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Varadkars frankness

is welcome See Page 7

No. 229 January 2017
Catholic Monthly Newspaper
250,000 copies nationwide

Restored painting, Adoration of the Mystic Lamb,

a great witness to Christian hope and joy. See Page 5

Writers open letter to Young people

Womens Council:
are reversing
Real feminists dont the natural
act like that...! Page 12
order Page 3


The content of the newspaper Alive! and the views expressed in it are those of the editor and contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Irish Dominican Province.
2 Alive! January 2017

Faithful parishes more likely Unjust demands

threaten notion
to attract and keep members of human rights
WHY some Protestant congrega- vey.
tions or parishes in both the US Members and clergy from the declin- says Vatican
and Canada are growing while oth- ing groups blamed changes in society
ers have been in a long decline for a drop in interest in religion. THE Vaticans top official at the UN has warned that
has puzzled pastors and But when the researchers compared the very notion of human rights is under threat at
researchers for a long time. the religious beliefs and practices of the present, that it is being undermined by the many
the two groups, those that were grow- demands being put forward today by various lobby
But now University researchers in groups under the heading of rights.
ing had more members and clergy who
Ontario, Canada, claim to have solved
held firmly to traditional Protestant
the riddle.
beliefs and were more diligent in prac-
Those groups whose pastors and
tices such as prayer and Bible-reading.
These demands, he said, singled out for persecution
members held faithfully to Christian
Some 71% of pastors at growing
significantly stray from the and annihilation.
beliefs, without diluting them, they
churches, for example, said they read
vision of the human person Moreover, human beings
found, were the ones most likely to their Bibles daily, compared with a
which is the basis for the deemed unwanted or use-
flourish. They were also more mission- mere 19% of pastors in the other group.
Universal Declaration of less are being discarded in

minded and more likely to attract a And on the belief that God performs
Human Rights and for the what Pope Francis has

younger congregation. miracles in answer to prayers, the dif-

other conventions that form termed the throwaway cul-

If we are talking solely about what ference was 100% to 44% among clergy
Deeply convinced of the life-saving,
international human rights ture; and tens of millions of

belief system is more likely to lead to and 90% to 80% among members.
life-altering benefits that only their
law. people risk their lives to flee

numerical growth among Protestant The figures also suggested that in the
faith can provide, "they are motivated
As a result, they discredit from persecution and

churches, the evidence suggests con- declining groups, the clergy had even
by emotions of compassion and con-
the notion of human rights extreme poverty.

servative Protestant theology is the less faith than the lay members.
cern to recruit family, friends and
at the very moment when
clear winner, said researcher David In growing congregations two thirds
acquaintances into their faith and into
hundreds of millions of peo-

Haskell. were under the age of 60 as against one

But in order to foster
their church," he said.
ple depend on it for justice

On all measures, he said, the growing third in the other churches.

in their lives. respect for human dignity

churches held more firmly to the tra- There was also a difference in the
Speaking in a debate at and rights, it is essential to

ditional beliefs of Christianity and Their confidence in their faith, he form of worship, with guitars and
More persuasive the UN, Archbishop understand their source and

were more diligent in things like believed, also made them more persua- drums in the growing congregations as
Bernardino Auza said that foundation, argued

prayer and Bible reading. sive. against organ and choir elsewhere.
the ideals set forth in the Archbishop Auza.

"It's because theology matters," said "Confidence mixed with a message The results of the five-year study
Universal Declaration are a While it is a great sign of

Haskell of Wilfrid Laurier University, thats uplifting, reassuring or basically have been published in the latest issue
power ful and perennial ethical progress that today

leader of the research team. positive is an attractive combination, of the Review of Religious Research.
reminder of our common almost ever yone speaks

The study found, for example, that in he noted.

humanity and of the human about human rights and dig-

growing churches 100% of the clergy The project surveyed more than 2,200
solidarity that flows from it. nity, many do so without

agreed that it was very important to churchgoers from mainline Anglican,

But he called for the term acknowledging where

encourage non-Christians to become Presbyterian, Lutheran and United

human right to be strictly human dignity and rights

Christians compared with only 50% churches in Ontario.

Turkey warns EU and prudently applied, lest it come from, he said.

of clergy in declining churches. About half attended services in nine

become a rhetorical catch- Human dignity, the basis
Turkey has threatened to open its
Again, in growing congregations 93% churches where membership had risen
all, endlessly expanded to for human rights, he said,
borders once again to tens of thou-
of clergy and 83% of worshippers by at least 2% over the past decade; the
suit the passing tastes of expresses the intrinsic
sands of refugees and to trigger a
believed that Jesus rose bodily from other half attended 13 churches where
the age. worth of every person no
new migrant crisis in Europe, after
the dead, compared with 67% of wor- numbers had fallen at the same rate.
He added that such an matter what race or sex,
talks to admit it to the EU stalled.
shippers and just 56% of clergy from Researchers attended services at all
elastic approach would dis- however young or old,
"Listen to me. If you go any fur-
declining churches. 22 churches, then asked members to
credit and undermine the healthy or handicapped,
ther, then the frontiers will be

Haskell also suggested that conserva- complete a 40-question survey. They

ver y concept of human wanted or unwelcomed, eco-
opened, bear that in mind," the

tive Christians are more evangelisa- also interviewed all clergy and 195
rights. nomically productive or inca-
country's President Erdogan told

tion-minded. members who had completed the sur-

This threat to the notion of pacitated, influential or
the EU in a speech in Istanbul.

Must recognise Islamic motives in ISIS terrorism

human rights, he noted, insignificant.
comes at a par ticularly He explained that human
tumultuous time in which dignity is inherent to every
human dignity and actual human being from the first
rights are being denied, moment of conception.
suppressed and violated It is not something that

ATTEMPTS to deny any link

we acquire when we reach a
the actions of extremists who claim to
across the globe.
As a result, civilians are certain physical dimension,
between Islam as a religion and be inspired by their religious beliefs.
targetted in war and armed mental ability or age, he
the atrocities carried out by "If we treat religiously motivated vio-
conflict; persons are traf- said. Nor is it some kind of

Islamic State militants have been lence solely as a security issue, or a

ficked for slave labour, sex, privilege that can be con-

criticised by the leader of the political issue, then it will be incredibly

or organs; ethnic and reli- ceded or taken away by the

Anglican Communion. difficult, probably impossible, to over-

gious minorities are being State, as a matter of policy.

Rev Justin Welby, who heads the come it," he said.

He also called on countries across
Church of England, pointed out that
Europe to recognise and rediscover the
claims that Islamic State violence has Murders up in Chicago
Christian roots of their culture and the
nothing to do with Islam are untrue
Christian understanding of the human
and harm efforts to confront and com- person as a child of God which lies at
Police statistics have revealed that in the first eleven

bat extremism. the root of that culture.

months of 2016 a total of 701 people were murdered in

Some Muslim and Christian leaders This, he said, was the only way to
Chicago, a city with a population of just over 2.7 million.

as well as politicians and media have Islamic State because, they say, its ruth- counter the mass disenchantment
At one point during the year the level of violence and

tried to play down these links. less violence is contrary to Islamic which is gripping the continent.
law-breaking got so bad that several hundred police

Rev. Welby argued that unless people teaching. Dr Welby made his comments during
officers were sent into three of the city's high-crime

recognise and attempt to understand But Dr Welby insisted that it was

a lecture at the Catholic Institute of
what motivates terrorists, including essential to be realistic in recognising
Despite this, the final number of unlawful deaths for the
Paris, where he was awarded an hon-
their religion, they will never be able to
year is expected to be almost 300 more than 2015.
the Muslim convictions of terrorists, in orary doctorate.
combat their ideology effectively.
In the coming two years, in a desperate bid to curb the
order to tackle the whole issue of ISIS During his talk he also reportedly
violence, the city will increase the number of police offi-
A number of high profile figures, violence. made a scathing critique of centralisa-
cers by 970.
including Boris Johnson, have called Religious leaders, he noted, need to tion, corruption and bureaucracy in
Among those killed was a 15-year-old boy who got into
on the public to avoid using the term stand up and take responsibility for the EU.
a quarrel over basketball shoes.
Alive! January 2017 3

Young people are reversing the natural order
ast summer World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, them was created to receive love given situation? Perhaps this more
in Medjug- many of these nominally Catholic and then to give love. than anything. They wanted no
orje I met a young people encountered the faith The Catholic faith, they learn, is God, church or even rationality
Canadian priest in all its richness for the first time. not primarily a system of teachings, itself telling them what to do.
who spoke about And were amazed by what they sacraments, practices. It is not an Already our disintegrating soci-
a strange thing discovered. ethical system, however noble. ety shows what a disaster this has
happening in his Others came to the faith through Rather, it is, first and foremost, a been.
country, or at least Brother Andr Bessette (died 6 personal relationship with Jesus So many young people with a
in Quebec January 1937). Christ, crucified but risen and now deep sense of emptiness, the best of
province. Many The door attendant in his alive. It is a response to an individ- them clutching at some cause,
young people, he monastery, Bro. Andr was ual call. however destructive it may be, to
said, were bring- renowned for countless miraculous Each of them was called to an inti- give them some sense of impor-
ing their parents cures, and needed four secretaries mate, passionate friendship with tance.
Many of them turning to obses-
Open back to the
to help him deal with the thou- the Saviour in the Church, his body.
Catholic faith. Rio was one of the cities that sion with sport, endless TV or
sands of letters he received each Once they grasp that, and see how
I wondered if hosted World Youth Day. music, limited ambitions, alcohol,
Door day. deeply it can transform their think-
that was just one His canonisation as a saint in of life. For them it is like coming ing, their values and principles, life drugs, pleasure.
man's impression 2010, it appears, had a huge impact out of a windowless bunker into a can never be the same again. Sterile sex outside marriage
or if there was any evidence to sup- on young Catholics in Canada. glorious world full of light, colour reflects the absence of hope and the
port his view.
and beauty. wider sterility in their lives. No
A few days later I met a lady from Challenging question Then comes the startling chal- wonder depression is an issue
They discover that life has a pur-
Canada and mentioned to her what Having come to know Jesus, the pose, an ultimate meaning that lenge to their parents. What was it among so many young people.
the priest had said, curious to see question the young people forceful- makes sense of all the daily joys, you wanted that you were willing And so, parents, although they
what she would make of it. ly put to their parents is along the sorrows, struggles, hopes. The to sacrifice all this for it? wanted to do the best they could
She looked a bit surprised for a lines: What was it you wanted that whole thing is not pointless. They Its a question that Irish parents for their children, deprived them of
moment, then simply remarked: It you were willing to give up the are on a journey to a specific desti- too need to answer. And not only the greatest gift they could have
was my 19-year-old daughter that faith for it? nation. Hope is no longer shallow parents. Teachers also, and college given them: the Catholic faith.
brought me back. That is a challenging question but or futile. lecturers, journalists, presenters, Where do we go from here? The
According to the priest, it was we need to break it down a bit in They learn that they matter, that politicians, judges and so on. whole Church needs to become far
those who are now grandparents order to see its full meaning and they have a value far beyond any- Was it wealth? Yes, in some cases. more dynamic and fearlessly chal-
who first gave up the practice of the power. thing they had imagined. They are Comfort? Yes, in many cases. lenging.
faith, and failed to hand it on to First of all, it could only be asked not simply a chemical scum or Dismay at scandals? Indeed. The Parent or child, priest or lay per-
their children. They, in turn, had by a person who has come to some cogs in some vast economic, politi- desire to think as they wished? Yes, son, we need to challenge both our-
even less to hand on to their chil- personal understanding of how cal, entertainment machine. generally meaning the desire to let selves and others: What was it you
dren. wonderful it is to be a Catholic. It was love that brought them into the media do their thinking. wanted that you were willing to
But thanks to various Catholic What the young people discover existence, the love of their parents Were they seeking freedom the compromise or even sacrifice your
youth events, including the 2013 is, first of all, a radically new vision but above all God's love. Each of freedom to do as they pleased in a faith for it?

