21 Day Process To Breatharian

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21 Day Process to Breatharian

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When you start to observe the world from the higher self there is an echo of patterns you
have accumulated that become recognizable from a viewpoint inside the conduit that
makes it hard at times to choose which end that you place your awareness. Have been
here for a while and want to integrate the two into one. Thanks to the internet for
coming online because the truth, is none of us would be as far as we are without it.
Because without access to all of this information the process would not be happening as
fast as it is. Intuitively we all seek the information that will be the most helpful for us at
the point in the process that we are. This spoke to me. Now what is it when things speak
to you but following through can be difficult. This is an excerpt on becoming a
breatharian which I do 'not' recommend this for anyone because it could be dangerous if
you are not at the right spiritual level and do not know what you are doing. It is R's
account of going through the 21 day process. As a pure idealist I feel a real pull for this
kind of purification but still have a lot of mental blockages to eliminate before even
considering this path.

R: My understanding is that the energy centres we have in our body when they are
clear they are separate initially but when they are clear they merge and become a
unified Chakra.

And when your 8th chakra (your crown) and the one above your head open you are
connected directly up to your own source instead of running around on a battery trying
to plug into other people and places to get your energy. You actually become sustained
by the central sun, the sun behind the sun from where (I believe) we were created.
I've gone back to there many times. It's a place where home is. I'm not an earth being.

S: This consciousness yes, but your body is

R: Oh yes, and the trick is to integrate.

S: So by making the interstellar part of the conscious strong and functioning.

R: It's not our interstellar Being - it is the creative source of the universe. It's not a Being
it is way beyond that, it is the creative source of everything.

S: So, through The Process your creative source gets into your body?

R: It merges.

S: And that provides

R: Sustenance, spiritual food sustenance which also sustains the body.

S: Let's just consider the cellar level. The cells take in nutriments, metabolise them and
then drop the waste back into the plasma in which they float. In this model, how do the
cells get nutriment?

R: How I saw it was that after the body had been deprived of physical sustenance food
and water for a certain amount of time it flipped back to its original source of
sustenance which was light or energy. The basic amoebas didn't eat. I know our cells
retain the memory of everything we have ever done or been and it is an individual

I know this because a lot of the healings I have done is to clear the cellular memory out
the things that have happened that create problems for people and ultimately with
health. I have seen that it all starts from that deep cellular level.

So when the cells no longer are programmed to be sustained by food, minerals and
vitamins and things like that, they do this flip and they remember from their ancient,
ancient memory of how they survived on light.

S: And this whole process to get the cells to flip - can happen slowly or quickly. Either
as a monk in a cave or in the 21 days like you experienced.

R: Most people don't realise that this is happening.

The first week, in The Process you don't eat and you don't drink. You take in nothing!

S: Another question, in the pre experience phase is a detox necessary?

R: I did, because of my naturopathic background I knew that if I cleared out a lot of the
gunk, the garbage, I wouldn't have the side effects the headaches, the withdrawal
symptoms, things like that.

A lot of people didn't do this because in the guide lines that you were given this is not
mentioned. But in the people I took through, I also prepared them with a detox salads
stuff like that for just a week. That was because when people heard about The Process
there were 3 reactions No way! Or yes, I'm interested but not yet! Or when can I start!
And the people that were ready, over in New Zealand were, "When can I start?" So a
week was the time they had.

And I actually went in 1999 over to America and did a group a North Carolina so there
may be people over there that I haven't heard about. I don't tend to keep in touch with a
lot of people.

S: Lets move onto week one. I guess the first question is location.

R: I think the location is very important I have just remembered someone else who did
it, she did it on her own, Ann Saunders

S: I remember now, and the partner of Pam, I can't remember his name

R: Oh, Oh, I don't know but that's Pam's painting in front

S: Yes, the towering queen site

R: The first week location is important; it needs to be in nature.

When I did it in New Zealand it was by a river in very beautiful pristine locations. High
vibrational places.

So, in my first week I put up my little red tent in the paddock and just sort of lie
around and read...

And the care giver it is very important to have a "care giver" and a "clear giver". The
'care giver' is just around to make sure that you are OK. They come and visit you twice a
day morning and night and they are the only person you can talk to. The 'care giver',
in the first week brings you the ice you can have a bit of ice, and you can also swish
your mouth out with sarsaparilla because you are like a bit like a cockies cage.

And the 'clear giver' they can be the same person but the 'clear giver' needs to be
someone who has done The Process and they just talk to you about what you are going
through, they just support you in the process.

S: How long did the 'clear giver' spend with you?

R: About quarter of an hour each day. Every few days I would walk up to the house and
have a shower. But the first week I was in this little tent, it was fairly dry I would go for
a walk around the property every day. It is important to stay in the area, to really focus
and go into yourself. This is your journey, so you don't need distractions.

The thirst after three days really starts to get you, you know you are dehydrating; you
can fell that in your body. The bowels stop working, you still pee, the pee gets less and
darker. The mind is focused on the body a lot. I spent a lot of time reading, so it just
distracts you. And you do become weaker. For some people the head start, the detoxing
starts, I really didn't have that. After can read from my dairy notes?

S: Yes, please read

R: Day 2. Felt quite weak on getting up. Had a wash and dressed. No food or liquids to
be taken for 7 days feel calm and positive about what I am undertaking, feel that I have
been guided to this as a step towards gaining my light body in preparation for the next
step whatever that may be. Feel strongly that it is connected to my site near

Day 3. Very restless night, body not tired, I had a strong dream about being cut out of a
will, not me a friend. Woke up feeling good, no head ache. Strong, walked 400 meters
uphill to the house. Bill calls twice a day to see how I am. Five others are also here; we
do not talk to each other.

Day 4. The first day of the etheric operations. Now what happened on the other level was
these Beings came and I could actually see what was happening and I don't know
how many people can actually see these.

The soul has left the body and you know that it is going on a journey. It's standing aside
as your body is being reprogrammed. Four 'Light Beings' came, I think two were green.
They erected a white filmy tent and put an operating table in it. They put my etheric
body on it and started operating on it.

Now, on the first day of the etheric operation. Implants were inserted to enable me to
become a Being of the next dimension. I have agreed to do so only on the understanding
that this is all. I have no wish for ET's taking me over I have to surrender in faith and
trust but my over lighting guardians are with me at all times. I feel safe and protected
although a bit concerned at the appearance I glimpsed of one of the team.

S: What did they look like?

R: Two were tall Light Beings and the two who were the main surgeons were very
strange, I think they were green, I can't quite remember.

The Light Beings were tall, elegant Beings of light of human shape with beautiful eyes.
The operators didn't look like gnomes, but more like you might imagine a Martian to

S: How did they operate?

R: I'll tell you this is Day 5 ... I had a very restless night. The moon is nearly full and
the energy is so strong that I hardly slept and had strange dreams. Animals and birds
very restless and noisy all night the cows, the horses, the dogs and the owls and the
other birds and the wallabies they were all restless.

I had a shower and prepared for another day for etheric operations. The body was very
thirsty I didn't write, "I was very thirsty" I said "my body" because I actually was not
in my body.

I don't have much in this dairy about the etheric operations and I can't remember a lot of
it - I've written about it somewhere else. But I know that in the first operation an etheric
drip was inserted into my body so that my kidneys wouldn't dehydrate. My kidneys were
well looked after and I did pee quite normally.

S: Where was the ethric drip placed?

R: Over the kidneys I think, sort of a catheter. I don't know where the liquid came from.
Maybe it was that protowater you talk about.

S: Yes, thought forms and couscous imagination can draw it out. Did you notice different
levels of dehydration at different times of the day?

R: The morning was fine because the drip had been there all night. Then Bill came down
in the morning and evening with some sarsaparilla to swish out and some ice to suck
but not swallow. Sleeping on the ground in a tent may have helped too.

S: The operations were done with tools?

R: With instruments, they were like lasers. There were three sessions during the day.
One was from about 9 to 11, and I had to lie down and be very quiet. One was 12 to 2
and one was 3 to 5 and it had to be in between the time Bill came down because I didn't
talk to him about that. And I could get up in between and move around.

Basically what they did is that they worked on each organ. They took my skin off, they
flayed it all off they dipped in a silver type of liquid which impregnated it some how and
opened up the pores to allow light to be sustained a lot more and when They just knew
something very profound was going on was going on within them I would have to go
over my notes form that time, they are in another dairy. But they all came out of it

S: Where was your soul?

R: they put it back they had an instrument that knitted back all the nerve endings all the
capillaries. It was incredible, just incredible; every part of my body was taken off in
different sections and dipped in the liquid.

S: Did other people experience this?

R: Some of them did. Some knew things were happening but not many of them were as
visually aware as I was. Now I think of it there were two aspects. One was standing
besides me watching what was happening. The other had gone to what I've called home
to learn more about how to operate in this new aspect of myself, in this new dimension
that I was moving into.

S: And

R: Day 6. Most intriguing day with the operations. They worked on rewiring the nervous
system, adding more strands of DNA from 6 to 12 which are to be activated in the future
and during the third session they totally removed my skin in sections and dipped it in a
liquid light and replaced it using the gadget to reconnect nerve ends and capillaries.
Then they showed me what they were going to place in my body, it was a golden crystal.
We were talking about the head as a sphere, a receiver like a dish antenna. Now this
crystal went down the spine and this was the antenna, it was put in at the last session
and I checked on it this morning and it is still there. Actually, it was a golden sphere, a
pearl that was put in the head and a golden crystal that was put in the body.

Day 7. I can take liquid today when the operations are finished. Thirst is very strong. The
ice Bill brought yesterday was of great benefit as I can suck it and rub it on my face I
was hot and a bit flushed I think by then. The second of the two hours was working on
the chakras and another healer who works more on the physical worked more on my
shoulder and back I had a lot of pain there, and in the neck. And in the third session I
was worked on even more. I am down to 9 stone. A rainbow came at the end of the last
session, a little rain, but very little cloud. Bill came down, I went out of the tent and
moved with the rainbow and I burst into tears and I remember thinking that wow, I have
enough liquid left in my body to cry, to have tears, it was such a profound experience. I
then when you have a drink, you have to sip it very slowly.

S: So that was the end of the first week?

R: Yes, the first week. You see there are three separate sessions, parts to this. The first
is the clearing out, the second one is the rewiring and third is the integration I think
that's how it is, but I am a bit hazy on this.

In the second week I stayed in a tepee. In the third week someone else needed the
tepee and I moved back into my tent. But generally you stay in your own tent, I am not
attached to places and it was nice change.

Day 8. Hard to get up this morning slept most of the day from 10 to 4, feel soggy and
tired. A lot of healing happening I guess, not much pee the drip was taken out at the
end of the first week and the body has to dehydrate.

