate (227 mg/g).
Venereol 1990; 154 (Suppl.): 136.
16 Wilkinson EA, Hawke CI. Oral zinc for arterial and
venous leg ulcers. Cochrane database, issue 4, 1998.
Upper safety limits
London: Macmillan.
The UK Expert Groups on Vitamins and 17 Novick SG, Godfrey JC, Pollack RL, Wilder HR.
Minerals (EVM) has identified a safe upper limit Zinc-induced suppression of inflammation in the
respiratory tract, caused by infection with human
of zinc for adults from supplements alone of
rhinovirus and other irritants. Med Hypotheses
25 mg daily. 1997; 49: 347357.
18 Jackson JL, Peterson C, Lesho E. A meta-analysis of
zinc salt lozenges and the common cold. Arch Intern
References Med 1997; 157: 23732376.
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Appendix 1

Guidance on safe upper levels of

vitamins and minerals
Vitamin/mineral EU RDA EVM UK TUL USA SCF EU

Vitamin A (retinol equivalent g) 800 15001 3000 3600

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) mg 1.4 1001
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) mg 1.6 1001
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) mg 2 102 100 25
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) g 1 10001
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) mg 60 10001 2000
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) g 5 251 50 50
Vitamin E (tocopherol) mg 10 7272 1000 300
Niacin mg 18 30
Nicotinamide mg 5001 900
Nicotinic acid mg 171 10
Biotin g 150 9701
Folic acid g 200 10001 1000 1000
Pantothenic acid mg 6 2001
Calcium mg 800 15001 2500 2500
Iodine g 150 5001 1100 600
Iron mg 14 171 45
Magnesium mg 300 4001 350 250
Phosphorus mg 800 2501 4000
Zinc mg 15 252 40 25
Vitamin K mg 11
Beta-carotene mg 72 20
Chromium g
Copper mg 52 10 5
Manganese mg 41 11
Molybdenum g 2000 600
Selenium g 2002 400 300
Boron mg 5.92 20
Nickel mg 1
Vanadium mg 1.8

EU RDA : the Recommended Daily Allowance considered sufficient to prevent deficiency in most individuals in the population.
EVM : draft figures (2002) produced by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) Expert Vitamin and Mineral (EVM) group.
1 Likely safe total daily intake from supplements alone.
2 Safe upper level from supplements alone.
TUL : Tolerable Upper Intake Levels defined by the Food and Nutrition Board of the US National Academy of Sciences as the highest total level of a nutrient (diet
plus supplements) that could be consumed safely on a daily basis, which is unlikely to cause adverse health effects to almost all individuals in the general
population. As intakes rise above the TUL, the risk of adverse effects increases. The TUL describes long-term intakes, so an isolated dose above the TUL need
not necessarily cause adverse effects. The TUL defines safety limits and is not a recommended intake for most people most of the time.
SCF : Tolerable Upper Intake Levels defined by the European Commissions Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) as the maximum level of chronic daily intake of a
nutrient (from all sources) judged to be unlikely to pose a risk of adverse effects to humans. en.html
Note : dashes () indicate that the nutrient has been considered but no level set. Where the column is blank, the nutrient has not been considered.

Appendix 2

Drug and supplement interactions

Drug Food/nutrient Effect Intervention

Drugs acting on the gastrointestinal system

Antacids Iron Aluminium-, magnesium- and Separate administration of antacids

calcium-containing antacids and and iron by at least 2 h
sodium bicarbonate reduce
absorption of iron
Sulfasalazine Folic acid Sulfasalazine can reduce Monitor and give a supplement if
absorption of folic acid necessary
Stimulant laxatives Potassium Prolonged use of stimulant Avoid prolonged use of laxatives
laxatives can precipitate
Liquid paraffin Fat-soluble vitamins Liquid paraffin reduces absorption Avoid prolonged use of liquid
of vitamins A, D, E and K paraffin

Drugs acting in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system

Thiazide diuretics Calcium/vitamin D Excessive serum calcium levels can Concurrent use of thiazides with
develop in patients given thiazides calcium and/or vitamin D need not
with supplements of calcium be avoided but serum calcium levels
and/or vitamin D should be monitored
ACE inhibitors Potassium Concurrent use of ACE inhibitors Avoid
with potassium may induce severe
Potassium-sparing Potassium Concurrent use of Avoid concurrent use of
diuretics potassium-sparing diuretics and potassium-sparing diuretics and
either potassium supplements or potassium supplements unless
potassium-containing salt potassium levels are monitored ; warn
substitutes may induce severe patients about risks of salt substitutes
Calcium-channel Calcium Therapeutic effects of verapamil Calcium supplements should be used
blockers can be antagonised by calcium with caution in patients taking
Hydralazine Vitamin B6 Long-term administration of Vitamin B6 supplement may be
hydralazine may lead to needed if symptoms of peripheral
pyridoxine deficiency neuritis develop

368 Drug and supplement interactions

Drug Food/nutrient Effect Intervention

Anticoagulants Vitamin E Effects of warfarin may be Avoid high-dose vitamin E

increased by large doses of supplements
vitamin E (>100 units daily)
Vitamin K Effects of anticoagulants can be Avoid excessive intake of vitamin K
reduced or abolished by large (e.g. check labels of enteral feeds)
intakes of vitamin K
Bromelain Effects of anticoagulants may be Care with these supplements in
Chondroitin increased by these supplements people taking anticoagulants, aspirin
Fish oils and anti-platelet drugs. Avoid if
Garlic possible, otherwise monitor carefully
Ginkgo biloba
Grape seed extract
Green tea
Colestyramine Fat-soluble vitamins Prolonged use of these drugs may Supplements of vitamins A, D, E and
result in deficiency of fat-soluble K may be needed if these drugs are
vitamins administered for prolonged periods

Drugs acting on the central nervous system

Phenothiazines Evening primrose oil Evening primrose oil supplements Avoid evening primrose oil
may increase the risk of epileptic supplements
Monoamine Brewers yeast Brewers yeast may provoke a Avoid brewers yeast supplements
oxidase inhibitors hypertensive crisis
Anti-epileptics* Folic acid Anti-epileptics may cause folate Folic acid supplements should be
deficiency, but use of folic acid given only to those folate-deficient
supplements may lead to a fall in patients on anti-epileptics who can
serum anticonvulsant levels and be monitored
reduced seizure control
Vitamin B6 Large doses of vitamin B6 may Avoid large doses of vitamin B6 from
reduce serum levels of phenytoin supplements (>10 mg daily)
and phenobarbitone
Vitamin D Anti-epileptics may disturb Susceptible individuals should take
metabolism of vitamin D leading 10 g vitamin D daily
to osteomalacia
Vitamin K Anti-epileptics have been Vitamin K should be provided to the
associated with foetal newborn infant
haemorrhage. This is because the
drug crosses the placenta and
decreases vitamin K status,
resulting in bleeding in the infant
Levodopa Iron Iron reduces the absorption of Separate doses of iron and levodopa
levodopa by at least 2 h
Vitamin B6 Effects of levodopa are reduced or Avoid all supplements containing any
abolished by vitamin B6 vitamin B6 . Suggest co-careldopa or
supplements (>5 mg daily), but co-beneldopa as an alternative to
dietary vitamin B6 has no effect levodopa
Drug and supplement interactions 369

