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23rd Year of Publication

Vol: 23 No. 11
Monthly November 2017

Kashmir Insight NOVEMBER 2017
Editor: M Raza Malik From The Editor's Desk
The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Kashmir
Sub Editor: Benazir Khan in the UK Parliament has announced that it will conduct a
Parliamentary Enquiry on human rights violations in
Art Editor: M.Haroon
occupied Kashmir from 14th December 2017. This was
announced by the Chairman of APPG on Kashmir, Chris
C O N T E N T S Leslie, while addressing a Kashmir Conference held in
Editorial London on October 25, 2017. The conference organised by
Jammu and Kashmir Self-Determination Movement
Interlocutor: A ploy to hoodwink International (JKSDMI) in collaboration with the Pakistani
world community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 High Commission in London was attended by more than 20
parliamentarians from both the Houses and all the
Cover Story parliamentary parties. Chris Leslie said that findings of the
Kashmiris observe 27th October as Black Day . . . . 03 enquiry would be presented to the Parliament, British
Reports Government and the United Nations.
Earlier, in another development the Organisation of Islamic
OIC expresses concern over HR violations
Cooperation in a report expressed serious concern over the
in IOK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 gross human rights violations by the Indian troops in
UN failed to implement its resolutions occupied Kashmir. The OICs Independent Permanent
Human Rights Commission in a report released after the
on Kashmir: Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 recent visit of its fact-finding delegation to Azad Jammu and
Article Kashmir urged the UN to take the cognisance of Indian
atrocities on the Kashmiri people and initiate measures to
October 27- The Black Day for Kashmiris implement its resolutions on Kashmir to mitigate the
Muhammad Raza Malik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 sufferings of the Kashmiris.
These developments are important on many counts. Firstly,
they are the acknowledgement of the unprecedented
Images speak louder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 sacrifices being rendered by the Kashmiri people in their just
struggle for securing their inalienable right to self-
Human rights situation determination. Secondly, they show that conscientious
people and organisations consider Jammu and Kashmir in
Indian atrocities on IOK people during October 2017
its true perspective - a disputed territory and not an integral
Raies Ahmed Mir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 part of India. Thirdly, they are a reminder to the Indian
government that it cannot continue with its policy of
Report stubbornness on the Kashmir dispute and sooner or later it
UK Parliament to probe HR abuses in IOK . . . . . . 21 will have to respect the aspirations of the people of Jammu
and Kashmir.
Plight of Kashmiris highlighted at
It is a reality that the Indian troops enjoying unbridled
Kashmir EU Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 powers under draconian law like Armed Forces Special
Kashmir conference held at Danish Parliament . . 25 Powers Act, Public Safety Act and Disturbed Areas Act are
committing grave human rights violations - in fact war
Chronology crimes - in occupied Kashmir to suppressing the Kashmiris
A chronological account of developments struggle aimed at securing freedom from Indian yoke.
However, despite killing around one hundred thousand
on Kashmir (135) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Kashmiris, subjecting over ten thousand to custodial
Beauty thy name is disappearance, torturing thousands and putting hundreds
in jails and detention centres, they have failed to suppress
Hangul the Kashmir stag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 the freedom sentiment of the Kashmiri people.

Literature Printed & Published by

All Parties Hurriyet Conference AJK
The generous king . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 House # 389-B, Street # 85, I/8-4 Islamabad.
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Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ph:051-5566348, Fax: 051-5516142

Interlocutor: A ploy to hoodwink world community

In yet another attempt to hood- The Joint Resistance Leadership was aimed at pacifying the
wink the international commu- comprising Syed Ali Gilani, situation in occupied Kashmir.
nity about the Kashmir dispute Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and The final report of the three-
and the prevailing grim situation Muhammad Yasin Malik has member panel had nothing to
of occupied Kashmir, India has described the appointment of address the main problem - the
appointed an interlocutor one Dineshwar Sharma as new Kashmir dispute. Instead the
more time to hold so-called interlocutor by India as an eye- team had tried to change the
dialogue on Kashmir. The move wash, a time-buying tactic nature of the Kashmir conflict
seems to be a part of New Delhis adopted under international and attempted to present it as a
futile efforts to ease the interna- pressure and regional compul- law and order problem besides
tional pressure it has been facing sions, and a ploy to strike a hard an issue of the relationship
since the start of mass uprising, bargain with the Kashmiris. New between New Delhi and
which was triggered by the Delhi is also intimidating the Srinagar.
extrajudicial killing of popular Kashmiris through raids and The Kashmiris have been
youth leader, Burhan Muzaffar arrests by its investigating engaged for the past seven
Wani, by decades
Indian troops in an
on July 08, i n d i g e-
2016. After n o u s
failing in struggle
crushing the f o r
uprising securing
through brute t h e i r
force, India inalien-
agencies, National Investigation
resorted to one more ruse of able right to self-determination
Agency and Enforcement
making an offer of talks.
Directorate in the occupied promised to them by the interna-
The appointment of a former
territory. The resistance leaders tional community and India. The
Director of Intelligence Bureau
said that such talks would just struggle of the people of
(IB), Dineshwar Sharma, as an
remain futile and meaningless Jammu and Kashmir since 1989
interlocutor speaks volumes
until New Delhi accepted the and particularly since 2008 has
about the non-seriousness and
reality about the Kashmir attracted the world attention and
insincerity of Indian government
dispute. The leaders have time international as well as internal
to hold dialogue with the
and again made it clear that they pressure is mounting on India
stakeholders and shows that it is
are not averse to the holding of with each passing day to come
nothing more than a fire-fighting
dialogue but the talks process out of the denial mode and take
exercise than resolving the
Kashmir dispute. Dineshwar should be meaningful and result- steps for resolving the dispute
Sharma also announced before oriented. over Kashmir for the best
It is worth mentioning here that interests of the regional and
embarking on a visit to occupied
India had appointed Dileep global peace.
Kashmir that his priority is to
Padgaonkar, Radha Kumar and New Delhi needs to realise the
restore peace. This shows that the
M M Ansari as interlocutors in fact that cosmetic steps would
scope of his engagement is
October 2010, following succes- not help in achieving durable
limited to just meeting the people
sive summer uprisings during peace and the situation in
from various sections of society
past three years. The then Indian occupied Kashmir cannot
in occupied Kashmir and he has
rulers had claimed that the step normalise without resolving the
no mandate to hold talks with
was taken to start talks with the Kashmir dispute in accordance
Pakistan - a fundamental party to
Kashmiri leaders but actually it with the Kashmiris aspirations.
the Kashmir dispute.


Cover Story

Kashmiris observe 27th October as Black Day

Reiterate resolve to continue liberation movement
Kashmiris on both sides of the establishments remained closed under house detention and
Line of Control and across the while traffic was off the road. arrested Hakeem Abdur
globe observed October 27, 2017 Call for the shutdown was given Rasheed and Mukhtar Ahmed
as Black Day to convey the by the Joint Resistance Waza.
message to the world that they Leadership comprising Syed Ali The Joint Resistance Leadership
reject Indias illegal occupation Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq comprising Syed Ali Gilani,
of their homeland and are and Muhammad Yasin Malik Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and
determined to continue their and supported by other pro- Muhammad Yasin Malik in a
struggle till they achieve their freedom organisations and High statement issued in Srinagar
inalienable right to self- Court Bar Association of the termed the 27th October 1947 as
determination. The government occupied territory. an unfortunate and the blackest
and people of Pakistan on the The puppet authorities had day for the Kashmiris when they
day reiterated their commitment imposed stringent restrictions in were deprived of their freedom
to continue diplomatic, moral Srinagar and deployed Indian and liberty. The leaders said that
and political support to the troops and police personnel in since then the Kashmiri people
Kashmiris just freedom strug- strength in the summer capital had been fighting to get rid of
gle. and other major towns of the Indian occupation. They main-
It was on October 27, 1947 when occupied territory to prevent tained that the Kashmiris would
India landed its troops in people from holding anti-India continue their struggle against
Srinagar and illegally occupied demonstrations on the occasion this forced control the way they
Jammu and Kashmir against the of the Black Day. The authorities had been doing for the past 70
aspirations of the Kashmiri had sealed Jamia Masjid, years.
people and the Partition Plan of Srinagar, disallowing Juma Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar
Indian subcontinent. prayers at the historic mosque on Farooq and Muhammad Yasin
The day was marked with a the fifth consecutive week. The Malik urged the world human
complete shutdown in occupied occupation authorities had also rights organisations to take
Kashmir. All shops and business placed Mirwaiz Umar Farooq cognisance of the ill-treatment
Cover Story

being meted out to thousands of of the entire region

illegally detained Kashmiris is linked with the
lodged in different jails of settlement of the
occupied Kashmir and India and longstanding
to ensure that the prisoners who dispute.
have completed their term are Shahid Khaqan
released. Abbasi in his
The resistance leaders also message said that
strongly denounced the frequent India must honour
house arrest of resistance leaders the commitments
and barring them from carrying of its founding-
out their social, religious and fathers and ensure
political obligations. They implementation of the UN demonstration outside the
appealed to the world commu- resolutions on Kashmir. Indian High Commission in
nity to play its role in the resolu- Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Islamabad to mark the Black
tion of the Kashmir dispute to Abbasi while chairing a meeting Day. A large number of people
bring an end to the sufferings of of Kashmir Council in Islamabad participated in the protest and
the people and human rights on October 26 reaffirmed strongly condemned the Indian
violations at the hands of Indian Pakistans continued diplomatic, state terrorism in occupied
troops in occupied Kashmir. moral and political support to the Kashmir. The protesters were
Meanwhile, President of Kashmiris struggle for securing holding placards and banners
Pakistan, Mamnoon Hussain, their right to self-determination bearing anti-India slogans.
and Prime Minister, Shahid at all international fora. Addressing the demonstration,
Khaqan Abbasi, in their separate The Senate of Pakistan on the the APHC leaders denounced in
messages on the Kashmir Black Black Day unanimously passed a strong terms the atrocities of
Day reiterated Pakistans resolution condemning the Indian forces personnel against
unflinching and steadfast brutalities of Indian forces the innocent people of occupied
diplomatic, moral and political against the people of occupied Kashmir. Youth Forum for
support for the just cause of the Kashmir. It also deplored the Kashmir (YFK), an international
Kashmir lobby group, in collabo-
ration with Early Bird Riders
(EBR), marked the 27th October
as Black Day by organising a
rally of bicycles and bikes with
more than 100 riders partici-
pating in it. The rally started
from Fatima Jinnah Park and
culminated at National Press
Club, Islamabad, where an anti-
India demonstration was held.
The participants, holding
placards and banners in support
of Kashmiris, chanted slogans
against Indian invasion and
brutalities in Kashmir.
The Youth Council of National
University of Modern Languages
Kashmiri people. continued silence of the interna- (NUML), Islamabad, in collabo-
President Mamnoon Hussain in tional community on the gross ration with the All Parties
his message urged India to human rights violations being Hurriyat Conference Azad
implement the relevant UN perpetrated by the Indian forces Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-
resolutions on the Kashmir in the occupied territory. AJK) chapter organised a
dispute as peace and prosperity Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders held a seminar and a cultural show at