Most mothers want to stay at home-poll

FEWER than one in five you wanted, would you stay least."
mothers with children at home, would you work full This policy, she noted, was
under 17 would opt for time or would you work part introduced by Childrens
full-time work if given a time?" Minster, Katherine Zappone
free choice, according to 35% of women with chil- despite parents' clear prefer-
a new Irish opinion poll. dren under 17 preferred to ence. "Why," asked Ms Steen,
The survey asked, "If stay at home full time; 48% "is Government policy so
money were no object, and would opt to work part time biased in favour of mothers
you were free to do whatever and just 17% would choose who want to go out to work?
full time work outside the She continued: The poll also
home. shows that people are much
The survey of a representa- more likely to say women in
Retrouvaille tive sample of 1,001 adults the home are undervalued
aged 18 and over was con- compared with women who
a Lifeline for ducted for the Iona Institute work outside the home.
using the Amarach Research "This is hardly a surprise
online omnibus service. when official policy itself so
Do you feel alone or The Institute's Maria Steen badly undervalues the choice
distant from your spouse? commented: "the survey to stay at home with our chil-
Have you lost the desire to shows how misguided the dren.
communicate with each recent Budget was in discrim- The fairest way forward, she
other? inating in favour of working believed, was for
Do you feel disillusioned parents at the expense of par- Government to "be neutral
or bored in your marriage? ents who would rather stay at between home-care, day-care,
Have you separated, home with their children, and other forms of child-
divorced, or are you for part of their childhood at care."
thinking of doing so,
but want to try again?
The Retrouvaille
programme can help you
recover your marriage.
Next programme commences:
10th 12th February
2017 in Dublin
Post weekend days
19th Feb 5th & 19th March
& 2nd April
Contact: Tony & Anne
01-4953536; Mike &
Anne 01-4500922;
Or text or call 086-4135440

4 Alive! January 2017

What is behind new post-truth slogan?

by Gerard Murphy opinion than appeals to emotion Likewise in America. The media, kind of bias and resisted that kind of
he word of the year for 2016 is and personal belief. almost all in Hillary Clintons camp, manipulation.

T post-truth, according to the

Oxford Dictionary authors. They
chose this as the word which best
In other words, the phrase recog-
nises that vast numbers of people,
in deciding how to act, are no longer
were bewildered by the huge support
for Trump right throughout the cam-
Having said all that, the media are
right to be concerned about todays
disregard for reasonable argument.
captures the years major social guided by the truth but by their own They simply could not grasp that so Their mistake lies in failing to see
and cultural developments. emotions, desires or their personal many people might detest Trump and that they are a major part of the
Its a good choice, and certainly opinions. some of his policies, yet find problem.
names a major trend in modern cul- This applies, in particular, to polit- Clintons agenda even more obnox- Its a dangerous situation. It means
ture, a very influential trend that ical issues, so the media linked the ious. that there is no longer much point in

Post-truth voters?
merits close attention. phrase with another word, to give us But once again it would be too arro- providing good reasons for or against
The liberal medias sudden fond- post-truth politics. gant, even for the liberal media, to a particular course of action.
ness for the word, however, may accuse half the electorate of stupidi- Rather, people are more likely to be
really point to a panic that their abil- Mainstay But this suggests that theres more influenced by those best able to
ty and phobia. It was easier to blame
ity to shape public thinking and soci- According to the Dictionarys edi- to this whole story than meets the post-truth politics. manipulate their emotions.
ety is in decline. tors, use of post-truth in head- eye. We see this in the current Irish
But what does the word mean? lines, articles, magazines was up by In Britain it was the media backing Liberal groupthink campaign to legalise the killing of the
Basically it says that truth has 2000% in just one year. the Remain side in the referendum In this telling of the story, the high- child in the womb. But the media are
become unimportant or irrelevant. It It became a mainstay in political which took to using the phrase post- minded media know the truth and not concerned about post-truth here.
points to a mentality that says, commentary and was regularly truth politics, in an attempt to are eager to communicate it on We saw it also in the campaign to
dont bother me with the facts, Ive used by major publications in their explain how their agenda was reject- behalf of their candidate, but the destroy the family by removing the
already made up my mind. headlines, with no need for clarifica- ed by the public. public wont listen to reason. procreation and rearing of children
The Dictionary puts it more ele- tion or definition. They didnt want to say that a A very different way of telling the from the definition of marriage.
gantly. It defines post-truth as: Two major events in 2016 greatly majority of voters were stupid, story has the media locked into a lib- Only a new love and respect for the
relating to or denoting circum- boosted use of the word: the EU ref- gullible, phobic or racist, but that eral groupthink, ignoring or sup- truth, in all its richness, will save us
stances in which objective facts are erendum in Britain and Donald was the real implication in their pressing key truths. Far from being from the Dark Age into which our
less influential in shaping public Trumps presidential campaign. post-truth diagnosis. post truth, voters saw through that civilisation is sinking.

Monthly Musings Cuts in special needs

By Catherine Kavanagh
A TEACHER friend of mine recently filled
me in on the appalling cuts in Special
Senior Lecturer in Philosophy in Mary Immaculate College
Needs services in schools. The allocation
of help bears no relation at all to the actu-
al needs of the pupils in her school.

The fashionista is a strange animal Add to that the cruel cuts in mental
health services services which were

EVERYBODY wants to be us, says Miserable, lonely, greedy and

woefully inadequate to begin with and

Meryl Streep in the film, The Devil angry: the current affairs articles,
you begin to wonder what any of the sanctimonious cater-

Wears Prada (pictured right). almost without exception, espouse a

wauling about cherishing difference actually means.

Ive taken to reading glossies lately very liberal perspective on social

The cut in Special Needs also sends another message:

lots of time in waiting rooms and so issues, and any disagreement is met
that we do not value education as the formation of the

with seething fury rather than ratio-

human person, but only as the production of trained opera-
on. You know - magazines aimed at
tives for commercial enterprises.

women, mainly fashion and cosmet- nal argument.

But without the formation of the person, we will have doc-

ics, but also containing articles on That anything at all might be said
tors and nurses without any consciences, dishonest busi-

current affairs topics supposedly for traditional views (not just

nessmen and lawyers, in fact, a completely unethical work-

more relevant to women than to oth- Catholic, but Judeo-Christian more

force generally and then it will be too late to be sorry.

ers. generally), is not even acknowl-

Children will take in infinitely more from what we do than

They appear to be produced by peo- edged. Everybody wants to be us

what we say, and if our practice is cruel and indifferent,

ple who really do have the inordi- Really?

thats what they will learn.

nately high opinion of themselves
articulated by Streep.

But the fashionista is a very strange
animal: miserable she cant look at
an item of food without worrying
Deep roots of division
The Romans had a
about the calorie content (although
law, patria potestas
this apparently does not extend to
ARE we in for another roller- under what circumstances
(power of the father),
coaster of a referendum on we permit the deliberate
which was the power of
Miserable and lonely: the relation-
the right to life? As one taking of innocent human
the head of a Roman
ship articles are essentially glorifica-
might expect, all the discus- life.
family over his wife,
tions of casual sex.
sion revolves around the Reading much of the earli-
children and household.
This, like any addiction, needs to be
rights of the woman. er feminist philosophy of
This included the right
fed by ever stronger doses in order to
The only reason that abor- abortion, Judith Thomson
to punish by death and
produce the original sensation to
tion is a contentious issue (1973), for example, it is
involved complete con-
the point that quite distressing
to begin with, however, is clear that they always knew
trol over all the rights of
behaviours, verging on the abusive,
the status of the foetus: is they were dealing with
all members of the fami-
are presented as merely a bit more
this just another organ, to another human being
spice in your life.
be tweaked with at will? If (check out Thomsons
Of course, the original
In the meantime, the really deep
so, why is there an issue? Violinist).
rigour of the law weak-
issues around choosing a life partner
But what if the foetus is But because the unborn
ened over time, and
and starting a family are all but
what it looks like almost child radically depended on
today we would see it as
from the earliest stages: a his or her mother, they
completely unjust.
Miserable, lonely and greedy: I sup-
fully human being, distin- maintained that the mother,
But the womans right
pose the lack of depth in relation-
guished from other human being the sole source of
to choose amounts to
ships has to be compensated for
entities like you and me support, had the right of life
matria potestas: the
somehow, and there is an insane
only by being very much and death over the child.
absolute right of life and
amount of must have in the articles
smaller and more depen- If that is granted, then any
death of a mother over
about clothes and cosmetics.
dent? other apparent argument is
her own child.
Then we really have to ask merely PR.
Alive! January 2017 5

Alcoholics in Holland
can now ask to be Alive! needs your support
killed off Alive! accepts CREDIT CARD Donations & Payments
HOLLAND has expand- Tel: 01-404 8187
ed its list of undesir-
ables who can ask to
be killed to now I wish to support Alive!. Enclosed is my donation for
Anonymous Donations
500: An Co. Leitrim; CQ;
include alcoholics.

250: An;
Writing in Linda, a Dutch 100: LMcH;
magazine, journalist 50: An; Anon Tipp;
1,000 500 250 100
Marcel Langedijk told 40: RJ;
how his brother Mark had been an alcoholic for eight years. 30: An;
25: MOD;
Married with two children, he had seen his marriage col-
50 25 15
20: AC; TG
lapse and was being cared for by his parents. He had plenty 15: An; Name
of family support, said the journalist, but was unable to dry

10: An;
out. Stg: 50: AB Portaferry;
Having been through 21 stints in hospital or rehab without 30: MMcC; 20: Bilbo Co. Address
lasting success he decided he had had enough and asked to
be put down. Tel:
The killer, a woman doctor in a black dress and sneakers,
arrived to give him his lethal injection. She confirmed that
Alive!, St. Marys Priory, Tallaght, Dublin 24
he wanted to be killed and then gave him three shots of poi- THANK YOU for your
Please send your donation to:
son. continued support.
A comment on the Bioedge website asked if the Dutch will
now "extend the favour" to hopeless addicts of marijuana
which in its potent modern form "damages the brain in the
long term"?
If 8,000 people contribute just 20 each we can continue for another year.
Another commenter noted that it was very sad that his
children would remember him this way.
The future of euthanasia, he said, was "bleak, depressed,
hopeless, cutting off loved ones, no desire for the struggle
that it takes to overcome, to achieve, to conquer, to be free
from one's addictions."
He concluded: "Those who don't give God a chance to
Famous Lamb altarpiece is
Bishop slams
help, lose their lives."

back on display in Ghent

EU military
ALMOST 600 years after shipped by all the angels
it was painted, and and saints.

aid for Sudan

despite many attempts The Lamb's blood, flowing
to steal or even destroy into a chalice, is a reminder
it, the famous Ghent of the eternal sacrifice of
altarpiece is once again Christ which is made pre-
bearing witness to the sent every time Mass is cele-
great mysteries of the brated.
Catholic faith. But that the painting has
A CATHOLIC bishop from Sudan has blasted the EU survived at all is a miracle in
From the time it was first
and Germany for providing military aid to his gov- itself. In 1566 rioting, image-
unveiled on 6 May 1432 Jan
ernment, revealing that it is being used against the destroying Calvinists, the
van Eyck's painting has
country's poorest people. attracted artists and cul- ISIS of their day, tried to
tured visitors from all over take control of Ghent and
Europe. went in search of the mas-
The equipment is not for

But for those who terpiece.

the benefit of the people

It was barely saved from

but is part of an attempt to
approached it with faith, The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb in St Bavos Cathedral
destruction, thanks to a
halt the flood of refugees
and not simply curiosity or in Ghent.
group of knights who had
from Africa into Europe.
artistic interest, it gave a
the forethought to disman-
Government attacks on
glimpse into heaven and terpiece of Catholic iconog- new development allowing
tle it into its 12 panels, and
the people of the Nuba
inspired immense Christian raphy dating from long highly detailed portraits,
hide it in the bell tower.
mountain region, said
hope and joy. before the Reformation, was down to the hair in Adam's
In 1794 French Republican
Bishop Macram Max
The faithful taking part in made possible by a large nostril.
Gassis, are "a hidden and
Mass were reminded that grant from the Getty troops captured Ghent and
forgotten conflict.
Bishop Macram Max Gassis they were united with the Foundation. shipped the four central
Commissioned by a
He wanted to highlight Sensation
visiting a Sudanese village. eternal sacrifice of Christ; The work features various panels home to the Louvre
wealthy merchant, the
the hunger, disease, inse-
they were in union with the scenes from the Bible and in Paris, Napoleons new art
mayor of the Belgian city,
curity and, above all,
angels and the saints in wor- contains 100 figures. On its museum.
and his wife, it was begun
silence in the face of evils
shipping Christ, the Lamb exterior wing panels is an It was stolen again during
by Hubert van Eyck in 1426,
that are killing innocent people, particularly children, women
who was sacrificed but now Annunciation scene, to be the Great War and once
and completed by his broth-
and elderly."
lives. seen when the altarpiece is more by the Nazis during
er Jan after Huberts early
These, he noted, "are maimed, rendered homeless and

After four years of careful closed as it generally was, the Second World War, and
killed due to aerial bombardment which has become the

work, the first stage of a except on holy days. was almost blown up by a
order of the day.

major restoration project has Described by a contempo- Standing at 4.6m wide and renegade SS officer while
The outspoken Bishop Gassis travelled to Brussels in order

been completed and the oil rary art historian as the 3.5m high, it immediately it being stored in a secret salt
to make his point as forcefully as possible.

painting, known as The most influential painting became a sensation. mine in Austria.
He described it as "alarming" that "Europe has moved

Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, ever, its enormous influ- Its central panel, based on Work on restoring the rest
ahead, partnered with and supplies Sudan with high-tech sur-

has been put on display ence was due to several fac- a scene from the Book of of the altarpiece is continu-
veillance and registration equipment".

once again in St Bavos tors: it was the first major oil Revelation, depicts the vic- ing, and will be completed,
This equipment, he said, is going to people "who use chem-

Cathedral in Ghent. painting, revealing the capa- torious Lamb of God, stand- it is hoped, in time for a
ical weapons, conduct indiscriminate aerial bombardment,

The renewal of the 12- bilities of the new medium, ing on the altar of sacrifice major Van Eyck exhibition
starve their population and won't allow life-saving medicines

panel work, which is a mas- and its artistic realism was a in heaven, and being wor- in 2020.
to reach the Nuba population," all with the aim of "stemming
the flow of refugees from Africa."
6 Alive! January 2017

Social Media: The

Revolution Needed
Friday is Special
because Sunday is special
An invitation to Catholics

rowing up in the fast-
paced digital age is
butt. That is what were see-
ing the most of on snapchat
YOFORUM to take up again the ancient
custom of
abstaining from meat each
in honour of Christs passion
and death.
kinda scary. When I updates, as if we must be
was a young teen, I thought updated on Kims lack of
Bebo and Club Penguin were clothing.

as high-tech as it gets. Alongside these images, Volunteers needed in every area to help promote this project.

