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PSTT Vol. 2, No.

11 November 1999 research focus reviews

Metabolism-based drug design

and drug targeting
Laszlo Prokai and Katalin Prokai-Tatrai

Even at the early stages of drug discovery and structure-based drug de- therapeutic agent to the intended site of action
(organ, organelle and tissue).This overview high-
sign, the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and toxicological conse-
lights strategies that may be used to achieve these
quences of drug metabolism cannot be ignored. Drug metabolism is also important goals by involving rational, metab-
of interest to medicinal chemists in the design of drugs with controlled, olism-based drug design.

predictable deactivation after achieving the therapeutic objective in

Controlling PK/PD and toxicity
prodrug design and in chemicalenzymatic drug targeting. In this re- via drug metabolism
view, the authors provide an overview of concepts that can be utilized Various therapeutic objectives can only be
achieved by controlling the PK/PD of the drug.
from drug discovery to pharmaceutical development to overcome prob- One of the best examples involves analgesia.
lems associated with drug metabolism, or that may be used to take ad- Potent analgesics are used clinically during surgi-
cal procedures as adjuncts to gaseous and in-
vantage of designed-in metabolic activation to achieve drug targeting.
jectable anesthetics. 4-Anilidopiperidines (fen-
tanyl and its congeners, Fig. 1), which are potent
m-opioid agonists, have been used as anesthesia
Drug metabolism has several pharmaco- adjuncts. Alfentanil has been used as a short-act-
Laszlo Prokai
dynamic, pharmacokinetic and toxicological con- ing agent whose half-life in humans is 7090
and Katalin Prokai-Tatrai
Centre for Drug Discovery sequences that are not judicious to ignore, even at min (Ref. 1), but the need for an ultra-short act-
University of Florida the early stages of drug discovery and drug de- ing opioid arose with the emphasis in surgical
J. Hillis Miller Health Center sign. Data accumulated on the metabolic conver- and anesthetic practice focusing on shorter and
Gainesville sion (toxication, activation and deactivation) of outpatient procedures. However, receptor- and
FL 32610-0497
drugs intelligibly point to the necessity of includ- SAR-based approaches to find suitable 4-anili-
tel: 11 352 392 3421 ing considerations on metabolism in the general dopiperidine congeners2 were unable to identify
fax: 11 352 392 3421 approach. Instead of concentrating on unfolding drug candidates that would meet the criteria for
e-mail: and utilizing only structureactivity relationship an ultra-short acting agent.
(SAR) information in the process to find the lig- To discover an ultra-short acting 4-anilido-
and with the highest affinity to the target recep- piperidine-type analgesic agent, structural modifi-
tor, metabolic properties of new drug candidates cation was involved that allowed for a rapid, sin-
as well as their pharmacodynamic, pharmacoki- gle-step metabolism in the blood to generate an
netic and toxicological consequences must also inactive compound3. Carfentanil analogues in
be considered in order to maximize the thera- which the N-substituent of the piperidine nucleus
peutic index (TI; the ratio between the dose that was replaced with a hydrolytically labile phenyl
elicits toxic side effects and the effective thera- bioisostere yielded potent analgesics with an ultra-
peutic dose) for the given drug application. short duration of action. Based on a mathematical
Efforts to optimize the pharmacokinetics (PK), model developed to explain the quantitative struc-
pharmacodynamics (PD) and/or to reduce the tureactivity profile of this series of 4-anilido-
toxic effects while retaining affinity to the cog- piperidine opioids, a significant correlation existed
nate receptor generally convey an increase in the between the duration of pharmacological effect in
TI of drugs. In addition, a highly desired goal of vivo and the rate constant for hydrolysis in human
drug therapy is to concentrate the effects of the blood4. Remifentanil (3-{4-methoxycarbonyl-4-

1461-5347/99/$ see front matter 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S1461-5347(99)00208-4 457
reviews research focus PSTT Vol. 2, No. 11 November 1999

R R' ED50 g/kg Duration in vivo Figure 1. 4-Anilidopiperidine

analgesic agents, including
remifentanil designed as an
Fentanyl H 4.6 60 ultra-short acting opioid due
to facile, one-step
deactivation in vivo by
Alfentanil CH2OCH3 4.5 55 plasma esterases. The 50%
N R' S
effective dose (ED50) values
O and in vivo duration were
N measured by the tail
withdrawal assay in rats3.
Carfentanil CO2CH3 0.5 45

