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Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072


Destruction of Bacillus licheniformis spores by microwave

S.-Y. Kim1,2, S.J. Shin1,2, C.-H. Song1, E.-K. Jo1,2, H.-J. Kim1 and J.-K. Park1,3
1 Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
2 Infectious Signaling Network Research Center, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
3 Cancer Research Institute, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea

Keywords Abstract
Bacillus licheniformis, microwave irradiation,
spore, spore killing, sporicidal mechanism. Aims: To investigate the sporicidal mechanisms of microwave irradiation on
Bacillus licheniformis spores.
Correspondence Methods and Results: We measured spore viability and the release of DNA
Jeong-Kyu Park, Department of Microbiology, and proteins, and performed transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
College of Medicine, Chungnam National
A microwave oven (0Æ5 kW) was modified to output power at 2Æ0 kW, which
University, Daejeon 301-747, Korea.
allowed a shorter sterilization cycle. A 2Æ0 kW microwave treatment at the
boiling temperature for 1 min did not kill all spores, but killed most spores.
2007 ⁄ 1743: received 31 October 2007, The spore inactivation rate was faster than that of boiling and 0Æ5 kW micro-
revised 5 August 2008 and accepted wave oven. In contrast to boiling and 0Æ5 kW microwave treatments, the
1 September 2008 2Æ0 kW microwave resulted in significant leakage of proteins and DNA from
spores due to injury to the spore structure. TEM revealed that 2Æ0 kW micro-
wave irradiation affected spore cortex hydrolysis and swelling, and ruptured
the spore coat and inner membrane.
Conclusions: These results suggest that 2Æ0 kW microwave irradiation ruptures
the spore coat and inner membrane, and is significantly different from boiling.
Significance and Impact of the Study: This study provides information on the
sporicidal mechanisms of microwave irradiation on B. licheniformis spores.

ting cell membrane damage. Structural alterations to the

cell wall of Escherichia coli and fecal coliform bacteria
Microwaves are used for many purposes, such as steriliz- have been observed after microwave irradiation, but
ing hospital waste, decomposing organic matter, killing exposure to boiling does not lead to structural alterations
pathogens in food and sterilizing medical utensils. The (Woo et al. 2000; Hong et al. 2004). Therefore, the bacte-
heating mechanism, microbicidal mechanism and indus- ricidal mechanisms of microwave irradiation are involved
trial applications of microwaves have been studied (Lati- in cell membrane and cell wall damage, leading to protein
mer and Matsen 1977; Vaid and Bishop 1998; Sudrik and DNA leakage.
et al. 2002; Celandroni et al. 2004; Elhafi et al. 2004; Compared with the number of investigations on the
Hong et al. 2004). bactericidal mechanisms of microwave irradiation, there
Although there is conflicting evidence regarding have been few studies on the sporicidal mechanisms of
whether microbial inactivation is due to heating or to the microwaves. It has been shown previously that microwave
electromagnetic energy itself, microwave and boiling irradiation of Clostridium sporogenes disrupts spores and
treatment are known to have different bactericidal mecha- causes the release of DNA and calcium ions from the
nisms (Wu 1996; Yeo et al. 1999; Sudrik et al. 2002). spore core, but exposure to boiling does not. It is unclear
Exposing nonspore-forming bacterial suspensions to why spores fragment under these conditions, but it might
microwave irradiation causes reduced viable cell counts be the result of increased internal pressure within the
and increases the leaching of DNA and proteins, sugges- core. Conventional methods for destroying cells often rely

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Journal compilation ª 2009 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology 106 (2009) 877–885 877
Spore killing mechanisms by microwave irradiation S.-Y. Kim et al.