Please contact Grace, 089-4688726 or

Ill never forget the feeling Ive seen ar ticles about
of rebellion when Club female body parts, sex tips,
With Katie Ascough
Penguin banned me for 24 the list goes on.

Were a Catholic family.

hours for typing a mild curse Snapchat is a prime exam-

We dont eat meat on Fridays.

word. Oh the thrills. ple of how a nice little app
Predators on the Internet
A Year of Mercy project by Alive!
But today, I look around appeals to young people, is

hen it comes to predators on the internet, I have

and I see an endless stream repeatedly updated and

noticed three types.

of apps and websites with modified, and turns into a

First, theres the very real and scary (though less com-
functions we cant possibly sexualised, porn-infiltrated

mon) threat of sexual predators who convince young

keep up with. outlet. Even the porn stars

people to meet up with them.

The internet is a frighten- are catching onto this.
ing place. Whether intention- But Snapchat isnt the only
This seems to be more of a problem in the U.S. and the
Encouraging honesty
U.K., but were not immune to it in Ireland. Its some-
al or not, the amount of problem. On Twitter and

thing we need to be aware of and make sure the young

trouble you can get yourself Instagram you can follow
into (and yes, I mean more
than a ban from Club
(and be followed by) any-
thing from cute pups daily
people in our lives are aware of it.
in our children
The second type of predator on the internet is the porn
Penguin) is uncanny. to daily sex videos.

predator. My guy-friends have told me they often get

I came up with three Ps to by Caitriona Lynch

friend requests (on Facebook and Instagram especially)


watch out for: Porn (includ- o be honest I find it real-

from topless women.

ing sexting), Predators, and There is also a huge prob- ly hard to be completely

The idea here is that they add you, you look at their
Pretend. lem with spam - 2.5 billion honest, so this has to

content, and then they allure you to their pornographic

Porn: if you havent yet emails containing porn are be a case of, do as I say,

website. This is actually a key marketing tool for many

seen the website fightthe- sent each day don't do as I do" (St Paul).

porn stars., please stop Porn companies target Secondly. If lying becomes
reading these articles and children as young as 7, with a habit it can be very difficult

Youve got
go check it out now. It is a 11 being a prime target. to break. So get in there
The third type, whose typical target is female, is the
key source for anyone They try to hook us while
asap and put new habits in

can-we-get-married-tomorrow, creepy older men.

exposed to porn (which is were young. And sadly, it


Mostly they just add you, but sometimes they grace you
everyone). works way too often.
There are many reasons

with a message.
It is important to note that why we lie but they usually

Ive seen everything from Can you give me a little

porn is not a problem exclu- fall into one of these cate-

chance to tell you what's on my mind dear Am harm-

sive to 18+ websites. Take

less, to Hello, nice to meet you, am here in search of

Snapchat as an example.
We want to avoid the con-
Snapchat started as a sim-
my soul mate
ple app where you shared sequences of our actions (in instead, "When are you

First of all, the fact that you need to tell me youre

photos with your friends. the case of children that's going to do your room?"

harmless is not a good start. Also, if you think adding

Then came the filters, punishment); We want to Get the whole stor y.

random women on Facebook is the way to find your

which attracted huge atten- avoid disappointing those we Encourage them to share

soulmate, you need to go read some Jason Evert.

tion. The first thing my 8- love (parents); We want to everything with you. Don't be

Point here is that for women, the biggest threat seems

year-old brother says to me avoid unpleasant outcomes; mumbling phrases like

to be men playing on our emotional weaknesses. I

when I come home is, And this isnt just a guys We want to impress some- "That's awful, can't believe

assume they either think that well feel sorry for them,
Katie, can I use your issue. At least one-third of one, or get their attention. you did that, you did what!!!

or that well bask in the unwarranted attention.

snapchat pleaseeee? porn users are women. The rot can set in when we ... etc during your child's nar-

What they are trying to get out of it, I am not sure, but
But I must admit, what Ive catch our children out in a ration.
Adult content
I wouldnt assume its anything good. Best thing to do:
noticed to be the bigger lie. We want to punish them Remember, unless some-

do not reply, and block.

Now, listen to what problem with girls is sexting. because of the trouble it led one has lost their lives most
Lauren MacEwen of Xbiz (US Especially if a girl is in a
Never underestimate predators on the internet.
to, or to teach them it is things can be repaired, sort-
porn business) repor ts: relationship with a guy who
wrong. So they lie even more ed, got over.
Snapchat is definitely watches porn, shell want to
accepting of adult content. give him something else to to avoid all that grief. What Don't belittle them for
This can be a great platform look at. then can you do? being honest. Certainly there
need to be consequences
Keep calm
for [porn] performers to give
free content, or reward their
Ultimately, women and
girls end up sharing private Pretend Life Vs. Real Life Depending on the serious-
and depending on the age
followers with content. photos to try to win back the and the seriousness, some
Its not just sexual threats that the internet pre- ness of the act, and assum- punishment may well be in
She also acknowledges attention they have lost
that Snapchat (and Tumblr) through porn. sents us with. What about family time and real-life ing no one has been badly order. Obviously smashing
have the youngest audience This often leads to a low- conversations? injured - Keep calm and par- the car is different to spilling
of all the networks, with the ering of self-respect and an As an American friend said to me the other day: ent on. For example, if juice juice.
majority being below the age endless cycle of defeat and the Luas [Dublin tram] is a sad place - everyone is has been spilt and denied, Make a habit of celebrating
of 24. even depression. on their phones. don't lose the head. Discuss honesty. Tell them how glad
Conclusion: porn stars What can we do? We need Think about the real-life conversations we are the situation and the prob- you are and great they are,
are targeting young people a revolution. Please, make missing by being so fixated on our techno gadgets. lem. to have told the truth.
through Snapchat. your number one New Years Think of all the family time youve missed out on, Minor matters like this pro- Delight in "do overs": If you
I was annoyed at Snapchat resolution to talk about the because at dinner time you were too busy scrolling vide an ideal situation for had to do it over what would
before I even knew this wor- struggles of porn amongst through your newsfeed. teaching the really important you do differently? This turns
rying fact. What I find partic- your families and friends. Maybe your phone is the reason you dont know lesson: Lying is wrong. a mistake into an opportuni-
ularly disturbing is how Check out figththenew- about your brothers new girlfriend, or maybe 'Wrong' is a word we don't ty.
Snapchat has progressed, and make a per- youve missed an opportunity to put in a kind word hear very often nowadays. We also need to guide our
from a young persons app sonal commitment (whether when someone is having a terrible day. You just However if you don't teach children through the making
into an adult magazine. youre a porn addict or just never know. your children at the earliest of appropriate amends to the
Now, when you swipe left like checking out the racy And I am one to talk. Im constantly on my phone of ages the importance of affected people.
to see your friends stories, stories on Snapchat from half the time because I genuinely need to be, and
telling the truth, you are Of course nothing speaks
what comes up first is time to time), to actively half the time because I should be doing something
going to have huge issues louder than our own exam-
recent updates from world stand up against our porn else.
Its important to realise that the internet is a communicating with them as ple. So walk the walk, talk
news and entertainment. culture.
You know the number one Porn kills love, and we great gift, but it comes with a responsibility to use teenagers. the talk, and no white lies.
feature? Kim Kardashians deserve better. it wisely. Don't set up a lie, by ask- What you give yourself per-
ing, for example, "Have you mission to do, your children
tidied your room yet?" Ask will do also!
Alive! January 2017 7

Varadkars frankness is welcome

Editors Show yourself a man - part 5

LEO VARADKAR, a former

Health Minister and medical
of human life" is, as he put it, a
We can take it, then, that Mr
Varadkar knows that to abort a
O'Doherty is more upfront:
doesn't allow enough babies to
be killed.
Which brings us to the real
doctor, has questioned why foetus is, in fact, to kill an inno- issue: when, if ever, should our

Jottings people use the word 'foetus' for

the child in the womb.
He recently asked a pregnant
friend if she knew what sex her
cent baby in the womb.
Varadkar is up there with
Irish Independent journalist Ian
O'Doherty who also openly
society permit the killing of
innocent children? Or, to put it
differently, what categories of
children should be deprived of
A closer look at baby was. Had he asked her accepts that abortion is the legal protection?
killing of an unborn child.
stories in the
about "her foetus", he said, she What about children con-
would have been "quite offend- O'Doherty, noting the ceived in rape? Those with
round... ed. And the same goes for my "hypocrisy" of Katherine severe disabilities or simply a
sisters." Zappone, wrote: "We have a cleft palate? Downs babies?
For him, "a foetus is a medical Minister for Children who sees How about girls? Or inconve-
word. It's like talking of your nothing wrong with marching nient babies?
glossus instead of your tongue in favour of ending the life of Our culture has come quite a
or your digits instead of your children." way when killing babies has
This kind of frankness or Leo Varadkar
fingers." become a hot and "divisive"
He often wonders, he told a truth from both men is a wel- Varadkar and O'Doherty want topic. When both men and

Religion, human dignity

seminar in UCD, "why people come advance. It ends the to protect the unborn child, women can think themselves
use a medical word to talk phoney war about abortion: Is they oppose abortion? Wrong. "pro-woman" because they

and conscience
about what is a form of human "it" a baby or a cluster of cells? Both believe that killing babies support such brutal evil.
life, if not a person." This "form Being real men, then, both should be permitted. That we This, of course, reveals a far
as a people should permit it. deeper division in our society:
So what kind of men are we are profoundly divided
FR Jacques Mourad, a Syriac-Catholic priest, was they? To be frank too, is this over the value of human life
held captive by ISIS for five months. Introducing
What if counsellors not sociopathic thuggery? and how we ground human
Aid to the Church in Need's 2016 annual Report on dignity. This is the real issue.
Ultimately it is theological,
Religious Freedom in the World he stated: are getting it wrong? Varadkar says that the pre- it's about our understanding of
Too restrictive
"If religion teaches us anything it is the value of the sent legal protection for chil-
A RECENT survey about God and his love in creating
human person, the need to respect each other as a dren is too restrictive, what each human being for eternal
gift from God. mental health in Ireland
he means is protective. life.

