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sc and sh sounds

Put all the words that begin with sc onto the scales.
Put the sh words onto the ship. Two are done for you. 2011 11989 Page 1 of 4

sc and sh sounds

Fill in the missing words to complete the story.

Rory got up early and had a . He put on his

Manchester United and .

Then he looked in the garden for his new

football. He saw his old set and he couldnt

resist playing with it. Dad called from the house. Rory was

going to be late for the . bus if he didnt hurry.

He wrapped his . around his neck, picked up his

ball and ran. He wasnt going to miss his first football match at

school. 2011 11989 Page 2 of 4

sc and sh sounds

Write in the missing words.

Use the following word to answer the questions.

1. What vessel sails in the sea? __________________________

2. These come in a pair. _________________________________

3. A children's toy to ride on. ____________________________

4. You can wrap this around the snowman. _________________

5. This happens as it gets smaller. ______________________ 2011 11989 Page 3 of 4
sc and sh sounds

Cut out the initial and end sounds and match them up to make words.

sc ooter
sc ar
sh ell
sh ip
sc arf 2011 11989 Page 4 of 4

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