Pre-Observation Form

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Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Elementary Education Program

Pre-Observation Form

Directions: This form is to be completed prior to every lesson that will be observed by the mentor
teacher or university supervisor. It is to be submitted no later than 3 business days prior to the actual
observation along with your lesson plans.

Name: Camila Portocarrero Date: 11/04/17

1. What is the topic of your lesson?

The topic of my lesson is diversity specifically focusing on how each of us is

unique in our own ways.

2. Why are you teaching this lesson? What is your rationale for teaching it?

I am teaching this lesson in order for student to understand that we there is no

one else like us, but that also we share many similarities among other people in
the world.

3. What is your Teaching Behavior Focus? Why did you choose this?

a. Providing response opportunities

b. Paraphrasing students verbal content
c. Guided demonstration is included
d. Wait time +3 seconds is provided
e. Provides clear directions
f. Student engagement through discussion is fostered
g. Learners interests and experiences are acknowledged and integrated into
I will use these Teaching Behavior Focus in order to carry out a successful
discussion with the students and for them to feel like they are being given a fair
amount of sharing time during the lesson. Also, providing an example of my own
unique flag will allow the students to get better guidance on how they can draw
their flags.

4. Why did you design your instruction in this lesson the way that you did? Why did
you choose this way of teaching the lesson (e.g., Was the idea from a methods
course? From your mentor teacher? Another source?)

I chose this way of teaching because it allows the students to share with each
other what makes themselves unique. This will allow each student to see how
unique each of their classmates are as well as to see some similarities among

5. As you are thinking through this lesson, what do you believe will be the most
challenging part of this lesson for you when you teach it? Why?

I believe the most part of this lesson will be trying to get students from creating
too much dialogue among themselves. Kindergarteners enjoy talking about
themselves and the discussion could potentially lead us to a different kind of

6. How will you know if your learning outcomes for the students are met
I will know if the learning outcomes for the students are met successfully if they
are able to draw in their flags the different things that makes them unique and are
able to effectively show their classmates what their drawing mean.

7. How will your classroom management support the learning outcomes?

The classroom management will support the learning outcomes since all
students will pay attention to what their peers say and will be able to make
connections with their own work.

8. List 1-3 areas which you would like for your observer to pay particular attention.
Why do you want your observer to focus on these areas?

Classroom management, dialogue with the students, and the kind of questions I
will be asking.

9. Is there anything else you would like your observer to know before the

Just know that this will be a fun lesson for the students.

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