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White 1

Jonathan White

Dr. Hartman

English 683

25 November 2017

Final Reflection

Dr. Hartman,

My initial conception of this assignment was driven by a desire for students to gain some
practical skills in resume creation and working with new media, skills that I think are vital to
student success. However, I still wanted the assignment tied into our literature studies in order to
hit even more bases. Overall, I like the bones of the assignment, and will definitely use it again.

But, there are some pieces that needed more thought and revision. One immediately obvious
need was a better communication of expectations for both the resume and the website. I did show
students an example of a personal website at the outset, but I need to have one tailored to this
kind of exercise as an exemplar. Additionally, next time I assign this project, Ill include a few
examples of professional resumes in the handout packet instead of just mentioning that there are
templates available online.

The rubric also needed work. Thanks for pointing out the point disparity I hadnt even noticed.
So, I added another category to even out the point spread and give opportunity for reasonable
points to be earned even if the work was not quite up to standard or missing a few components.
And concerning the trouble my class had with the groupwork, in the future Ill definitely be
following the original intent of the WAD by having students produce individual final products,
even though they will be collaborating along the way.

Lastly, in future iterations of this project, students will also be required to include a reflective
letter explaining their process, frustrations, victories, and rhetorical choices. Writing reflective
letters as part of my assignments in this class has been so beneficial to me in thinking through
my choices and struggles that I want to pass along the practice to my students.

Also! Im happy to report that after talking through my feedback on the students work and
hearing what they had to say about it, we set a due date for a revised final product, and Im really
proud of what they produced the second time around. I didnt want to just leave the assignment
sitting there in a pool of all our collective frustration, and Im glad we took the time to revisit it.
White 2

Jonathan White

Dr. Hartman

English 683

4 November 2017

Dr. Hartman, Commented [JW1]: Second Reflective Letter

The actual assigning of this project ended up not being exactly what I had planned. First, instead
of five class days, we allotted three. Second, after looking at the assignment sheet and talking
through the project, the class (only six students) asked if they could do this as a group project. I
am usually open to this possibility as I like students to collaborate, so I agreed that they could
work the process as a group and earn the same final grade. To be frank, I was disappointed with
the quality of work these seniors produced (as youll see in my responses). So we took some time
the day after it was due to discuss their work, my comments, and our next steps. After having
that little come to Jesus talk, they kicked it up, but it also caused some stresses in the group
dynamic. Some of the type A students were getting pretty upset with ones they perceived as not
working as hard, and so we had a lot to work through together to try to salvage the group
emotionally and the project academically. Its just a reminder that few assignments are going to
hit that ideal of engaging students, fostering cooperation/empathy, being enjoyable, and hitting
educational goals. Although I was really disappointed overall, the project gave us time to work
on interpersonal issues, reflect on the process, and (I hope) come out better on this side. They
have been collaborating on revisions outside of school during this last week and theyll resubmit
their two products on Monday this week.

Im regretting that I did not remember to add a reflective letter component to the assignment; we
did do a lot of reflecting, but it was verbal in a group discussion, which doesnt have evidence
and doesnt always hit the same level of honesty and authenticity as a private reflection. Looking
forward, I dont believe Ill allow a whole-group approach to this assignment. Perhaps teams of
two or three, but I think having individual work as I first envisioned would ultimately be better
because we could publish some of the work throughout the week to foster some competition; I
would still give opportunities for collaboration (students helping others figure out their
websites), but with individual projects we would have a variety of site builders and word
processing programs, leading to a greater variety of final products and good sharing of ideas.

So, overall Im disappointed how the first product ended up, but excited to see what the next
iteration of the resume and website will be, and glad that I have the opportunity to help students
work through some difficult group dynamics.
White 3

Jonathan White

Dr. Hartman

English 683

7 October 2017

Dear Dr. Hartman,

This has been a really rewarding exercise so far. However, Im conflicted I spend more time
and energy on planning the teaching posts and the WAD-type assignments than I usually do
preparing for actual classes. Im happy with what Ive produced in these assignments, but I guess
its frustrating to see what I could do if I put this much time and energy into every class, every
assignment. I teach four preps (some years Ive taught five and they vary extensively year to
year) in addition to coordinating chapel services, prepping debate teams, managing the schools
FB and webpage, and being the Beta Club sponsor. So, even 8 years into teaching, I still feel like
Im just surviving, not thriving and innovating. I know that sounds like complaining, but when I
saw in one of your videos the flowchart of everything you have your hands in, I was thankful for
my limited load! All that said, this class and these exercises are inspiring me not to settle, but
to keep trying to find time to innovate in my classes. So, thank you for that.
Ill appreciate any feedback you have for me, especially on the rubric.

Thank you,

J. Carl White Commented [JW2]: Old Reflective Letter I left this here as
it is part of my original submission
White 4

WAD Design Stage


My high school students often complain about the perceived lack of connection between some of
their classes and the real world. Part of it is just griping about work because it is work, but
even if the work is good, their perceptions can drive them away from engaging in a constructive
way with some content or skill that will benefit them in the future. So, by having rsum creation
as a part of this assignment, I hope that students will buy in to the real-world applicability.

