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Stability Calculation
I. Full Load Condition (Laut Tenang)
Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 539.21
2 Disp= 539.21

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 23.820 2.790
2 LCG=23.820 m VCG=2.790 m

1.6 GfMo = 1.598 m



GZ m

Max GZ = 0.599 m at 28.2


USL Heeling in Turn
Wind HeelingCrow ding

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Starboard

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 539 539 540 539
2 Draft at FP m 2.206 2.204 2.191 2.200
3 Draft at AP m 2.485 2.483 2.473 2.343
4 WL Length m 49.547 49.545 49.534 52.000
5 Immersed Depth m 2.372 2.413 2.527 2.837
6 WL Beam m 8.125 8.147 8.217 8.178
7 Wetted Area m^2 437.789 437.446 434.170 428.609
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 332.206 331.631 328.182 315.887
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.628 0.629 0.632 0.618
10 Block Coeff. 0.550 0.540 0.512 0.436
11 LCB to zero pt. m 23.842 23.827 23.771 23.819
12 VCB from DWL m 0.947 0.952 0.964 1.002
13 GZ m 0.000 0.139 0.273 0.518
14 LCF to zero pt. m 21.479 21.558 21.878 22.873
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 0.283 0.603 1.188

30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 540 539 539 539
2 2.208 2.255 2.342 2.489
3 2.254 2.212 2.189 2.174
4 52.000 52.000 52.000 52.000
5 3.165 3.487 3.759 3.965
6 6.585 5.447 4.689 4.205
7 458.127 472.169 479.743 484.889
8 255.780 215.829 189.889 173.871
9 0.640 0.657 0.669 0.679
10 0.486 0.533 0.574 0.607
11 23.819 23.821 23.824 23.826
12 1.108 1.267 1.431 1.579
13 0.598 0.507 0.327 0.102
14 23.972 24.599 25.010 25.356
15 1.165 1.336 1.543 1.736

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 103.203. Lever = 2.461
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.195 Pass
2 0.09 0.293 Pass
3 0.03 0.098 Pass
4 0.2 0.598 Pass
5 25 28.153 Pass
6 0.15 1.598 Pass
7 10 1.66 Pass
8 10 0.635 Pass
9 10 1.906 Pass
I. Full Load Condition (Laut Bergelombang)
Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025
Analysis performed in Trochoidal waves
Wavelength = 12 m Wave Amplitude = 4 m

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 539.21
2 Disp= 539.21

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 23.820 2.790
2 LCG=23.820 m VCG=2.790 m


GfMo = 1.069 m


GZ m

Max GZ = 0.423 m at 31.6


USL Heeling in Turn
Passenger Crow ding
USL Wind Heeling Lever

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Starboard

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 539 539 539 540
2 Draft at FP m 3.144 3.149 3.178 3.266
3 Draft at AP m 3.786 3.793 3.772 3.758
4 WL Length m 50.312 50.426 52.004 52.003
5 Immersed Depth m 3.700 4.085 4.397 4.646
6 WL Beam m 8.202 8.149 8.220 8.004
7 Wetted Area m^2 458.429 460.214 461.958 464.310
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 260.705 266.321 262.896 258.451
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.376 0.380 0.378 0.400
10 Block Coeff. 0.344 0.313 0.280 0.272
11 LCB to zero pt. m 23.812 23.789 23.801 23.786
12 VCB from DWL m 1.860 1.870 1.891 1.979
13 GZ m 0.000 0.084 0.176 0.339
14 LCF to zero pt. m 23.308 23.320 22.922 23.212
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 0.223 0.487 0.937
30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.
Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 539 540 539 539
2 3.397 3.577 3.901 4.507
3 3.761 3.878 4.148 4.656
4 52.001 52.001 52.000 52.465
5 4.895 5.124 5.350 5.566
6 7.104 5.672 4.799 4.262
7 467.791 477.280 482.568 485.677
8 236.172 203.788 179.807 163.668
9 0.424 0.442 0.457 0.465
10 0.291 0.348 0.394 0.423
11 23.808 23.813 23.814 23.818
12 2.103 2.257 2.423 2.576
13 0.422 0.388 0.250 0.054
14 23.548 24.103 24.348 24.480
15 1.316 1.446 1.594 1.751