Cover Story

the Rawalpindi Arts Council, to mark the

Rawalpindi, to highlight the Kashmir Black Day.
significance of observance of the Meanwhile, in
Kashmir Black Day. Leader of the Azad Jammu and
House in the Senate, Raja Zafar- Kashmir, a big
ul-Haq, the AJK Prime Minister, protest rally was
Raja Farooq Haider Khan, the taken out from
Foreign Office spokesman, Shaheed Burhan
Nafees Zakaria, and government Wani Chowk to the
officials of Azad Jammu and UN Observer
Kashmir, leaderships of APHC- O f f i c e i n
AJK and a large number of Muzaffarabad. The flags, the participants demanded
people from different walks of participants raised high-pitched of the world community to play
life participated in the seminar. slogans against India and in its role in the settlement of the
Sindh government organised a favour of Kashmirs freedom Kashmir dispute. All the Black
rally in Karachi to express from Indian bondage. Day processions later converged
solidarity with the people of The AJK Prime Minister, Raja into a mammoth protest rally at
occupied Kashmir. Led by Chief Farooq Haider Khan, Minister Shaheed Chowk where speakers
Minister, Syed Murad Ali Shah, for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit- urged the UN to resolve the
the rally began from Peoples Baltistan, Barjees Tahir, and Kashmir dispute by imple-
Secretariat and culminated at other speakers at a function menting its relevant resolutions.
Mazar-e-Quaid. organised in Muzaffarabad by The Pakistan High Commission
Similar rallies and seminars were Jammu and Kashmir Liberation in London, Jammu and Kashmir
held in Lahore, Faisalabad, Cell said that the Kashmiris Self-Determination Movement
Sialkot, Daska, Pasrur, would not rest till they achieved International (JKSDMI) and All
Chawinda, Quetta, Peshawar freedom from Indian subjuga- Party Parliamentary Group
and other major cities and towns tion. (APPG) on Kashmir in the British
of the country. Hundreds of Anti-India rallies and proces- Parliament jointly organised a
conference in connection with
the Kashmir Black Day. The
conference was held at the
Portcullis House, London.
Besides a large number of British
Kashmiris, it was attended by the
UK Parliamentarians and human
rights activists who are actively
working on the resolution of the
Kashmir dispute. During the
conference, the Chairman of the
APPG on Kashmir, Chris Leslie
(MP), announced that the group
will conduct a Parliamentary
Enquiry on human rights
violations in occupied Kashmir
from 14th December 2017.
people from all walks of life sions were taken out in Mirpur Kashmiris living in Scotland
including social and political by various political, social and staged an anti-India rally near
workers, members of the religious organisations to protest the Scottish Parliament to mark
business community, lawyers, against the continued illegal the Black Day. They condemned
journalists, students, teachers Indian occupation of Jammu and the Indian state terrorism in
and human rights activists joined Kashmir. Wearing black occupied Kashmir. The protest
the protest rallies and seminars armbands and holding black was organised by Tehreek-e-


Cover Story

Kashmir, UK, and was led by

Senior Minister of AJK, Tariq
Farooq. Four sitting Scottish
members of the parliament,
present during the protest, also
supported the Kashmiris right to
Kashmir Council European
Union (KCEU) organised a
protest demonstration on Black
Day in front of the Indian
Embassy in Brussels - the capital
of Belgium. A large number of
Kashmiris and their supporters
attended the demonstration,
which was led by KCEU
Chairman, Ali Raza Syed. Former AJK Prime Minister, The Pakistani embassy in Cairo
Like Kashmiris and their friends Barrister Sultan Mehmood held a seminar to mark the Black
around the world, the Canadians Choudhry, organised a protest Day. The seminar was attended
march in Berlin, Germany. It was by Pakistani students and their
also observed the Kashmir Black
attended by a large number of Egyptian fellows studying Urdu
Day in Toronto. The Canadians
Kashmiris. Abdul Rasheed at Al-Azhar University in Cairo,
from all walks of life that also
Turabi, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, senior journalists reporting on
included members of the
Fahim Kiyani, Riaz Khan and the Kashmir conflict, Urdu
Kashmiri community partici- other Kashmiri leaders from language professors and former
pated in a conference to mark the different parts of the world Egyptian ambassadors to
Black Day. attended the rally. Pakistan. The participants were
Zafar Bangash, Director of Hundreds of Pakistanis and given a brief on the history of the
Institute of Contemporary Kashmiris gathered in the Kashmir dispute, which has so
Islamic Thought and Convener premises of the Pakistan far resulted in the killing of
Embassy in hundreds of thousands of
Abu Dhabi to Kashmiris by Indian troops.
e x p r e s s It is a fact that the Kashmiris have
solidarity with been carrying on their just
their brethren struggle to liberate their home-
in occupied land from the illegal occupation
Kashmir on the of India for the last over seven
Kashmir Black decades. Every year, they hold
Day. A photo- demonstrations and rallies on
g r a p h i c 27th October to draw attention of
exhibition the world community towards
depicting the their plight and remind them of
miseries of the their obligations regarding
of Friends of Kashmir K a s h m i r i
settlement of the Kashmir
Committee, historian Alistair people due to Indian occupation
conflict. Now it is the responsi-
Lamb, Canadian peace and of Jammu and Kashmir was also
bility of the UN and global
human rights activist, Barry arranged for the audience.
community to come forward and
Weisleder, and a long time Another public gathering was
held at the Consulate General of ensure that one of the oldest
activist for justice and peace, Dr
Ali Mallah, spoke on the occa- Pakistan in Dubai. The event was disputes of the world is resolved
sion. A video depicting Indian attended by hundreds of amicably as per the aspirations of
troops brutalities against the Pakistanis and Kashmiris living the people of Jammu and
Kashmiri people was also in the United Arab Emirates Kashmir.
screened on the occasion. (UAE). (Humayun Aziz Sandeela)


The Organisation of Islamic 2017 to assess the human rights Security Council. The report
Cooperations Independent situation in occupied Kashmir. maintained that the Kashmir
Permanent Human Rights The delegation was led by the dispute was related to the future
Commission (OIC-IPHRC) on IPHRC Chairperson, Med of millions of people who wished
October 3, 2017 expressed Kaggwa, and comprised Dr to exercise their inherent and
serious concern over the viola- Rashid Al-Balushi, Dr Raihanah inalienable right to self-
tions of the right to life, right to Bint-i-Abdullah, Ambassador determination.
freedom of opinion and expres- Abdul Wahab, Dr Ergin Ergul, The Commission expressed
sion, freedoms of religion, Prof Saleh Al-Khathlan and Dr serious concern over the denial of
peaceful assembly and associa- Oumar Abbou Abba. Kashmiris fundamental right to
tion as well as other fundamental The report said that while the self-determination - well
recognised by the relevant UN
resolutions - and equating their
OIC expresses concern legitimate freedom struggle with
terrorism by India.

over HR violations in IOK It said that the widespread use of

torture including rape and
molestation of women by Indian

Urges UN to stop India from troops and police personnel in

occupied Kashmir was condem-
demographic changes in J&K nable. There are reports of
curfews and curbs on religious
congregations for fear of protests
and people have legitimate
security concerns regarding
protection of their right to life
and dignity, it added.
The Commission asked the
Government of Pakistan to
continue to provide diplomatic,
moral and political support to the
Kashmiris, highlight the
Kashmir dispute and create
awareness at all forums
including the UN about the
human rights violations by
Indian troops in occupied
The report said that the use of
human rights of the people of Government of Pakistan took the draconian laws like Armed
occupied Kashmir guaranteed initiative to invite the OIC- Forces Special Powers Act
by international human rights IPHRC to visit Azad Jammu and (AFSPA) was contrary to the
law. It appealed to the United Kashmir (AJK) and meet with the international human rights
Nations to condemn and block refugees from occupied Kashmir standards. These laws grant
the attempts of the Indian and other stakeholders of the sweeping powers to the Indian
government to change the dispute, India disallowed it to forces personnel to detain,
demographic composition of visit the occupied territory. It torture and even kill suspects
Jammu and Kashmir. pointed out that Jammu and without any fear of investigation
The OIC-IPHRC released a Kashmir is one of the oldest that has led to a culture of
detailed report after the recent internationally recognised impunity, it said.
visit to Azad Jammu and disputes on the agendas of the The report quoting the data
Kashmir of its fact-finding Organisation of Islamic issued by the Kashmir Media
delegation from March 27-29, Cooperation and the UN Service said that the Indian