Drug Food/nutrient Effect Intervention

Drugs used in the treatment of infections

Tetracyclines Iron Absorption of tetracyclines is Separate doses of iron and

reduced by iron and vice versa tetracyclines by at least 2 h
Calcium/magnesium/ Absorption of tetracyclines may be Separate doses of mineral
zinc reduced by mineral supplements supplements and tetracyclines by at
and vice versa least 2 h
Trimethoprim Folic acid Folate deficiency in susceptible Folic acid supplement may be
individuals needed if drug used for prolonged
4-quinolones Iron/zinc Absorption of 4-quinolones may Separate doses of mineral
be reduced by mineral supplements and 4-quinolones by at
supplements and vice versa least 2 h
Cycloserine Folic acid Folate deficiency in susceptible Monitor folate status and give
individuals supplement if necessary
Isoniazid Vitamin B6 Long-term administration of Vitamin B6 supplement may be
isoniazid may lead to pyridoxine needed if symptoms of peripheral
deficiency neuritis develop
Rifampicin Vitamin D Rifampicin may disturb Monitor serum vitamin D levels
metabolism of vitamin D leading
to osteomalacia in susceptible

Drugs used in the treatment of disorders of the endocrine system

Oral Aloe vera These supplements could Care in people on medication for
hypoglycaemics theoretically potentiate the effects diabetes
and insulin of oral hypoglycaemics and insulin
Alpha-lipoic acid
Glucosamine Glucosamine might reduce the Care in people on medication for
effects of oral hypoglycaemics diabetes
and insulin
Oestrogens Vitamin C Concurrent administration of Avoid high-dose vitamin C
(including HRT oestrogens and large doses of supplements
and oral vitamin C (1 g daily) increases
contraceptives) serum levels of oestrogens
DHEA May potentiate hormonal effects Care in people using HRT
Isoflavones May potentiate hormonal effects Care in people using HRT
Bisphosphonates Calcium May lead to reduced absorption Take 2 h apart
of bisphosphonate
Thyroid medication Kelp/iodine May lead to poor control of Avoid without a doctors advice.
thyroid condition

Drugs used in the treatment of musculo-skeletal and joint diseases

Penicillamine Iron/zinc Absorption of penicillamine Separate doses of mineral

reduced by mineral supplements supplements and penicillamine by at
and vice versa least 2 h

*This interaction applies to the older anti-epileptic drugs (e.g. phenytoin, primidine, phenobarbitone, valproate and carbamazepine). There is little information
on newer anti-epileptic drugs except with the possibility of lamotrigine, which may have anti-epileptic properties. (Gilman JT. Lamotrigine: an antiepileptic
agent for the treatment of partial seizures. Ann Pharmacother 1995; 29: 144151.)
Appendix 3

Additional resources

Government web sites related to FDA whats new

dietary supplements
United Kingdom
Announcements about dietary supplements
UK Food Standards Agency Expert Group Includes details of adverse effects reported to
on Vitamins and Minerals (EVM) the FDA about individual supplements.
A group of independent experts established to
consider the safety of vitamins and minerals sold
under food law. Produced a report, Safe Upper Overview and history of FDA and the
Levels for Vitamins and Minerals, in May 2003. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Medicines and Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency (MHRA) National Institutes of Health Office of
The UK body that licenses medicines. Provides Dietary Supplements
information on legislation relating to herbals
and supplements. Associations representing industry
Association of the European
Self-Medication Industry (AESGP)
European Union Food Safety web site European trade association representing the
Gives details of all EU regulation on food over-the-counter healthcare products industry.
supplements. en.htm
Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN)
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Provides member companies with legislative guidance, regulatory interpretation, scientific
admin en.htm information on supplement benefits and safety
issues and communications expertise.
USA UK web site :
US web site :
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutri- Health Food Manufacturers Association
tion (HFMA) A trade association that acts as a voice for the
industry; covers food supplements, health foods,
FDA press releases and fact sheets herbal remedies, etc.

Additional resources 371

International Alliance of Dietary/Food On-line research information and comment

Supplement Associations (IADSA)
Arbor Nutrition Guide
Aims to facilitate a sound legislative and po-
Provides regular updates on nutritional issues,
litical environment to build growth in the
including those with relevance to supplements.
international market for dietary supplements (for subscriptions, see
based on scientific principles.

Proprietary Association of Great Britain International bibliographic information on

(PAGB) dietary supplements (IBIDS)
UK trade association representing the consumer The aim of this database is to help health
healthcare industry. professionals, researchers and the general public find scientific literature on dietary supplements.
http://ods.od/ Information/
Journals and newsletters IBIDS.aspx

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Official journal of the American Society for
The US National Library of Medicines biblio-
Clinical Nutrition. Published monthly.
graphic database providing extensive coverage
of medicine and healthcare from approximately
3900 current biomedical journals, published in
Focus on Alternative and Complementary about 70 countries.
Therapies (FACT)
Provides summaries and commentaries on var-
ious aspects of complementary medicine, in- Medline Dietary Supplements
cluding vitamins, minerals and supplements.
Published quarterly. dietarysupplements. html
Medline Vitamins
Journal of Dietary Supplements
A peer-reviewed academic publication, provid- vitamins.html
ing the latest information on food supplements.
Published quarterly. Other information
The Haworth Press Inc. Consumer Lab
Tel : +1 800 342 9678 Tests the content of diet supplements in the USA
and provides reports on its work.
Medicinal Foods News
An online magazine devoted to medical and
functional foods. Health Supplement Information Service (HSIS)
Developed by the Proprietary Association of
Great Britain (PAGB) to present the facts
Veris Newsletter about health supplements in a straightforward
Source of information on the role of nutrition in way. Aims to eliminate confusion and provide
health, with emphasis on antioxidants, botani- reliable data about individual nutrients and
cals and other ingredients from natural sources. supplements.
372 Additional resources

Joint Health Claims Initiative (JHCI) Quackwatch

Established as a joint venture by consumer A non-profit organisation with the aim of
organisations, enforcement authorities and in- debunking health-related frauds, myths, fads
dustry trade associations to concerns relating to and fallacies. There are sections on dietary
health claims and develop a code of practice to supplements.
regulate the use of health claims on foods and

