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THE BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD WITH THE COMMENTRY OF SANKARACARYA Translated by SWAMI MADHAVANANDA WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY MAHAMAHOPADHYAYA PROF. S. KUPPUSWAMI SASTRI, ™.a., LE.s. Vidya-vacaspati, Darsana-kalanidhi, Kulapati ADVAITA ASHRAMA Mavavatt, AtMora, Himavayas Published by Swami YOGESHWARANANDA ADVAITA ASHRAMA, MAYAVATI Avcmora, Himarayas All rights reserved THIRD EDITION—I950 Printed in India By P. C. CHatTerjzz AT THE MODERN ART PRESS 1/2, DURGA PITURI LANE CALCUTTA EXTRACTS FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The long-felt want of a reliable, complete English translation of so important a book as Sankara’s Com- mentary on the Brhadaranyaka Upanisad has urged me to venture on this difficult undertaking. Had the long-promised translation by Dr. Ganganath Jha, in Mr. Seshachari’s series, come out, or had Dr. Roer been living to complete, and revise, his translation, which extends only up to the first chapter of the book and is long out of print, or if Prof. Hiriyanna of Mysore had completed his admirable edition, which covers only the first three sections of that chapter, there would have been no necessity for another edition. But since the presentation in English of Sankara’s longest and greatest commentary on the Upanisads seemed to me to be overdue, I have prepared this edition for the use of those students of Vedanta whose knowledge of Sanskrit is not as high as that of English. Regarding both the text and the commentary care has been taken to make the translation faithful, and as literal as possible consistently with smooth reading. Owing to the difference in structure between Sanskrit and English sentences, great difficulty has been experi- enced in those portions where Sankara explains the words of the text. As far as possible, I have tried to make these passages read like a connected piece. For this purpose I have avoided the common practice of transliterating the Sanskrit words as they occur in the it original text, to be followed by the translation of the explanatory word or words—a practice which has a very disagreeable jerky effect. Instead I have quoted their equivalents from the running translation of the text, in the order in which they occur there. These have been put in Italics to distinguish them easily from the commentary. -The advantage of this direct method will be obvious to every reader. The text of the Upanisad has been given in Devanagari characters, and has been moderately punctuated for easy comprehension. This has neces- sitated the disjoining of some words. I have left the full stops practically undisturbed. The text is followed by the running translation in comparatively large types. Next comes the translation of the commentary in smaller types. I have mainly used Ashtekar’s edition, though I have also consulted the Anandagrama edition. Words supplied to complete the sense as well as those that are explanatory have been put in brackets. Some passages, of both text and commen- tary, although possessing a deep spiritual significance, have been omitted in the translation to suit the exigen- cies of modern taste. Extra space between portions of the commentary indicates that the commentary that follows is introductory to the next paragraph of the text. The use of capitals in English has presented an additional difficulty. The same word ‘self,’ for in- stance, has had to be used sometimes with a capital and sometimes without it, according as it signifies the individual or the Supreme Self. Occasionally both m forms have had to be used in the same sentence, where the popular conception about the self as being limited has been corrected by a presentment of the truth that the two are identical. Those to whom this distinction of capital and small letters appears as puzzling will do well to ignore it altogether. The same remark applies to the question of gender, which in Sanskrit belongs to the word itself. In translation the gender has often had to be varied according to the English idiom, pro- ducing sometimes an unpleasant effect owing to a sudden translation. I have tried my best to make the translation lucid. For this reason I have avoided the repetition of Sanskrit terms as far as possible, and substituted their nearest English equivalents. This has entailed on me the additional labour of finding out the exact sense of a word at a particular place. Lengthy discussions have been split up into paragraphs, differentiating the prima facie views from the conclusion. To effect a strict economy of space I have deliberately confined myself to the fewest notes possible. But I believe none that were essential have been omitted. In such a difficult study as this much is necessarily left to the good sense of the reader. My aim throughout has been practical rather than scholastic. I have generally followed the gloss of Anandagiri and, wherever necessary, the great Varttika of Sures- varacarya—two invaluable works on this Upanisad. But I must confess that in a few places I have been obliged to depart from them, as a different explanation seemed to me to be more in keeping with the drift of la iv Sankara and the Upanigad. The departures are not #o momentous as to require specific mention in every case. With regard to passages that needed further illumination, I have consulted eminent scholars. References to the quotations occurring in the commentary have been inserted after almost every quotation, as far as they could be traced. In some places they have been purposely omitted, as they have