Newspaper editors in
However, it is not "religion" which teaches us the found that 90% of people
value of the human person, it is the Christian faith. thought it was important to
Various strands of Islam and Judaism, for example, talk about the issue.

pocket of government
do not share the Christian understanding of human Its a problem, however,
dignity. that no one is quite sure
what mental health actual-

Nor, certainly, does modern secularist religion.
And human sacrifice was a major element in Aztec ly is, or if we should even ness is now or never, that
worship. talk about our emotional or time is draining away, like
Ignoring or blurring real differences does not real- psychological state in water from a sink, that the
ly lead to authentic dialogue or to peace and justice terms of health and illness. grave is your home forev-
in the long run. Take the case of a client er? COLUMNIST John Burns reported in the Sunday Times (27/11/16)
Moreover, the "experts" cannot agree on what they who tells a counsellor: I Of course, no counsellor that Minister Simon Coveney met the editors of three national
mean by "religion", on what should be included or feel very down all the time is going to say any of this, newspapers in Leinster House over the previous two weeks. Each
excluded from it. Many want to drop the word alto- and find it a struggle to get even if its what the cus- one separately, it seems.
gether as unhelpful. out of bed in the morning. I tomer needs to hear. Apart "The bosses of the Irish Independent, Irish Times and Sunday
We rightly object when "religion" is blamed for feel worthless and have no from anything else, it Independent were all ushered to Coveney's offices for a pow-wow,"
evils done by a particular group as in the silly secu- real purpose in life. would be bad for business. wrote Burns.
larist claim that "religion leads to intolerance" or Nothing seems to matter This wasn't reported in the papers in question, nor did they
With 5 still on the clock reveal what was discussed. But it certainly raises some very
"religion causes wars". any longer. he might tell his client:
On the other hand, then, we cannot credit "reli- The 80-an-hour counsel- important questions about links between government ministers
Your problem is not emo- and the media. Here are a few:
gion" in general with the things we approve of. lor listens a while, asking a tional or psychological, it is How often do ministers meet privately with the editors of the
Especially if we are really referring to the Christian few probing questions. religious. Talk to a priest. country's major newspapers? What is the purpose of such a high
faith. Then, tells the client: I What good would that do level meeting? What matters are on the agenda? What is in it for
dont know why you have him? The priest might help the minister? And for an editor? Why are readers and the public
come to me, theres noth- him to tackle the root of his kept in the dark about such meetings?
Fr Mourad concludes: "It must be possible both to
ing wrong with you at all. problem: to grasp his extra- What is the level of cooperation or complicity between the gov-
have a passionate faith in ones religious beliefs as
well as to respect the right of others to follow their ordinary dignity as a child ernment and the media in pushing any agenda from water
conscience, to live out their own response to the of God, the importance of charges to public sector pay, to EU rule? Why would any of these
The client is puzzled, so

humility and the truth that editors risk undermining his readers' trust in his newspaper in
love of God who made us all." the counsellor explains: this way?
But what if conscience tells us to chop off a thief's Your response to your sit- the purpose of life is to get
How about RTE's Prime Time reporting on and discussing some
hand, to behead infidels, to sacrifice captives or sim- uation is completely appro- to heaven.
of these issues - and doing so with the practically invisible editors
ply that abandoning our spouse and family is ok? Is priate. Anyone who has no There is great concern themselves? This would definitely be a public service.
conscience enough? sense of his own worth and about the epidemic of
For a Catholic, conscience is a judgment about has not discovered a pur- mental illness in the
what is good or evil, about what is to be done or pose in life should feel the Western world today, but
what avoided. But with way you do. what if the experts have Blooming hell!
this goes the duty to be Warming to the topic he got it wrong, that they have
properly informed might go on: How could misdiagnosed peoples
The mayor of Bloomington, Indiana, recently announced that

about good and evil. you have a sense of your condition?

the local authority is renaming two paid holidays for city work-

For Catholics, Church own worth when you think What if many or most of
ers, to respect differing cultures.

teaching plays a vital youre just a big-brained our mental health issues
Columbus Day in future will be known as Fall Holiday and

role here. animal or a machine made are really religious issues, a

Good Friday will be called Spring Holiday.

If we forget the second of meat? symptom of the loss of

Could anything be more bland, colourless, drab, intolerant,

part, the duty to seek How could your life Christian faith and hope?
and culturally impoverished? And where's the respect for

the truth, conscience have meaning when you Should this not be a big
Christian culture?

just becomes a cover for ignore its inbuilt purpose, part of any discussion
We don't respect differing cultures by abolishing all cultural

ruthlessly doing what- Fr Jacques Mourad: when you think that happi- about mental health?
differences. Secularists are imposing their own poverty of soul

ever we want. Conscience not enough!

on the whole society, and calling it "respect for diversity". And
we're expected to swallow their nonsense. How pathetic!
8 Alive! January 2017

Does fake news make for better propaganda?

The Irish reaction to A few lone voices have Barack Obama, during his
Britains decision to leave tried to break the solid final official visit to
Media Watch
the EU has been quite
politico-media wall of
silence, but with little suc-
Germany, sharply criti-
cised the spread of fake
Given the massive impli- UK's departure could be was a major attraction of cess. news online, arguing it
cations of the decision for catastrophic for our econo- EU membership. From the day UK voters was a threat to democracy.
Ireland, implications that my and for countless But in recent years that decided for Brexit the con- If we are not serious
become starker each day, workers and their families. has changed. We now pay sensus of our elites has about facts and whats true
we might have expected a The problems for north- in more than we get, and been to shut down any dis- and whats not, particular-
lively debate about our south relations go far that will rise dramatically cussion of an Irish exit. ly in an age of social media
own future in the EU. beyond peace concerns when the UK, one of the And media groupthink when so many people are
We might have expected and border controls. biggest contributors, pulls on the EU has played a key getting their information in
politicians, lobby groups The growing pressure out. role in maintaining this sound bites and off their
and media commentators wall of silence. phones, if we cant dis-
for EU control of corporate These and many other
to have engaged in intense, Whos next after Brexit? What we have here is an criminate between serious
tax, a keystone of Irish issues have profoundly
informed and wide-rang- important example of how arguments and propagan-
prosperity for decades, is changed our relationship
ing discussions on the pros bility of an Irish exit from the media largely control da, then we have prob-
becoming unbearable. with Brussels and with the
and cons of our remaining the EU not been publicly the news and views we are lems, he said.
Until now Ireland has immense and costly
debated by all kinds of exposed to. And how this Obama was probably
an EU member. always received signifi- bureaucracy which con-
control is shaped by their upset at the failure of the
Given the huge amount cantly more funds than it trols so much of our lives. experts and on the differ-
own agenda. politico-media establish-
we export to Britain, the gave to Brussels, which Why, then, has the possi- ent radio and TV shows?
ment to get Clinton elect-
The recent race for the
Biased reporting
Nevertheless, what he
White House was another said was right. Respect for
Media prejudices block understanding of US result example of the careful the difference between
Researchers for the Nieman Lab such an offensive, sexist etc. liar with selection of news given to truth and falsehood,
found that just 13 US newspapers (9 such dreadful policies?" Irish people, echoing for between well reasoned
dailies and 4 weeklies) came out in If we grant for a moment that the most part the kind of argument and manipula-
favour of Donald Trump during the Trump is every bit as bad as the news given to American tive propaganda is essen-
US election campaign. media and the liberals said he is, and voters. tial for the well-being of
Against that, 229 daily papers and said over and over again, that only Clinton supporters were any society.
131 weeklies, a total of 360 titles, leaves us with a bigger question: not misled simply by the But he might have asked
endorsed Hillary Clinton. why could Clinton, with the backing polls, but even more by if it makes much difference
The organisation's Pablo of the whole liberal politico-media months of biased reporting whether the news stories
Boczkowski commented: "I think its establishment, not draw enough and comment. are fake or genuine, given
reasonable to argue that during the votes to win? Thanks to social media, that so much of main-
second half of the 20th century, even Surely the media should be asking however, American people stream media output is just
a fraction of the negative coverage what it was about her history and her no longer depend on the propaganda.
[given to Trump] would have been What was it about her history and policies that made her appear even national medias distorted With the Irish Times, for
enough to seriously damage the policies? worse than Trump to so many vot- presentation for their example, subjecting its
chances of a presidential candidate, ers? understanding of what is readers to a relentless bar-
A clearly distressed Kathy going on in the world.
and maybe even derail the candida- A survey conducted by WPA rage of pro-abortion news
Sheridan in the Irish Times, for exam- According to Pew
cy altogether." Opinion Research, for example, and views, and operating
ple, was "stunned" that voters would
In Ireland the national media were showed that nearly 60% of Trump Research, nearly 45% of the as an anti-life propaganda
show "complete disregard for what
overwhelmingly pro-Clinton - was voters agreed that their vote was US population get their machine, does the truth
the candidate [Trump] was actually
George Hook the only prominent impacted by the Republican plat- news from Facebook. still really matter?
commentator who supported And she was indignant that RTE form's "strong positions on unborn But there are major prob- In fact, our rotten media,
Trump? would provide "oxygen" for "the human life and religious liberty." lems here too. A report by dominated by an anti-
No surprise, then, that so many enlightening political contributions" If the media could get over their Buzzfeed claimed that in the human, secularist agenda,
journalists here and in the US are of Katie Hopkins who welcomed the liberal prejudices and their outrage three months leading up to have played a major role in
still bewildered and outraged by result. and attempted some honest report- the election, Facebook undermining respect for
Trump's election, and unable to The gist of all the media question- ing they might find that it is not so users saw more fake news the truth, and are seriously

FILM Review
understand it. ing is, "how could anyone vote for hard to grasp why Trump won. headlines than real ones. damaging our society. But
The issue is so big that can they see that?

Directed by Kevin Reynolds Released by Sony Pictures
oo often we think of the peace.

Struggling to maintain order Clavius to recover the body
Resurrection as simply But once again he is sum- in Jerusalem, Pilate realises and quash the message.
the ending of the moned by Imperial orders. that zealots might steal the Like a detective, Clavius
Crucifixion story. In fact the Pontius Pilate's chief body, fake a resurrection and begins the search, seeking
Resurrection is a beginning, enforcer, he is charged with incite further unrest. leads, dragging in witnesses
not an ending. overseeing the crucifixion of Clavius must therefore for questioning.
This film takes a unique a man who claims to be the secure the tomb, a simple But every person he inter-
look it, viewing events Messiah. task that to his horror goes rogates seems to have been
through the enemy's eyes, Having supervised count- unfulfilled to say the least. profoundly changed by who
as it were. less executions Clavius is they claim to have seen.
Roman tribune Clavius keen to get this one over Message Clavius is conflicted. He
(Joseph Fiennes) has risen with. However it's not so The Body of Christ is miss- knows when people are does though, Clavius learns ambitious in scale and
through the ranks of the simple. Pilate has been ing and rumours are rapidly telling the truth and when that this investigation isn't detail, thoughtful and intelli-
empire's vast army, quash- informed by the Jewish spreading that he has risen they are not. about the pursuit of truth, gent. By exploring the
ing uprisings and enforcing Sanhedrin of a prophecy that and is appearing to many The only way to locate this it's about the embodiment of Resurrection from a different
laws. He dreams now of set- the Messiah will rise from with a wonderful message. missing person is to appre- it. perspective it makes us do
tling down to a family life and the dead. Apoplectic, Pilate commands hend his disciples. When he This is a power ful film, so too. Highly recommended.
Alive! January 2017 9

COMMENT Bishops make persuasive

St. Marys Priory, Tallaght, Dublin 24.

Tel: 01-4048187 Fax: 01-4596784 E-mail:

What a year!
case for 8th Amendment
IRELAND'S Catholic bishops have pointed out that
the only reason for weakening or deleting the 8th
when activists speak or

ith Brexit in the UK, the election of Amendment (Art. 40.3.3) from the Constitution would
write about unborn children.

Trump in the US, the rejection of be to deprive some categories of unborn children of
"We question why, in public

Renzi's referendum in Italy, the rise of the right to life.

discourse, healthy unborn

right wing parties in Holland, Austria and

children are always referred

France, 2016 was a year of popular revolt

to as 'the baby' while those
Such a move would bring 'given' by society and they

against the current way of doing politics.

who, in the opinion of some,
no "benefit for the life or cannot be taken away by

It was a refusal by massive numbers of people

do not measure up to expec-
health of women in Ireland," society," say the bishops.
tations are routinely defined

to co-operate any longer with this kind of poli-

they noted," but it would Rather, "fundamental rights
as the 'foetus' or the

tics - with the arrogant bureaucracy of Brussels

expose unborn babies "to are 'acknowledged' in con-

and Washington, the influence of powerful

greater risk." stitutions and charters."
It was their concern "that
It would also drastically

lobby groups, the promotion of anti-family and

Distressing cases ing condition is comparable language is being used with
undermine society's regard

anti-life agendas, the mere lip-service to the

for ever y person's basic Two difficult and distress- to that of a born child or the intention of depersonal-

serious concerns of the people.

right to life. ing cases require attention adult at an advanced stage ising certain categories of

This revolt also exposed the deep bias of

Deleting the Article "would in the present debate, of terminal illness," say the unborn children in a way
namely children with life lim- which seeks to normalise

the Western liberal media which vigorously

radically change the princi- bishops.
iting conditions and children They also stress that a abortion."

backed the old order. The UK was partly an

ple, for all unborn children,
conceived as a result of woman who has been raped The 8th, on the other hand,

exception, but in the US, for example, 360

and indeed for all of us, that
the right to life is a funda- rape. needs compassionate care had brought immense bless-

newspapers backed Clinton as against 13

mental human right," said Neither of these justifies a and support, but aborting ings for the country.

for Trump.
the bishops. change in the basic law, but the baby is never the way to "Many thousands of Irish
In a submission to the they do require better care go. people are alive as a direct
Citizens' Assembly they per- and support for the parents, "A child conceived follow- result"; and parents who
That liberals react to defeat so often with
suasively, step by step, especially the mother, ing rape is also a person. He experienced a crisis preg-
involved, including appropri-

anger and bitterness is very telling. They are

made the case for defending or she has rights, including nancy were culturally sup-
ate perinatal hospice ser- that most fundamental of all ported in making the deci-

thoroughly "pro-choice" until their choice is

and keeping the 8th
vices. rights, the right to life." sion in favour of life.