ACE inhibitors 250, 367 alpha-carotene 51

acetylcholine 66, 303 alpha-linolenic acid 124
acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) alpha-lipoic acid 4
acyl carrier protein 236 alpha-tocopherol see vitamin E
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 89 Alzheimers disease
Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes xix carnitine and 48
adequate intakes (AIs) xix choline 66
adolescents, calcium supplements 38 fish oils 110
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) 241 folic acid and 134
advertising, regulation xiii ginkgo biloba 147
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) lecithin 197
age-related macular degeneration (AMD) phosphatidylserine 240
antioxidants 14 silicon and 297
ginkgo biloba 148 thiamine 303
lutein 56 vitamin E 351
zinc 14, 363 see also dementia
AIDS see HIV infection/AIDS amino acids xi, 285
AIs (adequate intakes) xix branched-chain (BCAAs) 28
ajoene 141 aminoglycosides 327
alcohol aminosalicylates 327
calcium interactions 42 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 29, 232
high intake, folic acid and 133 anaemia xi
magnesium interactions 204 iron deficiency 180
pantothenic acid interactions 238 megaloblastic 324
riboflavin interactions 282 pernicious 135, 324
thiamine and 301, 303, 304 analgesic activity, pycnogenol 269
vitamin B6 and 322 aneurine see thiamine
vitamin B12 and 327 angina pectoris
alcoholism, chronic 130, 305 antioxidants 9
aldehyde oxidase 217 beta-carotene 55
alfacalcidol 339, 342, 343 bromelain 34
allergic disorders carnitine 48
probiotics/prebiotics 255 coenzyme Q 77
see also atopic eczema fish oils 106
allergic reactions vitamin E and 349
bee pollen 19 animal studies xx
ginkgo biloba 149 anorexia 29
nickel 228 anorexia nervosa 96, 362
psyllium 265 antacids 42, 183, 367
royal jelly 284 anthocyanins 118
allergic rhinitis anti-angiogenesis factors 294
probiotics 255 antibiotic-associated diarrhoea 253
quercetin 273 antibiotics 369
seasonal see seasonal allergic rhinitis folic acid interactions 135
Spirulina 298 vitamin B12 interactions 327
allicin 141 vitamin K interactions 357
alliin 141 anticoagulants 368
aloe vera 1 chondroitin interactions 69
aloes 1 fish oil interactions 113

374 Index

anticoagulants (cont.) fish oils and 103

ginkgo biloba interactions 149 flavonoids and 120
vitamin interactions 316, 335, 351, vitamin C and 333
357 see also cardiovascular disease; coronary heart disease
see also warfarin athletic performance see exercise performance
anticonvulsants (anti-epileptics) 368 atopic eczema 100, 255
biotin interactions 24 ATP (adenosine triphosphate) 89
calcium interactions 42 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 111,
carnitine interactions 49 269
folic acid interactions 135 autism 321
vitamin interactions 335, 343, 351 autoimmune disorders
anti-diabetic drugs 6, 74, 265, 369 flaxseed oil 125
antiepileptic drugs see anticonvulsants quercetin 273
antimicrobial activity vitamin D 342
bromelain 34 see also multiple sclerosis; rheumatoid arthritis; systemic
garlic 143 lupus erythematosus
green tea extract 171 azidothymidine (AZT) 363
antioxidants 8, 9
action 8 bacteria, probiotic 251
alpha-lipoic acid 4 bacterial vaginosis 254
cancer prevention xx, 12 barbiturates 282, 343
capacity 8 bee pollen 19
carotenoids 8, 51 behavioural problems, childhood 111
coenzyme Q 8, 76 benign prostatic hyperplasia 19
grape seed extract 166 beri-beri 302
green tea 8, 171 beta-blockers 213
N-acetyl cysteine 219 beta-carotene 51
possible uses 9 age-related macular degeneration 14
quercetin 272 antioxidant activity 8, 51
zinc 360 cancer 12, 53
see also other specific antioxidants cardiovascular disease 9, 55
anti-platelet drugs 2, 149 cataract 13, 55
see also aspirin; platelet aggregation dietary intake guidelines 366
antiretroviral therapy 281 dietary sources 52
antithyroid drugs 178, 369 possible uses 53
anti-viral activity betaine 21
flavonoids 122 -sitosterol 139
quercetin 273 bifidobacteria 251
Spirulina 298 biochanin A 186
aortic stenosis 11 bioflavonoids see flavonoids
arachidonic acid 18, 99 biotin 23
Arbor Nutrition Guide 371 deficiency 24
arthritis dietary reference values 23, 366
boron 26 bisphosphonates 42, 183, 369
bromelain 33 blackcurrant oil 99
methylsulfonylmethane 215 bladder cancer
pantothenic acid 237 bleeding tendency, increased 113, 149
see also osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis see also platelet aggregation
ascorbic acid 330 blood pressure
see also vitamin C calcium and 40
aspartame 265 ginseng and 153
aspirin 113, 149, 265, 335 magnesium and 201
Association of the European Self-Medication Industry melatonin and 211
(AESGP) vitamin D and 342
astaxanthin 51 see also hypertension
asthma body composition
fish oils 108 conjugated linoleic acid and 81
green-lipped mussel 169 dehydroepiandrosterone and 94
shark cartilage-induced 295 body-building 73
vitamin B6 320 bone metabolism
vitamin C 333 conjugated linoleic acid and 82
atherosclerosis silicon and 297
antioxidants and 10 bone mineral density (BMD)
conjugated linoleic acid 82 boron and 25
Index 375

calcium action 36 cancer

dehydroepiandrosterone and 96 alpha-lipoic acid 6
isoflavones and 187 antioxidants xx, 12
vitamin A and 315 beta-carotene 12, 53
vitamin K and 357 calcium 40
see also osteoporosis coenzyme Q 78
borage oil 99 conjugated linoleic acid 82
borax 26 fish oils 112
boric acid 26 flavonoids and 121
boron 25 flaxseed oil and 125
dietary intake guidelines 366 folic acid and 133
toxicity 26 garlic 143
bovine spongiform encephalopathy ginseng and 154
(BSE) 242 green tea and 171
brain function see cognitive function isoflavones and 187
brain tumours 64, 211 magnesium and 203
branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) 28 melatonin and 211
brand names xiv N-acetyl cysteine 220
breast cancer quercetin 272
antioxidants and 13, 54 resveratrol 276
coenzyme Q 78 selenium and 289, 290
dehydroepiandrosterone and 96 shark cartilage and 294
flavonoids and 121 vitamin A and 13, 314
folic acid and 133 vitamin C and 13, 333
green tea and 171 vitamin D and 342
isoflavones 187, 190 vitamin E and 12, 348
melatonin and 211 candidal vaginitis 254
selenium and 290 canthaxanthin retinopathy 58
vitamin A and 314 capillary resistance 166
vitamin E and 349 carbamazepine 265, 351
breast-feeding carbenoxolone 250
calcium supplements 42 cardiac arrhythmias 104
fish oil supplements 111 cardiac glycosides 42
vitamin D supplements 341, 343 see also digoxin
brewers yeast 31, 72 cardiac surgery 78, 153
British Herbal Manufacturers Association cardiovascular disease (CVD)
(BHMA) x alpha-linolenic acid 19
bromelain 33 antioxidants 9
bronchitis, chronic 219 beta-carotene 9, 55
bruises 33 bromelain 34
BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) 242 carnitine 48
burning mouth syndrome 6 choline 66
burns 1 chromium 73
coenzyme Q 11, 77
cachexia 29 dehydroepiandrosterone and 95
caeruloplasmin 86 fish oils 105
caffeine 91, 171, 176, 209 flavonoids 120
calcifediol (25(OH)D3 ) 339, 340 flaxseed oil 124
calciferol 339 folic acid and 11, 131
calcitonin 343 garlic and 141
calcitriol see 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol ginseng and 153
calcium 36 grape seed extract 166
boron actions 25 green tea and 172
conjugated linoleic acid and 82 isoflavones 186
content of supplements 43 magnesium 199
deficiency xii, 37 octacosanol 229
dietary reference values 37, 366 phytosterols 243
dietary sources 38 probiotics 255
iron interactions 42, 183 pycnogenol 269
vitamin D and 36, 42, 340, 343 quercetin 272
zinc and 42, 362 resveratrol 276
calcium-channel blockers 367 S-adenosyl methionine 286
campestanol 243 selenium and 10, 289, 291
campesterol 139, 243 soya proteins 184
376 Index

