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Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Elementary Education Program

Formal Observation Reflection

Directions: Complete the reflection questions and submit your response to your observer prior to having a post-
conference to discuss the observation. If a conference is held immediately after the observation you will submit
your responses to the observer the following day via email.

Name: Olivia Bunemann Date: 11-14-17

1. To what extent were learning outcomes appropriate and achievable to your students?
My learning outcome for my students were very appropriate and achievable. I wanted
them to see how they already make a difference in peoples lives and what they can do
in the future to continue this.
2. How effective were your instructional strategies? What changes would you make in
your instructional approaches if you taught this lesson again? Why?
My instructional strategies were quite effective. If I were to make changes in my
instructional approach I would make sure to have the students speak of how they
believe they help without giving them examples. I feel as if they used my examples or
barely changed them.
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of your oral and written communication with students.
(Consider how well you communicated learning objectives, clarity of directions, use of standard English, quality of
questions and effectiveness of discussion techniques.)

I communicated the learning objectives as well as the clarity of directions well but I
need to work on not ending my directions with ok? I had the children repeat the
directions and ask them to tell me the directions if I noticed they were not following
4. Evaluate the level of student engagement in your lesson . (Consider how you presented the
content/skills, the activities and assignments for students, grouping of students, and structure and pacing of the

The content and skills were presented effectively to the students along with the
activities and assignments. The activity was a little chaotic because I had each student
finish writing on one piece of paper before the received the next one. I did this
because I thought the children would get confused with what to write on which paper.
Looking back on it I think that writing a key on the board would have helped it to go
5. How effectively did you use instructional materials, resources, and/or technology?
I completed the lesson using all instructional materials, resources and technology that
was planned within the lesson plan.
6. To what extent were your assessment strategies effective? What changes would you
make in your assessment approach if you taught this lesson again? Why?
My assessment strategies were quite effective but could be slightly tweaked. I did not
think about the fact that the students do not volunteer or help in their community. I had
to add to thins thought on the spot and included how they help in their community and
also their house.
7. To what extent was your feedback to students accurate, substantive, constructive,
specific, and/or timely?
The feedback I gave to students was accurate and constructive. When the students
were asking questions or giving examples I was very helpful with explaining to them
the correct idea or asking if someone could help correct a wrong idea.
8. To what extent did the classroom management and environment contribute to student
learning? (Consider your classroom procedures, your use of physical space, and the students conduct.)
The classroom management and environment contributed positively to the student
learning. The class was extremely well behaved because they were very excited about
being creative on their own. They listened well and respected others while they were
9. Did you make modifications to your lesson plan during the lesson? If so, what were
they and what motivated these changes?
Yes, during my lesson I change how the activity took place. Initially I was planning on
handing all three strips of paper to the students to have the fill out all at once. As I was
presenting the idea in class I thought it would be too complicated for them to
remember what to write on each color of paper. Because of this I decided to have the
students fill out each sheet of paper one at a time.
10. Was your Teaching Behavior Focus goal met?
Yes my teaching behavior focus goal was met. There were numerous opportunities for
the students to share their thoughts with others. It also allowed me to see if they full
understood the topic of the lesson.

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