Remifentanil CO2CH3 CO2CH3 4.4 15

N CH3 Plasma N CH3
O esterases O

CH3 (ED50 = 1.6 mg/kg)


[(1-oxopropyl)phenylamino]1 piperidine}propanoic acid methyl ate (Lotemax and Alrex, Bausch & Lomb Pharmaceuticals,
ester), the compound selected for pharmaceutical development, is Rochester, NY, USA), an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic
approximately eight times more potent than alfentanil in dogs, compound derived from prednisolone (Fig. 2)11. In ophthalmic
and rapidly converted in one step by esterase to a metabolite applications for the treatment of ocular inflammation, the drug
whose potency is approximately 4500-times less than that of is topically effective, but undergoes rapid conversion to inactive
remifentanil5. One advantage that remifentanil has over other opi- metabolites by ubiquitous esterases after its therapeutic effects
oid agonists, in addition to its rapid onset and peak effect have been expressed at or near the site of application12.
(approximately one minute) and short half-life (1020 min), is General approaches to the design of drug candidates that
that effects are noncumulative and recovery is rapid when admin- show favourable PK/PD and toxicity profiles according to the
istration is discontinued, regardless of the length of infusion. principles outlined above may involve various additional meth-
Therefore, adverse effects (respiratory depression, bradycardia, ods13. Close structural analogues of an active therapeutic agent
hypotension and skeletal muscle rigidity) resolve rapidly, but so that have a specific metabolically sensitive site built into their
does the analgesia. Remifentanil (Ultiva, Boehringer Ingelheim, structure can provide one-step detoxification. Inactive metab-
Ingelheim, Germany and Ridgefield, CT, USA) recently received olites of a lead compound may be chemically modified to build
FDA approval for intravenous indications (analgesia during induc- isosteric or isoelectronic analogues amenable to facile enzymatic
tion and maintenance of general anesthesia for inpatient and out- conversion back to the inactive metabolite. Appropriate intro-
patient procedures; continuation analgesia into the immediate duction (via enzymatically labile chemical bonds) of specific
post-operative period under the direct supervision of an anesthe- pharmacophore(s) that are responsible for eliciting the desired
sia practitioner in a post-operative anesthesia care unit or intensive biological activity into nontoxic chemical compounds may also
care setting; and analgesia during monitored anesthesia care)6. be used. Active drug metabolites that are already at their highest
Additional examples to involving structuremetabolism relation- oxidation states are usually transformed to an inactive, nontoxic
ships into the design of short-acting agents include, among oth- metabolite in a single step. In general, involvement of oxidative
ers, b-blockers7,8 and anticholinergics9,10. conversion (by cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes) in drug metab-
Another aspect of designing drugs that are metabolized in a olism should be avoided when designing new, safe therapeutic
controllable, one-step process to an inactive metabolite is the ap- agents. A single-step detoxification of a drug that avoids oxi-
parent improvement of the TI, especially when topical drug ap- dation reduces the toxic effect to the drugs intrinsic toxicity,
plication is considered. A good example is loteprednol etabon- while cumulative toxic effects caused by active metabolites and