cardiovascular disease (CVD) (cont.) chondroitin 68, 159

vitamin B6 and 132, 320 osteoarthritis 68, 159, 161
vitamin B12 and 132, 326 in shark cartilage 294
vitamin C and 333 chromium 31, 71
vitamin D 342 deficiency 71
vitamin E and 9, 349 dietary intake guidelines 71, 366
see also coronary heart disease; stroke chronic fatigue syndrome 48
caries, dental 127 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
carnitine 47 90, 219
carotenoids 51, 312 ciprofloxacin 363
antioxidant properties 8, 51 claims xiii, xiv, xv
cataract and 13, 55, 56 classification, dietary supplements xi
dietary sources 52 claudication, intermittent 147, 231
phytosterol interactions 245 Clostridium difficile diarrhoea 31, 252, 253
vs flavonoids 118 clotting factors, vitamin K-dependent 355
see also beta-carotene; vitamin A clozapine 292
carpal tunnel syndrome 281, 319 cobalamin 324, 328
cartilage, shark 294 co-careldopa 183
cataract Codex Alimentarius Commission xv
antioxidants and 13 coenzyme A 236
carotenoids and 13, 55, 56 coenzyme Q 76
flavonoids and 121 antioxidant properties 8, 76
quercetin and 273 cancer prevention 13
vitamin C and 334 cardiovascular disease and 11, 77
vitamin E and 13, 350 coenzyme R see biotin
catechins 171, 268 cognitive function
cervical dysplasia 54 boron and 26
cervical lesions, human papilloma virus (HPV) infected dehydroepiandrosterone and 95
173 fish oils and 110
CHF see heart failure, congestive ginkgo biloba and 146
children ginseng and 153
calcium supplements 38 green tea and 173
evening primrose oil 100, 102 isoflavones and 189
fish oil 111 melatonin and 212
fluoride supplements 127, 128 phosphatidylserine and 240
melatonin 210 vitamin B6 and 321
nutritional deficiencies xi vitamin B12 and 325
phytosterols 245 see also dementia; memory effects
probiotics 252, 254 colchicine 316, 327
vitamin A and D supplements 314, 341 cold, common
chitosan 61 flavonoids 122
chloramphenicol 327 ginseng 155
Chlorella 63 probiotics 257
Chlorella Growth Factor 63 vitamin C 332
chocolate 119, 121 zinc 362
cholecalciferol 339 colecalciferol (vitamin D3 ) 339
see also vitamin D colestipol 368
cholesterol, serum vitamin A interaction 316
carnitine and 48 vitamin D interaction 343
chitosan and 61 vitamin E interaction 351
chromium and 73 vitamin K interaction 357
fish oils and 107 colestyramine 368
garlic and 141 folic acid interaction 135
lecithin and 196 vitamin A interaction 316
octacosanol and 230 vitamin B12 interaction 327
pantothenic acid and 238 vitamin D interaction 343
phytosterols and 243 vitamin E interaction 351
probiotics/prebiotics and 255 vitamin K interaction 357
pycnogenol and 269 colorectal adenomas 13, 40, 55
soya/isoflavones and 184, 186, 187 colorectal cancer
vitamin C and 333 calcium and 40
see also hypercholesterolaemia folic acid and 133
cholestyramine see colestyramine garlic and 143
choline 65, 196 green tea and
Index 377

magnesium and 203 definitions

quercetin 273 dietary supplements x
vitamin A and 314 human requirements xviii
vitamin C and 333 dehydroascorbic acid 330
vitamin D and 342 dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 94
vitamin E and 348 dehydroepiandrosterone-3-sulphate (DHEAS) 94
common cold see cold, common dementia
congestive heart failure (CHF) see heart failure, congestive alpha-lipoic acid 6
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) 81 choline 66
constipation 263, 265 fish oils 110
ConsumerLab 371 ginkgo biloba 147
copper 85 lecithin 197
action 8 melatonin 211, 212
deficiency xii, 86 phosphatidylserine 240
dietary intake guidelines 85, 366 see also Alzheimers disease; cognitive function; memory
dietary sources 86 effects
iron interaction 87, 183 dental caries 127
macular degeneration and 14 depression
toxicity 87 chromium 73
vitamin C interaction 87, 336 dehydroepiandrosterone 95
vitamin E interaction 352 fish oils 109
zinc interaction 87, 364 folic acid 134
coronary heart disease (CHD) phosphatidylserine 240
antioxidants and 9 S-adenosyl methionine 285
beta-carotene and 55 vitamin B6 321
betaine and 21 dermatitis see eczema
carnitine 48 desferrioxamine 335
coenzyme Q 77 development, infant 110
dehydroepiandrosterone and 95 developmental coordination disorder
fish oils 105 (DCD) 111
flavonoids 120 DHA see docosahexaenoic acid
folic acid and 132 diabetes mellitus
garlic 142 aloe vera 1
green tea and 172 alpha-lipoic acid 4
magnesium and 199 beta-carotene 56
vitamin B6 320 carnitine 48
vitamin C and 333 chitosan 61
vitamin E and 349 chromium 72, 74
see also angina pectoris; myocardial infarction conjugated linoleic acid 82
corticosteroids dehydroepiandrosterone 96
induced osteoporosis 40, 357 fish oils 109
interactions 42, 250 flavonoids 121, 122
cortisol, response to stress 241 flaxseed oil 125
Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) xiii 370 folic acid 133, 135
counselling, patient/client xvi ginseng 154
creatine 89 glucosamine 163
creatine phosphate 89 magnesium 202
Crohns disease manganese 207
fish oils 108 niacin 225
probiotics 256 octacosanol 230
cryptoxanthin 51 psyllium 264, 265
Cuban cane sugar 229 pycnogenol 269
cyanocobalamin see vitamin B12 Spirulina 298
cyanogenic glycosides 126 thiamine-dependent 303
cycloartanol 139 vanadium 310
cycloartenol 139 vitamin C 334, 335
cycloserine 322, 369 vitamin D 342
cyclosporin 250 vitamin E 350
cystathione beta synthase 132 see also anti-diabetic drugs; insulin
cystic fibrosis 316 sensitivity
cystitis 34 diabetic neuropathy
alpha-lipoic acid 5
daidzein 184 carnitine 48
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 269 evening primrose oil 101
378 Index