Went to bed early and watched the moon, nice to have a full nights sleep. I woke up few
times to have a drink I was drinking two litres of much diluted commercial orange juice
... because if it is too pure and organic the body would react to it. That was for the
second week. On the third week you can drink any juice.

S: Spiritually what was happening in the second week?

R: I was totally empty, I wasn't there. It was just the body. I was watching myself. We
have all these bodies and different parts of me were watching different parts of me!
Maybe my emotional body was watching what was happening but my more spiritual body
had gone off on a journey somewhere. I was very aware of that because it happened to
me before in '93 when I went of around the world to bring the "Aurelia" energy back. And
I can certainly feel when it comes back in it is a very, very joyous and beautiful feeling.

S: What was happening to your body?

R: The operations only were only in the first week. The second was healing. And the third
week was integration.

In the second week all the organs were being knit together everything was different,
everything was changed. I was tired. I went for a walk most days; I went to the house to
have a shower. And after two or three days I put on three kilos, just from the drinking
that's all I lost in the whole process.

The body is an amazing work of art, more pee today, but no bowels yet you become
very obsessed with these things. Still tired, a lot more tired than from days four to seven
when I was being operated upon.

My mental focus was clear, I spent a lot of time reading, but I couldn't mediate until the
third week.

Day12. I have a good bowel movement at last, quite light in colour. Feel clearer. My eyes
are sore. I awoke with a headache. Dreams of murder and rebirth death and
resurrection. Frogs croaked all night after the rain.

S: How do other people feel towards the end of the second week? Did they have similar
dreams of death and resurrection?

R: I think a lot of them did. It is totally a death of your old self there is a bit of grief
involved as well.

Day 14. End of second week. Slept well. Two weeks have passed, I never thought it
would happen, but time does pass. The coming week is going to be the best, feel quite
integrated but not whole yet. Mediation is getting better. The golden pearl and the crystal
rod emanate love.

S: It interests me that not once have you mentioned fear

R: I wasn't afraid, I knew it was so right, I knew I was so protected that there was
absolutely nothing to be afraid.

S: And the other people?

R: Maybe one or two did. I remember that there was one woman in New Zealand
Cherry she was carrying a lot of stuff, she was really quite negative until I give her
some pills to have a bowel movement. She said she just 'crapped and crapped and
crapped' and felt fantastically clear after that. She had this very long hair and she got me
to cut all her hair off. SO we cut her hair off and she was so light and clear. It was an
amazing transition.

S: When people go on a starvation diet, what is the process they go through?

R: I don't know. I believe that when people starve to death, like they do in Ethiopia and
places like that they are operating on their lower three chakras. They haven't got their
crown open, they in fear because they believe that if they don't eat that they will die. We
were doing it from a comfortable choice. There is a lot of difference between when you
choose something and when it is forced on you.

S: What were you reading?

R: Nothing spiritual, novels, something to keep my mind off what was happening. I really
wasn't hungry. I was thirsty, that substance was happening. What happened to my body
with that etheric drip and maybe they put in etheric vitamins and minerals. Not too
many people did mention hunger.

Some of the others knew about the etheric drip - but even the ones that didn't know - I
could see it in them. Hardly any of them suffered.

The woman who died the only one in hundreds that I heard of wasn't spiritually
prepared. It's a spiritual communion, and if you surrender to the process - and there is a
surrender involved in all the next steps in your life. I don't remember anyone being
fearful or scared about anything - maybe because of my presence and the non
threatening environment. There was also a list of steps that one followed, to help us
understand the unknown.

Beginning of week 3. I seem to have become the golden crystal, the pearl and the rod -
which emanates love. So part of The Process was to activate us to become a beacon of
love and light I still do that, where ever I go I can change the vibration around, by
becoming that. It is in the head and the spine that is where our transmitters/receivers
are working it is as you were saying before about the body is a series of antennas.

The third week is integration. I slept well. I was being rewoven, I wanted leave on day
19, but I couldn't I hadn't come back into myself, I was still out there. I discussed The
Process with Jim, he shared with me the awareness that the cells became so starved for
sustenance that they flipped back to their original sources and light.

S: You said light. Did you sit in the sun?

R: Sunlight helped, but no it was a spiritual light. The sun helped because the body's
thermostat wasn't going so well, but it was warm it was August in Queensland, it wasn't
cold My shoulder was painful, I wondered why and David, Jim's guide told me it was a
wound that was being healed, a spear from Roman times which ended that life. A lot of
Karmic cellular memory about that time came out. It was about the betrayal of trust, a
problem I kept carrying into later lives - that was healed in the third week.

S: Did other people go through the same sort of past life recollections?

R: Yes, a lot of them did. The cells have to release a lot of these old memories; they
couldn't hold them any more.

S: Do you actually mean muscles?

R: No, no. I think every cell has a memory - because that is how it reproduces itself.
That's why it is so hard to give up smoking, because the cell has the memory of the
nicotine and how it is affected by it so it needs to reprogram.

S: I have a problem with the link between the words 'cell' and 'memory'

R: Well, the memory that the cell holds there is also a genetic memory.

S: Let's just say, 'something happened and you began to look at past lives'.

R: I had done a lot of past life work in the '80's and this was just some residue. But for
others a lot of this came up. As one became clearer and started to reintegrate all this old,
past life stuff had to leave.

S: And you had to work with people to help them some would not have known what
had hit them.

R: Right, that is why it was so important to have a "Clear Giver", who knows The Process
and what was happening. It would probably send you 'a bit odd' if there wasn't
somebody to talk things out with.

But we had no problems; it was incredible that the people who did The Process were just
so ready to do it. It was just absolutely and utterly right for them and they knew it - and
some just made up their mind, on the day they started. And once, three just arrived
without even booking in.

Day 18. I felt my body getting stronger. I didn't sleep so well. In the second week we
were drinking two litres diluted pasteurised orange juice a day. In the third week we
could have any juice we wanted all packet juice stuff. We didn't gulp it down, we
rehydrated slowly.

When you are just lying there listening the environment, the frogs, the birds there was
an old bull that wondered around, he would eat the grass outside the tent and snort it
is quite an experience having a bull eat grass 2 centimetres outside your tent.

Day 19. Slept well, lay in the sun, had a shower, read. Had a feeling of great inner peace
and clarity. Didn't find it easy to mediate

Day 20. Feeling completed, dreams one on fire and one on insurance and the hypocrisy
of it. The time is nearly over, it is approaching time to leave and get on with life I
wonder what it holds and what I am called upon to do. Rather depressed at the thought
of having to start a whole new life. I sat by the fire until 7 and read, and then went to

Day 21. End of the advance. Woke up at two for a pee and went back to bed still
depressed and fearing very alone because I really hadn't come into myself and around
7 am was woken by a feeling of bliss and ecstasy such as I have never experienced. The
crystal pearl rod was activated and the love poured into my body anchoring in second,
third, fourth and new fifth chakras. For half an hour I was completely blessed out. Thank
you for the "A" team who were attending there were two teams, the "A" team did most
of the operations and the "B" team did the tweaking other sorts of things for the etheric
operators, they were the clearers and healers they were just light beings, not really
strange. The only two who were very strange were the two who were doing the main

After that, after I had come back into myself, I was ready to take on the world. I ran up
to Bill, and "I'm back, wow, I can go now." I felt incredibly amazing.

S: So what was the first thing you did?

R: On the way home - because you can have liquid I bought a milk shake, and I really
couldn't drink it wow, a caramel milk shake - I had about two sips and I couldn't have

I went back to my mother she had decided to worry. I hadn't really told her what I was
doing, just that I was going on a retreat. I looked fantastic.

Then I went to see friends for dinner and didn't eat. My energy was so strong and my
eyes were so clear it freaked them out. These were people who had known me for a long
time. They had a good wine cellar and I thought I would have a glass of wine I couldn't
do that after one sip I said, "No, I can't do this to my body." The first cup of teat that I
had, tasted revolting my sense of taste was so acute.

Then I went to my sister's place and they got freaked out as I sat there. It was a lot
harder for other people to accept me than it was to accept myself. It also freaked out the
guy I was having a relationship with at the time.

I went to Glastonbell and stayed in a caravan for time. Then I went to stay in hut at Mt
Wilson. That was a good integration time, until I decide what to do which was to go to
New Zealand.

So it was just a process that I knew I had to do. It was something that had been working
through me for some time and as soon as I found a way of doing it within 21 days, I
said, "That's it, I had to do it."
S: Were there other Beings giving you energy?

R: No, no, it was coming from the source and not from other people either. I have been
sustained by the source for a long time. I got zapped by light in 1980 and I was
changed like that. It was like a bolt of lightening came in through the top of my head and
opened everything up. It was like champagne bubbles for days. I was different, people
said, "You are a walk in." I said nah. I believe the walk in thing is just your higher
consciousness coming into your body in some way

I have tended to take risks. That's what people would say. But to me it's just the next
step on the journey.

S: It is interesting that so many people were doing The Process at that time and you
don't hear about it at all now is it still happening?

R: I don't know, I really don't know. I haven't kept in touch with anyone. I just tend to
do what I need to do and then move on. In 1999, a friend in America had heard of a
community in North Carolina that wanted to do The Process and she arranged for them
to pay for me to go over. So I took a group through. It was on a community where Dan
Winter lived I had some interesting talks with him.

S: Looking back at the reincarnation situations you have been in, can you find a starting
point for this?

R: I think it is something for which I have always had this need. If we do believe in
reincarnation and we have a goal it is a complete circle, we have come from the light,
we have gone down into matter and we are now on this journey back and we are taking
our matter back to spirit which is light I suppose.

The starting point in this life was when I got zapped in 1980 and I was always looking for
a way to sustain that sense of incredible bliss that have had on other occasions (like in
Amanth cave). It is when I am totally infused with the love of that energy. God, it's hard
to sustain in the physical body, it's a fleeting thing. After my experience in Amanth cave I
cried for 3 days because there is no other way to express the experience in your body. It
was just an overwhelming of love and energy and then it happened again later in Peru
after I had done The Process.

It was my higher self connecting. I believe there is a time in your life when you don't
have guides. You have then at first, and they assist you to a certain point but then you
connect back to your own higher self until you plug your source. Then you don't need
them because you have this direct link.

S: The best material I have come across on this Robert Monroe's works.

R: No.

S: It popular in Germany, but I think the writing style in English is so frustrating and
annoying. What you are saying about the higher self is discussed in his last book
"Ultimate Journey", and it reads much like what you have been saying.

