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Running head: Insight into Comic Books 1

Insight into Comic Books

Raena Moore

Arizona State University



Keywords: Historical Influence, Affluence, Life Lesson, Revelation

My thetic essay explores concept of using comic books to relate messages and provide a source
of escape for readers as well as the influence they have on society. Throughout my essay I have
included examples and sources to contribute to my thesis. My goal is to spread the importance
and shed light on the influence comic books have on our day to day lives. .

As children, it is socially acceptable to read comic books, however, once we become

teenagers they repudiate comics in our name. We are told that comic books are just for kids and

they arent an appropriate source of learning because too many people are ignorant of the

importance comics hold. Comics grow with their readers and society as a whole, they should be

valued not barred. They are created for plenty of purposes that are beneficial to society.

Although there are many reasons for the creation of comic books such as being a source of

escape for readers and relating messages about day to day problems, perhaps the first and most

significant is the link they create to historical events.

Comic book critics argue that women are portrayed as sexual objects, however, male

superheroes are drawn in similar over sexualized ways. For example, here is a side by side image

of Spider Woman and SpiderMan. They are both seen in the same provocative position with

their muscles clearly defined. Comics are also seen as being books for children just because they

have pictures. That is false, adults dont read the comic to understand what theyre about, they

are just assumed to be worthless. If people took the time to read comics then they would

understand their importance. Nevertheless, I do agree that the comic book industry itself is very

sexist with female writers. A female can be accused of writing like a girl or questioned about

their knowledge of comic books because men think that women cant possibly know anything

about that subject. Only time and the abomination of sexism can change that.

Some days we feel as if life is beating us down and we cant escape, which leads to

feelings of depression, anxiety and a criminology theory called the Strain theory. The Strain

theory states that society puts so much pressure on individuals to achieve socially accepted goals

though they lack the means, this in turn leads to strain which leads individuals into downward

spirals. Comic books are a source of escape for many individuals including myself. Women

during the suffragist movement used Wonder Woman comics as a source of escape from the

oppressive male forces of the time. Those women imagined themselves as a strong, independent

woman who can do the same as men, if not more. Wonder Woman influenced many women and

helped fuel a powerful movement by being a source of escape for women who didnt have a

voice. Another source of escape was the glamorous life of Tony Stark, more commonly known

as Iron Man. In an interview Stan Lee, Marvel comic book writer, claimed that mainly woman

read Iron Man comics because, he had a weak heart and he didnt want to get married or fall in

love because he might drop dead at any moment, how could he do that to the girl he loved.

Women love the idea of a strained love story, especially one that includes a thoughtful

billionaire. This story provided a sense of escape for woman as well as men, who wanted to live

his life. Aside from his weak heart, male readers enjoy the thought of being a billionaire who

sells weapons while being an epic superhero. When the comic was first released, Stark

represented everything anti-communism which gained popularity from Americans who hated

communism during the Vietnam War. This contributed to a sense of escape for anti-communists

as well. These two comics are just a taste of comic books that provide an escape for readers. Not

only do comics provide an escape but theyre also relatable whilst relating day to day messages.

Have you ever had to worry about paying rent on time? When your next meal is going to

be? Losing a care giving or close family member and watching your life turn upside down?

Turning eighteen and suddenly supporting yourself with a minimum wage paying job?

Sometimes trying to sleep to ignore the fact that your stomach is starving? I am sure you can

relate to at least one of those. The frustration of being broke as well as other struggles is relatable

and shown in comics such as Spiderman. Peter Parker lost both of his parents and was raised by

his aunt after his uncle was killed. He grew up in Queens, New York surrounded by crime and

infused in poverty. On top of that, he was bullied and suffered from feelings of loneliness,

incompetence and rejection in which young readers could also relate. His personality also relates

day to day messages that everyone should understand. Peter has been through so much grief and

has to endure all of it, however he still smiles and cracks jokes. He shows that no matter what

youre going through, you should always try to smile through it because one day it will get

better. He also makes a lot of mistakes but that relays the message that no one is perfect so we

shouldnt beat ourselves up over mistakes, we learn from them just as he does. The fact that he

sacrifices so much daily and doesnt crack under the constant pressure makes him so lovable.

