Estudio Test Final

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I think: Yo creo

I believe: Imagino

I guess: supongo

I suppose: supongo

Maingfull: significativa

Frases claves

How will the weather tomorrow? Como estar el clima maana

It is a good day for ___ Este es un buen da para

It will stay ___ El dia (o esto) estar

What do you do in this vacations? (usado para preguntar que se hace usualmente en el future)

What are you doing to do in this vacations? (usado para preguntar por los planes de future)

What is the most important party that yours Friends had arranged to you ever? (cual es la
fiesta mas importante que han realizado para ti tus amigos). The best party that my Friends

Can you help me with these fotocopies please?

Unfortunately, it is not possible because // I am fraid I cant because // The problem is //

I would like to, but (frases para begind assertive)

Which products were made of these material??

What kind of relationship do you have with your mother?? Or siblings or counsins?

Who do you admire in your family?

Which people in your family do you get along with best?

Do you think that teenagers can learn from their parents? Why?

Geround examples

Walking is a boring activity

A boring activity is walking

Infinitve examples

In order to express a objective (+)

To express a objective (+)

To not express a objective (-)

Ir orden not to express a objective (-)

Presente simple pasivo (sirve para describer procesos en el pasado y poner enfasis en la
actividad mas que en el sujeto).

To be + ver in pas participle example: It cacke was created for my mother / Im created a
new article.

I think nylon was invented before.

The zipper came after

Estudiar passive voice en presente y pasado en el cuaderno.



I Agree

You are Right!

Yes, and I would like to add

And another thing is that

A good example of this is


I dont believe that!

That is not true

I disagree

I dont agree

But what about

No really, because

You are forgetting about

Uso de to and for:

To + basic verb

For + verb with ing

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