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Siena Cardamone

EDUC 359

Fall 2017

For this irony lesson, my language objectives included students being able to; read the

text provided by the teacher and identify the types of irony, identify the type of irony after

listening to a partner read a story, and write examples of the different types of irony. The content

objectives included students being able to; identify dramatic, situational, and verbal irony and

create their own examples of irony. I believe that my team of teachers successfully achieved our

goal of teaching these objectives because after formatively assessing the student with an in class

worksheet activity they had a strong understanding of dramatic, situational, and verbal irony and

how they are used. Additionally, after reviewing the students exit slip which asked the student to

create their own examples of dramatic, situational, and verbal irony, the evidence was clear that

the student had understood of the material.

My team of teachers challenged the students vocabulary/ language development by

introducing them to three new vocabulary terms; dramatic, situational, and verbal irony. First we

gave the student an overview of the lesson and explained what they would be learning and what

they were expected to understand. We then used Glogster to introduce new vocabulary terms,

their meaning, and examples. Once students had an understanding of the terms, the students

worked with a partner to complete a worksheet in which they differentiated between the three

different types of irony. Lastly, the students worked on an exit slip in which they completed their

own examples of dramatic, situational, and verbal irony. These activities required the student to

build off of prior knowledge in order to form new schemas.

Overall I believe that the lesson ran smoothly. The lesson was engaging and stimulated

multiple learning styles. However, the beginning of the lesson was a little challenging for the

student. As the teacher, not knowing what the student had studied in school prior to giving this

lesson made planning difficult. My team and I used high school level novels to explain the three

different forms of irony. Unfortunately, the student had not yet read those stories. The students

lack of background knowledge in these stories probably made following along to the

introduction boring and confusing.

In this lesson there were no issues with communication because our student spoke the

same language. If while presenting this lesson, a student spoke a language other than English my

team and I would; speak slower, use more hand gestures and facial expressions, and spend more

time reviewing images and graphic organizers. We could also ask the student to repeat the

vocabulary terms three times after us.

Overall I believe that this lesson was a success. The student learned three new vocabulary

terms and how they can be used in telling a story. This lesson has helped me to understand the

SIOP process and how important vocabulary is to English language learners students (ELLs). I

feel that after teaching this lesson I am better prepared for student teaching and more aware of

needs of ELL students.

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