R: I've done a lot of travelling and I recently had the insight that it was about collecting
my parts, to pull myself back together. Sort of like a dandelion coming together rather
than blowing apart. And once back together it is going to be 'woof' off to the light.

S: Totally Monroe.
R: Ah, now I feel pretty complete. I have finished what I came to do and I was given
the choice to go or stay. If I had wanted to go they would have arranged it. I decided to
stay, I have a reasonable body, so why not.

So the ultimate understanding of The Process of 'Learning to Live on Light' or 'Choosing

God over the Illusion' was to break one of the most powerful belief systems on the planet
that you have to eat and drink to survive. Once that is broken many other belief
systems are broken too. And you realise that most things are in your belief systems.

You also realise what an incredible diversion food is on this planet and the energy that is
expended on growing it, harvesting it, distributing it, selling it, preparing it, eating it, and
the social integration that goes on around that. And the amount of time and money one
can release into your life if you don't have to spend a tremendous amount of your life on
food. You can use that time and energy towards achieving other ends.

But food is so integrated into our social fabric which feeds the lower three or four
chakras that it very hard for us who have done The Process to continue to feel part of

And so, for a number of reasons, most of us go back to eating. Mostly because of social
pressure - but also because we are in a human body for so short a time - and it is
pleasurable to partake of food and wine.

Still, it is good to know that if the food supply is ever terminated you needn't be fearful
that you will die or prepare yourself to get the last loaf of bread off the supermarket shelf
you could walk on you path - in love, without fear - trying not to be contaminated by
the fear all around. Fear is a very contaminating thought form.

S: At what point did you start eating again and why?

R: I Started eating at Christmas time about 4 months later when I went down to stay
with my kids. So I had a little bit of Christmas lunch, just a little bit, and after that I
slowly started eating again.

After about 3 or 4 years I was eating normally again, and in the last few years I have put
on a few kilos it's the life style I now have. I see it as a time of grace, to rest, to
renew, to rest for awhile my life had been pretty intense for 15 years. It is now time to
enjoy what the physical earth has to offer as well integrated with the spiritual earth
and the nearby spiritual hierarchy.

I would actually like to do The Process again one day. Then I may take people though it
again but not in the winter.

S: Who are the light beings and masters involved?

R: There are guides of humanity, there are the lords of light it's a whole different
hierarchy, there are myriads of hierarchy. But this is one group, one hierarchical system
that over lights this particular process, which are trained to do this work. They are
highly, highly qualified.

S: Are they only on this planet?

R: They are not on this planet, they come to overlight, to guide 'The Process'.

S: Do you see them coming from other physical, astronomical, planets?

R: I haven't looked. Perhaps they are in parallel universes which is what al lot of us are
aiming to achieve - some talk of the fifth dimension, but it is the same thing. The Process
is a preparation for us to go into other dimensions, into other universes

Look, don't you find that you are walking in two worlds? You operate in the normal
world with its 3 dimensions and also in higher dimensions? Not just the fourth, which I
think is very astral but also higher dimensions of self?

S: I tend to come from a sort of Catholic view on all this. I see myself as in a middle
place most of the time. Sometimes I see myself in parallel universes above, or have
access to parallel universes below.

I am also very aware that there are packets of consciousness that condense themselves
into forms and that these interrelate with our 'normal' of three dimensional world
through our thought process, memories and history.

R: Right. This is how the Aurelia energy came into my life. She came in as a thought
form, in a condensed version and then it unfolded and all these different aspects

S: In the Robert Monroe material this is called a "Rote" a package of consciousness

that arrives. So when you travel in the parallel worlds the beings there can pass you Rote
which you then have to unpackage and understand in your terminology.

R: After the Aurelia thought form became established in my consciousness I needed to

travel around the world to deliver it, pieces here and there -which I did.

Then, soon, there were all these cries for help because the Aurelia consciousness couldn't
be sustained by the low energy on earth. So I had to take in, and send out, lots of
energy until the pieces managed to adapt and so sustain themselves in our low earth

S: And what is the Aurelia consciousness?

R: It is an aspect of the divine feminie - an aspect that has never been on earth before.

S: And the aspect is ?

R: Essentially, it is the female balance to a male energy that had been working on earth
for a very long time without its female equivalent.

The Aurelia thought form works to balance male and female energies so that in future
there will be no male dominance and no female dominance.


I sent my transcript of the interview to a friend who's judgment I have come to trust. Her
description of an 'operation' matches Robin's. In my mind the below adds perspective to
Robin's experiences.

Hello Steven,

Yes, I read with great interest the Robin Adams papers.

I underwent these "etheric" operations when I was in Belgrade over ten years ago... I
know of them. But I was not on any diet. Food was scarce, as it was war period in former
Yougoslavia, but I was rather priviledged. These operations would take place every
morning and evening, the daytime I was working. They went on for the whole week-
ends... Some of these laser cuts were excruciatingly painful, but the pain came only in
one wave. I had noticed then that pain comes normally in two or more waves : the first
is when you hurt yourself, the second is when the brain registers and sends back the
information, the pain is then greatly multiplied, and you have more waves of lesser
intensities that follow, like a sort of throbing. In the case of etheric operation, the cuts
only had the first wave, there was no recall from the brain. So it was not too bad. The
work was mostly done on my arms and body. I did call a few mystics as I got worried.
But they just said my greater self was being prepared... Not to worry. Well... I did not
have a choice anyway, so I let go of my worry. But I remember being scold a lot for not
staying put and not relaxing, making things more difficult. These operations could take
hours and sometimes the whole day... I would beg for an autorization to have a biscuit
and a cigarette and a glass of milk...!!!

The part about cellular memory and smoking is interesting, hah ? Hope to solve this one

The transcripts are very interesting. Becoming "whole" while incarnated must indeed put
us out of balance with the rest of the world. But this is how we should all actually be and
will be in times to come... I'm aware when I am too "clean" that I cannot stand the other
people around me, nor even walk in my small city...

I do not recall how many people worked on me. The one cutting me was always assisted
by another. But not always the same. Then there were other spirit helpers assisting in
different manners. I had the feeling the cutting one was a former human healer or
shaman. But I'm not sure. Some years after, when I was in Zagreb, I had frequent visits
of very high energy beings and I would feel ever so blessed and filled with love. These
were incredible beings. I felt longing and pain when their vibrations wore off. They came
to encourage me and work at me on levels I was not very aware off then. I cannot really
say what was done then.

Love and light .............................

I will try to tell you about by experience.

I am a male in France, working as a
computing engineer and as an organic
fruit farmer with 13 ha and 300 fruit
trees. Also renovating an old farm
ecologically and working as an animal
rights and fruitarian activist.

I used to be a champion of Shotokan

Karate katas. I have been a vegan for 20
years and a paradisian fruitarian for 7
years. So fasting is easy for me and a
pleasure. No detox.
I am feeling less and less attracted by
food or drink, these last months, it seems
they have no tastes. I do not like to drink
mineral water since years. I enjoy
confronting the cold, as energy
experiment. I spent last winter with no
heating waking up in the morning with air
at -3 C degre sometimes.
I enjoy spiritual things. I am a shaman. I
had a kundalini awakening (double
serpent-like stream of energy in the
tube) in May with the shamans Tal
Schaller and Razanamahaye. And a
sensation of a ball of energy near my
I can see auras and the prana in the air
and flowing from the tree leaves. I can
see auric prana increasing around my
hand when I send prana to it. Watching a
forest and meeting people feeds me.
I try not to ejaculate (or the smallest
quantity as possible) and retain my
sperm with a strong finger pressure
between the anus and penis when I am
near orgasm. Except for my sex life, I
live like a saint, a soldier-monk, or an
angel, respecting life and always gentle
and positive. People who know me think I
am from another planet.
as a baby child my parents had very hard
time to feed me as I refuse almost any
I should have meditated more these last
years, otherwise I fill the criteria for the
21 day process.

I write along the day on a recycled paper

notepad my feelings and experiences.

All my unconditional love to all of you.

And thanks for the posts to support and
encourage me in that experience.

So here is my story that I will keep

updated every day I hope :

Monday 12 october midnight I become

breatharian. I start the 21 day process as
read in Living on Light book. I have
prepared myself during the last months
and taken 4 months of holydays : books,
videos, semi-liquidarism as by avidity I
could not stop buying avocados I was
seeing in the shops despite I was not
digesting them well during the last
months, etc.

My height 1m76, my weight naked :

DAY 0 : Monday 12th october 2009
evening 58 kg

DAY 1 : Tuesday 13th october 2009

evening 57 kg done today 1 hour qi gong
1 hour walk, went to a free concert, no
food no water no hunger no thirst energy
level normal
Urinated once ?

DAY 2 : Wednesday morning 55,25 kg

feeling great no food no water no hunger
no thirst energy level normal exept
between 18H00 and 20H00 very little
energy : had even difficulty to get out of
the hot bath I had taken. Maybe
beacause I have stayed in the cold all
afternoon wearing only a tishirt. It's
21H30 my energy is back but somehow
slightly below normal. I stayed on the
internet yesterday evening until 3H20
that is unhealthy.
Urinated 3 times, no bowel move.
Wednesday evening : 54 kg. Cardiac
pulse 52 which is normal for me when I
rest, (60 when I am active).
I rested the whole day, except some
small internet work and answering mails.

DAY 3 : Thursday morning 53,5 kg small

activity on internet no food no water
feeling good and normal like usual except
cardiac pulse is 64

DAY 4 : Friday morning 16th october

2009, 52 kg cardiac pulse 54 at 10H00
when I woke up. I had 4 hours when I
felt weak this afternoon, so I stayed in
bed. In the morning I had good energy
level and because I felt like dried stools
in my intestines very slightly
uncomfortable I gave myself many
enemas to try to clean my digestive
system : total 5,5 liters of warm mineral
water, I hope that is not cheating with
the rule NO WATER INTAKE during the
first week. Not a lot of s### came out. I
had a hot bath to warm me up because
my naked body became cold during the
enemas. I put the heating system of my
flat on. After these enemas I had small
pain in my tummy, but with the warmth
of the bed it disapeared.
I urinate normally 3 to 5 a day. No
spiritual nor mystical experience until
Small pain in a teeth cavity that I refuse
to cure and that I feel when I eat too acid
food, I suppose that my blood circulating
in that tooth is acid because of the detox.
I brush my teeth twice or three times a
No hunger, no thirst but images and
desires of fruit juices appear sometimes
in my mind (I have many bottles of fruit
juices and water in my flat if there is the
need during the second week). To keep
me going with no liquids I think I will
have perhaps these fruit juices monday
evening, even if I'd like to carry on 40
days with no food no water.
My weight is dropping but it is because of
my urine loss and because at night my
beath lose water in that dry second
storey flat. It does seems that the weight
loss is decreasing every day. I look
forward to stabilize my weight. I know
that if I take liquids I will gain weight
automatically but I want the magical
experience of living only on light or
I have the impression that my body is
really resting so other things can occur in
me, despite moments (1 to 4 hours per
day) of extreme weekness like when you
have the flu.
DAY 5 50,25 kg in the morning still no
food energy level a little bit lower than
normal. I urinate normally. My mouth
was so dry that I have sucked the juice
of 12 medlar fruits, then after this juice
in the evening I could not sleep until
3H00 so I have drunk 1/4 glass of water,
followed by 2 glasses of water with
organic apple sirup to make apple juice,
then 1/4 glass of water. According to 21
day process, this should report the day I
may drink from monday to tuesday
evening. I had the fear to injure my
kidney, now I feel safer, but the water
tasted bad. I had satisfaction to chew
something with the medlar fruits, and
spit the pulp out. I had the fear that
without liquids my body was not able to
eliminate toxins.

