Brown Edrienne First Day Document Packet Fa2017 08-22-2017

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These forms are included in the packet given to you during Education Orientation.

YOU are responsible for delivering them to your Cooperating Teacher and ensuring they are
filled out and returned to the office by the due dates.

By October 6 th :

Conceptual Framework
Cooperating Teacher Form
Evaluation of Professionalism form (Mid-semester check point)
Verification of Time Form (Mid-semester check point)

By November 28 th:

LCOIs Only if you are taking a lab course

Evaluation of Professionalism form
Verification of Time Form

EcirmeLitt , 4 A-tertait. i2- g tLlt 1 7

Student Signature Date

Expectations for your field placement participation
As you prepare to complete your field experiences, please remember you are representing
Wesleyan College and of course, yourself as a future professional. Make an effort to
make a good impression on the people at the school: students, teachers, and

Dress professionally (To Impress)

T-shirts, blue jeans and other casual clothes that you wear on campus are not appropriate.
Wear slacks or khakis, dresses, skirts and blouses that are comfortable and not too tight.
Spandex is not appropriate for school. Remember Dr. Wilcox's rule of the 3 B's: check
bust, belly, and behind before leaving your home. Squat, bend over and check all
positions to be sure you're covered...literally!
Make sure your tattoos are covered in places that shouldn't show.
Wear appropriate shoes: Flip-flops, rain boots, and tennis shoes are not professional.
Facial jewelry and hats are not permitted.
If you are unsure of the placement school's dress code, you should ask your.cooperating
teacher or someone working in the office.
The bottom line: Always look as if you are going for a job interview for every visit.

Behavior Expectations
Sleeping, or appearing to sleep during your field experience (or ANY class for that
matter) is unacceptable. You must be engaged at all times, and assisting the students and
cooperating teacher whenever the situation allows.
Your phone should be turned off before entering the school. Texting and use of cell
phones are not allowed (even if the cooperating teacher is texting or using her cell
You are not to do Wesleyan classwork when visiting the classroom.
There are no "dress-down" days for Wesleyan's students, unless you are going on a field
trip with the students.

I have read and understand the professional behavior and dress that is expected of me during my
field placement experiences. I can ask my professor or Julie Rogers in the Education office for
advice about a specific outfit before visiting the school if I'm unsure.

ataintc. kteyetiz Z-2- 13-c,,q,

Signature Date
III. Evaluation
The Candidate Knows. . . The Candidate Demonstrates. . . The Candidate Believes. . .
III.-7a. The candidate III-7b.The candidate uses a III-7c.The candidate believes
understands various types of variety of formal and informal that it is necessary to use a
student assessments. (K) assessments (portfolios, variety of assessments in order
observations, student to make prudent instructional
assessments, and standardized decisions (D)
tests, performance tasks) to
inform instructional decisions and
to assess student learning. (S)
III-8a.The candidate knows a III-8b. The candidate refines and III-8c.The candidate recognizes
variety of self-assessment revises professional and/or that reflections can provide the
strategies for reflecting on pedagogical behaviors based on impetus for revising and
his/her practices and the impact reflections. (S) refining professional and
of these practices on student pedagogical practices. (D)
learning. (K)

These proficiencies reflect the Conceptual Framework of Wesleyan's Education

Department. Please read the document and sign.

1, Ed r i &MR- 6 ra t../ 0 , have read and understand the proficiencies in

the Conceptual Framework.

echr,;.tn.A.p, gzsliA.-A, 6-he 3co 22 ;54, . 17

Signature of Candidate Date and Course tzr
Ethics and Honor

I 6 - d r ; elitto 6.--o- 0 rx have read the statement of ethics as

outlined by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and agree to abide
by the statement of ethics in my field experiences and upon entering the

Signature crC . Date 2 2- Ati 1 7

I trirs'eArle a r-awrk have read the Wesleyan College Honor Code

and pledge to uphold the honor code in class, in field experiences, and upon
entering the profession.

Signature _ir:itzt t.e. h. ,2 _____ Date 22 /gay /7

Please sign this form and return It to the education department office.
Responsibility Recognition Form
Please read each statement below carefully and initial. If you don't understand something, please ask a
professor or staff member:
*The due date for your portfolio is [November 15 th, 2017]. This due date is final. You must submit all
papers for grading to add to your portfolio by [November 1st, 2017]. You should create your portfolio on and begin adding documents throughout the semester. Daniel Miller will offer assistance to
you to set up your electronic file. You may schedule a time with him to go through the checklist and answer
any questions you may have: . E
*You are not to register for any upper level Education courses (300 level courses and above) prior to
passing portfolio I. The catalog and audit sheet lists the pre-requisites. g6
*Labs courses Once you have received your field placement, you must make contact with your host

teacher between [August 22nd August 25 th]. You must start your scheduled time in the classroom by
[Tuesday August 291. Please remember, you are representing Wesleyan, so good attendance is very
important. Failure to start in the times listed above will affect your course grade. You should always
notify your placement teacher about an absence as soon as possible. Ee
*If you have trouble making contact with your teacher, you should come to the Education suite by Friday,
[August 25 th] to let us know you have tried all 3 methods: e-mail, phone, and visiting the school with no
successful contact. tR6
*If you are in a course with a lab, you are responsible for attending every week from the first scheduled
week to the last week of your EDU course. You are not allowed to wait to begin.e -E-6
*Observations for lab students must be done by November 17 th. You should discuss this with your Lab
teacher. E 8 f3
*The last day to complete your lab placement will be December 1 st, 2017. e -7?e

*Field Experience courses Once you have received your field placement, you must make contact with

your host teacher by [August 25 th]. Please remember, you are representing Wesleyan, so good attendance is
very important. Failure to make contact in the times listed above will affect your course grade. You
should always notify your placement teacher about an absence as soon as possible.
*If you have trouble making contact with your teacher, you should come to the Education suite by
Wednesday, [August 30th] to let Daniel know you have tried all 3 methods: e-mail, phone, and visiting the
school with no successful contact.
*Field placement schedules that you and your host teacher agree on must be signed by them before you
turn it in to your course professors. E-mail correspondence will not be accepted as proof. This should be
done when you meet your teacher on the first visit with them at the school.
*You cannot try to do all of your hours within a few weeks of the semester.

