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1. Which age is the sensorimotor stage from - to? Birth to 2 years old.
2. What is object permanence? Knows that the object you have hidden
it is still exists.
3. What ages is the preoperational period from to? 2-7 years old.
4. What is conservation? Able to save an original picture in the mind
and reverse physical by their minds.
5. What is seriation? Putting items in orderly sequence (tall short / fat
thin )
6. What is classification? Putting items in groups depends on their size
or color.
7. What is one to one correspondence? Matching names to objects
(pencil correspondence with book)
8. According to Piaget children between ages 7-11 are in which stage?
Concrete operational stage
9. What can children in the above stage do that preoperational children
are unable to do? The concrete operational stage will be able to
mentally deal with abstract symbolic activities
10.What is Piagets final stage called? Formal operations stage

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