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Instituto Tecnolgico Superior

Manuel Encalada Ziga

Monday, 12 june 2017

English diagnostic test about the knowledge that
got during the high school
Review about the regular and irregular verbs
To identify the level of student through om
english diagnostic test
To write the past and past participe about the
regular and irregular verbs

I am
YOU are
HE is
SHE is
IT is
WE are
YOU are
THE are

1. What you name?

2. How old are you?
I am twenty years old
3. Where are you from?
I am from Ecuador
4. Where do you live?
I live in torata
5. How are you?
+ I am very well. I am excellent
I am fine. Very good
- I'am sad / I'am bad
So -so

Thursday, 15 june 2017

Topic: Review about the last class

English conversation
Objective: Introduce your self using
Information questions

Informal Greetings Informal Greetings

Hello Good morning
Hey Good afternoon
Hi Good evening
Good night

How are you

1. Im very well Good bye
2. Im fine See you!
3. Excellent See you later
4. Im very well. thank you Bye!
Im lived Take care

Wednesday 21 june 2017

Topic: Exposition about english dialogue in pairs

Questions partipation in class
Objective: To develop on exposition using gramar rules to
introduce your self through on english dialogue.
Thursday 22 june 2017

Topic: English Dialogue

Objective: To develop english dialogue using questions and answers
about introduce

What do you do?

I am an architect
What is your oclupation?
I am student
And what do you
Like to do?

I like to listen
To music, to drive
And to walk

Monday 26 june 2017

Topic: Tell a classmate your occupation

Verb-be singular statement/ comtractions

Objective: To develop singular statemets using the verb to be

with the correct gramar of the topic
Subject pronouns Verb- tobe
I Am- is- are
You I - am
He you - are
She he - is
It she - is
We it - is
You we - are
They you are
They are

an engineer a football player a secretary
a policeman a dancer a driver
a teacher a doctor a pilot
a Singer a actor a mechanic
a chef an architect a banker
a music a nurse a famer
a flight attenaunt a composer

Am is- are
Affirmative statement/sentece
Using the verb tobe
You are a dancer
your're a dancer
- He is a policeman
he's a policeman
I am a doctor

Wednesday 28 june 2017

- Written lesson on the White board about the last class
- Negative sentences with verb to be
- Yes, no questions with verb to be
- To evaluate the knowledge of student through the written
lesson to identify the level of student about the verb to be
- To write negative and yes, no questions with the verb to

1. he's a doctor 10. He is a drive

2. you're a banker 11. You are famer
3. I'm a doctor 12. He is an engineer
4. I'm an engineer 13. he's a composer
5. you're an actor 14. Im a dancer
6. she's a policeman
7. she's a Singer
8. they're a mechanic
9. I'm a chef

Negative sentences

Possive sentece:
She is a nurse
Negative sentence:
She is not a nurse
She isn't a nurse
she's not a nurse
- I am not a pilot
I'm not a pilot
- It is not a table
It isn't a table
it's not a table
- You are not an engineer
You aren't an engineer
you're not an engineer

Thursday 29 june 2017

- Oral lesson about negative sentece using the verb tobe
- Conversation model
- To evaluate the know ledge of the student through oral
- To develop english skill is through a conversation model
using the verb to be

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