Their document, Two Lives, Even in the worst case sce- The bishops also challenge The document is to be

Their anger is understandable. For liberals

One Love, briefly but lucidly narios, "the situation of an the use of words like 'foe- made available in parishes

and secularists, this world is all there is. So suc-

unborn child with a life-limit- tus', 'embryo' and 'zygote' in the coming weeks.
explored a range of crucial

cess or failure here and now is all that matters,

issues linked with protection

it is the absolute. And not getting their way is

for mother and child and

utter failure.
with the future of Irish soci-
Pope's frank new interview
Christians, however, see that secularist view
For the bishops the key

as the thinking of bunker dwellers crippled by INTERVIEWED by a Belgian Catholic weekly, Tertio, On the question of peace,
principle is the reality, based

a primitive, cramped view of life. They, on the Pope Francis encouraged young Catholics not to be he believed "the world is
on both reason and faith,

other hand, have a far broader vision of the afraid and not to be ashamed of their faith. conducting a third world
that no human life is without

world, and wider horizons, and this enables war: Ukraine, Middle East,
value. Rather, every life is
And he encouraged those St Faustina and his focus on
them to see life from God's perspective. Africa, Yemen It is very
sacred from the very begin-
without faith to "search for the Feast of Divine Mercy.
As a result, they do not expect salvation from
the meaning of life." His Francis was asked about
While calling for No
May, Trump, a bunch of lefty TDs or the EU's
They note that "there is no
advice to the young was the drive by many politicians
more war!, countries still
logical or scientific basis"

army of bureaucrats. "seek out horizons and do to separate religion from

"manufacture weapons and
for considering "a born child
not go into retirement at the public life: for example, in
Rather, their faith in God gives them a bal- sell them to those who are
to be a person with all the
age of 20." education; and the idea that
anced perspective on this life, on its suc- fighting: as arms producers
rights this involves" while

The Pope also expressed religion should be reserved

cesses and failures, it joys and sorrows we sell them to those who
viewing an unborn child as

satisfaction with the Year of to private life.

they know all the time that only in heaven are at war with each other."
"a non-person".

Mercy. "People were very "I do not want to offend

will they find Jesus Christ's true peace and For him much of the prob-
Rather, "the distinct identi-

active," he said. "People felt anyone," he replied, "but this

ty of a human individual is

happiness. called to reconcile them- is an old-fashioned mindset, lem lies with today's lack of
already present once fertili-

selves with God, to it is a legacy from the leaders: "Europe is in need

sation has taken place."

encounter the Lord again, to Enlightenment, in which of leaders, leaders who go

This is the basis for all fun-
every religious phenomenon ahead," he said.
feel the caress of the Father."
damental human rights.

The idea for the year went is a subculture."

These rights "are not

back to Pope Paul VI and St There must be a healthy

John Paul II. "I believe that it respect for the secular, he
was inspired by the Lord," he said, and he favoured a secu-
Catholic Pro-life lar over a confessional State.
John Paul, in particular,
highlighted mercy with his But secularist ideology or
Apologetics Training Day
encyclical letter, Rich in Laicism was different, "it
Mercy (Dives in closes the doors to transcen-
Saturday, 4th February Misericordia), by canonising dence, to both transcen-
dence towards others and,
above all, towards God; or
Dungannon Co. Tyrone
Medjugorje towards what is beyond us."
Abortifacients, contraception, He added: "Openness to
transcendence is part of the
8-17th May
human essence. It is part of
abortion, media techniques. 9 nights.

man." A culture or a political

Contact Colette: Human Life
Spiritual Director

system that does not respect

International (Ireland),
Fr. Aloysius.

this cuts down the human

Guadalupe Centre, Main Street, Knock,
Insurance included

person, it does not respect

Co. Mayo. Tel:09493 75993
Pat or Phil 087-2238911 the person."
10 Alive! January 2017

Cardinal warns against gender

Scraps COLUMN ideology and intolerance
A DUTCH cardinal has strongly criticised the practice molded as we please.
by Tom English

of "sex change" or "gender re-assignment" surgery, "When you say that perhaps
Two camps emerging? describing it as a violation of the human person. it is not a morally good
And he warned that even external instrument. approach, you are excluded,
BECAUSE of the internet, we have round-the-clock cover-
age of opinion on Catholic websites, blogs, etc expressing many Catholics were being But this was contrary to he said. You have to think
concern for Pope Francis exhortation, Amoris Laetitia. led astray about gender ideol- Catholic teaching which according to these modern
Battle lines seem to be drawn and it can only get worse. ogy, unable to grasp or stresses the deep unity of theories or you are excluded.
Never before have I witnessed such doubt among senior explain why it is wrong, body and soul. And this attitude is taking
clergy about the direction Pope Francis is leading the because they dont hear any- The capacity to procreate over the university world,
Church. And this document, it seems, is in the eye of the thing else. results in a direct sense from parliament, the media."
storm. What cardinals and others are looking for is clari- Sex-change operations, he the biological reproductive He strongly believed that
ty on certain references in the exhortation regarding noted, contradict the dignity organs," said the Cardinal. such intolerance will make
irregular situations of couples. of the human body and can- This capacity "is intrinsical- life for Christians ever more
I think the Pope has a duty to clarify any issues or dubia not fit in with sound reason or ly anchored in the human difficult. Catholics, he insist-
Cardinal Willem Eijk ed, must press for the right to
that arise among the faithful. Since the Church began, Catholic teaching. person because the body is an
whenever there were disputes, the apostles always turned In a lecture at Blackfriars, intrinsic dimension of the ter of health care, but they live by their consciences if
to Peter to settle matters. Silence and ambiguity will only Oxford, on the topic, Is person," who is composed of also change our culture. they are not to face harass-
generate further doubt. Medicine Losing Its Way?, both body and soul. The cultural changes, he ment or even jail in the future.
Of course all these shenanigans dont matter a tuppance Cardinal Willem Eijk, 63, crit- noted, were also leading to But young people who
to people who have no regard for the Church. You need the icised the whole ideology of intolerance toward people become active in the Church
He warned that the dualis- and "accept the whole faith,"
eyes of faith to see the implications of what a Pope says. St gender. who did not accept the new
Augustine wrote: We do not first understand in order to And he pointed out that tic view of man was also ideas. are a source of hope and will
believe; we must first believe in order to understand. attempts to justify such body being used to justify the dis- We are living in a quite be willing to testify to it.
If this particular dispute is not sorted out though, I enhancements rested on a posal of ones life in the most intolerant society, said the Gender theory is so new, the
believe there may be two camps false anthropology, a "dualis- radical way, by euthanasia Cardinal. People talk about latest stage of reckless liberal-
emerging in the Church - like Veritatis tic" understanding of the and assisted suicide. tolerance and say the indi- ism, that the Church has sel-
Splendor v Amoris Laetitia. I hope and human person. But this was a betrayal of vidual is free to think what he dom denounced it by name
pray it doesnt get to that stage. In this materialistic or dual- medicine, which "should likes. until the last five years.
The Church has been through much istic view, which splits soul maintain its healing or thera- "But in practice, people have But both Pope Benedict and
worse trials and it has survived them. and body, the person is solely peutic character, he said. to accept this dualistic view of now Pope Francis are ever
In the words of Jesus: Upon this rock the human mind, with the These techniques, once man and the view of the body more conscious of the ideolo-

I will build my church, and the gates body as a secondary or available, change the charac- as something that can be gy's destructive nature.
of hell shall not prevail against it (Mt Pope Francis: pray
16:18). for him

reland, once known as the land of WHAT upcoming retreat in Castlecomer, organ-
New Years revolution saints and scholars, is a place of many ised by a young Catholic movement called
devout Catholic families, and mine was Youth2000, came up as the top search.
A NUMBER of weeks ago, myself and a number of others
one of them. I had an amazing experience on that
(five in total) got together and decided to try an experi-
ment in prayer. It involved each of us, at the same time
but not necessarily in the same room, praying the rosary
for a specific intention. And it was to be done each day over
I was named after Jacinta, the young
Fatima visionary, and, as a baby, I was
placed on the altar of the Loreto convent
in Letterkenny and consecrated to Our
GOD retreat and was delighted to find like-
minded young people.
I made some of the most genuine and
loving friends through Youth2000 and it
one week.
Lady. also introduced me to a group called Pure
The specific intention was a well-known personality
I found it very easy as a child to love in Heart.
(with a lot of influence) whom we felt needed a lot of
prayer as he was becoming almost demonic in his con-
demnation of our Catholic faith.
What started out as an observation among friends about
this particular individual, ended up with the question: will
God and Our Lady. As I got older howev-
er, I began to prioritise other things and
God became someone who I would only
reach out to if I was in need of help.
ME! Pure in Heart for me was a saving grace,
it taught be to rebuild a love of self and
love of others in a pure and Christ like
way. It reminded me of the dignity I had
As a teenager I was no different from people and I felt like I really didnt belong. as a human being, created in the likeness
prayer change him?
others, struggling with body image, peer When I was there I was given a huge and image of Christ.
I would like to think that we were led by the Holy Spirit
pressure and a want of fitting in. grace and deep desire to go to confession. Today my faith is everything to me. I
to carry out such an experiment because it seems to be
I left for college at 17 and was exposed to I was many, many years away from the sometimes wonder how I ever managed
a drastic lifestyle of drink, partying and sacrament. My soul was heavy and dark to exist those years without it. My heart
We all noticed recently that there was a change in this
other so called norms of college life. I and I wanted rid of it all. goes out to those who have yet to experi-
individuals attitude. Yes, it was a small change but a
became so ashamed of choices that I had Crippled with fear, shame and guilt it ence or get to know the love of Christ in
change all the same. But did it have anything to do with
made that I refrained from going back to was only by the grace of God I was brave their life.
our experiment? We couldnt say for sure but where
confession. I thought no way could I tell a enough to approach a priest. I wasnt able The freedom, joy, peace and clarity that I
theres prayer, theres hope.
priest what I was up to! to manage much words in that encounter have in my life now gives me the strength
So the obvious response was: what would happen if
Strayed away from Gods healing and but I broke down and cried from the to live out each day, striving to do good
there were more people to pray for him over a longer peri-
mercy I became consumed in self. I con- depths of my soul. and to see goodness.
od of time? Time will tell.
vinced myself of my unworthiness and I went to confession twice more on that As a young person in Ireland today I do
I encourage others, especially prayer groups, rosary and
the negativity suffocated me. pilgrimage and didnt stop crying all find it difficult to stand up for my faith, to

adoration groups, to come together to pray for a specific
My turning point happened on a ferry week. The group that I was supposed to be brave and speak out on modern day
intention. It could be for a journalist or a judge, a priest or
boat to Tory Island. I was visiting my be helping with ended up minding me issues that go against the Catholic Faith. I
a politician - but be specific. Make it a New Years revolu-
granny on her 90th birthday and I was instead! pray that I will always try harder.
approached by the serving priest on the Before I met Fr Paul, I was like the walk-
Think of yourselves as the servants at the wedding feast
island at the time, Fr Paul Gallagher. rmed with a new found love of my ing dead, with no purpose or genuine love
of Cana - by praying, we are filling the jars, and Jesus will
faith, my life began to change. I in my heart. I will be eternally grateful to
bless our efforts. Fr Paul asked me would I like to go to
the Lord for sending me his servant.
Medjugorje with him sometime to help went to Medjugorje twice more in
Fr Paul died last August at the age of 54,
with a group of secondary children. that year and developed a thirst for repen-
from cancer. I will
He gave me his details and told me to tance and prayer.
thank the Lord
WHETHER youre a GAA manager, Taoiseach, bishop or contact him, I politely conversed with him Under the guidance of Fr Paul I learnt
Army General, the role as a leader of people is crucial. Real every day for his
for a while and I thought nothing more on how to pray from the heart and to strive
leaders look up to Heaven so that others can look up to life and pray that I
the conversation after that day. always in putting God first and foremost
them. will meet him in
In the following few weeks I received a in my daily life.
Because of their faith, they have the confidence to know heaven some day.
phone call from my mother to say that Fr I was however under the illusion that I
there is a right way and a wrong way to get things done. Paul had booked me to go with a group was the only young person in love with
Was it Alexander the Great who said: I am not afraid of that July and that was that! Christ and it was quite a lonely place to
an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of Jacinta McGeever,
When I arrived in Medjugorje I remem- be. 26, is a primary
sheep led by a lion. ber having a huge feeling of unworthi- I actually eventually googled Young
school teacher.
ness. I was surrounded with these holy people in their faith in Ireland. An
Celebrating the Wonder of Marriage
Alive! January 2017 11

Study: children do best with married parents

HAVING one of the highest rates of family breakdown in the world, and one third
of its children living in broken homes, the UK is a wide field for research into the
The latest study, from the from 3,822 children aged 11-

destructive effects of the modern disintegration of marriage.