troops martyred 125 innocent

Kashmiris during the ongoing
mass uprising since the extraju-
dicial killing of popular youth
leader, Burhan Wani, on 8th July
2016 till March 31, 2017. It said
that 7,485 people including
women and children received
pellet injuries. It pointed out that
among those injured by the
pellets, the vision of 2,685
persons had been damaged
during the period. The report
said that since 1989 till March 31,
2017, the troops in their unabated
acts of state terrorism had
martyred 94,644 innocent Forces Special Powers Act to encourage and facilitate both
Kashmiris. (AFSPA) and Public Safety Act Pakistan and India to resume the
The Commission recommended (PSA) which contravene interna- dialogue process for peacefully
that the UN has a crucial role and tional human rights laws and resolving all outstanding issues
responsibility to protect and standards, and implement the particularly the Kashmir
promote the rights of the people relevant UN resolutions on dispute. It also recommended
of Jammu and Kashmir enabling Kashmir. It asked the UN to that in the event of continued
them to exercise their right to consider commemorating non-cooperation by the
self-determination. Therefore, it international solidarity day with Government of India, the UNSC,
requested the UN to impress the Kashmiris and condemn and acting under its obligation to
upon the Government of India to block the attempts of the Indian maintain international peace and
put an end to the ongoing human security and with a view to
prevent further violations of
human rights of Kashmiris, must
use its influence to resolve the
Kashmir dispute through
peaceful means.
It also urged the UN Human
Rights Council (UNHRC) to
consider appointment of a
Special Rapporteur with a
specific mandate to investigate
human rights abuses perpetrated
by Indian troops and paramili-
tary personnel in occupied
It recommended that the UN
High Commissioner for Human
Rights may continue to urge the
rights violations in occupied government to change the government of India to accept an
Kashmir and facilitate holding of demographic composition of the OHCHR fact finding mission to
an independent investigation to Muslim majority region of occupied Kashmir and must
all human rights violations. It Jammu and Kashmir by continue to monitor, document
urged the UN to use its good repealing state subject laws and and report the ongoing human
offices to impress upon the settling the Indian citizens in the rights violations under his
Government of India to repeal occupied territory. The regular briefings to the UNHRC.
draconian laws like Armed Commission appealed to the UN It recommended that relevant



Special Procedures of the the humanitarian organisations and collaborate with the Islamic
UNHRC should also continue to to provide much needed medical Development Bank and Islamic
monitor, highlight and report on support to the victims of state Solidarity Fund to initiate
human rights violations falling terrorism particularly in the development projects in the
under their respective mandates. recent cases of blinding by the livelihood sector, health and
The Commission urged the pellet gun injuries. education in occupied Kashmir
Director General of World The Commission urged the OIC and the refugee camps in Azad
Health Organisation to consider to continue to insist and Jammu and Kashmir; in case the
to report upon the health endeavour to prevail upon the Government of India continues
conditions of the people of Government of India to agree to to violate the human rights of
occupied Kashmir in its periodic receive the OIC and IPHRC fact Kashmiris, the OIC Member
health situation as is done in the finding missions to occupied States may be urged to consider
case of Palestinians in the Kashmir to investigate and using the Boycott Divestment
Occupied Palestinian Territories. report upon the allegations of and Sanctions Movement against
It stated that this will help in human rights violations; New Delhi to pressurise it to
highlighting the precarious consider organising an interna- meet its human rights obliga-
health conditions in the disputed tional conference/symposium tions; and urge the Government
region. on the sidelines of the regular of India to remove travel restric-
The Commission recommended sessions of UN Human Rights tions imposed upon the
t o t h e Kashmiri
Government of Hurriyat
Pakistan to leadership
continue to and facilitate
provide diplo-
their free
matic, moral and
political support
to the Kashmiris
The report
and highlight the
also recom-
Kashmir dispute
mended the
at all forums
including the UN
to create aware-
ness about the
and collabora-
human rights
tion with the
violations in
o c c u p i e d OIC General
Kashmir and Secretariat
garner support to protect the Council in Geneva involving and Member
basic freedoms of the Kashmiris. academics, policy-makers from States to raise awareness about
The Commission urged the the UN and OIC Member States the human rights violations in
Government of India to stop the and human rights experts to occupied Kashmir. In this regard,
gross and systematic human propose ways and means to it said, the IPHRC should
rights abuses in occupied secure the human rights of the regularly brief the OIC Contact
Kashmir, allow free access to Kashmiris; coordinate with the Group on Jammu and Kashmir
international media and inde- OIC Contact Group on Jammu about the latest human rights
pendent human rights organisa- and Kashmir to meet regularly situation in the occupied terri-
tions to carry out investigations on the sidelines of the session of tory. The IPHRC should coordi-
into the human rights violations, the UN General Assembly, the nate with the OIC Missions in
repeal all draconian laws like UN Human Rights Council as New York and Geneva to
AFSPA and PSA to provide the well as the OIC ministerial circulate the findings of this
Kashmiris appropriate access to meetings to forge a consensus report widely with the UN and
justice, free trial and freedom of position for presentation at the human rights organisations, it
movement, and allow access to international fora; coordinate added.


The United Nations, which was Kashmiris an opportunity to 1,841 was partially damaged.
established in 1945 to promote decide their fate by themselves The report said that 18,531
international cooperation and but later backed away from its people including Hurriyat
resolve world conflicts, has commitments. leaders and activists had been
miserably failed to settle the The report said that Indian arrested during the period and
Kashmir dispute, despite the troops in their unabated acts of 804 of them had been booked
passing of 70 years. state terrorism in occupied under draconian law, Public
A report released by the Research Kashmir had killed 94,846 Safety Act. The report said that
Section of Kashmir Media innocent people including 7,099 the troops had damaged 65,548
Service on the 72nd Founding in fake encounters or custody houses and other structures,
Day of the United Nations on since 1989 till October 24. arsoned 53 schools and molested
October 24, 2017 maintained that The report said that the troops 732 women during the uprising.
It said that Indian troops and
paramilitary personnel had
UN failed to implement its carried out 1,229 cordon and
search operations to suppress the
resolutions on Kashmir: Report Kashmiris during the period.
The report pointed out that since

Indian troops martyred over January this year alone, Indian

troops had killed 249 innocent
94,000 Kashmiris since 1989 Kashmiris. It said that 22 of those
martyred were killed in custody
or fake encounters.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of All
Parties Hurriyat Conference,
Syed Ali Gilani, in a statement in
Srinagar appealed to the United
Nations to impress upon India to
stop killings and other human
rights violations in occupied
Kashmir. He paid glowing
tributes to the Bijbehara martyrs
on their martyrdom anniversary.
More than 40 people including 25
students were martyred and
hundreds were injured by the
BSF troops in Bijbehara on
October 22, 1993, when the
people of the area held a peaceful
the World Body had passed had so far killed 169 innocent demonstration against the siege
several resolutions on Kashmir Kashmiris during the mass of Srinagars Hazratbal shrine by
in which it was pledged that the uprising, which was triggered by Indian Army.
people of Kashmir would be the extrajudicial killing of The blood of these martyrs will
given their inalienable right to popular youth leader, Burhan not be allowed to go waste and
self-determination through an Wani, on July 8, 2016 by firing Kashmiris will never forget the
impartial and free plebiscite pellets, bullets and teargas shells sacrifices rendered by the victims
under the auspices of the World on peaceful protesters. It said of all such heart-wrenching
Body. However, it added, the UN that 20,443 people were injured massacres, he said.
could not implement its resolu- and 8,276 of them had sustained The APHC Chairman urged the
tions for the past almost seven pellet injuries during the period. world human rights organisa-
decades. The report said that Of the pellet victims, 73 had lost tions including the Amnesty
India had accepted these resolu- their eyesight in both eyes and International to use their good
tions and promised to give the 207 in one eye while vision of offices for bringing to book the


perpetrators of such heinous
crimes against humanity. He
said that as long as Indian forces
were present in occupied
Kashmir such pain-giving events
would continue to occur and it
would further add to the never-
ending situation of uncertainty
in the territory.
During their freedom move-
ment, Indians witnessed one
massacre of Jallianwala Bagh
while we have witnessed several
such incidents for the last seven
decades, the APHC Chairman
Indian forces have perpetrated probe initiated against killers to occupied Kashmir to expose
hundreds of such gruesome and perpetrators, the human Indian brutalities on the innocent
massacres including Bijbehara, rights violations will go people of the territory. She said
Gaw Kadal, Sopore, Handwara, unchecked in occupied Kashmir. that Kashmiris were being
Bandipora, Kupwara, Zakura, The General Secretary of subjected to the worst kind of
Wadhama and Chattisinghpora, Dukhtaran-e-Millat, Nahida human rights violations as India
he added. Nasreen, in a statement in was using all brutal tactics to
Syed Ali Gilani in his appeal to Srinagar urged the UN and suppress their just struggle for
the UN said, unless the Indian world human rights organisa- securing their inalienable right to
forces atrocities are checked and tions to send fact-finding teams self-determination.

