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Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Elementary Education Program

Pre-Observation Form

Directions: This form is to be completed prior to every lesson that will be observed by the mentor
teacher or university supervisor. It is to be submitted no later than 3 business days prior to the actual
observation along with your lesson plans.

Name: Morgan Efland Date: 11/08/2017

1. What is the topic of your lesson?

a. Bullying

2. Why are you teaching this lesson? What is your rationale for teaching it?
a. I am teaching this lesson because it is important for students now a days
to understand that bullying and picking on others is not okay. I want
students to understand that they should not look at others any differently
from themselves.

3. What is your Teaching Behavior Focus? Why did you choose this?
a. My main focus is going to be student engagement and equitable response
opportunities because all students need to stay engaged in the activity
and participate, and also I need to make sure that the same students
arent sharing each time, so I will draw names out of the cup.

4. Why did you design your instruction in this lesson the way that you did? Why did
you choose this way of teaching the lesson (e.g., Was the idea from a methods
course? From your mentor teacher? Another source?)
a. I designed the lesson to be like this because I wanted it to be hands on
and I wanted the students to be able to get up and move around the room.
I also got my worksheet for the smart board on Teachers Pay Teachers,
so I knew this was a common book that is taught in elementary schools
around the nation.

5. As you are thinking through this lesson, what do you believe will be the most
challenging part of this lesson for you when you teach it? Why?
a. I think the most challenging part of this lesson is going to be classroom
management and getting students to follow expectations when walking
around the room while they are writing on each others backs.

6. How will you know if your learning outcomes for the students are met
a. I will know if the students have learned what is expected when they are
able to name characteristics of a good friend and are able to go around to
each person and write something kind on their back.

7. How will your classroom management support the learning outcomes?

a. With good classroom management students will learn better and will pay
attention more allowing them to pick up on more of the content.

8. List 1-3 areas which you would like for your observer to pay particular attention.
Why do you want your observer to focus on these areas?
a. At the introduction I would like my mentor teacher to give feedback on the
phrases and questions I asked the students to know if I should have
phrased them differently.

9. Is there anything else you would like your observer to know before the
a. This lesson is going to be very discussion based, but I am trying to make it
as hands on as I can.

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