Rev. 6-24-16
*If you find that any contact information for your placement teacher is different from what we have given
you, please notify our office with the current information.
*Any documents that you bring back to our office from your teacher must be in a sealed envelope with
their initials. They may also use Pony mail, regular mail, or scan and e-mail it to .
*If, for any reason, you decide to drop a course or are unable to complete your field placement at any time
during the semester, you MUST contact your placement teacher and c.c. Daniel Miller along with your
course professor via e mail to let them know. If you have been given a teacher's name in this packet, that

teacher must be contacted. We should not get any more e-mails from host teachers stating a student just did
not show up at all or for a scheduled time during the semester.


*In some classes, you will video tape yourself teaching. Video cameras should be checked out from the
resource room. Do not use a phone or other media device because videos must be saved in a specific format
with high resolution for EdTPA submissions. You are responsible for saving the footage until it's needed
for submission. C 66
*You need permission to use the laminator and color printer we provide. A staff member must be with you
while using this equipment as it can jam easily. The laminator requires 30 minutes to warm up, so proper
notice is needed. The cost for laminating is $1.00 per foot. The color copies are $.50 per copy. Coffee is
$1.00 per cup. 03
*We provide many materials, tools, and equipment that is free for our Education students to use. You are
responsible for cleaning up any messes you make and leaving the room as you found it. Please do not
remove any materials from the resource room without checking them out. 6615
*You should also find a student worker to assist you in checking out materials from the resource room. We
have a notebook to log your items, and we need to know a date you plan to return it. Our other check out
policies are posted in the resource room for review. E 8
E I '9)

*You are responsible for checking your Wesleyan email account regularly. ES/1
*You are encouraged to read the catalog about new updated changes to our program as there have been
several this year. You can visit our office at any time with questions!

By signing this form, you acknowledge that you have read and initialed the above statements and
you understand all of the policies listed above.

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Printed Name Signature Date
Rev. 6-24-16
Physical Demands of Early Childhood Education Majors
Summary of Physical Demands
An elementary school teacher is considered a LIGHT duty position according to the physical demands strength rating of the Dictionary
of Occupational Titles, 2003.

Light Work Examples

Light physical demand is defined as exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally or up to 10 pounds of force frequently, or a
negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. Physical demand requirements are in excess of those for sedentary work. Even
though the weight lifted may be only a negligible amount, a job should be rated light work when it requires any combination of the

Static Strength: The ability to exert maximum force to lift, push, pull, or carry objects.
o Examples may include;
Using a 10-pound force to push or pull the VCRTV stands. The overhead projector requires 5 pounds of
force to move. It is also necessary to forward bend, squat, kneel, etc. when working with equipment,
plugging it in, etc.
Moving children's desks and chairs to change the layout of the classroom to influence the learning situation.
Lifting and carrying boxes weighing up to 25 pounds from the office to classrooms. Carrying can be up to
200 feet and varies.

Stamina: The ability to exert one's self physically over long periods of time without getting winded or out of breath.
o Examples may include;
Spending the majority of the day standing in a classroom. While standing the teacher will frequently hold
light objects they are working and demonstrating, etc. These can be held from waist level to slightly above
the teacher's head.
Seeing and hearing on a continuous basis as well as speaking frequently. Positions may vary from
standing, sitting, walking, etc.

Explosive Strength: The ability to use short bursts of muscle force to propel oneself (as in jumping or sprinting), or
to throw an object.
Examples may include;
Reacting quickly in emergency situations such as fire drills, tornado drills, sudden emergencies, or
to resolve conflicts and confrontations.
Moving quickly, running etc. over smooth to uneven surfaces such as on asphalt, pea gravel, on
the playground, or on grass. A whistle may be used on the playground requiring the ability to blow.
The playground could have up to a 6-inch curb to step over.

Dynamic Strength: The ability to exert muscle force repeatedly or continuously over time. This involves muscular
endurance and resistance to muscle fatigue.
Examples may include;
Standing for long periods of time while writing on a board, holding up a book, demonstrating
specific skills, or conducting experiments.
Remaining in one position for extended periods of time while assisting a student, answering
questions, or providing examples. Positions vary according to need but could include, squatting,
stooping, standing, leaning, sitting, stretching, or reaching.

Gross Body Equilibrium: The ability to keep or regain one's body balance or stay upright when in an unstable
Examples may include;
Walking through the classroom and being able to maneuver in tight spaces between desks, etc.

Dynamic Flexibility: The ability to quickly and repeatedly bend, stretch, twist, or reach out with the body, arms,
and/or legs.
Examples may include;
Dealing with the students by kneeling or squatting, stooping, and bending from 50-70 degrees at
the waist on an occasional to frequent basis on a given day.

I have read and understand the physical requirement necessary in the Early Childhood Classroom.

Signed: allinItt Date: za A j 12

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