DAY 6 51 kg because of the liquids I

consumed yesterday I have gained some
That is reassuring that everything is fine.
I realise that the days 7 and 8 are going
to be the toughest ones. I look forward to
tuesday evening when I can drink some
diluted juice.
I have slept the whole afternoon. I felt
weak sometimes, but today is easier than
yesterday. Mouth is not dry. No food no

DAY 7 49,5 kg no food no water. Hard

day but improving. Still not sleeping at
6H00 in the morning/night with energy
level increasing. I had to go out in the
cold to calm me down.

DAY 8 48 kg pulse 50 when I woke up. I

enjoy a quick cold bath followed by a hot
shower and hot bath. I have more
energy, but still my back is a bit
painfull/heavy. no food no water but I
plan to take a fresh diluted orange juice
at 17H00 like the processus allows.
DAY 9 : Wednesday 21 oct Weight 49 kg
in the morning, pH of urine 6, STARTING
Weight 52 kg at mid-day. I have been
out buying excellent mineral water and
fruits juices with correct peremption
dates. I carried those bottles up the
stairs without problems. My energy levels
is coming back to normal.
Still no solid food. Cardiac pulse 59.
To add to the process : -select a good
mineral water that you like (try
different ones in a sampling session
the weeks before) and stock plenty
of it, preferably with the lowest
content of minerals as possible. I
have tried 7 waters brands. The
lowest in minerals were the
"tastiest" as I do not like water
anyway. Wich is a problem for me to
have to drink so many water with the
diluted juices.
I warmed up a diluted orange juice but I
had gaz/pain in my tummy afterwards. I
realize it could be considered as a soup.
So I will warm up only slightly the juices
if I need now.
I avoided to buy juices with pulp like
tropical juice, with banana etc.

DAY 10 : weight 52 kg. urine pH =7.

Cardiac pulse 50 when I woke up.
54. weight in the evening 55 kg ! Still no
solid food.

DAY 11 : weight 52 kg. cardiac pulse at

waking up 54. I woke up many times to
piss the liters of diluted juice I drank
yesterday so I am not going to drink this
evening, and less in the afternoon. I am
not really thirsty anyway and not hungry
at all, but I want to care for my kidneys
because it is good for them. I am choosy
about the juices. I dislike the red berries
one but I have to finish it. I quite like the
tomato one. I have stop my mobile
phone subscription and decided to care
more of my health. I realise I take on me
too much of the world problems. It is so
weird not to be attracted by food or drink
at the supermarket, and pleasurable to
be delivered from these tempations
walking in the supermarket, that I went
to buy a shower tap in a tool shop.
Weight in the evening 55,25 kg.

DAY 12 : weight 52 kg. cardiac pulse

waking up 50. urine pH=6 I woke up
many times again to go to the loo. I
forgave to all people who made bad
things to me or who I imagine made bad
things to me : many people crossed my

DAY 13 a sunny sunday 25th oct : weight

52 kg. cardiac pulse at 13H00 55. I woke
up many times last nights again. My only
daily food is about 1 liter of fruit juice or
less and mineral water. I rest a lot.
Feeling very weak unable to do
intellectual complicated things the whole
day except when I went out in the sun
picking up medlar fruits, I sucked the
juice of 3 small medlars and of a big one.
I stopped drinking about 17H00 to avoid
getting up at night but I did got up
during the night to pee. Just before
falling asleep I had some hunger and
emotional sadness and uncomfort.

DAY 14 weight 51 kg. urine pH=6,7.

hunger so I drink diluted juice and no
hunger afterwards.
I realize I had sleeping time missing and
bad sleeping pattern (staying late at
night) before the process that I should
have corrected before the process.
Before or after drinking cold diluted
juice that cools down my body I refill
a bottle with very hot tap water that
I put in my bed near my feet or
stomach or I take a hot bath.
People who go on a fest should use hot
water bottles in their beds to help fall
asleep without feeling cold. Stayed
working on internet until 1H30.

DAY 15 weight 54 kg at getting up at

7H45 and at 18H30 55,5 kg despite I
have not drunk a lot, That's a good sign
of success despite having still some
doubt arriving in my mind sometimes
that I would be actually sort of fasting
instead of becoming a breatharian. I
went shopping in the town center. I had
energy level almost normal, but
I know deep inside me that I am going to
have an incredible energy but I need to
rest and be patient. Over-sensitivity to
people talks is decreasing. It's nice not to
dedicate time to meals. I can do more
things. Arriving home as a game I
pressed 2 lemons to give more tastes to
my diluted juices, I was slightly thirsty,
but I could have drunk only water
without the tomatoes and apple juices.
But fresh juices are strong for me yes.
Diluted juice is perfect and seems clearly
optional now. I am having a bowel
movement, the first in 2 weeks.
I bought an organic cotton shirt. To see
so many people in the town, made feel a
bit shy, in the bus. I thought everybody
was looking at me and thinking "Look, he
is the being who does not eat anymore."
Then I thought they all must be non-
eaters as well.
Globally I felt deep calm and harmony
today in myself and looked at the sun
shinning. What an extraordinary
adventure this one ! I have difficulty to
find sleep as I went to bed early. I fall
asleep about midnight.

DAY 16 weight 52,5 kg cardiac pulse 45.

Feeling tired because of the day out

DAY 17 weight 51,5. 8 hour sleep.

DAY 19 energy level increasing, but if I
am too active for my energy level I have
acidity in my stomach.

DAY 20 I celebrated Celtic new year :

Saman feast with other people interested
in Shamanism. Strong meditation with
drums, I breath strongly, intensively, and
feel first time so clearly the ball of fire in
my lower stomach, start making qi gong
arm moves in zazen, feeling warmer and
warmer, but our Shaman stops the
meditation brutally. To honor ancestors I
dance primitive dance : extatic,
It was nice to see other people eating but
no envy of their feast food.
I had the feeling my attitudes were
similar to Zinaida Baranova, the russian
breatharian, was it a telepathic
communication ? Also with little Buddha
boy during the meditation.

DAY 21 Monday 2nd November weight 51

kg but I cannot stop myself being active
again. I am at the office anyway but my
boss comes back wednesday so it is all
right : nothing to do until wednesday. I
seem to reject the second mineral water
I disqualified from my tasting session but
that I have to finish ... or to donate. Or
maybe a small bowel movement of water
is my new bowel life ? I thought it was
just a fart !
I have the intuition I have become
breatharian as for exemple diluted fruit
juices do not appeal to me so much, it is
just out of fear of missing something that
I consume them. Tomorow I will drink
my last diluted fruit juice, perhaps of all
my life, spooky !

DAY 22 Tuesday 3rd november 2009 My

weight is 51 kg. This is the last day of my
process, I will take a hot bath with
candles in the evening to celebrate the
end of this process and I will send my
love to Jasmuheen. All this water and
fruit was cooling me down yesterday
night, and I had to go to bed with hot
water bottle or take a bath afterwards, so
feeling a bit cold. But I stop this drinking
of diluted juice I should resist the cold. I
have put my last bottle of diluted fruit
juice on the radiator to warm up.
Today I was feeling a bit weak at the
hardware shop where I spent the evening
trying to buy something as I cannot buy
food anymore.
The feeling that the slightest bit of food
or fruit juice is not good for me anymore
(or has never been good for me but I
didn't realise it sooner) is a bit scary.
Compare to feeding on light it is a feeling
that it is almost harmful to my body. I
bought 5 pomelos and 4 limons and 3
green limons and drunk their diluted
juices at lunchtime and this evening as
my last solid meals, like a feast, (also I
sucked a medlar fruit juice) but it was
disapointing food compared to feeding on
So I am a bit frustrated that I cannot buy
anymore all these foods in the shops as
they do not satisfy me anymore.
Also I cannot go to restaurants anymore,
or then I will order just mineral water.
I still can go to bars to ask for a mineral
My mother said to me on the phone that
I was fit according to my voice.
I fall asleep at 1H30 I should care more
about my sleep pattern.
I should find a good place where to
meditate in a beautiful surrounding,
because I am too near the town centre.
Having switched off the heating system
of the flat for the night, again I was
feeling cold in my bed alone, so again I
put 3 hot water bottles near my body.

DAY 23 Weight 51 kg. Woken up at

8H00. From now on I am a breatharian-
no-food : no food including diluted fruit
juices. I drunk a glass of my best mineral
water this morning, it had a bad taste.
Good sign. Naked, I looked at the sun
from open door-window for 10 minutes.
I cycled my usual route to the office with
a normal / usual fitness level. I should
not expect a miracle in my physical
fitness and muscle gowth in only one day
but the potential is there of muscle
improvement, more efficiently than with
the heaviness of digestion of solid food.
At 10H30 I had a small diziness, I hope it
is just adjustement and symptom of the
past. Anyway this new week I should
know if I feel :
3-biological/physical desire for some
specific solid food
4-emotionnal or intellectual craving.
5-desire to buy something appealing but
without being able to eat it
Weight only 49 kg because of liquid loss
so because of fear I had a glass of water
in the evening.

DAY 24 Thursday second day no food.

Weight 49,5 kg. Sips of water this
I went to bed early at 21H00.

DAY 25 weight 48 kg. good night sleep

but feeling very weak. I suck 3 medlar
fruits at 10H30 because I am weak and
fearing that my weight decreases more. I
have a 33 cl tin of orange juice. I am
going to buy fruit juices and bananas at
I have started to eat, and a lot, so I
supposed it is the end of my

Last edited by Venusbeing on Fri Nov 06,

2009 8:55 pm; edited 49 times in total
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JMW Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:39 pm

Post subject: keep us updated

Please, keep us updated about what is

happening to you in the spirit and the
Joined: 29 Nov 2004 material body. What you feel and what you
do in this process.
Posts: 328
Your experience is a valuable information
Location: Poland, Poznan for people interested in such a journey.