Marriage Foundation, shows 16 polled in the British
that children whose parents Household Panel Survey.
are married to each other Sir Paul Coleridge, chairman
have a significantly higher of the Marriage Foundation,
sense of their own dignity pointed out that the study
than children in other family shows the importance for chil-
arrangements. dren of their parents public
Showing the benefits of mar- declaration of commitment to
riage, the study found that each other.
teenagers whose parents A married couple, he said,
Harry Benson
were in stable, long-term is not only more likely to
cohabiting relationships save their child from undergo-
reported the same levels of ried are no better off than chil- ing the trauma of family break-
self-esteem as those from dren living with lone parents. down, but the evidence now
single parent households. Benson pointed out that it is shows that their public com-
Overall, girls with cohabiting not family income but mar- mitment also significantly
parents had the lowest sense riage and the security it gives increases their childs self-
of their own worth, while boys that makes the difference for esteem.
with married parents had the children. Coleridge, a former High
highest. It appears that children of Court judge, said that during
Conventional wisdom has it married parents are respond- his career in the family
that child outcomes depend ing to something they see in courts, he saw a huge rise in
on parents staying together their parents relationships the number of children going
rather than marital status, that reflects greater security, through the system due to the
said the Foundations he said. rising number of cohabiting
research director, Harr y He believed that children of couples who split after
Benson. married couples were more becoming parents.
This new finding shows that likely to see their parents as It is not being moralistic or
assumption to be false. In one solid and secure unit. judgmental to say marriage
terms of self-esteem, The study, Marriage boosts works best for families, said
teenagers living with parents self-esteem for teenage boys the former judge. It is a
who are together but not mar- and girls, was based on data statement of fact.

Our Marriage in a Minute!

1. Love at first sight?
No, we first met at a Legion of Mar
annual renewal ceremony (called
Acies). Later we went with the Leg
ion to
World Youth Day in Cologne and
became great friends.

2. Favourite memory of our

Walking up the aisle with my Da.
Singing Karaoke together and watc
our friend John singing the Blues

3. Best holiday ever?

Our honeymoon in Egypt, snorkel
ling in
the Red Sea, visiting Mount Sina
i and
meeting the Bedouins in the des
4. Who makes the breakfast?
We fend for ourselves. First up, bes
t children (a work in progress!)
9. Best advice on marriage?
5. Who takes out the bins? Put Christ at the centre of everyth
Ciara takes them out (when she pray the Rosary as a family, forg
remembers). Children bring them each other, limit screen time and
in. other
distractions, have fun. Do somethi
6. Song of songs? extra for God - like the apostolate
Ciara - Clannad, In a lifetime. Keit pro-life activism.
David Gray, Shine.
10. At this point in time, what mak
7. Saints on speed dial? your marriage worthwhile?
Living in a loving home and bein
Servant of God, Frank Duff, St Th g sup-
rese ported through thick and thin. Kno
and St Thomas Aquinas wing
the other has your best interest at
8. Greatest joint achievement?
Keith and Ciara Kavanagh with
Passing the Catholic faith onto our baby
four Seosamh, pictured above.
12 Alive! January 2017

Familiar with God Letter to NWCI: Real feminists protect life

An open letter to the National troops into the thing while
t Catherine of Siena,
Women's Council she still has control of them.
born in 1347, was a twin KNOW YOUR
Speakers Corner What misogynist said this?
and the youngest of 25
children. A mystic, from early
on she regularly experienced
FAITH DEAR Orla and all in NWCI,
I am writing this letter in By Maria Horan
Why, the NARAL co-founder,
Larry Lader!
severe disappointment. Dear Go read the other master-
deep intimacy with Jesus, his
oh dear. From one feminist mind behind legalising abor-
sort of silencing that men selves and do your home-
mother Mary and the saints. there is a distance between
(i.e. me) to another (you, I tion in the USA - the not very
imposed on women for too work on Feminism.
The Dominican friar, Blessed the two people (e.g. Si'l vous
think). feminist Bernard Nathanson.
long. Women can oppress For instance, you might dis-
Raymond of Capua, became plait).
A quick recap is clearly You'll find his book, Aborting
other women and it's easier to cover that it was men, not
her spiritual director and first The same is true in Latin,
essential on the meaning of America, on Amazon.
do than you might think. women, who were instru-
biographer. with Tu and tibi (the dative
feminism, so please read on Do let me know when you
2. Feminists come in all mental in legalising abortion
He tells us that Catherine case of Tu) being used in a
and take note: find the feminist agenda in
shapes and sizes. Some are in the UK and the USA.
would often recite the divine familiar relationship. And that
1. You and the NWCI don't Nathansons book! Because I
straight, some are gay, some Check out the web for Lint
office or prayer of the Church is how Catherine spoke to
get to hold a monopoly on have been searching for ages
are black, some are white, Hatcher's piece, "The Men
while walking along a cloister Jesus.

what feminism is and is not. and I still haven't found it.

some are old, some are Behind the Womens
in the company of Jesus, mys- The same was true in old

You don't get to decide what And heres a truly great

young I presume you're Movement". You may even be
tically visible to the saint. English. Thou (thee, thine and

the feminist agenda for all surprised by what you come book on what happened
getting the picture?
At the conclusion of each thy) were for familiar conversa-

women is, and that includes across. regarding the legalisation of

3. This is where things get
psalm, as was and is the cus- tion while You was more for-

abortion rights. really interesting. Some femi- If were going to move abortion in the UK: By Their
tom, she prayed the Glory be. mal.

The prolife women in your nists are prolife! abortion out of the books and Fruits: Eugenics, Population
But her version was as fol- But something odd hap-

ranks are being silenced by Wait. You may have missed into the streets, were going to Control and the Abortion
lows: Glory be to the Father, pened in English. You became

your one-size-fits-all that one, so Ill say it again in have to recruit the feminists. Campaign.
and to You, and to the Holy familiar while Thou and thy

approach to feminism and case you weren't listening the Friedan has got to put her And its written by a femi-
Spirit! became formal, the very oppo-

Women's Rights, despite your first time. Some feminists are nist, Ann Farmer. See, Orla, I
The "to You" (in Latin, tibi) site of how it had been.

claim to have diversity in prolife! knew youd like that detail!

here was in the singular, it was These words are still used in

your group. 4. Wait, theres more. Some Being supportive of all the
an intimate way of talking to some popular prayers, like the

If you think that prolife are prolife and gay, Sisterhood, as I know that
Jesus. Our Father (hallowed be thy

women don't exist amongst straight, black white, young, you truly are!
For Catherine, the Lord was name, thy kingdom come, thy

your ranks, it is simply that old and atheist! Wow! And So why on earth are you still
not a distant figure, and prayer will be done) and the Hail Mary

they remain quiet because sometimes a mixture of a reading my letter? Go forth

was not a routine exercise. ("the Lord is with thee.

they feel intimidated. variety of the above! and find the Truth! Because
"Rather, the Lord was at her Blessed art thou among

You, Orla, have made it 5. Ladies, hold onto your you won't find it in the
side, and prayer was conver- women and blessed is the fruit

clear (in rather sadly stereo- bonnets and your knitting. NWCI, I can guarantee you
sation between friends," says of thy womb, Jesus").

typically and aggressively The future is coming. And a that.

Bishop Robert Barron. We need to remember that

male terms, too) what your great article from pro-

It is Catherines use of the far from being formal they

party line is as regards choice Slate shows that it is Yours, etc.

word "tibi", however, that is of seek to express our deep inti-

abortion, and these women young, female and across the Maria Horan, M.A. in
particular interest. macy with God, with Jesus his

don't want to be ostracised. spectrum. Google Slate, The Womens Studies.

In French, for example, Tu Son and with Our Lady.

And who can blame them future of the pro-life move-

(You singular) is used with chil- As St Catherine realised so

for not challenging your ment". Maria Horan is a teacher of

dren, in the family and among clearly, the core of our faith is

enforced censorship? 6. Education is the Key. You Prolife future is young and English, a writer and novelist.
friends, to express familiarity a close relationship with God,

This is oppression and the lot need to educate your- female. Irish born, she lives in the UK.
and intimacy. our warm friendship with
Vous (You plural) is used Jesus. Maybe we each need to
even to one person when the ask, "How warm and personal
situation is more formal or is my love for Jesus?"

A m o s : a r e lu c t a n t pr o p h e t
Monthly Meditation
Fr Joseph

The Prophets, Part more appeals would be by a mason to ensure a

25, Call of Amos accepted. The third vision wall is standing erectly and
When to speak (the plumb line) and fourth not tilting.
spiritual guide should be silent when discretion
prophets call usually (the basket of ripe summer Samaria (capital of the
requires and speak when words are of service.
Otherwise he may say what he should not or be
silent when he should speak.
A comes early in his
writing to remind
readers that the message Understandable, since his
fruit) left Amos no choice
but to give Israel the dread-
ful message.
Nor thern Kingdom of
Israel) failed the test of
uprightness. As the mason
Indiscreet speech may lead people into error and an
is from the Lord: Hosea 1- call was largely to proclaim The prophet must do tumbles a tilting wall, so
imprudent silence may leave in error those who could
3, Isaiah 6, Jeremiah 1 the difficult message that Gods will regardless of his will the Lord bring down
have been taught.
and Ezekiel 1ff. Each call God was going to destroy personal feelings. It is the Samaria and her people.
Pastors who lack foresight hesitate to say openly what is
is personal. his people. Lord himself who shows The four th vision (the
right because they fear losing the favour of men.
Amos call (7:1-8:3) is The message was to the four visions to Amos basket of over-ripe fruit)
As the voice of truth tells us, such leaders are not zealous
narrated along with several judge the hearers of the 8th (7:1, 4, 7; 8:1). indicated that the time was
pastors who protect their flocks, rather they are like mer-
visions. The first two The first two report Gods overdue for the Lord to
cenaries who flee by taking refuge in silence when the
century B.C. rather than call
intention to punish Israel
wolf appears.
visions go together. In them to repentance. intervene. His people were

The Lord reproaches them through the prophet: They are

them (locusts and fire) God (locusts and fire). The Lord ripe for destruction.
Gods intention
dumb dogs that cannot bark. On another occasion he com-
sends disaster on the withdrew these. The third Amos 8:11-12 states
His reluctance as a
plains: You did not advance against the foe or set up a wall
land. However, Amos begs (the plumb line) explains that the great punishment
prophet is notable, though
in front of the house of Israel, so that you might stand fast
God not to carry this out the punishment that will will be a total lack of the
other prophets too lament
in battle on the day of the Lord.
and God agrees. come. word of the Lord. The word

To advance against the foe involves a bold resistance to

God is patient. He listens their lot. Jeremiah is reluc- Israel had not stood of the Lord will be yearned

the powers of this world in defense of the flock. To stand

to Amos' prayer. However, tant at first (1:6) but his uprightly before God. A for in vain.

fast in battle on the day of the Lord means to oppose the

for the third and fourth objection is dealt with plumb line (7:7-8) is used It would already be too

wicked enemy out of love for what is right.

visions, he asks only that immediately and does not late when 8th centur y

When a pastor has been afraid to assert what is right, has

Amos report what he sees. upset Gods timetable. Israel realised that the con-

he not turned his back and fled by remaining silent?

It is going to happen. Amos turned back Gods demning word of the Lord

Whereas if he intervenes on behalf of the flock, he sets up

There is no room for an intention twice, and held it communicated through

a wall against the enemy in front of the house of Israel.

appeal from Amos. People off for a considerable time. Amos could have been the

Therefore, the Lord again says to his unfaithful people:

had their chance. Now He responded to the vision bearer of salvation rather

Your prophets saw false and foolish visions and did not
Amos simply states what of the locusts and of the than destruction.

