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The plants to be selected with the main intent to create a natural tree lined enclosed feel character in

entry areas. The overall landscape design will soften the appearance of many elements and create
visual appeal by screening unsightly desert views.

Plant Size
The following provided is a broad range of acceptable heights and spreads for key plant types:
Trees will generally be 1.5-2.0m clear trunk and have a minimum caliper (measured at 500mm
above ground level) of 15mm.
Shrubs will generally be 450-800mm height (twin or multi-stemmed).
Groundcovers will generally range from 100mm-400mm in height and 200mm-400mm in
spread depending on the species. Specifications and Guidelines
The following standards are referred to this part:
QCS (Qatar Construction Specification): Section 28 Landscape Planting & Section 27 External

18.2 Structural Design Basis

18.2.1 General
The structural Design Basis provided in this document is general in nature. It is expected to be used
as a Design Basis in conjunction with other sections of the tender document.
18.2.2 Codes and Standards
The design shall be carried out in accordance with the following Codes of Practice, Standards and
Table 18-1: Design Standards

Standards Title
QCS Qatar Construction Specifications 2014
BS CP 3, Chapter V, Part 2 : 1972 Basic Data for Design of Buildings Wind Loads.
Including all amendments: British Standards Institutions
Amd.4952 - January 1986;
Amd.5152 March 1986;
Amd.5343 June 1986;
Amd.6028 September 1988;
Amd.7908 September 1993)
BSI BS CP 2012 Code of Practice for Foundations for machinery
BS 1377 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes
BS 4320 Metal washers for general engineering purposes metric series
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete Weldable reinforcing steel Bar, coil
BS 4449
and decoiled product Specification
BS 4483 Steel Fabric for the Reinforcement of Concrete - Specification
BS 1377 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes
BS 4592 - 1 to 5: 2006 Industrial Type Floorings and Stair Treads
Specifications for the use of High Strength Friction Grip Bolts in Structural
BS 4604 - 1 & 2: 1970
S 5328 1:1997 Part 1: Guide to specifying Concrete
BS 5328 2:1997 Part 2: Methods for specifying concrete mixes
Part 3: Specification for the procedures to be used in producing and transporting
BS 5328 3:1990

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Part 4: Specification for the procedures to be used in sampling, testing and
BS 5328 4:1990
assessing compliance of concrete
BS 5628 Code of practice for the use of masonry
Structural use of Steelwork in Building Part 1: Code of Practice for Design in
BS 5950 - 1: 2000
Simple and Continuous Construction - Rolled and Welded Sections
Structural use of Steelwork in Building Part 2: Specification for materials,
BS 5950 - 2: 2001
fabrication and erection. Rolled and welded Sections.
Structural use of Steelwork in Building Part 8: Code of Practice for Fire Resistant
BS 5950 - 8: 2003
BS 6073 Precast concrete masonry units
BS 6093 Design of joints and jointing in building construction Guide
BS 6213 Selection of construction sealants - Guide
BS 6399 - 1 to 3 Parts 1 to 3: Loadings for Buildings
BS 6717 Precast, Unreinforced Concrete Paving Blocks - Requirements and Test Methods
BS 8002 Code of Practice for Design of Earth Retaining Structures
BS 8004: 1986 Code of Practice for Foundations
BS 8007 : 1987 Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Structures for Retaining Aqueous Liquids
BS 8110-1:1997 Structural use of Concrete. Code of Practice for Design and Construction
Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete
BS 8666
BS EN 10025 Hot Rolled Products of Non-Alloy Structural Steels - Technical Delivery Conditions
BS EN ISO 1461 : 1999 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles.
UBC 1997 Uniform Building Code Standard Engineering Design Analysis
AWS 1.1 American Welding Society Standard Welding Code Steel
With the exception of the QCS 2014, all the codes mentioned above or as specified in each of the following
subsections under Structural Basis of Design are to be considered as indicative. The latest codes which supersede
each and as specifically referenced by QCS 2014 shall prevail over these codes.