been mentioned a few lines earlier. Where only figures without the name of any book occur, the refer- ences are to the Brhadaranyaka Upanisad, unless there are clear indications to the contrary. The references given are not meant to be exhaustive, except in the case of this Upanisad. The references to the Satapatha Brahmana belong to the Madhyandina recension, and those of the Mahabharata tothe Kumbakonam edition. Mahamahopadhyaya Prof S. Kuppuswami Sastri, M.A., LE.S., of the Presidency College, Madras, a pro- found scholar and well-known authority on Pirva- Mimfarhsa and Vedanta, has written a learned and appreciative Introduction, which considerably enhances the value of the book. A fairly exhaustive Index has been added, which, I hope, will be found useful. At the top of each page are given references to the opening and closing paragraphs of even and odd pages respectively. I take this opportunity of expressing my deep indebtedness to all those who have kindly helped me in various ways in preparing this work. Many of them shall be nameless. My special thanks are due to Prof. Kuppuswami Sastri for giving valuable help in v ay the interpretation of several difficult passages as well as for writing the Introduction ; to Mahamahopadhyaya Pandita Laksmipuram Srinivasiciar of Mysore for similar assistance in interpretation; to Pandita P. Sivasubrahmanya Sastri of Mysore for this as well as for tracing a number of references ; to Professor Hanns Oertel of Munich and Pandita Radhaprasada Sastri of the Banaras Hindu University for furnishing a few more references ; to Pandita P, Narayana Sastri and Mr. V. Subrahmanya Iyer of Mysore for helping in other ways. But for their kindness it would have been almost impossible for me to fulfil my task with any degree of satisfaction. . It is scarcely necessary to add that the present translation is meant only to facilitate the study of the original commentary, and should better be read along with it. I shall be glad to have any inaccuracies pointed out and the untraced quotations located. It is earnestly hoped that the book in its present form will supply a much-needed want and help people of both Vedanta philosophy and Sankara’s unique contribu- tion to it. July, 1934. MADHAVANANDA PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The first edition being exhausted within a com- paratively short period, a second edition is being brought out. In this edition very little change has been made except a slight revision and the addition of a few notes. Diacritic marks have been used in the Sanskrit words, and a key to the transliteration and pronounciation has been added. February, 1941 MADHAVANANDA PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION The third edition is coming out after a long delay owing to paper control. In this edition this book has been further revised at a few places. April, 1950 MADHAVANANDA INTRODUCTION In compliance with the wishes of the learned translator of Sri Sankara’s Bhasya on the Brhad- Granyakopanisad, Swami Sri Madhavanandaji of the Sri Ramakrsna Mission, I have much pleasure in writing this short introduction to this English rendering of the Brhadaranyaka-bhasya. I should first congratulate the translator on the large measure of success which he has achieved in his endeavour to produce a faithful and readable English rendering of the greatest of the Upanisad-bhasyas written by Sri Sankaradcarya. Such of the students of the bhasyas of Sri Satkara as may know English better than Sanskrit will find in this English translation a reliable help to the understanding of the contents of the Brhadaranyaka-bhasya. The Brhadéranyaka 1s the greatest of the Upa- nisads ; and Sri Sankara’s bhasya on this Upanisad is the greatest of his commentaries on the Upanisads. The Brhadéranyaka is the greatest not only in extent ; but it is also the greatest in respect of its substance and theme. It is the greatest Upanisad in the sense that the illimitable, all-embracing, absolute, self-luminous, blissful reality—the Brhat or Brahman, identical with Atman, constitutes its theme. And, according to Sri Sankara, it may be said to be the greatest Upanisad, also for the reason that it comprehends both the: upadesa or revelation of the true nature of the mystic viii experience of the Brahman-Aiman identity and the upapatti or logical explanations of that great doctrine of advaita through the employment of the dialectic modes of argumentation known as jalpa (arguing constructively as well as destructively for victory) and vdéda (arguing for truth). Sri Sankara’s Brhad- franyaka-bhasya is the greatest of his commentaries on the Upanisads in the sense that the great Acarya shows in this bhdsya, in a very telling manner, how the great truth of Brahman-Atman identity forms the main purport of all the Vedantic texts in general and this great Upanisad in particular, and maintains by means of his powerful dialectics that the interpretations and views of others are unsound and untenable—those advanced by the Vedistic realists (Mimamsakas), the creationistic realists (Vaisesikas and Naiyayikas) and the advocates of the doctrine of bheda&bheda (difference- cum-identity) like Bhartrprapaiica. Sri Suresvara describes Sri Sankara’s Brhadaranyaka-bhasya in these terms in the second verse of his great Varttika on his Bhasya:— “at areata rcast TRCTaTsa ET | eapresaae aft eat wert” The older meaning of the term Upanisad is ‘Secret word’ or ‘Secret import’ or ‘Secret doctrine.’ As long as it was understood in this sense, the emphasis was on the mystic and ultra-rational aspect of philosophical thought. When, however, Sri Dramidacarya, one of the Pre-Sankara thinkers who commented upon the Upanisads, and Sri Sankara, following Sri Dramida, ix interpreted the term Upanisad as standing for the realisation of Brahman-Atman identity (Brahmavidyé), which annihilates the beginningless nescience called avidyd, or as standing for the ancient text helpful in that realisation, the emphasis was shifted to the harmony between the inner mystic vision of the unity and universality of Atman as the absolute being-spirit- bliss saccidananda) and the philosophical conclusion that may be reached by a proper use of logic and dialectics. It is necessary to bear this in mind in endeavouring to appraise justly the philosophical and exegetic worth of Sri Sankara’s commentary on the Brhadaranyaka. This great Upanisad consists of three kéndas— the first being called the Madhu-kdnda, the second the Ydajnavalkya-kanda or the Muni-kanda, and the third the Khila-kanda. The first ka@nda conveys the main teaching of the advaita doctrine and is of the nature of upadesa ; the second embodies the logical argument and explanation showing the soundness of the upadesa; and the third deals with certain updsands or modes of meditation. The first two chapters of the Madhu- kanda deal with the Vedic rite, Pravargya, which forms a part of the ritualistic section (karma-kanda) of the Veda ; and according to Sri Sankara, the Upanisad really begins with the third chapter of the Madhu- kadnda. In this chapter, the phenomenal superimposi- tion of the world on Brahman is set forth and its origin, its full reach and its acme are indicated ; and all this is presented as adhydropa or supposititious positing. The fourth or the concluding chapter of the Madhu-kanda x ‘exhibits in a telling manner the sublation which follows and stultifies the supposititious positing of the world in the preceding chapter, and elucidates the nature of the Brahman-Atman realisation which is invariably and ‘synchronously concomitant with the sublation ; and ali this is apavada or sublation through the stultifying realisation of truth. According to Sri Sankara adhya- ‘ropa and apavada constitute the chief means of fully realising the absolute reality called Suddhamm Brahma. All the details of Vedic rituals, ail the forms of medita- tion associated with them, even the greatest of them— the horse-sacrifice (asvamedha) and the meditation associated with it, and all the results accruing from them—all these constitute the province of nescience (avidya) and even the highest achievement of the Hiranyagarbha-loka or Brahma-loka is but a patt, though the acme, of the immense cycle of trnsmigra- tion (samsdra). This is the substance of the account of adhyaropa in the third chapter of the Madhu-kanda. In the fourth Braéhmana of this chapter, the great rewards of activities and meditation are described, so that a pure and disciplined mind may see their imper- manence and detach itself from them ; the undifferen- tiated Brahman (avydkrta) representing the meaning of Tat. and the differentiated spirit (vyakrta) representing the meaning of Tvam are then described ; and after showing how, in the condition of nescience (avidya), sone sees difference in the multifarious non-spirit, the -nature of the vidya or knowledge of the absolute spirit, which is the Atman-vidya or Brahma-vidya and brings -about the realisation of the allness and the wholeness of xi Atman, is indicated in the vidyd-siitra—«“ apa.” This is introduced at the end of the description of adhyaéropa, so that one may not lose oneself in it and may find one’s way further to the stage of apavada. Here Sri Sankara discusses the import of the vidyd-siitra. It has to be considered whether this text should be taken as a complementarily restrictive injunction (niyamavidhi), or as an injunction of some- thing not got at in any other way (apirvavidhi), or as an exclusively restrictive injunction (parisamkhya- vidhi). From Sri Sankara’s discussion of the import of the vidya-sitra in the Brhadaranyaka-bhasya and from his observations about the import of similar texts in the Samanvayadhikarana-bhasya, it may be gather- ed that this text should be understood as setting forth the great truth that the absolute Brahman indirectly indicated by the word Atman, and not any form of matter, gross or subtle, or any of its functions, should be realised as the only reality ; and, as a matter of fact, there is no scope for any kind of injunction directly with reference to such reality. Such apparent injunctions look like injunctions at the initial stages of the quest for truth ; but they ultimately turn out to be valid statements of the one great truth for which the advaita system stands. The fourth chapter of the. Madhu-kanda, or the second chapter of the bhasya, is devoted to apavdda and to an elucidation of the purport of the vidyd-sitra. After describing in an elaborate manner the corporeal and incorporeal forms of the corpus of the material universe superimposed on Brahman, this chapter proceeds to convey the great ii xii teaching embodied in the words of the oft-quoted text—arara enean afa af” and emphatically avers that Brahman is not Simya and can never be brought within thé scope of any affirmation, but one may only glimpse it indirectly through negations of eliminable factors— “Not this, Not this’ ‘ff aefaa’). The fourth Brah- mana of the fourth chapter introduces Yajiavalkva as offering to divide all his earthly possessions hetween his two wives—Katyayani and Maitreyi. Maitreyi asks if she can free herself from death by possessing the whole world filled with wealth, and Yajaavalkya says ‘no’. Maitreyi refuses all the riches of the world, saying ‘‘If I am not thereby free from death, what are these to me?’’ Yajiavalkya commends the spiritual. fitness of his wife’s mind and proceeds to teach her the great truth of the Vedantas. Sri Sankara draws pointed attention, here, to the value of renunciation (sarmnyasa) as the means of true knowledge (j#dana). There are two kinds of samnyasa—that which the seeker for edge, and that which the person who has realised the truth (jamin) resorts to for realising, without any hitch, the blissfulness of the condition of liberation while living (jivanmukti). King Janaka, the greatest of Yajiavalkya’s disciples, continued to be a house- holder (grhastha) and served the world in perfect detachment as a jivanmukta ; but Ydajiavalkya, who was also a jivanmukta, after making momentous con- tributions to the educating and uplifting of the world in the sphere of spirituality, desired to renounce his life as a householder (garhasthya). and to become a xiii samnyasin. The ideal of a jivanmukta continuing to serve in society is not really opposed to the ideal of samnyasa and is beautifully synthesised with it in the relation between Janaka and Ydajaavalkya in the Brhadaranyaka ; and similarly through the delightful liaison furnished by Maitreyi, the life of a grhastha is unified in the fourth Brahmana of this chapter with the life of a sammnyasin. Yajnavalkya conveys to Maitreyi the great truth that the pure spirit—Atman— is the ultimate object of all forms of love and is there- fore to be understood as the eternal bliss ; and Atman should be realised through the duly regulated scheme of Sravana, manana and nididhyasana—knowing the truth from the Upanisads, investigating and discussing it, and constant contemplation upon it (“@TeAT at at wey: Haren weet feeenferrer: ”) The upadesa in the Madhu-kanda is appropriate- ly followed by the upapatti or argumentative and ex- Ppository discourse in the Yajnavalkya-kanda. The latter kanda consists of the fifth and sixth chapters of the Upanisad. In the fifth chapter, the dialectic mode of argumentation known as jalpa, or arguing con- structively as well as destructively for victory, is employed. Ydajiavalkya is presented here as the stalwart dialectician in Janaka’s assembly of learned philosophers and he fights his way to victory in the interest of philosophical truth. The most important Brahmana in this chapter is the eighth, in which Brahmatattva is elucidated in answer to the questions raised by Gargi, the lady philosopher who stands out as the most outstanding personality among the philo- xiv sophical interlocutors opposing Ydajaavalkya. In the sixth chapter, King Janaka plays the réle, not of a controversialist, but of one desirous of completely knowing the truth (tattvabubhutsu) and the discourse proceeds on the lines of argumentation for truth (vada). In the third and fourth Brahmanas of this chapter, an illustrative exposition of paraloka and moksa is given. The fifth Brahmana repeats the dialogue between Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi and explains the means of self-realisation in the highest sense (@tmabodha). In commenting upon the concluding sentence of this Brahmana—(“Carart serrata HU AIT FTE”) 23 also in commenting upon the text (“aeramre: Niet Tifa”) etc. at the end of the fifth Brahmana of the previous chapter and upon vi. iv. 22 of the sixth chapter, Sri Sankara discusses the place of sammydasa and its value in the advaitic scheme of life and libera- tion, and emphasises the necessity for renunciation as providing special facilities for unhampered realisation ; and in this connection, as elsewhere, he is not in favour of any kind of accommodation, in practice or theory, with the advocates of the karma-mdarga. The third division of the Brhadaranyaka is known as the Khila-kanda and deals with certain modes of meditation. The messages of the Brhadaranyaka onto- logy are conveyed in the texts—(“erg wETea”; “omerea- arneta” ; “ora eneat Af Afe”). The pragmatic message of this Upanisad is embodied in the text (“arti @ saa aritsfa”). The discipline of this Upa- nisad and its aim are embodied in the soul-elevating abhyarohamantra—‘From non-being, lead me to being; xv from darkness, lead me to light; from death, lead me to deathlessness’— (“emeY HT aga; amet ar safely ; aetatsad aq”), All the teachings of this Upanisad are summed up in the first mantra of the Khila-kanda— ‘That is the whole; the whole is this : from the whole rises up the whole ; and having seized the whole of the whole, the whole alone remains’— “art quia: qatar quieigzert 1 wien winrar Mitarafeedt Such as are able to see the defects of the holism of General Smuts may find comfort in the unimpeachable wholism embodied in this mantra at the beginning of the Khila- kanda. This holism of General Smuts may have, indeed, a chance of meeting with the approval of advaitic dia- lectics, only if it links itself up, as an ancillary, to the wholism of the absolute monism of the Brhadaranyaka The most striking message of this Upanisad on the ethic. al side is embodied in the’ lesson which every meditator is asked to read in the dental rumblings of the three da’s (%-@-%) of a thunder-clap, which are suggestive of self-restraint(@A) self-sacrifice (att) and merciful benev- olence (ea). This great ethical teaching is embodied in the text_“aRcae fadeiart qarfafa” and Prajapati conveys it to his three classes of children—the devas, the manusyas, and the asuras. Such of the men as are godly in their nature and are tossed about by kama, though otherwise good, should be understood, according