Spanish Long Term Plan

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Spanish Long Term Plan


This section is designed to help you see the flow of your units/topics across the entire
school year.
Unit Unit Length
Unit1: Greetings, Farewells, Instructions 3 weeks
Unit2: The School 3 weeks
Unit3: My family and School 3 weeks
Unit4: Professions & My community 3 weeks
Unit5: Celebrations/Food 3 weeks
Unit6: Transportation 3 weeks
Unit7: The body 3 weeks
Unit8: Climate and Clothing 3 weeks
Unit9: Animals and Plants 5 weeks
Unit10 Feelings, Sports, Entertainment 3 weeks


This section is designed to help you compare the number of available instructional
days/weeks to the number of days/weeks you have accounted for in your Long-Term
Course Length
163 Days or 32.6
Total number of instructional weeks/days in school year:
Total number of instructional weeks/days for all units included in Long-
32 weeks
Term Plan:

*Note: Be sure to account for all instructional days in the school year, including those after end-of-year
testing (if any).

UNIT 1: Greetings, Farewells, Instructions UNIT 1 LENGTH: 3 Weeks


John Hopkins University School of Education

Long-Term Plan Template 1
2.(28) Listening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension
skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings.
Students are expected to:
2.28(A) listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions
to clarify information; and
2.28(B) follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a
short related sequence of actions.
2.(29) Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to
the point, using the conventions of language. Students are expected to
share information and ideas that focus on the topic under discussion,
speaking clearly at an appropriate pace, using the conventions of the
SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary:
Como te va, nos vemos maana, chao, que te vaya bien.
Necesito ayuda, perdn, como se dice.

Spiraling N/A

R) SWBAT speaking using complete sentences.

Remedial (R)
R) SWBAT monitor listening comprehension and ask clarifying
Enrichment (E)
(to be completed after
E) 114.22(B)Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture
receiving diagnostic
through comparisons of the student's own culture and the cultures
assessment results)

UNIT 2: School and Directions UNIT 2 LENGTH: 3 weeks

SWBAT identify synonyms and antonyms
SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary. Teacher
will review 1st grade school list and focus on:
La escuela:
Reloj, bolgrafo/pluma, cafetera, sacapuntas. Direcciones:
sobre, debajo, norte, sur, este, oeste
SWBAT learn about Hispanic Heritage Month
2.(28) Listening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension
skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings.
Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
Spiraling Students are expected to:
2.28(A) listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to
clarify information; and 2.28(B) follow, restate, and give oral
instructions that involve a short related sequence of actions.

John Hopkins University School of Education

Long-Term Plan Template 2
Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E)
R) SWBAT id open and closed syllables
(to be completed
R) SWBAT review words with the following letters: rr/r,b/v.
after receiving
R) SWBAT to learn c/s/z, k/c
assessment results)

UNIT 3: My family and house UNIT 3 LENGTH: 3 weeks

2.(30) Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively
with others in teams. Students continue to apply earlier standards with
greater complexity. Students are expected to follow agreed-upon rules
for discussion, including listening to others, speaking when recognized,
and making appropriate contributions.
SWBAT learn about compound words.
SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary:
Teacher will review vocabulary focus:
Madre, padre, sobrino, sobrina.
Sof, cama, librero, refrigerador, silln, lavamanos, ducha.

-SWBAT speaking using complete sentences.

Spiraling -SWBAT monitor listening comprehension and ask clarifying questions.

Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E)
R) SWBAT review words with the following letters: rr/r,b/v, c/s/z, k/c.
(to be completed
R) SWBAT use rules of the letter h.
after receiving
assessment results)

