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Lesson Plan Directions: Respond to the prompts below by typing your responses within the brackets following each

prompt. Do not delete or alter the prompts.

This is my Lesson# 1 2 3 (Highlight One)

Name MaryJo Whitfield Date to Be Taught 10/31/17

Title of Lesson Plan [Literacy Comprehension]

Grade Level: [3rd grade]

Subject/Content Area(s): [English Language Arts]

Students: [This is a fairly large 3rd grade class near the suburban community. The classroom is an adequate size for
an elementary school. Supplies and resources are stored in cabinets in the back of the classroom. There are usually
2 or 3 anchor charts posted on different walls that describes what the students are currently learning. The school is
located in the back of a residential neighborhood. This neighborhood houses many young couples and military
families. Two other elementary schools are located not too far up the road from this school.
The school is largely made up of military teachers and students. Teachers range from many years of experience to
only a couple. The school is constantly reaching out to the community through the police department and local
marines. The police department helps recognize students who have done the right thing by rewarding them on the
morning announcements. The school is proud to be the Jets!
Number of students
Girls Boys Total
11 7 20 students

Name of student or group Learning need What is done in the classroom

J.N. Struggles with grasping concepts Teach one on one, reteach if
first hand needed, or redirect as needed

NCSCOS Goal(s): [Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite
specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.]

NCSCOS Standards(s): [CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of

a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.]

Content: [This lesson will focus on students ability to read literature and answer questions based on what they have
read. The content will specifically focus on students ability to go back into the text and find the answers to questions
and information. Instead of guessing or choosing randomly the students must prove their answers by pointing back to
certain parts of the literature]

Lesson Objective: [The students will answer questions based on evidence from the text using strategies such as
underlining, highlighting, or taking notes on important parts of the reading to get at least 5 out of 6 questions correct
along with providing evidence of their answers in the text.]

Academic Language:
Vocabulary or key phrases associated with content [evidence from the text, back up your answers,
evidence, support, detail]
Language functions [read, answer questions, provide evidence from the text]
Syntax [literature, graphic organizer, rubric]
Discourse [answer the question, work with your group members, reread the passage]

Name of Student or group Learning Need Planned accommodations or modifications
J.N. Struggles with grasping For the guided practice, I placed him in a group with a few students
concepts first hand who are above average. They will hopefully help Jordan stay on task
and guide him through work that he may struggle with. During the
independent practice, I will keep a close eye on him and offer
assistance if needed.

Content [I will model the proper way to answer questions with evidence from the text. Through modeling, I
will differentiate by telling and visually representing my thoughts. I will visually show underlining and
highlighting parts of the text as I read.]
Process [I will allow students to work in preset groups that I have chosen based on students interest and
commonalities. The students will be reading a picture book that I specifically selected for their group based
on the students likes and interest.]
Product [During the IP: Students can show me that they answered questions based on text evidence in
multiple ways. I will allow them to underline the evidence using colored pencils, place the question number
in the text where the answer is found, or fill out the graphic organizer used in the GP.]
Learning Environment [I will create a respectful learning environment where the students can reach their full
potential. I will do this with collaboration through group work and communication between me and the

List of Materials: [
Big Pumpkin- book for TI
Sticky notes
Chosen books for GP
ISP graphic organizer for GP and IP
Index cards with questions for GP
How to Carve a Jack O Lantern reading for IP
Rubric for IP ]

Visuals Used: [picture books, modeling on the white board]

Classroom Management:
Group Alerting Strategy [Everyone freeze or everyone give me 5 Students freeze where they are at,
make eye contact with me and wait for further instructions or students stop, place their hand up in the air,
make eye contact with me, and wait for further directions.]
Motivation Strategy [Depending on my CTs permission. Extra homework passes to the top 3 students who
show the best behavior by listening, staying on task, working with their group members properly, and
completing their work]
Preventive Behavior Management Strategy [I will use Mrs. Bucks card pulling strategy. Each student starts
out on green. However, each color afterward represents something else. The colors include green, yellow,
orange, blue and red. They range from a warning to a call home. Most of the time the students will stop their
behavior if you tell them they are about to pull a card. I dont expect to have to use this unless Mrs. Buck
must step in due to the students behavior.]

Assessment Strategy:
Informal: [Thumbs up, down, or sideways-I will ask the students to show me how much they understand the content
during the TI. This will also be specifically used when we transition from the GP to the IP. I will also use it when giving
Formal: [The students will be formally assessed based on their task of reading a selected work and answering
questions based on what they read. They must provide evidence of their answers in the reading. I provided the rubric
for assessing the students understanding after they complete it]


1. Focus and Review: [Okay everyone, were going to start out by doing a little game. I am going to make
a statement and you must tell me whether it is true or false and why. Says something such as, the door
is broken and it wont shut. Naturally, the students will say false. Ask them why and have them show
you by opening and closing the classroom door.

