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Complete with the correct verb: present simple or continuous

1) I _____ (work) for the Government.

2) The sun _____ (set) in the west.

3) The milk _____ (boil) already. Can you turn off the stove?

4) Peter is sick, so he _____ (not work) tomorrow.

5) I _____ to the radio in my way to work every morning.

6) I have a chronic condition, so I _____(take) a pill daily.

7) Who is that girl? Why _____ she _____ (dance) alone?

8) My mother _____ (say) she's 55, but nobody _____ (believe) her.

9) Where _____ you _____(work)?

10) Listen! They are _____(play) that song you really like.

11) I have cabin fever, I really _____(want) to go outside.

12) My grandparents _____(love) each other so much -it's very sweet!

13) I _____(stay) at this hostel during my next trip.

14) Please, stay quiet. I_____ (try) to work here!

15) My cousin _____(have) really long hair.

16) I often _____(sing) in the shower - I just can't help it!

17) It looks like Carlos _____(come) to the party tonight.

18) Right now I _____(spend) time with my sister.

19) Pedro _____(travel) to Madrid for work a lot.

20) Ssshhh! The baby _____(sleep).

Complete with the correct verb: past simple or past continuous

1 The teacher __________ (explain) the lesson when the lights __________ (go) out.

2 The kid__________ (play) with a bubble but the dog __________ (burst) it.

3 I __________ (not work) last summer, I__________ (be) unemployed.

4 (He / do) __________ a good job while he __________ (work) in your office?

5 My father __________ (send) me a text message saying they __________ (enjoy) the trip.

6 '(They / tidy) __________ their room when you arrived?' 'No, they __________ (start) to do it
after we (arrive).'

7 We__________ (sit) on the grass while we__________ (watch) a criket.

8 The documentary __________ (be) very interesting, we __________ (can) learn how people
__________ (live) many centuries ago.

9 You__________ (not look) very happy last holidays, you__________ (not smile) as usual.

10 '(She / arrive) __________on time?' 'Yes, the show __________ (start) at that moment.'

11 When I __________ (do) the washing-up, I __________ (break) a plate.

12 While Tom __________ (play) the piano, his mother __________ (do) the washing-up.

13 He __________ (drink) some juice and then he __________ (eat) a few chips.

14 I __________ (have) dinner when I suddenly __________ (hear) a loud bang.

15 When my father __________ (work) in the garden, an old friend __________ (pass) by to
see him.

16 She __________ (go) to school, __________ (take) out her textbook and __________
(begin) to learn.

17 When it __________ (start) to rain, our dog __________ (want)to come inside.

18 When Jane __________ (do) a language course in Ireland, she __________ (visit) Blarney

19 When I __________ (be) on my way home, I __________ (see) an accident.

20 I__________ (not / understand) what they __________ (talk) about.

Complete with the correct verb: past simple or present perfect simple

1. Last night I __________________ (lose) my keys I had to call my flatmate to let me in.
2. I __________________ (lose) my keys can you help me look for them?
3.I __________________ (visit) Paris three times.
4.Last year I __________________ (visit) Paris.
5.I __________________ (know) my great grandmother for a few years -she died when I was
6.I __________________ (know) Julie for three years we still meet once a month.
7.I __________________ (play) hockey since I was a child Im pretty good!
8. She __________________ (play) hockey at school, but she __________________ (not / like)
9.Sorry, I __________________ (miss) the bus, so Im going to be late.
10.I __________________ (miss) the bus, and then I __________________ (miss) the
aeroplane as well!
11. Last month I __________________ (go) to Scotland.
12. Im sorry, John isnt here now. He __________________ (go) to the shops.
13. We __________________ (finish) this room last week.
14.I __________________ (finish) my exams finally Im so happy!
15. Yesterday, I __________________ (see) all my friends. It was great.
16.I __________________ (see) Julie three times this week!
17.She __________________ (live) in London since 1994.
18.She __________________ (live) in London when she was a child.
19.I __________________ (drink) three cups of coffee this morning.
20.I __________________ (drink) seven cups of coffee yesterday.
Complete with: for or since
1- Nobody has come to see us ___________ we bought this small house.
2- She has been a doctor ___________ 1998.
3- Nobody has seen her ___________ then.
4- They have all been ill ___________ last week.
5- Peter went to the library. He has studied there ___________ a long time.
6- It has been very foggy ___________ early morning.
7- Ive worked with you ___________ nine years.
8- He has been in prison ___________ two years.
9- She has worked in that office ___________ a month.
10- He hasnt eaten anything ___________ twenty-four hours.
11- He hasnt eaten anything ___________ yesterday.
12- They havent spoken to us ___________ we were at school.
13- I havent talked to her ___________ my birthday.
14- Shes been ill ___________ years.
Complete with: a, an or the

Complete with a quantifiers: LOTS OF MANY MUCH FEW LITTLE SOME ANY NO

Okay, first I need (1) knife to start dinner. Now let me see if I have got everything. Well,
there is a lot of milk, isnt there? Oh, Ive only got a (2) after all. Hum, just half a bottle.
And lemons? How (3) lemons are there? There are plenty. Good! There arent (4)
tomatoes, are there? Well, therere only two left. No problem. Have I got enough meat for
dinner? Yes, there is (5) meat. But is there (6) oil? Let me see. Oh, there is (7)
oil left. Well, I will have to buy (8) . What about butter? Oh no, there isnt (9)
left, is there? And there are only a (10) sausages, right? No, actually there are lots of
sausages. Good! But I still need (11) oranges. Not many, just two or three. Oh, I almost
forgot. I will also need (12) apple. Yes, thats it.

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