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Highlighted Lecture day 1 (Chester’s Lecture) requires a choice between 2 equally unfavorable

A functional family copes by alternatives, weather or not u give a med when

communication its against your better judgement
Caregivers are usually most organized with Ethical decision making using an orderly
complaints of discomfort process that considers ethical principles
Value = an ideal or concept that gives Ethical distress knowing the right thing to
meaning to an individuals life do but finding it almost impossible to execute,
Value system = operates as a personal code when the doctor tells you you have to give the
of conduct med
Attitude = is a feeling of emotion, generally Ethical uncertainty feeling troubled by a
including positive or negative judgment toward situation but not knowing if it is an ethical
people, objects, or ideas problem
Beliefs = refers to special class of Utilitarianism - most amount of good for the
intellectual attitudes based primarily on faith, as greatest amount of people, health care reform,
opposed to fact value is determines by its usefulness, emphasis
Genogramhealth and illness through on the outcome,
generations (3) Deontology - traditional theory, it is the
Ecomap relationships and interactions principle on which an action is based that is the
with social networks in a family morally decisive such as making and keeping a
Family apgar questionaire emotional promise
attachments to pt., assesses satisfaction with Princiipalism - primary principle of
social support from adaptation, partnership, bioethics, respect for autonomy, non-
growth, affection, resolve malfeasance, beneficence, distributive justice
Value = an ideal or concept that gives (social justice)
meaning to an individuals life Communitarianism - hx, tradition and
Value system = operates as a personal code concrete moral thinking should be the basis of
of conduct moral thinking and action 3 theries of this are…
Attitude = is a feeling of emotion, generally virtue ethics, caring and the ethic of care,
including positive or negative judgment toward feminist ethics.
people, objects, or ideas Virtue Ethics - goal; enable persons to
Beliefs = refers to special class of flourish as human beings
intellectual attitudes based primarily on faith, as Caring and Ethic of care - 2 voices in caring
opposed to fact the express 2 distinct concepts of morality and
Aesthetics qualities of objects, events and the methods of expression
people that provide satisfaction Feminist Ethics - supports critical thinking
Altruism concern for the welfare of others and a focus on gender, power and socioeconomic
status, men and woman are equal
Equality having the same rights,
privileges or status Advocacy is too promote and encourage the
pt to have a voice
Freedom capacity to exercise choice
Race  shared biological features
Human dignity inherent worth and
uniqueness of an individual Ethnicity shared culture (american)
Truth faithfulness to fact and reality Enculturation - process of becoming a
member of a cultural group, assimulating into a
Justiceupholding of moral and legal
culture, can create conflict w/I a family
Migration - people migrate from state to
Morals PERSONAL standard of right and
state as well as across county borders
Immigrants - name given to people who
Ethics a systematic inquiry into the
cross national borders
principles of right and wrong conduct, of virtue
and vie, and of good an evil as they relate to Cultural Diversity - individuals exposed to
conduct multiple world views
Nursing Ethics a system of principles Culture shock - feeling of panic, anger,
governing the conduct of the nurse depression, and denial and a sense of separation
from others
Ethical dilemmas NO TRUE RIGHT OR
WRONG ANSWER, a puzzling moral problem, Assimilation - when minority groups living
within a dominant group lose the cultural Written permission of clint , parent or
characteristics that once made them different gardian of a minor that allows for the release and
Prescriptive - things the individual should do receiving of client info from other agencies or
to have harmony disciplines is a client consent
Restrictive - things the individual should not Building trust in an essential foundation for
to do have a positive outcome a continued relationship, nurse identifies actual
Things that if done will have significant and potential problems or concerns of family
negative outcomes members and members as a whole
Linear time - straight line that can be Primary prevention - 1 LOP (level of
divided into parts with a begning and end. prevention) - altering susceptibility or reducing
Western health care providers see time as linear the exposure of persons who are at risk for
Circular time - time is a never ending enitiy, teaching, nurse intervention
space is linked with issues of territoriality, living, Secondary LOP - early detection and prompt
work, with health care arrangements, touch, treatment to cure a disease or slow its
sound and smell progression - screening programs