on the generation of external pressure (Vaid and Bishop were confirmed with Schaeffer–Fulton stain (Hamouda
1998). An analysis of dipicolinic acid (DPA) release and et al. 2002). The taxonomical position of this strain was
electron microscopy of treated spores revealed that spore determined using a Microgen Bacillus-ID (Microgen
damage induced by microwaves is significantly different Bioproducts Ltd., Surrey, UK). This strain was stored at
from the boiling. DPA is detectable in the supernatant of )80C in nutrient broth containing 20% (v ⁄ v) glycerol.
heated spore suspensions, whereas no DPA is found after These stock cultures were used as starting material for the
spore irradiation (Celandroni et al. 2004). Our results following experiments.
demonstrate that the dramatic effects of microwave expo-
sure on the ultrastructure of bacterial spores involve a
Spore preparation
mechanism different from that of conventional heating
such as boiling or autoclaving. For induction of spore formation, B. licheniformis colo-
Although the microwave power level has no significant nies were grown on nutrient agar at 37C for 1 week.
effect on E. coli destruction (Yaghmaee and Durance Spores and sporulating cells were scraped from the plates,
2005), less time is required to reach the boiling point and the spores were purified as described previously
with a high output power (750 W) than with a low (Paidhungat et al. 2000), with slight modifications. The
power level (80 W) (Celandroni et al. 2004). Therefore, bacteria and spores were suspended in lysis buffer
we modified a microwave oven (Model RE-500W; Sam- (0Æ015 mol l)1 NaOH, 0Æ5 mol l)1 NaCl, 0Æ05% N-lauryl-
sung, Inc., Suwoon, Korea) to provide a power output of sarcosinate, pH 12Æ5) and incubated on ice for 3 h, to lyse
2Æ0 kW, thus allowing a shorter sterilization cycle. the remaining vegetative bacteria. The suspension was
Bacillus subtilis is commonly used to determine the centrifuged at 200 g (Allegra 6R; Beckman Coulter, Full-
effectiveness of sterilization procedures in hospital and erton, CA, USA) for 20 min, and the pellet was washed
industry settings (Melly et al. 2002) and is considered an in cold deionized water. The suspension was centrifuged
optimum indicator bacterium for microwave sterilization. at 1200 g for 20 min, and the pellet was resuspended in
Bacillus licheniformis is a spore-forming organism. The 0Æ1 mol l)1 phosphate buffer (PB, pH 7Æ2). Any nonlysed
spores of different Bacillus species (B. licheniformis, Bacil- bacteria were removed by filtration through a 0Æ45 lm
lus cereus, Bacillus coagulans and B. subtilis) differ in their membrane (Satorius; Weender Landstrasse, Goettingen,
resistance to microwave irradiation, with B. licheniformis Germany). The prepared spores were confirmed by Scha-
spores having the highest resistance (Wang et al. 2003). effer–Fulton staining (Hamouda et al. 2002). The spore
The sporicidal mechanisms of microwave treatment suspension was smeared on a glass slide and heat fixed.
remain unknown. In this study, the utility and mecha- The slides were flooded with 5% aqueous malachite green
nism of microwave sporicidal activity were studied. The (Fisher Scientific Co., Fair lawn, NJ, USA) and intermit-
destruction of bacterial endospores by microwave irradia- tently heated with a flame for 5 min to ensure that the
tion was investigated by performing bacterial viability and dye remained hot but not boiling. The slides were rinsed
laccase activity assays, measuring the release of DNA and with tap water and then soaked in 0Æ5% Safranin-O
proteins, and examining transmission electron micro- (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) for 1 min. After drying, the
graphs. slides were examined using oil immersion and a light
microscope. All spore preparations used in this work were
free of growing or sporulating cells and germinated
Materials and methods
Isolation of B. licheniformis from Chung-kook-jang
Viability test of spores in suspension
A B. licheniformis strain was isolated from Korean
Chung-kook-jang, a traditional Korean fermented soybean Aliquots (2 ml) of suspension were microwave-irradiated
food made of micro-organisms in rice straw and boiled at 0Æ5 or 2Æ0 kW, or boiled, for 0, 0Æ5, 1, 2, 3 or 150 min.
soybean. Chung-kook-jang was diluted 1 : 10 in buffered Control samples (exposure to 0 time) contained spores
peptone-water (Oxoid) and resuspended by vigorous mix- that did not undergo any treatment. For the microwave
ing on a vortex until an evenly distributed suspension heating, a household microwave oven (Model RE-500W,
was obtained. The suspension was incubated for 24 h at 2450 MHz; Samsung) and a larger-cavity oven, rated at
37C. Subsequently, 0Æ1 ml aliquots were plated aerobi- 2Æ0 kW were used in this study. The updated oven was
cally on nutrient agar (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI, offered from Energy Conversion & Storage Research Cen-
USA) and incubated for 72 h. Colonies with different ter, Korea Institute of Energy Research (Korea).
morphologies were picked at random and purified by A sterilized test-tube containing 2 ml of each spore sus-
streaking on agar plates of the same medium. The spores pension to be heated in oven was placed in 150-ml Pyrex