Pak demands deployment of UN fact-finding mission in Kashmir

On the 72nd Founding Day of the in translating its
UN on 24th October 2017, principles and
Pakistan reiterated its call for purposes into
deployment of international fact- reality.
finding mission by the UN Referring to
Human Rights Council in Jammu Jammu and
and Kashmir. K a s h m i r
President Mamnoon Hussain in dispute, the
his message in connection with President called
the UN Day reiterated Pakistans upon the UN
abiding commitment to the S e c u r i t y
principles and purposes Council to
enshrined in the UN Charter. demonstrate Muzaffar Wani, by Indian
The Kashmir dispute is the oldest the necessary political will to troops. Burhan Wanis cold-
unresolved international conflict ensure implementation of its blooded murder had triggered
in the world. Pakistan considers resolutions on the issue in letter mass uprising in the occupied
Kashmir as its core political and spirit. He said that the territory.
dispute with India. So does the human rights of the people of Pakistan reiterates its call for
international community except occupied Kashmir had been deployment of an international
India. systematically violated by India, fact-finding mission by the UN
President Mamnoon Hussain particularly since July 2016 after Human Rights Council in Jammu
said that Pakistan has played an the extrajudicial killing of and Kashmir, the President
active and leading role at the UN popular youth leader, Burhan said.


this reason the Indian
October 27 The Black Day for Kashmiris government never made the so-
called document public either
Muhammad Raza Malik officially or at any international
Background forum.
occupied Hyderabad, Junagarh It is also a historical fact that the
October 27 is the darkest day in and Kashmir by military
the history of Jammu and so-called Boundary
invasion. Being a Muslim- Commission, headed by British
Kashmir and the Kashmiris majority state, with 87% Muslim
living on both sides of the Line of Barrister, Cyril Radcliff, that
population, Jammu and Kashmir demarcated partition line,
Control and across the world had a natural tendency to accede
observe it as Black Day. This is played main role in the creation
to Pakistan, but the evil designs of the Kashmir dispute. Had the
the day in 1947 when India sent of its Hindu ruler and the leaders
its armed forces to Jammu and Commission done the
of Indian National Congress and demarcation of the partition line
Kashmir by occupying the then Britain paved way to destroy the
Princely State in total violation of on the principles of justice then
future of the people of the India had no land route to enter
the Indian Independence Act and territory.
Partition Plan and against the into Jammu and Kashmir. But
India claims that it signed unfortunately, the Commission
under a conspiracy split
Gurdaspur, a Muslim majority
area, and handed it over to India,
providing it terrestrial access to
the territory. This area otherwise
had to be part of Pakistan.
Genocide of Muslims in Jammu
The Muslims of Jammu and
Kashmir particularly those living
in Jammu region in 1947 had to
pay a heavy price for their
aspirations to join Pakistan.
Indian troops, the forces of Dogra
Maharaja, and Hindu extremists
massacred over 300,000
Kashmiri Muslims within a
period of two months in Jammu
aspirations of the Kashmiri 'Instrument of Accession', which division when they were
people. was drafted in Delhi and migrating towards the newly-
According to Partition Plan of presented to the then ruler of formed Muslim state. The
June 3, 1947, passed by the British Jammu and Kashmir, Maharaja bloodbath was also intended to
parliament on July 18, the same Hari Singh, on October 26. change the demographic
year, the Indian British Colony However, a prominent British composition of the territory to
was to be divided into two historian, Alistair Lamb, turn the results in favour of India
sovereign states. The Hindu- challenging the Indian invasion in any referendum in future.
majority areas were to constitute in Kashmir, in his book The Birth Historians consider this
India while the Muslim-majority of Tragedy wrote that the massacre as the worst example of
areas of Western provinces and successive events after the genocide in Jammu and
east Bengal were to be included partition of the united India Kashmir.
in Pakistan. At the end of British strongly suggested that Indian Kashmir in the United Nations
suzerainty over Indian sub- troops had invaded Kashmir The Indian occupation faced stiff
continent in 1947, more than 550 prior to the signing of the resistance from the people of
Princely States had become Instrument of Accession. He Kashmir who launched a mass
independent but with a choice to believed that the signed struggle against it. The resolute
accede either to Pakistan or instrument of accession did not movement of the Kashmiris
India. However, India illegally exist at all. He argued that due to forced India to knock the doors of

NOVEMBER 2017 12

the UN Security Council on 1st

January 1948, seeking help of the
World Body to settle the dispute.
The UNSC through its successive
resolutions nullified the Indian
invasion and called for
settlement of the dispute by
giving the Kashmiri people the
right to self-determination. It
approved an impartial plebiscite
to be conducted in Jammu and
Kashmir under the supervision
of the World Body. Despite the
promises made before the world
community by the Indian leaders
of settling the Kashmir dispute
by giving the Kashmiris an
opportunity to decide their fate between the two countries and Mumbai attacks to
by themselves, the plebiscite has started in 1999 after the then strengthen its anti-terror laws.
not been held so far. Indian Prime Minister, Atal The dialogue process resumed in
Kashmiris' revolt against Indian Bihari Vajpayee, came to July 2009 and continued with
rule Pakistan and met the Pakistani hiccups and was once again
Disappointed at the failure of all leadership. Both the countries suspended after Narendra Modi-
the efforts aimed at resolving the agreed to resolve the Kashmir led Indian government called off
Kashmir dispute through dispute through peaceful means the Foreign Secretary-level
peaceful means since 1947, the of talks. The talks process negotiations scheduled in
Islamabad on August 25 in 2014,
on the pretext of meetings
between the then Pakistani High
Commissioner, Abdul Basit, and
Kashmiri Hurriyet leaders in
New Delhi, a few days before the
scheduled talks. Since then the
relations between the two
nuclear neighbours have been
tense and Indian troops are
continuously engaged in
ceasefire violations on the Line of
Control and Working Boundary.
India conducted over 600 such
violations since January this
year. On the other hand, the
ground situation in occupied
Kashmir remains unchanged, as
people of occupied Kashmir continued till it was hampered the confidence building
intensified their freedom after Mumbai attacks on measures and the dialogue
struggle in 1989 to secure their November 26, 2008 when India process could not provide the
right to self-determination. This without any substantive Kashmiri people respite from the
movement gathered momentum evidence laid the responsibility Indian state terrorism.
with the passage of time and of these attacks on Pakistan and Kashmir a nuclear flashpoint
pushed the Indian authorities to its intelligence agencies. An On May 11, 1998, India
the wall, forcing them to sit officer of Indian home ministry conducted nuclear explosions
around the negotiation table later revealed that India itself and started threatening Pakistan.
with Pakistan. The dialogues had orchestrated the Parliament This left Pakistan with no option

NOVEMBER 2017 13

but to reciprocate by showing its

nuclear capabilities on May 28 to
strike balance of power in the
region. The development turned
Kashmir as a flashpoint as
underlined by several world
Million Marches
The Kashmiris' struggle to get rid
of Indian bondage took a new
turn in 2008. They started hitting
the streets in large numbers and
expressing their anti-India and
pro-liberation sentiments in a
peaceful manner. This mass
uprising continued for three
consecutive years - at times the
demanding their right to self- forward their ongoing liberation
number of peaceful protesters
determination. However, Indian movement.
thronging the streets of Srinagar
police and troops continue to use Indian state terrorism in IOK
crossing one-million mark. But
every brutal tactic against the New Delhi has exhausted all its
most of the time, Indian forces'
protesters. So far, 168 civilians resources during the past seven
personnel responded these
have been killed and 20,170 decades but has miserably failed
peaceful demonstrators with
injured in the firing of pellets, to intimidate the people of
excessive use of brute force,
bullets and teargas shells on the Jammu and Kashmir into
killing more than 200 people
demonstrators. More than 270 submission. The continued
during this period.
youth have lost their one or both Indian state terrorism,
The 2016 mass uprising
the eyes due to the pellet injuries particularly since 1989 has made
The extrajudicial murder of a
while around 1000 are at the the life of Kashmiri people
young liberation leader, Burhan
verge of losing their eyesight. miserable. The occupation forces
Muzaffar Wani, on July 8, last
Hundreds of people including enjoying unbridled powers
year, by Indian troops gave an
Hurriyet leaders have been put under the protection of
impetus to the Kashmiris'
draconian laws like Armed
Forces Special Powers Act and
Disturbed Areas Act in the
occupied territory have broken
all records of human rights
violations. During the last 28
years only, the trigger-happy
forces have martyred over
ninety-four thousand Kashmiris,
widowed nearly twenty-three
thousand women, orphaned not
less than one hundred thousand
children and molested or gang-
raped more than eleven
thousand Kashmiri women.
Thousands of innocent youth
have been subjected to
disappearance in custody and
behind the bars. However, all their whereabouts remain
freedom struggle. People in large
these brutalities could not untraced. The shocking
numbers hit the streets in every
suppress the Kashmiris' resolve discovery of thousands of mass
nook and corner of the occupied
and they are committed to carry graves across the occupied
territory on daily basis,

NOVEMBER 2017 14

territory has raised concerns

about the safety of the
disappeared persons.
Indian new tactics
New Delhi is hell bent upon
changing the Muslim majority of
occupied Kashmir into minority.
On one hand, it is using its
judiciary to abrogate Article 370
and Article 35A of the Indian
Constitution to pave way for
giving the citizenship rights of
Jammu and Kashmir to the
Indian citizens. On the other, it is
using its investigating agencies
like National Investigation
Agency (NIA) and Enforcement
Directorate to implicate Hurriyat them. The father of the nation, for settlement of the Kashmir
leaders, activists and pro- Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali dispute by implementing the
freedom people in false cases to Jinnah, had termed Jammu and relevant UN resolutions that
force the Kashmiri people into Kashmir as the jugular vein of guaranteed the Kashmiris' right
submission. Indian designs to Pakistan. The incumbent to self-determination. The Chief
change demography of Jammu government is projecting the of Army Staff, General Qamar
and Kashmir are intended to sufferings of the Kashmiri people Javed Bajwa, in his speech at the
influence in its favour the results and the gross human rights Defence Day on September 6,
of a referendum whenever it is violations by Indian troops in 2017 reaffirmed Pakistan's
held in the territory. As such, the occupied Kashmir forcefully at continued political, moral and
move is against the very purpose all international forums. Prime diplomatic support to the
of the relevant UN resolutions. Minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Kashmiris in their struggle for
Pakistan's support to Kashmir in his recent address to the UN securing their right to self-
cause General Assembly and meetings determination.
It is an undeniable fact that with the world leaders drew Conclusion
These are the reasons behind the
observance of October 27 as
Black Day by the Kashmiris
across the world. The objective of
the observance of the Black Day
is to make it clear to New Delhi
that the Kashmiris reject its
illegal occupation of their soil
and that they will continue their
struggle till it gives them their
inalienable right to self-
determination as promised by
the Indian leadership. It is also
aimed at reminding the world of
its obligations of resolving the
Kashmir dispute in accordance
with the wishes of the people of
Jammu and Kashmir and the
relevant UN resolutions.
Pakistani leadership has always attention of the international (The author is working as Senior
supported the Kashmiris' just community towards the Indian Editor at Kashmir Media Service
liberation struggle and never atrocities on the people of and can be reached at
betrayed the trust reposed in it by occupied Kashmir. He also called