Driven by a desire to teach practical, real world skills, I am having students prepare a rsum for
Beowulf to deliver to Hrothgar to try to get the job of handling Grendel that may not sound
practical or real world, but they will have to understand a complex text, discover and infer details
about characters from explicit and implicit information, use prior knowledge of the historical era
and social context, and most importantly, use all of that information to make rhetorical choices
about how to craft a rsum that will appeal to a specific audience. Having students create a
personal website as a part of this assignment will help them prepare for a new media rsum, one
that some companies are now preferring over the traditional paper rsum.


This assignment will be assigned to 11th and 12th grade British Literature students. When this
project is assigned, students will already have read Beowulf, discussed the epic and its
conventions, and read and discussed background information on the historical context of the text.

This assignment will be completed over a period of five school days during 50 minute class
periods meeting every day. This class is in a Bring Your Own Device environment, and each
student has access to a personal laptop. We have a computer lab. and a mobile laptop lab. to
facilitate any problems with the BYOD setup. This assignment will cap our study of the Old
English Era before we move into the Medieval Era.

Objectives 1) Demonstrate reading comprehension of a complex text and ability to gather not
only explicit information, but also to make inferences about what the text says
implicitly. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.10; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.1
2) Demonstrate the ability to produce clear and coherent writing in which the
development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and
audience (with an emphasis on rhetorical choices geared toward a specific
audience). CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.4
White 5

3) Demonstrate ability to develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,

revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing
what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. CCSS.ELA-
4) Develop ability to use technology, including the Internet, to produce,
publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing
feedback, including new arguments or information. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-
White 6

Revised (reflective letter requirement)

Get a Job, Beowulf!

Student Handout

Overview We all know why Beowulf really went sailing across that
freezing northern sea from Geatland to Denmark, right? To get a job! But
youre going to have to help him. Dont tell him I said this (because, you
know, the whole Grendels arm thing) but hes not very good with the
written word. So, over the next week, youll be helping to prepare a
rsum and a personal webpage/portfolio to help him get in good with Mr.
Hrothgar, who weve heard is not an easy customer.

Process here are some suggested steps to walk through this week; however, this is ultimately your
project, so work through it in a way that makes sense for you.
1) Review this handout and ask your questions dont hold back.
2) Use the Getting to Know You graphic organizers (or another method that you like) to record direct
and indirect characterization of both Hrothgar and Beowulf keep track of the specific textual
support by writing line numbers next to your characterizations.
3) Consult with classmates in small groups to ensure an accurate characterization for each man; sharpen
each others critical eyes by helping each other to read between the lines and look for
motivations, desires, fears, goals, etc.
4) Using a template in MS Word, Pages, Google Docs, etc., craft a rsum for Beowulf that accurately
recounts his skills and abilities, and use your knowledge of Hrothgar to make sure Beowulf is
seen as the best man for the job.
5) Regularly check in with your classmates and teacher; share insights and troubleshoot the process of
rsum creation together.
6) Use your rsum to craft a personal webpage that conveys the same information to the same audience,
just in a digital format. Use images, videos, etc. to convey the information that is only in print on
the rsum. Use Weebly, Wix, WordPress, Google Sites, or another approved medium for web
page creation.
7) You Must include an informal reflective letter with your final product, explaining your process, your
struggles, your victories, and your rhetorical choices for the site and resume.

Due Dates this project will be our work in class every day this week, and youll have the weekend to
polish the products. You should email your rsum as a Word Document, .PDF, or Google Doc to by 11:59 pm on Sunday, 10/15 and include the link to your
personal webpage in the message body.

Grading you will earn high grades in your process work throughout the week by engaging with your
classmates and being on task while in the classroom. The final rsum and webpage will be graded
according the rubric attached in this packet.
White 7

Getting to Know You - Hrothgar

Characteristics, motivation, desires, fears, Specific Textual Support (including ln. #s)
relevant past/deeds/relationships, etc.
White 8

Getting to Know You Beowulf

Characteristics, motivation, desires, fears, Specific Textual Support (including ln. #s)
relevant past/deeds/relationships, etc.
White 9

Rubric (revised)
Category Exceeds Meets Expectations Nears Expectations Missing
Expectations Significant
(20-18 pts) (17-15 pts) (14-12 pts) Elements
(11-9 pts)
Comprehension of
Text/Inference and Support:
demonstrates a high level of
comprehension through
characterization process work
and a final product that
contains accurate
characterization of both
characters (rsum)
Tailored Rhetorical Choices
based on Audience:
demonstrates rhetorical choices
specific to understanding of
audience-Hrothgar (rsum)
demonstrates mastery of
medium chosen by producing a
clean, neat, professionally
respectable product (rsum)
Basic Usage/Grammar:
demonstrates grade-level-
appropriate usage and
grammar; readability is
enhanced by word choice,
punctuation, and spelling
Webpage: demonstrates
characteristics listed above
while adapting content to a
digital medium attractive
layout, colors, video elements,

White 10

This page begins the student work section with my responses.