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878 Journal compilation ª 2009 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology 106 (2009) 877–885
S.-Y. Kim et al. Spore killing mechanisms by microwave irradiation

120 to support that membranes were indeed dry. The dried

membranes were microwave-irradiated at 0Æ5 or 2Æ0 kW
100 for 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, or 90 min. The treated membranes
were incubated on nutrient agar for 18 h at 37C, and
Temperature (°C)

80 the colony count was determined and expressed as the

average number of surviving cells. The number of
60 CFU ml)1 was determined and log10-transformed. All
experiments were performed in triplicate.

20 Assay for spore structural damage by microwave

0 To investigate cell membrane damage caused by boiling
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 60 90 120 150 180
and irradiation, we measured the release of intracellular
Time (s) proteins and nucleic acids of B. licheniformis spore sus-
pensions (Vaid and Bishop 1998; Woo et al. 2000; Hong
Figure 1 Changes in the temperature of suspensions relative to
microwave exposure time. A spore suspensions in 0Æ1 mol l)1 phos-
et al. 2004). The spores were suspended in PB, and a
phate buffer was exposed to microwave irradiation at 0Æ5 kW (filled 2 ml aliquot of suspension was microwave-irradiated at
circles) or 2Æ0 kW (open circles), and its temperature changes were 0Æ5 or 2Æ0 kW, or boiled, for 0, 20, 40, or 60 s.
monitored. The amount of protein released from the microwaved
and the boiled suspensions was measured at 595 nm by
the Bradford (1976) method, with bovine serum albumin
beaker. The test-tube was placed together with the beaker as the standard protein. The nucleic acid content of the
on the centre of the table and the microwave was irradia- supernatant was directly measured using a UV spectro-
ted for various periods of times. For boiling, samples photometer (Beckman DU 530) at 260 nm (Sambrook
were conventionally heated for the same time intervals by and Russel 2001). The spore coat protein, CotA, of
immersion at 99C in a boiling water bath. The tempera- B. licheniformis displays laccase activity (Johannes and
ture of the spore suspension was determined with a digi- Majcherczyk 2000; Cantarella et al. 2003). Laccase activity
tal thermometer (Model DT-615; CEM, Shenzhen, China) was routinely assayed at 37C using the 2,2¢-azinobis
attached a temperature probe. It was laid on the sample (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS; Sigma) sub-
tube in microwave oven and the temperature was strate. The assay mixture contained 1 mmol l)1 ABTS
measured simultaneously during the irradiation. and 0Æ1 mol l)1 citrate buffer (0Æ1 mol l)1 citric acid,
Figure 1 shows the correlation between the microwave 0Æ1 mol l)1 sodium citrate, pH 5Æ0). ABTS oxidation was
radiation time and the temperature changes. To count the measured at 405 nm using a UV spectrophotometer. All
surviving spores, a 100 ll aliquot of each treated suspen- experiments were performed in triplicate.
sion was serially diluted with PB and plated in triplicate
on nutrient agar. After the plates were incubated for 18 h
Effects of microwave irradiation on the ultrastructure of
at 37C, the colony count was determined and expressed
B. licheniformis
as the average number of surviving cells (Yaghmaee and
Durance 2005). The number of colony forming units per Spores were suspended in PB, and 2 ml aliquots of sus-
millilitre (CFU ml)1) was determined, and the number pension were microwave-irradiated at the boiling tempe-
was log10-transformed. All experiments were performed in rature for 1 min, boiled at the boiling temperature for
triplicate. 3 min, or autoclaved at 121C for 15 min. The treated
suspensions were centrifuged and fixed with 2Æ5% gluta-
raldehyde in PB for 2 h at 4C. The cells were washed
Viability test of spores on a filter membrane
twice with 0Æ1 mol l)1 sodium phosphate buffer and then
The purified spores were suspended in PB and serially postfixed with 1% osmium tetraoxide in PB for 1Æ5 h at
diluted. The diluted suspension was filtered through a room temperature. The specimens were dehydrated in a
0Æ22 lm membrane (diameter 47 mm, thickness 180 lm, graded series of ethanol and embedded in Epon 812.
GSWP; Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA), and the Ultrathin sections were obtained, contrasted with uranyl
membranes were dried at 100-mm petridish with air acetate and lead citrate, and observed with a Hitachi
circulation in hood, until the membranes were changed H-600 (Hitachi Co., Tokyo, Japan) transmission electron
transparent to translucent. There are no quantitative data microscope at an operating voltage of 75 kV.