NOVEMBER 2017 15
Human Rights Situation

Indian atrocities on IOK people during October 2017

Compiled by Raies Ahmed Mir October 1: Indian police used incessant braid chopping
India has turned occupied brute force on Muharram incidents masterminded by the
Kashmir into a military garrison mourners in Srinagar and Indian agencies to create a sense
where people have been deprived Baramulla areas. The police of insecurity and fear-psychosis
of all basic human rights since arrested dozens of mourners among the masses particularly
1947. The continued gross human after they tried to take out womenfolk. The authorities
rights violations, military Aashura processions from Lal sealed Jamia Masjid in Srinagar
operations, destruction of Chowk in Srinagar and Uri in and barred people from offering
property, killings, arrests and use
Baramulla district. Juma prayers at the historic
of brute force on peaceful
October 2: Indian troops during mosque.
demonstrators by Indian police
and troops have made the life of violent military operations killed Indian police arrested the Jammu
the people of the occupied three youth at Tangdhar in and Kashmir Liberation Front
territory a hell. Kupwara and two in Uri area of Chairman, Muhammad Yasin
The Organisation of Islamic Baramulla district. Malik, from his residence in
Cooperation's Independent October 3: The troops killed Srinagar and put the All Parties
Permanent Human Rights three youth during a siege and Hurriyat Conference Chairman,
Commission in a recent report search operation in Humhama Syed Ali Gilani, and the
expressed serious concern over area of Budgam district. Chairman of Hurriyat forum,
the gross human rights abuses by Two Kashmiri youth, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, under
Indian troops in occupied
Kashmir. The All Party
Parliamentary Group on Kashmir
in the British Parliament has
announced to conduct a
Parliamentary Enquiry from 14th
December 2017 on the human
rights violations in occupied
These developments are
encouraging. However, it is also a
fact that such reports have been
released and steps have been
taken in the past but they failed to
change the situation on the
ground in the occupied territory.
The international community
should come forward in a big
way and initiate practical Muhammad Shafi and Javaid house arrest to stop them from
measures for resolution of the Ahmed, were beaten in New leading the demonstrations.
Kashmir dispute. The world Delhi's Tihar Jail. Over a dozen youth and women
community particularly the UN October 4: The troops arrested were injured after Indian forces'
must impress upon New Delhi to three youth in Hajin area of personnel subjected peaceful
stop genocide in occupied Bandipore district. protesters to brute force in
Kashmir and take steps towards
October 5: The troops damaged Srinagar and Islamabad town.
settlement of the lingering
several houses during a siege October 7: The police arrested six
dispute in accordance with the
aspirations of the Kashmiri and search operation in Charar- youth from Islamabad town.
people. e-Sharief area of Budgam district. October 8: The authorities
Following are the details of October 6: The puppet imposed restrictions in Srinagar
brutalities of Indian troops and authorities imposed strict to stop people from staging
police personnel on the people of restrictions in Srinagar to protests against increasing
occupied Kashmir during the prevent people from staging incidents of braid-chopping in
month of October 2017. demonstrations against the the occupied territory.


Human Rights Situation
October 9: Indian troops killed
three youth during a violent
crackdown operation at Gatipora
in Shopian. Six people were
injured when the troops used
brute force on the
demonstrations in the area
against the killings.
The troops killed another youth
during a siege and search
operation at Ladoora in Sopore.
October 10: The troops killed a
youth during a violent military
operation in Keran area of
Kupwara district.
The troops raided and ransacked
the residence of a religious incidents of braid-chopping in in Tral.
scholar and noted columnist, the occupied territory. October 14: Indian troops
Maulana Altaf Hussain Nadvi, at October 13: Over a dozen people destroyed a residential house by
Sallar in Pahalgam area of were injured after Indian forces' using chemical substance and
Islamabad district. personnel fired pellets and mortar shells during a
October 11: The troops killed teargas shells on protesters in crackdown operation at Litter in
two youth during a crackdown Srinagar, Budgam, Hajin, Pulwama. Dead bodies of two
operation in Hajin area of Sopore, Islamabad and Pulwama youth, Nisar Ahmed Mir and
Bandipore district. areas. Wasim Ahmed Shah, were
Indian police also arrested five The puppet authorities imposed recovered from the debris of the
destroyed house.
A youth, Gulzar Ahmed Mir,
was killed after Indian forces
opened fire on protesters in the
At least forty people were
injured after Indian troops fired
bullets and pellets on protesters
in Pulwama, Uri and Shopian
Indian police arrested more than
forty people during protests
against a braid chopping
incident in Boniyar area of
Baramulla district.
October 15: The police arrested
three youth from Manigam in
youth from Shopian and Tral stringent restrictions in Srinagar Ganderbal.
areas. and disallowed Friday prayers at October 16: The troops killed
October 12: The puppet historic Jamia Masjid for the two youth during a siege and
authorities placed the third consecutive week in search operation in Trenz area of
Chairperson of Kashmir Centre Srinagar. Shopian.
for Social and Developmental The authorities put senior A photojournalist, Suhail
Studies, Professor Hameeda resistance leaders, Syed Ali Hameed, was injured after he
Nayeem, under house arrest Gilani and Mirwaiz Umar was hit by the pellets fired by the
ahead of a proposed sit-in protest Farooq, under house arrest while police during demonstrations at
by the civil society at Pratap Park Indian police arrested a youth, Maisuma in Srinagar. Suhail
in Srinagar against unabated Gulzar Ahmed Dar, from Nagbal Hameed was performing his


Human Rights Situation

professional duties when he was Muhammad Yasin Attai, Syed lodged them in Kot Bhalwal Jail
hit by the pellets. Imtiaz Haider and Bashir in Jammu.
The police arrested three youth Budgami in Srinagar. October 27: The puppet
from Qazigund area of October 22: Indian troops killed authorities imposed stringent
Islamabad district. a youth in a fake encounter in restrictions in Srinagar and
October 17: Over a dozen people Kupwara district. deployed Indian troops and
were injured after Indian forces' October 23: Indian forces' police personnel in strength in
personnel used brute force on personnel thrashed dozens of the summer capital and other
protesters in Kulgam, Hajin and civilians during anti-India major towns of occupied
Kupwara. demonstrations at Wagad in Kashmir to prevent people from
October 18: Fifteen people Tral. holding anti-India
sustained injuries when Indian Indian police arrested five youth demonstrations on the occasion
troops fired bullets and pellets on from Srinagar and Tral areas. of the Kashmir Black Day. India
protesters in Pahalgam and India's National Investigation
had invaded Jammu and
Shopian areas. Agency (NIA) arrested Shahid
Kashmir on 27th October in 1947
Indian police arrested ten youth Yousuf Shah, the son of
and illegally occupied it against
from Baramulla, Kangan and prominent freedom leader, Syed
the aspirations of the Kashmiri
Shopian areas. Salahuddin, after summoning
people and the Partition Plan of
Indian forces' personnel barged him to its headquarters in New
subcontinent. The occupation
into residential houses, beat up Delhi.
the inmates and authorities sealed Jamia Masjid,
vandalised houses Srinagar, on the
and property in fifth consecutive
Safanagri, Baba week, disallowing
K h i z a r , Juma prayers at the
Turkawangam and historic mosque.
Malikgund areas of The authorities also
Shopian district. placed Hurriyat
October 19: Indian leaders, Syed Ali
troops ransacked the Gilani, Mirwaiz
house of a Hurriyat Umar Farooq and
activist, Hamaad Muhammad Ashraf
Khan, in Seer area of Sehrai, under house
Tral. detention and
October 20: Several arrested Hakeem
people sustained Abdur Rasheed and
injuries after Indian forces' October 24: Indian police Mukhtar Ahmed Waza to stop
personnel fired pellets and arrested eighteen people from them from leading anti-India
teargas shells on protesters in Srinagar and Tral.
Hajin and Sopore areas. October 25: Several people were
Indian police arrested nine youth
The authorities put Mirwaiz injured when Indian troops used
from Kakapora in Pulwama.
Umar Farooq under house arrest brute force during crackdown
October 29: Indian troops killed
in Srinagar ahead of his operations in Shopian and
two youth during a siege and
scheduled visit to Charar-e- Pulwama areas.
search operation in Hajin area of
Sharif shrine in Budgam. Indian police arrested two youth
one each from Tral and Chadoora Bandipore district. Over a dozen
October 21: At least eighteen
areas. people were injured due to the
persons were injured after Indian
The puppet authorities slapped use of brute force by the troops
forces' personnel fired bullets
black law, Public Safety Act, for on peaceful protesters in the area.
and pellets on protesters in
the third time on Tehreek-e- October 31: Indian troops
Srinagar, Budgam and Pulwama
areas. Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir trashed several people at Sumlar
Indian police arrested Hurriyat leaders, Abdul Rasheed Rathar in Bandipore district without any
leaders, Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar, and Showkat Ahmed Mir, and reason.


Kashmir Council European Chaudhry Tariq Farooq; KCEU Chaudhry Tariq Farooq, said that
Union (KCEU) organised Chairman, Ali Raza Syed; MEP bilateralism did not work
Kashmir EU-Week at the Wajid Khan; AJK MLA, Raja between India and Pakistan. So,
European Parliament in Brussels, Javed Iqbal; and others addressed he added, international commu-
the capital of Belgium, from the conference. MEP Sajjad Karim nity must intervene and help in
October 9 to 12, 2017 to highlight has been the host of the Kashmir an amicable resolution of the
miseries of the people of occupied EU-Week in the European Kashmir dispute under the UN
Kashmir. The week-long Parliament for the past many resolutions.
programme comprised an years. The KCEU Chairman, Ali Raza
international conference, The AJK Prime Minister, Raja Syed, suggested close coopera-
seminars, debates and a photo Farooq Haider Khan, in his tion among the Kashmiri dias-
pora in order to raise the Kashmir
dispute at the international level

Plight of Kashmiris more effectively.