diabetic neuropathy (cont.) Eleuthrococcus senticosus 152

magnesium status and 202 endothelial dysfunction 121, 133, 142, 186
vitamin B6 320 energy expenditure 81
vitamin B12 327 enteral feeds xi
diallyl disulphide 141 enterococci 253
diarrhoea enterodiol 124
antibiotic-associated 253 enterolactone 124
bromelain 34 enzymes xi
Clostridium difficile 31, 252, 253 antioxidant 8
probiotics/prebiotics 252 EPA see eicosapentaenoic acid
psyllium 263 epicatechin 171, 268
travellers 253 epicatechin gallate 171
diet, healthy xvi epidemiological studies xx
Dietary Reference Intakes (US) xix epigallocatechin gallate 171
Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) xi, xviii epilepsy
dietary sources xx carnitine 48
Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (DSHEA) 1994 evening primrose oil and 101
(US) x, xv melatonin 210
dietary supplements see also anticonvulsants
classification xi equol 184
definitions x erectile dysfunction 154
evidence for efficacy x, xx ergocalciferol (vitamin D2 ) 339
guidelines for use xvi ergogenic aids
legal aspects xiii vanadium 310
reasons for using ix see also exercise performance
sales ix, 18 Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) xviii
uses xi European Commission Directive, 2002/46/EC xiii
digoxin 156, 265, 343, 351 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) xiv, 370
dihomogammalinolenic acid (DGLA) 99 European Union (EU)
dihydrotachysterol 339, 343 definition of food supplements x
1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1, 25(OH)D3 ; calcitriol) dietary standards xix
339, 340 law enforcement xv
interactions 343 legal status of dietary supplements xiii
osteoporosis prevention 342 web sites 370
24, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (24, 25(OH)2 D3 ) 339, 340 evening primrose oil 99
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) 215 evidence, for efficacy x, xx
dioxins 113 exercise performance
dipyridamole 113 bee pollen 19
disulfiram 335 branched-chain amino acids 28
2-dithiolane-3 pentatonic acid (alpha-lipoic acid) 4 carnitine 48
2-dithiolane-3 valeric acid (alpha-lipoic acid) 4 choline 66
diuretics 303 coenzyme Q 78
potassium-sparing 250, 367 creatine 89
see also loop diuretics; thiazide diuretics gamma-oryzanol 139
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) ginseng and 155
in fish/fish oils 103, 114 magnesium 203
see also fish oils; flaxseed oil octacosanol 232
drug interactions 367 pantothenic acid 238
see also specific drugs exercise stress
dry eye syndrome 101 antioxidants and 14
dyslexia 111 phosphatidylserine and 241
vitamin C and 334
EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) xviii eye problems
eczema fish oils 112
atopic 100, 255 see also age-related macular degeneration; cataract
evening primrose oil 100, 102
eicosanoids 105 fatigue, chronic 48
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) FDA see Food and Drug Administration
in fish/fish oils 103, 104, 114 ferulic acid 139
metabolism 18 fibre, dietary 86, 263
see also fish oils; flaxseed oil fibromyalgia
elderly see older people Chlorella 63
eleutherosides 152 S-adenosyl methionine 286
Index 379

fish body oil 103 genistein 184, 186, 189

fish liver oil 103 ginkgo biloba 146
fish oils 103 fish oil interactions 114
action 18, 103 plus ginseng 153
dietary sources 103, 104 ginseng 152
see also docosahexaenoic acid; eicosapentaenoic acid interactions 114, 156
flavan-3-ols 118 ginsenosides 152
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) 279 glaucoma 5
flavin mononucleotide (FMN) 279 glucocorticoids see corticosteroids
flavones 118 d-gluconodimethyl aminoacetic acid 235
flavonoids 118 glucosamine 159
action 8, 118 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
dietary sources 119 335
supplements with 166, 171 glucose tolerance factor (GTF) 71
see also isoflavones; proanthocyanidins; pycnogenol; glutathione, reduced (GSH) 219, 285
quercetin glutathione peroxidase 8, 288
flavonols 118 glycetin 184
flavonones 118 glycosaminoglycans 68, 159, 294
flaxseed oil 124 gout 31, 334
fluoride 127 government web sites 370
calcium interaction 42 grape seed extract 166
dose 128 green-lipped mussel 169
folate 129 green tea extract 171
deficiency xii, 129 guarana 176
folic acid 129 guidelines, supplement use xvi
cardiovascular disease and 131
dietary reference values 130, 366 hadori-kon 276
dietary sources 131 hand dermatitis 100
legal status 18 hay fever see seasonal allergic rhinitis
vitamin B12 interaction 328 head and neck cancer 54, 220
zinc interaction 135, 364 Health and Nutrition Claims Regulation xiv
food health claims xiv, xv
legal status as xiii Health Food Manufacturers Association (HFMA) x, 370
sources xx health professionals, role of xvi
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) xv, 370 Health Supplement Information Service (HSIS) 371
Food and Nutrition Board xix healthy diet xvi
Food Standards Agency 370 heart disease see coronary heart disease
food supplements heart failure, congestive (CHF)
definition x carnitine 48
regulation in Europe xiii coenzyme Q 77
see also dietary supplements creatine 90
formaldehyde 91 thiamine 303, 304
formononetin 186 heart rate, fish oils and 104
free radicals 8 Helicobacter pylori infection 256
fructo-oligosaccharides 251 herbal products x, xi
fruit and vegetables 9, 12 hesperidin 272
cancer prevention 53 hip fractures
carotenoids in 52 folic acid and 134
flavonoids in 119 see also osteoporosis
furosemide 303, 304 histamine H2 -receptor antagonists 327
HIV infection/AIDS
galacto-oligosaccharides 251 alpha-lipoic acid 5
gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) 18, 99 carnitine 48
gamma-oryzanol 139 dehydroepiandrosterone 95
garlic 141 N-acetyl cysteine 220
gastric cancer thiamine 303
antioxidants and 12 vitamin B12 327
garlic and 143 zinc 363
green tea and homocysteine, plasma
selenium and 290 betaine and 21
vitamin A and 315 choline and 66
vitamin C and 333 creatine and 90
gastritis, chronic 334 elevated, cardiovascular risk 131
380 Index