Son of Ecgtheow Resume

Geatland, Switzerland Commented [3]: Check that detail?

Purpose of Job
The purpose I am doing of this job is to slay the mighty demon Grendel. To purge Commented [4]: Read out loud and revise for clarity and
the evil out of Heorot. Grendel is a mighty and fierce competitor that killed thirty
men at once during the night in Heorot. I will kill this demon and his mother, to
reunite the people of this kingdom, and I will do so with my bare hands because
why would I need weapons if he doesnt use weapons?

Professional Experience and Characteristics

One of the strongest in Geatland.
Destroyed the Giants race.
More fighting experience than anyone in Switzerland. Commented [5]: Accuracy is important - check your details.

Have slain beasts in air, land, and water. Commented [6]: For example?

Have the strength of 30 men.

Prideful Commented [7]: Would Beowulf call himself prideful? Or
would he say something like, "I back up my words with
Rely on fate to decide my future. deeds"?

Fear nothing and no one.

Follow the code of chivalry. Commented [8]: Which era does chivalry show up in?

Fought a Whiterun Guard AND LIVED. Commented [9]: Pop culture references can be fun when
used sparingly, which you've done :)

Wiglaf Son of Weohstan the Scylfing. (A close relative of Beowulf.)
Higalac, Cousin of Beowulf
Ecgtheow, your dear fallen friend
All the dead monsters ive slayed Commented [10]: Capitalization.

My fourteen companions
The Whiterun Guard

Why you need me?

Because im the strongest you have ever seen
Have complete great feats in the name of Higalac Commented [11]: Read out loud and revise.

Am a well known warrior who can get the job done

Will not rest until the job is completed, and Honor is given to your name Commented [12]: Whose honor is Beowulf interested in?

Loyal to my followers and Ill be loyal to you as I am to them

White 11

(My overall response to the group work)

Group - I see some choices in the creation of this resume that clearly reflect the
voice and personality of Beowulf. His boastfulness and the importance of lineage
come across clearly, so thats well-done.

However, overall, this is not what I would call a professional product. Your
instructions included trying to find a template of a professional resume, not just
creating some headings and bullet points.

I encourage you to revisit the design of the resume, pay close attention to the
categories on the rubric, and take the comments on the side of this page into
consideration as you revise.

Also, continue to ask the question, How can we make this even more Anglo-
Saxon? How can we make this even more like Beowulf? In what ways can the
historical context bleed through this assignment?

Concerning the Website - the first striking image on the home page is very much
in line with Beowulfs personality. Hes all about some Beowulf, so I find it
accurate that the whole home page is just his face. I also really like the voice that
comes through in the Contact section, as well as the dry humor of the testimonials
page. However, how would you rate that personal webpage if you received it as
the single thing that was supposed to compel you to hire the guy? What about the
webpage is engaging or compelling? The about me section is where we could
really hear from Beowulf about his credentials and experience, but its only a
bulleted list. The audience (Hrothgar) needs to see compelling visuals as well as
Beowulfs professional ambitions, goals, etc. Do a quick google search of
professional portfolios or personal webpages if you need to get more inspiration
than the example I showed you.

Well chat through these comments in class, and then discuss where we should go
from here to produce the level of work I know youre capable of.
White 12

(Pages from the students website)

White 13
White 14

Completed Rubric
Category Exceeds Meets Expectations Below Expectations
(20 pts) (17 pts) (12 pts)
Comprehension of Youve shown an
Text/Inference and appropriate
understanding of these
Support: demonstrates a characters. Some details
high level of are vague or inaccurate
comprehension through revise those.
characterization process
work and a final product
that contains accurate
characterization of both
characters (rsum)
Tailored Rhetorical Beowulfs personality is
Choices based on shown clearly, but what
would you point to as
Audience: demonstrates decisions made
rhetorical choices specific specifically to cater to
to understanding of Hrothgars character?
Neatness/Professionalism: The resume is not a
demonstrates mastery of professional-looking
document. Revisit the
medium chosen by visual elements
producing a clean, neat,
professionally respectable
product (rsum)
Basic Usage/Grammar: Be careful in revising to
demonstrates grade-level- read out loud, searching
for any phrases or
appropriate usage and sentences that could be
grammar; readability is unclear. Check
enhanced by word choice, punctuation,
punctuation, and spelling capitalization. Pay
(rsum) attention to detail.
Webpage: demonstrates Striking homepage
characteristics listed image. However, the
other pages are black text
above while adapting on white background. Is
content to a digital this inviting? How would
medium attractive Beowulf use colors,
layout, colors, video video, graphics, etc. to
elements, etc. compel Hrothgar?

65/100 lots of good things; lots of room for improvement

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