PSTT Vol. 2, No. 11 November 1999 research focus reviews

O OCH2Cl O OH sively reviewed16,17. Some of the weaknesses of prodrugs, as an

OH OCO2C2H5 OH OCO2C2H5 ad hoc approach to complement ligand design and discovery,
originate in the single chemical conversion occurring in the acti-
O vation of the compound. Multiple conversions may not only lead
to selectivity in delivery under certain conditions, but also de-
Loteprednol etabonate crease the toxicity of a drug and sustain its action. The recogni-
tion of this important aspect led to the development of a chemi-
Relative binding affinity = 490
(Dexamethasone = 100) cal delivery system (CDS) concept1820. CDSs (Ref. 21), similar to
Rapid deactivation by plasma
prodrugs, are also inactive compounds and are activated by sev-
esterases leads to localized effect eral enzymatic and/or chemical transformations to liberate the
High therapeutic index (~24) target drugs preferentially at the site of action. In an ideal case,
the target drug is released from its CDS only in the intended
organ or tissue, but it is present in an inactive form elsewhere in
Figure 2. Loteprednol etabonate, an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic
the body and is amenable to rapid elimination.
compound derived from prednisolone, and its in vivo biotransformation
designed to produce an inactive, nontoxic primary metabolite8,9. Ocular- and stereospecific drug delivery
As a result of an uneven expression of different enzymes in the or-
gans, certain enzymatic reactions can occur predominantly (or ex-
reactive intermediates, such as radicals and epoxides obtained clusively) at a specific site within the body. Drug targeting that uti-
during oxidative metabolism, are eliminated13. Agents subject to lizes ocular bioactivation may apply structural modifications to the
facile, one-step deactivation in vivo are sometimes referred to as lead compound, which yields CDSs whose conversion to the tar-
soft drugs13, although this term has also been applied in an get drug occurs only in the eye in the iris ciliary, which is partic-
entirely different context referring to drug abuse14. ularly rich in highly active enzymes22. One of the successful ex-
The gradual accumulation of data from drug metabolism stud- amples of this approach involves b-adrenergic antagonists for the
ies has contributed to the development of methods that attempt potentially safe treatment of glaucoma.The action of b-adrenergic
to predict metabolic outcomes for new structures15, which may antagonists is based on the reduction of the intraocular pressure
be used in metabolism-based drug design considering the meth- (IOP). However, these drugs were developed for their systemic
ods outlined above. Libraries of compounds (from corporate col- beta-blocking activity, and therefore ophthalmic application often
lections, or prepared using the techniques of combinatorial results in serious primary systemic side effects.
chemistry) can be filtered by using these principles for admissi- Although the eye itself is easily accessible for topical treatment,
bility before testing or may even be designed to avoid the selec- approximately only 2% of the introduced medication will eventu-
tion of junk leads.Alternatively, metabolism-based design can be ally be absorbed within the eye, and the rest will pass through the
employed during lead optimization or, perhaps, as a lead rescue. nasal-lacrimal canal and then into the nasal and gastric mucosa.
This low ocular delivery and significant systemic availability may
Drug targeting by metabolism-based design be the reason for the systemic side effects. For example,Timolol,
Organ- and site-targeted delivery of therapeutic agents has the first and most widely used anti-glaucoma drug, can cause
been another important means to achieve an improvement in heart rate reduction even in normal subjects after the ocular ad-
the TI of drugs; if a systemically or orally administered drug ministration of its 0.5% ophthalmic solution. In addition, several
could be targeted only to the pathophysiologically relevant site, respiratory events have been reported in connection with the ap-
not only would the efficacy be enhanced but also the toxicity plication of b-blockers. A CDS approach considered chemical
may well be controlled or greatly reduced as a result of a de- modifications of the b-adrenergic antagonists, where an oxidized
crease in the required drug dose. However, many drugs and (ketone) form of the drug is derivatized to an oxime or alkoxime.
drug candidates encounter biological membranes as barriers The CDS is first hydrolysed back to the ketone by an oxime hy-
to their targeted delivery. drolase, followed by the reduction of the ketone to the amino al-
Prodrug approaches that provide potential for improving drug cohol, which represents the pharmacologically active b-blocker,
delivery into the target site usually utilize drug metabolism. Pro- by a ketone reductase (Fig. 3). In the meantime, the inactive CDS
drugs are pharmacologically inactive compounds that usually in- is not converted to the target drug in any other body compart-
volve a single, transient chemical modification of the pharmaco- ment and, thus, the peripheral side effects can be drastically re-
logically active species to improve the deficient physicochemical duced. At the same time, the intact CDS is easily eliminated from
properties of a given drug.This method has recently been exten- the body.