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 43.738. Lever = 2.914
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.129 Pass
2 0.09 0.201 Pass
3 0.03 0.072 Pass
4 0.2 0.423 Pass
5 25 31.608 Pass
6 0.15 1.069 Pass
7 10 2.668 Pass
8 10 0.516 Pass
9 10 3.775 Pass
II. Light Weight Condition (Laut Tenang)
Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 309.09
2 Disp= 309.09

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 22.750 3.060
2 LCG=22.750 m VCG=3.060 m

GfMo = 2.329 m


GZ m


0.9 Max GZ = 0.779 m at 33.1


USL Passenger
Heeling Crow
in Turn
Wind Heeling ding

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Starboard

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 309.0 309.3 309.3 309.4
2 Draft at FP m 1.014 1.027 1.041 1.047
3 Draft at AP m 2.217 2.189 2.123 1.898
4 WL Length m 48.595 48.607 48.622 48.637
5 Immersed Depth m 1.794 1.772 1.860 2.141
6 WL Beam m 8.015 8.022 8.000 7.682
7 Wetted Area m^2 352.025 345.133 338.418 330.788
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 303.572 295.564 286.391 272.500
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.528 0.532 0.543 0.574
10 Block Coeff. 0.431 0.437 0.417 0.377
11 LCB to zero pt. m 22.671 22.702 22.703 22.714
12 VCB from DWL m 0.631 0.637 0.652 0.706
13 GZ m 0.000 0.194 0.363 0.628
14 LCF to zero pt. m 20.726 21.201 21.714 22.297
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 0.366 0.689 1.345
30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.
Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 309.3 309.3 309.3 309.1
2 0.971 0.758 0.436 -0.079
3 1.539 1.089 0.517 -0.342
4 48.701 52.001 52.000 52.000
5 2.353 2.498 2.610 2.694
6 7.060 5.702 4.820 4.271
7 320.729 325.173 327.703 326.183
8 257.420 220.368 191.386 169.254
9 0.603 0.586 0.602 0.610
10 0.373 0.407 0.461 0.504
11 22.735 22.737 22.749 22.754
12 0.760 0.823 0.914 1.011
13 0.767 0.740 0.542 0.251
14 22.849 23.820 24.259 24.370
15 2.026 2.218 2.287 2.327

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 141.981. Lever = 2.472
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.245 Pass
2 0.09 0.379 Pass
3 0.03 0.134 Pass
4 0.2 0.779 Pass
5 25 33.148 Pass
6 0.15 2.329 Pass
7 10 1.961 Pass
8 10 1.03 Pass
9 10 1.323 Pass
II. Light Weight Condition (Laut Bergelombang)
Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025
Analysis performed in Trochoidal waves
Wavelength = 12 m Wave Amplitude = 4 m

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 309.09
2 Disp= 309.09

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 22.750 3.060
2 LCG=22.750 m VCG=3.060 m