Statements to say:

-I have on blue shoes today

-We go to lunch at 11:30

-My name is Miss Whitfield

The students will tell you whether these statements are true or false. They will have to provide evidence
for their answer. For example, my name is Miss Whitfield because that is what my name tag says. Tell
the students that just like you provided evidence for you answers to these statements you have to
provide evidence for questions that you answer about text you read.]

2. Statement of Objective: [Today we are going to practice our skills on providing evidence from text
when asked questions about our readings.]

3. Teacher Input: [I will model the proper way to take notes while reading a book. First, I will read Big
Pumpkin by Erica Silverman to the class. Along the way I will stop and draw attention to important
details that I feel should be underlined or highlighted in the book. Because this is a library book I will
use sticky notes to mark important parts instead of writing in the book (differentiation).

Places to stop and draw attention to the book:

-Page 6: The problem- the witch cannot pick her pumpkin because it is too big
-Page 17: The problem- the witch, ghost, vampire, and mummy cannot pick the pumpkin
-Page 19: They laugh at the bat because he is so small. However, he provides the solution to the

Next, I will model how to answer questions and provide evidence of my answers in the book. Write the
following questions on the board for everyone to see (differentiation).
1. Why did the witch, ghost, vampire, and mummy laugh at the bat when he came to help with the
A. He was not smart enough
B. He would be too little to pull the pumpkin
C. They did not laugh at him
(My first reaction is to answer with letter B. However, I must find evidence from my text. Let me go back
and see what I can find. Open the book to page 19 and point out the text that says, They all looked at
the little bat. And started to laugh. I may not be big and I may not be strong, said the bat. But I have
an idea.
This is evidence that choice B would be correct because the text states that they were laughing at the
LITTLE bat.)

2. What was the bats idea?

A. To leave the pumpkin where it was
B. To call for help from the neighbors
C. For everyone to pull the pumpkin at once
(My first reaction is to answer with letter C. However, I must find evidence from the text. Let me go
back and see what I can find. Open the book to page 22 and point out the text that says, The bat
pulled the mummy, the mummy pulled the vampire, the vampire pulled the ghost, and the ghost
pulled the witch, and the witch pulled the pumpkin.
This is evidence that choice C would be correct because the text states that everyone helped pull
the pumpkin. Even the picture shows evidence.)

3. What was the moral of the story?

A. You can accomplish more with help from others
B. You should not plant pumpkins if you cannot pick them
C. The bat was too tiny to help with the pumpkin
(My first reaction is to answer with letter A. However, I must find evidence from the text. Let me go
back and see what I can find. Look at pages 22-26 and review what happens. We see that all of
the characters are working to get the pumpkin. It looks like they got it based on the text stating that
the pumpkin snapped and rolled to the witchs house. Before they could not get the pumpkin
because they all tried to pull it by themselves. They were able to get it this time because they took
the bats idea and worked together. They were able to accomplish more. Choice A would be the
correct answer.
You see that I was able to provide evidence from the text by going back into the story after I had
read it. I could also use my sticky notes as a review of what happened in the story. Check for
understanding, thumbs up, down, or sideways before moving on.]

4. Guided Practice: [Break the students up into preset groups either at this time or before the lesson
Group1: Jonny, Christopher, and Jordan
Group 2: Alliyah, Audrey, Lilly, and Maddie
Group 3: Saniya, Jocelyn, Caitlyn
Group 4: Payton, Chase, and Dominique
Group 5: Nate, Darnell, and Shamar
Group 6: Zasi, Azure, Jackie, Kayla
Instruct the students to pay close attention to your directions.
I am going to give each of your groups a picture book. You are to read the book with your group and
answer the assigned questions. Pick one person to read the book in your group and make sure you
speak loud for everyone to hear. I am going to give you a graphic organizer to help you with your
Draw the ISP graphic organizer on the board and explain that the I section is for information. Hear the
students will write the question and the answer. S stands for source and this will be the section where
they write the quote or a summary of the text that shows evidence of their answer to the question. P
stands for page number which is where they will write the page number that their evidence can be
found on.(you can model filling this out by using one of the TI questions.) Pass out a graphic organizer,
located below, to each student and instruct them to make their writing legible. Instruct them to provide
evidence for all of their answers to the questions.
Pass out an index card with the questions written on it for each group.

