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Tricksand other
with a rubber square

by Magic-Ian
by Magic-Ian
original "Best Dam Tricks"
copyright 1980
reprinted with permission
D. Robbins & Co. Inc.
all rights reserved
revised edition
copyright 1997

No pan of this book, text, or illustrations may be reproduced in any

form without written permission of the copyright owner.

BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11201--

Introduction by Walter Gibson I

The Rubber square I
. . 2
the baslC penetration .
double penetration 4
reset .6

When the rubber penetration came into popularity several years

ago, it represented something really new in magic. Here was a
trick that was actually accomplished before it began, leaving
onlookers baffled by a visible penetration of a coin through a sheet
of solid rubber, with no clue whatever as to its accomplishment.
So effective was this mystery that magicians themselves began
wondering when further effects of this nature would be developed,
if ever.

They have been developed; and the time is now. The very
principle of the rubber penetration made it adaptable to new uses,
provided someone gave them proper thought. By introducing new
devices and applying existing gimmicks in special ways, a series of
remarkable surprises came into being, practically all the work of
one inventive mind.

This book is the result. In it Ian Sutz has added one neat twist after
another, even producing startling effects that go beyond the
original concept, with intriguing variations that will keep
spectators guessing all the more. The basic penetration has even
been applied to a balloon, creating a completely new effect: while
the introduction of various articles such as keys, nails and other
available items {seen and unseen} provide still more

Coin balloon-acy is sure to become a classic in itself and the

accompanying items can readily be worked into effective routines.
Try them yourself and be convinced.

Walter B. Gibson



The rubber square consists of a thin piece of rubber

available from a variety of sources: Latex gloves,
clear balloons, and the commercial form known as
rubber dam. Rubber squares comes in 5" x 5" sheets
in white or dark color available from your favorite
magic dealer.

This rubber square, when prepared in several ways,

will provide several diverse effects, most of which
depend on the rubber square's stretchable quality. In
most of the routines, the rubber square is stretched
thin and clear over coins and other objects. This thin
covering is so transparent that it will defy the closest
examination. The total illusion suggests to the
spectator that the object is on top of the rubber
square, whereas it is actually under it, suspended by
the pressure of the rubber surface. Like so many
tricks, the rubber square is derived from the physical
sciences. Remember though, until the science is
publicly known, the physical effect will remain
Effect: A coin is seen to be resting on a rubber sheet
which has been secured over a glass tumbler by an
elastic band. The spectator is asked to touch the coin
and to push it. The spectator causes the coin to
apparently penetrate the rubber sheet and fall into the
sealed tumbler. The spectator may inspect
everything and even try to duplicate the effect
without success.

The Basic set-up: Requires a coin (or two), a small

bottle, salt shaker, or anything with a pedestal-type
shape smaller than the diameter of the coin used. I
have found the cap from a felt marker pen to be the
best for most coins. You will also need a glass
tumbler, an elastic band, and a rubber sheet or rubber
See figures page 1

I} place the coin on top of the cap.

2} Stretch the piece of rubber using both hands, then

using four fingers, stretch it in two directions at once
until it is clear.

3} While stretched, center it over the coin and gently

press down. As you slowly lower the rubber square,
release your grip. This will leave the center portion
of the rubber square stretched clear over the coin and
the balance of the rubber square will pull itself around
and under the coin.
4} Lift the rubber square and coin and place it over a
shot-glass with the elastic band binding it around the
rim of the tumbler.

5} Place a second coin on top or just under the rim of

the prepared coin and you are ready to perform. It is
at this time the spectator first sees any apparatus.

Performance: If your set-up has been successful, the

coin with clear rubber square over it will look as if it
is merely resting on a piece of rubber next to a second
coin. "Force" the spectator to select the prepared
coin. If he chooses the right one, discard the
unprepared coin. If he names the unprepared coin,
discard it and use the right one. No matter what the
spectator chooses, you use the coin ~ want anyway.

Tell the spectator to touch the remaining coin and

push. The prepared coin will pop into the tumbler
and remain sealed in the glass. Ask the spectator
"what has happened?". Have him agree that there
must be a hole in the rubber square. When he agrees,
ask him to "FIND THE HOLE".