The MEP from UK, Wajid Khan,
while referring to free trade

highlighted at agreement between India and the

European Union said that the EU
should give priority to human
Kashmir EU Week rights instead of trade and
money. He also called upon the
international community to fulfill
its promises under the UN
resolutions about granting the
right to self-determination to the
Daniel Caron, the former member
of Brussels Parliament, suggested
enhanced exchange of delega-
tions between EU and Kashmir.
He said, frequent visits of
Kashmiri figures to the EU and
EUs officials and other important
figures to Kashmir would help in
better understanding among the
Europeans about the Kashmir
MLA for Overseas Kashmiris in
and handicraft exhibition on address said, protection of rights AJKs Assembly, Raja Javed
Kashmir. of the people of Jammu and Iqbal, also demanded of the EU to
Speakers of a conference titled Kashmir especially the right of make efforts to stop human rights
What Can the European self-determination is legal violations in occupied Kashmir.
Parliament Do about the obligation of international Researcher and journalist, Syed
Situation in Kashmir? on community particularly the UN. Sibtain Shah, Tariq Butt and Atiq-
October 10 urged the interna- The international community ur-Rehman from UK also spoke
tional community to help in must stop India from committing on the occasion.
peaceful resolution of the atrocities on the Kashmiris, he On the same day a photo exhibi-
Kashmir dispute. The conference said. He also urged the EU to pay tion at the EU Parliament was also
was moderated by former immediate attention to the inaugurated. The photo exhibi-
Ambassador of EU, Anthony human rights of Kashmiris tion comprising photographs
Crasner. Azad Jammu and instead of trade with India. from occupied Kashmir
Kashmir Prime Minister, Raja AJK Senior Minister for Physical produced by a noted Belgian
Farooq Haider; MEP Dr Sajjad Planning and housing, photographer, Cdric Gerbehaye,
Karim; AJK Senior Minister Agriculture and Live Stock, continued till October 22.



Members of the European S h a z i a

Parliament and the Prime Manzoor.
Minister of Azad Jammu and Raja Farooq
Kashmir, Raja Farooq Haider, H a i d e r
were present at the inaugural further said
ceremony. It featured a series of t h a t
photos of Kashmir entitled Kashmir
Maqbooza Kashmir. The series w a s
of black and white images l o n g-
documented the harsh reality of standing
the lives of the Kashmiri people issue and
and the violations of their basic the world
rights they suffer on a daily basis. community
This work was made possible s h o u l d
listen to the voices of Kashmiris Ahmed Qureshi, researcher Syed
with the support from
and must stop human rights Sibtain Shah, President EU-
Photographer Festival in Baie de
violations in occupied Kashmir. Pakistan Press Club Brussels,
Chaudhry Tariq Farooq in his Chaudhry Imran Saqib, PhD
The Azad Jammu and Kashmir
address said that the miseries of scholar Roushan Akbar and
Prime Minister, Raja Farooq
the Kashmiri people continued others also spoke on the occasion.
Haider, while addressing a
due to Indias illegal occupation of On the same day, addressing a
seminar titled The International
Jammu and Kashmir. gathering of Kashmiri and
Community and Protection of
Ali Raza Syed said, Besides Pakistani youth especially
Human Rights in South Asia on
friends of Kashmiris we should students from different universi-
October 12 termed Kashmir as an
also talk to friends in Indian state ties of Brussels, the AJK Prime
international issue and stressed
and convince them that India is Minister, Raja Farooq Haider,
the need of serious attention of the
involved in severe violations of said that the EU-based Kashmiri
international community towards
human rights in Kashmir. and Pakistani youth could play a
its settlement.
Dr Zahoor Manzoor said that a valuable role in the context of
Kashmir cause in the region of
Europe. He said that the youth
should create awareness about
the Kashmir dispute in Europe.
They should apprise the
European youth, intellectuals,
politicians and parliamentarians
about the Kashmir dispute, he
The gathering was followed by a
dinner arranged by UK-based
Kashmiri figure and business-
man, Tariq Butt. Prominent
Kashmiri leader based in
Belgium, Sardar Sadique, also
addressed the gathering while the
programme was moderated by
Chaudhry Imran Saqib.
The seminar was also addressed large number of people had been The AJK Prime Minister said, the
by AJK Senior Minister, killed by the Indian troops in Kashmiris have to introduce
Chaudhry Tariq Farooq, KCEU occupied Kashmir and thousands themselves without their political
Chairman, Ali Raza Syed, former of others were missing as they party affiliation in Europe. He
EU Ambassador Anthony were subjected to custodial said that he came to Brussels as a
Crasner, Member Brussels disappearance by the Indian Kashmiri and in this way he could
Parliament, Dr Zahoor Manzoor, forces personnel. highlight the issue of Kashmir
and lady Councilor in Brussels, Human rights activist, Zafar more effectively.


A Kashmir conference titled Affairs Council; and other police personnel in occupied
Kashmiris right to self- Kashmiri leaders from across Kashmir, the AJK President said,
determination and human rights Europe participated in it. Now we can no longer look at
violations in Kashmir was Addressing the audience, the this crisis only from the lens of a
organised by Tehreek-e-Kashmir AJK President, Sardar Masood political standoff between two
Denmark and Danish Pakistani Khan, said that the inattention of neighbouring countries but as a
Affairs Council at the Parliament the international community humanitarian crisis of a global
of Denmark in Copenhagen on towards the Kashmir dispute level. This is the largest pre-
October 20, 2017. had resulted in the unending planned ethnic cleansing of
President of Azad Jammu and sufferings of the people of human history in modern times.
Kashmir, Sardar Masood Khan, Kashmir. He said that India had denied the
was the chief guest of the He said that the people of unarmed innocent Kashmiris
their right to self-defense and
instead demonised their indige-

Kashmir conference held

nous freedom struggle as an act
of terrorism and labeled them as
traitors. The Kashmiris are the

at Danish Parliament most unarmed populace on the

face of the earth and are waging a
peaceful unarmed struggle for
their right to self-determination
which has been guaranteed to
them through the resolutions of
the United Nations Security
Council, he added.
Sardar Masood Khan said that
occupied Kashmir was the most
heavily militarised territory of
the world with over 700,000
actively deployed Indian Army
personnel, leading to an absurd
and disproportionate ratio of one
soldier for every twenty
Kashmiris. He said that the
international community was
only being informed of a fraction
of the atrocities and human
conference while Convener of occupied Kashmir were facing rights violations due to an
All Parties Kashmir Liaison egregious human rights crimes information blackout by India in
Council and AJK MLA, Abdur by Indian troops on daily basis the occupied territory.
Rasheed Turabi; President which had made their lives The AJK President urged the
Tehreek-e-Kashmir Europe, unbearable. Draconian laws international community to take
Muhammad Ghalib; President of like Public Safety Act and Armed notice of the gross human rights
Kashmir Movement UK, Raja Forces Special Powers Act have violations being committed by
Faheem Kyani; members of been imposed in occupied Indian forces personnel in
Danish Parliament, Zenia Kashmir which are not only occupied Kashmir. The nations
Stampe and Charlotte Burgess; discriminatory but also provide of the world must forgo their
Convener of the All Parties the occupation forces unbridled strategic and economic interests
Hurriyat Conference Azad powers to commit war crimes with India for the sake of
Jammu and Kashmir chapter, with impunity in the territory, humanity and impress upon
Ghulam Muhammad Safi; he said. New Delhi to come to the table of
members of Tehreek-e-Kashmir Speaking of the war crimes negotiations for an early and
Denmark and Danish Pakistani committed by Indian troops and peaceful resolution of the



dispute, he said.
Sardar Masood Khan said that it
was due to the diplomatic, moral
and political support of Pakistan
that even after seventy years this
issue was still being discussed at
international forums. He
thanked the people of Pakistan
for their unflinching support and
said that the presence of
Pakistans Ambassador to
Denmark at this conference was a
proof of their commitment
towards the peaceful resolution
of the Kashmir dispute.
The AJK President appealed to
the Danish Parliamentarians to people in defending basic human minority by permanently settling
help in raising the profile of the rights. Indian citizens in the territory.
Kashmir dispute at all interna- Abdur Rasheed Turabi in his He said that India was commit-
tional forums. He said that the address said that if the Kashmir ting genocide in occupied
Kashmir issue must be exten- dispute was not settled peace- Kashmir where innocent people
sively and objectively debated in fully, it could trigger nuclear war were being killed due to
the parliaments of influential between Pakistan and India that invoking of draconian laws like
nations thus raising the matter in would affect the whole world. Armed Forces Special Powers
international forums like the UN He said that it was also the Act (AFSPA) and Public Safety
Security Council and the UN responsibility of the European Act (PSA). He said that the
Human Rights Council. countries and European Union to international community should
also fulfill its responsibility
towards settlement of the
lingering dispute.
The members of Danish
Parliament, Zenia Stampe and
Charlotte Burgess, on the
occasion said that they had
supported the Kashmiris in the
past and assured that they would
continue this support in the
future as well.
Muhammad Ghalib said that
Kashmir dispute had been
projected in the entire Europe.
Raja Faheem Kyani, thanking the
government and people of
Denmark, said that they had
Sardar Masood Khan expressed put pressure on India to settle the always sided with the Kashmiris.
his gratitude to Ms Zenia Stampe lingering dispute in accordance Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Ansar
for her pivotal role in organising with the Kashmiris aspirations. Manzoor Hussain, Adeel Ahmed
the conference and providing the Abdur Rasheed Turabi said that Aasi, Syed Zulfikar Gardezi,
Danish Parliament as the venue Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Muzammil Ayub, Mian Muneer
for the conference which Modi, was planning to convert Hussain, Zafar Ahmed and other
displays the assurance and the the Muslim majority status of Kashmiri leaders also addressed
commitment of the Danish Jammu and Kashmir into the seminar.



