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Lesson Plan for English(letter M) the fourth lesson I

taught the students

Name of Student Teacher: Fatimah Omran Al Ali
Date & Duration of lesson: Number of Age Range of students:
Date: 11-10-2017 (Wednesday) 20 students 4 5 years
Duration: 45 min
(15 min in circle time/20 min grouping time/10 min
closing time)
Learning Outcomes: (Link to the Early Learning Goals from the Resources: (for each activity)
UK EYFS curriculum document.)
Activity 1:
Personal, Social and Emotional o Marker
o The eliminated paper that
o Works as part of a group or class, taking turns and sharing includes words, letter upper
fairly. case, and lower case.
o Basket.
Communication, Language:
Activity 2:
o Develop listening when they listen to the song and o Clay
responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation or o Cards that includes pictures
discussion. that start with letter m.
o Basket.
Physical Development:
o Develop their fine motor skills when they hold a glue, Activity 3:
marker, pencil. o Glue
o Small letter(M), small paper
Creative Development: for ears.
o Use their imagination to create a mouse and crate for his o Cotton.
o Plastic eyes.
nose, eyes, 2 ears.
o Paper.
Supporting activities differentiated to three ability levels: (where possible)
Activity 1 Activity 2 (Assessed by me using traffic light)
Monitored by: Students Teacher Monitored by: Students teacher
Description of activity 1: Description of activity 2:
o I will let each student to choose a marker o I prepare a hands-on activity for students by
and gives them board (eliminated paper) giving them an eliminated paper that
that appropriate for their level. includes a different picture and written
o I prepare 3 kinds of the worksheet. The first inside it words start with letter m.
one is upper and lowercase of letter (M). I
will let the student who doesn't memorize o The students will choose the picture they
the letter to write probably and learn how like it and the color of clay they like it and
he/she write it correctly. You can see the form the words.
picture below.
o I will put a leader of this group and I create
for his/her a crown that written inside it
leader. The leader will help the teacher to
distribute the clay for the students.

o Also, I will give the students this step:

1- See the picture and think what we
called this picture.
2- Choose the clay and take small pieces
of clay to form the letter.
o The second one is a letter (M) so, the 3- When you finish let the teacher see and
students should trace the letter many times switch to you partner.
between two lines in the correct way.
Learning Outcome(s):
o Form the letters.
o Connect the letter m with words.

Differentiation for high level:

I will let them form words that include 5 or 6

o The last activity is word start with a letter Differentiation for low level:
(M) such as the moon, monkey, mouse, I will let them form easy words.
mountain. From this activity, the students
will learn words start with a letter (M).
Learning Outcome(s):
o Trace letter upper and lowercase of letter
o Trace words start with a letter (M).
o Identify letter (M)

Differentiation for high level:

I will let them write the letter m or words start with
letter m instead of tracing it.

Differentiation for low level:

I will let them use a big eliminated paper that
includes only upper and lower case and let his/her
trace it.

Activity 3

Monitored by: Students Teacher

Description of activity 3:

o This an art activity that suitable for the low

level of students to let them identify the
lower case of the letter (M) and connect
letter (M) with the mouse.
o The students will take a glue and the letter
and stick in the paper. Then, they take 2
ears and stick it up to the letter.
o After that, I will let them take cotton and 2
eyes and stick in in the letter to make the
o Then, the teacher will write the students
name up and draw a tail for the mouse.

Learning Outcome(s):

o Connect letter m with words mouse.

o Identify the lower case of the letter (M).

Differentiation for high level:

I will let them when they finish writing mouse
under the craft.

Differentiation for low level:

I will let them write the letter only under the

The Structure of the Lesson

What the teacher does What the children do Comments:

Circle time

-Greet the students by saying good -The students will respond

morning, the sing-song day of the when the teacher said good
week, sing (if you happy and you morning. Also, the repeat
know) song, gives the students the after the teacher when she
rules. read the day of the week.