Group 1 book: Cockroach by Karen Hartley, Chris Macro, and Philip Taylor

1. There are 3,500 kinds of cockroaches but how many of them are considered pest?
A. 12
B. 20
C. 300
2. Where do cockroaches like to live?
A. Antarctica
B. Warm places
C. They only live in Europe
3. What is a nymph?
A. An adult cockroach
B. A baby cockroach
C. Female cockroaches

Group 2 book: Cheers, Chants, and Signs by Jen Jones (read chapter 1 only pages 1-12)

1. What is the difference between a cheer and a chant?
A. Both are the same
B. Chants are short and cheers are longer
C. Chants are used more than cheers
2. What are some tips the book offers to be a great cheerleader?
A. Put on a happy face
B. Stay sharp
C. Pump up the volume
D. Make eye contact
E. All of the above
3. What should you do between cheers?
A. Take a snack break
B. Talk to your friends
C. Do spirit fingers, small stunts, or high kicks

Group 3 book: Actors by Laura Conlon

1. What is the actors job?
A. To make every laugh
B. Create character for the viewers
C. Memorize lines
2. What is another word for audition?
A. Try out
B. Script
C. Performance
3. What happens during the first rehearsal or read through?
A. The actors perform in costume on stage
B. They read the script and discuss the characters
C. The actors create props for their performance

Group 4 book: Lightning by Jill Kalz

1. Why is lightning seen before thunder is heard?
A. Light travels faster than sound
B. Lightning is not always seen before thunder
C. Thunder is faster than lightning
2. What happened when Benjamin Franklin flew his kite with a key attached during the storm?
A. Benjamin Franklin was struck by lightning
B. A spark was produced
C. Lightning never touched the kite or key
3. Why should you stay low during a lightning storm?
A. Because lightning moves easily through water
B. Because lightning likes to strike tall things
C. Because lightning cannot find you if you stay low

Group 5 book: Snakes by Jo Waters (read pages 1-10 only)

1. How many snake species can be found in the water?
A. 10
B. 50
C. 100
2. Snakes can be tamed like other pets.
A. True
B. False
3. Snakes should flick their tongue in and out when?
A. When they are hunger
B. When they are mad
C. When something is held in front of their face
Group 6 book: Poodles by Lynn M. Stone

1. Poodles were once used to?
A. Herd sheep and goats
B. Heard cattle
C. Keep children company
2. Poodles are very small dogs.
A. True
B. False
3. Poodles became a favorite dog in which country?
A. Germany
B. France
C. Denmark
Check for understanding, thumbs up, down, or sideways before moving on.]

5. Independent Practice: [To show their ability to find evidence from the text. Give each student the How
to Carve a Jack O Lantern reading, located down below. Instruct the students to individually read the
passage and answer the questions that follow. Encourage them to underline, with pencil, while initially
reading. They must provide evidence of their answers by underlining the part of the text that matches
with the color of the question, using the ISP graphic organizer, or simply placing the question number
beside the sentence that serves as the evidence in the text (differentiation). Write the questions on the
board for everyone to see as well as the rubric. Make sure to briefly go over the rubric before the
students start. (monitor Jordan and offer assistance as needed)
As students begin to finish, have them bring up their work for you to check. Give explicit feedback, to
the student, based on the rubric.
1. Who started the tradition of carving jack o lanterns? (underline evidence in blue, ISP organizer, or
question number)
2. Why should you cut the opening of the pumpkin at a slant? (underline evidence in red, ISP
organizer, or question number)
3. Why do you have to scrape the inside of the pumpkin clean? (underline evidence in orange, ISP
organizer, or question number)
4. What is the moral of this story? (underline evidence in black, ISP organizer, or question number)
5. What should you put inside your pumpkin when finished? (underline evidence in yellow, ISP
organizer, or question number)
6. What did the Celts use to carve before pumpkins? (underline evidence in pink, ISP organizer, or
question number)]
6. Closure: [Today we reviewed our skills on finding evidence in the text. I am going to give you a sticky
note and I ask that you write 2 things you can do when reading a text and 1 thing you must do when
answering questions based on your reading. Why must you do that one thing? When you are done
please place the sticky not on the whiteboard.
Make a note of the 3 students who get extra homework passes.]

Graphic organizer for GP and IP

Reading for IP

Rubric for IP
Student got at least 5 out of 6 questions correct. __/4

Student provides explicit evidence from the text __/4

to back up their answer choice.
Student uses some type of reading strategy, __/4
underlining, highlight, etc with pencil when
initially reading the text.
Students work is neat and legible. __/4

Total score __/16


Classroom Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2017, from

Conlon, L. (n.d.). The Performers ACTORS. Vero Beach , FL: The Rourke Press Inc.

Free worksheets and printables for teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2017, from

Hartley, K., Macro, C., & Taylor, P. (n.d.). Cockroach. Des Plaines, IL: Heinemann Library.

Jones, J. (2008). Cheers, chants, and signs: getting the crowd going. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

Kalz, J. (1980). Lightning. North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media .

Silverman, E., & Schindler, S. D. (2009). Big pumpkin. United States: Paw Prints.

Stone, L. M. (n.d.). Poodles. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke.

Waters, J. (2006). The wild side of pet snakes. Oxford: Raintree.

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