The preparation for the basic routine will be the same

for most of the variations discussed in this book.
Please practice and perform it before continuing with
the variations.
#2} DOUBLE PENETRATION: The first variation
is also one of the most confusing to the spectator.
The effect begins when a penny or a dime is placed
visibly on a quarter resting on a sheet of rubber
secured over a glass. The magician takes a wand or
pen and taps the coin gently. The upper coin appears
to penetrate the quarter and the rubber sheet and falls
into the glass. The magician taps the coin again and
the quarter also appears to penetrate the rubber sheet.
All may be inspected.

THE METHOD: To accomplish this effect requires

stretching the rubber square over two coins at once.
The under coin should be smaller than the top one. I
use a quarter and a penny combination due to the
availability of magnetic pennies necessary to the
effect*. Once the two coins are stretched over the
smaller coin will be suspended below the "visible"
coin undetected by the spectator. Place this set-up
over a glass of water and secure it with a rubber
band. Let the spectator see you put a penny
{duplicate} on top of the prepared quarter. The first
objective will be to vanish the duplicate penny and at
the same time have the hidden coin drop into the
glass. The move should be practiced several times
before performing. See Figure A - Page 5
*Canadian coins, specifically dimes and nickels, are
an excellent source of magnetic coins.
Obtain a wand or a pen, and attach some wax to the
flat end just enough to be able to stick to the

duplicate coin. Hold the pen in the center with the
thumb and forefinger.

You will notice that when the coin is stuck to the

pen, you are able to swing the coin into your palm.
If you catch it and retain it in your palm, you can
bring the pen quickly back into view. Figure B

Practice this vanish until the illusion is as convincing

as possible. However, the misdirection of the coin
appearing in the glass should hide any problems in
the upper move.

The pressure of the pen as it picks up the upper coin

will release the hidden coin. This too should be
practiced a bit so as not to accidentally push the
quarter "through" before you intend to. Should this
happen. vanish the upper coin anyway and accept the
abbreviated but still startling effect. Should you
succeed in vanishing the upper coin while
simultaneously producing the under coin, then you
may push the quarter through as a second effect.

#3} An easier method of vanishing the upper coin

would be to use a steel coin, shell coin, or canadian
dime or nickel as the smaller coins. Instead of wax,
use a magnetic wand or pen* to vanish the upper coin
using the same "swing to palm" method as described

#4} My favorite and the easiest method is to use a

magnetic match box*. The match-box is placed over
the steel coin, and by tapping the box gently, the
under coin is released. Lift the box to confirm the
vanish of the duplicate. Complete the trick by
penetrating the remaining quarter through the rubber

* The "penny balancer" trick is an excellent source

for two inconspicuous steel pennies. Magnetic
match-boxes are available in a variety of commercial
tricks such as "pentro-penny", "well, I Never" and
nickel to penny to dime.

#S} RESET: Effect-A quarter is seen on a rubber

square. A dime is placed upon it. Both coins are
pushed, but only one coin penetrates. The dime
seems to have only partially penetrated. The rubber
square is turned over and the dime is seen sticking to
the underside of the rubber square. The Dime is then
pushed back through the rubber square from the
opposite side.
Method: Prepare a quarter in the standard manner.
Secure this over a water glass but do not secure it
with a rubber band...merely hold it with your hand.
Openly place a dime dead center on top of the
quarter. A fast, sharp push of the dime will cause the
quarter to penetrate, but of course, not the dime.
Without removing your finger {which should be
covering the partially penetrated dime}, turn over the
rubber square to reveal the dime on the opposite side.

If your push was sharp enough, the rubber square

popping around the quarter will pop around the
dime, resetting it almost as perfectly as the quarter
was stretched. Quickly push the dime through the
rubber square. This trick may be more of a curiosity
than a magic effect, but I found that if you use any
consecutively smaller coins, each pop of the coin
will set up the next one.
#6} Nickel to dime through rubber square:
Effect-a nickel is seen on a rubber square, changed to
a dime, and then is penetrated through the rubber
Method: Prepare a dime in a rubber square and place
it over a shot glass. Secure this set-up with a rubber
band. Take a shell penny or nickel, (available at your
magic dealer), and place it over a prepared dime.
Vanish the shell using the same method as
double-penetration with either a wand or a
match-book. Reveal the changed coin and then
penetrate it through the rubber square also.

#7} Sandwich Vanish: Effect- A quarter, dime and a

penny are stacked over a rubber rubber square. The
dime vanishes from between the quarter and the
penny, then the quarter vanishes from under the
penny. The quarter and dime are found in the glass.