-Also, I prepare 2 stars one for a boy -The students feel happy and
and one for girls to let the students listen to the teacher when she
engaged and I will give it to active speaks to get the star.

-The students listen to the

Introduce the letter for students by teacher carefully to learn
showing them the letter, teach them how they can write the letter
the sound of the letter and teach step by step. Also, they
them words start with a letter (M) repeat after the teacher the
using a flash card. sound of letter and words
start with a letter (M).

-The teacher at the end of circle time -The students who get the
the best two students and give them star feel proud.
a star.

Grouping time.

In grouping time, the teacher put a The leader liste1ns to teacher

leader for each group the let the instruction.
students engaged. Also, she said to
them what the leader does when the
teacher is busy with other groups.

Activity one

I will give the students a paper and

that appropriate for their level and
let them trace the letter (M), words
start with a letter (M).

Then, I let the leader to gives her/his

friends the marker.

Activity two
Most of this group are good
the teacher let the leader give the students and they know how
students a clay. to write. So, give the low
level to trace letter m but the
high level to trace the words
start with a letter (M).

The teacher encourages the students She/he helps me when I busy

to finish quickly and she help any with other groups.
students that need.

Activity three
The student takes the clay
The teacher concentrates and sit in from their friends and takes
this group and help the teacher to one paper to form the letter
make a mouse so she shows them a in it.
The students feel happy
The teacher gives a leader a letter when they form a letter and
and lets her give the students in the they try to show the teacher.

The teacher let the students take two The students feel happy
eyes and stick it in the letter m because they will make a
mouse with the teacher.

Assessment She obeys the teacher and

I prepare a formative assessment to listens to her instruction.
assess the students learning and
understanding of lesson so I will
assess them during the group
activity. They take the eyes from the
box and stick it alone, then
I will write their names in the white they take two ears and put it
rectangle according to their up so they learn a direction
understanding. from the teacher.
- The green for students who
do correctly.
- Yellow for students who try
to do.
- Red for students who dont
do anything.

I assess the student in Activity 2 and

I observe that most of the student
dont recognize the words and the
activity hard for them so I prepare
for them a simple activity. Only one
student called Syed recognize the
word and connected with the picture
in the flash card, also he says the
sound of letter M.

Closing time

At the end of the lesson, she put The students listen to video
them a song related to the letter (M). carefully and try to imitate
This song used in their school. the man in the video to write
a letter (M).

Ask the student about the video and

what they see in the video.
General Comments: (including documented evidence of learning; comments from MST, MCT and/or
TA as appropriate)

I felt proud of what I do it when I teach the students, my MCT observe my lesson and my strategy I do it
during my lesson, she likes a different transition I made it with children. While my MCT notice that the
Activity 2 is difficult for students and my asses the student during the activity I I felt itd difficult for
them so I will prepare an activity is suitable for them to level.

Recommendations / future personal targets / areas of focus for next week:

I think I grow because I know to assess the students using a different strategy and in this lesson, I prepare
a traffic light and its part of formative assessment.
In next lesson, I will prepare activity easiest for group 2 that met their needs.
My Reflection

My Reflection

My Teaching Childrens Learning (use

assessments of LO)
What Went Well I do well when I assess the The children concentrate in their
students and I apply my activity and I assess them after I
traffic light. Also, I do a lot explain the lesson. some of them
of transition in my lesson so understand what I teach and other
my class was management want more explain and teach. I
and I feel happy. think my activity teach them how to
write more than explore thing.
Sometimes students needs to
develop their writing and speaking.

EBI Even Better If My MCT tell me a comment The better if I use extra activity for
because she wants to see a students who complete tracing to let
hands-on activity but in this them learn more things related with
lesson, I let the student to letter m.
trace and write and one
group I let them to make a
mouse. She gives me
comment in this point.

Next Steps
(Identify which lesson this will be Next time, I will concentrate Next time, I will concentrate to
seen in) in my LO and different teach the student letter, sound of
formative assessment during letter rather than use vocabulary.
the lesson.

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