UNIT 4: Professions and community UNIT 4 LENGTH: 3 weeks


John Hopkins University School of Education

Long-Term Plan Template 3
SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary:
Profesiones : El astronauta
El abogado, El periodista, El arquitecto, El conductor/chofer, El
cocinero, La secretaria, El escritor/autor, piloto/aviador.
Mi comunidad:
La NASA, el espacio, la oficina, la corte, el peridico, la
televisora, las calles, la estacin de autobuses, el restaurante, el
SWBAT make predictions, Main/idea details, Drawing conclusions
Summarize, cause and effect, fact and opinion
2.22(D) recognize and use punctuation marks, including beginning and
ending punctuation in sentences;
2.(29) Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to
the point, using the conventions of language. Students continue to apply
earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to share
information and ideas that focus on the topic under discussion, speaking
clearly at an appropriate pace, using the conventions of language.
2.(30) Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively
with others in teams. Students continue to apply earlier standards with
greater complexity. Students are expected to follow agreed-upon rules
for discussion, including listening to others, speaking when recognized,
and making appropriate contributions.
Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E)
(to be completed R) Review capital letters and punctuation
after receiving E) SWBAT learn about a Spanish speaking country
assessment results)

UNIT 5: <Insert Unit Title/Topic of Study Here>

John Hopkins University School of Education

Long-Term Plan Template 4
2.2(D) become familiar with words that use syllables que-, qui-, as in
queso and quito; gue-,
gui-, as in guiso and juguete; and ge-, gi-, as in pingino and
SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary:
Accin de gracias: indgenas,
peregrinos. Navidad: noche buena, papa Noel, estrella, reyes
magos. Kwanza: 7 das, valores.Hanuka:8 das alegra, monedas
de chocolate. Ao Nuevo: desfile, luces, adornos, tradicin.
Accin de Gracias: salsas, juda verdes. Navidad: buuelos.
Kwanza: frijoles. Hanuka: frituras de harina. Ao Nuevo: sidra.
2.2 (K) use knowledge of the meaning of base words to identify and
read common compound words (e.g., sacapuntas, abrelata,
2.5(C) identify and use common words that are opposite (antonyms) or
similar (synonyms) in meaning
Remedial (R)
E) SWBAT learn about Accin de Gracias, navidad, Kwanza, Hanuka,
Enrichment (E)
Ao Nuevo.
(to be completed
E) SWBAT learn about a Spanish speaking country
after receiving
R) Review words with the following letters: rr/r/b/v, c/s/z, k/c and
assessment results)

UNIT 6: Transportation UNIT 6 LENGTH: 3 weeks

SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary and review
previous years vocabulary:
El Globo, El Cohete, El Metro El Yate, La Camioneta, el ferri.

SWBAT identify 4 types of sentences: declarative, interrogative,

exclamatory, imperative

2.2A(i) decode open syllable (CV) (e.g., la/la-ta; to/to-ma); 2.2A(ii)

decode closed syllable

SWBAT make predictions, Main/idea details, Drawing conclusions,

inferences, Summarize, cause and effect, fact and opinion.

Spiraling SWBAT speaking using complete sentences.

SWBAT monitor listening comprehension and ask clarifying questions.

John Hopkins University School of Education

Long-Term Plan Template 5
Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E)
E) SWBAT learn about Ao Nuevo, los Reyes Magos..
(to be completed
R) SWBAT identify words with the following letters: g/j
after receiving
assessment results)

UNIT 7: The body UNIT 7 LENGTH: 3 weeks

SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary:
El tobillo, lengua, Los dientes, La espalda, La garganta, El
2.2(B) use orthographic rules to segment and combine syllables
including vowel diphthongs (e.g., pue-de, sien-te, va-ca);
2.2(D) become familiar with words that use syllables que-, qui-, as in
queso and quito; gue-, gui-, as in guiso and juguete; and ge-, gi-, as in
pingino and agita;

2.5(B) use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar

words or multiple-meaning words;
Spiraling 2.5(C) identify and use common words that are opposite (antonyms) or
similar (synonyms) in meaning; and

Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E)
R) 2.2A (iii) decode diththongs
(to be completed
R) 2.2A(iv) decode hiatus (e.g., fideo, poeta);
after receiving
E) SWBAT learn about a Spanish speaking country
assessment results)