Method: Double stretch a dime and a quarter, as in

DOUBLE-PENETRATION #2 routine. Obtain a
locking penny and dime from your dealer and place
the dime section over the prepared quarter with
hidden dime. The locking penny section should be
placed over the dime ready to lock together. A tap
with a stick or wand will lock the penny and dime to
form a penny. The duplicate dime will appear from
under the quarter and fall into the glass. Another
push will vanish the quarter into the glass leaving
only the penny remaining.
#8} Spiked Square: Effect-A nail is seen to be
penetrated through a rubber square. The magician
shows this to be not only protruding through the
rubber square from the top, but may also be freely
shown to be coming through the rubber square from
the bottom. The magician grabs the shank of the nail
and snaps it from the rubber square. Of course no
hole can be found.

Method: The object is to stretch the rubber square

over a nail head and do it gently enough not to break
the rubber square. With practice, this can be done
anywhere, but I recommend the following procedure:

Get an 8D common nail and a 4D box nail. Tap the

common nail into a piece of wood, remove it, and
then place the box nail into the hole.
. -.~

/ ~I

This will aid you as a bracket to hold the nail during

the set-up. Stretch the rubber square over the nail
head as though it were a coin. Hold the rubber square
with the nail and show it freely on both sides, the
illusion being that the nail has penetrated the rubber
square. The uniqueness of the illusion is that you
may for the first time show both sides of a rubber
square set-up during the performance. Grasp the
pointed shank of the nail and pull the head through.
Ask the spectator to find the hole.
A subtle touch: Actually have a nail puncture the
rubber square next to the set-up nail. The nail should
look identical. You grasp the gimmick and the
spectator grasps the other one. Your nail leaves no
hole, and their's does.

#9} Stretch the square over Dice, washers, balls, or

almost anything that can allow the rubber square to
stretch over it and stay in place without breaking.

lID} Noted Author, Roy Fromer suggested using an

Okito coin box with the rubber square. Place the
rubber square with a prepared coin set-up directly
over an open Okito box. Covering the box, the
prepared coin is caused to penetrate inside to the
"sealed" box. He also suggested preparing a coin,
and then merely wrapping the rubber square around
the coin. Pressing the folded rubber square, with coin
inside will release the coin into your palm. You may
then reproduce the coin from a coin box or from your
pocket, after showing the coin to have vanished from
the folded rubber square.
#ll} Now you see it: Effect-A coin is sitting on a
rubber square, above and below the coin is written
"Now you see it". The coin penetrates and the rubber
square now reads "now you don't see it".
Method: Before preparing the coin, use a standard or
thick ball point pen and write "now you see it" as per
the illustration. The word "don't" should be written
where the coin will be stretched, taking care not to
have the printing exceed the area the coin will cover.

Stretch the rubber square over the coin with the word
"don't" across it, and the word will be temporarily
obscured (actually it is stretched over and around the
coin). Upon penetration the word will be revealed to
form the new sentence or word.

#12} You may also use this principle to force a card

and reveal it as the coin penetrates the rubber square.
Reveal other predictions and complete other
t'AUb Ll

NI3} Clip-it Restoration: Effect-A piece of rubber

sheet is folded and cut. When unfolded the rubber
square is still joined together.

Method: This trick is very similar to the famous

newspaper trick "clippo". The "clippo" trick uses
rubber cement coated lightly upon a newspaper,
which when cut and unfolded, appears to still be in
one piece. The trick works due to the nature of the
rubber in rubber cement which causes it to meld or
bind together when sharply compressed. The rubber
rubber square is a "pure" form of this trick.

A) Fold the rubber square at any point and cut across

the folded pieces. Cut in as straight a line as possible.

B) Unfold the pieces and they will adhere together as

if they are one piece. The cut mark will show, and if
you pull hard the rubber square will separate at the
cut. {do not do so during the performance.}

C) Take any two separate rubber square pieces and

lay them over each other. Cut across the two pieces
and they will appear to have blended when unfolded.