to Sri Satkara, as gods (%at’) among men ; such of them as are grasping and greedy and actuated by lobha, should be taken as men (4g™M:) among men; and cruel men, demonised by krodha, should be taken Xvi as demons (8@u;). All men should constantly practise dama, dana and dayda to exorcise the monsters of kdma, lobha and krodha. Some alien and alien-minded scholars are not inclined to see any systematic presentation of a philo- sophical doctrine in the Upanisads and believe that the Upanisads, including even the Brhadaranyaka, form a spiritual conglomerate of several things of varying value belonging to different stages—of thaumaturgic’ pebbles, dualistic and pluralistic toys and monistic gems. Those who carefully study the Brhadaranyaka, and Sri Sankara’s great bhdsya thereon, cannot easily resist the feeling that the Brhadaranyaka thought is an integral whole which is rooted on the advaita doctrine and has it as its precious fruit, which uses a sound system of exposition and dialectics easily lending themselves to being expressed in the terms of the Gautamiya logic, and which refuses to accommodate itself in a satisfactory manner to any form of pluralistic realism or to any kind of the timid spiritual and meta- physical compromises involved in the bheda-bheda (difference-cum-identity) phases of monistic thought belonging to the Pre-Sankara or Post-Sankara stage in the history of Vedanta “ot ait mefeeat aereiaerecat dere ait awa” cog ha ea QUoATTeR BRUTE, aan aTaENs a TET | S. KuppuswAmi SAsTRI NOTE The Vedas, which are the oldest religious literature of the world, and are the highest authority with the Hindus in matters religious, consist of two main divisions—the Mantras and the Brahmanas. Though the latter are a sort of commentary on the former, both have equal authority. A Mantra may be in verse, with fixed feet and syllables, when it is called Re, or it may not have any fixity of feet and syllables, when it is called Yajus. A Rc that can be sung is called a Saman, These three classes of Mantras have been grouped into four compilations or Sarnhitas, which are called the Rg-Veda, the Yajur-Veda, the Sama-Veda and the Atharva-Veda Samhita. The common name for the first three is Trayi, which means a triad. The Vedas are also called Srutis, as distinguished from the Smrtis, under which comes all other sacred literature, and which derive their authority from the Srutis. The Vedas are claimed to be eternal. They are not the creation of man. Only they were revealed to certain highly spiritual persons, called Rsis. Each Sarhhita had one or more Brahmanas, only a few of which are extant. The Yajur-Veda, which has two forms, Dark and White, has the Taittiriya and Satapatha Brahmanas respectively. The White Yajur- Veda was revealed to Yajfiavalkya through the grace of the Sun, who appeared to him in an equine form. Hence, by a derivative meaning, it is also called the xvuL .Vajasaneyi Samhita, and the Satapatha Brahmana the Vajasaneyi Brahmana. ‘Some of the Brahmanas have a portion called Aranyaka, in which, oftener than elsewhere, are found one or more Upanisads. The Upanisads constitute the Jnana-Kanda, as treating of philosophy, while the rest of the Vedas is called Karma-Kanda, as dealing with rituals. The Sarhhitas as well as the Brahmanas had various recensions or Sakhas according to their original teachers, after whom they were named. The Sata- patha Brahmana has the Kanva and Madhyandina recensions, which differ greatly from each other in content as well as the number and arrangement of their books and chapters, the former having seventeen Kandas or books, and the latter only fourteen. The Brhadaranyaka Upanisad forms the concluding portion of the last book, named ‘Aranyaka,’ of both recensions. But while the bulk of matter in both versions is the same, there are marked discrepancies too. Sankara has commented upon the Kanva recension. It may be mentioned in passing that this recension of the Satapatha Brahmana is not only not in print, but is also not easily accessible in its entirety even in a manuscript form. This is all the more true of Sayandcarya’s great commentary on this Brahmana. CONTENTS Pace Chapter I , Chapter II 7 ” Chapter III td Chapter IV i Chapter V 7 Chapter VI 7 953 Index KEY TO THE TRANSLITERATION AND PRONUNCIATION Sounds like u in full oo in boot r ori e ein bed ai yin my o oh au ow in now k k kh ckh in blockhead g g hard gh gh in log-hut nh ng ec ch (not k) ch chh in catch him ij jh dgeh in hedgehog fin (somewhat) ztt 3 th th in ant-hill a a i i u i TAIAA MAA Lava g damm ge TM AAMaAAtHHE Agena A Ksagaa Sounds like add dh dh in godhood non t French t th th in thumb d th in then dh theh in breathe her non PP ph ph in loop-hole b b bh bh in abhor LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Ai. ... Aitareya Upanisad Ap. ... Apastamba Dharma-Sitras Ba. ... Bahvrca Brahmana Bau. .. Baudhayana Dharma-Sitras. Ch. ... Chandogya Upanisad G. ... Bhagavad-Gita Gau. ... Gautama Dharma-Sitras Gau. N. ... Gautama Nydya-Siitras Ig. ... Iéavasya Upanisad Ja. ... Jabala Upanisad Ka. ... Katha Upanisad Kau. ... Kausitaki Upanisad Ke. ... Kena Upanisad Kr. ... Katharudra Upanisad Ks. 7 ... Kathagruti Upanisad M. +. Manu Sarhhita Ma. ... Mandikya Upanisad Mbh. ... Mahabharata Mn. ... Mahanarayana Upanisad Mu. ... Mundaka Upanisad Np. .. Narada-Parivrajaka Upanisad Nr. Pa. ... Nrsirhha Pirvatapani Upanisad Nr. Ut. ... Nfsirhha Uttaratapani Upanisad Pr. ... Pragna Upanisad R. «. Rg-Veda Ss. «.. Satapatha Brahmana Si «. Siva Purana Sv. «.. Svetagvatara Upanisad Xxil ‘Ta. ... Tandya-Mahabrahmana Tai. ... Taittiriya Upanisad Tai. A. ... Taittiriya Aranyaka Tai. B. «.. Taittiriya Brahmana Tai. S. ... Taittiriya Samhita Va. «. Vasistha-Smrti Va. . Vayu Purana Vis. .. Visnu Purana CORRIGENDA Page Line For Read 84 8—23 correct sound gold 84 19 a good tone correct sound 133 18 vi v 133 19 19 19; Ma. 2 153 6 19 D> oo 303 3-4 exterior’ ....