PBL Presentation Rubric

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Criteria 0-1 2 3 4

Organizational Very good

Poor Fairly good Good
Context information Fairly good &
Poor and/or Very good &
(sources consulted- somewhat Good & relevant.
irrelevant. relevant.
expert interviews) relevant.
Inappropriate; appropriate; Outstanding;
Problem - solutions address most
address only one address some address all aspects
aspects of
aspect of problem. aspects of of problem.
Relatively good
Very good, in-
Shallow & poor arguments;
Arguments & use of depth & solid
arguments; theoretical & Good arguments;
theoretical/context arguments;
theoretical & context info. theoretical &
information theoretical &
context info. Relatively well context info. Well
(National/international context info. Very
Poorly related/ related/applied. related/applied.
reports ODEC/ONU- well
applied. Not Somewhat Clearly explained.
papers-Literature) related/applied.
clearly explained. appropriately
Clearly explained.
Poor use of Fairly good use Good use of Very good use of
Language use Structures/ of Structures/ Structures/ Structures/
pronunciation. pronunciation. pronunciation. pronunciation.
Student Student worked
Student partially
Student did not somehow methodically during
worked during 2
work during the worked during 1 the 3 classes left
(or 3) classes left
classes left for class left for for preparation.
for preparation.
preparation. No preparation. No He/she showed a
In-class work Some work
work preview was work preview preview of his/her
preview was
shown. No was shown. work and
shown, and some
questions were Little or no constantly asked
questions were
asked. questions were questions.

Name: __________________________________________________________ Score: ________/ 24

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