Space - encompases the concepts of Tertiary - 3rd LOP limiting disability in
territoriality, density, and distance persons in the early stages of the disease and
Territoriality - to own space providing rehabilitation, nursing interventions
Density - the number of people within a are direct in this stage, nursing care is given as
given environmental space well as referrals
Distance - the way cultures use space to Building trust is an essential foundation for
communicate a continued relationship, nurse identifies actual
Intimate Zone  0 - 18 inches and potentia problems or concerns of family
Personal Zone  18 inches to 3 feet members and members as a whole
Social Zone  3 feet to 6 feet
1) preplanning phase - get phone number,
Rite - an event that marks change in status
clarify who referred them and why, organize a
from lower to higher level, bar mitzvah,
visit, gather initial pt data and share information
confirmation, baptism
w/ pt
Ritual - prescribed manner or process 1) Introductory phase or initial phase - nurse
closely related to a cultures ideology, such as and family get to know one another and how the
high school graduation, wedding, admission to family health problems are defined
school 1) Working phase or implementation phase -
Spiritual healing - healing energy from nurse provides care and educates the family
spiritual sources 1) Ending phase or termination phase -
Traditional oriental - complete system of summarizes the accomplishments of the visit,
diagnostic and therapuetic approaches discuss plan for next visit, leave identification of
Naturopathic medicine - supports natural self and agency with phone numbers
healing capacity of the individual 5 phases of home visits
Chiropractic - adjustment and manipulation 1) Initiation phase - initial referral for care,
of musculoskeletal articulations to treat specific steps, clarify the source, clarify the
functional disorders specific purpose, gather initial patient data, share
Orthomolecular - rebalance of individual info with client
biochemistry 1) Previsit phase - initial contact, share
Home visits - The purpose of the visit is not source of referral, set up appointment, review
to provide care at all costs, method of payment, confirm visit, overcome
Hnd sanitizer uses 4 x then must use water objections, establish goal of visit
&soap 1) In home phase - personal safety tips, lock
Wound infections should be scheduled after belongings in trunk, ask client to look for your
visits to healthy or immune suppressed clints arrival, getr accurate directions, check with other
An emergency situation is the nurses nurses, drive with windows up and oors locked,
professional and legal responsibility to address be alert to your surroundings, park in a wekk
and fix lighted location, have access to a phone, once
Short frequent visits allow the nurse to deal you arrive introduce yourself, proceed with
with 1 or 2 problems at a time nursing process, build a therapeutic relationship
1) Termination phase - review the visit with right to interfere with the physician-client
client, were goals met?, plan for future visit relationship
1) Post visit phase - cocument the visit using The initial assessment is made by the
the nursing process, data base reflecting admitting phsychiatrist
assessment findings, nursing diagnosis and Psychiatrist - serves as the leader of the
problem list, plan of care, nursing interventions, team, responsible for diagnosis and treatment of
evaluations mental disorders, performs psychotherapy,
State qualifications for practice - provided prescribes medication, and other somatic
consumer protection, practicing nurses have therapies
completed and approved nursing programs, The idt meets w/I 48 hours of admission to
nurses must pass boards determine a comprehensive treatment plan and
ANA - professional associations goals of therapy to assign intervention of
qualifications for practice - ana, evaluates the therapies
practice of its members and expects excellence SOAPIE - subjective, objective, assessment,
The term diagnosis was initiated in 1973 plan, implementation, evaluation format
with the convening of the first national task Axis I - clinical disorders
conference on nursing diagnosis Axis II - personality disorders, mental
Negligence - decisions are made based on retardation
standards of practice defined by the ana and the Axis III - Medical conditions
individual state nursing practice. Axis IV - Psychosocial and environmental
Nursing diagnosis are clinical judgements problems
about individual , family or community Axis V - global assessment of functioning
responses to actual and potential health Abuse is about power and control
problems, life proceses, nursing diagnoises
Cycle of violence - 1 - tension building
provide the basis for selection of nursing
phase, 2 - acute or serious battering incidence
interventions to achieve outcomes for which the
can last 2 to 24 hrs, 3- honeymoon phase
nurse is accountable
Abuse is more current in the “sandwich
Nursing diagnosis makes us valid!!