homocysteine, plasma (cont.) vitamin D 342

folic acid and 131, 132 zinc 359
riboflavin and 281 in vitro studies xx
S-adenosyl methionine and 286 infants
vitamin B6 and 320 fluoride supplements 128
vitamin B12 and 326 maternal intake of fish oils 110
homocystinuria 21, 132 probiotics 252, 255
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 369 vitamin D supplements 341
hot flushes 188 see also children
Hu Zhang 276 infertility 291, 363
human immunodeficiency virus see HIV inflammation
human papilloma virus (HPV) infected cervical lesions 173 aloe vera 1
Huntingtons chorea 78 fish oils 104
hydralazine 322, 367 inflammatory bowel disease
hydroxocobalamin 324 aloe vera 1
1-hydroxycholecalciferol (1(OH)D3 ) 339 fish oils 108
25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D3 ) 339, 340 see also Crohns disease; ulcerative colitis
5-hydroxytryptamine 28 influenza 155, 220
hypercalcaemia 343 inositol 196
hypercarotenaemia 58 insect repellent, thiamine as 304
hypercholesterolaemia insomnia 209
copper 87 Institute of Medicine (US) xix
gamma-oryzanol 139 insulin
garlic 141 alpha-lipoic acid and 6
grape seed extract 166 chromium interactions 71, 72, 74
green tea 172 interactions 369
lecithin 196 vitamin E and 351
octacosanol 230 insulin sensitivity
phytosterols 244 conjugated linoleic acid and 82
psyllium 263, 265 dehydroepiandrosterone and 96
royal jelly 283 folic acid and 133
soya/isoflavones 185, 187 magnesium and 202
see also cholesterol, serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) 94
hyperlipidaemia intermittent claudication 147, 231
aloe vera 1 International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplement
carnitine 48 Associations 371
flaxseed oil 125 International Aloe Science Council (IASC) 2
gamma-oryzanol 139 International bibliographic information on dietary
garlic 141 supplements (IBIDS) 371
nicotinic acid/niacin 225 international standards/guidelines xv
octacosanol 230 intervention studies xx
pantothenic acid 238 intrinsic factor 324
see also hypercholesterolaemia; lipids, serum iodine 177
hypertension dietary reference values 178, 366
alpha-lipoic acid 6 dietary sources 178
calcium 40 in kelp 195
coenzyme Q 78 ipriflavone 188
garlic 142 iron 180
ginkgo biloba 149 calcium interactions 42, 183
ginseng 153 content of supplements 183
magnesium 201 copper interactions 87
melatonin 211 deficiency xi, 180
potassium intake 248 dietary reference values 181, 366
pycnogenol 269 dietary sources 182
vitamin C 333 riboflavin interactions 282
hypokalaemia 248 in Spirulina 298
vitamin A interactions 316
immune effects vitamin C interactions 336
beta-carotene 56 vitamin E interaction 352
conjugated linoleic acid 83 zinc interaction 183, 364
dehydroepiandrosterone 94 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
fish oils 104 probiotics/prebiotics 256
probiotics/prebiotics 255 psyllium 264, 265
Index 381

ischaemic heart disease see coronary heart Local Authorities Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services
disease (LACORS) xv
isoflavones 184 loop diuretics 204, 250
l-isoleucine 28 low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation 166, 171, 186
isoniazid 322, 369 Lower Reference Nutrient Intake (LRNI) xviii, xix
ispaghula (psyllium) 263 lung cancer
antioxidants and 12
Japanese knotweed 276 carotenoids and 53
jet lag 208 N-acetyl cysteine and 220
joint disorders see arthritis; osteoarthritis; rheumatoid selenium and 289
arthritis vitamin A and 315
Joint Health Claims Initiative (JHCI) xiv, 372 vitamin E and 349
journals 371 lupus erythematosus, systemic see systemic lupus
kelp 195 lutein 51, 56
Keshan disease 288 lycopene 12, 51, 57
kidney stones 42, 335
kojo-kon 276 macular degeneration, age-related (AMD) see age-related
macular degeneration
labelling xiv, xv magnesium 199
laboratory studies xx action 8, 199
lactic acidosis 281 in autism 321
lactobacilli 251 boron interactions 26
lactose intolerance 254 deficiency xii, 199
lactulose 251 dietary reference values 200, 366
law enforcement xv dietary sources 201
laxatives malabsorption 341, 347, 356
interactions 42, 250, 367 male fertility 291, 363
psyllium 263 manganese 206
lecithin 65, 196 deficiency 207
leg ulcers 362 dietary intake guidelines 366
legal aspects xiii dietary sources 206
l-leucine 28 iron interaction 183
leukaemia 273 mastalgia 100, 102
leukotrienes 99, 105 medicinal claims xiv
levodopa 183, 322, 368 medicines, legal classification as xiii
lignans 124 Medicines Act, 1968 xiii
linoleic acid 99 Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
conjugated (CLA) 81 (MHRA) 370
lipid-lowering drugs 226, 316, 327 Medline 371
see also colestipol; colestyramine; megadoses xi
statins megaloblastic anaemia 324
lipids, serum melatonin 208
fish oils and 103, 107 memory effects
flaxseed oil and 124 bee pollen 19
gamma-oryzanol and 139 choline 66
green tea and 172 dehydroepiandrosterone 95
octacosanol and 230 ginkgo biloba 146
soya/isoflavones and 184, 186, 187 ginseng 153
Spirulina and 298 phosphatidylserine 240
see also cholesterol, serum; hypercholesterolaemia; vitamin B12 325
hyperlipidaemia see also cognitive function; dementia
lipoic acid (alpha-lipoic acid) 4 menadiol sodium phosphate 355
liquid paraffin 367 menadione 355
vitamin A interaction 316 menaquinones 355
vitamin D interaction 343 menhaden oil 113
vitamin E interaction 351 Menkes syndrome 86
vitamin K interaction 357 menopausal symptoms 100
lithium 265 flaxseed oil 125
liver disease isoflavones 188
green tea extract 172 see also post-menopausal women
shark cartilage 294 menstrual symptoms 41
local authorities, trading standards officers xv mental disorders
382 Index

mental disorders (cont.) dietary sources 225

fish oils 109 niacinamide 223
folic acid 134 nickel 227
see also depression; schizophrenia dietary intake guidelines 227, 366
meta-analyses xxi nicotinamide 223, 226
metabolic syndrome, folic acid 133 adverse effects 226
metformin 327 dietary reference values 366
methionine synthase 132 possible uses 225
methotrexate 135 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) 223
methyldopa 183, 327 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide diphosphate (NADP)
methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 131, 132 223
methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 215 nicotinic acid 223, 225
mexiletine 335 adverse effects 226
migraine dietary reference values 366
coenzyme Q 78 plus chromium 72
magnesium 202 night blindness 314
riboflavin 280 nitric oxide 268
minerals xi non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 250
daily intake guidelines 366 Nutrition Labelling and Education Act, 1990 (US) xv
legal status xiii nutritional deficiencies xi
psyllium interactions 265
molybdenum 217 obesity (and overweight)
dietary intake guidelines 366 betaine 21
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) 31, 368 calcium supplements 41
mood chitosan 61
dehydroepiandrosterone and 95 chromium 73
see also depression conjugated linoleic acid 81
mouth ulcers 304, 327 see also weight loss
multiple sclerosis observational studies xx
fish oils 110 octacosanol 229
quercetin 273 oesophageal cancer
vitamin B12 326 antioxidants and 12
musculoskeletal injuries 33 green tea and
mussel, green-lipped 169 selenium and 290
myocardial infarction (MI) vitamin C and 333
antioxidants and 10 oestrogens 135, 322, 369
beta-carotene 55 see also oral contraceptives; phyto-estrogens
carnitine 48 oils, natural xi
coenzyme Q 78 older people
fish oils 105 calcium 42
fish oils and 104 creatine 90
flavonoids and 120 dehydroepiandrosterone 95, 96
magnesium and 200 folic acid 134
vitamin E and 349 ginkgo biloba 146
see also coronary heart disease melatonin for insomnia 209
nutritional deficiencies xii
n-3 fatty acids see omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids policosanol 231
n-6 fatty acids 124 thiamine 303
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) 11, 219 vitamin B12 325
N-acetyl-d-glucosamine (NAG) 163 vitamin D 341, 342, 344
nails, brittle 24 oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs) 166
naringin 272 omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids 124
National Diet and Nutrition Surveys xi in flaxseed oil 124
neomycin 316 in fish/fish oils 103, 104
neural tube defects (NTDs) 130, 135, 326 in green-lipped mussel 169
neurological conditions 110 see also fish oils; flaxseed oil
see also multiple sclerosis; Parkinsons disease omega-6 (n-6) fatty acids 124
neuropsychiatric disorders 350 onions 119, 121
newborn babies, vitamin K 356 oral contraceptives 369
newsletters 371 folic acid interactions 135
niacin 223 pantothenic acid interactions 238
deficiency 224 riboflavin interactions 282
dietary reference values 224, 366 vitamin B12 interactions 327
Index 383