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Skyalmian Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:31 am

Post subject:

You have my attention (and enthusiasm for


Thank you for keeping us updated.

Joined: 28 Jun 2009

Posts: 30

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Emilie Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:01 am

Post subject:

Hello Venusbeing !

I live in France too, and I read

you with interest.
Joined: 26 Oct 2009
Posts: 13 Quote:
Location: Paris, France I can see auras and the prana in the air
and flowing from the tree leaves. I can
see auric prana increasing around my
hand when I send prana to it.

That must be nice ! How did you come to

this ?

Thank you for sharing your experience.

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Venusbeing Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:02 pm
Post subject:

Everybody should be able to see auras and

pranas, just concentrate and look
Joined: 14 Oct 2009 carefully.
To start seing the prana look up in the sky
Posts: 4
one meter above you, in a place where
there is lot of it : a forest, a beach. After
that step try to see it directly in front of

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Skyalmian Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:04 am

Post subject:

On and off for a few years I attempted to

see it. It supposedly looks like the haze of
heat, colorless sparkles or waves of
energy, which can't be seen except
peripherally (wouldn't know, never saw it).
Joined: 28 Jun 2009 Poor eyesight / having glasses can keep
one from seeing it, especially if one's vision
Posts: 30 problems are with the processing of light,
as mine is...

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Emilie Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:20 pm

Post subject:

Venusbeing wrote:
Everybody should be able to see auras
and pranas, just concentrate and look
To start seing the prana look up in the
Joined: 26 Oct 2009 sky one meter above you, in a place
Posts: 13 where there is lot of it : a forest, a
beach. After that step try to see it
Location: Paris, France directly in front of you.

I think I should wait to be on vacation !

I will try a few times.

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Venusbeing Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:07 pm

Post subject:

Prana in the air look like small (1 to 2 mm)

white rockets seen from far away and
Joined: 14 Oct 2009 going in all directions but never bumping
into each other. There is a blue dot at the
Posts: 4
center of the round head of the rocket. Its
density changes. The tails of the rockets
are thining sharp and curved, like some
graphical symbols one can find on some
textiles in India.

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Hi to all out there.....

While vacationing with my

husband in Goa, India, my life
changed one day in early
February of this year. I woke
up with no hunger or thirst. I
thought that was strange but
knew I wasn't sick.
Throughout that day I had a
yogurt and some sips of
water. ( I do like to bake in
the sun all day by the pool).
As a healer, I am very aware
of following my body's
direction and ate and drank
very little daily for the rest of
the month.

After coming home, this way

of minimal eating and drinking
continued. For my family's
sake I got my dr. on board
with this strange lifestyle. In
checking my charts he
commented I had lost a lot of
weight......enough that I had
extra wrinkles I never had
before. Shortly after that, I
remembered meeting an
individual , in late January,
who had told me on the train
to Mumbai that I should look
up "breatharianism". The sites
I found were full of info that I
found to be unreliable.
However, now I knew there
was a name for what was
happening to me.
As the months passed, I was
receiving various reactions ,
both good and bad from those
around me. I, myself, was
afraid of where I would
bottom out on the weight
scale......fighting going below
120 pounds (55kg). I am 5 ft
6 1/2 in.... (1.67m) tall. This
lifestyle was a like a runaway
train I could not stop. My
weight finally stabilized at 114
I only lost fat. Guess I had a
lot of it!!!!!

I finally found Joachim's book

( thank God) on the internet
and read that my way of
achieving this new lifestyle
was "sudden". As an Intuitive
I confirmed this with my body
using Applied Kinesiology
(muscletesting .....asking the
body questions , bypassing
the mind). I use this method
at times in my work as an
Energy Healer.

As I write my story, my
husband and another
immediate family member are
able to survive without eating
and drinking. We make
conscious decisions to eat but
portions are very small. I,
personally get sick to my
stomach if I eat more than a
little. An average day will be a
half cup of coffee , milk and
chocolate syrup and possibly a
few nuts. Once a day I have a
swallow of juice to change the
taste in my mouth. I was
curious to see if I could stop
eating and went 10 days
without food in May. I had lots
of energy , slept only 4 or 5
hours a night. I was surprised
that I wasn't hungry. At that
time I did have about 20
ounces of drinks a day. Today
I am lucky if I can get 6
ounces a day in my body.

As a healer I am very
conscious of doing my own
releasing of negative
memories so as to move
toward Enlightenment, and
removing any blocks to
Physical Immortality. I have
observed that along the way
in becoming a breatharian ( I
use this term very loosely as I
am still eating and drinking
but know that I have the
capability to be a non eating
and non drinking individual)
that I had some blocks I
needed to release. So did the
other 2 family
members........there are at
this time 2 more family
members ready to surrender
this new lifestyle. Without
removing their blocks , it
didn't seem possible that they
were making progress in
moving toward their goal of
having freedom from eating
and drinking.

I very often see in my clients

that when they become
ravenous, it is a sign of some
major healing coming up. The
body prepares us by giving us
symptoms that we can
recognize. I also experience
this from time to time, myself.
The odd day I do nibble more
than usual. I don't deny my
body but go with it. When I
release the issue, the nibbling
passes. (Nibbling for me is not
from hunger but an
entrenched body pattern)

For those of you who are

interested, the other " B's" in
our family fell under
'alternate' and 'trying' as ways
to arrive at this lifestyle.
(Joachim's list) And as
mentioned earlier I fell under

One other thing I have

observed and confirmed
through muscletesting is that
a person who can exist
without eating and drinking
has at one point in his/her
process made a definite
changeover from needing
nourishment from the earth to
needing nourishment from the
sun and air. It took 14 hours
in my body., and a bit more
for my husband.

The two of us can't imagine

returning to the lifestyle of
regular eating .....we enjoy
the freedom.


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JMW Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:44 pm Post subject:


Many people experience things similar to what you did in

the field of food / dieting. For me it is interesting to read
Joined: 29 Nov 2004 and learn more.
Mary, thank you for sharing.
Posts: 328
Location: Poland, Poznan

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Bhairavananda Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:22 am Post subject:


That's amazing,but yes - IT DOES HAPPEN LIKE THAT

SOMETIMES!!! the few times that i lived on prana/pranic-
Joined: 16 Jan 2006 nourishment,etc,they happened on two ocassions very
spontaneously in the space of hours-to half a day or so,so
Posts: 98
i concur with that as well as i'm sure others would also!
Location: Australia the second last time it happened was a few years ago,i
was watching "Oprah" of all things(!!!) and BOOM,within
minutes there was this trickling liquid running down my
throat,with an diminished need for water or fluid over the
next few days that followed and no hunger for months -
yes,it happens! some would say that it is simply fasting
but as those of us know with all this stuff,there is a major
difference with pranic-nourishment to fasting for sure -
once the weight stabilizes after a certain period that
pertains to an individuals
biochemistry,personality,lifestyle,etc,then not only does
weight stabilize but it starts to gradually increase with
intention,as one of my mates who practices this can attest
to also! personally,i really want to take this past the few
months stage where i can get over my own personal
hurdle,so to speak,and settle with it,but as the sages of
old always say - "all things happen in their own time"!!! -
reading your story filled me with joy,seriously,as i felt the
transformation that you have gone through -
enjoy,breathe,share of your journey with those that
resonate - like here on this forum! - and i hope to read
more when/if you post here again - love and light - Hara

Back to top

Right now, there are 2,5 days left to start the

process! Since now, I ask, humbly, to my Divine Inner
Essence... that this desert may be full of LIGHT
also that the hunger of food may be transformed into
hunger of love and that the water may be
substituted by the thirst of more and bigger FAITH!
That my self-giving not be in function of only a simple
initiation for the act of not eating, but first that I
feel it irradiating through my whole body the
Reverence, the Thanking and the Absolute
Recognizing that I have ahead a precious
opportunity for a Secret Initiation! That this effort
may be, above all, for me to turn into a much more
perfect instrument, worthy of being touched by God
and that the melody produced by this Integration
make hearts peaceful, bring Conscious to the
necessity of Forgiveness, Peace and Fraternal Love
among our peers. Thanks for the help of our brothers
here reunited and that we may become Unique and
worthy of expressing all FREEDOM, ILLUMINATION
and HAPPINESS, from The One who created us
originally just like HIM! We have forgotten that,
thousands of years ago our hearts are HOLY
COVENANTS, with all the Divine Potential to flow,
uninterruptedly and abundantly, the precious nectar
of LOVE! May each one of my brothers and sisters,
here together, feel the same devotion to the INNER
LIGHT, to make the process essentially IN HIS
NAME, because this lighting irradiation inside each
one of us, may become little torches spread all over
the planet in order to became a cosmic place of
A Fraternal hug to all of you Im AYAM

1st day

The suggestion of absolute resting, just like

recommends is a good thing, thats what I can
by now! Its 8pm and, so far, I havent got either
or thirsty and I believe that for 2 important
1) I am positive that if I was not eating exclusively
good looking reasons, I would not be so free and
would be really nervous or mad by now, crazy to eat
gigantic pizza and drink lots of juice or water. But,
some months before starting the process, I started to
continuously about my pretensions about
adopting this life style and Ive got to the
that this period would be a sublime opportunity to
a much bigger Integration with the Divine Inner
I feel that this when exercised intensively,
our love to our Inner God, the belief that you are
supported by own Gods hands and that our capacity
resistence and persistence has multiplied! That
between our external conscience and Divine
can be reached through means of good meditation,
like Yogananda suggests in his Book: 'Paramahansa
Autobiography of a Yogi'
2) When we read Jasmuheens book, Living on
Light, we can see that she talks to her Divine
Essence, with the Elemental of the Body, with the
Angels, Masters and all those she can, before, during
and after starting the process. And thats the point:
she is not more special than anyone she has only
been exercising the right that is given to each one of
us pseudo-mortals over this planet of ask, request
and become deeply humble and, above all, put our
lives toward the Divine Portion, that has always kept
us in all senses! We just dont have conscience of
thatWe have always given power to external, finite
and limited things! I think that in this first day, my
friends, its all I could perceive and thats all I wish
Thanks to all of you for the positive energy and lets
keep going,WITH MUCH FAITH AND LOVE, because
the goal for all of us is the broadening, in ourselves,
in our peers, and in our planet OF GODS LIGHT