Another message he relays is that getting revenge on someone makes you just as bad as the

person who wronged you. This is shown by him getting his powers and not getting revenge on

his bully, furthermore he actually shows compassion to his bully because he realizes that

everyone has their own struggles and is going through a tough time so why make it worse. As a

child, I was very aggressive and was confused as to why Peter let Flash bully him even after he

gained his powers. I believed in the code of Hammurabi, an eye for an eye. However, as I got

older I started realizing that everyone has their own demons and that theyre probably struggling

so I shouldnt make it worse. I had a group of girls who would bully me and I would think of

ways to get them back until Id see their home life or them crying in the school bathroom.

Compassion is what I showed to them after that and Spiderman helped me realize why. These

relatable situations and life lessons are incredibly important in letting people know that they are

not alone, as well as spreading themes of compassion and understanding to hopefully change a

persons mindset.

The most significant aspect of the importance of comic books is the historical influence. Each

comic was made during a time of social disruption or war because of the popularity comics

produce during hard times. During the Civil Rights movement, a comic book about a race of

people who were cast out by the others because of the way they look and their genetic make-up

was created and called X-men. They were separated into two factions, one who didnt want to be

feared and just wanted to live in peace whereas the other faction wanted to defend themselves

and break the chains of oppression however they pleased. These mutants were born with a

genetic trait called an X-gene which allows them to develop superhuman abilities. Due to this

trait, many were hunted down and killed. The racism they faced is parallel to that faced by

African-Americans. Ricardo Hazell, an author from The Shadow League, introduced similarities

between the comics and the movement such as the, non-violent philosophy incorporated by Dr.

Martin Luther King Jr., as well as the self-improvement philosophy of Booker T. Washington,

seen in the character of Professor Xavier and how mutants fought their enemies through court

systems as well as legislation. Influential civil rights activists such as Malcolm X, used X to

replace their American names which correlates to the name Professor X. The X-men comics

were widely influenced by the Civil Rights movement as seen by countless similarities. Another

comic influenced by a historical event was the Batman comics which were influenced by the

Great Depression. Bruce Wayne, commonly known as Batman, was a billionaire who represents

the ultimate depression era fantasy of affluence and power. Wayne protects Gotham City after he

watched his parents murdered in front of him. The city itself is always seen and described as dark

even during the daytime. Everything is gloomy and the architecture creates lengthy shadows that

contribute to the darkness. Gotham is also filled with crime and poverty just as how cities were

during the Great Depression. The cities are run by gangsters, drug dealers and mentally ill

villains such as the Joker. The asylum where they were held is run down and low on security

which corresponds with the economic struggles of the time, where they couldnt fund asylums.

Just as America seemed unable to pull itself out of the economic downfall it was experiencing,

the citizens of Gotham were trapped in their city of corruption and crime. CNN writer, Douglas

Hyde, claims that Batman was one of the artist who, symbolized the hopes of a beleaguered

nation. As shown by varies similarities and facts, comic books are closely drawn and influenced

by historical events during times of unrest to give people hope.

Comic books are more than just entertaining pieces of paper as I have explained throughout

my essay. Although there are many reasons for the creation of comic books such as being a

source of escape for readers and relating messages about day to day problems, perhaps the first

and most significant is the link they create to historical events. They are vastly influential in our

lives by their ability to change our ways of thinking, like myself with Spiderman, and their

ability to provide an escape as well as give hope like woman with Iron man comics or minorities

with X-men comics. Comics are mainly influenced by the decisions we make towards our future,

like electing incompetent presidents, which shape the future of comic books. The impact of

comics will be visible to everyone in the future as long as there are still believers like me.


M. (2015, May 05). Gotham City and the Great Depression

An Era of Dystopia. Retrieved October 11, 2017,

Hyde, D. (2009, March 20). Superheroes Rise in Hard Times. Retrieved November 5, 2017, from

Lepore, J. (2014, December 05). Wonder Woman: the feminist. Retrieved October 11, 2017, from

Stan Lee on IRON MAN [Video file]. (2008, April 25). Retrieved from

The Marvel Comic Mutant Menace and the Negro Problem. (n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Cloudinary - Cloud image service, upload, storage & CDN. Retrieved from http://i.kinja-

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