1.8 GfMo = 1.839 m



GZ m


0.6 Max GZ = 0.531 m at 31.2


0.2 USL Passenger Crow ding

USL Heeling in Turn
Wind Heeling Lever

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Port

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 309.0 309.2 309.1 309.4
2 Draft at FP m 1.920 1.915 1.897 1.900
3 Draft at AP m 3.260 3.260 3.257 3.172
4 WL Length m 49.261 49.257 49.352 49.357
5 Immersed Depth m 3.609 3.576 3.516 3.706
6 WL Beam m 8.166 8.193 8.256 7.756
7 Wetted Area m^2 304.793 307.032 308.888 315.286
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 250.195 244.009 232.523 219.533
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.275 0.273 0.274 0.286
10 Block Coeff. 0.208 0.209 0.210 0.213
11 LCB to zero pt. m 22.689 22.693 22.662 22.700
12 VCB from DWL m 1.206 1.215 1.242 1.346
13 GZ m 0.000 0.154 0.284 0.455
14 LCF to zero pt. m 22.946 23.126 23.106 22.655
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 -0.302 -0.570 -1.189
30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.
Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 309.4 309.4 308.8 309.3
2 1.897 1.877 1.790 1.612
3 3.011 2.786 2.522 2.261
4 52.012 52.006 52.003 52.001
5 3.918 4.070 4.169 4.249
6 6.982 5.740 4.827 4.269
7 318.834 321.362 326.388 332.263
8 208.128 195.422 180.573 169.117
9 0.288 0.307 0.328 0.348
10 0.212 0.248 0.288 0.320
11 22.700 22.726 22.718 22.722
12 1.475 1.605 1.725 1.836
13 0.530 0.493 0.355 0.122
14 22.656 23.031 23.807 24.721
15 -1.733 -2.127 -2.335 -2.429

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 90.22. Lever = 2.495
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.18 Pass
2 0.09 0.27 Pass
3 0.03 0.091 Pass
4 0.2 0.531 Pass
5 25 31.16 Pass
6 0.15 1.839 Pass
7 10 2.44 Pass
8 10 0.814 Pass
9 10 1.917 Pass
III. 50 % Consumables (Laut Tenang)

Stability Calculation - LINES

Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 421.76
2 Disp= 421.76

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 23.220 2.880
2 LCG=23.220 m VCG=2.880 m


GfMo = 1.908 m


GZ m

Max GZ = 0.732 m at 31.7


USL Passenger
Heeling Crow
in Turn
Wind Heeling ding

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Starboard

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 421.4 422.0 422.0 422.1
2 Draft at FP m 1.579 1.588 1.594 1.602
3 Draft at AP m 2.382 2.367 2.328 2.159
4 WL Length m 49.035 49.043 49.049 49.175
5 Immersed Depth m 2.086 2.095 2.202 2.499
6 WL Beam m 8.080 8.100 8.146 8.114
7 Wetted Area m^2 395.836 393.923 388.027 381.910
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 320.334 317.608 310.425 300.745
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.585 0.587 0.593 0.614
10 Block Coeff. 0.497 0.495 0.468 0.413
11 LCB to zero pt. m 23.162 23.192 23.196 23.203
12 VCB from DWL m 0.782 0.789 0.805 0.852
13 GZ m 0.000 0.163 0.313 0.572
14 LCF to zero pt. m 21.036 21.229 21.715 22.448
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 0.297 0.625 1.275
30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.
Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 422.1 421.9 422.0 421.9
2 1.544 1.439 1.304 1.097
3 1.925 1.694 1.415 1.006
4 52.001 52.000 52.000 52.000
5 2.753 2.986 3.179 3.324
6 6.953 5.608 4.776 4.254
7 387.484 397.673 403.571 406.724
8 264.700 222.009 195.075 177.794
9 0.605 0.625 0.640 0.650
10 0.414 0.473 0.521 0.560
11 23.207 23.210 23.217 23.223
12 0.918 1.031 1.161 1.286
13 0.727 0.662 0.468 0.208
14 23.659 24.380 24.890 25.246
15 1.628 1.769 1.903 1.994

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 122.594. Lever = 2.444
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.222 Pass
2 0.09 0.346 Pass
3 0.03 0.124 Pass
4 0.2 0.732 Pass
5 25 31.707 Pass
6 0.15 1.908 Pass
7 10 1.705 Pass
8 10 0.77 Pass
9 10 1.508 Pass
III. 50 % Consumables (Laut Bergelombang)
Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025
Analysis performed in Trochoidal waves
Wavelength = 12 m Wave Amplitude = 4 m

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 421.76
2 Disp= 421.76

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 23.220 2.880
2 LCG=23.220 m VCG=2.880 m