2nd day
Its been 46 hours since I started the process, and
Ive got happily surprised because I havent got
hungry or thirsty, but for some moments ago, when
someone toasted a bread with cheese in the kitchen
then my nose was pleased with such a small
(yucky!) . That was the first time that gathered some
gastric juice and I could listen to my stomach roar,
but soon after, I could dominate my thoughts which
would be a disaster in case they continued. Im
positive that this victory over hunger and thirst is due
to an intuitive thought, which can be equally useful to
those who will try to cross path someday. At least
one week before starting the process, I had been
talking to the elemental of my body (corporal
conscience), requesting that would start immediately
the work of getting from the pranic energy everything
was necessary to keep myself healthy; also that the
creams and liquid food I was going to ingest , for one
more week, would be equally worked, but the
concentration of my efforts were directed towards,
mainly, to the Light. Together with this procedure,
during my morning meditation, I still evocate the
Inner Divine Essence to intensify the rays of White-
Golden Light of the Vital Energy, visualizing it
entering through the top of my head, filling all the
cells, atoms and electrons of the central nervous
system, energy conducting channels (nadis) the sides
of the spine and the ramifications distributed all over
the body skin, lungs (requesting this organs to get all
the prana necessary from air and redistribute to the
tissues of the body), heart, all the other organs,
bones, muscles, vains, arteries and, finally, with much
dedication, ordering to each endocrine gland (with its
correspondent charka) to produce only the hormones
that will conduct me to the perfect health and general
Naturally, the orderings (affirmations) are of a
supreme importance; for instance: I am... the
COMMANDING PRESENCE, ordering to this elemental
partner of my body that take off all the necessary
nourishment to my Perfect health directly from the
Pranic Energy in the air around me! I Am the
Resurrection and the Life of my perfect health through
the Light, keeping me without the immediate of
hunger or thirst! An so on... because the Commands
constitute Direct Orders of our Inner God, since our
proposals be perfected aligned to the Divine Plane for
each one of us... and without affecting our peers;
preferentially, if our goal is to help! When there is no
selfishness is the INTEGRATION with the Divine
Face of our nature. All the orderings, just like the
ones above, are immediately shown in our external
I hope I have helped, somehow, and I will be always
available... to share! We are here exactly to Exchange
fraternal experiences... and cheer one for the others!
Thanks for all the support...

3rd day
As Ive already told about the first and second days,
the third was the same: no headaches, no nauseas
and the tired leg I felt yesterday is gone! Actually,
Jasmuheen was right when she said that the best
thing would be to keep ourselves connected to our
Divine Inner Esscence the most we can. That was
particularly good for me this morning, when after one
night without sleeping, I woke up with some kind of
tension, also with a mix of emptiness and anguish
inside my chest and I immediately felt that it was
the way my body found to react, to expel all toxins
from inside my organism. I woke up, brushed my
teeth, and made a mouthwash wish salsa-parrilha.
Then I went to look the sun and, on my way back, I
sat on a setee and requested to Superior Being that,
together with my beloved Guru Yogananda, to take
out all that bad feelings from my soul and fill that
emptiness with His Orange-Golden Flame of the
Divine Happiness and the Pink-Purple of Devotion and
Peace. Guys, it was practically instantaneously,
because I was invaded with huge relief, love and
peacewhich are still present until now, around 12
hours later! With the Grace of God! (Ask and you shall
receive) All you need is Faith and Conscience that
your request is completely balanced with the Divine
Plan to each one of His Creatures! Theres no mistake!
About the physical resistance, Im feeling stronger
today, despite the fact it should be the opposite; but I
decided to go deep in the Decrees and then I
requested: I AM AYAM, the Powerful Light of God
that never fails, spilling over my coronal chakra his
Golden-White Light of Vital Energy, filling it and
penetrating in all my cells of my mind and my body,
feeding me abundantly with Light, at this very
moment and forever!!
I believe that what really defines the success of this
walking is the intensity that we self-give ourselves
to the first proposal: Which will never fail if we do not
think in ourselves only, but considering this period as
a Real Holy Initiation to be Reborn, which goal will
be turn ourselves into more perfect instruments so
that God may express Himself and then we may
better help our peers in such a special moment of the
construction of A New World of Peace, Love,
Fraternity and Happiness! See you people tomorrow...
Fraternally, Ricardo

5th day (complete)

Guys, during the day, everything was fine, I did the 3
periods demanded to realignment, putting myself with
great gratitude, although a little confused, the salsa-
parrilha was not working anymore and I couldnt sleep
since the 2nd day,(I feel that this was the strongest
way of taking all toxins away, in my case, because
physically I was fine, no headaches, no nauseas, or
even any kind of pain anywhere). I think that the
worst of the tortures happens in the emotional plan
and thats how things got really complicated for me!
I already didnt know if I was a human being or a dry
mouth who could think, but the memory that I had a
Holy Initiation going on, would make come up a very
distant light, in the end of the tunnel (Thanks God)!
But it is gone and when I realized, I was already in
the 6th day

6th day
Nothing very special... and very similar to the 5th
day, but I was trying to dedicate myself to the three
periods of 2 hours each, which I selected as
suggested: 10am,1pm and 4pm;this contact with the
Ascended Masters and Angels, even though I was
feeling myself empty, helped me out a lot, because
I would e out better and happier with one more
victory. I still couldnt sleep for 5 days and 4 nights
and that provoked more mental confusion, but I
grasped my Saint Germans books to which nowadays
I have as treasure due to its content and explanation
about the days of three weeks, of the process,
searching for strength to find a better horizon!
Summarizing, these two last days passed by like two
dry lianas that go up grabbing the Tree of Wisdom
with a very positive future preview! I was mouth
washing every moment, night and day, and it was a
torture having water so close to the mouth and spit it
out. But the 6th day was gone

7th day
It was 7pm already and I went for a last look at the
sun, making the breathing exercises that seemed
endless, but, at 7:20pm I took a glass of water, which
was part of a special juice, having put in
proportionally 1 litter of water (around 36 oz) with 18
blackberries (since I haven been for 7 days without
making my intestine work); I raised the cup to sky,
prayed in order to thank and to make a decreed over
that liquid and I drank the liquor of the gods,
mixing each swallow with saliva that, now, was
coming up thankful! It was a great moment.. I
realized that all the suffering, finally, was worthy!
Victory against the necessity of sleep, victory against
my mouth that by that moment I could barely speak
the words correctly and coherently, victory against
my ego and to increase my happiness, I realized that
God had never let my hand go, since the very
beginning! My beloved Inner God!

7th day (complete)

I woke up, I mean, I didnt even have any more
conscience of what day and night meant because I
had a nap of exactly 30 minutes, between one and
other glimpse to the watch;I knew I hadnt slept for 6
days and 5 nights, but the certainty that in the end of
this day I was going to drink the wonderful liquid
and have got one the biggest victories of my life,
which is put my Ego in the place to which it belongs.
I cant describe this feeling in words!

I put all my strengh I could find, in this desert,

together, also some songs to accompany me in this 3
last periods with the minimum of movements, always
intermediated by the vicious movement of taking cold
water to mouth and spit it out in a bucket put right
beside my bad, but finally, it was 6pm:as I had
proposed to have my first drink after the sunset, I
had to do something to make the time go by, because
the sun goes around 7:30 or 8pm here in Chile! I
went to my mother-in-laws garden, I requested
permission to the elemental of the roses, picked up 3
of a beautiful yellow color and three more of a pink
which reminds the Divine Love Vibratory frequency
and I did almost three litters of tea; filled up a tub,
put the tea together with the water and there I was,
almost able to laugh when imagining the tssss
sound and the smoke coming out when I dove that
Blessed Liquid (warm). When coming out, I was
feeling sleepy, almost dizzy, but much better than
before. It was 7pm already and I went for a last look
at the sun, making all the breathing exercises (which
seemed endless) but, at 7:20pm I took a glass of
water, which was part of a special juice, having put
in proportionally 1 litter of water (around 36 oz) with
18 blackberries (since I haven been for 7 days
without making my intestine work); I raised the cup
to sky, prayed in order to thank and to make a
decreed over that liquid and I drank the liquor of
the gods, mixing each swallow with saliva that, now,
was coming up thankful! It was a great moment.. I
realized that all the suffering, finally, was worthy!
Victory against the necessity of sleep, victory against
my mouth that by that moment I could barely speak
the words correctly and coherently, victory against
my ego and to increase my happiness, I realized that
God had never let my hand go, since the very
beginning! My beloved Inner God!
Its been 3 hours since I started drinking... and I must
have drunk around 2 and half litters ( around 80 oz)
I gotta slow it down!
I feel my strengh is coming back, with more clarity of
the conscience, since before the water I couldnt even
write something good, I went to the bathroom, but
there was almost nothing else inside my intestine as
far as I knew. Unless, during the night it~ comes
down... that would be astonishing; but know,
EVERYTHING IS JUST GREAT! A kiss for all of you
Thanks for the strength, keeping working it, day after
day also the communication with the Divine Inner
Essence, because without it nothing definitive could
be reached! In the next few days, I will describe what
happened to my weight and stuff. Bye (I am not going
to stop drinking as long as this dry mouth doesnt get
back to its natural flow of saliva; no matter if juice
comes out from my ears!) Tomorrow will be a
beautiful day... I AM POSITIVE ABOUT THAT, because
God is beside me!

8th day (night)

You know what The human fraternity and solidarity
are things that touch me deeply! Its all we got left to
so really we can call ourselves brothers; thats why
all Christs teachings talk so often about Love to
God! I want to thank for all the private emails I have
been receiving and for the strong support received at
this space either; its beautiful to see how people
celebrate with the victories of their brothers without
even knowing them: that is the true spirit of the New
Golden Age that here is!