UNIT 8: Climate and Clothing UNIT 8 LENGTH: 3 weeks


John Hopkins University School of Education

Long-Term Plan Template 6
SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary:
El Clima: Tornado, estacin, temperatura.
La Ropa: Corbata, sombrero, chaleco, gorra, cinturn, pijama,
2.2A(v) consonant blends (e.g., bra/bra-zo; glo/glo-bo); and 2.2A(vi)
consonant digraphs (e.g., ch/chi-le; ll/lla-ve; rr/pe-rro);

2.2F read words with common prefixes and suffixes

SWBAT make predictions, Main/idea details, Drawing conclusions,
inferences, Summarize, cause and effect, fact and opinion.
SWBAT identify 4 types of sentences: declarative, interrogative,
exclamatory, imperative
E) SWBAT write 6 complete sentences on topic.
E) SWBAT follow 5 writing process: pre-escritura, borrador, revisin,
Remedial (R) edicin, publicacin.
Enrichment (E) R) 2.2(E) decode words that have same sounds represented by different
(to be completed letters with increased accuracy (e.g., "r" and "rr," as in ratn and perro;
after receiving "ll" and "y," as in llave and yate; "g" and "j," as in gigante and jirafa;
diagnostic "c," "k," and "q," as in casa, kilo, and quince; "c," "s," and "z," as in
assessment results) cereal, semilla, and zapato; "j" and "x," as in cojn and Mxico; "i" and
"y," as in imn and doy; "b" and "v," as in burro and vela);

UNIT 9: Animals and Plants UNIT 9 LENGTH: 5 weeks


John Hopkins University School of Education

Long-Term Plan Template 7
SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary:
Animales: Enfoque:
Domsticos/ Mascotas: el perico, el canario.
De la granja: el marrano, la cabra, el burro. Salvajes: el
rinoceronte, la vbora, el puma, el alce, el cocodrilo.
Marinos: la ballena, la langosta, la orca, el caballito de mar.
Plantas: Enfoque:
Ciclo de vida de la planta, sembrar, plantar, cosechar, jardn.
Frutas: la toronja, el aguacate, el mango, Las fresas, las moras,
la guayaba.
Verduras: brcoli, coliflor, ejotes, ajo, apio.
2.5A Use prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of words
2.(4) Reading/Fluency. Students read text with fluency and
comprehension at appropriate level. Students are expected to read aloud
level appropriate text with accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing,
and comprehension.

2.3(B) ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and
details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence
from text; and
2.(29) Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to
the point, using the conventions of language. Students continue to apply
earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to share
information and ideas that focus on the topic under discussion, speaking
clearly at an appropriate pace, using the conventions of language.
E) 2.17(A) plan a first draft by generating ideas for writing (e.g.,
Remedial (R) drawing, sharing ideas, listing key ideas);
Enrichment (E) E) 114.22(B)Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture
(to be completed through comparisons of the student's own culture and the cultures
after receiving studied
diagnostic R) 2.2(I) decode words with an orthographic accent (e.g., pap, avin);
assessment results) and 2.2H identify the stressed syllable (silaba tonica)

John Hopkins University School of Education

Long-Term Plan Template 8
UNIT 10: Feelings, Sports, and Entertainment UNIT 10 LENGTH: 3 weeks
SWBAT become familiar with the thematic Unit vocabulary

2.(12) Reading/Comprehension of Text/Independent Reading. Students

read independently for sustained periods of time and produce evidence
of their reading. Students are expected to read independently for a
sustained period of time and paraphrase what the reading was about,
maintaining meaning.

2.19(A) write brief compositions about topics of interest to the student

2.(13) Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and
History. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about
the author's purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts
and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding.
Students are expected to identify the topic and explain the author's
purpose in writing the text.

114.22(B)Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture

through comparisons of the student's own culture and the cultures
R) SWBAT use the writing conventions: Review- maysculas, punto
Remedial (R)
final, signos de interrogacin y exclamacin, series en coma, parentesis
Enrichment (E)
oraciones interrogativas y exclamativas.
(to be completed
E) SWBAT: make Predicciones, Conexiones (al texto, a m mismo, y al
after receiving
mundo),Character development, plot, main idea/details, theme,
sequence, summarize, compare and contrast
assessment results)

John Hopkins University School of Education

Long-Term Plan Template 9

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