1.4 GfMo = 1.454 m


GZ m


0.6 Max GZ = 0.505 m at 33.5


USL Heeling in Turn
Passenger Crow ding
USL Wind Heeling Lever

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Starboard

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 421.7 421.4 421.7 422.0
2 Draft at FP m 2.455 2.457 2.486 2.555
3 Draft at AP m 3.582 3.588 3.574 3.513
4 WL Length m 49.688 49.800 49.826 52.011
5 Immersed Depth m 3.700 3.867 4.004 4.101
6 WL Beam m 8.187 8.209 8.126 8.103
7 Wetted Area m^2 380.128 381.811 386.383 393.274
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 261.966 254.542 253.542 246.347
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.324 0.327 0.334 0.339
10 Block Coeff. 0.273 0.260 0.254 0.238
11 LCB to zero pt. m 23.190 23.161 23.184 23.188
12 VCB from DWL m 1.516 1.533 1.571 1.675
13 GZ m 0.000 0.118 0.228 0.407
14 LCF to zero pt. m 23.787 23.326 23.077 22.850
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 0.187 0.439 1.048
30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.
Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 422.0 422.0 421.9 421.9
2 2.618 2.674 2.734 2.894
3 3.436 3.378 3.421 3.587
4 52.007 52.004 52.003 52.002
5 4.315 4.500 4.652 4.803
6 7.073 5.739 4.828 4.269
7 393.857 400.724 406.046 407.381
8 232.538 210.724 187.790 168.885
9 0.362 0.382 0.403 0.420
10 0.259 0.307 0.352 0.386
11 23.194 23.197 23.200 23.205
12 1.801 1.936 2.074 2.205
13 0.497 0.483 0.353 0.138
14 23.306 24.032 24.573 24.652
15 1.543 1.836 1.987 2.060

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 67.465. Lever = 2.616
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.157 Pass
2 0.09 0.244 Pass
3 0.03 0.087 Pass
4 0.2 0.505 Pass
5 25 33.506 Pass
6 0.15 1.454 Pass
7 10 2.423 Pass
8 10 0.644 Pass
9 10 2.608 Pass
IV. General Condition (Laut Tenang)
Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 494.59
2 Disp= 494.59

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 24.310 2.710
2 LCG=24.310 m VCG=2.710 m

GfMo = 1.768 m



GZ m

0.8 Max GZ = 0.697 m at 31.3



USL Heeling
in Turn
Wind HeelingCrow ding

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Starboard

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 494.8 494.5 494.8 495.1
2 Draft at FP m 2.137 2.131 2.142 2.158
3 Draft at AP m 2.300 2.295 2.252 2.090
4 WL Length m 49.500 49.495 49.509 51.890
5 Immersed Depth m 2.231 2.272 2.385 2.703
6 WL Beam m 8.106 8.129 8.188 8.264
7 Wetted Area m^2 423.390 420.649 415.101 410.840
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 328.317 325.229 318.985 313.389
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.618 0.619 0.625 0.613
10 Block Coeff. 0.539 0.528 0.499 0.417
11 LCB to zero pt. m 24.321 24.293 24.307 24.313
12 VCB from DWL m 0.903 0.907 0.918 0.954
13 GZ m 0.000 0.152 0.294 0.557
14 LCF to zero pt. m 21.537 21.749 22.246 22.982
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 0.312 0.642 1.283
30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.
Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 494.8 494.5 494.4 494.4
2 2.167 2.211 2.288 2.418
3 1.883 1.688 1.456 1.122
4 52.001 52.002 52.004 52.005
5 2.999 3.288 3.532 3.717
6 6.748 5.513 4.733 4.233
7 430.390 443.821 451.205 456.263
8 261.541 219.658 192.740 176.073
9 0.630 0.646 0.658 0.666
10 0.459 0.512 0.555 0.589
11 24.320 24.326 24.333 24.339
12 1.032 1.167 1.313 1.447
13 0.695 0.629 0.458 0.230
14 23.890 24.542 24.958 25.304
15 1.382 1.533 1.706 1.858

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 109.957. Lever = 2.451
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.213 Pass
2 0.09 0.331 Pass
3 0.03 0.118 Pass
4 0.2 0.697 Pass
5 25 31.291 Pass
6 0.15 1.768 Pass
7 10 1.619 Pass
8 10 0.657 Pass
9 10 1.591 Pass
IV. General Condition (Laut Bergelombang)
Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025
Analysis performed in Trochoidal waves
Wavelength = 12 m Wave Amplitude = 4 m