reviews research focus PSTT Vol. 2, No. 11 November 1999

While the oxime hydrolysis to the original ketone is a develop and reach the maximum IOP reduction observed for al-
straightforward chemical reaction, it had been previously un- prenolol or its methoxime CDS.The methoxime had a prolonged
known that this hydrolysis reaction could, indeed, occur in the ocular hypotensive activity (four to five hours), whereas al-
eye. Fortunately, the subsequent enzymatic reduction of the prenolol only produced statistically significant IOP reduction for
ketone to the b-adrenergic antagonist was not only facile, but two to three hours. It is also worth noting that topical adminis-
also stereospecific, producing the active S-(-isomer)23. Highest tration of the methoxime CDS (as an oxalate salt in a 60 mM iso-
concentrations of the active drug were observed, as expected, in tonic phosphate vehicle) did not cause the irritation observed for
the irisciliary body. Alternatively, intravenous administration of alprenolol, the corresponding lead b-adrenergic antagonist.
several ketoxime-type CDSs of b-adrenergic antagonists did not
yield the corresponding amino alcohols and, thus, did not pro- Brain-specific drug targeting
duce any systemic (cardiovascular) activity2426. Alprenoxime, a The bloodbrain barrier (BBB) is a great impediment for drug
ketone analogue of the drug alprenolol, emerged as a potential delivery to the brain as this lipoidal bilayer prevents the passage
drug candidate from these promising preclinical investigations. of lipid-insoluble pharmaceutical agents to the central nervous
However, the oximes were not sufficiently chemically stable in system (CNS). While drug uptake into the CNS may be facili-
an aqueous vehicle to provide an acceptable shelf life, therefore tated by increasing the lipophilicity of the drug by attaching a
necessitating formulation and storage in a lyophilized form re- suitable pro-moiety and forming a prodrug, the efflux of a
quiring reconstitution prior to use (this problem caused Phase I lipophilic prodrug is also enhanced, which results in poor tis-
clinical studies into alprenoxime to be abandoned).Thus, further sue retention. This nonselective delivery is especially damaging
chemical modification was necessary; this time the oxime group when potent drugs are considered. The combined effects of
itself was modified. It was hypothesized that masking of the hy- poor selectivity, poor retention and the possibility of reactive
droxyl group would enhance stability by hindering the possibility catabolism often results in a decrease, rather than an increase, in
of intramolecular hydrogen bonding between the oxime and ter- the TI of the drugs when they are turned into prodrugs. Some
tiary amine groups, which was believed to be the main cause of of the weaknesses of the prodrug approach originate, again, in
chemical instability. Obviously, it was anticipated that enhanced the single chemical conversion occurring in the activation of
chemical stability would not result in enhanced enzymatic stabil- the compound. Recognition of the importance of multiple, se-
ity. Several methoximes were prepared in a synthetic procedure quential metabolic steps in brain targeting of drugs by chemi-
similar to that of the corresponding oximes27. The stability of calenzymatic methods has again led to the development of
metoxime analogues was, indeed, significantly improved (the brain-specific chemical delivery systems (CDSs) (Ref. 20).
shelf life t90, which is the time within which only 10% of drug is In designing a CDS for the CNS, the unique structure of the
decomposed, exceeded one year at pH 7) compared with that of BBB can actually be turned to an advantage, as shown in Fig. 4.
corresponding oximes (at the same time, in vivo ocular hydrolysis The influx of a sufficiently lipid-soluble CDS is caused by pas-
followed by reduction also took place)27.When the IOP-reducing sive transport. The CDS, which contains functional unit(s) co-
potency of methoximes was studied in normotensive rabbits, al- valently attached to the target drug, is then subjected to a piv-
prenolone methoxime resulted in a 23% decrease in one hour, otal enzymatic reaction in the CNS that turns off its lipophilic
compared with a 34% drop produced by bilaterial topical admin- character through conversion from a neutral- to an ionic-func-
istration of alprenoxime in an equal dose. Although the duration tional group. As a result, the efflux of this intermediate from
of action for the methoxime is somewhat shorter than that of the CNS is greatly hindered or, ideally, prevented. Meanwhile,
oxime, the ocular response of the latter took three hours to fully peripheral elimination of the entity is accelerated because of
this conversion of the CDS in the body. This very frequently
cited lock-in mechanism produces the CNS-selectivity.
Ar Ar
O NHR' O NHR' The 1,4-dihydrotrigonellyl group, which is converted to the
NOR O charged trigonellyl moiety upon enzymatic oxidation similar to
Ketone reductase that of NADH NAD, has been the most widely used moiety
for brain-targeting. After the enzymatic oxidation, additional
R = H, CH3
R' = alkyl S-(-) enzymatic and/or chemical conversion is responsible for the
Ar *
release of the therapeutic agent in the CNS. CDSs that possess
these attributes have been developed in which a hydroxy,
Figure 3. Stereospecific ocular targeting of b-adrenergic antagonists amino or carboxylic acid-containing drug is covalently linked
by site-specific enzymatic bioactivation2327. to a functional group containing a 1,4-dihydropyridine unit.This
approach has been extensively applied to the enhanced delivery