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Spore killing mechanisms by microwave irradiation S.-Y. Kim et al.

Table 1 The logarithmic reduction and

0Æ5 kW microwaved 2Æ0 kW microwaved Boiled survival of Bacillus licheniformis spores
Time Log Viability Log Viability Log Viability suspended in phosphate buffer treated with
(min) CFU ml)1 (%) CFU ml)1 (%) CFU ml)1 (%) microwaves and boiling

0 7Æ81 100 8Æ38 100 7Æ75 100

0Æ5 7Æ69 77Æ3 6Æ51 1Æ33 7Æ73 96Æ4
1 7Æ64 54Æ7 6Æ41 1Æ08 7Æ73 96Æ4
2 7Æ08 18Æ8 6Æ26 0Æ75 7Æ73 94Æ6
3 6Æ66 7Æ2 6Æ15 0Æ58 7Æ72 94Æ6
10 NA NA NA NA 7Æ71 91Æ1
30 NA NA NA NA 7Æ60 71Æ4
60 NA NA NA NA 7Æ43 48Æ2
90 NA NA NA NA 6Æ95 16Æ1
120 NA NA NA NA 5Æ85 1Æ3
150 NA NA NA NA – 0Æ0

NA, not applicable.

Table 2 The logarithmic reduction and survival of Bacillus lichenifor-

mis spores on membrane filter treated with microwaves

Effect of microwave irradiation on the viability of 0Æ5 kW microwaved 2Æ0 kW microwaved

B. licheniformis spores
Time Log Viability Log Viability
The temperature of spore suspensions (2 ml) increased (min) CFU ml)1 (%) CFU ml)1 (%)
from 25C to the boiling point within 30 s in a 0Æ5 kW 0 7Æ40 100 7Æ40 100
microwave oven and within 20 s in a 2Æ0 kW microwave 5 6Æ20 6Æ4 5Æ85 2Æ8
oven (Fig. 1). Bacillus licheniformis spores suspended in 15 6Æ00 4Æ0 5Æ78 2Æ4
PB exhibited a 1-log reduction after 3 min of 0Æ5 kW 30 5Æ60 1Æ6 4Æ78 0Æ24
microwave irradiation and a 2-log reduction after 1 min 60 3Æ48 0Æ012 ND 0
of 2Æ0 kW microwave irradiation (Table 1). In contrast to 90 ND 0 ND 0

the microwave treatment, boiling did not lead to a signifi- ND, Not detectable.
cant reduction in spore number after 3 min (7Æ75 vs
7Æ72 log CFU ml)1 in the control).
Boiling for 150 min was required for complete spore irradiation and a 1Æ97-log reduction after 1 min of
inactivation (Table 1). However, we did not observe com- 2Æ0-kW microwave irradiation (Table 1). Spore structural
plete sporicidal activity with our microwave irradiation damage caused by boiling and microwave irradiation for
procedure because of evaporative losses from the spore 1 min was investigated by measuring the release of intra-
suspensions. Therefore, microbiological samples should be cellular proteins and nucleic acids into the suspension
in a dry state for microwave treatment. Spores were posi- and the loss of laccase activity.
tively retained on the membrane filter surface, and the fil- Spores exposed to 0Æ5- or 2Æ0 kW microwave irradia-
ters absorbed little of the fluid being filtered. Thus, the tion, or boiling, for 1 min released 5Æ5, 22Æ6, or
filtering process was useful for determining the effect of 3Æ4 lg ll)1 of protein, respectively (Fig. 2). The protein
microwave irradiation on the viability of B. licheniformis released from 0Æ5 kW microwave-irradiated spores was
spores. Complete inactivation of B. licheniformis spores twofold that released from untreated spores; the protein
was obtained with 90 min of microwave exposure at released from 2-kW microwave-irradiated spores was 10-
0Æ5 kW and with 60 min at 2Æ0 kW (Table 2). These fold that released from untreated spores. The amount of
results indicate that the spore inactivation rate was faster protein released was significantly different between 0Æ5-
with 2Æ0 kW microwave irradiation than with 0Æ5 kW and 2Æ0-kW microwave-irradiated spores. There was no
microwave irradiation or boiling. difference in the amount of protein released between
boiled and untreated spores.
The amount of nucleic acid released from spores
Spore structural damage by microwave irradiation
exposed to 0Æ5- or 2Æ0 kW microwave irradiation, or boi-
With exposure to microwave irradiation, spores exhibited ling, for 1 min was 10Æ5, 89Æ5 or 4Æ0 lg ll)1, respectively
a 0Æ17-log reduction after 1 min of 0Æ5 kW microwave (Fig. 3). The amount of nucleic acid released from

