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Inheritance of genes that:

Increase appetite, increase Increase insulin release:

Vascular Family Hx
insulin resistance, make Gliclazide, diamicron,
Family Hx muscle Old Age
islet cells in pancreas wear hypoglycemics
Old Age defects
out quickly
Race (Asian)
Hardening of vascular
Increased Vascular cell walls and
wall thickness and reduced elasticity
Decreased insulin use Decreased insulin levels
reactivity leading to smaller,
obstructed vessels
blood flow Increased
Diabetic Kidney Disease
Kidney Failure Peripheral

High glucose levels + low insulin use

Chronic high blood
(possible high insulin levels as well due to Candesartan,
pressure leads to damage
insulin overproduction from beta cells) levamlodipine,
of weaker/smaller vessels
asomex, rosufen

Decreased glucose: Unknown mechanism

wherein high blood sugar Increased
Janumet, insulin,
damages filtration system in Increased Peripheral
kidneys, resulting in failure blood flow resistance
plaque build up
Increased glucose levels High plasma and
ECF volume
Decreased glucose use
Fatty food intake
Diet Diet
Sedentary Lifestyle High salt and
Sedentary Lifestyle
water retention High salt intake

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