‘This exterior. This 528 23-24 ” ” ” ” 528 22 texts too 528 24 Ibid. IL. v. 19 THE PEACE CHANT % | quia: quiet quiiequiqasaa | quien quia quitarafiread i So ware: fa: airfta: | Om. That (Brahman) is infinite, and this. (universe) is infinite. The infinite proceeds from the infinite. (Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe), it remains as the infinite: (Brahman) alone. Om Peace! Peace! Peace! THE BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD CHAPTER I SECTION I Om. Salutation to Brahman (Hiranyagarbha') and the other sages forming the line of teachers who have handed down the knowledge of Brahman. Salu- tation to our own teacher. With the words, ‘ The head of the sacrificial horse is the dawn,’ etc. begins the Upanisad connected with the Vajasaneyi-Brahmana, This concise commentary is being written on it to explain to those who wish to turn away from this relative world (Sarhsara), the knowledge of the identity of the individual self and Brahman, which is the means of eradicating the cause of this world (ignorance). This knowledge of Brahman is called ‘ Upanisad’ because it entirely removes this relative world together with its cause from those who betake themselves to this study, for the root ‘ sad ’ pre- fixed by ‘upa’ and ‘ni’ means that. Books also are called Upanisads as they have the same end in view. This Upanisad consisting of six chapters is called ‘Aranyaka’ as it was tdught in the forest (Aranya). And because of its large size it is called Brhadaranyaka. Now we are going to describe its relation to the cere- monial portion of the Vedas. The whole of the Vedas is devoted to setting forth the means of attaining what is good and avoiding what is evil, in so far as these 1 The being identified with the cosmic mind. 2 BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD {rr. are not known through perception and inference, for all people naturally seek these two ends. In matters coming within the range of experience, a knowledge of the means of attaining the good and avoiding the evil ends is easily available through perception and infer- ence. Hence the Vedas are not to be sought for that. Now, unless a person is aware of the existence of the self in a future life, he will not be induced to attain what is good and avoid what is evil in that life. For we have the example of the materialists. Therefore the scriptures proceed to discuss the existence of the self in a future life and the particular means of attain- ing the good and avoiding the evil in that life. For we see one of the Upanisads starts with the words, ‘ There is a doubt among men regarding the life after death, some saying that the self exists, and others that it does not’ (Ka. I. 20), and concludes, ‘ It is to be tealised as existing indeed’ (Ka. VI. 13), and so on. Also, beginning with, ‘ How (the self remains) after death’ (Ka. V. 6), it ends with, ‘Some souls enter the womb to get a new body, while others are born. as stationary objects (plants etc.), all according to their past work and knowledge’ (Ka. V. 7). Else- where beginning with, ‘ The man (self) himself becomes the light ’ (IV. iii. 9), it ends with, ‘ It is followed by knowledge, work’ (IV. iv. 2). Also, ‘ One becomes good through good work and evil through evil work ’ (III. ii, 13). Again beginning with, ‘I will instruct you’ (II. i. 15), the existence of the extracorporeal self is established in the passage, ‘ Full of conscious- ness (i.e. identified with the mind),’ etc. (II. i. 16-17). Lu] BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD 3 Objection: Is it not a matter of perception? Reply : No, for we see the divergence of opinion among different schools. Were the existence of the self in a future body a matter of perception, the materialists and Buddhists would not stand opposed to us, saying that there is no self. For nobody disputes regarding an object of perception such as a jar, saying it does not exist. Objection: You are wrong, since a stump, for instance, is looked upon as a man and so on. Reply: No, for it vanishes when the truth is known. There are no more contradictory views when the stump, for instance, has been definitely known as such through perception. The Buddhists, however, in spite of the fact that there is the ego-consciousness, persistently deny the existence of the self other than the subtle body.!| Therefore, being different from objects of perception, the existence of the self cannot be proved by this means. Similarly inference too is powerless. Objection : No, since the Sruti (Veda) points out certain grounds of inference* for the existence of the self, and these depend on perception, (these two are also efficient means of the knowledge of the self). Reply : Not so, for the self cannot be perceived as having any relation to another life. But when its existence has been known from the Sruti and from 1 The five elements, ten organs, vital force (with its five- fold function) and mind (in its fourfold aspect). Or the ten organs, five vital forces, Manas and intellect. 