This 8th was WET, thanks God! I imagine that it

would be only a bigger blessing, even bigger than this
diluted pear juice, if here in Andes had Brazilian
coconut water! Super Natural Hydrator! But thats
fine! The interesting thing is that even though I have
much liquid getting in, the amount getting out is
not proportional; I believe that billions of cells are
being rehydrated. And soon the urine will flow in all
it splendor.
Just for information, Id like to say about some details
of my preparatory phase: I started running (lightly)
three months before the process, I bought one of
those boxing bags, which made me sweat a lot, every
day. When there were 10 days left before starting the
process, I requested my Inner God that Id like kind
of lose toxins previously, which came, in the following
that, in such a strong flu, with fever and all that made
me feel bad for a week. Those days, my resistance
seemed to have gone to zero.. and I ended up
commenting with my Partner, that I might postpone
the beginning of my journey her answer was
marvelous: Have faith! Than I thought: This flu
came as a way to lose my toxins and, either I believe
God or not! Three days before I was apparently fine, I
did the exercise of Focusing Vital Energy getting in
through the topo of my had, filling up all my cells
from my mind and my bodyand I stepped out to a
run; for my own surprised, I found my results were
even better than before the flu! ( one more lesson
was learnt: when you ask God something TRUST
HIM! Because for Him everything is possible as long
we got Faith)So, in this 3 preceding months, I was 87
with Kg (around 174 pounds); one day before the
beginning of the process, after having vegetable soup
for 2 weeks, I had lost already 4kg (around 8
pounds); and now, after 8 days, I have lost 8kg
(around 16 pounds);it means, 1Kg per day! That
result, itself, would make any conventional physician
or scientist red! Since I started my walking, I have
been talking to the elemental of my body, with the
Divine Essence, requesting that my weight would
stabilize around 75 and 77 Kg; today a friend of mine
came with a weight checker and bingo:75 Kg sharp!
Now, I keep talking to my Beloved Presence and my
body conscience so that I keep my look good, stable
weight and in process of rejuvenating! My friend that
hadnt seen me for over two weeks said that I looked
fine, and it seemed I was much younger than before!
I burned all the tendency of Vanity in the Blue Light
and thanked, saying that it was only a prove of my
Faith in the Superior Being who Knows
This is the healing week, in all the levels of the
inferior being... and Ive had been much thankful and
trying to irradiate Love to all the Light Being that
around here to help us in this work; Im still a little bit
empty, yet, but according to Jasmuheen its natural
since the spirit came out of the body and will only
return after the 15th day! Once more, thanks for all
the support and may these words come to help those
brothers who truly understand the real meaning of
Living on Light!
Fraternally... for my brothers and sisters on Light!

9th day
This day has already been better than yesterday,
since I could sleep again for around 7 hours! Until
2pm, and since yesterday, I have drunk around 4
litter, drinking water and diluted juice, but I dont
urinate much; I believe that all the tissues of my body
were restarting to hydrate, because after that time
started to be automatic again: drinking water, going
to the restroom! Im feeling an intense process of
healing, in all levels.. and Angels dont fool around
while working; but when I try to feel their presence I
realize Im not totally connected to the Source; that
feeling of emptiness is still here, but not so intense as
yesterday and I rarely have any feeling of anguish.
Summarizing, it is still an emotional confusion time,
although it is not compared at all to the 1st wee, but I
can feel that this is transitory. There was a fact I
forgot to mention, about blood pressure. Ive been
taking for 1 year "maleato de enalapril"; a medicine
to keep it stable, and when I forgot to take it,
sometimes, I would soon feel a headache, showing
that the pressure had increased. I stopped having
that medicine one day before the process and
wonderful, I believe that I dont suffer of that
sickness anymore! (And the doctor, one year ago, told
me I would have to take it for the rest of my life. But
he didnt count on Divine Mercy, which is intensified in
all the periods of vibrational transition of a planet
and which feeding yourself from Light is also a
segment!) About the weight, one more happy
discover, because having lost around 1kg per day in
the last 7 days, it was logical that I was going to
keep losing it, since I havent feed myself anymore;
but how Beautiful: the same weight of yesterday I
could find today: 75kg sharp! My request to the
Divine Essence was answered, to stabilize my body
mass, keeping what I feel to be ideal for me! The
mouth is still a little dry if I dont wet it every 20
minutes, but that is also getting back to normal!
Moments of intense Peace have occurred and I trust
God that these moments will grow in number and
intensity, during and after these 21 days. May the
blessings of all these Lights Being, responsible for
this week of healing, rest over the head of each one
of our brothers that equally decide to go through this

10th day
Hello, friends! With me everything is fine... I ask my
friends that are following my journey to excuse me
sothat I can get back to the reports in the 14th day
(end of this 2nd week).However, Ill be paying
attention and available in case anyone has any
question, or if it happens something more special,
because everything is fine so far; just a little tired,
but nothing that is going to demotivate me to walk
around the house, having sunbath or prepare juices
I slept around 4 hours last night... but it seems that
I didnt miss the 7 hours of sleep that I have always
been used to, at least this time!

12 dia
Hello! Its being much easier to relax and meditate
today; meditation is like a balsam in these days that
something is missing inside... it is not that
emptiness anymore, but simply the wish of feeling
again that well known Peace, which I had conquered
before, despite running through the hands in some
moments of mental and emotional illusions
something that we all can be through, simply due to
the lack of alignment with the Superior Being. But the
Faith that this period is only a bridge always makes
us patient and calm!
One detail to be considered by those who want to
pass through the process is about being conscious
that it is a great period of time to learn, to practice
self control and to develop patience and exercise
Faith! For so, my friends, do not take the walking
while you dont have 21 days exclusively to dedicate
to your Inner God. You cant be in a hurry, neither
have anxiety or concerns from the external world;
only a deep Giving of your Lives to Love, to
Knowledge and to the Power that lives inside each
one of us, only waiting to get in Action! The Holier
these 3 weeks are considered and the more gratitude
we have for our Divine Essence, for the Ascended
Masters and for our friends Angels that will be taking
care of us bigger will be the chance of Integrating
the Inner Onipresence. Perceiving that were being
cleaned, realigned, healed and reintegrated to LIGHT,
to Peace, to Love and to Divine Happiness; the most
important moment of all our millenary existences!
Naturally,always conscious that the Governing
Presence is here in guard, providing all that it is
necessary; any kind of doubt cant be permited about
being completely secure and conducted by Gods own
hands! Thank Him and keep up facing directly the
Light, trying to amplify Love to Her and the Spirity of
Fraternity with our peers! We should always
remember: GODS LIGHT NEVER FAILS!. All we
have to do is to be aligned with the Divine Ideals!

13th day (4am)

Good morning! Today, just like yesterday, I slept for
around 4 hours, while my sleeping necessity has
always been around 7. The interesting thing is that,
mainly today... with less toxins, is that it is quite
indifferent sleeping for more or less hours! I feel that,
since yesterday, has grown a sensation of dissociation
or independence of mind concerning the body
functions or necessities. Just like as if the conscience
were not necessarily a cerebral function (and it is
not!); the brain is just there, making perfectly
everything that is his job, while the Being seems to be
separated, free and without any compromise, just like
a watcher calm and not worried. Despite it is still
lacking something, here inside the chest, everything
is in a suspension state, an expectation, which I
would define as benefic Everything is just fine, lets
keep going ahead And thank you for being there,
listening to me

14th day (1pm)

Well, today is the last day of of the second week
(healing and realignment) and Im feeling very well;
no pains or the feeling of being tired, in any part of
the body! By the morning I was feeling as if the brain
were a little bigger, or squeezed in the skull, what
made me feel a little uncomfortable, but after a long
meditation and AYAM decreeds, that cerebral
pressure was gone completely and I was taken by a
very pleasant serenity. I feel that next week, the
Reintegration, will be really blessed! According to
the Great Masters, there is no better attitude than
that one that puts together a happy Expectation and
Faith! There is not one single day that I dont thank
deeply, fir to Divine Inner Essence, and then to the
Ascended Masters, to the Wonderful Angels and to the
Legion of Light, for this opportunity to be Reborn and
Integration of the external being with the Superior
Being and for the conscience that I can be much
more useful to God and to my peers, than Ive been
so far! This gratitude is also extended to Jasmuheen,
to Evelyn and Steve, to my dear friend who is
translating these texts from Portuguese to English (it
was not for no reason that I started, sometime ago,
activities in a language school!) and to all those that,
somehow, support my individual initiative, despite
being in benefit of all my peers, and that doesnt
exclude all the critics, although unconsciously (but not
for a long time)!
Thanks to all of you!

16th day (9:50pm)

Hello people! The day before yesterday I wanted to
change things a little bit, and I made a peach juice,
but I believe they were not good to be eaten yet
( something like acid) and then I got a headache
that lasted for 2 days; nothing strong, but that boring
thing that doesnt let you evaluate what is, actually,
happening inside your own world Ive learned this
lesson and now things see to be very fine! Only a
disturbing sensation inside my head, but I believe it
will be getting better day after day! Now I can already
feel a certain special lightness although something
needs to be filled inside the chest; certainly the
return of the spirit just like Jasmuheen says! So,
between yesterday and today, nothing more
important to be added but these little incidents that
tend to change the level of motivation of those that
pass through the process But, this must de faced
more like a test or opportunity to develop
persistence and evaluate how deep this decision
was and supported by the decision of leaving that
old step in which we were! Ahead and Upways! A
fraternal hug to everybody Ricardo

17th day (5:40am)

Good morning my friends!
I slept for exactly 4 hours and Im not feeling
headache at all, tension for lack of sleeping or tired;
my ideal quantity of sleeping has always been around
7 hours per night. I decided to write, at this moment,
due to an interesting insight I had when I woke up,
which is the best time to come creative and best ideas
to our external conscience. Since the intuition isnt
connected to time or space and, inclusively,
Projects solutions inside the eternal now a future
situation came to mind with some possibilities. It
refers to the adaptation to a new feeding lifestyle,
once all those who passed through the process have
been discussing about the difficulties that the time
brings about the flavor memories I believe that the
goals of leaving exclusively out of prana must be
respected and, in the beginning, it must be extremely
necessary some months without eating anything at
all, so that the body registers in its cell memories that
unquestionable possibility. Although, when the
emotional starts attacking, thats where the insight
comes in, there is a way of keeping yourself only with
liquids: for instance, a tomato soup, flavored as the
person wishes and after passed through a filter,
similar to those used for coffee, which do not let any
residues pass through; And as so it can be made with
beans soup, peas, carrots, beats, or whatever, but
essentially liquids, and since we have convinced
ourselves that is not but a distraction for our
emotional until it sets itself free from this new
adaptation period and can integrate itself, completely,
with the Light! Naturally this resource must be used
with all the criteria and good sense possible, so that it
wont become a new way of food, just like before; I
perceive that this program also could help to set the
mind free from the chewing memories, what might
help in a gradual disconnection from that process of
liquids: Now I ask: is it viable? I think that only the
individual experience will answer, once the frequency
of this new stage will pass through the discernment of
each one of us, who opted for a way of life freer from
toxins, digestive process and searching to become
ourselves LIGHT!

18th day
Today was specially calm, in all senses! A certain
quietness started to come up inside my emotional and
mental bodies, what may mean a reaping time, if
we can call it like that. I have been meditating more,
searching for the integration with the Source, or at
least feel it, with the Grace of God it already used to
happen to me before starting the process; I feel that
a certain opening in the sense of serenity is
coming and this is the best that can happen to those
who intend to canalize to his world the Inner Light!
It is when you get your brain and feelings in silence
that the Internal Voice manifests itself more clearly
and constantly; so, gratitude for Life and to all things
and people in our world, contemplation and adoration
to the Divine Essence, is what we best should
exercise Always! Above all during all this process!
Irradiate Love and for the living beings is what we
can best do towards the Illumination of the whole
planet, because this is our personal contribution with
the Creation Divine Plan! This last night I slept well
for around six hours; its been happening that one
day I sleep better than the other and it might mean
an adaptation to a new way of sleeping which will
balance after the process. I still feel the necessity of
wetting my mouth, constantly, because that white
color which was in the whole tongue it is now getting
smaller in size, what corresponds to a final stage of
expelling the toxins; and as so, salivation is returning
to its normalgradually!