Policies and procedures guide what we as
Munchausen symdrome - mother fabricated
nurses do
an illness in child, first sign: signs and
Policies and procedures/state law - the short symptoms occur in the presence of caretaker and
coming of this method is that the hospital’s disappear when child separated from caretaker
policy may be substandard.
Child abuse S & S - usually begins between
Standards of care - substandard institutional ages of 6-9 and starts by kissing and progresses
policies do not absolve the individual nurse of from there, abuser generally male, impaired
responsibility to practice on the basis of spousal relationship, male is domineering
professional standard of care impulsive and physically abusive
Nurses have a legal duty to report suspected 3 stages of recovery - 1. Initial stage pt
risk or harm, must document any evidence needs to feel safe and reassured, 2, Adaptation
before making serious accusations against peer, phase or recoil phase - counciling groups, seeks
if you question someone’s actions it is wise to validation, 3 reconstruction or reorganization
communicate it directly to the person involved phase - moving forward become a survivor
#1 nursing diagnosis with violence - risk for
Always follow chain of command self or other directed violence, this is payable by
The psychiatric mental health nurse has a insurance
duty to intervene when safety or wellbeing of the Outcome - ensure that violence ceases,
client or other person is obviously at risk ensure safety of all family members
Nurse is responsible for harm if she she Autonomy - presumes individuals are
follows an order that is known to be correct always capable of making individual choices by
If the treating md does not appear willing to oneself
consider your concerns, you need to intervene The right to refuse meds - if client presents a
through appropriate channels, such as your danger to self or others in the institution the
supervisor, but always remember even though client can be forcibly medicated. They have a
you are the clients advocate you do not have a right to a hearing asap
Clients have a right to least restrictive 1. The corrective recapitualtion of the
treatments first primary family group - attempts at resolution are
Pertinent medical info may be released in a promoted by feedback and exploration
life threatening situation without consent 1. Development of socializing techniques -
Informed consent - preservation and able to correct maladaptive social behaviors and
protection of individual autonomy in learn and develop new social skill hope for +
determining what will or will no happen to their 1. Imitative behavior - will imitate selective
body behaviors that they wish to develop in
Restraints and seclusion - leather straps, themselves
chemical restraints, seclusion 1. Interpersonal learning - insight is gained
Nurse duties w/ restraints - observe q 15min, on how one is perceived
circulation, respiration, nutrition, hydration 1. Group cohesiveness - members develop a
elimination document q 2 hrs sense of belonging and are of value to each other
1. Catharsis - an open expression of feelings,
Voluntary commitment - client enters for
both negative nad positive, take place w/I A
treatment of his free will, may sign out of facility
at any time
1. Existential factors - helps individuals take
Involuntary - admitted to facility for direction of their own lives and to accept
treatment that they did not willingly seek out, responsibility for the quality of their exisistance
must meet following criteria; dangerous to self Phases of group development -
or others, observation and treament of mentally 1. Initial orientation phase - group activities,
ill persons, when an individual is unable to take goals are established, members are introduced,
care of basic personal needs (gravely disabled) rules are established, leader should orient
Emergency commitment - are time limited members to group processes, promote an
and court hearing for individual must be3 environment of trust, ensure that rules do not
scheduled w/I a 72 hr period and if committed interfere with fulfillment of goals members act
another hearing will take place 7 to 21 days for overly polite in fear of not being accepted by
further commitment the group, power struggles will occur, pecking
Voluntary commitment must give a 72 hr order is established