3 Such as desires etc., which must have a basis, and this is the self. 4 BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD (ur certain empirical grounds of inference cited by it, the Mimathsakas and logicians, who follow in its foot- steps, fancy that those Vedic grounds of inference such as the ego-consciousness are the products of their own mind, and declare that the self is knowable through perception and inference. In any case, a man who believes that there is a self which gets into relation with a future body, seeks to know the particular means of attaining the good and avoiding the evil in connection with that body. Hence the ceremonial portion of the Vedas is intro- duced to acquaint him with these details. But the cause of that desire to attain the good and avoid the evil, viz. ignorance regarding the Self, which expresses itself as the idea of one’s being the agent and experi- encer, has not been removed by its opposite, the knowledge of the nature of the self as being identical with Brahman. Until that is removed, a man prompted by such natural defects of his as attachment or aversion to the fruits of his actions, proceeds to act even against the injunctions and prohibitions of the scriptures, and under the powerful urge of his natural defects accumulates in thought, word and deed a good deal of work known as iniquity, producing harm, visible and invisible. This leads to degradation down to the state of stationary objects. Sometimes the impressions made by the scriptures are very strong, in which case he accumulates in thought, word and deed a great deal of what is known as good work which contributes to his well-being. This work is twofold: that attended with meditation, and that which is mechanical. Of these, the latter results in the attain- 11] BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD 5 ment of the world of the Manes and so on; while work coupled with meditation leads to worlds beginning with that of the gods and ending with the world of Hiranyagarbha.1 The Sruti says on the point, ‘One who sacrifices to the Self is better than one who sacri- fices to the gods,’ etc. (S. XI. ii. 6. 13, adapted). And the Smrti: ‘Vedic work is twofold,’ etc. (M. XII. 88). When the good work balances the evil, one becomes aman. Thus the transmigration beginning with the state of Hiranyagarbha and the rest and ending with that of stationary objects, which a man with his natural defects of ignorance etc. attains through his good and bad deeds, depends on name, form and action, This manifested universe, consisting of means and ends, was in an undifferentiated state before its manifestation. That relative-universe, without begin- ning and end like the seed and the sprout etc., created by ignorance and consisting in a superimposition of action, its factors and its results on the Self, is an evil. Hence for the removal of the ignorance of a man who is disgusted with this universe, this Upanisad is being commenced in order to inculcate the knowledge of Brahman which is the very opposite of that ignorance. The utility of this meditation concerning the horse sacrifice is this: Those who are not entitled to this sacrifice will get the same result through this medita- tion itself. Witness the Sruti passages: ‘ Through meditation or through rites ’ (S. X. iv. 3. 9), and ‘This (meditation on the vital force) certainly wins the world’ (I. iii. 28). 1 The being identified with the sum total of all minds. 6 BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD [rt Objection : . This meditation is just a part of the Tite. Reply : No, for the following Sruti passage allows option: ‘He who performs the horse sacrifice, or who knows it as such’ (Tai. S. V. iii. 12. 2). Since it occurs in a context dealing with knowledge, and since we see the same kind of meditation based on resem- blance being applied to other rites? also, we understand that meditation will produce the same result. Of all rites the greatest is the horse sacrifice, for it leads to identity with Hiranyagarbha in his collective and individual aspects. And its mention here at the very beginning of this treatise on the knowledge of Brahman is an indication that all rites fall within the domain of relative existence. It will be shown later on that the result of this meditation is identification with Hunger or Death. Objection: But the regular (Nitya) rites are not productive of relative results. Reply : Not so, for the Sruti sums up the results of all rites together. Every rite is connected with the wife. In the passage, ‘Let me have a wife...... . This much indeed is desire’ (I. iv. 17), it is shown that all action is naturally prompted by desire, and that the results achieved through a son, through rites and through meditation are this world, the world of the Manes and that of the gods respectively (I. v. 16), and the conclusion arrived at will be that everything con- sists of the three kinds of food: ‘This (universe) indeed consists of three things: name, form and 1 As in the passage, ‘This world, O Gautama, is fire’ (VI. ii. a2), 11] BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD 7 action’ (I. vi. 1). The manifested result of all action is nothing but the relative universe. It is these three which were in an undifferentiated state before mani- festation. That again is manifested owing to the resultant of the actions of all beings, as a tree comes out of the seed. This differentiated and undifferen- tiated universe, consisting of the gross' and subtle worlds and their essence, falls within the category of ignorance, and has been superimposed by it on the Self as action, its factors and its results as if they were Its own form. Although the Self is different from them, has nothing to do with name, form and action, is one without a second and is eternal, pure, enlight- ened and free by nature, yet It appears as just the reverse of this, as