Kashmir Liberation Front

A chronological account of Chairman, Muhammad Yasin
Malik, is taken out from
developments on Kashmir (135) Maisuma to Gaw Kadal.
Addressing a big gathering on
KMS Research Desk the occasion, Muhammad Yasin
Malik demands an impartial
2014 the troops during the previous investigation into all such
January 15: The Jammu and night. incidents of mass killings in the
Kashmir Liberation Front holds a Several people, including a territory. Hurriyet leaders,
protest sit-in at Pratap Park in photojournalist, are injured after Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Nayeem
Srinagar to draw attention of the Indian police use brute force Ahmed Khan, Muhammad
world towards the plight of against protesters in Bijbehara. Yousuf Naqash, Farooq Ahmed
political prisoners languishing in Indian troops beat up a civilian, Dar, Shabbir Ahmed Dar and
different jails of the occupied Suhail Altaf Lone, at Arigam in Muhammad Iqbal Mir, at a
territory and India and demand Bandipore. meeting while Zafar Akbar Butt,
their immediate release. The The troops also arrest four youth Javaid Ahmed Mir, Syed Bashir
JKLF leader, Noor Muhammad during house raids in Tral. Andrabi, Engineer Hilal Ahmed
Kalwal, who leads the sit-in, In London, the Chairman of War and Firdous Ahmed Shah,
speaking on the occasion calls International Chamber for Peace in their statements in Srinagar
upon the international and Conciliation, Professor say that the Gaw Kadal massacre
community and world human Nazir Ahmed Shawl, addressing
rights organisations to take
notice of the miserable plight of
the illegally detained Kashmiris
including those awarded life
January 20: Indian troops in their
fresh acts of state terrorism
martyr two Kashmiri youth
during siege and search
operations at Shempora in
Qazigund area of Islamabad and
Dadasara area of Tral in
Pulwama districts. The troops
also damage a residential house
in Shempora.
Indian police arrest noted
Kashmiri human rights a meeting of Kashmir Advisory had exposed India's so-called
defender, Muhammad Ahsan Council, UK, says that despite democratic face to the world.
Unto, during a sit-in protest held Indian state terrorism, Kashmiris January 22: Former bureaucrat
at Lal Chowk in Srinagar to are determined to take their and Chairperson of the Indian
demand an independent probe ongoing liberation movement to Commission on Minorities,
into Gaw Kadal massacre of 1990. its logical end. Wajahat Habibullah, in a media
At least fifty civilians were killed January 21: Pro-freedom leaders interview in Srinagar says that
when Indian forces had resorted while paying rich tributes to the the Gaw Kadal massacre of 1990
to indiscriminate firing in Gaw martyrs of Gaw Kadal, Srinagar, is a blot on the Indian democracy
Kadal area of Srinagar on reaffirm the Kashmiris' resolve to and a gloomy day in the history
January 21 in 1990 on peaceful continue their freedom struggle of Kashmir. He says that he was
demonstrators who were till it reaches its logical not present in Kashmir when the
protesting against the conclusion. massacre occurred but he
molestation of several women by A protest rally led by Jammu and believes that innocent people

NOVEMBER 2017 27
were killed and the culprits must took place in
be punished without any further Islamabad district
delay. in March 2000. On
January 23: The All Parties March 19, 2012, the
Hurriyet Conference Chairman, I n d i a n
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, investigating
addressing through video link agency, CBI
from Srinagar a seminar (Central Bureau of
organised by the London Investigation), had
Institute of South Asia at the told the Supreme
House of Lords says that the Court of India that
unresolved Kashmir dispute is a the fake encounter The South Asia Director for
constant threat to peace in the at Pathribal in which seven Amnesty International, Shashi
South Asian region. He says that people were killed by army Kumar Vilath, in a media
the Kashmir dispute has become personnel "are cold-blooded interview in New Delhi says that
a nuclear flashpoint in the region murders and the accused the Indian Army in occupied
where a small incident can officials deserve to be meted out Kashmir was using draconian
trigger a nuclear war. exemplary punishment. law, Armed Forces Special
The General Secretary of Following the CBI investigation Powers Act (AFSPA), as a shield
Kashmir Tehreek-e-Khawateen, and the Indian Supreme Court's for the gross human rights
Mrs Shamim Shawl, addressing a order, the Indian Army had violations being inflicted by it in
series of meetings in London says conveyed its readiness to a the territory. He says that instead
that Indian government's Srinagar court to try the accused of army, the matter should have
disregard for women's rights and personnel in the military court been investigated by some
all other fundamental freedoms but now it closes the case. independent agency.
is a stark reality in occupied January 24: World human rights Human Rights Watch in a
Kashmir. She says that India on watchdogs, the Amnesty statement issued in New York
the basis of military might is International and Human Rights says that decision demonstrates
suppressing the Kashmiris' Watch, say that the Indian the military's continuing
demand for right to self- Army's decision to close a case of impunity for serious abuses. It
determination and the APHC extrajudicial executions by its says that the Indian government
leadership is continuously troops, despite an independent should urgently act on the
deprived of a democratic space. investigation finding evidence
Indian Army gives a clean chit to recommendations of several
against them, reinforces the commissions and repeal the
its five officers involved in the culture of impunity in occupied
Pathribal fake encounter that AFSPA, which provides effective
Kashmir. immunity for military personnel
implicated in human rights
Five villagers were abducted
and murdered, yet the army has
been allowed to absolve itself,
says Meenakshi Ganguly, South
Asia Director at Human Rights
Watch. The AFSPA should be
repealed so that soldiers who
commit serious crimes against
civilians face trial in civilian
courts and can no longer be
protected from prosecution, she
Compiled by: Showkat Ali
To be continued...
NOVEMBER 2017 28
Beauty Thy Name is

Hangul - the Kashmir stag

The Kashmir stag, also called Threats and conservation 141 km of the Dachigam
hangul, is a subspecies of Red This deer once numbered from National Park located on
Deer. It is a native of occupied about 5,000 animals in the foothills of Zabarwan range in
Kashmir and Indian state of beginning of the 20th century. Srinagar. Known for its
Himachal Pradesh. It is listed as Unfortunately, they were magnificent antlers with 11 to 16
critically endangered animal by threatened, due to habitat points, hangul was once
the International Union for destruction, overgrazing by distributed widely in the
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) domestic livestock, and mountains of Kashmir. During
as population was counted 160 poaching and they dwindled to 1940s, their number was believed
mature individuals in 2008 as low as 150 animals by 1970. to be about 3,000 to 5,000. As per
census. However, the administration of the latest census in 2008, only
Description occupied Kashmir in around 160 animals existed.
This deer has a light rump patch collaboration with the IUCN and The hangul moves between
without including the tail. Its the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) upper and lower Dachigam in
coat colour is brown with a prepared a project for the search of food. It spends winter
speckling to the hair. The inner protection of these animals. It on lower elevations below 2,000
sides of the buttocks metres in valleys and gorges
are grayish white, while in spring it
moves up the
followed by a line on
mountain slopes in
the inner sides of the
search of lush green
thighs and black on the
grass that comes up
upper side of the tail.
after the snow melts.
Each antler consists of The deer spends the
five tines. The beam is summer months at
strongly curved elevations between
inward, while the brow 2,700 to 3,600 metres
and bez tines are and again returns to
usually close together lower elevations at the
and above the burr. onset of winter.
The male hangul is The stags use lower
known for its became known as Project Dachigam between
magnificent antlers that can have Hangul. This brought great September and April; the mating
nine to 16 branches. It is an results and the population season starts in mid-September
extremely shy deer found either increased to over 340 by 1980. and ends a month later. By the
alone or in small groups. It is Shortly before the expedition end of April, after the fawning,
termed critically endangered was mounted, Fiona Guinness they move to upper Dachigam to
by the IUCN Red List and in and Tim Clutton-Brock, both their summer grazing grounds.
Schedule 1 of the Wildlife noted deer experts, had visited Currently, these same grazing
Protection Act in India. occupied Kashmir and had grounds are used by the Gujjars,
Distribution and ecology gathered some useful field data, Bakarwals and other shepherds
This deer lives in groups of two which confirmed that hangul who take their livestock to higher
to 18 individuals in dense numbers were at a dangerously altitudes during summer. In the
riverine forests, high valleys, and low level. vast areas of Nageberan and
mountains of the Kashmir Valley Scientifically known as Cervus Marser, thousands of sheep,
and in northern Chamba area of goats, horses and cattle are
elaphus hanglu, the hangul is the
grazed by Gujjars, Bakarwals
Himachal Pradesh. only surviving race of the Red
and Banyaris. This has created
In occupied Kashmir, it is found Deer family of Europe in South
potential competitors and
in Dachigam National Park at an Asia. The animal is battling for its persistent sources of disturbance
altitude of 3,035 meters above the survival in its last bastion. The for hangul during summers.
sea level. stags are now scattered within
cutter caught the bird, and rose

The generous king up to carry it to the Woni.

