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Loras has enabled me to be an ethical decision maker, a considerate collaborator, and a

determined participant in society. A liberal arts education is much more than a strategy. It is a

philosophy of learning that has profound and unique impacts on its participants. The past four

years have provided me with an arsenal of attributes that differentiate me from the average Joe.

Loras creates impactful entities and equips them with the tools to do profound things in their

finite existence. The courses that I have taken, and the traits that I have developed as a result of

this institution continue to amaze me in their applicability in the real world. Loras has engrained

a set of beliefs and principles that apply extensively outside of the classroom. Loras has taught

me not merely information that will soon become obsolete, but rather a methodology for living, a

way to continuously improve myself, and a guiding hand that applies to all pursuits. I will always

be a student of the liberal arts and, more importantly, I will always be a Duhawk. To be a

Duhawk is to be philosopher, an ethicist, and a fundamentally exceptional human being. For this,

I am grateful to hold such a title.

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