D) Fold the rubber square and cut a diagonal line, and

the rubber square will form a right angle connection
when unfolded. This trick is a curiosity and should
be added as an amusing part of your rubber square
#14} Cut and restored rubber square: Effect-the
Magician wraps a sheet of rubber around a playing
card and visibly cuts through both with a scissor.
The pieces of the card fall to the table but the rubber
sheet remains uncut. All may be inspected.
Method: You will need a loose-fitting scissor, but one
that does cut. The set-up is automatic and part of the
A) Take any bridge-sized playing card and wrap a
piece of rubber square around it by placing the card
length-wise along the lower half of a standard 5" x 5"
rubber square and folding it over.
B) Hold the wrapped card across the fingers and held
in place by the thumb. The fold should be at the top

rc- J
of your fingers and the open end of the wrapped card
toward your body.

C) Take the scissor and start to cut the rubber square
at the lower end. Cut with a loose grip and the rubber
square will start to stretch between the scissor blades.
When you start to cut the card, you may cut as hard
as you wish. The illusion will fool you as well,
because the card will be cutting and it will seem that
you have actually cut the rubber square. Continue
the cut in one motion, open the scissor and shake the
card pieces loose. Rub the rubber square as if
mending it, and reveal the restored rubber square.
This works automatically and will amaze you as you
perform it.
#15) Water torture cell: Effect-Two coins are seen
inside a glass of water sealed with a rubber square
and turned upside down. A spectator selects one of
the coins and the magician reaches up through the
rubber square and pulls the selected coin out from the
glass without leakage. The remaining coin cannot be
removed in the same manner.

Method: The title is mine, but the routine is

remembered by Al Cohen, a magic dealer and
convention acquaintance.

Prepare a coin but secure it face down over a filled

glass of water. Before securing the rubber square,
drop an unprepared coin into the glass. Make sure
you now tightly prepare a rubber band to seal the
glass, and then turn the glass mouth face down.
When looking through the sides and top of the water
glass, it should look as though the two coins are
trapped in the glass of water. Have the spectator
select one of the coins. Should the prepared coin be
selected, reach up into the glass from the bottom and
pull the coin from its' set-up. Should the other coin
be chosen, merely state that you will let him have that
coin and you will take the prepared coin, again,
removing it from the set-up. In either case, the
spectator is left with the dilemma of removing the
remammg com.

#16} Invisible Deck: Effect-A card is freely selected

placed back in the deck, and handed to the spectator.
The Spectator is asked to quickly find the selected
card. It cannot be found, the magician takes the deck
back, and also thumbs through it and cannot be found.
The spectator is asked to tap the deck. The top card of
the deck is turned over and revealed to be the selected
card. This card may be signed.

Method: The rubber square breaks from time to time

and any piece as small as 1/2" can be used for this
effect. Wash the piece to remove any powder residue
from the rubber square. Use it as follows:

A} The oil of your thumb will allow the small square

to stick to your thumbprint while you hold a deck of

B} Have a spectator select any card and while they

look at the card, place the piece of rubber on the
center of the back of the card on the top of the deck.

C} Have the spectator place the card on the card with

the rubber square, {the spectator won't notice it, as
they are watching you or their card and not the back
of the deck.

D} With the selected card on top of the prepared card,

you can now place a group of cards on top of the
selected card. The card will be in the middle.

E} Hand the deck to the spectator and ask to quickly

fan the cards and find their card. Rush them through
this by telling them to hurry, hurry. They will state
that they cannot find it.

F} Quickly take the deck back and ask them what their
card was. After which you also fan through the deck
quickly and try to find their card. Due to the rubber
acting as a bond of the two cards, the face of their card
will be obscured. You will however be able to feel the
double card thickness as you thumb through the deck,
and as you do so, keep a break at the double card and
cut it to the top of the deck.

G} Ask the spectator to tap the deck as you carefully

separate the top card from the gimmick, remove it and
reveal the face to be their card.

H} An alternate method is to merely go through the

same steps and instead of having the spectator hold the
cards, you merely reveal it yourself by thumbing
through the cards until you find the double thickness.
#17} Coin through rubber glove: Obtain a surgical
latex glove from your dentist or doctor and insert the
coin into the palm area of the glove. Insert your hand
into the glove and the illusion will be that the coin is
laying on your rubber clad hand. Cull your hand as
you do this so as not to acciDENTALly expand the
rubber and pull away the set-up. Tap the coin or clap
your hand sharply with your other hand and the coin
will penetrate the glove and wind up inside the glove.

You can also just cut the glove rubber into square or
circles and use the rubber as the basic trick requires.