"Oh! What are you going to do
with me? Do not kill me. Do not
imprison me; but set me free,"
cried the bird. "You shall not fail
of a reward. Pluck one of my
feathers, show it to the fire, and
you shall at once arrive at my
country, Koh-i-Qaf, where my
parents will reward you. They
will give you a necklace of pearls,
the price of which no king on
earth could give."
But the poor ignorant wood-
cutter would not listen to the
bird's pleadings. His mind was
too much occupied with the
thought of the rupee that he felt
There was once a poor man, who certain of getting, and therefore
jungle as usual to prepare his he fastened the bird in his wrap,
used to earn a few paisas by load of wood. On the way back
cutting and selling wood. It was a and ran off to the Woni as fast as
he sat down to rest under the tree his load would permit. Alas!
hard struggle to support his where he had found the egg, and
family comprising his wife and However, the bird died on the
pretended to sleep. The bird way from suffocation.
seven daughters. Never a bit of came again, and noticing that he
meat touched his lips, never a "What shall I do now? " thought
shoe covered his feet, and only a the woodcutter. "The Woni will
rag covered his back. One day, not give me a rupee for a dead
when not feeling very well, he bird. Ha! Ha! I will show one of
lied down under a tree to rest. its feathers to the fire. Perhaps
The lucky-bird Huma the bird being dead will not make
happened to be flying about the any difference."
place at the time, and, noticing Accordingly he did so, and
the man's poverty and sickness, immediately found himself in
pitied him. So it flew down the mysterious country of the
beside him and deposited a bird, where he sought out the
golden egg by his bundle of parents of the bird and told them
wood. In a little while the all that had happened. The
woodcutter awoke, and seeing parents and other birds wept
the egg, picked it up and bitterly when they saw the dead
wrapped it in his handkerchief. body of their beloved relative.
He then took up his load and Attracted by the noise, a strange
went to the worn, who generally bird that happened to be passing
bought it. He also sold him the at the time came in and inquired
egg for a trifle. He did not know what was the matter. This bird
was still as poor and as ill- carried a piece of grass in its beak,
what a wonderful egg it was; but looking as before, thought that he
the Woni knew, and asked him to with which it could raise the
had not seen the egg, and dead.
go and get the bird that laid it, therefore went and laid another
and he would give him a rupee as "Why do you weep?" it said to the
close by him, in such peculiar a
a gift. The man promised, and on sorrowful company.
spot that he could not possibly
the following day went to the "Because our relative is dead; we
miss seeing it, but the wood-

shall never speak to it again," others. When the woodcutter was hunting. The prince chanced
they replied. reached his country and to catch sight of the girl, at once
"Weep not," said the strange bird, happened to meet with him, he fell in love with her and begged
Your relative shall live again." had a beautiful instance of his the woodcutter to accept him as a
Whereupon it placed the piece of generous spirit. The woodcutter, son-in-law. Of course the man
grass in the mouth of the corpse, not knowing who he was, related agreed, and the marriage was
and it revived. When the bird to him all his sad tale and begged celebrated. Henceforth money
Huma revived and saw the to be directed to King Hatam, the without stint flowed into the
woodcutter, it severely Noble. The poor king advised woodcutter's hands so that he
upbraided him for his faithless- him to stay there for the night was able to resign his calling, to
and continue his journey on the build for himself a beautiful
ness and carelessness.
morrow; to which the wood- house and to marry his seven
"I could have made you great and
cutter consented, and walked daughters into good and respect-
happy," it said, "but now get you able families.
with him to his house. That night
back to your burden of wood and
Hatam fasted, in order to give Meanwhile, the prince was living
humble home."
something to his guest, and in the very happily with his beautiful
On this the poor man found morning he informed him of the wife, under the idea that she was
himself back again in the jungle, truth. the woodcutter's daughter. One
and standing by the load of wood day, however, he discovered the
that he had prepared truth of the matter. He
before he was trans- had given alms to a
ported to the birds poor man in the
country. He sold his presence of his wife,
wood, and then went when she casually
home in a very sad remarked that he had
frame of mind to his done a hatami, meaning
wife and daughters. He a generous act, a
never saw the bird Hatam-like act. The
Huma again. It has prince asked her how
been mentioned that she knew anything
this woodcutter had about Hatam, and she
seven daughters. These told him everything --
girls grew up, and had how the woodcutter
to be married. But how had applied to her
was the woodcutter to arrange Friend, said he, I am he whom father for help, and how her
for their marriages? He barely you seek; but behold! I am as father, not having anything else,
earned money sufficient for their poor as you. Alas! I cannot help gave her to him as a slave. The
food and nobody would be allied you. I cannot even give you prince then sent for the woodcut-
to such a poverty-stricken house another meal. But if you will ter, and heard from him the same
as his. In the hour of his difficulty accept my only daughter, you are words, and all about the Humas
he sought the advice of a friend, welcome. You may be able to sell egg and the man's visit to Koh-i-
who told him to go to Hatam, the her, and thus get some money to Qaf. He was intensely surprised
noble-minded generous king, marry your own daughters. Go, when he heard all these things.
and ask for help. Now in those and God be with you. He immediately sent for King
days Hatam had become very King, replied the woodcutter, Hatam, begging him to come and
poor, and was obliged to pound Your generosity melts my heart. rule the country in his stead,
rice for a living. But although he I cannot thank you sufficiently because he was too young and
was so reduced in circumstances, for your kindness to me. May inexperienced to manage it
that there was scarcely a poorer God reward you. Farewell! properly. The retired woodcutter
man than he in the whole The woodcutter and the princess received a large pension in land;
country, yet he had the same then left. On the way they had to but the cunning Woni was
generous heart and was as pass through a very wild place, ordered to hand over the golden
desirous as ever of bettering where they met a prince, who egg to the king.


Black Day Rawalpindi territory in December this year,
Dear editor, 27th October is the Kashmir gets world attention prepare a report and submit it to the
blackest day in the history of Jammu The people of Pakistan expressed Parliament, British Government and
and Kashmir as on this day in 1947 complete solidarity with their the UN. The UN Human Rights
India landed its troops in Srinagar Kashmiri brethren on the occasion of Council has already demanded of
and subjugated the people of Jammu Kashmir Black Day observed on India to allow its fact-finding
and Kashmir against their will. Since October 27 to highlight the plight of missions access to the occupied
then, the Kashmiris have been the people in occupied Kashmir and territory as has been repeatedly
carrying on their struggle to get rid of urged by the Organisation of Islamic
the need for just resolution of the
this forcible occupation of their Cooperation but New Delhi is
Kashmir dispute as per the
resisting all such moves as they
could expose its brutalities. It is
encouraging that despite curfews
and curbs, information about crimes
against humanity perpetrated by
Indian troops in occupied Kashmir
has started coming out and is finding
space in world media. We believe
that it is because of the successful
diplomatic campaign launched by
Pakistan, courageous stand adopted
by our leadership during interaction
with world leaders and the positive
role played by Pakistani media that
today there is greater realisation
about peaceful settlement of the
lingering dispute and India will
homeland. It is unfortunate that Kashmiris' aspirations and the ultimately have to listen to the voice
instead of respecting the aspirations relevant UN resolutions. of Kashmiris.
of the Kashmiri people, Indian Kashmir is surely an unfinished Thanks
leaders from time to time claim that Jamil Ahmed
agenda of Partition Plan of
Jammu and Kashmir is an integral Chakwal
subcontinent and four generations of
part of India. However, in their Braid chopping
Kashmiris have waited and fought Dear editor, it is highly condemnable
stubbornness, they fail to for their right to self-determination
acknowledge the reality that that Indian intelligence agencies
pledged to them not only by the UN have found yet another method of
Kashmir had never been a part of but also the Indian leadership.
India. inflicting torture on the women of
President Mamnoon Hussain and occupied Kashmir in the form of
On the other hand, the presence of Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan
over seven hundred thousand Indian braid chopping to punish them for
Abbasi have done well by reminding their affiliation with the ongoing
troops in occupied Kashmir is the
the World Body of its obligations freedom movement. This new type
main reason of massive human
rights violations in the territory. and urging India to stop its state of violence is in addition to killing of
The United Nations needs to fulfil its terrorism against the Kashmiris and innocent people, blinding of youth
responsibility towards settling the initiating measures for peaceful with pellet-firing, crackdowns, night
Kashmir dispute in accordance with resolution of the lingering dispute. raids, arrests, detentions and torture.
the Kashmiris' aspirations by As Kashmiris and people of Pakistan The only objective of these
implementing its relevant observed Black Day, there were disgraceful acts is to create fear-
resolutions. The world powers some encouraging developments psychosis among the masses
should also come forward to elsewhere which are reflection of particularly the womenfolk.
facilitate resolution of the lingering growing realisation of what is India must acknowledge the fact that
dispute. The settlement of the happening in occupied Kashmir all its brutal tactics have failed to
Kashmir conflict is essential not amid India's repressive policies and suppress the Kashmiris' freedom
only for saving the Kashmiris from the threat that the unresolved dispute sentiment and they are determined to
the Indian brutalities but also for poses to regional peace. The All take their ongoing liberation
ensuring durable peace in South Party Parliamentary Group on movement to its logical conclusion.
Asia. Kashmir in the UK Parliament has Thanks
Thanks announced to investigate human Saleem Akbar
Abid Raza rights violations in the occupied Islamabad


Atrocities by Indian troops
(January 1989 to October 31, 2017)

Total killings 94,846

Custodial killings 7,099

Civilians arrested 142,745

Structures destroyed/damaged 108,408

Women widowed 22,859

Children orphaned 107,666

Women gangraped/molested 11,021

Including custodial killings

Source: Kashmir Media Service (

Confessions, Promises, Commitments
Do you remember anything?

We have given further thought, in the light of our discussion in Lahore, to the
question of inviting UN to advise us in this matter. While we are prepared to invite UN
observers to come here and advise us as to proposed plebiscite, it is not clear in what
other capacity the UN help can be sought...
... I confess, however, that I find myself unable to suggest anything beyond what I
have offered already, namely, to ask UN to send impartial observers to advise us
regarding the plebiscite.

(Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehrus telegram to

Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan, December 12, 1947)

All Parties Hurriyet Conference Azad Jammu And Kashmir

P. O. Box No. 2617, GPO Islamabad.
Ph: 0092-51-4861457, Fax: 0092-51-4861458 (Islamabad)
0092-5822-432344 (Muzaffarabad)

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