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Aiman Syed, Yara Cruz, Rachel Jones

Video Script: Instructional Design in HRD

Video Intro (47 Seconds)
Present an image about Instructional Design here (Picture of ADDIE model?)
Voice Over (Aiman Syed)

What is instructional design and why is it so important in Human Resource Development?

Instructional design is the systematic process by which instructional materials are designed,
developed, and delivered. In HRD, instructional design is primarily used for a training solution
to a performance problem. To do so, there are several steps and the ADDIE model is the perfect
reference. As an HR professional myself I know the importance of using instructional design in
my field. For example, at my company we once had a performance issue with our employees not
benefiting from the new hire training. To resolve this issue we did a lot of research and created a
whole new training manual and slideshow. After implementing our new training process, we
took a survey to evaluate what the trainees liked and disliked.

Instructional Design (30 Seconds)

Play a sound clip (About Instructional Design)
ADDIE Model (45 Seconds)
(Picture of ADDIE Model)
Voice Over (Rachel Jones)

As stated earlier, the ADDIE model is a key component to instructional design. The five phases
include Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation.

The analysis phase includes analyzing the instructional goals, learners needs, jobs and tasks and
target audience. While conducting a needs analysis the HRD professional can begin to identify
the knowledge gap and develop the learning objectives. (slide5)

The design phase is where the HRD professional selects the structure and appropriate delivery
method. Storyboards and media are created during the design phase. (slide6)

The development phase is the creative section where training materials are developed. In this
phase it is important to create a prototype and run a training pilot. (slide7)

ADDIE Model (45 Seconds)

(Picture of ADDIE Model)
Voice Over (Yara Cruz)
During the implementation phase HRD professionals deploy courses. To prepare for this phase
make sure the training is scheduled, the materials are printed and the learners are notified and
enrolled into the course. (slide 8)

The last phase of the ADDIE Model is evaluation. Although it is listed last, evaluation should be
an ongoing process throughout all of the phases in the ADDIE model. There are two types of
evaluations that can be done during this phase. The formative evaluation is done during the
ADDIE process and an example of this would be a quiz. The summative evaluation is conducted
in the last phase, think of it as a test or final. (slide 9)

In conclusion, the ADDIE model gives HRD professionals the ability to develop effective
training and performance tools for learners. (slide 10)

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