point out your wickedness, that you might repent of your

will happen. fire by asking for mercy. If only they had heeded
He was a reluctant God relented. This becomes a summons
Pope St Gregory the Great (died 12 March 604)
prophet: I am no Then the Lord compelled to conversion for future
prophet (7:14). him, telling him that no peoples.
Alive! January 2017 13


be to privatise it. Break it up are tired of the divisiveness down the road from where I Maybe Harris wont meet
Ireland is now, on balance, a and sell it and allow it to and they want leaders who live. them because it would
EU cash cow has died

loser, not a gainer, from EU compete openly and fairly will work to provide a better So many others who were in require the State and the
membership. In 2014 it with Newstalk and the other future for them. a similar situation to mine are Minister to treat these babies
became a net contributor to private sector media. Instead of recognising and thankful for the life and love and their parents with the
the EU Budget for the first It has been a failed monop- correcting its failures, the of the child they have today. dignity and care that respects
time, paying in E1.69 billion oly for many years. It has not Democratic Party is on track This is the great positive the human rights of all, even
and receiving E1.52 billion. served the country well and to repeat them. The untold story of the 8th the most fragile.
This means that in future the sooner it is broken up and Republican Party should Amendment. Breda O'Brien, Irish Times.
any EU monies that come to sold, and we have a much rejoice. Mary Kenny
the Republic under the CAP, more disparate broadcast Lisa Boothe, columnist, the
EU cohesion funds, Erasmus media, certainly in the televi- Washington Examiner As believers we are chal-
Reason for hope

programmes, research grants sion sector, the better. The medical literature says lenged to find ways of open-
Wont meet them
Michael OLeary that terminating because of a ing the lives of people today
and the like, will effectively Michael OLeary of Ryanair
be Irish taxpayers money If I had listened to the pro- disability leaves people at to the God who gives life its
Untold story
make even the triumph of choice line when I discovered risk of mental health difficul- foundation and purpose...
recycled through Brussels. Donald Trump seem a mere
Henceforth the EU will no Democrats are now a party I was pregnant, I wouldn't ties such as depression. But There is an absence in the
tremor before the main earth-
Lost identity

longer be the cash cow that it lost in the wilderness in have my beautiful three-year- how many mothers and lives of so many people today
quake. old daughter, Hollie. And fathers are told that? of any sense of the eternal;
has widely been regarded as If National Front leader search of an identity...
being for decades, and which They are thinking hard those pushing for repeal of Minister for Health Simon there are few opportunities in
Marine le Pen wins in May the 8th Amendment would Harris wont meet Tanya this hectic world to connect
is the basis of much Irish she will lead France out of the about why they suffered his-
have no words to console me Coonan or her group, Every with the infinite.
Europhilia, official and unof- euro and the European toric losses over the past
for the loss I'd have suffered. Life Counts, and has never Our task, as people of faith,
ficial. Union, which will then cease eight years, but the answers
I am so grateful that the 8th met the other groups who is to share with others the
Frank Keoghan, of Technical to exist. That would mark a are simple. They care more
Amendment was there when represent parents of babies reason for the hope we have
Engineering & Electrical Union shattering of the post-war set- about transgender bathrooms
I faced a crisis pregnancy. I with life-limiting conditions. within us the joy of a per-
tlement in Western Europe. than they do about economic dread to think what might They want to tell him that sonal, loving relationship
Harry de Quetteville, the policies that will help hard- have happened if there had there is a better way than with God.
It is now clear that next Telegraph working families. been an abortion clinic just abortion... Archbishop Eamon Martin
Earthquake coming

years French presidential They support movements

election has the potential to across the country that burn
make Brexit look trivial. On I think the best thing that down their own cities and set
Privatise RTE

this continent it could well could happen to RTE would police cars on fire. Americans


Great opportunity, but priest blew it
A model for our families
ur families today can
learn a lot from the Holy
Family, where each
member had unique and pre-
Handing On The Faith ot long ago I took
part in the requiem
ignored Catholic teaching
about the sacrament, some-
Mass for a retired times giving the best man's
cious qualities.

businessman who had been speech instead.

Each of those qualities can Aoife Hogan
sick for some time. But all this is just a symp-
be inter woven within our-

He was a religious man tom of a greater problem in

selves and within our own ually and as a family that is
who had brought up his chil- the Church in Ireland today.
families. paramount. Those four
dren in the practice of the We are talking about a mas-
To begin, we need to strengths come from God, our
faith, cared for the poor and sive absence of zeal and pos-
remember that we are crea- Creator.
attended daily Mass until sibly a loss of faith among
tures - each of us was creat- So many families in todays
shortly before his death. many priests.
ed by God and that we are society are disintegrating. If

The "homily" during the We see this also in the lack

called to put our trust in him. however we could make a con-

funeral Mass, however, was the priest completely blew it. of concern about the huge
God united Mar y and scious effort to live, pray,

quite disturbing. The priest He failed Christ and the apostasy that is happening in
Joseph in marriage, and the work and stay together with

made no mention whatever Church and he failed the our country, and in the lack
Holy Spirit brought Jesus to trust in Gods love far fewer

of Jesus, and he said nothing mourners and the rest of the of urgency in going after the
them. Just as he had a plan families would be falling

about Christian hope, the people. lost sheep.

for Jesus, Mary and Joseph apart.

resurrection or eternal happi- People have told me of sim- Meanwhile those preaching
so God also has a grand plan Thirdly, the members of the

ness in heaven. ilar experiences at Church a message of despair are on

for each of our families. Holy Family are relentless in

Judgment may be a central weddings they have attend- fire to spread their agenda.
We open ourselves to Gods Even though we are all so their charity. Their goal was to

element in Christ's teaching ed - the priest basically How can we explain all this?
will, even when we are trou- different, we must remember work together for the salvation

about salvation, but it too

bled or scared. that we are all created in the of the whole human family.

was completely ignored. In

Joseph, Mar y and Jesus
beauty of Gods eyes. Jesus gave himself for us,

fact, there was nothing

faced challenges individually
The members of the Holy but that giving, that salvation,

Christian in the homily.

as well as a family, but in
Family were different but they involved Mary and Joseph too. NEWS OR PROPAGANDA?
Instead, in a piece of New
their struggles they were unit-
lived together, prayed togeth- As a family we should come Francois Fillon, a Catholic, has been chosen as the

Age waffle we were told that

ed and responded with trust
er, worked together and ulti- together and show small acts Republican candidate in next year's presidential election in
in Gods will.
the dead man will live on in
mately they stayed together. of charity towards one another France. He overwhelmingly beat his opponent, Alain Jupp.
Our families too must
the memories of those who
and to those outside the fam- The Guardian's Paris correspondent, Angelique Chrisafis,
remain united and support Paramount
knew and loved him, what-
ily. described Fillon as "socially conservative" while saying that
each other, trusting in Gods
ever benefit that will be to
Lets take those key words Acts of charity and kindness Jupp was "more moderate" and "centrist".
will, by trusting in our Creator.
lived, prayed, worked, stayed. as a family unite you together But who gets to decide who is "moderate" and what "cen-
Secondly, we need to recog-
Quite a large congregation
No matter what adversities or but also unite you with God trist" is? For many voters Fillon, getting 67% of the vote, was
nise the uniqueness of each
took part in the Mass and it's
struggles came their way, and bring each members soul the moderate and Jupp the extremist.
person. Jesus, Mar y and
likely that many of them
those four things united them. closer to salvation. They are Fillon, said Chrisafis, emphasised his Christian faith "as he
Joseph were all different,

hadn't been to church for

It is how we live, pray, work also a way of living a life of attempts to appeal to a hardline Catholic vote."
unique individuals.

some time.
and sustain ourselves individ- adoration. But what is a "hardline" Catholic or does she believe that
Created by God, like our-

Here, then, was an excellent

everyone trying to live the Catholic faith is "hardline"? Would
selves, they had different

opportunity to preach the

it not be less biased to simply say "committed"?
temperaments and different FAMILY PRAYER:
word of God, to speak about
In Guardian propaganda, then, wanting to uphold marriage
personalities. We can relate

the purpose of life, to awak-

Father, help us to live as the Holy Family, united in respect and to protect unborn babies makes you an extremist and a
with that as there are differ-

en Christian hope and to

and love. Bring us to the joy and peace of your eternal home. hardline Catholic.
ences amongst all family

reach out to the lapsed. But

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy And many liberals swallow this nonsense, ending up
members at one time or "shocked" when their view of the world collides with realit.
Spirit. Amen.
14 Alive! January 2017
MEDJUGORJE 2017. 30 Aug to
ALGARVE, Albuferia, Portugal. 6 Sept, fully inclus.; 659 if 100
deposit paid by 1 Feb. Hotel
Luxury 1 or 2 bed aparts for rent.
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CLASSIFIED ADS Classifieds: 1 per word; Box No. 3.00 extra
directly by church. Tel: Teresa
Kane, 087 9657299 or 046

3 bed traditional Irish cottage, HOLYFACE. Reparation books,

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Breda 01-404 8187 medals, & various scapulars.
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Ideal house for retired couple. aged 2 to 3 months old and 5 Melvin Rd, Terenure, Dublin 6W.
For sale or to let longterm. Tel: adult (3 females and 2 males) Did you make a donation COUNSELLING. Riverside
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LUXURY 2 bed bungalow for hol- months to 3 years. May be deliv- to Alive! in 2016? Sacrament Chapel, 20
iday lets, short or long stays, all ered to new homes. Please ring Batchelors Walk, Dublin 1. Tel:
mod cons, suitable for wheel- Ann on 086 2127853 anytime. 085 2830972. Email:
If you enjoy reading
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MEDJUGORJE. Apart to rent, 3 Practising Catholic. Tel: Gerard Self-Assessed) and your total donation to THINKING about a vocation?
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086 1055388. WANTED. Crucifix. The larger Could you distribute 50, Please ask us for a form or Tel 01-4048187
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8253229. to-door once a month? prayer card with medal and
ALOE vera. Forever living prod- If you are a company and your donation to
ucts. Distributor: Phil Colgan 01- We DO need your help. Alive! was 250 or more in 2016 you can claim tax prayer on the back. Phone
6281436; 086 2437653. DEAR Sacred Heart of Jesus I Sharon on 086 7340093.
relief on your donation.
ADOPTERS needed. 14 kind ask you this very special favour Please contact
Alive! readers needed to adopt 1 (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of THANKSGIVING to St. Martin.
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Breda (01) 4048187
cat or 1 kitten each - 9 kittens Anon.
Heart where your Father can see
hear from sincere attractive THANKSGIVING to St. Clare for
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female, from any country election results. Liz.
Pontifical Mission Societies
become your favour, not mine. Your gift will help mission churches train
between 27-50, for friendship, SPECIAL thanks to the Sacred
Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days, their own sisters, brothers and priests.
relationship, possibly marriage. Heart for very special favour
DVD Transfers promise publication and favour 35,000 religious students helped last year.
Cine films, photos and slides Tel: 086 0546477. received. MMcG.
will be granted. BC, PB,
transferred to DVD with music & Vivienne, GM. SINGLE refined educated male,
50 will keep a student for one month.
titles added. ND, late 70s, seeks sincere lady
OLD photos, torn, cracked,
250 will buy a religious students books.
Also Camcorder and video tapes for friendship or relationship.
stained, etc. Repaired and
GENT 64, single, no ties, NDNS, 1,000 helps four sisters complete their training.
edited and transferred to DVD. Dublin or adjacent areas. Tel:
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089 9474739. 2,500 educates a student priest to ordination.
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Remember Your
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LIMERICK lady, single, (never Walsingham. 21-25 April (4
Acknowledgement Cards married), refined, retired civil ser- Avenida. 749. Early booking nights). All-in cost 450. Day-trip
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Top banker warns: robots
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children, happy, living near sea in great town in S.E. Would like to
will put millions out of work
MEDJUGORJE departures, 7
THE governor of the Bank of England has warned
that advances in technology could put millions of
people out of work in the coming years.
HOLY CALENDARS & BOOKS Mark Carney reckoned that machines could replace 15 mil-
lion workers, almost half the UK's workforce, with liveli-
hoods being "mercilessly destroyed".
The Bank has predicted that entire professions, such as
accountancy, could be pushed to the verge of extinction as
computers take over their roles. Most at risk are administra-
tive, clerical and production staff.

Church Art Calendars.............

Number Amount

Least likely to be affected are people in lower-paid jobs,

Please send me: enclosed all Feast
such as hairdressers, carers and nannies.
The First Edel.......................(2)
"The fundamental challenge," said Mark Carney, "is that

A Nest of Saints...................(2)
alongside its great benefits, every technological revolution
mercilessly destroys jobs and livelihoods, and therefore
Catechism on the Eucharist.....(2)
Church identities, well before the new ones emerge."

No More Tears in My Eyes (5) He pointed out that this happened when the industrial rev-
Industrial revolution

The Dumbag Letters...........(4)

olution eclipsed agriculture and cottage industry and the

Crystal Vase..........................(2)
Calendars service economy displaced manufacturing.
From global terrorism to financial crises, he noted, "for too

Donation for Alive!..................