vitamin C interactions 335 phenytoin 343, 351

vitamin E interactions 351 phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) 65, 196
zinc interactions 363 phosphatidylserine 240
oral hypoglycaemic agents 6, 74, 369 phospholipids 240
oral surgery 34 phosphorus 340, 366
orlistat, side-effects 264 photoageing 173
orthosilicic acid 296 phytates 36, 86, 180
osteoarthritis phytoalexins 276
boron 26 phyto-estrogens 124, 184, 187
bromelain 33 phytomenadione 355
chondroitin 68, 159, 161 phytosterolaemia 245
glucosamine 159 phytosterols 139, 243
methylsulfonylmethane 215 pineapple extract 33
rutin 122 pivampicillin 49
S-adenosyl methionine 285 pivmecillanam 49
osteocalcin 355 plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 87
osteoporosis platelet aggregation
boron 25 bromelain and 34
calcium 38, 42 fish oils and 104
corticosteroid-induced 40, 357 flaxseed oil and 124
fish oils 112 ginkgo biloba and 146
fluoride 127 grape seed extract and 167
isoflavones 187 green tea and 173
magnesium 203 policosanol and 229
probiotics/prebiotics 256 pycnogenol and 268, 269
vitamin A-related 315 resveratrol and 277
vitamin D 341, 344 see also anti-platelet drugs; bleeding tendency, increased
vitamin K 356 Pneumocystis carinii prophylaxis 220
overweight see obesity policosanol 229
oxalic acid 36, 335 pollen, bee 19
oxidative stress 9 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 113
Polygonium cuspidatum 276
pain relief, pycnogenol 269 polyphenolic compounds 8, 118, 166, 276
Panax species 152 see also flavonoids
pancreatic cancer 273 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
pangamic acid 235 in evening primrose oil 99
pantothenic acid 236 in fish oils 103
dietary reference values 236, 366 in flaxseed oil 124
dietary sources 237 vitamin E and 346, 352
para-amino benzoic acid (PABA) 239 see also conjugated linoleic acid
paraffin, liquid see liquid paraffin post-menopausal women
Parkinsons disease boron 25
coenzyme Q 78 calcium 39, 42
fish oils 110 evening primrose oil 101
octacosanol 231 flaxseed oil 125
Paullinia cupana 176 ginkgo biloba 147
pellagra 224 isoflavones 187
penicillamine 87, 183, 322, 363, 369 policosanol 231
pentahydroxyflavone see quercetin probiotics/prebiotics 255
periodontal disease 101, 334 soya/isoflavones 185, 186, 188, 190
peripheral neuropathy vitamin D 342
vitamin B6 toxicity 321 vitamin K 356
see also diabetic neuropathy see also menopausal symptoms
peripheral vascular disease 143, 147, 231 potassium 248
Perna canaliculata 169 deficiency 248
pernicious anaemia 135, 324 dietary reference values 248
pharmacists dietary sources 249
patient/client counselling xvi potassium chloride 327
role of xvi prebiotics 251
phenobarbitone 351 pre-eclampsia
phenols 8 antioxidants and 14
phenothiazines 101, 282, 368 calcium and 41
phenylketonuria 265 vitamin C and 334
384 Index

pregnancy randomised controlled trial (RCT) xx

calcium 42 Recommended Daily Amounts (RDAs) xviii
fish oil 110 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) xi, xix
folic acid 130, 135 guiding recommendations xvi
iron 182 intakes exceeding xii
magnesium 203 labelling xiv
vitamin A 315 red clover supplements 186, 189
vitamin B6 321 red wine 119, 276, 277
vitamin C 334 Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) xviii, xix
vitamin D 341 renal disease, fish oils 111
premature infants, vitamin E deficiency 347 reproductive function, zinc 359
pre-menopausal women respiratory conditions
calcium 39 N-acetyl cysteine 219
soya proteins 185 vitamin C 332
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 155
calcium 41 respiratory tract infections 155, 257
evening primrose oil 100, 102 see also cold, common; influenza
magnesium 202 resveratrol 276
vitamin A 315 retinal 312
vitamin B6 320 retinoic acid 312
pre-pregnancy period, folic acid 130, 135 retinoids 312, 316
primidone 343 retinol see vitamin A
proanthocyanidins 118, 166 retinol-binding protein 359
probenecid 282 retinyl esters 312
probiotics 251 retrospective studies xx
procyanidins 268 rheumatoid arthritis
Proprietary Association of Great Britain (PAGB) bromelain 33
x, 371 evening primrose oil 101
prospective studies xx fish oils 107
prostaglandins 99, 105 flaxseed oil 125
prostate cancer 41 green-lipped mussel 169
antioxidants 13 manganese 207
flaxseed oil and 125 pantothenic acid
lycopene 57 selenium 291
quercetin 273 riboflavin (vitamin B2 ) 279
selenium and 289, 290 boron interaction 26
vitamin A and 314 deficiency xi, 279
vitamin D and 342 dietary reference values 280, 366
vitamin E and 349 dietary sources 281
prostatic hyperplasia, benign 19 rifampicin 369
prostatitis 19, 122 RNI (Reference Nutrient Intake) xviii
proton-pump inhibitors 327 rotavirus infections 252
psoriasis royal jelly 283
aloe vera 1 Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Code of
fish oils 108 Ethics xvii
psychiatric disorders see mental disorders rutin 118, 122, 272
psychological stress 241, 334
psyllium 263 Saccharomyces boulardii 252, 254
pteroylglutamic acid see folic acid Saccharomyces cerevisiae see brewers yeast
PUFAs see polyunsaturated fatty acids S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) 285
pulmonary fibrosis, idiopathic 220 Safe Intake xviii, xix
pycnogenol 268 sales, dietary supplements ix, 18
pyridoxal phosphate 318 saponins 152
pyridoxamine phosphate 318 schizophrenia
pyridoxine 318 dehydroepiandrosterone 95
see also vitamin B6 fish oils 109
pyrimethamine 135 gamma-oryzanol 139
quercetin 273
Quackwatch 372 vitamin C 334
quality of life, ginseng and 155 scurvy 331
quercetin 118, 122, 272 seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) 167, 216, 283
4-quinolones 42, 183, 204, 369 seaweed 195
quinones 8 selenium 288
Index 385