consisting of differences of action, its factors and its results, and so on. Therefore for the removal of ignorance, the seed of defects such as desire and of action—like the removal of the idea of a snake from a rope—with regard to a man who is disgusted with this universe of means and ends, consisting of actions, their factors and their results— having realised that they are just so much, the knowledge of Brahman is being set forth. The first two sections beginning with, ‘ The head of the sacrificial horse is the dawn,’ will be devoted to the meditation regarding the horse sacrifice, The meditation about the horse is described, as the horse is the most important thing in this sacrifice. Its import- ance is indicated by the fact that the sacrifice is named 1 Earth, water and fire are the gross world, and air and the ether the subtle world. Their essence is the simple form of each, before its combination with the other four elements. 8 BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD (u0. after it, and its presiding deity is Prajapati (Hiranya- garbha). S 1 sara waeg teres fre) ave, qe: sro, saranfraeare, dacae areAPaET daea) at geq, wake, shri asreary, fee: aed, cerrarchee: ele, aes, avareaT- qarara aif, aaterrfin fae, aerrrea- ent, vat atari gad fawar, fara Tet, cee Hae war, awaaa qaqa ant, saa gatt: firdrasras:, afayma afamaa, aagga seearale, atefe agit, @rearea aT NH 1. Om. The head of the sacrificial horse is the dawn, its eye the sun, its vital force’ the air, its open mouth the fire called Vaisvanara, and the body of the sacrificial horse is the year. Its back is heaven, its belly the sky, its hoof the earth, its sides the four quarters, its ribs the intermediate quarters, its members the seasons, its joints the months and fortnights, its feet the days and nights, its bones the stars and its flesh the clouds. Its half-digested food is the sand, its blood-vessels the rivers, its liver and spleen the mountains, its hairs the herbs and trees. Its forepart is the ascending sun, its hind part the descending sun, its yawning is lightning, its 1 Represented by the breath. U1.) BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD 9 shaking the body is thundering, its making water is raining, and its neighing is voice. The head of the sacrificial horse, i.e. one fit for a sacrifice, is the dawn, a period of about three quarters of an hour just before sunrise. The particle ‘vai’ recalls something well-known, here, the time of dawn. The similarity is due to the importance of each. The head is the most important part of the body (and so is the dawn of the day). The horse which is a part of the sacrifice has to be, purified ; hence its head and other parts of its body are to be looked upon as certain divisions of time etc. (and not vice versa). And it will be raised to the status of Prajapati by being meditated upon as such. In other words, the horse will be deified into Prajapati if the ideas of time, worlds and deities be superimposed on it, for Prajapati com- prises these. It is like converting’an image etc. into the Lord Visnu or any other deity. Its eye the sun, for it is next to the head (as the sun is next to, or rises just after the dawn), and has the sun for its presiding deity. Its vital force the air, because as the breath it is of the nature of air. Its open mouth the fire called Vaisvdnara. The word ‘Vaisvanara’ specifies the fire. The mouth is fire, because that is its presid- ing deity. The body of the sacrificial horse is the year consisting of twelve or thirteen’ months. The word ‘Atman’ here means the body. The year is the body of the divisions of time ; and the body is called Atman, as we see it in the Sruti passage, ‘For the Atman (trunk) is the centre of these limbs’ (Tai. A, II. 1 Including the intercalary month. 10 BRHADARANYAKA UPANISAD (r.t.8. iii. 5). The repetition of the phrase ‘of the sacrificial horse’ is intended to show that it is to be connected with all the terms. Jts back is heaven, because both ‘are high. Its belly the sky, because both are hollow. Its hoof the earth: ‘ Pajasya’ should be ‘ Padasya ” by the usual transmutation of letters, meaning a seat for the foot. Tits sides the four quarters, for they are connected with the quarters. It may be objected that the sides being two and the quarters four in number, the parallel is wrong. The answer to it is that since the head of the horse can be in any direction, its two sides can easily come in contact with all the quarters. So it is all right. Its ribs the intermediate quarters such as the south-east. Its members the seasons: The latter, being parts of the year, are its limbs, which brings out the similarity. Its joints the months and fortnights, because both connect (the latter connect the Parts of the year as joints do those of the body). Its feet the days and nights. The plural in the latter indicates that those’ pertaining to Prajapati, the gods, the Manes and men are all meant. ‘ Pratistha literally means those by which one stands ; hence feet. The deity representing time stands on the days and nights, as the horse does on its feet. Its bones the stars, both being white. Its flesh the clouds: The word used in the text means the sky, but since this has been spoken of as the belly, here it denotes the clouds which float in it. They are flesh, because they shed water as the 1 A month of ours makes a day and night of the Manes. A year of ours makes a day and night of the gods; and twenty-four million years of the latter make a day and night of Prajapati, equivalent to two Kalpas or cycles of ours.

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