2017 long, for far too many people, the world seems to be getting
riskier. They are right."
The level of anxiety has been increased further by what he
2 for 5.00 called "a lost decade of growth", where real incomes have

not increased.
The typical young adult in the early part of this century, he
(Stg 4.00) including p&p
Name............................................................................................................ noted, earned 8,000 less in their 20s than their predecessors
Address........................................................................................................ On the other hand, in the past decade the incomes of the
Send your order to:
Alive!, St Marys Priory, over-60s rose at five times the rate of the population as a
........................................................................................................................ whole.
And the richest 1% of people in the world in 2010 held
Tallaght Village,
........................................................................................................................ Dublin 24. about half the global wealth, up from one third in 2000.
Alive! January 2017 15

ERR Prize Crossword...No.208
Cryptic Clues: 25 for the first correct
entry out of the bag. Entries before 14th
Dia dhaoibh, a Phist,
For the past few weeks we have
been thinking a lot about a little baby,
165 COLOURING PICTURE - WIN 10 25 January. One entry per family. Winner and
answers next month.
Jesus. We have listened to the story 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

about all the things that happened when he

was born.
One of my favourite moments was when
the angel appeared to the shepherds and
8 9

told them, "I bring you news of great joy, a

joy to be shared by all the people."
The angel was telling them that the birth of 10 11

Jesus would bring joy to the whole world, to

every single person. Now we need to ask,
"Does his birth fill me with real joy?"
Why would it?, you may wonder. When I
12 13 14

tried to list the reasons why the birth of

Jesus makes me happy I got 11. But there
15 16

are a lot more. How many can you list? 17 18 19 20

First on my list was "it lets me be friends
with Jesus." Then, "No Jesus, no First Holy

A new year is a new beginning. Ask your 21 22

parents or teacher what a new year resolu-

tion is.
Sln go fill, 23 24
Three boys live beside each other and each has a 1. Flower colour? (6) 1. An evil type of sin (6)
cat. Write in where each boy lives, and the name 4. Rum and pie perhaps for the 2. Small chapel or a
and colour of his cat. Follow these clues: referee (6) Conservative MP (7)
8. Approaches the north with 3. Try to do composition (5)
1. Sen lives in house number 1. listeners (5) 5. Little mother has the least
2. The cat called Fluffy lives in the middle house. 9. T shirt? (7) amount? (7)
3. Pats cat is called Lucky. 10. Andy about to take one 6. Its popular to hire this small
4. The ginger cat is called Treacle. painkilling drug (7) bay (5)
5. Micks cat isnt black. 11. Get measurement from the 7. Sounds like this main
6. One of the cats is white. lime tree (5) course is on a platter! (6)
12. Many chats about him on the 9. Rep to cast out onlooker (9)
boat! (9) 13. Firm goes to Westmeath
Boys name 17. Missile causing a right row (5) and finds ranch worker (7)
19. Some trace of the French 14. Rob and Les somehow get
Cats name syrup (7) 5c coins (7)
Colour 21. It takes a month to just see 15. Ram and cat destroyed
this part of London (7) the road surface (6)
22. Observed, say, part of the 16. Story about a foot? (6)
play (5) 18. Textile fibre from Ronay,
23. Dry country? (6) perhaps (5)
Edward Sheridan,
Dec. X-word Winner:
24. Not open as its cold around
20. Lease out painting
Rossduff, Aughnacliffe, the south-east (6)
frame (5)
Each box Co. Longford.
and each

Solution to Dec. Crossword: Name............................................................................

line across
Across: 1. Secular 5. Whelp 8.
and down Manic 9. Chicago 10. Average Address.........................................................................
11. Padre 12. Tutors 14. Oregon
have the 17. Units 19. Tetanus 22. Puccini ......................................................................................

23. Resin 24. Terse 25.

nos. 1 to 6. Embassy. ......................................................................................

Down: 1. Samba 2. Contest 3.
Last Months Colouring Picture Winner was:
Sean Nolan, Hollybank Road,
Drumcondra, Dublin 9. Lycra 4. Rocket 5. Whisper 6.
Eland 7. Protein 12. Trumpet 13.
Age 5.
Respite 15. Genesis 16. Strike
Solution to Alive!, St Marys Priory, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
18. Incur 20. Throb 21. Sunny.
Cats: Sens cat is called Treacle and it is ginger.

Lives of the Saints see the action of the Holy Spirit.

Through small incidents, with
flesh of Christs humanity were
the same, but I felt I was holding
tried to serve a cause.
One thing she did know, she
hindsight, we see God leading her something holy. later admitted, in the words of
to the answer to that overwhelm- These were the years of a happy Kirilof in Dostoyevskys novel,
Dorothy Day ing question, Why am I here?
Day was born in Brooklyn on 8
and trouble-free childhood. They
reveal intimations of a grace
The Possessed, All my life I
have been haunted by God.

Part 2: Early years

November, 1897. When she was which was eventually to blossom In Oakland their next door
search for God when we were six, her father, a journalist, got a into a vibrant Catholic Faith. neighbours were Methodists.
children, she wrote of herself newspaper job in California. The But first came the turbulence of Dorothy attached herself to them
n the opening pages of her and her siblings three brothers family moved there, settling first her late teens and early twenties and went to their church unique

I autobiography Dorothy Day

quotes the Book
Ecclesiastes: Only this have I
and a sister.
We took him for granted. We
were taught to say some evening
prayers and that was about it."
in Berkeley and later in Oakland.
One rainy Sunday she went into
the attic of their home, picked up
a Bible and started reading for
when she rebelled, rejecting reli-
gion, getting involved in radical
agitation and becoming an anar-
in her family in doing so, but in
her own description becoming
disgustingly, proudly pious and
found, that God made man right, chic communist, ending up in
and he hath entangled himself How much did she hear of reli- what felt like hours. prison. I asked my mother why we did
with an infinity of questions. gion as a child? Very little, she She recalled nothing of what not pray and sing hymns but got
Her life, until she got an answer says. And yet my heart leaped she read but remembered the Two parts no satisfactory answer.
to her biggest question, which when I heard the name of God. impression the experience creat- My life, she wrote in the Then, in the early hours of 18
answered all her questions, Those words hold the key to the ed. 1950s, has been divided into April 1906 disaster struck San
bears out the Wise Mans obser- miracle that is the life of this "I had a sense of holiness in two parts. The first twenty-five Francisco. An earthquake tore
vation. Ser vant of God. In her life, holding the book in my hands. I years were floundering, years of the city apart and with it the
Dorothy's parents were nomi- devoid of external influences did not know then that the Word joy and sorrow, it is true. I did not peaceful life of Dorothy and her
nally Protestants. We did not which might nurture her faith, we in the Book and the Word in the know what I believed, though I family.
16 Alive! January 2017

Britains PM: Dont be scared A tiny handful took a gamble

into silence about faith At that point, a lot backed

Dear Nettles, Dumbag off; they werent prepared for

Theresa May has

The Christian lawyers also that kind of commitment.

admit I was stunned by

encouraged Christians writes..!

urged employees to look for Donald Trump's election Better to stick with the safe

to bear witness to their

opportunities to spread the to the White House. routine they knew and

faith at work and in pub-

gospel but to do so in a Having followed the news, where they were in charge.
But a tiny handful were
Letters from a Master
lic places, and not to
respectful manner and not to studied the opinion polls and
prepared to take a gamble.

allow themselves to be
"brow-beat" co-workers. observed the markets, I was
Believers, they said, "should sure Hillary had it in the to a Trainee Tempter He warned them it would be

intimidated into silence.

bag. a rocky road, but they were
foster a culture of conversa-

She also told MPs that

We had such high hopes for still determined to follow
tion about faith. The more After that things went him as best they could.

Britain should be proud

her, not least with the kind of quiet for about thirty years
such discussions are com- They observed his concern

of its Christian heritage.

judges she intended to appoint and it seemed we had gotten
monplace, the less it will be to the Supreme Court. But all for the nobodies of society,
into a panic over nothing. for the poor and the sick;
felt to be wrong. Ongoing thats just dust now. Little did we know that this they were awestruck by the

Theresa May
"We have a very strong tra- natural discussions are better Im old enough, however, was just the calm before the
dition of religious tolerance than forced, isolated occa- not to be too downcast at sur- hours he spent in prayer;
storm. they listened to his stories
and freedom of speech and sions." prises. And this is a good Although thats not right
time of year to recall by far and his teaching.
our Christian heritage is tions which thought they had The report noted that reli- either, because Jesus never Again and again they were
something we can all be to drop references to gious beliefs have protection the biggest surprise weve really went in for storms.
ever had down here. shocked at what he came out
proud of," she told MPs in the Christmas and to use secular- that other beliefs do not. He was more into what they with: this is my body;
Who would ever have now call personal contact.
House of Commons. ist phrases such as "Seasons "If you are expressing an blessed are the poor in spir-
believed that Him above He didnt go out of his way
"I'm sure that we would all Greetings" and "Winterval". opinion that is informed by would send his own Son as a it; marriage is for life;
to make friends and had a take up your cross; keep
want to ensure that people at The Commission gave the your Christian beliefs, you man, to save the world? It disturbing ability to see
work do feel able to speak example of a Christian check- have greater legal protection still blows my mind. forgiving; I will raise you
what other people were even up.
about their faith, and also be in staff member at British than if it is simply expressed From the day Gabriel, that thinking.
two-winged cretin, visited His little stories could hit
able to speak quite freely Airways who was suspended as your opinion on a topic," it
about Christmas." for refusing to remove a cross said. Mary I suspected something Powerful draw you like a train at top speed.
big was going on. But never And that is how the biggest,
The prime minister, who a on a chain from around her "This is, therefore, a good But those who were open
anything like what hap- the deepest, the most peace-
few days earlier had told a neck. reason not to be shy about and who came to know him
pened. ful revolution in history
Sunday newspaper that stating how your faith informs felt a powerful draw to him.
began. Indeed, it became so
Christianity "lies behind what I Bible your opinions."
I observed her and Joseph They couldnt explain it, but
successful that people no
setting off for Bethlehem, said they felt a new spirit in
do," was giving her support to The Christian lawyers' report The document also noted but didnt pay much atten- longer saw it as revolution-
a repor t produced by the warned that British society that Twitter, Facebook and tion. Well, no one expects ary at all.
And slowly it dawned on
Lawyers Christian Fellowship. was forgetting "that its many other forms of social media anything too revolutionary But even today it was this
them, If I stick with this
freedoms derive from cen- from a pregnant woman. Or revolution, ultimately, which
The report encouraged peo- present a "wonderful opportu- guy, then my relationship
a tiny baby. saw Hillary C. denied the
ple to spread the word of God turies of applying the Bible to nity for getting the good news with him will have to become
Then came the heavenly White House.
at every opportunity whether public life." of Jesus Christ out to a vast the driving force of my life;
performance out on the hill- Yours in turmoil,
in the workplace, the play- Urging Christians to be audience at little cost." it will become central to my
side for the shepherds and we whole way of thinking and
ground or at the bus stop.
Describing the issue as
"intentional" about sharing
their faith, the report was
But it warned that although
these liber ties have been
knew trouble was brewing. acting. Dumbag
important, May noted that the intended to be a resource hard-won, they could also be
phrase used in the report was which will "inform followers of easily lost. "If not attended to,
the jealously guarded princi- Christ about the freedoms we they will wither away," it said.
ple which allows people to
speak "freely and, as you say,
respectfully and responsibly,
have to do this."
It wanted to encourage "con-
fident and fruitful evangelism
"Like a muscle, without exer-
cise they will atrophy. The
Bible tells us that we grow as
Discovery of God's love
about ones religion." in every area of public life.
Freedom, in every sense of
we give, and the truth about
turned his life around
US swimmer Michael Phelps (right) can
The Equality & Human Rights our gospel freedoms is that if
Commission had earlier criti- the word, depends on it. So we dont use them well lose

rightly be called a legend - in a career

cised employers and organisa- lets speak up," it said. them."

that spanned five Olympics he won 28

medals, 23 of them gold. No other ath-
lete in any sport has won more than
26th DIVINE MERCY nine gold medals.
But in an interview with the ESPN TV
channel, the 32-year-old champion recently
NATIONAL CONFERENCE revealed that in 2014 he was in a very dark
place. And that a book by a Christian pastor
helped him pull through by giving him a
new vision of life.
Main Hall, RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Two years earlier, aged 27, he had retired
24th, 25th & 26th February 2017
from swimming, for the first time, disap-
pointed with his performance in the London
Have Mercy on us...and
on the whole world Olympics. This left him with a lack of pur-
pose, he didn't know what to do with his
- (From the Diary of St Faustina)
Speakers: Fr Bernard Mc Guckian SJ
Fr Michael Maher SM But he also had by then a well-established Instead, a footballer friend, Ray Lewis,
Robert Stackpole (USA, Author, Educator) drink problem, due in part to his back- intervened, persuading him to go into a
Canon Michael Fitzgerald (Cork) ground. When he was aged 9 his father had rehab centre.
Frances Hogan (Author, EWTN) walked out on his family, a betrayal that Lewis, who is public about his Christian
Denise Kelly (Pro Life Testimony) continued to affect the swimmer into adult- faith, also gave Phelps a book: The Purpose
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin (Dublin) will hood. Driven Life, by the mega-church baptist pas-
preside at Holy Mass on Saturday In September 2014 he was arrested for tor Rick Warren.
drunk driving, for the second time. As a In rehab Phelps began reading the book
Tickets: Weekend 35 result, he was dropped from the US team for and claims it changed his life. It turned me
Saturday 30, Sunday 20 the 2015 World Aquatics Championships. into believing there is a power greater than
For five days he kept to his bedroom, won- myself, he told ESPN, and there is a pur-
Available online by Paypal dering how many times more he was going pose for me on this planet.
Group bookings or enquiries to "mess up" and thinking about ending it He added: It helped me when I was in a
Tel: 086-066 9203 all. place when I needed the most help. The
Email: I didnt really leave my room," he said. "I book and his time in rehab also convinced didnt eat, I didnt really sleep. I just figured him to try to reconcile with his father, which
Confessions, Mass and Adoration.
it was the best thing to do to end my life. he eventually did.

Published by Alive Group, St. Marys Priory, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: 01-4048187 E-mail: Editor: Fr Brian McKevitt OP Design/Sub-editing: Tom English Printed by Datascope, Enniscorthy

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