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 494.59
2 Disp= 494.59

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 24.310 2.710
2 LCG=24.310 m VCG=2.710 m

GfMo = 1.321 m

GZ m

Max GZ = 0.503 m at 35.1


USL Heeling in Turn
Passenger Crow ding
USL Wind Heeling Lever

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Starboard

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 494.8 494.7 494.5 494.3
2 Draft at FP m 3.140 3.145 3.155 3.223
3 Draft at AP m 3.425 3.431 3.445 3.423
4 WL Length m 50.344 50.458 52.001 52.000
5 Immersed Depth m 3.700 4.085 4.285 4.531
6 WL Beam m 8.196 8.120 8.181 8.302
7 Wetted Area m^2 411.604 422.598 424.399 434.352
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 260.661 261.586 254.573 255.606
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.355 0.359 0.357 0.378
10 Block Coeff. 0.316 0.288 0.265 0.246
11 LCB to zero pt. m 24.310 24.322 24.321 24.298
12 VCB from DWL m 1.738 1.749 1.779 1.869
13 GZ m 0.000 0.104 0.203 0.387
14 LCF to zero pt. m 24.038 24.349 23.864 23.640
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 0.177 0.408 1.000
30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.
Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 494.6 494.7 494.6 494.7
2 3.347 3.528 3.844 4.432
3 3.366 3.336 3.396 3.580
4 52.000 52.000 52.001 52.542
5 4.779 5.007 5.232 5.452
6 7.114 5.700 4.813 4.271
7 439.089 447.867 453.272 456.429
8 237.075 207.869 182.599 165.663
9 0.395 0.412 0.426 0.433
10 0.273 0.325 0.368 0.394
11 24.305 24.315 24.321 24.328
12 1.989 2.128 2.279 2.420
13 0.492 0.489 0.368 0.174
14 23.675 24.097 24.347 24.481
15 1.445 1.639 1.759 1.879

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 53.427. Lever = 2.758
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.148 Pass
2 0.09 0.235 Pass
3 0.03 0.087 Pass
4 0.2 0.503 Pass
5 25 35.146 Pass
6 0.15 1.321 Pass
7 10 2.398 Pass
8 10 0.533 Pass
9 10 2.919 Pass
V. Extreme Condition (Laut Tenang)
Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 461.96
2 Disp= 461.96

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 23.390 2.910
2 LCG=23.390 m VCG=2.910 m

GfMo = 1.716 m



GZ m

Max GZ = 0.657 m at 30.2


USL Heeling
in Turn
Wind HeelingCrow ding

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Starboard

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 461.5 462.2 462.3 462.4
2 Draft at FP m 1.786 1.782 1.793 1.795
3 Draft at AP m 2.428 2.427 2.388 2.240
4 WL Length m 49.195 49.193 49.204 49.325
5 Immersed Depth m 2.186 2.208 2.317 2.618
6 WL Beam m 8.096 8.119 8.173 8.220
7 Wetted Area m^2 410.385 409.347 404.421 398.613
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 324.703 323.101 317.238 309.089
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.601 0.602 0.607 0.626
10 Block Coeff. 0.517 0.511 0.484 0.425
11 LCB to zero pt. m 23.362 23.335 23.370 23.361
12 VCB from DWL m 0.837 0.843 0.859 0.903
13 GZ m 0.000 0.148 0.286 0.530
14 LCF to zero pt. m 21.179 21.299 21.745 22.490
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 0.286 0.612 1.265
30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.
Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 462.2 462.3 462.2 462.0
2 1.752 1.695 1.626 1.528
3 2.056 1.899 1.717 1.459
4 52.001 52.000 52.000 52.000
5 2.894 3.158 3.378 3.545
6 6.849 5.561 4.752 4.241
7 411.521 423.386 429.886 433.654
8 262.790 220.860 194.529 177.774
9 0.618 0.637 0.651 0.661
10 0.437 0.494 0.540 0.576
11 23.379 23.383 23.388 23.392
12 0.980 1.110 1.252 1.385
13 0.656 0.570 0.372 0.116
14 23.824 24.496 25.018 25.389
15 1.466 1.616 1.778 1.903