PSTT Vol. 2, No. 11 November 1999 research focus reviews

AZT has a single primary alcohol function in the 59-position

that is available for the attachment of the redox targetor (Fig. 5).
Drug Drug
(Oxidation) The mechanism for targeting of the brain by CDSs essentially re-
lies on changes in lipophilicity caused by metabolism; there-
Drug (+)
(Oxidation) fore lipophilicity is an important factor that determines the ef-
ficacy of a CDS (Refs 3638). Based on the log P (the logarithm
Drug (+)
release of n-octanol/water partition coefficient, which is commonly
used to characterize lipophilicity) values, the brain-uptake of
Elimination Drug
the lipophilic CDS (log P 5 1.5) is expected to be higher than
Blood Brain that of AZT (log P 5 0.06), while the efflux of its metabolite,
AZTQ1 (log P 5 22.0), should be prevented from entering
the CNS; the log P values indicate that AZTCDS is 34-times
Bloodbrain barrier (BBB)
more lipophilic, and the oxidized AZTQ1 is 115-times less
lipophilic than the parent antiretroviral drug.
Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today
Evaluation of AZTCDS has been performed in animal mod-
els. The concentration of the parent drug and the CDS were
Figure 4. Brain-targeting of drugs by chemical delivery systems. The compared after intravenous administration of 0.136 mmol kg21
green square indicates a lipophilic functional group covalently attached
to the drug, which facilitates the entry of the conjugated drug into the of AZT dose in blood and brain. Half-life in blood was approxi-
brain across the lipoidal bloodbrain barrier (BBB). Metabolism of this mately 20 min, and no AZT was detected after two hours. The
targeting moiety to a hydrophilic, commonly positively charged moiety AZT distribution profile in the two tissues studied were also
(red square) renders the molecule lipid-insoluble, provides retention in
the brain and, simultaneously, accelerates elimination from the systemic
significantly different. In the blood, the initial high level of CDS
circulation. Drug release from the conjugate trapped behind the BBB rapidly disappeared, while no CDS was detected in the brain,
occurs by a subsequent metabolic step (hydrolysis)28. which is in agreement with its in vitro instability. The AZTQ1
concentration in the brain, however, had a sustained level,
reaching the maximum value after 15 min of administration
to the brain of a great variety of pharmaceuticals (steroid hor- and then slowly declining, which is associated with AZT release
mones, neurotransmitters, anticonvulsants, antibiotics, anti- in the CNS reaching peak levels at 30 min post-drug introduc-
viral, anticancer and antidementia agents and, more recently, tion and detectable up to 120 min. The 15 min plateau is typi-
neuropeptides)28. For example, the CDS approach has been cal for dihydropyridine-type CDSs and is a result of the in vivo
considered by numerous researchers to improve the TI of azi- conversion of the CDS to its corresponding pyridinium salt.
dothymidine (AZT and zidovudine) for encephalopathy associ- Following studies performed on rats, AZTCDS was also
ated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). evaluated in mongrel dogs at 11 mmol kg21 AZT, followed by a
AIDS encephalopathy is a condition resulting from the direct dose of 11 mmol kg21 of the dihydropyridine-type CDS one
infection of the brain by the human immunodeficiency virus week later.The experimental data revealed that initial blood levels
(HIV). The condition affects 40% of AIDS patients29, and of AZT after AZTCDS were much lower than the dose obtained
8095% of autopsies reported on AIDS fatalities find that from AZT alone. By 100 min, the curves were superimposable. In
neuropathological AIDS is also associated with several oppor- the CSF,AZTCDS produced a significant level of AZT, but reached
tunistic infections that target the CNS (Refs 30,31). Neuro-AIDS the above virustatic level after only 5 min (1.0 mmol l21 thera-
has been very difficult to treat, and this is largely because of the peutic threshold for virustatic activity) for up to three hours post-
inability of many potentially useful antiviral agents to reach dosing. Other studies39,40 revealed that the CDS resulted in rapid
therapeutically significant brain concentrations upon systemic tissue uptake, and the conversion to AZTQ1 eventually produced
administration. AZT, the first drug approved for the treatment of AZT levels in the brain that were 1.753.3-fold higher and pro-
AIDS, has been useful in improving the neuropsychiatric symp- vided 46% lower AZT levels in blood than those associated with
toms associated with AIDS encephalopathy. However, the doses conventional AZT administration. Dose-dependent brain-targeting
required to elicit this improvement cause severe anemia that by AZTCDS (Refs 41,42) has also been observed. The AZT
usually leads to the cessation of AZT-therapy32. Although AZT en- concentration was always higher in the blood during the time pe-
ters the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and achieves significant riod studied than in the brain after administration of the parent
concentrations after oral or intravenous administration33,34, the drug to New Zealand albino rabbits, but the ratio was approxi-
CSF levels may exceed brain tissue levels because the agent is ca- mately three at 60 min post-dose of the AZTCDS (Refs 43,44).
pable of only poor penetration of the BBB35. The CDS was also found to exert anti-HIV activity in vitro and to