antioxidant activity 8, 173 sulphonamides 239

cancer prevention 12 sulphur, organic 215
cardiovascular disease and 10, 289, 291 sunscreens 239, 340
deficiency 288 superoxide dismutase (SOD) 8, 300
dietary intake guidelines 289, 366 supplements 300
dietary sources 290 surgical procedures 34
serotonin 28 systematic reviews xxi
sexual dysfunction systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
ginseng 154 dehydroepiandrosterone 95
pycnogenol 269 fish oils 112
shark cartilage 294 flaxseed oil 125
silica 296
silicon 296 tamoxifen 42
silicosis 297 tangeritin 272
sinusitis 33 tardive dyskinesia 66, 350
sister chromatid exchange (SCE) 172 taxifolin 268
sitostanol 243 tea
sitosterol 243 flavonoids 120, 121
skin, vitamin D synthesis 339 fluoride 127
skin cancer 54, 290 green
skin disorders terpenoids 146
evening primrose oil 100 tetracyclines 369
vitamin A deficiency 314 calcium interactions 42
see also eczema; psoriasis iron interactions 183
SLE see systemic lupus erythematosus magnesium interactions 204
sleep disorders 209, 326 vitamin C interactions 335
slimming aids see weight loss zinc interactions 363
smokers theophylline 320, 322
antioxidants 12, 53 thiamine 301
grape seed extract 166 deficiency xii, 302
thiamine 303 dietary reference values 302, 366
vitamin C 334 dietary sources 303
vitamin E 349 thiamine pyrophosphate (TTP) 301
soya beans/products 184, 190 thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anaemia syndrome
sphingomyelin 65 (TRMA) 303
sphyrnastatin 1 and 2 294 thiazide diuretics 367
Spirulina 298 calcium interaction 42
sports performance see exercise performance magnesium interaction 204
stanols, plant see phytosterols potassium interaction 250
starflower oil 99 vitamin D interaction 343
statins thioctic acid (alpha-lipoic acid) 4
coenzyme Q interactions 79 thrombosis
phytosterol interactions 245 deep vein (DVT) 269
psyllium interactions 265 fish oils and 104
vitamin interactions 316 see also platelet aggregation
sterols, plant see phytosterols thromboxanes 99, 105
stigmasterol 139, 243 thyroid disease 178, 195
stomach cancer see gastric cancer thyroid medication 178, 369
Streptococcus thermophilus 253 tiger cane 276
stress tin 307
exercise see exercise stress tinnitus 148, 211
physical 241 tocopherol see vitamin E
psychological 241, 334 Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL) xix
stroke tomatoes 57, 119
antioxidants and 11 trace elements, antioxidant 8
fish oils and 107 trademarks xiv
flavonoids and 120 tranquillisers 156
folic acid and 133 travellers diarrhoea 253
ginkgo biloba 149 tricyclic antidepressants 282
sucralfate 316, 343, 351, 357 trientine 87, 183
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 24 trimethoprim 135, 369
sulphasalazine 135, 367 tryptophan 28, 223
sulphite oxidase 217 twin pregnancy 131
386 Index

ubiquinone see coenzyme Q vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 324

UL (Tolerable Upper Intake Levels) xix cardiovascular disease 132, 326
ulcerative colitis deficiency xii, 324, 328
bromelain 34 dietary reference values 325, 366
fish oil 108 dietary sources 326
probiotics/prebiotics 256 legal status 18
psyllium 264 vitamin C interaction 328, 336
ulcers 122, 362 vitamin B15 235
United Kingdom (UK) vitamin BT (carnitine) 47
definition of dietary supplements x vitamin C 330
diet and nutrition surveys xi antioxidant activity 8, 330
Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) xviii cancer prevention 13, 333
government web sites 370 cardiovascular disease and 9
herbal products x cataract and 13
law enforcement xv copper interaction 87, 336
legal status of dietary supplements xiii deficiency xi, 331
United States (USA) dietary reference values 331, 332, 366
definition of dietary supplements x macular degeneration and 14
Dietary Reference Intakes xix vitamin A interaction 316, 336
government web sites 370 vitamin B6 interaction 322, 336
law enforcement xv vitamin B12 interaction 328, 336
legal status of dietary supplements xv vitamin E interaction 336, 352
vitamin D 339
vaginal infections 254 calcium and 36, 42, 340, 343
l-valine 28 deficiency xii, 341
vanadium 309, 366 dietary reference values 339, 366
vegans dietary sources 340
iodine 177 in fish oils 103, 113
vitamin B12 325 legal status 18
vitamin D 343 toxicity 343
vegetarians vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 346
omega-3 fatty acids 124 antioxidant activity 8, 346
phytosterol intake 243 cancer and 12, 348
vitamin B12 325 cardiovascular disease and 9, 349
vitamin D 343 cataract and 13, 350
venous insufficiency 166, 269 deficiency 347
vitamin A 312 dietary reference values 347, 366
cancer prevention 13, 314 dietary sources 348
carotenoid equivalents 51 fish oil interactions 113
deficiency xi, 313 in fish oils 103
dietary reference values 313, 366 iron interaction 183, 352
dietary sources 314 macular degeneration and 14
in fish oils 103, 113 phytosterol interactions 245
legal status 18 vitamin interactions 316, 336, 352, 357
precursors see beta-carotene; carotenoids vitamin H see biotin
teratogenicity 315 vitamin K 355
toxicity 315 deficiency 356
vitamin interactions 316, 336, 352, dietary reference values 356, 366
357 dietary sources 356
in zinc deficiency 359 vitamin interactions 316, 352, 357
vitamin B complex vitamins xi
brewers yeast 31 antioxidant 8
folic acid and 135 daily intake guidelines 366
interactions 238, 282, 305, 322 legal status xiii, 18
in Spirulina 298 psyllium interactions 265
see also specific vitamins uses xi
vitamin B1 see thiamine
vitamin B2 see riboflavin warfarin 79, 156, 265
vitamin B6 318 see also anticoagulants
cardiovascular disease 132, 320 water, fluoridated 127, 128
deficiency 318 websites, useful 370
dietary reference values 319, 366 weight
dietary sources 320 gain, creatine-induced 91
vitamin C interactions 322, 336 maintenance, green tea 173
Index 387

weight loss (slimming aids) xi yeasts

chitosan 61 brewers 31, 72
conjugated linoleic acid 81 probiotic 251
grape seed extract 167 yoghurt 251, 254, 255
kelp 195 young adults
see also obesity ginkgo biloba 147
WernickeKorsakoff syndrome 302, 305 nutrient intakes xii
Wilsons disease 87
wine, red 119, 276, 277 zeaxanthin 51, 56
women zinc 359
calcium supplements 39 calcium interactions 42,
dehydroepiandrosterone side effects 96 362
nutrient intakes xii copper interactions 87, 364
see also post-menopausal women; pre-menopausal deficiency xi, 362
women dietary reference values 360,
wound healing 366
aloe vera 1 dietary sources 361
bromelain 33 folic acid interactions 135, 364
vitamin C 334 iron interactions 183, 364
zinc 362 macular degeneration and 14,
xanthine oxidase/dehydrogenase 217 vitamin E interaction 352
xerophthalmia 314 zinc finger proteins 359

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