Diversity Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Preparation Guide

Elementary Education
Name: Danielle Blinderman, Savannah Phipps

Title: Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

Grade: 2nd

Concept/Topic: Creating a kind environment within the classroom

Time Needed: 1 hour

Note: A detailed lesson plan is specific enough for another teacher to read and teach
effectively. There should not be any question regarding what to do or how to do it.

Backward Design Approach: Where are you going with your students?
Identify Desired Results/Learning Outcome/Essential Question:
Our students will understand the importance of being kind to one another. This activity will reinforce the
idea that small acts of kindness and the impact they have on their daily life.
Essential Question: How can we fill our classmates buckets throughout the year?

Ensuring Lesson supports district and state goals

NCSCOS Standards:
2.C.1 Understand how various cultures influence communities. CO 2.C.1.3: Exemplify respect and
appropriate social skills needed for working with diverse groups.

Assessment Plan:
Our students will come up with 3 ideas to fill someones bucket. This will exemplify that students are
critically thinking about the appropriate social skills needed to work with different individuals in the

Meeting the student where they are:

Prior Knowledge/Connections:
This lesson connects with basic classroom community expectations. Ms. Dove has already set up
classroom expectations, in which the students are expected to follow. We will connect this lesson with
those expectations so that the students will see how we can be kind and respectful all of the time, not
just in school.
Lesson Introduction/Hook:
Read Aloud: Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
Discussion about how we can do small acts of kindness towards one another (fill someones bucket)
Heart of the Lesson/Learning Plans
This lesson ensures the engagement of all students because all students will be receiving their own
worksheet as well as their own bucket. Each student will be required to write a kind thought about
another student at their table, which will get them involved in filling another classmates bucket.
Lesson Development:
We will begin our lesson with asking the students how they show kindness and love to those around
them in their daily routine. This will help transition into reading the book Have you Filled a Bucket
Today? After reading this book, we will discuss what it means to be a bucket filler and a bucket
dipper. This conversation will lead into the part of the activity where each student will fill out a
worksheet. This worksheet has 3 stars for students to write 3 ways that they have recently filled
someones bucket. From this worksheet, we will handout individual buckets for the students to keep
throughout the year to spread their kind words and thoughts to other classmates. They will each write
one kind thought about a classmate at their table to put in their bucket. After this activity, we will wrap
up with a quick review over what the students learned about how they can be daily bucket fillers.
Specific Questioning:
-What are some ways that we can show kindness and respect towards one another?
-How have you recently filled someones bucket?
New Vocabulary:

Concluding the Lesson/Closure/Debriefing:

Students will each receive their own bucket. The purpose of this bucket is to spread kindness and good
thoughts around the classroom. Our hope is that by students sending good thoughts and feelings
towards one another, that they will create a positive and accepting classroom community.
Worksheet (made by teachers)
Book: Have you Filled a Bucket Today?

Teaching Behavior Focus:

The goal for our teacher behaviors is to build a classroom climate. With this specific activity, we want to
ensure that several students get to share their ideas and their experiences. We will work on paraphrasing
our students responses and using positive reinforcement throughout the lesson.
Follow-Up Activities/Parent Involvement
As stated above in the lesson closure, we hope to have created a positive classroom community that will
extend throughout the school year. We hope that these buckets are a reminder of the good thoughts and
kind actions that we should be sending to one another.

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