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S.-Y. Kim et al. Spore killing mechanisms by microwave irradiation

25 0·8
Protein leaked (µg ml–1)

Laccase activity (OD405)


5 0·2

0 0·0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time (s) Time (s)

Figure 2 The amount of protein released into the spore suspension Figure 4 The laccase activity of Bacillus licheniformis in PB suspen-
of Bacillus licheniformis. The suspensions of isolated spores were sion. The suspensions of isolated spores were 0Æ5 kW microwave
0Æ5 kW microwave radiated (filled circles), 2Æ0 kW microwave radiated radiated (filled circles), 2Æ0 kW microwave radiated (open circles) or
(open circles) or boiled (filled triangles), and then the protein content boiled (filled triangles) relative to the time sequence. Laccase activity
was determined by the Bradford assay. was assayed using the ABTS substrate.

Nucleic acid leaked (µg ml–1)

in the context of the multiprotein coat structure (Hullo

80 et al. 2001; Enguita et al. 2003). Laccase activity was not
detected in suspensions of vegetative B. licheniformis.
60 Wild-type spores had full enzymatic activity toward the
laccase substrate ABTS, whereas the enzyme activity of
40 the spores was completely lost after microwave irradiation
for 1 min. The spores retained full enzyme activity after
20 boiling for 1 min (Fig. 4).

0 20 40 60 80 Effects of microwave irradiation on the ultrastructure of
Time (s) B. licheniformis

Figure 3 The amount of nucleic acid released into the spore suspen- We prepared spore samples for TEM to determine
sion of Bacillus licheniformis. The suspensions of isolated spores were whether the protein and DNA leakage that we observed
0Æ5 kW microwave radiated (filled circles), 2Æ0 kW microwave radiated resulted from damage to the spore ultrastructure. The
(open circles) or boiled (filled triangles) relative to the time sequence. ultrastructure of B. licheniformis spores is shown in Fig. 5.
The nucleic acid content of the supernatants was measured at
In general, starting from the outside and proceeding
260 nm using a UV spectrophotometer.
inward, the spore layers include the exosporium, coats,
cortex, germ cell wall, inner membrane and central core
2Æ0-kW microwave-irradiated spores was 8Æ5-fold that (Setlow 2006). Figure 5a shows the morphological charac-
released from 0Æ5 kW microwave-irradiated spores, repre- teristics of normal purified spores. The spore was almost
senting a significant difference between the two. Boiled ellipsoidal and did not possess an exosporium. The spore
and untreated spores showed no significant difference in coats showed the typical organization of coat layers, with
the amount of nucleic acid released. The presence of a lamellar inner coat and a thick, electron-dense striated
nucleic acid in the suspension indicates the release of core outer coat closely opposed to the inner coat. The inner
components as a result of damage to the spore structure. coat was composed of about eight layers. The outer coat
These results indicate that 2Æ0 kW microwave irradiation stained darker than the inner coat and had a more coar-
inflicted greater damage to the spore structure than sely layered appearance. The normal spore contained a
0Æ5-kW microwave irradiation or boiling, which correlates thick, grey layer of cortex, which was the thickest layer of
well with the disruption of spores observed by transmis- the spore envelope. The compact core was surrounded by
sion electron microscopy (TEM) discussed below. an inner membrane.
The loss of enzyme activity could be a good marker Some changes in the spore ultrastructure were observed
indicating loss of cell function caused by cell damage and after boiling (Fig. 5b). In contrast to the untreated spore,
cell death. CotA is exclusively localized in the outer coat boiled spores showed evident swelling of the outer coat
layer of the spore, where it might act as a classical laccase and degradation of the inner lamellar coat. The thick,

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Journal compilation ª 2009 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology 106 (2009) 877–885 881
Spore killing mechanisms by microwave irradiation S.-Y. Kim et al.