18.2.3 Design Load Dead Load
Dead Loads are the vertical loads due to the weights of all permanent components. Typical
components are walls, floors, structural members, (empty) fixed equipment of all kinds, piping
components excluding contents, vessel insulation, electrical lighting, suspended ceilings, HVAC
components and duct works. These shall include suitable contingencies for material tolerances. The
unit weights of the materials shall be as per BS 648: Schedule of Weights for Building Materials or
information from the product supplier giving installed weights of materials or components. The weight
of raised false floors in any electrical rooms, control rooms etc. shall be considered as Dead Load. Live Load
The design imposed load (Live Load) shall be in accordance with BS 6399: Part 1 and Part 3, except
as noted below or where actual equipment loads produce more severe loading. Loads shall be applied
as a combined arrangement for the most severe effect.

Table 18-2: Minimum Floor Live Loads

Floor Area Usage Distributed Load (kN/m2) Concentrated Load

Modular computer floors 3.5 5.0
Offices, toilets, locker, corridors 4.0 5.0
Workshops, Operating platforms and
5.0 5.0
floors, Corridors for wheeled trolleys

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Stairs, walkways, and general access
2.5 5.0
Flat roofs 1.5 5.01.8
Control rooms, Instrument rooms
3.5 5.0
(U.N.O.) (Note 2)
Mechanical (HVAC) room 7.5 5.0
Switchgear room, Battery rooms 10.0 5.0
Handrails 0.74 kN/m (any direction) 1.0 (any direction)
Actual floor load based on the critical arrangement of
Storage areas 7.0
shelves carrying max. load, but not less than 2.4 (Note 1)

Note 1: For stores a live load of 2.4 kN/m shall be considered for each metre of storage height.

Note 2: The actual load of electrical, instrumentation & building services equipment weight shall be
obtained from the equipment vendor. Where the actual equipment load is greater than the floor live
loads tabulated above, actual equipment loads shall be applied to the equipment foot print area in the
design (e. g. instrument panels, switchboards, mechanical equipment, etc.).

Except where equipment loads produce more severe loading, the following minimum roof live loads
shall be applied:

Table 18-3: Minimum Roof Live Loads

Roof Details Imposed LL (kN/m2) Sand (kN/m2) Total LL (kN/m2) Point Load (kN)
Roof slope 0 to 10, with access
with parapet 1.5 1.0 2.5 1.8
no parapet 1.5 0 1.5 1.8
Corrugated roof, slope < 30
with parapet 0.6 1.0 1.6 0.9
no parapet 0.6 0.4 1.0 0.9
Corrugated roof, slope > 30
with parapet 0.6 0 0.6 0.9
no parapet 0.6 0 0.6 0.9

Note: Loads from roof water tanks and roof mounted equipment including associated concrete plinths
shall be applied as live loads, in addition to the uniformly distributed roof live loads tabulated above. Equipment Load
Equipment loads shall include the weight of all machinery and/or process equipment including vessels,
heat exchangers, pumps, compressors, etc., together with any attachments and weight of liquid or
solid materials in machinery / equipment. Equipment load shall include dynamic loads from pulsating
and vibrating equipment and from surging fluids. Equipment load shall be derived either from
equipment vendor or data supplied by the mechanical / plant / process engineer as appropriate.

The following conditions shall be considered:

1. Erection/installation;
2. Operating;
3. Testing;
4. Shutdown; and
5. Maintenance.

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Equipment loads shall be considered as live loads. All equipment loads shall be increased by 20% to
take into account loads from connected piping and platforms, unless loads from connected piping and
platforms have been determined by detailed calculations. Thermal Loads
Due to the wide range of temperature occurring throughout the year, expansion joints are to be
provided at convenient locations.