notice before we can let them go. This gives us 1. Middle or working phase - cohesiveness
time to have a hearing if needed has been established. Trust is established among
Forensic nurse deals with interpersonal members, turn toward each other and less often
violence , public health and safety, to the leader
correctional institution, Er trauma, pt care 1. Final or termination - termination of group
facility is talked about, members may act surprised over
Sane nurse - psychosocial and physical termination of the group, face denial which
assessment, collect evidence, therapeutic sometimes turns to anger
interventions to minimize trauma, provide Autocratic leader - leaders have personal;
support groups, judicial process of sexual assault goals for the group, info may be withheld,
Correctional nursing specialty - assess message is we will do it my way, my way is best,
document report info to police and collect and members are dependent on leader for problem
preserve evidence, solving, the approach is that of persuasion,
Remember everyone claims innocents in jail productivity is high
Common illnesses in correctional Democratic - leader focuses on members of
institutions ; schitsophrenia, affective psychosis, group, info is shared, members are encouraged to
personality disorder, substance abuse, agitiation, problem solve, decide what must be done,
hullocination, detoxification consider the alternatives, make a selection, and
11 curative factors why groups help proceed with actions to complete the task.
1. Instillation of hope - see others who have Productivity is low
solved their problems Laissez Fairre - college style, leadership syle
1. Universality - come to realize they are not allows members to do as they please, no
alone direction, no problem solving, members become
1. The imparting of information - knowledge frustrated and confused, very low productivity
is gained by sharing of advice and suggestions Within a group member complete tasks of
1. Altruism - creates a positvie self image the group maintain or enhance group processess,
and fulfill personal or individual needs CCSSII Dexedrine causes obesity and
Psychodrama - roleplay narcolepsy and can cause anorexia, dry mouth,
Nurse in group therapy serves on or leads restlessness, insomnia, etc…
task groups that create policy, describe
procedures and plan client training, set in on
support groups and transition client to d/c.
Mieieu therapy - structures environment in
order to affect behavioral changes and to imprive
the psychological health and functioning of the
individual, the goal is to manipulate the
environment so that all aspects of the client’s
hospitalization are considered therapeutic
ECT - induces a grandmal seizure holdany
benzodiazepines or bartiturates used for sleep aid
the previous night or it could raise the siezure
threshold. Atropine is given to reduce risk of
aspiration, brevital is given iv for immediate
anesthesia, anatine given iv prevents a grandmal
Who should not have ECT - recent mi,
recent cva, pt w/ angina, CHF, COPD, severe
osteoperosis, major bone fractures, glocoma,
retinal detachment, pregnancy
Typical phenothiazines - PST - Prolixen,
Stelazine, Throzine
Phenothiazines lower the seizure threshold
so an anticonvulsant may be necessary
Typical non phenothiazines - hmn - haldo,
moban, novan
Atypical - clozapine - tardive duskiness,
blood cell disorder decreased wbc
Antidepressants - decrease of monomine
neurotransmitters )nor epinephrine and
serotonin) in the brain
try cyclic - blocks the uptake of the
neurotransmitters nor epinephrine and serotonin
in the brain, the agents are Elavil, anafranil,
sideburn, tofranil, side effects are seizures,
dry mouth, tachycardia, sedation
SSRI - therabuetic effect takes 4 - 6 weeks,
cause insomnia so you would want to take them
at night.
Foods that cause hypertensive crisis (dnt
mix with maoi’s) cheese, bananas, raisings,
pickled foods, red wine, beer, cream, yogurt,
chocoalate, coffee, liver, yeast, soy sauce
Mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder 0
lithium - first used as salt subsitturenarrow
therapeutic range .8 - 1.5 causes wieght gain
Anticholinergic drugs - Cogentin is given
with antipsychotic
Cns stimulants - amphetamines - stimulate
the relase of the neurotranmitters, norepinephrin
and dopamine, they cause euphoria and alertness,

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