reviews research focus PSTT Vol. 2, No. 11 November 1999

AZT-CDS (log P = 1.57) AZT-Q+ (log P = 2.0) 6 Med Sci Bull. (1996) 19, 1

7 Erhardt, P.W. et al. (1982) J. Med. Chem. 25, 14081412
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12 Noble, S. and Goa, K.L. (1998) Biodrugs 10, 329339
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CH3 14 Fried, P.A. et al. (1980) Drug Alcohol Depend. 6, 323343
15 Hawkins, D. (1999) Drug Discov.Today 4, 466471
O 16 Testa, B. and Caldwell, J. (1996) Med. Res. Rev. 16, 233241

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AZT (log P = 0.06) Press, Denver, CO, USA
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Figure 5. Brain-delivery of AZT by a chemical delivery system (CDS) based
Targeted Drug Delivery (Juliano, R.L., ed.) (Vol. 100), pp. 231284, Springer-
on conjugation to a 1,4-dihydrotrigonellyl moiety (AZTCDS) that is
converted to a pyridinium ion (AZTQ1) in vivo by NAD(P) NAD(P)H- Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany
dependent oxidoreductases. The substantial (approximately 4000-fold) 19 Bodor, N. and Brewster, M. (1983) Pharmacol.Ther. 19, 337386
decrease in the lipid solubility of the conjugate after this metabolic step is
20 Bodor, N., Farag, H. and Brewster, M. (1981) Science 214, 13701372
indicated by the respective logarithms of the n-octanol/water partition
coefficient (P). The sustained release of AZT from AZTQ1 retained in the 21 Bodor, N. (1992) in Trends in Medicinal Chemistry 90 (Sarel, S., Mechoulam,
brain occurs via hydrolysis by ubiquitous esterases3945. R. and Agranat, I., eds), pp. 3544, Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK
22 Shichi, H. and Nebert, D. (1980) in Extrahepatic Metabolism of Drugs and Other
Foreign Compounds (Gram,T., ed.), pp. 333363, S.P. Medical and Scientific
be less toxic to hematopoietic cells in culture than the parent Books, New York, USA
drug itself45; therefore, it may be a useful addition in the ther- 23 Bodor, N. and Prokai, L. (1990) Pharm. Res. 7, 723725
apy of AIDS-related encephalopathy. 24 Bodor, N. et al. (1988) J. Med. Chem. 31, 100106
25 Bodor, N. and Elkoussi, A. (1991) Pharm. Res. 8, 13891395
Conclusion 26 Polgar, P. and Bodor, N. (1995) Life Sci. 56, 12071213
The specific examples discussed in this review have highlighted 27 Prokai, L. et al. (1995) J. Med. Chem. 38, 20182020
the methods and value of metabolism-based approaches that 28 Prokai, L., Prokai-Tatrai, K. and Bodor, N. Med. Res. Rev. (in press)
may be employed to address PK/PD and toxicological outcomes 29 Navia, B., Jordan, B. and Price, R. (1986) Ann. Neurol. 19, 525535
early in the drug design process. In general, two opposite ends 30 Gray, F., Gherardi, R. and Scaravilli, F. (1988) Brain 111, 245266
may be considered; pharmacologically active molecules de- 31 Smirniotopoulos, J.G. et al. (1997) Neuroimag. Clin. N.Am. 7, 615637
signed to undergo controlled metabolic deactivation, or mol- 32 Yarchoan, R. et al. (1987) Lancet 1, 132135
ecules designed to be inactive but activated by metabolism. 33 Klecker, R. et al. (1987) Clin. Pharmacol.Ther. 41, 407412
These rational strategies may be especially relevant and reward- 34 Blum, R. et al. (1988) Am. J. Med. 85 (Suppl. 2A), 189194
ing during the lead optimization phase, which is usually bur- 35 Terasaki,T. and Pardridge, W. (1988) J. Infect. Dis. 158, 630632
dened by a high percentage of fall-out of new ligands that are 36 Little, R. et al. (1990) J. Biopharm. Sci. 1, 118
identified by todays drug discovery technology based on com- 37 Mizrachi,Y. et al. (1995) AIDS 9, 153158
binatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening. 38 Brewster, M. et al. (1988) Antiviral Res. 9, 127
39 Chu, C. et al. (1990) J. Med. Chem. 33, 21882192
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