#18}Coin through un-inflated balloon: Obtain a

clear #11 balloon and insert the coin inside. Prepare
the coin by stretching the rubber clear over the coin.
The illusion will be that the coin is laying on the
outside of the balloon. As you blow the balloon up,
the coin will penetrate the balloon.
#19}Coin through inflated balloon, "Coin
In private, do the following set-up:

A}Insert the coin into the balloon then blow the

balloon up before you stretch it over the coin. Blow it
up full and then let a third of the air out.
B} tie off the balloon, and allow the coin to fall into
the puntil or opposite end of the balloon.

C} grasp through the balloon from the outside and

hold onto it as you stretch the thick rubber over the
face of the coin. If you let it go it will fall out of the
stretch, so you must stretch it and then grip it as you
would a dial.
PAGE 19 .

D} Pull the coin away from the balloon forming a

tube under it, then twist the coin the same as you
would turn a dial. Once the twist is in the balloon,
press the coin on the surface of the balloon. It should
look as though the coin is on top of the balloon and on
the outside. It is now that you may show the spectator
the effect.

E} Keep the tip of your finger on the coin and exert

enough pressure so as not to let the twist unravel.

F} Ask the spectator to watch as you push the coin

through the balloon. Pretend to push, but at one point
you actually let the pressure off and as you do so, the
coin will magically spiral into the balloon and spin in
an ellipse around the interior of the balloon.

NOTE: For additional moves and subtleties on this

effect, ask your dealer for "Coin Balloon-acy"
#20}Silk in balloon: The silk in balloon method is
similar to coin balloon except you use a 6" or 9"

A} Blow up the balloon and seal it off with a small

scarf inside. NOTE: you may use any #12 or #16
balloon and any color.

B} Grasp the silk hanky through the outside of the

balloon and bunch it up into a ball while it is still in
the balloon.

C} Twist the wad of silk and this time, while the

twist is still in it, put the silk between your fingers
towards the back of your hand. Let the fingers
squeeze together and then tum your palm upright and
slightly towards you audience. It is now the time to

Proclaim to make a silk appear in the balloon, count

to three and throw the balloon into the air, letting go
of the secret silk hanky load. It will untwist and
appear in mid air. Catch the balloon and show off
your production.
#21}acrobatic card: Joe Fenichel came up with a
brilliant secret gimmick using the rubber dam. He
took a card and cut it in half. Glued a rubber square
across the cut seam of the card. Then he took a
second card and glued one half of the cut card to the
face of the whole card. Place the whole thing under
some weight and let it dry overnight.

What you now have is a card flap that will spring

back into place and also flip the card in a somersault.
Fold the flap back and place it onto the table holding
a little pressure on it. Let the pressure up and the
card will flip over.

Now, get a few more cards. Fold the flap over and
reveal the under card. Place a normal card over it to
hide the folded card. Also put another card under it
so you can show a fan of three cards. Let's sayan
jack, queen, and king. Turn over all three face down
and keep a little pressure on it. Let the pressure off
and the gimmick will flip the cards over. It will
appear that the middle card has disappeared. To
strengthen the effect, take a duplicate of the missing
card and pull it out of your pocket.
#22}soft spring: If you use wood or cardboard boxes
for small illusions, you can save money by glueing
the rubber square sheets across the wood surfaces.
When dry, they make a fairly viable hinge that springs
back to place and aligns the pieces back. One nice use
of this is the appearing coin on a deck of cards.

A} obtain a deck of cards and take about 6-8 cards

and cut out the centers. If you use a fox lake
{aviator} brand, just cut along the liner box line. If
You use a tally-ho, cut out the circles of the fan.

B} next glue these cut out pieces together, then glue

the group onto an uncut card. This now forms a
pocket for a coin.

C} next cut another card along the circle of the

tally-ho fan, or just cut a box out of the aviator card.
DO NOT discard the piece, instead, lay the card with
its cut piece face up. Glue a piece of rubber square
across the edge of one side of the card. The end cut
edge is preferable. Note: it is advisable that the last
card cut {hinged card} be cut a little smaller than the
other holes. This allows the flap to rest on a solid
section of card instead of the flap closing and then
falling too low into it's closed position.

D} Now glue this card face down onto the group of

other glued cards. You will now have a container
with a lid all made of cards, glue and rubber square.