The following data is to be used in thermal loading calculation:

1. Maximum temperature difference t 45C
2. Coefficient of thermal expansion of Concrete ctc 1.1 x 10-5/C
3. Coefficient of thermal expansion of Steel ctcs 1.2 x 10-5/C Crane Loads
Loads from lifting appliances shall be calculated in accordance with applicable codes and standards
but shall not be less than the following:
Table 18-4:

Direction of Load Electrically Operated (%)
Operated (%)
Vertical: increase static wheel loads by 25 10
Horizontal force transverse to the rails
taken as percentage (load + crab 10 5
Horizontal force along the rails taken as
5 5
percentage of static wheel load Wind Loads

The wind load shall be calculated in accordance with the latest codes referenced under QCS Section
1, Part 1.5.2 - Site Conditions.

For the design purpose, wind shall be assumed to come from any direction. Earthquake Loads

The seismic load shall be calculated in accordance with the latest codes referenced under QCS
Section 1, Part 1.5.2 - Site Conditions. Surcharge Load

Surcharge loads due to SLW 60 wheel loads shall be considered in the analysis & design of all
underground structures for vehicular traffic in the vicinity of the structure. Structures located outside
the vehicular traffic area shall be designed for a load of 10 kN/m . Earth Pressure

Lateral earth pressure on walls of basement / tanks etc. shall be calculated using coefficient of earth
pressure at rest. Earth pressure for cantilever walls of cable trenches shall be calculated based on
active earth pressure.

Unit weight of soil and water shall be considered in the design as shown below.
Unit Weight of Saturated Soil
18 kN/m
Unit Weight of Water
10 kN/m

Other soil parameters shall be considered as per soil investigation report for each building location.
The effect of ground water table on the structure shall be considered.

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NPP/0085: Strategic Food Security Facilities
15 June 2016 Page 75 Blast Load
Transformer bay walls shall be designed to resist a blast load of 0.5 kN/m . Load Combinations
Types of loads and load combinations shall be in accordance with the design codes stated in this
document. Design loads shall be arranged such that the combined loads produce the most severe
effect on the elements and structure as a whole.

Load combinations involving minimum dead load and maximum overturning loads shall be included in
the structural analysis and design. Appropriate load factors within all load combinations shall be
applied in accordance with the design code(s) being used. The most unfavourable load conditions for
all other structures shall be taken into account as per applicable codes.
18.2.4 Paving & Trench Cover Loads General
Concrete paved areas, as shown on drawings, shall be subdivided into rectangular sections with
maximum dimensions 5 x 5 m. Joints shall be filled with an oil resistant compound.

Concrete paving may support small equipment (e.g., small pumps, staircases) up to 20kN with local
strengthening of slab. Type of Paving

Light Duty Paving

Light duty concrete paving shall be provided in areas of only light traffic including light
movable equipment.
Medium Duty Paving
Medium duty concrete paving is provided in areas of medium traffic including movable
equipment (10 kN point load placed to produce maximum effect; contact area of load: 100 x
100 mm).
Heavy Duty Paving
Heavy duty concrete paving is provided in areas of heavy traffic including heavy movable
equipment (100 kN axle load spaced at 900 mm centre with maximum 4 wheels per axle.
Contact area of wheel: 250mm x 200mm). Trench Covers
Trench covers subject to vehicle traffic shall be designed taking into account applied loads and their
frequency with a minimum of 100 kN axle load spread over a contact area of 0.25m x 0.2m.

Trench and trench covers for heavy-duty paving shall be designed for a minimum axle load of 30
Metric Tons. Contact Pressure under Base Plates
The maximum concrete pressure beneath base plates shall be limited to 5 N/mm . A 25% increase
can be permitted for wind loading. Stability Ratios
In stability analysis calculations, using unfactored working loads, the following stability ratios shall be
applied as a minimum:
1. Overturning : 2.00;
2. Sliding : 1.50; and
3. Uplift : 1.50; (including overburden)
1.10; (no allowance for overburden or skin friction, e.g., construction

Due consideration shall be given to buoyancy where foundations are submerged by ground water.

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