Formal Observation Form

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Elementary Education Formal Observation Form

Junior/Senior Intern

Student: Camilla Portocarrero Observer: Karen Downey Grade: K

Date: 11-7-17 Time: 10:30 Subject: Literacy & Cultural Diversity

1. Classroom Climate/Culture - Student Behavior

X Intern communicates and maintains standards for appropriate classroom behavior.
X Intern anticipates and acts on potential classroom disruptions.
X Intern maintains positive classroom climate.
X Intern responds to student behaviors appropriately.

Comments: Camilla immediately established a rapport with the students by telling them they would be having a lesson
about children in different parts of the world. She read the story Whoever You Are and showed the students the pictures
of the children in school in another part of the world. When transitioning to another part of the lesson, she asked the
students to move from rows on the carpet to the circle. It was quick and efficient. Then she explained the purpose of the
Talking Stick and how only the person holding it should talk. She asked everyone to tell about something they like. When
two students were talking during the lesson, she strategically asked them to participate in the discussion so they would
attend to the lesson.

2. Instruction - Instructional Time

X Intern has materials, supplies, and equipment ready at the start of the lesson or activity.
X Intern gets class started quickly.
X Intern uses available time for learning and keeps students on task.

Comments: Camilla had all of her materials ready before the lesson. She connected her laptop to the television and
projected a picture of a world map before she began and referred to it to show the students where we are on the map. She
asked the assistant to place blank flags at the students tables to be ready for the next part of the lesson.

3. Instruction - Instructional Planning and Presentation

X Intern establishes links with prior learning and experiences.
X Intern arranges learning activities to support standards.
X Intern appropriately uses a variety of teaching styles.

Comments: Camilla established a link to prior learning by referencing the lesson we had yesterday about getting the
ingredients for an apple pie at places all around the world. She arranged the activities to be grade-level appropriate and tied
to the literacy standards R.I.K.1, R.I.K.2, and W.K.2 and Social Studies Standard K.C.1.1. Camilla used several teaching
styles. She read a story to the whole group. Then she facilitated a discussion about things that the children liked, and last
gave instructions for the All About Me flag.

4. Instruction - Instructional Monitoring

X Intern circulates to check performance and monitor progress.
X Intern varies level of questioning.
X Intern ensures that all students have the opportunity to participate.

Comments: While the students were working on their flags, Camilla circulated around the room giving assistance and
guidance where needed. She challenged the students to create a flag that would be unique to their own likes and allowed
everyone to share their flags with the rest of the class at the end.
5. Impact on Student Learning - Facilitating Instruction
X Intern establishes clear outcomes for learning.
X Intern communicates learning outcomes to students.
X Intern adjusts lesson based on student responses/ongoing assessment.
X Intern connects learning outcomes to the NCSCOS.
Comments: Camilla had very clear outcomes for learning in her lesson. In her opening discussion, she told the students
they would be talking about children in other countries. She adjusted her lesson slightly based on the responses children
gave about what they liked giving sentence starters for students that needed more support. The learning outcomes were
based on the Common Core and NCSCOS standards listed above.
6. Evaluation/Assessment - Instructional Feedback
X Intern provides feedback on the correctness or incorrectness of in-class work to encourage student growth.
X Intern affirms correct oral responses appropriately and moves on.
X Intern provides sustaining feedback after an incorrect response by probing, repeating the question, giving a clue,
or allowing more time.
Comments: Camilla provided feedback to the whole class about their All About Me flags at the closing discussion. She
congratulated them on how good the flags were and even talked about how no matter what someones flag looks
like, it is special because all of them are special. She concluded the lesson with a I am special parade around the
classroom while the students chanted an I am special song.

Strengths: Areas on which to focus:

Camilla was very well prepared for her lesson. She had Camilla was a bit too quiet a few times while reading the
the flags put together and the world map bookmarked so story which may have caused the students to lose interest.
that she set up for the lesson in a very short amount of I would suggest she practice reading the story she wants
time. She was very engaging while telling the story to present a couple of times out loud so that she may be
stopping to point out details in the pictures and more comfortable during the lesson.
encouraging the children to pay attention. She shared with
the students about her own life and they responded very

Were the learning outcomes for the students met? X YES NO

Did the interns/student teachers classroom management support the learning outcomes?
Was the Teaching Behavior Focus goal achieved?

Student Intern Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________

Mentor Teacher Signature:___________________________________ Date:______________

University Supervisor Signature:___________________________________ Date:______________

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