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 115.879. Lever = 2.446
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.204 Pass
2 0.09 0.314 Pass
3 0.03 0.11 Pass
4 0.2 0.656 Pass
5 25 30.22 Pass
6 0.15 1.716 Pass
7 10 1.755 Pass
8 10 0.75 Pass
9 10 1.764 Pass
V. Extreme Condition (Laut Bergelombang)
Loadcase - Loadcase1
Free to Trim
Specific Gravity = 1.025
Analysis performed in Trochoidal waves
Wavelength = 12 m Wave Amplitude = 4 m

Item Name Qty. Weight Tonne

1 Lightship 1 461.96
2 Disp= 461.96

Long.Arm m Vert.Arm m
1 23.390 2.910
2 LCG=23.390 m VCG=2.910 m


1.2 GfMo = 1.249 m

GZ m

Max GZ = 0.444 m at 32.7

USL Heeling in Turn
Passenger Crow ding
USL Wind Heeling Lever

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel to Starboard

0 Heel 5 Starb. 10 Starb. 20 Starb.

Heel Heel Heel
1 Displacement Tonne 461.6 461.8 461.7 461.8
2 Draft at FP m 2.677 2.679 2.705 2.785
3 Draft at AP m 3.667 3.674 3.663 3.613
4 WL Length m 49.880 49.992 50.016 52.008
5 Immersed Depth m 3.700 3.950 4.041 4.282
6 WL Beam m 8.193 8.219 8.166 8.232
7 Wetted Area m^2 412.802 409.917 415.432 418.134
8 Waterpl. Area m^2 265.012 258.677 258.399 253.074
9 Prismatic Coeff. 0.341 0.344 0.352 0.360
10 Block Coeff. 0.298 0.278 0.273 0.246
11 LCB to zero pt. m 23.370 23.359 23.356 23.363
12 VCB from DWL m 1.636 1.648 1.681 1.780
13 GZ m 0.000 0.098 0.196 0.361
14 LCF to zero pt. m 23.498 23.122 22.818 23.009
15 TCF to zero pt. m 0.000 0.196 0.456 1.017
30 Starb. 40 Starb. 50 Starb. 60 Starb.
Heel Heel Heel Heel
1 462.3 462.2 462.2 462.3
2 2.865 2.953 3.090 3.382
3 3.572 3.579 3.715 4.026
4 52.005 52.003 52.002 52.001
5 4.507 4.701 4.873 5.044
6 7.011 5.721 4.825 4.270
7 419.490 427.168 431.941 435.261
8 235.750 210.335 185.594 169.200
9 0.384 0.404 0.423 0.439
10 0.274 0.322 0.369 0.403
11 23.367 23.370 23.373 23.374
12 1.905 2.045 2.194 2.333
13 0.441 0.414 0.273 0.057
14 23.373 24.188 24.528 24.806
15 1.469 1.713 1.845 1.957

Rule Criteria Units

1 IMO Area 0. to 30. m.Radians
2 IMO Area 0. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
3 IMO Area 30. to 40. or Downflooding Point m.Radians
4 IMO GZ at 30. or greater m
5 IMO Angle of GZ max Degrees
6 IMO GM m
7 USL 100 Passengers of 75 kg. 3.25 m.from CL Degrees
8 USL Wind Heeling Moment - 360 Pascals. Area Degrees
= 59.314. Lever = 2.689
9 USL Heeling Moment Due to Turning - 16 knts Degrees

Required Actual Status

1 0.055 0.138 Pass
2 0.09 0.214 Pass
3 0.03 0.076 Pass
4 0.2 0.444 Pass
5 25 32.685 Pass
6 0.15 1.249 Pass
7 10 2.661 Pass
8 10 0.64 Pass
9 10 3.258 Pass

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