(a) (b)

(c) (d-1)

(d-2) (e)

Figure 5 Electron micrographs of Bacillus

licheniformis spore. The spores were
suspended in PB, then were untreated
(a; 50 000 · 1Æ8), boiled (b; 80 000 · 1Æ8),
0Æ5 kW microwaved (c; 60 000 · 1Æ8), 2Æ0 kW
microwaved (d-1; 80 000 · 1Æ8, d-2;
40 000 · 1Æ8) and autoclaved
(e; 60 000 · 1Æ8).

grey layer corresponding to the cortex of the untreated

spore disappeared, and swelling of the cortex was
observed. The margin of the spore core was somewhat Our results and those of others indicate that microwave
blurred because the inner membrane had disappeared. ovens can be used to kill microbial pathogens, but not
Figure 5c shows the ultrastructural features of 0Æ5 kW for sterilization of spore-forming micro-organisms
microwave-irradiated spores. One-third of one spore within a short exposure time. Bacterial spores displayed
maintained normal shape and size, but the other part of a higher resistance to microwave radiation than did
the coat and cortex had ruptured. vegetative bacteria or bacterial phages (Park et al.
As shown in Fig. 5d-1,d-2, spores exposed to 2Æ0 kW 2006). Latimer and Matsen (1977) reported that micro-
microwave irradiation had more significant changes to the wave irradiation of vegetative B. subtilis resulted in total
ultrastructure than boiled spores. The microwave treatment sterilization within 1 min, but the time necessary to
separated the inner coat from the outer coat and ruptured destroy B. subtilis spores was longer. Although the
the outer coat. Cortex hydrolysis and swelling were microwave power level had no significant effect on
observed, similar to that of boiled spores. Both sides of the E. coli destruction (Yaghmaee and Durance 2005), less
inner membrane were damaged and formed a dispersed time was required to reach the boiling point with high
electron-light region at the damaged core area. output power than with low output power (Celandroni
With regard to shape and size, autoclaved spores et al. 2004). Therefore, we modified a microwave oven
(Fig. 5e) were similar to untreated spores. However, in to produce a power output of 2Æ0 kW, which allowed a
contrast to untreated spores, autoclaved spores exhibited shorter sterilization cycle.
a degraded outer coat and distorted inner coat. The In our study, after microwave treatment of B. licheni-
structure of the cortex had no major alterations, but one formis spores for 1 min, the survival was exhibited a 0Æ17-
portion of the cortex was degraded. The spore core log reduction of 0Æ5 kW microwave irradiation and a
appeared larger in the autoclaved spore than in an 1Æ97-log reduction of 2Æ0 kW microwave irradiation.
untreated spore. However, exposure for 60 min or more was adequate to

ª 2009 The Authors

882 Journal compilation ª 2009 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology 106 (2009) 877–885
S.-Y. Kim et al. Spore killing mechanisms by microwave irradiation

