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Jasmine Locke

Professor Summers

ECE 110-02

9 November 2017

Lets EGG-Cercise!

Grade Level/ Age Group: First grade

Duration: 30-45 minutes


- Balance (gross motor)

- Hold spoon (fine motor)

- Running (large motor)

1. Standard:

- Standard 10.4.1.A1: Demonstrate coordination of purposeful body movements.

- Standard 10.4.1.B1: Exhibit balance, strength, stamina, and agility.

- Standard 10.5.1.B1: Coordinate eye and hand movements to perform an advanced task.

2. Essential Questions:

- How can we balance an egg on a spoon while we walk across the class room?
- Do we need to walk differently in order to carry the egg across the room?

- How fast are we able to walk while balancing the egg to win the relay race?

3. Behavioral Objectives:

- Students will use their large motor skills, ex. Running, to participate in an inside of

the classroom relay race.

- Students will use fine motor skills, ex. Holding a spoon, to be able to carry an egg

across the room for the race.

- Students will also use gross motor skills in order to balance the egg on the spoon and

walk to the other side of the room.

4. Materials and Equipment:

Plastic Easter eggs

Plastic bowls

Math facts on slips of paper

Plastic spoons (2)

Duct tape

Plastic bags (2)

5. Preparation:
- I will push the desks to the sides of the rooms before they come in that morning to

avoid wasting time before the activity.

- I will put one piece of tape on one side of the room and another piece on the other

side of the room to show them where to start walking from and where they can stop


- I will put the math facts inside of the eggs before they come into the class.

- I will set up the bowl and plastic bags on their ends of the classroom.

6. Introduction:

In this lesson plan, students will use their large, fine, and gross motor skills to participate in a

relay race inside of the classroom. They will be walking/ running from one end of the room

to other while balancing an egg on a spoon. If they drop the egg on the floor, they will need

to start over and go again. If they do not drop it, they will be given three chances to answer

their math fact correctly. If they are able to do that, they will drop the egg into a plastic bag

and hand the spoon off to the next student. If they use all of their tries and are not right, the

egg goes back into the bowl on the other side of the room and they pass the spoon off to the

next runner. The goal of this activity is to get students using their motor skills and practicing

them. From this game, you will be able to see where students are struggling and be able to

give them more activities to do later in order to improve and develop the skills they are

7. Anticipatory Set:

To get the students excited, I will ask them to join me on the carpet and ask them questions

such as who has ever ran in a relay race? and who knows what a relay race is?. I will

then ask a student (if any do know) to explain to the class what a relay race is. I will then go

along with what they said as long as it is correct and tell them that a relay race is a race

where you run with an object in your hand and when youre finished your turn, you pass it

the object off to the next person, and everyone does that until the end. I will then explain that

the object for our relay race is a plastic egg on a spoon that they cant drop while going

across the classroom.

8. Procedures/ Direct Instruction:

1. First, I will ask the students to join me up on the carpet and ask them if anyone has

ever had a relay race before or knows what a relay race is.

2. If someone knows, I will ask them to explain and then reinforce what they said, but if

not then I will tell them. I will say that it is a race where youre on a team and pass

an object off to the next person that is running.

3. In order to get them more excited about it, I will ask Who wants to have a relay race

in class today?.

4. Once they are excited and ready to go, I will start to explain how this relay race will

work. I will explain that it is a relay race with plastic eggs that you see around Easter

time. What you need to do is balance the Easter egg on the spoon as you walk across

the room. If it falls off, you have to start again at the piece of tape that Ill put down
on the floor. When you make it to the other side of the room, you need to open up the

plastic egg and say ___ + ___ + ___ = ___. For example, I would say something

like 8 + 2 + 2 = 12. If it is correct, then you can drop the egg in the plastic bag and

pass the spoon off to the next person. If not, then you have three tries to get it right

before you need to put the egg back in the bowl on the other side of the room and

pass the spoon to the next person. The team with the most eggs in their bag wins.

5. (I do): In order for them to have a better understanding of the game, I will model the

game for them. I will show them how to put the egg on the spoon and make sure its

steady. Then, I will walk across the room, open the egg, say the math fact, put it in

the bag, and go back to the other side of the room.

6. (You do/ guided practice): Then I will let whoever the has the class room jobs for

the day try to play the game, so the students can see someone their age who should

have the same capabilities as them try it.

7. I will remind my students before the game starts that they need to focus on the egg

but also how they are walking to see if they have to walk a different way while trying

to balance the egg.

8. (We do/ independent practice): I will then let them start the game and observe them

as they all take turns playing. I will take notice to students that may be struggling and

students that are not having difficulties whatsoever. I will also watch for students

dropping the eggs and ask them to start over to avoid any cheating or fits from

students on the other team.

9. Once the bowl is out of eggs, I will then count both plastic bags to see who had the

most eggs and declare the winner.

10. I will then ask if we could all go back to the carpet and talk about the activity.

11. I will ask them who had a difficult time balancing the egg on the spoon and walking

at the same time. I will also ask if anyone had to walk a different way to keep the egg

balanced and have them demonstrate so students that had a hard time can observe

how they were able to walk and balance the egg.

9. Assessment:

The way the students will be assessed is as I observe them. Their assessment will be their

final turn for the relay race because they will have had more than one chance to practice their

skills. Once they are on their last turn, I will be observing if they are having any difficulties,

if they dropped the egg, if they are watching how they are balancing the egg, and overall, I

will be watching their advancement of their motor skills from the time they started the

activity to the end of it. If there has been little to no progress, I will know that I need to work

more with the student and maybe plan another activity for them similar to this in order for

them to have more practice using these motor skills. If they are doing well I will know that

they do not need me to focus on them as much and I may be able to make the game a little

harder for that student the next time they play it or a similar game.

10. Special Considerations:

- (Gifted student): For students that are going through the facts very easily, I will put

eggs with harder math facts that will be differentiated by stickers into the bowl.
- (Gifted student): Since most kids will probably use the strategy of holding the spoon

with two hands, I will ask the students that are having a very easy time to hold the

spoon with one hand as they go across the room. This will make them focus more and

give the kids having a harder time and bit more of an equal competition,

- (Struggling student): For students that are having difficulties balancing, I will put

other pieces of tape on the floor so that they do not have to start all the way back at

the beginning and have team mates get mad or frustrated with them, but also to let

them practice their skills a bit more.

11. Assignments: None

12. Closure:

Throughout the course of this lesson, you should be able to see a difference in the way kids use

these skills once they have an understanding of how to use them or how to use them differently

when focusing on certain tasks. This activity has a big focus on the use of large, fine, and gross

motor skills when they are running, holding the spoon, and balancing the egg. Some students

may struggle with this activity, meanwhile others may flourish and not have difficulties at all.

This is why there are some special consideration options. Along with this practicing the use of

motor skills for the students, its also another way to have a fun and competitive game in the

classroom. The relay race involves the use of the motor skills very nicely and is a good way for

students to practice using them without being bored.


McFadden, Jessica. Pick of the Week: Egg and Spoon Race. WeAreTeachers, WeAreTeachers,

6 Aug. 2014,

Mintz, Anna. EGG-Cersice Relays: Spring Fun Day. PE Central, PE Central, 31 Mar. 2002,

View Standards. View Standards - SAS, 2017,

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