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Money Banking & Financial Markets GROUP PROJECT

Econ 32250 Fall 2017


This group project is a research based project which allows you to explore a topic of interest
(your own or one from the list of topics given below) related to a financial or money market
event or issue . The project involves a thorough study and analysis of the issue and provide
findings addressing that issue. The recommended group size is four people.


I. Select a topic of your choice from the list below. Each group will be responsible for doing the
research on any one of the topics below and prepare a written report and oral presentation addressing
the issues underlying that topic of interest.

Financial Crisis 2008- Implications and Lessons learned

Energy Crisis: Will the Oil Market Balance?
Hidden costs of Quantitative Easing by FED.
Dangers of Crypto Currency: Legality of Bitcoins
Crippling Inflation in U.S.
Federal reserve and the current monetary policy
Risks of a Strong Dollar

II. Prepare a Group Report

The project requires submission of a 4-6 pages report (printed) including the all the exhibits,
data and charts. The arguments made in the report should be supported by reliable data
and all the secondary sources should be formally cited. The grading rubric for the written
report is given in the next page.

III. Group Presentation

The presentation should be in the power point slides and should be 10-12 minutes. Each
presentation will be followed by a 2-3 minutes of Q&A for the audience. The grading rubric for
the oral presentation is given in the next page.

The group report and presentation are due on Monday20th November 2017
IV. Grading:

The written portion of the project accounts for 50% of the project grade and the oral
presentation (including the Q&A) accounts for the other 50%. The grading rubric for the report
and oral presentation is given on the next page.

Content 40% (total)

a) Depth of the subject Matter 10%
b) Analysis of the issue 10%
c) Address the issue 20%

Quality of the Research & Analysis 60% (total)

a) Presentation of findings 10%
b) Data Analysis & Interpretation 30%
c) Draws logical conclusions and predictions 20%

Grand Total 100%


Introduction and Background 20% (total)

a) Introducing the issue/topic 10%
b) Background and current situation 10%
Data Representation & Analysis 30% (total)
a) Data Inclusion 10%
b) Data Interpretation 20%
Presentation 50% (total)
a) Organization 10%
b) Creativity 15%
c) Clarity 10%
d) Engaging 10%
e) Response to Q& A 5%

Grand Total 100%

Information Sources Suggestions:

Economics Search Engine-

Fed in Print - (search engine on FED publications)

Trading Economics -

Google, Yahoo, Barron , wall street journal.

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