E} To perform the effect, place the gimmick section

of cards on top of the remainder of the deck. Gently
lift the flap and insert a quarter.

F} Place a glass tumbler over the deck and you are


G} Allow a spectator to hold the entire set-up. Obtain

a second or duplicate quarter and vanish it in your
favorite method. Pretend to still have it in your
closed hand. With the closed empty hand, tap the top
of the glass and deck setup held by the spectator.
Open your hand flat just as you hit the top of the
tumbler. The jolt will cause the hidden coin to appear
on the top of the deck and the rubber square will close
the flap shut.
#23} pencil thru card: using the glued flap method,
punch a hole in a card with a hole punch and save the

A} Cut a square out of a second card and make a

hinged flap as in trick #22. Align the card with the
square flap with the card with the hole and put a spot
of glue on the cut out piece from the hole and align it
back to where it was cut. Let this dry.

B} now glue the rest of the cards together at it's


C} obtain a straw or thin pencil and press the pencil

against the hole. It will cause the hole to move along
with the flap and give the illusion that it was
#24) slide card monte: The three card monte was
always nice, but it would be nicer to be clean at the
end of the trick. My way, uses the rubber square as a

A} get a cheap thin deck of cards, even hong-kong

jumbo cards work nicely. The thinner the better. Cut
the pip corner of one card and lay it face down on the
back of another whole card {rounded edge to the
left}. Now, glue a rubber square across it and let it
B} Glue a second card over the gimmick, but only
glue it at the edges of three sides, the top, bottom,
and right side as you view the cards face down.
When dry, you will be able to reach into a pocket
formed in the side of the card and pull out the piece.

C} Glue two additional sets of cards together at all

four sides. Using cheap cards will allow these cards
to be handled and not perceived as doubles. Turn all
of them face up to you. Align one card squarely
under the gimmick. Another card under that and
spread to the left. The gimmick pulled out of the
pocket must have pressure exerted on it to hold it
from popping into the pocket.

D} Show the cards in a fan {Normal, gimmick, and

pocket card. As you turn it face down, let the
gimmick go and spread the three cards face down on
the table. The spectator will not guess where the
center card has gone. NOTE: the thin card stock will
actually allow the spectator to pick up the gimmick
card undetected. You may produce a duplicate of the
vanished card from a pocket.
#25} disc-o-dime: One of the most unusual uses of
the rubber square was a trick called disc-go-dime.
The set-up was tedious but the effect was baffling.

A} cut a piece of rubber about 2" square. Stretch a

dime under it as in the standard set-up. Now gather
the four ends of the square together under the dime,
and push them through the hole in a key. It takes a
second or two, but once the ends are through the
hole, hold the key by the tip and pull then corners of
the square towards the key tip. Hold this tightly.

B} color the rubber face of the dime with a black

magic marker, and it will hide the silver of the dime
and make it look like a bingo chip disc. {For effect,
have actual bingo chips in a small pile and pretend to
place one on the key.

Ir~t.T,H ,'" 6fr'RErHEfI. SCitlAc -rn~
...... -
.-,' KEY Sl-rr
C} take a sharp pin, or the edge of another key and
strike the center of the black disc {rubber covered
dime}. The rubber will fly off the dime surface and
carry the color with it Dust as you can change the
color of a balloon}. The illusion will look as though
the chip turned into a dime.
#26} There is a hole: Get a hold of the trick
"vanishing coin" where you get a small plexiglass
clear quarter. Prepare the plexi circle as you would a
coin, and the illusion is that you have magnified the
hole in the rubber and you can see right through it.
Then pop the plexi circle through the square and let
the spectator go nuts.




When the secret is known you can push a
coin dllough a solid sheet of rubber
without making a hole. This visible
penetration is a ~w principle in magic,
Completely automatic. "E-Z" to do,
fantastic, teal magic.
Complete with glass, 4 robber sheets and
Credits & Acknowledgements

Special thanks to the following people who

helped keep the creative process going and
contributed to my many magical successes

Paul Fried
Roy Fromer
Walter Gibson
Al Cohen
Art Kahn
George Schindler
Bob Little
and Mom

1'111' Cl JI'~-FROMER
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Prices are subject 10 change without notice. These books are available at your Illcal
magic book dealer. Look in the yellow pages under magjcian's supplies, Robbins
publishes over 200 books on the various aspects of the magical arts. Ask your dealer
for a Robbins book catalog.


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