20th day
Hello! May this day be more glorious and the tests
that come up may not be seen as improper but as
precious opportunities of transposition and freedom,
because this work continues until we are FREE from
human weaknesses and limitations; those that have
always prevented the Divine Light from expressing
itself in Its Plenitude, and without the impediments
imposed by ourselves!
Since two days ago, a strong wish of eating appeared,
not related to anything in special; but with a strong
will for salt. Yesterday it was quite strong, but
meditation brought me some control; although, it
came back after that and it was more complicated at
night and now in the morning! During my morning
meditation, I felt that we should not fight against or
accept the body wishes, but we should transfer to
the Power to the Essence, as also I have already
been doing to other undesirable wishes! I talked
immediately to the Inner Presence and, covering
myself with Power and Wisdom I did the following
looked straight to my external self, with its spoiled
ego and its emotional that is more similar to a Pulse
width modulation (PWM) wave and ordered
obedience and Absolute silence! Everything got in
peace, because or Internal God only waits for the
green light sign to Express itself, just as a respect to
Its Own Free Will Law; everything depends on our
conscience: Either we keep giving power to the ego
and to the objective world or we transfer to the
Superior Being, which is our Immortal Portion, which
all Knows, Sees, Protects and Provides. In the same
intensity that we give our lives to Its Omnipresent,
Omniscient and Omnipotent Direction! This is SELF-
Today the colors seem brighter, mainly the flowers!
Now the tongue is pinker, the toxins practically
expelled from the organism and the necessity of
wetting the mouth has reduced a lot, this night which
last one day to the end. A great day to all of you!

21st Day
Hi there my dear friends There are less than 2 hours
left to the final turn, although I can fell that the
magic hour happened around 7pm; I can tell that I
am Very Happy and deeply thankful to God for all
Ive been through during the process. Everything was
incredibly beneficial, including the dry mouth,
headaches of the last week and all those things we
normally consider as disturbing, because actually, I
can see all them as tests prepared by my Superior
Self, with the goal to evaluate my level of Self Giving
and also how I would deal with the difficulties.
I believe this victory is due uniquely to my Divine
Presence inside myself, to which I dedicate it. Its Gift
I couldnt neither evaluate nor thank enough, no
matter if I live hundreds of other incarnations!
The day today didnt come as special as I was anxious
it to be, but the works started meditation, Decrees
to electronic elevation, healing, improving and self-
domination, also the constant search to keep the
attention specially focused in AYAM; our Wise,
Lovely and Powerful Divine Light! In the afternoon I
started feeling that emptiness, that
for days I hadnt felt, which tried to come up as
irritability and impatience and that lasted for a
couple of hours as an internal fight; at 6pm I
decided to meditate and an insight showed me,
clearly, that it was my spoiled ego (just like a
spoiled child), rebelling against my imminent final
victory over the necessity of water and food In
that moment, I almost stopped my meditation to
laugh, and a big relief came up, as soon as I evocated
to the Presence to consume in the Crystal and Violet
Flame all that inferior manifestation; that my heart
and each one of the cells of my body were filled up
with Peace and Love from the Ascended Ones
Wonderful! With the help of the request and focusing
of much Golden Christic Light soon I felt an
enormous peace running through my whole body and
such a vitality came up that I could even put on my
sneakers and go jogging if I wished to do so, just like
I used to do before the process regularly! The
lesson once more was, under my nose, showing
clearly that it is useless, and also waste of time to
fight against our personal ego, the emotional or
ungoverned thoughts, since we have inside ourselves
the Omniscience, that all sees, the Omniscience that
all Can and Omnipresence, available for those who
believe, to serve us AT ALL TIMES that our
proposals be separated of any kind of selfishness!
Everything was so clear but at the same time so
distant from our perception, because we allow to fog
ourselves in odium and disagreement. Thats how we
turn ourselves into dry leaves that go with the wind of
emotional storms!

About my weight, I have always trusted that the

elemental of my body would faithfully follow the
Decrees of AYAM, in the sense that my corporal
mass would stabilize at an ideal point. It was happy to
me to realize that, although I have lost 10 kg
( around 20 pounds)I was still 3kg (around 6 pounds)
over what the medicine considers as the ideal weight.
But God Knows more about His creature than any
medical or scientific convention. I also got happy to
see what the mirror showed me. Obviously people get
shocked when they see the difference from 20 or 30
days ago, when they saw me for the last time, but all
of them agreed that I got a much better look now;
the color of the vitiu is back to my face, the eyes are
not as deep as in the first weeks and my evident
physical energy doesnt make me have any doubts
that I am in perfect health condition and general
welfare. I intend to come back, occasionally, bringing
some information about the post-process, because I
feel that it is an extremely important, decisive and
interesting stage.
I have been sleeping well, less hours per night but I
dont feel I miss them; I have the sensation that now
that it is beginning of the Real Work in the sense of
enjoying a new and worthy lightness of feeling,
what naturally will conduct to a more profound
meditation and a consequently bigger Integration
with the Source of All Happiness and Internal Peace!
Thanks to all of you my friends, that have always
supported me, no matter if in silence or manifesting
through messages and stimulating me to go on the
same way I would also like to do for you all when you
youre your conscientious decision to walk in the
same way of LIGHT! May all of you be truly Happy
and Believe Completely in your Inner God because,
certainly as I have proved to myself GODS LIGHT
NEVER FAILS! and we are this LIGHT! (Now it is
12:15am, exactly the time I was born)
PS: Thank you all, my friends! I hope these narrations
come to contribute with your own knowledge and
that, you all, conquests the same Loves expansion I
received with the Gods Blessings! Fraternally,

Last edited by Ric.Brasil on Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:04 am; edited 2
times in total

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Blanche Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 11:38 am

Post subject:

Dear Ricardo,

I am pleased to read you and your

experiences here.

Hope, we can now undistrubled exchange

our postings.
Joined: 12 Dec 2005 Thank you Joachim for giving us this
Posts: 57 possibility here in you forum
Location: Switzerland

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JMW Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:19 pm

Post subject: Re: '21 days of self-
giving and Love'

Joined: 29 Nov 2004 The text describing your experience is a
valuable material for me and, I believe, for
Posts: 328 many other people interested in the
Location: Poland, Poznan subject of inedia, breatharianism, non-
eating, which is our main interest in this
Please, continue to share your experience
with us.

Although it is much more important to feel

your own internal power instead of
believing what other people say, looking at
experience of others may give you lots of
interesting information, which can be used
on your path to spiritual growth. Sharing in
writing personal experience benefits both
the writer and the reader.

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Ric.Brasil Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:34 pm

Post subject:

Thank you, Joachim and Blanche... I'm so

happy to post here and interacting
Joined: 14 Jan 2006 fraternally with you, at this free and clean
space! So many sisters and brothers,
Posts: 33
sincere Lights students, need to share
Location: Brazil / Chile their loving hearts, in this cosmic and
especial moment that we all are crossing
along with our generous and beautiful Gaia
planet! This is a new and fantastic
planetary time and is an honor for me to
be here giving and receiving so much
Fraternal Love!

I hope, Joachim, you all will came to read

my posts, be patient with my limited
English! My lovely sister Blanche knows
well my eng. language difficulty, but she
has always been lovely and patient with my
limitations! The 21 days process that I
posted here was translated by a Brazilian
friend, but now I need to continue with my
own resourses! Thank you all, my friends
(with a lil' help from Arhat, who sometimes brush some
mistakes away, like now)

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Malika Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:51 am

Post subject:

Joachim wrote:
Joined: 16 Feb 2005
Posts: 94 The text describing your experience is a
Location: Australia valuable material for me and, I believe,
for many other people interested in the
subject of inedia, breatharianism, non-
eating, which is our main interest in this
Please, continue to share your
experience with us.

I concur 100%, great to have read your

entire 21 process experience, valuable
information indeed. Thanks so much Ric,
good to se you and Blanche here. A grea
forum Joachim. With Love Light & Laughter
- Malika

Love is the answer to everything

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Ric.Brasil Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:40 am

Post subject:

Yes, my brother Malika... Is very good to

see you and Blanche here, at this space
Joined: 14 Jan 2006 created by Joachim!
Posts: 33 Really 'Love is the answer to
everything!'... and nothing is most
Location: Brazil / Chile important than to give and to receive: L O

L: Liberty

O: Opening

V: Vastness

E: Encounter
Thank you all, my dear friends!

abbe Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:54 pm Post subject: It's been three months

I began the process to Live on Light on July 3, 2005. It has been three months now. As
each week goes by it gets more and more amazing. I didn't feel very good when the
process was over. I was spaced out, light headed, tired and sleeping a lot. It took about
three weeks after the process ended before I began to feel wonderful. My weight
Joine stabalized. For the first 8 weeks I drank water, tea, and juice. Then I began experimenting
with tasting things and then eating occassionally. Then I decided to see what it would be
d: 31 like to go back to only drinking. It was perfectly obvious to me that eating feels heavier
Jul than not eating. I also realized that by not eating the energy frequencies that run through
2005 me are getting more intense and it may be that I'm not quite ready to vibrate so high.
Sometimes I am filled with Light, love, gratitude and enormous energy. I can sense that
Posts: my aura gets very big. Other times I feel completely normal, like nothing extraordinary is
3 happening to me. When I meditate I can tune into a column of light running up and down
my spine and I feel happy almost all the time. I still react to things and get off center, but
it seems easier to come back to myself than before. I live in S. India in an international
community called Auroville. I regularly participate in group activities and very often during
these events I begin to vibrate at a higher frequency with light and energy eminating out
of me. People often comment on it, even when they don't know that I've done this
process. I think that I am in the middle of learning how to vacilate between these
exhaulted states and ordinary consciousness. Sometimes I feel like I don't really know
what to do with all the energy that courses through me. I practice grounding into the
earth and sending the light energy out into the world for healing. I feel that I am growing
into a new person and each day is a new discovery of who and what I am.


JMW Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:24 pm Post subject:

thank you for sharing with us about your experience. Your post contains so called practical
information, which are the most interesting ones for those persons who are on the way to
Joine living without food.
d: 29 As you feel it, it's just a begining of your new life style. Please, keep us updated how it
goes, what you do and what you feel.

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