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Legal quiz questions


1. The decisions of all legislative meetings shall be ratified by AIESEC in Pakistans MC in a meeting
held no later than _____________ after the completion of the respective legislative meeting.
(Art 39, National Compendium)
A. 12 days
B. 20 days
C. 25 days
D. 30 days
E. 60 days

2. Voting is possible with at least 5 members from the LC. What is the criteria of these 5 members
i.e. what should be their positions in order to let the elections proceed? (National Compendium
A. 1 LCP, 2 EB Members, 2 GB Members
B. 1LCP, 1 EB Member, 3GB Members
C. 3 EB Members, 2 GB Members
D. 2 EB Members, 3 GB Members
E. You cannot conduct voting in 5 people

3. Any student to be eligible for an internship under AIESECs exchange program may be selected
at the latest ________ years after obtaining a degree, but they may not be older than _______
of age as on 1st January of the year. (Local Compendium 2.6)
A. 2, 30
B. 4, 25
C. 4, 30
D. 2, 25

4. Legislations which have been approved in working groups and sub-committees or tracks shall be
circulated in writing at least ________ before the matter can be voted upon, where this is not
possible, there must at least be ample opportunities provided for discussion by all delegates.
(National Compendium 2.7)
A. 7 Hours
B. 12 Hours
C. 24 Hours
D. 48 Hours
5. Charles is in an AIESEC Conference. This is his first conference and he has no experience
whatsoever about the agenda of the conference. The motion on the floor is to discuss the
progress of ICX and its new initiatives as a whole. Charles starts off well but then he starts
talking about how the organization as a whole has suffered due to the current political situation
in Pakistan. Is Charles violating the compendium? (2.10.2 National Compendium)


1. Timpaktoo, the LCP of AIESEC in IBA dies on 19th May 2013, VP FnL Kaimoor Khan can discharge
all the duties of LCP till:
a. Two month
b. He is not entitled to discharge LCP duties
c. One month
d. The remaining tenure of LCP
(5.3.4 page 31, National Compedium)

2. Kanishka Omaid is an EB member, He wants to go for an AIESEC internship in his term. Can he
a. He can go
b. He cannot go
c. The final decision lies with the LCP

(5.7.1 Page 32, National

3. The following criteria is not necessary for Local Committees to be considered as full members of
AIESEC in Pakistan
a. To submit a yearly budget to AIESEC in Pakistan MC
b. To have an Annual General Meeting every year
c. Total Mandate fines to be more than Rs 10,000
d. Must have a minimum Bank Balance of Rs 5,000

(6.1.1 Page 33, National)

4. Mr. Barney Kingston is an AIESEC in IBAs EP. He has rejected 3 TNs, matching the criteria
specified on the EP form as required. He wants to leave AIESEC and remove his name from
myaiesec.nets system. Is he entitled for a refund:
a. Yes, Rupees 2000
b. No
c. Yes, Rupees 5000
d. Yes, AIESEC in IBA should refund him the total amount the EP beard

(4.10 Page 25, National)

5. AIESEC in IBAs election for the post was held in 31st July 2013, a three week notice was given to
the GB, and one of the candidate for the LCP, Mr. Dante Inferno, was on probation. Is this
according to AIESECs Compendium
a. YES
b. No, Mr Dante should be a full member
c. No, Mr Dante should be a full member and Election should be held in 31st January
d. No, Mr Dante should be a full member and election should be held in 31st January and a
minimum of a week notice should be given to the GV

(5.2.1-3-6.1, National)


1. Abdul Ghani gave his resignation as an EB member and it was accepted by the LCP. After one quarter
he wishes to rejoin as an EB member, is that possible?

a. Yes, because he was an EB member

b. Yes, It is possible for anyone to rejoin after resignation and maintain the same post
c. No, He can rejoin but will not get the EB position in the same term
d. No, He cannot rejoin.

(Local Compendium, 1.3,4)

2. Ranbir Kapoor is 28 years old and completed his graduation 3 years ago. He worked in AIESEC for 2
years, until he graduated. He now wishes to go on Exchange to Srilanka, is it possible?

a. Yes, he is an AIESEC alumnus, he can go whenever he wants to

b. Yes, anyone can go till 3 years after they have graduated
c. Yes, an AIESEC alumnus can go till 3 years after they have graduated
d. No, Exchange is not applicable after 2 years of graduation

(Local compendium 2.7)

3. Which of the following is not a part of the Ethical case filing process?

a. Registration
b. Case hearing
c. Decision
d. Voting to file the case

(Local Compendium, Appendex 1, Ethics 6)

4. Hammad Mirza, an EP, Did not attend the OPS session . Can he still go on exchange?

a. Yes, OPS is not mandatory to attend

b. Yes, If the VP OGX briefs him about the OPS and gets him approved by MC VP OGX
c. No, No one can go on exchange without attending an OPS.

(National Compendium 4.10.2)

5. Which of the following is not supposed to be on the voting panel to choose the next MCP.

a. current Mc
b. Current MCVP
c. 1 member from the LBOA
d. 1 member from the SG

(National Compendium

6. during the Elections for the LCP. There wasnt a clear 2/3rd Majority in voting. How the outcome
should be decided?

a. Have reelections
b. The one with the majority wins
c. Eliminate the candidate with lowest votes and have the elections again, keep doing this until someone
has a 2/3rd majority.
d. Recounting of votes and Chair would decide how to go about it

(National Compendium

7. The OC of Y2B AIESEC in IBA, submitted their discharge report, however they did not include the final
marketing report of the conference, however they did include a report on how the OC functioned and
the report consisting of all the expenses and revenue. Can they still be discharged?

a. Yes, Marketing report I not mandatory

b. No, The audit report will be incomplete
c. On the discretion of the internal audit team
(National Compendium 9.12)
Economic Indicators for Pakistan
Forex Reserves $11.06bn
Inflation CPI% 7.09%
Exports $18.00bn
Imports $33.4bn
Trade Balance ($15.40)bn
Current A/C ($1028)mn
Remittances $10.35bn
Foreign Investment $921.0mn
Domestic Debt Rs. 8.716bn
GDP Growth FY12E 3.60%
per Capita Income FY11 $1,254
Population 182.96 mn

Most investors who invested in Facebook have not made their money back, The damage
done by the Facebook IPO was pretty wide and still reverberates in the market now -
Andrew Stoltmann.

Yahoo Inc(YHOO.O) said it is acquiring blogging service Tumblr for $1.1 billion cash, a bold bet by
Chief Executive Marissa Mayer to revitalize the struggling Internet pioneer by co-opting a Web
property with strong visitor traffic but little revenue.

Shell, London-based BP and Statoil ASA (STL), three of Europes biggest oil explorers, are under
investigation for potential manipulation of prices in the $3.4 trillion-a-year global crude market.
The involvement of McGraw Hill Financial Inc. (MHFI)s Platts, which publishes pricing data,
hearkens back to other pricing scandals including Enron, and more recently, Libor.

Richest Men in the World

1. Carlos Slim Helu (telecom)
2. Bill Gates (Microsoft)
3. Amancio Ortega (Zara)
4. Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathway)
5. Larry Ellison (oracle)

Leading Companies in the World

1. ICBC (China)
2. China Construction Bank
3. JPMorgan Chase
4. General Electric
5. Exxon Mobil

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