insure sporicidal activity of the same spores. In contrast where it may act as a classical laccase in the context of
to boiling and 0Æ5 kW microwave irradiation, a 2Æ0 kW the multiprotein coat structure (Hullo et al. 2001; Enguita
microwave treatment for 1 min did not completely kill et al. 2003). Laccase activity clearly correlates with spore
B. licheniformis spores, but killed most spores. The spore count (Hirose et al. 2003). In this study, the laccase acti-
inactivation rate with 2Æ0 kW was faster than that with vity of spores was completely lost after microwave irradia-
boiling or 0Æ5 kW. tion for 1 min, whereas the spores retained full enzyme
Although controversy remains over the mechanisms of activity after boiling for 1 min. The complete loss of lac-
microwave-induced death of nonspore-forming bacteria, case activity was the result of coat protein denaturation,
bactericidal mechanisms differ between microwave treat- which contributed to coat rupture. Furthermore, our
ment and boiling. Injury to Staphylococcus aureus cells TEM images showed that the inner and outer coat layers
was greater after exposure to microwave irradiation at a of 2Æ0 kW microwave-irradiated spores had separated,
sublethal temperature than after exposure to conventional leading to coat rupture. It has been suggested that the
heating (Dreyfuss and Chipley 1980). Microwave irradia- electromagnetic fields associated with microwave irradia-
tion induced morphological modifications of fungus cells; tion may interact with the cell membrane, producing
however, no evidence was found in morphological alter- reversible or irreversible changes in its permeability
ation of fungus after submersion in boiling water for the depending on the field strength (Ponne and Bartels 1995).
same amount of time, even though cell death was The presence of nucleic acid in the spore suspension
achieved (Rosaspina et al. 1994). Microwave irradiation indicates the release of core components upon damage to
breaks DNA located deep in the phage core, whereas the spore inner membrane. Significant fragmentation of
moist heating of phage particles does not (Kakita et al. microwaved spores has been shown to be associated with
1995). Changes in the structural integrity and permeabil- nucleic acid in spore suspensions (Vaid and Bishop 1998).
ity of the cell membrane and cell wall might detrimentally Moist heat treatment of spores does not cause DNA dam-
affect cell metabolism and lead to cell death. age but is often accompanied by inactivation of core
Despite many studies on the effects of microwaves on enzymes and rupture of the inner membrane permeability
vegetative bacterial cells, few studies have examined the barrier (Setlow 2006). The release of spore core compo-
sporicidal effects of microwave irradiation. The disintegra- nents suggests the disruption of the inner membrane, pos-
tion of the spore structure observed by electron micros- sibly correlated with spore death (Belliveau et al. 1992).
copy showed that the ultrastructural alterations of In this study, changes in cortex structure were
microwave-irradiated spores involve a mechanism differ- also observed in TEM images of thin sections. The fresh
ent from that of the effects of conventional heating such B. licheniformis spores contained a thick, grey layer of
as boiling or autoclaving (Belliveau et al. 1992; Vaid and cortex, which was the thickest layer of the spore envelope.
Bishop 1998; Celandroni et al. 2004). In this study, the TEM revealed the loss of almost the entire spore cortex
analysis of protein and DNA release and the loss of laccase after 2Æ0 kW microwave treatment. Swelling of the cortex,
activity, together with the TEM evidence, demonstrated similar to that with boiling treatment, appeared to occur
that spore injury induced by 2Æ0 kW microwave irradia- in microwave-irradiated spores, but Celandroni et al.
tion was significantly different from that attributable to (2004) did not observe cortex swelling in spores irradi-
boiling. In contrast to the 0Æ5 kW microwave irradiation ated with low-power (0Æ1 kW) microwaves. No modifica-
and boiling, 2Æ0 kW microwave irradiation produced sig- tion of the cortex was observed in our 0Æ5 kW
nificant leakage of protein and DNA from spores as a microwave-irradiated spores. Our results suggest that
result of altered spore structure, as observed previously in 2Æ0 kW microwave irradiation affects spore cortex hydro-
vegetative bacterial cells after microwave irradiation (Woo lysis and swelling.
et al. 2000; Hong et al. 2004). Spores have comparable There are conflicting reports on whether microbial
amounts of protein in the spore coat and nucleoid struc- inactivation is due to heating or to the electromagnetic
tures. In Bacillus, the spore coat comprises c. 50% of all energy itself (Jeng et al. 1987; Wu 1996; Yeo et al. 1999;
the spore proteins (Driks 1999). Therefore, the presence of Sudrik et al. 2002). Microwaves are a form of electromag-
proteins in the microwaved spore suspension indicates netic energy. Dipole interactions occur with polar mole-
that the spore coat was ruptured. cules. Many molecules (such as water, methanol, ethanol,
The loss of enzyme activity could be a good marker etc.) are electric dipoles, meaning that they have a
indicating the loss of cell function caused by microwave- positive charge at one end and negative charge at the
induced cell damage and cell death. The outermost layer other. The polar ends of a molecule tend to align them-
of the spore coat has two morphologically distinct layers: selves and oscillate in step with the oscillating electrical
an electron-dense outer layer and an electron-translucent field of the microwaves. Collisions and friction between
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Spore killing mechanisms by microwave irradiation S.-Y. Kim et al.

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